A quite one-sided article on Police Commissioners. Basically, a poll recently said that not many people are even aware that they will be able to elect police commissioners soon. This is used as an impetus to attack the policy. My criticism is that this is simply not built like a news article, it’s a comment piece.
Once again the BBC fails to look across the pond for relevant examples of an issue they’re covering. In the US, sure there are problems with elected police chiefs. In small towns it’s essentially a one party, one candidate deal, and a corrupt local sherrif is more or less untouchable. Except that’s no different from having a politically appointed one.
But in most place where the public elects them, targets don’t suddenly become a problem because the public doesn’t care about them. Targets are for bureaucracy and box-ticking management. The public cares only about the impression they have of whether or not they fell safe.
If there are constant break-ins and the high street is a nightmare on Saturday night because of all the drunken and violent youth, all the target data in the world won’t save the police chief.
And now we are informed that the sex offenders and murderers being offered therapy at HMP Grendon merely lack empathy – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11947481
The BBC also tells us about how Grendon is a victim of government cuts. But perhaps it wouldn’t be quite so hard up if it weren’t for the fact that ‘listening to sex offenders’ accounts of their crimes left former Grendon prison officer Steven Heaven with post-traumatic stress disorder, and earlier this year he was awarded an undisclosed six-figure sum in damages’.
Aw bless! I’m sure he deserved every penny for the distress doing his job entailed… I mean, it’s not like it’s what he would have expected when he applied for a job at a rehabilitation centre for criminals!
BBC-NUJ keeps up its political campaigning against Ms May on border controls, with apparent political amnesia on its own support for the 10 years and more of Labour open door ‘policy’ on mass immigration.
And BBC-NUJ’s present campaign includes political censorship on material which e.g. the ‘Daily Mail’ has:
“‘I DIDN’T tell Theresa May about lifting fingerprint checks’: Borders chief’s bombshell admission after Mail revelation that suspension was justified”
Remember the BBC promising us that sea levels were increasing at ever faster rates threatening us all with drowning, coastal areas seeing millions fleeing for their very lives? Remember the hundreds of reports from the BBC showing graphs of sea level rises plus scaremongering predictions? Here is the reality that the BBC will not being showing this side of never.
New data is available, and Envisat continues to show sea level declining at a rate of more than 5mm/year since the beginning of 2010. This is due to the record melting in Greenland over the last two years that we keep hearing about – which is filling up the oceans with anti-water.
Ah, but it’s “rising” falling, just like it’s “warming” cooling, and all the heat is hiding beneath the sea, apparently, but they have yet to work out where the sea is hiding.
Ask HRH Charlie Boy, he’ll know – he’s sold on the fact that the sea is going to drown us all, that we doubters are all misinformed and that we are all doomed unless we retire to our caves and meat-free, lentil diets.
The red line in this image shows the long-term increase in global sea level since satellite altimeters began measuring it in the early 1990s. Since then, sea level has risen by a little more than an inch each decade, or about 3 millimeters per year. While most years have recorded a rise in global sea level, the recent drop of nearly a quarter of an inch, or half a centimeter, is attributable to the switch from El Niño to La Niña conditions in the Pacific.
“is attributable to the switch from El Niño to La Niña conditions in the Pacific.”
I just bet it is, the tiny rise was attributed to global warming caused by a harmless trace gas but the decline is natural variability? That is how the CAGW fraud works, it takes some natural cyclic variations and calls them CAGW and others are grudgingly acknowledged for what they are. In fact it is all natural cyclic variation.
the tiny rise
Not sure that you can say the rise is tiny. If you look at the graph the mean sea level has risen by 50mm. The drop, to which you refer, is of the order of 5mm. That puts the rise in sea level back where it was in 2008.
However if you look between 1997-98 there was a jump of about 10 mm in a year.
In fact it is all natural cyclic variation.
I am not a climate scientist nor an oceanographer so am not able to comment on the veracity of the claim. However the evidence from the graph would suggest that it isn’t part of a natural cyclic variation.
While there are variations from year on year, there is a clear upward trend. Whether this downward trend continues or is reversed we have to wait and see.
Er, no there is not a clear upward trend in either global tempertures or sea levels.
An estimated 5cm rise in over a century is nothing in geological terms and the figure quoted has an error bar equal or greater than the tiny rise itself. Not taken in to account is plate techtonics, sediment acruel raising sea levels. The earths crust is constantly in motion both lateral and vertical and it is this that has an effect on sea levels, as does the lunar cycles which directly affect tidal movements and levels.
Natural cyclic variations over periods of time that the satellite data does not cover, the false assumption that correlation means causation, it does not. CO2 rising with first global temperatures not rising for over a decade and now se levels falling faster and quicker than they rose.
The evidence points to natural cyclic climate variation, the fabricated evidence that CO2, a trace gas BTW, causes such tiny changes to global temperatures and sea levels is coming apart at the seams. Sea levels have risen and fallen by far greater amounts in the past, we see the evidence by walking on our own beaches. Where there is now the English channel there was once dry land.
It isnt getting hotter, sea levels are no longer rising, there are less storms, fewer cylones/huricanes, global sea ice is normal, rain fall is constant within natural cycles yet CO2 continues to rise. Look at the tiny changes over the last century and look at the geological record and you see the tiny fluctuations as small beer.
Vince ‘I Saw It All Coming No Really I Did’ Cable was on Gameshow Nikk’s this am to talk about youth unemployment.
After a cursory couple of germane questions Helium-weight Nikk and Hydrogen-weight Andrew Verrity sp? waded into him on the economy.
Verrity ran up and down the studio shrieking BUT HAS GEORGE OSBORNE DONE ENOUGH WHAT ABOUT PLAN B WHAT ABOUT PLAN B.
Gameshow commendably stuck to his brief, which was to attempt to read out each of Ed Ball’s Five Ways To Save The Economy – basically cut this tax, cut that tax, and bring something else forward. Even Vince could swat those away.
After FWTSTE no. 4 Vince got bored and tried to change the subject. So Gameshow came out with,
‘…but Ed Balls would never forgive me if I didn’t put this to you’.
There you have albeeb’s modus operandi in a nutshell.
Email goes from BBC to Labour HQ saying btw we have Vince Cable coming in on Wednesday, anything you might want us to ask him. Labour HQ comes back with, yeah, try asking him these.
sorry folks got to get this off my chest, oborne assertions obout rising tide of muslim attacks-mosques etc etc etc is total hogwash. AND WARSI one simply cannot find the words, for this unelected odious individuals inference
and conflation of victimhood/racism(what race is muslim),where it is not warranted or deserved. in fact it devalues TRUE victimhood, TRUE racism
by its false assertion, that is so easily debunked.
Though anti ISLAM not muslim sentiment one can assume may well be on the rise, and with good reason,
so IF?… Anti ISLAM sentiment is on the rise it has nothing to do with Islamophobia ?? Invented, deliberately, by a M.B. front organization, to stifle debate, to conflate with the term homophobia
but maybe intolerance of gays, of lesbians, other sexual minorities,
other religious minorities, other ethnic minorities, , of apostates,
of freedom of conscience, of freedom of speech, an aggressive political and
aggressive association agenda, the proven aspect of deliberate non-integration, the deliberate push for an opposing legal system that has abhorrent, undemocratic ideals. and the willful, insidious plan to mass murder…
all this is all to do with PAYING EDUCATED ATTENTION TO FACT,
not a concocted false islamaphobia concept that laughably insinuates that any reservations about Islam must ipso facto be “phobic.”  phobia – irrational fear, concern or dislike.
Islam very often manifests precisely this feature, (fear, concern, or dislike) thus, suspicion of it is by no means irrational
Clive Lewis the BBC’s political correspondent for BBC East is hoping to be selected as the parliamentary candidate for…. (guess which party…if you need a clue they are not in coalition).
The BBC won’t give you an update – I asked for one, and they told me:
‘We aim to deal with complaints in line with the BBC’s
published procedures – it is not our practice to issue updates on their progress within the system.’
I’d make an official complaint to the Trust. At least that way you’ll probably find out what happened with your original complaint. 🙂
“Evidence in the vehicle led to us obtaining an arrest warrant for Oscar Ortega.” Mr Ortega is described as a white Hispanic male of medium build, with several distinguishing tattoos – including three dots on his right hand, his name across his back and the word Israel tattooed on his neck.
A Hispano with “Israel” tattooed on his neck… reminds me of this:
The BBC describing Oscar Ortega the alleged White House gunman: “Mr Ortega is described as a white Hispanic male of medium build, with several distinguishing tattoos – including three dots on his right hand, his name across his back and the word Israel tattooed on his neck.”.Wow! I bet the hacks in the newsroom are salivating over the “Israel” connection. Remember how they tried to link the Gifford shooting and Sarah Palin? Now what you won’t see or hear on the BBC “Authorities suspect Ortega has been in the area for weeks, coming back and forth to the Washington Mall. Before the shooting, he was detained by local police at an abandoned house. U.S. Park police say Ortega may have spent time blending in with Occupy D.C. protesters”.
Isreal is not unheard of as a Mexican name, and there’s obviously a religious element to the tattoos. Still, I think the BBC has rushed to report it because it was gunfire near the White House, full stop.
But isn’t it a bit unusual for the BBC to post US police blotter stuff like this?
The BBC would love to curtail competition and anyone showing them up. They view themselves as being a cut above all other media, and well above the masses.
Personally, I agree with Guido: no regulations other than the already existing defamation and libel laws.
Mark Littelwood (my new hero since his recent appearance on QT) on the News Channel just now to speak against regulations banning smoking in cars.
“But clearly this is a good thing” to stop people from smoking, asks the impartial Beeboid.
Littlewood and his “partner” are both smokers, he says, and are the only people using the car. So it’s Nanny State crap.
Beeboid: But what about the chiiiiiiildren? Quotes statistics of high carbon monoxide levels in an overwrought tone.
Littlewood: Nanny State crap. You may as well try to pass regulations to stop children from falling down stairs at home.
Beeboid: But smoking is highly addictive and bad for you. Smoking in front of children might encourage them to smoke. Plus (remembering to get back on topic) there’s second-hand smoke.
Littlewood: Leave it to the drivers’ discretion. I’m skeptical about the hype about the dangers of second-hand smoke, but it’s silly to pass regulations because you think children might think about smoking.
It wasn’t a debate: it was contradiction. The BBC automatically gainsays any statement the other person makes. No thought put into the questions, just boilerplate. It’s the BBC Argument Room.
Martin pointed out in the previous open thread that the BBC is celebrating the new Italian government as being technocrats, full of much-needed expertise.
I remember last time the BBC was lauding an incoming Government as being led by technocrats:
In Campaign 2008 America essentially rejected a familiar offering from Republicans – small government and smaller taxes – in favour of a rather different vision from Barack Obama, an intelligent technocrat who represents the belief that government, properly directed, can be a force for good.
How’s that hopey-changey stuff workin’ for you now, BBC? And this:
Another tough day on Capitol Hill for Timothy Geithner, the smart technocrat who is Obama’s choice as Treasury Secretary and who’s been in the engine-room of the economy with Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke attempting to plug the many holes which have suddenly appeared below the waterline.
The right man for the job – except that as Treasury Secretary he’d be in charge of the IRS, and Mr Geithner turns out to have not paid his full income taxes in recent years.
How’s “the right man for the job” working out now, BBC? I think we’ve about had enough of this kind of smart, intelligent technocrat.
Yes, both of these were written by Kevin “Teabagger” Connolly. Make of that what you will.
Mair interviewed Peston today. At the end, Peston siad something like “Good to be back after all this time, I hope we are friends now”. No comment from Mair.
It sounded very odd – presumably Mair has avoided interviewing Peston for a long time. Strange.
I’m surprised he has any time to talk to Peston when having to dramatise his awful PM programme. It’s still dominated by nasty phone hacking stories, with a special Murdoch questioning session complete with Mafia-music backing on one occasion last week. And if that picture on his twitter log (or whatever it’s called) is anything to go by he looks more creepy than he sounds. One thing is for sure, these BBC tweeters really show their true natures don’t they… thinking of peole like the lovely Limmy etc.
Greg Palast’s Newsnight film about a vulture fund FG Hemisphere is on tonight. I see it’s made in conjunction with the Guardian (cosy – who put up the money?) Already available to view on the Guardian’s website is a 4 minute film which includes a heavily edited street interview bewtween Palast and the head of the fund Peter Grossman. Each reply is cut short after a few words and then quickly jumps to another segment of the interview – I hope the Newsnight version of the film allows Grossman the chance to give a fuller account of himself. The Guardian article references another vulture fund which is described, inevitably, as being run by “a major contributor to the Republican party”. It will be fascinating to see if any similar references are made on Newsnight given the BBC’s reluctance to mention the close ties MF Global’s Jon Corzine had to the Obama White House (or indeed any number of other recent scandals involving prominent Democrat donors which the BBC has chosen to ignore.) The BBC has an article about the same investigation written by DP’s old friend Meirion Jones, but there’s no mention of evil Republicans there so we’ll have to wait and see.
No mention of Jon Corzine then, erstwhile Democrat governor of New Jersey who has just disappeared 500m dollars from his client’s accounts at MF Global ???
I see Corzine managed to donate $55,000 to Obama and other DNC causes this year alone (prior to his current difficulties). And that doesn’t include his secretive work as a facilitator between the White House and Wall Street.
What a shock. Wake me up when the BBC hires Palast – or anyone else, for that matter – to investigate the billions poured down the green energy toilet to companies run by Democrat donors and Obamessiah bundlers. Plus one guy who actually works for Him now.
Oh, and Palast’s co-conspiritor from 2008 – Robert Kennedy, Jr. – got a $1.4 billion bailout from the President. Newsnight will never tell you that.
Here’s an interview with Greg Palast about the Occupy Movement and the economic situation. He’s billed as a ‘BBC Investigative Journalist’. He sounds like an angry, chippy, nasty little sh!t – even more obnoxious than Michael Moore – which is quite an achievement. The interviewer does a pretty good job of standing his ground against the sneering grievance-mongering. This is one petulant, inadequate little muppet. He gets in plenty of plugs for his poxy book, though. Ain’t free market capitalism great when it suits them.
Here’s a sample of the quality opinions on offer from MR Palast :
“One percent of our economy wants us to die, so that they can pick at our carcass.”
“If you read Vultures Picnic you will get the exact message, you’ll get their names, you’ll get their trophy wives, you’ll find the bodies that they have crushed and the people that they have eaten.”
Nice of the Newsnight to broadcast this film in the same week Palast’s book is published – licence fee funded publicity that journalists outside the cosy left-wing Guardian/Newsnight bubble tend not to receive.
Now that the BBC are moving their propaganda ministry up to Salford, I imagine that we can expect an awful lot of trips down the East Lancs road to talk to the victims of the Tories..unemployed youths, Toxteth riot veterans and basically anyone who has played the victim card from 1981…but somehow failed to use it during the last thirteen years under Comrade Blair.
Bit like the It`s a Knockout Joker Card really…doubles as a get out of Walton card too!
So lots of put-upon Scousers tell the Beeb that it`s like 81 again…”youth up on the shelf and getting angry”.
No one denies it`s hard…but once you`ve filtered out the rioters, the psychopathic, the slackers of comprehensive schools and all those student activists and St Pauls moochers…not really a million is it?
Let`s hope that the richshaws, barges and Starbuck couriers now needed by the BBC will “create a few jobs” for those northern scamps…even more if we include the translators too!
The BBC forgets the 2 million illegals they allowed to walk in here when their beloved halfwit Clarke was turning off security at our ports on the grounds of “elf n safety”
There are plenty of jobs in this Country, just too many bone idle twats who think they should be abl eto walk into a 30K job right off (Government funded of course)
I certainly do not remember the BBC reporting the actual real recession, the one that was the deepest and longest for 60 years, which happened under labour, being reported as desperately or pessimistically or as gratuitously as the current sluggish GROWTH is being reported.
In fact many times the BBC keep reporting that it “feels like” we are in recession and that is the same thing, (But not when labour where in power). On my local BBC radio station they went further and claimed that we were likely to see “the current recession deepen”.
They are just making it up to suit their left wing agenda. It is not even covert anymore, it is overt and blatant.
It aint goin away folks, how long can the BBC turn a blind eye to a growing scandal that threatens to overwhelm Mr Chicago and his gang of vermin. Two of the BBCs sacred cows under scrutiny and the BBC are nowhere. Of course it goes without saying that if the Party and president had been Republican then the BBC would be in like a a hungry vulture at a deceased Gnu armed with all the leftist talking points.
As the White House rejects charges that the Obama administration was motivated by politics in its decisions on green energy loans — despite an email that explicitly requests a delay of lay-off announcements until after the 2010 midterm election — scrutiny is increasing over the preference given to Democratic donors seeking federal loan
This has the makings of a democreep watergate, its too early to know just how deep this particular rabbit hole goes but it sure looks bad for president Autcue.
This has the makings of a democreep watergate, its too early to know just how deep this particular rabbit hole goes but it sure looks bad for president Autcue.
Cassandra, you’re quite correct. On a quick Google search, I found fewer than a dozen stories on line at the Beeb website. (They’re obsessed with Hermain Cain). I’m not sure if the domestic broadcast platforms are giving this any legs or mentioning it at all. Certainly the texts of the web stories do not link “Obama” with “Solyndra”. The words “The White House” are used instead, in keeping with the BBC unofficial policy of keeping the big O away from negative publicity. However, now that it’s been revealed that his henchmen may have asked Solyndra management not to reveal job looses till after the 2010 election something may attract the attention of the Washington Bureau.
But the BBC isn’t the only news outlet protecting the Big O and distancing his administration from the scandal. For example, Bloomberg says: “The U.S. Department of Energy asked Solyndra LLC to delay announcing it would fire workers until a day after last year’s elections, according to a House Republican staff report citing advisers for an investor in the failed solar-panel maker.” See – nothing to do the Pres – it’s all the DOE’s fault – and anyway its only Republicans pointing fingers. But I have a feeling (like you) this is a house of cards that may blow down. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-11-16/u-s-sought-delay-of-solyndra-job-cut-announcement-in-2010.html
David, wre there any words or phrases one can trace from say HuffPo or NYTimes to the BBC? When I read Obamessiah I think of you. Is there anything similar in the Beeb lexicon?
I think it’s more Narrative and a lead on which stories to cover and which ones to ignore than specific language. But you can take any HuffPo or NYT article and paste into the box at Churnalism.com and see what comes up.
Funny how when Obama was running for President, any criticism of him was flashed up on the BBC as being potentially motivated by racism. Yet they are all over Cain like a rash! I guess that the BBC are just a bunch of racists then!
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) caught out with its propaganda on Egypt:
“BBC aired documentary made by TV company in the pay of Mubarak”
“Earlier this year the BBC commissioned an outside company, FBC Media (UK), to make a documentary on the future of Egypt during the height of the Arab Spring – but the firm had a commercial relationship to promote Egypt as ‘liberal and open and business friendly’. The programme warned of the threat of a takeover by hardline Muslims and aired shortly after the ‘Day of Rage’ in Tahrir Square.”
Taking a look at two BBC articles on youth unemployment.
From the 2009 article (when Labour were in power) the BBC tell us that the 950,000 unemployed ‘youffs’ is not quite as bad as it looks.
Youth unemployment, measuring the number of 16 to 24-year-olds out of work, rose by 15,000 to 943,000. However, more than a quarter of 16 to 24-year-olds classed as unemployed are actually in full-time education; they are counted as unemployed if they look for as little as one hour’s work a week.
However, now we have Tories in power for some reason in the latest BBC article this ‘important’ fact that 25% of those kids are not really unemployed suddenly doesn’t seem as relevant.
UK unemployment rose by 129,000 in the three months to September to 2.62 million, as youth unemployment rose above a million. The jobless total for 16 to 24-year-olds hit a record of 1.02 million in the quarter and female unemployment was at its highest for 23 years.
Why does Newsnight let Labour politicians get away with peddling the myth that spending more taxpayers’ money will somehow cause the economy to grow?!?
It won’t! I didn’t in the US, and it wouldn’t over here!
Mark Mardell revealed at the BBC College of Journalism that he and the BBC believe that the British public are über-Keynesians, although failing to understand that Keynes never meant for the kind of permanent deficit spending we’re all doing these days.
So Andrew Neil is in the tiniest of minorities, and Ed Balls and Stephanie Flanders are correct.
Another difference between Labour and Keynes is that Keynes was in favour of taxpayers’ money being spent on genuine infrastructure investments. I’m not sure he’d approve of the taxpayer funding equalities officers or subsidising gender studies degrees…
Or Green boondoggles to campaign cash bundlers. Unfortunately, the President keeps trying to sell it as building bridges and roads, the kind of big infrastructure deals Keynes was talking about. We already know that most of wasn’t “shovel ready”, yet Mardell and the rest of them still buy His BS hook, line, and sinker.
Because the Left has always had the view that the Chancellor has a pot of gold under his desk which is replenished by the tooth fairy from time to time. This gold is “Government Money” and spending it is “putting it into the economy”.
Of course, taxpayers spending whatever money they have left is somehow “outside the economy”.
Ed Balls is also full of crap. He says that you spend more money on the unemployed than you do on the employed.
That isn’t true if you’re sacking the useless 5 a day lesbian condom co-ordinators. She’s paid 50K a year (plus perks and pension) but gets £60 a week on benefits. That looks like a good deal to me.
If you want to cut the dole queue, then pull out of the EU and ask the EU migrants working here to leave the country (unless they can demonstrate that they are doing a job that justifies them being allowed to stay).
I’m sure the vast majority of them are hard working, law abiding people, but in the words of Gordon Brown, ‘British jobs for British workers’…
No mention of the fact that Labour’s dumbed-down indoctrination/education system, and socialism in general, has created a generation of irresponsible, illiterate, innumerate children with an enormous sense of self-entitlement.
Couple that with the ever increasing number of school leavers from ‘communities’ with an average IQ of 80, and it’s not surprising that many employers prefer to go for E.Europeans instead.
I’m finding sympathy increasingly difficult to come by. If there was an election tomorrow, the sheep would once again flock to the polling stations and vote for more of the same.
‘A picture is worth a 1000 words’.
In this case it’s a picture of words, or more accurately a comparison between the 10 top stories shown by the BBC on their Mid-East webpage, and the 6 top stories shown by Yahoo, from the AP Mid-East website.
Somehow a whole article about what a great guy Bin-Laden was, as well as the bullshit Freedom Riders story dominates other, and one would think, far more important stories going on in the region. Look too at how many days old articles are still held as current. You think this is quality reporting by any stretch of the imagination?
Last year they managed to fit a Plaid Cymru member on the panel when the programme came from Great Yarmouth, so why am I not surprised they haven’t managed to include a UKIP MEP from the East of England when the programme comes from Aberystwyth.
“On the 17th (of Nov.), we’re going to burn New York City to the f—ing ground,” an angry Tinsley told a crowd of demonstrators in the video posted on Tuesday.
“In a few days, you’re going to see what a Molotov coctail can do to Macy’s.”
Video at the link.
This guy and his fellow Occupiers have been enouraged and enabled by the US media. Can’t blame the BBC for any of it, but they do take their lead on this issue from their fellow travellers in the US media. So the British public has no idea what to think when the BBC says the Occupiers in New York have inspired a worldwide movement for social justice. No idea. So you’re more inclined to be sympathetic to them, and to the UK version. For that you can place the blame squarely on the endemic Left-wing bias at the BBC.
There’s quite a lot of threatening rhetoric in that video, no wonder they arrested the muppet.
Also, I’m sure I spotted Brian Eno in there, singing ‘we are the 99%’, although I could be mistaken. Have a look – see what you think – I’ve set it to the right time :
If so, another multi-millionaire mixing with the ‘downtrodden and exploited’. I expect he has a penthouse nearby, and dropped in to take part in some ‘spatial occupation performance theatre’.
‘A spokesman for the broadcaster, which is moving from its west London base to Salford, said the term “manager” was used to describe a level of experience rather than staff who managed teams.’
The QED of the diseased beeboid mind: we’ll change the meaning of words in order to justify ourselves.
This is the real problem at the BBC, not the high salaries of a handful of people. This is the real massive waste, the real reason they’re cutting services.
I think she thinks that calling the programme “hardtalk” means that she should make it hard for the guest to talk by interrupting him with her inane and loaded questions.
Excellent distruction of the BBC’s EU (& general statist) position. Those Texans are just a bit too red in tooth & claw for precious beeboids like Montague, aren’t they?
“You know that Europe is screwed when it appoints a German pope & an Italian central banker”
A FOI from the Taxpayers alliance for the number of job titles, showed there are 4000, with 2000 having Manager in the title. No wonder when bBC have a jolly, hundreds are sent when a commercial outfit would only send tens. Thomson must GO!
Grondona (a senior Blatter mouthpiece at FIFA) confirmed his message that he would only support England’s 2018 World Cup bid if the Falkland Islands were “given back” to Argentina because they “belong to us”.
Have a look at this meeting of occupyists ‘discussing’ tactics in indecipherable socio-babble.
This is what happens when you fill universities with all manner of different ‘humanities’ type courses that produce large numbers of graduates who are very well educated in f*ck all. Qualifications that elevate opinion and expression above fact and critical thought. These people are all expert at stringing together intelligent sounding words to form sentences that mean absolutely nothing. Words, words, words…verbosity posing as intellect. The clue to the complete lack of meaning is in the vast array of hand gestures that subconsciously fill the content void.
One of them was a New York Times journalist – now an activist.
Yesterday I commented (see above @ 18:10:28) that the Guardian extract of Greg Palast’s vulture capitalist film included a heavily-edited interview with FG Hemisphere’s head Peter Grossman in which each reply was cut short after a few words. I expressed the hope that the Newsnight version would allow Grossman the chance to give a fuller account of himself. It didn’t – the same sequence was used. This technique of highly selective editing is very dubious, especially when done in such a cack-handed and obvious way. One can only assume that Grossman went to say things that Palast, the Guardian and Newsnight preferred we did not hear.
Clearly the BBC don’t think we’ve seen enough or heard enough from one of the men who ruined tihs Country. Ed Gonads. So stpe forward Radio Labour to give Mr Scrotum aonther platform to make a twat of himself. As most know I have always flet that ervery time Ed Privates turns up on the TV it hurts Labour (which actually is a good thing)
So Guido has a great bit from this mornings Labour love in.
“It would be better for Labour and the country if you weren’t there… You were there in Tresuary…you are the problem. When I hear you I just want to switch off because you have no credibility in what you say… the Labour Party would be better served, even if the message was the same, if it wasn’t coming from you, more people would listen. If you’re trying to get your message across it’s not working because you are tainted with what went before.”
Radio 5 and Dame Nikky did a hatchet job on the Daily Mail this morning. They kept quoting a Daily Mail sports journalist who basically told the likes of Anton Ferdinand to man up.
I’ve never heard the Daily Mail mentioned so many times on Radio 5 in one hour, but of course the hack involved was not allowed a right of reply.
How quickly the BBC buried the Theresa May story, I wonder why?
Saw this piece by Greg Palast…reminded me very much of the BBCs use of Johnny Marbles types in their opinions to camera pieces earlier in the year.
Far easier to get some guerrilla hack in a hat with a Noo Yawk drawl to ambush Big Oil, rather than do your own journalism.
And this is the level of Newsnight today.
Note that they leave Blatter alone apart from a limp pursed lip…had he been Carol Thatcher he`d be getting tailgated by lots of Beeboids in Zurich.
But..he hates Britain…is the Sporting God for all future footie…and would eliminate the need to cosy up with Lawro and LIinekers should he be stirred to anger with the Beeb!
The whole BBC edifice resembles the ever depleting swamp being drained of its mozzies and lollabout hippos….must be global warming!
The bit on the Republicans last night was typical rolling in the mud with some wannabe Jon Stewart providing the unfunny sneers and smears. That Obama is far more guilty of bitching about Israel behind its back etc…well that`s to be commended…or at least not mentioned in polite company.
The BBC is just the Dalek no-one remembered to re-programme after 1967…and none of us will put out a disabled ramp for .
Destined forever to shriek at itself as we shake off the UN/EU and the political class…the Metal Mickey or Dusty Bin of liberal irrelevancies in need of a self-financing scrapyard to be recycled into a news broadcaster…
I didn’t bother watching the thing on the Republican candidates – we already know the BBC’s policy towards the GOP. They could try something radical and ask a commentator like Greg Gutfeld on to take the piss out of the Dems, but we know that’s not going to happen – mustn’t upset the smugocracy’s carefully constructed US narrative.
‘What was interesting about the media response to this was that, rather than focus on the substance of what the trader was saying, it instead went on a wild goose chase trying to decide whether or not he was a hoaxer‘
The bBC the Union flag and racist hate crimes. Union jack row man Roger Henry gets ‘death threat A man who complained about the permanent flying of a union jack in his Nottinghamshire village said he had received racist death threats.Gamston Parish Council voted in favour of the year-round display of the flag on the village common.Roger Henry said the flag had become a symbol of far-right political groups.He said he had since received a letter which said “we hope you get killed” and “go back to your own country”.
So the bbC reports on how a Black man has received racist death threats (he received one letter which said it hoped he gets killed) because he objected to the flying of the union flag in his village. Vilalge??? It’s a a part of Nottingham, wnich is why there’s a huge bloody supermarket complex in the so called village. But by reporting thisstroy as a village (All white maybe) instead of Nottingham (City with a big non-white popualtion) the image of racism can be painted by the bBC in which to push its agenda. Oh and why has this man hackled dso many peoples backs here is the bBC video of him talking about the Union Flag. Now watch it and ask yourself would you not also feel offended by his gripe
But as the grievance industry well knows, they are anonymous gold dust to get a BBC suit with a mic down there before you can say Roas Parks.
As to the ‘male’ himself, I hope that it is not some ‘ist I am not aware of yet (with quango, £100k CEO and BBC sofa weekly media person publicly funded), but he is an utter twat.
But at least he had hsi 15secs of fame. More if Aunty can whip up some ‘anger’ and an issue, as all good, respondible national broadcasters are meant to do.
Maybe this “villager” should ask himself whether his offensive remarks, rather than the flying of this flag, are likely to contribute to the strength of the far right.
I should imagine that every time a clown like this speaks up, x number of people are nudged in that direction.
Interesting analysis from the BBC. Interesting for what it (and Obama) says and what it doesn’t say. Barack Obama says Asia-Pacific is ‘top US priority’
Obama says words to the effect. As we end today’s wars Asia Pacific is a top priority. Because we expect wars in this region?
Obama: To deter threats to peace. From whom not stated. BBC then jumps in to refer to China. It is not clear who wrote this probably Damian Grammaticas because he has a window but equally likely Mike Mardell who makes one of the most inane comments I have ever heard. Born on America’s Pacific Islands, raised for a time in Indonesia, President Obama is of course more likely to be a Pacific president than the trans-Atlanticists of the past” Has Obama in any of his incarnations ever appeared to be particularly concerned with his birthplace [make room for Birther cracks here]?
Omitted: China holds a huge chunk of America’s multi trillion dollar debt and is a major trading partner of Australia.
Omitted: Before China can reach Australia it has to pass Malaysia and Indonesia. Are they the threats? Is this a missing ‘M’ word moment?
I would have called the speech contentless platitudes that is part and parcel of a ‘royal’ visit except for one thing. Eventually see 2,500 US personnel will be based in the north of the country. And we still don’t really no why.
The BBC thinks Australia is in Asia. Have you noticed the top menu on this article the Australia category or was it Oceania has disappeared (no news?)?
I can’t see any mention though of the latest polls, including this from Democrat-aligned Public Policy Polling:
“The Occupy Wall Street movement is not wearing well with voters across the country. Only 33% now say that they are supportive of its goals, compared to 45% who say they oppose them. That represents an 11 point shift in the wrong direction for the movement’s support compared to a month ago when 35% of voters said they supported it and 36% were opposed. Most notably independents have gone from supporting Occupy Wall Street’s goals 39/34, to opposing them 34/42. Voters don’t care for the Tea Party either, with 42% saying they support its goals to 45% opposed. But asked whether they have a higher opinion of the Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street movement the Tea Party wins out 43-37, representing a flip from last month when Occupy Wall Street won out 40-37 on that question. Again the movement with independents is notable- from preferring Occupy Wall Street 43-34, to siding with the Tea Party 44-40.”
There’s a bit of Democrat anti-Tea Party spin in there, of course. 42% for the Tea Party (as opposed to 45% against) is a decent figure, surely – much better than 33% for OWS (opposed to 45% against).
In all the mass of coverage, I can’t see any mention of this (or polls like it) on the BBC website in the last few days. Has anyone else such a mention?
Even the creator of the occupy movement has started to realise that he might have created a monster :
“Kalle Lasn, the Adbusters writer who called for an Occupation of Wall Street, has now called for a tactical retreat. This is in part a reaction to the onset of winter, but it’s clear Lasn’s real concern is that the occupations are out of control. Even more striking, Lasn admits conservative media now owns the narrative about OWS” http://www.verumserum.com/?p=33258
What “conservative media”? Fox News and a few radio talking heads? The vast majority of US media is Left-wing. Some of them, in fact, have been coaching the Occupiers, giving them advice on how to work the media to their advantage. This anarchist fool is just upset that her comrades have screwed it up themselves.
No Narrative from me. Just facts, and talking with the Occupiers on their on turf, on their own terms, and letting them speak for themselves.
I’ve said from the start that this wasn’t a spontaneous, leaderless movement, and that it was not an innocent protest against income inequality by people who merely wanted to help fix the system. I’ve been proven right every day, and the BBC proves themselves to be liars and propagandists every day.
Re my recent observations concerning Yolande Knell’s anti-Israel report about harsh treatment of the Bedouin. I was heartened to see that I am not alone in making a comparison between the Bedouin in the Negev and the Gypsies at Dale Farm. H/T Elder of Ziyon
Totally sympathetic covering of the Occupiers attempting to illegaly occupy the NY Stock Exchange. There’s a female Beeboid newsreader reading out brief sentences she’s gotten from newswires or her colleagues about what’s been going on.
Hang on, maybe not so sympathetic, as she says the action has been “quite aggressive at times.” Oh, wait, she’s talking about the police behavior.
Somebody was arrested in a wheelchair. Which means that this “journalist” believes it’s wrong to arrest someone who is breaking the law if they’re disabled.
Has the BBC given air time to a single person yet with an opposing view, someone to explain how this is illegal behavior, nothing to do with civic duty, nothing to do with sitting down with opponents
Enthusiastically, she says that, because this is “International Student Day”, there’s an international movement of “solidarity today”.
I’ve figured it out: She’s reading out the Occupiers’ publicly released statements. “Occupy Wall Street say….”, over and over. Beeboid Ben, normally a reasonable newsreader, is doing the same thing. The BBC News Channel just keeps reading out Occupier statements. They’ve given up reporting and have instead turned to propaganda.
“These people are protested against massive wealth that is owned by a tiny group of people,” and they “want to take back our democracy”.
Now they’re talking live on the phone to an Occupier. The female Beeboid is asking him about police brutality. Talk about enabling the f@#$ing message.
No more proof is needed. The BBC is a publicity vehicle for the Occupiers. They can’t sink much lower than this.
Oh F@#$ off Laura Trevelyan, quit saying the Occupiers want to be “respectful” and “don’t want to do anything illegal”, but “just want to make their point.”
Beeboid Ben asks the next leading question: How do they feel about being evicted? So Trevelyan can go on and read out more Occupier talking points.
Trevelyan is a mouthpiece for the Occupiers, not a journalist. All at your expense.
What a disgrace. Did the BBC ever do this for the Tea Party? Hell no. Instead they put words into our mouths, denegrated, tried to scare people, lied, misrepresented, mischaracterized, and insulted us for nearly two years.
Where are the reports of all the ugliness, BBC? Where are your reports of the violence, the illegal behavior, the vandalism, the harm done to local businesses, the rapes, the molotov cocktail, the explosives, and the anti-Semitism?
what they think is their cause :-D…
i haven t heard anyone yet including that monologue
spouting smartarse on moral maze here
St Paul’s Protest
who actually knows….
we don t like the capitalism or the bankers??
for crying out loud…give me f–king strength,
any wet sock unitwat from the last 25 yrs says that.
I have been watching a live feed from NYC. The police are simply holding the line, with security barriers, conducting checks to stop unauthorised people entering the Wall Street zone.
But Laura T tries to portray this as some kind of warzone ?
I first heard her name when she was reporting on the UN. Wet as wet, typical BBC condescending voice. She’ll be loving all this – second-rate hack gets facetime on TV.
I don’t expect the newsreader has pointed out that one of her recent vox-po interviews was with a nutter known all over the Internet as a rabid anti-Semite ?
Of course not. They’re all on the side of the angels, fighting to save the world. And Laura Trevelyan is right there with them to give them voice and succor.
I’ve had to turn it off because it’s making me too upset.
According to Newsnight’s blog they’re doing Occupy tonight to commemorate the 2-month anniversary. What do you reckon – stuff about the deaths, rapes, assaults, vandalism and disease, or something more along the lines of the picture below? I think I know which way it will go.
Can’t trust Newsnight or the rest of the BBC on US issues. I don’t remember the BBC celebrating a Tea Party anniversay like this. Hell, they didn’t even mention the movement until two months after it started. I guess our respect for the law and sense of civic duty didn’t work to our advantage.
‘Oh dear – Comrade Kite is getting a bit carried away: “Massive crowd marching up Broadway” – sometimes stuff coming out of #ows reads like out of a science fantasy apocalypse. Pinch yrself!
Has Mr. Mason retired from blogging (with that inconvenient interaction thing even with the mods on full alert)?
I just ask as his last (which garnered 38 comments before pulling*) was a heck of a time ago.
Maybe inhabiting the twittosphere with huis muse, and her alone, is more to his tastes. Hardly ‘news’ through, is it?
*Could be worse. Mark Urban’s social media outings seldom stagger into double digits before eraly closing. 15 out of 25,000,000… what’s that, must be at least 99% right?
Just as predicted – Paul Mason with a ludicrously romantic take on the Occupy movement. And just for good measure some BBC airtime for his comedy sidekick Laurie Penny.
Yesterday was the first time I’d watched Newsnight in months, and tonight is the first time in years I’ve watched two Newsnights in a row (and even then not all the way through). FFS – is it really so unapologetically left-wing all the time now? Unbelievable. I’m so glad I don’t pay the licence fee.
Could INBBC be playing into the Islamic Republic of Iran’s hands on drugs?:
INBBC seem to be oblivious to this, which admittedly is a report from one of Murdoch’s papers, which INBBC won’t like, ‘The Times’:
‘Times’ (London) Nov 17 (£).
“Iran’s elite Guard ‘runs global crime network pushing heroin to West'”
[Opening excerpt]:
“Members of Iran’s Revutionary Guard Corps(IRGG) have seized control of drug trafficking throughout the Islamic Republic, using the multi-billion-pound trade to establish links with a global crime network and further the goal of undermining the West, according to former regime officials.”
Has anyone else seen the poor old BBC run around with steam coming from it’s lefty ears today over Sepp Blatter?
Am I the only one who has noticed that only the English have been ‘up in arms’ over this racism stuff in football?
The BBC don’t get it do they? They bleat on about the BNP and the EDL yet you will find more racism in Germany, France, eastern Europe than you will ever find here in England.
The Spanish always seem to be quite fond of monkey chants when our teams play over there. Likewise Italy who basically ran Balotelli out of the country.
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A quite one-sided article on Police Commissioners. Basically, a poll recently said that not many people are even aware that they will be able to elect police commissioners soon. This is used as an impetus to attack the policy. My criticism is that this is simply not built like a news article, it’s a comment piece.
Once again the BBC fails to look across the pond for relevant examples of an issue they’re covering. In the US, sure there are problems with elected police chiefs. In small towns it’s essentially a one party, one candidate deal, and a corrupt local sherrif is more or less untouchable. Except that’s no different from having a politically appointed one.
But in most place where the public elects them, targets don’t suddenly become a problem because the public doesn’t care about them. Targets are for bureaucracy and box-ticking management. The public cares only about the impression they have of whether or not they fell safe.
If there are constant break-ins and the high street is a nightmare on Saturday night because of all the drunken and violent youth, all the target data in the world won’t save the police chief.
True but then the rich liberal s know where NOT to buy their house. You can bet Hampstead doesn’t go without a good supply of Police.
True but then the rich liberal s know where NOT to buy their house. You can bet Hampstead doesn’t go without a good supply of Police.
Is this ‘hug a henchman’ week on the BBC?
First we are told that psychopaths are not so much evil as biologically challenged – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-15386740
And now we are informed that the sex offenders and murderers being offered therapy at HMP Grendon merely lack empathy – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11947481
The BBC also tells us about how Grendon is a victim of government cuts. But perhaps it wouldn’t be quite so hard up if it weren’t for the fact that ‘listening to sex offenders’ accounts of their crimes left former Grendon prison officer Steven Heaven with post-traumatic stress disorder, and earlier this year he was awarded an undisclosed six-figure sum in damages’.
Aw bless! I’m sure he deserved every penny for the distress doing his job entailed… I mean, it’s not like it’s what he would have expected when he applied for a job at a rehabilitation centre for criminals!
Is this ‘hug a henchman’ week on the BBC?
It certainly appears so:
Osama Bin Laden was tender and kind, Zawahiri says
No, no – you misheard – it was “bender” and “blind”…
BBC-NUJ-Labour, and its no border controls.
BBC-NUJ keeps up its political campaigning against Ms May on border controls, with apparent political amnesia on its own support for the 10 years and more of Labour open door ‘policy’ on mass immigration.
And BBC-NUJ’s present campaign includes political censorship on material which e.g. the ‘Daily Mail’ has:
“‘I DIDN’T tell Theresa May about lifting fingerprint checks’: Borders chief’s bombshell admission after Mail revelation that suspension was justified”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2062138/UK-borders-chief-Brodie-Clark-I-didnt-tell-Theresa-May-relaxed-immigration-checks.html#ixzz1dsFZKyBm
Thanks to British ‘political elite’ (inc BBC-NUJ):
-the COLONISATION of London and Britain is almost completed anyway.
“More ethnic pupils than whites in London schools”
Remember the BBC promising us that sea levels were increasing at ever faster rates threatening us all with drowning, coastal areas seeing millions fleeing for their very lives? Remember the hundreds of reports from the BBC showing graphs of sea level rises plus scaremongering predictions? Here is the reality that the BBC will not being showing this side of never.
Sea Level Continues To Plummet
<img src=”http://www.real-science.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/ScreenHunter_15-Nov.-15-18.28.gif”/>
New data is available, and Envisat continues to show sea level declining at a rate of more than 5mm/year since the beginning of 2010. This is due to the record melting in Greenland over the last two years that we keep hearing about – which is filling up the oceans with anti-water.
Ah, but it’s “rising” falling, just like it’s “warming” cooling, and all the heat is hiding beneath the sea, apparently, but they have yet to work out where the sea is hiding.
Ask HRH Charlie Boy, he’ll know – he’s sold on the fact that the sea is going to drown us all, that we doubters are all misinformed and that we are all doomed unless we retire to our caves and meat-free, lentil diets.
Fuckin’ idiots.
What the graph doesn’t show is what happened from 1992 to 2010. The graph here does.
The red line in this image shows the long-term increase in global sea level since satellite altimeters began measuring it in the early 1990s. Since then, sea level has risen by a little more than an inch each decade, or about 3 millimeters per year. While most years have recorded a rise in global sea level, the recent drop of nearly a quarter of an inch, or half a centimeter, is attributable to the switch from El Niño to La Niña conditions in the Pacific.
“is attributable to the switch from El Niño to La Niña conditions in the Pacific.”
I just bet it is, the tiny rise was attributed to global warming caused by a harmless trace gas but the decline is natural variability? That is how the CAGW fraud works, it takes some natural cyclic variations and calls them CAGW and others are grudgingly acknowledged for what they are. In fact it is all natural cyclic variation.
the tiny rise
Not sure that you can say the rise is tiny. If you look at the graph the mean sea level has risen by 50mm. The drop, to which you refer, is of the order of 5mm. That puts the rise in sea level back where it was in 2008.
However if you look between 1997-98 there was a jump of about 10 mm in a year.
In fact it is all natural cyclic variation.
I am not a climate scientist nor an oceanographer so am not able to comment on the veracity of the claim. However the evidence from the graph would suggest that it isn’t part of a natural cyclic variation.
While there are variations from year on year, there is a clear upward trend. Whether this downward trend continues or is reversed we have to wait and see.
Er, no there is not a clear upward trend in either global tempertures or sea levels.
An estimated 5cm rise in over a century is nothing in geological terms and the figure quoted has an error bar equal or greater than the tiny rise itself. Not taken in to account is plate techtonics, sediment acruel raising sea levels. The earths crust is constantly in motion both lateral and vertical and it is this that has an effect on sea levels, as does the lunar cycles which directly affect tidal movements and levels.
Natural cyclic variations over periods of time that the satellite data does not cover, the false assumption that correlation means causation, it does not. CO2 rising with first global temperatures not rising for over a decade and now se levels falling faster and quicker than they rose.
The evidence points to natural cyclic climate variation, the fabricated evidence that CO2, a trace gas BTW, causes such tiny changes to global temperatures and sea levels is coming apart at the seams. Sea levels have risen and fallen by far greater amounts in the past, we see the evidence by walking on our own beaches. Where there is now the English channel there was once dry land.
It isnt getting hotter, sea levels are no longer rising, there are less storms, fewer cylones/huricanes, global sea ice is normal, rain fall is constant within natural cycles yet CO2 continues to rise. Look at the tiny changes over the last century and look at the geological record and you see the tiny fluctuations as small beer.
Vince ‘I Saw It All Coming No Really I Did’ Cable was on Gameshow Nikk’s this am to talk about youth unemployment.
After a cursory couple of germane questions Helium-weight Nikk and Hydrogen-weight Andrew Verrity sp? waded into him on the economy.
Verrity ran up and down the studio shrieking BUT HAS GEORGE OSBORNE DONE ENOUGH WHAT ABOUT PLAN B WHAT ABOUT PLAN B.
Gameshow commendably stuck to his brief, which was to attempt to read out each of Ed Ball’s Five Ways To Save The Economy – basically cut this tax, cut that tax, and bring something else forward. Even Vince could swat those away.
After FWTSTE no. 4 Vince got bored and tried to change the subject. So Gameshow came out with,
‘…but Ed Balls would never forgive me if I didn’t put this to you’.
There you have albeeb’s modus operandi in a nutshell.
Email goes from BBC to Labour HQ saying btw we have Vince Cable coming in on Wednesday, anything you might want us to ask him. Labour HQ comes back with, yeah, try asking him these.
Shilling For Labour – it’s what we do.
Corrupt – it’s what we are.
Condemned, is what we should be…
‘…but Ed Balls would never forgive me if I didn’t put this to you’.
Just worth repeating 🙂
Thing is, all those not so convinced of Mr. Ball’s pressing need to be represnted over the rest of us might not be so forgiving.
# There must be 50 to ways to save the economy
Just slip off some tax, Max
Find a Plan B, Lee
And set yourself free #
tory islama-faux-bia spokeswoman warsi at it again……remember this kneeslapperBBC – Have Your Say: Is Islamophobia now socially acceptable? BBC News – Baroness Warsi says Muslim prejudice seen as normalwell shes at it again, this time its the old, “muslims are the new jews” guilt by association routine, thankfully M Phillips is right on her case
Daily Mail.
“imam” peter oborne, takes a break from israel bashing…
to surprise surprise!, side with warsi s
antisemitism= islamo-faux-bia insulting delusion
Baroness Warsi was right to speak out: Hatred of Muslims is one of
sorry folks got to get this off my chest, oborne assertions obout rising tide of muslim attacks-mosques etc etc etc is total hogwash. AND WARSI one simply cannot find the words, for this unelected odious individuals inference
and conflation of victimhood/racism(what race is muslim),where it is not warranted or deserved. in fact it devalues TRUE victimhood, TRUE racism
by its false assertion, that is so easily debunked.
Though anti ISLAM not muslim sentiment one can assume may well be on the rise, and with good reason,
so IF?… Anti ISLAM sentiment is on the rise it has nothing to do with Islamophobia ?? Invented, deliberately, by a M.B. front organization, to stifle debate, to conflate with the term homophobia
but maybe intolerance of gays, of lesbians, other sexual minorities,
other religious minorities, other ethnic minorities, , of apostates,
of freedom of conscience, of freedom of speech, an aggressive political and
aggressive association agenda, the proven aspect of deliberate non-integration, the deliberate push for an opposing legal system that has abhorrent, undemocratic ideals. and the willful, insidious plan to mass murder…
all this is all to do with PAYING EDUCATED ATTENTION TO FACT,
not a concocted false islamaphobia concept that laughably insinuates that any reservations about Islam must ipso facto be “phobic.”  phobia – irrational fear, concern or dislike.
Islam very often manifests precisely this feature, (fear, concern, or dislike) thus, suspicion of it is by no means irrational
Clive Lewis the BBC’s political correspondent for BBC East is hoping to be selected as the parliamentary candidate for…. (guess which party…if you need a clue they are not in coalition).
I submitted a complaint about this some time ago. The local paper indicated he also worked on The Politics Show!
Still awaiting my response if any beeboids are reading this!
The BBC won’t give you an update – I asked for one, and they told me:
‘We aim to deal with complaints in line with the BBC’s
published procedures – it is not our practice to issue updates on their progress within the system.’
I’d make an official complaint to the Trust. At least that way you’ll probably find out what happened with your original complaint. 🙂
I wonder if the BBC would have ever covered this story if it weren’t for the bottom line:
Bullet ‘hit White House window’
“Evidence in the vehicle led to us obtaining an arrest warrant for Oscar Ortega.”
Mr Ortega is described as a white Hispanic male of medium build, with several distinguishing tattoos – including three dots on his right hand, his name across his back and the word Israel tattooed on his neck.
A Hispano with “Israel” tattooed on his neck… reminds me of this:
The BBC describing Oscar Ortega the alleged White House gunman:
“Mr Ortega is described as a white Hispanic male of medium build, with several distinguishing tattoos – including three dots on his right hand, his name across his back and the word Israel tattooed on his neck.”.Wow! I bet the hacks in the newsroom are salivating over the “Israel” connection. Remember how they tried to link the Gifford shooting and Sarah Palin?
Now what you won’t see or hear on the BBC
“Authorities suspect Ortega has been in the area for weeks, coming back and forth to the Washington Mall. Before the shooting, he was detained by local police at an abandoned house. U.S. Park police say Ortega may have spent time blending in with Occupy D.C. protesters”.
Isreal is not unheard of as a Mexican name, and there’s obviously a religious element to the tattoos. Still, I think the BBC has rushed to report it because it was gunfire near the White House, full stop.
But isn’t it a bit unusual for the BBC to post US police blotter stuff like this?
Looks like the ever-ethical BBC has found the real enemy:
Next up, Russell Brand calls for more dignity in public life.
The BBC would love to curtail competition and anyone showing them up. They view themselves as being a cut above all other media, and well above the masses.
Personally, I agree with Guido: no regulations other than the already existing defamation and libel laws.
“Do We Need A Blog Complaints Commission?”
I’m sure there’s one blog Beeboids would love to complain about! 😉
Mark Littelwood (my new hero since his recent appearance on QT) on the News Channel just now to speak against regulations banning smoking in cars.
“But clearly this is a good thing” to stop people from smoking, asks the impartial Beeboid.
Littlewood and his “partner” are both smokers, he says, and are the only people using the car. So it’s Nanny State crap.
Beeboid: But what about the chiiiiiiildren? Quotes statistics of high carbon monoxide levels in an overwrought tone.
Littlewood: Nanny State crap. You may as well try to pass regulations to stop children from falling down stairs at home.
Beeboid: But smoking is highly addictive and bad for you. Smoking in front of children might encourage them to smoke. Plus (remembering to get back on topic) there’s second-hand smoke.
Littlewood: Leave it to the drivers’ discretion. I’m skeptical about the hype about the dangers of second-hand smoke, but it’s silly to pass regulations because you think children might think about smoking.
It wasn’t a debate: it was contradiction. The BBC automatically gainsays any statement the other person makes. No thought put into the questions, just boilerplate. It’s the BBC Argument Room.
This Daily Mash “article” rather sums it up, I think:
Statement released by Graham Power QPM, retired Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police That BBC Jersey find not to be newsworthy nor in the public interest. http://voiceforchildren.blogspot.com/2011/11/state-sponsored-paedophilia.html
Martin pointed out in the previous open thread that the BBC is celebrating the new Italian government as being technocrats, full of much-needed expertise.
I remember last time the BBC was lauding an incoming Government as being led by technocrats:
In Campaign 2008 America essentially rejected a familiar offering from Republicans – small government and smaller taxes – in favour of a rather different vision from Barack Obama, an intelligent technocrat who represents the belief that government, properly directed, can be a force for good.
How’s that hopey-changey stuff workin’ for you now, BBC? And this:
Another tough day on Capitol Hill for Timothy Geithner, the smart technocrat who is Obama’s choice as Treasury Secretary and who’s been in the engine-room of the economy with Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke attempting to plug the many holes which have suddenly appeared below the waterline.
The right man for the job – except that as Treasury Secretary he’d be in charge of the IRS, and Mr Geithner turns out to have not paid his full income taxes in recent years.
How’s “the right man for the job” working out now, BBC? I think we’ve about had enough of this kind of smart, intelligent technocrat.
Yes, both of these were written by Kevin “Teabagger” Connolly. Make of that what you will.
Reported by the BBC. “Tunisians embrace democratic life!”
What is the Ennahda party? They ask.
Well, it seems it’s something like this: (Not reported by the BBC)
Do markets threaten democracy?- http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/charlescrawford/100116604/do-markets-threaten-democracy/
An article about an interview with BBC Radio 4.
Robert Peston has tweeted:
‘The normally well-informed @afneil claims not to know about my feud with @eddiemair. I am tempted to see that as an encouraging sign’
What’s the feud about?
Not too sure Jeff but as it involves two of the campest beeboids on the planet it might be over a boyfriend for all I know.
However, there was a post on here a while back that had them having a hissy live on air, handbags at dawn !!!!
Mair interviewed Peston today. At the end, Peston siad something like “Good to be back after all this time, I hope we are friends now”. No comment from Mair.
It sounded very odd – presumably Mair has avoided interviewing Peston for a long time. Strange.
I’m surprised he has any time to talk to Peston when having to dramatise his awful PM programme. It’s still dominated by nasty phone hacking stories, with a special Murdoch questioning session complete with Mafia-music backing on one occasion last week. And if that picture on his twitter log (or whatever it’s called) is anything to go by he looks more creepy than he sounds. One thing is for sure, these BBC tweeters really show their true natures don’t they… thinking of peole like the lovely Limmy etc.
Greg Palast’s Newsnight film about a vulture fund FG Hemisphere is on tonight. I see it’s made in conjunction with the Guardian (cosy – who put up the money?) Already available to view on the Guardian’s website is a 4 minute film which includes a heavily edited street interview bewtween Palast and the head of the fund Peter Grossman. Each reply is cut short after a few words and then quickly jumps to another segment of the interview – I hope the Newsnight version of the film allows Grossman the chance to give a fuller account of himself. The Guardian article references another vulture fund which is described, inevitably, as being run by “a major contributor to the Republican party”. It will be fascinating to see if any similar references are made on Newsnight given the BBC’s reluctance to mention the close ties MF Global’s Jon Corzine had to the Obama White House (or indeed any number of other recent scandals involving prominent Democrat donors which the BBC has chosen to ignore.) The BBC has an article about the same investigation written by DP’s old friend Meirion Jones, but there’s no mention of evil Republicans there so we’ll have to wait and see.
Tweet from Newsnight:
Coming up later – does the government have a growth strategy? Do the US Republicans have a credible candidate? And “vulture funds” exposed.
Hmm. Anybody else detect a bit of an agenda?
DB – Wow!
I had to check the link, as for a minute I thought that was a parody! LOL!
No mention of Jon Corzine then, erstwhile Democrat governor of New Jersey who has just disappeared 500m dollars from his client’s accounts at MF Global ???
I see Corzine managed to donate $55,000 to Obama and other DNC causes this year alone (prior to his current difficulties). And that doesn’t include his secretive work as a facilitator between the White House and Wall Street.
What a shock. Wake me up when the BBC hires Palast – or anyone else, for that matter – to investigate the billions poured down the green energy toilet to companies run by Democrat donors and Obamessiah bundlers. Plus one guy who actually works for Him now.
Oh, and Palast’s co-conspiritor from 2008 – Robert Kennedy, Jr. – got a $1.4 billion bailout from the President. Newsnight will never tell you that.
Robert Kennedy Jr – nice one. Think I’ll send that link to Newsnight.
Here’s an interview with Greg Palast about the Occupy Movement and the economic situation. He’s billed as a ‘BBC Investigative Journalist’. He sounds like an angry, chippy, nasty little sh!t – even more obnoxious than Michael Moore – which is quite an achievement. The interviewer does a pretty good job of standing his ground against the sneering grievance-mongering. This is one petulant, inadequate little muppet. He gets in plenty of plugs for his poxy book, though. Ain’t free market capitalism great when it suits them.
Here’s a sample of the quality opinions on offer from MR Palast :
“One percent of our economy wants us to die, so that they can pick at our carcass.”
“If you read Vultures Picnic you will get the exact message, you’ll get their names, you’ll get their trophy wives, you’ll find the bodies that they have crushed and the people that they have eaten.”
Wow! – Mental!
Nice of the Newsnight to broadcast this film in the same week Palast’s book is published – licence fee funded publicity that journalists outside the cosy left-wing Guardian/Newsnight bubble tend not to receive.
The relationship between a pimp and his rent boys is rather similar to the one the BBC has with the Guardian.
Now that the BBC are moving their propaganda ministry up to Salford, I imagine that we can expect an awful lot of trips down the East Lancs road to talk to the victims of the Tories..unemployed youths, Toxteth riot veterans and basically anyone who has played the victim card from 1981…but somehow failed to use it during the last thirteen years under Comrade Blair.
Bit like the It`s a Knockout Joker Card really…doubles as a get out of Walton card too!
So lots of put-upon Scousers tell the Beeb that it`s like 81 again…”youth up on the shelf and getting angry”.
No one denies it`s hard…but once you`ve filtered out the rioters, the psychopathic, the slackers of comprehensive schools and all those student activists and St Pauls moochers…not really a million is it?
Let`s hope that the richshaws, barges and Starbuck couriers now needed by the BBC will “create a few jobs” for those northern scamps…even more if we include the translators too!
The BBC forgets the 2 million illegals they allowed to walk in here when their beloved halfwit Clarke was turning off security at our ports on the grounds of “elf n safety”
There are plenty of jobs in this Country, just too many bone idle twats who think they should be abl eto walk into a 30K job right off (Government funded of course)
The BBC seems to be majoring on yoof unemployment as the latest stick to beat the government with.
An interesting graph in The Daily Telegraph shows yoof unemployment catapulting up to 950000 in mid 2009, since when it has plateaued.
Can anyone remind me how the BBC covered a 300,000 increase in one year at that time and who was in government.
I expect it was those pesky bankers who caused the “downturn” at the time wot dun it.
Any hear about the risk of a double dip downturn on the BBC, or is the first downturn belatedly acknowledged as a recession by the BBC?
I certainly do not remember the BBC reporting the actual real recession, the one that was the deepest and longest for 60 years, which happened under labour, being reported as desperately or pessimistically or as gratuitously as the current sluggish GROWTH is being reported.
In fact many times the BBC keep reporting that it “feels like” we are in recession and that is the same thing, (But not when labour where in power). On my local BBC radio station they went further and claimed that we were likely to see “the current recession deepen”.
They are just making it up to suit their left wing agenda. It is not even covert anymore, it is overt and blatant.
It aint goin away folks, how long can the BBC turn a blind eye to a growing scandal that threatens to overwhelm Mr Chicago and his gang of vermin. Two of the BBCs sacred cows under scrutiny and the BBC are nowhere. Of course it goes without saying that if the Party and president had been Republican then the BBC would be in like a a hungry vulture at a deceased Gnu armed with all the leftist talking points.
November 16, 2011
Solyndra Case Reveals Gateway Between Administration Loans, Obama Allies <img src=”http://a57.foxnews.com/static/managed/img/Politics/397/224/obama-at-solyndra.gif” alt=”In this May 26, 2010, file photo, President Obama and Solyndra Chief Executive Officer Chris Gronet look at a solar panel during a tour of Solyndra, Inc.”/>
As the White House rejects charges that the Obama administration was motivated by politics in its decisions on green energy loans — despite an email that explicitly requests a delay of lay-off announcements until after the 2010 midterm election — scrutiny is increasing over the preference given to Democratic donors seeking federal loan
This has the makings of a democreep watergate, its too early to know just how deep this particular rabbit hole goes but it sure looks bad for president Autcue.
This has the makings of a democreep watergate, its too early to know just how deep this particular rabbit hole goes but it sure looks bad for president Autcue.
Cassandra, you’re quite correct. On a quick Google search, I found fewer than a dozen stories on line at the Beeb website. (They’re obsessed with Hermain Cain). I’m not sure if the domestic broadcast platforms are giving this any legs or mentioning it at all. Certainly the texts of the web stories do not link “Obama” with “Solyndra”. The words “The White House” are used instead, in keeping with the BBC unofficial policy of keeping the big O away from negative publicity. However, now that it’s been revealed that his henchmen may have asked Solyndra management not to reveal job looses till after the 2010 election something may attract the attention of the Washington Bureau.
But the BBC isn’t the only news outlet protecting the Big O and distancing his administration from the scandal. For example, Bloomberg says: “The U.S. Department of Energy asked Solyndra LLC to delay announcing it would fire workers until a day after last year’s elections, according to a House Republican staff report citing advisers for an investor in the failed solar-panel maker.”
See – nothing to do the Pres – it’s all the DOE’s fault – and anyway its only Republicans pointing fingers. But I have a feeling (like you) this is a house of cards that may blow down.
The BBC follows their thought-leaders in the Left-wing US media. Not something to be proud of.
David, wre there any words or phrases one can trace from say HuffPo or NYTimes to the BBC? When I read Obamessiah I think of you. Is there anything similar in the Beeb lexicon?
I think it’s more Narrative and a lead on which stories to cover and which ones to ignore than specific language. But you can take any HuffPo or NYT article and paste into the box at Churnalism.com and see what comes up.
Funny how when Obama was running for President, any criticism of him was flashed up on the BBC as being potentially motivated by racism. Yet they are all over Cain like a rash! I guess that the BBC are just a bunch of racists then!
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) caught out with its propaganda on Egypt:
“BBC aired documentary made by TV company in the pay of Mubarak”
“Earlier this year the BBC commissioned an outside company, FBC Media (UK), to make a documentary on the future of Egypt during the height of the Arab Spring – but the firm had a commercial relationship to promote Egypt as ‘liberal and open and business friendly’. The programme warned of the threat of a takeover by hardline Muslims and aired shortly after the ‘Day of Rage’ in Tahrir Square.”
Taking a look at two BBC articles on youth unemployment.
From the 2009 article (when Labour were in power) the BBC tell us that the 950,000 unemployed ‘youffs’ is not quite as bad as it looks.
Youth unemployment, measuring the number of 16 to 24-year-olds out of work, rose by 15,000 to 943,000.
However, more than a quarter of 16 to 24-year-olds classed as unemployed are actually in full-time education; they are counted as unemployed if they look for as little as one hour’s work a week.
However, now we have Tories in power for some reason in the latest BBC article this ‘important’ fact that 25% of those kids are not really unemployed suddenly doesn’t seem as relevant.
UK unemployment rose by 129,000 in the three months to September to 2.62 million, as youth unemployment rose above a million.
The jobless total for 16 to 24-year-olds hit a record of 1.02 million in the quarter and female unemployment was at its highest for 23 years.
Any halfwit beeboid like to suggest why?
Why does Newsnight let Labour politicians get away with peddling the myth that spending more taxpayers’ money will somehow cause the economy to grow?!?
It won’t! I didn’t in the US, and it wouldn’t over here!
Mark Mardell revealed at the BBC College of Journalism that he and the BBC believe that the British public are über-Keynesians, although failing to understand that Keynes never meant for the kind of permanent deficit spending we’re all doing these days.
So Andrew Neil is in the tiniest of minorities, and Ed Balls and Stephanie Flanders are correct.
Another difference between Labour and Keynes is that Keynes was in favour of taxpayers’ money being spent on genuine infrastructure investments. I’m not sure he’d approve of the taxpayer funding equalities officers or subsidising gender studies degrees…
Or Green boondoggles to campaign cash bundlers. Unfortunately, the President keeps trying to sell it as building bridges and roads, the kind of big infrastructure deals Keynes was talking about. We already know that most of wasn’t “shovel ready”, yet Mardell and the rest of them still buy His BS hook, line, and sinker.
Because the Left has always had the view that the Chancellor has a pot of gold under his desk which is replenished by the tooth fairy from time to time. This gold is “Government Money” and spending it is “putting it into the economy”.
Of course, taxpayers spending whatever money they have left is somehow “outside the economy”.
Ed Balls is also full of crap. He says that you spend more money on the unemployed than you do on the employed.
That isn’t true if you’re sacking the useless 5 a day lesbian condom co-ordinators. She’s paid 50K a year (plus perks and pension) but gets £60 a week on benefits. That looks like a good deal to me.
If you want to cut the dole queue, then pull out of the EU and ask the EU migrants working here to leave the country (unless they can demonstrate that they are doing a job that justifies them being allowed to stay).
I’m sure the vast majority of them are hard working, law abiding people, but in the words of Gordon Brown, ‘British jobs for British workers’…
No mention of the fact that Labour’s dumbed-down indoctrination/education system, and socialism in general, has created a generation of irresponsible, illiterate, innumerate children with an enormous sense of self-entitlement.
Couple that with the ever increasing number of school leavers from ‘communities’ with an average IQ of 80, and it’s not surprising that many employers prefer to go for E.Europeans instead.
I’m finding sympathy increasingly difficult to come by. If there was an election tomorrow, the sheep would once again flock to the polling stations and vote for more of the same.
‘A picture is worth a 1000 words’.
In this case it’s a picture of words, or more accurately a comparison between the 10 top stories shown by the BBC on their Mid-East webpage, and the 6 top stories shown by Yahoo, from the AP Mid-East website.
Somehow a whole article about what a great guy Bin-Laden was, as well as the bullshit Freedom Riders story dominates other, and one would think, far more important stories going on in the region. Look too at how many days old articles are still held as current. You think this is quality reporting by any stretch of the imagination?
Question Time panel :
Grant Shapps – Housing & Local Government
Chris Bryant – Underpant model
Elin Jones – Plaid Cymru ?
Will Hutton – Him again!!!
Sir! Simon Jenkins – Guardian Journo / ‘historian’
I make that 4 against 1 – back to the BBC’s version of ‘balanced’.
Last year they managed to fit a Plaid Cymru member on the panel when the programme came from Great Yarmouth, so why am I not surprised they haven’t managed to include a UKIP MEP from the East of England when the programme comes from Aberystwyth.
Here’s another one of Katty Kay’s nice Occupiers, expressing his love for humanity and desire to sit down with his opponents to fix the system:
Zuccotti Park protester Nkrumah Tinsley arrested after threatening to burn down city
“On the 17th (of Nov.), we’re going to burn New York City to the f—ing ground,” an angry Tinsley told a crowd of demonstrators in the video posted on Tuesday.
“In a few days, you’re going to see what a Molotov coctail can do to Macy’s.”
Video at the link.
This guy and his fellow Occupiers have been enouraged and enabled by the US media. Can’t blame the BBC for any of it, but they do take their lead on this issue from their fellow travellers in the US media. So the British public has no idea what to think when the BBC says the Occupiers in New York have inspired a worldwide movement for social justice. No idea. So you’re more inclined to be sympathetic to them, and to the UK version. For that you can place the blame squarely on the endemic Left-wing bias at the BBC.
There’s quite a lot of threatening rhetoric in that video, no wonder they arrested the muppet.
Also, I’m sure I spotted Brian Eno in there, singing ‘we are the 99%’, although I could be mistaken. Have a look – see what you think – I’ve set it to the right time :
If so, another multi-millionaire mixing with the ‘downtrodden and exploited’. I expect he has a penthouse nearby, and dropped in to take part in some ‘spatial occupation performance theatre’.
Brian Eno – didn’t he invent Epsom Salts?
Quelle fucking surprise:
‘A spokesman for the broadcaster, which is moving from its west London base to Salford, said the term “manager” was used to describe a level of experience rather than staff who managed teams.’
The QED of the diseased beeboid mind: we’ll change the meaning of words in order to justify ourselves.
This is the real problem at the BBC, not the high salaries of a handful of people. This is the real massive waste, the real reason they’re cutting services.
Great intervew here with Kyle Bass. I only wish Montague would shut up and let him speak as he speaks the uncomfortable truth.
Montague is completely clueless. Not that we should be able to tell, of course…
I think she thinks that calling the programme “hardtalk” means that she should make it hard for the guest to talk by interrupting him with her inane and loaded questions.
Excellent distruction of the BBC’s EU (& general statist) position. Those Texans are just a bit too red in tooth & claw for precious beeboids like Montague, aren’t they?
“You know that Europe is screwed when it appoints a German pope & an Italian central banker”
A FOI from the Taxpayers alliance for the number of job titles, showed there are 4000, with 2000 having Manager in the title. No wonder when bBC have a jolly, hundreds are sent when a commercial outfit would only send tens. Thomson must GO!
The whole of the BBC must go
Oh look…well-known Anglophobe Sepp Blatter goes off message on anti-racism and suddenly he becomes the Beeb’s public enemy number one.
Although it pains me to link to the Gruan….
Grondona (a senior Blatter mouthpiece at FIFA) confirmed his message that he would only support England’s 2018 World Cup bid if the Falkland Islands were “given back” to Argentina because they “belong to us”.
Take a look at the post entitled “Mr Chakrabortty’s talking bollocks again!” on Tim Worstall’s excellent blog at:
It’s there any point commenting about the crap the beeb keeps trying to shove down our throats?
Not BBC related, but Occupy related…
Have a look at this meeting of occupyists ‘discussing’ tactics in indecipherable socio-babble.
This is what happens when you fill universities with all manner of different ‘humanities’ type courses that produce large numbers of graduates who are very well educated in f*ck all. Qualifications that elevate opinion and expression above fact and critical thought. These people are all expert at stringing together intelligent sounding words to form sentences that mean absolutely nothing. Words, words, words…verbosity posing as intellect. The clue to the complete lack of meaning is in the vast array of hand gestures that subconsciously fill the content void.
One of them was a New York Times journalist – now an activist.
Hat-tip : http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/archives/018411.html
When oxygen thieves fall out…
Most liked comment nails so much…
‘This pair epitomise what’s wrong with BBC news coverage – it’s all about them, not the news. ‘
Yesterday I commented (see above @ 18:10:28) that the Guardian extract of Greg Palast’s vulture capitalist film included a heavily-edited interview with FG Hemisphere’s head Peter Grossman in which each reply was cut short after a few words. I expressed the hope that the Newsnight version would allow Grossman the chance to give a fuller account of himself. It didn’t – the same sequence was used. This technique of highly selective editing is very dubious, especially when done in such a cack-handed and obvious way. One can only assume that Grossman went to say things that Palast, the Guardian and Newsnight preferred we did not hear.
Correction – “Grossman went on to say things”
Clearly the BBC don’t think we’ve seen enough or heard enough from one of the men who ruined tihs Country. Ed Gonads. So stpe forward Radio Labour to give Mr Scrotum aonther platform to make a twat of himself. As most know I have always flet that ervery time Ed Privates turns up on the TV it hurts Labour (which actually is a good thing)
So Guido has a great bit from this mornings Labour love in.
“It would be better for Labour and the country if you weren’t there… You were there in Tresuary…you are the problem. When I hear you I just want to switch off because you have no credibility in what you say… the Labour Party would be better served, even if the message was the same, if it wasn’t coming from you, more people would listen. If you’re trying to get your message across it’s not working because you are tainted with what went before.”
Someone at Radio 5 will be getting the boot for letting that caller slip through, I wonder if he lied to the phone operator?
Congratulations Martin. You have won the prize for getting the most variations of the name Balls into one post.
Unless anyone can do better…
That would be hard to beat, but can I recommend ‘Cullions’ to Martin, as in ‘Ed Cullions’?
Fine old English word ‘cullions‘. It just also happens to mean ‘a base or vile fellow’, which makes it even more apt.
Radio 5 and Dame Nikky did a hatchet job on the Daily Mail this morning. They kept quoting a Daily Mail sports journalist who basically told the likes of Anton Ferdinand to man up.
I’ve never heard the Daily Mail mentioned so many times on Radio 5 in one hour, but of course the hack involved was not allowed a right of reply.
How quickly the BBC buried the Theresa May story, I wonder why?
Saw this piece by Greg Palast…reminded me very much of the BBCs use of Johnny Marbles types in their opinions to camera pieces earlier in the year.
Far easier to get some guerrilla hack in a hat with a Noo Yawk drawl to ambush Big Oil, rather than do your own journalism.
And this is the level of Newsnight today.
Note that they leave Blatter alone apart from a limp pursed lip…had he been Carol Thatcher he`d be getting tailgated by lots of Beeboids in Zurich.
But..he hates Britain…is the Sporting God for all future footie…and would eliminate the need to cosy up with Lawro and LIinekers should he be stirred to anger with the Beeb!
The whole BBC edifice resembles the ever depleting swamp being drained of its mozzies and lollabout hippos….must be global warming!
The bit on the Republicans last night was typical rolling in the mud with some wannabe Jon Stewart providing the unfunny sneers and smears. That Obama is far more guilty of bitching about Israel behind its back etc…well that`s to be commended…or at least not mentioned in polite company.
The BBC is just the Dalek no-one remembered to re-programme after 1967…and none of us will put out a disabled ramp for .
Destined forever to shriek at itself as we shake off the UN/EU and the political class…the Metal Mickey or Dusty Bin of liberal irrelevancies in need of a self-financing scrapyard to be recycled into a news broadcaster…
I didn’t bother watching the thing on the Republican candidates – we already know the BBC’s policy towards the GOP. They could try something radical and ask a commentator like Greg Gutfeld on to take the piss out of the Dems, but we know that’s not going to happen – mustn’t upset the smugocracy’s carefully constructed US narrative.
‘What was interesting about the media response to this was that, rather than focus on the substance of what the trader was saying, it instead went on a wild goose chase trying to decide whether or not he was a hoaxer‘
Now, who led that charge, perhaps a bit stung by the fact they were shwon to be unclear who they had invited on as an ‘expert’?
The bBC the Union flag and racist hate crimes.
Union jack row man Roger Henry gets ‘death threat
A man who complained about the permanent flying of a union jack in his Nottinghamshire village said he had received racist death threats. Gamston Parish Council voted in favour of the year-round display of the flag on the village common.Roger Henry said the flag had become a symbol of far-right political groups.He said he had since received a letter which said “we hope you get killed” and “go back to your own country”.
So the bbC reports on how a Black man has received racist death threats (he received one letter which said it hoped he gets killed) because he objected to the flying of the union flag in his village. Vilalge??? It’s a a part of Nottingham, wnich is why there’s a huge bloody supermarket complex in the so called village. But by reporting thisstroy as a village (All white maybe) instead of Nottingham (City with a big non-white popualtion) the image of racism can be painted by the bBC in which to push its agenda. Oh and why has this man hackled dso many peoples backs here is the bBC video of him talking about the Union Flag. Now watch it and ask yourself would you not also feel offended by his gripe
Threats, in any form, are to be deplored.
But as the grievance industry well knows, they are anonymous gold dust to get a BBC suit with a mic down there before you can say Roas Parks.
As to the ‘male’ himself, I hope that it is not some ‘ist I am not aware of yet (with quango, £100k CEO and BBC sofa weekly media person publicly funded), but he is an utter twat.
But at least he had hsi 15secs of fame. More if Aunty can whip up some ‘anger’ and an issue, as all good, respondible national broadcasters are meant to do.
Maybe this “villager” should ask himself whether his offensive remarks, rather than the flying of this flag, are likely to contribute to the strength of the far right.
I should imagine that every time a clown like this speaks up, x number of people are nudged in that direction.
Interesting analysis from the BBC. Interesting for what it (and Obama) says and what it doesn’t say.
Barack Obama says Asia-Pacific is ‘top US priority’
Obama says words to the effect. As we end today’s wars Asia Pacific is a top priority. Because we expect wars in this region?
Obama: To deter threats to peace. From whom not stated. BBC then jumps in to refer to China. It is not clear who wrote this probably Damian Grammaticas because he has a window but equally likely Mike Mardell who makes one of the most inane comments I have ever heard. Born on America’s Pacific Islands, raised for a time in Indonesia, President Obama is of course more likely to be a Pacific president than the trans-Atlanticists of the past” Has Obama in any of his incarnations ever appeared to be particularly concerned with his birthplace [make room for Birther cracks here]?
Omitted: China holds a huge chunk of America’s multi trillion dollar debt and is a major trading partner of Australia.
Omitted: Before China can reach Australia it has to pass Malaysia and Indonesia. Are they the threats? Is this a missing ‘M’ word moment?
I would have called the speech contentless platitudes that is part and parcel of a ‘royal’ visit except for one thing. Eventually see 2,500 US personnel will be based in the north of the country. And we still don’t really no why.
He thinks Hawaii is in Asia. No need to pay any further attention.
The BBC thinks Australia is in Asia. Have you noticed the top menu on this article the Australia category or was it Oceania has disappeared (no news?)?
Probably swallowed up by the ‘rising sea levels caused by the ice melting’. They would have reported it, along with the continuing violence against the Copts in Egypt, but felt it was more important for the 3rd day to tell the world about the humanity of Bin Laden and how the poor Palestinians can’t travel anywhere they like on Israeli buses.
Kate Dailey & Co. at the BBC reported a poll showing OWS to be more popular than the Tea Party a month ago:
“A Time magazine poll found that 54% of people ranked the [OWS] protests favourably. Only 27% thought favourably of the Tea Party.”
Other articles used similar polls to bolster OWS.
I can’t see any mention though of the latest polls, including this from Democrat-aligned Public Policy Polling:
“The Occupy Wall Street movement is not wearing well with voters across the country. Only 33% now say that they are supportive of its goals, compared to 45% who say they oppose them. That represents an 11 point shift in the wrong direction for the movement’s support compared to a month ago when 35% of voters said they supported it and 36% were opposed. Most notably independents have gone from supporting Occupy Wall Street’s goals 39/34, to opposing them 34/42.
Voters don’t care for the Tea Party either, with 42% saying they support its goals to 45% opposed. But asked whether they have a higher opinion of the Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street movement the Tea Party wins out 43-37, representing a flip from last month when Occupy Wall Street won out 40-37 on that question. Again the movement with independents is notable- from preferring Occupy Wall Street 43-34, to siding with the Tea Party 44-40.”
There’s a bit of Democrat anti-Tea Party spin in there, of course. 42% for the Tea Party (as opposed to 45% against) is a decent figure, surely – much better than 33% for OWS (opposed to 45% against).
In all the mass of coverage, I can’t see any mention of this (or polls like it) on the BBC website in the last few days. Has anyone else such a mention?
Even the creator of the occupy movement has started to realise that he might have created a monster :
“Kalle Lasn, the Adbusters writer who called for an Occupation of Wall Street, has now called for a tactical retreat. This is in part a reaction to the onset of winter, but it’s clear Lasn’s real concern is that the occupations are out of control. Even more striking, Lasn admits conservative media now owns the narrative about OWS”
“Even more striking, Lasn admits conservative media now owns the narrative about OWS”
He’s obviously been reading David’s accounts on this blog!! 😀
What “conservative media”? Fox News and a few radio talking heads? The vast majority of US media is Left-wing. Some of them, in fact, have been coaching the Occupiers, giving them advice on how to work the media to their advantage. This anarchist fool is just upset that her comrades have screwed it up themselves.
No Narrative from me. Just facts, and talking with the Occupiers on their on turf, on their own terms, and letting them speak for themselves.
I’ve said from the start that this wasn’t a spontaneous, leaderless movement, and that it was not an innocent protest against income inequality by people who merely wanted to help fix the system. I’ve been proven right every day, and the BBC proves themselves to be liars and propagandists every day.
Re my recent observations concerning Yolande Knell’s anti-Israel report about harsh treatment of the Bedouin. I was heartened to see that I am not alone in making a comparison between the Bedouin in the Negev and the Gypsies at Dale Farm. H/T Elder of Ziyon
Totally sympathetic covering of the Occupiers attempting to illegaly occupy the NY Stock Exchange. There’s a female Beeboid newsreader reading out brief sentences she’s gotten from newswires or her colleagues about what’s been going on.
Hang on, maybe not so sympathetic, as she says the action has been “quite aggressive at times.” Oh, wait, she’s talking about the police behavior.
Somebody was arrested in a wheelchair. Which means that this “journalist” believes it’s wrong to arrest someone who is breaking the law if they’re disabled.
Has the BBC given air time to a single person yet with an opposing view, someone to explain how this is illegal behavior, nothing to do with civic duty, nothing to do with sitting down with opponents
Enthusiastically, she says that, because this is “International Student Day”, there’s an international movement of “solidarity today”.
I’ve figured it out: She’s reading out the Occupiers’ publicly released statements. “Occupy Wall Street say….”, over and over. Beeboid Ben, normally a reasonable newsreader, is doing the same thing. The BBC News Channel just keeps reading out Occupier statements. They’ve given up reporting and have instead turned to propaganda.
“These people are protested against massive wealth that is owned by a tiny group of people,” and they “want to take back our democracy”.
Now they’re talking live on the phone to an Occupier. The female Beeboid is asking him about police brutality. Talk about enabling the f@#$ing message.
No more proof is needed. The BBC is a publicity vehicle for the Occupiers. They can’t sink much lower than this.
Somebody was arrested in a wheelchair.
Hmm. There’s precedent for that.
Metric prat Matt Baker on BBC radio this morning telling us “I’ve 400 meters short of 15 miles to go….”
Typical unthinking BBC metric compliance.
Oh F@#$ off Laura Trevelyan, quit saying the Occupiers want to be “respectful” and “don’t want to do anything illegal”, but “just want to make their point.”
Beeboid Ben asks the next leading question: How do they feel about being evicted? So Trevelyan can go on and read out more Occupier talking points.
Trevelyan is a mouthpiece for the Occupiers, not a journalist. All at your expense.
What a disgrace. Did the BBC ever do this for the Tea Party? Hell no. Instead they put words into our mouths, denegrated, tried to scare people, lied, misrepresented, mischaracterized, and insulted us for nearly two years.
Where are the reports of all the ugliness, BBC? Where are your reports of the violence, the illegal behavior, the vandalism, the harm done to local businesses, the rapes, the molotov cocktail, the explosives, and the anti-Semitism?
Today I seriously hate the BBC News.
Jesus Christ! As Trevelyan signed off so the News Channel could move on to reading the actual news, Ben Beeboid said, “Stellar work, Laura.”
QED. The BBC has abandoned all pretense of impartiality. They love the Occupiers, and believe in (what they think is) their cause.
what they think is their cause :-D…
i haven t heard anyone yet including that monologue
spouting smartarse on moral maze here
St Paul’s Protest
who actually knows….
we don t like the capitalism or the bankers??
for crying out loud…give me f–king strength,
any wet sock unitwat from the last 25 yrs says that.
mummies boys squatters, on a “worthy” jolly..
whoops! sorry here
St Paul’s Protest
David P
I have been watching a live feed from NYC. The police are simply holding the line, with security barriers, conducting checks to stop unauthorised people entering the Wall Street zone.
But Laura T tries to portray this as some kind of warzone ?
I first heard her name when she was reporting on the UN. Wet as wet, typical BBC condescending voice. She’ll be loving all this – second-rate hack gets facetime on TV.
I don’t expect the newsreader has pointed out that one of her recent vox-po interviews was with a nutter known all over the Internet as a rabid anti-Semite ?
Of course not. They’re all on the side of the angels, fighting to save the world. And Laura Trevelyan is right there with them to give them voice and succor.
I’ve had to turn it off because it’s making me too upset.
According to Newsnight’s blog they’re doing Occupy tonight to commemorate the 2-month anniversary. What do you reckon – stuff about the deaths, rapes, assaults, vandalism and disease, or something more along the lines of the picture below? I think I know which way it will go.
Well, ‘Occupy’ must be important, because Beeboids ‘feel’ (not think) it is;
it’s their ‘political’ initiation ceremony for some; it’s their CND.
Why don’t Beeboids change the name of their daily political propaganda outfit to BOBC?
It is so juvenile, so blatant propaganda, so insulting to licencepayers that Beeboids are digging their own economic grave.
Oh that Comrade Mason, Father of the Chapel of BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’, Marxist political agitator and strikeleader.
Can’t trust Newsnight or the rest of the BBC on US issues. I don’t remember the BBC celebrating a Tea Party anniversay like this. Hell, they didn’t even mention the movement until two months after it started. I guess our respect for the law and sense of civic duty didn’t work to our advantage.
Oh dear – Comrade Kite is getting a bit carried away:
“Massive crowd marching up Broadway” – sometimes stuff coming out of #ows reads like out of a science fantasy apocalypse. Pinch yrself!
Atlas Shrugged Meets Lord of the Flies.
Massive twaddle from @paulmasonnews – sometimes hype coming out of #BBC reads like socialist propaganda. Punch him yself!
‘Oh dear – Comrade Kite is getting a bit carried away:
“Massive crowd marching up Broadway” – sometimes stuff coming out of #ows reads like out of a science fantasy apocalypse. Pinch yrself!
Has Mr. Mason retired from blogging (with that inconvenient interaction thing even with the mods on full alert)?
I just ask as his last (which garnered 38 comments before pulling*) was a heck of a time ago.
Maybe inhabiting the twittosphere with huis muse, and her alone, is more to his tastes. Hardly ‘news’ through, is it?
*Could be worse. Mark Urban’s social media outings seldom stagger into double digits before eraly closing. 15 out of 25,000,000… what’s that, must be at least 99% right?
Just as predicted – Paul Mason with a ludicrously romantic take on the Occupy movement. And just for good measure some BBC airtime for his comedy sidekick Laurie Penny.
Yesterday was the first time I’d watched Newsnight in months, and tonight is the first time in years I’ve watched two Newsnights in a row (and even then not all the way through). FFS – is it really so unapologetically left-wing all the time now? Unbelievable. I’m so glad I don’t pay the licence fee.
INBBC, drugs and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
INBBC is fovever talking abour drugs*, and appears to want them legalised.
(*esp Mr Easton):
Easton yesterday:
“Is it a good or bad sign when drugs are seized?”
Easton today:
Why is it only ‘formers’ who want to talk about drugs?
Could INBBC be playing into the Islamic Republic of Iran’s hands on drugs?:
INBBC seem to be oblivious to this, which admittedly is a report from one of Murdoch’s papers, which INBBC won’t like, ‘The Times’:
‘Times’ (London) Nov 17 (£).
“Iran’s elite Guard ‘runs global crime network pushing heroin to West'”
[Opening excerpt]:
“Members of Iran’s Revutionary Guard Corps(IRGG) have seized control of drug trafficking throughout the Islamic Republic, using the multi-billion-pound trade to establish links with a global crime network and further the goal of undermining the West, according to former regime officials.”
Has anyone else seen the poor old BBC run around with steam coming from it’s lefty ears today over Sepp Blatter?
Am I the only one who has noticed that only the English have been ‘up in arms’ over this racism stuff in football?
The BBC don’t get it do they? They bleat on about the BNP and the EDL yet you will find more racism in Germany, France, eastern Europe than you will ever find here in England.
Didn’t the BBC try to excuse Zadine’s unfortunate head-butting incident because the other player made a racial slur?
It is true that many English football players get quite a shock when they play in other countries, especially in Eastern Europe.
The Spanish always seem to be quite fond of monkey chants when our teams play over there. Likewise Italy who basically ran Balotelli out of the country.