Well folks, 2013 is drawing to a close and I wanted to take a moment and thank you all for your continued patronage of this site. It works because of your passion and continued excoriation of BBC bias. Wishing you and your loved ones all the very best for 2014 and see you in the New Year… and a BIG thank you to all my fellow writers – Alan in particular – for their fantastic contributions.
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I regularly view BBBC but I have never contributed until now. I want to get my h’penny’s worth in now before the new year as I am more annoyed than ever at the BBC.
I haven’t watched any T.V. over Christmas since most of it I have seen before and the rest is mainly crap.
So I downloaded “The Many Faces of Les Dawson” from the BBC I-PLAYER. since I never had the opportunity to watch the original version. The program itself was good, showing Les at his best, but unfortunately marred by some of the contributors. We had Robert Webb, one of the Mitchell and Webb team of so called funny men which I can take or leave, (usually leave), but the other was one, Russel Kane, who I admit, I have never heard of. This man, being an expert in comedy, described how to deliver a joke. Here are his exact words, “There still is for all our disappearing up our own orifices there’s still a lead up, a gap, and then a laugh up at the end, if that laugh is like the absence or the breaking down of the THATCHER GOVERNMENT. It’s still de dum de dum de dum etc”. A LAUGH. Well as far as I’m concerned it’s not, Why did the BBC get this left wing prick who was born only a few years before the death of this genuinely funny man to comment. Do they not know that Les was a TORY. Like many intelligent people born in humble circumstances, who dragged themselves up out of the mire in order to better themselves became right wing. People born with privilege into middle and upper middle class backgrounds, and so have never experienced true hardship become LEFTIES.
David Starkey confronts Harriet Harmen and Victoria Coren (Mitchell and Webb) on this issue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwRf0VIm2w4&feature=player_detailpage
Starkey had them bang to rights and if any one still thinks a vote for UKIP is a wasted vote listen to Shirley Williams contemptuous dismissal -as I’ve said before nothing will change until the politicians are more frightened of the electorate than they are of the BBC/Guardian alliance – a good result for UKIP will instil that fear in them
Nice to see an all female panel for a change ( sorry couldn’t help myself)
Thank you David and same to you. The BBC keeps you and us fairly busy; seems odd to hope it doesn’t continue!…but we know it will.
A big thanks to David and the team. Before discovering this site I honestly thought I was imagining the bias at the BBC. I spent too long on left-wing forums not being convinced that it was just me (as some posters suggested).
Have a happy new year one and all.
Happy New Year, David!
Yes, big thanks to BBBC, David and the team.
This, and other sites, have helped me in opening my eyes to many of the things that are either ‘badly’ reported, or not reported on at all. Things, we as a people, and as licence fee payers should be told.
Happy New Year to David and his team and all fellow commenters.
Well… almost all of them.
Mrs Bug and noble self heading off to the Land Of Nod now in the (unlikely) hope that we’ll be asleep before the utter gits round about start setting off the fireworks from their apparently inexhaustible stockpile of the bloody things and make that impossible.
Happy New Year to all. See you at a civilised hour sometime tomorrow.
merry new year! hic
beef jerky time
Happy New Year to all on here, and thank-you to David and his team for this site where we can all confirm we are not going mad, but the BBC is.
Blwyddyn newydd dda.
Prezza ?
Cymraeg – Happy New Year.
Yes, I know. I was just trying to get a first jolly rise of 2014 out of one of your fellow countrymen on here who doesn’t like to be reminded of the Cymric origins of Lord LardArse . And apparently it hasn’t worked………….:-(
Happy New Year to you, too.
Dim problem – Prescott’s a gog:-)
Thanks David ye boy ye, and a Happy New Year to one and all.