Here we have the most evil man in Britain, according to the BBC news.
If I understand what the BBC have been saying today, he seeks to close down the NHS and order the slaughter of the First-born. Oh for the good days when Labour were in power, right comrades?
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If Mr Lansley were sensisble he would realise that he’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. And if he does, he will help our country. So, he should ensure that the maximum number of people are sacked from the NHS. If they are needed, they can be rehired. If not, they can return to their own country. And then perhaps we can resume training medical personnel to the high standards that we expect and pay what we can afford and not what they demand.
The BBC’s website has the main headline Lansley sorry after nurses rebuke. Doesn’t that give the wrong impression, as he is only sorry about not communicating his message properly, not about his reforms? The two other headlines are Junk NHS plans, says Ed Miliband and Nurses voice their fears. I think Labour HQ will be very happy with all of those headlines.
Guido has the story about “nurse” Jane Pilgrim who denounced Lansley as “a liar”. She is apparently a full time Unison rep and Labour activist, who hasn’t been a front line nurse for a long long time. Not that those details bother the labour-fawning news-editors. She’s a nurse! She must know best how to run the health service!
Peter Carter Head of the RCN ran an email poll of 100,000 nurses and got a 2% response rate, which apparently allows him to claim he speaks for “nurses”
Lansley actually doesn’t have much of a clue, but even if he had, this is Labour on auto-pilot, BBC riding side-saddle. Remind me, how many Labour MPs are sponsored by Unite/ Unison. I remember a figure around a hundred?
Exactly. “Organized Union gathers in protest of a policy from the party they don’t control” Yawn.
‘a full time Unison rep and Labour activist’
Cue a slot on Newsnight introduced simply as a ‘just how angry are you?’ nurse, along with…
‘…a 2% response rate, which apparently allows him to claim he speaks for “nurses”
… and presenter back-up that this is in fact the entire country up in arms.
The blinkers are being donned wholesale, he’s become a target of villification, even though he could be right. More strife on the horizon, and a return to a marxist government, I fear – the writing’s on the wall, but the nurses (and everyone else) are too blind to see it. I’m so, so glad I escaped from that sceptred (or septic) isle. It can only get worse, and it probably will.
Guido has an interesting insight into the Nurses
And why do nurses need to have a degree, for goodness’ sake? What they are required to do for patients just needs common-sense, patience and compassion. But I suppose these attributes are in short supply these days.
Qualified graduate nurses have chosen to pass the actual day to day patient care (think bedpan emptying) to “Health Care Assistants” , many of whom are merely migrants in need of a job in order to qualify for access to free education for their children, subsidised housing, and the rest. Those graduate lily-white nurses feel hard done by and envy their friends, who drive company cars and travel the world on business expenses.
Fair do to Nurses they do a lot more than just mop brows and say there-there these days.
I’m all for reform, but these cuts are clearly being done at a level lower than what they should be.
The government should have sent in independent advisers with the ability to make the cuts rather than relying on the management to make the cuts, ‘You need to make a saving? Why I’ll resign my job and save those 4 nurses being laid off’…
Sack the lot of them and offer to hire them back at £10k a year. That would instill a lot of confidence.
Talking about ‘the most evil man’ – remember this?:-
INBBC 2’s leftist propaganda job entitled: ‘Geert Wilders -Europe’s Most Dangerous Man?’
And how INBBC continually describes him as ‘extreme right-wing’?
Well, where is INBBC’s political editor, because this has got through, on the re-start of the Kangaroo trial of Geert Wilders in Amsterdam – first line:
“…the leading Dutch politician Geert Wilders…” WOW!!!
“Geert Wilders ‘hate’ trial resumes in Amsterdam”
Wilders Sharia trial resumes in the Netherlands
“The Netherlands enforces Sharia provisions forbidding non-Muslims to speak critically of Islam.” (Extract.)
Well, it is kind of a hate trial in that they all hate him.
Wow. Someone at BBC Online is going to feel a chill for adhering to editorial guidelines.
just flicking through channels, so i may be wrong, but did I just see a Bible being torn appart and burnt at the close of BBC2’s “The Crimson Petal and the White”?
Sure it wasn’t a prop with ‘The Bible’ written on the front? Did they actually use a Bible or another book?
Maybe it was a Koran inside a false cover! Or Das
Wouldn’t that be fun?
…because if I did, the hypocrisy and cowardice of the BBC allowing this is staggering
Can I rouse a mob, nip down my local Indian take-away, kill 7 and behead 2 AND then get the BBC to blame themselves and not me for inflamming the situation?
The BBC went to great pains to report that the UN had denied anyone was beheaded in that incident to which you refer. So that makes it ok yes? I say old chap, I’m not going to saw your head off with this huge knife, just let out all the blood without severing the neck…hope that’s ok old chap…now die like a good non-believer! Ignorant savage bastards, and Cameron wants Turkey in the EU? OY vay!
Just checked on iplayer. Yep, The Bible was torn apart and chucked on a fire. (in the last 5 mins of the prog)
All part of the artistic portrayal of a man in torment of course (so that’s all right then), but it was nonetheless burnt.
We’re fucked, aren’t we? The End Of Our Civilisation because this will be defended vigorously, while Terry Jones is worse than Hitler and deserves everything he gets.
Like you I was amazed. But it is only a Bible and in the eyes of the average beeboid of no more significance than last week’s Radio Times.
Sometimes all you can do is laugh so transparent are their motives and behaviour.
When the pendulum swings and real people run England again they will have nowhere to hide.
Their transparency means nothing when the beholder is blind?
People have short memories and this is where the BBC comes in and plays its part perfectly.
Thanks for the spot, I have used it as the basis for a blogpost –
No! The most evil man in Britain is Damian Green, the immigration minister. According to the Today “Listen Again” website “Damian Green, the immigration minister, explains the coalition policy.”
Oh no he didn’t, because Justin Webb didn’t let him. I suspect – although Craig could probably have told us – that Webb spent more time talking (and interrupting Green) than Green. Trying to explain the coalition’s policy on non-EU immigration (future not past, of course) Green was not, I think, given a clear 10 seconds at any time to make his point(s).
Mind you Green sat there and took it. Remember Green’s a Cameroon and, by that definition, a CINO. Challenging the wisdom of Today employees is not in their genes.
BTW this was another instance of analysing “news in the future”.
Not that the Times, Telegraph etc didn’t big up Cameron’s blatherings but the subject of the MSM and BBC hoo-hah was a speech that Cameron is going to make. For God’s sake, why not wait 12/24 hours, see what he actually says (not that it will actually mean anything, this is Cameron after all) and then analyse the speech (if they must) on the basis of information we’ll all know. As far as the BBC is concerned this is not just bias (the righteous indignation of Webb was unconcealed) but rank bad journalism. Blimey even UKIP (and was that the BNP I heard?) were given their 10 seconds in the sun uninterrupted. The crap non-policy of the coalition (except for its aim of making life difficult for skilled non-EU workers who will not be a strain on the public purse) should be exposed in all its glory. Webb’s incontinent blabbing prevented Green’s explanation which would have clarified the rubbish masquerading as immigration control.
Trailing policy is a New labour trick the Tories have caught onto.
At its simplest a policy/speach is trailed and the reaction by the MSN monitored. When the actual policy/speach is revealed any inconvenient ‘errors’ revealed by the trailing can be ironed out.
It’s a neat political trick that the BBC are well aware of but rarely challenge.
That was truly awful. There was no question from the start which side of the argument the BBC is on, when the first opinions heard in support of Cameron’s speech were an anti-EU rant from Nigel One Note and the BNP. Talk about framing the context for the audience.
It’s really too bad that no one in the discussion – on either side – is able to separate the concept of immigraiton in general from balkanization, self-isolation, and a refusal to share values. “Common experience” is not the right way to put it, so the BBC has an open goal.
And I noticed that while ol’ Justin grasps the notion that the US is able to deal with immigration better because of a “common purpose” (not the best way to put it, but hey, this is Justin Webb on the US we’re talking about), he clearly doesn’t understand why this is a problem in Britain, and tried to goad Green into saying he would ban the burqa.
There`s a thread here isn`t there?
All the above-race,NHS,immigration,Islam-all are what that prescient Tory adviser from Australia in 2005 called “dog whistle issues”.
There are reflex gag mechanisms that the liberal elite at the BBC simply have to perform whenever the above (as well as E.U/churches,Israel etc) are even mentioned. Even if they are not-then some two bit twerps like Flanders or Monbiot will do it for us,lest we forget what floats their boats! Their entitlements somehow become our imagined grievances. These are grief thieves-dungflies for the “disadvantaged”!
Anything other than the knee jerk response-the craw clearing of issues that stick-is intolerable to their collective presence. They can do no other because any alternative would make them think…look for a story and some insight. This is beyond even their obscenely bloated pay grades
These are pathologically lazy and psychically obese basket cases that get well paid to act up, feign outrage and aimless controversies-whilst of course retaining THEIR perks,fat salaries and pensions, as a matter of course.
That thier “partners” and families get nepotistic proferment in similar chattering positions is simply “because they`re worth it”.
I myself hold no brief for Lansley-serially unprincipled and inept like the rest of Camerons chums-but if the nurses don`t agree, then he will be right.
When they remove the public sector shrouds and actually feed the old, dress a wound correctly and stop spreading MRSA like so many of the “uni Graduates from Project 2000 do-then they can dust off Nightingales lamp once again.
Until then-learn to give an injection comrades-and unlearn how not to care because your useless union want to cross baguettes with management somewhere becoming to the political class This lot are all in it together. No surprise then that Monbiot, Snow and the like have hogged all the lifejackets too-another reflex of the guilt ridden, fat cat class that pose as champions of the poor and downtrodden. All their media does is confirm this to each other!
” . . they can dust off Nightingales lamp once again. “
Surely you mean Seacole’s lamp once again. In the BBC narrative “her reputation rivalled that of Florence Nightingale”.
There is no doubt – and all credit to her – that Mary Seacole did sterling work in the Crimea but, however wonderful and generous she was, it was Florence whose influence was long-lasting and she who created the professional ethos of nursing. It is this ethos which the RCN – a common or garden trade union, although you’d never realise that from its coverage on the BBC – has had a large hand in trashing.
Slam dunk Umbungo. The TODAY programme up to its old tawdry tricks again. Just look at the way they tag the piece on ‘listen again’
“Immigration Minister Damian Green, UKIP’s Nigel Farage, the BNP’s Simon Derby debate David Cameron’s immigration speech”
Well, no. They had a couple of clips of the latter two and then Justin Webb subjected Her Majesty’s Immigration Minister to constant harrying. No debate took place. TODAY, I assert, were trying to enhance the image they sought to create of the Tories being on the same page as a racist party and one they try to portray as racist.
Mr Webb started the piece saying they had invited Labour to comment but they were only willing to do so after Mr Cameron had made his speech. I dont buy this one moment. Ed Miliband, I understand had already commented on it. I see this as choreography between TODAY and Labour to disguise the fact they were attempting to associate the Tory Party with racism with the de facto BNP linkage.
Given what I consider some rather dubious allegations of bias lately, I would love to see what you’ve provided go up as a post.
There’s a story today about the UK being ranked 33 for stillborn births equal with Belarus. 11 babies a DAY are stillborn. How about an apology from the nurses and the NHS in general to the nation for that disgraceful and abysmal record.
The problem with all health stats is not simply accuracy but what they actually cover. Your stat for instance, does it mean UK=Belarus on the number of stillbirths i.e. both countries had 11 a year or is it 11 a year per 10000 head of population etc? In the first case the UK comes of better than in the second.
Malnutrition is another good one. Depending on who one believes either 375 or 50000 people died of malnutrition in the UK in 2009. The 375 figure denotes people who starved to death in the UK ( 284 in hospitals) whilst the 50000 figure denotes the number of people who died where malnutrition was a factor.
This disparity comes from the fact that in the NHS today nurses no longer nurse, they are a type of paramedic. The auxiliary nurses ( or whatever euphemism is used today) are the ones who nurse. Now ANs were always little lasses with mops until Blair used the RCN funding of the Labour Party as a spur to ‘professionalise’ Nursing. Now the people who were trained how to care for patients have been replaced by people without the necessary training, but more importantly, ethos to do so. So patients are left unfed as the nurse is too grand and the AN to useless to do the job. No-one notices because the uneaten food is removed by contract caterers who do not note how much food was eaten.
So people die in hospital when they would otherwise recover because they are not getting enough nutrition, because they are left by the ‘health care professionals’ to effectively care for themselves. Ever see a BBC programme about that?
I heard a woman being interviewed on Radio 2 at the top of the hour who had sadly had a still brith. She was crying that she had done all the right things, ie didn’t smoke, didn’t drink etc etc and yet her baby had died. The she said something to the effect that ‘babies don’t die during birth without reason’. And I thought – well yes sometimes they do – it is part of life.
Not bias but the BBC had gone for the cheap sob story as usual. However do doubt the BBC’s angle is that of course if even more money had been thrown at the NHS this wouldn’t have happened. But sadly for this interviewee the truth is it might.
It’s across the entire MSM, as the story really only has one default protagonist, and one which suits the ratings maw. To some it also adds to the bash Britain (and preferably current Government by association) mindset.
It is tragic, and needs looking at. However, at least on SKY just now I heard a lady who seemed to know her stuff… and was allowed to articulate it.
High on her list was ‘poverty’ (I’d suggest lifestyle a better word) related factors, such as weight, fags and booze, but also folk simply leaving things much later.
But to our inane media estate, when it suits there is only a 100% risk free world, no matter what, and it propagates such a daft notion by pandering to such cheap sob stories instead of getting the public up to speed on realities.
sorry a couple of typos in the last post – ‘birth’ – not ‘brith’ and ‘do’ instead of ‘no’
I’m not going to pretend to know the in’s and out’s of the NHS budget commitment made by the government, but I was under the impression that there were to be no cuts in the budget, just a slowing of the year on year increase? Have I got that right? Therefore no cuts!!!!!
Unlike the SNP who are talking about a 5 year freeze in Council Tax, which in the fulness of time will translate to “cuts” – no mention of the C word in the story though. Not only that but they are also commiting turn water to wine and the slightly less plausible “100% energy from renewables by 2020.” – not an ounce of scorn throughout the whole hilarious article.
The NHS is constantly “reorganising” ie shifting money from one type of care to another. It is what organisations are supposed to do, improve patient care within the budget. But the staff involved in providing the “old” service cry “cuts!” when the money moves to other types of care of patients, who never declare “increases!”
The total budget is not being cut, it continues to increase, and the BBC are just shameless liars pushing an anti-coalition agenda. They neither know nor care anything about patients but recycle union labour propaganda from the vested interests – Unison/Unite/BMA/RCN. Labour party nurse activist Jane Pilgrim is “just a nurse”. Really?
This isn’t actually news as it was announced in 2010.
Thousands of hospital managers face the sack this year, after figures showed the Health Service has ballooned into one of the world’s biggest employers.
Health Secretary Andrew Lansley is to announce a £250million cut in management costs.
Read more:
These figures are interesting.
“Official figures show that a record 1.626million people now work for the NHS.
Another 5,000 were hired between January and March this year[2010] in the dying days of the Labour government.
There are few employers who have a bigger workforce – only the Chinese Army, Indian Railways and the U.S. giant Wal-Mart, owner of Asda, are thought to outdo them.
Britain’s biggest private sector employer, Tesco, employs just 280,000 in this country”
There is no doubt that the 1.6 million are not doctors and nurses, but the elitists running the NHS will make sure that it will be nurses and front line staff who are affected by these “cuts”.
The elite see nothing wrong with sacrificing other peoples lives. Local Government, NHS and the BBC have one thing in common they are all boated with cash which is forcefully removed from peoples pockets by the threat of imprison.
sorry “imprisonment”
On FiveLive they interviewed John Heyworth, president of the College of Emergency Medicine whose interview in the Grauniad kicked off the debate about “cuts causing pressure on A&E services” he made his point fairly but pointed out that it was because of a social change that had happened over a period of 30 years and said that Andrew Lansley was by far the best secretary of state they had had to deal with.
Interview was ended shortly after that.