Was entertained by this and all on the same BBC web page today..
An additional £10m ($15m) will be provided by the UK for countries in West Africa facing the threat of drought, the government has announced.
The Department for International Development (DfID) said action was needed before the rainy season made large areas of West Africa inaccessible for aid workers in as little as four weeks’ time.
Hap tip to Biased BBC reader Gary.
How much money has been allocated to the flooded areas of Wales?
More British people’s money (and BBC-NUJ propaganda) for Africa:
“BBC to introduce news show for Africa”
‘The old stereotypes are being challenged and a new, compelling narrative is being written’.
Will that be the ‘old stereotypes’ that still need billions in aid so their leaders can squander it on mansions, Bentleys and presidential planes?
Bet the BBC are wetting their pants at the prospect of reminding their new audience how deserving they are for even more aid due to the West inflicting ‘climate change’ on them.
Hopefully this is not further new money but comes from the extra money given to BBC ‘Media Action’ (more money – new name) last year:
“The Department for International Development has made a grant of £90 million to the BBC World Service (WST) in order to increase the scale of its impact on governance, health and humanitarian results. The grant will reach some 200 million people, across 14 countries, most of them fragile, in order to:
improve democratic governance by enhancing political accountability and reducing the risk of conflict; improve the health of people living in poverty, particularly maternal and child health; improve communities’ ability to cope with humanitarian crises; and build a stronger evidence base by making sure that the results from the investment are closely monitored and are used to improve the effectiveness of aid spent on support to media and communication.”
£90m obtained with a couple of pages of meaningful waffle. £90m we have to borrow and pay interest on, and one day repay via taxation.
You could bet your bottom dollar that if these were parts of the former British and not French Empire that would’ve got a mention.
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