Midweek and time for a new Open Thread as I can see the Monday one is already approaching the 200 mark! Happy with good old Auntie – no? Well, tell me why…

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145 Responses to NEW OPEN THREAD….

  1. George R says:

    An antidote to Islam Not BBC (INBBC) on Israel:

    GLENN BECK (Fox News):

    “Beck: U.S. Policy Trouble For Israel”

    ( 40 min video   19 May)


  2. Barry says:

    I enjoyed Toby Young’s blistering attack on Oprah Winfrey in today’s DT. Most of it could apply to the BBC:

    “Above all, it is Oprah’s incontinent sentimentality that I find so objectionable, the elevation of ersatz emotion over any critical thought. For Oprah, the only test of veracity worth the name is whether something “feels” true, as though our initial emotional response to something – whether a prospective lover, a spiritual belief system or a political leader – is a more reliable guide than a careful sifting of the evidence.”


  3. My Site (click to edit) says:

    Just another one of those odd stories about the story one gets…

    …and the rest you don’t get, with context that is less ‘narrative helpful’ included…

    Seems ‘NHS staff tell him’, and his guys tell others… who oblige with a context lite soundbite.

    One is sure that Dr. Coffey will soon be the voice of the NHS, to explain the anger, and what critics are saying, etc, soon.

    The BBC inclusion or exclusion of affiliations is getting rather brazen.