BBC News Pentagon producer Joan Soley responds to the sad news about Andrew Breitbart’s death:
I guess those of us who are deeply saddened by the death of “the Weiner guy” just don’t care about the fate of NATO troops. If only we could see the bigger picture, like a BBC journalist.
Are BBC hacks playing this game elsewhere? “Davey Jones? Big deal. What about the troops? #spotthedifference.” Hmm, I can’t recall reading anything like that.
Of course, it’s not really NATO deaths that concern Ms Soley – she just wants to score a political point against Breitbart and his followers, and if that means using dead troops to back her argument, so be it.
I see she’s not shy about declaring her views on Newt Gingrich, either:
BBC World News America – motto: “If you don’t hate conservatives, find a job elsewhere.”
Where are people like this bred? She doesn’t look old enough to have any properly formed opinions, yet the bbc permits her to voice her dystopian thoughts to all and sundry with impunity. Is she part of the nepotism clique or is her appointment seedier than that?
She might have been Masoned on her way to the top?
‘ She might have been Masoned ‘
Speaking of which…whom…
“Are BBC hacks playing this game elsewhere? “Davey Jones? Big deal. What about the troops? #spotthedifference.” Hmm, I can’t recall reading anything like that’
It’s still open and got to 24 comments, which for a Mason is huge. Maybe becuase it avoids hisbeat..economics.
Love the comments, which mostly start ‘Paul Mason is spot on’ and endorsements from such as ‘Red Meggie’.
I’m concerned and saddened that this dumb cooze holds a job with more authority than a toll booth attendant.
She’s part of the legion of Beeboids trying to spread influence, using taxpayers’ money to do it.
…and then there’s this one in regard to Santorum…!/JoanSoley/status/174707748481671168
All those lazy stereotypes being rolled out here.
Worth a screengrab I think. BBC journalists – they’re just better than everyone else.
‘Andrew Breitbart, 1969-2012’
“The reality is that the man inspired so many in his work that his enemies will no longer have just one Andrew Breitbart to contend with, but a dozen others that will rise up in his place” – Yes. We must make it happen.
Found myself humming this (albeit aware the lyrics are not meant the way most, and I, choose to take them):
“Why Andrew Breitbart Raged Against the Left”
“But you’re an impartial journalist, right??” Somewhat ironic:
There’s irony, and BBC irony, which is unique.
This silly girl is the epitome of what will cuase the BBC’s downfall as they exclude such witterings on twitter from any institutional accountability.
For BBC-Democrat’s Ms SOLEY, and her level of ‘analysis’:
– list the Beeboids whose broadcasting voices you hate the sound of.
(Continue your answer on supplementary sheets, if needed.)
On the plus side, now we have such a staunch supporter of our boys inside Broadcasting House, she’ll no doubt be popping down to the Drama department to object to their constant depiction of the troops in BBC shows as either fascist psychopaths or hapless chumps.
Horrendous. Those of us who knew Andrew are still in shock.
What a pity that Ms Soley has the letter J for an initial. I would have thought that R would have been much more appropriate.
…”I am however concerned and saddened about the latest NATO deaths in Afghanistan.” Yeah, sure.
I would imagine she is more saddened by the Taliban deaths in reality.
“Missing Breitbart, a Pioneer”
RIP Andrew Breitbart. He died so young. From natural causes? I can’t believe that 🙁
That vile BBC droid doesn’t care about the troops. She’s probably upset that they weren’t more politically correct and “culturally enriched” enough on the Sharia! Maybe if she helps them find the Koran burners and behead them, the religion of peaceniks will love us again./sarc
Her reaction to the CNN-hosted Republican debate of 14 June last year included this:
@nhickey So it seems at times…sigh. I certainly feel less intelligent having watched this freak show for over a hour already…!/JoanSoley/status/80442881550204928
Your list, DB, grows ever longer.
Nice catch, DB. Still waiting for a single Beeboid tweet from the opposite side of the political spectrum.
Defenders of the indefensible will, as always, remain silent. I’m sure any lurking Beeboids are proud of their colleague, right?
Rather amusingly, she states in her profile that her views are her own and nothing to do with her employer, yet she introduces herself as a BBC producer and splatters the BBC News logo all over her Twitter page. Clever.
Of course, like it or not, her views have everything to do with her employer.
I do press and PR work for the Rugby Football Union. If I were to Tweet something along the lines of ‘Rob Andrew is a complete cnut’, I’d have the RFU disciplinary powers shitting on my head before I could say, ‘Crouch, pause, touch, engage,’ and none of that ‘views are my own, nothing to do with the RFU’ tosh would save me.
her views are her own and nothing to do with her employer, yet she introduces herself as a BBC producer and splatters the BBC News logo all over her Twitter page. Clever.
Well, if it is clever, now I am at a point with named BBC senior complaints types, I will be keen to ask if they agree.
It may get me escalated to oblivion or whatever, but may be worth it.
Ironically (the real one, not the BBC dleuded version) the sports sections are alive today with inopportune tweets by privately-paid individuals on bascially girlie spats, with reputations being trashed across the airwaves as I watch.
This silly bint… playing to the crowd in the name the British national broadcaster, in a totally inappropriate professional manner… promotion?
Bizarre, even at the Guardian they are giving articles that show respect. The Guardian may not have liked the guy’s politics but they sure admire what he did.
Is the BBC more extreme than the Guardian?
I now despise the hypocrisy of CiF, which has to be the most mis-named joke on free sppech history, but the Gaurdian, its writers and loyal readership can often surprise when push comes to shove.
I loved the way the presumption was default support on such as the 10:10 cock-up, and it went very pear-shaped even with loyalists. The BBC of course called a 100:1 slating as ‘views being ‘split’, doubtless how they view the Falklands support on the basis of one street interview vox pop from a geeza trying to impress the raven-haired Mundo Minx.
The BBC however, as any sharing a complaint experience shows, is incapable of anything bar one course, or admitting error. And is beyond redemption as a consequence.
She’s following the mindset of those of whom Corporal Jones would often point out “They don’t like it up ’em”:
Alongside the bunch in this article:
I still don’t know too much about Breitbart, but these Liberal types who have orgasms over the death of an opponent are disgusting low-lifes. It is a fact that not only are the left the side responsible for the majority of political violence, they are also the side which seems to have the monopoly on nasty, vicious, vindictive scum.
Dezmond, Scotchy, Mike Gregory will any of you provide examples of where this Breitbart character deserves such venom? None of your type were able to come up with any examples when challenged on the link provided by Andrew. If you do find something, make sure you also supply context as we all know that one of the left-wing’s greatest tricks is to select quotes which appear to give the opposite of the original meaning. Just be completely honest for a change.
As I said before, I know little about this guy but if he raises the hackles of the brain-dead ant hive types then he probably wasn’t all bad. I’m just curious if they can provide a genuine quote. In the meantime I’ll watch the tumbleweed pass by.
Ant hive should have been ant nest. I’ve beaten you to it scotchy.
Just imagine when Maggie dies.
Sex. That is how these young girls climb the slippery tree at the Beeb – without an original thought in their little heads, how else?
Greasy pole dancers.
“Andrew Breitbart was the authentic voice of the Tea Party revolution ”
By Tim Stanley
“Andrew didn’t just give as good as he got, he gave better. And that’s why so many people hated him.”
Not a bad epitaph. Similar might be said in a way of Maggie, only in a truly transcendent way. If the world survives long enough, she’ll be haunting the nightmares of leftists for generations to come.
“Andrew Breitbart: Conservative Social Media Pioneer-1969-2012”
“Andrew Breitbart: A Torch in the Darkness”
When a BBC news employee is so politically partisan they cannot suppress themselves from expressing their hate – no matter how ‘subtley’ – at the death of someone who doesn’t share their views, their presence at the BBC can only be pernicious.
She’d be kicked out on her ear if she – or any colleague – expressed hate for a deceased leftist. Imagine if such hate was expressed by a BBC employee about the untimely death of someone like Polly Toynbee. ‘Nuff said.
Good example. If Polly Toynbee keeled over tomorrow I would not be displeased, but I wouldn’t let my public feelings descend to the level these mononeuronic sheep find normal and acceptable.
DB, could you please add the “Twitter” label to this post?
I’m starting to think you’ve collected enough here, plus many that have been posted on open threads, to make up a nice little e-publication. If a group of people here put the list of tweets together, along with a brief commen for each one on the bias, it could be published for free as an e-pub. Might make a nice first salvo.
This ‘this is who hired and pays me (well hands over the cheque) but in riding their coat-tails to look ‘big’ I’ll just wave the magic incantation ‘views are my own’ and nothing will stick to either of us’ lark is getting beyond a bad joke.
You want free speech… fine. You want personal and professional and institutional accountability throughout the land… fine.
But not when you, uniquely, demand the right to hammer everyone else whilst exempting your hypocritical selves.
That is… not fine.
Plus, I think the sheer volume would be evidence of the overhwhelming amount of far-Left staff, from a wide range of channels and departments.
Wonder what they’d say if someone started a “Free Anders Brievik” campaign? Bit more ctitical than their coverage of communist Cuba over the years, I’ll wager – even though Castro and co have killed tens of thousands of innocent people and he only bumped off a few young socialists.
Well according to their logic…if he turns out to be a mental health survivor, then he`ll be due a blue badge and compo c/o Phil Shinersson!
The man should have been executed of course, but the logic of the left deserves to end up hanging themselves…I mean he`s vulnerable, and the Cameron cuts were about to swing into action over Jarlsberg…any excuse!
I suggest a curfew, electronic tagging and a job as the fairy on the next Christmas tree…the logic of the medhouse…welcome to the EU…