It’s all about WHO you know, don’t you know?

Julia Middleton; founded ‘Common Purpose’, a member of the Media Standards Trust and founder of the left wing Demos think tank. A good friend of the BBC’s Robert Peston.

Robert Peston; Media Standards Trust member and supporter of ‘Common Purpose’….his ‘Speakers for Schools’ charity works with the Education and Employees Trust….

Anthony Salz; on the board of the Education and Employees Trust which supports Peston’s speakers charity, an Media Standard Trust trustee and used to be vice chairman of the BBC board of governors 2004-06.

Brandon Gough….Common Purpose chairman 1991-98, now chancellor of the University of East Anglia (of CRU fame).

Sir David Bell….chairman of the Media Standards Trust until he joined the Leveson Inquiry into media (er News International!) standards, and Common Purpose trustee.

They don’t need any lessons in networking, how to make friends and influence people….just get your foot in the door and you’re made for life it seems…so much for social mobility.

Hat-tip to Biased BBC contributor Alan. 

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  1. Grant says:

    You can almost smell the sleaze   !


  2. tinks says:

    Common purpose lurks the Devil’s work we warned you  😉


  3. Geyza says:

    Common Purpose are an enemy of the state. A grossly anti-democratic institution spreading like a very virulent cancer at the heart of The UK establishment, it is bent on creating chaos, out of which it has its own trained “leaders of the POST-DEMOCRATIC age” ready to step in and impose their Marxist order upon the rest of us.


  4. fred bloggs says:

    Anybody who has been on a Common Purpose ‘brainwash’ should be barred from public service.  


  5. stopcp says:

    I am glad to see that people are waking up to Common Purpose crookery.


  6. Teddy Bear says:

    That would certainly explain these job descriptions. It’s the equivalent of a masonic handshake, where only those who’ve attended a CP course would have any idea what they’re applying for. 

    I’ve a feeling that ’embed audience understanding in the creative process’ is what we laymen would call brainwashing.

    BBC keeping it in the family.


  7. dave s says:

    They will bring this land to ruin. Probably not deliberately but through stupidity. The East is taking over and there they have no time for  nonentities doing non jobs and leeching wealth from the nation.
    How long have we got? 20 years if we are lucky and probably much less.
    Reality cannot be denied for ever.


  8. ian says:

    Salz is also on the board of N M Rothschild, and fellow media “trust” board member Amelia Fawcett is also on the board of Morgan Stanley. Two big banks, not just one!

    The “Institute for Welsh Affairs” (which takes an unelected interest in regional and EU matters) is also represented. Just stinks of CP, doesn’t it?


  9. Louis Robinson says:

    Sounds like a Militant Tendency for Toffs.


  10. Roy Stirred-Oyster says:

    In the 80s, I read a couple of books about the alleged pernicious influence of the Freemasons. While it is clear that the Masons had some dubious influence in, say, policing, I have recently come to the conclusion that, compared to Common Purpose and all their Quangcrocy chums, the Masons are a bunch of amateurs.


  11. Richard Pinder says:

    University of East Anglia, that must be Humiliating.