BBC journalist Peter Biles tweets from South Africa:
#Mandela Day 8. Forgive me if I'm wilting.
— Peter Biles (@peterbiles) December 13, 2013
BBC journalist Peter Biles tweets from South Africa:
#Mandela Day 8. Forgive me if I'm wilting.
— Peter Biles (@peterbiles) December 13, 2013
the mass murderer gets buried on sunday. i doubt that will be the end of the absurd coverage of comrade madibas’ death. al beeb will probably have live coverage of the grave site on all its tv channels for the next 1,000 years
Have the police been around to arrest you and seize your computer yet ?
They ail probably have camera inside the grave so we can watch him rotting away.
Or rising again !!!!!!!
That will be Wednesday ,must switch on for that!!
9am Sun – and its Mandela on r4,r5 and world service – nice to see we have a choice
Everyone has had enough, but as ever the Comrades completely our wishes……I mean what the hell we only pay their salaries and all, so what do we matter is creatures like the despicable Hain ride on the backs of us….Again!!!
Everyone has had enough, but as ever the Comrades completely (ignore) our wishes……I mean what the hell we only pay their salaries and all, so what do we matter is creatures like the despicable Hain ride on the backs of us….Again!!!
Poor dear. He probably has even more contempt for those who don’t appreciate all this hard work.
Just like Peter Hain MP (Labour). Specially flown (Business Class) to SA for QT.
That’s probably why he claimed over £4,500 for heating from the taxpayer while bleating about “heat or eat”.
In reality he probably thought his permatan was fading!
All that’s left now is for some bright spark at the BBC to suggest December 5th (or whichever day our hero ceased to be) be declared “Nelson Mandela Day”.
That way, starting from next year, we can all celebrate the anniversary in time honoured fashion by re-hashing the last 8 days or so year after year.
I really hope this doesn’t come to pass, but I fear it is only a matter of time.
Can we take a contract out(or at least a gagging order/injunction) on Simple Minds before that turkey of theirs trots around the pen yet again?
Will you please stop giving them ideas. They don’t need any encouragement to push crazy ideas, they manage to do that themselves without any help.
Just a single day? I was thinking they’ll be pushing for full deification.
Peter Oborne’s already declared December 25th to be International Mandela Day . . . .
Peter Oborne is having a mid-life crisis. Some of his views appear to have gone AWOL lately. I have noticed similar signs with other journalists/politicos. Maybe they are being under pressure to follow their editorial or policy line.
Oh puleeese., I do wish you had not said that.
So sorry to hear you are wilting, Peter, but rest assured that we humble license fee payers are just delighted with the high quality, appropriate, cost effective and balanced reportage that you and the small team of epic BBC heroes have given us since Madiba’s passing.
He’ll probably need a nice long holiday when he gets back.
Luckily the school hols are now starting, so he can join all the rest on the slopes (AGW permitting) until mid-January.
Like every other year.
Can’t you just visualise the scene – Lord Tony Hall is being driven home after a day at the BBC….
Driver: difficult day, Sir?
Hall: it was a disaster
Driver: the licence payers, what did they say?
Hall: they should never have put me with licence payers – whose idea was that?
Driver : I don’t know, I’m just your driver.
Hall: it was Helen, Helen Boaden, I think. It was just ridiculous.
Driver: what did they say?
Hall: Oh, everything. About our Mandela coverage. They are just…. sort of bigoted men and women.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
I just turned on the TV and it was set to BBC1 and I saw a flag in the back of a Ford Transit going to the airport. TV off
This was the lead ‘story’ on the nine o’clock news FFS!! The most important event in the world.
Wigan, you missed the exciting part where the coffin was slow-marched from the Ford to the airplane. Every bit of the action was shown whilst the commentator gamely tried to make it seem interesting. For example, we heard it was a ‘two-hour flight’ to Mandela’s hometown at least five times.
I now know what ‘beyond parody’ means.
At least the Sky chappie did try to make the slow march to the plane interesting by describing some of the cultural aspects that would be taking place – how as a rule the eldest male of the family travels with the coffin and talks to the deceased all the way through the journey and why this is so important etc etc…
Apparently, this is very important culturally but I don’t think the BBC would have gone anywhere near it.
Wouldn`t it be nice if the BBC now gave us ten days of silence-and a refund on our licenses for the 1/36th- so we could reflect on the life of Nelly Mandian?
He deserves that kind of respect…and if the BBC stiffies could just stick around the Cape 8 Flats, to check on how things were among the rainbow People…why, that would be champion!
BBC producer Justine Lang tweeting from the ANC Mandela memorial:
Brilliant, Her comment sums it up nicely
And how northern chuck!
My soft southern kids were amazed when I said “Tata” to them as they left class the other day.
Had I stuck to “TaTU” or “tato”…even tattoo…I`d have been OK.
Does NOBODY listen to Vera Duckworth down here in the soft south( except Peckham!)
“I got to be in SA for a party (and a memorial [sadface]) and all the licence fee payers got was a lousy demand for £145.50”
BBC Staff ‘Views Their Own’* Tweets – the gift that never stops giving.
If the front has ‘Tata’s nice’, all is forgiven.
*Actually: TV news producer working for BBC. Based in South Africa, so guessing more one of those odd contractual jobs?
Why is this idiot wearing a shirt about an Indian car manufacturer?
Another one for the list. They just can’t help themselves.
Possibly a mistranslation of the Welsh – Ta Ra!!!
When I was a lad, a ‘Tata’ was a girl’s Sunday-Best hat. It comes from an old Music-hall song.
Perhaps the BBC think that if they hang it out long enough, they will be on the spot when Mugabe goes. They would give him the same treatment if they thought they could get away with it.
I`m already rehearsing my soundbites for Robert E Ba Gum, come the inevitable.
A great parliamentarian(10/1)
A challenging statesman(5/1)
Made the Matabele run on time…usually to open graves(25/1).
Syphilitic tosspot( no further bets on this one please!)
BBC News Channel just now and a female Beeboid alone on a quiet stretch of road somewhere in the Eastern Cape tells me how great it would have been had the Mandela hearse paused there for a short while an hour ago when it passed.
The BBC : bringing you the news that would have been great – had it happened.
Hell of a precedent.
Cue host, ‘director’, producerette & crew flying anywhere (nice, a la climate conferences) for a bit of an awayweek in more clement climes, and to justify the whole gig they merely need to set up the tripod and dangle the boom mike to solemnly intone how great a hypothetical situation would be aroundabouts, and then back to the hotel pool for tiffin.
At least Attaboy, Coxy etc try and wangle an actual relevant link into to something in shot, though the basic principle is about the same and has been for years.
Having been there, seen nothing, done squat, did this moppet get the T-shirt too?
BBC veteran Kate Adie isn’t impressed with the endless Mandela coverage. Here’s what she had to say as a guest on this morning’s World Service Weekend programme (37.30 in, just after a typically saccharine offering by Maya Angelou):
Adie was critical of “the media”, though, not the BBC specifically. Oh, well, the point was made anyway, I suppose.
Mandela inspires more people across the planet than anybody else? Baloney. Ask the same people currently genuflecting and bawling in two weeks who inspires them most, and see what their answer is. The Beeboids think their thoughts and emotions are shared by all except the most evil people, and have no sense of perspective.
‘a camera placed staring with no great reason for it to be there.’
A snip at £145.50pa.
I almost passed over this one but will share given the rather crucial back story:
‘In case I incur the wrath of Danny Cohen, I’ve laid off the BBC’s Mandela coverage. ‘
Frankly, our country’s national media offerings being based on avoiding the bestowed wrath, or not, of Mr. Cohen, explains much and excuses zippy.
I don’t recall voting for him, and though I no longer contribute to his doubtless market rate salary, I can’t comprehend any good reason why he controls how the nation thinks, or steps lightly around.
Extensive funeral coverage on BBC1, News Channel, World Service, Radio 4 and Radio 5 Live.
The BBC demands that we recognise the unparalleled significance of this event whether we like it or not.
Just read this footnote on a post by Smithersjones1 on Conservative Home.
‘PS I’m surprised that the BBC haven’t arranged to have a couple of their reporters buried with Mandela!’
What a ****ing good idea.
It would be a grand gesture from the BBC!
Lyse Doucett and Mark Mardell would do it…might need an extra bit of digging though to fit tubby in with them both.
Maybe they are expecting him to rise on the third day? I’m sure Evan Davies or Justin Webb alluded to his Jesus-like persona the other day.
god the plat will have to be a big one for all of them,cheaper than moving to salford
I struggle to understand twitter conversations i.e. who is saying what to whom, but I’m tempted to open a twitter account – surely somewhere there must be a hashtag ‘sick of Mandela’ which we could ‘follow’ or whatever it is you do?
Still day 0 of the BBC on the spot reporting from CAR
‘Still day 0 of the BBC on the spot reporting from CAR’
Maybe they’re still waiting for the t-shirts to come back from the printers?
“The BBC sent me to Africa after Mandela died and all I got was a story about ethnic violence in the CAR”
Apparently Desmond Tutu will be attending the funeral after all. I can’t let on how I know, other than to say that I’m grateful the BBC has somebody on the case in South Africa:
Recently burgled and here giving advance gen to any criminals who felt they missed out on the last looting. Why doesn’t he just post a google earth capture of his home on Facebook with the caption : “X marks the spot: Come and help yourselves – I’m way too daft to stop you !” ?
Well at least, for once, the BBC cannot be accused of running a story without it being verified. And it’s all on twitter, so it must be true.
This is all proving quite funny now.
Especially if he doesn’t lob up.
what we should all do is join twitter and send them a tweet,Telling them we dont care about mandela. give it a rest
Yes brilliant idea boggy ,& we can tell them all to shove those “I just love that SA Terrorist” tweets to a place where the ****ing sun don`t shine .
Tutu Tata.
Crikey! now every burglar in the vacinity will know when Tutu’s house will be unoccupied.
Crikey! now every burglar in the vicinity will know when Tutu’s house will be unoccupied.
Lock your door Desmond!
Every “normal” person that I have spoken to has had it up to the gills with the endless deification of Nellie. These absurd old lefties are competing for ever more obsequious eulogies about him. It’s becoming obscene. The ludicrous adulation is on a par with something you might witness in North Korea.
the only difference is North Korea executes its murderers, it doesnt make them president and the BBC doesnt compare them to jesus
Um, except the top murderer in North Korea is the leader already.
their leader didnt start murdering until he became leader, unlike mandela, who murdered, then became leader
plus, mandela is responsible for more deaths than Kim Jong-un
You weren’t talking about either of the previous two leaders of North Korea? A curious omission and revealing perspective.
whats more revealing is your support for a murdering communist terrorist scumbag
but after over 30 years of marxist propaganda from the media, i sympathy with your delusions
please insert the word “have” inbetween “i” and “sympathy”
The North Korean murderer-presidents have probably killed between 1.5-2 million people, at a conservative estimate. They make Nelson Mandela seem like June Whitfield.
Give Kim Jong-un time. He’s still a newbie communist mass-murderer and only just getting into his stride.
indeed. Compared to the Kim Jong dynasty, Mandela was a rank amateur communist. But if youre making it a numbers game, Hitler was a rank amateur compared to Stalin when it came to murder. That doesnt mean Hitler was like June Whitfield
At last – John Simpson’s arrived! Where’s he been? No doubt finishing off one of those tiresome off-the-peg travelogue + book deal series the BBC lavishes on its big-name journos.
Has he liberated Jo’burg single handed yet ?
Perhaps he’ll lead a parade of potential Guardian readers down main street , like he did in Tehran, that worked out well.
Take a look a the final few paragraphs of the article he wrote for the Telegraph last week:
I mean WTF? An orphan? It’s cult-like, and it’s bullshit. He just wants us to acknowledge the tiny bit of stardust from his own tenuous connection with a famous guy he met a couple of times who has just died.
Beyond parody. And this is a news outfit we have to pay for?
Where do they find these people?
I know Simpson was briefly a correspondent in South Africa during the early 80s but I’m not sure why he’s always wheeled on to talk about Mandela. Did he ever meet the man in prison?
Dani Sinha?…surely not Solents Multiculti prophet of nice things is it?
The BBC are utterly useless aren`t they?
effnik name=compulsory advancement does it not?
At least Simpson is officially a roaming correspondent who’s done most of his important reporting abroad, going to all sorts of countries. Unlike the other 90% of Beeboids over there who are churning out redundant navel-gazing pieces and utterly pointless South Africa versions of their shows, his job has actually involved being there once or twice.
Having said that, he’s still only putting out self-indulgent navel-gazing stuff. Hockaday is probably proud as can be.
I think the South Africans should re-instate apartheid as a punishment
I’m watching the real funeral on sky sports 2.
Don’t remind me, maybe its just as well the BBC cant be bothered to bid for sport these days or we might have had some leftist wet drivelling on about the Empire getting a kicking!
And while I’m in rant mode, what is it with Aussies and silly ‘taches, being beaten by somebody who looks like he should be on the stage twirling it and going Mwahahaha just rubs it in a little bit more!
Wanders off, bloody cricket, bloody Aussies, effing BBc………
The gun carriage was taken from Jan Smuts funeral. It looks like Smuts had a bigger turn out.
Surely, now the man is buried, the BBC can give us a rest from the deep mourning routine. I am sick of it and have been for well over a week.
One thing that we can be sure of, is that the BBC will interpret the large number of complaints they have had over too much coverage, not as being that they got it wrong, but rather, that their decades long indoctrination programme of the British people in liberal left idealism, has not yet reached saturation level. We still don’t fully understand what is expected of us. So they will double the propaganda dose until some other leftish hero dies and then see if we lap up another feast of heart on sleeve, way over the top, mourning without complaint.
God rot the BBC.
Saturation coverage continues. 21 articles at the top of the bBBC ‘News’ website, but only one of them makes the ‘top ten’ read by visitors, at no.7. Surely even in the bBBC echo-chamber they must have got the message?
I wonder how much Licence Fee payer’s money was squandered by the BBC in payments to corrupt ANC officials, in bribes and kickbacks.
They sent over 140 people, that is 140 people that could be shaken down. Rather than the 20 from the rest of the UK Media.
Were these kickbacks disguised as payments for interviews?
Reminds me of the time that other terrorist, Yasser Arafat, pegged it and the Al shaBeeb politico/journo was in tears – FFS.
Oh luvaduck Simon!
You`re telling us that Mandelas death will be put down to B.O.S.S in a year or so`s time aren`t you?
Polonium?…Israel?…the bug that killed Chavez?
Oh Lordy…
You mean Mandela wasn’t killed by Climate Change?
Is it me or is the fourth plinth cock looking nervous?
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