I listened to this remarkable interview on BBC Today concerning the likely reaction by the Taliban to the killing of 16 Afghanistan people by a deranged US soldier. (Like they need an excuse to kill our soldiers) The bit that got me was when John Humphrys suggested that the Taliban may not be the enemy! Commodore Steven Jermy agree that the Taliban were not the enemy, remarkably. Humphyrs also stated that the Taliban will have won. Talk about undermining the moral of our soldiers but then again that’s what the BBC is for.
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Just consider how much hatred these social Marxists have for Britain, and then think how much they must hate a young lad or lass that would be prepared to lay down his life for it.
In a piece this morning on the Breakfast show the propaganda arm of the Taliban in Britain (the BBC) quoted the Taliban website as saying “- – – – – ”. NO, NO, NO, I will not repeat what they the BBC/Taliban said I am not a traitor.
The terrible Anti-British Bias at the BBC (under the mask of balance) is plain to see by all now (except by the Anti-Christian ostriches in government) that it’s just as well they do not have access to WMD as they (the BBC) would then leave the country, destroy Britain completely and live happily ever after under Sharia Law in Palestine or Afghanistan or Iran or whatever crazy country their weird socialist elitist beliefs suit them better.
Note to me; must buy a cross to wear today
just for clarification, just who was it that set up the ring leaders of the taliban with arms, munitions & finances to fight the russians in the first place?
US support for the Taliban back in the day has been consistently exaggerated by pro-Islamicists who should recognize that even if it were so the political situation has changed dramatically since. Seems the Left is against the Taliban oppressing women, killing homosexuals and blowing up Buddhas – but doesn’t favor doing anything to stop them.
So what? Do you have a point? How is it relevant?
The point is, they are still funding Al Qaeda, in Syria and using “useful terrorists” when they need propaganda.
Also the Western media have not accurately reported what happened in this attack. It was not just one soldier who went nuts, had a break-down and started a killing spree. It was several soldiers, casting the whole attrocity into a new and deeply unhelpful light. As the hours pass and the information comes out, the official story starts to break down.
besides, the only way to prevent the Taliban taking control of Afghanistan is to kill almost everyone IN Afghanistan and re-populate it with Westerners.
We have spent a fortune in money and blood to achive precisely nothing. We have not even managed to stop narcotics as the amount of drugs coming out of Afghanistan hit record levels last year.
Not meaning to defend the murders in any way but don’t we all know that if it was a Taliban supporter who’d done this we either wouldn’t have heard the story at all or it would be hastily buried.
I am constantly bemused at how no number of murders ever seem to affect the ‘credibility’ of Islamic terrorists.
Lunchtime, Radio 2 and this is what the J Vine show was headlining with:
“An American soldier shoots dead 16 Afghans, including 9 children. We talk to someone who asks: why do we ally ourselves to the US when they continually bring shame on themselves, and us as well?”
I have never been so angry , I was tempted to e-mail in, however as I would have used a military account, I unlike the bBC would have been held to acount for having a go at the bBC.
Yes according to the bBC why do we side with the Americans when standing side by side with blood thirsty Islamic terorrists who murder ona daily basis allows the bBC to refer to them as a relgion of peace.
The show (before I switched it off) talked about all the bad things committed by the US. Yet the sole point they kind of left out, was that when a single muslim carries out acts of terror the bBC goes out of its way to say:
Not all Muslims are terrorists, yet when a single American does likewise, them all Americans and by default ‘Chrsitians’ are Bad.
THE bBC, the Traitors in our midst.
Here’s the link to bBC I-player for the show. listen to what J Vine has to say in the first few seconds (And after the first song) about breaking our relationship with the US. Note how the first person who defends the UK/US relationship just happens to be cut off mid stride.
Agenda? nah not at the bBC
Whilst I agree with your fury, and I agree that the BBC went too far, we should never allow our anger allow us to condone attrocities such as the one committed the other day.
I would never condone terrorist attrocities, and likewise, I cannot condone what this soldier (or soldiers) did. Every right minded individual should condemn indiscriminate murder and killing, whoever commits it, whether Al Qaeda, Taliban, or our own troops.
Funnily enough, the more that Vine is a prat; the more I look forward to the wonderful Lunchtime Loather who has Jeremy and his dream cathcher programme banged to rights!
How many of these Beeboids might be diagnosed as having “locked-in syndrome”…where they are physically useless, but (unlike the court case) bloke their minds are very much dimmed. Any chance of a BBC minibus being hired to take them all to Switzerland?