Listening to Today is like tuning in to extra-terrestial communications – it’s hard to understand what it is you are listening to. I’m sure you will all have heard of the brutal murder of British aid worker Khalil Dale, decapitated by the Taliban in Pakistan. This morning, John Humphrys prime time item 8.10am was about “whether the Taliban were out of control”. Huh? The Taliban have never been “in control”. They slaughter opportunistically, show no regard for the sanctity of human life, murder OUR soldiers with enthusiasm, and Humprys ponders if they are now “out of control”? This, of course, is linked to the BBC support for the idea put forward by Obama and those wise old coves in the F.O. that it is vital that we talk to the Taliban about how we can bring them into the Afghanistan Government. Appeasers then act surprised when the crocodile they seek to feed turns around and bites them. I contend that the BBC believes it is right to engage with the Taliban and so it is genuinely surprised when these dark ages primitives do what they have always done – murder with impunity. The BBC shows little interest in exploring or even discussing the savagery that drives the Taliban – perhaps the proximity to Islam is discomforting for the BBC comrades.
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Having a great deal of hands on experience of muslim society, including a divorcee muslim girlfriend for ten odd years and thus being able to take an objective view of it, I am truly baffled by the beeboid / gaurdianista mindset.
Which part of misogenist savages, who kill girls for going to school, execute gays and drug users, do the beeboids fail to understand ????
They can rationalise their one sided, illogical view because they are superior to the average joe in the street. They of course KNOW better than us mere plebs, us simple racist idiots who fail to appreciate their multi-culti ideas. Islamonausia equals racism in their distorted view of the world.
And racism is by defintion disgusting. It’s the label they stick on folk whose logic they cant counter.
Loved Humphrys sneering tone to the Pakistani High Commissioner or what have you.
All so simple to the man in the pith helmet after his awayday to Liberia isn`t it?…aren`t these damn colonials of old actually LISTENING to Orla or Lyse on the World Service any more?
Now I hold no brief for the duplicitous Pakistanis at all-all like Bernard Bresslaw in Carry On films if you ask me-but this noble cove was trying hard to set the whole area in context…but to no avail to Humphrys, who spoke to him like he was an intern incapable of locating his slanket!
The BBC still insists on being the white mans burden as well as lashing out at the natives that ruin Humphrys idea of One Love Socialism.
Have the BBC actually used the word “beheaded” yet?
Not in the news broadcasts I’ve seen, perhaps JD or Dez will find a link to show it?
I am surprised that they have not said he was compassionately put to sleep in strict accordance with the religion of peace’s tenets, although it was obviously his own fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Those peaceful followers of Islam could never be blamed for this travellers misfortune.
And the poor guy was a Mohammedan convert. So much for that.
That’s undoubtedly why he was singled out. Apparently, there were two others; pakistanis; with him who were left untouched. I’m afraid I wouldn’t lift a finger to help muslims when they behave like this to good, decent Christian men and women.
I think they did on Today.
And here, several paragraphs/sentences (the BBC doesn’t seem to know the difference) in.
link here:
Yes heard that and it raised a smile and the thought ‘out of whose control?’.
Presumably Pakistan’s as the Taliban were raised and supported by them to control Afghanistan and deny India or Russia a toehold.
Anyway let’s hope America keeps shovelling billions of dollars their way or else they might get really angry.
You know what I want to see to see?
A apologist for the taliban bBC reporter beheaded like the poor fellow was the other day. Not for anyway on how the bBC is the traitor in our midst. But rather to see how they would go about reporting such a vile act.
Pound to a penny they would defend the Taliban as righteous people and that it wasn’t their fault that they felt the need to carry out the word of Allah as promulgated by a paedophillic prophet.
I just wonder how they would word ‘Israel’ onto the article?
Hey, pounce, good to see you here again.
Dear pounce, the situation you describe has crossed my mind too but I can’t find it in me to wish for to happen. I surely hope it doesn’t.
I used to think like you, but then I noticed that the people shouting out equality ,human rights and the like were the same ones who had no problem calling me a baby killer for having served in Northern Ireland, you know the same ones who have no problem shouting out that they can’t wait until the object of their hate is dead , the same ones who defend rapists,violent thugs,terrorists, and the like. Some people will say that by lowering myself to their level I am no better than they, yet when it comes to the moral highground these leftwing wankers feel they rule the roost. Me, I am playing them at their own game, if that means I am happy to see some lillywhite leftwing tosser lose his head, then I am more than happy to hand out sweets at the local mosque, film the muslims having a good time and then post the evidence to the bBC in which to see how they would react.
The bBC are the lowest of the low and I will never forgive them for hoisting up the Argentine flag in 1982.
Err, point taken sir!
After Alan Johnson and Frank Gardner,I`d not be so sure Pounce.
As long as the BBC are seen to be concerned and keep Islam out of it as much as poss, I don`t think the BBC would care one jot whether one of their hired hands was killed or not.
The true talent like Humphrys or Paxman would never be risked anyhoo!
I read a story a while back (in the Telegraph if I recall correctly-I will try to find it and post it) about how thousands of British passports (all from those of British Pakistani origin) were found dumped in a cave in Afghanistan alongside IOD instruction manuals and BBC contact numbers by the American special forces. Apparently, the US special forces were absolutely bloody livid that the BBC were not only meddling in the midst of battle but were in regular contact with the enemy.
The BBC always treat these vicious filth with kid gloves because (sod it, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say what I strongly believe) they support the Islamic Jihad and are anti-Western. They sympathise with the Taliban’s foul principles and couldn’t care less about our troops. You go to any posh f888ing wine bar in the West End of Edinburgh or London and you will not struggle to find some spoiled middle class narcissistic lefty students saying they hate what we are doing there and feel sorry for the poor Jihadis. The MSM have brainwashed Generation Me into becoming moral socialist crusaders that will defend every cause apart from the one that funds their everyday existence – i.e. you and me and the hard working taxpayer!!!!
Well said Sir.
Reminds me of the political aphorism that sums up the hypocrisy of all Lefties: Socialism, paid for by Capitalism.
And the perverse love affair between the Left and Islam: rooted in self-loathing by white middle class left wing pricks.
It is not that the BBC is a lovable institution with lovable lefty views that can do no real harm. The BBC is steadily being colonised by people with a different view of the world .
John Humphrys loves THINKING he’s a “bulldog”, but he’s nothing but just another spineless do-goody BBC comedian really.
Humphrys is a Cardiff boyo. Stick him on a train with the Cardiff City Soul Crew & let him bump his gums about how the Taliban are misunderstood. A lot of those Welsh boys have relatives in the Army. Oh dear. Poor Humph. ‘Bulldog’ bitten by reality. Wouldn’t happen in a BBC studio. We’ll have to put him down. There’s a pity.