Hate to admit this, but Mitch Benn can be very good.
At least he was back in the middle of the last century-but this song is awful!
It`s as if he wants a permanent berth as the Beebs courtier, with no awareness of what a creep he looks.
Noticed a hell of a lot of people around him…no doubt, all well paid to appear as doughnuts for his wondrous Joel/Dylan impression.
By the look of him, no real doughnuts would be safe at the moment with yet another Mr Benn who doubles as a gonk on the Beebs dashboard
Robert Piggott on BBC News re the Occupy St. Paul’s protest junkies :
“A new generation is questioning the establishment”.
Really? What generation would that be? We’re constantly being told that people of all ages and backgrounds are present at the demo, now we’re being informed that it’s a specific generation. There do seem to be quite a few young student activist types, but plenty of 60s hangers-on reliving their hippy youth aswell. It’s that phrase again : ‘building a narrative’ – Youthful modernity casting out the forces of conservatism. I just don’t see anything new here, just the same usual suspects united under the same banners, but in a different location.
Shows the Guardian up for the coppers narks that they are.
Of course not coppers…not even Blunketts plastic plodders…but those fine upstanding gentlefolk of the TV Licensing Community.
No further update on them tipping cancer patients out of the hospice to empty the nearest cashpoint over in Northern Ireland then I take it.
Certainly it seems to have missed the BBCs “Watchdog” File on Four/You and Yours items as far as I know…
Expect anti-West Muslim IMRAN KHAN to use politically compliant BBC-NUJ so that he can play up to Islamic Pakistan electorate and the Muslim diaspora in Britain, and criticise the West.
“Imran Khan leads 100,000 rally against Pakistan’s US alliance”
No doubt they’ll find some way of blaming the EDL.
How dare those filthy white working/lower-middle class scum voice concerns about their towns being transformed in to 3rd world hell-holes, their daughters being raped and murdered, non-muslim no go areas springing up, racist attacks, the two-tier policing system etc. etc.
They should stay silent and put up with it, or move to Spain, like the obedient serfs the LibLabCon wish us all to be.
If the English Defence League, against which BBC-NUJ is opposed by NUJ policy, tries to organise a demonstration to counter the ‘Muslims against Crusades’ on November 11, which group will BBC-NUJ support?
Here’s Jeremy Bowen openly advocating for a UN-mandated Palestinian State.
It is not the first 12-month deadline for the creation of a Palestinian state and a Middle East peace treaty. This week last year, President Obama called for a Palestinian state within 12 months. His predecessor George Bush said 12 months before he left office that there would be a Palestinian state within a year.
Let’s hope this time it works. The region needs peace, and the conflict at the heart of so much poison needs to be ended before more people die.
A member of Saudi Arabia’s royal family increased to $1 million a reward offered by a Saudi cleric to anyone who captures an Israeli soldier to swap him for Palestinian prisoners.
It doesn’t matter which side of this conflict one is on. A BBC journalist – especially an “editor” – should not be openly advocating for any political issue.
PS: The BBC has so far censored news of the Saudi offer.
It’s OK, the BBC praesidium authorised the disclosure of the Saudi bonus during Today this morning. The announcement included a reference to a report (that I hadn’t heard before on the BBC or anywhere else) that some Israelis have offered a reward for the execution of those freed in exchange for Shalit. So you see, the Israelis are as bad as the Arabs which, conveniently, let’s the Saudis off the hook.
-Noticed that Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s BOWEN (on BBC TV lunchtime news) managed to put part of the blame on his arch-enemy Israel for Islamic Syrian regime’s barbarity.
Now for the first time I feel sorry for the hooray henrys and melissas at Camp St. Paul’s. Of course, if it was very early they might still be with mummy and daddy at home having toast and a latte.
The look of hatred in these Marxist’s eyes, and the sound of frustration in their shrieking voices, never fails to amuse me. It’s always there regardless of whatever they happen to be whinging about on any given day.
It’s understandable that they feel such despair though, given that their ideology goes against almost every basic human instinct.
Of course all these layabouts are probably part of the 1% themselves, or maybe 2% in global terms. Anyone in the US or UK is likely to be in the very highest percentile income brackets in the world.
ARE YOU a crustie, on a gap year from yooooonie, a full time trade union official, LBGT, on ‘compassionate leave’ from your public sector job, a trustafarian, a waster/ general layabout, a soap dodger?
DO YOU never pay taxes, own an i-phone 4, like smoking skank, drinking strong lager, ‘doing lines’, have pink hair, sell copper wire and plastic jewellery at festivals, have lots of piercings, own or can steal from Millets a ‘Glasto’ tent?
HAVE YOU any remote, quarter-baked, bonkers, tenth-witted gripe against BANKERS !!!!!, MONEY!!!!!, THE SYSTEM !!!!!!! WA’EVVA !!!!!?
Then we at the BBC can help you.
We would expect you for your part to pitch your tent with some like-minded crusties in a part of the country with high tourist traffic and easy access for the media.
In return the BBC will devote its entire output not reserved for Strictly to you and your fellow crusties. We will provide 24/7 news crews from all our 127 outlets, ensure you are the lead item on all our news bulletins, and invite you onto our Flagship* current affairs programmes such as Panorama, The Today Programme, and Cash In The Attic.
Is that the programme that never ever ever ever gets repeated on BBC because in one episode a white man was shown telling a person of colour to, ‘Shut up, lovely boy’.
The sensitivities of albeeb’s urban-haute-bourgeoisie boss class were shaken to the core.
The Sunday programme has a sizeable chunk on the St Paul’s situation. And who do they get in to chew all this over at length? Why none other than Jonathan Bartlett of Eklesia (what would comrade Jesus do etc). Very representative of Christianity in the UK.
I heard Janice Long on Radio 2 last night saying how she had been at a BBC Children in Need auction lunch and had spent a lot of time with fellow BBC presenter Cerys Matthews “putting the world to rights and bemoaning what is going on politically at the moment”. Given how hard it is to double-guess the political sympathies of your typical BBC presenter it’s perfectly possible they were disappointed by the EU referendum vote not getting through, the failure of the Coaliton to abolish the 50p tax rate to stimulate the economy, the failure of the Coalition to tackle the excessive pay given to chief executives of local authorities and the continuing amount of public money being spent on dubious climate change schemes, against the backdrop of a culture where people seem to think they are entitled to break the law in protesting at things they don’t like as long as it’s “peaceful”.
Ah, this explains the battalons of chuggers moving in a human wave down our highstreet on the basis that if you politely explain you are fine today, going home now, but not keen to engage further… then six more asking the same daft questions will eventually grind you down. Not.
Saw a women reach her limit and sternly ask a moppet in a hi-vis with a clipboard: ‘What is wrong with you people???!’ The street cheered.
That headlines implies that some councils have something to be ashamed of. That may be the case, but the headline presents the BBC’s opinion as if it were fact. There may be legitimate reasons why some councils appear very low down the league table.
Why couldn’t the BBC have written the headline in neutral language? Something like ‘Council adoption league tables to be published’, rather than using the emotive language you’d expect from a tabloid?
The apparent fault is not OK’ing adoptions for those over an age limit or on a race basis i.e. trying to match the child to the appearance of the parents, although it’s not explicitly spelled out. Surely both are arguable reasons not to allow an adoption?
That said, of all the image bank material available, why did they choose this particular photograph?
Here’s a recent BBC News story about Raed Salah and his detention on a visit to the UK. There are plenty of accolades : a pro-palestinian activist, an Isreali-Arab rights campaigner, mayor of his hometown 3 times. There’s only one mention of anything negative which is quickly denied : “Critics say Sheikh Salah, an Israeli citizen, is anti-Semitic, a charge he has denied.”
Curiously, they mention that one of his engagements while in the UK was a meeting at the Houses of Parliament, but make no mention of the fact that he was invited by Labour MPs to address their meeting. I wonder why? Perhaps they know all too well of this individual’s unpleasant record, and are keeping quite about it so as not to reveal Labour’s links with nasty anti-semites. I’m sure Mr. Salah’s record would be laid out for all to see in the unlikely event that he were invited to attend a meeting of Tories in Parliament.
There was an excellent program on Channel Five some years ago, in their ‘Dont Get Me Started’ series. It was presented by David Aaronovitch and was on the subject of the left’s undercurrent of anti-semitism and it’s knee-jerk demonisation of Israel and willingness to excuse any Palestinian aggression. Unfortunately, though I have a copy saved, I can’t seem to find it online. It’s well worth a look if you can find it.
This is an interesting one. The BBC and New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. see eye- to-eye on Islam and brush art theft and colonialism under the Persian carpet. Islamic art as cultural diplomacy
Apparently displaying works of Islamic Art – or really art produced in countries under Muslim control – will heal divisions after September 11. How? Will New Yorkers look at a cup or a tile and say to themselves that the people who produced something so beautiful couldn’t possibly hijack planes and fly them into our buildings?
What about Muslims visiting the exhibition? What message do they get? My guess is one of “look at all the treasure the colonialists stole”. Allahu akbar – let’s hijack another plane. There are plenty of kaffer buildiongs still standing.
On Today this morning Cleggie repeated the EUfanatic mantra that if we leave the EU, 3+ million jobs connected with EU trade will disappear. Significantly Naughtie – in the tradition of the BBC, none of whose employees have AFAIAA ever posed the obvious follow-up question in respect of this particular blatant lie – failed to ask “how come?” After all, the EU is forbidden under the terms of the WTO from discrimination against (most) non-EU goods and services. Also could Cleggie let us know how many jobs in the EU are dependent on UK trade and is the EU willing to “sacrifice” those by “isolating” the UK in the event of the UK’s departure?
Naughtie also failed to ask Cleggie if he would be prepared to sacrifice his pension from the EU by disclosing anything which might not be in the EU’s interests? (To be fair – Naughtie and the 60 million other people in the UK – already know the answer to that one but it wouldn’t hurt to remind them occasionally.) In other words, here is someone with a financial stake in our continued membership of the EU (cf Lord Patten) pretending to give a disinterested opinion concerning that continued membership. Unsurprisingly, that great “impartial” news organisation – the BBC – consistently falls at the hurdle of asking awkward questions (or any relevant questions) of those who parrot its own agenda.
To my knowledge, no-one has ever explained where that number of 3m comes from.
No British government has ever done a cost/benefit analysis of EU membership which proves to me that they know what the result would be.
Surely the majority of jobs lost in that case would be those of the mandarins suckling at the public teat. And to the BBC’s horror, UKIP would no longer take votes away from the Tories in marginal areas, and Daniel Hannan would be free to run for a British seat in Parliament
For once, Clegg is genuinely passionate about something – ensuring that the silver spoon of taxpayer largesse remains forever rammed in his mealy little cakehole. The EU is his pension fund & he’ll be on the Brussels conveyor-belt after the next election when he loses his seat. The last thing this political amoeba wants is the voice of the people telling the Europhile parasites & conmen that the party’s over, &, just for old time’s sake, ‘Let’s have a butcher’s at the last 16 years’ accounts.’ Expect a stream of EU-exit scare stories emanating from the first-class carriages of the political elite’s gravy train, amplified & replayed by the beeboids, ad nauseam. There’s nothing like the potential disappearance of a juicy meal-ticket to concentrate a career politician’s shabby little mind. I’d say he’s feeling the chill wind of political oblivion.
Will any Beeboid put forward a resolution at one of the many National Union of Journalists’ branches at INBBC to make opposition to ‘Muslims againsat Crusades’ as official NUJ policy?
Don’t be surprised when the licence fee becomes payable by everyone irrespective of whether or not they have a TV. It will be the acceptable (to the BBC) form of the poll tax. Since the fee is simply a hypothecated tax, the transition to a universal liability will be administratively straightforward and easily “sold” by the BBC. I would expect the fee to be tacked on to the community charge which will catch all householders. Then there’ll be a nice fee-sharing arrangement between the BBC and ISPs to get the fee from iPlayer users. Paranoid? Sure but, you know, even the paranoid are sometimes genuinely subject to persecution.
Basically if you own a computer or 3G mobile phone you already need a TV licence. The BBC state that if you watch live (as broadcast) you need a TV licence.
Of course you could state that you don’t watch live TV on your computer, just as you might own a TV not for watching TV but for watching films or playing computer games, none the less the BBC will bang you up in prison for such an evil crime.
Remember in the world of the beeboid not having a TV licence makes you wose than someone who rapes babies.
I suspect that any fundamental change in the way that the BBC’s loot is collected could be just what we are waiting for. It would bring the issue to the forefront, draw attention to the huge amount of cash the BBC gets through, and encourage debate about its future.
As I see it, one of the current problems is that the TV licence has been around a long time and, rightly or wrongly, people just accept it. A bit like Excise Duty.
In his tweets Paul Mason often recommends books to his followers, and occasionally speaks fondly of Mother Russia (recently he has tweeted about buying Stoli vodka in 1978 and mentioned his visit to the Bolshoi in 1992.) I was trying to think who it was he reminded me of, and then it hit me – Fred Kite, the union boss in I’m All Right Jack. I think it’s the scene in which Stanley Windrush (Ian Carmichael) visits the home of Kite (Peter Sellers) with a view to taking up lodgings that really does it:
Fred Kite: Yes, here’s another good one to start on. “Collective Childhood and Factory Manhood.”
Stanley Windrush: Oh. Sounds fun.
Kite: Very descriptive. It’s all about how they run factories in a workers’ state. However, I won’t spoil it for you.
Windrush: You ever been to Russia, Mr Kite?
Kite: Er, no. Not yet. One place I’d like to go though. All them cornfields and ballet in the evening.
Windrush: I wish I knew as much about it as you do.
Kite: Er… you ever read any of Lenin’s works, have you?
Windrush: No, I’m afraid I haven’t.
Kite: That’ll open your eyes for you.
Mrs Kite (Irene Handl): Is he still on about Russia? I tell you straight, that’s all we ever get to hear in this house.
I think I might start referring to Mason as Fred Kite.
Incidentally – the whole of I’m All Right Jack is on YouTube in one full version if anyone fancies watching it again. Only click on that link if you’ve got an hour and forty minutes to spare because once you start you’ll want to see it all.
The leftie media – including the BBC – covered up allegations of adultery by a Democratic Presidential candidate last time round. It was many weeks before they released it all – all of it was true, John Edwards had had a chiled by the other woman etc.
Allegations have now been made of some sort of sexual harassment by Herman Cain – 20 years ago. Directly denied by Cain and his campaign, and also by the top people in the organisation for which he was working.
It will be interesting to see if the BBC runs with the story virtually immediately.
Stupid of me, I should have checked the BBC website.
It is the top story on their North America page. Yes it states the denial – but hey, mud sticks, let’s throw some. We forgot to throw much mud about Obama in 2008 and his links with known crooks, terrorists, racist preachers and other kooks, and we did not print anything about John Edwards – but this Cain guy has no right to be black and Republican, let’s bring him down by besmirching his character.
Worse still, if Cain is the nominee, the Left will lose their greatest weapon: the race card. Mardell wouldn’t know what to do. as his FACT of crypto-racism will be destroyed.
Rare that I listen to Rush Limbaugh all the way through but today’s show has been great radio. He and his listeners have been coming to Cain’s defence big time.
Many of the media people trying to bring Cain down over this are the same ones who said that Clinton groping and cheating on his wife and fiddling an intern in the White House was a private affair, none of our businees. They also told us to shut up about Clinton’s lying about it under oath while President, as it was only “lying about sex”.
The BBC sees no hypocrisy in their rushing to repot this story about Cain.
The trouble is if one black man of one political persuasion is followed by another black of a different political persuasion leading the most poweful nation on earth , it will prove that there is no need for positive discrimination for any ethnic group . If your up to it, the Americans will employ you . That means the BBC/libs wont have anyone to patronise .
“Thinking Allowed” BBC Radio 4 24th October 2011, 12:15am:
In a programme about political impartiality in broadcasting, the BBC’s Laurie Taylor, says: “How do Fox News get away with it in the UK?”
Here it is: http://tiny.cc/a26kl around 15 minutes in
I don’t know if the BBC sees the irony or is simply taking the piss but the next programme (this morning at 12:15am) the programme asks the question:
“Is tradition under threat from capitalism, or are we overly negative about the cultural impact of globalisation?”
Link: http://tiny.cc/fpbgd
Of course, BBC-NUJ’s leftist resident of many, many years Mr TAYLOR does not analyse what ‘FOX NEWS’ presents; he simply attempts to smear it politically as an unacceptable ideological contrast to his own political predilection for the comfort of publicly subsidised statism and E.U super-federalism, that is part of the BBC-NUJ ideology.
It hardly needs saying that Taylor has a Marxist-Leninist-Trotskyist background, so political congenial to BBC-NUJ.
Yet with Matthew constantly on call to the BBC and his other son Charlie producing dads perpetual common room rumblings…good work for the Taylors, with plenty nannies and caterers in Primrose Hill happily employed.
Think he practices what his beloved Thatch preached..no such thing as sociology…just families( I am selective with my choice of words, as befits an old leftie loser like Laurie!)
R4 reported the UNESCO vote as ” Israel and the US voted
against “. No mention that so did Germany, Canada and other countries.
I wondered what the UK did. I just discovered that the UK abstained.
I had thought I had become used to being ashamed to be British, but obviously not. What a disgrace.
I saw this on BBC news today, it deeply offended and upset me. We (the viewers) were informed by Simon Ross from population matters that the UK population is also growing, and we should only be having 1 or 2 children. This would be fair; however, over 66% of the population growth is from immigration. Furthermore the BBC has told us for over a decade we need immigration because our population is in decline. Surely if he wants to tackle UK population growth then he should be taking of reducing immigration rather than blaming the Brits.
BBC-NUJ: still politically pro-‘Occupy’ (and it goes without it saying – anti-English Defence League) – in a vague sort of BBC-NUJ way.
BBC-NUJ: STILL embedded, as is Ms SPENCER, and trying to make a main event out of her side-show. The enthusiastically vague Ms Spencer seems to have found her political level.
“Daily View: Does it matter if Occupy protesters’ demands aren’t clear?”
“This makes sense. After all, the Palestinians have contributed so much to world culture: children’s shows celebrating jihad murder, jihad/martyrdom suicide bombers blowing people up on buses and in restaurants — it’s a veritable cornucopia of cultural and artistic achievement.”
Good old Newsnight eh?
When I was watching the honourable Jeff Randall earlier…the Greek referendum called by Papandreou was announced live.
Cue various Greeks saying that this was brave, democratic and will be up for grabs.
Now on Newsnight…Kirsty and Mark Urban are far from happy…a referendum?…didn`t we all sign up to the Euro bailout last week?…treacherous and typical Club Med as usual!
This referendum lark might be contagious…for some reason the anti-elitist, ballot box buccaneers at the Beeb would rather that we all shut up and let Kirsty and chums prime the Euroministers into berating any impediments to full submission before Barossa and Patten.
Oh lookey…yet more from St Pauls…a veritable Church Times is the BBC these days isn`t it?
maybe not a topic for Biased BBC, but Top Gear USA and Dancing with the Stars are shite, what next the US version of Eastenders, set in New York, wonder what they might call it?…Queens?
Haha, Top Gear USA was so crap it was cancelled like two years ago. But it’s good enough for the BBC to rent and show you lot. Perhaps it’s part of their Quality First cost-cutting measures.
According to the 8 AM news on Radio 4 China and Russia are knee-deep in cyber-crime, but the real villain of the piece is….
Yep, America. This time for failing to crack down on criminals in other countries. So America is not the World’s Policeman, but it is their fault that people in other countries commit crime.
An economy “stalled” was the neutral scene setting by the BBC ahead of the announcement of Q3 GDP. Actual release has growth of 0.5% just below the long run average of 0.6%. If the evil Tories have not stalled the economy what other spin will be employed by ther BBC opinion formers?
Yes: double-standards by BBC-NUJ – when Labour were in power, BBC-NUJ were inclined to emphasise world economic recession as an excuse for Labour’s economic weakness; but under the Coalition, BBC-NUJ’s emphasis is to criticise the present government, and to relegate the significance of the world recession context.
Lucky those Pakistan cricketers were found guilty otherwise the BBC would have had to led with the better than expected GDP figures on the 1pm BBC1 News! I expect the former helped to pad out the 15 minutes’ slot they had originally planned for the “economy worsens” piece lined up.
The bBC and its anti Western Moral Crusade. Counting the cost of Nato’s mission in Libya
As Nato ends its mission in Libya, just how many civilians lost their lives in the air strikes? As the BBC’s Jonathan Beale explains, we may never know.The famous phrase, attributed to Mark Twain, is that there are “lies, damned lies and statistics”. In war, establishing the truth is even harder. As the dust settles on Nato’s seven-month mission over Libya, there are few reliable statistics. No-one is really sure, at least for now, how much this war has cost in human lives. Estimates of those killed – including pro-Gaddafi forces, “rebel” forces and civilians – currently vary between 2,000 and 30,000.
So the bBC feels that, the time is right in which to inflame the passions of leftwing political agitators and Muslims living in the west with the view that NATO killed up to 30,000 people in which to help remove Gadiffi. Funny how they quote a death toll for everybody who died in the fighting and not just those from NATO air attacks (In September, the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), an independent think tank, estimated that “between 50-100 civilians had perished from air strikes in the six months of the campaign”)
The bBC then furthers its claims by quoting the following: An attack on what Nato says was a command and control centre in Surman on 20 June reportedly killed two children and their mother. It was this strike that prompted Colonel Gaddafi to take to the airwaves to denounce Nato as “murderers and barbarians”
Yet and a big yet the bBC doesn’t mention that NATO only went in as Gadiffis forces lined up outside Benghazi with his son claiming that the job would be finished within days. They don’t mention the warehouses full of bodies killed by Gadiffis henchmen, or even the hospital full of Gadiffis victims. In fact the bBC reports on just two of those -Hospital and warehouse- accounts for over 1000 deaths.
Yet according to the bBC, NATO may be held accountable for war crimes over civilian deaths. They even added this snippet in which to back up their claim: Twelve years after Nato’s bombing campaign over Kosovo, there is still no accurate figure for the number of civilians killed. The estimates are between 200 and 500.
20 years ago bBC, NATO bombed Serbia in 1999– 12 years ago.
The bBC, its biased political agenda and playing the NATO can only be evil line
Not at all Grant!
I dare you to read Gadhaffis Green Book….Islamic Socialism as the Third Way…like the love child of Nasser and Rosa Luxembourg!
Black Power, equal opportunities as his bodyguards for the women, Islamic retaking of Europe, vicious anti-Israel tripe, pro-IRA, anti America…Gadhaffi ought to have had Pattens job!
Pity he never made it to Naughties Book Club though…making all his bodyguards pregnant hardly helps with stemming population numbers does it….but still?…
Here’s an overall picture of events surrounding the Egyptian military attack on Copts, and subsequent travesty of justice. You can decide for yourself if you feel the BBC has in any way portrayed these events the way you see them depicted here. Whether you are Christian or not, you should be disgusted by the way they have chosen to help those committing these acts and distorting this story to cover it up.
BBC-NUJ: continuing advocates of MASS IMMIGRATION unlimited.
‘Daily Mail’:
“The Left-leaning media, including the BBC, have fought since the 1960s to stifle debate on immigration by hurling accusations of racism at anyone who called for tougher restrictions.”
And INBBC chum, S. CHAKRABARTI was on the governing board of Islamic London School of Economics during Gaddafi reign, and she’s not resigning apparently. She’s very quiet about it all.
Pakistan cricketers, match-fixing convictions, and Islam.
I don’t expect INBBC will make a connection between the above, but this article in the ‘Guardian’ (2010) does:
” In the past, cricketers came from the educated suburbs of the big Punjabi cities. Today, they come from the humblest of backgrounds. Mohammad Yousuf, one of the greatest, most elegant batsmen the country has produced, is the son of a Christian rail-station sweeper from Sargodha in the Punjab heartland. His gifts come not from sporting academies, but nature and the rough and tumble world of street cricket.
“Much like the country, Yousuf went through something of an Islamisation. After converting to Islam he lost contact with his Christian family, but his career took off. Sadly, a decade of match-fixing allegations has coincided with an increase in overt religiosity within the team. Such is the malaise of our Islam, where ritual and public displays of faith outweigh the need for moral conduct.”
-quote is from:-
“Pakistan’s problem is deeper than match fixing.
Amid Pakistan’s general lawlessness, is it any wonder that cricketers have lost their way?”
Perhaps BBC-NUJ will want to pass lightly over the fact that it was MURDOCH’s ‘News of the World’ which brought the Pakistan cricketers’ crimes to our attention.
The photo is very cleverly cherry-picked from the specifically Yom Kippur ritual of Kaporos (“atonements”, I think, also transliterated as Kaporoth, obviously related to the Kippur part of the holiday). It’s old-school animal sacrifice done by not a large percentage of Jews leading up to the Day of Atonement. Obviously they do a ton of them all at once, to cover the whole community. As you can see from the link, there’s noise in a lot of places to shift to paying money instead. I guess you could say this is a Jewish equivalent of an annual indulgence.
I don’t believe this mass bloody scenario is part of the everyday butchering of chickens for food. At least, I’ve never seen it in the few kosher butchers I’ve been to.
The BBC article fails to mention Kaporos, which is the real target, and not the daily kind of ritual slaughter (although I grant that animal rights activists whine about that as well). Notice that the BBC News Online sub-editor made sure to fix that photo so you couldn’t see the the shaved head and sidecurls of the ultra-orthodox child looking at the messy scene, so the reader is left free to think it’s just something all Jews do all year round.
You can see that the child’s ultra-orthodox appearance is clear in the original photo (which I’ve added below with the BBC version for comparison). So the BBC made a sneaky Photoshop job there.
Also the specific choice of including a child is a clever touch of pathos. Yes, part of the complaints about Kaporos is that the black hats drag their children in to see it happening, which can be traumatic.
But since the BBC article specifically censors the connection to Kaporos, leading to the impression that this is just about kosher slaughter in general, they could easily have chosen any number of other photos of a butcher doing his normal job.
Obviously the Beeboids know exactly what this is about, but chose to blur the facts for some reason.
David P,
I am not sure these sort of “events” traumatise most children. They have a strange immunity to death at an early age. In the poorest parts of the world, children are quite used to seeing animals and birds slaughtered on a regular basis.
Although maybe not in BBC La La Land !
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Go on treat yourselves.
Were you around when dear little Mitchie used to pay us visits, Jim ? He’s not got a very long fuse, which makes him super fun to play with.
Note: “not a long fuse” is not a (Prescottian) euphemism.
Perhaps I missed it in fatty’s beeboid crappy song but he didn’t seem to mention Top Gear, I wonder why……..
Anyone else think he looks like Bob Crowe but with hair?
I am curious to know why you have chosen to use the latest material from Marcus Brigstocke’s PR people for the latest open thread.
Now that you mention it, John, I do see the similarity.
Hate to admit this, but Mitch Benn can be very good.
At least he was back in the middle of the last century-but this song is awful!
It`s as if he wants a permanent berth as the Beebs courtier, with no awareness of what a creep he looks.
Noticed a hell of a lot of people around him…no doubt, all well paid to appear as doughnuts for his wondrous Joel/Dylan impression.
By the look of him, no real doughnuts would be safe at the moment with yet another Mr Benn who doubles as a gonk on the Beebs dashboard
The vast majority of the progs he lauds were made over 30 years ago … and are only now shown on Sky!
Mitch Benn could pass for Bill Bailey’s little brother. Actually, Bailey is probably the more talented musician.
I quite like Benn and I certainly admire his self-promotional techniques!
Robert Piggott on BBC News re the Occupy St. Paul’s protest junkies :
“A new generation is questioning the establishment”.
Really? What generation would that be? We’re constantly being told that people of all ages and backgrounds are present at the demo, now we’re being informed that it’s a specific generation. There do seem to be quite a few young student activist types, but plenty of 60s hangers-on reliving their hippy youth aswell. It’s that phrase again : ‘building a narrative’ – Youthful modernity casting out the forces of conservatism. I just don’t see anything new here, just the same usual suspects united under the same banners, but in a different location.
One of them quoted in today’s Telegraph, Greg, is 75. Some people never grow up. I can see why Beeboids identify with them.
Panic to break out at BBC-NUJ, and among its ‘Guardian’ political chums?:
“The BBC must fix the on-demand loophole in the licence fee”
Shows the Guardian up for the coppers narks that they are.
Of course not coppers…not even Blunketts plastic plodders…but those fine upstanding gentlefolk of the TV Licensing Community.
No further update on them tipping cancer patients out of the hospice to empty the nearest cashpoint over in Northern Ireland then I take it.
Certainly it seems to have missed the BBCs “Watchdog” File on Four/You and Yours items as far as I know…
BBC in Self-Loathing Shocker.
“Some 41 nations within the 54-member Commonwealth have laws banning homosexuality. Many of these laws are a legacy of British Empire laws.”
Yep, it’s All Our Fault.
A tip of the hat to Harry’s Place.
41 out of 54 ? Just what’s the matter with the other 13 ?
I keed, I keed. But it’s is still the weekend and that’s usually Scezzie time).
Can we please fill this thread up ASAP as I don’t like monkeys.
Except for bonobos who are trés amusing, the mad shagging little bastards.
Your avatar is a great improvement from Diane Lardbot.
Be careful, Buggy, whenever I call my ( black African ) wife a “Goloh” ( monkey ) she asserts that I am a “Toubab dingol” ( white baboon ).
Racism and monkeyism is alive and well in the Grant family. Beeboids would be appalled !
“41 out of 54 ? Just what’s the matter with the other 13 ?”
Peter Tatchell threatened to pay them a visit.
What, that bugger who wants to legalise paedophilia? How come he gets so much airtime………..
That should give Cameron somthing to think about. CAMERON THREAT TO DOCK SOME UK AID TO ANTI-GAY NATIONS http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-15511081
Should cut out most of our ‘aid’ to Africa and all Islamic nations. Go for it, Cameron.
Expect anti-West Muslim IMRAN KHAN to use politically compliant BBC-NUJ so that he can play up to Islamic Pakistan electorate and the Muslim diaspora in Britain, and criticise the West.
“Imran Khan leads 100,000 rally against Pakistan’s US alliance”
BBC-NUJ will have to take sides on 11 November:
“Poppy-burning Muslims plan new ‘hell for heroes’ demonstration on November 11”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2055365/Poppy-burning-Muslims-plan-new-hell-heroes-demonstration-November-11.html#ixzz1cJUMCBCu
No doubt they’ll find some way of blaming the EDL.
How dare those filthy white working/lower-middle class scum voice concerns about their towns being transformed in to 3rd world hell-holes, their daughters being raped and murdered, non-muslim no go areas springing up, racist attacks, the two-tier policing system etc. etc.
They should stay silent and put up with it, or move to Spain, like the obedient serfs the LibLabCon wish us all to be.
If the English Defence League, against which BBC-NUJ is opposed by NUJ policy, tries to organise a demonstration to counter the ‘Muslims against Crusades’ on November 11, which group will BBC-NUJ support?
Here’s Jeremy Bowen openly advocating for a UN-mandated Palestinian State.
It is not the first 12-month deadline for the creation of a Palestinian state and a Middle East peace treaty. This week last year, President Obama called for a Palestinian state within 12 months. His predecessor George Bush said 12 months before he left office that there would be a Palestinian state within a year.
Let’s hope this time it works. The region needs peace, and the conflict at the heart of so much poison needs to be ended before more people die.
You mean poison like this?
Saudi Royal Offers Bounty to Catch Israeli Soldier
A member of Saudi Arabia’s royal family increased to $1 million a reward offered by a Saudi cleric to anyone who captures an Israeli soldier to swap him for Palestinian prisoners.
It doesn’t matter which side of this conflict one is on. A BBC journalist – especially an “editor” – should not be openly advocating for any political issue.
PS: The BBC has so far censored news of the Saudi offer.
It’s OK, the BBC praesidium authorised the disclosure of the Saudi bonus during Today this morning. The announcement included a reference to a report (that I hadn’t heard before on the BBC or anywhere else) that some Israelis have offered a reward for the execution of those freed in exchange for Shalit. So you see, the Israelis are as bad as the Arabs which, conveniently, let’s the Saudis off the hook.
-Noticed that Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s BOWEN (on BBC TV lunchtime news) managed to put part of the blame on his arch-enemy Israel for Islamic Syrian regime’s barbarity.
From today’s Telegraph at St Paul’s :
” A compere introduced a stream of rappers and singers who entertained a 300-strong crowd into the early hours of Friday “.
” A compere introduced a stream of rappers”
Now for the first time I feel sorry for the hooray henrys and melissas at Camp St. Paul’s. Of course, if it was very early they might still be with mummy and daddy at home having toast and a latte.
The look of hatred in these Marxist’s eyes, and the sound of frustration in their shrieking voices, never fails to amuse me. It’s always there regardless of whatever they happen to be whinging about on any given day.
It’s understandable that they feel such despair though, given that their ideology goes against almost every basic human instinct.
Of course all these layabouts are probably part of the 1% themselves, or maybe 2% in global terms. Anyone in the US or UK is likely to be in the very highest percentile income brackets in the world.
An Afro-American friend of mine once said to me that “there is nothing funnier than watching white people dancing to rap
music “.
The appeal of rap – for singing or dancing – escapes me entirely.
School playground chanting.
I still haven’t figured out why anti-Capitalists are protesting outside a church.
David P,
Why not a Mosque ? One of the main tenets of Islam is to do business and make money ( and I am not criticising it for that ) ?
Because the C of E feels guilty about once employing slaves on the ole plantation…?
ARE YOU a crustie, on a gap year from yooooonie, a full time trade union official, LBGT, on ‘compassionate leave’ from your public sector job, a trustafarian, a waster/ general layabout, a soap dodger?
DO YOU never pay taxes, own an i-phone 4, like smoking skank, drinking strong lager, ‘doing lines’, have pink hair, sell copper wire and plastic jewellery at festivals, have lots of piercings, own or can steal from Millets a ‘Glasto’ tent?
HAVE YOU any remote, quarter-baked, bonkers, tenth-witted gripe against BANKERS !!!!!, MONEY!!!!!, THE SYSTEM !!!!!!! WA’EVVA !!!!!?
Then we at the BBC can help you.
We would expect you for your part to pitch your tent with some like-minded crusties in a part of the country with high tourist traffic and easy access for the media.
In return the BBC will devote its entire output not reserved for Strictly to you and your fellow crusties. We will provide 24/7 news crews from all our 127 outlets, ensure you are the lead item on all our news bulletins, and invite you onto our Flagship* current affairs programmes such as Panorama, The Today Programme, and Cash In The Attic.
If this sounds interesting then please email at overthrowthetories@bbc.co.uk
*Did I say Flagship? Sorry, I meant rusting, leaking bum-boat.
Brilliant, but not satire !!! It’s true !!!
B.B. – you forgot to provide a link to the BBC web page that you copied and pasted your post from. 😉
Didn’t you play the char-wallah in “It ain’t half hot mum”?
Is that the programme that never ever ever ever gets repeated on BBC because in one episode a white man was shown telling a person of colour to, ‘Shut up, lovely boy’.
The sensitivities of albeeb’s urban-haute-bourgeoisie boss class were shaken to the core.
Series 1 available on Amazon for under a tenner.
The Sunday programme has a sizeable chunk on the St Paul’s situation. And who do they get in to chew all this over at length? Why none other than Jonathan Bartlett of Eklesia (what would comrade Jesus do etc). Very representative of Christianity in the UK.
I heard Janice Long on Radio 2 last night saying how she had been at a BBC Children in Need auction lunch and had spent a lot of time with fellow BBC presenter Cerys Matthews “putting the world to rights and bemoaning what is going on politically at the moment”. Given how hard it is to double-guess the political sympathies of your typical BBC presenter it’s perfectly possible they were disappointed by the EU referendum vote not getting through, the failure of the Coaliton to abolish the 50p tax rate to stimulate the economy, the failure of the Coalition to tackle the excessive pay given to chief executives of local authorities and the continuing amount of public money being spent on dubious climate change schemes, against the backdrop of a culture where people seem to think they are entitled to break the law in protesting at things they don’t like as long as it’s “peaceful”.
Ha !!!!
Ah, this explains the battalons of chuggers moving in a human wave down our highstreet on the basis that if you politely explain you are fine today, going home now, but not keen to engage further… then six more asking the same daft questions will eventually grind you down. Not.
Saw a women reach her limit and sternly ask a moppet in a hi-vis with a clipboard: ‘What is wrong with you people???!’ The street cheered.
Councils named and shamed over slow adoptions – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-15492467
That headlines implies that some councils have something to be ashamed of. That may be the case, but the headline presents the BBC’s opinion as if it were fact. There may be legitimate reasons why some councils appear very low down the league table.
Why couldn’t the BBC have written the headline in neutral language? Something like ‘Council adoption league tables to be published’, rather than using the emotive language you’d expect from a tabloid?
The apparent fault is not OK’ing adoptions for those over an age limit or on a race basis i.e. trying to match the child to the appearance of the parents, although it’s not explicitly spelled out. Surely both are arguable reasons not to allow an adoption?
That said, of all the image bank material available, why did they choose this particular photograph?
I wonder what they would do with an orphan like Obama who is half white, half black ?
Any ideas ?
Intriguingly, I can’t find any reference to the news that Islamic bigot Raed Salah has lost his appeal to remain in the UK.
There were plenty of references to him previously, including a fairly sanitised profile and numerous other stories.
But now the Jew-hating, wife-beating, homophobic pig has been told to fuck off and the BBC seems to have gone quiet – as, I believe, has The Guardian.
Here’s a recent BBC News story about Raed Salah and his detention on a visit to the UK. There are plenty of accolades : a pro-palestinian activist, an Isreali-Arab rights campaigner, mayor of his hometown 3 times. There’s only one mention of anything negative which is quickly denied : “Critics say Sheikh Salah, an Israeli citizen, is anti-Semitic, a charge he has denied.”
Curiously, they mention that one of his engagements while in the UK was a meeting at the Houses of Parliament, but make no mention of the fact that he was invited by Labour MPs to address their meeting. I wonder why? Perhaps they know all too well of this individual’s unpleasant record, and are keeping quite about it so as not to reveal Labour’s links with nasty anti-semites. I’m sure Mr. Salah’s record would be laid out for all to see in the unlikely event that he were invited to attend a meeting of Tories in Parliament.
Plenty of details here about Mr. Salah and his supporters :
There was an excellent program on Channel Five some years ago, in their ‘Dont Get Me Started’ series. It was presented by David Aaronovitch and was on the subject of the left’s undercurrent of anti-semitism and it’s knee-jerk demonisation of Israel and willingness to excuse any Palestinian aggression. Unfortunately, though I have a copy saved, I can’t seem to find it online. It’s well worth a look if you can find it.
“Raed”, “Reed”. Are you, by any chance, related ?
…rumbled. 😎
This is an interesting one. The BBC and New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. see eye- to-eye on Islam and brush art theft and colonialism under the Persian carpet.
Islamic art as cultural diplomacy
Apparently displaying works of Islamic Art – or really art produced in countries under Muslim control – will heal divisions after September 11. How? Will New Yorkers look at a cup or a tile and say to themselves that the people who produced something so beautiful couldn’t possibly hijack planes and fly them into our buildings?
What about Muslims visiting the exhibition? What message do they get? My guess is one of “look at all the treasure the colonialists stole”. Allahu akbar – let’s hijack another plane. There are plenty of kaffer buildiongs still standing.
On Today this morning Cleggie repeated the EUfanatic mantra that if we leave the EU, 3+ million jobs connected with EU trade will disappear. Significantly Naughtie – in the tradition of the BBC, none of whose employees have AFAIAA ever posed the obvious follow-up question in respect of this particular blatant lie – failed to ask “how come?” After all, the EU is forbidden under the terms of the WTO from discrimination against (most) non-EU goods and services. Also could Cleggie let us know how many jobs in the EU are dependent on UK trade and is the EU willing to “sacrifice” those by “isolating” the UK in the event of the UK’s departure?
Naughtie also failed to ask Cleggie if he would be prepared to sacrifice his pension from the EU by disclosing anything which might not be in the EU’s interests? (To be fair – Naughtie and the 60 million other people in the UK – already know the answer to that one but it wouldn’t hurt to remind them occasionally.) In other words, here is someone with a financial stake in our continued membership of the EU (cf Lord Patten) pretending to give a disinterested opinion concerning that continued membership. Unsurprisingly, that great “impartial” news organisation – the BBC – consistently falls at the hurdle of asking awkward questions (or any relevant questions) of those who parrot its own agenda.
To my knowledge, no-one has ever explained where that number of 3m comes from.
No British government has ever done a cost/benefit analysis of EU membership which proves to me that they know what the result would be.
Blair used to use the 3 million jobs line.
The person who came up with the figure (name escapes me) described its use in this context as ‘pure Goebbels’.
Poor Cleggy, gone from being pig-thick but popular to being pig-thick and hated.
Take a heart of stone not to laugh.
Surely the majority of jobs lost in that case would be those of the mandarins suckling at the public teat. And to the BBC’s horror, UKIP would no longer take votes away from the Tories in marginal areas, and Daniel Hannan would be free to run for a British seat in Parliament
For once, Clegg is genuinely passionate about something – ensuring that the silver spoon of taxpayer largesse remains forever rammed in his mealy little cakehole. The EU is his pension fund & he’ll be on the Brussels conveyor-belt after the next election when he loses his seat. The last thing this political amoeba wants is the voice of the people telling the Europhile parasites & conmen that the party’s over, &, just for old time’s sake, ‘Let’s have a butcher’s at the last 16 years’ accounts.’ Expect a stream of EU-exit scare stories emanating from the first-class carriages of the political elite’s gravy train, amplified & replayed by the beeboids, ad nauseam. There’s nothing like the potential disappearance of a juicy meal-ticket to concentrate a career politician’s shabby little mind. I’d say he’s feeling the chill wind of political oblivion.
Anyone been following this latest story of Islamist aggression in London?
Absolutely incredible. I can’t believe the BBC has ignored this story, but I can’t (after an admitedly dilitory search) any reference to it.
Can anyone help. Has the stinking BBC REALLY ignored a story of this importance???
The Beeb did cover the Mike Freer story.
Thanks Jeremy. When? Where? Is there a link?
ml1 (hope you don’t object too strongly to the abbreviation) – just click on the blue above or go here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-15508697
I really wouldn’t like to be in Mr. Freer’s shoes.
“I can’t believe the BBC has ignored this story”
I can. In fact a lot of people are ignoring it.
This is evil – no other way to decsribe it.
‘Jihadwatch’, as usual, correctly highlights the importance of this, while much of MSM relegates it:
U.K.: Muslim protesters force their way into MP’s meeting after Muslims Against Crusades posts press release declaring “you have been targeted”
Will any Beeboid put forward a resolution at one of the many National Union of Journalists’ branches at INBBC to make opposition to ‘Muslims againsat Crusades’ as official NUJ policy?
I think this has already been reported elsewhere:
BBC licence fee may soon be mandatory for iPlayer users
Good luck with that! Maybe a failed attempt to enforce the unenforceable will do some good.
Don’t be surprised when the licence fee becomes payable by everyone irrespective of whether or not they have a TV. It will be the acceptable (to the BBC) form of the poll tax. Since the fee is simply a hypothecated tax, the transition to a universal liability will be administratively straightforward and easily “sold” by the BBC. I would expect the fee to be tacked on to the community charge which will catch all householders. Then there’ll be a nice fee-sharing arrangement between the BBC and ISPs to get the fee from iPlayer users. Paranoid? Sure but, you know, even the paranoid are sometimes genuinely subject to persecution.
Er . . . “Council Tax” rather than “community charge” of course!
Basically if you own a computer or 3G mobile phone you already need a TV licence. The BBC state that if you watch live (as broadcast) you need a TV licence.
Of course you could state that you don’t watch live TV on your computer, just as you might own a TV not for watching TV but for watching films or playing computer games, none the less the BBC will bang you up in prison for such an evil crime.
Remember in the world of the beeboid not having a TV licence makes you wose than someone who rapes babies.
I suspect that any fundamental change in the way that the BBC’s loot is collected could be just what we are waiting for. It would bring the issue to the forefront, draw attention to the huge amount of cash the BBC gets through, and encourage debate about its future.
As I see it, one of the current problems is that the TV licence has been around a long time and, rightly or wrongly, people just accept it. A bit like Excise Duty.
In his tweets Paul Mason often recommends books to his followers, and occasionally speaks fondly of Mother Russia (recently he has tweeted about buying Stoli vodka in 1978 and mentioned his visit to the Bolshoi in 1992.) I was trying to think who it was he reminded me of, and then it hit me – Fred Kite, the union boss in I’m All Right Jack. I think it’s the scene in which Stanley Windrush (Ian Carmichael) visits the home of Kite (Peter Sellers) with a view to taking up lodgings that really does it:
Fred Kite: Yes, here’s another good one to start on. “Collective Childhood and Factory Manhood.”
Stanley Windrush: Oh. Sounds fun.
Kite: Very descriptive. It’s all about how they run factories in a workers’ state. However, I won’t spoil it for you.
Windrush: You ever been to Russia, Mr Kite?
Kite: Er, no. Not yet. One place I’d like to go though. All them cornfields and ballet in the evening.
Windrush: I wish I knew as much about it as you do.
Kite: Er… you ever read any of Lenin’s works, have you?
Windrush: No, I’m afraid I haven’t.
Kite: That’ll open your eyes for you.
Mrs Kite (Irene Handl): Is he still on about Russia? I tell you straight, that’s all we ever get to hear in this house.
I think I might start referring to Mason as Fred Kite.
Incidentally – the whole of I’m All Right Jack is on YouTube in one full version if anyone fancies watching it again. Only click on that link if you’ve got an hour and forty minutes to spare because once you start you’ll want to see it all.
Haven’t seen it for years, it’s a cracker. Of course Lefties won’t understand it as they have no sense of humour.
I haven’t seen that film in twenty years but, as soon as I started reading the dialogue, I could hear Peter Sellers, clear as a bell. Wonderful….
Red Kite?
The leftie media – including the BBC – covered up allegations of adultery by a Democratic Presidential candidate last time round. It was many weeks before they released it all – all of it was true, John Edwards had had a chiled by the other woman etc.
Allegations have now been made of some sort of sexual harassment by Herman Cain – 20 years ago. Directly denied by Cain and his campaign, and also by the top people in the organisation for which he was working.
It will be interesting to see if the BBC runs with the story virtually immediately.
Stupid of me, I should have checked the BBC website.
It is the top story on their North America page. Yes it states the denial – but hey, mud sticks, let’s throw some. We forgot to throw much mud about Obama in 2008 and his links with known crooks, terrorists, racist preachers and other kooks, and we did not print anything about John Edwards – but this Cain guy has no right to be black and Republican, let’s bring him down by besmirching his character.
As with Rubio, Cain represents a real threat to the left’s assumption that only they are allowed to represent the interests of minorities.
Worse still, if Cain is the nominee, the Left will lose their greatest weapon: the race card. Mardell wouldn’t know what to do. as his FACT of crypto-racism will be destroyed.
Rare that I listen to Rush Limbaugh all the way through but today’s show has been great radio. He and his listeners have been coming to Cain’s defence big time.
Many of the media people trying to bring Cain down over this are the same ones who said that Clinton groping and cheating on his wife and fiddling an intern in the White House was a private affair, none of our businees. They also told us to shut up about Clinton’s lying about it under oath while President, as it was only “lying about sex”.
The BBC sees no hypocrisy in their rushing to repot this story about Cain.
The trouble is if one black man of one political persuasion is followed by another black of a different political persuasion leading the most poweful nation on earth , it will prove that there is no need for positive discrimination for any ethnic group . If your up to it, the Americans will employ you . That means the BBC/libs wont have anyone to patronise .
“Thinking Allowed” BBC Radio 4 24th October 2011, 12:15am:
In a programme about political impartiality in broadcasting, the BBC’s Laurie Taylor, says: “How do Fox News get away with it in the UK?”
Here it is: http://tiny.cc/a26kl around 15 minutes in
I don’t know if the BBC sees the irony or is simply taking the piss but the next programme (this morning at 12:15am) the programme asks the question:
“Is tradition under threat from capitalism, or are we overly negative about the cultural impact of globalisation?”
Link: http://tiny.cc/fpbgd
Of course, BBC-NUJ’s leftist resident of many, many years Mr TAYLOR does not analyse what ‘FOX NEWS’ presents; he simply attempts to smear it politically as an unacceptable ideological contrast to his own political predilection for the comfort of publicly subsidised statism and E.U super-federalism, that is part of the BBC-NUJ ideology.
It hardly needs saying that Taylor has a Marxist-Leninist-Trotskyist background, so political congenial to BBC-NUJ.
Laurie Taylor, the wettest of the wet !
Yet with Matthew constantly on call to the BBC and his other son Charlie producing dads perpetual common room rumblings…good work for the Taylors, with plenty nannies and caterers in Primrose Hill happily employed.
Think he practices what his beloved Thatch preached..no such thing as sociology…just families( I am selective with my choice of words, as befits an old leftie loser like Laurie!)
PM pledges infrastructure boost – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-15517180
Have a listen to Milliband’s response to the measure.
Instead of welcoming it, he sounds incredibly negative and defeatist!
“The government’s plans are too little, too late, because we’ve got a perfect storm in our economy”
He’d criticised the government for not spending enough, and now he’s complaining that they’re investing in infrastructure!
R4 reported the UNESCO vote as ” Israel and the US voted
against “. No mention that so did Germany, Canada and other countries.
I wondered what the UK did. I just discovered that the UK abstained.
I had thought I had become used to being ashamed to be British, but obviously not. What a disgrace.
Agree entirely. Totally bloody wet – like a limp wristed CofE vicar.
Having a limp wrist will soon become mandatory for C of E vicars.
I saw this on BBC news today, it deeply offended and upset me. We (the viewers) were informed by Simon Ross from population matters that the UK population is also growing, and we should only be having 1 or 2 children. This would be fair; however, over 66% of the population growth is from immigration. Furthermore the BBC has told us for over a decade we need immigration because our population is in decline. Surely if he wants to tackle UK population growth then he should be taking of reducing immigration rather than blaming the Brits.
St Paul’s Dean Graeme Knowles resigns over protests – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-15524483
Greece has just announced that it will hold a referendum on the bailout package (which is, in effect, a vote on whether they stay in the Euro).
Libya has just appointed a prime minister.
The Palestinians have just been granted full membership of UNESCO, and the US has responded by cutting its dues to the organisation.
So why are the BBC news website leading with the story of the resignation of a relatively junior clergyman?!?
A reprise:
BBC-NUJ: still politically pro-‘Occupy’ (and it goes without it saying – anti-English Defence League) – in a vague sort of BBC-NUJ way.
BBC-NUJ: STILL embedded, as is Ms SPENCER, and trying to make a main event out of her side-show. The enthusiastically vague Ms Spencer seems to have found her political level.
“Daily View: Does it matter if Occupy protesters’ demands aren’t clear?”
BBC-NUJ Islamic poster boy, BINYAM MOHAMED:
“Going out shopping, the terror suspect who pocketed a million in compensation over torture claims”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2055474/Going-shopping-terror-suspect-pocketed-million-compensation-torture-claims.html#ixzz1cOJpbK00
Also, from ‘The Long War Journal’ –
“Binyam Mohamed: The false martyr” (2009).
By Thomas Joscelyn
Read more: http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2009/02/binyam_mohamed_the_f.php#ixzz1cOLXuk2a
For the UNESCO Beeboid exotic culture lovers:
Suicide bombing as high art: Palestine becomes member of UN cultural body
‘Jihadwatch’: excerpt from above:-
“This makes sense. After all, the Palestinians have contributed so much to world culture: children’s shows celebrating jihad murder, jihad/martyrdom suicide bombers blowing people up on buses and in restaurants — it’s a veritable cornucopia of cultural and artistic achievement.”
Where’s ‘Newsnight’ preview for tonight? Or are they just busking it?
Why’s tonight’s Newsnight talking tomorrow’s growth figures?
It would make more sense to wait till tomorrow to talk about them…
Newsnight must be feeling pretty silly right now, after talking so much yesterday about the consequences of poor growth figures…
Another lazy topic by ‘Newsnight’.
Good old Newsnight eh?
When I was watching the honourable Jeff Randall earlier…the Greek referendum called by Papandreou was announced live.
Cue various Greeks saying that this was brave, democratic and will be up for grabs.
Now on Newsnight…Kirsty and Mark Urban are far from happy…a referendum?…didn`t we all sign up to the Euro bailout last week?…treacherous and typical Club Med as usual!
This referendum lark might be contagious…for some reason the anti-elitist, ballot box buccaneers at the Beeb would rather that we all shut up and let Kirsty and chums prime the Euroministers into berating any impediments to full submission before Barossa and Patten.
Oh lookey…yet more from St Pauls…a veritable Church Times is the BBC these days isn`t it?
Wouldn’t it be funny if the Greeks voted it down ? !!!!!
maybe not a topic for Biased BBC, but Top Gear USA and Dancing with the Stars are shite, what next the US version of Eastenders, set in New York, wonder what they might call it?…Queens?
I did enjoy the Cadillac bending in half tonight, though ! Still, it does seem like a set of actors reading Clarkson and Co’s old scripts.
And I understood about one word in ten when the Mustang was being praised. Maybe I’m that rare thing: a rural metrosexual. :-[
Haha, Top Gear USA was so crap it was cancelled like two years ago. But it’s good enough for the BBC to rent and show you lot. Perhaps it’s part of their Quality First cost-cutting measures.
Your license fee hard at work. Suckers!
No, it’s still being made. Here’s what we’re getting just now:
Episode 3 shown here last night.
Ah, I see I missed that History changed their minds and re-upped it. Still, nice to see Clarkson getting even more of your money.
According to the 8 AM news on Radio 4 China and Russia are knee-deep in cyber-crime, but the real villain of the piece is….
Yep, America. This time for failing to crack down on criminals in other countries. So America is not the World’s Policeman, but it is their fault that people in other countries commit crime.
Yip, listened to that in stunned disbelief.
An economy “stalled” was the neutral scene setting by the BBC ahead of the announcement of Q3 GDP. Actual release has growth of 0.5% just below the long run average of 0.6%. If the evil Tories have not stalled the economy what other spin will be employed by ther BBC opinion formers?
Yes: double-standards by BBC-NUJ – when Labour were in power, BBC-NUJ were inclined to emphasise world economic recession as an excuse for Labour’s economic weakness; but under the Coalition, BBC-NUJ’s emphasis is to criticise the present government, and to relegate the significance of the world recession context.
Lucky those Pakistan cricketers were found guilty otherwise the BBC would have had to led with the better than expected GDP figures on the 1pm BBC1 News! I expect the former helped to pad out the 15 minutes’ slot they had originally planned for the “economy worsens” piece lined up.
A question for INBBC: do you support?:
EITHER the proponent and activist for free speech, Ms SABADITSCH-WOLFF (of Austria);
OR, the global Organisation of Islamic Co-operation (OIC), active opponent of free speech:-
“Is Europe being ‘Silenced’ by the OIC?”
This morning, far better than expected GDP figures had been announced, and the FTSE was in freefall because of the Greek referendum.
At 9:45, the BBC news website had its priorities right – its lead headline was ‘Protesters urged to remove tents’…
Looks like the BBC are getting an ally and friend over here.
PBS left wing bias will be beamed into our homes some time very soon
It’s the unique way they’re both funded.
The bBC and its anti Western Moral Crusade.
Counting the cost of Nato’s mission in Libya
As Nato ends its mission in Libya, just how many civilians lost their lives in the air strikes? As the BBC’s Jonathan Beale explains, we may never know.The famous phrase, attributed to Mark Twain, is that there are “lies, damned lies and statistics”. In war, establishing the truth is even harder. As the dust settles on Nato’s seven-month mission over Libya, there are few reliable statistics. No-one is really sure, at least for now, how much this war has cost in human lives.
Estimates of those killed – including pro-Gaddafi forces, “rebel” forces and civilians – currently vary between 2,000 and 30,000.
So the bBC feels that, the time is right in which to inflame the passions of leftwing political agitators and Muslims living in the west with the view that NATO killed up to 30,000 people in which to help remove Gadiffi. Funny how they quote a death toll for everybody who died in the fighting and not just those from NATO air attacks (In September, the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), an independent think tank, estimated that “between 50-100 civilians had perished from air strikes in the six months of the campaign”)
The bBC then furthers its claims by quoting the following:
An attack on what Nato says was a command and control centre in Surman on 20 June reportedly killed two children and their mother. It was this strike that prompted Colonel Gaddafi to take to the airwaves to denounce Nato as “murderers and barbarians”
Yet and a big yet the bBC doesn’t mention that NATO only went in as Gadiffis forces lined up outside Benghazi with his son claiming that the job would be finished within days. They don’t mention the warehouses full of bodies killed by Gadiffis henchmen, or even the hospital full of Gadiffis victims. In fact the bBC reports on just two of those -Hospital and warehouse- accounts for over 1000 deaths.
Yet according to the bBC, NATO may be held accountable for war crimes over civilian deaths. They even added this snippet in which to back up their claim:
Twelve years after Nato’s bombing campaign over Kosovo, there is still no accurate figure for the number of civilians killed. The estimates are between 200 and 500.
20 years ago bBC, NATO bombed Serbia in 1999– 12 years ago.
The bBC, its biased political agenda and playing the NATO can only be evil line
Beeboids are total prats. Does anyone know how many people were killed in any war ?
PS It is incredible that the scum at the BBC are still supporting Gaddafi after his death.
Not at all Grant!
I dare you to read Gadhaffis Green Book….Islamic Socialism as the Third Way…like the love child of Nasser and Rosa Luxembourg!
Black Power, equal opportunities as his bodyguards for the women, Islamic retaking of Europe, vicious anti-Israel tripe, pro-IRA, anti America…Gadhaffi ought to have had Pattens job!
Pity he never made it to Naughties Book Club though…making all his bodyguards pregnant hardly helps with stemming population numbers does it….but still?…
Here’s an overall picture of events surrounding the Egyptian military attack on Copts, and subsequent travesty of justice. You can decide for yourself if you feel the BBC has in any way portrayed these events the way you see them depicted here. Whether you are Christian or not, you should be disgusted by the way they have chosen to help those committing these acts and distorting this story to cover it up.
In my view, the BBC are just as much scum as the worst portrayed here.
Egypt’s Massacre of Christians: What the Media Does Not Want You To Know
BBC-NUJ: continuing advocates of MASS IMMIGRATION unlimited.
‘Daily Mail’:
“The Left-leaning media, including the BBC, have fought since the 1960s to stifle debate on immigration by hurling accusations of racism at anyone who called for tougher restrictions.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2055895/UK-immigration-E-petition-offers-voters-chance-heard.html#ixzz1cTC6Qq51
“At last, you have the chance to make your voice heard”
(by Sir Andrew Green)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2055931/Immigration-petition-The-chance-make-voice-heard.html#ixzz1cTChnCrj
Update for INBBC: Al Qaeda jihadists in LIBYA.
INBBC needs to update its map here and include Al Qaeda in LIBYA:
“Al-Qaeda around the world”
INBBC needs to turn to today’s ‘Daily Mail’ for update on Al Qaeda in Benghazi:
“Flying proudly over the birthplace of Libya’s revolution, the flag of Al Qaeda”
By Sam Greenhill
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2055630/Flying-proudly-birthplace-Libyas-revolution-flag-Al-Qaeda.html#ixzz1cTFY1zj8
Come on, keep up INBBC: it’s all part of your wonderful Arab Spring.
On LIBYA, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi and the Islamic LSE:
“Saif Gaddafi’s LSE professor quits ahead of Libya report”
And INBBC chum, S. CHAKRABARTI was on the governing board of Islamic London School of Economics during Gaddafi reign, and she’s not resigning apparently. She’s very quiet about it all.
Pakistan cricketers, match-fixing convictions, and Islam.
I don’t expect INBBC will make a connection between the above, but this article in the ‘Guardian’ (2010) does:
” In the past, cricketers came from the educated suburbs of the big Punjabi cities. Today, they come from the humblest of backgrounds. Mohammad Yousuf, one of the greatest, most elegant batsmen the country has produced, is the son of a Christian rail-station sweeper from Sargodha in the Punjab heartland. His gifts come not from sporting academies, but nature and the rough and tumble world of street cricket.
“Much like the country, Yousuf went through something of an Islamisation. After converting to Islam he lost contact with his Christian family, but his career took off. Sadly, a decade of match-fixing allegations has coincided with an increase in overt religiosity within the team. Such is the malaise of our Islam, where ritual and public displays of faith outweigh the need for moral conduct.”
-quote is from:-
“Pakistan’s problem is deeper than match fixing.
Amid Pakistan’s general lawlessness, is it any wonder that cricketers have lost their way?”
BBC report today:
“Pakistan cricketers guilty of betting scam”
Perhaps BBC-NUJ will want to pass lightly over the fact that it was MURDOCH’s ‘News of the World’ which brought the Pakistan cricketers’ crimes to our attention.
The BBC says sorry to Andrew Tyrie MP (albeit only once apparently): http://inagist.com/michaelsavage/131416513411416064/
This is the background: http://huffington.pressassociation.com/politics/a6cf54f6-31bb-4024-b48e-f5474beb301d-240559dc0e82ba6d69c98889ac87bea5.xml
See also http://blogs.ft.com/westminster/2011/11/bbc-issues-extraordinary-apology-to-andrew-tyrie/#axzz1cU3FR5rQ
The above page quotes the BBC apology.
Rabbis meet to discuss Dutch bill on ritual slaughter
What the heck is that photo about?
I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure that it has nothing to do with ritual slaughter.
The photo is very cleverly cherry-picked from the specifically Yom Kippur ritual of Kaporos (“atonements”, I think, also transliterated as Kaporoth, obviously related to the Kippur part of the holiday). It’s old-school animal sacrifice done by not a large percentage of Jews leading up to the Day of Atonement. Obviously they do a ton of them all at once, to cover the whole community. As you can see from the link, there’s noise in a lot of places to shift to paying money instead. I guess you could say this is a Jewish equivalent of an annual indulgence.
I don’t believe this mass bloody scenario is part of the everyday butchering of chickens for food. At least, I’ve never seen it in the few kosher butchers I’ve been to.
The BBC article fails to mention Kaporos, which is the real target, and not the daily kind of ritual slaughter (although I grant that animal rights activists whine about that as well). Notice that the BBC News Online sub-editor made sure to fix that photo so you couldn’t see the the shaved head and sidecurls of the ultra-orthodox child looking at the messy scene, so the reader is left free to think it’s just something all Jews do all year round.
You can see that the child’s ultra-orthodox appearance is clear in the original photo (which I’ve added below with the BBC version for comparison). So the BBC made a sneaky Photoshop job there.
Also the specific choice of including a child is a clever touch of pathos. Yes, part of the complaints about Kaporos is that the black hats drag their children in to see it happening, which can be traumatic.
But since the BBC article specifically censors the connection to Kaporos, leading to the impression that this is just about kosher slaughter in general, they could easily have chosen any number of other photos of a butcher doing his normal job.
Obviously the Beeboids know exactly what this is about, but chose to blur the facts for some reason.
Bias Butchering Chickens? 😉
David P,
I am not sure these sort of “events” traumatise most children. They have a strange immunity to death at an early age. In the poorest parts of the world, children are quite used to seeing animals and birds slaughtered on a regular basis.
Although maybe not in BBC La La Land !
PS I am sure the BBC will feature items on muslim ritual slaughter in the interest of “balance”.
Perhaps BBC-Democrat should be added to this list:
“This Is the Comprehensive List of Those Supporting Occupy Wall St.”
A bit too strong for Peter Allen’s taste, I bet.