Sorry, did I say “comedy genius”?
What I meant was “intellectually insecure BBC tosser fishing for anti-Palin sentiment from like-minded unfunny condescending arseholes on Twitter”:
Orwell wrote a couple of classic books highlighting the dangers of overbearing government, he despised the snobbishness and anti-patriotism of the intellectual left, and he spoke out against the incessant lies of the press. Not much there to appeal to Sarah Palin, eh?
The fact that Esler even mentions Palin in his plug for the Dubai literary festival shows just how deeply embedded she is within the media luvvie psyche. Her very existence is screwing with their heads, God bless her.
More of Esler’s smug disdain for Palin can be heard on this week’s London Dateline (15 mins in, available on iPlayer for 5 more days). A senior BBC journalist laughing along to childish insults – it’s all part of the superior political discourse we in the UK get thanks to our impartiality rules.
Gavin Esler smug leftist, perfect beeboid material at its sneering biased best.
Dateline London with all the news that the left is interested in brought to us by a leftist and with leftist pundits from around the world, favourite guests from Italy/France/Germany/America/Africa/South America and all from leftist rags not to mention a prime always open slot for the Guardian and pro Pally Arabs and even the occasional leftist useful Jew.
So there you have it, all tyhe leftist news brought to by smug leftists from a leftist point of view, what more could you want eh?
Indeed, the institutionalised smugness that infests the entire BBC is truly nauseating. That they can afford to revel in their perception of self-satisfied superiority, is clear – safe in the knowledge that they are untouchable and beyond the reach of this apology of a Government.
Here’s another one from Nick “the dick” Robinson.
Minsters Climb down.!!!!! I thought this was a “Fait Acompli” based on a European ruling.
Once again a BBC journalist is putting his own spin on a story with wording to make the Government look weak.
I have the view that “The Dick” feels he has this air of supremacy when it comes to Politics.
“Dick” just report the facts…I am not interested in Your Opinion. If you want to earn respect, stick your name on a ballot paper. You will soon learn what people think of you!!!
Twitter really is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to documentary evidence that, if you feel professional/Charter obligations have been breached, one really should not be expected to fund propaganda.
At least he’s smart enough in his bio to not mention his BBC affiliation overtly, hence avoiding the Boaden (and no one else) delusion-convincing ‘these are my views and not my employer’ legal weasel. Unlike most hole-diggers, who can only score a following by virtue of association with a publicly-created £4Bpa ‘brand’.
Then again, his profile thanks to near constant exposure rather makes that redundant. Now, there’s a word to conjure with when it comes to living up to clearly-stated genetically impartial employee policies. Eh, Helen?
One wonders if our Gaz will be pondering with his hosts and audeinces how Mr. Orwell might have viewed the various ‘establishment’ practices in that neck of the woods?
Or maybe he’ll just, this once, let that cheque clear first?
Blimming right wing media…
I am really not too fussed about her one way or t’other at present, but some in the MSM clearly are, with a slight irony disconnect on their part in literal as well as figurative ‘vicious circles’. No ratings gold or agenda-driven cynical stirring there, no sirree.
Especially at one uniquely funded outfit with many high-profile employees more that a bit obsessed.
Latest entry now closed. Probably just as well.
Any bets on his next post?
I read the Toby Harnden piece. I think he’s a first class journalist but totally disagree with him on Palin’s response to the blood libel against her. It’s very easy for people who are not subject to such evil abuse to poo poo her reaction, but anyone with the empathy and moral sensibility to ignore the hype and put themselves in her place would wholeheartedly commend her for standing up to such sheer evil mindedness in such a restrained way. ‘Blood libel’ is exactly what it was.
As for Mardell commenting that the President was saying in his Tucson memorial address “He is trying to brand his opponents’ most successful rhetoric a moral failure”, reading Mardell is as disturbing as reading the internet ramblings of Jared Loughner.
Harnden is one of the few journalists who doesn’t follow the Beeboid Obama-loving narrative. But, I have no idea why he is anti-Palin. This is not the first time.
The commenters on Mardell’s blog are a pretty depressing, sycophantic lot.
So when is someone going to snitch on these arseholes, and tell “sir”, and get them caned or slippered, eh?
Well said.
Esler is so thick he can’t even see the irony of him giving a lecture about George Orwell !
>>The fact that Esler even mentions Palin in his plug for the Dubai literary festival shows just how deeply embedded she is within the media luvvie psyche. Her very existence is screwing with their heads, God bless her.<<
Love it!
Anyone who screws with a Beeboid’s head is fine with me !
Poor old Essler. Sarah has never heard of him and will never give him or the rest of the beeboids a moments thought. It is like unrequited love .
I very much doubt she will ever grant one of them an interview. I think this is what hurts them the most. Being ignored.
I wonder if any of them have tried?
1984 = Big Brother Controls = BBC
Great post DB. It’s beyond irony.
Don’t mention the Windmill – especially to the greenies !!!
Heard an interesting thesis that Palin annoys the left so because she successfully uses their tactics; being sure to frame the debate on her own terms.
There’s a whole book to be written on BBC tweets, surely. Their guard appears to be down and nothing better illustrates the hive mind.
Peter Allen on 5 Drive yesterday evening had a brief chat with a bloke from Huffington Post saying that Palin only appeals to a small “Far Right” constituency and that she’s toast, presidency-wise. In which case, why go on about it? There was of course no attempt to present a different point of view. She really has got them totally spooked.
I read the following which is at least a good attempt to get behind the left’s visceral hatred of Palin. It is thought provoking. I’m not up to speed on the ‘behaviourism’ of Lorenz and al., but there is something here:
“Palin’s appearance on the scene began a wonderful experiment in the behavior of the human primate. The moment her candidacy was announced, she was perceived as a threat by an in-group that defines itself with ideological dogmas, and that includes most of the legacy media. There was a furious, spontaneous emotional response, utterly predictable for anyone who’s read the works of thinkers like Konrad Lorenz and Robert Ardrey. I’ve been around for a long time, and I’ve never seen anything close to the viciousness and intensity of the attacks on her in the first week of her candidacy, and that by a media that still had the gall to call itself “objective.” The experiment continues. A woman whose ideas are completely mainstream and who seems a completely normal human being, albeit in a very abnormal situation, to anyone who’s grown up in the American middle class outside the Beltway, continues to be villified as if she were the devil incarnate. It’s entirely irrational and entirely characteristic of the species.”
Read with reference to this comment:
“I was in Windsor Ontario in 2008 doing some work at a powerstation and I was talking to the lead operator in the control room. He was English and had emigrated to Canada a few years before. The Canadians were having an election at the time, but all he wanted to talk about was Sarah Palin. The operators and mechanics loved her. They said they needed someone like that in Canada to represent THEM. What they meant was someone from a non-elite background who was one of them. Sarah fits the bill. This is what the left fears. The idea that their hereditary claim to power and influence, their claim to the high ground of their morality, can be simply ignored knocks the legs out from underthem.”
That is why the Left and the BBC hate Palin with a fervour.
There is the same irrationality in the way Mrs Thatcher was treated. The left really fear strong women who have the gift of understanding ordinary folk. They never treat a man like this. Very odd.
Apart from George W Bush
QUOTE: “…I’ve never seen anything close to the viciousness and intensity of the attacks on her…”
That’s pretty much the same thing that Lord Young said years ago about the vitriol directed at Margaret Thatcher.
The left really do think they have the monopoly on charitable empathy, they always know how to spend money.
Just listen to BBC programs its always about spending money to improve some social ill or other.
When a lefty tells me he has great idea to make money. Well it’s never happened yet.
Sorry! apart from £150 a year BBC license fee.
But as Sarah Palin says:
“Wealth is the value an individual adds to his or her life.
Transferring money from one sector of society to another does not necessarily add value to the lives of the recipients.
Transferring water from a sound barrel to a leaky bucket does not increase the contents of the latter, nor repair its holes, nor stop it running dry if the transfer stops.
It does however ensure the barrel one day will run dry.”
And in our heart of hearts, we all know that what she says is true.
Except to folk who produce a web post (in all its rabid intensity) like this one. The gutter leftist response (for the text-book) in my view. Closed minded, visceral, irrational hate (and exemplifies the bigoted self-righteous, half-educated ideologue that populates the lower reaches of the lefty swamp:
MiHi Says:
September 12th, 2010 at 6:31 pm
Nice sack of garbage there. Thing is, had the conservatives had 100% their way throughout the 20th Century, Sarah Palin would be in the kitchen fetching a beer for her man and she’d better keep her lip shut if she don’t want a pimp hand busting it open.
Sarah Palin’s very fame is BECAUSE of the efforts and the sacrifices of the Left, and she is one of it’s biggest betrayers to all those decades of struggle.
The left that attack Palin are not the ‘progressive left’ that you hint at, the scum that attack Palin hate anyone who doesn’t agree with their mindset, given the chance they’d destroy our freedoms by silencing anyone who disagrees with them.
The left who attack Palin are the left that betrayed this Country in WW1 and WW2.
Is it just me, but I have always found that , when it comes to their own personal money, Lefties are as mean as cat’s keech ( as we say in Bonnie Scotland ).
If you are in a bar, and it is a Leftie’s round, you will die of thirst.
That comment in response to Charlie above.
Grant, even tighter than a Yorkshireman 🙂
Tha’s nowt wrong wi Yorkshireman
Steady on. I have just posted on another thread extolling the virtues of Yorkshiremen compared with soft southerners !
LOL too true Grant ! all me right thinking mates are party goers all wine women and song, do it today as you may not get another chance types! but the bloody left thinkers I know just analyse every thing! moaning about tomorrow ! that’s my problem with the left is it’s not only populated by the joyless soulless waste of space and air types but it wants nay dictates we should all join them !!!
Well! they think the state should provide
I’d always thought that Esler was a little better than the other stinking Newsnight beeboids.
Oh well, plus ca change….
If you can bear it, listen to the Dateline item again and think ‘Islam’ while the air-headed bint who talks first offers her profound observations.
Good catch, DB. I know defenders of the indefensible have long told us that, just because Beeboids have personal opinions in their private lives, it doesn’t mean that their reporting is biased. However, we all noticed the bias in their broadcasting long before Twatter existed and all these personal opinions were revealed. So the personal opinions admitted by these twats in their tweets is just proof of the accusations about their mindset we’ve been making all along.
David P,
Exactly, the cat is well and truly out of the bag.
This is where the overall logic of defending the BBC against the general charge of biased employees fails. If we’re correct in saying that the Beeboids are personally biased by inferring it from their broadcasting, how are we then wrong about the broadcasting of the BBC being biased?
Impartiality rules? Impartiality does NOT rule at the BBC. Here it has been caught red-handed:
Excellent Kendall! Funnily enough I thought the exact same thing today with the BBC unemployment headline (even the Guardian had the fall in claimants!)
If you ahven’t done it already this should go in the Open thread (look for the gunsight!) 😀
AND it’s funny how Obama’s approval ratings get a mention all of a sudden… I wonder why that is..?
New Speaker John Boehner’s approval ratings have risen more than His, and approval of Congress is also up under new management.
BBC: We don’t want you to know that.
Funny thing Obama ratings, they are as invisible when they are low and suddenly appear when higher. Now when did that happen before I wonder?
Oh yes it was the labour regime, when it was down the BBC was silent and when it was up the BBC was shouting it out from the rooftops, funny that!
Just listened to the Obama press conference with the Chinese head commissar, how to commit national suicide and hand over the reins of global super power status in one speech. The Chinks must be pissing themsleves laughing at US stupidity.
Its a game of give and take, the Yanks give and the Chinks take, all the dollars in the world to buy giant transporter ships full of poorly made shite, all the jobs transported over to China and with it all the technology to build a bigger and better military industrial complex. Chinks got the greenbacks and the Yanks got the debt, whos yer daddy now?
But still I guess the Chinese will play fair when the USA cannot pay its debts, I bet the Chinese will be full of understanding and kindness. That Whooflungdung bloke must look at Omahabama and snigger to himself, death of the West and the rise of the East, the communist East.
Obama and his muppet followers dont do irony do they? All the rare earth metals in Chink hands Grrrrreat, all the trillions in the bank and a sole super power competitor destroying itself by the day. Windmills and green energy eh Barry? Low carbon dreams for a low oxgen brain Barry mate. Oh and BTW a trillion dollar stimulus that achieved the fantastic unemployment rate of 9.5% niiiiiice one Bazza mate.
So electing the Kenyan seemed sucha great idea, jobs fleeing East faster than goose shit slides off a greased shovel, debt piling up faster than an African despots Swiss account, aid money to nations that hate the Yanks like poison, ecomentalist laws and regulations killing jobs faster than you can sing ‘buddy can you spare a dime’ and over it all Barry the Kenyan giving away USA technologies for nothing more than an empty Chinese whisper.
Bush might have broke Americas back with his coalition of the willing antics but Bazza has just issued the coup de grace via autoque.
But can you blame the Chinese. As you say, Cassandra, the model is bust and the The Obama ain’t going to be able to fix it. There is nothing determined in history, no rise and fall that doesn’t have causes which a historian (non-Marxist) would identify as unique.
America (and the West) are in the process of abolishing themselves, as Thilo Sarrazin ex Bundesbank Board pointed out in his recent massive best seller. “Deutschland schafft sich ab” (not the poor translation of the title the BBC carried “Germany does itself in” but the concept of socially and intellectually legislating itself into a state of moribundity.)
It is the Leftist ascendancy….we solved the Great Depression, the Keynesian trap, the attempt to legislate in every corner of our lives and tamper with the national wealth to create a leftist ruled utopia distracting us from the real moral value of hard work, innovation and individual honesty. The model has taken 50 years to work out so far. But it has brought us what?
Ans: Bankruptcy being staved off, an idle population, underskilled and under-educated work force with a currency that is now hopelessly overvalued in comparison to the BRICs.
Look how much is being sucked out of the productive economy to carry a burden of non-productivity….42% tax plus to the government for its programmes.
And to this the eco-mania, as you point out, Cassandra, and it’s a perfect storm.
We will get out of it but not looking and feeling the way we do now.
Thus endeth the diatribe.
Sadly, you are right. Apart from your German which should be translated as “Germany shafts itself “.
The European and N. American politicians have totally screwed up and it is too late to save the West.
“We will get out of it “. How ? I wish I had your optimism.
I do not blame the Chinese, they are playing a blinder and I admire their determination to serve the interests of China first. If only the West did the same eh?
Perfect summary RGH, I do not blame the Chinese and in fact I admire their tactics, national self interest and a perfect understanding of how to play on the cowardice/stupidity/ignorance of the utopianist imbeciles in the West.
The Chinese are playing a blinder and if the West only played the game half as well as the Chinese we would have no problems at all. All the West has to do is look out for its own interests first and last and always and all would be well.
One of your classics , if I may say so !
But, the sight of Obama having to crawl on his knees to the Chinese does have its compensations.
Thanks Grant.
Well said, Cassandra. A viewpoint which will not be heard on BBC airwaves or allowed onto the website.
Thanks David, your kind words are good to hear.
I love America and its heartbreaking to see the slide when America is capable of so much more, the energy and grit that built the USA is still there and if harnessed and given new direction from West and Palin(dream ticket) then the USA would throve as never before.
Palin and West or better yet West and Palin heading a tea party influenced republican America, thats the way to save the America I love and admire so much.
Yes, I had wondered about those combinations for 2012. Some will argue not enough experience. But where has “experience” got us?
West has the makings alright as president he would knock the USA into shape like a week one greenhorn recruit, takin names and kickin some ass.
Hear ! Hear ! Cassie !
Any decline in the US is a problem for all of us who believe in freedom.
Mr Esler is an employee of a corporation which mass manufactures trash like Eastenders and Casualty. Snobbishness sounds ridiculous from such people.
Don’t forget they also make the One Show too! The biggest load of daily trash and banal talk.
Just re-read these tweets. Someone called Jon Harvey refers to “dictation error “. I didn’t know there are still people who dictate to secretaries. Maybe only in the BBC.
The BBC worship dictators – Pol Pot, Castro, Stalin, Mao etc. 😉
Nice one !
re. the earlier discussion on relative US decline – Mark Steyn has an excellent essay on it too, full of cross-references to Britain :
(That’s the Mark Steyn who is a syndicated columnist in the US and Canada, a broadcaster, an author – a highly-respected, articulate and very amusing voice of the right.
So Steyn is obviously persona non grata at the BBC. He would walk rings round the likes of Gavin Esler – I’d love to hear Steyn’s take on the disgracefully biased way Esler runs Dateline London.
John, thanks for an excellent post. As ever, Mark Steyn nails it. And yes, isn’t it interesting how the scumbag BBC avoid him at all costs. You’re right – Steyn would eviscerate the Newsnight First Estate of our Beeboid Thought Police… which is why the cowards avoid him (and I’m thinking of both the egomaniacal Paxman and the Maitless/Wark twit alliance).
You are also dead right to point out that the BBC has been the key instigator of this loss of national confidence and identity.
One day I hope the xxxxs swing from the lampposts of Shepherds Bush and Regent Street.