I’ve rattled off a quick transcript from a key part of the Jimmy Savile/Neswnight Panorama. It really doesn’t get much more serious than this.
A: There are now allegations that Top of the Pops was a centre for abuse and that as well as Jimmy Savile others were involved.
B: A group of three have been described, men in their thirties, who would collect girls from the Top of the Pops audience and take them to other parties off the premises of the BBC. And inappropriate things have been described as happening then. Some quite serious.
A: And is it your understanding that these people worked for the BBC?
B: Yes, yes, so you know we’ve had one particular call that has names of people who can be traced on that and that will be passed on to the police.
A: Not all the victims were young girls. Lawyers are now hearing allegations that boys were targeted too.
C: There are some quite serious allegations that there was a paedophile ring operating. These are quite serious allegations.
A: A paedophile ring operating where? At the BBC?
C: Yes.
A: Involving other members of staff?
C: Yes
UPDATE. The Sun – making the most of it:
BBC, the new Belgium.
BBC – the new Thailand
Some girls at my school in early 70’s wanted to go on “Top of the Pops ” but others warned them it was dangerous. It was well known what went on there as the word had even got round to the teens about it!
Can`t be a good time to have been in a band throughout the 70s now, can it?
Sweet, Wizzard…let alone the Glitter Band!
So many bands….bet they`ll rue the day they ever got linked with Savile.
BBC-the new Sodom and Gomorah
‘Daily Mail’:
“Savile’s victims to sue for millions: As BBC faces allegations over ‘censored’ emails, 12 abused by DJ head for court.”
i do not belive that i have been paying licence fee to this corporation which allowed this child abuse to happen…i am now stopping payments and urge others to do the same..i cannot condone this….if the bbc tries to take me to court i will go to the european courts to challenge this…paedophiles should be locked up for life…stop the licence fee for this corporation..
Boycott the BBC licence fee.
Why pay this unfair tax to fund this evil collection of Zionist Paedophiles like Jimmy Savile and Jonathon King and Gary Glitter and others as yet unamed.
it is against the law to watch live tv without a license. i don’t have a tv license, i just watch catchup on the tinterweb.
I hope any compensation will be taken from the pension funds of the BBC management of the time, and not from the taxpayer.
Serves the BBC right, they are hypocrites and beyond the pale. Stick to unbiased , balanced news reporting……………snigger…..
Why did it take so long? Some of these under-age girls are now women in their fifties.
Thank goodness Jimmy Savile wasn’t from a particular religion or else none of this would see daylight!
He was a devout Christian.
Clearly not that devout…
Self evidently not.
evidently not??? You do realise Christianity is the the biggest and worst religion for paedophilia!
Jim, you really dont know the Bible very well, do you?
Ah bless Jim!
He was a Catholic in some formal way, Jim.
Be careful when you call him a devout Christian-you`d deserve to be sued or taken to court for a gratuitous smear, typical of Beeb apologists like yourself.
You feeling brave enough to imply that his coming from Leeds might have created your BBC monster?
I hope the BBC doesn’t go bust like the Guardian is or I will have no another lefty organisation to spread my poison from.
Don’t worry, love, Mark Thompson will find a spot for you at the NY Times. Until he realizes even he can’t squeeze more blood from that stone, anyway.
But is Mark in the frame? not yet, but where will it lead?
Dear Potty
Never mind if the BBC joins The Guradian in the media dustbin. I’m sure you could get a job at the Daily Mirro…
…hang on whats that about phone hacking in the papers this morning…
Go on, my Sun…
Brilliant Sun headline, just stating the obvious. I wondered when the press would bring in the TV Licence.
I always thought “Top of the Pops” was an abbreviation for “popular music” – not a contest among middle aged paedos on the BBC payroll on who could score the most teens on the show.
Funny you should say that, according to the Beeb documentary Savile came up with the title.
How many knew what was going on and how many did nothing because of their own careers?
It’s not just the abusers that need finding and prosecuting. There are others that need to reconsider their own positions.
John Peel along with Johnathan King was another child molester.
Top BBC managers and directors seem to think that because they claim that they didn’t know anything about these crimes they are free from guilt and blame. Well, even if we believe that they didn’t know, they were/are responsible for what goes on in their organisation. The BBC, in its impeccably unbiased way, always ensures that Tory ministers feet are held to the fire when one of their civil servants transgresses or makes an error of judgement, let alone commits serious and foul crimes on the premises. The same rules must apply to themselves, so I am waiting for resignations of the top brass.
I am also waiting for the Tories to score a hat full of goals into this open net. Surely even this lot can do some worthwhile damage to the BBC after such a ‘disgraceful betrayal of trust’ as the sanctimonious John Simpson put it the other day.
” Surely even this lot can do some worthwhile damage”
No they can’t !
“I am also waiting for the Tories to score a hat full of goals into this open net.”
They seem to be more like Emile Heskey whose few goals always seem more like an accident than intent. Or possibly even Jamie Carragher, who scores more own goals than goals for his team.
The charge is that the BBC facilitated, enabled and covered up decades of sexual abuse of minors.
This is a much more serious charge than anything that Murdoch’s media empire ever had to face.
Write to your MPs, to the media to everyone and never stop comparing hacking a few celeb’s phones, with systematic, institutionalised organised paedophilia.
Considering how aggressively the BBC and the left wing perverts attacked Murdoch, we on the right, should make our views on the BBC’s disgusting perversions known very loudly indeed.
We need a shorthand term to sum up the BBC’s mangement of its paedophiles – how about “institutionally complicit”?
How about “Child’s play”…
I think the Sun is desperately hiding behind Saville a its about to be totally shafted by Levison. However vile Saville is, subverting the Govt as Murdoch has done is in a different league.
A bit of perspective.
Please define exactly what you mean by “subverting the Govt as Murdoch has done” and support it with evidence of what Leveson is about to conclude. Then, please explain why this is in a “different league” of wrongdoing compared to the Savile scandal at the BBC.
Prole, please tell me you are not for real.
Even Dez would be ashamed at some of the crap you try.
The near sole tack being adopted by BBC apologists on the (amazingly still open) follow-up The Editors thread on this, is still that it is an attack by the Conservatives to please Daily Mail readers. Or that there is no blame for the BBC because no tabloid reported on what their employee got up to on their premises, staff either ignored or were suppressed and was then covered-up.
Interesting therefore to see what Guardian readers seem to think when served an opinion piece not exactly clarified as being from a BBC top bod during this time…
22 October 2012 6:21PM
Response to nocausetoaddopt, 22 October 2012 6:20PM
Why had not our famous “feral” tabloid press been taking a closer look at him?
Why didn’t the Guardian?
Maybe they too have concerns on ‘inaccurate or incomplete’? Certainly more than the vicious little damage limitation self-detonators all playing the person so badly.
The most depressing thing is that despite its manifest failures as a news organisation, inability to implement its charter obligations, innate and self-perpetuating bias, smug attacks on the propriety and morals of other news organisations and a stupendous level of funding extorted from people who don’t use it, it is a squalid paedophile ring that has brought it down
Ouch! Paul Gambaccini just made the n-word accusation about Savile live on air on the Nicky -he left as I joined – Campbell show.
News just in:
The BBC announces that so as to restore confidence and trust BBC1 will be scheduling a Christmas Special Family Spectacular…. hosted by Jerry Sadowitz
Anyone hear Paul Gambacinin radio 5 ?
he was foaming at the mouth alleging that news inntrenational failed to run a story on Savile 10 years ago.
… and this form a man who was told. to his face, by Savile’s Travels production assistants tha Savile was having sex with underage girls who were in care??
“Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?”
gambaccini starts at 2hrs 37 mins
ranting about news international starts at 2hrs 43 mins
A bunch of waffle about NI needing Nicky to act for them for legal reasons as two BBC drones say what they are not allowed to say by saying they can not say them.
And NI, Thatcher & the Pope are all as complicit because they didn’t act on ‘genius’ activities known only to… those who worked in the office with him.
Paul G is a certifiable loon and digging his already deep hole deeper, forthrightly.
‘How do you tell someone who already knows?’ asks the woman, and we get a pretty serious accusation back that goes…where?
Er… and this is going to be pursued when, how… by whom?
The BBC hosts sounded gobsmacked.
So this is all a vast right wing conspiracy involving the tories and Murdoch, to frame the BBC? The fact that it was a number of BBC employees (currently 10, but possibly a lot more) who repeatedly over a series of decades, systematically sexually abused children on the BBC dime and on the BBC time in BBC premises….
Somehow it is all still Murdoch’s fault for not reporting any of this at the time?
What a shame they did not hack Savile’s phone!!!
The left’s defence of this outrageously sick and perverted BBC paedophilia know’s no bounds of reason or decency.
They are just sick in the head!
I wonder whether the fact that the “Head of Vision” at the time, one George Entwistle, was very much in the frame for the D-G job had anything to do with the Newsnight investigation being pulled?
After watching the Panorama list night, I can only come to two conclusions:
1 – The BBC spends a good amount of its energy to self perpetuate its own existance. This means that it will do whatever it has to do to maintain its funding, to maintain the existance of a state broadcaster, to maintain its position as the largest state broadcaster and to maintain market dominance in whatever it does then to move on and dominate another area.
2 – The BBC is part of the public sector. For the reasons given in 1 as well as the way it is funded. To deny this would be foolish however the BBC would never admit to it as it wants to be seen to be impartial and like the NHS compared to a private health company, it just can’t be – not ever.
I really hope and wish that these awful events will mean that the BBC *has* to change. I doubt that it will be the kind of change that I hope for however, it’s leash must be tightened to the point where it makes the BBC extremely difficult to breath. It must be brought in to line and reminded who it works for.
Murdoch shut the News of the World for far far less than what the BBC is accused of doing.
The BBC should be shut down and replaced with many voluntary subscription only services.
‘Daily Mail’ update:
“BBC chief arrives to face MPs’ questions over why Newsnight Savile probe was shelved – the day after Panorama revealed sex abuse suspicions were first raised 40 years ago.”
Our media estate at play:
Have to say, kicking off with ‘Peter Ribbon’ was a nice touch.
And Rosa Prince equating this with a badger U-turn… classy.
Just popped back to read the full transcript/summary.
And an old friend from The Editors blog cropped up…
‘11.23 David Jordan says he was not aware there was a dispute between Newsnight journalists and its editor, which is why he continued to sell the Rippon line in interviews.’
So now, after Uncurious George, here’s comes Mr. Unaware Jordan.
These senior BBC executive market rate talents… what is it they DO again for the money?
‘we saw an extract from an email of protest that he had sent.
With advance notice of these bits of the Panorama programme, BBC management were yesterday forced to admit that Rippon’s defence of his actions – posted in a blog early this month – was “inaccurate or incomplete”.
Forced to admit? I wonder how Mark Easton would spin that?
Nice they got ‘advance notice’ too; not a luxury too many corporate bigwigs usually get from inquisitive media.
Also I understand some other emails were with-held by the on-staff FoI exclusion legal team.
Why? When will these be made public?
dame nicky on the radio this morning said that none of the managers knew what was going on so that’s OK.
Didnt say the same thing about those in the phone hacking saga.
….and of course every bishop in the Catholic Church knew all about paedophile priests….
“…none of the managers knew what was going on…”
So their defence that they weren’t colluding in, covering up or ignoring a series of vile crimes is that none of the managers had heard what so many BBC employees had heard?
And then these managers gave Savile a show on which children were the guests? Bit more than coincidence?
I didn’t realise that they had pre pubescent children at top of the pops, that is, after all what peadophilia is.
i find it absolutely incredible the Entwhistle wouldn’t ask Helen Boaden what the allegations against Jimmy Saville were. He didn’t know? – or he didn’t want to know?
gobsmacking stuff from day 1
‘“It seems that your determination not to show an ‘undue interest’ applies to everything at the BBC,” snorted Philip Davies
Not the best value at a compelled £145.50pa, really.
Gambaccini is sure implicated in this as is the rest of the paedophile dj ring. Including St. John peel
It does appear that the BBC as an institution still has a lot going for it when Panorama can produce such an exposé of a BBC cover-up.
£4Bpa can buy an institution quite a lot to ‘go with’, especially when presented externally with an unavoidable fait accompli.
Especially when a rival internal team is handed the near complete works of another that was shelved, and gifted 20 days of waffle to tweak it around.
Minus FoI-excluded bits.
Appearances are everything… but can still be deceptive.
I’ll reserve judgement on that. They were backed into a corner and had no alternative.
I expect the BBC is like any large outfit. People jockey for position and watch their backs. Nobody is indispensable and they all know it. Promotion beckons for some and disgrace for others. it is the way of things.
at the BBC? ….. watching ones back is critical.
just watched the DG at the committee ,what a idiot and WE pay for this pleb,dont have any probs with the tories or sky bashing,but when it comes to the BBC nothing to be seen
sorry should have said the BBC have no probs bashing the tories,or sky,climate change,etc but when it comes to being accountable to MP’S and the british public the beeb fails miserably and muddies the water.
Will the BBC give the right answers or just spin the BBC like it always does. I can see a whitewash coming after the two reports on the BBC come to light.The telling part was when he said the reports would be available unless there were LEGAL REASONS,well we all know what that means.see balen report.
More BBC Cover Up…..
‘The girls were teenagers, they were not too young’: Explosive email reveals editor’s reasons for axing Savile Newsnight expose
Channel 4 News said it had seen the email sent last December by Newsnight reporter Liz MacKean
She wrote about her frustrations with editor Peter Rippon over his decision to axe the programme
She said he was initially keen but suddenly went cold and tried to kill the investigation saying ‘the girls were not too young’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2221941/The-girls-teenagers-young-Explosive-email-exposes-editor-axed-Newsnight-investigation.html#ixzz2A8iv0TLn
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‘‘The girls were teenagers, they were not too young’
Oh, dear, that’s not going to play well… now.
And this FOI exclusion that appears to have seen this email gain public exposure again via less than forthcoming means via an unwilling BBC… was this on the basis of protecting journalistic integrity or somesuch?
Does this chap have a HIGNFY slot lined up?
Not doing too well in the comments after a few BBC mates got in first.
I’ve read on other blogs Radio 1 presenter Alan ” Fluff ” Freeman was another child molester .
He had sex parties at his house in the 1960s, Johnathan King, Jimmy Saville, Lord Boothby, Tom Driberg, Brian Epstein, Kray Twins attended.
My presonal favourite comment from the MPs to Incurious George….
12:21 BST
“Are there any other questions you would like us to prompt that you would like to ask?”
[prompting much laughter in the committee room].
Entwistle stares straight ahead with a fixed grimace and takes a sip of water.
I was wondering who Entwhistle in the Dark reminded me of-and then I got it!
Mr La-di-dah Gunner Graham from “It aint half hot mum”!
That “racist” excuse not to show repeats clearly a Savile cigar smokescreen…they`re just afraid that they`ll end up looking like a jokey gang show…as if!
George of the Jungle?…got a nice ring to it!
As vile as Savile was, let’s just be grateful he wasn’t a Muslim, or we would NEVER have heard about his paedophile activities!
Muslims should not face prosecution for these offenses.
Why you say because if they are prosecuted its Islamaphobia.
Under Islamic law if a girl has reached puberty then it is not paedophilia.
To prosecute Muslims for breaking British law but not Islamic law is a breach of their human rights.
Was it just me Or was the thrust on BBc Breakfast concerning Saville as the “culture” of the time.
So when was it ok to shag under age girl?
why did not one person have the guts to inform the police? Were they so terrified of losing their precious jobs that they would sacrfice their self respect? Apparently the answer to that is yes. Esther Ransen, and lots of others must have heard rhumours and known something was not right, and some must have witnessed first hand some untoward behaviour. Why did nobody bother to stand up and be counted? It (thier siulence) speaks volumes about the institution and the poeple inside it. As for the license fees that made it all possible… I have always resented the fact the BBC set themselves up as above the law and yet could put old ladies in prison for not paying their obligatory tax
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