Pro-AV lefty BBC producer Richard Leeming bemoans the ignorance of the plebs:
The right-on metropolitan media clique knows best but for some reason the general public refuses to acknowledge it. What a shame, eh?
(See also Jon Snow)
Pro-AV lefty BBC producer Richard Leeming bemoans the ignorance of the plebs:
The right-on metropolitan media clique knows best but for some reason the general public refuses to acknowledge it. What a shame, eh?
(See also Jon Snow)
I don’t know how to twitter and don’t want to, so I am an ignorant pleb and proud of it !
The sheer ignorance and arrogance of this “dick” whoever he is , is amazing !
lefties on twiitter
talk out of their………. 😉
Grant , Twitter can have it uses but I believe the Beebiods like it because when it comes down to it they understand it since it is one to many broadcasting. Little people can subscribe and hear the views of their Lords & Masters. But unlike a blog with comments the Lords & Masters don’t have to listen to the opinions of the little people so can stay living in their little bubble.
Can one unfollow the BBC if what they broadcast is either pants or biased?
I thought they liked it because it excused their terrible English?
Twitter is their news source. No need to check the facts, if someone posts it on Twitter, it is true.
representative ‘?’a better place ‘??
so how will being a useless self obsessed anal retentive bunch of left wing nut jobs who cannot grasp even simple things like ‘the truth ‘ or ‘reality’ just like they cannot understand ‘democracy ‘ and ‘NO’ make the world a better place? well maybe if they entered for the Darwin awards that would help !!
All they can grasp in their very odd brains is their own max 140 word non BBC approved honest ![lol] student/school politics rants which really now their over 30 they really should stop! as it’s getting embarrassing like a bad school disco when the parents hang about !!
And Guido Fawkes has this on similar theme:
“The ‘\progressive Majority’ Delusion”
[Opening extract]:
“The noisy progressives in our public life are forever claiming there is a ‘progressive majority’ in Britain. If it was not for Murdoch, the City and the editor of the Daily Mail they would lead us into the social democratic utopia that the people so desire. That is basically the underlying worldview of many at the BBC, Guardian editorial meetings and the young wonks in the think-tanks around Ed Miliband. Tony Blair understood that this was a delusion which electorally crippled the Labour Party and the somewhat flakier LibDems.”
Following DB’s link to Richard Leeming’s twitter account (good spot, as ever, DB!) takes you to another link provided by the man himself, This reveals that he has his own blog called ‘finite probability’.
There, as well as the usual digs at Peter Hitchens and Rupert Murdoch, you’ll find a post called Red Ed is dead, where Mr Leeming announces his renewed membership of the Labour Party (as of last September), 25 years after leaving it.
Are BBC employees allowed to post their party affiliations on their blogs?
I suppose posting party affliiations on employees’ blogs puts them out in the open – and I suppose their membership confirms what we all assume anyway. At least by being out in the open we know where their bias lies.
Following that link to Mr Leeming’s blog, I came across his furious tirade against what he calls anti-cyclists. He think cyclists are endangered by careless motorists, which is probably true. He extrapolates therefore that cyclists should ride on pavements. This is harmless, he opines, and so what if a few pedestrians are inconvenienced?
I realise that this doesn’t happen very often, but big lads and grown men racing along on pavements, slaloming in between old ladies and people with buggies, is not in fact harmless. If you step out of a shop, for example, into the near-miss slipstream of a great big cyclist whizzing past silently, it’s a bit more than inconvenience.
If you say “excuse me” and one stops, thinking you’re about to ask directions, and you say ”It’s illegal to ride on the pavement” you get a torrent of swear words and finger gesturing for your trouble.
This Leeming person is so cocksure that it’s his ‘right’ to do that and he hasn’t even bothered to find out how harmless it really is. That’s typical of people who are brimming with self regard.
I find cyclists much more dangerous and abusive than motorists. They should have to pay a road tax. And pay for cycle tracks.
Bloody right.
If they stop appologising for not hearing their bell, usually gets the response
‘I don’t have a bell’ Pointing out that riding a bike without a bell is illegal has yet to solicit a polite response.
Just seen Leemings “Linkedin” site!
If anyone wants to know the types that we are propping up at the BBC,just have a look at the “interactive synergies” and weep at what Reith has let in via the catflap at Bush House!
Is he related to Jan in any way-or is he just a lemming with dyslexia?
Ha ! Ha ! cj. I wish he would follow the other left-wing lemmings and jump off a cliff.
Sums up the arrogance of lefties “we are always right” even when the overwhelming majority disagrees with them.
Thay can think of themselves as an elite minority !
Can’t really fault the handle ‘@dickdotcom
But surely, nobody could be so lacking in self-awareness?
If so, he must be clinically delusional (which explains the senior BBC position, if not excusing the indulgence of his employers) or whatever he’s taking, it isn’t the ‘twitter stream’.
ps: Mr. Snow rather nailed in a picture worth a 1,000 mocks.
Shum mishtake in the spelling, shurely?
“@dickdotcom” sounds more like “@dickheadcom” to me.
Oh if only everyone was living in a deluded state of perpetual adolescence then the world would be a far better place . . . .
can you imagine the reaction if we get an EU referendum(don’t hold your breath)and the vote goes for exit
mass lefty suicide
yee haaaaaaa
They can all go and live in the EU. The rest of us would have to muddle through without them. Big loss to UK GDP.
So you have to be a socialist to understand how to live in a utopian world, where poverty is abolished and every body lives on welfare, you need not get up every morning to go to work. The AV voting system has also abolished corruption, according to John Snow.
My view is that Socialism enslaves people by the herd think, putting them on welfare and destroying individual thought and endeavor. You can not innovate and build a better society by watching Jeremy Kyle all day.
Then again, if you work for the BBC you sort of live in utopian society already.
Their utopian world view is always a fascinating one. It reminds me of this:
when I’m beginning to think its got more to do with this:
Two good videos Andrew, they are making a good start by dumbing down our children at school.
I have never been a fan of Obama, much to the consternation of my friends but even they are beginning to question his ability. I prefer Alan West he has more integrity and backbone than Obama.
Dick is only an Executive Producer, it is not as if he has any editorial input. A mere innocent bystander no doubt. It isn’t as if he seeks to promote his beliefs is it.
Er, is it.
That tag “dickdot” says it all,and does imply a “cri de coeur” ,albeit in code form!
These last couple of days has really shone a light under the rock hasn`t it?-didn`t imagine the assorted pondlife you could find across the MSM!
“Any Answers” has usually allowed a couple of heresies through from the plebs that “pays their wages”…but today (with one exception) was wall to wall liberals wanting compulsory voting and the like! These weirdos have clearly been nursing their grievances,and the AV vote seems to have tipped a few over the edge.
Wonder if I could sponsor a few of them-oh, I`m doing that already!
The day before the referendum our old friend Mitch “I’m not a lefty honest” Benn of Now Show and Green Party fundraising fame was hopeful that a low turnout could swing it for AV:
“Apathy could be AV’s biggest chance; it’s always more prevalent in those content with the status quo.”
“Look, I wish everyone were politically aware and motivated but you can’t force ’em, and if this benefits the AV cause then it suits me…”
Benn and Jon Snow and all those other self-righteous luvvies seem to have convinced themselves that their side was more motivated and might actually win simply because #yes2av was trending on Twitter. Unfortunately for them we still decide elections on actual votes cast and not the number of times a hashtag is used on the favoured social networking tool of metropolitan media types.
‘convinced themselves that their side was more motivated and might actually win simply because #yes2av was trending on Twitter.’
It’s what £4B buys you, original news-gathering wise…
‘Twitter is now my primary destination for breaking news.’
And views, no doubt, from the small pond incest circle inhabited.
“Impartiality is in our genes” eh ???
The whole AV fiasco has shown the BBC groupthink bias in very sharp relief.
Is there a single BBC presenter or favoured guest who appeared to want to vote “NO” ? None that I know of.
But over the past fortnight we have seen umpteen examples of clear BBC bias in favour of AV.
Coupled with ridiculous assertions all over the BBC that the Coalition will crumble.
Fact is, Ed Miliband is looking insecure now, as well as stupid, after his relative failure in most of the country. Chris Huhne is now a busted flush, as is Vince Cable, Clegg will undoubtedly continue in the firm belief that it was politically responsible and mature for the LibDems to join the Coalition. Cameron emerges stronger. And hopefully Alex Salmond will push and fail with a referendum for Scottish independence – it is already looking like a vote very late in Salmond’s new tenure.
The next great not so bright hope seems to be Huhne and Cable defecting to Labour, which will see collective knicker wetting in certain media bubble quarters as super split fodder, but one suspects the rest of the country (which keeps having its own, and overall quiet sensible mind, despite best efforts) will find a) funny, b) typical and c) yet another reason to consign the Beeboid fan club dream team to oblivion.
It wouldn’t surprise me if rats like Huhne and Cable deserted the sinking ship !
He’s happy enough to take money for his wages from the British public.
He shouldn’t be so rude about his customers.
But then why should he care? It’s not as if they can take their custom elsewhere leaving him with no pay.
Yes we can! Mass boycott of the licence fee!
Oh dear-I`d avoid Wednesday if I were you!
Thirty years since the death of Bob Marley, so the guests on some BBC conflab show mantioned.
Do we get the day off-or how many minutes silence are we to be expected to stand for…if the Madrid bombings merited 4 for the European family, how much more for this troubadour of the worldwide family I ask myself?
No disrespect to the great man intended-but can`t imagine they will be playing “Redemption Song”(religious) or No woman ,no cry(sexist)…probably be lasting out “Exodus” from the Sangatte terminus if I know the BBC!
So watch for poor Bobs corpse being trawled through the Elyssian fields on Wednesday for the day.
Oh-if anyone cares in Beebland-some old Polish bloke in a white frock got shot by some Islamic nut with probable Soviet influence at the time…a vctory for child abusers worldwide if that helps “raise the profile” of the Pope getting shot on May 13th 1981.
Maybe the BBC could film itself raising the EU flag in celebration on the thirtieth anniversary of this lesser and ultimately mundane incident!
Bob Marley T-shirts are a regular uniform of the Left in France. Hardly a demo goes by without the “Get up Stand up, Stand up for your Rights” anthem on the p.a. I recall reading Marley’s bass player boasting he had fathered over a hundred kids. Not boasting he supported a hundred kids, merely that he had fathered them.
Typical of the West Indian culture, we get to pay for their fecundity. The South London Midnight Stalker, Delroy Grant, was reported to have fathered ten kids by four separate mothers.
So lets celebrate Bob Marley’s departure. Couldn’t come soon enough.
Could the way Beeboids regularly disgrace themselves on Twitter perhaps be a key motivation for this:
PCC seeks to regulate press Twitter feeds
Reporter and newspaper Twitter feeds are expected to brought under the regulation of the Press Complaints Commission later this year, the first time the body has sought to consolidate social media messages under its remit.
The PCC believes that some postings on Twitter are, in effect part of a “newspaper’s editorial product”, writings that its code of practice would otherwise cover if the same text appeared in print or on a newspaper website.
A change in the code would circumvent a loophole that – in theory – means that there is no form of redress via the PCC if somebody wanted to complain about an alleged inaccuracy in a statement that was tweeted. Last year the PCC found it was unable to rule in a complaint made against tweets published by the Brighton Argus.
How hilarious would it be if all the examples highlighted on this site could be used for legal complaints against the BBC? Although, I realize this would probably make Mark Thompson spend even more of the license fee on training courses, this time mandatory.
“How hilarious would it be…”
It’d be a bloody miracle, seeing as the PCC regulates the print media and their online activities, and the BBC doesn’t fall under their remit. And even the PCC is only talking about tweets that come from official accounts, and not somebody’s personal account.
But hey, I suppose this is Biased BBC we’re talking about. Truth and accuracy on this blog is abut as likely as David Vance getting elected…
Scott, this was obivously only going to be a first step towards possibly regulating broadcast media. Or do people not make complaints to OfCom? And the biased BBC tweets come from official accounts as much as personal ones.
Any thoughts on Mark Mardell’s belittling of the US on his BBC blog? Thought not.
That’s it, David, make an attempt to change the subject – a common tactic of yours, I notice, when you realise that somebody’s actually pointed out an error on your part… Can’t bear people finding out that you’re not as knowledgeable as you like to let them think, maybe?
A common tactic of mine? Seriously? Do I need to go back through past comments to bring up all those examples of you dodging and weaving?
No, Scott, you inferred all on your own that I expected the FCC would affect the BBC. In fact I was obviously speculating on a next possible step. You’ve created this piece of low-hanging fruit out of thin air. Try again.
I inferred “all on my own”?
You linked to the PCC (not FCC) proposal and raised it in the context of personal tweets from BBC employees. It’s not all that difficult to infer from that that you considered the two related.
On the other hand, if you’re saying that nothing you write should be taken seriously, well then I’d have to agree with you.
DP, please forgive Scott/Dez his hissy fit. This is what grief can do to a man. Don’t worry Scott/Dez, now that bin Laden is dead, they’ll still be other hirsute, swarthy terrorists for you to drool over.
Okay, okay, hippiepooter – you’ve made the point that you’re too stupid to recognise the existence of two different people enough times now. There really is no need to continue making such an idiot of yourself on this topic.
Sweetheart, we await with bated breath your opinion on ALL topics as no one comes close to you when it comes to making an idiot out of oneself.
I sometimes wonder if your two people !
Or did you just fail the exam twice ?
If you say so Scott/Dez. 🙂
Honestly, you’ve lost a lust object and the AV vote all in one week, despite all the support the BBC have given to both. I guess we need to be a bit gentle with you. Still, you won the ‘yes’ vote on Twitter, and that’s what really counts, not what horrible, grubby ordinary folk think. Now put your nails back dearie, you might do yourself a mischief.
The YES campaign was so dominated by Guardian/luvvie types that this pro-AV LibDem almost voted NO in disgust:
The YES campaign was eminently winnable. But it ended up being run by readers of the Guardian for readers of the Guardian. Readers of this newspaper are about 1% of the voting electorate – and are also a statistically extreme group. Their views do not chime remotely with mainstream British opinion. There is no purist Guardian editorial proposition that could ever come close to winning a referendum in the UK….
If there was one thing that nearly tipped me to voting NO (and I didn’t), it was the direct mail leaflet with the postal vote form. From recollection, the front page featured Joanna Lumley, Eddie Izzard, Tony Robinson, Colin Firth, Stephen Fry and other such celebrities. I may as well have been sent a leaflet saying “If you love the Guardian Arts supplement, then vote YES.” It showed a completely pitiful understanding of what most people – as opposed to most electoral reform professionals – care about.
On Twitter there were were more than twice as many #Yes2AV hashtags as there were #NotoAV. The actual vote was 2:1 the other way.
Wow DB. really glad I read that. That was some broadside. The fact that the ‘Yes’ Campaign excluded someone on the centre-right like Nigel Farage shows how little their campaign had to do with improving democracy but with cynical calculations to cement left-liberal hegemony.
At the end of they day I guess their cynical celebrity blitz told the British people what they needed to know about the ‘Yessers’. They hold the British people in such contempt that they thought they would decide the basis on electing a Government on how popular someone is on tv. The public may well be fickle, public attention span may well be narrow, but when they’re constantly bombarded with such an insult to their intelligence, it’s hard not to notice.
Not since Maggie T’s plain minded truth telling to the British public and her phenomenal success in turning Britain around have the ‘clever classes’ been left looking so utterly stupid and silly.
Of course DB’s marvellous broadside doesn’t show full Twitter streams, only single excerpts. That’s partly because it would negate his point (and he knows it) buty mostly because he doesn’t actually use Twitter for anything other than snarking at others.
If you look at his Twitter account, he follows one person, and hasn’t once posted an original thought, instead using it as an outlet for heckling. Taking instruction on Twitter usage is a bit like taking instruction from David Vance on winning political elections.
If Twitter is a busy pub, with lots of people having conversations that others can overhear, DB is the twelve-year-old who shouts an inane comment through the window, then runs away to guffaw with his mates about what a big man he is – while everybody inside just rolls their eyes and ignores him.
As long as he isn’t getting to you Dez/Scott, that’s the main thing.
hippiepooter: “As long as he isn’t getting to you”
Dez, er.. I mean Scott,
So “everybody… just rolls their eyes and ignores him.”
Apart from you.
Again, heh.
Gosh, a review from Scott Matthewman of The Stage. Might have theatre-style posters made: “DB’s marvellous” “an original” “what a big man”.
Now, must head off to listen in through the window of The Chattering Class (copy of Guardian/Independent required for entry). Luckily the acoustics are good – it’s quite the echo chamber, in fact.
A sort of ‘Operation Clark County’ redux, brought up to date, pretty much by the same ‘set’ (possibly the next generation, and offering a nice demo of the problems limited social networks within the bubble can have on hereditary ‘issues’. Noting this is already more than added to by one contributor) for the social networking age.
Interestingly, it also seems to have had roughly the same effect.
“A sort of ‘Operation Clark County’ redux”
Good comparison.
Meanwhile, back in another world, BBC Television, the cretins who managed to find where to vote had their collective stupidity hauled before the viewing masses on the “ticker” at the bottom of the BBC screen :
Glasgow votes No, Edinburgh votes No, Newcastle votes No, York votes No etc etc …….
This wasn’t Twitter, it was Ticker ie : the real world ! (Results)
And how nice it is to live alongside our more knowledgeable friends in Islington, Cambridge, Bush House and the Garrick Theatre.
Where did we go wrong ? and why are they so wise ?
“Where did we go wrong ? and why are they so wise ?”
We’re such a disappointment to them.
For the first time in longer than I can recall I might actually watch Newsnight this evening just to see what they do with this:
“Also on Newsnight Stephen Smith goes in search of flat white drinking, Guardian reading, North London “commentariat” who voted Yes to AV”
Yes; BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’, is full of its usual political navel-gazing; they’re probably thinking even now that they ‘almost’ won with its YES vote on AV! The deluded fools!
And an additional element to BBC-NUJ preview (added below in bold type):
“Stephen Smith goes in search of the flat white drinking, Guardian reading, [BBC TV and radio brain-washed], progressive North London ‘commentariat’ who voted ‘yes’ in last week’s referendum on the alternative vote.”
Well, that fatuous twaddle about AV from Stephen Smith reminded me why I haven’t watched Newsnight for ages.
More interesting is this…
Guido Fawkes April 26th:
“Why have the details of the Labour Yes Fundraiser with comedian David Schneider been removed from the Yes to Fairer Votes website?”
David Schneider on Twitter, April 27th:
“Amount of writing needing done: loads. Amount of writing done: not loads. Remedy: Twitterbreak. Back imminently. Miss you x”
InjunctionSuper on Twitter May 8th:
“British comedian/actor David Schneider is into BDSM and visits spanking establishments to engage in the whipping of women. #superinjunction”
Heh. Wondered why he’d gone quiet – he’d become the lazy BBC booker’s go-to guy in recent months.
“We need a guest commentator. Do the ususal, find a lefty comedian.”
“Will David Schneider do?”
“Oh yes, he’s spanking.”
Here’s Schneider on the BBC last November arguing the case for freedom of speech on Twitter. Tad ironic.
There’s an article in the Telegraph about David Schneider’s recent silence on Twitter, written by their consumer affairs editor, Harry Wallop. (No really!)
Nice one. The Mail’s being running some good innuendo-filled pieces about the super-injunctions, too.
“been running”