Mark Mardell, that pro-Obama shill operating Stateside is worth watching; A regular B-BBC contributor has held his latest pronouncements up to the light and this is what can be seen;
“Catching up with Mardell and his up close and personal attack on Rick Perry: Mark Mardell is a slippery fellow…giving truth but missing out salient facts that would alter people’s perceptions of what he says: He lays into the Republican Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, and tells us that there are people who would dispute that the Republicans (Thatcher admiring conservatives) have done as well as they say on the economy.
‘The Texas economy may feel like a miracle to some, but to others it is more like a diabolical torment. ‘
He links to an article by a Richard W Fisher (and note how up to date Mardell is..must be desperately scouring the internet to dig up any opposing voices)…..
Richard W. Fisher
Connecting the Dots: Texas Employment Growth; a Dissenting Vote; and the Ugly Truth (With Reference to P.G. Wodehouse)
August 17, 2011
Who is Fisher? He turns out he is a Democrat:
Richard W Fisher
‘…he was a candidate for the same U.S. Senate seat in the regularly scheduled election, defeating former Texas Attorney General Jim Mattox and U.S. Congressman Michael A. Andrews in the Democratic primary.’
Mardell then links us to the Pastor Gerald Taylor of the Texas Organizing Project…...
‘Texas Organizing Project says it’s ‘not ACORN with a new name’ ‘
ACORN was a Obama supporting organisation that tried to fix elections in the US amongst many other scandals……and it looks as if TOP is formed along exactly the same lines organising ‘community leaders’ and getting involved in electoral organizing despite denials of doing so….
“We’re not ACORN with a new name,” Brim said. “We’re a completely new organization.”
TOP aims to work for improving schools, neighborhoods and access to health care and jobs. Brim said TOP is not working on any voter registration drives, though it may in the future.’
‘The Texas Organizing Project (TOP) promotes social and economic equality for low to moderate income Texans through community and electoral organizing.’
‘Many consider them a new version of an old community-organizing group that folded earlier this year after a string of controversies: ACORN. Like the defunct Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, TOP is a grass-roots community-organizing group. The new Houston-based nonprofit was formed by several former Texas ACORN employees.’
Texas Organizing Project Is Newest ACORN Spinoff Group
By Matthew Vadum on 3.29.10 @ 6:39PM
An inside ACORN source has just confirmed this to me: the Texas chapter of ACORN has pretended to break off from the national group and has incorporated itself under the name Texas Organizing Project.
Want a job at the TOP?
Mission: The 501(c)(3) Organizing Table is a fiscally sponsored project of the Texas Organizing Project. The Voter Engagement Organizing Table is working in target communities in the Houston area and Harris County to engage underrepresented communities in the democratic process, develop new leadership from within these constituencies, take collective action on important policy issues and establish a long-term model and infrastructure for increasing voter participation in the County.
Job Title: Coordinator Voter Engagement Table; Reports to: Director Texas Organizing Project
Mardell has ‘forgotten’ to tell us that two of the opposing voices he has named are in fact Democrat supporters…..bearing in mind his blog is probably read in the US as well that surely amounts to an attempt to swing people’s voting decisions away from the Republican candidate……is the BBC like the Guardian (which had its nose punched when it similarly told Americans to ‘vote democrat’) subverting American politics to its own ends? Surely not?
Don’t forget the barking trot in Colorado that he also linked too the week before:
Talk about desperate.
What a load of propaganda this is. Mardell makes it seem as if the poverty in Oak Cliff is the direct result of Perry’s policies, as if they were all doing well, middle class or something, before he cut their services and the size of government. He could not be more dishonest. But he is highly ideological, and shows. One can almost hear his skin crawling when he writes that Texans keep telling him they like Thatcher. And he reports it as if it’s a bad sign.
And of course his link supporting his claim about all those minimum wage (or lower!) jobs is to the far-Left activist site, Think Progress. Like I said in my post about Mardell’s previous piece on Texas, I’d hate to see him talk about the negatives. And I was right.
When are the Americans going to send Mardell back home to us?
In return we will ban Michael Moore.
Noted Mardell didn`t stand round the Texan cattle ranches very long…that prize porker would have been worth a few dollars!
Superb post David. Not only do we have to put up with the proxy “Nice Socialism (democrats) vs Tory Scum (republicans)” invective of Mardell, three million homebound Londoners are treated almost daily now to the thoughts of Evening Standard’s US columnist James Fenton, an echo chamber of Democrat smear lines.
Everything that’s wrong with anyone who might oppose the Mighty One in the next Presidential.
Whilst you have to pay to be lied to by the bBC, the London ES is an even more perverse model: it’s “free”, so it is equally entirely unnaccountable to its readers. The staff writers have a free hand and are all lefties. Owner, Russian oligarch Lebedev, doesn’t appear to give a toss what his freesheet spouts. And do they spout. One ES columnist tonight was “ridiculing” Perry for being sceptical about climate change. That’s my man, I thought. And we have Mr Windmill Sheffield’s son in law David Cameron, and Chris (how many points?) Hune.
Maybe the BBC NUJ should send Mardell on this piece of professional development: