I try to avoid BBC 5 LIVE on the basis that listening to Today is as much as I can stomach but thankfully other B-BBC readers do tune in…

“BBC ‘Weekend Breakfast’ happy to have a ‘local resident’ tell us that the man killed by police recently was murdered and executed by them…’and the people are so angry and their not going to stop rioting and looting until they see justice’….not once but three times…..The presenter Jonathan Overend made no attempt to suggest otherwise.

She suggested that shops being burnt which had flats above them making the inhabitants homeless was OK because there is a lot of homelessness in the borough anyway. She’s a star.

Overened said he couldn’t comment because the IPCC were still investigating.

If that is so perhaps he shouldn’t allow on a person who says such inflammatory things.

As far as I know from reports the man shot was a drug gang member and a police officer was shot during the operation…in which they shouted for the man to surrender 3 times and which he failed to do.”

You can listen to the exchange above at 2hrs 12mins here.
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6 Responses to A DOG’S BREAKFAST

  1. wild says:

    The BBC will always see a riot as an agitprop opportunity. It is how the Left operates.


  2. Millie Tant says:

     Overend is the Beeboid’s tennis correspondent. Maybe he’s better at that.


  3. Demon1001 says:

    I might be wrong, but I had the feeling that Overend was wanting to come back at her for her outragous claims but was not allowed to do so, even ssaying “Well those are your opinions”. 

    Whoever she is, she is a disgrace.  A waste of oxygen.


  4. noggin says:

    waste of oxygen?..
    well theres enough being blown awry here to keep a wind turbine going
    goodness me,  listen in 5live phone in, inc, laughably a crim. def. lawyer   [8mins 50], who got erm…”carried away” in the “ambience”  
    of the riot????  only one of a cacophony of inconsequence
    5 live Breakfast


  5. cjhartnett says:

    Noted on Al Jazeera that the Bahraini exiles have set up their own TV station (called Lualua I believe!).
    We here on Biased BBC should do something similar-maybe with the FM about to come available for our radio.
    Hope the Tottenham lads can blag us a few cameras smelling of petrol, by way of starting our “cheridee appeal”.
    For Gods sake-we could not do any worse that the BBC.
    Having lived in Salford though-I`d rather not move back-that apart I`m on board with this one!
    Now back to the studio!


  6. cjhartnett says:

    Excuses for the riots then?
    1. Inequality
    2. Racism
    3. Global warming
    4. Criminalisation of drugs
    5. Intolerance
    6. Tory cuts
    7. Heavy handed policing…or lack therof.
    8. Institutionalised whites in uniform or any position of influence-BBC excepted.
    Perm any three from these at fifteen minute intervals and get away from that screen!