If you want to know just how the CAGW fraud is evolving then the BBC is always first to pimp the evolution, you can find out the latest squirms and modifications to the CAGW fraud by simply listening to the BBC toady show.
BBC toady ‘thought for the day’ and its a pearler!
Alarmist useful idiot has an argument with a sceptic and pimps some pseudo science trash(doesnt say what, we know why)and he claims he cant remember where he picked up this trash(ill bet he cant, probably the BBC).
The sceptic proves the alarmist wrong and even sends rock solid statistics to back it up but guess whats coming? Oh yes the alarmist does not take this as proof the CAGW fraud is faulty and he doesnt even think to investigate more. Oooh Nooo, the alarmist attacks the use of statistics and evidence instead.
Solid evidence no longer matters anymore, God apparently didnt need statistics and evidence to create the world(in six days?). When the evidence no longeer backs up the CAGW fraud(not that it ever did) it is no longer needed to BELIEVE in CAGW.
And this is the key to the evolution of the CAGW fraud, once the real evidence mounts and can no longer be ignored then ALL evidence is no longer needed just FAITH.
Man is killing the planet by producing tiny amounts of harmless plant food, there was little real evidence to support the CAGW fraud and now there is much evidence to disprove the CAGW fraud and so in the face of this mounting scientific evidence the retreat into belief based cultism begins as we all knew it would and the BBC is on the cutting edge of the evolution.
The BBC begins to pimp the idea that it does not matter about the evidence and statistics exposing the CAGW fraud because the mounting observation evidence cannot be hidden for much longer.
How long before these muppets are using God to pimp their rancid wares and attacking scientists who try to highlight observation based evidence?
spot on cassie,
To often they get politico priests and rancid rabbis to further their agw bolt-on religion.
I know loads of priests,(not in the biblical sense of course , at least not since school :-D) and most of the ones i speak to don’t believe AGW and yet I have yet to hear one on Radio 4 who doesn’t somehow spout some parrot phrase from the church of Al Gore. Granted the vast majority on TFTD are Catholic Lite (CofE) but even the Bish of Durham spoke sense once in a while. Even the Papes and the red sea pedestrians seem to be reading off the IPCCs hymn sheet.
Now agw is a designated religion maybe the humanists will attack them and leave us alone for a bit?
Mind you there are loads of parrallels.
Carbon Offsetting = Modern plenary indulgences
3 Bin collections = weekly offertory processions
Socialism+Environmentslism= ecumenism.
Nuclear power v Wind = schism.
Bloody hell its like a parallel universe with al gore being pope and the BBC being the spanish inquisition.
While my meagre savings and future provisions can go down as well as really down, and that’s tough, I am still required to keep co-funding a ‘service’ that is less and less concerned with delivering what it is supposed to, and more and more with just making sure certain unique individuals don’t suffer financially for any decisions made in their name, even when utter pants and carried out with their blessing?
How will BBC-Greenie-Guardian-Independent LOBBY against ‘fracking’?
“How should the UK generate its electric power? Some lobbyists are urging ministers to create a bigger long term role for gas, a technique called fracking, due to begin soon at a shale gas deposit near Blackpool. Our environment analyst Roger Harrabin has been to the site.” (-from BBC ‘Today’.)
{Due to ‘technical problems (?) recording from ‘Today’ this morning not yet available.}
Fracking shale oil near Blackpool seems an excellent prospect for substituting Middle East oil, and getting some UK economic growth; but ‘our environmental analyst’ (and denier of economic progress) will no doubt lobby with political chums for ‘a moritorium on shale gas operations’ on vague environmental grounds.
The BBC-Harrabin-Greenie propaganda frrom this morning’s ‘Today’ is now up.
Note how the very title is propagandist, emphasising the word ‘concern’. And who is ‘concerned’? Harrabin has to seach out a fellow propagandist from the the tiny and unrepresentative ‘Blackpool Green Party’, for a friendly spoon-fed ‘interview’, censoring opinion from Tories, Lib Dems, Labour, UKIP, etc.
This is how the BBC-Harrabin-Greenie lobby propaganda operates:
‘Concern over UK shale plans” http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsid_9435000/9435673.stm
As you point out, this goes to the techniques applied not just on this topic, but across the entire ‘reporting’ infirmament, of which the BBC merely forms a sorry outpost.
The headline is, of course, by any measure, true.
But you need to dig a fair bit for the context of where that headline is derived.
And thus getting to what was discovered, what was provided (especially via the short circuit PR route), what was questioned, what was cut and pasted, and what was omitted or challenged before being rushed out.
Hence such ‘concern’ from a lobby group needs to be viewed in the same way as a ‘critics are saying’ on a political story, when it transpires that the ‘critics’ are, in fact, the opposition’s SPADs feeding a tame BBC journo with pure partisan propaganda. Yes, I mean you, Crick.
The BBC can of course go even further, and when it suits quote the Graun or even themselves (twitter seemingly being a valid news source so long as the views of the author are weaseled as not being those of their employer) if no one slightly less suspect can be found to stick the boot in with a reasonable degree of separation.
What this proves beyond a doubt is that the very last thing ecofascists desire is real plentiful cheap and secure energy supplies, up till now the greenshirts have been largely silent about their real desires for fear of losing any support they might have.
The eco fascists desire nothing less than a shutdown of our industrial society, these retards have it in their minds that our industtrial society is a curse and not the wonderful lifegiving gift it undoubtedly is. These Luddites need outing for who and wht they are.
The previous Today item also smacked of “lobby with political chums” (07:22). “Business correspondent” Dominic Laurie interviewed the Euro boss of GM about the van investment at Luton. laurie must have been briefed by the union as the GM man politely informed him after each qiestion that his point was rubbish, culminating in our dominic putting in a plea for a pay rise for the workforce.
the answer to your question might be tied to this proposal put forward by the current Labour chief spinner
“Tom Balwin writing to the broadcasters demands: “We are keen to resolve this amicably and would suggest a couple of options to you going forward… give us coverage of this event with no comment from other parties”
As a follow-on from DV’s post Just as the census beckons, it looks as if the next stage in the BBC’s campaign to negatively influence the Christianity result is going to be on Sunday. The British Humanist Association tweets:
Anyone else who has registered to comment on the BBC’s mighty Blog ‘system’ had any problems as they continue to ‘improve’ things daily to try and prevent any further interaction?
Fedup2Feb 23, 14:15 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hope so EG – but I suspect any ‘count ‘ these days to be modelled on the Obama/biden model …
wwfcFeb 23, 14:04 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkalM-JP_48&ab_channel=LancashireLarks
StewGreenFeb 23, 14:00 Weekend 22nd February 2025 There are two entrance doors on police stations these days One door is marked “for normal people” … go through…
StewGreenFeb 23, 13:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 UK law says a baby is British through parentage. US law says ANY baby born in the US is American…
Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 23, 13:33 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I predict that the AfD will do much better than the msm are saying. There will be lots of people…
Fedup2Feb 23, 13:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I think ‘councillor Sedgwick ‘ needs to be looked at with their political control of plod – was it phone…
StewGreenFeb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir at 1am quoted the Mail article So it seems that Councillor Sedgewick had some send officers around to the…
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 This was a party broadcast by the Labour Party …… 77 brigade to file- community tension indicator to note …
AsISeeItFeb 23, 12:27 Weekend 22nd February 2025 View from a lawyer from across the pond “One particularly funny one from the BBC, which is the broadcasting arm…
wwfcFeb 23, 12:22 Weekend 22nd February 2025 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjTnipj_XTQ&ab_channel=DailySoak
If you want to know just how the CAGW fraud is evolving then the BBC is always first to pimp the evolution, you can find out the latest squirms and modifications to the CAGW fraud by simply listening to the BBC toady show.
BBC toady ‘thought for the day’ and its a pearler!
Alarmist useful idiot has an argument with a sceptic and pimps some pseudo science trash(doesnt say what, we know why)and he claims he cant remember where he picked up this trash(ill bet he cant, probably the BBC).
The sceptic proves the alarmist wrong and even sends rock solid statistics to back it up but guess whats coming? Oh yes the alarmist does not take this as proof the CAGW fraud is faulty and he doesnt even think to investigate more. Oooh Nooo, the alarmist attacks the use of statistics and evidence instead.
Solid evidence no longer matters anymore, God apparently didnt need statistics and evidence to create the world(in six days?). When the evidence no longeer backs up the CAGW fraud(not that it ever did) it is no longer needed to BELIEVE in CAGW.
And this is the key to the evolution of the CAGW fraud, once the real evidence mounts and can no longer be ignored then ALL evidence is no longer needed just FAITH.
Man is killing the planet by producing tiny amounts of harmless plant food, there was little real evidence to support the CAGW fraud and now there is much evidence to disprove the CAGW fraud and so in the face of this mounting scientific evidence the retreat into belief based cultism begins as we all knew it would and the BBC is on the cutting edge of the evolution.
The BBC begins to pimp the idea that it does not matter about the evidence and statistics exposing the CAGW fraud because the mounting observation evidence cannot be hidden for much longer.
How long before these muppets are using God to pimp their rancid wares and attacking scientists who try to highlight observation based evidence?
spot on cassie,
To often they get politico priests and rancid rabbis to further their agw bolt-on religion.
I know loads of priests,(not in the biblical sense of course , at least not since school :-D) and most of the ones i speak to don’t believe AGW and yet I have yet to hear one on Radio 4 who doesn’t somehow spout some parrot phrase from the church of Al Gore. Granted the vast majority on TFTD are Catholic Lite (CofE) but even the Bish of Durham spoke sense once in a while. Even the Papes and the red sea pedestrians seem to be reading off the IPCCs hymn sheet.
Now agw is a designated religion maybe the humanists will attack them and leave us alone for a bit?
Mind you there are loads of parrallels.
Carbon Offsetting = Modern plenary indulgences
3 Bin collections = weekly offertory processions
Socialism+Environmentslism= ecumenism.
Nuclear power v Wind = schism.
Bloody hell its like a parallel universe with al gore being pope and the BBC being the spanish inquisition.
Many thanks for the kind words Paddy.
When observation based scientific evidence contradicts a belief system it is the evidence that is discounted using the age old excuses and evasions.
Once upon a time it all about the science right? Now the science is telling these cultists something else the science becomes unimportant.
Sooooo, let me get this straight.
While my meagre savings and future provisions can go down as well as really down, and that’s tough, I am still required to keep co-funding a ‘service’ that is less and less concerned with delivering what it is supposed to, and more and more with just making sure certain unique individuals don’t suffer financially for any decisions made in their name, even when utter pants and carried out with their blessing?
Connections being made on when the politico-media establishment works in perfect, if questionable harmony…
Meanwhile, as noted, on matters youth-oriented…
No wonder they need their pensions ring-fenced. I doubt anyone would see BBC on the CV as a plus point.
Fracking: good.
How will BBC-Greenie-Guardian-Independent LOBBY against ‘fracking’?
“How should the UK generate its electric power? Some lobbyists are urging ministers to create a bigger long term role for gas, a technique called fracking, due to begin soon at a shale gas deposit near Blackpool. Our environment analyst Roger Harrabin has been to the site.” (-from BBC ‘Today’.)
{Due to ‘technical problems (?) recording from ‘Today’ this morning not yet available.}
Fracking shale oil near Blackpool seems an excellent prospect for substituting Middle East oil, and getting some UK economic growth; but ‘our environmental analyst’ (and denier of economic progress) will no doubt lobby with political chums for ‘a moritorium on shale gas operations’ on vague environmental grounds.
The BBC-Harrabin-Greenie propaganda frrom this morning’s ‘Today’ is now up.
Note how the very title is propagandist, emphasising the word ‘concern’. And who is ‘concerned’? Harrabin has to seach out a fellow propagandist from the the tiny and unrepresentative ‘Blackpool Green Party’, for a friendly spoon-fed ‘interview’, censoring opinion from Tories, Lib Dems, Labour, UKIP, etc.
This is how the BBC-Harrabin-Greenie lobby propaganda operates:
‘Concern over UK shale plans”
‘Concern over UK shale plans”
As you point out, this goes to the techniques applied not just on this topic, but across the entire ‘reporting’ infirmament, of which the BBC merely forms a sorry outpost.
The headline is, of course, by any measure, true.
But you need to dig a fair bit for the context of where that headline is derived.
And thus getting to what was discovered, what was provided (especially via the short circuit PR route), what was questioned, what was cut and pasted, and what was omitted or challenged before being rushed out.
Hence such ‘concern’ from a lobby group needs to be viewed in the same way as a ‘critics are saying’ on a political story, when it transpires that the ‘critics’ are, in fact, the opposition’s SPADs feeding a tame BBC journo with pure partisan propaganda. Yes, I mean you, Crick.
The BBC can of course go even further, and when it suits quote the Graun or even themselves (twitter seemingly being a valid news source so long as the views of the author are weaseled as not being those of their employer) if no one slightly less suspect can be found to stick the boot in with a reasonable degree of separation.
What this proves beyond a doubt is that the very last thing ecofascists desire is real plentiful cheap and secure energy supplies, up till now the greenshirts have been largely silent about their real desires for fear of losing any support they might have.
The eco fascists desire nothing less than a shutdown of our industrial society, these retards have it in their minds that our industtrial society is a curse and not the wonderful lifegiving gift it undoubtedly is. These Luddites need outing for who and wht they are.
The previous Today item also smacked of “lobby with political chums” (07:22). “Business correspondent” Dominic Laurie interviewed the Euro boss of GM about the van investment at Luton. laurie must have been briefed by the union as the GM man politely informed him after each qiestion that his point was rubbish, culminating in our dominic putting in a plea for a pay rise for the workforce.
Why has the BBC news channel been showing live coverage of the Labour policy forum for at least 20 minutes now?
The Labour policy forum is not ‘news’.
It’s almost as if the BBC is biased.
the answer to your question might be tied to this proposal put forward by the current Labour chief spinner
“Tom Balwin writing to the broadcasters demands:
“We are keen to resolve this amicably and would suggest a couple of options to you going forward… give us coverage of this event with no comment from other parties”
Blimey, by way of some ‘balance’ though:
It seems some friggin’ with the rigging can stick in even the most loyal craw.
Meanwhile, in next week’s QT….
As a follow-on from DV’s post Just as the census beckons, it looks as if the next stage in the BBC’s campaign to negatively influence the Christianity result is going to be on Sunday. The British Humanist Association tweets:
You might want to ~ff @bbcbigquestions too – Naomi will be on this Sunday with @NickyAACampbell talking all things Census #censuscampaign
Anyone else who has registered to comment on the BBC’s mighty Blog ‘system’ had any problems as they continue to ‘improve’ things daily to try and prevent any further interaction?
Just saw this as worthy of a wee thought…
But, even though logged in and acknowledged as such above the now mini box they provide, for now at least the preview and post buttons have vanished!
I’d tell ’em direct, but as befits a £4B broadcast only service provider, they don’t seem to have much to facilitate that.