I had a reply from the BBC from a complaint submitted in May. So much for their quick replies to complaints promise.
Standard response to a complaint that you can’t answer, which is to answer a different complaint.
The basis of the complaint was about the Stop the Debts demonstration that the BBC reframed as a “Pro cuts demo”. Now for the “Stop the Cuts” demo, there was no reframing of the demo as a “Demo for more taxes”, or a “Demo for more debts”.
ie. Typical left wing approach, as you would expect from the BBC.
So, I’m going to follow the rules and escalate to the next level. If that doesn’t work, I’ll push for a hearing with the editorial committee.
On this not, has anyone extracted from the BBC the reason for their awful complaints site? Namely no replies to their messages. No cookies to keep address. Its deliberately designed to make submitting complaints difficult.
With the BBC using ‘demonstrators’ instead of rioters, we really shouldn’t be surprised that they seem eager to soften the image of those with which they sympathise and demonise those they see as ‘the other’.
After being comprehensively thrashed by Sky in the past week on coverage of Libya, and after the doom-and-gloom of earlier reports about the effectiveness of the battle against Gaddafi (including NATO support) – the new BBC line seems to be reverting to a familiar refrain from the Iraq days – it will be hard if not impossible to establish any peace.
I actually heard Justin Webb revive the word “quagmire” today to describe the situation.
And wasn’t it a hoot to hear John Simpson waffling on – nothing like the fairly incisive reviews that his oppo at Sky Tim Marshall can give.
Thursday’s edition of the Media Show was brilliant – BBC shafted by a leaner fitter news operation at Sky. The BBC’s news honcho was effectively saying that they failed against Sky – but who cares, the BBC audience is bigger. Quantity over quality ?
I think the rot set in when it became technologically feasible to have OB facilities everywhere. Instead of news organisations being compelled to research, film the appropriate footage and edit it into a concise “report” for transmission, they have hours of dead air to fill. So now we have the concept of a news reader interviewing a reporter about what they may have possibly heard, or what their bleeding opinion is. This is has led to the constant editorialising that the BBC are so enamoured of. One of the first “star” correspondents was probably Kate Adie – but even she only appeared in front of the camera when something was actually happening.
ohn. The bBC has like the libyan rebels gone on the offensive over its shoddy reporting from Tripoli. I quote: Our coverage of Libya For much of the past week, the BBC has been the only UK broadcaster reporting from Tripoli – a five-strong team led by correspondent Matthew Price has holed up in the capital’s Rixos Hotel, unable to go out unless “escorted” by Gaddafi government minders.As parts of Tripoli fell, Matthew described his routine in a piece for the BBC News website – dinner in body armour and helmets, fear stalking the corridors as government officials abandoned the international media to their fate. When Nato bombs started raining down on Libya,our Tripoli Correspondent Rana Jawad went into hiding. Being the BBC’s correspondent in Gaddafi country was never easy at the best of times. But Rana refused the chance to leave: her life and her family was in Tripoli – and for five months, she filed a series of reports, billed only as a Tripoli Witness describing life in the capital
Unfortuantly for the bBC, it appears nobody is buying the above, Here are a few replies to the above crap: Fair points, Jon, but it doesn’t explain why the BBC News channel showed the Libyan spokesman’s statement with a ‘LIVE’ strap on the screen when it had in fact been shown five minutes earlier on Sky News.
That you didn’t have someone on the ground was unfortunate, but as the previous commenter says, this shouldn’t excuse the fact that the rest of your coverage was so far behind your rivals.Whilst Sky and Al Jazeera stuck with their live feed, you ran cricket reports, extended weather forecasts and clips that were 3 or 4 hours old.Watching the BBC News last night was like reading a discarded copy of yesterdays newspaper on a bus to pass the time. Sky and Al J were way ahead of you.
I can not help but whole heartedly agree with John Fletcher #10, MeM101 #13 and many other comments appearing above. In general terms the BBC have been behind the curve on Libya whilst SKY have been out in front, on the streets and in the thick of it. Apart from the left wing drift the BBC now suffers from, it is also losing its battle on up to date news gathering to other organisations and with SKY in particular. So sad.
Agree 100% that the BBC has been found wanting over several huge media stories over the last few weeks. I switched to Sky during the hacking scandal, simply to see how a perceived conflict of interest – BSKYB – would play out in their handling of the story, and throughout the riots and now Libya, I’ve stayed.
Sky are hitting it out of the park BBC! Alex Crawford, falling over in the back of a hurtling pick up was classic and riveting! Alex Crawford reporting from the ‘only working hospital in Tripoli’ with bullets and RPGs going off around her, was brave! Alex Crawford charging through Gadafi’s compound gates behind the rebels, was courageous and funny – the guy in Gadafi’s hat – and where are the BBC?
“Martin Sewell: This is Polly Toynbee’s Generation”
[Excerpt, after appropriate mention of BBC]:-
“…Generation Toynbee, a term I coin to encapsulate the cohort of young people brought up according to the values and priorities constantly promoted by that leading commentator of liberal doctrines.
Polly Toynbees generation unfortunately get kicked to death in municipal nothern parks with poets getting a good living off it all.
The parents of said generation also get salaries for years whilst reading the Guardian and getting jobs from its pages.
Therefore when the truth breaks in with its hob nailed boots and kicks their kids to death, then all they hope is that lessons are learned, that remorse has been shown and suitable memorial or shrine is erected.
Toynbees generation are the sacrifice…whilst their parents pin the targets on their own kids back in the cause of “celebrating difference and diversity”…they make the contribution…never the sacrifice itself!
What an altar…tragic Polly dollies indeed!
I would say “God Help Them”…but Polly Police might think me in need of a session at their blood soaked shrine!
Very true, cj. So many parents of these children are infantilised themselves. Recently, an advert for act!onaid fell out of a newspaper I was browsing. It features a yummy mummy type hugging herself, teenage-style, with self-satisfied joy at her own narcissistic altruism. The strap line: ‘what a feeling!’ It certainly made me feel something – nauseous. The blurb went on: ‘It’s about being happier, more enlightened.’ The emphasis was on the benefit to the donor. This is so touchy-feely, liberal left – feeling mighty good about yourself while totally ignoring those in need (lonely old people, not very trendy, a bit white) on you own doorstep. It seems the more far-flung the recipients of these fantasists’ largesse, the more gold stars they recieve from Toynbee Towers. And probably from the laughing crooks who trouser much of the money. Keep it coming!
Is it any wonder their offspring are woefully ignorant of their own culture, & hold it in induced contempt? Given that their parents are hopelessly in love with their own xenophilia.Crashing bores.
Did anyone catch this item? It concerns a bunch of gay perverts who secretly take pictures of unaware people which are then circulated amongst their contact networks for stalking purposes and God only knows what else.
“Tubecrush” Its just another twist on the “we can have it all” girlie meme. Girls showing they can be every bit as stupid, crass and shallow as (some) men. Stupid as “phwoar” blokes, some acheivement girls. (Incidentally, how’s the infection caused by tatooing your vagina? Responding to treatment?)
For the record the gay bit doesn’t bother me, secretly taking pictures of men and posting them on the web without their knowledge does though.
If it were reversed and it was pictures of unaware women being ogled at, then the BBC would be screaming stalking sex pests, privacy invasion, human rights abuse blah blah blah.
Double standards but you’d expect nothing less from them.
The news that the government has reached an agreement with the Swiss tax authorities re deposits in Switzerland by UK taxpayers was reported on Radio 4 at 8:00 am – fair enough, it is news. Of course the BBC can’t leave it there. It added to its news report that an outfit called “Tax Research UK” has criticised the agreement as (effectively) a freebie for tax evaders.
What the BBC didn’t tell us is that Tax Research is the vehicle of lefty authoritarian, statist and (God knows how he passed the exams) small-time chartered accountant Richard Murphy. Murphy is (among other things) an adviser to the TUC and a priest of the beliefs that all our income belongs to the state and the public sector is the source of all national wealth and financial ethics. (Almost) needless to say, such opinions fit in well to the BBC economic/financial narrative. Daily on-line Tim Worstall http://timworstall.com/ rips Murphy’s pathetic and self-contradictory assertions to pieces. However, I’ve yet to hear Worstall’s opinions on economic policy quoted in BBC news (or any other) bulletins.
It’s enlightening and illustrative of the BBC failure in its statutory duty to broadcast “impartial” news that the opinion of a nobody like Murphy is deemed worthy of being broadcast as news: the only possible explanation being that in this way the BBC can indirectly criticise the government through the medium of a ventriloquist’s dummy. OTOH the BBC is unsurprisingly effectively silent on the Operation Weeting disclosures vis-a-vis its spiritual stable-mate, the Guardian which the BBC deems (as quoted in another thread on this site) as non-news.
I question the appropriateness of the representative of Saffrey Champness being the voice of “all honest taxpayers who pay the full whack” given their website states that “we meet our clients’ requirements for confidentiality and wealth preservation through the use of offshore trusts and companies.”
I wonder why they have chosen to locate their only overseas offices in Guernsey and Geneva.
If the BBC wishes to criticise the government for negotiating at least £5bn extra for UK taxpayers, it can surely find a more suitable mouthpiece.
Personally I can recommend Monaco. Provided you can meet the criteria for becoming resident, the rate of personal income tax is zero. Good luck to them.
They won’t be contributing to the 1/4 £m payoffs to Quango Chiefs and Local Authority Queen Bees that can’t do their job but are still paid off with two years salary, and the unemployed immigrants wanting a £2m house “to be near friends in London”. UK Uncut really don’t get it. Governments p*ss away taxes. They don’t need to collect more, they need to waste less. (Unless of course you have an agenda)
UK Uncut see themselves (in form or another) as living off the taxpayer fot the rest of their life, and so they are very keen that everybody else pays a maximum amount of tax on anything they earn.
Most of these outraged teenagers from UK Uncut will change their tune should they ever become part of the work force and realise that taxation is now applicable to them. It’s all very well to advocate higher taxes for all when you are yet to be burdened by the resulting reduction in your income as you struggle with household bills. For the smarter ones, it will sink in soon enough.
BBC-NUJ, its love of the false use of word ‘Asian’; its hostility to English cricket, even in the hour of success.
BBC-NUJ continually and wrongly desribes an individual or group as ‘Asian’ or ‘British Asian’, when the correct word would be ‘Muslim’, ‘Hindu’ ‘Pakistani’, ‘Indian’ or dare we say it: ‘British’.
In ‘Newsnight’ (22 Aug) we had a Pakistani campaign to make cricket in England more ‘Asian’. And a campaign, obviously not racist when a Pakistani says it: ‘to make the English team look less white in the future’; and we heard all the evidence about how most cricketers in Britain of South Asian connection support the teams from either India, Pakistan, Bangladesh or Sri Lanks over England!
The English Defence League has a point about the misuse of words on this:
So African-American visitors can’t be expected to enjoy Paris without having their experience ‘niched’ to the narrowest degree. How unbelievably patronising.
In fact, it’s exactly the sort of thing you’d imagine this country doing, so les francais have stolen a march on us in the right-on idiocy stakes here.
Still, we’ll doubtless storm back past the froggie usurpers and into our accustomed leading place after the Olympic Opening Ceremony next summer. I can hardly imagine just how grim that’s going to be.
Yes, Buggy. If the UK’s contribution to the end of the last Olympics in China is anything to go by, the opening 2012 ceremony should win us a gold medal for synchronised cultural Marxism. Spectators at the finale in Beijing were staggered to see a hip-hop dance troupe, Zoo Nation, supposedly representing the ‘best of Britain’. Their performance was inspired by life on a crime/drug-infested sink estate. Comments on various sites at the time were priceless. On a much sadder note, looking at photos/film of the 1948 Olympics, or the 1951 Festival of Britain, it is impossible not to contrast, compare, & perhaps quietly despair at our startling, politically-induced decline.
As the bBC is putting so much effort into Libya I thought I should give them a hand with the jacqui Splif story. Without too much digging they could have found that the person who runs the charity that supplied the scroats for the decorating; was nominated by splif for a MBE and received one. Cash for honours by any other name.
Fancy letting a couple of vulnerable young men into the house of a known pornographers champion!
Health and Safety..Esther…Howard League…Shami…Childline?
This could be some phone bill for someone…obviuosly not Smiffys!
BBC-NUJ and Radio 4 ‘PM’ today: enabler for mass immigration and colonisation of Britain; British people excluded from BBC agenda on this.
Radio 4 ‘PM’ has just done its bit today for the continuing COLONISATION of Britain through the continuing mass immigration.
First up, the jokey E. Mair had on a European figure to remind us Brits that we had no legal control of the inward flow of immigrants from the European Union; then ‘PM’ had on several Poles telling of their intentions.
No Brits were on ‘PM’ to raise questions even about the scale of the immigrant problem (which relates mainly to non-E.U. immigrants anyway); it is all one-way traffic of immigrants on ‘PM’.
‘Daily Mail:
“Net immigration soared by 20% last year – making a mockery of Government pledge to bring it DOWN”
hilarious. They are saying that “vulnerable regions, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and South and Southeast Asia, will face the prospect of food shortages, water crises and catastrophic flooding [insert phrase here: driven by climate change] [delete phrase here: that have happened for centuries]”
So Dick Cheney, from his own lips, admits he wanted to bomb Syria in order to stop its nuclear program? The left – who encouraged NATO to bomb Libya to effect regime change – is outraged. But don’t expect Dick Cheney to be cut a break. The BBC, New York Times, LA Times and no doubt the Guardian and Independent will all be gnawing over his new book. As we know he has long been the bête noir of the left. Evidence this BBC hit piece masquerading as a “profile”.
The devilish neocons (with whom Cheney is associated in the crazed liberal mind) have also had their fair share of opprobrium. Here’s a paragraph from the BBC’s description of the 2005 documentary series “The Power of Nightmares”:
“At the heart of the story are two groups: the American neo-conservatives and the radical Islamists. Both were idealists who were born out of the failure of the liberal dream to build a better world. These two groups have changed the world but not in the way either intended. TOGETHER they created today’s nightmare vision of an organized terror network. TOGETHER?
As I adjusted my dial to get away from You and Yours. I went too far and heard Jeremy Vine!
That white handwringer who berates Starkey for his “stereotyping of black yardie culture-Owen Teenage Scribbler or whatever-was up on Jeremys show saying why incitement to riot is only a virtual crime, so should not be prosecuted. Jeremy thinks the same I gathered.
Two points
1. Does anyone who provided the narrative to Starkeys scandalous episode get to inhabit the BBCs green Room now awhile…up the speed dial charts of the lefties seeking similar?
In other words-has Owen been home to change since he hit the libleft seam two weeks back?…or are we still paying for him to trawl the studios of Beebville telling us why he and the BBC are as one?
2. His book-I`m told-is about “chavs”…white types I`d say!
So no lazy caricaturing from this cut-price Jimmy Somerville then!
He`s not the body double for Laura Panney is he?…she seems to be hiding behind Jodys Disability Support (Socialist) Worker at present.
Lemme guess: halfway through this guy explaining why incitment to violence was just one of those things, not really worth bothering with, they cut to someone from the right who pointed out that the BBC thought insensitive language was The Worst Thing In The World back when they were stalking Nick Griffin. Right?
And I’m told the book says it’s wrong to stereotype the working class as “chavs”. Hm…well, if I wanted to write a book arguing that name-calling the working class was wrong, I wouldn’t use the insulting term in the title of the book. But then I suppose, principles can take a back seat when calculating what will increase sales of said book.
Yes I reckon Owen is useful enough an idiot now to grace the pages of the Guardian, New Statesman and -but of course-the Bolshevik Buffing and Champagne ship of fools that is the BBC.
Probably ahead of Shirley Williams on the luvvies speed dial chart now…for being witness to the toppling of Starkeys statue in the Great Uprising of 2011!
Looks and sounds just like Yvette Cooper.
This lunchtime BBC Five Live interviewed Damien Green about immigration and somehow managed not to mention the eu quango and its undemocratic rules forcing us to receive immigrants.
The trouble is, the obvious question: “will the government defy the eu and reduce European immigration. Minister?” was glaring in its absence.
No wonder, though, coming as it does from the BBC who describes me as a ‘eu citizen’. What a cheek.
Damien Green was the sap who was raided on the orders of the Labour Party wasn`t he?…arrested in front of his kids back home as I recall!
His former persecutor…”wor Jacqui Smiff” was only yesterday using a few of her old “customers” in HMP nearby -in order to paint her constituency house…as opposed to the one she shares with her sister “dahn sahth”.
Yet it is Damien Green that gets the questionning and the scorn of Martha Kearney and the World At One team.
Damien remains a sap and a patsy, but Labour and the BBC are just dandy about their luck.
In getting this shower of brokeback Tories as “Ministers”, they really are way too lucky.
Is there ANY chance of grafting a few backbones into the low grade political types to the right of Ken Clarke?
In the meantime, just put Norman Tebbit in charge…and to think I used to hate that man!
Sorry Norman sir!
It is noticeable how many of the once hated old guard of the Conservative party now seem much more trustworthy and respectable than most of the newer lot. Even Heseltine, who was once an almost pantomime style figure of hate, now gets regular applause on Question Time, mainly for appearing to be the muture statesman among a panel of juvenile and partisan muppets. Shame he’s pro EU, though. I think I’ve said before, we need more of the calibre of Rory Stewart pushed to the fore in the Conservative party, rather than the lightweights we so often see on our TV screens. Theresa May is one of these types that never seems to be aware of the traps that they’re about to fall into that have been set up by a smart-arsed BBC interviewer.
I suspect Hezza gets the warm and fuzzy treatment from QT audiences because most of the audience id too young to have any memory of his time in gov’t and just have the perception that he helped bring down the hated ‘Fatch’ and thus helped usher in ‘The Age Of…….weel, Major, but eventually the kindly reign of Fair Sir Tone and his Sancho Panza, Juan Prescottio.
I suspect most of them don’t remember the wonderfully intemperate way he dealt with Greenham Common, for example.
Probably true, Buggy. Being Pro EU makes him not totally evil in their minds too.
Couldn’t recall Heseltine’s roll in the Greenham Common nonsense, but a quick google finds this snippet :
“Michael Heseltine tells Houses of Commons that ‘intruders’ run the risk of being shot.”
We need a revival of this policy in regard to protesters invading power stations in order to vandalise and force a shut-down. It seems you can get away with anything if you call yourself an environmental activist.
I just got the standard brush-off reply from the BBC regarding the Bacon fiasco, without being able to reply to it so sent the following on the complaint form:
Ms Claire Ward I am afraid this reply is not good enough. Mr Bacon was clearly endorsing this clip, and any other interpretation of what he did is frankly dishonest. This clip made vicious attacks on Downs Syndrome sufferers as well as attacking, in a most disgusting and sexist manner, a Republican politician. Mr Bacon, who has often made no secret of his own personal political leanings has, by endorsing and sniggering at this clip, betrayed the mythical “impartiality” of the BBC beyond any acceptable level. Ms Boaden has long claimed that this impartiality still exists, but by keeping Mr Bacon employed at my expense she should also be sacked for misleading the public.
There will be no satisfaction to this disgusting situation until Mr Bacon is fired without pension nor prospect of return, ever! However, if you insist on keeping Mr Bacon and your many other completely partizan presenters, comedy and drama writers etc. in your completely one-sided propaganda department, then I must demand an end to paying for this. So, tell me how I cancel my licence fee without your brown-shirted storm troopers knocking on my door in the middle of the night? And don’t tell me to get rid of my television because I shouldn’t have to!
Please also note I am not Mrs Demon. Your reply was offensive in so many ways you seem to be a typical BBC employee. Mr. Demon
Did you sign yourself Hilary by any chance? Think of the problems Evelyn Waugh must have had when corresponding with public utilities and officialdom.
And as if it wasn’t bad enough already, he married a woman called Evelyn! What must that have been like for either or both of their correspondence? The marriage didn’t last, mind.
I think it’s because my initial is S, and they added it to Mr. and trans-sexualised me into Mrs. However, they also saw my name, which is clearly male. Possibly an accident, or possibly a deliberate attempt to add insult to injury.
Was watching a documentary on the BBC last night about Pathe News. With out a hint of irony, Andrew Marr said the Pathe News’s coverage of the Suez crisis was pure propoganda. Ah yes, Andrew Marr Mr BBC, the organisation that three month non stop propoganda, to get the country to accept the invasion of Iraq.
Noted this too in another thread James!
Absolutely no sense of irony either was there?
At least Pathe weren`t taking out injunctions to ensure the continuing child support to a kid that wasn`t even your own!
We really are paying the likes of Marr way too much!
We Texans who have experienced Gov. Rick Perry’s failed policies firsthand have an important story to tell the rest of the country.
Use the form on the right to tell us which part of Rick Perry’s record you’d most like to see him held accountable for.
I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before the Beeboids get wind of this and start re-tweeting it all over the place. Katty Kay is already spreading the word of some poll she found on Politico saying that 59% of Texans don’t want Perry re-elected. Jay Carney works fast. I challenge any defender of the indefensible to show me a Tweet of hers about how many people don’t want the President re-elected.
David, you’re right to keep an eye on Katty Kay. In 2010, this is how she ‘explained” the tea party movement:
“The Tea Party is saying we don’t care about whether it’s in the country’s interest, in our foreign policy interest, in our economic interest necessarily to deal with the President.What we want is to be the party that obstructs Barack Obama. Many of them ran specifically on stopping and on checking Barack Obama, and so that is their priority.”
Nothing about out of control debt, rising unemployment, lack of investment, a general unease at the direction of the country? Just “get Obama out”. This is not analysis. It is propaganda.
Absolutely right. And she has no idea why, but you know she thinks she does: racism. She thinks it’s purely personal for tens of millions of people, and truly believes it has nothing to do with His policies or those of the Democrats in Congress. Talk about contempt for the locals on her beat.
Saw a pretty good programme on council housing and its history.
At least the bloke who made it seemed to lived in one and has written well on the white working class-Michael Collins.
The one pop at Thatcher,but it was set in context with the failings of Callaghans lot beforehand.
I actually learned something and was not hit over the head with Oxbridge crap c/o Rick from the Young Ones.
One show then for August…who knows when the next one will be?
It was on a few months ago, cj, & it impressed me then. Collins, in a very cool, forensic, understated way, allowed the truth to emerge from the mouths of people at the sharp end of the changes in housing policy. Especially the compulsion on councils to house the homeless, where before council housing had been for the working classes, & with a very strict criteria to be met. This original intention was to build stable communities whose sons & daughters would go onto the list & live in the same area, giving families continuity & security, & a real pride in their area. This was busted wide open by mass immigration & the British working classes were stabbed in the back. Shameful.
Sometimes, just sometimes, BBC4 is an Alamo in the desert of cultural Marxist moral relativism that has engulfed the rest of the corporation. If it is axed, to support the BBC’s Somali network, or some other nonsense, then that’s my licence payment cancelled.It will have been a long goodbye, but I’ll be glad to go.
BBC4 is also the only place on the network where science has not been almost completely abandoned. I guess scientific programs are too ‘elitist’ and not ‘inclusive’ enough. Where’s the cultural relevance? Not really addressing any social issues here. Can’t we draft in a celebrity to draw in a wider audience? They did this to Horizon a few years ago and turned it into nothing more than an Open University sociology series. As Horizon is one of the few BBC programs that I never miss and regard as truly excellent, I was pissed off in the extreme that they dared to bastardise it in such a manner, allowing people like Alan bloody Davies to front episodes. Thankfully, in the last couple of series, they appear to have clawed it back from the abyss of bland social science and re-instated it’s proper science credentials. Rant over (almost).
It is this legal obligation that drives so many of the problems and abuses of our public housing. Without that, you wouldn’t have so many immigrants coming here trying it on or those who amazingly get six- or seven-bedroomed houses at vast cost near their friends. Repeal that law and you alter the whole scene at a stroke. You’d go from the arrogant sense of entitlement and feather-bedded couldn’t-care-less attitude to the British public to having to make an effort for oneself and being glad of any public assistance even if it fell short of one’s dreams of luxury and a life of free-loading idleness.
Apparently, that number is too big for BBC Democrat to mention.
To understand that US Federal Reserve $1 TRILLION loan/realistically gift to international bankers, it is necessary to turn, not to BBC-NUJ’s economics/business staffers who are preoccupied with a Mr. Coulson and a Mr Murdoch, but to ‘Bloomberg’, ‘Wall Street Journal’ and the ‘Daily Mail’.
Now it has ’emerged’ in our secretive Western economies, (via ‘Bloomberg’) over the past few days, that the US government has ‘loaned’ ( but, in effect gifted) $1.2 trillion dollars to the international bankers because of their catastrophic ‘insolvency’ problems. “Revealed: How Federal Reserve paid out $1.2 TRILLION in loans to Wall Street aristocracy and foreign banks”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2028882/Revealed-How-Fed-paid-1-2-TRILLION-loans-banks.html#ixzz1W4vYiG3r Now this raises the question of what is $1 trillion dollars. Here is a video clip which tries to give us the picture: Crash Course Chapter 11: How Much Is A Trillion?
It’s actually just short of $100 billion to foreign banks. But that’s still too much, especially considering how poorly managed TARP seems to have been.
Bloody Newsnight reporting on immigration. The government hasn’t succeeded in bringing the numbers down, so it’s more than fair to point this out. However, after 13 years of New Labour putting the issue well out of bounds for discussion and the BBC happy to play along with the silence, it galls me that they are now more than happy to point out a government’s failure to control immigration. It’s strange how a change of government can undo years of reluctance to report on an issue, isn’t it. Their report ended with an almost gleeful Beeboid saying : “the numbers arriving in the last year are equivalent to the population of Stoke-on-Trent(I think), and this under a Conservative government”. She couldn’t have been more joyfully smug as she delivered this last sentence. Will someone please tell these BBC fucktards that we have a coalition, not a Conservative government. Bastards.
Yes; the BBC-NUJ-Labour is politically Janus-faced on mass immigration.
13 years of Labour government’s deliberate open-door policy of mass immigration intended, among other things, to swell the Labour vote of immigrants in London and the big cities and towns of England, BBC-NUJ was virtually silent, characterising critics of mass immigration as ‘racist’ and treating ‘Migrationwatch’ as beyond the BBC-NUJ political pale.
And still today, the BBC-NUJ is actively enabling the continuance of mass immigration so that Britain will be colonised completely by this unprecedented, and sustained mass influx.
BBC-NUJ does not talk the language of ‘limits’, ‘controls’, ‘numbers’ , ‘indigenous culture’. It talks the language of ‘more diversity’, ‘the deserving immigrants’ and ‘welcoming’.
Of course, Britain is being rapidly taken over by the mass immigration from Asia, Africa and the E.U.
Don’t talk about the works of Mark Steyn, or Christopher Caldwell, which have analysed the demographic, economic and cultural consequences, Beeboids; just keep up your campaign of national suicide via mass immigration.
Haven’t noticed much mention of the “A” word – Africa. Something to do with “the Commonwealth” that our back door is permanently open to a stream of African women pushing baby-buggies. You can’t move for them in London. You may well ask how so many people from relatively poor countries can afford to move to one of the most expensive cities in Europe. I think you will find the answer is”sub-letting” of council tenancies. Espacially in Lalalabourland.
Damien Green will acheive nothing. And the BBC will focus on hard-working Poles, for fear of the “racist” taunt. Pity the Poles that they aren’t black, don’t have five children each, and don’t demand Sharia law.
“And the BBC will focus on hard-working Poles, for fear of the “racist” taunt.”
It’s really the opposite. The BBC, by focusing on the Poles, dares any opponent of mass immigration to tell the audience that it’s Third World immigrants we’re concerned by, not hard-working Polacks, and thus allows the Beeboid to bring the jolly old “R” word familiarly into play to shut down the debate quick smart.
Kirsty Wark assured us on Newsnight tonight that if the bank bail outs had not taken place we would not have been able to get money out of ATMs. What evidence does she have for this?
Is she implying her fellow Scot saved the world again? Er why are we in a mess again?
There may be a kernel of truth to that, though. I remember very clearly reading in December 2008 or so that there were a handful of bank bosses that were ready to take their own cash out and escape, fully expecting their own banks to have a run and go bust. Scumbags and chancers, yes, but that seems to have been the reality of it at the time. It was technically all supposed to be a loan, and some paid it back over time, which softens the blow a bit.
The initial TARP promise (not the eventual massive waste, but the initial round they expected) supposedly kept that from happening. Not that it makes the whole thing right, and certainly not to the amount Wark is most likely defending – i.e. constant bailouts for all, ad infinitum – but the initial round might have been a necessary evil.
The thing is, much of that in the US was paid back with interest (or a profit was made on the shares sold owned by the government, like for Citibank, which were sold off later – unlike the bath we’re possibly about to take on the GM shares the President is going to sell at a loss). Then it got stupid, and I have no idea how much if any of the money handed over to Euro banks got repaid.
However, in the UK there was a chance to make things right…or at least not as bad. Northern Rock should have been allowed to fail, the only reason it didn’t was what and where it was. Has NR gone to the wall (it was by far and away in the worst position) the other banks would have realised there was going to be no, repaet NO, guarantee. It’s all water under the bridge now but I think even RBS wouldn’t have been in so much trouble…do you know that tens of billions of toxic debt were taken on by Fred the shed AFTER the NR debacle? I imagine many other banks did likewise: would anyone have been allowed to do that had NR just crashed? I think not.
As one who had part of his retirement savings in Northern Rock I am bound to disagree! What sank Northern Rock was Gordon Brown dithering for nearly a week, leading to a run on the bank as depositors rushed to salvage what was left. Because of their lending ratios, no bank can withstand a run. The worlds greatest economist G Brown can be thanked for leaving it too late, and ending up with a bigger mess than was necessary.
Of the failing Scottish banks, the retail savings side should have been protected, the investment banking speculators should have been left to collapse. Instead we ended up paying for them both.
I agree with that, Span. Or at least NR should have been properly broken up and sold off like Bear Stearns, which is also what should have happened to Lehman. And HBOS. Too bad Peston screwed any chance for that with NR with his scoop. If the assets – and there actually were plenty – had been managed in receivership and sold off, savers would have been better off.
Don’t expect any less from these twerps. We’ve seen the BBC reports from the hotel roof shot in full HD – the fill- light flash and full flack jackets and we’ve seen Sky delivered live in from the backs of vans shot in compressed fractals with the buklets flying. I know where the awards are going when they hand them out…
Personally, I reckon that the palm tree on dusky sunset backdrop that I saw behind Orla Guerin the other evening was the very same one that Ben Brown used to stand in front of in Baghdad.
Do the Beeb carry their own lucky potted plants around…or just liberate them fresh from the hotel lobby as needed?
I remember Matt Allwright visiting Helmand one Christmas as a ‘moral booster’ for the troops, but the top and bottom of his report was that his partner didn’t want him there and he wasn’t allowed outside Camp Bastion for the duration, so that was an utter joke.
The beeboids keepy hyping up that THEY are being shot at. Yet I’ve not seen any evidence of this, the Sky team just seem to get on with it, if you’re in a war zone and people have guns bullets will come near you. DUH!
The bBC reporting on the slave trade in 1888 and ..half the story. How an Ethiopian slave became a South African teacher Bisho was one of a group of Ethiopian slaves freed by a British warship in 1888 off the coast of Yemen, then taken round the African coast and placed in the care of missionaries in South Africa. The story began on 16 September 1888, when Commander Charles E Gissing, aboard the British gunship HMS Osprey, intercepted three dhows carrying Ethiopians to the slave markets in the Arabian port of Jeddah. Commander Gissing’s mission was part of British attempts to end the slave trade – a trade that London had supported until 1807, when it was abolished across the British Empire.
So the great impartial bBC reports on how 81 years after the UK abolished slavery and set about forcing (By way of the Royal Navy) the rest of the world to follow suit. HMS Osprey on duty with the anti slavery fleet did just that targeting the primarily Islamic trade in slaves on 3 boats heading towards what is now Saudi Arabia. Yet instead of mentioning that slavery was only abolished in Saudi Arabia in 1962. (yes 1962) the bBC article goes with its leftwing bent and quotes: A trade that London had supported until 1807, when it was abolished across the British Empire.
Thus reinforcing its leftwing bent that the British Empire was only evil.
But there’s more the bBC doesn’t tell you , like how Slavery is rooted in the unholy Koran. Yes its there and we all know how Muslims (and the bBC) worship that book written by a paedophilic mass murderer. Which is why Slavery was and still is common place throughout the Islamic world.
This sentence struck me (showing that slavery was a perfectly normal state of affairs) shows a certain irony in this story.
“She had been orphaned with her two brothers, as a result of the drought and disease that swept through Ethiopia in 1887, and left in the care of one of her father’s slaves.”
So this girl came from a family that itself had slaves.
Slaves who could be traded at times of need to others or bartered. It was an economic condition in which slavery was a state that you could slip into.
The line that her true ‘liberation’ was education in a Christian (not mentioned, but who else!) and not the result of the Royal Navy’s active intervention to interdict the Arab slave trade, is sheer spin.
If the Navy had not been there doing its Blackbirding Patrols, the enslaved daughter of a slave-owning family would have ended up on the dockside of Jeddah to be sold at a profit.
Another interesting point is that ‘Muslim’ children were ‘adopted’ by Muslim families in Aden.
A Muslim cannot be a slave for another Muslim according to the Sharia. The question is what was happening here. Where did ‘Muslim’ slave children come from and how did they find themselves on the slave ship.
The answer probably is that they were the children of the slavers on the dhows whose fate is not described nor the events between disabling the dhows and boarding.
The report itself poses more questions than it answers.
“Slavery in the Islamic World – A Forgotten Horror Story”
(by Prof William D. Rubinstein)
“The pattern by which Western commentators, especially Western leftists, consistently whitewash the barbarisms committed by the peoples of the Third World, and not least of all by the Islamic world, is well illustrated by the appalling history of slavery in the Islamic world. This is a subject of which most people know nothing whatever, although some people may be dimly aware that slavery existed, and may continue to exist, in the Islamic world.”
Not at all George!
Merely creating employment to counter the Christian cuts agenda of the twelth century.
Good for family cohesion of course as well as ensuring that none of those nasty NEET types were able to say that there were no options for work.
Might be a very good idea to ask Choudhury, Bunglawalla, Sacranie etc for their help in recreating this exciting Golden Era in the “service sector”!
The bBC , GCSEs results and a story of a school in Peckham doing better than the national average. Peckham performs well in GCSEs despite challenges About 650,000 pupils in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have been finding out their GCSE results.The GCSE results show an increase, for the 23rd year running, in the proportion of entries awarded between an A* and a C grade. One secondary school achieving results far better than the English average is in Peckham in south London, one of the areas badly affected by the riots earlier this month. Mark Easton reports.
Wow, the bBC goes out of its way to brainwash the world that actually the Blacks of Peckham maligned for riots, muggings and stabbings are actually doing better than everybody else when it comes to getting good grades at school. But the bBC leaves out a very important fact about the school in question: Sacred Heart School in Peckham. Actually that isn’t the schools name, its just the name that Mark Easton quotes. The full name of the school is:
Sacred Heart School is a Voluntary Aided Secondary School in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark.The Catholic Diocese founded the school in 1959 to provide education for boys and girls of Catholic families.The school is conducted by its governing body as part of theCatholic Church in accordance with its trust deed and instrument of government, and seeks at all times to be a witness to Jesus Christ.
Maybe the clue why it does so well is because of its Roman Catholic background and its adherence to old schooling. Which is why when Easton asks the big Black girl why the school does so well (35secs) she replies the school has rules, they give you detention and take away all your free stuff., he replies “And is that good” She replies if it results in good results in good results then yes it is good.
So Mark Easton while airing a video about how black children in a School in Peckham are doing better than the national average, subscribes to the notion that children shouldn’t have any grounding in responsible behaviour and should do as they like. Why if I didn’t know better I’d say the bloke is a racist. Which probably explains why he left out the catholic angle, hang on Catholicism isn’t a race. So he can’t be a racist. But then neither is Islam and anybody who though likewise about Muslims would be deemed a racist. Boy the liberals and the ethical latté lot have really complicated things. Best not let them have a look at the schools uniform policy
Typical leftwing wankers, Oh look how great blacks are doing in school, but leave out the Catholic part.
They then wax lyrical about Tony Blair, bring on board that flamboyantly dressed woman who runs a kids company and then interview a black girl who can’t even speak properly. (In contrast to the big black catholic girl) they finish off by showing a so called community project which teaches children to dance. Which Mardell claims teaches them discipline which I suppose was a dig at the how the Catholic school resorts to detention and family values as promoted by the Catholic Church. (Black Catholics are very pious ,family oriented and tend not to have many single parents.) Everything the bBC stands against and so instead of saying why these children are doing so well at school, they just play the black angle.
In anybody else’s book that would be deemed racist behaviour.
No doubt too that the Academies are wiping the floor with whatever Fiona Millar and the unions continue to insist are “schools”.
Yet not a peep from the Beeb!
Miachael Gove has stitched them up like a kipper, yet all we get is a Zen like silence.
Bet Millar dreams that one day her schools may yet rise up to being “bog standard” again…bet her “life partner” is already about to do a Clinton on her( get her a carved out political career-what else could I have meant?)
Out of control celebrations of very little…not rioting today…some religious types…oh and we`ll finish the piece with a rap and rhythmic dancing!
Makes the Black and White Minstrels look OK when you see what the BBCs take on black kids in Peckham was on Newsnight.
Did Harriet Harman pay for all the seats on their Freedom Train then…or is she only the new Mary Seacole?
Lee Jaspers phone number anyone?
Great to have Polly Toynbee back then!
There she was and fresh from Tuscany or wherever one goes to avoid the riots-but to hold forth on them when we`re all a bit calmer!
Polly really doesn`t like this “social impact bond” stuff of the Tories…that Sir Ronald Cohen is a pretty rich bloke who made his dosh under Labour spoke in their favour only bothered her the more.
Justin was with Polly of course, But Sir Ronald seems to make money without the taxpayer underwriting his every word…unlike Justin and largely very true of the Tuscan Tribune.
Still- the markets will be calm now…Polly is back and the BBC can squat in her shed so the poor old soul needn`t bother to come in so often..not at her age!
Any news from Donal McIntyre then?
Kirsty sent him along to the chemist in Wythenshawe on last nights Newslight Show…to check out da estates near Manchester, which will make it easier for Kirsty, Salmond etc to rule the airwaves from Scotland.
Turns out that they rioed because they could do so…but the BBC weren`t having that at all...don`t you mean “lack of yoof fings, cuts and no student EMA Perry?…
Donal looked in some danger That goofy grin and high five stuff might have helped him in Mogadishu…but there were a lot of drug deals to “sort” and that nice car and OB set up would surely pay for some Liam-like rocket powder maan! Lots of challenging kids on small bikes gathered round our Anthroplogist of the North!
It was at this point when the cameraman seemed to leaver Donal to it…and Kirsty gave us neither a follow up link not a counselling hotline. I couldn`t sleep with the worry, so stayed up all night to hear Pollys Pronouncement on the recent revels.
We got no interpreter for Donals dears either, but hey, that`s the Tory cuts for ya!
Kirsty doesn`t need trhe Nurofen now at least-not with that bonny wee variant available down W11 way!
Will Donal therefore be released from the Wythenshawe Post House now…it`s a warzone out there, so bring the potted palms Sophie!
Thanks for this important link questioning a”fact” repeated for over 20 years. If this turns out to be true it will never be reported on the BBC. It would mean a repudation of the Blessed Kate (Adie) who crawled all over the rubble of this story at the time.
I remember Norman Tebbit complained that the BBC’s reporting about the US air raids and produced a detailed analysis of the BBC’s reporting comparing the emphasis and the wording of BBC reports with ITN. He called them “riddled with inaccuracy, innuendo and imbalance”, and called for a review of managerial and editorial standards.
Sorry folks, but having lived through this period I can’t let this go so I’ve been reminding myself of the events in 1986:
On 15th April ITN’s News at Ten carried the headlines:“Gorbachev tells Reagan: Our Foreign Ministers can’t meet now” – “The bombs meant for terrorists kill Colonel Gadaffi’s daughter” – “President Reagan says: If necessary we will do it again.”
The BBC’s 9 o’clock News that night put more emphasis on the Libyan side: “Worldwide condemnation of the American air strike on Libya” – “Children are casualties – three from Gadaffi’s own family” – “Mrs. Thatcher, under fire in the Commons, defends her decision to allow the use of British bases”.
(At the time the Conservatives also contrasted BBC and ITN reports from Tripoli, which used similar pictures of a bomb-damaged residential area. They complained the BBC reporter Kate Adie concentrated too much on what they called “Libyan-controlled footage”)
Now that it appears Gadaffi’s daughter Hana was not killed in the raid and that as the Irish Times.com says “Many Libyans have long doubted the story…I heard constant claims that Hana had studied medicine and was working as a doctor in Tripoli. ‘The whole story that she was killed was just more of Gadaffi’s propaganda,’ one man told me”.
So it turns out no-one (BBC nor ITV) checked the Libyan footage or the facts. Disgraceful. It is also the template for later faked footage of “innocent” deaths.
“The BBC’s Mark Doyle has reported on Africa’s dilemma over whether to release frozen Libyan assets, given that the African Union has not recognised Libya’s transitional government. However, Reuters suggests there could be some movement on the issue later: “There is a strong likelihood that the African Union will recognise the NTC today but call for inclusion of the Gaddafi regime in the interim transitional government,” it quotes a South African government source as saying.”
It’s quite amusing, in a wry sort of way, to see the BBC struggling to get it’s corporate head around the reluctance of sub-Saharan Africa with respect to the events in Libya.
The key is that sub-Saharan Africans have a different perspective on the Muslim world.
This creates a big problem for the BBC. One which it has never…I checked the BBC History site…..covered or addressed before.
The events in the Ivory Coast (western backed Muslim take over), the experiences of South Sudan, the on-going issues in Northern Nigeria coupled with the view that Arabs are RACISTS with a propensity to enslave.
Most Africans know about the ‘Zanj’ rebellion of thousands of Black Slaves in the Basra region of Southern Iraq (8th century).
The reality is that Gaddafi is the exception to the Arab pattern in their eyes.
How the BBC tries to square the circle is evidenced here.
An attempt that doesn’t really get to the bottom of the issue.
” Rebels appear to target black-skinned people in Tripoli. They think blacks are sympathisers of Gaddafi. This is wrong. It should be condemned and the leadership of rebels should tell their fighters to stop it immediately.”
These Black people (who are also pictured elsewhere) are given as civilians. These are black families…women and children.
One of the rebel complaints has been that Gaddafi has been making them citizens for forty years.
The “Foreign Mercenaries’ are Libyan citizens some of them for two generations.
For an even-handed debate on Islamic racism? And an in-depth documentary on the scale, duration & horrors of the Muslim slave trade, presented by Dr Starkey? Yes, please.
Did anyone catch The Reunion, R4 this morning? The one about the Zeebrugge ferry disaster? The man who said he knew the cause of the accident was that the ferry had set off with the doors open? Not because of a collision, which was what the BBC was reporting. He tried to tell the BBC ……….but the BBC “Didn’t want to know.”
Islamic TURKEY, its EU application, war on Kurds, and INBBC.
Of course, Turkey’s killing of Kurdish civilians will not deflect BBC-Patten from its support for entry of 80 million Muslim Turks (Kurds included) into the E.U.
“Turkey reports heavy PKK losses after week of bombing”
“When western countries carry out airstrikes somewhere, however, the slightest hint of civilian casualties is relentlessly played up. And if Israel does it, the media goes in to a frenzy. Imagine that this was Israel bombing the Arabs. How different would the reaction of the western media be?”
I thought it quite interesting how the media have reported the latest exam results. Greg Dyke on Sky News seemed quite delighted that girls were going better than boys. Of course we know WHICH group of boys is doing the worst, it’s not black boys it’s white working class boys who see no future and have no future other than being cannon fodder for the Labour party wars.
Can you imagine Greg Dyke or any other leftie gloating if it were BLACK working class boys who did the worst of the lot? Or Muslims?
Yet again the white working class get riddiculed by the leftie latte drinkers and then they wonder why there is growing resentment in the white working class.
When it used to be the case that girls did worse than boys in almost every subject, the question was always : “What can be done within lessons to alter the approach to teaching to cater to the different needs of girls?”. A fair question, one that was addressed in many a documentary and news item at the time. This appears to have been addressed fairly successfully, so much so that it is now boys that are being let down. Perhaps one day someone will ask the reverse question : “What can be done to help the boys engage more?”, rather than just assuming that they are just a bit thicker, lazier and just need to get their act together.
I have also noticed this slightly contented attitude from some commentators, as if it’s a triumph of the girls over the boys. The failure to address the needs of a generation of young males is nothing to gloat about, Mr. Dyke.
This is interesting. It seems that Canada has a very similar problem with a state broadcaster, and very similar complaints to the ones seen on this blog.
The first paragraph :
“I wish I had the words to properly express my delight that someone has actually had the raw courage to expose the CBC for what it really is and take them on. I put the word, ‘state’ in single quotes because it isn’t really state TV. If it was, it would have a bias towards whatever government was in power. The CBC is leftist TV and despises conservatives, doubly so when they are in power.”
Sound familiar? Perhaps the host(s) of this blog should get in touch with them and form a solidarity movement.
“LONDON, Aug 26: The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has apologized for promoting pork dish for the major Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr.
BBC told the Turkish news agency Anadolu Agency that the dish “pork vindaloo” was included among Eid al-Fitr recipes posted on its website by mistake.
It said that the automatic suggestion system caused the mistake. BBC apologized for the inconvenience it caused.
Earlier, Muslim people reacted harshly to BBC’s mistake.
Hakan Camuz, chairman of the Independent Industrialists’ & Businessmen’s Association (MUSIAD) in the United Kingdom, told the A.A that BBC had the vision to be aware of importance of the Eid al-Fitr for Muslim people.
“But it is unacceptable that BBC could ignore the fact that Muslim people do not eat pork. This is disrespectful,” he said and called on BBC to apologize from Muslim people.
Ahmed Versi, editor of the Muslim News, said that BBC made a big mistake by promoting a pork dish for Eid al-Fitr.”
I’ve often noted how the Beeboid Corporation employs jargon known only to itself. We’re supposed to guess what they mean by automatic suggestion system.
“automatic suggestion system” (ASS) hahahaha, but could this be a more genral problem? The BBC news team always defer to ASS for the days news except that – unbeknownst to them – the ASS is stuck on “Guardian”. The BBC foreign news team have the ASS stucl on ‘Pal’ etc…OMG, they’re all innocent and the ASS is to blame!
Sure, I can easily accept that an automated system populated the fields, but are there no editors looking at stuff before it gets published, or soon after? Is speed and churnalism so paramount for something like this?
Thw World at One does seem a sad place…very sad in fact.
It would be nice if the BBC would remove the student rag week tean on it this lunchtime and find us some adults…or are they all in the pub, it being Friday?
1. Libya-oh so sad indeed…that there might have been “some executions” by Gadaafis mob…what…in a civil war? Heavens to Betsy!
It would have been nice if their cub reporter in Tripoli had not been in floods of tears and breaking down every other sentence though…even if she`s a patsy for Amnesty or whoever(the BBC a bit late out of bed there again!)-she could have done with a supporting adult. Is this now to be the Beebs “emoting” mode…like tears for dear departed Yasser Arafat?
2. Some panjandrum in India is sternly brought to book about corruption there and that bloke on hunger strike(don`t tell the Lancet!)..apparently their system is all corrupt since we left them to run the show without us.
Commonwealth Games and taxpayers money getting squandered…MPs in disrepute…corrupt deals with state-run enterprises and contracts.
No…no read across with Olympics, Edinburgh tram systems or MPs expenses here at all!
3. The UN lady didn`t seem to know much-indeed anything-about the bomb in Nigeria by her offices. Didn`t stop her saying that this was an attack on the “global community”(eh?)-nor did it stop Sean speculating on all manner of potential suspects in the five minutes to fill.
Was it you know who…you know Suspect terrorist Number One?…well the loopy anti-abortionist Christians have neither confirmed or denied it yet!…anyone dare mention Islam?…well…very, very gingerly…
4. Something about the wonderful young people of Notting Hill possibly putting down their slew of GCSE awards to conga line CRB checked policement(and ladies of course!) around the coming quaint scenes involving fat mamas and rice n peas with saltfish…and NO ROOM WHATSOEVER for lazy stereotypes either …OK?
I noted how the bBC brought out their ace wheelchaired expert on security and when asked who could have been behind the attack on the UN building in Nigeria. You know the man who drove through 2 checkpoints and then rammed his vehicle into the leftwing before blowing himself up. He says lets not be too hasty after Norway.
Meanwhile on the bBC web page they are saying that the UN had received warning that they had been targetted by Islamic terrorists during..Ramadan.
Even Frank Spenser would be better than the bBCs so called security expert Frank Gardner when it comes to stating the facts.
The bBC , its Anti-Semitic bent and reporting from Gaza.
Militant groups in Gaza agree to a second Israel truce The militant Palestinian group, Islamic Jihad, has agreed a new ceasefire halting rocket attacks on Israel. The Hamas government in Gaza confirmed the deal, reportedly mediated by Egypt. It comes after a week of hostilities in which more than two dozen people have died, sparked by a series of attacks near the Israeli city of Eilat.This is the second truce in quick succession. The first was called by Hamas late on Sunday, but it failed to end the violence.After Israeli air strikes on Wednesday killed two leaders of Islamic Jihad in the southern city of Rafah and Gaza City, the group launched a volley of rockets and mortars at southern Israel.
So according to Yolande Knell, the poor militants only fired into Israel after Israel broke the truce. Yet as I have pointed out time and time again. The facts remain that while Israel stuck to the truce, it was Gaza which broke the truce. yet when Israel actually hits back, then it is made into the gulity party. (And we wonder why our children hate the jews so much, years of bBC propoganda has brainwashed them into thinking like them) So now the bBc reports that militants (No bBC terrorists) have decided on another ceasefire. Really? here is the news from Israel as 15.52hrs local time (Israel is 2 hours in front of the UK) Grad rocket explodes south of Ashkelon; no injuries A Grad rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip to an open field south of Ashkelon. No injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red rocket alert system was activated prior to the attack.
The editorial policy at the BBC causes them to misrepresent events in such a way that demonizes Israel at every opportunity, although the BBC disputes this.
Here’s how it happened: Israel didn’t formally agree to the alleged ceasefire from Hamas but undertook not to take out any more terrorists if Hamas and their fellow-jihadists stopped firing rockets. They didn’t, unable to resist the urge to kill Jews. Another rocket was fired into Israel a few hours ago.
Trust the BBC to distort that into Israel breaking the ceasefire.
I’d add that the pinpoint responses of Israel to the terror has been really impressive. They are taking out the terrorists and practically nobody else. If the motley terrorist crew in Gaza had Israel’s firepower, they would simply obliterate Israel. That’s the difference in the attitude and morality of the two sides.
Now that it’s clear that there will be new regime of some kind in Libya, one has to wonder: if there is any kind of insurgency, or at least a wave of bombings, terrorist attacks, etc., on the new Government and police force, will the BBC be able to claim that they’re fighting against Western Imperialist Occupation like in Iraq and Afghanistan?
“What we know now is that the bombing in Abuja appears to have been a suicide car bombing, a tactic synonymous with jihadist attacks. What remains to be seen is the exact assessment of responsibility. Suspicion immediately falls to Boko Haram as the most active jihadist group by far inside Nigeria, and would fit its focused targeting institutions and practices that go against Boko Haram’s vision of a “pure” Islamic state. As ‘Boko Haram’ itself stands for ‘Western Education is Sin,’ (among other translations) the UN’s educational initiatives, as well as its involvement in the country as a foreign entity would make it an inevitable target.
That said, the bombing also comes at a time during which we have seen several reports of al-Qaeda inroads into Nigeria, and possible cooperation between the two groups.”
Can somebody please tell the BBC that the stock market is not the economy, and that even if a bit more borrowing and printing money…sorry….”stimulus” makes the stock traders and speculators happy for the short term, that this does not in fact help the economy strengthen for the future? Is there no economics expert at the BBC or on their speed dial who knows the difference between the stock market and the economy itself?
Rewind a bit and they were probably backing up Gordon Brown’s assertion that the public sector was the economy, which needed more investment(spending) not cuts. Remember the claim regarding National Insurance that would ‘take money out of the economy’.
It almost seemed that way. Bernanke said there were no immediate plans for throwing more cash around, but Marian Beeboid was still optimistic, and asked the on-screen analyst if Bernanke hadn’t in fact “left the door ajar” for it. She was smiling at that point and acted as if that was encouraging. Fortunately, the analyst was more impartial and actually said that there was still a possibility “whether one thinks that the right thing to do or not”. I can’t remember ever hearing a BBC economics genius being so objective about the policy.
But it was clear that the Beeboid was hoping for more cash pumping.
In reporting the ban on English Defence League demonstration in London (in a no-go area for non-Muslim demonstrators in London), INBBC does not report EDL’s response, which is:
“Banning the EDL March in Tower Hamlets Sends Out Completely the Wrong Message”
The business Beeboid segment by Marian something had her report the latest US GDP figures. “They’re pretty disappointing, to be honest.” Why add the personal note? Why is the BBC appearing to take sides?
As if that wasn’t bad enough, they had a quick video clip of an economics analyst who helped shift blame away from the President by saying that “even Germany China” slowed this past quarter. So the BBC News producers went out of their way to provide context here, and context only in one direction: to shift blame away from the President. Where is the analyst who will say that the President’s policies simply haven’t been working and that He has no plans other than borrowing and spending even more?
In this case it implies concern over the results. But it wasn’t UK GDP she was talking about, but the US. The BBC should not be taking sides on US issues, regardless, especially considering how their US President editor and other Beeboids in the US keep reporting that bad economy results will hurt the President’s chances of re-election.
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has apologized through the Anadolu Agency (A.A) for promoting pork dish for the major Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr.
BBC told the A.A that the dish “pork vindaloo” was included among Eid al-Fitr recipes posted on its web-site by mistake.
It said that the automatic suggestion system caused the mistake.
BBC apologized for the inconvenience it caused.
Earlier, Muslim people reacted harshly to BBC’s mistake.
Hakan Camuz, chairman of the Independent Industrialists’ & Businessmen’s Association (MUSIAD) in the United Kingdom, told the A.A that BBC had the vision to be aware of importance of the Eid al-Fitr for Muslim people. “But it is unacceptable that BBC could ignore the fact that Muslim people do not eat pork. This is disrespectful,” he said and called on BBC to apologize from Muslim people.
Ahmed Versi, editor of the Muslim News, said that BBC made a big mistake by promoting a pork dish for Eid al-Fitr.
Eid al-Fitr is the three-day Muslim holiday celebrating the end of Ramadan, the holy month when Muslim people fast from dawn to sunset.
Have already logged my complaint to Saudi TV about the lack of a good recipe for a hot cross bun this Easter past!
No doubt Sheikh Mark al Patten will grovel before that lovely new church in Jeddah currently being built!
Will someone tell the useless appeasers at the BBC that the words Islam(surrender) and Muslim(cringing submsission…KJV) are only meant to apply to those who follow that particular faith.
Suppse there`s no chance of Thompson and Patten letting us walk all over them on the way into St Pauls this weekend is there…even if we buy them matching Axminster jackets!
Sky News has its top news story as the explosive devices found in Canterbury, England.
BBC-NUJ is playing catch up with Simpson in Libya.
Search Biased BBC
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Guest WhoFeb 22, 22:25 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://x.com/jonsac/status/1893200021366960500?s=61 1️⃣ In 2007, the BBC faced an internal crisis over a misleading edit of Queen Elizabeth II walking out…
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Guest WhoFeb 22, 22:12 Weekend 22nd February 2025 She probably thought this would help. https://x.com/karishmapatel99/status/1893381232915845559?s=61 As a former @BBCNews journalist, I’m appalled at the decision to remove ‘How…
Fedup2Feb 22, 21:37 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Jeff the whole month has been 47 and his Cabinet explaining what they are doing – particularly with regard to…
Lefty WrightFeb 22, 21:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Fedup2 Who were the authors of said report. They need to be severely TRUMPED!
Seems the troubles have spread to india… What a lunatic organisation.
Nice find. The joy of stage performances posing as news.
I had a reply from the BBC from a complaint submitted in May. So much for their quick replies to complaints promise.
Standard response to a complaint that you can’t answer, which is to answer a different complaint.
The basis of the complaint was about the Stop the Debts demonstration that the BBC reframed as a “Pro cuts demo”. Now for the “Stop the Cuts” demo, there was no reframing of the demo as a “Demo for more taxes”, or a “Demo for more debts”.
ie. Typical left wing approach, as you would expect from the BBC.
So, I’m going to follow the rules and escalate to the next level. If that doesn’t work, I’ll push for a hearing with the editorial committee.
On this not, has anyone extracted from the BBC the reason for their awful complaints site? Namely no replies to their messages. No cookies to keep address. Its deliberately designed to make submitting complaints difficult.
Almost worth a mash up to make complaints easier.
I think you answered your own question! 🙂
Ah. The good old replying-to-a-complaint-you-haven’t-made technique. I know it so well. Make sure you mention this when you escalate. And bon chance!
With the BBC using ‘demonstrators’ instead of rioters, we really shouldn’t be surprised that they seem eager to soften the image of those with which they sympathise and demonise those they see as ‘the other’.
After being comprehensively thrashed by Sky in the past week on coverage of Libya, and after the doom-and-gloom of earlier reports about the effectiveness of the battle against Gaddafi (including NATO support) – the new BBC line seems to be reverting to a familiar refrain from the Iraq days – it will be hard if not impossible to establish any peace.
I actually heard Justin Webb revive the word “quagmire” today to describe the situation.
And wasn’t it a hoot to hear John Simpson waffling on – nothing like the fairly incisive reviews that his oppo at Sky Tim Marshall can give.
Thursday’s edition of the Media Show was brilliant – BBC shafted by a leaner fitter news operation at Sky. The BBC’s news honcho was effectively saying that they failed against Sky – but who cares, the BBC audience is bigger. Quantity over quality ?
I think the rot set in when it became technologically feasible to have OB facilities everywhere. Instead of news organisations being compelled to research, film the appropriate footage and edit it into a concise “report” for transmission, they have hours of dead air to fill. So now we have the concept of a news reader interviewing a reporter about what they may have possibly heard, or what their bleeding opinion is. This is has led to the constant editorialising that the BBC are so enamoured of. One of the first “star” correspondents was probably Kate Adie – but even she only appeared in front of the camera when something was actually happening.
ohn. The bBC has like the libyan rebels gone on the offensive over its shoddy reporting from Tripoli. I quote:
Our coverage of Libya
For much of the past week, the BBC has been the only UK broadcaster reporting from Tripoli – a five-strong team led by correspondent Matthew Price has holed up in the capital’s Rixos Hotel, unable to go out unless “escorted” by Gaddafi government minders. As parts of Tripoli fell, Matthew described his routine in a piece for the BBC News website – dinner in body armour and helmets, fear stalking the corridors as government officials abandoned the international media to their fate.
When Nato bombs started raining down on Libya,our Tripoli Correspondent Rana Jawad went into hiding. Being the BBC’s correspondent in Gaddafi country was never easy at the best of times. But Rana refused the chance to leave: her life and her family was in Tripoli – and for five months, she filed a series of reports, billed only as a Tripoli Witness describing life in the capital
Unfortuantly for the bBC, it appears nobody is buying the above, Here are a few replies to the above crap:
Fair points, Jon, but it doesn’t explain why the BBC News channel showed the Libyan spokesman’s statement with a ‘LIVE’ strap on the screen when it had in fact been shown five minutes earlier on Sky News.
That you didn’t have someone on the ground was unfortunate, but as the previous commenter says, this shouldn’t excuse the fact that the rest of your coverage was so far behind your rivals. Whilst Sky and Al Jazeera stuck with their live feed, you ran cricket reports, extended weather forecasts and clips that were 3 or 4 hours old. Watching the BBC News last night was like reading a discarded copy of yesterdays newspaper on a bus to pass the time. Sky and Al J were way ahead of you.
I can not help but whole heartedly agree with John Fletcher #10, MeM101 #13 and many other comments appearing above. In general terms the BBC have been behind the curve on Libya whilst SKY have been out in front, on the streets and in the thick of it.
Apart from the left wing drift the BBC now suffers from, it is also losing its battle on up to date news gathering to other organisations and with SKY in particular. So sad.
Agree 100% that the BBC has been found wanting over several huge media stories over the last few weeks. I switched to Sky during the hacking scandal, simply to see how a perceived conflict of interest – BSKYB – would play out in their handling of the story, and throughout the riots and now Libya, I’ve stayed.
Sky are hitting it out of the park BBC! Alex Crawford, falling over in the back of a hurtling pick up was classic and riveting! Alex Crawford reporting from the ‘only working hospital in Tripoli’ with bullets and RPGs going off around her, was brave! Alex Crawford charging through Gadafi’s compound gates behind the rebels, was courageous and funny – the guy in Gadafi’s hat – and where are the BBC?
Totally agree here, I switched to Sky for the Manchester riot – much better than BBC and have stayed since. I feel a lot cleaner now as well.
Quantity over quality ?
Yes. Higher rataings = public value. Full stop.
“Martin Sewell: This is Polly Toynbee’s Generation”
[Excerpt, after appropriate mention of BBC]:-
“…Generation Toynbee, a term I coin to encapsulate the cohort of young people brought up according to the values and priorities constantly promoted by that leading commentator of liberal doctrines.
“Generation Toynbee is…
-Rights aware;
-Entitlement demanding;
-State dependent;
-Authority averse;
-Responsibility poor;
-Historically uninformed and un-curious;
-Undervaluing families/fathers;
-Culturally narrow and modernistic;
-Demanding ( often unearned) “respect”;
-Generationally isolated;
-Intellectually un-aspirational;
-Drug tolerant;
-Morally relativist;
-Unchallenged by mainstream society;
-Indulged materially and behaviourally;
-suspicious of wealth generators. ”
Polly Toynbees generation unfortunately get kicked to death in municipal nothern parks with poets getting a good living off it all.
The parents of said generation also get salaries for years whilst reading the Guardian and getting jobs from its pages.
Therefore when the truth breaks in with its hob nailed boots and kicks their kids to death, then all they hope is that lessons are learned, that remorse has been shown and suitable memorial or shrine is erected.
Toynbees generation are the sacrifice…whilst their parents pin the targets on their own kids back in the cause of “celebrating difference and diversity”…they make the contribution…never the sacrifice itself!
What an altar…tragic Polly dollies indeed!
I would say “God Help Them”…but Polly Police might think me in need of a session at their blood soaked shrine!
Very true, cj. So many parents of these children are infantilised themselves. Recently, an advert for act!onaid fell out of a newspaper I was browsing. It features a yummy mummy type hugging herself, teenage-style, with self-satisfied joy at her own narcissistic altruism. The strap line: ‘what a feeling!’ It certainly made me feel something – nauseous. The blurb went on: ‘It’s about being happier, more enlightened.’ The emphasis was on the benefit to the donor. This is so touchy-feely, liberal left – feeling mighty good about yourself while totally ignoring those in need (lonely old people, not very trendy, a bit white) on you own doorstep. It seems the more far-flung the recipients of these fantasists’ largesse, the more gold stars they recieve from Toynbee Towers. And probably from the laughing crooks who trouser much of the money. Keep it coming!
Is it any wonder their offspring are woefully ignorant of their own culture, & hold it in induced contempt? Given that their parents are hopelessly in love with their own xenophilia.Crashing bores.
A checklist of characteristics that will lead to their extinction. In every dream home a beeboid.
Did anyone catch this item? It concerns a bunch of gay perverts who secretly take pictures of unaware people which are then circulated amongst their contact networks for stalking purposes and God only knows what else.
Or, as the BBC would describe it – a bit of fun.
Only on the BBC would this nonsense get a positive spin, never mind any mention at all.
Tubecrush.net – FFS, grow up will you.
Could you imagine iwouldliketofuckthisfitbirdonthetrain.com getting the same kind of free promotion at the expense of licence payers?
It’s not a bunch of homosexuals, and it’s not a homosexual site. The name does sound a bit gay, though.
“Tubecrush” Its just another twist on the “we can have it all” girlie meme. Girls showing they can be every bit as stupid, crass and shallow as (some) men. Stupid as “phwoar” blokes, some acheivement girls. (Incidentally, how’s the infection caused by tatooing your vagina? Responding to treatment?)
Not a homosexual site? Hmmm, take a closer look.
For the record the gay bit doesn’t bother me, secretly taking pictures of men and posting them on the web without their knowledge does though.
If it were reversed and it was pictures of unaware women being ogled at, then the BBC would be screaming stalking sex pests, privacy invasion, human rights abuse blah blah blah.
Double standards but you’d expect nothing less from them.
The news that the government has reached an agreement with the Swiss tax authorities re deposits in Switzerland by UK taxpayers was reported on Radio 4 at 8:00 am – fair enough, it is news. Of course the BBC can’t leave it there. It added to its news report that an outfit called “Tax Research UK” has criticised the agreement as (effectively) a freebie for tax evaders.
What the BBC didn’t tell us is that Tax Research is the vehicle of lefty authoritarian, statist and (God knows how he passed the exams) small-time chartered accountant Richard Murphy. Murphy is (among other things) an adviser to the TUC and a priest of the beliefs that all our income belongs to the state and the public sector is the source of all national wealth and financial ethics. (Almost) needless to say, such opinions fit in well to the BBC economic/financial narrative. Daily on-line Tim Worstall http://timworstall.com/ rips Murphy’s pathetic and self-contradictory assertions to pieces. However, I’ve yet to hear Worstall’s opinions on economic policy quoted in BBC news (or any other) bulletins.
It’s enlightening and illustrative of the BBC failure in its statutory duty to broadcast “impartial” news that the opinion of a nobody like Murphy is deemed worthy of being broadcast as news: the only possible explanation being that in this way the BBC can indirectly criticise the government through the medium of a ventriloquist’s dummy. OTOH the BBC is unsurprisingly effectively silent on the Operation Weeting disclosures vis-a-vis its spiritual stable-mate, the Guardian which the BBC deems (as quoted in another thread on this site) as non-news.
I question the appropriateness of the representative of Saffrey Champness being the voice of “all honest taxpayers who pay the full whack” given their website states that “we meet our clients’ requirements for confidentiality and wealth preservation through the use of offshore trusts and companies.”
I wonder why they have chosen to locate their only overseas offices in Guernsey and Geneva.
If the BBC wishes to criticise the government for negotiating at least £5bn extra for UK taxpayers, it can surely find a more suitable mouthpiece.
They are cross.
Actually the OECD move against all ‘tax havens’ is the ongoing background to all this. The Leichensteiner ‘tax haven’ is no longer what it used to be.
Tax is complicated in the free movement EU and the wider European Economic area so ‘with holding tax’ is a widespread instrument.
The Saffrey Champness business model is hitting the buffers in its present form.
The BBC explanation of the context overall is pretty poor.
Most readers will be none the wiser having read their report.
The message being put out by the BBC here is that, whatever this is, it’s not making the wealthy pay anywhere near enough, so it’s no good.
Personally I can recommend Monaco. Provided you can meet the criteria for becoming resident, the rate of personal income tax is zero. Good luck to them.
They won’t be contributing to the 1/4 £m payoffs to Quango Chiefs and Local Authority Queen Bees that can’t do their job but are still paid off with two years salary, and the unemployed immigrants wanting a £2m house “to be near friends in London”. UK Uncut really don’t get it. Governments p*ss away taxes. They don’t need to collect more, they need to waste less. (Unless of course you have an agenda)
UK Uncut see themselves (in form or another) as living off the taxpayer fot the rest of their life, and so they are very keen that everybody else pays a maximum amount of tax on anything they earn.
Most of these outraged teenagers from UK Uncut will change their tune should they ever become part of the work force and realise that taxation is now applicable to them. It’s all very well to advocate higher taxes for all when you are yet to be burdened by the resulting reduction in your income as you struggle with household bills. For the smarter ones, it will sink in soon enough.
According to newsnight English cricket is institutionally racist; not enough Asians/Muslims.
Today’s net migration increase of 20% should help.
BBC-NUJ, its love of the false use of word ‘Asian’; its hostility to English cricket, even in the hour of success.
BBC-NUJ continually and wrongly desribes an individual or group as ‘Asian’ or ‘British Asian’, when the correct word would be ‘Muslim’, ‘Hindu’ ‘Pakistani’, ‘Indian’ or dare we say it: ‘British’.
In ‘Newsnight’ (22 Aug) we had a Pakistani campaign to make cricket in England more ‘Asian’. And a campaign, obviously not racist when a Pakistani says it: ‘to make the English team look less white in the future’; and we heard all the evidence about how most cricketers in Britain of South Asian connection support the teams from either India, Pakistan, Bangladesh or Sri Lanks over England!
The English Defence League has a point about the misuse of words on this:
“What Does It Mean to be Asian?”
So they failed “the cricket test” eh? come back Tebbit we need you.
Black heritage/ White heritage.
In light of BBC-NUJ headline:
“Paris offers black heritage tours”
– soon BBC-NUJ will have to headline:
‘London offers white heritage tours.’
So African-American visitors can’t be expected to enjoy Paris without having their experience ‘niched’ to the narrowest degree. How unbelievably patronising.
In fact, it’s exactly the sort of thing you’d imagine this country doing, so les francais have stolen a march on us in the right-on idiocy stakes here.
Still, we’ll doubtless storm back past the froggie usurpers and into our accustomed leading place after the Olympic Opening Ceremony next summer. I can hardly imagine just how grim that’s going to be.
Yes, Buggy. If the UK’s contribution to the end of the last Olympics in China is anything to go by, the opening 2012 ceremony should win us a gold medal for synchronised cultural Marxism. Spectators at the finale in Beijing were staggered to see a hip-hop dance troupe, Zoo Nation, supposedly representing the ‘best of Britain’. Their performance was inspired by life on a crime/drug-infested sink estate. Comments on various sites at the time were priceless. On a much sadder note, looking at photos/film of the 1948 Olympics, or the 1951 Festival of Britain, it is impossible not to contrast, compare, & perhaps quietly despair at our startling, politically-induced decline.
As the bBC is putting so much effort into Libya I thought I should give them a hand with the jacqui Splif story. Without too much digging they could have found that the person who runs the charity that supplied the scroats for the decorating; was nominated by splif for a MBE and received one. Cash for honours by any other name.
Fancy letting a couple of vulnerable young men into the house of a known pornographers champion!
Health and Safety..Esther…Howard League…Shami…Childline?
This could be some phone bill for someone…obviuosly not Smiffys!
One of your best, cj.
BBC-NUJ is light on airing criticism of Labour laxity on huge problem of ‘ASYLUM SEEKERS’ to UK:
“Nearly two-thirds of asylum seekers turned out to be bogus – but Britain ended up with £10 billion bill anyway, says report”
BBC-NUJ and Radio 4 ‘PM’ today: enabler for mass immigration and colonisation of Britain; British people excluded from BBC agenda on this.
Radio 4 ‘PM’ has just done its bit today for the continuing COLONISATION of Britain through the continuing mass immigration.
First up, the jokey E. Mair had on a European figure to remind us Brits that we had no legal control of the inward flow of immigrants from the European Union; then ‘PM’ had on several Poles telling of their intentions.
No Brits were on ‘PM’ to raise questions even about the scale of the immigrant problem (which relates mainly to non-E.U. immigrants anyway); it is all one-way traffic of immigrants on ‘PM’.
‘Daily Mail:
“Net immigration soared by 20% last year – making a mockery of Government pledge to bring it DOWN”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2029948/Immigrant-numbers-RISE-20-despite-Government-bid-slash-numbers.html#ixzz1W3kuu55D
And food for thought:
Research: 10 percent for Sharia can change a country into Sharia state
Black is back. And continuing to talk as if climate change (not explicitly man-made, but clearly inferred) is real.
“Does a changing climate mean an increase in conflict and civil unrest around the world?”
So THAT’S what caused the riots and the Libyan revolution. =-O
hilarious. They are saying that “vulnerable regions, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and South and Southeast Asia, will face the prospect of food shortages, water crises and catastrophic flooding [insert phrase here: driven by climate change] [delete phrase here: that have happened for centuries]”
Clear sign that BBC bias is becoming more noticable: known hardline lefty lifts boycott and will now talk with BBC
So Dick Cheney, from his own lips, admits he wanted to bomb Syria in order to stop its nuclear program? The left – who encouraged NATO to bomb Libya to effect regime change – is outraged.
But don’t expect Dick Cheney to be cut a break. The BBC, New York Times, LA Times and no doubt the Guardian and Independent will all be gnawing over his new book. As we know he has long been the bête noir of the left. Evidence this BBC hit piece masquerading as a “profile”.
The devilish neocons (with whom Cheney is associated in the crazed liberal mind) have also had their fair share of opprobrium. Here’s a paragraph from the BBC’s description of the 2005 documentary series “The Power of Nightmares”:
“At the heart of the story are two groups: the American neo-conservatives and the radical Islamists. Both were idealists who were born out of the failure of the liberal dream to build a better world. These two groups have changed the world but not in the way either intended. TOGETHER they created today’s nightmare vision of an organized terror network.
The only thing that warms my heart is that Cheney doesn’t give a flying f*** what the media thinks.
As I adjusted my dial to get away from You and Yours. I went too far and heard Jeremy Vine!
That white handwringer who berates Starkey for his “stereotyping of black yardie culture-Owen Teenage Scribbler or whatever-was up on Jeremys show saying why incitement to riot is only a virtual crime, so should not be prosecuted. Jeremy thinks the same I gathered.
Two points
1. Does anyone who provided the narrative to Starkeys scandalous episode get to inhabit the BBCs green Room now awhile…up the speed dial charts of the lefties seeking similar?
In other words-has Owen been home to change since he hit the libleft seam two weeks back?…or are we still paying for him to trawl the studios of Beebville telling us why he and the BBC are as one?
2. His book-I`m told-is about “chavs”…white types I`d say!
So no lazy caricaturing from this cut-price Jimmy Somerville then!
He`s not the body double for Laura Panney is he?…she seems to be hiding behind Jodys Disability Support (Socialist) Worker at present.
Lemme guess: halfway through this guy explaining why incitment to violence was just one of those things, not really worth bothering with, they cut to someone from the right who pointed out that the BBC thought insensitive language was The Worst Thing In The World back when they were stalking Nick Griffin. Right?
And I’m told the book says it’s wrong to stereotype the working class as “chavs”. Hm…well, if I wanted to write a book arguing that name-calling the working class was wrong, I wouldn’t use the insulting term in the title of the book. But then I suppose, principles can take a back seat when calculating what will increase sales of said book.
Yes I reckon Owen is useful enough an idiot now to grace the pages of the Guardian, New Statesman and -but of course-the Bolshevik Buffing and Champagne ship of fools that is the BBC.
Probably ahead of Shirley Williams on the luvvies speed dial chart now…for being witness to the toppling of Starkeys statue in the Great Uprising of 2011!
Looks and sounds just like Yvette Cooper.
‘Chavs’ are the under-class anyway. Everyone knows that the white working-class are ‘fascists’!
This lunchtime BBC Five Live interviewed Damien Green about immigration and somehow managed not to mention the eu quango and its undemocratic rules forcing us to receive immigrants.
The trouble is, the obvious question: “will the government defy the eu and reduce European immigration. Minister?” was glaring in its absence.
No wonder, though, coming as it does from the BBC who describes me as a ‘eu citizen’. What a cheek.
Damien Green was the sap who was raided on the orders of the Labour Party wasn`t he?…arrested in front of his kids back home as I recall!
His former persecutor…”wor Jacqui Smiff” was only yesterday using a few of her old “customers” in HMP nearby -in order to paint her constituency house…as opposed to the one she shares with her sister “dahn sahth”.
Yet it is Damien Green that gets the questionning and the scorn of Martha Kearney and the World At One team.
Damien remains a sap and a patsy, but Labour and the BBC are just dandy about their luck.
In getting this shower of brokeback Tories as “Ministers”, they really are way too lucky.
Is there ANY chance of grafting a few backbones into the low grade political types to the right of Ken Clarke?
In the meantime, just put Norman Tebbit in charge…and to think I used to hate that man!
Sorry Norman sir!
It is noticeable how many of the once hated old guard of the Conservative party now seem much more trustworthy and respectable than most of the newer lot. Even Heseltine, who was once an almost pantomime style figure of hate, now gets regular applause on Question Time, mainly for appearing to be the muture statesman among a panel of juvenile and partisan muppets. Shame he’s pro EU, though. I think I’ve said before, we need more of the calibre of Rory Stewart pushed to the fore in the Conservative party, rather than the lightweights we so often see on our TV screens. Theresa May is one of these types that never seems to be aware of the traps that they’re about to fall into that have been set up by a smart-arsed BBC interviewer.
I suspect Hezza gets the warm and fuzzy treatment from QT audiences because most of the audience id too young to have any memory of his time in gov’t and just have the perception that he helped bring down the hated ‘Fatch’ and thus helped usher in ‘The Age Of…….weel, Major, but eventually the kindly reign of Fair Sir Tone and his Sancho Panza, Juan Prescottio.
I suspect most of them don’t remember the wonderfully intemperate way he dealt with Greenham Common, for example.
Probably true, Buggy. Being Pro EU makes him not totally evil in their minds too.
Couldn’t recall Heseltine’s roll in the Greenham Common nonsense, but a quick google finds this snippet :
“Michael Heseltine tells Houses of Commons that ‘intruders’ run the risk of being shot.”
We need a revival of this policy in regard to protesters invading power stations in order to vandalise and force a shut-down. It seems you can get away with anything if you call yourself an environmental activist.
I just got the standard brush-off reply from the BBC regarding the Bacon fiasco, without being able to reply to it so sent the following on the complaint form:
Ms Claire Ward I am afraid this reply is not good enough. Mr Bacon was clearly endorsing this clip, and any other interpretation of what he did is frankly dishonest. This clip made vicious attacks on Downs Syndrome sufferers as well as attacking, in a most disgusting and sexist manner, a Republican politician. Mr Bacon, who has often made no secret of his own personal political leanings has, by endorsing and sniggering at this clip, betrayed the mythical “impartiality” of the BBC beyond any acceptable level. Ms Boaden has long claimed that this impartiality still exists, but by keeping Mr Bacon employed at my expense she should also be sacked for misleading the public.
There will be no satisfaction to this disgusting situation until Mr Bacon is fired without pension nor prospect of return, ever! However, if you insist on keeping Mr Bacon and your many other completely partizan presenters, comedy and drama writers etc. in your completely one-sided propaganda department, then I must demand an end to paying for this. So, tell me how I cancel my licence fee without your brown-shirted storm troopers knocking on my door in the middle of the night? And don’t tell me to get rid of my television because I shouldn’t have to!
Please also note I am not Mrs Demon. Your reply was offensive in so many ways you seem to be a typical BBC employee. Mr. Demon
Did you sign yourself Hilary by any chance? Think of the problems Evelyn Waugh must have had when corresponding with public utilities and officialdom.
And as if it wasn’t bad enough already, he married a woman called Evelyn! What must that have been like for either or both of their correspondence? The marriage didn’t last, mind.
I think it’s because my initial is S, and they added it to Mr. and trans-sexualised me into Mrs. However, they also saw my name, which is clearly male. Possibly an accident, or possibly a deliberate attempt to add insult to injury.
Was watching a documentary on the BBC last night about Pathe News. With out a hint of irony, Andrew Marr said the Pathe News’s coverage of the Suez crisis was pure propoganda. Ah yes, Andrew Marr Mr BBC, the organisation that three month non stop propoganda, to get the country to accept the invasion of Iraq.
Noted this too in another thread James!
Absolutely no sense of irony either was there?
At least Pathe weren`t taking out injunctions to ensure the continuing child support to a kid that wasn`t even your own!
We really are paying the likes of Marr way too much!
Is The Obamessiah Campaign taking lessons from the BBC or what?
Gov. Perry’s real record
We Texans who have experienced Gov. Rick Perry’s failed policies firsthand have an important story to tell the rest of the country.
Use the form on the right to tell us which part of Rick Perry’s record you’d most like to see him held accountable for.
I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before the Beeboids get wind of this and start re-tweeting it all over the place. Katty Kay is already spreading the word of some poll she found on Politico saying that 59% of Texans don’t want Perry re-elected. Jay Carney works fast. I challenge any defender of the indefensible to show me a Tweet of hers about how many people don’t want the President re-elected.
David, you’re right to keep an eye on Katty Kay. In 2010, this is how she ‘explained” the tea party movement:
“The Tea Party is saying we don’t care about whether it’s in the country’s interest, in our foreign policy interest, in our economic interest necessarily to deal with the President. What we want is to be the party that obstructs Barack Obama. Many of them ran specifically on stopping and on checking Barack Obama, and so that is their
Nothing about out of control debt, rising unemployment, lack of investment, a general unease at the direction of the country? Just “get Obama out”. This is not analysis. It is propaganda.
Absolutely right. And she has no idea why, but you know she thinks she does: racism. She thinks it’s purely personal for tens of millions of people, and truly believes it has nothing to do with His policies or those of the Democrats in Congress. Talk about contempt for the locals on her beat.
Saw a pretty good programme on council housing and its history.
At least the bloke who made it seemed to lived in one and has written well on the white working class-Michael Collins.
The one pop at Thatcher,but it was set in context with the failings of Callaghans lot beforehand.
I actually learned something and was not hit over the head with Oxbridge crap c/o Rick from the Young Ones.
One show then for August…who knows when the next one will be?
It was on a few months ago, cj, & it impressed me then. Collins, in a very cool, forensic, understated way, allowed the truth to emerge from the mouths of people at the sharp end of the changes in housing policy. Especially the compulsion on councils to house the homeless, where before council housing had been for the working classes, & with a very strict criteria to be met. This original intention was to build stable communities whose sons & daughters would go onto the list & live in the same area, giving families continuity & security, & a real pride in their area. This was busted wide open by mass immigration & the British working classes were stabbed in the back. Shameful.
Sometimes, just sometimes, BBC4 is an Alamo in the desert of cultural Marxist moral relativism that has engulfed the rest of the corporation. If it is axed, to support the BBC’s Somali network, or some other nonsense, then that’s my licence payment cancelled.It will have been a long goodbye, but I’ll be glad to go.
BBC4 is also the only place on the network where science has not been almost completely abandoned. I guess scientific programs are too ‘elitist’ and not ‘inclusive’ enough. Where’s the cultural relevance? Not really addressing any social issues here. Can’t we draft in a celebrity to draw in a wider audience? They did this to Horizon a few years ago and turned it into nothing more than an Open University sociology series. As Horizon is one of the few BBC programs that I never miss and regard as truly excellent, I was pissed off in the extreme that they dared to bastardise it in such a manner, allowing people like Alan bloody Davies to front episodes. Thankfully, in the last couple of series, they appear to have clawed it back from the abyss of bland social science and re-instated it’s proper science credentials. Rant over (almost).
Gawd, I hate that – when they plant some actor or comedian in front of a programme on a subject they know nothing about.
It is this legal obligation that drives so many of the problems and abuses of our public housing. Without that, you wouldn’t have so many immigrants coming here trying it on or those who amazingly get six- or seven-bedroomed houses at vast cost near their friends. Repeal that law and you alter the whole scene at a stroke. You’d go from the arrogant sense of entitlement and feather-bedded couldn’t-care-less attitude to the British public to having to make an effort for oneself and being glad of any public assistance even if it fell short of one’s dreams of luxury and a life of free-loading idleness.
Apparently, that number is too big for BBC Democrat to mention.
To understand that US Federal Reserve $1 TRILLION loan/realistically gift to international bankers, it is necessary to turn, not to BBC-NUJ’s economics/business staffers who are preoccupied with a Mr. Coulson and a Mr Murdoch, but to ‘Bloomberg’, ‘Wall Street Journal’ and the ‘Daily Mail’.
Now it has ’emerged’ in our secretive Western economies, (via ‘Bloomberg’) over the past few days, that the US government has ‘loaned’ ( but, in effect gifted) $1.2 trillion dollars to the international bankers because of their catastrophic ‘insolvency’ problems. “Revealed: How Federal Reserve paid out $1.2 TRILLION in loans to Wall Street aristocracy and foreign banks”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2028882/Revealed-How-Fed-paid-1-2-TRILLION-loans-banks.html#ixzz1W4vYiG3r Now this raises the question of what is $1 trillion dollars. Here is a video clip which tries to give us the picture: Crash Course Chapter 11: How Much Is A Trillion?
Quite a big story, even for BBC-NUJ’s News International investigators, one might think.
It’s actually just short of $100 billion to foreign banks. But that’s still too much, especially considering how poorly managed TARP seems to have been.
It all started in America, right?
I posted about this on Tuesday!
And showed what a trillion dollars wa slast month!
Bloody Newsnight reporting on immigration. The government hasn’t succeeded in bringing the numbers down, so it’s more than fair to point this out. However, after 13 years of New Labour putting the issue well out of bounds for discussion and the BBC happy to play along with the silence, it galls me that they are now more than happy to point out a government’s failure to control immigration. It’s strange how a change of government can undo years of reluctance to report on an issue, isn’t it. Their report ended with an almost gleeful Beeboid saying : “the numbers arriving in the last year are equivalent to the population of Stoke-on-Trent(I think), and this under a Conservative government”. She couldn’t have been more joyfully smug as she delivered this last sentence. Will someone please tell these BBC fucktards that we have a coalition, not a Conservative government. Bastards.
Yes; the BBC-NUJ-Labour is politically Janus-faced on mass immigration.
13 years of Labour government’s deliberate open-door policy of mass immigration intended, among other things, to swell the Labour vote of immigrants in London and the big cities and towns of England, BBC-NUJ was virtually silent, characterising critics of mass immigration as ‘racist’ and treating ‘Migrationwatch’ as beyond the BBC-NUJ political pale.
And still today, the BBC-NUJ is actively enabling the continuance of mass immigration so that Britain will be colonised completely by this unprecedented, and sustained mass influx.
BBC-NUJ does not talk the language of ‘limits’, ‘controls’, ‘numbers’ , ‘indigenous culture’. It talks the language of ‘more diversity’, ‘the deserving immigrants’ and ‘welcoming’.
Of course, Britain is being rapidly taken over by the mass immigration from Asia, Africa and the E.U.
Don’t talk about the works of Mark Steyn, or Christopher Caldwell, which have analysed the demographic, economic and cultural consequences, Beeboids; just keep up your campaign of national suicide via mass immigration.
That item was so partisan it could have been a Labour Party political broadcast.
I didn’t see the Newsnight report, but others I saw or heard on the BBC concentrated only on immigrants from Poland.
It’s not the immigrants from Poland that cause most grief, BBC. But I guess you can get away with targeting them because they is white.
Haven’t noticed much mention of the “A” word – Africa. Something to do with “the Commonwealth” that our back door is permanently open to a stream of African women pushing baby-buggies. You can’t move for them in London. You may well ask how so many people from relatively poor countries can afford to move to one of the most expensive cities in Europe. I think you will find the answer is”sub-letting” of council tenancies. Espacially in Lalalabourland.
Damien Green will acheive nothing. And the BBC will focus on hard-working Poles, for fear of the “racist” taunt. Pity the Poles that they aren’t black, don’t have five children each, and don’t demand Sharia law.
Areas in London like this you mean :
(the last frame explains what you’ve just seen).
Multiculturalism – looks more like monoculture to me.
I wonder if Polly lives in the neighbourhood?
“And the BBC will focus on hard-working Poles, for fear of the “racist” taunt.”
It’s really the opposite. The BBC, by focusing on the Poles, dares any opponent of mass immigration to tell the audience that it’s Third World immigrants we’re concerned by, not hard-working Polacks, and thus allows the Beeboid to bring the jolly old “R” word familiarly into play to shut down the debate quick smart.
Kirsty Wark assured us on Newsnight tonight that if the bank bail outs had not taken place we would not have been able to get money out of ATMs. What evidence does she have for this?
Is she implying her fellow Scot saved the world again? Er why are we in a mess again?
There may be a kernel of truth to that, though. I remember very clearly reading in December 2008 or so that there were a handful of bank bosses that were ready to take their own cash out and escape, fully expecting their own banks to have a run and go bust. Scumbags and chancers, yes, but that seems to have been the reality of it at the time. It was technically all supposed to be a loan, and some paid it back over time, which softens the blow a bit.
The initial TARP promise (not the eventual massive waste, but the initial round they expected) supposedly kept that from happening. Not that it makes the whole thing right, and certainly not to the amount Wark is most likely defending – i.e. constant bailouts for all, ad infinitum – but the initial round might have been a necessary evil.
The thing is, much of that in the US was paid back with interest (or a profit was made on the shares sold owned by the government, like for Citibank, which were sold off later – unlike the bath we’re possibly about to take on the GM shares the President is going to sell at a loss). Then it got stupid, and I have no idea how much if any of the money handed over to Euro banks got repaid.
However, in the UK there was a chance to make things right…or at least not as bad. Northern Rock should have been allowed to fail, the only reason it didn’t was what and where it was. Has NR gone to the wall (it was by far and away in the worst position) the other banks would have realised there was going to be no, repaet NO, guarantee. It’s all water under the bridge now but I think even RBS wouldn’t have been in so much trouble…do you know that tens of billions of toxic debt were taken on by Fred the shed AFTER the NR debacle? I imagine many other banks did likewise: would anyone have been allowed to do that had NR just crashed? I think not.
As one who had part of his retirement savings in Northern Rock I am bound to disagree! What sank Northern Rock was Gordon Brown dithering for nearly a week, leading to a run on the bank as depositors rushed to salvage what was left. Because of their lending ratios, no bank can withstand a run. The worlds greatest economist G Brown can be thanked for leaving it too late, and ending up with a bigger mess than was necessary.
Of the failing Scottish banks, the retail savings side should have been protected, the investment banking speculators should have been left to collapse. Instead we ended up paying for them both.
Economic guru Brown.
I agree with that, Span. Or at least NR should have been properly broken up and sold off like Bear Stearns, which is also what should have happened to Lehman. And HBOS. Too bad Peston screwed any chance for that with NR with his scoop. If the assets – and there actually were plenty – had been managed in receivership and sold off, savers would have been better off.
I should be posting this under the “BBC Integrity” thread.
It is 4 minutes past midnight Thursday going into Friday. Listening to Radio 4 News – which should be considered “flagship” standard.
I just heard Wyre Davies claim that he is one of the first journalists to enter the Gaddafi compound.
Effing liar. Effing liar.
That sums up the BBC. Way up the line, editors here in London allow Wyre Davies to lie.
Don’t expect any less from these twerps. We’ve seen the BBC reports from the hotel roof shot in full HD – the fill- light flash and full flack jackets and we’ve seen Sky delivered live in from the backs of vans shot in compressed fractals with the buklets flying. I know where the awards are going when they hand them out…
Personally, I reckon that the palm tree on dusky sunset backdrop that I saw behind Orla Guerin the other evening was the very same one that Ben Brown used to stand in front of in Baghdad.
Do the Beeb carry their own lucky potted plants around…or just liberate them fresh from the hotel lobby as needed?
I remember Matt Allwright visiting Helmand one Christmas as a ‘moral booster’ for the troops, but the top and bottom of his report was that his partner didn’t want him there and he wasn’t allowed outside Camp Bastion for the duration, so that was an utter joke.
😀 😀
It might be that the palm tree is first cousin to the “Drop The Dead Donkey” teddy bear that had been filmed in every warzone going.
The beeboids keepy hyping up that THEY are being shot at. Yet I’ve not seen any evidence of this, the Sky team just seem to get on with it, if you’re in a war zone and people have guns bullets will come near you. DUH!
The beeboids keepy hyping up that THEY are being shot at.
beeboids being shot at……I wonder why that would be,then
do they read biased bbc over there?
The bBC reporting on the slave trade in 1888 and ..half the story.
How an Ethiopian slave became a South African teacher
Bisho was one of a group of Ethiopian slaves freed by a British warship in 1888 off the coast of Yemen, then taken round the African coast and placed in the care of missionaries in South Africa.
The story began on 16 September 1888, when Commander Charles E Gissing, aboard the British gunship HMS Osprey, intercepted three dhows carrying Ethiopians to the slave markets in the Arabian port of Jeddah. Commander Gissing’s mission was part of British attempts to end the slave trade – a trade that London had supported until 1807, when it was abolished across the British Empire.
So the great impartial bBC reports on how 81 years after the UK abolished slavery and set about forcing (By way of the Royal Navy) the rest of the world to follow suit. HMS Osprey on duty with the anti slavery fleet did just that targeting the primarily Islamic trade in slaves on 3 boats heading towards what is now Saudi Arabia. Yet instead of mentioning that slavery was only abolished in Saudi Arabia in 1962. (yes 1962) the bBC article goes with its leftwing bent and quotes:
A trade that London had supported until 1807, when it was abolished across the British Empire.
Thus reinforcing its leftwing bent that the British Empire was only evil.
But there’s more the bBC doesn’t tell you , like how Slavery is rooted in the unholy Koran. Yes its there and we all know how Muslims (and the bBC) worship that book written by a paedophilic mass murderer. Which is why Slavery was and still is common place throughout the Islamic world.
This sentence struck me (showing that slavery was a perfectly normal state of affairs) shows a certain irony in this story.
“She had been orphaned with her two brothers, as a result of the drought and disease that swept through Ethiopia in 1887, and left in the care of one of her father’s slaves.”
So this girl came from a family that itself had slaves.
Slaves who could be traded at times of need to others or bartered. It was an economic condition in which slavery was a state that you could slip into.
The line that her true ‘liberation’ was education in a Christian (not mentioned, but who else!) and not the result of the Royal Navy’s active intervention to interdict the Arab slave trade, is sheer spin.
If the Navy had not been there doing its Blackbirding Patrols, the enslaved daughter of a slave-owning family would have ended up on the dockside of Jeddah to be sold at a profit.
Another interesting point is that ‘Muslim’ children were ‘adopted’ by Muslim families in Aden.
A Muslim cannot be a slave for another Muslim according to the Sharia. The question is what was happening here. Where did ‘Muslim’ slave children come from and how did they find themselves on the slave ship.
The answer probably is that they were the children of the slavers on the dhows whose fate is not described nor the events between disabling the dhows and boarding.
The report itself poses more questions than it answers.
Can you imagine the effort required to actually think up that line? It’s forced in with a crowbar.
Some reading for INBBC:
“Slavery in the Islamic World – A Forgotten Horror Story”
(by Prof William D. Rubinstein)
“The pattern by which Western commentators, especially Western leftists, consistently whitewash the barbarisms committed by the peoples of the Third World, and not least of all by the Islamic world, is well illustrated by the appalling history of slavery in the Islamic world. This is a subject of which most people know nothing whatever, although some people may be dimly aware that slavery existed, and may continue to exist, in the Islamic world.”
Also, these books:
Robert Davis, ‘Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean , the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500-1800’ (2003).
Giles Milton, ‘White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and North Africa’s One Million European Slaves’ (2004).
Not at all George!
Merely creating employment to counter the Christian cuts agenda of the twelth century.
Good for family cohesion of course as well as ensuring that none of those nasty NEET types were able to say that there were no options for work.
Might be a very good idea to ask Choudhury, Bunglawalla, Sacranie etc for their help in recreating this exciting Golden Era in the “service sector”!
The bBC , GCSEs results and a story of a school in Peckham doing better than the national average.
Peckham performs well in GCSEs despite challenges
About 650,000 pupils in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have been finding out their GCSE results.The GCSE results show an increase, for the 23rd year running, in the proportion of entries awarded between an A* and a C grade.
One secondary school achieving results far better than the English average is in Peckham in south London, one of the areas badly affected by the riots earlier this month.
Mark Easton reports.
Wow, the bBC goes out of its way to brainwash the world that actually the Blacks of Peckham maligned for riots, muggings and stabbings are actually doing better than everybody else when it comes to getting good grades at school. But the bBC leaves out a very important fact about the school in question: Sacred Heart School in Peckham. Actually that isn’t the schools name, its just the name that Mark Easton quotes. The full name of the school is:
And its admission policy reads:
Sacred Heart School is a Voluntary Aided Secondary School in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark. The Catholic Diocese founded the school in 1959 to provide education for boys and girls of Catholic families. The school is conducted by its governing body as part of the Catholic Church in accordance with its trust deed and instrument of government, and seeks at all times to be a witness to Jesus Christ.
Maybe the clue why it does so well is because of its Roman Catholic background and its adherence to old schooling. Which is why when Easton asks the big Black girl why the school does so well (35secs) she replies the school has rules, they give you detention and take away all your free stuff., he replies “And is that good” She replies if it results in good results in good results then yes it is good.
So Mark Easton while airing a video about how black children in a School in Peckham are doing better than the national average, subscribes to the notion that children shouldn’t have any grounding in responsible behaviour and should do as they like. Why if I didn’t know better I’d say the bloke is a racist. Which probably explains why he left out the catholic angle, hang on Catholicism isn’t a race. So he can’t be a racist. But then neither is Islam and anybody who though likewise about Muslims would be deemed a racist. Boy the liberals and the ethical latté lot have really complicated things. Best not let them have a look at the schools uniform policy
Typical leftwing wankers, Oh look how great blacks are doing in school, but leave out the Catholic part.
They then wax lyrical about Tony Blair, bring on board that flamboyantly dressed woman who runs a kids company and then interview a black girl who can’t even speak properly. (In contrast to the big black catholic girl) they finish off by showing a so called community project which teaches children to dance. Which Mardell claims teaches them discipline which I suppose was a dig at the how the Catholic school resorts to detention and family values as promoted by the Catholic Church. (Black Catholics are very pious ,family oriented and tend not to have many single parents.) Everything the bBC stands against and so instead of saying why these children are doing so well at school, they just play the black angle.
In anybody else’s book that would be deemed racist behaviour.
No doubt too that the Academies are wiping the floor with whatever Fiona Millar and the unions continue to insist are “schools”.
Yet not a peep from the Beeb!
Miachael Gove has stitched them up like a kipper, yet all we get is a Zen like silence.
Bet Millar dreams that one day her schools may yet rise up to being “bog standard” again…bet her “life partner” is already about to do a Clinton on her( get her a carved out political career-what else could I have meant?)
Out of control celebrations of very little…not rioting today…some religious types…oh and we`ll finish the piece with a rap and rhythmic dancing!
Makes the Black and White Minstrels look OK when you see what the BBCs take on black kids in Peckham was on Newsnight.
Did Harriet Harman pay for all the seats on their Freedom Train then…or is she only the new Mary Seacole?
Lee Jaspers phone number anyone?
Great to have Polly Toynbee back then!
There she was and fresh from Tuscany or wherever one goes to avoid the riots-but to hold forth on them when we`re all a bit calmer!
Polly really doesn`t like this “social impact bond” stuff of the Tories…that Sir Ronald Cohen is a pretty rich bloke who made his dosh under Labour spoke in their favour only bothered her the more.
Justin was with Polly of course, But Sir Ronald seems to make money without the taxpayer underwriting his every word…unlike Justin and largely very true of the Tuscan Tribune.
Still- the markets will be calm now…Polly is back and the BBC can squat in her shed so the poor old soul needn`t bother to come in so often..not at her age!
Any news from Donal McIntyre then?
Kirsty sent him along to the chemist in Wythenshawe on last nights Newslight Show…to check out da estates near Manchester, which will make it easier for Kirsty, Salmond etc to rule the airwaves from Scotland.
Turns out that they rioed because they could do so…but the BBC weren`t having that at all...don`t you mean “lack of yoof fings, cuts and no student EMA Perry?…
Donal looked in some danger That goofy grin and high five stuff might have helped him in Mogadishu…but there were a lot of drug deals to “sort” and that nice car and OB set up would surely pay for some Liam-like rocket powder maan! Lots of challenging kids on small bikes gathered round our Anthroplogist of the North!
It was at this point when the cameraman seemed to leaver Donal to it…and Kirsty gave us neither a follow up link not a counselling hotline. I couldn`t sleep with the worry, so stayed up all night to hear Pollys Pronouncement on the recent revels.
We got no interpreter for Donals dears either, but hey, that`s the Tory cuts for ya!
Kirsty doesn`t need trhe Nurofen now at least-not with that bonny wee variant available down W11 way!
Will Donal therefore be released from the Wythenshawe Post House now…it`s a warzone out there, so bring the potted palms Sophie!
Quite ironic that Newshite should do a piece highlighting the very personification of Strakey’s ‘racist’ statements on the same programme!
Don’t expect to see this on the Beeb anytime soon ..
Thanks for this important link questioning a”fact” repeated for over 20 years. If this turns out to be true it will never be reported on the BBC. It would mean a repudation of the Blessed Kate (Adie) who crawled all over the rubble of this story at the time.
I remember Norman Tebbit complained that the BBC’s reporting about the US air raids and produced a detailed analysis of the BBC’s reporting comparing the emphasis and the wording of BBC reports with ITN. He called them “riddled with inaccuracy, innuendo and imbalance”, and called for a review of managerial and editorial standards.
Some things never change.
Sorry folks, but having lived through this period I can’t let this go so I’ve been reminding myself of the events in 1986:
On 15th April ITN’s News at Ten carried the headlines: “Gorbachev tells Reagan: Our Foreign Ministers can’t meet now” – “The bombs meant for terrorists kill Colonel Gadaffi’s daughter” – “President Reagan says: If necessary we will do it again.”
The BBC’s 9 o’clock News that night put more emphasis on the Libyan side: “Worldwide condemnation of the American air strike on Libya” – “Children are casualties – three from Gadaffi’s own family” – “Mrs. Thatcher, under fire in the Commons, defends her decision to allow the use of British bases”.
(At the time the Conservatives also contrasted BBC and ITN reports from Tripoli, which used similar pictures of a bomb-damaged residential area. They complained the BBC reporter Kate Adie concentrated too much on what they called “Libyan-controlled footage”)
Now that it appears Gadaffi’s daughter Hana was not killed in the raid and that as the Irish Times.com says “Many Libyans have long doubted the story…I heard constant claims that Hana had studied medicine and was working as a doctor in Tripoli. ‘The whole story that she was killed was just more of Gadaffi’s propaganda,’ one man told me”.
So it turns out no-one (BBC nor ITV) checked the Libyan footage or the facts. Disgraceful. It is also the template for later faked footage of “innocent” deaths.
“The BBC’s Mark Doyle has reported on Africa’s dilemma over whether to release frozen Libyan assets, given that the African Union has not recognised Libya’s transitional government. However, Reuters suggests there could be some movement on the issue later: “There is a strong likelihood that the African Union will recognise the NTC today but call for inclusion of the Gaddafi regime in the interim transitional government,” it quotes a South African government source as saying.”
It’s quite amusing, in a wry sort of way, to see the BBC struggling to get it’s corporate head around the reluctance of sub-Saharan Africa with respect to the events in Libya.
The key is that sub-Saharan Africans have a different perspective on the Muslim world.
This creates a big problem for the BBC. One which it has never…I checked the BBC History site…..covered or addressed before.
The events in the Ivory Coast (western backed Muslim take over), the experiences of South Sudan, the on-going issues in Northern Nigeria coupled with the view that Arabs are RACISTS with a propensity to enslave.
Most Africans know about the ‘Zanj’ rebellion of thousands of Black Slaves in the Basra region of Southern Iraq (8th century).
The reality is that Gaddafi is the exception to the Arab pattern in their eyes.
How the BBC tries to square the circle is evidenced here.
An attempt that doesn’t really get to the bottom of the issue.
Just as INBBC seems to prefer politically, Gaddafi to Cameron, so too it seems to prefer Islamic jihad Hamas to the English Defence League.
An email on the live Line:
” Rebels appear to target black-skinned people in Tripoli. They think blacks are sympathisers of Gaddafi. This is wrong. It should be condemned and the leadership of rebels should tell their fighters to stop it immediately.”
These Black people (who are also pictured elsewhere) are given as civilians. These are black families…women and children.
One of the rebel complaints has been that Gaddafi has been making them citizens for forty years.
The “Foreign Mercenaries’ are Libyan citizens some of them for two generations.
Big Problem.
BBC, over to you.
For an even-handed debate on Islamic racism? And an in-depth documentary on the scale, duration & horrors of the Muslim slave trade, presented by Dr Starkey? Yes, please.
Did anyone catch The Reunion, R4 this morning? The one about the Zeebrugge ferry disaster? The man who said he knew the cause of the accident was that the ferry had set off with the doors open? Not because of a collision, which was what the BBC was reporting. He tried to tell the BBC ……….but the BBC “Didn’t want to know.”
So he went to ITV.
Islamic TURKEY, its EU application, war on Kurds, and INBBC.
Of course, Turkey’s killing of Kurdish civilians will not deflect BBC-Patten from its support for entry of 80 million Muslim Turks (Kurds included) into the E.U.
“Turkey reports heavy PKK losses after week of bombing”
From ‘Stop Turkey’ blog:
“When western countries carry out airstrikes somewhere, however, the slightest hint of civilian casualties is relentlessly played up. And if Israel does it, the media goes in to a frenzy. Imagine that this was Israel bombing the Arabs. How different would the reaction of the western media be?”
I thought it quite interesting how the media have reported the latest exam results. Greg Dyke on Sky News seemed quite delighted that girls were going better than boys. Of course we know WHICH group of boys is doing the worst, it’s not black boys it’s white working class boys who see no future and have no future other than being cannon fodder for the Labour party wars.
Can you imagine Greg Dyke or any other leftie gloating if it were BLACK working class boys who did the worst of the lot? Or Muslims?
Yet again the white working class get riddiculed by the leftie latte drinkers and then they wonder why there is growing resentment in the white working class.
When it used to be the case that girls did worse than boys in almost every subject, the question was always : “What can be done within lessons to alter the approach to teaching to cater to the different needs of girls?”. A fair question, one that was addressed in many a documentary and news item at the time. This appears to have been addressed fairly successfully, so much so that it is now boys that are being let down. Perhaps one day someone will ask the reverse question : “What can be done to help the boys engage more?”, rather than just assuming that they are just a bit thicker, lazier and just need to get their act together.
I have also noticed this slightly contented attitude from some commentators, as if it’s a triumph of the girls over the boys. The failure to address the needs of a generation of young males is nothing to gloat about, Mr. Dyke.
This is interesting. It seems that Canada has a very similar problem with a state broadcaster, and very similar complaints to the ones seen on this blog.
The first paragraph :
“I wish I had the words to properly express my delight that someone has actually had the raw courage to expose the CBC for what it really is and take them on. I put the word, ‘state’ in single quotes because it isn’t really state TV. If it was, it would have a bias towards whatever government was in power. The CBC is leftist TV and despises conservatives, doubly so when they are in power.”
Sound familiar? Perhaps the host(s) of this blog should get in touch with them and form a solidarity movement.
“LONDON, Aug 26: The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has apologized for promoting pork dish for the major Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr.
BBC told the Turkish news agency Anadolu Agency that the dish “pork vindaloo” was included among Eid al-Fitr recipes posted on its website by mistake.
It said that the automatic suggestion system caused the mistake. BBC apologized for the inconvenience it caused.
Earlier, Muslim people reacted harshly to BBC’s mistake.
Hakan Camuz, chairman of the Independent Industrialists’ & Businessmen’s Association (MUSIAD) in the United Kingdom, told the A.A that BBC had the vision to be aware of importance of the Eid al-Fitr for Muslim people.
“But it is unacceptable that BBC could ignore the fact that Muslim people do not eat pork. This is disrespectful,” he said and called on BBC to apologize from Muslim people.
Ahmed Versi, editor of the Muslim News, said that BBC made a big mistake by promoting a pork dish for Eid al-Fitr.”
What the bloody hell is an automatic suggestion system?
…a convenient responsibility deflector. In other words : Bull Shit.
I’ve often noted how the Beeboid Corporation employs jargon known only to itself. We’re supposed to guess what they mean by automatic suggestion system.
No excuse for that one, Beeboids. I sense another online training course coming on….
“automatic suggestion system” (ASS) hahahaha, but could this be a more genral problem? The BBC news team always defer to ASS for the days news except that – unbeknownst to them – the ASS is stuck on “Guardian”. The BBC foreign news team have the ASS stucl on ‘Pal’ etc…OMG, they’re all innocent and the ASS is to blame!
Confirmation : BBC News department run by an ASS! 😀
Sure, I can easily accept that an automated system populated the fields, but are there no editors looking at stuff before it gets published, or soon after? Is speed and churnalism so paramount for something like this?
Only on the BBC.
Thw World at One does seem a sad place…very sad in fact.
It would be nice if the BBC would remove the student rag week tean on it this lunchtime and find us some adults…or are they all in the pub, it being Friday?
1. Libya-oh so sad indeed…that there might have been “some executions” by Gadaafis mob…what…in a civil war? Heavens to Betsy!
It would have been nice if their cub reporter in Tripoli had not been in floods of tears and breaking down every other sentence though…even if she`s a patsy for Amnesty or whoever(the BBC a bit late out of bed there again!)-she could have done with a supporting adult. Is this now to be the Beebs “emoting” mode…like tears for dear departed Yasser Arafat?
2. Some panjandrum in India is sternly brought to book about corruption there and that bloke on hunger strike(don`t tell the Lancet!)..apparently their system is all corrupt since we left them to run the show without us.
Commonwealth Games and taxpayers money getting squandered…MPs in disrepute…corrupt deals with state-run enterprises and contracts.
No…no read across with Olympics, Edinburgh tram systems or MPs expenses here at all!
3. The UN lady didn`t seem to know much-indeed anything-about the bomb in Nigeria by her offices. Didn`t stop her saying that this was an attack on the “global community”(eh?)-nor did it stop Sean speculating on all manner of potential suspects in the five minutes to fill.
Was it you know who…you know Suspect terrorist Number One?…well the loopy anti-abortionist Christians have neither confirmed or denied it yet!…anyone dare mention Islam?…well…very, very gingerly…
4. Something about the wonderful young people of Notting Hill possibly putting down their slew of GCSE awards to conga line CRB checked policement(and ladies of course!) around the coming quaint scenes involving fat mamas and rice n peas with saltfish…and NO ROOM WHATSOEVER for lazy stereotypes either …OK?
I noted how the bBC brought out their ace wheelchaired expert on security and when asked who could have been behind the attack on the UN building in Nigeria. You know the man who drove through 2 checkpoints and then rammed his vehicle into the leftwing before blowing himself up. He says lets not be too hasty after Norway.
Meanwhile on the bBC web page they are saying that the UN had received warning that they had been targetted by Islamic terrorists during..Ramadan.
Even Frank Spenser would be better than the bBCs so called security expert Frank Gardner when it comes to stating the facts.
For a moment I read that as “the bbc wheeled out their ace expert on security”….. me bad I know 😉
I thought you meant Jody McIntyre
Give them time….they’ll find a post for him at some point. He ticks soooo many boxes.
cj, did you have to mention the Edinburgh trams? It’s so embarrassing.
Still, at least the local press know how to deal with these jumped-up political clowns.
The bBC , its Anti-Semitic bent and reporting from Gaza.
Militant groups in Gaza agree to a second Israel truce
The militant Palestinian group, Islamic Jihad, has agreed a new ceasefire halting rocket attacks on Israel. The Hamas government in Gaza confirmed the deal, reportedly mediated by Egypt. It comes after a week of hostilities in which more than two dozen people have died, sparked by a series of attacks near the Israeli city of Eilat.This is the second truce in quick succession. The first was called by Hamas late on Sunday, but it failed to end the violence. After Israeli air strikes on Wednesday killed two leaders of Islamic Jihad in the southern city of Rafah and Gaza City, the group launched a volley of rockets and mortars at southern Israel.
So according to Yolande Knell, the poor militants only fired into Israel after Israel broke the truce. Yet as I have pointed out time and time again. The facts remain that while Israel stuck to the truce, it was Gaza which broke the truce. yet when Israel actually hits back, then it is made into the gulity party. (And we wonder why our children hate the jews so much, years of bBC propoganda has brainwashed them into thinking like them)
So now the bBc reports that militants (No bBC terrorists) have decided on another ceasefire. Really? here is the news from Israel as 15.52hrs local time (Israel is 2 hours in front of the UK)
Grad rocket explodes south of Ashkelon; no injuries
A Grad rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip to an open field south of Ashkelon. No injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red rocket alert system was activated prior to the attack.
The editorial policy at the BBC causes them to misrepresent events in such a way that demonizes Israel at every opportunity, although the BBC disputes this.
The title of that piece on the Middle East RSS feed is “Gaza fighters in new Israel truce”
That’s “fighters”!
That’s now the title of the piece on the front page too:
Here’s how it happened: Israel didn’t formally agree to the alleged ceasefire from Hamas but undertook not to take out any more terrorists if Hamas and their fellow-jihadists stopped firing rockets. They didn’t, unable to resist the urge to kill Jews. Another rocket was fired into Israel a few hours ago.
Trust the BBC to distort that into Israel breaking the ceasefire.
I’d add that the pinpoint responses of Israel to the terror has been really impressive. They are taking out the terrorists and practically nobody else. If the motley terrorist crew in Gaza had Israel’s firepower, they would simply obliterate Israel. That’s the difference in the attitude and morality of the two sides.
Now that it’s clear that there will be new regime of some kind in Libya, one has to wonder: if there is any kind of insurgency, or at least a wave of bombings, terrorist attacks, etc., on the new Government and police force, will the BBC be able to claim that they’re fighting against Western Imperialist Occupation like in Iraq and Afghanistan?
For INBBC, on the nature of Islamic jihad in NIGERIA:
Nigeria: At least 18 dead in suicide car bombing on UN; UN had been warned Boko Haram might attack
“What we know now is that the bombing in Abuja appears to have been a suicide car bombing, a tactic synonymous with jihadist attacks. What remains to be seen is the exact assessment of responsibility. Suspicion immediately falls to Boko Haram as the most active jihadist group by far inside Nigeria, and would fit its focused targeting institutions and practices that go against Boko Haram’s vision of a “pure” Islamic state. As ‘Boko Haram’ itself stands for ‘Western Education is Sin,’ (among other translations) the UN’s educational initiatives, as well as its involvement in the country as a foreign entity would make it an inevitable target.
That said, the bombing also comes at a time during which we have seen several reports of al-Qaeda inroads into Nigeria, and possible cooperation between the two groups.”
Can somebody please tell the BBC that the stock market is not the economy, and that even if a bit more borrowing and printing money…sorry….”stimulus” makes the stock traders and speculators happy for the short term, that this does not in fact help the economy strengthen for the future? Is there no economics expert at the BBC or on their speed dial who knows the difference between the stock market and the economy itself?
Rewind a bit and they were probably backing up Gordon Brown’s assertion that the public sector was the economy, which needed more investment(spending) not cuts. Remember the claim regarding National Insurance that would ‘take money out of the economy’.
It almost seemed that way. Bernanke said there were no immediate plans for throwing more cash around, but Marian Beeboid was still optimistic, and asked the on-screen analyst if Bernanke hadn’t in fact “left the door ajar” for it. She was smiling at that point and acted as if that was encouraging. Fortunately, the analyst was more impartial and actually said that there was still a possibility “whether one thinks that the right thing to do or not”. I can’t remember ever hearing a BBC economics genius being so objective about the policy.
But it was clear that the Beeboid was hoping for more cash pumping.
In reporting the ban on English Defence League demonstration in London (in a no-go area for non-Muslim demonstrators in London), INBBC does not report EDL’s response, which is:
“Banning the EDL March in Tower Hamlets Sends Out Completely the Wrong Message”
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) report:
The business Beeboid segment by Marian something had her report the latest US GDP figures. “They’re pretty disappointing, to be honest.” Why add the personal note? Why is the BBC appearing to take sides?
As if that wasn’t bad enough, they had a quick video clip of an economics analyst who helped shift blame away from the President by saying that “even Germany China” slowed this past quarter. So the BBC News producers went out of their way to provide context here, and context only in one direction: to shift blame away from the President. Where is the analyst who will say that the President’s policies simply haven’t been working and that He has no plans other than borrowing and spending even more?
He’s over on Sky – Jeff Randall.
I’ve never liked the expression “to be honest.” It implies that most of the time you aren’t.
In this case it implies concern over the results. But it wasn’t UK GDP she was talking about, but the US. The BBC should not be taking sides on US issues, regardless, especially considering how their US President editor and other Beeboids in the US keep reporting that bad economy results will hurt the President’s chances of re-election.
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has apologized through the Anadolu Agency (A.A) for promoting pork dish for the major Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr.
BBC told the A.A that the dish “pork vindaloo” was included among Eid al-Fitr recipes posted on its web-site by mistake.
It said that the automatic suggestion system caused the mistake.
BBC apologized for the inconvenience it caused.
Earlier, Muslim people reacted harshly to BBC’s mistake.
Hakan Camuz, chairman of the Independent Industrialists’ & Businessmen’s Association (MUSIAD) in the United Kingdom, told the A.A that BBC had the vision to be aware of importance of the Eid al-Fitr for Muslim people. “But it is unacceptable that BBC could ignore the fact that Muslim people do not eat pork. This is disrespectful,” he said and called on BBC to apologize from Muslim people.
Ahmed Versi, editor of the Muslim News, said that BBC made a big mistake by promoting a pork dish for Eid al-Fitr.
Eid al-Fitr is the three-day Muslim holiday celebrating the end of Ramadan, the holy month when Muslim people fast from dawn to sunset.
Have already logged my complaint to Saudi TV about the lack of a good recipe for a hot cross bun this Easter past!
No doubt Sheikh Mark al Patten will grovel before that lovely new church in Jeddah currently being built!
Will someone tell the useless appeasers at the BBC that the words Islam(surrender) and Muslim(cringing submsission…KJV) are only meant to apply to those who follow that particular faith.
Suppse there`s no chance of Thompson and Patten letting us walk all over them on the way into St Pauls this weekend is there…even if we buy them matching Axminster jackets!
Increasingly Islam Not BBC (INBBC) will remember to submit to its Islamic mentors in all such matters, until it is totally Islam (Sharia) compliant.
What is Islam, if not submission?
Sky News has its top news story as the explosive devices found in Canterbury, England.
BBC-NUJ is playing catch up with Simpson in Libya.