A reader sent me the following picture taken by his daughter. As part of some sort of school/youth project she has been transferring the results of a climate questionnaire onto computer. Being a big fan of Top Gear she was amused to see the following answers from a Year 10 boy (click to enlarge):
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Ha ha! That’s brilliant. But what a blatant example of brainwashing that form is. I hope this lad/lass goes far – we need open minds.
All over the UK teachers will be checking handwriting samples, this boy needs re-educating…
Unfortunately this lad’s future is bleak. At best he receives an ‘F’ and a morning in the Headmaster’s (or Headmistress’s) for cheek and bad attitude. I spent more than my fair time in the same situation but unlike this young rebel I played the game academically.
I discovered a treasure trove of 100W, 150W and even 3 200W Bulbs in the attic of an elderly relative last summer. Still in their boxes. She had no idea they were there.
I’m talking over 50 bulbs.
Made my day.
I would make you an offer, but I stocked up on 100w bulbs years ago. But, no doubt the “authorities” will come and search our houses one day. And I am not joking.
In a similar vein, I fear for that boy if the same Fascist “authorities” find out . They can probably trace him by his hand-writing.
I hope they can’t trace the reader’s daughter, who could be in trouble for divulging this.
That really would put us into Stasi territory.
I hadn’t premptively bought, so we got lucky.
I would never have thought that I would have got a buzz from the humble filament lamp.
I felt such a rebel!
I too stocked up on 100W and 60W last year and will do the same for 40W soon. As for house searches, this is not as far-fetched as many think. I can envisage electricity meter readers being authorised to carry out searches on every tenth house or similar basis.
I hope she wasn’t engaged in cannabis cultivation and production…
Nope, good, honest common or garden bulbs. Nothing iffy just as Swan-Edison made ’em.
Is there a black market in these treasured bulbs? I wish I knew where to get some.
I know od several old-fashioned electrical shops that still stock them. Obviously I cannot tell you where or they would be in trouble. This is getting very like 1980s East Germany isn’t it?
Yes, indeed. I find it hard to believe it is really real that I cannot buy the household electric bulbs that I want. You’ve given me hope, though. I must look out for any old-looking shops around my patch that might have them.
You will find that your local Pound shop stocks them, although they only appear to have clear bulbs now.
Thanks. I’ll look out for one of those places.
There is maybe some hope for a bright spark dealing in “bulb futures”, so long as it is not of the tulip variety.
Heh. Bright spark! I wonder if we are heading for a bout of bulb mania to rival tulip mania.
But light-bulb mania would be based on sound fundamentals not mere speculation. Maybe Alex Masterley could design a trading platform…
What idiot in these days of high electricity prices delights in using 100W incandescent light bulbs and wastes electricity just to make a point, which is surely the definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Why not go the whole hog and go out and find the least energy efficient fridge, washing machine etc, or for that matter just switch on the central heating and open the windows on cold days?
Lighten up, Ed.
Which is quicker with a 100w incadescent bulb, btw.
And easier to dispose of and more environmetally friendly.
And what’s more, I like to keep my whole hog in a big 40 year old chest freezer that’s never once let me down.
😀 😀
Er well because they are much cheaper or would be if they weren’t banned they are not filled with Mercury! a compound not know for it environmental credentials as the following shows=
If you break a CFL bulb at home, you should open the windows for 15 minutes and leave the room to air. Broken light bulbs should be carefully gathered up with kitchen paper (not a brush, or vacuum cleaner), using rubber gloves to protect your hands.
Wipe the area with a damp cloth afterwards, and put the broken pieces of glass and the cloth into a plastic bag and seal it.
You must not throw the bag in your normal household rubbish, but take it to your local waste and recycling centre.!
Also they last longer because the light they produce is rubbish
has been put as a cause of headaches and migraines also there is worry for those with light sensitivity problems!
True or nay I don’t like being forced to buy a product that has health and cost problems that would have kept a non greenish product off the shelves!
Too right. The whole thing is just another Global Warming scam, but a lot of people will be making a lot of money out of it.
Incandescent light bulbs are cheaper, use less electricity and last longer than CFLs in normal use. The delay before a CFL emits its full power means they often have to be left on longer to ensure you can see what you are doing when you need it, and you need a higher rated bulb than the equivalence would suggest to get a similar level of visable light. CFLs are designed for applications where they are left on all the time so domestic use (turning them on and off according to need) shortens their life considerably.
Others have aready made the point about the problems disposing of CFLs.
Choosing to use CFRs where an incandescent bulb would be more suitable is certainly economically foolish, and that would be cutting off ones nose to spite ones face.
Idiot, yourself! Do you scrabble around in the dark lit only by a storm lamp? I just want to be able to see and I am perfectly happy to pay for that. I would even settle for a 60 or 75 watt if I could get them.
Two thoughts here, I really resent the eco fascist dictat that decrees that I have to endue a quasi medieval gloom in a house lit by dim-but-harsh blueish eco bulbs that take 45 seconds to ‘warm up’. I am not allowed a choice of lighting (LED for preference when the technology is mature) because I might make the wrong one..
More to the point the ‘extra’ wattage of my nice (pleasing spectrum) traditional bulbs is in no way wasted. A simple application of basic physics tells me that the energy that isn’t radiated as light simply contributes to the heating of my living room, there is a corresponding reduction in the energy burned in my boiler. Generally I need the lights on in the winter when I also need to heat the room. I am the proud owner of a 200w bulb and I really appreciate the extra heat and the exellence of the light
I bought 48 100W light bulbs on amazon only last month. Someone needs to tell Jeremy Clarkson and the bBC. No wait, forget the bBC…
Oh good. Thanks for the tip. I must try that.
A few weeks ago, one of the new approved bulbs started flickering, so replaced it, only to find now that the new one has started flickering as well. What’s that about? Oh and the light was very dim in both of them even before the flickering started. The only decent level of light is coming from the remaining old bulbs.