BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
Test flight of the Newsnight drone went well. Watch out for it hovering around the head of @gavinesler tonight
I’m presuming it’s a UAV, as surely there’s no way to get Prescott airborne without recourse to a 1st class upgrade or the Finnieston Crane?
Watched the news for thirty seconds last night that was enough. The Beeb going apoplectic about sending a few students home,Arr deedums! They always avoid the main points about immigration,ie, we are an overcrowded, skint island that is about to sink but try telling that to the bell ends at the bbc.
My comment: given the BBC is seemingly unable to make any reference to the Religion of Peace without a load of blather about the Vast Majority of Peace-Loving Muslims, are we allowed to ask how many squatters are genuinely ‘working poor’ versuses smackheads or Occutards? Just how representative is ‘Katie’?
Defenders of the indefensible will simply deny all claims of bias entirely because Humphrys pointed out that squatting and causing financial harm to the owner was no better than stealing a car. All the rest of the charges about presenting this outlier as some kind of poster child will be dismissed out of hand because of it.
BBC Radio Manchester had a woman on who took to squatting to escape an abusive relationship. See, it’s soooo unfair to criminalise squatting or as I call it, stealing someone elses property. How would this woman have coped other than by squatting? Well, she could have called the police but the beeb didn’t bother to ask her that. The BBC wants to give you the impression that squatting is for the desperate and that there are absolutely no hippies, druggies or foreigners involved.
I beleive the same woman turned up on BBC 5 Live on the Stephen ‘How did that make you feel?’ Nolan show. oddly all the squatters presented to listeners on the BBC were either NHS nurses, teachers or ‘women escaping abusive partners’.
No Romanian chancers with bogus tenancy agreements then?
I recall reading one squatting Polish girl interviewed in a newspaper claiming she was squatting “because rents in England are too high”. Well that’s alright then. The squat was in Hampstead.
When next I steal a Rolex I must remember the defence that they are “too expensive”
Daily Express 31-8-12.
Graham Norton sells company to ITV, i wonder how much public money has been involved over the years to allow him to make millions?
I would hate to think that the BBC was paying out two salaries to ‘market-rate talents’.
One above the table that we the little people get to hear about.
And another one below the table that involves the BBC ie us paying a lot of money/ sweetheart deal to the ‘market-rate talent’s’ production company to make the ‘market-rate talent’s’ programme.
I mean the BBC is *supposed* to be inter alia a production company.
Insensitive this might well be and questionable as to what the owner was thinking when he called his shop Hitler, but the real stupidity is this phrase:
The store has Hitler written in large letters over the front and a Nazi swastika symbol makes up the dot on the letter “i”.
Erm that’s not a Nazi swasitka – it’s the wrong way round for a start. It’s a hindu swastika.
Not a case of same same but different – just very different indeed.
Actually the Hindu swastika & Hindu swastika point the same way. There are two main differences between the two: first that the Nazis rotated the Hindu swastika by 45 degrees and second that the Hindu swastika usually has a dot in each quadrant.
This having been said, the swatstika in the shops name is rotated and has lost its dots so I would say that it was a Nazi swastika.
The Hindu swastika is used a fair bit in India, I have seen it as a decorative pattern on top of yoghurt dips for example, but always with the dots…
Unlike some a bit late to the party, but with a keen eye for what makes a story and an evident penchant for adding new numbers to a remake of The Producers (How Many Stormtroopers can you count dancing on a pinhead?’), that was still worth adding.
Pretty sure our hapless shopowner was going for the full ‘effect’ and knew exactly what imagery he was after to get it, but FWIW the dots do not seem mandatory but certainly used in the majority.
What is interesting is this, from an article making the same connection, but I do note that the swastika is in red in daytime:
Don’t recall that too often bearing down in the Victor annual.
Fair bit in Singapore mind.
Entirely in step (in goose step?) with the BBC narrative. Israeli anger at India clothing shop called Hitler
No matter what, find an Israeli angle What no one else could possibly be upset? No Poles or Russians or Gypsies or Germans (such a shop would be illegal in Germany) or Dutch or French or Czech or Communists or even Indians with a sense of decency?
Arch BBC climate change alarmist Richard Black has been given the tin-tac. Rejoice! Or rather he says he’s leaving the beeb to work ‘initially’ on ocean conservation (weird, I wasn’t aware of any plans to build on or use up the oceans – but whatever – it’s great news). Now for Shukman.
Good bloody riddance.
I despised just about every word he wrote, I object to being lectured to .. and badly and I don’t believe a word he says.
I just hope the BBBC don’t bring him back as a consultant where consultant equals the same work for double pay.
All gone a bit quiet on this but there was comment a couple of years ago that if a radio presenter was having a night off the BBC would ship in one of their market-rate talents to fill in.
Now get this, the BBC assume that the person covering could otherwise be out doing a corporate gig and that the fee for the one off show should compensate.
A ten grand fee (of our money) for, say, doing a two hour radio show was a not unusual figure.
It is our money but a FoI request for the information would be blanked with a ‘commercial sensitivity’ lie.
Feelings in India towards the Third Reich are not entirely negative. The hero of Indian nationalists, and founder of the Indian National Army, Subhas Chandra Bose spent 1941 to 1943 hanging around Berlin and helped form a Waffen SS unit of Indian POW’s there (although himself a bit of a leftie!) , before heading off to Japan to set about organising the INA and its participation in the invasion of India from Burma.
Shhhh! As any fule kno, Gandhi was a saint with absolutely no base qualities whatsoever. Nope, not a one. Certainly didn’t suggest that we make peace with the cuddly Nazis, absolutely not.
Good grief, you’ll be dissing Obama (the modern Mahatma !) next, and then where will it all end ?
Eric Holder’s Dept. of Justice investigation into two deaths allegedly caused by CIA interrogation, along with a general look into the treatment of the agni innocenti at Gitmo, has been closed, charges dropped. The BBC’s report on it is very sober, no sneering, or anything. The bulk of the piece is about what’s actually been going on, and no space given to voices screaming about whitewashing or covering up atrocities or Eric Holder and the President now being complicit in human rights violations. Funny, that.
Myself, Ramadama- something aka the missus, and the Bupettes are headed for Cuba after the hurricane season – leastwise the travel agent said it was after the hurricane season.
We’ve signed up for a coach trip to Gitmo. Apparently you can hire sharp sticks and poke the orangeys through the bars.
Isn’t this a prime example of the illusion of progress? Nowadays if you want to mock-a-loon you have to get into a big shiny bird and fly for hours across the Atlantic to gratify the desire. Our Victorian forbears, meanwhile, had only to to make the short trip to the local asylum for a jolly afternoon of fun and frolic ‘mongst the nutters. More like reverse gear than progree if you ask me !
Anyway, enjoy your jaunt to sunny Castroland, uncle – poke one for me. And make sure you don’t bring back a hairy cove wearing fatigues and forage cap in your hand luggage.
Anyone else catch Newsnight Scotland last night? The second part of the Leftist propaganda advertisement centered around the aggressive, soap-starved lefties who have been vociferously trying to stop an Israeli dance group from performing at the Edinburgh Fringe through violent means. Now, what this biased feature didn’t pick up on was the Muslim extremists who were also ‘protesting’ (shouting vile abuse) in this , trouble-making, bongo drum-banging rent-a-mob… I should know, I had the misfortune to walk past the scum on my way home. I am sick to death with aggressive, intolerant, spoiled, rich-kid overgrown students spitting their anti-Semitic bile; how they can stand shoulder to shoulder with terrorist sympathizers disgusts me utterly. I’ve had enough of the annoying arty-farty clowns who take over Edinburgh for 2 weeks; they act like it’s their city. As far as I’m concerned they can sod off to some fundamentalist Islamic state.
Yes, BBC’s NUJ politically endorses opposition to Israel art, and that political line is evident in all BBC-NUJ output on Israel, inc that of ‘Newsnight’.
Well, you can’t blame the poor darlings. They sadly missed out on “Free Nelson Mandela” and “Who can spot the can of apartheid pineapple chunks” through being born twenty years too late, so Israel will have to do instead in order to gratify the need for in-your-face self-righteousness.
I think the red mist would have descended had I been walking past these muppets and screw the concequences. GTF outa scotland and take your useful idiots with you.
It’s only 50 tickets they’re giving away to people who show up on time to some local bar, but you can bet this won’t be the only time they do this. Not much of a sign of enthusiasm for Hope & Change, now, is it?
Perhaps if they got the right celebrities to speak. I hear the Dems are scrambling right now to counter Eastwood.
That would be cool if you get a chance. I’m mostly interested to know if they can’t even give away all the free tickets to see the Sermon on the Mount.
“South African police are filmed shooting dead 34 miners… but prosecutors charge their 270 fellow strikers with murder under tainted Apartheid-era law”
just inflicted fifteen minutes of Any Questions on myself. Never come across so many flakes since my last outbreak of scabies. Where does the BBC get them all from?
Apparently every squatter is only inhabiting a property where the owners are away a long time and don’t care, every single one of our 2.5 million ‘on the sick’ is completely incapable of a day’s work, and every single foreign student on these shores is genuine.
Who’d a thunk.
‘Any Questions’ as a title is a misnomer.
‘Here’s A Government Policy, Folks, Let’s All Attack It Woohoo’, would be a lot nearer the mark.
With you here uncle.
Some moppet from one of the liberal broadsheets seems to think that squatters and illegal students should have been given two years warning about their crimes becoming…well, criminal offences I`d say!
And the sad old Mumsnet plank gets lots of applause from her Hebden Bridge audience…
Couldn`y stomach any more to be honest…but following on from Abbott, record numbers of Polish mums giving birth over here, and some crap about exam results failing to provide self-esteem: I just about gave up…in fact I did!
Any Questions?…only one-why the f**k are we putting up with this shit when there`s real news available with Uncle Rupert?
… and how ATOS sponsoring the paralympics is supposedly ‘beyond satire’.
Not so, actually, dear flakey audience and dear flakey panel.
Quite the opposite.
In one section of our society, people with ‘back pain’, or ‘mental elf issues’, or some other easy-to-fake hard-to-diagnose condition are removing themselves from the workforce and striping up the taxpayer for the rest of their lives.
In another section of society, people with genuine disability like say a missing leg are ‘getting on with it’ and banging out a 100 metre sprint in 10.78 seconds.
Absolutely ATOS should be sponsoring the paras, and in the words of Andy Blokey-bloke they should ‘take a bow, pal’.
… and if you got bored with ‘Here’s A Government Policy, Folks, Let’s All Attack It Woohoo’, like I did you could have turned on the telly to catch another BBC top rate talent – ‘Miranda’.
It was the episode where hilariously she fell over (cf Fattie Arbuckle et al 1922 onward), then hilariously got her dress caught in the door of a car (cf You’ve Been Framed 1979 onward), before finally, and you’ll roar with laughter at this one, hilariously getting an item of her clothing caught in a sushi conveyor belt (cf Johnny English).
It’s simple. The Left, who control the MSM, are holding anyone with opposing political beliefs, to ransom. No matter what the Tories do, no matter what any particular party that holds ideologies not of the Left do, they will be intimidated by socialist thugs, who will send out their UAF jackboots to ‘protest’. It will get worse as well.
We can see this blanketing of opposition debate in the whole GCSE grade fiascio, the welfare reforms, the deficit cuts, the student fees pantomime etc. If the Left disagree, they will turn to violence and intimidation; sounds familiar doesn’t it? Yes, because that’s exactly how the Nazis started out, through grass roots intimidation based on peoples’ fears and the herd instinct of doing what you are told by a larger group. If you oppose multiculturalism and big government intervention then you risk intimidation from extremist left-wing bully-boys, it’s that simple. The BBC, Sky News, Channel 4, the Guardian and the Independent are the mouthpieces that are destabilizing the country. We live in divisive and fractured times.
Could not agree with you more Alex!
Been away for a few days and the souffles of aired up synthetic grievances as whipped up by the BBC/Guardian is both cynical and chilling.
Those “students” at their “uni”, those “hard-earned grades” of those trying so hard to “get to uni” being traduced, those homeless and vulnerable souls at risk of being “criminalised” for committing a criminal offence-squatting….what a stew of libleft slurry we`re being expected to “do something about”…as far as the MSM are concerned anyhoo.
Witness the storm in an eggcup over thalidomide…a German company who are NOT Distillers say sorry-but it`ll never be enough..only 50 years have gone, and Big Pharma must stay in the liberal dock, for any pretext whatsoever.
What with the indifference to abortion-and the sucking up and indulgences for the Paralympics…what are we supposed to do BBC?
A complete dogs dinner of slush, sentiment and jackboots and proclamation for Goebbels-lite at the BBC…and we`re to just respond viscerally and buy the wristband/call the BBC helpline?
F***`in dribbling, incoherent, schizoid hypocrites with no wish other that we “respond” by voting Labour until Obama and the One World Coalition of the Willing(E.U/U.N/Al Queda and the Umma)…take it upon themselves to ensure compliance.
Creepy…truly creepy-time to f*** the BBC/\guardian Axis of Weevils before they finish US!
Occasionally a phrase sums up the election. Hope and change did it in 2008. I can see empty chair doing this in 2012. Obama can take criticism. He simply ignores it. But can he take ridicule?
Is it just me, or are many of the disabled people languishing on benefits most probably capable of working in view of the fact that large numbers of them are running, jumping, swimming and cycling the crap out of the place over in Stratford?
Life of Pakistan blasphemy case girl ‘in danger’ bbc news
sooo … who? would put her life in danger?
“Pakistan’s stringent blasphemy laws are a licence to persecute minorities”
sooo … who? would be persecuting the minorities???’
“it was so nice here before, if she comes back now maybe they will kill her” ?
sooo … who? would kill her ????
Muslims could take law into their own hands,'” the Guardian,
yep! unbelievably one has look here to find the “m”
word answer
Switching sides – bbc news
ahem! “change of heart???? as some Taliban fighters join Afghan government ” ?????
“In a city proud of having Afghanistan’s only museum to jihad”
do they mean those deceitful, despicable, double crossing, murdering bas–ards by any chance.
oops! sorry al bbc, i meant to say “freedom fighters”
Who? Clearly it’s those extremists the BBC keeps reassuring us are only a microscopic minority. Numbering, apparently, in the tens of millions, but never mind.
Never thought I’d say this but I have to congratulate Al Beeb for it’s report on R4’s news at ten for an ubiased view about life on the Israeli/Egyptian border in Sinai.
It goes to show they can tell the truth when they want to.
For goodness sakes WHY must Newsnight ALWAYS use ethnic minorities in their feature interviews? I’m sick of it! Why can’t they use British people for a change? Talk about brainwashing.
If you mean that thing about the schools, they could at least have found some pupils who talked English – it’s no fucking wonder they got D’s. By interviewing these students the Beeb managed to destroy their own argument that the grades were unfair. And then Newsnight finished with displays from North Korea’s Youth Day. How apt for the beeb. You really couldn’t make it up.
I know I’m late into this but, and this truly boggles my mind, the BBBC has managed to be on the side of squatters, visa cheats, illegal immigrants, and disability benefit cheats just in the last 24 hours. And all week we have had Stephen “Jabba the hut” Nolan expressing false outrage. I do not know how DV manages to attempt to engage with that faux Socialist Philistine on the radio as often as he does. I hope he doesn’t have to sit opposite the frothing rabid hypocrite in the process!
Wooly Jumper-wearing, Guardian-reading, Fair Trade Coffee-sipping Drama Student from Chelsea says:
If these ‘socialists’ had to live in a neighborhood with Somali criminals, Muslim extremists, Romanian beggars and lefty media studies students playing techno full-blast every night, they’d soon desert their holier-than-thou viewpoints. It’s funny, have you ever wondered how the socialist movement is effectively a posh, upper class movement that patronizes the real poverty-stricken within society? If a poor person isn’t the right colour or ethnicity then they will be ignored… however if the poor person in question is from a minority, then they are used by the upper classes as a tool in the undermining of power; textbook anarchism.
For unbridled, self-indulgent and snooty leftism, look no further than Kirsty Wark’s Newsnight Review, truly the stuff of a thespian’s wet dream. Thoroughly pretentious nonsense!
No problem with repeating the good news. Wish I could hear it on a 15 minute repeating cycle like BBC News 24. Although I’m not optimistic about future BBC coverage being any less biased.
Interesting that the BBC didn’t run with this story. Perhaps they don’t want to glamorize the killing of would-be mass murderers, or to remind people of the threat posed by the former associates of the inmates at Gitmo…
Wryly noting this quoted from the Newsnight ‘Elsewhere on the web’ page: ‘The Guardian’s favourite intellectual, the man who Newsnight turns to when it needs comment on matters of daily life, is typical’*
Yes, typical. And slightly unsurprising, except maybe to such as Helen Boaden.
But still, they seem proud.
*I may have edited a tad for space reasons, which one is sure the BBC, as fellow practitioners, will be comfortable with.
BBC 5 Live has become a no go zone this week. It can be radio grievance at the best of times but this week if it isn’t squatters’ rights it has been teachers whining ‘It’s sooo unfair!’
This morning I turn on the radio and hear that a Paralympian – one of the Beeb’s plaster saints – has been disqualified from a race and had a sweary hissy fit.
“I fell out of the gate because the f***ing thing didn’t open,” he raged at the officials. “Everybody else gets the f***ing re-ride. You can’t do this, I’ve worked all my life for this.
“I’ve wasted four years of my life to ride in front of a 6000 home crowd and I’m in the shape of my life. I’ll never get this opportunity again. Never, ever.”
ie (to quote a popular phrase) ‘it’s soooo unfair’.
Meanwhile Phil Jones at the Olympic Park tells me he is now admiring a huge pink wall that carries motivational slogans.
Have I really woken up in a BBC endorsed North Korea or just some parallel BBC dream universe?
Ahhh the ego of these “sportsmen/women”, I seem to remember Coe when competing in Moscow being a little upset at not beating a British rival. And when he did eventualy win a medal his ego exploded, not very sportsman like.
Good old Steve Ovett, the 1980 800m Olympic Champion. Apparently, the Bronze medal was only good for throwing in a sock drawer…..according to a sore loser.
“BBC stars come out for Mark Thompson farewell film.
“Fierce competition is under way at the BBC for a role in Mark Thompson’s leaving video, seen by insiders as an essential status symbol within the organisation.”
“The film is a ‘tribute’ to Mark Thompson, the departing director general, and will form the main attraction at his farewell party before he leaves for America to take up his post as the chief executive of The New York Times.
“The big night is to be hosted by Lord Patten of Barnes, the chairman of the BBC Trust, once again demonstrating his tight control of the corporation and political mastery of its executives. Normally, a party such as this would be masterminded by the director general’s deputy.”
Well I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed. The BBC spends thousands of pounds on private parties for their staff – and this is even after they claim to have drastically cut back on such waste.
A SECOND celebration for Thompson at Islamic AL JAZEERA?
Of course, there are many Muslims who would like to celebrate Thompson’s role of Islamisation at Islam Not BBC (INBBC).
But Muslims generally resent the presence of alcohol at parties, so perhaps a second celebration for Thompson should be held at the nearby Islamic broadcaster, AL JAZEERA (strategically based in London, across the River Thames from Westminster, at Westminster Tower, 3 Albert Embankment).
Such a celebration for Thompson at Al Jazeera could be easily financed by its owner, the Emir of Qatar, with willing co-sponsors of the Islamising European Union (represented again by Lord Patton), to donate E.U money from taxpayers to such a worthy cause; but if needs be, we licence payers could see our money diverted too.
Chief speakers (apart from the Emir of Qatar and Lord Patton) should include Muslim Aaqil Ahmed, who Thompson appointed as head of religion and ethics at INBBC; another speaker must be Muslim Rageh Omaar of Al Jazeera who was commissioned to make several INBBC 2 TV series promoting Islam, including one on Muhammad, and one on Islam in Europe. And Thompson himself can elaborate on his theme- ‘why Muslims deserve more special treatment’:
“BBC: We’ll mock Jesus but not Muhammad”
Guests should include the staff of Islamic Al Jazeera, of which many are ex-Beeboids: all doing their bit to promote Islam. Guests should include key staff from World Service’s (soon to be INBBC’s) Arabic TV service, as well as from the apartheid radio station Asian Network.
‘tight control of the corporation and political mastery of its executives.’
A few choice comments already holding our ‘most trusted to be profligate with other people’s money’ national treasure burial site. Shame it’s not in the Graun where they might get to see it.
What I don’t see, even from the DT author, is a full ‘fessing to who is stumping up to this ‘invite only’ bash. From what I read between the lines… we are. And, frankly, reading about it in a ‘what can you do about it, na-ni-na?’ post ‘report’ seems pretty much on par given the rest of their unique funding arrangements.
Have to also love, along with the quote above, they really are not afraid to admit to wearing their politics on their sleeves.
I wonder, which one might that be?
If the guy was ‘pharmasist’ then he would have qualifications surely? If he has passed exams he must have studied with others and learnt social skills? So he must know how to behave with women (even if he only studied with men).
I saw a trailer for the new Inspector Gently yesterday I’ve never seen the programme but it seemed clearly to be a leftwing propaganda piece: a black man having his windows splattered with red paint from an angry white mob. Hmmm. When did that ever happen? I was curious to see what time period this was set it so I consulted wikipedia. Apparently this episode had already aired pn 26th August and was watched by 6.5 million so it may have already been mentioned somewhere else on this site. Here’s the description of the episode via wiki:
“In Durham, the haven of equality found at the Carlton all-nighter is destroyed when a young black girl, Dolores Kenny, is murdered. Chief Inspector George Gently soon uncovers a disturbing and malevolent racist undercurrent lurking both within the local community and his own police force. Set against the backdrop of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Gently and Bacchus have their eyes opened to the shocking consequences of casual racism as racial tension spirals out of control, leaving a path of destroyed friendships, love affairs and families in its wake. Refusing to let deep-seated prejudices cloud their vision, Gently and Bacchus work tirelessly to unmask how Dolores died.
Events are taken to have occurred in late April 1968. In addition to the discussion of Martin Luther King’s assassination on 4 April, in one scene characters are seen watching the broadcast of Enoch Powell’s notorious Rivers of Blood speech which took place on 20 April. Reference also is made to the impending Race Relations Act 1968 which had its second reading in Parliament on 23 April. The varying reactions of characters in George Gently’s Durham were explored. ”
Did anyone here actually watch this? It seems from the description to be obviously leftist propaganda of the kind: “see how bad everything used to be before WE saved you from it.”
I also noted the plots from the forthcoming episodes. According to wikipedia, the next one concerns “Free-spirited Ellen represented a challenge to the Establishment,” while the next has ” investigations into the Mother and Baby home itself reveals a much darker side to this hothouse of morality” and the last promises “Underworld figure, Rattigan, who Gently sent down all those years ago, has been cleared on the grounds that evidence was fabricated by Gently himself”.
I’m curious to know what relationship these tv dramas have to the original Gently books by Alan Hunter. Has anyone read them? It is interesting however that the BBC only started “adapting” the series after the author’s death in 2005 and seems only interested in the 1960s period while the books apparently take place over decades. An attempt to create an anti-Heartbeat perhaps?
I mentioned this on last Friday’s open thread. There I was idly thumbing through last Saturday’s paper and I came across Gently and read the synopsis. It was biased BBC gold – assassination of Martin Luther King, Enoch Powell, northern soul, discrimination, police corruption and racism and lots and lots of nasty white racists – imagine the Lawrence murder circa 1968. Talk about heavy handed. Typical extreme left wing propaganda masquerading as entertainment (which the BBC is now notorious for). From now on I will be ending my posts with F.O.A.D.B.B.C. You can all join in if you like.
All the episodes I have seen are achingly p.c. and usually anachronistic.
Only one plod is a good plod every other authority figure is a lesser or greater monster.
Have to say the uber lurvey Shaw was fantastic in Deed ! no truly I haven’t laughed so much since the ‘funniest joke in the world sketch’ by Monty pythons! they were not only funny but prophets for the bloody awful series this berk keeps falling for !oh and watch him in Poirot he was achingly bloody awful! even the immense acting skills of David Suchet couldn’t cover Shaws dribble !
‘Islam in the News’ worldwide news concerning Islam and its followers. … [edit] Germany: “Arab” youths beat rabbi and threaten to kill his six-year-old
al bbc – results for germany rabbi beaten
Sorry, there are no results for your search.
I’m sure the BBC is merely waiting for confirmation before reporting how the Jew got bruised by some youths of no particular description except which continent their family comes from.
No, I’m only joking. The BBC won’t report it at all as this rabbi’s life is just about the lowest-valued thing there is on the news totem pole. He wasn’t killed, so it’s even less interesting. Never mind if it’s yet another sign of a disturbing trend. They can’t report on that as it would come as a shock to their audience to suddenly start learning about this issue, since it’s generally censored from BBC output.
The ways things are going the BBC and their Socialist comrades will be like this Rabbi in the near future.
When they ask for help no one will help them. Karma will be a bitch.
I’m expecting this: After an exhaustive enquiry we found that tanned white people were responsible. They’ll do anything not to point the finger at the people responsible. Anyone remember that EU report which blamed arabs/Turks for the rise of anti-semetism in Europe? The wrong conclusion was reached, the report hastily re-written and blame was duly apportioned to white neo Nazi/skinheads. They’ll probably be another whitewash or are the Germans going to face up to the moslem multi-culti nightmare they’ve unleashed?
It was the issue that also featured Niall Ferguson’s takedown of Him.
The early read on sales suggests the issue could double Newsweek’s newsstand average, MagNet said. It’s also on track to land among the title’s top three newsstand sellers since 2010, according to MagNet data.
But never mind all that, eh? The real story is that nobody really knows who Mitt Romney is, and he’s losing the likeability competition. If we listen to Mardell and the BBC, that is.
Stats like that must make the editors of The Guardian and The New Statesman grid their teeth in despair. It serves to remind them that right-of-centre publications like the Daily Mail etc continue to have much larger readerships than their morally superior offerings, and suggests that their assumed and so-called ‘liberal consensus’ is a figment of their self-righteous imaginations.
I’m sure that it enforces their view that “the rest of us” are far too stupid to be trusted with anything – including what light bulbs we use, what bin we put our rubbish in, who to vote for and what to spend our hard earned money on….amongst ten thousand other things the left want to control in our lives.
The BBC report about Romney visiting Louisiana to show support for those dealing with the disaster makes sure to get in Harry Reid calling it “the height of hypocrisy” and a claim that Republicans want to “gut” disaster aid, but censors the truth about the President’s hurriedly-planned visit.
Correspondents say both Mr Obama and Mr Romney were eager to display crisis leadership in the wake of Isaac.
That part is true, at least.
“The decision to travel on Monday was made before Governor Romney announced his decision to travel to Louisiana on Friday,” an Obama aide told reporters from the presidential plane Air Force One.
Except this is a lie, and the BBC isn’t going to tell you. The President’s minions said earlier on Friday that they had no plans to go. They changed it after Romney took the political initiative. Before defenders of the indefensible chime in with the insults about dim bulbs being fed red meat, I didn’t get this from Fox News. It’s been reported by Politico, an outlet filled with Left-leaning JournoListas and with close White House contacts. Politico is perhaps the most-linked and retweeted source for the BBC on US politics, other than the Washington Post, so we know they know about it. The President is leading from behind on this one, but the BBC decided you didn’t need to know. I’d say that this could be in retaliation for Clint Eastwood’s blasphemous display, but they do this all the time already.
Meanwhile, the Romney campaign insisted it had not hurried to appear first amid the storm wreckage.
Sure, they provided the claims of both sides, so it’s “balanced”, job done, right? What’s a little white lie between friends? BBC Fact Checker has weekends off.
Mr Obama made federal emergency aid available earlier in the week. But he pledged further assistance for individuals in a Friday call with parish presidents and local leaders in Louisiana and Mississippi.
Senate Majority Leader Democrat Harry Reid said Mr Romney’s visit was the “height of hypocrisy”, adding that Republicans planned to gut disaster aid.
I’m sure the Beeboids feel that the above balances out the vox pops quote they put in earlier of someone expressing a positive sentiment toward Romney, albeit in a less than articulate manner.
“He just told me to, um, there’s assistance out there,” resident Jodie Chiarello said. “He’s good. He’ll do the best for us, you know. He speaks to our best interests at heart.”
I’ll be watching in future for the BBC to so accurately quote Occupiers or Obamessiah-supporting vox pops to include the verbal dross like this.
For some reason (a slap-dash attempt at “balance”, perhaps, to prove that they can throw in non sequiturs for both sides?), the piece ends with a couple Romney campaign talking points, which have zero to do with the rest of it.
BBC: If you think we’re going to report this and give anybody even the slightest suggestion that Romney might have gotten even the tiniest bounce from the convention (especially Eastwood’s blasphemy), or that he’s closing the likeability gap, or that the President isn’t doing as well, you don’t know us very well, do you?
Quick: somebody rustle up something showing them tied or the President slightly leading in swing states.
I’m not racist, I just don’t like Hawaiians. All those flower garlands and pineapple chunk cocktails, awful. Hawaiians are not a race are they? Since when?
Book him Danno, he just insulted the Pres. (Everyone knows he’s a Kenyan anyway)
The BBC has sided with a University which is hiding illegal immigrants, is siding with squatters who break into people’s homes when they are away and cost them thousands to get rid of them. They side with the people’s favourite Richard Branson in a legitimate bid for a rail franchise on behalf of the Labour party for which we now have to pay for, they side with the teachers (unions) in the grade change story and now want to take it to court (again at our expense) which proves that a vote for Labour is actually a vote for the Unions.
The BBC is a monolistic left wing broadcaster and what is disgraceful if we have no competition in the broadcasting world, even though we pay a license fee.
Thank buggery its finally the weekend.
An entire week of prod/orange order bashing on bbcni talkback and every news bulletin.
Every so called presenter has been frothing at the mouth in the constant demonising of anything British.
Im sure lard arse nolan is gutted that he was not on air this week as there is no one else into prod bashing as much as him.
At least we got a break on friday when they turned their attention back to the evil Ulster Bank.
Well, a bbc news24 report just reported an update on the pakistan blasphemy case and actually managed to tell of many instances where minorities are attacked and abused in pakistan. Couldn’t bloody believe it: Head finally out of the sand?
Abusers not identified tho’ but obvious from the context so hard to criticize.
For the three-day Muslim festival of Eid-al-Fitr, which ends the fasting month of Ramadan, the ministry of defence approved permits for 130,000 West Bank Palestinians to enter Israel and visit those beaches in Tel Aviv.
Another Haaretz writer, Gideon Levy, commented: Why can’t this happen twice a year? In fact, why not every day, damn it?” One feels like screaming out because people who spend their time campaigning for Israel’s destruction are less than welcome. Spirits are not dampened in Tel Aviv precisely because those who commit terrorist acts are largely kept out.
Gideon Levy, by the way, is an enormously controversial figure in Israel, not simply a journalist for the Israeli equivalent of the Guardian. He has been called a propagandist for the Hamas someone who doesn’t show empathy for his country, and a borderline security risk
Haaretz is like the Guardian facing a problem of dropping subscriptions in part because of Levy. Novelist Irit Linur started this campaign when she wrote It is a person’s right to be a radical leftist, and publish a newspaper in accordance with his world view… However Haaretz has reached the point where its anti-Zionism has become stupid and evil,
I don’t have too much problem for someone praising Breivik for his evil act, it’s a bit like Holocaust denial. But I agree that it’s amazing that mass-murderers like Arafat and Guevara are revered, Lenin and Mao are worshipped but no-one makes a comment about it. Double standards, a main feature of the Left.
i cannot agree more …
freedom of speech is all about sometimes hearing things you don t want to.
in GENUINELY open debate, it can do you no harm to hear it, it would reinforce your own view, to hear it catagorically dismantled, (if it is racist, discriminatory hot air that is?).
the edge is, when the issue itself is based in fact, it should get equal, even and wide indepth discussion then? 😀
….. …. well it should erm! … ….
shouldn t it?
I probably didn’t make myself clear when I tried to explain my first post. I’m happy that this man was arrested as he has gone beyond saying that Breivik’s worries are genuine, even though his actions were evil.
I agree with some of Beivik’s concerns but murder is not acceptable ever.
My agreement with Highland Rebel is that if arrest is good enough for Breivik’s disciples, then why not for those supportive of PLO/Hamas murders? Murder is murder, and in neither case can self-defence be justified, nor is there a war justification.
” mass murderers like Yasser Arafat are revered and treated as heroes.”
“The BBC governors have upheld part of a complaint against a journalist who said she “started to cry” as a dying Yasser Arafat left the West Bank in 2004.”
“The governors said they approved of the “rapid and comprehensive way” in which Ms Boaden had apologised to those who were offended. ”
How the hell can that be called “rapid”? She should have apologised immediately and publicly reprimanded the reporter. So neither rapid nor comprehensive – yet more lies from the BBC.
I just note this… ‘Barbara Plett was initially cleared by the head of editorial complaints over the From Our Own Correspondent report on Radio 4 but a listener appealed.’
…which pretty much sums up ALL my experiences with the BBC Escape Culpability Unit.
It’s almost like…. it’s a policy.
Which, frankly, raises some questions I’d like those in power to account for.
Also, as pointed out, to get from the actual facts to the tripe totted out, the Governors evidently sup from the same Kool-Aid vat as does the market rate talent that is Ms. Boaden.
And these are what control how £4Bpa gets deployed in ‘educating and informing’?
If they were any more hypocritically deluded they could be Diane Abbott’s stand-ins.
Earlier this evening we were subjected to a paean to the new TUC leader Frances O’Grady on Radio 4. A programme called Profile, so fair enough that she is featured, but since the head of the TUC is essentially a politician then surely any such profiling should be critical and attempt to give a ‘warts an’all’ picture.
Will the BBC start adopting the line taken by Friedland in the Guardian – that Romney is looking in a better position than before? He even harks back to the Guardian-invented story about Mitt’s so-called gaffes on the visit to London.
Sounds to me that Friedland (like the Economist leader this week) is starting to hedge his bets on the election.
And as David Preiser has pointed out, the Rasmussen poll today was showing a 3-point lead for Romney. That is a 5 point turnaround since a week ago. And two-thirds of the polling was conducted BEFORE the final night of the Republican convention that had so many solid and often moving tributes to Romney as a humane man, plus Rubio and the ineffable Clint Eastwood – and then Romney’s own speech accepting the nomination.
Yes the Dems may get a bounce from their convention next week – but this could well be punctured by the unemployment figures due out on Friday.
The RealClearPolitics average of the recent polls show Obama with just a 0.3% lead – and most of the polls are among voters in general, whereas Rasmussen uses the more reliable indicator of LIKELY voters.
Kirsty’s in the Beeb basement
Mixing up the medicine
I’m on the pavement
Luvvies talkin ’bout the Gov’ment
Users, cheaters, six-time losers
Been hanging round Edinburgh theatres
Multiculture, blame culture
SNP, on the TV
EU, screw you
It’s the Liberal Elite
Look out kid
It’s somethin you did
You don’t need a weatherman
To know which way the wind blows
(sorry Bob)
BBC Review Show this week and Kirsty Wark and guests Paul Morley and Sarah Crompton go into paroxysms of excitement over the new (139th?) Bob Dylan double album (man!).
Maureen Lipman sounds a single off-key note but her opinion is swept away on the tide of enthusiasm led by Kirsty in the chair.
In fact Ms Wark is so animated I imagine she almost falls off her chair as she relates the sheer delight felt , ‘at the arrival of Dylan’s new LP at the BBC’ (!).
An arts review show is just the kind of thing at which the the BBC ought to excel.
But no. The Review Show is a sad neglected backwater.
For good reason.
The only recommendations I would take from their reviewers is to seek out items that they don’t like and to avoid those about which they rave.
Having decoupled this show from the Titanic which is Newsnight and transferred it to Glasgow you know that they know it just isn’t working – but they don’t seem to know why.
Could it be that the guest list is invariably stuffed with right-on babyboomers – who in their dreams are still “stickin’ it to the Man”?
I’ve avoided the Review Show since one of their tribe Kwarme Kwei Armeh (real name Ian Roberts) in a David Brent-like moment of self delusion brought out his own pop album. This subsequently sunk without a trace despite (or because) of the gushing encomiums it received on the programme.
I was tempted by your review to watch this one or at least the Dylan segment. Some thoughts: Is John Lennon’s murder now officially an “assassination” at the BBC? Thank goodness for Maureen Lipman. Why do the BBC use idiotic Paul Morley so much?
But the Dylan song did song pretty good to me, so I may check it out despite the recommendation.
I’ve long been puzzled by my own “weird urge” to watch the weekly episodes of “Newsnight Review” or “The Review Show” or whatever other names its been called as it has mutated over the last decade. But on each viewing the result is the same: after ten minutes of watching the same cosy, cabal of right-on, solipsistic, narcissistic nonentites wittering away about a book that i will never read, a film i will never see, or an artist I have never heard of, I find my teeth on edge, my toes curling, and my facial expression turned into one long embarrassed, cringing shudder. Just where do they get these duds from? And why do I tune in again for the same dose of hifalutin arty-farty BS on the next show? More important these duds get paid for this stuff – out of my license fee!! Just how much I wonder?
When Michael Portillo was invited (for one time only) onto the Review Show Paul Morely spend the entire programme glaring with hatred for him. Since Morely is a BBC regular I presume he writes for The Guardian. Morely makes Paul Mason look open minded.
Tom Paulin used to be a stalwart of the old Newsnight Review guest list.
An Ulster-born former Trotsky enthusiast his opinions (including some very inflamatory anti-Israel outbursts) were of course achingly right-on. However, sine I’m not one to bear a grudge he always amused me with his near catchphase-like review of everything he ever heard or saw – ‘I liked the first half, but the second half was boring’.
Paul Morley is likewise achingly right-on and of course no stranger to the Guardian and the BBC.
A professional northerner he rode the crest of the Manchester punk scene to write for the NME. A great self-promoter I recall a story of him rushing away from Ian Curtis’s funeral gushing ‘I’m going to write the book!’
Paulin had a lovely Irish lilt which contrasted with Greer’s harsh voice and Parsons cockernee vowels. At least when those three were on it was entertaining, now it’s only worth watching for Sarah Churchill who I’d love to [comment removed due to it’s gratuitous nature].
Of twitter and men.
Intrigued by the coy reference in the ongoing feed: Richard Black @enviroblack
Soon-to-be-ex-BBC environment corr; climate & conservation, forests, whales, frogs, energy & nukes – and above all, oceans. All views expressed are my own
Lucky this was the ‘personal’ thread promoted for a long time, vs. the slightly more official one, rightly now brought to a halt..
Though a shame the archive appears lost too.
May have been interesting to compare views that are granted more corporate ownership, though frankly with twitter the BBC seems ‘unique’ in this too.
2.) R W Johnson (author of ‘South Africa’s Brave New World’) –
“After Marikana”
by R.W. Johnson.
“The key point to grasp about the Marikana shootings (we’re not allowed to call them a massacre because that makes them sound like the bad old days of Sharpeville) is that the National Union of Mineworkers, South Africa’s biggest union, is in apparently terminal decline and has been losing control of one pit after another to its new rival, the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union, which has no political affiliations. The NUM is the spinal chord of the ANC alliance. Its leaders are always Communist Party members, it has provided the last three secretaries-general of the ANC in succession, and it is the dominant presence in the labour federation, COSATU. The decline of the NUM threatens the whole structure of ANC power.
This is why the police – who are effectively an arm of the ANC – drew a line in the sand at Marikana. ”
The BBC’s eulogy for Cardinal Martini has been a wonder to behold. I’m sure you all know this famous man, I personally can hardly go down the pub without overhearing an admiring statement of his excellence.
The BBC certainly admire him since the top story on NEWS24 at 1 am was an extended eulogy- almost 5 minutes in length- easily more important in their eyes than the death of no account song and dance man Max Bygraves. Well actually it was not the great Martini’s death exactly which was being celebrated, since he had died the previous day, but rather a posthumous letter he had written.
I unsuspectingly tuned into NEWS24 just after 1 am (strangely expecting that I might get some news) to hear the reporter- David Willey- in full flight. At first I thought that the Pope had died. We were told that this great man was beloved of everyone Muslims Jews and Christians. Then a couple of vox pops stating how great a spiritual leader he was
But who was he? I thought perhaps I had gotten it wrong and perhaps the Dali Lama had died.
No. It was Cardinal Carlo Martini who had died. On Friday.
What was it about this obscure man which made the BBC so want to eulogise him.
Let’s see. Ah yes. “He was on the liberal wing on the church” as Willey announced about halfway through, that he was critical of church teaching and thought the church “200 years out of date” so a catholic John Lennon in the BBC’s eyes. No doubt they will be asking for him to be canonised.
Yes, and yet again the BBC, having led their audience, open up their comments box for the usual crop of bigoted and ill-informed anti-Catholic prejudice. I await eagerly, but not optimistically, the BBC doing the same with regard to a news article touching on Islam.
Both taken from todays BBC News site. Now I wonder if you can guess which story is open for comments and which one we are not allowed to express and opinion on.
flood of “highly organised and orchestrated” complaints
yep! … won t be happy until non-muslims are unable to critique anything islam – ala sharia
this is going to happpen ad infinitum.
time to get some real “meat n potatoes” docs on islam out out there.
flood of “highly organised and orchestrated” complaints
yep! … won t be happy until non-muslims are unable to critique anything islam – ala sharia
this is going to happpen ad infinitum.
time to get some real “meat n potatoes” docs on islam out there.
ZephirMar 28, 20:09 Midweek 26th March 2025 I remember a live music TV show called Revolver, hosted by Peter Cooke, no less, playing the ignorant “club owner”,…
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ScrobleneMar 28, 20:03 Midweek 26th March 2025 One issue I have with lefties, is their arrogant distaste for anything commercial. Years ago, I sold concrete to various…
Lefty WrightMar 28, 19:52 Midweek 26th March 2025 Mrs Wright has informed me that after watching a BBC chat show this morning that she will no longer take…
ZephirMar 28, 19:39 Midweek 26th March 2025 Talking of “X”.. “Am I overweight ?” Boomers: “You could lose a few pounds” Millenials: “No, you’re beautiful” Gen Z:…
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
Test flight of the Newsnight drone went well. Watch out for it hovering around the head of @gavinesler tonight
I’m presuming it’s a UAV, as surely there’s no way to get Prescott airborne without recourse to a 1st class upgrade or the Finnieston Crane?
Watched the news for thirty seconds last night that was enough. The Beeb going apoplectic about sending a few students home,Arr deedums! They always avoid the main points about immigration,ie, we are an overcrowded, skint island that is about to sink but try telling that to the bell ends at the bbc.
well said.
Donal Blaney nails it, re: the Today program’s transparent attempt to cast squatters as plucky Oliver Twists
My comment: given the BBC is seemingly unable to make any reference to the Religion of Peace without a load of blather about the Vast Majority of Peace-Loving Muslims, are we allowed to ask how many squatters are genuinely ‘working poor’ versuses smackheads or Occutards? Just how representative is ‘Katie’?
Defenders of the indefensible will simply deny all claims of bias entirely because Humphrys pointed out that squatting and causing financial harm to the owner was no better than stealing a car. All the rest of the charges about presenting this outlier as some kind of poster child will be dismissed out of hand because of it.
BBC Radio Manchester had a woman on who took to squatting to escape an abusive relationship. See, it’s soooo unfair to criminalise squatting or as I call it, stealing someone elses property. How would this woman have coped other than by squatting? Well, she could have called the police but the beeb didn’t bother to ask her that. The BBC wants to give you the impression that squatting is for the desperate and that there are absolutely no hippies, druggies or foreigners involved.
I beleive the same woman turned up on BBC 5 Live on the Stephen ‘How did that make you feel?’ Nolan show. oddly all the squatters presented to listeners on the BBC were either NHS nurses, teachers or ‘women escaping abusive partners’.
No Romanian chancers with bogus tenancy agreements then?
I recall reading one squatting Polish girl interviewed in a newspaper claiming she was squatting “because rents in England are too high”. Well that’s alright then. The squat was in Hampstead.
When next I steal a Rolex I must remember the defence that they are “too expensive”
Daily Express 31-8-12.
Graham Norton sells company to ITV, i wonder how much public money has been involved over the years to allow him to make millions?
I would hate to think that the BBC was paying out two salaries to ‘market-rate talents’.
One above the table that we the little people get to hear about.
And another one below the table that involves the BBC ie us paying a lot of money/ sweetheart deal to the ‘market-rate talent’s’ production company to make the ‘market-rate talent’s’ programme.
I mean the BBC is *supposed* to be inter alia a production company.
Not a case of bias but one of stupidity:
I’m no fan of Hitler or the Nazi’s.
Insensitive this might well be and questionable as to what the owner was thinking when he called his shop Hitler, but the real stupidity is this phrase:
The store has Hitler written in large letters over the front and a Nazi swastika symbol makes up the dot on the letter “i”.
Erm that’s not a Nazi swasitka – it’s the wrong way round for a start. It’s a hindu swastika.
Not a case of same same but different – just very different indeed.
The mistake was perhaps more the rush to specify ‘Nazi’ which, whilst understandable if not overly professional given the complementing context, would still have made even Godwin pause:
And as another bit of education/info from a quick check I made:
Also again interesting what counts as worthy stories chez Aunty, and what not.
it’s the wrong way round for a start
Are you sure?
Actually the Hindu swastika & Hindu swastika point the same way. There are two main differences between the two: first that the Nazis rotated the Hindu swastika by 45 degrees and second that the Hindu swastika usually has a dot in each quadrant.
This having been said, the swatstika in the shops name is rotated and has lost its dots so I would say that it was a Nazi swastika.
The Hindu swastika is used a fair bit in India, I have seen it as a decorative pattern on top of yoghurt dips for example, but always with the dots…
Then I stand corrected.
Unlike some a bit late to the party, but with a keen eye for what makes a story and an evident penchant for adding new numbers to a remake of The Producers (How Many Stormtroopers can you count dancing on a pinhead?’), that was still worth adding.
Pretty sure our hapless shopowner was going for the full ‘effect’ and knew exactly what imagery he was after to get it, but FWIW the dots do not seem mandatory but certainly used in the majority.
What is interesting is this, from an article making the same connection, but I do note that the swastika is in red in daytime:
Don’t recall that too often bearing down in the Victor annual.
Fair bit in Singapore mind.
Entirely in step (in goose step?) with the BBC narrative. Israeli anger at India clothing shop called Hitler
No matter what, find an Israeli angle What no one else could possibly be upset? No Poles or Russians or Gypsies or Germans (such a shop would be illegal in Germany) or Dutch or French or Czech or Communists or even Indians with a sense of decency?
The BBC are not usually too concerned to find an “Israeli angle”.
Incidentally and not for the first time the BBC gives a private, commercial concern world-wide advertising.
Arch BBC climate change alarmist Richard Black has been given the tin-tac. Rejoice! Or rather he says he’s leaving the beeb to work ‘initially’ on ocean conservation (weird, I wasn’t aware of any plans to build on or use up the oceans – but whatever – it’s great news). Now for Shukman.
Good bloody riddance.
I despised just about every word he wrote, I object to being lectured to .. and badly and I don’t believe a word he says.
I just hope the BBBC don’t bring him back as a consultant where consultant equals the same work for double pay.
You can be sure they will bring Black back to lecture on how to report on environmental issues.
talking of pay…
All gone a bit quiet on this but there was comment a couple of years ago that if a radio presenter was having a night off the BBC would ship in one of their market-rate talents to fill in.
Now get this, the BBC assume that the person covering could otherwise be out doing a corporate gig and that the fee for the one off show should compensate.
A ten grand fee (of our money) for, say, doing a two hour radio show was a not unusual figure.
It is our money but a FoI request for the information would be blanked with a ‘commercial sensitivity’ lie.
Corrupt is what it is.
Mr. Black is probably leaving the BBC in the same sense that Mr. Yentob left the BBC.
Feelings in India towards the Third Reich are not entirely negative. The hero of Indian nationalists, and founder of the Indian National Army, Subhas Chandra Bose spent 1941 to 1943 hanging around Berlin and helped form a Waffen SS unit of Indian POW’s there (although himself a bit of a leftie!) , before heading off to Japan to set about organising the INA and its participation in the invasion of India from Burma.
Gandhi was a big fan of His Naziness, so I’ve head.
Shhhh! As any fule kno, Gandhi was a saint with absolutely no base qualities whatsoever. Nope, not a one. Certainly didn’t suggest that we make peace with the cuddly Nazis, absolutely not.
Good grief, you’ll be dissing Obama (the modern Mahatma !) next, and then where will it all end ?
Didn’t Gandhi have a role in the partition of India? You know, the one when 10+ millions died?
Eric Holder’s Dept. of Justice investigation into two deaths allegedly caused by CIA interrogation, along with a general look into the treatment of the agni innocenti at Gitmo, has been closed, charges dropped. The BBC’s report on it is very sober, no sneering, or anything. The bulk of the piece is about what’s actually been going on, and no space given to voices screaming about whitewashing or covering up atrocities or Eric Holder and the President now being complicit in human rights violations. Funny, that.
Myself, Ramadama- something aka the missus, and the Bupettes are headed for Cuba after the hurricane season – leastwise the travel agent said it was after the hurricane season.
We’ve signed up for a coach trip to Gitmo. Apparently you can hire sharp sticks and poke the orangeys through the bars.
Should be fun.
“Ramadama- something aka the missus”
Ding-dong ?
Hope that wasn’t culturally insensitive.
Isn’t this a prime example of the illusion of progress? Nowadays if you want to mock-a-loon you have to get into a big shiny bird and fly for hours across the Atlantic to gratify the desire. Our Victorian forbears, meanwhile, had only to to make the short trip to the local asylum for a jolly afternoon of fun and frolic ‘mongst the nutters. More like reverse gear than progree if you ask me !
Anyway, enjoy your jaunt to sunny Castroland, uncle – poke one for me. And make sure you don’t bring back a hairy cove wearing fatigues and forage cap in your hand luggage.
“Progree” is a Kentish dialect word for “progress”, fyi.
Anyone else catch Newsnight Scotland last night? The second part of the Leftist propaganda advertisement centered around the aggressive, soap-starved lefties who have been vociferously trying to stop an Israeli dance group from performing at the Edinburgh Fringe through violent means. Now, what this biased feature didn’t pick up on was the Muslim extremists who were also ‘protesting’ (shouting vile abuse) in this , trouble-making, bongo drum-banging rent-a-mob… I should know, I had the misfortune to walk past the scum on my way home. I am sick to death with aggressive, intolerant, spoiled, rich-kid overgrown students spitting their anti-Semitic bile; how they can stand shoulder to shoulder with terrorist sympathizers disgusts me utterly. I’ve had enough of the annoying arty-farty clowns who take over Edinburgh for 2 weeks; they act like it’s their city. As far as I’m concerned they can sod off to some fundamentalist Islamic state.
Yes, BBC’s NUJ politically endorses opposition to Israel art, and that political line is evident in all BBC-NUJ output on Israel, inc that of ‘Newsnight’.
“PSC targets the Batsheva Dance Company”
Well, you can’t blame the poor darlings. They sadly missed out on “Free Nelson Mandela” and “Who can spot the can of apartheid pineapple chunks” through being born twenty years too late, so Israel will have to do instead in order to gratify the need for in-your-face self-righteousness.
I think the red mist would have descended had I been walking past these muppets and screw the concequences. GTF outa scotland and take your useful idiots with you.
Afghanistan: 6-year-old girl beheaded — “We are not sure if she was beheaded by her family or the Taliban”—-we-are-not-sure-if-she-was-beheaded-by-her-family-or-the-tal.html#comments
oh the joys we are importing into our country!
I wonder if any Beeboid will try to spin this as a positive sign:
Dems Giving Away Tickets to Obama’s Speech
It’s only 50 tickets they’re giving away to people who show up on time to some local bar, but you can bet this won’t be the only time they do this. Not much of a sign of enthusiasm for Hope & Change, now, is it?
Perhaps if they got the right celebrities to speak. I hear the Dems are scrambling right now to counter Eastwood.
Hey, David, this is my local patch. I might go along for fun.
That would be cool if you get a chance. I’m mostly interested to know if they can’t even give away all the free tickets to see the Sermon on the Mount.
The protesting rabble in Edinburgh would be the first against the wall if their beloved Hezbollah were in power
Thats the first good thing I’ve ever heard said about Hezbollah.
South Africa.
Is BBC-NUJ now beginning to see the political light on its ANC?:-
“Marikana mine: Wake-up call for South Africa’s ANC”
‘Daily Mail’:
“South African police are filmed shooting dead 34 miners… but prosecutors charge their 270 fellow strikers with murder under tainted Apartheid-era law”
Read more:
‘South Africa’s Brave New World’
[Extracts from his book]:
just inflicted fifteen minutes of Any Questions on myself. Never come across so many flakes since my last outbreak of scabies. Where does the BBC get them all from?
Apparently every squatter is only inhabiting a property where the owners are away a long time and don’t care, every single one of our 2.5 million ‘on the sick’ is completely incapable of a day’s work, and every single foreign student on these shores is genuine.
Who’d a thunk.
‘Any Questions’ as a title is a misnomer.
‘Here’s A Government Policy, Folks, Let’s All Attack It Woohoo’, would be a lot nearer the mark.
Same topic and from the same perspective as the Today segment, then. Agenda? What agenda?
With you here uncle.
Some moppet from one of the liberal broadsheets seems to think that squatters and illegal students should have been given two years warning about their crimes becoming…well, criminal offences I`d say!
And the sad old Mumsnet plank gets lots of applause from her Hebden Bridge audience…
Couldn`y stomach any more to be honest…but following on from Abbott, record numbers of Polish mums giving birth over here, and some crap about exam results failing to provide self-esteem: I just about gave up…in fact I did!
Any Questions?…only one-why the f**k are we putting up with this shit when there`s real news available with Uncle Rupert?
… and how ATOS sponsoring the paralympics is supposedly ‘beyond satire’.
Not so, actually, dear flakey audience and dear flakey panel.
Quite the opposite.
In one section of our society, people with ‘back pain’, or ‘mental elf issues’, or some other easy-to-fake hard-to-diagnose condition are removing themselves from the workforce and striping up the taxpayer for the rest of their lives.
In another section of society, people with genuine disability like say a missing leg are ‘getting on with it’ and banging out a 100 metre sprint in 10.78 seconds.
Absolutely ATOS should be sponsoring the paras, and in the words of Andy Blokey-bloke they should ‘take a bow, pal’.
… and if you got bored with ‘Here’s A Government Policy, Folks, Let’s All Attack It Woohoo’, like I did you could have turned on the telly to catch another BBC top rate talent – ‘Miranda’.
It was the episode where hilariously she fell over (cf Fattie Arbuckle et al 1922 onward), then hilariously got her dress caught in the door of a car (cf You’ve Been Framed 1979 onward), before finally, and you’ll roar with laughter at this one, hilariously getting an item of her clothing caught in a sushi conveyor belt (cf Johnny English).
Makes me glad that Lovefilm exists.
oops sorry, I missed a bit, after she did all that she fell over again.
It’s simple. The Left, who control the MSM, are holding anyone with opposing political beliefs, to ransom. No matter what the Tories do, no matter what any particular party that holds ideologies not of the Left do, they will be intimidated by socialist thugs, who will send out their UAF jackboots to ‘protest’. It will get worse as well.
We can see this blanketing of opposition debate in the whole GCSE grade fiascio, the welfare reforms, the deficit cuts, the student fees pantomime etc. If the Left disagree, they will turn to violence and intimidation; sounds familiar doesn’t it? Yes, because that’s exactly how the Nazis started out, through grass roots intimidation based on peoples’ fears and the herd instinct of doing what you are told by a larger group. If you oppose multiculturalism and big government intervention then you risk intimidation from extremist left-wing bully-boys, it’s that simple. The BBC, Sky News, Channel 4, the Guardian and the Independent are the mouthpieces that are destabilizing the country. We live in divisive and fractured times.
Could not agree with you more Alex!
Been away for a few days and the souffles of aired up synthetic grievances as whipped up by the BBC/Guardian is both cynical and chilling.
Those “students” at their “uni”, those “hard-earned grades” of those trying so hard to “get to uni” being traduced, those homeless and vulnerable souls at risk of being “criminalised” for committing a criminal offence-squatting….what a stew of libleft slurry we`re being expected to “do something about”…as far as the MSM are concerned anyhoo.
Witness the storm in an eggcup over thalidomide…a German company who are NOT Distillers say sorry-but it`ll never be enough..only 50 years have gone, and Big Pharma must stay in the liberal dock, for any pretext whatsoever.
What with the indifference to abortion-and the sucking up and indulgences for the Paralympics…what are we supposed to do BBC?
A complete dogs dinner of slush, sentiment and jackboots and proclamation for Goebbels-lite at the BBC…and we`re to just respond viscerally and buy the wristband/call the BBC helpline?
F***`in dribbling, incoherent, schizoid hypocrites with no wish other that we “respond” by voting Labour until Obama and the One World Coalition of the Willing(E.U/U.N/Al Queda and the Umma)…take it upon themselves to ensure compliance.
Creepy…truly creepy-time to f*** the BBC/\guardian Axis of Weevils before they finish US!
Alex, it’s people’s by the way, not “peoples'”! people is an irregular plural. 🙂
Clint Eastwood speech bemuses fellow stars –
What a surprise – most of the quotes are against Eastwood’s speech at the Republican National Convention.
Atos protest: Disability rights groups target firm –
What a surprise – most of the quotes are from people who are against ‘French multinational’ Atos…
Occasionally a phrase sums up the election. Hope and change did it in 2008. I can see empty chair doing this in 2012. Obama can take criticism. He simply ignores it. But can he take ridicule?
No, but He takes it better than His worshipers do. The disciples are absolutely freaking out.
And yet if you show disapproval of sensitive jobs being done by foreign companies then you are ignorant and bigoted.
I’ve just been trying to catch up on the news and have searched in vain for the bBBC report on the announcement that over 25% of babies born in the UK are to foreign mothers. This proportion has doubled since Blair decided to turn the UK into a foreign country.
It doesn’t seem to be in the Grauniad either, so no doubt the BBC ‘News’ team has missed it.
Is it just me, or are many of the disabled people languishing on benefits most probably capable of working in view of the fact that large numbers of them are running, jumping, swimming and cycling the crap out of the place over in Stratford?
“Artistic anti-Semitism is still racial hatred ”
Read more:
Life of Pakistan blasphemy case girl ‘in danger’ bbc news
sooo … who? would put her life in danger?
“Pakistan’s stringent blasphemy laws are a licence to persecute minorities”
sooo … who? would be persecuting the minorities???’
“it was so nice here before, if she comes back now maybe they will kill her” ?
sooo … who? would kill her ????
Muslims could take law into their own hands,'” the Guardian,
yep! unbelievably one has look here to find the “m”
word answer
heres the link
oh … afore ye go …..
Switching sides – bbc news
ahem! “change of heart???? as some Taliban fighters join Afghan government ” ?????
“In a city proud of having Afghanistan’s only museum to jihad”
do they mean those deceitful, despicable, double crossing, murdering bas–ards by any chance.
oops! sorry al bbc, i meant to say “freedom fighters”
Who? Clearly it’s those extremists the BBC keeps reassuring us are only a microscopic minority. Numbering, apparently, in the tens of millions, but never mind.
Never thought I’d say this but I have to congratulate Al Beeb for it’s report on R4’s news at ten for an ubiased view about life on the Israeli/Egyptian border in Sinai.
It goes to show they can tell the truth when they want to.
At least they now admit that the border exists. They didn’t used to. Until a couple years ago, it was always “the Israeli blockade”.
For goodness sakes WHY must Newsnight ALWAYS use ethnic minorities in their feature interviews? I’m sick of it! Why can’t they use British people for a change? Talk about brainwashing.
If you mean that thing about the schools, they could at least have found some pupils who talked English – it’s no fucking wonder they got D’s. By interviewing these students the Beeb managed to destroy their own argument that the grades were unfair. And then Newsnight finished with displays from North Korea’s Youth Day. How apt for the beeb. You really couldn’t make it up.
I found this – which underlines my point.
I know I’m late into this but, and this truly boggles my mind, the BBBC has managed to be on the side of squatters, visa cheats, illegal immigrants, and disability benefit cheats just in the last 24 hours. And all week we have had Stephen “Jabba the hut” Nolan expressing false outrage. I do not know how DV manages to attempt to engage with that faux Socialist Philistine on the radio as often as he does. I hope he doesn’t have to sit opposite the frothing rabid hypocrite in the process!
If these ‘socialists’ had to live in a neighborhood with Somali criminals, Muslim extremists, Romanian beggars and lefty media studies students playing techno full-blast every night, they’d soon desert their holier-than-thou viewpoints. It’s funny, have you ever wondered how the socialist movement is effectively a posh, upper class movement that patronizes the real poverty-stricken within society? If a poor person isn’t the right colour or ethnicity then they will be ignored… however if the poor person in question is from a minority, then they are used by the upper classes as a tool in the undermining of power; textbook anarchism.
For unbridled, self-indulgent and snooty leftism, look no further than Kirsty Wark’s Newsnight Review, truly the stuff of a thespian’s wet dream. Thoroughly pretentious nonsense!
Richard Black is leaving the BBC.
His blog says he is going “initially” to work on ocean conservation.
Which sounds like he is not moving to a solid job.
I reckon he didn’t jump, he was pushed. Maybe part of the change since David Shukman got the job of Science Editor – which I think Black applied for.
Black has always been a bete noir (pardon the pun).
Frankly – good riddance.
Shove weaselly Harrabin overboard too – more slippery than Black – and things might start to feel a little more sane.
Sorry – didn’t realise people had already posted the great news about Richard Black leaving.
No problem with repeating the good news. Wish I could hear it on a 15 minute repeating cycle like BBC News 24. Although I’m not optimistic about future BBC coverage being any less biased.
SAS kills hundreds of terrorists in ‘secret war’ against al-Qaeda in Iraq –
Interesting that the BBC didn’t run with this story. Perhaps they don’t want to glamorize the killing of would-be mass murderers, or to remind people of the threat posed by the former associates of the inmates at Gitmo…
Wryly noting this quoted from the Newsnight ‘Elsewhere on the web’ page:
‘The Guardian’s favourite intellectual, the man who Newsnight turns to when it needs comment on matters of daily life, is typical’*
Yes, typical. And slightly unsurprising, except maybe to such as Helen Boaden.
But still, they seem proud.
*I may have edited a tad for space reasons, which one is sure the BBC, as fellow practitioners, will be comfortable with.
Paralympics? Parallel universe.
BBC 5 Live has become a no go zone this week. It can be radio grievance at the best of times but this week if it isn’t squatters’ rights it has been teachers whining ‘It’s sooo unfair!’
This morning I turn on the radio and hear that a Paralympian – one of the Beeb’s plaster saints – has been disqualified from a race and had a sweary hissy fit.
“British favourite Jody Cundy’s bid to secure 1km time trial gold ended in controversy and anger as officials denied the GB rider a restart. ”
“The furious Briton, unbeaten in the kilo since 2006, then had to be restrained by a ParalympicsGB team member as he was escorted out of the arena”
B Team Beeboid on 5 Live (how long has Nicky Campbell been on holiday now?) Phil Williams in true on-message Beeb style
‘can understand his anger’.
Role models, anyone?
The BBC reports, oddly, are a little light on the detail of the outburst.
You’ll have to look elsewhere. eg Daily Record
“I fell out of the gate because the f***ing thing didn’t open,” he raged at the officials. “Everybody else gets the f***ing re-ride. You can’t do this, I’ve worked all my life for this.
“I’ve wasted four years of my life to ride in front of a 6000 home crowd and I’m in the shape of my life. I’ll never get this opportunity again. Never, ever.”
ie (to quote a popular phrase) ‘it’s soooo unfair’.
Meanwhile Phil Jones at the Olympic Park tells me he is now admiring a huge pink wall that carries motivational slogans.
Have I really woken up in a BBC endorsed North Korea or just some parallel BBC dream universe?
Ahhh the ego of these “sportsmen/women”, I seem to remember Coe when competing in Moscow being a little upset at not beating a British rival. And when he did eventualy win a medal his ego exploded, not very sportsman like.
Good old Steve Ovett, the 1980 800m Olympic Champion. Apparently, the Bronze medal was only good for throwing in a sock drawer…..according to a sore loser.
“BBC stars come out for Mark Thompson farewell film.
“Fierce competition is under way at the BBC for a role in Mark Thompson’s leaving video, seen by insiders as an essential status symbol within the organisation.”
“The film is a ‘tribute’ to Mark Thompson, the departing director general, and will form the main attraction at his farewell party before he leaves for America to take up his post as the chief executive of The New York Times.
“The big night is to be hosted by Lord Patten of Barnes, the chairman of the BBC Trust, once again demonstrating his tight control of the corporation and political mastery of its executives. Normally, a party such as this would be masterminded by the director general’s deputy.”
I hope the licence fee isn’t paying for this celebrity lovefest…
Well I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed. The BBC spends thousands of pounds on private parties for their staff – and this is even after they claim to have drastically cut back on such waste.
‘BBC blows £70,000 on alcohol and leaving parties for staff as job cuts loom.
A SECOND celebration for Thompson at Islamic AL JAZEERA?
Of course, there are many Muslims who would like to celebrate Thompson’s role of Islamisation at Islam Not BBC (INBBC).
But Muslims generally resent the presence of alcohol at parties, so perhaps a second celebration for Thompson should be held at the nearby Islamic broadcaster, AL JAZEERA (strategically based in London, across the River Thames from Westminster, at Westminster Tower, 3 Albert Embankment).
Such a celebration for Thompson at Al Jazeera could be easily financed by its owner, the Emir of Qatar, with willing co-sponsors of the Islamising European Union (represented again by Lord Patton), to donate E.U money from taxpayers to such a worthy cause; but if needs be, we licence payers could see our money diverted too.
Chief speakers (apart from the Emir of Qatar and Lord Patton) should include Muslim Aaqil Ahmed, who Thompson appointed as head of religion and ethics at INBBC; another speaker must be Muslim Rageh Omaar of Al Jazeera who was commissioned to make several INBBC 2 TV series promoting Islam, including one on Muhammad, and one on Islam in Europe. And Thompson himself can elaborate on his theme- ‘why Muslims deserve more special treatment’:
“BBC: We’ll mock Jesus but not Muhammad”
Guests should include the staff of Islamic Al Jazeera, of which many are ex-Beeboids: all doing their bit to promote Islam. Guests should include key staff from World Service’s (soon to be INBBC’s) Arabic TV service, as well as from the apartheid radio station Asian Network.
‘tight control of the corporation and political mastery of its executives.’
A few choice comments already holding our ‘most trusted to be profligate with other people’s money’ national treasure burial site. Shame it’s not in the Graun where they might get to see it.
What I don’t see, even from the DT author, is a full ‘fessing to who is stumping up to this ‘invite only’ bash. From what I read between the lines… we are. And, frankly, reading about it in a ‘what can you do about it, na-ni-na?’ post ‘report’ seems pretty much on par given the rest of their unique funding arrangements.
Have to also love, along with the quote above, they really are not afraid to admit to wearing their politics on their sleeves.
I wonder, which one might that be?
Not sure the BBC will be mentioning this little nugget of enrichment news on a regional link anytime soon…
When they have arranged a suitably obscure link Dez will tell us about it.
If the guy was ‘pharmasist’ then he would have qualifications surely? If he has passed exams he must have studied with others and learnt social skills? So he must know how to behave with women (even if he only studied with men).
Another nail in the coffin of multiculturalism.
I won’t like to be an BBC employees or their friends on judgement day.
I saw a trailer for the new Inspector Gently yesterday I’ve never seen the programme but it seemed clearly to be a leftwing propaganda piece: a black man having his windows splattered with red paint from an angry white mob. Hmmm. When did that ever happen? I was curious to see what time period this was set it so I consulted wikipedia. Apparently this episode had already aired pn 26th August and was watched by 6.5 million so it may have already been mentioned somewhere else on this site. Here’s the description of the episode via wiki:
“In Durham, the haven of equality found at the Carlton all-nighter is destroyed when a young black girl, Dolores Kenny, is murdered. Chief Inspector George Gently soon uncovers a disturbing and malevolent racist undercurrent lurking both within the local community and his own police force. Set against the backdrop of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Gently and Bacchus have their eyes opened to the shocking consequences of casual racism as racial tension spirals out of control, leaving a path of destroyed friendships, love affairs and families in its wake. Refusing to let deep-seated prejudices cloud their vision, Gently and Bacchus work tirelessly to unmask how Dolores died.
Events are taken to have occurred in late April 1968. In addition to the discussion of Martin Luther King’s assassination on 4 April, in one scene characters are seen watching the broadcast of Enoch Powell’s notorious Rivers of Blood speech which took place on 20 April. Reference also is made to the impending Race Relations Act 1968 which had its second reading in Parliament on 23 April. The varying reactions of characters in George Gently’s Durham were explored. ”
Did anyone here actually watch this? It seems from the description to be obviously leftist propaganda of the kind: “see how bad everything used to be before WE saved you from it.”
I also noted the plots from the forthcoming episodes. According to wikipedia, the next one concerns “Free-spirited Ellen represented a challenge to the Establishment,” while the next has ” investigations into the Mother and Baby home itself reveals a much darker side to this hothouse of morality” and the last promises “Underworld figure, Rattigan, who Gently sent down all those years ago, has been cleared on the grounds that evidence was fabricated by Gently himself”.
I’m curious to know what relationship these tv dramas have to the original Gently books by Alan Hunter. Has anyone read them? It is interesting however that the BBC only started “adapting” the series after the author’s death in 2005 and seems only interested in the 1960s period while the books apparently take place over decades. An attempt to create an anti-Heartbeat perhaps?
I mentioned this on last Friday’s open thread. There I was idly thumbing through last Saturday’s paper and I came across Gently and read the synopsis. It was biased BBC gold – assassination of Martin Luther King, Enoch Powell, northern soul, discrimination, police corruption and racism and lots and lots of nasty white racists – imagine the Lawrence murder circa 1968. Talk about heavy handed. Typical extreme left wing propaganda masquerading as entertainment (which the BBC is now notorious for). From now on I will be ending my posts with F.O.A.D.B.B.C. You can all join in if you like.
All the episodes I have seen are achingly p.c. and usually anachronistic.
Only one plod is a good plod every other authority figure is a lesser or greater monster.
Have to say the uber lurvey Shaw was fantastic in Deed ! no truly I haven’t laughed so much since the ‘funniest joke in the world sketch’ by Monty pythons! they were not only funny but prophets for the bloody awful series this berk keeps falling for !oh and watch him in Poirot he was achingly bloody awful! even the immense acting skills of David Suchet couldn’t cover Shaws dribble !
germany .. rabbi beaten in front of his 6 yr old grandaughter.
so many links its hard to choose which one
apart from?………………………….. al bbc
Rabbi beating sparks fury in Germany | Radio Netherlands Worldwide
‘Islam in the News’ worldwide news concerning Islam and its followers. … [edit] Germany: “Arab” youths beat rabbi and threaten to kill his six-year-old
al bbc – results for germany rabbi beaten
Sorry, there are no results for your search.
I’m sure the BBC is merely waiting for confirmation before reporting how the Jew got bruised by some youths of no particular description except which continent their family comes from.
No, I’m only joking. The BBC won’t report it at all as this rabbi’s life is just about the lowest-valued thing there is on the news totem pole. He wasn’t killed, so it’s even less interesting. Never mind if it’s yet another sign of a disturbing trend. They can’t report on that as it would come as a shock to their audience to suddenly start learning about this issue, since it’s generally censored from BBC output.
The ways things are going the BBC and their Socialist comrades will be like this Rabbi in the near future.
When they ask for help no one will help them. Karma will be a bitch.
I’m expecting this: After an exhaustive enquiry we found that tanned white people were responsible. They’ll do anything not to point the finger at the people responsible. Anyone remember that EU report which blamed arabs/Turks for the rise of anti-semetism in Europe? The wrong conclusion was reached, the report hastily re-written and blame was duly apportioned to white neo Nazi/skinheads. They’ll probably be another whitewash or are the Germans going to face up to the moslem multi-culti nightmare they’ve unleashed?
I take it all back. The President has stimulated the economy after all. Well, one segment of it, anyway:
Newsweek’s Anti-Obama Cover Set to Be a Newsstand Hit
It was the issue that also featured Niall Ferguson’s takedown of Him.
The early read on sales suggests the issue could double Newsweek’s newsstand average, MagNet said. It’s also on track to land among the title’s top three newsstand sellers since 2010, according to MagNet data.
But never mind all that, eh? The real story is that nobody really knows who Mitt Romney is, and he’s losing the likeability competition. If we listen to Mardell and the BBC, that is.
Stats like that must make the editors of The Guardian and The New Statesman grid their teeth in despair. It serves to remind them that right-of-centre publications like the Daily Mail etc continue to have much larger readerships than their morally superior offerings, and suggests that their assumed and so-called ‘liberal consensus’ is a figment of their self-righteous imaginations.
I’m sure that it enforces their view that “the rest of us” are far too stupid to be trusted with anything – including what light bulbs we use, what bin we put our rubbish in, who to vote for and what to spend our hard earned money on….amongst ten thousand other things the left want to control in our lives.
Probably. The cure for the problems of authoritarianism/socialism is always more authoritarian socialism.
The BBC report about Romney visiting Louisiana to show support for those dealing with the disaster makes sure to get in Harry Reid calling it “the height of hypocrisy” and a claim that Republicans want to “gut” disaster aid, but censors the truth about the President’s hurriedly-planned visit.
Correspondents say both Mr Obama and Mr Romney were eager to display crisis leadership in the wake of Isaac.
That part is true, at least.
“The decision to travel on Monday was made before Governor Romney announced his decision to travel to Louisiana on Friday,” an Obama aide told reporters from the presidential plane Air Force One.
Except this is a lie, and the BBC isn’t going to tell you. The President’s minions said earlier on Friday that they had no plans to go. They changed it after Romney took the political initiative. Before defenders of the indefensible chime in with the insults about dim bulbs being fed red meat, I didn’t get this from Fox News. It’s been reported by Politico, an outlet filled with Left-leaning JournoListas and with close White House contacts. Politico is perhaps the most-linked and retweeted source for the BBC on US politics, other than the Washington Post, so we know they know about it. The President is leading from behind on this one, but the BBC decided you didn’t need to know. I’d say that this could be in retaliation for Clint Eastwood’s blasphemous display, but they do this all the time already.
Meanwhile, the Romney campaign insisted it had not hurried to appear first amid the storm wreckage.
Sure, they provided the claims of both sides, so it’s “balanced”, job done, right? What’s a little white lie between friends? BBC Fact Checker has weekends off.
Mr Obama made federal emergency aid available earlier in the week. But he pledged further assistance for individuals in a Friday call with parish presidents and local leaders in Louisiana and Mississippi.
Senate Majority Leader Democrat Harry Reid said Mr Romney’s visit was the “height of hypocrisy”, adding that Republicans planned to gut disaster aid.
I’m sure the Beeboids feel that the above balances out the vox pops quote they put in earlier of someone expressing a positive sentiment toward Romney, albeit in a less than articulate manner.
“He just told me to, um, there’s assistance out there,” resident Jodie Chiarello said. “He’s good. He’ll do the best for us, you know. He speaks to our best interests at heart.”
I’ll be watching in future for the BBC to so accurately quote Occupiers or Obamessiah-supporting vox pops to include the verbal dross like this.
For some reason (a slap-dash attempt at “balance”, perhaps, to prove that they can throw in non sequiturs for both sides?), the piece ends with a couple Romney campaign talking points, which have zero to do with the rest of it.
Rasmussen has Romney ahead nationwide, 47%-44%.
BBC: If you think we’re going to report this and give anybody even the slightest suggestion that Romney might have gotten even the tiniest bounce from the convention (especially Eastwood’s blasphemy), or that he’s closing the likeability gap, or that the President isn’t doing as well, you don’t know us very well, do you?
Quick: somebody rustle up something showing them tied or the President slightly leading in swing states.
In the lefts dream world if a white person doesn’t like Obama they are a racist.
I’m not racist, I just don’t like Hawaiians. All those flower garlands and pineapple chunk cocktails, awful. Hawaiians are not a race are they? Since when?
Book him Danno, he just insulted the Pres. (Everyone knows he’s a Kenyan anyway)
i still say this election is for the reps to lose ….. it should be a “no-brainer”.
my concern is none of them have grabbed it by the scruff of the neck.
pointed the finger and emphatically stated it, with “real” personality.
The BBC has sided with a University which is hiding illegal immigrants, is siding with squatters who break into people’s homes when they are away and cost them thousands to get rid of them. They side with the people’s favourite Richard Branson in a legitimate bid for a rail franchise on behalf of the Labour party for which we now have to pay for, they side with the teachers (unions) in the grade change story and now want to take it to court (again at our expense) which proves that a vote for Labour is actually a vote for the Unions.
The BBC is a monolistic left wing broadcaster and what is disgraceful if we have no competition in the broadcasting world, even though we pay a license fee.
Thank buggery its finally the weekend.
An entire week of prod/orange order bashing on bbcni talkback and every news bulletin.
Every so called presenter has been frothing at the mouth in the constant demonising of anything British.
Im sure lard arse nolan is gutted that he was not on air this week as there is no one else into prod bashing as much as him.
At least we got a break on friday when they turned their attention back to the evil Ulster Bank.
Just got back from my hols and have to say BBC World seems much less-biased than the average output.
Dunno if anyone agrees?
Well, a bbc news24 report just reported an update on the pakistan blasphemy case and actually managed to tell of many instances where minorities are attacked and abused in pakistan. Couldn’t bloody believe it: Head finally out of the sand?
Abusers not identified tho’ but obvious from the context so hard to criticize.
By BBC standards War talk fails to dampen spirits in Tel Aviv is relatively benign. Read to the bottom.
For the three-day Muslim festival of Eid-al-Fitr, which ends the fasting month of Ramadan, the ministry of defence approved permits for 130,000 West Bank Palestinians to enter Israel and visit those beaches in Tel Aviv.
Another Haaretz writer, Gideon Levy, commented: Why can’t this happen twice a year? In fact, why not every day, damn it?” One feels like screaming out because people who spend their time campaigning for Israel’s destruction are less than welcome. Spirits are not dampened in Tel Aviv precisely because those who commit terrorist acts are largely kept out.
Gideon Levy, by the way, is an enormously controversial figure in Israel, not simply a journalist for the Israeli equivalent of the Guardian. He has been called a propagandist for the Hamas someone who doesn’t show empathy for his country, and a borderline security risk
Haaretz is like the Guardian facing a problem of dropping subscriptions in part because of Levy. Novelist Irit Linur started this campaign when she wrote It is a person’s right to be a radical leftist, and publish a newspaper in accordance with his world view… However Haaretz has reached the point where its anti-Zionism has become stupid and evil,
Do you think Hugh Sykes might have told us this?
Somebody arrested for agreeing with Breivik.
But as it says mass murderers like Yasser Arafat are revered and treated as heroes.
I don’t have too much problem for someone praising Breivik for his evil act, it’s a bit like Holocaust denial. But I agree that it’s amazing that mass-murderers like Arafat and Guevara are revered, Lenin and Mao are worshipped but no-one makes a comment about it. Double standards, a main feature of the Left.
I mean “I don’t have much problem someone praising Breivik getting arrested”. Bloody Hell I need to read my posts back thoroughly before I send.
i cannot agree more …
freedom of speech is all about sometimes hearing things you don t want to.
in GENUINELY open debate, it can do you no harm to hear it, it would reinforce your own view, to hear it catagorically dismantled, (if it is racist, discriminatory hot air that is?).
the edge is, when the issue itself is based in fact, it should get equal, even and wide indepth discussion then? 😀
….. …. well it should erm! … ….
shouldn t it?
I probably didn’t make myself clear when I tried to explain my first post. I’m happy that this man was arrested as he has gone beyond saying that Breivik’s worries are genuine, even though his actions were evil.
I agree with some of Beivik’s concerns but murder is not acceptable ever.
My agreement with Highland Rebel is that if arrest is good enough for Breivik’s disciples, then why not for those supportive of PLO/Hamas murders? Murder is murder, and in neither case can self-defence be justified, nor is there a war justification.
I just wish I could have edited my first post.
” mass murderers like Yasser Arafat are revered and treated as heroes.”
“The BBC governors have upheld part of a complaint against a journalist who said she “started to cry” as a dying Yasser Arafat left the West Bank in 2004.”
“The governors said they approved of the “rapid and comprehensive way” in which Ms Boaden had apologised to those who were offended. ”
How the hell can that be called “rapid”? She should have apologised immediately and publicly reprimanded the reporter. So neither rapid nor comprehensive – yet more lies from the BBC.
> Helen Boaden said Plett “unintentionally gave the impression of over-identifying with Yasser Arafat and his cause”.
Unintentionally? And only “The impression”? FFS
I just note this…
‘Barbara Plett was initially cleared by the head of editorial complaints over the From Our Own Correspondent report on Radio 4 but a listener appealed.’
…which pretty much sums up ALL my experiences with the BBC Escape Culpability Unit.
It’s almost like…. it’s a policy.
Which, frankly, raises some questions I’d like those in power to account for.
Also, as pointed out, to get from the actual facts to the tripe totted out, the Governors evidently sup from the same Kool-Aid vat as does the market rate talent that is Ms. Boaden.
And these are what control how £4Bpa gets deployed in ‘educating and informing’?
If they were any more hypocritically deluded they could be Diane Abbott’s stand-ins.
Earlier this evening we were subjected to a paean to the new TUC leader Frances O’Grady on Radio 4. A programme called Profile, so fair enough that she is featured, but since the head of the TUC is essentially a politician then surely any such profiling should be critical and attempt to give a ‘warts an’all’ picture.
Will the BBC start adopting the line taken by Friedland in the Guardian – that Romney is looking in a better position than before? He even harks back to the Guardian-invented story about Mitt’s so-called gaffes on the visit to London.
Sounds to me that Friedland (like the Economist leader this week) is starting to hedge his bets on the election.
And as David Preiser has pointed out, the Rasmussen poll today was showing a 3-point lead for Romney. That is a 5 point turnaround since a week ago. And two-thirds of the polling was conducted BEFORE the final night of the Republican convention that had so many solid and often moving tributes to Romney as a humane man, plus Rubio and the ineffable Clint Eastwood – and then Romney’s own speech accepting the nomination.
Yes the Dems may get a bounce from their convention next week – but this could well be punctured by the unemployment figures due out on Friday.
The RealClearPolitics average of the recent polls show Obama with just a 0.3% lead – and most of the polls are among voters in general, whereas Rasmussen uses the more reliable indicator of LIKELY voters.
The only poll that matters takes place on Tuesday, November 6, 2012.
Apologies to Bob Dylan
Kirsty’s in the Beeb basement
Mixing up the medicine
I’m on the pavement
Luvvies talkin ’bout the Gov’ment
Users, cheaters, six-time losers
Been hanging round Edinburgh theatres
Multiculture, blame culture
SNP, on the TV
EU, screw you
It’s the Liberal Elite
Look out kid
It’s somethin you did
You don’t need a weatherman
To know which way the wind blows
(sorry Bob)
BBC Review Show this week and Kirsty Wark and guests Paul Morley and Sarah Crompton go into paroxysms of excitement over the new (139th?) Bob Dylan double album (man!).
Maureen Lipman sounds a single off-key note but her opinion is swept away on the tide of enthusiasm led by Kirsty in the chair.
In fact Ms Wark is so animated I imagine she almost falls off her chair as she relates the sheer delight felt , ‘at the arrival of Dylan’s new LP at the BBC’ (!).
An arts review show is just the kind of thing at which the the BBC ought to excel.
But no. The Review Show is a sad neglected backwater.
For good reason.
The only recommendations I would take from their reviewers is to seek out items that they don’t like and to avoid those about which they rave.
Having decoupled this show from the Titanic which is Newsnight and transferred it to Glasgow you know that they know it just isn’t working – but they don’t seem to know why.
Could it be that the guest list is invariably stuffed with right-on babyboomers – who in their dreams are still “stickin’ it to the Man”?
The answer my friend, is blowin’ in the wind.
I’ve avoided the Review Show since one of their tribe Kwarme Kwei Armeh (real name Ian Roberts) in a David Brent-like moment of self delusion brought out his own pop album. This subsequently sunk without a trace despite (or because) of the gushing encomiums it received on the programme.
I was tempted by your review to watch this one or at least the Dylan segment. Some thoughts: Is John Lennon’s murder now officially an “assassination” at the BBC? Thank goodness for Maureen Lipman. Why do the BBC use idiotic Paul Morley so much?
But the Dylan song did song pretty good to me, so I may check it out despite the recommendation.
I’ve long been puzzled by my own “weird urge” to watch the weekly episodes of “Newsnight Review” or “The Review Show” or whatever other names its been called as it has mutated over the last decade. But on each viewing the result is the same: after ten minutes of watching the same cosy, cabal of right-on, solipsistic, narcissistic nonentites wittering away about a book that i will never read, a film i will never see, or an artist I have never heard of, I find my teeth on edge, my toes curling, and my facial expression turned into one long embarrassed, cringing shudder. Just where do they get these duds from? And why do I tune in again for the same dose of hifalutin arty-farty BS on the next show? More important these duds get paid for this stuff – out of my license fee!! Just how much I wonder?
Morley is another one of those privately educated revolutionaries.
Just another ‘intellectual’ onanist spilling his seed on barren soil.
When Michael Portillo was invited (for one time only) onto the Review Show Paul Morely spend the entire programme glaring with hatred for him. Since Morely is a BBC regular I presume he writes for The Guardian. Morely makes Paul Mason look open minded.
Tom Paulin used to be a stalwart of the old Newsnight Review guest list.
An Ulster-born former Trotsky enthusiast his opinions (including some very inflamatory anti-Israel outbursts) were of course achingly right-on. However, sine I’m not one to bear a grudge he always amused me with his near catchphase-like review of everything he ever heard or saw – ‘I liked the first half, but the second half was boring’.
Paul Morley is likewise achingly right-on and of course no stranger to the Guardian and the BBC.
A professional northerner he rode the crest of the Manchester punk scene to write for the NME. A great self-promoter I recall a story of him rushing away from Ian Curtis’s funeral gushing ‘I’m going to write the book!’
Such is our BBC Arts Elite
Paulin had a lovely Irish lilt which contrasted with Greer’s harsh voice and Parsons cockernee vowels. At least when those three were on it was entertaining, now it’s only worth watching for Sarah Churchill who I’d love to [comment removed due to it’s gratuitous nature].
Of twitter and men.
Intrigued by the coy reference in the ongoing feed:
Richard Black
Soon-to-be-ex-BBC environment corr; climate & conservation, forests, whales, frogs, energy & nukes – and above all, oceans. All views expressed are my own
Lucky this was the ‘personal’ thread promoted for a long time, vs. the slightly more official one, rightly now brought to a halt..
Though a shame the archive appears lost too.
May have been interesting to compare views that are granted more corporate ownership, though frankly with twitter the BBC seems ‘unique’ in this too.
SOUTH AFRICA: the Marikana massacre.
Two reports:
1.) BBC-ANC –
“South Africa’s Zuma ‘will not act’ on Marikana charges”
2.) R W Johnson (author of ‘South Africa’s Brave New World’) –
“After Marikana”
by R.W. Johnson.
“The key point to grasp about the Marikana shootings (we’re not allowed to call them a massacre because that makes them sound like the bad old days of Sharpeville) is that the National Union of Mineworkers, South Africa’s biggest union, is in apparently terminal decline and has been losing control of one pit after another to its new rival, the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union, which has no political affiliations. The NUM is the spinal chord of the ANC alliance. Its leaders are always Communist Party members, it has provided the last three secretaries-general of the ANC in succession, and it is the dominant presence in the labour federation, COSATU. The decline of the NUM threatens the whole structure of ANC power.
This is why the police – who are effectively an arm of the ANC – drew a line in the sand at Marikana. ”
BBC-ANC may want to think that the Marikana massacre was merely a political aberration, and not an indictment of the ANC.
The BBC’s eulogy for Cardinal Martini has been a wonder to behold. I’m sure you all know this famous man, I personally can hardly go down the pub without overhearing an admiring statement of his excellence.
The BBC certainly admire him since the top story on NEWS24 at 1 am was an extended eulogy- almost 5 minutes in length- easily more important in their eyes than the death of no account song and dance man Max Bygraves. Well actually it was not the great Martini’s death exactly which was being celebrated, since he had died the previous day, but rather a posthumous letter he had written.
I unsuspectingly tuned into NEWS24 just after 1 am (strangely expecting that I might get some news) to hear the reporter- David Willey- in full flight. At first I thought that the Pope had died. We were told that this great man was beloved of everyone Muslims Jews and Christians. Then a couple of vox pops stating how great a spiritual leader he was
But who was he? I thought perhaps I had gotten it wrong and perhaps the Dali Lama had died.
No. It was Cardinal Carlo Martini who had died. On Friday.
What was it about this obscure man which made the BBC so want to eulogise him.
Let’s see. Ah yes. “He was on the liberal wing on the church” as Willey announced about halfway through, that he was critical of church teaching and thought the church “200 years out of date” so a catholic John Lennon in the BBC’s eyes. No doubt they will be asking for him to be canonised.
Any time, any place, anywhere he’s right one – that’s Martini.
Surely you must know that? 😉
Yes, and yet again the BBC, having led their audience, open up their comments box for the usual crop of bigoted and ill-informed anti-Catholic prejudice. I await eagerly, but not optimistically, the BBC doing the same with regard to a news article touching on Islam.
Today’s “Compare and Contrast”:-
Desmond Tutu calls for Blair and Bush to be tried over Iraq
Imam held in Pakistan blasphemy case
Both taken from todays BBC News site. Now I wonder if you can guess which story is open for comments and which one we are not allowed to express and opinion on.
For Beeboids to report?:
More pressure from Islamic sources against freedom of broadcasting
in UK:
“Channel 4 history of Islam sparks flood of complaints and presenter Tom Holland subjected to torrent of abusive tweets”
Read more:
flood of “highly organised and orchestrated” complaints
yep! … won t be happy until non-muslims are unable to critique anything islam – ala sharia
this is going to happpen ad infinitum.
time to get some real “meat n potatoes” docs on islam out out there.
flood of “highly organised and orchestrated” complaints
yep! … won t be happy until non-muslims are unable to critique anything islam – ala sharia
this is going to happpen ad infinitum.
time to get some real “meat n potatoes” docs on islam out there.