A tenous connection with BBC bias, but I hope BBBC bloggers will indulge me with this quote :-
” There are no bonds between the Government and the people. For all alike, the Government is the power which drives the people to hunger and death. The administration is devoid of authority. Public life is full of anarchy. Every step taken by the Government increases the hatred the people feel for it. All officials accept bribes and are capable of every sort of corruption and abuse. Justice has entirely stopped. The police do not function. Economic life is breaking down. People and Government employees have no confidence in the future “
Re. above. A letter from Brigadier Mustafa Kemal ( later Ataturk ) to Enver Pasha ( among other things, Minister of War in the Ottoman Government ) in September 1917.
Where is the British Ataturk ?
Cameron ? Clegg ? Miliband ? How about Vince Cable ? 😀
I cannot watch the coverage or lack of from the ministry but how is the Balls doing ? i mean he should be ok as their nowt the beebs like more then looking out for a pair of Ed’s !!
Old Blinky? He’s blustering, as usual – “not guilty, m’lud”….
There’s something shifty and unpleasant about the Balls cove. He has the air about him of one who might smell a bit greasy and/or sweaty, and who may have a penchant for poking holes in the the wall of the ladies’ changing room at a swimming pool or lido.
Some Labour Lord just denied there was ever any trouble and it’s just false hysteria ginned up by the Conservatives’ friends in the media. He even scolded the BBC “newsroom” for making things up.
I don’t see why this would harm Balls at all, really. And I think the Beeboids know it and have no trouble running with this story. If anything, it makes Balls to look rather powerful in the party.
To my surprise, Jo Coburn gave the repulsively oily Liam Byrne a grilling on Balls, so to speak, on “The Daily Politics” today.
She was , not very subtely, implying Balls is a liar and his chances of the leadership are gone. Even left-wing journo guest Steve Richards was nodding in agreement !
Some Labour MP was on R5L earlier denouncing this as politics at it’s worst. He was refering to the hoo-har about it not the actual story.
Irony overload.
Anyone think the US economy is in the toilet and the President’s plans are screwing it up? Not to worry, here’s the ever-helpful Mark Mardell to explain it to you:
Just like anything else the BBC favors but realizes the public doesn’t, if you don’t agree with them it’s only because you don’t understand and need to have it explained to you better.
Mardell’s criticism of the President is that He’s not inspiring the faithful enough.
At the moment he hardly seems to be trying. Perhaps it is the old Obama cool: Don’t change the strategy because of a few bad figures, keep your powder dry until next year, don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes and all that.
He’s certainly shooting blanks at the moment. Today he made another of those slightly forlorn forays into the real world, to talk about the issue that worries Americans the most. He does it regularly. Just about every week. It rarely gets reported.
A moment’s pause while we all stop laughing at that last bit. I can think of quite a number of things that rarely get reported by the BBC. What a joke.
Today’s trip to a community college in Virginia earns him this tiny headline in the Washington Post: “Obama: More job training programs will boost manufacturing sector and drive economic growth.”
Unbelievable. Even while Mardell dares to criticize his beloved Obamessiah ever so slightly for not inspiring the faithful enough, it’s STILL NOT HIS FAULT because those apostates at the WaPo don’t give Him the coverage He deserves.
Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.
I Corinthians 4:2
If you think the US economy isn’t going to be fixed by The Obamessiah, it’s only because you need to have your faith restored by an inspiring speech, and the US media needs to step up to the plate and help Him.
Current US unemployment figures are terrible – especially among blacks and Hispanics. Nothing about this from Mardell.
Mardell says Obama needs to “hone” his message – to sharpen it. Tjhat is utter rubbish – what Obama needs to do is completely change his economic policies. The way to deal with debt and deficit and restore some economic confidence is NOT to spend more and more money that the country has not got, but to restrain public expenditure and endless taxes and regulations so that the private sector feels confidence in hiring. But Beeboids like Mardell will not understand that, any more than the Today team does.
I just realized that, in his ignorance of the US, Mardell accidentally made his beloved Obamessiah look bad. When trying to claim that the President is coolly waiting until things get serious to bring the big guns, he adds what he thinks is a cliché: “don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes”.
What the ignorant buffoon doesn’t know is that this isn’t a cliché about the strategy he thinks it is but is an actual quote from a very real historical event – the Battle of Bunker Hill in the US Revolutionary War – where the troops didn’t have enough bullets and were ordered to wait until the last moment so as not to waste what little they had left.
In other words, if we take Mardell at his word, he means that the President has very little ammo left to save Himself and is desperately waiting until the election date gets close.
BBC doing another segment on the e-coli outbreak just now. Once again they censor the word “organic”. This outbreak happened because of unsafe practices which are used exclusively in organic farms. And the BBC hides that key fact from you because of their ideology.
Yet another discussion of the drought conditions on the News Channel includes the Narrative. This time it’s in the form of “….as Climate Change shows itself in different ways…”
It can be anything and everything. There is no escape from this religious faith.
That’s why Fiona Bruce started the news broadcast at the top of the hour by saying that even if it’s raining where you are, parts of England really are officially having a drought.
Well, to be fair, just because it’s raining today (lots and lots and lots happily) doesn’t mean that they’re making it up about the drought. Here in our part of the Weald we’ve had the following:
February: Almost permanent rain.
March: NO rain. Nada. Not a drop. Blazing hot and bright into the bargain.
April: NO rain. Nada. Not a drop. Even more blazing hot and bright into the bargain.
May: 90 minutes or so at the beginning of the month, otherwise see March and April. Oh, and hotter still.
June: It’s started to rain heavens hard this week. For this I’m humbly grateful.
So that is a drought, and Fiona’s right. She’s bound to be occasionally. Sorry.
Oh, and weather bods and news bods who, in the middle of a drought, talk about ‘glorious sunshine’ (goofy grin) or the ‘risk’ of rain (downcast, end of the world) should be enrolled in the meat suit and hungry carnivores programme I devised for Marcus Prickstocke on another thread.
Anyone else think that, considering all the butchery being done by various Mohammedan leaders from Libya to Syria to Yemen, that Mubarak is looking better and better by the day? He stepped down, he didn’t bomb his own people. When given the choice between butchering his own people to cling to power or walking away, Mubarak walked away.
The Beeboids hate him most, though, because he’s the only one of them who made peace with Israel and didn’t support Hamas.
Anyone else thinking that Sandy Trotsky will spend half of the News Quiz programme mocking The Mail and the person who dared to complain about her ‘joke’.
Always amusing to see a Beeboid think they can tell which way a moral compass is supposed to point. Flanders is all over the place there in her attempt to show that IDS is heartless and the ArchBeard was right about how awful the Tory policies will be.
But then at the end she admits he’s actually right anyway.
You might wonder why an economist should engage with all this. But of course, this is all about economics too. When it comes to welfare reform, questions of religious faith, political theory, economics and behavioural psychology all converge on the same basic issue.
That is because when you give help to people in bad circumstances, you are likely to change their behaviour as well as their income, with possibly long-term consequences for society as well as the economy. The debate is over how – and how much – to take those consequences into account in providing that initial support.
So Flanders knows deep down that IDS is right after all, even though she spends the entire time telling you he isn’t. No, Stephanie, I don’t wonder at all why an economist like you is engaged in this discussion. I know you’re here to attack your ideological opponents. That last line is your excuse for doing it here.
If you are highly taxed this inhibits enterprise. Why attempt to make money if you take all the risk, and somebody else takes most of your reward, if you succeed.
This is obvious,
But things look very different if you are a parasite. All leeches believe in high taxes. This is why professional politicians and expenses fiddling are practically synonymous.
The reason why Leftists obsess so much about “issues” [much commentated upon on these pages] is not because they care about any reality other than themselves – a true Leftist has absolutely no interest whether or not their “policies” actually do harm or good – nor is it simply a case of promising utopias in order to get power. It is a way of protecting themselves from their own vileness.
Their greed is a fee for fighting (on your behalf) for the public good.
Their envy is fighting (on their behalf) for the vulnerable in society.
Their narcissicism is fighting (on its behalf) for the planet!
The Left are fully aware how posionous they are, which is why Leftist drama (and comedy) is so full of obnoxious people (they are talking about themselves) and why when when they try to write about “good people” it is pathetically unconvincing, because they are not drawing upon any reality.
The reason why a Left Fest such as Newsnight has reports in which journalists go to Salford in order to tell us how poor people live, is not simply the joy of finger wagging, it is how a parasite who lives off the backs of the poor justify their existence to themselves.
A Leftist (almost by definition) is somebody who cares only about themselves. A system in which they have to concern themselves with what other want (as opposed to what they think they should have) is their version of hell.
Real hell (for the psychologically adjusted) of course is a Leftist utopia.
Except she didn’t rewrite history. The ignorant Leftoid media where the BBC gets their information did, and they’re too partisan and stupid to know the difference.
I see the Guardian is going balls deep over the Palin emails. They’ve even got a dedicated Twitter account about it, FFS. And if something is big news to the Guardian you can guarantee it will be big news to the BBC.
It was already breathlessly mentioned on the News Channel as a way to find out just how she behaved as Governor. I’ve got $100 that says more Beeboids will read these emails than did the ones from the CRU.
Another biased tweet from Katty Kay. She either doesn’t know that Rep. Weiner accused someone of a federal crime and someone else of abetting that federal crime, or simply doesn’t care. Either way she’s revealing her personal opinion on whether or not a US Congressman should resign. Would she feel differently if it was her daughter being preyed on?
Don’t know how the resident spelling wasps missed another juicy typo, but I guess it was from the hive and doesn’t count. Uniquely.
Actually, I think it is a top piece of Onomatopoeia.
Next time a Beeboid says ‘Quesions will be asked..’ that pretty much sums up how most subjected to their efforts must feel in their gut about the agenda behind the narrative behind the ‘reporting’.
I’m expecting that if there is a second flotilla and should any trouble arise I somehow expect the BBC to point out that the “humanitarians” on the first flotilla were unarmed when they were attacked.
Statistics Canada says that 54 per cent of the crimes were motivated by race or ethnicity, 29 per cent by religion and 13 per cent by sexual orientation.
Out of the religion-motivated offenses, those against the Jewish faith accounted for 71 per cent of the crimes.
Who could have imagined? Not the BBC, and they won’t report it even if they find out. After all, they censored all news of what’s been happening to the Jews of Malmö, and censored all news of the Jewish-related activities the Dutch police got scolded for doing. They probably agree with the mayor of Malmö, shrug their shoulders, and say the Jews deserve what they get for supporting Israel and being the root cause for most problems in the Middle East.
‘He explained that he had been rung by a desperate researcher, trying to set up an argument that didn’t really exist, and anxious to find anyone to take up a position. He had only done it, he said, because they pleaded. And offered him a fee.’
‘The reporter involved wanted to know why he’d included a Tory spokesman, as well as the usual procession of anti-cuts agitators. The editor explained it was in the interests of fairness and balance.
‘Are you a Tory?’ he was asked accusingly.
‘Well, I voted for them,’ he said.
‘I didn’t know you were a fascist,’ the reporter spat, telling him to leave the Tory on the cutting room floor. Said reporter has apparently gone on to greater things.’
I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell you this (your friends are probably too terrified to say anything), but you’ve just quoted Richard Littlejohn as “evidence” of “something or other”.
‘you’ve just quoted Richard Littlejohn as “evidence” of “something or other”.
So, other than proving my point, nothing but a petty vulture cherry licking swoop with no substance? Again.
No response to the BBC’s lack of connection between green policy and energy prices? Or that best buds who also seem to earn living only by sneering at the DM suddenly finding it good enough to sell their ‘talents’ too when it suits?
At least there was an actual fact included, albeit in support of the ‘joke’.
Accepting the ‘two wrongs’ aspect (but this site is about the performance of a medium ‘we’ have no choice but to fund) as you and your fellow travelers are so keen on asking questions, just wondering how you feel about any BBC (or Crick or Robinson headlined ‘scoop’) piece based on ‘Critics are angry…’ or ‘Questions are being asked…’ or ‘Sources are saying’?
Especially when run without the detail on the substance that was a least provided in the Mail quote.
As we wait for you to compose the next pearl this may explain your irregular visits, whilst being of value and comfort:
Whatever your feeling about Today’s combative style and whether it is an effective method for political interviews, there’s no reason why it should be assumed to be by default the best format for arts coverage. Instead, what we got was an attempt to turn it into a boxing match, with general harrumphing from the BBC when Linehan made it clear he wasn’t going to take the bait. How frustrating that such an opportunity to talk about cultural products is wasted in the hands of people who seem only capable of thinking in terms of Westminster-style bunfights.
He’s quite right, though the Today programme’s useless coverage of science, complete with Humph’s proudly ignorant sniggers and sneers, is at least as bad.
P.S. Scott, Today also has a big problem with political bias!
Well, he’s right, yes. I knew nothing of Linehan but from the little I heard on the clip posted here, I found his observations very interesting on the subject of writing a script and the problems involved. I would have liked to hear more from him as writer and they could easily have got that, (well, not the Webb monster, probably; that would be going too far!), if they had had an interview with him rather than an ambush for a mock fight with Michael Billington.
Graham Linehan wrote ‘Father Ted’, along with ‘Black Books’ and ‘The IT Crowd’ – all Channel 4 comedies. I think they’re some of the funniest TV comedies of the last twenty years (not that there’s been a lot of competition!). As you say, to hear from someone like that on how he writes – maybe with the odd joke thrown in for good measure! – rather than being fed some hot-cross bunfight (to slightly adapt Scott’s image) staged by the Today programme would have been a lot more interesting.
Sorry, this is my third attempt to reply to this – I think the JS-Kit commenting system is halving a few hiccups today…
I sometimes post here as either Scott or Scott M, depending on which authentication method JS-Kit deigns to allow me to use that day. However, I have never posted on notasheep’s blog, which is not one I’m in the habit of reading at all.
Beeboid wet dreams….On this morning’s Newswatch was a piece about how the public was wrong to think that reading the news off an autocue was easy. I wasn’t paying full attention to the item, but it involved them putting a member of the public in front of the camera in the news studio and running them through increasingly different scenarios.
They started off with her just reading the news, then tried her interviewing someone over a video link which they then “cut off”. The purpose was to show us how difficult it was to cope, but as it happens the woman did rather well.
As the tests got harder they got to the bit where she had to interrupt an interview to bring a bit of “breaking news” to the viewer. Of all the pretend breaking news stories they might have gone for, eg Queen dead or earthquake in London etc, what did they settle for?
“The coaliton has fallen, Dave and Nick have fallen out”
ha ha beeboid who came up with that, I really hope you have to wait a full term before your dream comes true.
BBC. Because of their personal political prejudices their commentators will never give a balanced political insight. They can’t understand that Britain is a country of conservatism and personal aspiration – we are just not interested in their collectivist or corporatist utopia. Their precious Nu Labour Party was for a moment the vehicle of their ambitions – but now without Blair it retreats into being a narrow minded public sector trades union.
The No to AV vote was a major watershed that the BBC didn’t understand.
I did and I was reminded of that Norwegian soccer commentator from some years ago.
‘Polly Toynbee, Eddie Izzard, Lord Hattersley, Lord Kinnock, Lady Kinnock, can you hear me? Benjamin Zephaniah/Tony Robinson* (*delete where appropriate) Stephen Fry, Ed Milliband….your boys took a hellova beating!!
R4 ” Week at Westminster” with Left-wing journalist Peter Riddell ( next week is Left-wing journalist Steve Richards ) was a pretty unremitting attack on the Government even claiming Ed Miliband tore a strip off David Cameron at PMQs. (I didn’t see it , but all the other reports suggested Miliband performed poorly).
But, what’s this ? Riddell led with what a bad week it was for the coalition, but no mention of the Balls scandal. Guess they just ran out of time.
INBBC: criticise CIA, but favour Pakistan’s many Bin Laden supporters.
The Islamic political slant of this INBBC (Urdu as well?) propaganda -which we finance- is to show ‘understanding’ towards Pakistan’s supporters of mass murdering Islamic jihadist supremo Bin Laden, and expect some American apology for killing him!
Ducking the chance of coming on and muttering ‘I think we got it about right’ in person, they refer in glowing terms to a frozen image of Editor Jeremy Hillman.
Might be worth seeing how is ‘defence’ was treated without the BBC edit suite pumping out from Land’s End to John O’Groats selected highlights.. er.. one weasel in an ‘enhanced form’ for broadcast:
As written elsewhere, the autocutie critic did rather better than the svelte, multi-hundred thousand £ market rate talents might have hoped.
One also could not help but wonder if she might be in line for a call to enrol, though she might need to invest in a few gallons of peroxide and some other personal presentation ‘tweaks’ first, that the ever ‘ism aware BBC would not dare to contravene for fear of saying one thing but doing another… one is sure.
So, look out Emily Maitless.
Ann, hit twitter now and make an utter twat of yourself slamming Ms. Palin to try and up the cred with the gals of Notting Hill 90210, and I think you’re in with a chance!
And remember, if the earpiece tells you it is all true,… it must be! It’s the BBC, after all.
Why did Fazul Abdullah Mohammed play a key role in the 1998 US embassy bombings in East Africa? Why did Comoros Islands born Mohhammed join al-Qaeda in Afghanistan during the 1990s? Why did he bomb a beach resort in Kikambala, Kenya, which left 13 people dead, and an attempt to shoot down an Israeli passenger aircraft?
I see that the article constantly refers to him as Mr(!) Mohammed!
We must give the “militants” due courtesy, musn’t we?
What next? Mr Hitler, Mr Stalin, Mr Pol Pot?
Yes, exactly; and INBBC doesn’t even go to its own (if rare reports) on Islamic jihad mass murders in KENYA, 1998, Peter Taylor did an excellent series, e.g.’The Age of Terror’ on BBC 2.
This video may be limited access to some comments here, but it’s not to INBBC who should use it on its news broadcasts NOW.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) has revised its report, excluding, by its own deliberately misleading self-censorship rules, any reference to the centrally important motivation of ‘Islamic jihad’ –
“Fazul Abdullah Mohammed: Death is ‘blow’ for al-Qaeda”
Not sure if anyone else heard this on Saturday Edition on 5 Live just a few moments ago, but some BBC news chick just swore up and down that Anthony Weiner’s last name was pronounced Whiner. She added that nothing was really new about this situation so move along nothing to see here.
Then she managed to hammer Andrew Breitbart for standing up for himself after Weiner had managed to lie about him creating this.
Nice example of BBC bullshit in one tiny package…as it were.
Any mention that the Congressman accused somebody of a federal crime and then accused Bretibart of abeting that crime just to cover up his own actions?
Not much is likely to come of any BBC-NUJ proposal for ‘cuts’ in spending on its own empire; it rarely does.
The vast global empire of the BBC-NUJ is about to inherit the empire of World Service, with the finance being paid in future by British people in the supplicant role of licencepayers rather than as taxpayers. Same difference.
So, if cuts are to come, they will not affect the heads of the BBC-NUJ imperial empire in London, but will be applied to the BBC-NUJ native ‘colonials’ overseas. But how will INBBC manage without its wonderful Islamic staff who give us the pro-Islamic political line about ‘militants’ in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Nigeria, etc.?
Of course, it can rely on Bowen, Simpson, Donnison, Connolly, Casciani, Plett, Guerin, Doucet, etc, etc, etc.
Speaking of jobs and cuts, no sign of that at Beeboidland. Look who has just found a berth in the Beeboid news after falling out with bosses elsewhere, apparently over untidy hair, of all things. Elsewhere of course being C4. Where else?
Miss Ahmed has secured work at the BBC. It is understood she will feature on Radio 4 shows such as PM and The World At One.
Oh what a lovely day !
Fazul Abedullah Mohammed is still dead.
Anthony Weiner is enjoying a much deserved holiday given all his recent “exposure” and resultant theatrical performances in front of proper cameras.
It’s now Sir Brucie for services to himself.
The Milliband’s are squabbling openly.
The BBC have sent all staff who got the short straw and had to cover Trooping The Colour on a trauma counselling soiree.
Never mind, there’s work to be done for the others back at Bush House. All those lewd Sarah Palin e-mails will require concentration and a great deal of mis-interpretational skills.
But I’ve saved the best bit until last :
Dez has just kindly supplied us with the telephone number of the NHS.
Whilst I’m not surprised he knows it off by heart, I’m not certain I’m sure why he is sharing this top secret information with us.
The bBC and when Muslims do the killing
Have you read the news lately? The Syrian Army on the rampage against civilians. The Taliban on the rampage against civilians. Sudan on the rampage against civilians. It’s a busy world out there when it comes to a certain religion of peace and how it puts into action its mission statement as written down in its holybook and yet in all of the above the bBC mutes on how Muslims..yes Muslims kill those who object to being told what to do by those with a Koran in one hand and an Ak47 in the other.
Take for example the coverage from Syria. Yesterday the bBC aired a spot on how the locals are bemoaning the inactivity by the west in helping them fight the Assads by condensing it down to the fact that Syria doesn’t have any Oil. (Actually Syria does have Oil maybe not as much as Iran/Iraq/Kuwait etc.. but it does produce Oil)But hang on if the situation in Syria is so bad, why isn’t the bBC sending its ace reporters on-mass to the region. I mean Its not as if Abu Bowen has far to go seeing as he lives in..Lebanon. Yet for all the deaths in Syria (More than carried out by Israel in over 60 years) there appears to be little condemnation by the bBC. Silly me I forgot the beeb is supposed to be impartial which is why it hasn’t taken sides in the Syrian conflict. Yup that must be it. I mean according to the bBC the unrest in Syria is been committed by nasty people, that they killed 120 policemen and that the bBC cannot report from the area due to the Syrians closing the border (funny how that didn’t stop the bBC from reporting from: Afghasntan,Libya darkest Iraq during the wars) Its as if the bBC is trying not to report what is happening in Syria (Well Abu Bowen is on the Guest list in Damascus) That same blinked stance is repeated in Afghanistan. Sudan in fact anywhere where Muslims are killing for the sake of killing and the bBC ensures it censors the reports in which to make the aggressor the victim and the victim the aggressor . So as to ensure the sanctity of Islam is kept blemish free.
Now contrast how the bBC reports against the US,UK, India and Israel?
“Sudan in fact anywhere where Muslims are killing for the sake of killing and the bBC ensures it censors the reports in which to make the aggressor the victim and the victim the aggressor . So as to ensure the sanctity of Islam is kept blemish free.”
The bBC and its ingrained hatred for Israel.
While the dictators for life in the Islamic world kill those who object to them lording it at their expense (Libya/Yeman/Syria/Iran etc..)
The bBC continues its policy of misdirection by looking instead at Israel as the only country in the region as the reason for Islamic angst. Yes Israel the only country in the region which not only affords equality to women, homosexuals and minorities , but actually affords more rights (As little as they are) to Palestinians than any other Islamic country in the region is yet again the target for a bBC article on the injustices which drive Muslims to seek justice.
So according to the bBC the reason why people are willing to die in which to cross into Israel is because Israel stole the land in 1967 and that anybody willing to die for $50 can only be right.
Interesting how the bBC leaves out such salient snippets why Israel took the Golan heights in the first place. You know that snippet about how Syria was cutting off all the rivers which ran in Israel, how they would fire artillery (Based in the Golan) into Israel just because they couldand how in 1973 during the Yom Kippur war , Syria after virtually taking back the Golan heights lost it all when they over stretched themselves by sending their tanks into Israel and leaving themselves open to a counter attack by Laner and his brigade of Sherman tanks(the bBCs so called defence expert really should read how the 30 year old M4 tanks took out over 100 brand new T54/55 Iraqi tanks for no loss as they rushed to support their Syrians brothers.)
Anyway I digress, while the bBC openly opines about the Syrian lament they leave out facts how actually the Israelis issued warnings to the protesters who descended on the border, and that after they fired tear gas and warning shots over the heads of the advancing crowd everybody bar one group retreated. That group which declared they had no problem becoming martyrs then climbed over the fence and were shot as they attacked the Israeli forces with stones. (As reported by the guardian)
Anybody with half a braincell can see that this was simply a regurgitation of that old Islamic staple of deflecting attention away from themselves by pointing at Israel. Everybody that is bar the impartial reporters at the bBC that is.
and it appears that many of the deaths among the rent-a-mob were caused when the fools chucked Molotov cocktails into the Syrian minefield they were trying to cross ?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you’ll find that the Aussie socialist is our International Development Secretary, Andrew Mitchell, who recently said we ought to be proud to be an ‘Aid Superpower!’
This explains Red Andy’s fawning interview with him. I assume he would have had to adjust his prejudices and make him an honorary Socialist to be so nice to him.
An interview in today’s Sunday Telegraph with Fatty Patty confirms what most of on this website already know , that he is an unreconstructed BBC-loving Leftie who doesn’t see anything much wrong with the Corporation and is going to do precisely nothing. A waste of space and money.
“I think Humprhys, Naughtie and Evan Davis are very good, not perfect, but very good. Martha Kearney is I think a really,really good presenter and interviewer. On television , at his best, old Paxo is pretty good “.
Jolly good old Paxo, I say !
Fatty wasn’t asked what he thinks of Jeremy Bowen !
“Lord Patten has said his love of the BBC World Service made protecting it a “priority” – particularly the “core” Arabic, Somali and Hindi services.”
Of course he does; the BBC-NUJ will now force us British licencepayers to pay for the World Service and for all its global staff, so that anti-British, pro-Islamic ani-Christian propaganda is put out daily.
Why should Patten and BBC-NUJ be financed by the British people to perpetuate their cultural global empire? While the BBC-NUJ politics is that British troops should get out of Afghanistan, it is even keener BBC-NUJ political policy that it shouls expand in Islamic Arabia ‘core’, so that it can spread Muslim Brfotherhood propaganda, etc. on the lines of its chums, Al Jazeera.
The British people who pay the licence fee want cuts to World Service which is a financial extravagance to indulge BBC-NUJ global politics.
Such cut are a first step to ending the BBC-NUJ’s leftist cultural imperialism.
So some memos have been leaked showing mean-spritied plotting to get Blair to step down in favor of Brown. The BBC article about Ed Balls hitting back (not defending, mind, as when Tories are in this position, but hitting back) includes a link to the Telegraph where the memos are posted.
Yet when it comes to the emails of the Governor of an obscure US state which have nothing whatsoever to do with the circumstances behind her run for VP, the BBC not only links to other papers who are putting up the emails, but posts a PDF file of selected emails right there on the BBC website.
Why is one worthy of the BBC bandwidth and the other isn’t? Why is one so important that the BBC posts the file, but the other one isn’t?
How did Paddy O’Connell (a BBC presenter with an established track-record of sticking up for the Labour Party) deal with the latest Balls-Brown-Blair revelations today? Like this (on Broadcasting House):
“But let’s look back for a second to events at home. Gordon Brown and Tony Blair hit the headlines again (“again” said in a contemptuous tone of voice). The press reports revived all that silly old tittle-tattle that they didn’t get along, that they even bickered over power. If you pick this up in the news you might also remember another item that’s made it to our quiz…”
And that was it. The quiz followed.
Later however, and returning to events back home – this time for more than a second -, the biased presenter said, “The jazz man Ken Clarke has hit a bum note. The host of ‘Jazz Greats’ here on Radio 4, who doubles up as Justice Secretary, had his plans for sentencing reform scrapped. By David Cameron. The musician Julian Joseph told me how jazz men pick themselves up in life and in music when they hit the wrong key.”
A feature followed, and Ken Clarke’s “bum notes” and “slips” were furthered discussed.
The contrast tells you all you need to know about this most biased of BBC Radio 4 current affairs programmes (despite some stiff competition).
That said, the paper review today was a real laugh, not that Paddy O’Connell sounded as if he was enjoying it – except for Chris Neill’s contributions. Praise for private universities and the Daily Mail, a denunciation of Rowan Williams for attacking the Big Society…
…and someone brought up Janet Daley on the Balls-Brown-Blair story. Oh dear!! Paddy had to step in, asking plaintively, “Are you all surprised by the amount of Millibanderie there is in the papers? Would you all have a review of this?”
From the gusto with which his guests stuck into the story, the answer was clearly ‘Yes!’ The boot was stuck into Ed Miliband with a vengeance.
That was the most entertaining BH paper review I’ve ever heard.
They boasted of their “exclusive access” to a survey by the Museums Association on the effect of cuts on museums. A museum curator broke into tears during the following report, because of the cuts.Then there was an interview with Turner Prize-winning artist Jeremy Deller, who believes that the cuts to museums are wrong. And that was it: No government response, no alternative point of view.
Not mentioned by Shaun Ley of the fact that Jeremy Deller campaigned for the Labour Party at the last election (which might colour his view of Tory-led government cuts). Nor is it likely that the team behind The World This Weekend would have been unaware that Mr Deller signed an open letter to Jeremy Hunt, printed in The Guardian (of course) last year, opposing any future cuts in public funding for the arts.
I remember some comment about the case of a black councillor in Bristol who called another councillor a coconut and was had up for racism.
Now the Mail on Sunday is running a bit of a sob story about this racist who is complaining bitterly about political correctness (oh, the irony):
Shirley believes her experience illustrates that a dangerous emphasis has been placed on political correctness in modern Britain.
‘I understand that the law is there to protect people from prejudice but I feel we’ve reached a point where people are terrified to say anything at all if it involves another culture or race for fear it is misinterpreted. If people don’t feel they can speak out, it is dangerous.
‘I think my punishment was so extreme because the case was public, so the police and the Crown Prosecution Service felt they had to respond in a way that proved they were taking it seriously. But the wrong people are being prosecuted just to make a point.
‘I also worry that what happened to me will set a legal precedent that will pave the way for more of these sort of cases.’
Always guaranteed to get lefty pulses racing, here’s a little something from Richard Littlejohn in today’s Mail on Sunday.
It’s not just the BBC’s national TV and radio stations who constantly portray the ‘cuts’ as a crime against humanity.
Local news programmes are ten times worse. I’ve heard from a film editor in one of the regions who was putting together a package about budget savings.
The reporter involved wanted to know why he’d included a Tory spokesman, as well as the usual procession of anti-cuts agitators. The editor explained it was in the interests of fairness and balance.
‘Are you a Tory?’ he was asked accusingly.
‘Well, I voted for them,’ he said.
‘I didn’t know you were a fascist,’ the reporter spat, telling him to leave the Tory on the cutting room floor. Said reporter has apparently gone on to greater things.
But this little cameo illustrates the mindset of the people who bring you the BBC’s ‘impartial’ bulletins.
Never mind the lame News Quiz joke about the ‘cuts’, the only C-word the BBC considers offensive these days is ‘Conservative’.
Syria is the main story on the BBC website. Under the main article is another entitled Syria: Middle East media ponder foreign intervention, sampling newspapers from various countries. Left till last are two articles from Israel. One is (inevitably) from Ha’aretz…
And as an occupier that itself used, and still uses, weapons against Palestinian civilians in the territories and in Israel, Israel is far from having earned the right to denounce others.
The other is from Arab Israeli paper Sawt al-Haq wal-Hurriyah, which says…
Where was Clinton’s ‘humanity’ when the Israeli occupation forces shed the blood of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank…?
So, the only two articles the BBC deigns to select from Israel and both of them denounce Israel.
Credit where it is so very occasionally due – this File on Four edition details Iran’s support of the Taliban and Hamas. More detail than I have ever heard elsewhere in the BBC.
But it then goes soft, I think, on whether we are being tough enough on Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and is far too weak in questioning the usual dhimmi Foreign Office Minister :
On Radio 5 Listeners sunday morning before the Garry sporty fellow programme there were a couple of young people doing a programme. I suppose they would each describe themselves as ‘broadcaster and journalist’, but ‘reader-outers’ would be nearer the mark.
They had a shill in from the BMA and the female reader-outer read out a prepared list of questions to which the shill gave his prepared list of answers. It was all about how simply awful it is that Diageo is sponsoring a programme for midwives.
The questions were bog standard BB Coots Corporation fare of the ‘How uncomfortable are you…’ type, where the interviewee gets steered towards the answers the droid wants to hear, and of course ants the nation to hear.
The BMA shill was of course ‘very uncomfortable’.
I don’t know whether the shill sent in the list of questions he wanted to be asked, whether the droids prepared them and sent them off to the shill for approval, or whether the two parties sat down together before the programme and knocked them up.
Whichever, it was a complete and utter embarrassment.
“Christine Lagarde has won support from Egypt, Indonesia, and the United Arab Emirates in the race to become head of the International Monetary Fund.
Ministers in the respective government said on Sunday that she would be the best choice.
This development followed news that Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer had joined the IMF presidential race.”
Of course, they all say that La Lagarde is the best man for the job. But you just know that there is now way that the the three countries with that all-important common denominator, would be able to tell their capitals that they would back Fischer.
by a BBC-favoured former Conservative hanger-on, one Derek Laud, known for being that rare thing, a black, gay Tory toff – has the accent an’ all. He used to work for the Conservative party but has a very murky past including some run-ins with the law, for which reason he has sometimes been referred to as Laud the Fraud. He was a member of the Monday Club and liked to boast that he was called Golly by his colleagues as a nickname.
He is much given to hanging out with posh types in the country – hunts with the county set, for example, and name-drops the likes of the wife of Prince Charles to impress the impressionable. I think he lives in the house of some posh gent in the country. It is also said on Wikki that he is friends with Samantha Cameron’s family – they are titled folk of course – and is supposed to be a friend of the PM’s if you can believe Wiki.
This shady character turned up on Big Brother, on the back of which he was courted by the Beeboid Corporation and invited on to Question Time once, and the occasional other programme such as The Culture Show (natch) and given a job in the property section of the Mail on Sunday writing features on posh country houses and the like. Now it seems he has still some sort of berth at the Mail on Sunday and according to Wiki, blogs for The Telegraph.
I don’t think I have ever seen such a savaging of a politician unless you count some of the viler samples of journalism directed at Mrs Thatcher or say, Sarah Palin and it’s even worse than that in accusing Bercow of the worst thing that you can be accused of these days – and I don’t mean murder or child abuse or anything like that. What -or who- lies behind this? I wonder.
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A tenous connection with BBC bias, but I hope BBBC bloggers will indulge me with this quote :-
” There are no bonds between the Government and the people. For all alike, the Government is the power which drives the people to hunger and death. The administration is devoid of authority. Public life is full of anarchy. Every step taken by the Government increases the hatred the people feel for it. All officials accept bribes and are capable of every sort of corruption and abuse. Justice has entirely stopped. The police do not function. Economic life is breaking down. People and Government employees have no confidence in the future “
Re. above. A letter from Brigadier Mustafa Kemal ( later Ataturk ) to Enver Pasha ( among other things, Minister of War in the Ottoman Government ) in September 1917.
Where is the British Ataturk ?
Cameron ? Clegg ? Miliband ? How about Vince Cable ? 😀
None of the above, they created the mess we are in now. Not one of them could sweep a street, let alone run a whelk stall.
Sorry, Grant, but none of those are even thinking about de-Islamizing Britain. No Ataturks there.
I cannot watch the coverage or lack of from the ministry but how is the Balls doing ? i mean he should be ok as their nowt the beebs like more then looking out for a pair of Ed’s !!
Old Blinky? He’s blustering, as usual – “not guilty, m’lud”….
There’s something shifty and unpleasant about the Balls cove. He has the air about him of one who might smell a bit greasy and/or sweaty, and who may have a penchant for poking holes in the the wall of the ladies’ changing room at a swimming pool or lido.
Just a personal observation, mind.
If Balls ever ventures North of the Border, we are going to lock up our sheep.
Some Labour Lord just denied there was ever any trouble and it’s just false hysteria ginned up by the Conservatives’ friends in the media. He even scolded the BBC “newsroom” for making things up.
I don’t see why this would harm Balls at all, really. And I think the Beeboids know it and have no trouble running with this story. If anything, it makes Balls to look rather powerful in the party.
To my surprise, Jo Coburn gave the repulsively oily Liam Byrne a grilling on Balls, so to speak, on “The Daily Politics” today.
She was , not very subtely, implying Balls is a liar and his chances of the leadership are gone. Even left-wing journo guest Steve Richards was nodding in agreement !
Some Labour MP was on R5L earlier denouncing this as politics at it’s worst. He was refering to the hoo-har about it not the actual story.
Irony overload.
Anyone think the US economy is in the toilet and the President’s plans are screwing it up? Not to worry, here’s the ever-helpful Mark Mardell to explain it to you:
Obama needs to hone economic message to win in 2012
Just like anything else the BBC favors but realizes the public doesn’t, if you don’t agree with them it’s only because you don’t understand and need to have it explained to you better.
Mardell’s criticism of the President is that He’s not inspiring the faithful enough.
At the moment he hardly seems to be trying. Perhaps it is the old Obama cool: Don’t change the strategy because of a few bad figures, keep your powder dry until next year, don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes and all that.
He’s certainly shooting blanks at the moment. Today he made another of those slightly forlorn forays into the real world, to talk about the issue that worries Americans the most. He does it regularly. Just about every week. It rarely gets reported.
A moment’s pause while we all stop laughing at that last bit. I can think of quite a number of things that rarely get reported by the BBC. What a joke.
Today’s trip to a community college in Virginia earns him this tiny headline in the Washington Post: “Obama: More job training programs will boost manufacturing sector and drive economic growth.”
Unbelievable. Even while Mardell dares to criticize his beloved Obamessiah ever so slightly for not inspiring the faithful enough, it’s STILL NOT HIS FAULT because those apostates at the WaPo don’t give Him the coverage He deserves.
Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.
I Corinthians 4:2
If you think the US economy isn’t going to be fixed by The Obamessiah, it’s only because you need to have your faith restored by an inspiring speech, and the US media needs to step up to the plate and help Him.
Current US unemployment figures are terrible – especially among blacks and Hispanics. Nothing about this from Mardell.
Mardell says Obama needs to “hone” his message – to sharpen it. Tjhat is utter rubbish – what Obama needs to do is completely change his economic policies. The way to deal with debt and deficit and restore some economic confidence is NOT to spend more and more money that the country has not got, but to restrain public expenditure and endless taxes and regulations so that the private sector feels confidence in hiring. But Beeboids like Mardell will not understand that, any more than the Today team does.
US unemployment trends :
“strategy” ? What strategy ? Mardell is a comedian.
Perhaps it is the old Obama cool
substitute “cool” with “incompetence”
I just realized that, in his ignorance of the US, Mardell accidentally made his beloved Obamessiah look bad. When trying to claim that the President is coolly waiting until things get serious to bring the big guns, he adds what he thinks is a cliché: “don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes”.
What the ignorant buffoon doesn’t know is that this isn’t a cliché about the strategy he thinks it is but is an actual quote from a very real historical event – the Battle of Bunker Hill in the US Revolutionary War – where the troops didn’t have enough bullets and were ordered to wait until the last moment so as not to waste what little they had left.
In other words, if we take Mardell at his word, he means that the President has very little ammo left to save Himself and is desperately waiting until the election date gets close.
Just substitute the “c” with an “f” – that’s all that’s required…
who said ‘funt’?
BBC doing another segment on the e-coli outbreak just now. Once again they censor the word “organic”. This outbreak happened because of unsafe practices which are used exclusively in organic farms. And the BBC hides that key fact from you because of their ideology.
Yet another discussion of the drought conditions on the News Channel includes the Narrative. This time it’s in the form of “….as Climate Change shows itself in different ways…”
It can be anything and everything. There is no escape from this religious faith.
if ever there was a case for removing blind faith religiosity from the tv,it is the cult of climate change utter borefest drivel
and your kids are being brainwashed with this crap day in and day out at school
Lunchtime news “Live from London” talking about the drought in the SE. Its was raining cats and dogs. Backdrop used? Sunny Thames hmmmm
That’s why Fiona Bruce started the news broadcast at the top of the hour by saying that even if it’s raining where you are, parts of England really are officially having a drought.
Well, to be fair, just because it’s raining today (lots and lots and lots happily) doesn’t mean that they’re making it up about the drought. Here in our part of the Weald we’ve had the following:
February: Almost permanent rain.
March: NO rain. Nada. Not a drop. Blazing hot and bright into the bargain.
April: NO rain. Nada. Not a drop. Even more blazing hot and bright into the bargain.
May: 90 minutes or so at the beginning of the month, otherwise see March and April. Oh, and hotter still.
June: It’s started to rain heavens hard this week. For this I’m humbly grateful.
So that is a drought, and Fiona’s right. She’s bound to be occasionally. Sorry.
Oh, and weather bods and news bods who, in the middle of a drought, talk about ‘glorious sunshine’ (goofy grin) or the ‘risk’ of rain (downcast, end of the world) should be enrolled in the meat suit and hungry carnivores programme I devised for Marcus Prickstocke on another thread.
Anyone else think that, considering all the butchery being done by various Mohammedan leaders from Libya to Syria to Yemen, that Mubarak is looking better and better by the day? He stepped down, he didn’t bomb his own people. When given the choice between butchering his own people to cling to power or walking away, Mubarak walked away.
The Beeboids hate him most, though, because he’s the only one of them who made peace with Israel and didn’t support Hamas.
Anyone else thinking that Sandy Trotsky will spend half of the News Quiz programme mocking The Mail and the person who dared to complain about her ‘joke’.
Wow! How about this for bias.
Always amusing to see a Beeboid think they can tell which way a moral compass is supposed to point. Flanders is all over the place there in her attempt to show that IDS is heartless and the ArchBeard was right about how awful the Tory policies will be.
But then at the end she admits he’s actually right anyway.
You might wonder why an economist should engage with all this. But of course, this is all about economics too. When it comes to welfare reform, questions of religious faith, political theory, economics and behavioural psychology all converge on the same basic issue.
That is because when you give help to people in bad circumstances, you are likely to change their behaviour as well as their income, with possibly long-term consequences for society as well as the economy. The debate is over how – and how much – to take those consequences into account in providing that initial support.
So Flanders knows deep down that IDS is right after all, even though she spends the entire time telling you he isn’t. No, Stephanie, I don’t wonder at all why an economist like you is engaged in this discussion. I know you’re here to attack your ideological opponents. That last line is your excuse for doing it here.
Yes, blatant bias from the BBC’s economics and business genius, Stephanie !
Be fair to the poor girl: she’s probably still practising signing “Mrs Stephanie Balls” in the back of her school books.
If you are highly taxed this inhibits enterprise. Why attempt to make money if you take all the risk, and somebody else takes most of your reward, if you succeed.
This is obvious,
But things look very different if you are a parasite. All leeches believe in high taxes. This is why professional politicians and expenses fiddling are practically synonymous.
The reason why Leftists obsess so much about “issues” [much commentated upon on these pages] is not because they care about any reality other than themselves – a true Leftist has absolutely no interest whether or not their “policies” actually do harm or good – nor is it simply a case of promising utopias in order to get power. It is a way of protecting themselves from their own vileness.
Their greed is a fee for fighting (on your behalf) for the public good.
Their envy is fighting (on their behalf) for the vulnerable in society.
Their narcissicism is fighting (on its behalf) for the planet!
The Left are fully aware how posionous they are, which is why Leftist drama (and comedy) is so full of obnoxious people (they are talking about themselves) and why when when they try to write about “good people” it is pathetically unconvincing, because they are not drawing upon any reality.
The reason why a Left Fest such as Newsnight has reports in which journalists go to Salford in order to tell us how poor people live, is not simply the joy of finger wagging, it is how a parasite who lives off the backs of the poor justify their existence to themselves.
A Leftist (almost by definition) is somebody who cares only about themselves. A system in which they have to concern themselves with what other want (as opposed to what they think they should have) is their version of hell.
Real hell (for the psychologically adjusted) of course is a Leftist utopia.
You are right. So long as their own nests are well feathered, Lefties don’t give a damn about anyone else.
The BBC’s relentless anti-Palin agenda on show once again in its Quiz of the Week.
Btw. anybody else having problems logging in to comments via Google profile? Had to sign in with Blogger today.
It happened to me a few days ago. Eventually I managed to get back in. I think I changed my password and that worked.
Except she didn’t rewrite history. The ignorant Leftoid media where the BBC gets their information did, and they’re too partisan and stupid to know the difference.
I see the Guardian is going balls deep over the Palin emails. They’ve even got a dedicated Twitter account about it, FFS. And if something is big news to the Guardian you can guarantee it will be big news to the BBC.
It was already breathlessly mentioned on the News Channel as a way to find out just how she behaved as Governor. I’ve got $100 that says more Beeboids will read these emails than did the ones from the CRU.
can’t for the life of me recall the beeb’s favourite shitrag going balls deep over Obama not actually knowing how many states were in the USA……
oh….that’s right
they turned a blind lefty retard eye to that particular howler
Another biased tweet from Katty Kay. She either doesn’t know that Rep. Weiner accused someone of a federal crime and someone else of abetting that federal crime, or simply doesn’t care. Either way she’s revealing her personal opinion on whether or not a US Congressman should resign. Would she feel differently if it was her daughter being preyed on?
Don’t know how the resident spelling wasps missed another juicy typo, but I guess it was from the hive and doesn’t count. Uniquely.
Actually, I think it is a top piece of Onomatopoeia.
Next time a Beeboid says ‘Quesions will be asked..’ that pretty much sums up how most subjected to their efforts must feel in their gut about the agenda behind the narrative behind the ‘reporting’.
Just for future reference:
I’m expecting that if there is a second flotilla and should any trouble arise I somehow expect the BBC to point out that the “humanitarians” on the first flotilla were unarmed when they were attacked.
Or maybethey weren’t….
As George R would say, Not for INBBC: Guess which ethnic group in Canada is the victim of the most hate crimes.
Statistics Canada says that 54 per cent of the crimes were motivated by race or ethnicity, 29 per cent by religion and 13 per cent by sexual orientation.
Out of the religion-motivated offenses, those against the Jewish faith accounted for 71 per cent of the crimes.
Who could have imagined? Not the BBC, and they won’t report it even if they find out. After all, they censored all news of what’s been happening to the Jews of Malmö, and censored all news of the Jewish-related activities the Dutch police got scolded for doing. They probably agree with the mayor of Malmö, shrug their shoulders, and say the Jews deserve what they get for supporting Israel and being the root cause for most problems in the Middle East.
How our ‘ne..views’ is ‘created’…
‘He explained that he had been rung by a desperate researcher, trying to set up an argument that didn’t really exist, and anxious to find anyone to take up a position. He had only done it, he said, because they pleaded. And offered him a fee.’
Peanuts. Monkeys. Unique.
‘It can’t be true… er… shouldn’t be paid heed to, because it’s in the Daily Mail,’ they cried…
‘The reporter involved wanted to know why he’d included a Tory spokesman, as well as the usual procession of anti-cuts agitators. The editor explained it was in the interests of fairness and balance.
‘Are you a Tory?’ he was asked accusingly.
‘Well, I voted for them,’ he said.
‘I didn’t know you were a fascist,’ the reporter spat, telling him to leave the Tory on the cutting room floor. Said reporter has apparently gone on to greater things.’
Unless of course, ‘they’ feel it is OK…
So much to do… so little time.. so many standards.
My Site,
I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell you this (your friends are probably too terrified to say anything), but you’ve just quoted Richard Littlejohn as “evidence” of “something or other”.
You can contact NHS direct on 0845 4647.
Cracking joke, Dezzie, had me in stitches. Who said Lefties don’t have a sense of humour ?
Somehow I sense a certain sarcasm creeping into our relationship?
If you “sense” it, then it’s hardly a question is it ?
And god knows what Grant will make of all this creeping.
Hit me while I’m down why don’t you 🙁
😎 Biff! Bash! Wallop! Thump. There…take that, you rotter. >:o
Any credibility I have on this website is now shot to pieces !
feck me grant
a creepy leftoid stalker
that’s all you need mate!! 😉
I take full responsibility for encouraging him and lessons have been learned ! 😀
‘you’ve just quoted Richard Littlejohn as “evidence” of “something or other”.
So, other than proving my point, nothing but a petty vulture cherry licking swoop with no substance? Again.
No response to the BBC’s lack of connection between green policy and energy prices? Or that best buds who also seem to earn living only by sneering at the DM suddenly finding it good enough to sell their ‘talents’ too when it suits?
At least there was an actual fact included, albeit in support of the ‘joke’.
Accepting the ‘two wrongs’ aspect (but this site is about the performance of a medium ‘we’ have no choice but to fund) as you and your fellow travelers are so keen on asking questions, just wondering how you feel about any BBC (or Crick or Robinson headlined ‘scoop’) piece based on ‘Critics are angry…’ or ‘Questions are being asked…’ or ‘Sources are saying’?
Especially when run without the detail on the substance that was a least provided in the Mail quote.
As we wait for you to compose the next pearl this may explain your irregular visits, whilst being of value and comfort:
Until the next time…. 😉
My site,
Was cherry “licking” a typo for “picking” ? Be careful, Dezzie might start stalking you, much to my relief !
I fear that Scottie has appeared on my site to pass comment; this does not bode well.
Talking of Scott, he (of all people!) is having a go at the Today programme on his own blog at The Stage:
Good arts coverage? Not Today, thank you
Whatever your feeling about Today’s combative style and whether it is an effective method for political interviews, there’s no reason why it should be assumed to be by default the best format for arts coverage.
Instead, what we got was an attempt to turn it into a boxing match, with general harrumphing from the BBC when Linehan made it clear he wasn’t going to take the bait.
How frustrating that such an opportunity to talk about cultural products is wasted in the hands of people who seem only capable of thinking in terms of Westminster-style bunfights.
He’s quite right, though the Today programme’s useless coverage of science, complete with Humph’s proudly ignorant sniggers and sneers, is at least as bad.
P.S. Scott, Today also has a big problem with political bias!
Well, he’s right, yes. I knew nothing of Linehan but from the little I heard on the clip posted here, I found his observations very interesting on the subject of writing a script and the problems involved. I would have liked to hear more from him as writer and they could easily have got that, (well, not the Webb monster, probably; that would be going too far!), if they had had an interview with him rather than an ambush for a mock fight with Michael Billington.
Graham Linehan wrote ‘Father Ted’, along with ‘Black Books’ and ‘The IT Crowd’ – all Channel 4 comedies. I think they’re some of the funniest TV comedies of the last twenty years (not that there’s been a lot of competition!). As you say, to hear from someone like that on how he writes – maybe with the odd joke thrown in for good measure! – rather than being fed some hot-cross bunfight (to slightly adapt Scott’s image) staged by the Today programme would have been a lot more interesting.
Is he the same as Scott and is Scott and / or Scottie also the same as Scott M?
Millie, yes they are all the same Scott.
Sorry, this is my third attempt to reply to this – I think the JS-Kit commenting system is halving a few hiccups today…
I sometimes post here as either Scott or Scott M, depending on which authentication method JS-Kit deigns to allow me to use that day. However, I have never posted on notasheep’s blog, which is not one I’m in the habit of reading at all.
Well that makes sense !
Thanks, Craig!
Yes, I noticed that !
Closed quick.
not a bit of wonder
liebore getting ripped apart again on toenails’ blog
he must be raging LOL
Beeboid wet dreams….On this morning’s Newswatch was a piece about how the public was wrong to think that reading the news off an autocue was easy. I wasn’t paying full attention to the item, but it involved them putting a member of the public in front of the camera in the news studio and running them through increasingly different scenarios.
They started off with her just reading the news, then tried her interviewing someone over a video link which they then “cut off”. The purpose was to show us how difficult it was to cope, but as it happens the woman did rather well.
As the tests got harder they got to the bit where she had to interrupt an interview to bring a bit of “breaking news” to the viewer. Of all the pretend breaking news stories they might have gone for, eg Queen dead or earthquake in London etc, what did they settle for?
“The coaliton has fallen, Dave and Nick have fallen out”
ha ha beeboid who came up with that, I really hope you have to wait a full term before your dream comes true.
Yes, for a complete beginner she did pretty well. The exercise backfired on the BBC a bit, didn’t it?
Her mock interview with the beeboid pretending to be a Lib Dem MP also resulted in this telling exchange:
Viewer-pretending-to-be-a-BBC-autocue-reader: “And what’s your record in government been?”
Beeboid-pretending-to-be-a-Lib-Dem-MP: “Well up to now, as you know, not all that successful.”
BBC people just can’t help themselves. Bias is so obviously in their DNA.
Saw this as a headline on ceefax local news
“Council CCTV Award Criticised”
The cynic in me immediately assumed it must be a Tory controlled council. Sure enough it was …
Funny how the actual news (council comes top out of 350 councils) isn’t the headline but the criticism is. Typical BBC bias.
BBC. Because of their personal political prejudices their commentators will never give a balanced political insight. They can’t understand that Britain is a country of conservatism and personal aspiration – we are just not interested in their collectivist or corporatist utopia. Their precious Nu Labour Party was for a moment the vehicle of their ambitions – but now without Blair it retreats into being a narrow minded public sector trades union.
The No to AV vote was a major watershed that the BBC didn’t understand.
I did and I was reminded of that Norwegian soccer commentator from some years ago.
‘Polly Toynbee, Eddie Izzard, Lord Hattersley, Lord Kinnock, Lady Kinnock, can you hear me? Benjamin Zephaniah/Tony Robinson* (*delete where appropriate) Stephen Fry, Ed Milliband….your boys took a hellova beating!!
R4 ” Week at Westminster” with Left-wing journalist Peter Riddell ( next week is Left-wing journalist Steve Richards ) was a pretty unremitting attack on the Government even claiming Ed Miliband tore a strip off David Cameron at PMQs. (I didn’t see it , but all the other reports suggested Miliband performed poorly).
But, what’s this ? Riddell led with what a bad week it was for the coalition, but no mention of the Balls scandal. Guess they just ran out of time.
Grant, even Michael Crick says Ed Miliband was clobbered by David Cameron at PMQs! – and he was!!
When Michael Crick starts criticising a Labour leader, it’s time to call it a day.
“BBC accused of glorifying suicide over Pratchett film”
Next week, BBC-Atheism hands over its from one-way propaganda life and death slot to ‘pro-life’ campaigners… (only kidding).
INBBC: criticise CIA, but favour Pakistan’s many Bin Laden supporters.
The Islamic political slant of this INBBC (Urdu as well?) propaganda -which we finance- is to show ‘understanding’ towards Pakistan’s supporters of mass murdering Islamic jihadist supremo Bin Laden, and expect some American apology for killing him!
<!– Social media icons by Paul Annet | http://nicepaul.com/icons –>
“CIA chief Leon Panetta in Pakistan for talks”
Meanwhile, this is how the enemy which is the Islamic Repubic of Pakistan acts:
“U.S. intelligence officials give Pakistan tips on jihad bomb-making factories, only to find them empty before troops arrive“
Just got round to the latest episode of ‘Newswatch’, which is doing a better job of satire than the rest of the BBc output put together.
Ducking the chance of coming on and muttering ‘I think we got it about right’ in person, they refer in glowing terms to a frozen image of Editor Jeremy Hillman.
Might be worth seeing how is ‘defence’ was treated without the BBC edit suite pumping out from Land’s End to John O’Groats selected highlights.. er.. one weasel in an ‘enhanced form’ for broadcast:
As written elsewhere, the autocutie critic did rather better than the svelte, multi-hundred thousand £ market rate talents might have hoped.
One also could not help but wonder if she might be in line for a call to enrol, though she might need to invest in a few gallons of peroxide and some other personal presentation ‘tweaks’ first, that the ever ‘ism aware BBC would not dare to contravene for fear of saying one thing but doing another… one is sure.
So, look out Emily Maitless.
Ann, hit twitter now and make an utter twat of yourself slamming Ms. Palin to try and up the cred with the gals of Notting Hill 90210, and I think you’re in with a chance!
And remember, if the earpiece tells you it is all true,… it must be! It’s the BBC, after all.
So, look out Emily Maitless.
she must have been better looking than that scrawny necked old bag 😎
Why did Fazul Abdullah Mohammed play a key role in the 1998 US embassy bombings in East Africa? Why did Comoros Islands born Mohhammed join al-Qaeda in Afghanistan during the 1990s? Why did he bomb a beach resort in Kikambala, Kenya, which left 13 people dead, and an attempt to shoot down an Israeli passenger aircraft?
‘US Africa embassy bomber Fazul Abdullah Mohammed dead’
I guess if we rely on the BBC for news and analysis we’ll never know.
I see that the article constantly refers to him as Mr(!) Mohammed!
We must give the “militants” due courtesy, musn’t we?
What next? Mr Hitler, Mr Stalin, Mr Pol Pot?
Yes, exactly; and INBBC doesn’t even go to its own (if rare reports) on Islamic jihad mass murders in KENYA, 1998, Peter Taylor did an excellent series, e.g.’The Age of Terror’ on BBC 2.
This video may be limited access to some comments here, but it’s not to INBBC who should use it on its news broadcasts NOW.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) has revised its report, excluding, by its own deliberately misleading self-censorship rules, any reference to the centrally important motivation of ‘Islamic jihad’ –
“Fazul Abdullah Mohammed: Death is ‘blow’ for al-Qaeda”
BBC Website headline ” US hails death of Africa militant “.
I love how the US President gets to kill anyone he likes in cold blood with no trial or due process of law, and the BBC blames the public for it.
Not sure if anyone else heard this on Saturday Edition on 5 Live just a few moments ago, but some BBC news chick just swore up and down that Anthony Weiner’s last name was pronounced Whiner. She added that nothing was really new about this situation so move along nothing to see here.
Then she managed to hammer Andrew Breitbart for standing up for himself after Weiner had managed to lie about him creating this.
Nice example of BBC bullshit in one tiny package…as it were.
once a weiner,always a weiner I say
Any mention that the Congressman accused somebody of a federal crime and then accused Bretibart of abeting that crime just to cover up his own actions?
“Plan would chop BBC news jobs heavily”
Not much is likely to come of any BBC-NUJ proposal for ‘cuts’ in spending on its own empire; it rarely does.
The vast global empire of the BBC-NUJ is about to inherit the empire of World Service, with the finance being paid in future by British people in the supplicant role of licencepayers rather than as taxpayers. Same difference.
So, if cuts are to come, they will not affect the heads of the BBC-NUJ imperial empire in London, but will be applied to the BBC-NUJ native ‘colonials’ overseas. But how will INBBC manage without its wonderful Islamic staff who give us the pro-Islamic political line about ‘militants’ in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Nigeria, etc.?
Of course, it can rely on Bowen, Simpson, Donnison, Connolly, Casciani, Plett, Guerin, Doucet, etc, etc, etc.
Speaking of jobs and cuts, no sign of that at Beeboidland. Look who has just found a berth in the Beeboid news after falling out with bosses elsewhere, apparently over untidy hair, of all things. Elsewhere of course being C4. Where else?
Miss Ahmed has secured work at the BBC. It is understood she will feature on Radio 4 shows such as PM and The World At One.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2002301/Channel-4-presenter-Samira-Ahmed-quits-bosses-say-Your-hairs-scruffy.html#ixzz1P0TF3jL1
Oh what a lovely day !
Fazul Abedullah Mohammed is still dead.
Anthony Weiner is enjoying a much deserved holiday given all his recent “exposure” and resultant theatrical performances in front of proper cameras.
It’s now Sir Brucie for services to himself.
The Milliband’s are squabbling openly.
The BBC have sent all staff who got the short straw and had to cover Trooping The Colour on a trauma counselling soiree.
Never mind, there’s work to be done for the others back at Bush House. All those lewd Sarah Palin e-mails will require concentration and a great deal of mis-interpretational skills.
But I’ve saved the best bit until last :
Dez has just kindly supplied us with the telephone number of the NHS.
Whilst I’m not surprised he knows it off by heart, I’m not certain I’m sure why he is sharing this top secret information with us.
The bBC and when Muslims do the killing
Have you read the news lately? The Syrian Army on the rampage against civilians. The Taliban on the rampage against civilians. Sudan on the rampage against civilians. It’s a busy world out there when it comes to a certain religion of peace and how it puts into action its mission statement as written down in its holybook and yet in all of the above the bBC mutes on how Muslims..yes Muslims kill those who object to being told what to do by those with a Koran in one hand and an Ak47 in the other.
Take for example the coverage from Syria. Yesterday the bBC aired a spot on how the locals are bemoaning the inactivity by the west in helping them fight the Assads by condensing it down to the fact that Syria doesn’t have any Oil. (Actually Syria does have Oil maybe not as much as Iran/Iraq/Kuwait etc.. but it does produce Oil) But hang on if the situation in Syria is so bad, why isn’t the bBC sending its ace reporters on-mass to the region. I mean Its not as if Abu Bowen has far to go seeing as he lives in..Lebanon. Yet for all the deaths in Syria (More than carried out by Israel in over 60 years) there appears to be little condemnation by the bBC. Silly me I forgot the beeb is supposed to be impartial which is why it hasn’t taken sides in the Syrian conflict. Yup that must be it. I mean according to the bBC the unrest in Syria is been committed by nasty people, that they killed 120 policemen and that the bBC cannot report from the area due to the Syrians closing the border (funny how that didn’t stop the bBC from reporting from: Afghasntan,Libya darkest Iraq during the wars) Its as if the bBC is trying not to report what is happening in Syria (Well Abu Bowen is on the Guest list in Damascus) That same blinked stance is repeated in Afghanistan. Sudan in fact anywhere where Muslims are killing for the sake of killing and the bBC ensures it censors the reports in which to make the aggressor the victim and the victim the aggressor . So as to ensure the sanctity of Islam is kept blemish free.
Now contrast how the bBC reports against the US,UK, India and Israel?
“Sudan in fact anywhere where Muslims are killing for the sake of killing and the bBC ensures it censors the reports in which to make the aggressor the victim and the victim the aggressor . So as to ensure the sanctity of Islam is kept blemish free.”
Exactly. And now we have this:
Police ‘covered up’ campaign to turn London area ‘Islamic’
Nothing on the BBC, of course.
While The West Spends Billions To Protect Muslims In LIbya, It Does Nothing To Protect Christians In Southern Sudan
The bBC and its ingrained hatred for Israel.
While the dictators for life in the Islamic world kill those who object to them lording it at their expense (Libya/Yeman/Syria/Iran etc..)
The bBC continues its policy of misdirection by looking instead at Israel as the only country in the region as the reason for Islamic angst. Yes Israel the only country in the region which not only affords equality to women, homosexuals and minorities , but actually affords more rights (As little as they are) to Palestinians than any other Islamic country in the region is yet again the target for a bBC article on the injustices which drive Muslims to seek justice.
So according to the bBC the reason why people are willing to die in which to cross into Israel is because Israel stole the land in 1967 and that anybody willing to die for $50 can only be right.
Interesting how the bBC leaves out such salient snippets why Israel took the Golan heights in the first place. You know that snippet about how Syria was cutting off all the rivers which ran in Israel, how they would fire artillery (Based in the Golan) into Israel just because they could and how in 1973 during the Yom Kippur war , Syria after virtually taking back the Golan heights lost it all when they over stretched themselves by sending their tanks into Israel and leaving themselves open to a counter attack by Laner and his brigade of Sherman tanks (the bBCs so called defence expert really should read how the 30 year old M4 tanks took out over 100 brand new T54/55 Iraqi tanks for no loss as they rushed to support their Syrians brothers.)
Anyway I digress, while the bBC openly opines about the Syrian lament they leave out facts how actually the Israelis issued warnings to the protesters who descended on the border, and that after they fired tear gas and warning shots over the heads of the advancing crowd everybody bar one group retreated. That group which declared they had no problem becoming martyrs then climbed over the fence and were shot as they attacked the Israeli forces with stones. (As reported by the guardian)
Anybody with half a braincell can see that this was simply a regurgitation of that old Islamic staple of deflecting attention away from themselves by pointing at Israel. Everybody that is bar the impartial reporters at the bBC that is.
and it appears that many of the deaths among the rent-a-mob were caused when the fools chucked Molotov cocktails into the Syrian minefield they were trying to cross ?
I’m watching Andy Marr having a nice chat with Charlie Falconer about how well Red Ed is doing and what a mess the Government is in.
Then a nice chat with an Aussie Socialist explaining his world view.
Can’t remember re-tuning to Socialist Propaganda Channel No. 1
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you’ll find that the Aussie socialist is our International Development Secretary, Andrew Mitchell, who recently said we ought to be proud to be an ‘Aid Superpower!’
This explains Red Andy’s fawning interview with him. I assume he would have had to adjust his prejudices and make him an honorary Socialist to be so nice to him.
The Aussie was there as well. Marr wanted him to talk about Republicanism.
An interview in today’s Sunday Telegraph with Fatty Patty confirms what most of on this website already know , that he is an unreconstructed BBC-loving Leftie who doesn’t see anything much wrong with the Corporation and is going to do precisely nothing. A waste of space and money.
PS Fatty quote :-
“I think Humprhys, Naughtie and Evan Davis are very good, not perfect, but very good. Martha Kearney is I think a really,really good presenter and interviewer. On television , at his best, old Paxo is pretty good “.
Jolly good old Paxo, I say !
Fatty wasn’t asked what he thinks of Jeremy Bowen !
“Lord Patten vows to protect BBC World Service”
“Lord Patten has said his love of the BBC World Service made protecting it a “priority” – particularly the “core” Arabic, Somali and Hindi services.”
Of course he does; the BBC-NUJ will now force us British licencepayers to pay for the World Service and for all its global staff, so that anti-British, pro-Islamic ani-Christian propaganda is put out daily.
Why should Patten and BBC-NUJ be financed by the British people to perpetuate their cultural global empire? While the BBC-NUJ politics is that British troops should get out of Afghanistan, it is even keener BBC-NUJ political policy that it shouls expand in Islamic Arabia ‘core’, so that it can spread Muslim Brfotherhood propaganda, etc. on the lines of its chums, Al Jazeera.
The British people who pay the licence fee want cuts to World Service which is a financial extravagance to indulge BBC-NUJ global politics.
Such cut are a first step to ending the BBC-NUJ’s leftist cultural imperialism.
Link to above:
So some memos have been leaked showing mean-spritied plotting to get Blair to step down in favor of Brown. The BBC article about Ed Balls hitting back (not defending, mind, as when Tories are in this position, but hitting back) includes a link to the Telegraph where the memos are posted.
Yet when it comes to the emails of the Governor of an obscure US state which have nothing whatsoever to do with the circumstances behind her run for VP, the BBC not only links to other papers who are putting up the emails, but posts a PDF file of selected emails right there on the BBC website.
Why is one worthy of the BBC bandwidth and the other isn’t? Why is one so important that the BBC posts the file, but the other one isn’t?
How did Paddy O’Connell (a BBC presenter with an established track-record of sticking up for the Labour Party) deal with the latest Balls-Brown-Blair revelations today? Like this (on Broadcasting House):
“But let’s look back for a second to events at home. Gordon Brown and Tony Blair hit the headlines again (“again” said in a contemptuous tone of voice). The press reports revived all that silly old tittle-tattle that they didn’t get along, that they even bickered over power. If you pick this up in the news you might also remember another item that’s made it to our quiz…”
And that was it. The quiz followed.
Later however, and returning to events back home – this time for more than a second -, the biased presenter said, “The jazz man Ken Clarke has hit a bum note. The host of ‘Jazz Greats’ here on Radio 4, who doubles up as Justice Secretary, had his plans for sentencing reform scrapped. By David Cameron. The musician Julian Joseph told me how jazz men pick themselves up in life and in music when they hit the wrong key.”
A feature followed, and Ken Clarke’s “bum notes” and “slips” were furthered discussed.
The contrast tells you all you need to know about this most biased of BBC Radio 4 current affairs programmes (despite some stiff competition).
That said, the paper review today was a real laugh, not that Paddy O’Connell sounded as if he was enjoying it – except for Chris Neill’s contributions. Praise for private universities and the Daily Mail, a denunciation of Rowan Williams for attacking the Big Society…
…and someone brought up Janet Daley on the Balls-Brown-Blair story. Oh dear!! Paddy had to step in, asking plaintively, “Are you all surprised by the amount of Millibanderie there is in the papers? Would you all have a review of this?”
From the gusto with which his guests stuck into the story, the answer was clearly ‘Yes!’ The boot was stuck into Ed Miliband with a vengeance.
That was the most entertaining BH paper review I’ve ever heard.
The World This Weekend had a section today devoted to…The Cuts.
They boasted of their “exclusive access” to a survey by the Museums Association on the effect of cuts on museums. A museum curator broke into tears during the following report, because of the cuts.Then there was an interview with Turner Prize-winning artist Jeremy Deller, who believes that the cuts to museums are wrong. And that was it: No government response, no alternative point of view.
Not mentioned by Shaun Ley of the fact that Jeremy Deller campaigned for the Labour Party at the last election (which might colour his view of Tory-led government cuts). Nor is it likely that the team behind The World This Weekend would have been unaware that Mr Deller signed an open letter to Jeremy Hunt, printed in The Guardian (of course) last year, opposing any future cuts in public funding for the arts.
The museum curator was from the PumpHouse in Walthamstow.
Yet another project that should never have received public funding in the first place. As the fatuous texts on its website show.
I remember some comment about the case of a black councillor in Bristol who called another councillor a coconut and was had up for racism.
Now the Mail on Sunday is running a bit of a sob story about this racist who is complaining bitterly about political correctness (oh, the irony):
Shirley believes her experience illustrates that a dangerous emphasis has been placed on political correctness in modern Britain.
‘I understand that the law is there to protect people from prejudice but I feel we’ve reached a point where people are terrified to say anything at all if it involves another culture or race for fear it is misinterpreted. If people don’t feel they can speak out, it is dangerous.
‘I think my punishment was so extreme because the case was public, so the police and the Crown Prosecution Service felt they had to respond in a way that proved they were taking it seriously. But the wrong people are being prosecuted just to make a point.
‘I also worry that what happened to me will set a legal precedent that will pave the way for more of these sort of cases.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2002545/Shirley-Browns-Coconut-hate-crime-investigation-shows-NOBODY-escape-Britains-Thought-Police.html#ixzz1P556IcxJ
Friendly fire incidents are always distressing, aren’t they?
Always guaranteed to get lefty pulses racing, here’s a little something from Richard Littlejohn in today’s Mail on Sunday.
It’s not just the BBC’s national TV and radio stations who constantly portray the ‘cuts’ as a crime against humanity.
Local news programmes are ten times worse. I’ve heard from a film editor in one of the regions who was putting together a package about budget savings.
The reporter involved wanted to know why he’d included a Tory spokesman, as well as the usual procession of anti-cuts agitators. The editor explained it was in the interests of fairness and balance.
‘Are you a Tory?’ he was asked accusingly.
‘Well, I voted for them,’ he said.
‘I didn’t know you were a fascist,’ the reporter spat, telling him to leave the Tory on the cutting room floor. Said reporter has apparently gone on to greater things.
But this little cameo illustrates the mindset of the people who bring you the BBC’s ‘impartial’ bulletins.
Never mind the lame News Quiz joke about the ‘cuts’, the only C-word the BBC considers offensive these days is ‘Conservative’.
Syria is the main story on the BBC website. Under the main article is another entitled Syria: Middle East media ponder foreign intervention, sampling newspapers from various countries. Left till last are two articles from Israel. One is (inevitably) from Ha’aretz…
And as an occupier that itself used, and still uses, weapons against Palestinian civilians in the territories and in Israel, Israel is far from having earned the right to denounce others.
The other is from Arab Israeli paper Sawt al-Haq wal-Hurriyah, which says…
Where was Clinton’s ‘humanity’ when the Israeli occupation forces shed the blood of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank…?
So, the only two articles the BBC deigns to select from Israel and both of them denounce Israel.
BBC bias just takes your breath away sometimes.
Credit where it is so very occasionally due – this File on Four edition details Iran’s support of the Taliban and Hamas. More detail than I have ever heard elsewhere in the BBC.
But it then goes soft, I think, on whether we are being tough enough on Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and is far too weak in questioning the usual dhimmi Foreign Office Minister :
On Radio 5 Listeners sunday morning before the Garry sporty fellow programme there were a couple of young people doing a programme. I suppose they would each describe themselves as ‘broadcaster and journalist’, but ‘reader-outers’ would be nearer the mark.
They had a shill in from the BMA and the female reader-outer read out a prepared list of questions to which the shill gave his prepared list of answers. It was all about how simply awful it is that Diageo is sponsoring a programme for midwives.
The questions were bog standard BB Coots Corporation fare of the ‘How uncomfortable are you…’ type, where the interviewee gets steered towards the answers the droid wants to hear, and of course ants the nation to hear.
The BMA shill was of course ‘very uncomfortable’.
I don’t know whether the shill sent in the list of questions he wanted to be asked, whether the droids prepared them and sent them off to the shill for approval, or whether the two parties sat down together before the programme and knocked them up.
Whichever, it was a complete and utter embarrassment.
They just don’t get it, do they?
“Christine Lagarde has won support from Egypt, Indonesia, and the United Arab Emirates in the race to become head of the International Monetary Fund.
Ministers in the respective government said on Sunday that she would be the best choice.
This development followed news that Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer had joined the IMF presidential race.”
Of course, they all say that La Lagarde is the best man for the job. But you just know that there is now way that the the three countries with that all-important common denominator, would be able to tell their capitals that they would back Fischer.
I came across an extraordinarily vicious hatchet job on John Bercow today in the Mail on Sunday
by a BBC-favoured former Conservative hanger-on, one Derek Laud, known for being that rare thing, a black, gay Tory toff – has the accent an’ all. He used to work for the Conservative party but has a very murky past including some run-ins with the law, for which reason he has sometimes been referred to as Laud the Fraud. He was a member of the Monday Club and liked to boast that he was called Golly by his colleagues as a nickname.
He is much given to hanging out with posh types in the country – hunts with the county set, for example, and name-drops the likes of the wife of Prince Charles to impress the impressionable. I think he lives in the house of some posh gent in the country. It is also said on Wikki that he is friends with Samantha Cameron’s family – they are titled folk of course – and is supposed to be a friend of the PM’s if you can believe Wiki.
This shady character turned up on Big Brother, on the back of which he was courted by the Beeboid Corporation and invited on to Question Time once, and the occasional other programme such as The Culture Show (natch) and given a job in the property section of the Mail on Sunday writing features on posh country houses and the like. Now it seems he has still some sort of berth at the Mail on Sunday and according to Wiki, blogs for The Telegraph.
I don’t think I have ever seen such a savaging of a politician unless you count some of the viler samples of journalism directed at Mrs Thatcher or say, Sarah Palin and it’s even worse than that in accusing Bercow of the worst thing that you can be accused of these days – and I don’t mean murder or child abuse or anything like that. What -or who- lies behind this? I wonder.