‘Today’ asks is Russia becoming more autocratic?:
‘Russia’s lower house of parliament will be debating a draft law later today which, if it is adopted, means that any non-governmental organisation in Russia receiving funding from abroad and considered to be engaged in political activity, will be labelled a “foreign agent”.
Vyacheslav Nikonov, an MP from the leading party and one of the authors of the bill believes Russian democracy “needs to be protected from outside influences”.
“When foreign money is involved in politics, that distorts the democratic process inside the country.”
A more honest and informative question might be ‘Should foreign governments, NGOs or other organisations be allowed to fund political activities and ideological philosophies in another country?’
That would encompass not only the ‘autocratic’ Russians but also the overly tolerant Britain where Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Dubai etc are allowed to inject massive funds into Britain purely to finance what amounts to propaganda for the Islamic religion…through universities, other educational establishments, ‘information centres’, ‘community centres’ and of course Mosques….(and the new recruits to Islam are all too often all too easy to radicalise)
Is Britain too tolerant of foreign governments who peddle an ideology that is implacably opposed to our own way of life and values?
Or how about the question ‘Is Saudi Arabia too autocratic because it doesn’t allow any religion other than Islam inside its borders?’
Odd how the BBC only pick on White, Christian Russia.
Questions you will never hear the BBC ask….unless the answer is scripted in advance….because the BBC does not have the interests of Britain at heart as Peter Oborne suggests. ….‘Surprisingly often, the BBC gives the impression that it does not care for Britain.’
The way in which the BBC/Lefty MSM and our craven, toadyish and treacherous politicians pander to the oil-rich Islamic countries (the latter for obvious reasons relating to investment) is disgusting beyond words; they’ve let in these fascist zealots (against the will of the majority of British people) who pose a real threat to our way of life, simply for reasons of placation, city financing and Marxist ideology. The British Left-wing political classes are BETRAYERS of the highest order!
If a a white British Christian says anything about a Muslim then it’s goodnight Vienna but Muslims can AND REGULARLY DO say anything they wish and the whole Marxist ‘hate’ crime book goes flying out the window for fear of offending. I hate what this country is becoming!
Russia ain’t gonna be Christian for long.
“The Islamization of Moscow”
(1 min video).
Yep, I heard that on the ‘Today’ program and I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. They’re going to make organisations that are foreign-funded declare that they’re foreign-funded? And?
Isn’t calling things what they are generally a good thing? If you wanted to know why it wasn’t, the BBC wasn’t saying, they just assumed that allowing bogus activist groups to pass themselves often as grass roots organisations staffed by regular Josefs.
Needless to say, the BBC saw nothing strange in a speaker from an organisation called ‘Transparency International’ calling for less transparency.
You’d almost think the BBC had a dog in the fight.
Hmmm… anyone know what rate the BBC is paying on those EU loans anyway?
“Sinister web diary ‘of British 7/7 bomb widow’: Jihad is an obligation we must accept, says blog”
By Rebecca Evans.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2167442/Sinister-web-diary-British-7-7-bomb-widow-Jihad-obligation-accept-says-blog.html#ixzz1zsFKS7Fz
Where are INBBC’s online reports today on Islamic jihad bombings of London on 7 July, 2005?
Not to be mentioned pre-Olympics?
Instead, ‘Today’ has this on 7 July:
“The response to the false terror alert on a bus on the M6 has been seen as an over-reaction on the part of police and security services. Was it a heavy handed response from police getting too twitchy in the run up to the Olympics? Or given that there were other arrests this week when weapons were found in a car – was it entirely proportional? Dr Tim Brain is a former chief constable of Gloucestershire. Jodie Blackstock is from the civil rights group Justice.”
(8:10 am)
But I don’t think that Today got from it what they wanted as even Jodie Blackstock didn’t complain too much.
It’s a very good point. But earlier in the week Dame Nikki was able to devote substantial airtime to another more frivolous anniversary…
Why could that be?
Re- Islamic jihad planning of London massacre, 7/7/2005.
CNN (April, 2012)-
“Documents give new details on al Qaeda’s London bombings”
(inc video clip).