Newsnight reporter: “God save the ‪Queen‬ – no one else would bother.”

Judging by the past weekend I think there are a few million people who would take issue with that sentiment. Question is – how many people would be willing to save pissant lefty ego-cock Greg Palast?

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69 Responses to Newsnight reporter: “God save the ‪Queen‬ – no one else would bother.”

  1. DJ says:

    Hey, don’t knock it.

    The BBC’s ace in the hole was always that the proverbial ‘Silent Majority’ – aka people too smart to worry about politics – tend to have warm feelings about the BBC based on what they think it is, rather than the sneering, snarling disgrace it’s become. This weekend was a big wake up call for those guys. All the BBC had to do was behave itself for a hundred hours, but they couldn’t resist the opportunity to show their backside to Middle England.

    Fun Fact: taking the crowd as 1.5 million means there were more people watching the celebrations than there are gays in the whole country. What chance every BBC drama series now featuring handsome and sophisticated Royalists who bravely fight against the bigotry of knuckle-dragging Republicans?


    • Earls Court says:

      What is the actual percentage of people who LGBT?

      I’ve always been told its between 1% to 2% that are actually homosexual. Is that true?


      • Jonathan says:

        Isn’t is more like 0.0001%?


      • johnnythefish says:

        Judging by their numbers on BBC programmes and the frequency of gay rights appearing as a theme – 90%?


        • Earls Court says:

          Gay people have always gravitated to the arts and entertainment. I am sure there has research been done on this. Something to do with them being more imature than hetro people. You can be more child like in these fields than in other jobs such as an accountant.


          • Whitman says:

            Alternatively, they have some imagination and couldn’t think of anything worse than accountancy. Calling all gays childish is also dodgy ground, is it not.


            • London Calling says:

              I am confident that having a preference for the pink sausage gives you no special insight into accountancy, for or against. Most of my gay friends are in the arts or media, however all have gay accountants. Similarly, they have gay plumbers. Gay is a network.

              Understanding of real life trumps all, “Whitman”, not keyboard punching intellectual argument, troll-boy.


              • Whitman says:

                I’m not saying that, just typecasting gays as childish seemed a bit unpleasant.


                • Demon says:

                  For once Whitman I agree with something you have said.


                • Pah says:

                  Well you may be right but the BBC don’t agree.

                  Gays on the BBC are always portrayed as sex-obsessed, hissy-fitting at the slightest obstacle, anal retentives who are unable to see the world from any other perspective than their own. Classic Freudian description of a child.


      • Doggywoggy says:

        1.5% are homosexual. 0.5% bisexual.

        That is the most definitive and scientific survey ever undertaken in the UK.


        • Harry says:

          My little bro was told in PSHE it was 1 in 10


          • Reed says:

            I dread to even ask what PSHE is. I’m starting to feel really old.


          • Sultan says:

            Back in 98/99 my Religious Education class was told it was 1 in 10. I don’t recall the figure being backed up by anything. Years later I heard that the figure comes from a survey conducted in a Canadian prison, although I don’t know how true that is.


            • dez says:

              What is the point of this?

              0.5% of the UK population is Jewish.

              So what next; a discussion about how Jews gravitate towards certain industries;

              “I am sure there has research been done on this. Something to do with them being more immature”

              Absolutely Fucking Pathetic.


              • RCE says:

                Jews DO gravitate toward certain professions. Comedians, for one, often make this point – and on the BBC to boot.

                Does that generate the same indignance in your tiny head, Dez?


              • Sultan says:

                You’re quoting entirely the wrong comment.


              • NotaSheep says:

                I might respect your views on this matter rather more if you didn’t make such a habit of criticisng the odd bad-taste comment or grammatical error whilst ignoring the glaring examples of BBC bias that are identifies.


              • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

                Ooooh, matron!


    • deegee says:

      Wasn’t every gay Britisher watching the celebration? Colourful costumes, brawny soldiers, pomp and circumstance, barging down the river and topped of by favourite ‘friends’ on the BBC.

      What’s not to like?


  2. David Preiser (USA) says:

    No wonder the BBC loves Palast. Will he be in Wisconsin investigating possible voter fraud by people voting for someone else because they don’t have to show ID?


    • DB says:

      I bet they’ve got him lined up for at least one GOP-bashing report this year – they usually do come election time. Fish in a barrel for us, though.


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        I’m sure they do. Must have a reason ready in case the President loses in November. Besides the magical return of the inherent racism in the US, I mean.

        Probably more about evil white Republicans disenfranchising black people. Voter ID laws, perhaps?


  3. Buggy says:

    It’s not even an original ‘joke’, since it featured in the first series of ‘Blackadder’ almost 30 years ago.


  4. johnnythefish says:

    I wonder how many people would bother to piss on Palast if he was on fire?
    After that tweet, I wonder how many people would like to piss on Palast even if he wasn’t on fire? (form an orderly queue, please)


    • DB says:

      “I wonder how many people would bother to piss on Palast”

      Funny you should say that. Here’s “impartial” BBC Newsnight reporter Greg Palast at the annual left-wing Fighting Bob Fest in Wisconsin (how apt) last year:

      “This is Wisconsin, this is the place where you had some guy pour a beer on the head of a Republican State Senator? No, no, no, that’s all wrong. You can’t do that. That’s just wrong. I’m from New York. If you’re going to pour beer on a Republican, you have to drink it first.”

      Pause a moment to reflect on the fact that this left-wing activist has been reporting on American politics for Newsnight for well over a decade. The BBC isn’t biased? Fuck off.


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        And they never identify Palast as an activist, nor did they identify RFK Jr. as his partner in activism, and instead portrayed him as in independent voice.


        • DB says:

          Ah yes, Palast’s friend and associate RFK Jr. Typical Kennedy:

          The day after Mary Kennedy was found hanging in her barn, her estranged husband did what his family does best: sincerely insincere damage control.

          “A lot of times, I don’t know how she made it through the day,” Robert Kennedy Jr. said this week. “She was in a lot of agony for a lot of her life.”

          The self-serving implication: not that he would ever know how she came to be that way.

          “I remember being seated at a dinner next to Bobby around 10 years ago that she was also at,” a close friend of Mary’s told The Post last week. “It was the first time I had met either of them, and he put his hand on my thigh under the table. He was such a dog that way.”

          Yesterday, the Kennedys buried Mary in Hyannisport, near the famous family compound. In life, Mary had been banned from there for years. In death, she is now the good Kennedy wife, keeping up appearances.


          • Guest Who says:

            ‘ In life, Mary had been banned from there for years’
            Poor woman. A victim of what needs to be seen as real vs. what actually is.
            Curiously embraced by an entity that claims to hold the powerful to account… when it suits. Otherwise… brick wall.
            Not to make light of her treatment, but an BBC expedited complaints judgement process appears not dissimilar, up to and including sincerely insincere damage control.
            But not sure it’s a technique working any better for the Kennedy clan fellow travellers any more, either.


  5. Pounce_uk says:

    Remember when you were at School, remember how you would pick a group to follow (As you got older) that wasn’t as mainstream as everybody else. Oh we all liked Wham,ELO, and the like. But if anybody asked you followed:
    The Clash. The Techno Twins and the like. In otherwords you had to be different simply for the sake of being different.

    Its the bloody same with the bloody left. So instead of supporting the country you are against it. Which is why Terrorists must always be heard, Thugs are the real victims and why Islam is a religion of peace.

    Anyway in light of ‘God save the queen’ I went out for a bike ride this afternoon (Lucky me I live in the country) and you know what. Every village I biked through was decked out Bunting,Union flags and in one, they had put up manikins of the Queen (Have to admit, seeing one of Freddie Mercury made me smile) all over the gaff.

    God Save the Queen may not ring true with the ethical latte drinkers of the Uk. But it does with over 90% of us. Which is CIF over at the Gard have been having a bitch fest about good old Liz. Have to admit i did love the anti-Queen article by Peter Thatchell.:
    The Queen has turned her back on the gay community

    Yeah right Peter yer arse Bandit, have to admit I did love this put down 1100 votes:
    Definatelynotashark 1 June 2012 10:42AM
    She’s probably pissed at the way you hijacked the word Queen.

    Some people are never happy, give them equality and what do they do, some of them prance around and claim that actually they are different.

    And so many arse bandits wonder why they get battered around the ring.


    • Earls Court says:

      Peter Tatchell should be greatful he lives in a Western Liberal democracy. So he say what he wants and practice his lifestyle openly.

      If he lived in one of the middle eastern countries that is run by Islam the religion of peace he would have been executed for his sexual orientation years ago.


    • Harry says:

      Well said. They are constantly struggling to be esoteric for the sake of vanity. Think of all of their vain utopian projects that just leave a big stinking mess for everyone else to clear up.


    • dez says:

      “Its the bloody same with the bloody left. So instead of supporting the country you are against it.”

      Pounce, when you talk about “The Country” what do you mean?

      Do you mean all the people who live there? Just the majority of the population? The government? Some sort of vague idea you carry around in your head? Do you even know?


    • dez says:

      “Some people are never happy, give them equality and what do they do, some of them prance around and claim that actually they are different.

      And so many Jews wonder why they get battered around the ring.”

      Oh sorry did I say Jews? I meant ‘arse bandits’. Obviously to talk about Jews that way would be disgusting – but gays? No problem.


      • RCE says:

        Dez obviously fancies a Jewish boy and is trying to impress him with his posts!


      • Demon says:

        I liked Pounce’s comment right up till the last line. Although he said it tongue-in-cheek I agree with you Dezzie that one line was gratuitous. I will even click like on your post, as I did on Pounce’s.

        He has every right to have a go at Tatchell who spares no-one, himself, from his vitriol. But the last line could be construed as offensive.

        And offense is what you lefties specialise in Dez. The BBC constantly making personal attacks on Conservatives, Jews, Christians, the Royal Family, Public Scholars who don’t sit on the Labour benches etc. So as much as I agree with you about Pounce’s comment, it is a bit rich from a BBC supporter to try to take the high-ground about an offensive statement.


      • Pounce_uk says:

        Dez drooled:
        “And so many Jews wonder why they get battered around the ring.”

        So Dez are you a racist jew hating Paki Bastard who wants to be just like that paedophilic warlord who set up a gay death cult. Is that why you go out of your way in which to comment on my posts, because I was born into an Islamic family and decided to leave. Or the shame, bet you’d love to get your hands down my trousers . I suppose you’ll come out with the same comments as lili von shtupp :
        Oh, it’s twue. It’s twue. It’s twue, it’s twue!

        Hey Dez, I suppose you’re one of those Islamic bastards who while he says he isn’t a shirt lifter has plenty of little boys.


    • Pah says:

      But surely Thatchell likes people to turn their backs?



  6. chrisH says:

    Palast…Moore…Stanhope…Greer…Wax and Proops.
    Surely you`d think these really funny and cutting edge people would be so popular in their own home country that the BBC just couldn`t get to them for their rent-a quote, cutting edge and biting wit
    Palast is just Moore without the limousine-and the houseboys to blow the forth off his capucchinos.
    Always welcome at the BBC….who always preferred the Knack and the Jags , Mike Reid and Kid Jensen when the rest of us liked the real stuff.
    Narrow ties and rolled up sleeve jackets since 1979…no wonder they rave on about the punk rebellion.
    And on this Jubilee Day?…what else but the Mets Instiutionalised Racism on radio 4 tonight?
    As yet, no views from Ali Desai!…racist BBC didn`t ask him-wonder why…oh yes, it`ll be racism…


  7. Louis Robinson says:

    Childish. Crass. Ignorant. Stupid.
    Maybe he wants to host a show on 5 Live?


  8. Earls Court says:

    This what we have to £145 a year for and if we don’t we can go to prison.

    The world’s best Television service maybe 30 years now not now just another Left-wing propganda service


    • Whitman says:

      You don’t just pay for news though, do you?


      • Mat says:

        No yer right we also have to pay for the rest of the crap they subject on us ! but they will survive just as long as there are those willing to say “please sir may I have some more “


        • Whitman says:

          Crap my arse. Watch some of the comedy, drama, documentaries and mabe you’ll see.


          • Earls Court says:

            Comedy is crap on BBC a load PC self-loathing leftys. Drama is rubbish the most popular BBC drama show is Doctor Who a 50 year old series not a new one. Documentaries, many other broadcasters have caught up and past the BBC when it comes to quality Documentaries


            • Whitman says:

              No it’s not though. When the comedians aren’t PC about the queen everybody moans, and when they are, well then you get this. Doctor Who is a great show, but it’s not about popularity, it’s quality, as somebody here said. There’ve been powerful one off documentaries – Christopher and His Kind springs to mind immediately as one of my favourites. And documentaries on C4 have improved, but I’ve not seen any other mainstream broadcasters which rival the BBC’s productions.


              • rightof centre says:

                I have to admit that there are a couple of good documentaries on BBC 4 from time to time, but is that worth £145.50 a year, just for a couple of hours a month?. I think not.


                • Whitman says:

                  Well if you want the kind of crap that ITV puts out all year round, then let’s privatise everything.


      • London Calling says:

        They don’t offer the choice between payment for entertainment and payment for news. Don’t have problem with that. If they did, you might have a good argument, but they don’t. Which is why the bBc is unique, unaccountable, and a vipers nest of Labour shills. Because they hide one within the other. Which is the best argument for breaking it up.


    • Guest Who says:

      ‘just another Left-wing propaganda service’
      That’s merely in complement to the incompetence we are compelled to fund on what some from the BBC would laughingly attempt to call their ‘factual output’.
      From twitter-spans of attention, through world-class failures to engage the most basic tenets of journalistic good practice, to the urge to ‘fit’ what passes for truth into shiny new toys, what they don’t screw up in information they too often deform what is into what they want it to be in a desire to re-educate.
      Plus, of course, the inability to leave ‘entertainment’ alone, from cradle to grave. From CeeBeebies respinning history to Mr. Shukman’s merry clean-up kapos of English grads ‘interpreting’ science, with the only engineering capability seemingly dedicated solely to social change. Propaganda backed by censorship that sees blogs closing for good as often as their threads are early, with daft claims that handing over to unaccountable tweet threads and FaceBook pages is faster, easier, fairer and ‘better’. Newsnight’s has seen no activity since May 31. It has become a laughing stock even amongst its most loyal fans and staunchest supporters.
      I had relied on the genius that was the Natural History Unit to remain above such institutional meddling, but even then, despite clearly world-beating camera work and editting, the dead hand of a commissar in the edit suite determined to impose a ‘message’ is never far away.
      Not just an insult to be be asked to pay for; an injury on top to find it is not just demanded but still casually taken by a small minority in a unique media version Droit du Seigneur somehow still permitted in the age of the internet.
      For what is now delivered, the British licence-fee extorted audience has been overcharged by about £3,999,999,999 per annum (plus Mark Byford’s pension in perpetuity).
      And the person up to next ‘lead’ all this? A market rate talent who popped out an email to errant twits like Mr. Palast to ask them to stop making the BBC look bad.
      And promptly got ignored.


  9. Span Ows says:

    I wish I knew who he was…apart from some gormless nonentity on Twitter.


  10. Earls Court says:

    A blog from another of the BBC’s unfunny self-loathing Lefty comedies. Someone who doesn’t like the royal family must really upset him that someone else is funded at tax payers expense. But the Queen actually does good for this country. While Mark Steel is just another unemployable nobody employed by the BBC. To talk a load of unfunny rubbish to the metro lefty’s, who are just like him.


    • Demon says:

      They are not self-loathing. Look at the way Sandy Tosspig loves herself, her self-love oozes from every greasy pore. And they are all like that.

      What they do loathe are the ordinary British people. That is the people that can think for themselves, see the monarchy (for instance) and like what they see. The average Beboid hates the monarchy, although happy to receive multi-bonuses from the extensive, but amateurish, Jubilee coverage. After all, the British people (the vast majority) that they despise so much have been put on this Earth to provide these self-same Beboids with the vastly over-inflated salaries that they will avoid paying full tax on.


      • johnnythefish says:

        Her bile-spewing, unhinged News Quiz being the prime example.


        • LondonCalling says:

          You mean Jeremy Hardy. He is like a Socialist Worker wind-up doll, with the big red key in his back. Whatever the topic he can be relied on to Trot out the party line.


    • Reed says:

      What dreadful writing on Steele’s blog – like a sixth form essay, but not even accidentally amusing.

      One comment made me larf…

      “Why are there so few of us and so many of them, though?”

      Yeah, I wonder – you miserable, joyless snobs.


      • Earls Court says:

        Mark Steel is another unemployable talentless loser that our money is paying for. The left is a joke and they don’t even realise it themselves.


  11. deegee says:

    Related London 2012: Team GB athletes will learn anthem – head coach

    I wonder how many natural fibre Brits would have trouble with their own anthem?