Did you catch this interview this morning with the omnipresent on the BBC Claudia Webbe on Today? If I heard it correctly, she appeared to suggest that whilst all violence is utterly repellent (wait for it…) there are different types of violence. Violence against Police Officers, she suggests, is a different type of violence, a type that is understandable. Focus on 2 mins in and you hear the abhorrent leftist dross. I also wonder about John Humphyrs and his questioning of the Police tactics.

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41 Responses to A TANGLED WEBBE

  1. Betty Swollocks says:

    I have never heard such leftist bollocks in my life,it’s a discrace. Give me back the licence fee…NOW!


    • noggin says:

      goodness me don t listen in 5live phone in then
      absolutely full of –it, inc, laughably a crim. def. lawyer
      [8mins 50], who got erm…”carried away” in the “ambience”
      (like that word today) of the riot????
      5 live Breakfast


  2. Andrew says:

    Straight out of Saul Alynski’s text book.  Adopt all arguments to suit your own ends and identify why anything your opponent does as a shortcoming and whack them with it.


  3. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Diane Abbot has just been encouraged by the BBC newsreader to state unchallenged that the Tory cuts were responsible for the riots.  Furthermore, the police are responsible for allowing rumors to fly which triggered the riots.  When the police did respond to the rioting, they curiously quickly took care of business in the “affluent areas” such as Oxford Circus, but didn’t bother going to Tottenham straight away.

    This was established by a combination of leading questions by the Beeboid and righteously indignant statements by Abbot.  The BBC actually led the charge that the police focused on protecting the wealthy, and Abbot was able to play it cool and say that she didn’t know why the police did that but allowed theft in Tottenham, but Teresa May needs to answer for it.

    Credit to Abbot for stating that theft is wrong, regardless of the political circumstances, but she said the police were ultimately responsible.

    This demonization of the police and the infantilization of the public is only going to end in tears.


    • Louis Robinson says:

      Note this in the SECOND LAST paragraph of the BBC online articlde on the shooting of Duggan.

      “It was described by police as a planned event under Operation Trident, which investigates gun crime in London’s African and Caribbean communities.”

      Gun crime in London’s African and Caribbean communites? Who knew. Does Diane Abbot? Could this gan activity have anything to do with the unrest? This woman is a disgrace.


  4. sue says:

    Careful Humphrys! Your inability to respond in a way related to her needs might make Ms Webbe become aggrieved and start venting out issues to do with inequality!
    As it was she was almost hoist by her own agenda and strangled by her own jargon.
    As they say in certain circles, ‘Bless’.


  5. Henry says:

    Did I hear this lady interviewd by phone on the Sunday “News 24” coverage? (in which case she has been given a lot of time on the air). The woman who was interviewed then said how a part of London has been ‘criminalised’

    Now can I ask what she means by that? It uses the passive voice, and sounds like people in thiese areas have had criminality thrust upon them (like greatness).

    On the other hand I suppose she could be referring to the idea that people will assume that a member of a particular ethnic group is a criminal before any evidence to suggest it for that individual. This is the way the Guardian (surprise surprise) seems to use the word

    It just seemed an odd, rather vague use of the word “criminalise”.

    Good on John Humphries for asking how this violence counts as expression of grievances, though


  6. Millie Tant says:

    I didn’t watch the Beeboid coverage so I don’t know this Claudia Webbe but over on Sky I got tired listening to the presenter earnestly intoning ad nauseam that the police have questions to answer.

    How does he know? It’s as if the inquiry had already reported and found the police guilty of something.  Of course he doesn’t say what questions he means. This just adds to the fog of pious sentiment afloat on the airwaves and leaves a cloud of imputation of some unstated, unspecified wrongness of the police.


  7. noggin says:

    i think wheelling out the same monotone drone, must have made her forget her lines, (or maybe she dropped the idiot board),  
    reminicing wistfully, she got lost in the whole…”ambience” 🙂  
         utter, utter bilge


  8. David Preiser (USA) says:

    This poor woman was unable to express herself clearly.  She stumbled over every sentence, every point she was trying to make.  But what a joke that Humphrys allowed her to go on and on at some tortured length about the underlying anger against the police, poverty, etc., which was behind all the violence, but then say that nothing can justify the “violence and thuggery”.  She justifies it, but then pretends she hasn’t so she doesn’t get a hard time from Humphrys.

    And once again you have a riot which was really a peaceful protest, only a small minority who had their own agenda attacked the police and vandalized a few shops.

    Trident is a success, then?  If it’s such a success, why are all those people still angry and don’t trust the police?  Can’t have it both ways.


    • hippiepooter says:

      Humphrys was actually helping her out, saying what she was attempting to say!

      Nothing like condescending white liberalism – now that would be something for black people to riot about, the Police could join in with them on that!


  9. fred bloggs says:

    I heard the same woman on LBC; there she did say that the Police could not comment as the investigation was being carried out by the IPCC.  That puts forward one of the main questions I wanted asked in any interview, but none did; that is why was there a 5 hour vigil outside the Police station wanting an answer about the thursday killing, when the Police CANNOT give an answer.   Simple question; but why did not anybody ask the vigil organisers ask it.  No vigil, no riot!


    • fred bloggs says:

      There was one section that Humph could had taken her apart on,  she effectively said there were two groups those that had grievances and rioted against the Police and those that looted property.  When I saw the videos, all I saw were people of the same age and ethnicity doing both.  So according to her logic when Police do stop and search they can sense that that person at some point in the future, will be the rioters and never loot. 


  10. RGH says:

    The arrest in Tottenham was conducted under the terms of Operation Trident. Claudia knows in great detail about its workings and methods having been closely involved through the ‘community’ supervision of the attempt to tackle black on black crime for over a decade.

    In 2009, she said in the Guardian:

    “Better policing solutions, such as Operation Trident, involve intelligence-led policing and community partnership and more sophisticated prevention, tackling for example the trade in dangerous weapons.”

    She would then know that the arrest of the suspect was under the terms of reference of this operation which identifies and observes the suspect long in advance. She will  also know that the the police conducted the arrest carrying arms with a reason.

    However, her ideology (and meal ticket) is socio-economic advocacy. “Every bullet fired is a societal problem”, she once famously stated in her attack on Blair’s Cardiff speech where particular problems in the black community were touched on by the then PM.

    The Chairperson of the IPPC (Cerfontyne…ex.social worker development manager of the Cadbury Barrow Trust) must know the modus operandi of Trident as well, having been appointed to her new role in 2009 from her advocacy of ‘Kidadultery’ suggesting under 24s are still ‘struggling to define themselves’.

    Webbe is being disingenous. She knows that the events are not connected to ‘justice’ but crime.

    But to admit that would remove the ideology which is providing her with a living and political platform.

    The BBC is the ideal, non-testing soap box for her self-profiling.


  11. dave s says:

    Two choices . Either withdraw the police completely from the areas where the gangs seem to rule or smash them without mercy using whatever force is necessary. And we know how the libleft would regard that.
    Personally I favour the former. Make the “community” and it’s leaders face up to the situation. No doubt we would have a refugee exodus but we cannot go on much longer like this.
    Leave London now should be the prime directive of any sane person.


    • hippiepooter says:

      If we do the former, it wouldn’t be long before we all leave Britain.  I’m not prepared to surrender my country so cheaply.


  12. Umbongo says:

    AFAIAA the dead father of four was known to the “community” as a criminal and, as the “community” knows only too well (blimey – it’s got a special endless police operation – Trident – devoted to it), such criminals are invariably tooled up with knives or guns.  Hence, the grieving family turning up mob-handed (and “peacefully”) at Tottenham Police Station did not – even on the face of it – constitute a request for further information on a road accident: it was an intimidatory gesture aimed at the local forces of law.

    It might be – I don’t know – that the crim was in this case innocent, unarmed and being taken by minicab to do his daily 8-hour stint at the Oxfam shop in Tottenham Hale.  I doubt that’s the case.  OTOH I also have little faith in the bona fides (or common sense) of the Met whose default position is to blame the apparent victim of any incident.  As it happens, from the information in the public arena, it is almost certain that, whatever this crim was or wasn’t doing, he had a gun which he fired (unless it fired itself which would fit into the BBC default narrative in which bombs and missiles explode and guns are fired without intervention by the BBC’s misled innocents of choice – Islamist terrorists or black criminals – who just happen to be present).

    All the usual rent-a-gobs have – more or less – condemned the looting.  However, the reportage on the BBC – and the chosen commenters that I have heard – seek an explanation for both the violence and the looting which will let the rioters and looters off the hook.  For instance, the BBC’s candidate for Mayor of London next year blamed the government (non)cuts and Boris for, essentially, being white and literate and thus not able to empathise with black thugs.  The black commenters that I have seen can’t wait to blame the racism of the police (particularly the practice of “stop and search” which apparently falls “disproportionately” on blacks) and that not enough of whitey’s money is being spent on the black community.  For instance, on BBC 24 yeaterday a confused academic – Professor Gus John, a former “chair” of the Moss Side Defence Committee  – was interviewed, at length, and produced a pathetically incoherent defence of black violence.  To be fair he didn’t mention the slave trade.  Mind you, it’s no surprise that  this guy is confused and is on the BBC speed-dial: his professorship is at the Institute of Education.  I wonder if the good professor is joining his mates at the Institute and cracking open the champagne to celebrate another triumph of the education system they have all but destroyed.


  13. Daniel Clucas says:

    She was on News 24 this morning, she didn’t strike me as very bright. I may be wrong.


  14. Beness says:

    It was all about poverty and lack of education. That’s why the only places being looted were food shops, waterstones and the local libraries.


  15. It's all too much says:

    Can you “artiulate and agruement” by looting a shoe shop?  Is violent disorder OK if you are angry?  Does that mean that Neo-Nazi loonies who are angry at being ignored and marginalised have a legitimate right to riot?

    Leftoid hogwash.  I guess if rioters smahed up her house, burned her car and terrified her aged parents and her children she would feel satisfied that the arguement had been properly explored and the narrative explored.  Oh, I am forgetting that would be ‘bad’ rioting.  Good rioting consists of burning police officers of all races and creeds with petrol bombs.  After all London groans under a hateful tyranny on a par with Syria, Egypt, Libya etc so they have it coming.


  16. Nick Darlington says:

    Hmm – interesting expression she kept using – ‘Exercising their agendas’ – that beats ‘Celebrating cultural diversity’ I suppose. Shame the police didn’t use water cannon or tazers to EXORCISE those same agendas. 


    • Millie Tant says:

      She had a whole bagful of such handy expressions: issues; exercise agendas; solutions; a reality; venting out issues; syymbolism; and playing out tensions.


    • hippiepooter says:

      Yeah, the Police really do need offensive weapons options like bean bag guns and water cannon.


  17. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Once again it seems that the entirety of the BBC is interested in understanding and bringing on a series of people to explain the so-called reasons behind and incident – when they sympathize with the so-called reasons.  Yet they provided the exact opposite service after the mass murder in Norway.  At no time was anyone allowed to sympathize with that lunatic’s grievances, never mind an endless stream of them.

    When the BBC approves of the so-called motivations for violence, they behave one way, and their coverage takes a markedly different tone when they don’t.  It’s plain as day.


  18. My Site (click to edit) says:

    In the spirit of ‘understanding’, one presumes Ms. Webbe and fellow sisters, plus some women at the BBC see on irony in this ‘ism-shy effort…

    BBC_WHYS World Have Your Say Following the Tottenham riots we want to speak to black men about identity, portrayal in the media, background and culture. Tweet us! #WHYS


  19. pounce_uk says:

    Oh dear, at around 13.30 the bBC invited the Labour MP for Streatham: Chuka Umunna to speak about the anger of the youth of London these past few nights.

    Well, you could have heard a pin drop when Chuka ripped into the bBC over their misguided attempt in which to try and find an excuse (by blaming race relations) in fact so stunned was the blond bimbo on News 24 that he was allowed to tear away the bBCs view that tory cuts are to blame for black anger. He simply stated, the cuts haven’t happened yet, so nobody has been affected.


    Bimbo features by now, went on the attack by quoting that the young they had interviewed blamed the police, the government etc..

    Chuka replied that the people who he had seen rioting encompassed all age groups and that actually while Tottenham may have a cause: Brixton, Enfield and Oxford circus didn’t.  So it was dangerous of the media to try and allocate blame anywhere but at the mindless thugs,


    She then changed tack by quoting some professor of social studies claiming he says that unemployment, respect and anger at the police was to blame.

    Chuka came back with that many in the media are equating this with 1985, he then said it had nothing in common with the 1985 and that the idiots rioting these past few days were doing so simply as a criminal endeavour. Which is why only certain shops have been targeted and how many of the people arrested in Brixton have jobs.


    The bBC let him go, I don’t think they will e inviting him back any day soon.


    • John Anderson says:

      Sounds like he shot the BBC’s fox !

      If anyone is working through an agenda – it is the Beeb.


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        Funny how that totally contradicts everything everyone else the BBC has had on camera in Tottenham.  La Abbott was equally trying to take the high road on this one.  But let’s see if they change their tune tomorrow once the smoke has cleared.  Right now, it suits them to play this game and condemn the violence and looting.  I wonder how long that will last.


        • David Preiser (USA) says:

          Oh FFS, now Beeboid Alix Kroeger (female) is on the phone to the News Channel saying that one of the supposed toot causes of the riots in Peckham is that this is an Olympic neighborhood, and while lots of money has been spent in the area on preparing for the Olympics, “none of it has trickled down”.

          These Beeboids understand nothing about how this works.


  20. cjhartnett says:

    Can we have some proof that “more people are listening to the Today Show than ever before?”
    Time to squash that metropolitan myth in the bud…let`s see the figures and the proof then!
    One for “More or Less” maybe?
    I can`t believe we`re THAT stupid as a nation!
    Hell-Carole Vorderman will be giving us all advice on maths education next!


  21. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Phillipa Thomas in Tottenham just let some local community leader (Ollie something?) go on a long, extended rant about how the people who did the violence and looting were “outsiders”, and that the innocents of Tottenham need to “protect our area”.  He then said that the reason the locals were doing all the violence and looting (contradicting himself about the perpetrators) because the nasty Tories had shut down all the local services, and there was no other place for them to go.  Thomas set him up time and again, helpfully crystalizing each rambling point into a tidy soundbite for him to pick up and run with.  She helped him attack Cameron and his “Big Society”, and attack the Tory cuts to councils.  She enabled his entire political screed quite nicely, and there’s no mistaking what she did.  Pretty disgusting, and I’m actually surprised that Thomas stooped this low, as I’ve seen her do better at the anchor desk on BBC World News America and the international BBC World News.

    In case there was any doubt of her sympathies, she closed with this:

    “We appreciate your time and your passion, and clearly people here think what you say makes sense.”

    So let’s see if I understand the BBC Narrative correctly, gleaned from this and several other exchanges with local “leaders”.

    1. This never would have happened if the local police had broken the law and, well, somehow traveled through time and back, and told the family the results of the IPCC inquiry before it had barely started, never mind finished.

    2. The people responsible for most of the looting and vandalism were outsiders, taking advantage of the situation.  This was a peaceful march otherwise.

    3.  The locals were looting and vandalizing because they were angry at being criminalized by racist stop-and-search, and had nothing else to do with themselves since the nasty Tories closed all their local services.  Never mind how that contradicts the claim that it was mostly done by outsiders.

    4.  The criminal gangs and violent thugs in Tottenham must therefore have sprung up over the last six months because of the Tory cuts, and having local amenities and recreation centers would have prevented all of this.

    5.  The Conservative-led Coalition has apparently been herding immigrants into the neighborhood, forcing them to live in densely packed blocks of flats, leading to the feeling of being “caged in”, which is the reason for the anger.

    6.  This criminal element of outsiders….or is it the locals who don’t have a Starbuck’s or Boys Club to hang out in?….. is proof that Cameron’s “Big Society” is a failure.


  22. David Preiser (USA) says:

    And it continues.  While showing the live footage of slobs throwing rocks and other things at police in Hackney, female Beeboid newsreader said that we’re waiting to find out if there are “genuine grievances” for the violence.

    They find a way to tell you to listen and learn about the grievances when violence is done for a cause they support, but not when it’s done for reasons they don’t like.


  23. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Stage Performer Maitlis just spent several minutes talking with Erika Lopez from Haringay Youth Empowered (or something like that).  Ms. Lopez was barely intelligible, and actually spent most of her time saying that only the people who lived in Duggan’s neighborhood should have been allowed to riot and “use his name”.  Everyone else in the other parts of London were just copycat criminals, she said.

    Fortunately, Maitlis was able to direct her to the proper Narrative, and get her to criticize the police. Best of all, Lopez, after some hints, got around to speaking about how the cuts have affected people, which gave Maitlis the opportunity she was waiting for: “Ah, you’re getting to the root causes now.”

    Narrative saved! But it was a close one for a while there.


  24. cjhartnett says:

    Clearly Emilys narrative briefing is now in Eddie Mairs hands!
    On PM we`ve just had Diane Abbott being “invited” by Eddie to confirm the BBCs hunch that the Toricutz were-indeed ARE-to blame.
    Dianes boy would have been in the dorm somehere safe outside the M25 I`d imagine…but to be fair she did not use the excuses for crim activities that the BBC continue to offer to all “participants” in the national campaign to send for Ed!
    No matter though-the BBCs Green Rooms are stuffed to the gunnels with bleeding hearts, cow eyes and lavender poultices and camomile tea-all these outreach workers and useless idiots clearly aren`t on the streets and “mediating with the young and vulnerable”…not when there`s a croissant or a box of wine available at the BBC on permanent secondment!
    You`d have thought that they would be offering their usual taxi services to get the plasma TVs fenced for their clients…sadly no!


  25. Barry says:

    My TV died last week. I think it contains kill firmware that allows the BBC to punish me for watching Sky. Anyway, I’m thinking of joining the looting community but need to work myself up into an indignant rage to satisfy the entry requirements and avoid prosecution. A couple of days of Today should do the trick.

    Sony or Panasonic – any recommendations?


  26. pounce_uk says:

    I see the bBC continues to spread the news that the polcie are at fault here listen to this latest community speaker who just rants on about Mark Duggen and the police. Anybody else get the impression that the bBC is just as much to blame as say..unempolyment,social justice and the police.


  27. pounce_uk says:

    The bBC gives the oxygen of publicity to somebody who blames the government for the riots.
    Rizwana Hamid said there was a sense of “animals being caged” in the area, which had led to “a boiling up of tensions” incredibly she list high unemployment as one of the reason, yet not 4 miles from where she stands is the largest building site in Europe, a site which has over 30,000 builders working there, builders who require to be housed, fed and  provided for with amenities in the local area (How many jobs will that be?) then there is the huge number of people who will find work during the Olympics, leaving 11,000 with jobs once the games are finished.

    Maybe the bBC could do a program into explaining why all those rampaging youths citing unemployment as a reason for rioting haven’t found work in East London. Remember 4 miles away. 


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      The News Channel has shown a segment with her saying that three or four times today.  Apparently some unknown force has herded all these immigrants into densely-packed housing, which causes this pent-up rage.  She’s another one who condemns the violence and vandalism and then out of the other side of her mouth gives out the laundry list of justifications for it.

      I think every single person the BBC has spoken to has done the same thing, except the guy (someone O’Connor) a few minutes ago who said that the police had a “vested interest” in keeping the damage under control not because it’s their job or that they care about keeping the peace and protecting the public, but because if it’s desigbated a full riot instead of civil disturbance, the government has to pay damages.

      One more piece of the Narrative to make the police quit.


  28. As I See It says:

    So our wonderful and unique national broadcasting treasure….you remember how you have celebrated and justified every bit of undemocratic violent direct action from Johnny Marbles pie throwing, through sit ins at Fortnums, up to crusties attacking a Bristol Tescos…well how do think that has worked out for us law abiding license payers today?


  29. pounce_uk says:

    I see the bBC mission appears to be to shoot the Police down as much as they can. Not once do they berate the yobs, instead they say residents are scared, but the message they contine to ask everybody is “are the police doing anything”
    Would I be correct in assuming that the bBC is doing all it can in which to discredit the government. Maybe there lies the reason they refuse to use the ‘Black’ word.


  30. pounce_uk says:

    The bBC reporting the news to a leftwing political agenda.

    Anybody else noticed this:

    Sky news shows you who the rioters are

    The guardian shows you who the rioter are

    The daily mail shows you who the rioters are

     But the bbC nah they only show you pictures taken from a distance.


    Can’t be showing how Black youths arr the prime force behind all these riots.


    Don’t believe me here is two photos of the same shop being looted guess which one is from the bBC



    The bBC reporting the news to a leftwing political agenda.