Fascinating sleight of hand by the BBC here, picked up by an eagle eyed BBC contributor;
“Whilst the BBC ignores a big story from Germany making serious criticisms of the legality of Europe’s bailout schemes the BBC are headlining a story from France that the ‘Rich’ are being taxed more to pay for the deficit….a whole 3% more. What the good old Beeb miss out is what the rate was before that addition…..41%, making a total of 44%…..still 6% below what the highest earners pay here. I wonder why the BBC would miss out that telling figure?
“When the public finances deficit and the prospects of a worsening state debt threaten the future of France and Europe and when the government is asking everybody for solidarity, it seems necessary for us to contribute.”
French Income tax bands 2011….
Up to €5,963 0%
Between €5,964 – €11,896 5.5%
Between €11,897 – €26,420 14%
Between €26,421 – €70,830 30%
Above €70,830 41%
You omitted the French social charges which add another 8% on employment income.
The BBC are simply Tessa Jowell at the breakfast table.
What would SHE know about Berlusconis loans…she`s just a silly woman for the day THAT happened?
Rest of the time, she`s a sista on Womans Hour trying to hog Annie Lennox microphone.
The BBC and money-silly and risky to mix them-look at Stephanie Flanders!
Thankless task comparing tax bands because of the many other differences where income is subject to taxation. French healthcare is still mostly based on partial reimbursement so you have your Mutuelle costs. Also France has an annual wealth tax that asks for a half percent if you have over a half million zlotys or whatever.
Three different sources for calculations incl HF, OECD (09) and Eurostat (08)
Three different measures but by most measures Scandinavians top the list, France is middle of the pack, UK below OECD average.
I suspect this is smoke and mirrors due to the extent countries prop up their expenditure by borrowing instead of honest taxation (Cameron and Brown yes, you.) and hiding expenditure through PFI.