Good Morning everyone. First of all, my apologies for the site availability over the weekend. This was caused by a server migration issue and is not resolved. It was not specific to Biased BBC but did cause us a problem. Anyway, we are back in time for a whole new week of BIAS. I see the BBC have kicked off with the latest doom-mongery from the IPCC climate hustlers, you may have a view on that. The floor is yours….
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“Good Morning everyone. First of all, my apologies for the site availability over the weekend”
No worries. Glorious weather out, so it would probably have been mainly the Flokker weekend shift clogging things up anyway. Must have frustrated the heck out of them to be unable to post on a site no one pays attention to save those with no lives or serial masochists.
Mind you, I see a few soon picked up where they left off as soon as the doors reopened.
That is commitment.
Be interesting to see how the ‘pay more for a failing service or lose it’ spin is handled today. I refer of course to the NHS proposal, not the ongoing BBC PR about the BBC being punted out.
You’re not fooling anyone, you were just making do with the BBC News facebook page.
Always good to be followed up by those who are not fools. Bit creepy if that observation is based on tracking online activity and trying to make odd connections. Benefit of the doubt and all that. Hopefully homage and not histrionics. Though the snipe about the site owner elsewhere seems oddly familiar
Still, thus further inspired, and absolutely not talking about CECUTT and its waaaaay past remit obsessions with critics, a few interesting URLs on the subject of the BBC and complaints and what a cluster-FUBAR the whole sorry facade really is:
Along with the always meticulous author, who pulled it out as the headline (I can ‘like’ some “quotes” if pertinent), this is a peach:
‘With the benefit of that detachment, I now believe I misdirected myself’
Yes, the BBC has looked at the BBC and found the BBC doesn’t know what it is on about. Or does. Then doesn’t.
Still, it was possibly a different time… or just seemed like a long, long, long one:
Given BBC SOP, I am surprised they didn’t try using their own woeful systems as an excuse for pulling the plug. “As the BBC took so long to reply the BBC couldn’t recall what it was replying to, so the BBC has decided it has taken too long and the BBC doesn’t need to worry about it any more.”
No wonder the BBC Trust found itself, as it does so often, ‘satisfied’ with… well… the very BBC it teeters atop.
And finally….
A variation on ‘no one complained’, one guesses. This time, ‘no one complained at the time’?
Stay unique, BBC. It can only serve you well. Or…
A worthy ps….
‘ of the tactics the BBC used was to layer on complication; the more complication they layered on the easier it was for them to say how complicated it all was and they couldn’t possibly hope to deal with all of that.’
And so the cupboard in the room in the basement with the sign that says ‘Beware of the Leopard’ beckons.
‘…on top of the delay (I was strongly suspicious they were trying to use delay as a tactic to bury the complaint), the logic in this finding was so flawed, so tortuous, so surreal that this letter made me doubt the bona fides of the organisation. The important thing was not the journalism; it was preventing a complaint succeeding.
From what I have heard, the BBC can admit to the complainant that they are biased for legal reasons, and then omit this from the findings.
More on complaints.
Sometimes complaints do thread through the system #1
Exclusive: how a complainant convinced the BBC Trust’s ESC to uphold his appeal BBC Watch details a successful complaint by Sam Green BBC Trust Ruling on Kevin Connolly. It took three years before the BBC Trust ruled a report by Kevin Connolly was inaccurate and misleading. When a complaint takes so long (most complainants give up long before) the lie has probably been disseminated a hundred times by the BBC and becomes ‘truth’ by repetition.
Congratulations Mr. Green!
Sometimes complaints do thread through the system #2 at least partially.
I generally avoid the BBC search engine. It seems designed not to find what you are looking for but on this occassion I used it and stumbled on Guide: Why are Israel and the Palestinians fighting over Gaza?, Newsround website, Finding by the Editorial Complaints Unit
There is nothing to date the complaint or the resolution. We have the BBC’s version of the complaint itself but not the complainant’s so we will never know if the BBC was answering the complaint or answering the complaint it chose to understand.
One thing does stand out. The excuse that simplification intended for children excused misleading information. How does the item for children differ from the misleading and inaccurate reporting aimed at adults?
‘…The excuse that simplification intended for children excused misleading information’
“Bearing in mind the degree of simplification appropriate for an item intended for children”
Is no excuse.
Any more than their attempts at claiming the truth or accuracy won’t fit new media, so their best stab (curiously always uni-directional) is fine.
‘It is not clear what the BBC will do to ‘remedy’ the breach, nor what Kevin Connolly thinks about it all. His colleague Jeremy Bowen has rejected the last BBC Trust decision against him. It is difficult to see how Connolly can square spending almost three years defending what he considers to have been sterling work to be told by his regulator that it is in fact rotten journalism.
Bascially, a BBC employee can easily decide the BBC didn’t get it right and soldier on immune. Explains the BBC staff response to £300k+ market rate manager Hugs’ plea to stop being stupid. Carrying on…
One is sure, given past history, with BBC support, he will remain very comfortable in his beliefs. Especially if they are extra ‘strong’.
‘The Committee noted the BBC had provided the Committee with comments from the correspondent. The correspondent’s strong belief was that, having regard to all the circumstances, the audience had not been misled..
There’s a note that the BBC Trust does allow robust language to be quoted.
So, may I just say to all that… b*ll*cks.
At least the Thais do not have to pay tax for their misinformation:
FaceBook is really proving a double edged sword for the BBC, not least because the interactivity is much trickier to suppress or censor.
Hence when they fail, the reaction can be immediate and very public.
Interesting to see a complaint form printed in such a way, and the comments ensuing.
How the BBC responds will also be noteworthy. Though on current form it will be late, default rejected based on the belief of a drone, and if pursued kicked down the street at least a year.
But they do truly hate it when the paucity of their counters or excuses are exposed.
The whole Thai riot reporting was awful, with the BBC acting as propagandists for anti-democratic mobs.
I even recall they had a form on one article asking folk to write in if they thought the government should resign.
At the time, I thought that was an incredible presumption for a state medium from another country.
Wow! The evergrowing list of comments agreeing with the original complaint is something to see. And no, Scott, they are not written by what you would claim to be the usual suspects.
I wonder how many people in other countries around the world now dismiss the BBC as untrustworthy?
This is all thanks to the Internet and social media. No wonder the powers that be seek to control it.
It is as one poster says very much a case of karma.
As with Gordon Brown’s stealth taxes you can attack small groups for only so long. Sooner or later you alienate enough people for the impact of the rebound to become unstoppable.
It is a shame that the BBCs foreign reputation is taking a hit because that reflects badly on the UK as a whole but it is inevitable as they are incapable of factual reporting.
The BBC wants to be seen as an international media outlet rather than a national broadcaster but unless it starts neutral foreign reporting it will fail where ever it goes.
Time for it to go permanently.
The effect of Climate Change/Global Warming will be catastrophic say the ‘believe any old rubbish BBC’. The effect of the green taxes and austerity that has decimated Europe’s economy and people lives, as well as frightening of our children, who can do nothing about it other than starve however, will be much worse.
The taxes are of course needed to pay for the elite scientists, the BBC and the EU and all of the other hangers on that do not do any actual real work. But what will they do about it , nothing! As for windmills, they are a great step forward for mankind aren’t they?
After all, what caused the floods on the Somerset levels? Top heavy management and domination by wet greens at the Environment Agency and no real action, i.e. dredging.
As for the CO2 nonsense, when will the scientists mention that the more the better as far as plants are concerned. The more there is the better they grow. There is just 0.039% in the atmosphere at the moment, it’s dangerously low and we will all starve without it. So keep burning those fossil fuels folks and keep us all alive.
On twitter, the BBC has resorted to putting hyperbolic statements in “quotes”.
It’s only when you investigate further (a lot further) you find out supposedly science-backed claims are being made by the likes of Ed Davey. No wonder the BBC is coy on its ‘sources’.
Guessing Mr. Lovelock will be less quoteable now.
Today is Ed Davey’s day. Expect to see a lot of him on the Beeb. I am a non-violent person, but there is something about Davey that makes me want to punch his lights out.
Fancy not being regarded as being as decent and credible a human being as Chris Huhne.
Only being seen fit to wax Huhnes Barbour jacket, once he had gone to reflect on somewhat-urgent learning opportunities conducive to personal growth( ie. prison).
Bit like being Ian Bradys understudy in the prison pantomine…you`re really not though of much!
And when CLEGG is your “better”.
No wonder Wavey Davey needs all those BBC hugs and strokes…not in a Savile way hopefully…
Mr Lovelock has completely changed his tune on CO2 driven climate change. For those who do not know who Dr Lovelock is, he is the mind that came up with Ghia Theory. He postilated that our CO2 would increase global temperatures by 6 degrees by 2100.
He has re-examined his assumptions based upon what has really happened so far and has concluded that he was wrong. That CO2 is not the primary driver of climate change as he had thought previously and that we are not headed for catastrophe. He still acknowledges that we are causeing great damage on local and regional scaled, which is indisputable, and that we all need to live much more in harmony with our environments and we need to polute less. (I agree with these points)
However, he is no longer an alarmist and kudos to him for changing his mind when the evidence changed.
What he is suffering now, from the mindless theological “climate alarm believers” is appalling abuse and attacks. He now knows how mindless many of his former acolytes were and how climate alarm is more of a religion than a science. (it is not a science at all).
‘Scientist behind the Gaia hypothesis says environment movement does not pay enough attention to facts and he was too certain in the past about rising temperatures.’
And as usual when The Left are losing the argument they close down the argument by…
‘Man-made climate change happens. Man-made climate change kills a lot of people. It’s going to kill a lot more. We have laws on the books to punish anyone whose lies contribute to people’s deaths. It’s time to punish the climate-change liars.’
Then think how much the BBC through the likes of Harrabin, knowingly or unknowingly, reflect this fascist mindset.
Lovelock is that rare, unbribed scientist who has followed the evidence.
No matter how unpalatable his conclusions-he sticks to the science.
Hence his change of mind-and unremitting hatred from the likes of Monbiot.
I don“ agree with much of Lovelock after 1993-but can admire his unwillingness to be bought or lionised by the green oafs and their UEA fronts.
A true scientist-hence no university would ever employ him.
That there can be no winners from climate change seems very odd. By the laws of chance there must be. Doom for all is absurd and illogical and they know it. It is all part of the new religion of regarding mankind as an unnatural blot on the world. To be denigrated and curtailed. By an elite of course. The new gods.
Have they mentioned the plague of frogs and locusts yet?
Imagine some sort of strange combination of Leon Trotsky and Private Fraser and you get the IPCC.
That will be in the IPCC AR6. The destruction of the earth via Black Hole will be in AR8.
No doubt the Alien invasion will be in AR7.
I do not joke about the alien invasion. This is how awful climate science is. A “scientific” paper was peer reviewed and published which stated that the biggest threat of Climate Change was from Alien invasion. It posited the idea that Aliens are watching this planet, and as they see the earth heat up, they will know that we are using energy and becoming technologically advanced and therefore may be a threat, so they will invade and destroy mankind, to protect the cosmos from us.
That was peer reviewed! Acta Astronautica (Baum et al. ,2011, AA 68(11-12): 2114-2129).
Oh yes Old Timer let us not forget the ‘Experts’ on climate change and flooding…
Climate change nonsense (from March 8th) TIMES Letter reported that; ‘Lord Krebs* has written to the Environment Secretary stating that sea levels are expected to rise by 12cm by 2030, that is 7.5mm per year (Mar 7). The Met Office report on the floods tells us that sea levels in southern England have risen by 12cm in the past 100 years, that is 1.2mm per year. If Lord Krebs is correct, something truly biblical must be about to happen to our climate’…
*Unabashed our magnificent Lord (prof) Krebs is the Scientific advisor and Chief Executive of the Natural Environment Research Council and formerly in charge of FOOD (DEFRA) under Labour. Krebs is better known for his ‘Badger cull’ tributes in the Guardian. Of course this does not take into effect that there is a new Biblical film out called NOAH based on the Somerset floods (starring Lord Chris Smith (NRA) as the idiot tool-bender upon which all floods are based).
God help us from the idiots Kleb and Smith both Lords, a disaster apiece.
On the Sunday Politics the panel of journalists gave us perfect examples of leftist distortions, which unfortunately Andrew Neil did not pick up on.
The topic was why the FN in France did so much better than the BNP et al in the UK. The lady journalist from the New Statesman said, that ‘far right’ parties , a label they use even though the FN and BNP are quite leftist in their policies apart from immigration, only prospered if the main stream parties allowed them to. She gave an example of indigenous folks not being able to get a council home. If you said it was because the housing stock was being used up by immigrants there would be lots of angry folks who would go and vote far right. But, if you said it was because not enough houses had been built, then people accepted it and voted for the main stream party which promised most houses and no one thought about immigrants.
So just distort and hide the truth and all will be well with the open door policy of the left.
The chap from the Guardian , why are there always two lefties on a panel of three, said that Britain was just a much more tolerant country than France. Not true, its just that we never get told the truth by the leftist media, who shamelessly use the sort of tactic outlined above. This chap also said that although the pundits had called the Farage/Clegg debate for Clegg and the people had called it for Farage, the pundits were right, Clegg won hands down. Talk about being arrogant and out of touch! I’m a pundit and I know whats best, not you ordinary working person, who really shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Andrew Neil was also musing why Mr E Miliband seemed able to set the political weather. The truth is of course that the BBC just endlessly run whatever stories Labour wants until it becomes an issue out of all proportion to its real importance. Its not Miliband who sets the weather , its the BBC.
I was disappointed that Polly wasn’t back on the panel again. Wonderful though The New Statesman is, I preferred it when two out of three of the panel were from The Guardian. In fact I’d go one step further and do away with the guy from the FT that looks like a 70’s porn star, and replace him with young Owen.
Yup, I particularly hate that woman, not only is she fat and ugly (Oakshott was much more telegenic), she is the dumbest one on the panel (which is saying something). Every time she opens her mouth a sewer of shit is forthcoming – naturally from an arch leftie/feminist/media-bubble perspective that make me want to kick the TV.
It says everything that media mongs like her called the debate for Clegg and then hastily revised their opinions when confronted with an exit poll. And wasn’t there something about how wrong it was for Farage to blame the Ukraine situation on the EU … and there was me thinking that the EU was at the heart of all the shit-stirring and the subsequent coup. Must have been an aberration.
Monday morning. Press reset it’s BBc Breakfast. Start off at 08:00 it’s Global warming blah blah. Anyone on there to say it doesn’t exist? No chance yet again a one sided non balanced report. Them hey everyone pay for “membership” to the NHS. To be collected as part of your council tax possibly with exclusions for the “poorest”. No one to point out that in effect we do pay in the form of supposedly in the form of national insurance and the poorest are excluded by the fact part time minimum wage is below NI threshold. What happens if you haven’t paid? Will there be a Wonga loan cubicle at A&E reception. Looks like another glorious week of bias on breakfast.
“To be collected as part of your council tax possibly with exclusions for the “poorest”.”
Isn’t that one of James Purnell’s unique new funding model wheezes for the BBC too?
Can’t see the council here being too thrilled at such hikes as they are already punting out PR on the basis of ‘pay more or lose services’. Oddly tackling staffing levels, pay or pensions not in their mix either.
Assuming one still gets a vote in future, how people respond to getting an appendectomy op or EastEnders but not both… will be interesting.
But did you spot the usual double-standards in the way they announce the names of think tanks? Firstly the think tank Reform was announced as “a centre-right think-tank”. But then later on the Overseas Development Institute was labelled as just “a think tank”. I am guessing then that the ODI leans leftwards? Certainly their director blogs for the Guardian, and as it’s all about global warming…
I also noticed that during this morning’s first mention of the “right leaning think tank”, the beeboidess slightly fluffed her lines as she read it out – it was almost as if the autocue was saying just “think tank Reform”, but the gallery was barking into her earpiece “they’re right-leaning, right-leaning”, so she stumbled to say it.
From today, Monday, we British licence-payers are now directly funding the Beeboid global broadcasting empire-
“BBC’s Peter Horrocks: ‘It’s not that easy to get advertising in Somalia.’
“World Service boss on financial pressure, selling ads, transmitting news via brainwaves, and Newsnight’s ‘brio'”
By John Plunkett
“… the World Service will be singing a different tune when the BBC takes on responsibility for funding the global broadcaster”, [from today] “which was previously bankrolled by the Foreign Office – a switch born out of the controversial licence fee settlement in 2010 when it was handed a number of new financial burdens including the World Service. It is not the only revolution being overseen by Horrocks, the 54-year-old former editor of Newsnight and Panorama, as his organisation is about to become the first BBC licence fee-funded operation to take advertising and sponsorship. Both changes have proved contentious.”
So, Beeboids expect that we British licence-payers continue to fund all the activities of its ‘World Service,’ inc INBBC Arabic TV service, aimed at the interests of non-British audiences, and largely staffed by non-British personnel.
One from the ‘cake and eat it’ school of BBC uniques.
On matters Antoinettian, one wonders if this history grad recalls what happened when the Elite really lost touch with the plot and how far those they taxed could be pushed?
Last Again ! reposted from the other thread.
Much hand wringing over a Mauritian asylum seeker who doesn’t want to go back to the paradise island. Of course Mauritius is a popular holiday destination and anyone who has been there will tell you that there is no issue with the usual problems which might cause someone to need to flee in fear of their lives.
Little detail is given about the asylum claim nor the reasons for its refusal, merely the usual left wing ‘allow every one who wants, to come to Britain and stay here’, and there has been a petition!
The Home Office says that the legal process has been followed as has other procedures with the result that she has no claim and should be returned.
And there you have the staggering bias of BBC thrown into sharp relief. Believing the outcome of certain cases which it wants to be true, and totally ignoring the outcome of other cases which it never wants to be true.
The BBC never ever ever believes or accepts the findings of the immigration courts, and 100% of the time accepts what ever made up story an asylum seeker wants to tell them.
So when a failed one is interviewed and maintains the lie, the BBC always adopts a position of credulous belief in a way that it does not with any other crime, and yes it is a crime to make a false claim for asylum despite it never being prosecuted.
It’s just so typical and illustrative of a hopeless left wing bias in the BBC.
Is that the one they were bleating about on Breakfast last week and the teacher (was it the Head) I can’t remember, kept saying that she was good at Maths. Not sure of the relevance of that one but hey it’s breakfast tv.
‘Panorama’ BBC 1, 8:30 pm tonight: features Mr Rahman of Tower Hamlets.
Some political context:-
‘London Evening Standard’;-
“Lutfur Rahman: ‘bogus officials canvassed for Tower Hamlets mayor before East End ballot'”
“London borough of Tower Hamlets could face inspection”
By John Ware,
Reporter, BBC Panorama.
Thought that the the following piece would be of interest..
I do wonder if the BBC will be taking note..somehow I think that the BBC will be sticking its head in the sand!!
The Coming Paradigm Shift on Climate
The just-published NIPCC reports may lead to a paradigm shift about what or who causes current climate changes. All the evidence suggests that Nature rules the climate – not Man.
NIPCC Conclusions in Brief
Backed by thousands of peer-reviewed studies, are in striking contrast to the IPCC’s alarmist predictions:
**Climate data tell us that the human impact on Earth’s climate is very small and that any warming due to GH gases will be so small as to be indiscernible from natural variability.
**The net impacts of modestly rising temperatures and higher carbon-dioxide levels on plants, animals, wildlife, and human welfare have been positive so far and are likely to continue to be positive.
**The costs of trying to mitigate climate change by reducing emissions vastly exceed the benefits. Annual cost per US household would run to some $3,900; would destroy millions of jobs.
**In light of the new science and economics of climate change, thousands of laws passed at the height of the global warming scare need to be re-evaluated, modified, or repealed.
Watch for it: We may be on the threshold of a tipping point in climate history. No, I’m not talking about a tipping point in the sense that the Earth will be covered with ice or become hellishly hot. I’m talking about a tipping point in our views of what controls the climate — whether it’s mainly humans or whether it’s mainly natural. It makes an enormous difference in climate policy: Do we try to mitigate, at huge cost, or do we merely adapt to natural changes — as our ancestors did for many millennia?
What about the BBC ‘investment’ in crisis management? UN Agenda 21, Labour TROTS Communist ploy to control the ‘proletariat’ in tatters. The EU with it’s lost compass to bash Christians and the BBC pro Islamic formula of ‘appeasement’ under all circumstances. This was it their BBC ‘BIG PUSH’ to force governments to think ‘Global, think BIG, ignore the Electorate’. Love the BBC – or else you will be arrested for a ‘hate’ crime. The death of the planet was a good ploy.
A change of climate would be most welcome, if they took any notice of it. My bet another crisis will be long any minute and they will continue as before.
I think Piers Corbyn would agree with me that any warming from carbon dioxide could be dismissed as zero.
The IPCC gives the maximum value for an assumption without proof using the Arrhenius method.
But it is known that Corbyn bases his judgment on using the Poisson formula in the “Unified Theory of Climate” for the calibration of carbon dioxide warming for the 20th century.
It is estimated to be about 0.007 K for the 100ppm or 0.1 millibar increase in CO², but then only a maximum of 16ppm in the atmosphere could be man-made CO², and the two Oxygen atoms are obtained from the Atmosphere.
So the maximum possible warming from man-made sources is about 0.0004 Kelvin, or technically zero.
Like all other findings in Astronomy, understanding how to calibrate CO² warming on Venus and the Earth, has only needed one single scientific paper.
With apologies the link to the piece is ……
This is what the excellent NIPCC are about:
‘The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) is what its name suggests: an international panel of nongovernment scientists and scholars who have come together to understand the causes and consequences of climate change. Because we are not predisposed to believe climate change is caused by human greenhouse gas emissions, we are able to look at evidence the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ignores. Because we do not work for any governments, we are not biased toward the assumption that greater government activity is necessary.
Their report, including a ‘Summary For Policymakers’, is available on the website:
But you’ll never hear anything about them on the BBC as, strangely, they are not on their list of favoured minority groups.
“A biased BBC isn’t worth its licence fee.”
Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
“Flowers’ brazen TV lies, a simpering Paxman… and a shameful new low for the ‘impartial’ BBC: Furious backlash after BBC let Left-wing Methodist who ran Labour-supporting bank lie in ‘soft’ interview.
“MoS dossier shows his account was a mix of falsehoods and half-truths.
“Flowers has never denied any of our stories nor exercised right of reply.
“‘Cosy’ interview broadcast last week was met with widespread derision.
“‘Surprised he’s tamed Paxo,’ tweeted senior Guardian journalist.
“BBC insider said interview was ‘soft, the treatment was very questionable.'”
Read more:
How can this possibly be on the BBC?!
Can anyone explain this??
That story about the puff piece on Flowers contains the awful tweets made by Nesnight Editor Katz, repeating Flowers’ comments about the Mail on Sunday.
The Mail may not be my cup of tea, but it had Flowers banged to rights.
(Oh, and Katz, if I don’t want to read it, I don’t have to pay for it – unlike Labour’s Newsnight)
I note with dismay that the BBC is once again in full Catastrophic Global Warming fearmonger mode as the IPCC publish their latest
science fiction bookClimate Report.Let’s recognise this for what it is: a desperate, shrill attempt by the progressives (read: liberal fascists) of the EU and the UN to enforce their politics, via Agenda 21, on to everyone by using unfounded and entirely unproven ‘fears’ about so-called ‘man-made’ climate change on taxpayers everywhere. This is the BBC stepping up to the plate to provide a publicly-funded platform for the propagation of socialist policies designed ultimately to undermine fossil fuel economies and to return us all to the fields to work beneath the windmills in some grand ‘sustainable’ agrarian nirvana. Pol Pot would be so very proud of the BBC’s efforts.
According to the latest GISS satellite records (e.g. real, observable science) there has been no significant rise in global temperatures for over 17 years. Nothing the IPCC, the EU, the UN or the useful idiots at the BBC keep insisting upon will change that any time soon.
I noticed in Harrabin’s report that old chestnut ‘the tipping point’ is back on the agenda. Although they don’t know when it might occur, when it does sea levels will rise by 7 metres – apparently.
It seems the longer the earth fails to warm the louder and more frequently the AGW zealots shout. To quote Goebbels:
‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’
Yes, you were missed over the weekend!
But the run up to the 8a.m news on Today remains the same as it would have been on Friday night.
Here were the BBCs “concerns and reflections” at 8 today.
1. SNP Referendum-if Alistair darling dares to give the Scots any facts that counter Nicola Sturgeons “expertise”-then he`s just a Negative Noel…which is a bit of a bummer…so says Jim Naughtie in effect.
Positivity is the key…very Spice Girls.
2. THE IPCC have just released a report-we all know what it will say.
3. Emotional cruelty to children will be a capital offence.
4. Ukraine, USA and Russia are still talking
There were a few other symptoms of BBC internal reflection that are driving them all demented, and simply HAVE to be expressed by them to us..think it was heroic paralympians but-you`ll know the Agenda.
So that concerns the BBC this morning-it would have been bothering them all weekend too, and I`d have spent time grumbling…but now you`re back?
Well, none of missed much from the BBCs incessant reheating of Rantzens recipe to make a wind turbine out of Irn Bru bottles.
And earlier we had coverage on the sports bulletin of the England women’s cricket team (again).
INBBC’s pro-Muslim, anti-Christian biased reporting on Central African Republic continues.
A political corrective from ‘Jihadwatch,’ which relates to the predominantly Muslim Chad army-
“Central African Republic: Ten dead as Chadian troops fire on Christian civilians”
By Robert Spencer.
“The mainstream media is filled with stories about how Muslims in the Central African Republic are being targeted by the Christians. Rarely is it explained that these Christians are retaliating against jihad attacks against them that displaced thousands of people. Also, rarely are stories like this one, in which Muslim troops from Chad inexplicably opened fire on Christian civilians in Bangui, given wide dissemination.”
The IPCC claims the Earth will turn into a ball of fire by next Tuesday unless we all move into mud huts and the Beeb sucks it up.
Since you won’t see it on the BBC, a quick reminder that the IPCC is more Justin Bieber than Albert Einstein
Executive Summary: the ‘experts’ writing the IPCC reports are mostly grad students and full on activists, while real experts are excluded and special interests are allowed to run riot, helped by a complete absence of oversight.
She’s caught them out again in this post referring to today’s rowlocks:-
A superb book. If the BBC were truly impartial it would have interviewed LaFramboise as her claims about the IPCC are dynamite. (Another one, for example, is that a third of the so-called scientific documentation used in the production of the IPCC report is non-peer reviewed.)
Her book should be compulsory reading for every MP and every BBC executive.
And this single-handed piece of research and exposure should be held up to the BBC’s numbnuts – sorry, ‘world’s greatest investigative journalists’ – as the benchmark for their roles.
See her interviewed here:
Having just had a complain the BBC about the ‘climate change’ report.
Why is it that they blindly accepted the interviewees account without question?
There are plenty of theories and predictions which have now been proved to be false, and others which have not been proved false because not enough time has elapsed.
How is it that they are able to make the failings of the Met Office so public such as the BBQ summer, and the dry winters especially in the South West, yet keep the failings of climatologists so secret?
How can they run such contradictory reports in the same program? That flooding in the South West was caused by climate change, and that flooding in the South West was caused by a failure to dredge waterways (which were once twice as wide) and upgrade pumping stations.
That no questions were asked as to what would happen to these ‘scientists’ careers if they were to admit that ‘climate change’ was not happening or nothing like as bad as they were claiming. Basically is the report nothing more than what governments had paid to be said, which is claimed by other scientists?
All in all this report has been met by the biased BBC with a quiet acceptance as absolute fact without any kind of awkward or difficult questions being raised.
That is bias in anyone’s book – not that the BBC will admit it !
28gate is not just about bias, it is the overt corruption and insider dealing that I object to.
That green industry insiders and lobbyists could hijack the BBC and get them to change their impartiality, not based on the scientific evidence, would be priceless to them.
So if that meeting really was mostly lobbyists and pressure groups, with almost zero science presented, WHY did the BBC really end it’s impartiality on Climate Change?
What investments have the BBC executives made themselves and how do they benefit financially?
That 28gate was stinking corruption, not science.
The fact is emerging that causational climate scientists do not have much if any say, when it comes to Climate science on the BBC.
The BBC calls arts qualified Journalists, Bureaucrats and Public relations people, Environmental activists, Naturalists, Geneticists, Geologists, Temperature measurers, Computer programmers, Psychologists and Comedians: ‘the best scientific experts’ when it comes to Climate science.
But it does seem that up to 1,600 Climate scientists have had a complaint dismissed by the above ‘best scientific experts’ of the BBC.
So at the BBC, bias has turned reality on its head.
God knows what is going to happen in the future, but from experience, I expect the BBC will be destroyed by this, one year later than the people at XXXXX say something is about to happen.
Womans hour on radio 4 is covering two of its most favourite topics in one program! Not that it will consider it sufficient to mean it doesn’t need to cover them in the rest of the week!
So today we have prostitution – or ‘sex work’ yet again (yawn), and Islam and women this time Afghanistan.
They might as well just repeat todays program as the rest of the week is unlikely to be much different!
Demonstrates the licence fee provides unique value for money:
predictably biased output from the BBC, no real attempt at putting all arguments just the usual ‘government say but they are wrong so there’ childish reporting.
Incidentally why didn’t they convert the chart to Pounds rather than Euros? Unconscious bias or laziness?
Andrew Bridgen MP – he of the amendment to decriminalise non-payment of the licence fee – writes in the Mail on Sunday:
For decades, the BBC has been regarded by many as untouchable – a sacred being which must be protected from political interference at all costs. But the Corporation is not some blushing dowager duchess whose honour is under threat. This is a multi-billion pound national institution with huge influence over British life.I would argue the pendulum has swung the other way. Far from the BBC having to deal with meddling politicians, it is Parliament which is having to fend off the huge lobbying and media clout of self-interested BBC executives.
Take the BBC’s extraordinary response in the past few weeks to my campaign in the Commons to decriminalise non-payment of the licence fee. I believe it is a perfectly sensible and much-needed reform to stop the ludicrous situation of people facing jail, whose only crime is very often to have been too poor to afford their £145.50 TV licence.
That’s why it was backed by a rainbow coalition of 150 MPs, ranging from stalwart Tory John Redwood to ardent Labour Left-winger Jeremy Corbyn. I fully support organisations arguing their corner in an open and transparent manner.
However, horrified at what they saw as a dire threat from MPs to their rich income stream, the so-called politically independent BBC went into defensive mode and unleashed its army of lobbyists, acting in a way that Corporation panjandrums are normally so disapproving of.
One by one, MPs who had publicly backed my proposals received telephone calls from a BBC staffer imploring them to change their minds in a bid to pick them off on the quiet and get them to withdraw their names.
The argument whispered into parliamentarians’ ears was that the proposed law change would spell financial meltdown for the BBC which, in a spurious fashion, claimed it would result in the closure of emotive services such as local radio and CBeebies.
One well-known Labour MP said: ‘I’ve just had the BBC on the phone telling me I’ve got to take my name off your amendment.’
At the same time, it was reported to me that James Purnell, the ex-Labour Cabinet Minister turned £295,000-a-year BBC director of Strategy and Digital (whatever that means), was an active presence in Westminster’s coffee bars.
I don’t know if we are expected to believe that these chats over cappuccinos with MP after MP were somehow a coincidence. Sadly, Mr Purnell’s efforts to influence the argument did not extend to holding a public debate with me over the licence fee plans on BBC1’s Daily Politics show last week just before the crunch vote.
Barely ten minutes before we were due to cross swords on air, Mr Purnell – not normally a shrinking violet – pulled out with no excuse offered. Happily, the Beeb’s blocking tactics failed and – pending a review of options – by 2015 non-payment of the licence will no longer be a crime. Parliament has set in motion changes which will remove one of the biggest blots on our justice system. It is an opportunity for the BBC to remodel itself for the 21st century.
‘One well-known Labour MP said: ‘I’ve just had the BBC on the phone telling me I’ve got to take my name off your amendment.’’
Is there a link to the piece with this quote?
I’d appreciate it, as it is pretty damning, not least for the quarter in comes from.
Not sure which is the greater concern; that the BBC presumed to tell him, or that Ed may get his Whips to make sure he does.
Propaganda backed by censorship is not pretty, especially when the bully-boys get unleashed too.
Scroll down and you can find it here.
But Professor Tim Luckhurst’s panning of Newsnight is worth a read. Things have to a pretty pass when Professor Tim (ex-Beeboid and Labour general election candidate) is sticking the boot in too.
That’s a bookmark keeper.
Frankly I’d say that quote was the headline given the BBC’s coyness on its ambition to swing policy at the highest level by deploying vast, uniquely-garnered public funds in self-interest.
Of course, it’s a ‘sources who say’ from a partisan protagonist, but the BBC can hardly complain as that is what they call ‘news’ these days.
I’d wish that Labour MP went on record.
if Nigel F said it would make the BBC subscription only,the PM would i hope follow.
@ BBC Panorama whistle-blower (shown tonight) reveals racist and Islamophobic programme….Only from an Islamist could these words ever be spoken..
“Shahed Ali, the Independent councillor for Whitechapel, as saying of the allegations that people should not believe what they read. He also reportedly said that “sensible members of the public” would have reported their concerns directly to the mayor or one of his executives, and that they had received no such complaints”
“to the mayor”? 😀 … that paragon of honesty and integrity eh!
or his like minded ahem … “executives”?
remember the BBC and the report of the muslim “Trojan Horse” with their highlighted “I wouldn t believe it” … well believe it, and watch it happening over and over again, in many differing spheres … and when highlighted or caught out, the liars and cowards in charge in this country turn away.
“Lutfur Rahman’s council has spent tens of thousands of pounds (we don’t yet know the final figure) on City lawyers Taylor Wessing and PR outfit Champollion, whose remit was to suppress the programme”
like everything where Islam is involved, you get corruption, discrimination, and abuse of any power.
The propagation, and funding of Islam over everything else … three letters … IFE
‘“…sensible members of the public” would have reported their concerns directly to the mayor or one of his executives, and that they had received no such complaints”
Now, where has that logic been deployed before?
Maybe some still very sensible members of the public have acquired a certain lack of faith, distrust even, with those at the top? Those who take complaints personally, and tend to seek out those who make them, knowing as they do where they live?
That the management is a sack of rats seems poor excuse to cite as a reason for no one wanting to go near them.
A little more about the Climate Change Boleaux
Rajendra K. Pachauri is head of the (IPCC) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, formerly called Global Warming, (and before that The Bogy Man). Pachauri was educated as a railway engineer in India and then in the USA in Industrial Engineering and Economics. He is not apparently formally trained as a meteorologist.
His undoubtedly distinguished career in academia and as a first rate bureaucrat final resulted in him being elected Chairman of the United Nations established IPCC. The IPCC shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore.
Pachauri has been vocal on the issue of climate change and said, “What is happening, and what is likely to happen, convinces me that the world must be really ambitious and very determined at moving forwards towards lowering carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to avoid a climate tipping point. No mention of carbon dioxide being vital for all plant life on earth of course, and him being a vegetarian too.
Other than his academic publications, Pachauri also writes poetry and fiction. So, this is the “scientist” that is frightening the children?
With such good qualifications in railway engineering and fiction writing I guess he must have been also the expert behind writing ‘Thomas the Tank Engine’. A perfect qualification for the BBC and Cameron’s gang of fools.
Watched Will- i am (sic) programme where the musical person and overpaid Voice judge met national treasure Joanna Lumley. I don’t mind, seems like a nice chap and loves his mum. First problem was Lumley who fawned to a sickening degree and then there was a massive plug for his Tesla car. He may well have paid for it but it did seem like a big PR puff for electrical vehicles which must breach BBC promotional guidelines.
Joanna Lumley meets black rapper Will-i-am ( an idiotic affectation spelling of his name )
What was the point of this programme ?
To promote the non entity of ‘The Voice’ and to justify the amount of TV tax wasted on it.
So far the program has produced two winners to have immediately sank into oblivion, and that’s bad even by X Factor standards.
The program reportedly costs £650,000 per episode and promotes non entities like Mr I-am who uses the program as a vehicle for promoting this clothing range and musical output. It also can’t be a coincidence that Both Ms Minogue and Mr Kaiser Chief both have new albums out this month….
“non entities like Mr I-am”
That would be the non-entity that has 7 Grammies to his name, and has sold more than 9 million tracks in the UK alone?
That would be the non-entity that donated his fee for the programme to help teach maths and technology to disadvantaged children in east London?
That would be the non-entity that has set up a foundation in the US to teach deprived children STEM subjects.
What have you done Geoff?
Wow! Grammy’s and awards, awarded to luvvies by luvvies and 9 million tracks eh? The Sun shifts a lot of copies daily, that doesn’t make it a quality publication.
Thanks for asking, but I prefer to keep my achievements and charity donations to myself ….
“Thanks for asking, but I prefer to keep my achievements and charity donations to myself ….”
That’s probably for the best.
Maybe he’s a tad embarrassed at the money he’s made selling the tosh he puts out. Of course we should all look up to someone who makes a habit of swearing live on TV shouldn’t we…?
Funny but johnny Lydon swears a lot and does huge amounts of work for charity [only he keeps quite about it !]
Has a huge back catalog of sales and awards so should be a shoe in for this program ! oh wait he is hated by the lurvies because he kicked back over their horrid behavior on Thatchers death !
It’s probably for the best, Uncategorized, that you’ve sloped off, as your choice of post to challenge, given what has gone before, is just a tad embarrassing.
Sorry to disappoint johnnythefish but we can’t all spend our day with an ear glued to Woman’s Hour or The One Show, listening out for things to be offended about. Do you get a little endorphin rush when you think you have found something?
I **love** the idea of a bunch of scared misanthropes, misshapen by anger, calling Will.I.Am a “non-entity”. Thank you – it was perfect. They say irony is dead.
I spend a lot of my professional time helping people cope with their anger problems – typically caused by frustration and a sense of isolation from society. This place is like a busman’s holiday. So many client traits are displayed here.
I should chip in the fiver I normally give to Help The Aged (which I guess supports most of you lot anyway). I would hate for this site to close down, the impact on the Care in The Community budget would be catastrophic.
You are like a broken record Nicked Emus. I very much doubt anybody is interested in your anger management issues. Why don’t you book yourself in for one of your own appointments, after all if your posts here are anything to go by narcissism is your specialty.
Nicked Emus?
I know you all have a secret language that you like to use (very common among gangs) – I have seen “flokker” and “CECUTT” – but Nicked Emus? Is that what you meant to type, or is that an auto-correct that slipped through?
Nicked Emus was the posting name of an ex-journalist who rather than addressing the issue of BBC bias spent most of his posts here abusing the people who comment on this site. He has retrained and now works in PR for the Labour Party I believe.
Uncategorized – tis thee who sounds a tad angry lad.
Maybe you need to attend some therapy groups of your own.
And how is more worthy of comment than the BBC’s endless prophesying of the end of the world on behalf of its eco-socialist 28gate mates? Defies common sense, but then so does everything uttered by The Left and its broadcasting arm, the BBC.
Hmm well good for him sad tho that he feels the need to tell everyone about his charideee work ! rather devalues it into just more lurvie Mr Well-I- am-rich, but I like to be seen to care for the plebs !
I like Will-I-Am a prat but I LOVE Fe-rg-ie much more
Yes it would be that non-entity then I guess.
I was struggling to see the point of this programme too. I mean, does William (I refuse to use his ‘name’) have an interest in the Gurkhas, is Lumley a lover of rap music? No, to both it would seem, just a shameless plug for Saturday night shite fodder. (Does anyone here hanker for the good ol’ days of Noel’s House Party?) Weird and ultimately pointless stuff. What next, I wonder? The Beeb is sure to go with this format in the future. Look out for: Dale Winton meets Fergie, Nick Knowles meets Kid Rock, Fiona Bruce meets Chuck D, Anne Robinson meets Ted Nugent.
Maybe Clare Balding was double booked?
Claire Balding meets Sandy Toksvig. Now that is an image that will stick with me for the rest of the week.
Will.I.Am – pronounced ‘william’ apparently.
Thank me later.
Will.I.Am – Dick.He.Is
Radio 5 has gone overboard this morning with Global Warming. Well, at least it makes a nice change from endlessly wittering on about ‘Saint’ Stephen Lawrence.
Yes not had a Saint Stephen update for at least 24Hrs. Thought the world had ended or some actual real news was surfacing. I was wrong on both counts…cue Madeline McCann/Hillsborough/Leveson/Climate Change
I must again reassess the definition of ‘market rates’.
But certainly ‘making the grade’ takes on keen meaning.
nice picture of pagoda surrounded by water on the bbc front page
i.e this image ;-
only problem being that this is an image of Typhoon Fitow of 2013.
And even the IPCC don’t say that typhoons are caused by AGW !
what they say is;-
“Time series of cyclone indices such as power dissipation, an aggregate compound of tropical cyclone frequency, duration, and intensity that measures total wind energy by tropical cyclones, show upward trends in the North Atlantic and weaker upward trends in the western North Pacific since the late 1970s, but interpretation of longer-term trends is again constrained by data quality concerns.”
still, makes a change from the usual image of a cooling tower belching out evil err…… water vapour
Proponents of climate change are suffering from a type of collective insanity – the hysteria of a mob.
…or speaking in tongues brought on by religious fervour, which will be why we can’t understand a word they’re saying.
1pm Radio 4 WATO reports that the Environment Agency have started dredging the Somerset Levels today. But it is the tone of voice thing again, I could just tell that the newsreader doesn’t approve. Listen carefully to the headlines is almost the same as it used to be listening to the football results and predicting from the voice whether it was a win, lose or draw. Now it is just whether it fits the BBC agenda, or not, or whether the newsreader really doesn’t care. It’s a game I play when the news is really boring and I am really rarely wrong.
If they don’t think dredging works why waste money dredging? The EA makes no sense and does it in an expensive way, to boot.
And just for good measure they then had to reinforce the subliminal message to the locals that they are simply being appeased with the dredging by the government and it is pointless, by insulting them further and interviewing one of the senior idiots in the EA at the time who took the decision to abandon the dredging and allow the rivers to silt up. The arrogance and distaste for the local opinion was palpable from the BBC drones
On the BBC website the growing consensus is that its over population that is the main cause of Climate Change. So to edge my bets I will NOT be giving £2 a month for little Iasha to get clean water. I WONT be giving £2 a month to provide mosquito nets and I certainly WONT be giving just £5 a month for a new well for some village in Africa.
But what about “Red knob day” it’s the only gig Lenny can get now.
The bbc do a wonderful job for Africa and 10th raters job creation thingy.
And the African BMW, Audi & Mercedes dealers do very well just after this event.
Its not just Red Knob day though its sport relief and what next cooking relief politician relief? Love how the rich and infamous love to tell us plebs how to live our lives yet do the opposite themselves. Sting – his Chef travelled from Reading to London to cook spaghetti for Stings children
Bob Geldoff – His ex used to travel to Paris to buy her underwear.
Hand relief ? that’s coming soon.
No……….that’s premature ejaculation relief.
No, that came already …
Those red nose days are a scam. You know how each year no matter if there is a recession, they always manage to beat the previous years target. Well the truth is that most of they get money comes from the Government in charity grants.
So you have already paid for red noise day or children in need day through your taxes. So why pay more?
Yes, Beeboids and rest of MSM repeat ‘climate warming alarmism’: we must apply controls against the possible consequences, ‘just to be on the safe side’.
A comment:-
By James Delingpole.
Beeboids don’t apply the same conclusion about applying controls ‘just to be on the safe side’ to the actual consequences of mass immigration.
Good that the IPCC is finally agreeing with everything the bBC has been telling us for years.
INBBC censors this on ‘moderate’ Islamic’ Brunei:-
“Concern as Brunei brings in system of Islamic law with punishments that include the dismemberment of limbs and stoning to death”
By Andrew Bunscombe.
2.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Brunei’s Sultan to impose Sharia this week, complete with stonings and amputations”
By Robert Spencer.
‘Panorama’ (tonight’s planned programme) infiltrated by Islamic interests:-
“‘Whistle-blower’ leaks BBC Panorama sources to Mayor Lutfur Rahman”
Let’s not be politically naive next time, eh, INBBC?
Or is Islamic infiltration of INBBC too far gone?
“loose lips”? in the foot-washing facilities at Al BBC HQ?
how about the IFE?
how about Rahman s supposed “spiritual advisor”
of course highlighted his plethora of crookedness in
Andrew Gilligan expose s and ended up on
Ch4 s “Britains Islamic Republic”
now censored? … by youtube 😀
“Borough of Tower Hamlets: a byword for sleaze.
“Muslim mayor Lutfur Rahman in line of fire over public grants in Tower Hamlets, East London.”
Andrew Gilligan.
(Jan 2014.)
“Borough of Tower Hamlets: a byword for Sleaze” Tower Hamlets is based in East London. Not a pretty place apart from Finsbury Park. Islington was a ‘mecca’ for PIE members (whilst under Labour supervision) and It became a magnet for gay paedophiles according to Labour feminist (Eileen Fairweather) who laments that her party involvement promoting paedophiles within the ‘gay movement’ has been a disaster that has wrecked child care in Labour strongholds. She was a whistle blower who first reported what was happening in North London (*Islington) under cover of Labour’s ‘gay rights’ legislation that she readily admits, was a ‘big mistake’ to support PIE members. Reported in the The Telegraph on Feb 22nd 2014.
Therefore no surprise to link Lord Smith (Baron Smith of Finsbury (Islington*) Labour MP and now head of National Rivers Authority fame. Chris Smith is an Honorary Vice-President of CHE. CHE supports PIE in both stated aims and EU ambition.
I thought that was General Urko from ‘Planet of The Apes’
With a tablecloth from the local Italian trattoria on his head
That is actually a gob-smacker surely, for any media entity dependent on public trust and security in any investigation?
‘A secret list of BBC sources was leaked to the mayor of Tower Hamlets by a junior staffer working on a Panorama investigation into his time in office.’
Excuse me?
Any confidential info that rattles around the BBC cubicle gardens can be scoped and shared by the lowest rung of staffer brought in by their cousin to help out?
I’d say that rather kills the BBC’s chances of any future Deep Throat exclusive stone dead.
Certainly a few of their ‘sources who say’ from Westminster to Helmland must now be a smidge nervous.
Also interesting just how leaky the BBC’s ‘data’ is.
After the Trojan horse has bolted?:-
“Information Commissioner investigating alleged data protection breaches in latest BBC Panorama investigation”
Just watched part of the endless climate change horror movie being run by the BBC news drones today. However, they held an interview with one of the report’s authors who has removed his name from it because he believes it is too alarmist. The drone conducting the interview looked as though someone had farted and at the same time then claim that slavery didn’t happen! Didn’t faze them though, we were then treated to a video of steam photo shopped to look like smoke, melting ice with a lonely polar bear on it, fields full of shrivelled weeds and a graphic of the British Isles that shrunk before our eyes as the sea rose around it.
The best bit though is that the drones are so immersed in their arrogant shit they actually believe that we also believe it !!!!
Hello BBC…tens, probably hundreds of thousands of long suffering licence payers are watching this intelligence insulting onslaught of hysterical drivel today and pouring utter scorn on it and you…yes you ! But the best bit of all is that the numbers are rising rapidly every day and will soon become an unstoppable flood, unlike the fantasy floods you morons believe in.
Oh if only you are right! But it is naive to think that after having been told a lie again and again for so long by the BBC most people are capable of challenging what they have been told..
The report from Matt McGrath, along with its thousands of comments, has now been replaced on the front page by Climate inaction to be ‘catastrophe’. With no comments, although much of it looks, superficially at least, to be the same.
Have the comments been wiped, or simply made difficult to find? Were they going the wrong way? Or perhaps they didn’t want those who work normal hours to have the opportunity to chip in.
‘Or perhaps they didn’t want those who work normal hours to have the opportunity to chip in.’
RD, shocked… shocked I tell you that anyone might think the BBC would stoop so connivingly, if narrative blush-savingly, low.
If located (Wayback or Newsnsiffer experts out there?) , it will be interesting if these untoward speakings of nation unto narrative spreader were more in the 10am-4pm slot and suffered undue referrals pre-plugpull, or any post action ‘vanishings’.
It’s a BBC trust and transparency specialty, dontchaknow?
Newssniffer shows the original article still exists, somewhere, hidden in a BBC broom cupboard. The replacement piece is basically the same article, plus a few extra quotes and minus all those 1872 comments. The switcheroo looks to have been made around 12.30 (lunch time).
The disappeared version is at:
‘hidden in a BBC broom cupboard.’
And there we were just speaking of Douglas Adams’ famous creation:)
‘minus all those 1872 comments’
That’s a lot of licence fee payers to direct to the joys of catch-up TV online if unimpressed that their efforts were redirected by the BBC.
Last comment (amazingly, a reject), closed out mid afternoon:
1872. TRojandog
This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
First Comment
1. Richie
This has been blatently obvious for the past 30 years.
So, another ‘off to work, before anyone gets home’ special.
You might even start to suspect the BBC was as bent as a nine bob note.
the so called far right make gains in the french elections reports radio 5 live this morning,30 minutes later,violent clashes as the far right makes gains in the french elections,no mention of course by radio 5 live that the violent far left fascists was behind this violence in yesterday in france,but the narrartive by radio 5 live and its presenters was putting over and seeding in peoples minds was it was these nasty so called far right wingers who went around rioting in the streets attacking the police and passer byes with rocks,stones and iron bars,that could not be further from the thruth,here is the problem i see with this biased reporting by radio 5 live.ones mans far right is another mans ukip,beware ukip of the bbc smear mongers who will try to portray you as the far right like they do to other centre right partys in the uk and europe.
The BBC don’t like to be reminded Mussolini was a committed socialist all of his life; likewise Adolf Hitler, who considered his politics a ‘Third Way’ – but always within a socialist mindset.
Hmmm. ‘Third Way’ Now where have I heard that before..?
For a more sceptical take on the Obamacare figures than provided by the BBC’s White House PR team (aka BBC Washington bureau) see this.
so we have a Labour peer proposing a £10/month “membership fee” to use the NHS – it did appear on Today this morning but now? Nothing on the website, not even on the Health or Politics page.
I can’t begin to imagine the BBC’s fury and continuous coverage (with full and uninterrupted commentary from Labour, the unions and patients) if a Tory peer had proposed the same
It’s a sad (hidden fact) that the NHS is bleeding money and has to ‘accommodate’ a rapid increase in AIDS/HiV + TB infected patients due to our UK and EU ‘open door’ policy. Each new infection costs the UK taxpayer 7,000 pounds* a year to supply ‘antiretroviral’ antidiote cocktails which leads sufferers to apply a ‘normal’ lifestyle(?). NHS drugs are also ‘Made in England’ (SG) for all those ‘funny’ BBC comedians’ along with those most ‘favoured’ MP’s with the impediment. No questions asked, free drugs (on demand) the NHS ‘Obhamacare’ cost will cripple whoever takes over from Cameron gov.
Hardly surprising that Labour now suggest a NHS ‘membership fee’ before they get elected (or not). This will mean ‘of course’ no more NHS ‘anonymity’ and another stealth ‘tax’ on the already burdened UK taxpayer.
I saw that and read most of the comments which were far from supportive hence the reason it was removed I would wager. Most of the comments seemed to go along the lines of Immigrants will still get free health care and they are the main reason the system is failing.
By James Delingpole.
And Beeboid green ideologues are carrying the propaganda on.
I thought the BBC was meant to be impartial… Why, then did I have to endure the most nauseating and cheesy gay propaganda I’ve ever seen, on BBC 24 today? If you’re gay, fine, but I am sick with the vociferous minority banging on and on about gay marriage with the BBC giving a seemingly interminable platform for this exhibitionist and self-indulgent minority; even many other gays (Andrew Pierce from the DM, for example) are becoming sick with the self-absorbed ‘I’m gay and I want everyone to know it’ brigade.
I wonder if the Left/BBC will be calling for Mosques to allow gay marriage? And, if gays are a minority in the UK, why the proliferous BBC coverage? Do the Far-right get the same amount of fawning coverage? No! They get persecuted because their views are out-with the New Left’s cheesy ideology that promotes selfish indulgence, shallowness and sanctimonious hypocrisy.
I’m bi but I only want half the people to know that. Not the wife half 🙂
What the BBC modestly thinks of itself (Courtesy of the Press Gazette):
“BBC says it will be ‘better steward’ of World Service as Foreign Office funding ends.”
The BBC has said it will “prove a better steward” of the World Service than the Government as it takes over responsibility for its funding.
The move, which sees the end of Foreign Office financial support for the service which broadcasts around the world in more than 20 languages, was agreed as part of the last licence fee settlement.
A BBC spokeswoman said: “We believe the BBC will prove a better steward of the World Service than the British Government, offering stable and predictable funding rather than the politically driven cuts of the last few years. The World Service’s future is safe in our hands.”
After the cornucopia of funding this bloated behemoth has received for eternity you have to snigger at the “politically driven cuts of the last few years” line at the end.
As above, the Press Gazette are also covering this:
“Mail on Sunday condemns BBC for allowing ‘crude, baseless abuse’ from former bank boss Flowers to go unchallenged”
Haven’t watched the TV since Breakfast as the global warming , your kittens will die, shock terrified me so much I didn’t dare to use the electricity which may possibly have pushed the whole of Earths ecology over the edge. So I didn’t see if they reported on this looks like ITMA
Have you notice though that even the ‘Asian’ Paedo gang have brought in a token white guy so they can’t be classed as racist?
All this IPCC bilge as sucked up by Ed Davey and Wolports boy?
It is April Fools Day tomorrow…so shall we be kind for now?
I`m sure the IPCC and its quacks just enjoy getting the BBC to climb up on the chair, and shout for Thomas to rid themselves of that green mouse of their droolings.
Call it many things-lies, skewered non-science and JW end of the world twaddle…but news it ain`t!
Anyone else noticed how the BBC recycles all of its unfunny ‘comedians’ on a constant stream of crappy panel shows and radio programs? Many of them are typical lefties who are only on the shows because they churn out the right types of joke; usually anti-Ukip and Tory garbage etc.
The left will never be funny because their whole existence is fake, it’s a lie and contradiction: because of the self-imposed and sanctimonious straight-jacket with which they’ve imprisoned themselves, they are not allowed to make fun of all the things we like to make fun of (if we are normal and not trying to be something we are not). That Sandy Toksvig is one example… An annoying big mouth who typifies your arrogant and talentless leftie.
Agreed. I watched have I got a bit more news for you 2 nights ago and a full 15 minutes was made up of ridiculing Nigel Farage and UKIP. That totally unfunny Ross Noble was on as was the ‘straight’ part of the double act Mel and Sue who was hosting the show.
The great white shark that was going to plague our beaches this Easter has found our waters somewhat chilly for herself and her offspring (despite the BBC telling us otherwise because of Climate Change), and has buggered off to Portugal. This wasn’t in the IPCC report.
Have Beeboids lost interest in the plight of Christians/Armenians in Syria?
Beeboids don’t seem to keep up with the worsening situation there:
“Raymond Ibrahim:
Turkey’s Latest Jihad on Christian Armenians”
“Syria: Islamic jihadists in Kessab desecrating churches, pillaging Christian homes”
We can’t expect the BBC-NUJ, which campaigns for entry of Islamising Turkey into E.U, to report this:-
“’Humanitarian War’ on Syria: Al-Qaeda Flag Now Flies on the Mediterranean, Courtesy of NATO”
It’s despicable the way in which the Muslim-groveling BBC ignore the copious amounts of Muslim atrocities that plague every corner of the globe. But, they’ll happily go searching for Christian wrong-doing. I wonder how many gay couples have been turned away from Mosques or Muslim B & Bs? Don’t seem to hear much on that score!
“One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up.” Arthur Koestler. This should be the criterion held as a standard by any
news organisation or news reporter claiming to be worthy of the name. BBC journalism of recent years is characterised by obfuscation, avoidance of key issues and bare-faced lies: no better than propaganda. Where was the BBC reporting on the Turkish ‘false flag’ ?:
B&B = Beheading & Butchering
While BBC-NUJ keeps up its political campaign for Muslim Brotherhood-supporting Islamic broadcaster, Al Jazeera (owned by Emirate of Qatar) in Egypt, BBC-NUJ censors out this:-
“Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood protesters drag Christian woman from car, stab her 16 times, strangle her to death”
Another complaint on its way to the BBC, this time about this morning’s News Briefing on Radio 4. The BBC can be very particular when they want with wording and use it to deflect meaning e.g.. ‘Asian men’, so why do they refer to the community charge as the poll tax? Honestly, I have no idea …
“In the review of historic events on this day the community charge was referred to as the poll tax. The community charge was not a poll tax but it is called a poll tax by some of its opponents. Please use the proper reference. Regards.”
I’ll post any reply I get.
I am all in favour of a poll tax – it would stop all those freeloaders from bleeding the country dry.
Precious Norman Smith today told his audience that the Royal Mail share sale had benefited “spivs & gamblers”. Perhaps so but hardly appropriate words to be used by the BBC’s Chief Political Correspondent – he will be saying “banksters” next
Sorry Norm was quoting past utterances by Cable – I should have realised that archaic terms would have originated from that self regarding commie.
I want to know how many Post Office shares were bought by those who now criticise the original selling price.
If they thought that they were priced too low, why did they not ‘fill their boots’ with them?
Bet that they didn’t!
If you think the BBC guy was out of line complain. I don’t doubt it will achieve little but cumulatively it might help.
For INBBC to report?:-
Just watched the opening of the BBC News at Ten. It started with the warnings of Climate Change from the UN. The BBC kept repeating the meme “scientists say” pretty much non stop. But if you look back over the last 100 years of what “scientists say” they look rather stupid. For example “scientists” used to “say”:
Black people are less evolved than whites, oh and so are the Irish.
Pulling out your teeth cures TB.
Lobotomies cure depression.
The Universe has always existed.
Homosexuality is a mental illness.
Not believing in socialism is a mental illness.
Smoking improves health.
London will be under six foot of water by the year 2000.
A second ice age will start by the year 1990.
Four out of nine isn’t bad!
Which four may I ask?
Some used to say radiation is good for you, they weren’t talking about about a bit of bright sunlight either.
Two reports on trial in Cambridge:
“Gang ‘exploited teenage girls'”
“Girls raped after Facebook ‘grooming’, court hears”
How the bBC waters down Islamic intolerance every chance it gets:
bBC version
HMP Full Sutton inmate guilty of prison officer attack
An inmate has been found guilty of assaulting a prison officer at HMP Full Sutton in East Yorkshire. Woolwich Crown Court heard Richard Thompson was attacked amid tension in the prison following soldier Lee Rigby’s murder, four days earlier.
And what really happened:
Milton Keynes killer tried to start jailhouse Jihad after Lee Rigby murder
A killer from Milton Keynes who attempted to stage a jailhouse Jihad at one of Britain’s highest security prisons is facing extra time behind bars. Fuad Awale, who was jailed for life in 2013 for the murders of two teenagers shot in a “drug turf” dispute in Fishermead, and fellow prisoner Feroz Khan tried to take over HMP Full Sutton, near York, after an iman dared to offer his condolences to the family of murdered soldier Lee Rigby. Two days after storming out of the prayer service, Khan, 26, went to visit every Muslim prisoner in a bid to start an Islamic uprising. The pair took prison guard Richard Thompson hostage, believing him to be ex-British military and demanded the release of hate preacher Abu Qatada, the Old Bailey heard……Khan had planned the attack after telling another guard that it was a Muslim’s duty to ‘fight until Sharia law is established in every country’……….The defendants were led into the dock separately to hear the verdicts at the request of the prison service to ensure ‘good order and discipline’.They each sported grey prison issue jumpers, Muslim ‘kufi’ skullcaps and full beards….Jurors heard Khan dictated the demands to Awale, who asked him: ‘Should I write we are terrorists?’ Khan replied: ‘Just write whatever you want’. He then used the tannoy system to greet his fellow Muslim prisoners in the Arabic for ‘peace be upon you’ before announcing he had taken an officer hostage. Khan said: “As-salamu alaykum, this is Feroz. We have taken an officer hostage and we are going to make some demands. “We are asking for the release of Abu Qatada and our beloved slut sister Roshonara Choudhry and we are asking for this to be placed in the media.“Pray for us that everything goes well.”