Did anyone see that aweful drama Wallander: BBC1 Sunday night. One and a half hours of misery. Note the villans in this piece were Christian suicide arsonists ( has the world ever seen one) I think they got the idea of those committing suicide and killing many others from another religion I can’t remember which one it is.
Don’t forget Wallender is set in Sweden. The country in Europe that is the furthest along the road to abolishing itself and the native Swedish people. The country has a death wish .The first victim of the suicidal Western cult of extreme liberalism.
Henning Mankell who writes the Wallander books is one of those awful lefties (so that’s why the BBC make this programme). Like all good left wing morons, he’s obsessed with Nazis too, as evidenced by one of the episodes in the first series. Read his Wikipedia page – every lefty cause celebre is on there. It was absolutely no surprise to learn he was on that Gaza flotilla.
Fred, surely you can’t be suggesting that the poor old Religion of Peace is violent, oppressive and zealous, can you? I’ll have you up in front of a parliamentary committee in no time!
I’m just an ordinary bloke with no experience of lobbying. I am an active blogger, and if something gets my goat I’ll post a piece on someone’s blog
After years of frustration with the BBC’s political correctness, anti-Israel rhetoric, pro-left / anti-right politics, pro-warmist position (etc etc) I felt I wanted to do something
So I launched an ePetition:
“The time has come to remove the BBC’s outdated monopoly by scrapping its Licence Fee. This decision should be put to the country in a Referendum with the question “Do you want to keep the BBC’s Licence Fee ? Yes or No””
I assumed because of the depth of feeling against the BBC that it would attract names in the 1000’s. I am disappointed to report that after 6 weeks we have a little under 1000 signatures. We need 100,000 in the next ten and half months
Is it apathy ? Is it that most people are unaware of its existence ? I don’t know.
I do know that the ePetition is our best chance of getting something done about the BBC
I signed it weeks ago too. I agree with you Geyza – people seem to think it’s an impartial source of news, they don’t realise how evil and rotten it is . I go round to my mates houses, look at their computers and there it is … pride of place …the BBC as a bookmark. I despair.
They still see it as an institution they can trust. And the BBC, having had intensive training in spin, mantras and propaganda from its political arm, know how to keep the illusion going. And let’s face it, an electorate that is currently giving the party of ‘no more boom and bust’ which only 3 years ago was still trying to spend its way out of an economic chasm with a plethora of useless public sector jobs, a lead in the opinion polls, well, what does it tell us?
I think it is because there are so many of these e-petitions around, the numbers are being shared amongst them all, instead of it all being concentrated on just one petition.
The BBC have contracted-out licence fee collections for two key purposes; it distances the licence fee payer from the BBC and it distances the BBC from the licence fee and its collection.
In the latter case no staffer ever has to think about the fee.
The crumbling will start with mass non-paying because of (a) poverty or (b) learning you can get away with it.
The one thing the Beeb does not like is evaders going to jail.
I am yet another who signed it so I am also disappointed to read of the apathy – and I can only assume that apathy is the reason. Sadly, the majority of indigenous British people don’t like to make a fuss – it’s part of our nature. We have been brought up to respect the BBC because at one time it was indeed a highly respected, independent, quality broadcaster. However, having been reading this site since its early inception, I am starting to have real concerns that even the BiasedBBC site is having no effect whatsoever on correcting what is becoming a blatant left-wing, anti-Christian, highly prejudicial national broadcaster.
What is to be done? Do people really think that anything can be done? Is it just us reading this site and the relatively few who contribute who do so merely to satisfy ourselves by getting things off our chests? Despite the Conservative Party and the coalition being damned, insidiously and blatantly undermined and continuously and openly criticised, they take no action to complain, let alone complain in a forthright manner. The first time anyone on the BBC even faintly criticises the Labour Party or the Unions (e.g. the PCS re Garry Richardson’s interview of Jeremy Hunt) their Alastair Campbell act-alike is in there complaining like a shot. How far does it have to go before the indigenous British population wake up to what’s happening. And will that point be when it is actually too late. I am starting to despair……….
‘What is to be done? Do people really think that anything can be done?’
I seriously believe they think they are untouchable. The Tories won’t do anything because they fear being accused of political bullying and fear Labour’s spin machine (including the BBC) going into overdrive on it. They have just stuck two fingers up to impartiality by appointing yet another left-wing Director General and are still managing to suppress Balen with all the self-anointed authority of the East German Stasi.
They can also see that their party will be back in power in a couple of years’ time – this time for good – and can just bide their time with the same old same old until then. And if you think things are bad now…….
Time and time again people on this site say why can’t there be a referendum.
Problem is — as you appear to have found out — very few people agree with the claim of this site. Polls consistently show a great deal of support for, and trust in, the BBC.
It has taken six weeks and you have fewer than 1,000 signatories. Hardly a popular uprising.
But you never know, maybe it will all come right in the end — maybe there is a huge pool of people out there who agree with you but haven’t signed the petition. However at the moment things are not looking too good for you.
Surely they’d need to know about it before they sign it?
I know let’s ask the BBC to be impartial about it and give it some advertising. Oh. I see the problem there. Having 80% of the media means you can shut down any debate with ease …
Hasn’t stopped other petitions from being very popular — including from memory one calling for the restoration of the death penalty (and a counter one against restoring it).
Well that is better — 5k in a year. Just short by the 95,000 then…
We live in a democracy (of a sort). If you can show there is support for your view points then build a campaign and get it changed.
I would say that if, after the best part of a decade of protestation, the best you can do is raise 5000 signatures in a year then you not doing a very good job in winning people over. So either you need to work on your communication skills, or people aren’t buying what you are selling.
Still give it another decade or two, maybe you will get 10, or even 20,000 to sign up.
Couldn’t agree more — let’s see. You need all the help you can get.
This site has spent the best part of a decade complaining about the BBC and achieved precisely nothing apart from securing some payments and guest appearances on the BBC for the site’s owner.
Yeah, it’s such a microscopically tiny group of people who agree with this claim that Boris Johnson wrote a silly article stating that the next DG needed to be a Tory in order to put an end to the bias.
That’s our Boris: always pandering to the tiniest minority opinion. Same with that isolated extremist, Delingpole. Can’t imagine why anyone here thinks there’s a single person outside this blog who thinks that way. Gosh.
Your touching trust in newspapers is very good to see.
In this case the numbers speak for themselves. Fewer than 1,000 signatories in six weeks is not exactly a popular endorsement, even with such high-profile supporters as “Our” Boris, James Delingpole and Dacre.
All that media support, and fewer than 1,000 signatories? Not looking too good.
I see you are unable to deal with facts.
With which facts am I struggling?
Consistent polling data that shows widespread support for the BBC going back over many years; a petition on a popular site that has attracted less than 1000 signatories in six weeks, despite (as you claim) the support of “our” (not sure he is yours) Boris, Delingpole and Dacre.
Early days and maybe this huge torrent of support has yet to be unleashed — but not looking too good at the moment.
There are approximately 24 million households in the UK, all of whom are required to pay the License fee. A few thousand of people supporting a petition one way or another is a measure of something else – online activism. Totally unrepresentative as a measure of public opinion.
The statistic that 99.9% of people believe the BBC is honest trustworthy whatever, is not for one second proof that it is. It is a measure of what people think, nothing more. Zero correlation.
The BBC with £4bn at its disposal makes some very good programmes. Its News department are a bunch of marxist bigots, Labour luvvies, and spend the day spinning lies for The Cause.
Spin that.
The statistic that 99.9% of people believe the BBC is honest trustworthy whatever, is not for one second proof that it is. It is a measure of what people think, nothing more. Zero correlation.
Oh I see — so all of those people are deluded, poor fools that they are they can’t see the bias. It is only the select few on this site that have the acuity and enlightenment to part the clouds of obscurity and reveal the Elysian Fields of Truth.
That is one explanation.
Equally well another explanation is that all of the other millions of people are right and the few score disgruntled, right-wing malcontents on here are wrong.
‘It is only the select few on this site that have the acuity and enlightenment to part the clouds of obscurity and reveal the Elysian Fields of Truth’.
Hare Krishna, Nick!
Still waiting for your acuity and enlightenment on global warming, as it happens – a few posts on here today for you to get your teeth stuck into should you want to show a bit of guts and independent thought. And whilst you’re at it you can explain whether the ‘clouds of obscurity’ are causing positive or negative feedback.
(And by the way, Steve Jones saying the science is settled, or shouts of ‘conspiracy theorist!’ or ‘climate change denier!’ won’t be good enough.)
A huge copout there, Nick, I’m afraid. If you’re trying to win people over on here, that was a serious fail.
I really hope you might start to question AGW. At first I went along with it, too, even thought it was an about face from the previous ‘we’re all heading into another ice age’ position which had been taken up as a result of decling temperatures for 30 years after the war. Then I began to see how the backers of the theory were starting to conduct themselves and it didn’t sound much like science, so I started to read up and look at what other scientists were saying on the internet.
Give it a try, seriously – it’s enlightening stuff.
Since you said no one on here is going to change their minds the only hope I have is to keep repeating the same facts over and again in the (vain) hope that it sinks in.
If you can produce evidence that there is a widespread antipathy to the BBC then let’s see it; at the moment all the evidence is to the contrary.
You can make excuse after excuse after excuse, but despite the 9 years of protestations on this site (wow, what a colossal waste of 9 years), despite the supposed widespread support of some sectors of Fleet Street, the best you can come up with is under 1,000 signatures in six weeks.
Anyway, Nick, respect to you for your perseverance (seriously) but after 9 years of failure I think it’s about time you set yourself some success criteria – just some small stuff for starters to get that winning mentality going.
A lot of Narked Enemas arguments remind me of that French propaganda newsreel from late 1939 or early 1940, entitled ‘We will win because we have more men.’
Finding it kind of interesting that the thrust of contribution here in response to honest debate is not anything substantive to explain or counter legitimate concerns on the output of a unique, compelled-funding propaganda monopoly, but simply crowing that decades of billions per annum is a media supertanker hard to redirect even, or especially when relatively benign navigation has been hijacked by more than blatant Kamikaze piloting.
From claims of being fed up ‘playing nice’ when folk don’t defer to pearls of opinion, to the inability to resist sneering bully boy taunts from behind the skirts of a public sector behemoth, your true nature is laid bare.
As with another glee-club staff poster recently, who rather dug a hole claiming what a playwright chooses in character and dialogue has no bearing on any message they may have to to impose, are you really going to say that in the face of alternative views being held, in the face of vast resource to counter, the only sensible option is to meekly succumb?
How very Borg.
esist sneering bully boy taunts from behind the skirts of a public sector behemoth
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. What bully boy? What skirts? The only person around here who takes money from the public sector is David Vance and his frequent paid appearances on the BBC.
As for tackling the argument, well when you come up with one let me know. The normal tosh that this site vomits up is so comically absurd it isn’t possible to comment on it.
how the UN realises its ambitions for a world socialist government
When Labour was in power the BBC were 100% in support of the Olympics.
in the minds of Beeboids, the Israeli victims were not innocent. No further explanation is necessary.
Tossing out assertoric statement utterly ungrounded in fact does not make for an argument.
But I completely agree with your suggestion below about gathering facts. If you can prove it, if you have the facts (not obviously biased opinions) to back up your claims then you will be taken seriously.
Until then this site remains what it has been for almost a decade — a joke.
If winding up anonymous commentators is your aim, and you are happy that that is all you have to show for nine years’ work (and what else is there to show for it?) then enjoy the laughs. You have earned them.
Be sure to post link on FB, twatter and the Daily Fail comments page; also, whether you loathe the EDL/ BNP or not post the link on their pages as you’ll get vast swathes of signatures.
Posting on the EDL/BNP websites would allow the BBC to link the petition to those groups. The petition would then be only from those groups in BBC eyes and they would report accordingly (should they give it any publicity whatsoever – which is doubtful).
But, surely a 100, 000 people is a hundred thousand people whether they be BNP, EDL, Daily Fail readers or Camel-eating Space Nostrils from the ancient star systems of Cantata?
Ah yes, but you are forgetting the fundamentals here. In BBC land everyone is equal and entitled to their opinion ulness they disagree with it in which case the majority of the population who do not want mass immigration are fundamentally wrong anrd therefore their opinions and everything they stand for are not just in error buct actively evil.
In the back of my mind I suspect these electronic petitions were allowed by the political elite to soak up discontent harmlessly. Nothing will come of them – nothing serious ever does.
We have to face it folks the Beeb isn’t going to be abolished overnight any time soon and we have to be in this for the long game. One of my little hobbies is inhabiting various hobby and regional forums. Just about weekly a p*ss poor Beeb news report upsets someone who posts about it. I post back saying that Beeb coverage is pretty pathetic these days and that you should take anything they say to seriously. Someone usually crops up at that point to say the Beeb is the envy of the world etc etc. This is when the flood gates usually open with people complaining about dumbing down , global warming propaganda and how they were on holiday in the USA and TV wasn’t that bad. I then post again with the URL of this site.
We have to play the Beeb at their own game so we need to think long term. You will find people get quiet with their views about the Beeb providing a poor service because they think they are somehow odd for thinking very differently from everyone else. Once they realise this is actually quite a common belief then they talk openly about it and we have another convert.
‘We have to play the Beeb at their own game so we need to think long term.’
Agree. I regret to say I find these e-petitions worth as much as the effort to fill them in and the delete key that can dismiss them. No one in power pays a blind bit of notice, and they only rate a blip in the media if they have an ‘angle’, like Clarkson for President. The BBC and its cherry-vultures only take note if it suits their rather selective editorial needs. Large numbers but in the wrong direction… ignore it. Small numbers to mock… Newsnight special: ‘Does having £4Bpa to deploy selectively on public manipulation have an adverse effect on democratic process? We ask Paul Mason to analyse this objectively before deciding we get it about right, and then debate with a panel of John Prescott, Polly, Laurie and Owen to back up our Graun/LSE findings.’
Like East Germany with its STASI and kapos, the only way is patience, honesty and being resolute.
Those petitions are the ultimate in self-inflicted divide and rule. Too many, often too poorly structured to be of any sensible value. And don’t forget, in a world where the secret ballot is a fundamental, you are sticking your hand up quite publicly for the goon squad to take note. And I can testify… they do. I still await BBC Trust’s ‘investigation’ and explanation for claiming me the complaining licence fee payer was a poster on an internet forum in justification for massive corporate hissy fitting and toy out of pram ejection. They need more time… apparently. Guessing having a squad running GCHQ-style covert ops on private communications is proving hard to explain away for a supposed bastion of civil liberties, FoI-rectitude and rights of the individual.
It takes more effort, but my personal preference is polite, methodical, factually-backed (and archived… they can ‘evolve’ retroactively things being called to account, the tinkers) complaints when cause is presented. Which it is… a lot. And while their system is a joke, they have to use it, so then the numbers game swings back in favour of the few who can become the many if properly motivated and directed. Playing the BBC Complaints system is a real art now, navigating their ‘get out of answering free’ traps and seeing through the bluster to escalation rights that exist but they choose to conceal.
My preference is again to create a complementing site to this blog, dedicated to complaints and the exchanges that ensue.
The most damning critiques of the BBC are all too often from their own lips.
Lay those down in black and white, and when ordinary folk see what other ordinary folk are challenging, and up against doing so, then… I think you’ll find ‘questions are being asked’.
And as we are gathering here, when the questions are OF the BBC in face of its demands to be the only one permitted to ask any without itself being held to account, the BBC does not like it one bit.
And what they don’t like suggests an avenue they are afraid of.
It is my believe that the anti Israel bias of the BBC could not exist without the telly tax. No for-profit business could waste hundreds of thousands of pounds on preventing Freedom of Information as they have for the Balen Report.
The biggest news this morning was the report that the Border “Control” Agency had lost all control or proper track of about 250,000 illegal immigrants and asylum seekers and criminals who needed to be ejected.
So why wasn’t it the main item on the Today programme in the 8.10am slot ?
The tattoo misspelt ‘Olympic’ as ‘Oylimpic’. Say it, it sounds Oirish, sorry – Irish. One of the great Brtish traits is to take the mickey out of each other, including our fantastic variety of accents. The Irish are part of that because of our long historic connections. But we also do it with other nationalities, as they do to us. There is nothing malicious in it, it is just a bit of fun and a way of, um, how should I say it – ‘celebrating difference’.
The BBC, helping bring a grey, humourless world to a country near you.
The BBC refer the matter of the illegal immigration shambles (which Liebour largely caused) to that font of interminable wisdom, longtime BBC favourite and Liebour supremo, Keith Vaz.
If, through the wonders of string theory and wormhole physics, we could go back in time and flush Labour down the toilet of a black hole (along with Cleggy) then I’d wager that we’d have a few hundred thousand less illegal ‘enrichers’ then the amount presently bandied about in the MSM (Michael J. Fox, where are you when we need you?)
I cannot believe that the BBC have the audacity to mention Labour in the topic of immigration. I despair.
Take a moment to look at his Wiki entry, and the scrapes that he has got into over the years (including allegations around passports for the Hindujas). How this man chairs a partiamentary committee, and calls people to account heaven only knows. Someone must have been taking the p*** that day!
Apart from his mental health problems, ( well documented ) there was an incident about the police, a van, and a bomb some 20 to 30 years ago, well buried now.
Apologies if this piece of horse-dollop has been mentioned before but I saw for the first time yesterday on BBC3 a slot called ‘Environmental Report’ or somesuch.
It was in the form of a weather report, read out by an autocutie, and featuring extreme (read ‘normal’) weather events from around the world: a flood here, a tornado there, a dry desert somewhere else, and – just in case no-one had got the message – a calving iceberg ’caused many believe by global warming’. Or indeed caused many believe by hello-o summer.
Anyway, in the guise of ‘edyookayshun’ a shameless shilling of global warming addressed to BBC3’s target audience. A target audience, by the way, that doesn’t seem much interested in BBC3.
And in case you were wondering
‘BBC Three is a mixed genre channel for young audiences. … high-concept ideas as well as stories that reflect the lives and aspirations of our target audience.’
Yeah, whatevs.
Nice to see that the people behind BBC3 are just as hopeless and corrupt as the rest of them.
‘They’re just taking stuff off YouTube and pretending they are journalists.’
And here were most thinking it was just twitter and FaceBook they ‘sourced’ for free and resell at just £145.50pa.
Yes, I think we all know by now that Citizen Harrabin loves his ‘revolutions’…but could he at least try to pretend to report the facts impartially (even, you know, just for a laugh) or with even the vaguest suggestion of any attempt at some balance..? Apparently not:
The MPs’ second worry is over the ongoing consumer subsidy to renewable and nuclear power generators, which are needed for the UK to meet its legally binding targets.
The Treasury says the subsidy will be limited to hold down the cost to consumers – but it won’t reveal the size of the future cap.
Comrade Harrabin neglects any mention of the huge ‘renewables’ tax every UK household and business is already being forced to pay for completely useless wind turbines and photovoltaic solar panels. Funny how that kind of thing just seems to slip his mind.
But then again, like any good dogmatist, Harrabin never stops to question whether any of this self-serving drivel is even necessary or justified in the face of dodgy climate ‘science’ a discredited IPCC and the irksome truth about climate reality: it seems not to want to conform to the elaborate (and ever-more expensive) computer models his friends working for ‘The Consensus’ are so fond of using to scare the proletariat with.
But nothing will stop our brave reporter from banging home the approved propaganda on CAGW and those ‘evil’ fossil fuels – you know, the same ones that daily lift people out of poverty, provide energy to vitally important infrastructure and without which none of us could even manage to get through a single day.
What a funny alternative world these green morons appear to want to live in.
‘MPs have accused the Treasury of making the government’s clean energy revolution unworkable and creating the risk of higher household bills’.
That would be the ‘workable’ clean energy revolution which slashes our carbon emissions by 80%? In other words, pure economic suicide as there is not enough nuclear capacity planned to meet the inevitable shortfall of wind and solar.
They never seem able to get their heads round the fact whether the public pay for this fantasy through bills or taxes, it is they who pay. Or perhaps the BBC really does think the government has its own money. I’m pretty sure the last government though it did the way it spent it.
Meanwhile the US reaps the benefits of fracking – oil and gas – without too many people having limbs blown off by exploding taps. Good to see one western nation not yet fully mesmerised by the environmentalist crap, unlike Britain where the lights will start to go out around 2017. But hey-ho, looking on the positive side it’ll bring back happy memories of the 70s and the striking miners, power workers, train drivers etc leaving us all in the dark!
All day yesterday the BBC was banging the drum for a former Fijian mercenary soldier in the British army, with a conviction in a military court for an attack causing actual bodily harm to another soldier, to be allowed to stay in Britain.
This man is trying to excuse himself on the grounds that he was troubled by alcoholism at the time, which begs the question do we even want more people with alcohol problems settling here?
What is the BBC suggesting, that the law should be ignored and even convicted criminals should be granted citizenship?
When these mercenaries sign up there is NO promise made to them that they will be rewarded with citizenship, and they are fully aware of that, thus his claims to stay legally rest upon his having married a Briton and had children, a claim which he has lost due to his criminality, yet the BBC continue to attempt to instill ‘guilt’ by playing on his period in the army as a moral whip to flagellate listeners, and use the uttelry fallacious argument that because even worse criminals have got away with staying we should allow this alcoholic thug to remain too. What are you thinking of, Auntie? No, lets get rid of all foreign criminals and speed up their removal! That is what Teresa May has said she will do after all.
Bizarrely the Telegraph are also taking the BBC line.
Our own citzens just do it for the pay, pah,/pah>. Why on earth should foreign mercenaries get the extra reward of citizenship?
For most of them the pay they receive is massive compared to what they could hope for in their own countries, and they have the added bonus of learning or improving their English and the chance to learn new skills which can stand them in good stead when they return to their lands, with an excellent pension.
There is no problem recruiting foreign mercenaries. It’s ridiculous sentimentality that leads people to wish to load on the further benefit of citizenship, to all they get already, and the chance to import their entire familY. Madness.
Some of our own soldiers commit crime after active service. Should they have their citizenship removed? No, of course not – it would be a disproportionate punishment.
As to this guy, if he’s not a citizen deport him. Same goes for anyone else who abuses our trust.
Some of our own soldiers commit crime after active service. Should they have their citizenship removed? No, of course not – it would be a disproportionate punishment..
This is a red herrign. Of course we cannot remove citizenship from our own ethnic Britosh criminals, not because it would be ‘disproprtionate’ (how about murderers?) but because they are solely our responsibility, there is nowehre else for them to go _ we dont have Botnay Bay anymore.
Bear in mind too we are talkign about violent crime occasioning actual bodily harm.
.As to this guy, if he’s not a citizen deport him. Same goes for anyone else who abuses our trust.
He cannot be a citizen or we couldnt deport him. Whether he is at the ‘temporary’ or ‘permanent’ leave to remain stage hasnt been made clear.
Any bets that those black people were far more integrated and shared more values with the general society than the modern version the BBC is promoting?
“you’ll experience the heady sights, smells and sounds of the temples, mosques and curry houses of Brick Lane – so typical of modern multicultural Britain.”
“The queen is discontented at the great numbers of ‘negars and blackamoores’ which are crept into the realm since the troubles between her Highness and the King of Spain, and are fostered here to the annoyance of her own people.”
Yet another propaganda piece to support the narrative ‘we’re just a nation of immigrants, and always have been’.
I now undertand the Beeboids’ reluctance to move to Salford – not multicultural enough for them. They could always have commuted from Blackburn, though, pretty multiclutural there (or is it bi-cultural? it all gets a bit confusing).
‘Mr Asem has significant health difficulties … that why he came to Britain in the first place.’ Amazing! Has the NHS been keeping this crim alive? On the upside, these illegals only conned their own people who were busily shipping all their money out of the country. Mark my words, Mr Asem and his dodgy ticker aren’t going anywhere.
“It is interesting to compare the coverage of the Bulgarian atrocity compared, say, to the blanket front pages devoted to the Batman massacre in Colorado. There is no hierarchy of suffering for the victims’ families. But there is no comparison in global geopolitical terms between an act carried out by a lone psychopath and a terrorist attack on Israeli citizens on foreign territory.”
‘”If by ‘innocent people’ the inquirer means Jewish or Christian civilians [who live] in the country [where the jihad operation is to take place], then he should know that these people are fundamentally not innocent. Rather, they are aggressive combatants who are party to [the deeds of their leaders] in money, opinion, and counsel. Even if some of them are innocent, but cannot be separated from the aggressors whom the mujahideen aim to target – the [Muslims] scholars have ruled that, in the case of a surprise attack, it permissible to kill all of them [i.e., the bystanders along with the targets]…
“If by ‘innocent people’ the inquirer means Muslims who may be accidentally hurt during a military operation, [he should know that] it is neither permissible nor reasonable to refrain from fighting the infidels out of fear of hurting some Muslims, because this would mean stopping the jihad. Most of the infidel countries that are fighting Islam have some Muslims living in them. It is inconceivable [to stop the jihad on their account], especially in the current situation, when most Muslim countries are waging defensive jihad.”‘
Anjem Choudary:
‘”When we say innocent people we mean Muslims, as far as non-Muslims are concerned they have not accepted Islam and as far as we are concerned that is a crime against God… As far as Muslims are concerned, you are innocent if you are a Muslim, then you are innocent in the eyes of God. If you are a non-Muslim then you are guilty of not believing in God”
“I must have hatred to anything that is not Islam”‘
I noted the interview this morning on the Today programme with the Alexandre Roos, of ‘L’equipe’, the French daily newspaper devoted to sports of all kinds. The BBC interviewer was keen to support her putting forward the view that the French were really in love with Bradley Wiggins, and all is well with any ‘Entente Cordiale’.
But wait a minute – wasn’t ‘L’Equipe’ that same French newspaper which, just over a week ago, on its full front page photograph of the said Mr Wiggins, was hysterically screaming ‘Attaquez-le !’ ? ‘Attack him!’
I don’t remember Mr Naughtie actually reminding Mme Roos of this little inconvenience during the interview, and simply allowing the lady to explain how, really, the French loved Mr Wiggins, and how important an international event was the Tour de France. Neither did he ponder with her what position the leading Frenchman occupied in the Tour de France (9th, I believe). Ah, but that would not be very European, would it ?
I did, however, enjoy the little badinage between the BBC reporters before the interview, where someone has apparently suggested a small plagiarisation of George Orwell, to release a book re-titling this year’s Tour de France as “The Road to Wiggins’ Peerage”. Hadn’t heard that one before, and was quite amused by it.
Also on Today-some guff about FGM(or Female Genital Mutiliation)…is that yet another synthetic acronym on the way Beeb?
But I digress-apparently FGM is an “African” problem.
And there was me thinking that Islam had a little to do with it!
Silly me…slur a continent (Africa now-Asia usually), rather than state that the northern paedos was Muslim men, not Asian people…than state that it is female hating Muslim men that enforce FGM, rather that ,say, a couple of Zimbabwean Christians botcjing up hysterectomies.
Typical BBC-still we`re all learning to read between the lines-interpret their social silences-and draw out own conclusions.
How many John Cravens have they cloned there for us…because craven IS the apt descriptor of all BBC coverage whenever Islam pops its covered head out of the rubble…
The Copts practice it as well but, unlike Muslims, they do not have canonical and semi-canonical texts mandating or advising it, which helps a lot if the problem is to be solved. It also occurs, in pockets, in several parts of the Islamic world most notably Kurdistan. The situation is complicated by the existence of types I, II and III but I’ve always been too squeamish to familiarise myself with that aspect.
Basically the higher the number the worse the mutilation (although even type 1 is grim enough), Egypt practices type 1 Sudan and Somalia type 3.
It is a practice that predates Islam, and there are Islamic countries that do not practise it, so strictly speaking it is true that it is not Islamic, just consistent with Islamic attitudes to women, thus easily embraced by islam.
Appreciate the education on this topic.
As Mr Greeninker says-not a topic I`ve actually researched-anything to do with “down there!…male or female gets me giddy.
I only sense a BBC bandwagon growing-Womans Hour and avoiding any cultural climate that sees women as being in need of this barbarity.
Islam is more than capable of modifying its stance to the cultural norms that it finds itself in control of…if it`s not in the Koran, then they`ll find a hadith or ruling to back it up.
Previous societies facing the threat of Islam made it work…or accommodate the society it found itself in.
Whereas the BBC will have this society hog tied with red tape and injunctions so we`re all ready for the halal butchers….as if Muslims won`t find the offer of this stuffed pig as yet another cause to wield the sword, the box cutter or the cranes.
The BBC already hoping to open Viennas gates..as if that will save the likes of Davis, Steel or Hardy!
While INBBC-Clinton-Obama dismiss U.S Congresswoman
Michele BACHMAN’s concerns about the possible infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood in U.S Administration,
Andrew C. McCARTHY, former Assistant United States Attorney,
supports her submission:
“Questions about Huma Abedin.
A State Department adviser has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.”
I see the BBC found a US law professor – from the very respectable Georgetown Univ. – to write that using drones to kill US citizens without trial or due process of law is quite legal in war.
The US President must be a Democrat, then, because the BBC never bothered to find a US opinion that drones were legal while Bush was in charge.
Oh, and no mention of how many other Nobel Peace Prize laureates use drones to kill their own citizens, legal act of war or not.
How the bBC rewrites a purely Islamic problem into a Tory one.
Hidden world of female genital mutilation in the UK The bBC has decided to shine a light on this odious practice which contrary to liberal reporting is centred in around the world primarily with followers of one faith. Here is how the bBC opens up its report on the subject;
Every year around 20,000 young women in the UK and France are “at risk” from female genital mutilation (FGM), but the way each country’s authorities deal with those who carry it out are very different.Twenty-three-year-old Ayanna, herself a victim of FGM, stands against the rain-lashed window of her home on the 19th floor of a Glasgow tower block in the Red Road district of the city – home to a new wave of refugees under the government’s dispersal programme.”I am so happy here,” she says, clutching her 11-month-old baby to her. “I no longer suffer the pain of sex with my husband. The pain was worse than childbirth.”
Ayanna? wow could the bBC not find a more Anglicised name in which to report how this Scottish woman. Well she is Scottish isn’t she?
She how the bBC hides this disgusting practice by refusing to name and shame. But then the bBC goes all leftwing I quote: With the recent influx of Somali immigrants in to the UK, fleeing the war
Err no, the recent influx of Somali immigrants are people given asylum in Europe but on finding out that in Europe you have to work for your benefits, they all upped sticks and relocated to the UK. Back in Bristol, Muna who was born in Somalia and came to Bristol from Sweden in 2003, is baffled as to why the government does not do more to stop it.
Which Government Muna? The Swedish one, the previous Labour one which let you in to live off the British taxpayer or the current racist Tory one which wants to cut your benefits? I ask her if she has a message for David Cameron? “Yes,” she says, “do something about FGM. “And if you can’t handle the issue then there is no point in you doing your job.”
Yeah, and I have a message for this black Islamic woman.
How about you return to the country of your Birth, sort out the mess and then preach to the country which is feeding you and your numerous rug-rats (All criminals) how we should deal with Islamic mores, which lets be serious if the government got round to sorting out would have the bBC playing the race card.
Well spotted pounce.
No surprises from the BBC. Just as they blame the Conservatives for taking the necessary steps to clean up the economic disaster left to us by Labour, they also blame the Conservatives for the disastrous impact of Labour’s mass immigration.
I am getting more and more annoyed with the BBC. For weeks they have been banging on about problems with the Olympic organisation, G4S and all that. Their negativity has been in full flow with the very obvious intention of discrediting this government. Well at least the Tory part of it. Jeremy Hunt the Sports Minister, dear old Boris the Mayor of London, Lord Coe and many others involved have all tried to impress upon the public the positive side of the games, when allowed to, but have consistently been harangued and chastised for their part in the unforgivable catastrophic picture that the BBC has painted.
So, I was just wondering if anyone out there has thought, as I have done, where the coverage of our sportsmen and women is prior to this worldwide event. There has been little to none positive attention on the boys and girls themselves, their training, where they are from, how many there are, interesting facts about them, let alone what they look like. As we go into these games our national broadcaster has shown positive interest only in the torch procession, which is very nice thank you but it is not the main event. Only when these athletes appear on the starting blocks will the BBC deem to perhaps tell us who they are.
The BBC seem to be the only broadcaster showing the opening ceremony so will have all the prestige of that in spite of its woefully inadequate and negative coverage so far. It is blowing its own trumpet on the 6pm news and the presenter is grinning from ear to ear telling us that the boss of the Olympic committee says we must now be more positive, as if it were someone else’s fault for the bad publicity.
Their hypocrisy is matched in its magnificence only by its bloated budget.
It is not a petition but a revolution that is needed to get rid of this Anti-British Anachronism from 1922. Let’s look forward to celebrating 100 years of the BBC by allowing it to be a fully-fledged member of the free enterprise Big Society so beloved by our dear PM. Scrap the telly tax now, go on Dave you know you can do it.
When Labour was in power the BBC were 100% in support of the Olympics. Now the Conservatives are in the BBC is seizing every opportunity to attack the Olympics and blame and smear the government for every mistake, even though many are due to contracts written by Labour.
Word has it that the opening ceremony will be a liberal’s wet dream. Wth Danny Boyle in charge I am not surprised. Trainspotting was quite the nastiest film I have ever seen. Using nastiest in the sense of just unpleasant and almost unwatchable .
We will have to wait and see.
Way odds on it will be a celebration of British perfidy, cruelty and general nastiness. I hope the world is impressed.
I reckon that we peaked in the 2008 handover ceremony, which reflected the best of a cheap, funny, tacky end of pier view of Britain…plastic zebra crossings and Jimmy Page up on a Routemaster!
We should have got out at the top of the game…it`s not British to try and emulate North Korea.
Less Bradley Wiggins please(good though he is)…and more Eddie the Eagle!
So the regime which has oppressed its people for over 30 years, which wiped out tens of thousands in 1982 and has in a year murdered over 16,000 of its own and the bBC feels it has a right to report that Syria says it won’t uses Chemical weapons on its own people.
Shackled to BBC World currently, I have had an eye (and ear)-opening insight into the calibre of the BBC’s vast global ‘reporting’ teams. What they come out with is barely comprehensible, and if you can figure out what they are saying, the filter of what the producer tells them to report on and the editor’s cut of their ‘analysis’ makes it laughable.
AS soon as I saw Esler introducing the piece, I reckoned that no BBC implication would be allowed to rear its ugly head.
The Mail today said that the BBC near enough made it a condition of employment that their “sub contracted talent” would be off the books…and the BBC have an Asian lady poppet to support this-so it would be wacist, and sexist to say other.
As for the Olympix…anyone tell me how Venus Williams and WilI.I.Am etc get to carry the torch then…not enough British sports people?…lacking Black US role models are we?
Funny when Yankee Imperialism is a good thing to the BBC isn`t it?…don`t remember Annie Lennox or Virginia Wade getting to carry the torch around Atlanta in 1996?
Not politics but money. The investors corporate sponsors make much more money from an American rather than a British athlete. The USA is a much larger market.
This is an interesting comment garnering support: ‘In a free market, we could make our objections to those salaries known by, er, not forking out to the BBC the money it uses to pay them in the first place.
That’s the bit that means it’s not a free market.
Cue some Borg Hive Village Idiot claiming you don’t have to access any broadcast enabled devices in the 21st century.
Many here will remember how sickened we were by the BBC;s failure to give proper coverage to the brutal murder of the Fogel family. by Palestinians (Parents and children all stabbed, father decapitated)
I thought the BBC had reached a new low in callousness.
The BBC Director General has finally apologised. But his claim that it all happened because it was a busy news day is pathetic – the BBC employs hundreds of journalists. It was a clear case of disgusting anti-Israel bias.
And it is a further sign of the BBC’s bias – a truly disgusting bias in this case – that it has taken over a year for the BBC to properly apologise, and even then only when the DG had to face a Commons Select Committee.
‘a “very busy news period,” including the fighting in Libya and the tsunami in Japan and that “news editors were under a lot of pressure.”’
That should be burned, in shame, above every so-called ‘professional’, ‘impartial’ BBC employee’s cubicle.
The institutional mindset that led to the omission was bad enough, the delay and denial before grudging admission typical but still dire…. however those two weasels – busy and pressure – in attempted excuse…. risible.
But one heck of another precedent for those the BBC purports to hold to account there, Mark. ‘About those gassed Kurds, Saddam?’ ‘Can I get back to you on that, Jezza? Bit busy misdirecting the WMD inspectors. ‘So, Nick, what was it about the BBC-supporting Gordon Brown that first decided you to cover up the fact that the country was being lead by a corridor a few empty Bolly bottles short of a celebration? ‘You can’t ask me that! I hold YOU to account! This is pressure… I can’t be expected to cope with PRESSURE!!!. Call the FoI exemption lawyers now!!!!’
Yes the droids suspiciously quiet on this one, though I did hear Nikki ‘worrooyouthinkjohninmanchester’ Campell coming out with the hilarious one-liner,
‘I would but it’s not allowed in my personal service contract’.
BBC 4 is busy celebrating itself. Last night we had an old documentary on the demise of the Honey Bee.
Colony Collapse Disorder
Martha Kearney doned her hat and veil (beekeeping variety that is) to have a peek inside the hive (no she didn’t take a camera team to work with her at Radio 4).
Any excuse to peddle the alarmist propaganda.
Relentless – no wonder today’s schoolkids become avid warmists and enviro-fascists (aided and abetted by the school curriculum, of course).
Interesting interview on last night’s 10 o’ clock news with Jacques Rogge, IOC President (grey man, grey suit, grey personality) who has just installed himself in the IOC’s headquarters for the duration – they’ve commandeered themselves an entire 5-star hotel for that purpose.
After the polite preliminaries the BBC Sports Editor, David Bond, went off on a bit of a ‘Gary’, asking Rogge what the IOC actually do and isn’t it all a bit extravagant and ‘out of touch’. Rogge struggled as he obviously wasn’t expecting it. At one point he even made the ludicrous suggestion he and his colleagues are all just ‘working class’.
Good on David, I thought.
But then afterwards I was wondering which other grey man, in a grey suit with a grey personality Rogge reminded me of. Then I got it – Herman Van Rompuy, of course!
Now wouldn’t it be nice if the BBC followed up their rogering of Rogge with a rumping of Van Rompuy? Surely you cannot get more ‘out of touch’ and extravagant than the gleaming new office block being built for the EU, with its gym, fancy restaurants, swimming pool etc at a cost of £350,000,000 (which just happens to be the amount by which Britain’s contribution will increase next year).
The question is, will the BBC have the guts to do it?
A stern test of their impartiality, I know, but come on John, come on Eddie, come on Victoria, you can do it!!
You cannot be serious! Do you honestly think the INBBC will go anywhere attacking von rumpoy?
He’s a saint in their eyes.
Highlight of the rogge interview for me was the question about their commandeering of a top class 5* hotel, only to get the answer: ” we have to have accommadation”
Yes of course you may, but not necessarily there! FFS.
I caught the last 90 seconds of Does Science Need the People? on Radio 4 at around 11:29 this morning. The person speaking was geneticist, public scientist and BBC stooge, Steve Jones. Jones had the chutzpah to claim that things are so much better in science practice now than in, say, 1955 since, he claims, science has become open to public debate and today’s scientists seek to engage rather than ignore the great British public.
So here is a prime enabler of and apologist for scientific fraud (or, rather, fraud in the practice of science, if “climate science” as practised is actually “science”) patronising the BBC audience while advising the BBCnot to engage with anyone sceptical of the CAGW/”sustainability”/bio-diversity hoax. I didn’t hear the rest of the programme and – for some reason – it isn’t available for replay. However, I suspect that Jones’s summing up was a pretty accurate example of the effluent tipped into the ether in the previous 30 minutes.
Is Jones an irony-free zone or just arrogantly self-righteous?
Perhaps he’d like to explain the two types of science to us – the sort that’s ‘settled’ and the other one.
The BBC aren’t yet openly aligned to the UN agenda on this, which has little to do with science and everything to do with how the UN realises its ambitions for a world socialist government, cloaked in the guise of securing our ‘sustainable’ future. The IPCC assessment report is full of such crap when it should be concentrating on the ‘science’, though the defining UN policy is to be found in its Agenda 21 – pretty well an ambition to end democracy as we know it.
The next time you hear the words ‘social justice’, remember what you read here:
Does science need the people? Not for those at the BBC who insist the debate is over. Did that nutcase, Steve Jones really say “science has become open to public debate and today’s scientists seek to engage rather than ignore the great British public” The scientific debate of Climate Change has to be made in relative secrecy, and the scientists themselves are censored by the BBC, and there are ten times more scientists than there was on the Channel 4 documentary “The Great Global Warming Scandal” the last documentary on mainstream TV stuffed with the relevant scientists in Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy. The scientists now have to produce their own documentaries. An hour long DVD about Cosmoclimatology called “The Cloud Mystery” has been produced for the scientists by an independent production company. The DVD can be purchased on the http://www.thecloudmystery.com website.
Did that nutcase, Steve Jones really say “science has become open to public debate and today’s scientists seek to engage rather than ignore the great British public”
Those aren’t his exact words but that is certainly the sense of what he said. He claimed that “in 1955” scientists treated non-scientists with contempt as compared with now when – he further claimed – scientists are more open with the public and added that this was rightly so since the public is paying the bills. Significantly, he didn’t add that the taxpayer is not just picking up the tab for the crap “climate science” itself but – worse – the taxpayer is also paying for the massive waste of resources used to effect policies based on fraudulent “climate science”.
‘The trade union fat cats who are strangling our country’
Wonder if Victoria Derbyshire or Dame Nikki, shining beacons of BBC impartiality, could make a feature of this one and start asking some real questions of these Marxist country -wreckers – you know, questions with a bit of a right-wing flavour to them:
Yeah, Scargill had designs on that role too: pity he had St Margaret as an adversary. He got well and truly stuffed, not that he would ever admit that of course.
Is this a report or a how-to-do-it guide for illegal immigrants, drug smugglers and terrorists? No passport checks at UK small airfields I bet if I found a security breach that would allow just anyone into BBC property the BBC would sue to stop publication.
Turn backtime. Doing the 70s; made clear that the three day week happened when the Tories were in power. Made it less clear who was in power during the winter of discontent.
BBC Radio Grievance (5 Live) are banging on about no Welsh women being picked for the Team GB Olympic football squad.
Apparently, according to the Beeboids, it is shame that there is no Welsh ‘representation’ in the team.
What are they suggesting? Oh for a system of racial and gender quotas in sport!
Just to confirm that the Beeboids are a liberal elite of bien pensants who live in a rarified world of lofty ideals from which they sneer down their noses on we poor ignorant mortals…..
Nicky Campbell this morning and his own personal take on the London Olympic Park ‘….McDonalds beside the Olympic venues……a brothel beside a Cathedral….’
Pompous prig!
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Did anyone see that aweful drama Wallander: BBC1 Sunday night. One and a half hours of misery. Note the villans in this piece were Christian suicide arsonists ( has the world ever seen one) I think they got the idea of those committing suicide and killing many others from another religion I can’t remember which one it is.
Being a “Christian suicide arsonist” is a bad side effect of watching too much bBC.
Don’t forget Wallender is set in Sweden. The country in Europe that is the furthest along the road to abolishing itself and the native Swedish people. The country has a death wish .The first victim of the suicidal Western cult of extreme liberalism.
Well the Swedes are often spoken of as being overly fond of suicide …
Henning Mankell who writes the Wallander books is one of those awful lefties (so that’s why the BBC make this programme). Like all good left wing morons, he’s obsessed with Nazis too, as evidenced by one of the episodes in the first series. Read his Wikipedia page – every lefty cause celebre is on there. It was absolutely no surprise to learn he was on that Gaza flotilla.
Fred, surely you can’t be suggesting that the poor old Religion of Peace is violent, oppressive and zealous, can you? I’ll have you up in front of a parliamentary committee in no time!
Government ePetition: Licence Fee Referendum
I’m just an ordinary bloke with no experience of lobbying. I am an active blogger, and if something gets my goat I’ll post a piece on someone’s blog
After years of frustration with the BBC’s political correctness, anti-Israel rhetoric, pro-left / anti-right politics, pro-warmist position (etc etc) I felt I wanted to do something
So I launched an ePetition:
“The time has come to remove the BBC’s outdated monopoly by scrapping its Licence Fee. This decision should be put to the country in a Referendum with the question “Do you want to keep the BBC’s Licence Fee ? Yes or No””
I assumed because of the depth of feeling against the BBC that it would attract names in the 1000’s. I am disappointed to report that after 6 weeks we have a little under 1000 signatures. We need 100,000 in the next ten and half months
Is it apathy ? Is it that most people are unaware of its existence ? I don’t know.
I do know that the ePetition is our best chance of getting something done about the BBC
Is anyone out there ?
I signed it weeks ago…
I think that the problem is most people are conditioned (brainwashed) 24/7 to love dear old Aunty Beeb….. By the BBC itself.
“It is a wonderful British institution” people think, because they are told by the BBC that this is what everybody thinks.
Far too few of us have woken up to the malevolent malignancy of the BBC and their vile racist, and anti-British propaganda.
I signed it weeks ago too. I agree with you Geyza – people seem to think it’s an impartial source of news, they don’t realise how evil and rotten it is . I go round to my mates houses, look at their computers and there it is … pride of place …the BBC as a bookmark. I despair.
They still see it as an institution they can trust. And the BBC, having had intensive training in spin, mantras and propaganda from its political arm, know how to keep the illusion going. And let’s face it, an electorate that is currently giving the party of ‘no more boom and bust’ which only 3 years ago was still trying to spend its way out of an economic chasm with a plethora of useless public sector jobs, a lead in the opinion polls, well, what does it tell us?
Answers on a postcard please……
I think it is because there are so many of these e-petitions around, the numbers are being shared amongst them all, instead of it all being concentrated on just one petition.
I have signed about 15 of these things.
The BBC have contracted-out licence fee collections for two key purposes; it distances the licence fee payer from the BBC and it distances the BBC from the licence fee and its collection.
In the latter case no staffer ever has to think about the fee.
The crumbling will start with mass non-paying because of (a) poverty or (b) learning you can get away with it.
The one thing the Beeb does not like is evaders going to jail.
I am yet another who signed it so I am also disappointed to read of the apathy – and I can only assume that apathy is the reason. Sadly, the majority of indigenous British people don’t like to make a fuss – it’s part of our nature. We have been brought up to respect the BBC because at one time it was indeed a highly respected, independent, quality broadcaster. However, having been reading this site since its early inception, I am starting to have real concerns that even the BiasedBBC site is having no effect whatsoever on correcting what is becoming a blatant left-wing, anti-Christian, highly prejudicial national broadcaster.
What is to be done? Do people really think that anything can be done? Is it just us reading this site and the relatively few who contribute who do so merely to satisfy ourselves by getting things off our chests? Despite the Conservative Party and the coalition being damned, insidiously and blatantly undermined and continuously and openly criticised, they take no action to complain, let alone complain in a forthright manner. The first time anyone on the BBC even faintly criticises the Labour Party or the Unions (e.g. the PCS re Garry Richardson’s interview of Jeremy Hunt) their Alastair Campbell act-alike is in there complaining like a shot. How far does it have to go before the indigenous British population wake up to what’s happening. And will that point be when it is actually too late. I am starting to despair……….
‘What is to be done? Do people really think that anything can be done?’
I seriously believe they think they are untouchable. The Tories won’t do anything because they fear being accused of political bullying and fear Labour’s spin machine (including the BBC) going into overdrive on it. They have just stuck two fingers up to impartiality by appointing yet another left-wing Director General and are still managing to suppress Balen with all the self-anointed authority of the East German Stasi.
They can also see that their party will be back in power in a couple of years’ time – this time for good – and can just bide their time with the same old same old until then. And if you think things are bad now…….
Done, first I have heard of it.
I signed it weeks ago and put it on FB.
Time and time again people on this site say why can’t there be a referendum.
Problem is — as you appear to have found out — very few people agree with the claim of this site. Polls consistently show a great deal of support for, and trust in, the BBC.
It has taken six weeks and you have fewer than 1,000 signatories. Hardly a popular uprising.
But you never know, maybe it will all come right in the end — maybe there is a huge pool of people out there who agree with you but haven’t signed the petition. However at the moment things are not looking too good for you.
Surely they’d need to know about it before they sign it?
I know let’s ask the BBC to be impartial about it and give it some advertising. Oh. I see the problem there. Having 80% of the media means you can shut down any debate with ease …
Hasn’t stopped other petitions from being very popular — including from memory one calling for the restoration of the death penalty (and a counter one against restoring it).
Look at the other petitions. There’s one to reduce the price of petrol that has 7 votes.
Now are you seriously telling me that only 7 people in the country want petrol prices dropped?
But no as there’s another that has 148k votes.
There are numerous squash the licence fee – one of which has over 5k votes.
So not quite as bad as you paint. Again.
Well that is better — 5k in a year. Just short by the 95,000 then…
We live in a democracy (of a sort). If you can show there is support for your view points then build a campaign and get it changed.
I would say that if, after the best part of a decade of protestation, the best you can do is raise 5000 signatures in a year then you not doing a very good job in winning people over. So either you need to work on your communication skills, or people aren’t buying what you are selling.
Still give it another decade or two, maybe you will get 10, or even 20,000 to sign up.
Your can self like all you want but this is just the start as the petition has NOT been up for 10 years but for less than two months.
Let’s see how it does after it has been publicised across places like The Daily Telegraph, Spectator and Mail web-sites – oh and a few blogs eh?
Couldn’t agree more — let’s see. You need all the help you can get.
This site has spent the best part of a decade complaining about the BBC and achieved precisely nothing apart from securing some payments and guest appearances on the BBC for the site’s owner.
Yeah, it’s such a microscopically tiny group of people who agree with this claim that Boris Johnson wrote a silly article stating that the next DG needed to be a Tory in order to put an end to the bias.
That’s our Boris: always pandering to the tiniest minority opinion. Same with that isolated extremist, Delingpole. Can’t imagine why anyone here thinks there’s a single person outside this blog who thinks that way. Gosh.
Your touching trust in newspapers is very good to see.
In this case the numbers speak for themselves. Fewer than 1,000 signatories in six weeks is not exactly a popular endorsement, even with such high-profile supporters as “Our” Boris, James Delingpole and Dacre.
All that media support, and fewer than 1,000 signatories? Not looking too good.
Trust? What has trust got to do with anything? I see you are unable to deal with facts.
I see you are unable to deal with facts.
With which facts am I struggling?
Consistent polling data that shows widespread support for the BBC going back over many years; a petition on a popular site that has attracted less than 1000 signatories in six weeks, despite (as you claim) the support of “our” (not sure he is yours) Boris, Delingpole and Dacre.
Early days and maybe this huge torrent of support has yet to be unleashed — but not looking too good at the moment.
Those are the facts.
There are approximately 24 million households in the UK, all of whom are required to pay the License fee. A few thousand of people supporting a petition one way or another is a measure of something else – online activism. Totally unrepresentative as a measure of public opinion.
The statistic that 99.9% of people believe the BBC is honest trustworthy whatever, is not for one second proof that it is. It is a measure of what people think, nothing more. Zero correlation.
The BBC with £4bn at its disposal makes some very good programmes. Its News department are a bunch of marxist bigots, Labour luvvies, and spend the day spinning lies for The Cause.
Spin that.
The statistic that 99.9% of people believe the BBC is honest trustworthy whatever, is not for one second proof that it is. It is a measure of what people think, nothing more. Zero correlation.
Oh I see — so all of those people are deluded, poor fools that they are they can’t see the bias. It is only the select few on this site that have the acuity and enlightenment to part the clouds of obscurity and reveal the Elysian Fields of Truth.
That is one explanation.
Equally well another explanation is that all of the other millions of people are right and the few score disgruntled, right-wing malcontents on here are wrong.
I know which one I find the more convincing.
‘It is only the select few on this site that have the acuity and enlightenment to part the clouds of obscurity and reveal the Elysian Fields of Truth’.
Hare Krishna, Nick!
Still waiting for your acuity and enlightenment on global warming, as it happens – a few posts on here today for you to get your teeth stuck into should you want to show a bit of guts and independent thought. And whilst you’re at it you can explain whether the ‘clouds of obscurity’ are causing positive or negative feedback.
(And by the way, Steve Jones saying the science is settled, or shouts of ‘conspiracy theorist!’ or ‘climate change denier!’ won’t be good enough.)
I replied. I try to avoid arguments about global warming — in my experience they tend to generate a great deal of heat and remarkably litte light,
A huge copout there, Nick, I’m afraid. If you’re trying to win people over on here, that was a serious fail.
I really hope you might start to question AGW. At first I went along with it, too, even thought it was an about face from the previous ‘we’re all heading into another ice age’ position which had been taken up as a result of decling temperatures for 30 years after the war. Then I began to see how the backers of the theory were starting to conduct themselves and it didn’t sound much like science, so I started to read up and look at what other scientists were saying on the internet.
Give it a try, seriously – it’s enlightening stuff.
Bloody hell, it’s Groundhog Day featuring our old friend Nick.
Since you said no one on here is going to change their minds the only hope I have is to keep repeating the same facts over and again in the (vain) hope that it sinks in.
If you can produce evidence that there is a widespread antipathy to the BBC then let’s see it; at the moment all the evidence is to the contrary.
You can make excuse after excuse after excuse, but despite the 9 years of protestations on this site (wow, what a colossal waste of 9 years), despite the supposed widespread support of some sectors of Fleet Street, the best you can come up with is under 1,000 signatures in six weeks.
Has a reply of mine gone AWOL here?
How strange….
Anyway, Nick, respect to you for your perseverance (seriously) but after 9 years of failure I think it’s about time you set yourself some success criteria – just some small stuff for starters to get that winning mentality going.
A lot of Narked Enemas arguments remind me of that French propaganda newsreel from late 1939 or early 1940, entitled ‘We will win because we have more men.’
Finding it kind of interesting that the thrust of contribution here in response to honest debate is not anything substantive to explain or counter legitimate concerns on the output of a unique, compelled-funding propaganda monopoly, but simply crowing that decades of billions per annum is a media supertanker hard to redirect even, or especially when relatively benign navigation has been hijacked by more than blatant Kamikaze piloting.
From claims of being fed up ‘playing nice’ when folk don’t defer to pearls of opinion, to the inability to resist sneering bully boy taunts from behind the skirts of a public sector behemoth, your true nature is laid bare.
As with another glee-club staff poster recently, who rather dug a hole claiming what a playwright chooses in character and dialogue has no bearing on any message they may have to to impose, are you really going to say that in the face of alternative views being held, in the face of vast resource to counter, the only sensible option is to meekly succumb?
How very Borg.
esist sneering bully boy taunts from behind the skirts of a public sector behemoth
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. What bully boy? What skirts? The only person around here who takes money from the public sector is David Vance and his frequent paid appearances on the BBC.
As for tackling the argument, well when you come up with one let me know. The normal tosh that this site vomits up is so comically absurd it isn’t possible to comment on it.
how the UN realises its ambitions for a world socialist government
When Labour was in power the BBC were 100% in support of the Olympics.
in the minds of Beeboids, the Israeli victims were not innocent. No further explanation is necessary.
Tossing out assertoric statement utterly ungrounded in fact does not make for an argument.
But I completely agree with your suggestion below about gathering facts. If you can prove it, if you have the facts (not obviously biased opinions) to back up your claims then you will be taken seriously.
Until then this site remains what it has been for almost a decade — a joke.
Yep a joke that still winds you up every time hahahah it’s worth it just to see you BBC lovers bleat !
If winding up anonymous commentators is your aim, and you are happy that that is all you have to show for nine years’ work (and what else is there to show for it?) then enjoy the laughs. You have earned them.
Be sure to post link on FB, twatter and the Daily Fail comments page; also, whether you loathe the EDL/ BNP or not post the link on their pages as you’ll get vast swathes of signatures.
Posting on the EDL/BNP websites would allow the BBC to link the petition to those groups. The petition would then be only from those groups in BBC eyes and they would report accordingly (should they give it any publicity whatsoever – which is doubtful).
But, surely a 100, 000 people is a hundred thousand people whether they be BNP, EDL, Daily Fail readers or Camel-eating Space Nostrils from the ancient star systems of Cantata?
Ah yes, but you are forgetting the fundamentals here. In BBC land everyone is equal and entitled to their opinion ulness they disagree with it in which case the majority of the population who do not want mass immigration are fundamentally wrong anrd therefore their opinions and everything they stand for are not just in error buct actively evil.
How sad that the BBC have the power to spin such an agenda.
The BNP already have one going, one of the many that are out there, combined, would give well over the number of signatures needed.
In the back of my mind I suspect these electronic petitions were allowed by the political elite to soak up discontent harmlessly. Nothing will come of them – nothing serious ever does.
We have to face it folks the Beeb isn’t going to be abolished overnight any time soon and we have to be in this for the long game. One of my little hobbies is inhabiting various hobby and regional forums. Just about weekly a p*ss poor Beeb news report upsets someone who posts about it. I post back saying that Beeb coverage is pretty pathetic these days and that you should take anything they say to seriously. Someone usually crops up at that point to say the Beeb is the envy of the world etc etc. This is when the flood gates usually open with people complaining about dumbing down , global warming propaganda and how they were on holiday in the USA and TV wasn’t that bad. I then post again with the URL of this site.
We have to play the Beeb at their own game so we need to think long term. You will find people get quiet with their views about the Beeb providing a poor service because they think they are somehow odd for thinking very differently from everyone else. Once they realise this is actually quite a common belief then they talk openly about it and we have another convert.
‘We have to play the Beeb at their own game so we need to think long term.’
Agree. I regret to say I find these e-petitions worth as much as the effort to fill them in and the delete key that can dismiss them. No one in power pays a blind bit of notice, and they only rate a blip in the media if they have an ‘angle’, like Clarkson for President. The BBC and its cherry-vultures only take note if it suits their rather selective editorial needs. Large numbers but in the wrong direction… ignore it. Small numbers to mock… Newsnight special: ‘Does having £4Bpa to deploy selectively on public manipulation have an adverse effect on democratic process? We ask Paul Mason to analyse this objectively before deciding we get it about right, and then debate with a panel of John Prescott, Polly, Laurie and Owen to back up our Graun/LSE findings.’
Like East Germany with its STASI and kapos, the only way is patience, honesty and being resolute.
Those petitions are the ultimate in self-inflicted divide and rule. Too many, often too poorly structured to be of any sensible value. And don’t forget, in a world where the secret ballot is a fundamental, you are sticking your hand up quite publicly for the goon squad to take note. And I can testify… they do. I still await BBC Trust’s ‘investigation’ and explanation for claiming me the complaining licence fee payer was a poster on an internet forum in justification for massive corporate hissy fitting and toy out of pram ejection. They need more time… apparently. Guessing having a squad running GCHQ-style covert ops on private communications is proving hard to explain away for a supposed bastion of civil liberties, FoI-rectitude and rights of the individual.
It takes more effort, but my personal preference is polite, methodical, factually-backed (and archived… they can ‘evolve’ retroactively things being called to account, the tinkers) complaints when cause is presented. Which it is… a lot. And while their system is a joke, they have to use it, so then the numbers game swings back in favour of the few who can become the many if properly motivated and directed. Playing the BBC Complaints system is a real art now, navigating their ‘get out of answering free’ traps and seeing through the bluster to escalation rights that exist but they choose to conceal.
My preference is again to create a complementing site to this blog, dedicated to complaints and the exchanges that ensue.
The most damning critiques of the BBC are all too often from their own lips.
Lay those down in black and white, and when ordinary folk see what other ordinary folk are challenging, and up against doing so, then… I think you’ll find ‘questions are being asked’.
And as we are gathering here, when the questions are OF the BBC in face of its demands to be the only one permitted to ask any without itself being held to account, the BBC does not like it one bit.
And what they don’t like suggests an avenue they are afraid of.
It is my believe that the anti Israel bias of the BBC could not exist without the telly tax. No for-profit business could waste hundreds of thousands of pounds on preventing Freedom of Information as they have for the Balen Report.
The biggest news this morning was the report that the Border “Control” Agency had lost all control or proper track of about 250,000 illegal immigrants and asylum seekers and criminals who needed to be ejected.
So why wasn’t it the main item on the Today programme in the 8.10am slot ?
They admit they lost it just when all those guards are going on strike? What a coincidence.
How the BBC are quick to appease the hysterical anti-waaaaacist brigade.
The tattoo misspelt ‘Olympic’ as ‘Oylimpic’. Say it, it sounds Oirish, sorry – Irish. One of the great Brtish traits is to take the mickey out of each other, including our fantastic variety of accents. The Irish are part of that because of our long historic connections. But we also do it with other nationalities, as they do to us. There is nothing malicious in it, it is just a bit of fun and a way of, um, how should I say it – ‘celebrating difference’.
The BBC, helping bring a grey, humourless world to a country near you.
Should have said the tattooed woman was Jewish. No charges of racism or apologies necessary then..
perhaps the tattoo should have read o’lympics
Come on Tories… Get a bloody grip on Immigration!
The BBC refer the matter of the illegal immigration shambles (which Liebour largely caused) to that font of interminable wisdom, longtime BBC favourite and Liebour supremo, Keith Vaz.
If, through the wonders of string theory and wormhole physics, we could go back in time and flush Labour down the toilet of a black hole (along with Cleggy) then I’d wager that we’d have a few hundred thousand less illegal ‘enrichers’ then the amount presently bandied about in the MSM (Michael J. Fox, where are you when we need you?)
I cannot believe that the BBC have the audacity to mention Labour in the topic of immigration. I despair.
And the Chair of the select committee who is criticising the immigration services and “its own Bermuda Triangle” is non other than Keith Vaz.
Take a moment to look at his Wiki entry, and the scrapes that he has got into over the years (including allegations around passports for the Hindujas). How this man chairs a partiamentary committee, and calls people to account heaven only knows. Someone must have been taking the p*** that day!
Apart from his mental health problems, ( well documented ) there was an incident about the police, a van, and a bomb some 20 to 30 years ago, well buried now.
It was of course, Vaz, who chaired the Home Affairs Committee investigating child grooming that concluded it was not a specifically ‘Asian problem..
Apologies if this piece of horse-dollop has been mentioned before but I saw for the first time yesterday on BBC3 a slot called ‘Environmental Report’ or somesuch.
It was in the form of a weather report, read out by an autocutie, and featuring extreme (read ‘normal’) weather events from around the world: a flood here, a tornado there, a dry desert somewhere else, and – just in case no-one had got the message – a calving iceberg ’caused many believe by global warming’. Or indeed caused many believe by hello-o summer.
Anyway, in the guise of ‘edyookayshun’ a shameless shilling of global warming addressed to BBC3’s target audience. A target audience, by the way, that doesn’t seem much interested in BBC3.
And in case you were wondering
‘BBC Three is a mixed genre channel for young audiences. … high-concept ideas as well as stories that reflect the lives and aspirations of our target audience.’
Yeah, whatevs.
Nice to see that the people behind BBC3 are just as hopeless and corrupt as the rest of them.
What Is The Point Of The BBC?
Well according to the Charter it has six!
‘They’re just taking stuff off YouTube and pretending they are journalists.’
And here were most thinking it was just twitter and FaceBook they ‘sourced’ for free and resell at just £145.50pa.
I see Comrade Harrabin, on the BBC news website, is once again skewing the news to suit his Marxist Agrarian Manifesto:
MPs have accused the Treasury of making the government’s clean energy revolution unworkable and creating the risk of higher household bills.
Yes, I think we all know by now that Citizen Harrabin loves his ‘revolutions’…but could he at least try to pretend to report the facts impartially (even, you know, just for a laugh) or with even the vaguest suggestion of any attempt at some balance..? Apparently not:
The MPs’ second worry is over the ongoing consumer subsidy to renewable and nuclear power generators, which are needed for the UK to meet its legally binding targets.
The Treasury says the subsidy will be limited to hold down the cost to consumers – but it won’t reveal the size of the future cap.
Comrade Harrabin neglects any mention of the huge ‘renewables’ tax every UK household and business is already being forced to pay for completely useless wind turbines and photovoltaic solar panels. Funny how that kind of thing just seems to slip his mind.
But then again, like any good dogmatist, Harrabin never stops to question whether any of this self-serving drivel is even necessary or justified in the face of dodgy climate ‘science’ a discredited IPCC and the irksome truth about climate reality: it seems not to want to conform to the elaborate (and ever-more expensive) computer models his friends working for ‘The Consensus’ are so fond of using to scare the proletariat with.
But nothing will stop our brave reporter from banging home the approved propaganda on CAGW and those ‘evil’ fossil fuels – you know, the same ones that daily lift people out of poverty, provide energy to vitally important infrastructure and without which none of us could even manage to get through a single day.
What a funny alternative world these green morons appear to want to live in.
‘MPs have accused the Treasury of making the government’s clean energy revolution unworkable and creating the risk of higher household bills’.
That would be the ‘workable’ clean energy revolution which slashes our carbon emissions by 80%? In other words, pure economic suicide as there is not enough nuclear capacity planned to meet the inevitable shortfall of wind and solar.
They never seem able to get their heads round the fact whether the public pay for this fantasy through bills or taxes, it is they who pay. Or perhaps the BBC really does think the government has its own money. I’m pretty sure the last government though it did the way it spent it.
Meanwhile the US reaps the benefits of fracking – oil and gas – without too many people having limbs blown off by exploding taps. Good to see one western nation not yet fully mesmerised by the environmentalist crap, unlike Britain where the lights will start to go out around 2017. But hey-ho, looking on the positive side it’ll bring back happy memories of the 70s and the striking miners, power workers, train drivers etc leaving us all in the dark!
All day yesterday the BBC was banging the drum for a former Fijian mercenary soldier in the British army, with a conviction in a military court for an attack causing actual bodily harm to another soldier, to be allowed to stay in Britain.
This man is trying to excuse himself on the grounds that he was troubled by alcoholism at the time, which begs the question do we even want more people with alcohol problems settling here?
What is the BBC suggesting, that the law should be ignored and even convicted criminals should be granted citizenship?
When these mercenaries sign up there is NO promise made to them that they will be rewarded with citizenship, and they are fully aware of that, thus his claims to stay legally rest upon his having married a Briton and had children, a claim which he has lost due to his criminality, yet the BBC continue to attempt to instill ‘guilt’ by playing on his period in the army as a moral whip to flagellate listeners, and use the uttelry fallacious argument that because even worse criminals have got away with staying we should allow this alcoholic thug to remain too. What are you thinking of, Auntie? No, lets get rid of all foreign criminals and speed up their removal! That is what Teresa May has said she will do after all.
Bizarrely the Telegraph are also taking the BBC line.
Personally I’d grant citizenship to anyone prepared to fight for Britain. 10 years service and you’re in.
Only fair.
Our own citzens just do it for the pay, pah,/pah>. Why on earth should foreign mercenaries get the extra reward of citizenship?
For most of them the pay they receive is massive compared to what they could hope for in their own countries, and they have the added bonus of learning or improving their English and the chance to learn new skills which can stand them in good stead when they return to their lands, with an excellent pension.
There is no problem recruiting foreign mercenaries. It’s ridiculous sentimentality that leads people to wish to load on the further benefit of citizenship, to all they get already, and the chance to import their entire familY. Madness.
Oops, I didnt intend to embolden all that!
It’s hardly sentimental to reward people for risking their lives for the UK. It’s a practical solution.
Plus foriegners who have served in the army make better immigrants than your average Jihadii I’d’ve thought.
“Personally I’d grant citizenship to anyone prepared to fight for Britain. 10 years service and you’re in.”
There is also the point that this thugs claim lies NOT on the basis of his military service but on the basis of his marriage to a Briton.
Would you allow all law breakers involved in non fatal violent crime to remain? To allow this guy to do so would set that precedent.
Some of our own soldiers commit crime after active service. Should they have their citizenship removed? No, of course not – it would be a disproportionate punishment.
As to this guy, if he’s not a citizen deport him. Same goes for anyone else who abuses our trust.
Some of our own soldiers commit crime after active service. Should they have their citizenship removed? No, of course not – it would be a disproportionate punishment..
This is a red herrign. Of course we cannot remove citizenship from our own ethnic Britosh criminals, not because it would be ‘disproprtionate’ (how about murderers?) but because they are solely our responsibility, there is nowehre else for them to go _ we dont have Botnay Bay anymore.
Bear in mind too we are talkign about violent crime occasioning actual bodily harm.
.As to this guy, if he’s not a citizen deport him. Same goes for anyone else who abuses our trust.
He cannot be a citizen or we couldnt deport him. Whether he is at the ‘temporary’ or ‘permanent’ leave to remain stage hasnt been made clear.
Ahhh, parts of that last post should have been in quotes! Don’t know why the html tags havent worked!
The “Presstitute” BBC have now had the document buried for TEN MONTHS http://voiceforchildren.blogspot.com/2012/01/stuart-syvret-and-fourth-estate.html
Hmm, don’t think we’ll be seeing this reported on the BBC News anytime soon 🙂
The Mail’s main headline was about the BBC’s tax dodge.
Oddly enough, it did not feature in the Today programme’s summary of newspaper headlines.
I wonder why ?
Suppressio veri
not on al bbc world news anytime soon,
to be sidelined like the epidemic, of muslim paedostani rape gangs. imams etc, on the “la la la!” shelf
N. Sennels, Jul. 22:
“Every second convicted rapist has an immigrant background”
remember, a certain Oslo situation
Don’t you just love them (the BBC of course) – they never stop trying!
Notting Hill type pageants on the frozen Thames – verily we did’st get mugg’d by a darkie face.
Any bets that those black people were far more integrated and shared more values with the general society than the modern version the BBC is promoting?
“you’ll experience the heady sights, smells and sounds of the temples, mosques and curry houses of Brick Lane – so typical of modern multicultural Britain.”
Mmm, it’s just like that in the Coswolds.
Multicultural Britain? more like 7th century Arabia.
Great quote further down:
“The queen is discontented at the great numbers of ‘negars and blackamoores’ which are crept into the realm since the troubles between her Highness and the King of Spain, and are fostered here to the annoyance of her own people.”
Plus ca change. . .
Yet another propaganda piece to support the narrative ‘we’re just a nation of immigrants, and always have been’.
I now undertand the Beeboids’ reluctance to move to Salford – not multicultural enough for them. They could always have commuted from Blackburn, though, pretty multiclutural there (or is it bi-cultural? it all gets a bit confusing).
Don’t recall seeing this on the BBC website:
‘Mr Asem has significant health difficulties … that why he came to Britain in the first place.’ Amazing! Has the NHS been keeping this crim alive? On the upside, these illegals only conned their own people who were busily shipping all their money out of the country. Mark my words, Mr Asem and his dodgy ticker aren’t going anywhere.
If you’re wrong Dez will put you right very soon.
A couple of good articles over at The Spectator…
“It is interesting to compare the coverage of the Bulgarian atrocity compared, say, to the blanket front pages devoted to the Batman massacre in Colorado. There is no hierarchy of suffering for the victims’ families. But there is no comparison in global geopolitical terms between an act carried out by a lone psychopath and a terrorist attack on Israeli citizens on foreign territory.”
Like I said on a previous thread: in the minds of Beeboids, the Israeli victims were not innocent. No further explanation is necessary.
“Dead Jews is not news ?”
Sheikh ‘Ahed Ahmad ‘Abd Al-Karim Al-Sa’idani:
‘”If by ‘innocent people’ the inquirer means Jewish or Christian civilians [who live] in the country [where the jihad operation is to take place], then he should know that these people are fundamentally not innocent. Rather, they are aggressive combatants who are party to [the deeds of their leaders] in money, opinion, and counsel. Even if some of them are innocent, but cannot be separated from the aggressors whom the mujahideen aim to target – the [Muslims] scholars have ruled that, in the case of a surprise attack, it permissible to kill all of them [i.e., the bystanders along with the targets]…
“If by ‘innocent people’ the inquirer means Muslims who may be accidentally hurt during a military operation, [he should know that] it is neither permissible nor reasonable to refrain from fighting the infidels out of fear of hurting some Muslims, because this would mean stopping the jihad. Most of the infidel countries that are fighting Islam have some Muslims living in them. It is inconceivable [to stop the jihad on their account], especially in the current situation, when most Muslim countries are waging defensive jihad.”‘
Anjem Choudary:
‘”When we say innocent people we mean Muslims, as far as non-Muslims are concerned they have not accepted Islam and as far as we are concerned that is a crime against God… As far as Muslims are concerned, you are innocent if you are a Muslim, then you are innocent in the eyes of God. If you are a non-Muslim then you are guilty of not believing in God”
“I must have hatred to anything that is not Islam”‘
I noted the interview this morning on the Today programme with the Alexandre Roos, of ‘L’equipe’, the French daily newspaper devoted to sports of all kinds. The BBC interviewer was keen to support her putting forward the view that the French were really in love with Bradley Wiggins, and all is well with any ‘Entente Cordiale’.
But wait a minute – wasn’t ‘L’Equipe’ that same French newspaper which, just over a week ago, on its full front page photograph of the said Mr Wiggins, was hysterically screaming ‘Attaquez-le !’ ? ‘Attack him!’
I don’t remember Mr Naughtie actually reminding Mme Roos of this little inconvenience during the interview, and simply allowing the lady to explain how, really, the French loved Mr Wiggins, and how important an international event was the Tour de France. Neither did he ponder with her what position the leading Frenchman occupied in the Tour de France (9th, I believe). Ah, but that would not be very European, would it ?
I did, however, enjoy the little badinage between the BBC reporters before the interview, where someone has apparently suggested a small plagiarisation of George Orwell, to release a book re-titling this year’s Tour de France as “The Road to Wiggins’ Peerage”. Hadn’t heard that one before, and was quite amused by it.
So, the Beeboids know Orwell but haven’t cottoned onto his message?
Oxbridge graduates ain’t what they used to be!
Also on Today-some guff about FGM(or Female Genital Mutiliation)…is that yet another synthetic acronym on the way Beeb?
But I digress-apparently FGM is an “African” problem.
And there was me thinking that Islam had a little to do with it!
Silly me…slur a continent (Africa now-Asia usually), rather than state that the northern paedos was Muslim men, not Asian people…than state that it is female hating Muslim men that enforce FGM, rather that ,say, a couple of Zimbabwean Christians botcjing up hysterectomies.
Typical BBC-still we`re all learning to read between the lines-interpret their social silences-and draw out own conclusions.
How many John Cravens have they cloned there for us…because craven IS the apt descriptor of all BBC coverage whenever Islam pops its covered head out of the rubble…
The Copts practice it as well but, unlike Muslims, they do not have canonical and semi-canonical texts mandating or advising it, which helps a lot if the problem is to be solved. It also occurs, in pockets, in several parts of the Islamic world most notably Kurdistan. The situation is complicated by the existence of types I, II and III but I’ve always been too squeamish to familiarise myself with that aspect.
Basically the higher the number the worse the mutilation (although even type 1 is grim enough), Egypt practices type 1 Sudan and Somalia type 3.
It is a practice that predates Islam, and there are Islamic countries that do not practise it, so strictly speaking it is true that it is not Islamic, just consistent with Islamic attitudes to women, thus easily embraced by islam.
Appreciate the education on this topic.
As Mr Greeninker says-not a topic I`ve actually researched-anything to do with “down there!…male or female gets me giddy.
I only sense a BBC bandwagon growing-Womans Hour and avoiding any cultural climate that sees women as being in need of this barbarity.
Islam is more than capable of modifying its stance to the cultural norms that it finds itself in control of…if it`s not in the Koran, then they`ll find a hadith or ruling to back it up.
Previous societies facing the threat of Islam made it work…or accommodate the society it found itself in.
Whereas the BBC will have this society hog tied with red tape and injunctions so we`re all ready for the halal butchers….as if Muslims won`t find the offer of this stuffed pig as yet another cause to wield the sword, the box cutter or the cranes.
The BBC already hoping to open Viennas gates..as if that will save the likes of Davis, Steel or Hardy!
And importing these savages and their barbaric practices into our country is supposed to enrich us culturally? FFS !
While INBBC-Clinton-Obama dismiss U.S Congresswoman
Michele BACHMAN’s concerns about the possible infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood in U.S Administration,
Andrew C. McCARTHY, former Assistant United States Attorney,
supports her submission:
“Questions about Huma Abedin.
A State Department adviser has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.”
By Andrew C. McCarthy.
(5 page article).
I highly recommend the article by Andrew Mccarthy cited above. Thanks for linking it George R. A MUST READ!
I too had posted the McCarthy article, on another thread. It blows the BBC’s snide criticisms of Michelle Bachmann out of the water.
I see the BBC found a US law professor – from the very respectable Georgetown Univ. – to write that using drones to kill US citizens without trial or due process of law is quite legal in war.
The US President must be a Democrat, then, because the BBC never bothered to find a US opinion that drones were legal while Bush was in charge.
Oh, and no mention of how many other Nobel Peace Prize laureates use drones to kill their own citizens, legal act of war or not.
How the bBC rewrites a purely Islamic problem into a Tory one.
Hidden world of female genital mutilation in the UK
The bBC has decided to shine a light on this odious practice which contrary to liberal reporting is centred in around the world primarily with followers of one faith. Here is how the bBC opens up its report on the subject;
Every year around 20,000 young women in the UK and France are “at risk” from female genital mutilation (FGM), but the way each country’s authorities deal with those who carry it out are very different.Twenty-three-year-old Ayanna, herself a victim of FGM, stands against the rain-lashed window of her home on the 19th floor of a Glasgow tower block in the Red Road district of the city – home to a new wave of refugees under the government’s dispersal programme.”I am so happy here,” she says, clutching her 11-month-old baby to her. “I no longer suffer the pain of sex with my husband. The pain was worse than childbirth.”
Ayanna? wow could the bBC not find a more Anglicised name in which to report how this Scottish woman. Well she is Scottish isn’t she?
She how the bBC hides this disgusting practice by refusing to name and shame. But then the bBC goes all leftwing I quote:
With the recent influx of Somali immigrants in to the UK, fleeing the war
Err no, the recent influx of Somali immigrants are people given asylum in Europe but on finding out that in Europe you have to work for your benefits, they all upped sticks and relocated to the UK.
Back in Bristol, Muna who was born in Somalia and came to Bristol from Sweden in 2003, is baffled as to why the government does not do more to stop it.
Which Government Muna? The Swedish one, the previous Labour one which let you in to live off the British taxpayer or the current racist Tory one which wants to cut your benefits?
I ask her if she has a message for David Cameron? “Yes,” she says, “do something about FGM. “And if you can’t handle the issue then there is no point in you doing your job.”
Yeah, and I have a message for this black Islamic woman.
How about you return to the country of your Birth, sort out the mess and then preach to the country which is feeding you and your numerous rug-rats (All criminals) how we should deal with Islamic mores, which lets be serious if the government got round to sorting out would have the bBC playing the race card.
The bBC, the traiotrs in our Midst
Well spotted pounce.
No surprises from the BBC. Just as they blame the Conservatives for taking the necessary steps to clean up the economic disaster left to us by Labour, they also blame the Conservatives for the disastrous impact of Labour’s mass immigration.
I am getting more and more annoyed with the BBC. For weeks they have been banging on about problems with the Olympic organisation, G4S and all that. Their negativity has been in full flow with the very obvious intention of discrediting this government. Well at least the Tory part of it. Jeremy Hunt the Sports Minister, dear old Boris the Mayor of London, Lord Coe and many others involved have all tried to impress upon the public the positive side of the games, when allowed to, but have consistently been harangued and chastised for their part in the unforgivable catastrophic picture that the BBC has painted.
So, I was just wondering if anyone out there has thought, as I have done, where the coverage of our sportsmen and women is prior to this worldwide event. There has been little to none positive attention on the boys and girls themselves, their training, where they are from, how many there are, interesting facts about them, let alone what they look like. As we go into these games our national broadcaster has shown positive interest only in the torch procession, which is very nice thank you but it is not the main event. Only when these athletes appear on the starting blocks will the BBC deem to perhaps tell us who they are.
The BBC seem to be the only broadcaster showing the opening ceremony so will have all the prestige of that in spite of its woefully inadequate and negative coverage so far. It is blowing its own trumpet on the 6pm news and the presenter is grinning from ear to ear telling us that the boss of the Olympic committee says we must now be more positive, as if it were someone else’s fault for the bad publicity.
Their hypocrisy is matched in its magnificence only by its bloated budget.
It is not a petition but a revolution that is needed to get rid of this Anti-British Anachronism from 1922. Let’s look forward to celebrating 100 years of the BBC by allowing it to be a fully-fledged member of the free enterprise Big Society so beloved by our dear PM. Scrap the telly tax now, go on Dave you know you can do it.
When Labour was in power the BBC were 100% in support of the Olympics. Now the Conservatives are in the BBC is seizing every opportunity to attack the Olympics and blame and smear the government for every mistake, even though many are due to contracts written by Labour.
Word has it that the opening ceremony will be a liberal’s wet dream. Wth Danny Boyle in charge I am not surprised. Trainspotting was quite the nastiest film I have ever seen. Using nastiest in the sense of just unpleasant and almost unwatchable .
We will have to wait and see.
Way odds on it will be a celebration of British perfidy, cruelty and general nastiness. I hope the world is impressed.
I reckon that we peaked in the 2008 handover ceremony, which reflected the best of a cheap, funny, tacky end of pier view of Britain…plastic zebra crossings and Jimmy Page up on a Routemaster!
We should have got out at the top of the game…it`s not British to try and emulate North Korea.
Less Bradley Wiggins please(good though he is)…and more Eddie the Eagle!
How the bBC words the bleeding obvious in which to excuse despotic Islamic regimes.
Guardian take on Syria boast about its WMDs
Syria threatens to use chemical weapons on outside forces
bBC version of the same story:
Syria ‘will not use’ chemical weapons on its own people
So the regime which has oppressed its people for over 30 years, which wiped out tens of thousands in 1982 and has in a year murdered over 16,000 of its own and the bBC feels it has a right to report that Syria says it won’t uses Chemical weapons on its own people.
Yeah right
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst.
The bBC airs the latest version of Tomorrows world.
Any chance of the bBC using somebody I can understand?
You’re right – she comes close to being unintelligible.
Shackled to BBC World currently, I have had an eye (and ear)-opening insight into the calibre of the BBC’s vast global ‘reporting’ teams. What they come out with is barely comprehensible, and if you can figure out what they are saying, the filter of what the producer tells them to report on and the editor’s cut of their ‘analysis’ makes it laughable.
You miss the point – it’s about female empowerment…
I see Newsnight are focusing on tax avoidance. I wonder if they’ll look at their own employee tax avoidance schemes…
AS soon as I saw Esler introducing the piece, I reckoned that no BBC implication would be allowed to rear its ugly head.
The Mail today said that the BBC near enough made it a condition of employment that their “sub contracted talent” would be off the books…and the BBC have an Asian lady poppet to support this-so it would be wacist, and sexist to say other.
As for the Olympix…anyone tell me how Venus Williams and WilI.I.Am etc get to carry the torch then…not enough British sports people?…lacking Black US role models are we?
Funny when Yankee Imperialism is a good thing to the BBC isn`t it?…don`t remember Annie Lennox or Virginia Wade getting to carry the torch around Atlanta in 1996?
Not politics but money. The
investorscorporate sponsors make much more money from an American rather than a British athlete. The USA is a much larger market.This is an interesting comment garnering support:
‘In a free market, we could make our objections to those salaries known by, er, not forking out to the BBC the money it uses to pay them in the first place.
That’s the bit that means it’s not a free market.
Cue some Borg Hive Village Idiot claiming you don’t have to access any broadcast enabled devices in the 21st century.
NHS = As good as place as any, according to Bongani:
Many here will remember how sickened we were by the BBC;s failure to give proper coverage to the brutal murder of the Fogel family. by Palestinians (Parents and children all stabbed, father decapitated)
I thought the BBC had reached a new low in callousness.
The BBC Director General has finally apologised. But his claim that it all happened because it was a busy news day is pathetic – the BBC employs hundreds of journalists. It was a clear case of disgusting anti-Israel bias.
And it is a further sign of the BBC’s bias – a truly disgusting bias in this case – that it has taken over a year for the BBC to properly apologise, and even then only when the DG had to face a Commons Select Committee.
‘a “very busy news period,” including the fighting in Libya and the tsunami in Japan and that “news editors were under a lot of pressure.”’
That should be burned, in shame, above every so-called ‘professional’, ‘impartial’ BBC employee’s cubicle.
The institutional mindset that led to the omission was bad enough, the delay and denial before grudging admission typical but still dire…. however those two weasels – busy and pressure – in attempted excuse…. risible.
But one heck of another precedent for those the BBC purports to hold to account there, Mark.
‘About those gassed Kurds, Saddam?’
‘Can I get back to you on that, Jezza? Bit busy misdirecting the WMD inspectors.
‘So, Nick, what was it about the BBC-supporting Gordon Brown that first decided you to cover up the fact that the country was being lead by a corridor a few empty Bolly bottles short of a celebration?
‘You can’t ask me that! I hold YOU to account! This is pressure… I can’t be expected to cope with PRESSURE!!!. Call the FoI exemption lawyers now!!!!’
The BBC’s deliberate tax-dodging wsas the main front-page headline on Monday’s Daily Mail – the BBC;s bete noir.
The scam is now also being covered in the Telegraph, the Star and the Mirror.
But I bet it is not mentioned when the Today programme reviews the newspapers.
Yes the droids suspiciously quiet on this one, though I did hear Nikki ‘worrooyouthinkjohninmanchester’ Campell coming out with the hilarious one-liner,
‘I would but it’s not allowed in my personal service contract’.
My how we roared.
BBC 4 is busy celebrating itself. Last night we had an old documentary on the demise of the Honey Bee.
Colony Collapse Disorder
Martha Kearney doned her hat and veil (beekeeping variety that is) to have a peek inside the hive (no she didn’t take a camera team to work with her at Radio 4).
Could it be viruses, paracites or pesticides?
The BBC are a little leading with the title ‘Who Killed the Honey Bee?
Interesting stuff. But the BBC just can’t resist adding Global Warming into the mix.
Lame BBC propagada, levered into an otherwise sensible show.
The guys at the sharp end, the bee farmers, were able to give their opinions on all of the possible causes – except that Global Warming thing.
Or perhaps they were asked about it and we weren’t shown their reaction? Perhaps it was ‘buzz off!’
Any excuse to peddle the alarmist propaganda.
Relentless – no wonder today’s schoolkids become avid warmists and enviro-fascists (aided and abetted by the school curriculum, of course).
Interesting interview on last night’s 10 o’ clock news with Jacques Rogge, IOC President (grey man, grey suit, grey personality) who has just installed himself in the IOC’s headquarters for the duration – they’ve commandeered themselves an entire 5-star hotel for that purpose.
After the polite preliminaries the BBC Sports Editor, David Bond, went off on a bit of a ‘Gary’, asking Rogge what the IOC actually do and isn’t it all a bit extravagant and ‘out of touch’. Rogge struggled as he obviously wasn’t expecting it. At one point he even made the ludicrous suggestion he and his colleagues are all just ‘working class’.
Good on David, I thought.
But then afterwards I was wondering which other grey man, in a grey suit with a grey personality Rogge reminded me of. Then I got it – Herman Van Rompuy, of course!
Now wouldn’t it be nice if the BBC followed up their rogering of Rogge with a rumping of Van Rompuy? Surely you cannot get more ‘out of touch’ and extravagant than the gleaming new office block being built for the EU, with its gym, fancy restaurants, swimming pool etc at a cost of £350,000,000 (which just happens to be the amount by which Britain’s contribution will increase next year).
The question is, will the BBC have the guts to do it?
A stern test of their impartiality, I know, but come on John, come on Eddie, come on Victoria, you can do it!!
You cannot be serious! Do you honestly think the INBBC will go anywhere attacking von rumpoy?
He’s a saint in their eyes.
Highlight of the rogge interview for me was the question about their commandeering of a top class 5* hotel, only to get the answer: ” we have to have accommadation”
Yes of course you may, but not necessarily there! FFS.
Perhaps they could have bunked up with the squaddies. At least their security wouldn’t be in question.
I caught the last 90 seconds of Does Science Need the People? on Radio 4 at around 11:29 this morning. The person speaking was geneticist, public scientist and BBC stooge, Steve Jones. Jones had the chutzpah to claim that things are so much better in science practice now than in, say, 1955 since, he claims, science has become open to public debate and today’s scientists seek to engage rather than ignore the great British public.
So here is a prime enabler of and apologist for scientific fraud (or, rather, fraud in the practice of science, if “climate science” as practised is actually “science”) patronising the BBC audience while advising the BBC not to engage with anyone sceptical of the CAGW/”sustainability”/bio-diversity hoax. I didn’t hear the rest of the programme and – for some reason – it isn’t available for replay. However, I suspect that Jones’s summing up was a pretty accurate example of the effluent tipped into the ether in the previous 30 minutes.
Is Jones an irony-free zone or just arrogantly self-righteous?
Perhaps he’d like to explain the two types of science to us – the sort that’s ‘settled’ and the other one.
The BBC aren’t yet openly aligned to the UN agenda on this, which has little to do with science and everything to do with how the UN realises its ambitions for a world socialist government, cloaked in the guise of securing our ‘sustainable’ future. The IPCC assessment report is full of such crap when it should be concentrating on the ‘science’, though the defining UN policy is to be found in its Agenda 21 – pretty well an ambition to end democracy as we know it.
The next time you hear the words ‘social justice’, remember what you read here:
Yeah, science is open to public debate alright: except when they hide stuff from us like the CRU did.
And the BBC reaction to Climategate? Well, it was a hacking crime, right?
‘The Dark Knight Rises’.
Will BBC-Obama supplicants recognise the politics of this new film?
Does science need the people? Not for those at the BBC who insist the debate is over. Did that nutcase, Steve Jones really say “science has become open to public debate and today’s scientists seek to engage rather than ignore the great British public” The scientific debate of Climate Change has to be made in relative secrecy, and the scientists themselves are censored by the BBC, and there are ten times more scientists than there was on the Channel 4 documentary “The Great Global Warming Scandal” the last documentary on mainstream TV stuffed with the relevant scientists in Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy. The scientists now have to produce their own documentaries. An hour long DVD about Cosmoclimatology called “The Cloud Mystery” has been produced for the scientists by an independent production company. The DVD can be purchased on the http://www.thecloudmystery.com website.
Did that nutcase, Steve Jones really say “science has become open to public debate and today’s scientists seek to engage rather than ignore the great British public”
Those aren’t his exact words but that is certainly the sense of what he said. He claimed that “in 1955” scientists treated non-scientists with contempt as compared with now when – he further claimed – scientists are more open with the public and added that this was rightly so since the public is paying the bills. Significantly, he didn’t add that the taxpayer is not just picking up the tab for the crap “climate science” itself but – worse – the taxpayer is also paying for the massive waste of resources used to effect policies based on fraudulent “climate science”.
‘The trade union fat cats who are strangling our country’
Wonder if Victoria Derbyshire or Dame Nikki, shining beacons of BBC impartiality, could make a feature of this one and start asking some real questions of these Marxist country -wreckers – you know, questions with a bit of a right-wing flavour to them:
Yeah, Scargill had designs on that role too: pity he had St Margaret as an adversary. He got well and truly stuffed, not that he would ever admit that of course.
For open-door BBC:-
“Illegal workers could count for almost half of overseas students”
Is this a report or a how-to-do-it guide for illegal immigrants, drug smugglers and terrorists?
No passport checks at UK small airfields I bet if I found a security breach that would allow just anyone into BBC property the BBC would sue to stop publication.
Isn’t just a little too tabloid?
Ronnie Barker’s son in court on child pornography charges Four references to the father! It’s not as if Ronnie Barker had anything to do with it.
The picture intrigues me. nothing available more recent than 25 years old? He only jumped bail 8 years ago. Perhaps, a phone call to his agent?
Turn backtime. Doing the 70s; made clear that the three day week happened when the Tories were in power. Made it less clear who was in power during the winter of discontent.
the Newsnight ‘audience’ is very diverse tonight…lol
The Leveson Enquiry…..no one at work has ever commented on this waste of time…i guess no one gives a shit
The only soccer-playing-girl in the village?
BBC Radio Grievance (5 Live) are banging on about no Welsh women being picked for the Team GB Olympic football squad.
Apparently, according to the Beeboids, it is shame that there is no Welsh ‘representation’ in the team.
What are they suggesting? Oh for a system of racial and gender quotas in sport!
Just to confirm that the Beeboids are a liberal elite of bien pensants who live in a rarified world of lofty ideals from which they sneer down their noses on we poor ignorant mortals…..
Nicky Campbell this morning and his own personal take on the London Olympic Park ‘….McDonalds beside the Olympic venues……a brothel beside a Cathedral….’
Pompous prig!