It’s all about WHO you know, don’t you know?

Julia Middleton; founded ‘Common Purpose’, a member of the Media Standards Trust and founder of the left wing Demos think tank. A good friend of the BBC’s Robert Peston.

Robert Peston; Media Standards Trust member and supporter of ‘Common Purpose’….his ‘Speakers for Schools’ charity works with the Education and Employees Trust….

Anthony Salz; on the board of the Education and Employees Trust which supports Peston’s speakers charity, an Media Standard Trust trustee and used to be vice chairman of the BBC board of governors 2004-06.

Brandon Gough….Common Purpose chairman 1991-98, now chancellor of the University of East Anglia (of CRU fame).

Sir David Bell….chairman of the Media Standards Trust until he joined the Leveson Inquiry into media (er News International!) standards, and Common Purpose trustee.

They don’t need any lessons in networking, how to make friends and influence people….just get your foot in the door and you’re made for life it seems…so much for social mobility.

Hat-tip to Biased BBC contributor Alan.