Yes, we all know that Lib Dems do seem to have a problem with Israel and in that regard today’s saga with David Ward MP is not that surprising. Just to remind you…

Lib Dem MP David Ward has had the party whip withdrawn over comments he made about Israel. He posted a tweet at the weekend calling the country an “apartheid state” and saying that “Zionists” were “losing the battle”. It comes after a long-running dispute with the party’s leadership over his use of language and comments he made about “the Jews”. Mr Ward said he would not apologise for his tweet.

I agree, he should let hims reprehensible anti-Semitism stand. If he feels sad he could always phone Jenny Tonge. But, what has this to do with the BBC? Well, I would have THOUGHT that this story merited an inclusion on the main BBC UK news portal but it is nowhere to be seen. Yes, I know it leads the politics page but many readers do not go there. On the main UK news page, the BBC finds room to tell us about Thatcher’s support for Jimmy Savile,  about Budget cuts are “damaging neighbourhood policing” but nary a word about this vile Lib Dem Jew hater. Funny old world.

UPDATE;  30 minutes after me posting this, link appeared on main news portal!!

‘Source: Labour Party Research’


The BBC has excelled itself in its latest example of pro-Labour anti-Coalition ‘cuts’ propaganda.

No other word for it but propaganda.

If this can’t persuade a reasoned person that the BBC’s politicised reports are no more than Labour Party press releases I’m not sure what could.


The HMIC has released this report into how police forces are managing the cuts to their budgets:

Policing in Austerity: Rising to the Challenge

It is essentially positive and commends most forces for their achievements in cutting their budgets whilst maintaining or even improving their service.

It has a few concerns one of which is that neighbourhood policing ‘risks being eroded’ if officers are also used on other tasks….note that it talks of the ‘potential risk’ not of any evidence that there is any actual damage being done…and that:

The College of Policing is already looking at this area of policing, and HMIC will examine how neighbourhood police resources are allocated in the autumn.


It is a point of interest but not the major point…that being the positive nature of the report.


The BBC take a different view, this being the headlining report on their front page:


Watchdog warns over local policing

Neighbourhood policing risks being “eroded” but forces are praised for coping well with budget cuts as figures suggest that crime is down.

Recorded crime down 7%, ONS says

Cuts ‘lead to slower 999 response’



The BBC are almost entirely concentrating on ‘cuts’ and any supposed detrimental effects they might have.


But look at that ‘Cuts ‘lead to slower 999 response’…..who is the source for that story?:

Cuts to police budgets have resulted in slower response times to 999 calls, Labour has claimed.


This is entirely a story concocted by Labour..timed to be released along with the HMIC report….and the BBC willingly give it frontpage status and immense ‘credibility’.

And look who they report as backing Labour’s ‘findings’…

Durham police and crime commissioner Ron Hogg said he “totally supported” Ms Cooper’s concerns.

He said: “The pace and depths of the cuts is entirely unnecessary and is increasingly bringing undue pressure on the front line.


What the BBC neglect to tell you is just who Ron Hogg is:

Ron Hogg is Labour’s Police & Crime Commissioner in Durham & Darlington. number: 03000 264631 Email address:


Strange that the HMIC report doesn’t mention this slow 999 response time….it in fact gives information that would imply the opposite….there are more officers on the frontline…and that neighbourhood officers are also now being used to respond to 999 calls when they were not so used  before apparently.


So the BBC have run a story headlining the worst case scenario…one of ‘potential’ only as yet…and backed up  Labour Party scare mongering about response times using a Labour Party stooge.


Such stories from the BBC have one intended purpose…to damage the Public’s confidence in the Police and to blame that upon the Coalition’s ‘cuts’.  It is blatant scaremongering and the BBC have engaged in it shamelessly with their political fellow travellers in the Labour Party.







She may be dead but the BBC still cannot resist having a go. This time, they say…

“Thatcher lobbied for Savile knighthood despite warnings…”

I see. Would that be Jimmy Savile,  the much loved BBC star, a diamond in their constellation of talent for decades “despite warnings”.  Would that be the SAME Jimmy Savile that the BBC felt obliged to pay tribute to after his death when the “warnings” were rather more clear than in the 1980s when Margaret Thatcher was PM? Yes, it seems Thatcher was taking in Savile but it was the BBC who provided him with his perch for DECADES.


It’s funny the little differences that can occur between the BBC’s web based version of a story and their radio coverage. On the web, the BBC proclaims that the House of Commons Committees on Arms Export Controls is questioning the validity of  arms  export licences to to countries with “questionable” human rights. These include China, Iran and Saudi. But on the TODAY Programme, they managed to also thrown on ISRAEL. Seems to me that those working on Today have an issue with Israel, since on no basis can it be said to have “questionable” human rights issues.

Toys out of the pram – angry BBC attacks Zimmerman lawyer

It seems the butthurt is deep at the BBC over the Zimmerman verdict. Using the topic of celebrity lawyers as a hook, the BBC’s Tara Mckelvey has penned a hit-piece portraying Zimmerman lawyer Mark O’Mara as a self-serving celebrity-craving huckster using up his 15 minutes of fame to foment anger: “Zimmerman’s lawyer raises profile – and incites rage

You won’t find BBC articles on the Zimmerman trial questioning the race-baiting comments from hustlers such as the Reverends Sharpton and Jackson. One assumes their views are taken as pearls of conventional wisdom within the politically correct world of left-liberal BBC newsrooms.

Mckelvey explains that the “vigilante” George Zimmerman shot Martin “through the heart”.

The jury accepted self-defence as justification for the shooting. The trial resulted in freedom for Mr Zimmerman – and in a new profile for O’Mara.

A “Justice For Trayvon” photo appears at this point in the article.

Mckelvey tells us that O’Mara’s “fame, or notoriety, was ratcheted up even more after the trial”.

After the jury reached their verdict, Mr O’Mara spoke at a press conference – and surprised people with his inflammatory comments about race.

If Zimmerman had been black, said Mr O’Mara, “he never would have been charged with a crime”.

“This became a focus for a civil rights event, which again is a wonderful event to have,” O’Mara said.

“But they decided that George Zimmerman would be the person who they were to blame and sort of use as the creation of a civil rights violation,” Mr O’Mara said. “The facts that night were not borne out that he acted in a racial way.”

Many people found his remarks offensive.

People such as BBC journalist Tara Mckelvey, evidently.

But what O’Mara said is true. Zimmerman did “become a focus for civil rights violation” because of the colour of skin. It happened when the race hustlers got involved. It happened when Obama said “If I had a son he would look like Trayvon.” It happened when the media made Zimmerman a “white Hispanic” and tried to portray him as a racist, even to the extent of selectively editing his 911 call. And it’s also true that the “facts that night were not borne out that he acted in a racial way.” The FBI conducted extensive interviews with Zimmerman, his friends and his colleagues, and could find no evidence he was racist.

Mckelvey then gives us a renatgob with approved views to make the case against O’Mara.

“The defence looked unfeeling and callous during the trial,” says Jeannine Bell, a professor of law at Indiana University. “This comment – that if Zimmerman had been black, he would not have been charged – reinforced that view.”

Jeannine Bell is author of “Policing Hatred: Law Enforcement, Civil Rights, and Hate Crime”. It’s always someone like that the BBC calls on, isn’t it? God forbid they ever get the views of a black conservative. How about asking, say, Thomas Sowell for example, eh BBC?

Mckelvey continues:

Mr O’Mara may have appeared callous, yet his remarks fuelled his fame. It is not clear how long he will stay in the limelight, though.

After a few paragraphs on other celebrity lawyers, she wraps up her article by quoting another on-message expert:

“Celebrity journalists [sic] have an agenda,” says Laurie Levenson, a professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, California. “They know exactly what they want to use the media for.”

Mr O’Mara’s racially charged comments at the press conference after the trial may have been an honest expression of his views but were not “helpful” to his client, says Ms Levenson.

“Being on camera in a press conference is not the time to vent,’ she says. “It’s not a therapy session.”

Mr O’Mara heightened tension with his racially charged remarks after the trial, she says, and made the situation harder for his client. She believes that his remarks hurt his chances for a career as a celebrity lawyer.

“This is O’Mara’s 15 minutes of fame,” says Ms Levenson. “It’s a flash in the pan.”

“incites rage… notoriety… inflammatory comments… offensive… unfeeling and callous… callous… racially charged comments… racially charged remarks”. Get the point? He’s a bad, bad man. Luckily he’ll be “a flash in the pan”, so he’ll get his and no mistake. The “15 minutes of fame” line is the pull quote used in the sidebar of the article.

According to Wikipedia Laurie Levenson is “a frequent television commentator on criminal legal issues, first coming to fame as a frequent commentator for CBS in the OJ Simpson trial.” Perhaps she sees O’Mara as a potential competitor on the circuit?

Not mentioned in Mckelvey’s hit-piece are O’Mara’s comments on the prosecutors:

Zimmerman’s lawyer calls prosecutors ‘disgrace’ to profession

(Reuters) – George Zimmerman’s chief defense lawyer on Monday called Florida prosecutors “a disgrace to my profession” for holding back evidence for months and pledged a new effort to impose sanctions against them.

Mark O’Mara and co-counsel Don West argued the self-defense case that helped Zimmerman win an acquittal of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges on Saturday for the 2012 shooting death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin.

The law requires prosecutors to share evidence with defense attorneys, especially if it helps exonerate defendants. The requirement is known as the Brady disclosure.

O’Mara accused prosecutors of several Brady violations, which were heard by Judge Debra Nelson before the trial. Nelson postponed some of her decisions on sanctions until after trial, saying the process was time-consuming.

“This is not acceptable, and is not going to be tolerated in any case that I’m involved in,” O’Mara told Reuters in New York on Monday, accusing special prosecutor Angela Corey and lead trial attorney Bernie de la Rionda of Brady violations.

Pointing out any of that doesn’t serve the petty revenge-driven agenda of Mckelvey, so she conveniently ignores it.

Another low in the BBC’s biased coverage of this issue.

UPDATE. Tara McKelvey has form: BBC Admits Error in Claiming Race Played Role in Cleveland Kidnappings Coverage (h/t The Beebinator)