I’ve been given the maintenance keys to the blog while The All Seeing Eye is out of town, and have added a plug-in allowing images to be posted in comments. See this example of my recent comment in the open thread.
Please note that it’s not uploading anything here, but requires uploading the image to a hosting site of your choosing, then linking here. It’s not a perfect solution, but there doesn’t seem to be another way to put images in comments with the basic WordPress system. If it becomes a problem, I’ll get rid of it.
So now below the comment box you’ll see “You can add images to your comment by clicking here”. Click there, and a window pops up where you paste in the link to the image you want to show. You can also adjust the size by adding:
in between the “.jpg” and the “[/img]” (no spaces or quotes) at the end of the code that appears after you paste the link.
List of image hosting sites:
There are others, please feel free to recommend any that work for you.
Hope this helps.
Rather than hotlink it’s very easy to save an image and then upload it to a free picture hosting site and then use that as the link.
While you’re in charge DP can you do anything about the template which seems to override any attempts to define how a post appears on the main page eg links etc.?
Good point about the image hosting site. That will work just fine.
No, sorry, I don’t know a way to fix the formatting of the post teasers at the moment. I’ll look around and see what I can find out.
Hotlinking is bad. Please don’t do it David, or encourage others to. It’s not just “naughty”, it’s bad.
I run a site (which shall remain nameless) which hosts many images and I take various steps to prevent hotlinking.
Okay, fair enough, then I’ll post a list of image hosting sites for people to use instead.
Anyone have any feedback on the absence of comments to posts in the archives? It seems our esteemed technical colleagues have not yet been able to import them from the old site.
I’d hate to see all those years of input drifting rudderless in cyberspace.
Another weird problem is the cursor jumping back up to the beginning of the text in the comment box once a comment exceeds a modest length. Means you have to keep scrolling back down again to see what you’ve just written and carry on from where you’ve just left off. It started to do it now as I typed ‘off’.
When is the eminent All Seeing Eye returning from his travels?