Mo’s Meltdown



Iain Dale was reported to the police and ‘Tell MAMA’ for anti-Muslim bigotry by Mo Ansar after a little spat on Twitter which Iain Dale relates here:

The Truth About Mo Ansar


One comment about Mo Ansar in particular that stood out was this:

‘I know of three BBC programmes who won’t entertain him as a guest’


Raises the question why those programmes refuse to ‘entertain him as a guest‘ and why programmes like Nicky Campbell’s still do when he has so little of real substance to offer?


And just for your entertainment here’s Mo’s letter to the fuzz complaining that his dignity had been violated, an experience that was unwanted, humiliating and offensive and he wished to pursue criminal charges for being called a gobby prick, a smear, amongst others,  based on his Islamic identity:



It’s dated April 1  and sounds like a joke but apparently it’s the real thing.



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14 Responses to Mo’s Meltdown

  1. Demon says:

    I can’t open the above. I just get a little red cross in the top left. I have been having this a bit lately. Any ideas?


  2. stuart says:

    i find living in londanistan iain dale one of the most politacaly correct presenters on lbc i have ever heard when it come to debating issues involving islam and muslims,for iain to be accussed by the fat brown version of nick griffin of anti muslim bigotary shows just how far islamists like mo ansar wants to impose his islamist and extreme views on us with the charge of islamophobia when you challenge bigots like him.i suggest mo ansar concentrates on losing some of that blubber around his big fat belly than picking on and falsely accusing one of the most gentle least offending lbc presenter iain dale on lbc of anti muslim views mo,ansar,you are a fascist that does not beileve in free speech and democrasy and i hope iain dale does not give in to this sharia law loving mo ansars bullying islamist tactics.


    • noggin says:

      Mo … “No” Answar … the unintentional humour of watching him waddle off down the road, at the end
      of the S Lennon/EDL doc never tires.
      Exposed more recently with M Hasan, “double teaming” in debate against M Nawaz on Newsnight
      … says more more than you ever need to know about that odious pair.
      … just another pair of Islamic apologists, dressed up as
      something they are not for the BBC
      … they are made for each other.


  3. Mike says:

    Surely we have a contradiction here with Mo. The Muslim countries where homosexuals are rigorously prosecuted quote the Koran for their justification. Yet this guy, regularly invited to the BBC as the authentic voice of Muslims, now says he supports LGBT. So if Islam is, after all, an a la carte religion does this not destroy many of his arguments?


  4. Alex says:

    Many of these religious and ethnic minority types really are tell-tale trouble makers. This is a typical example of a man totally playing the poor persecuted minority card. Big bloody sissy. It’s funny, when a white, Christian Englishman complains about racial harassment, no-one listens.


    • Ralph says:

      If you can destroy an opponent by using the flawed system we have in place to deal with discrimination it would be foolish not to use it. Sadly nobody in authority has the common sense to fell them to go away, rudely.


    • noggin says:

      here is the perfect, example of Moh Ansar in full effect.


  5. jeff says:

    I have only occasionally listened to Ian Dale on LBC. He’s both gay and a conservative, and as Stuart has already mentioned, he’s very pc. I’ve always found him to be rather patronising and he detests any hint of perceived “racism.” At the drop of a hat he will extol the beauties and benefits of multiculturalism, so if he has found himself in this predicament I’m afraid I find it a tad amusing. It can only be a matter of time before everybody in the country is accused of racism or Islamophobia.
    Perhaps they should sack Ian and give the job to Jeremy Clarkson…


  6. Scott says:

    Iain Dale has a history of losing his rag on Twitter. Here, he weighed in on a discussion between two others, and started getting uppity when he wasn’t treated with due deference – hardly the best way to get answers to the otherwise valid points he was raising.

    But of course – and this is something that will strike a chord with so many Biased BBC commenters – his own behaviour is not the issue. Why take any personal responsibility when it’s far easier to point the finger at a Muslim?


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Anyone who goes running to teacher the police complaining that someone called him a gobby prick is fair game for having the piss taken out of him.

      Regardless of his religion.


    • Stewart says:

      Scott ,do you read back to yourself what you type?


    • Ralph says:

      Criticism of Dale for being rude is justified, trying to get him arrested based on a lie is not.


  7. Wild says:

    Freedom of speech took hundreds of years to develop in this Country, and we are letting the Left dismantle it with the same relaxed attitude that a previous generation let them nearly destroy our economy by nationalizing most of it.

    If satirists on the BBC (if that is not a contradiction in terms) find themselves unable to mock Islamic fascists they are as spineless as they are sanctimonious.

    What are the Left good for except for hate, greed, and hypocrisy? No wonder Guardian defends the BBC. The last nationalized industry, and every bit the lazy, third rate, gravy train which is historically associated with the epithet “nationalized”.

    Time to scrap that Stalinist behemoth, and let the Guardian readers creep under another rock.


  8. Big Dick says:

    I am glad Iain Dale stood up to that bearded bully , something the “Dame” & the rest of the pc turds at”5 Dead” ,would never do . They would rather all knee,l before their muslim masters .