We have heard a LOT from the BBC concerning the SWP and the alleged success of some of their campaign tactics in recent times. Biased BBC contributor Alan picks up on this raises a number of points;
“The Socialist Worker’s Party….a Marxist revolutionary group intent on destroying democracy. Let’s not beat around the bush…these people are fronting an ideology that is prepared to kill those who do not march to their tune. The romantic image of Marx so beloved of many in the corridors of the BBC is betrayed by his own writings…
‘The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. they openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution.’Communism called for the arming of every worker….and as put into practise in Russia these arms were put to good use….killing anyone who tried to improve their lot in life.
Given all that you might think it strange to hear a BBC senior economics reporter, Evan Davis, on the BBC’s flagship political news programme advocating the Unions join up with the SWP and adopt their tactics in battling capitalism.
Strange that a responsible senior BBC journalist should tie his flag to the mast of such a motley revolutionary crew and openly champion acts of public disorder, intimidation, blackmail and civil disobedience.
Strange that the BBC who apparently believe that democracy is a ‘sacred’ thing…or did when Nelson Mandela was fighting for it in South Africa….should now allow a senior journalist to suggest that rather than have a democratic engagement of the people we will allow those who are prepared to shout the loudest and use the most violence to decide government policy.
Of course that has long been the BBC policy when it comes to Muslims….giving them a platform to air their supposed grievances unchallenged by frightened BBC presenters who lack the knowledge, the will and the nerve to question any statement by these ‘community’ spokesmen.
All this is not new…though the BBC woiuld like you to think ‘Occupy’ and the SWP were the first people in the world to challenge Capitalism….see how sucha challenge turned out:“
The BBC have never seeen violence from the left as a problem, it’s only violence from the right.
The BBC is obsessed with those nasty right wing dictatorships yet ignores the mass abuse that goes on in left wing ones even today, be it Cuba, North Korea, China or Russia.
A friend passed me this link to a recent C4 made programme on Squadron 303, the Polish pilots contribution to winning the Battle of Britain. They tell me it has been blocked from being broadcast in the UK, I can only conclude because it ends with the betrayal of the heroic Poles by handing their country to Stalin, something which doesn’t fit too well with the Left’s hero-worship of Marxism; and Poles embarrasing taste for killing Germans. Not very EU. Its forty minutes, but the last three or four cut to the chase.
Filmed under the umbrella title “Bloody Foreigners”. Quite a contrast to today’s bloody foreigners the M-word who give nothing and demand everything.
Great link to the Western Mail Mr Vance.
The essay about Poland in 1931/2 was chilling…to think that the Bolsheviks would not want to dispose of Poland was touching in its complacency…and ought to warn anybody about what the BBC and its Islamist/Socialist brigades would do if they were allowed to.
The Nazis were far more Socialist that they were nationalist…they were very happy with diversity as long as the spoils would up back in Berlin-and the call to solidarity with fellow Europeans in Holland, France etc is very much on message as far as the SWP/Liberals is concerned…Gauleiter Tonge and Doktor Harries would have done very well at that time, much as they`re doing right now.
At least Mengele would not have made the Lords or Question Time would he?
To most Beeboids, “Democracy” simply means getting their way. The problem is that they also feel that they’re in tune with public opinion, and are on the middle ground. So if everything went Socialist, the Beeboids would love it, and would also think the public got their wish.
The BBC have always gone out of their way to justify make excuses for the extreme lefts love of violence to puruse political aims, the BBC see justified violence as a perfectly valid means of political expression.
As long as that violence comes from the left in pursuit of left wing aims of course. The main pillar of the far left is the use of what it believes to be legitimate violence, the unions used it for years and the far left organize their street thug rent a rabble around it.
There is a twin track approach by the far left, kind of like the ballot box and the armalite strategy. Threats backed up by a functioning unit of thugs leading a rent a rabble. An its all perfectly understandable and justified as long as this weapon remains in the hands of the far left and its allies.
Can you imagine the immediate condemnation and outrage from the BBC if the right engaged in the same kind of tactics and strategy? As you can well imagine gone would be the indulgent smiles and sympathetic interviews with the street rabble, it would be shocl and horror and no airtime for the right whatsoever.
Evan Davis was just being silly – I don’t think that he had even begun to think through the implications of what he was suggesting.
For what it is worth I think that he is a better interviewer than John Humphries or Sarah Montague. At least he doesnt approach every interview as an opportunity to push his personal agenda.
It’s funny….On early UAF/SWP protests against the EDL, you could find BBC camera crews and reporters within the cordons of the UAF sections eagerly reporting away, hand in hand with their beloved Comrades….When people started to point this out, the reporters disappeared and the BBC simply relied on UAF reports for the websites.
Wheres the difference between militant leftist Trots and alleged far right football thugs?
Where? when? Oh, never mind.
Not having heard the report, or knowing which report you’re talking about, here’s what it sounds like to me:
The unions have been threatening strikes due to budget cuts, including threatening disruption during the Olympics. The SWP, a small group, have had considerable success in their campiagn against the government’s work experience scheme. Seems a reasonable point to put to a Union spokeman that they might adopt similar tactics?
Or perhaps if you’re amking such a serious accusation you should provide some evidence of where Evan Davis ‘openly champion(s) acts of public disorder, intimidation, blackmail and civil disobedience’?