Following Jeremy Clarkson’s comments about the strikers on The One Show yesterday, outraged Liberal Conspiracy editor and Guardian contributor Sunny Hundal tweeted:
He received many replies, not least from fellow lefty and Guardian columnist Deborah Orr (wife of Will Self, one of the BBC’s favourite “controversial” lefties):
“We dominate the really serious flagship slots.”
Orr is only scratching the surface, but it’s interesting to see an insider’s take from within the metropolitan lefty media bubble that confirms what we’ve been saying all along.
The list of lefties in the media reads like the ten minute rolling credits of Star Wars. The first symptom of being Left is that you can’t see it. You think your opinions are “normal”. As long as you live in the bubble, surrounded by the same groupthink, topped up with news via Guardian-axis, confirmation-bias assures you that you are “normal” and all other points of the political spectrum are “Daily Mail Reader” (cue roll eyes) or Right Wing Extremists (cue BNP goose-step).
What’s shocking is that they feel they can be so open about it. Clearly they know there will be no comeback.
Marcus Brigstocke, Jeremy Hardy, Mark Thomas, ad nauseam
PS They are not funny so I do not classify them as “comedians”
As for these ‘comedians’, well, there’s gold in them there shills. Strike a suitable posture – win a juicy beeboid sinecure. ‘Edgy’, it most certainly isn’t. How could it be, with so many leftist sacred cows verboten?
BBC Radio ‘comedy’ – the whining, oh so predictable, tedium of the dentist’s drill. Now if we were to have Chris Rock in full flow, sitting next to Jeremy Hardy…
ROBERT BROWN; Agree with you Fred. However, as for Brigstocke, left though he is, saw him in Bristol about seven years ago doing stand-up, and he was brilliant, taking the piss out of Blair and Brown et al. His radio show, ‘Giles Wemmbley-Hogg goes off’ is hilarious, with his dim but nice charachter causing chaos and ‘diplomatic incidents’ all over the world. And he puts Budleigh Salterton in Devon on the map. One of the better BBC radio shows with not a hint of leftie rubbish in it. As for Hardie, Will Self etc…. oh dear…….
PS They are not funny so I do not classify them as “comedians”
True, Mr. Bloggs…and here’s the evidence. They seem to find themselves quite funny, but then being so incredibly smug and self-satisfied will lead to that kind of delusion.
People from the right are used sparingly, to (attempt to) add balance, or as a sort of pantomime villain. They are ALWAYS introduced with a certain tone or voice, as if to emphasise their controversial nature, when often they simply reflect the views of the majority in the UK. Strange old world.
Whilst appreciating Mr. Clarkson’s talents in some areas, I fear I cannot support him as a poster boy for the kind of ‘balance’ that broadcast media needs, namely a statistical ideal that only exist between extremes.
I seek a tangible reality, though conceding fair (and even) concession on the basis of free speech, no matter whether comedic or not. Hence I can live with BBC approved gobs wishing (with apparent seriousness) to dance on Mrs. Thatcher’s grave so long as the twatterati grasp the irony of them getting collective kickers in a twist when the target and author does not fit in their pea-sized world view.
So, Sunny, how’s that latest little delusional outing going for yah?
Tx for raising the topic of who dominates the genetically impartial BBC’s most influentail hard news and commentray posts, mind.
Sure that’ll score you a ton more slots as one of the favoured few, on account of your incredible public representation constituency.
I wonder what led to this stark candour?
The only quibble, Paxman “pretty left of centre on the quiet”. On the quiet. He’s a fawning disciple of Chomsky.
Fascinating both Orr and Hundal take for granted that any comedian on the BBC will be left wing.
I was going to take issue on the same point. There is nothing quiet about Paxman’s very obvious lefty leanings.
I almost burst a blood vessel laughing so hard at that. It was not Jeremy’s comments, as these were just typical Jeremy being Jeremy for comedic shock effect, no, it was the expressions on the other two presenter’s faces. IT WAS PRICELESS! It is like they have been locked in their little North Eastern, and Welsh Valleys, left wing coccoons all their lives and they find the same lefty comfort blanket at the BBC, and this is the first time that they have ever heard someone speaking out against unions and strikers…
Their expressions almost made me actually pee myself laughing that hard. It was Brilliant!!!
Just to add context to my comment, I only saw the youtube clip which was (typically for leftist ranters) an extremely dishonest misrepresentation of what was actually said. Jeremy was asked about the strikes and in his usual flippant and totally non-serious way was giving the extreme lampoon version of both sides of the debate. Pro strike and anti strike.
The fact that some lefties ignored the pro-strike remarks entirely, then choose to take the anti-strake half of his comment seriously and attack him for it shows what a bunch of decietful, humour-challenged tin-pot dictators these lefty layabouts really are.
Just to add, Amazingly I saw the full version on BBC Breakfast this morning. Although they had on a union rep who was allowed to rant and lie about Jeremy and demonstrate his own level of ignorance completely uninterrupted. he claimed that the BBC and licence fee payers pay Jeremy. Not true, TopGear pay him and TopGear are one of the BBC’s biggest international earners. They will not touch Jeremy because he generates a lot of money for the BBC and he provides them with a bafoonish right winger to attack.
It’s not on iPlayer yet but I am assuming the delay is just because it’s a live show and not some BBC executive in a strop because someone dared to challenge their left-wing wank fest yesterday.
I won’t assume that everyone knows about the fuss around Deborah Orr.
Just in case anyone hasn’t heard, she is the object of much concern over things she wrote in the Guardian, after which she continued digging herself into the very deep hole from which she is now tweeting.
This is what sue’s comment is referring to:
Deborah Orr’s obscene abuse of the concept of the “chosen people” in a Guardian commentary deriding Israel’s efforts to bring back Gilad Shalit as motivated by Jewish racism rightly upset many people.
I’d say the disproportion is due to Pallie blackmail. And of course all those ‘repatriated’ Pallies were in prison precisely because of the devaluation of Jewish lives.
I thought Clarkson was a bit ‘edgy’ myself.
I thought ‘edgy’ and ‘pushing the boundaries’ was OK at Beeb?
Oh, I forgot – Left field OK, Right field – out of bounds. Sorry, sorry, sooorrrryyyy.
After nearly 15 years of socialist brainwashing, post-colonial guilt, I don’t think it’s possible to be controversial if you’re a left-winger is it?
Take the utterly bizarre and disproportionate amount of hysteria (and subsequent witchhunt) currently surrounding the ‘My Tram Experience’ video and compare it with the left’s (non) reaction to Anjem Choudary, Abu Izzadeen etc. etc. speeches.
I’ve witnessed far worse racism on the tube from gangs of blacks against whites and E.Asians. Had I have owned a camera phone at the time and managed to film it without being noticed, and stabbed, then posted it on the internet, it’d almost certainly be virtually ignored.
Many BBC ‘comedians’ routines revolve around ‘lazy white trash’, but can you imagine them saying the same about blacks, even though there’s statistical evidence to show that they’re hugely over represented in both unemployment and crime figures.
Many BBC ‘comedians’ routines revolve around ‘lazy white trash’, but can you imagine them saying the same about blacks, even though there’s statistical evidence to show that they’re hugely over represented in both unemployment and crime figures.
The BBC believes in multiculturalism. This means that they belive that all cultures are alike. As in reality they are not, it requires them to exagerate the failings of non-Muslim Whites and Asians, and ignore the day to day criminality and violence that is endemic in Blacks and Muslims.
Nothing short of a lobotomy will change their views. In fact, even if their sons and daughters were raped and killed, they will not renounce their beliefs, for if they did, their whole world will collapse.
ROBERT BROWN; As crude and bad though the womans’ rant was, she was probably at the end of her tether with our ‘multi-cultie’ system. Occurred to me also that if she was black or asian then nothing would be said, and if it was, then BT Police would have ignored it.
I’m not sure the BBC has a flagship news programme.
The flagships of BBC output are dross like Eastenders and Casualty.
News programmes are the rotting hulls used as target practice.
I love this faux outrage regarding Clarkson.
I don’t remember the same ‘Twitter outrage’ when lefty ‘comedians’ tweet that they wish Thatcher dead, and would happily p!ss on her grave when she does go – and have avatars with a picture of her covered in blood!
I guess that’s OK, though………
That’s because conservatives have confidence in what they believe in and dont need to work up ersatz outrage as a substitute for ideas.
The difference between the leftie comments on Thatcher you were talking about and Clarkson’s on the strikers, Clarkson was joking.
A senior Labour MP if memory serves has made homocidal comments about Maggie. Clarkson is not an MP or serious political commentator of any kind.
……..or make crude fun of Sarah Palin’s disabled child
I hardly ever see the One Show but I saw that one.
It seemed to me that Clarkson was desperately trying to live up to his reputation. But it came over half-heartedly, as though he was a bit tired, but dutifully going through the motions of being amusingly controversial. His attention-seeking colonel blimp script was so unmistakably ridiculous that the presenters’ horrified reactions made them look more ridiculous for taking it seriously. (And that idiot Sunny Hundal)
Then there was that terminally cheesy thing with those schoolchildren. I’ll keep not watching.
P.S. Look at Sunny Hundal’s Twitter feed or whatever you call it.
“I’d like more lefties on the BBC”
There’s so much camaraderie/comeradery around the Twittersphere, no wonder there are cosy consensuses here there and everywhere. I see Jane_Bradley’s in there with Sunny, and she’s one of Deborah Orr’s tweetfellows, they’re all egging each other on.
Nearly as bad as we are. 😉
I notice Ms Bradley steered clear of Hundal’s Twitter discussion about lefties at the BBC. Wise move, comrade
Ah yes, the one show. In my house it’s called the “One has to wonder why the fcuk it’s on show” Utter prole dross.
Never heard any lefty outrage when Bacon promoted that American “comedian” attacking Palin’s son though did we.
But that’s the left all over throughout history: informers and clypes.
For example:
I notice in the Guardian that the poll asking whether Jeremy Clarkson should appologise is virtually 50/50 (48/52 – in favour of yes), and this from a leftwing rag. What if the same question was asked in the Mail, would the answer be so close in favour of no appology ?
Judging by the voting system on the mails comments section the general feeling is that those in their state of faux outrage should wind their necks in and get a life.
The below comment was stolen from MikeGJ in the Guardian, On the Guardian and sums it up nicely. One rule for the left, another for the right…
“This is quite funny coming from a paper [the Guardian] which once ran an article “humorously” suggesting Clarkson be torn limb from limb and where calls for summary execution for bankers, politicians and the royal family are a daily feature of the comment pages.”
Unison makes utter twat of itself:
UNISON calls for Clarkson to be sacked
UNISON, the UK’s largest union, is calling on the BBC to sack Jeremy Clarkson immediately, following his appalling comments about striking public sector workers on the channel’s One Show. The union is taking urgent legal advice about what action can be taken against him and the BBC and are considering whether there are grounds to refer a complaint to the police.
Dave Prentis, UNISON General Secretary, said:
“Clarkson’s comments on the One Show were totally outrageous, and they cannot be tolerated. We are seeking urgent legal advice about what further action we can take against him and the BBC, and whether or not his comments should be referred to the police.
The country really would be like the Soviet Union if cunts like Prentis had their way.
Glad to say there’s a big backlash on Twitter.
Well, the comments are much worse than that woman ranting on a tram who merely called Poles and blacks not British and told them to go and sort out their own countries. And she was arrested, held for her own safety and, I believe, charged with some offence.
ROBERT BROWN; Thank you Millie, and the latest news is that the womans children have been taken into care. This is sinister and indicative of an oppressive, leftist state. As i stated in an earlier post, if this had been a black, asian/muslim rant, then NOTHING would have been done. Be very afraid.
Tram Lady is now in the hands of the Stasi, awaiting a spell in an Indigenous White Correction Centre. Her crime? To speak out, albeit in a rugged way, & say what a million Londoners say every day, but only to themselves, ‘Why have politicians turned London into the Tower of Babel?’ Most people know what the job of psychiatrists entailed in the USSR, and it didn’t have anything to do with repairing mental health. Quite the reverse. I hope we don’t have to witness Emma West’s public ‘show-apology’. It would be a very dangerous precedent. For Britons.
A small group of protestors carried a mocked up guillotine with images of Nick Clegg and David Cameron, with a slogan saying “heads will roll”.
Public sector incitment methinks Mr Prentis how does he feel about say = The Guardian prefers to commission cartoons which have Iain Duncan Smith kneeing a poor man in the groin. The Independent paints IDS as a man who attacks the poor with a nail-studded clubOr Laurie [yes Eddie i will ] Penny describing the police as “rotten yellow scabs”
What constantly amazes me (and gives me a smidgen of hope for the future) is that despite the brainwashing from the – in terms of broadcasting news in the UK – monopoly which is the BBC, people in general are still sceptical (if not actively hostile) about all the things that lefties hold dear (CAGW, “let ’em all come”, the Religion of Peace, child “poverty”, third world “aid” etc). Can you imagine the disaster for leftism if the BBC were truly impartial?
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head here Umbongo and laid bare the key behind all of this.
I think the reality is people of this ilk are in the minority in the same way that history shows us that most totalitarians were the minority. To bring about their aims and ambitions though they have to give the impression they are the dominant way of thinking and that they are everywhere.
How do they achieve that? Well even with a taxpayer funded multibillion pound mouth piece behind you, there are other ways. What they do is they get their small number and they yell anyone down who even seems vaguely close to getting their idea out. Sout them down hoping they’ll back into a corner and not let up until they do. We see it most often with the AGW scam. Create the notion of consensus so the stories are reduced to a trickle and when one or two try to come out, organise your force to pounce on it. Turn the comments section into a total no go area and make it as nasty as you want. That way your counter argument never gets a foothold from which to build on.
It’s brutal but powerful and effective.
I also note that Ian Hislop, the “hammer of the establishment”, is included in the lefty firmament. Not really surprising: Hislop has morphed from the “fearless” editor of an increasingly irrelevant Private Eye to the safe “go to” man of the televisual political class when a documentary (on a dangerously non right-on subject) needs fronting by someone who can string two words together.
Note the French equivalent of Private Eye Charlie Hebdo published cartoons tongue in cheek mocking radical Islam and were firebombed by Islamic Facists.
Suddenly Ian Hislop doesn’t look such a brave an anti-establishment figure. Hislop is like the Maginot Line – guns still pointing in the wrong direction at yesterday’s enemy. Just where the BBC like them.
Another is Shami CHAKRABATI.
Note that in its report on the scandal of London School of Economics, where the leftist political elite gives political preference to the Gaddafis, INBBC omits mention of the role of INBBC’s political chum, Ms CHAKRABARTI’s on the LSE Board of Governors.
“LSE criticised for links with Gaddafi regime in Libya”
‘The Times’ has this today; INBBC doesn’t:
“Seventeen members of the LSE’s ruling council, which agreed to accept the donation [from Gaddafis] iin 2009, have since left, including Shami Chakrabarti, director of the human rights group Liberty. She did not seek to stand again when her term of office expired in July.” (Page 13.)
Of course, BBC-NUJ-Guardian-Labour ‘Newsnight’ last night had Paxman giving a soft interview to Labour-LSE governor, and self-proclaimed Marxist, Lord Desai.
Wasn’t it “comedian” Jeremy Hardy who suggested on Radio 4 that members of the BMP should be taken out and “shot in the back of the head”? Ofcom dismissed the 70 complaints, the BBC “apologized”, nothing happened.
This time round, the other Jeremy (Clarkson) will also be forgiven, not because he is a smug, middle-class Trot like the inexecrable Hardy, but because the BBC is making lots of dosh from “Top Gear” and dare not offend him. I predict complaints, an apology and nothing will happen.
No doubt Unison will get a chance to gob off now!
Is it just me who thinks Clarkson was brought on deliberately to do this? Just seems to be an odd coincidence that he should appear on the day of the strikes, and it would not take a genius to guess what his reaction would be.
I bet the One Show’s ratings go through the roof tonight, more’s the pity.
Radio 5 are really looking to get Clarkson fired. He’s never been popular, remember Radiot 5 is the hearland of leftism at the BBC. He pissed them off by pointing out that Top Gear’s profits subsidise Radio 5 (that did not go down well with Simon Mayo who had a strop on with him).
Just now fat Shelagh (one of dame Nikki’s may sidekicks) was arguing with some lawyer over sacking Clarkson. The lawyer said clear that it couldn’t happen there was no case to answer.
“How do you know” came back her stroppy reply, “Because I know the law” was his put down. None the less fat Shelagh got the hump at being put in her place “what if it had been said about wimmin, or Muslims or jews” she screached at the top of her voice.
Lawyer rightfully pointed out that it wasn’t, but then she came back again 9I kid you not) “but what if he’d been a member of the National Front calling for black people to be shot”
It just got worse, fat Shelagh really had a strop on.
Personally I think Clarkson should walk, ITV, Channel4, Channel 5 and Sky would snap up Top Gear in seconds, remember Clarkson and producer Andy Wilman own the rights, not the BBC.
Interesting that the BBC have refused to read out my texts about Livingturd calling for Osborne to be hung, not to mention the endless lefty wank fests we get calling for Tories to be slaughtered out.
Fat Shelagh stated that even ‘she’ would be offended if a banner calling for Cameron to be shot was displayed outside Downing Street, she really didn’t say it with much conviction though.
Richard Bacon is going to discuss it now, bet he doesn’t mention his little apology though.
“but what if he’d been a member of the National Front calling for black people to be shot”
No point – they shoot each other.
Hilarious and true
I’d say a more appropriate quesiton would be:
Can anyone name me a personality at the BBC who is allowed to be avowedly left-wing and controversial but not a comedian who makes half the amount of profits for the BBC as Clarkson does?
Clarkson is a licensed jester. Other avowedly left-wing personalities on the BBC would be, well, all of them on Radio 5?
A left wing friend I mine yesterday, who knows that I have an interest in BBC bias , said she would tell me about the BBC’s bias and then proceeded to tell me that the BBC was not holding the present government to account in interviews. Well first I had to pick myself up from the floor and then remind her that whenever Liam Byrne is on giving advice where this government should spend money he isn’t asked about the note he left in the Treasury.
As she is a retired council worker I then explained that in order to pay her pension as well as Gordon taking £5 billion a year out of private pensions, and selling off our gold at a pittance he had also borrowed so much money that the private sector would be working for years just to pay the interest. I finished with asking where she thought the money could come from to pay these future pensions – no reply.
Just what are the Left thinking when they listen to the BBC?
ps I think all the publicity the BBC is giving Clarkson is giving real people in this world to opportunity to agree with him (assuming he was speaking metaphorically of course).
Just what are the Left thinking when they listen to the BBC?
Probably something like, “More, please.”
Just what are the Left thinking when they listen to the BBC?
And “I’m so lucky to be right all the time.”
The left don’t need to think when they listen to the BBC. It’s all spoon fed to them.
I finished with asking where she thought the money could come from to pay these future pensions – no reply.
That was unfair of you Debs, you knew she has to wait for the BBC to give her the answer first, and they don’t know it either.
ROBERT BROWN; Deborah, thanks for the post. I have several friends that work in the public sector and have tried to explain to them where the money comes from, with varying success. First off, i say that they do not pay a penny in Tax, NI, pension contributions etc. This gets them riled until i explain thus. EVERY penny that is paid to them gross comes from the taxes from private sector workers, their employers corporation tax, investment taxes and so on. EVERY GODDAM PENNY. Government does not have any money. ALL public sector expenditure comes from the taxes on private enterprise. They find this hard to grasp.
Another priceless One Show moment I saw, and which I wish I could retrieve, was a couple of years ago when for some reason John Sergeant and Myleen Klass were guest presenting hosting it on the day al-Megrahi was released. Adam Sandler was the guest and as a first question they asked him what he thought of the decision to allow him to go back to Libya, probably expecting the usual safe celebrity waffle. Without missing a beat he said “I wish he was already dead”. For a wonderful split second the presenters just didn’t know what to say.
I suspect Clarkson was set up by the One Show. They would have been talking beforehand in the ‘green room’ and they probably got him chatting away about the strikers, then thought “oh we’ll bring it up on the show”
Perhaps not quite expecting him to say what he did.
But as a fan of Top Gear I do think they are reaching the end of the road at the BBC. The show is making millions but the BBC cut the budget and there is always someone complaining these days.
Did anyone see the bit where some homosexual pressure group was complaining about the TG audience? TG only allow couples to go (they always stick the fit birds at the front) and the reason they do that according to Clarkson is so that it’s not just a load of fat middle aged men with Lotus t-shirts in the audience.
So after they got that complaint through they did an episode where the audience was full of half naked men dressed up like the Village People, very juvenile but funny. But of course THAT attracted a complaint as well!!.
If I were JC I’d look to take the show to Sky, it’s already shown on Dave anyway but I think away from the BBC they can probably do more. Sky would love to get Top Gear and it would be one in the eye for the BBC.
60 million less for Cocaine, the BBC will be upset.
I also got a bit of Bacon prattling on about it, I don’t think he mentioned HIS apology, but he didn’t seem sympathetic to Clarkson.
“It’s never my intention to offend, blah, blah….”
Job done. Clarkson can’t take Top Gear away without a massive legal fight due to the byzantine licensing arrangements with the BBC and production company.
To be fair, Martin, the only member of the Village People who was actually gay was the Indian (RIP).
Of course the only downside is that you do know this one incident will be wheeled out for the next five years to justify everything from the BBC describing Al-Quaida as moderate reformers to having the Doctor take on a Tory-Dalek alliance.
And, of course, HUNDAL (a Sikh) not only supported the appointment of Muslim Aaqil AHMED as religion head of INBBC, but suggested that anyone who opposed that appointment was racist or bigoted or homophobic, or something. (As with opposing mass immigration and the ongoing colonisation of Britain, presumably.)
Oh dear.
“BREAKING NEWS:Jeremy Clarkson apologises for his comment on BBC1’s The One Show that strikers ‘should be shot’”
Why doesn’t he just say everyone should get a sense of proportion and f*ck off?
I see from Twitter that Deborah Orr was racially abused by a black guy today, and the police weren’t very helpful. As she says in response to Comrade Kite – who suggested they’d have arrested him if she said he was an anarchist (of course they would, Comrade) – she says she’d have been better off filming the guy and puting it on YouTube.
Talking of Comrade Kite – his tweets today indicate he backs Unison over the Clarkson affair.
Comrade Kite – drama queen:
@paulmasonnews Paul Mason In Greece I was physically harassed on demos by ppl saying: Greek TV stars call for us to be shot and jailed. I waved my BBC pass. What now?
Yeah, a joke by Jeremy Clarkson joke will be the first thing on their minds.
Until a few moments ago Comrade Kite was one of my 16 followers on Twitter, but he’s just unfollowed me. Can’t think why:
@4d2b DB Today the role of outraged drama queen is played by @paulmasonnews. 12 minutes ago via web Favorite Reply Delete
Poor old Debo. A slice of ‘enrichment’ too far. Happens all the time in my ‘hood. To women of all ages. It’s the new protocol. By now she’ll have convinced herself she was asking for it. I bet ‘Big’ Will’s out there, though, looking to have a word with the young black racist, get some good background. Articles to be written.
Poetic Justice for Orr. If she ever took her nose out of the Guardian she might realise that the police ceased to be interested in enforcing the law long ago, becoming, in P Hitchens’ memorable phrase, Paramillitary social workers, thanks to her liberal chums.
I wonder if this ‘incident’ will be enough to mug her to reality?
Oh, FFS. Huw Edwards on the News Channel is talking to some media lawyer about whether or not Clarkson broke the law! Pathetic BBC.
Same bloke who tolf fat Shelagh on Radio 5 that she didn’t know what she was talking about. Then she went on a rant about the National Front!!!
Now they’re going to make Clarkson spend a day at work with a healthcare worker so he can “experience the daily life” of, etc.
“….so he can experience the daily life of”…”
Sitting on your arse leisure at the public expense ?
Having every single one of his preconceptions proved completely correct ?
Nah, what they’ll do is make sure he’s paired with one of the people who actually do the work 😛
No doubt the BBC staff will be slapping each other on the back, winking and muttering about ‘this is what happens when you put a right winger on’.
What this episode really highlight is why creativity has near enough died in this country. Was a time when Clarkson’s statement would have been seen as humour, even if not that good. It only works as it is because of the left-wing mentality that he know exists.
What’s really appalling and scary is the left-wing reaction to it.
What’s the bet it features on Question Time, for them to show just how ‘outraged’ they are. Let’s just hope there’s some voice of reason on the panel or in the audience.
“BBC correspondent’s conviction upheld on appeal despite pardon”,41203.html
“BBC Top Gear’s Jeremy Clarkson: His Most Infamous Gaffes”
The reaction from Unison to Jeremy Clarksons “Take them out and shoot them” comments is utterly pathetic and just about sums up the PC lefty loons that seem to control every institution in this country. To call it ‘extremist’ and ‘encitment to hatred’ is just plain stupid and to think workers pay dues to these morons, beggars belief! The BBC should give Clarkson a pay rise!!
Incitement Laws? Employing goons to turn violent whenever someone says something you do not agree with, so that the Police can arrest the speaker for inciting violence.
Does that mean that the Police could arrest the protesters outside of St Paul’s for inciting violence if the Bankers employed some goons to turn violent after a formal chat with the protesters?
Classic. BBC wanking on about Clarkson, on Sky News reporter points out the ‘heat’ has gone out of the whole thing as Unison realise what a bunch of twats they’ve been made to look.
But WHO stirred the unions up….. why the BBC of course.
This is a typical example of how the BBC spin the news cycle, this kicked off yesterday, radio 5 picked it up and ran it the whole day, then News 24 kicked in, QT tonight will go big on it and probably Newsnight as well.
Once the BBC work out they can’t hurt Cameron with it, they will drop it.
On Clarkson, they just wanted faux controversy, from someone who would shout “arse” or actually anything to get media coverage, bit like
a grumpy old uncle at a wedding.
BUT a VERY interesting, conversation ensued today
5live – S Fogarty
1Hr 6 On the offence, or not, of his remarks
An illuminating expose of the el beeb mindset,
on comes a media lawyer to clarify the issue, Fogarty, mentions comparisons of (wait for it)…a statement that Jews, should be pulled in front of their families and shot, or maybe blacks, or women…
yep! ”it would be just a figure of speech”?…“their was no deluge of calls”,(actually was over 4000?)…just freedom of speech.
hmmm on jews sheesh…harsh……and no mention of the “M” word either
oh well
the link is here
BUT THEN just check out Fogarty in a second segment from 1hr 36 with
R Bacon,(famed for his sensitivity 😀 )
“but if it was a PROTECTED group, a RACIAL group like MUSLIMS, or even the disabled” it would be different??? then there are laws to be used on equality????
looks like the el beeb law makers are re interpreting what race is now
nice to hear from the horses mouth,(presenters) and how they protect them though.
– Delete – Edit – Moderate
So will the BBC be reporting on the Union that sent out the email attacking those who refused to strike calling them ‘scabs’?
Scabs? Are they a racial group with a dark dried crusty surface colouring, instead of skin?
since when did al beeb worry about offending jews????
hypocritical scumbags
Itey, touche!….my point exactly, they didn t
i maybe didn t emphasize it enough even in the statement she DID, in the most flippant uncaring fashion.
“that Jews, should be pulled in front of their families and shot”
who of people, are going to be most hurt, most deeply felt, the memory of those words.
mind you, that airhead doesn t even understand what denotes race 😀
Never heard the BBC cower and cringe so much since Kenny Everett said ‘Let’s Bomb Russia!’ at a conservative conference.
What’s even more ironic, it all this happens on a day when one of the top BBC executives, Caroline Thompson, says this
BBC chief who says swearing in comedies is goodCaroline Thomson says one of the points of comedy was to cause offence
Caroline Thomson, the corporation’s chief operating officer, claimed that one of the points of comedy was to cause offence and make her ‘flinch’.
So why did they see the need to apologise for Clarkson?
They’re real heroes when it comes to Israel though.
“BBC chief who says swearing in comedies is good.
“Caroline Thomson” [well, she makes me laugh] “says one of the points of comedy was to cause offence” [and that’s why BBC-NUJ only employ left-wingers as comedians].
Read more:
lefties breathing causes offence
Like every other lefty, the BBC-NUJ employees will all detest Clarkson, whilst forgetting that he actually pays his own way (ie Top Gear makes money). It’s the same with taxes, they are happy to slag off entrepreneurs and those who actually generate income in the country whilst happily spending their funds and thinking that the money generates itself.
Don’t know if anyone else caught C4 news but the female bint was interviewing some Labour MP tat (looked a bit like Roger Harrabin) and James Delingpole.
Delingpole laid into dozy Labour MP who was making a tit of himself saying about Clarkson wanting to gun down strikers, that “Jeremy Clarson is not known for sending out death squads”
To which Jon Snow (in the background) burst out laughing.
When Snow finds it a joke, you really know the Labour party needs to stop digging.
What I think is missing from this entire manufactured outrage at what Clarkson said is the reasons why the Unions, BBC, Guardian & Milliband have behaved in such a high handed manner.
In my opinion by going after Clarkson the unions understood that if they went completely overboard with their reaction to his comments, this would enable them and their fellow travellers in the media to deflect the criticism that was coming their way due to the complete failure of their strike.
The fact that the media has fallen for this obvious bit of spin is a sad reflection on the mainstream UK news outlets, rather than the BBC being forced to analyse why only 25% of Civil Servants went out on strike, and how terribly managed this strike was, we are instead treated to wall to wall coverage of what Clarkson said and even then his comments were taken out of context.
Jeremy Clarkson provided the BBC, Unions and left wing press with a perfect distraction in which they could hold off the post mortem into the failure of the unions attempts to hold the private sector tax payers to ransom.
What will eventually come out of this affair will be :
A) The unions will once the dust has settled be treated with even more scorn by the very people they should be trying to get onside (the majority of who I imagine found Clarksons comments funny).
B) The BBC will have lost even more of its reputation for impartiality
C) Milliband will have to answer for his support of the strikes, and of course for his claims in the House of Commons which have been shown to be as full of bull as the rest of his public utterances.
D) Labour itself will suffer as the evidence of its incestous relationship with the unions will turn away the remaining private sector workers who still somehow remain supporters of this awful party.
Finally, I must say that Jeremy Clarksons comments even when taken in context were at the very least unwise, and have allowed the unions a chance to spin the narrative at least for a few days.
Good analysis.
Should be enough to get you hired… well, maybe not as I presume you don’t operate in the rig…correct circles, with the correct attitude…
‘the Unions, BBC, Guardian & Milliband have behaved in such a high handed manner.’
Sky News reporting the ‘scabs’ email story. Over at the BBC zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I just happened to catch this scene from a clip I was watching about Clarkson in the smallest car in the world going through Broadcasting House. It’s at 7:35mins in, but if you click on the picture below you can see it.
Any wonder the BBC is so screwed up?
…unfortunately, I think that meeting is probably not far from the reality at the BBC… and certainly the Home Office.
So Clarkson (a close friend of Cameron) goes on the One Show and makes some typical Clarkson comment. Then we find the BBC, the Unions and the Labour party start smearing CAMERON over this.
Now we find that the BBC themselves gave the OK for his comments.
Anyone else suspect a BBC/Liebore/Unions and probably the Guardian stitch up to try to hit back at Cameron?
AND the friday phone in on radio 5 is about…….