I was touched to read this BBC report on Libya.
Mustafa Abdul Jalil outlined his plans to create a modern democratic state based on “moderate Islam” to thousands of flag-waving supporters in the newly renamed Martyrs’ Square. The head of the National Transitional Council has delivered his first speech in Libya’s capital, Tripoli, since the ousting of Muammar Gaddafi.
Great news, “moderate Islam” it is then – not the gay-hanging. adulterer stoning, limb amputating variant. But soft, what news of transgender rights and the other big issues the BBC likes to pursue?
“He also warned against secularism, envisaging a state “where sharia [Islamic law] is the main source for legislation”.
Might be a while before we get that all important Libyan Gay Pride parade but still, it’s a step in the right direction from the sounds of it…if one believes BBC analysis, that is….
There was a report on the Alex Jones radio show last night, from a black US government official who said that he was trapped in Tripoli for several days, and had to stay in hiding because Al Qaida were beheading any black Africans found out on the streets.
I wonder if this story is true? There was a time that a story not being carried by the BBC would suggest it had no basis in fact, but today I would expect the BBC to suppress the above report to support their biased agenda, so no mention on the BBC means nothing now.
IHRC is extremely concerned about evidence emerging from Libya that black Africans are being rounded up by rebel forces en-mass due to their skin colour. It is in an environment of suspicion and turmoil that these Africans are threatened, imprisoned and executed under accusations of being pro-Qaddafi or enlisted by Qaddafi as mercenaries.
IHRC has been documenting the institutional discrimination and abuse suffered by black Africans in Libya for many years. Out of a population of over 6.5 million, it is estimated that between 1-2 million are non-Arab – many of whom are migrant workers, but the majority of which are Libyan citizens originating from African countries such as Chad, Niger and Nigeria.
In 2000, discrimination against black Africans erupted into riots, resulting in dozens of migrant workers being lynched by protesters. Hundreds of Eritrean refugees have since been interned in detention centres in Misratah and elsewhere across Libya.
Many accounts from Libya have verified the use of summary executions by armed gangs and militias, as well as the presence of mass graves in the country. The persecution of Africans in Libya must be prevented from erupting into another chapter of genocide based upon racism.
You can read more about these recent developments in an article published by The Independent here http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/libyans-dont-like-people-with-dark-skin-but-some-are-innocent-2345859.html
Making up for the BBC.
“Vivienne looked out through the bars of the Tripoli jail cell where rebel authorities had held her for five days. She is one of a group of 90 Nigerian migrants who were rounded up during the climactic battle in the Libyan capital last month against Moammar Gaddafi’s troops, accused of possessing weapons and killing Libyans.
Vivienne said her only crime is her black skin.
“They think because we are black, we are fighting for Gaddafi,” she said, afraid to give her last name. “We were hiding. We were afraid. There were gunshots and bombs.” Around her, other women — hairdressers, housekeepers, one pregnant — told the same story.
Since the uprising against Gaddafi’s 42-year-long rule began in February, many dark-skinned Libyans and sub-Saharan Africans here have feared for their lives.”
Somehow, I don’t recall (although granted, I’m not old enough to be able to do so) the BBC mentioning ‘moderate’ Nazism during WWII. These days though, I’m sure that it wouldn’t mind reporting enthusiastically about the contents of Mein Kampf if it were to provide the basis of legislation for a state containing melanin-enriched folk. After all, it’s not anything extreme like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, is it? Then again . . .
well the similarities, are obvious between nazism/islam, hardly surprising
they both gave intellectual suchre to each others abhorrent world view running up to & during WWII.
mind you they probably think who needs” mein kampf” when you can get away with this, in US schools
even more worringly this
you may recall, hd of arab studies harvard, last seen gushing away in
el beebs sugar coated fairy story fest, life of moh!
Turkish P M Erdogan:
The Term “Moderate Islam” Is Ugly And Offensive; There Is NO Moderate Islam; Islam Is Islam.
Speaking, Kanal D TV’s Arena, shucks… he must be a greasy islamo-fauxbe
hmmm yes guys, better not put the bunting out for the arab spring just yet
“there is no law above allah, and the sharia none”
apparently these TC guys, could get hauled up for a deluge of human rights abuses too
all together………springtime for hitler and germany…
Who said this?
“There Is No Moderate Islam”
Beyond the INBBC ‘Arab Spring’ mirage –
NATO now warns Libya could fall into hands of “Islamists,” as rebel chief promises Sharia as main source of legislation
[Opening excerpt):-
“We tried to tell you. With another Wilsonian adventure well underway, our political establishment learned nothing in Iraq about trusting the thin veneer of a moderate, tolerant society that peeled off like cheap car window tinting as soon as the regime fell. Western governments proceeded on a rank oversimplification of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ sides in Libya, funding what was believed to be the former without questioning or investigation.
“As reported below, there is Sharia at every turn, and the West hopes against hope for the Paper Sharia of academic exercises to emerge: Sharia as advertised, as opposed to Sharia as observed.”
I’d just like to see the official definition of “moderate” in the BBC style guide, so I’m able to judge its application by Bowen, Gardiner, et al.
Moderate is what the exiles and ex-Gaddafi renegades are saying for western consumption. There is no moderate Islam, as Noggin correctly pointed out above quoting Erdogan. Islam is Islam and is always and everywhere highly political.
To understand the modern phenomenon one has to go back to the European Wars of Religion in the 16th and 17th Century that tore Europe apart. After 150 years of this, Europe decided to put religion into its box , horrified at the carnage, through the Enlightenment.
The Islamic world is a super-volcano version of the Balkans..and, sadly, we are at the early stage of the paroxysm.
ybe its something like this, another kneeslapper
Erdogan: assimilation is crime against humanity ,(not far away before it fits in with an el beeb multi culti rights modus operandi).
seriously….the supremacist mindset in a nutshell, the only problem being
these people cant wait to act on it…you know what that means.
It only takes a bit of the old “friday hate incitement hour…i mean prayers” and another Israelli embassy goes up in smoke.
while of course powers that be, just look the other way
Egypt’s military/rulers ignored pleas from US as mob attacked Israeli embassy Telegraph
the ripples on the arab spring peace pond eh!
what could go wrong? 😀
Islamic Bloc Declines to Condemn All Terrorism,” CNS News,
Turkey says flotilla raid was ’cause for war,'” from The Associated Press
“If There Is Nothing Wrong With Islam, Why Do We All Agree We Can Stomach It Only In ‘Moderation’?”
“If There Is Nothing Wrong With Islam, Why Do We All Agree We Can Stomach It Only In ‘Moderation’?”http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_display.cfm/blog_id/37818
“If There Is Nothing Wrong With Islam, Why Do We All Agree We Can Stomach It Only In ‘Moderation’?
Who said this, INBBC?
Hint: the subject of the Thread above
“There Is No Moderate Islam”
Says it all better than I could.
“The majority of the Arab constitutions declare the sharia as the basis of legislation, preventing Islamic States from living up to the standards set by the 1948 United Nations Declaration of Universal Human Rights. It also legitimizes the notion of racial and religious superiority, and allows for multiple levels of citizenship and widespread and systemic discrimination against racial and religious minorities living within a state’s borders. Invariably, the human rights of the weak and dispossessed, the minorities and women, the disabled and the heretics, are trampled upon without the slightest sense of guilt or wrongdoing. Men and women are imprisoned, routinely tortured and often killed, while numbed citizens, fearful of offending Islam, unsure about their own rights, insecure about their own identities, allow these violations to continue. By looking the other way, the intelligentsia and middle classes have become complicit in these crimes. They justify their inaction as patriotism, where they stand in solidarity with the Islamic State, with the misguided idea that those who fight for universal human rights are somehow working for Western imperialism or represent the interests of Judeo-Christian civilization.”
Tarek Fatah is host of the weekly TV show, Muslim Chronicle, and a frequent contributor to the Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, and the National Post. The National Press Club of Canada awarded Fatah the 2007 Press Freedom Award.
I think it goes back to the days of the moderates and the off their rockers.
Simply ‘angry’ boys blowing off steam. Quite noble and romantic really.
No extremes at all. Moving along…
“If There Is Nothing Wrong With Islam, Why Do We All Agree We Can Stomach It Only In ‘Moderation’?
INBBC doesn’t get it, but:
“Making the World Safe for Jihad and Sharia: Libya”
(by Diana West)