One comment about Mo Ansar in particular that stood out was this:
‘I know of three BBC programmes who won’t entertain him as a guest’
Raises the question why those programmes refuse to ‘entertain him as a guest‘ and why programmes like Nicky Campbell’s still do when he has so little of real substance to offer?
And just for your entertainment here’s Mo’s letter to the fuzz complaining that his dignity had been violated, an experience that was unwanted, humiliating and offensive and he wished to pursue criminal charges for being called a gobby prick, a smear, amongst others, based on his Islamic identity:
It’s dated April 1 and sounds like a joke but apparently it’s the real thing.
(A guest post by Graeme Thompson who comments as ‘hippiepooter’)
‘No word on TODAY ‘notes MEP and Telegraph blogger Daniel Hannan. What on earth, in Mr Hannan’s view, could merit a ‘word’ on Britain’s flagship radio news programme that it doesn’t get?
An election candidate arrested for quoting Winston Churchill’s unflattering observations on Islam.
The election candidate in question, Paul Weston of Liberty GB, notes on his party’s website, that had he quoted Adolf Hitler’s admiration for Islam he would not have been arrested.
Why should it come as a surprise to anyone who has listened to the TODAY programme over the last 30 years that it does not cover this latest outrage against British democracy?
Police officers now uphold political correctness instead of the law with impunity. BBC Thought Police on TODAY and other programmes have been instrumental in creating the conditions for this.
Not so much now, as they have achieved their major objective in bringing about the transition stage to tyranny of ‘shamocracy’, but I regularly used to hear TODAY ‘interviews’ with correctnick guests that were nothing more than propaganda pieces. Correctnick guests were fed prompts to give them a platform. Guests out of lockstep with ‘kulturkampf’ would be harried and harangued to ‘unperson’ them. In my experience ‘ex-catedra’ pronouncements dressed up as ‘interviews’ were – and still are – most in evidence with representatives from Stonewall, spurious ‘anti-racism’ campaigners, the EU and those aiding and abetting enemy propaganda in the Jihad war against the West.
Islam is as much a natural ally of the totalitarian left as it was for the fascist right in the 30’s. The arrest of Mr Weston clearly demonstrates that.
For the record, I do have qualms about Liberty GB. Maybe it is a racist party, maybe it isn’t. I wouldn’t dream of voting for them while doubts remain. However, whether Mr Weston is a closet racist or not, the fact remains he was exercising his democratic right to free speech within the law. But in ‘New Britain’, Political Correctness trumps law. There have been many examples of Christians being arrested for saying homosexuality is a sin. Invariably charges are either dropped or dismissed at Court. In the most recent case the Magistrate cast doubt on whether a Police Constable was acting in the execution of her duty. To date, to my knowledge, no Police officer has ever faced disciplinary action for such clear abuse of power. As in these cases as will no doubt prove to be the case with Mr Weston, Correctnick police act with impunity.
They know that BBC programmes like TODAY and Newsnight have their backs.”
By coincidence as I posted on the BBC’s latest dumbing down by harvesting the ‘social media’ for news John Lloyd seems to agree that the BBC is heading for a fall…at least as far as its comedy is concerned as real comedy competes with “any w—– who’s flown in from Middlesbrough who says “I’ve got 3,000 hits on YouTube with my animation.”:
Television comedy is now a “thoroughgoing disaster” which could “sink” the BBC, the creator of some of Britain’s best-loved television programmes has said, as he condemns today’s inexperienced commissioners.
Modern TV comedy is a “disaster”, with even excellent producers with a proven track record being required to beg for new commissions along with “any w—– who’s flown in from Middlesbrough who says “I’ve got 3,000 hits on YouTube with my animation.”
“TV used to be world beating,” he said. “We used to be brilliant at it and we’re not anymore.
“Comedy is a disaster in television, and it is more acute in comedy than anything else because so few people know how to do it.
“Few people know how, consistently, to produce comedy.”
“It’s about time someone says it,” he concluded of his home truths. “I am speaking for tens of thousands of people in the industry who are too frightened to speak out because their jobs depend on it.”
The BBC has hit upon a convenient and deniable way of spreading propaganda, rumour and innuendo….they report twitter, Youtube and other social media offerings as ‘what’s trending’ at the moment…which is just a high tech way of mud slinging most of the time… could be any old rubbish, much of it highly political, based on the highly prejudiced and unprincipled mobilisation onTwitter etc of particular activist groups…especially those with an anti-Israeli stance.
And just how reliable is it?
Here is the final paragraph from one long ‘report’ based on Twitter:
It’s important not to believe everything you read on social media. “Everybody please calm down,” the journalist who originally claimed the men had been drinking beer has now tweeted. “My tweets were based on interviews of locals around the area. I do not claim it as gospel truth. Peace !!”
In other words it’s tripe…but the BBC report on it and legend becomes fact despite any disclaimers as to the truth of the report.
Here for instance is the blurb for the video above from the poster…..
‘an Israeli soldier attempting to shoot a 15 years old, after detaining him for two hours, the soldiers took the injured boy to unknown place, after beating him up near Qurtuba school in Shuhada Street.’
You can see emotive language and lies deployed to generate reaction against Israel….‘attempting to shoot’?
The BBC takes it up…and cleans up the language but retains the subtext intended to portray the Israeli soldier as unnecessarily violent towards a ‘teen’ or a ‘young Palestinian’.
The BBC’s intro on their magazine frontpage…a subtle jibe at Israelis in the title…how dare they praise someone for pointing a gun at someone else?:
It started on Sunday when a Palestinian activist group, Youth Against Settlements, posted a video to YouTube which shows two young Palestinians in a standoff with an IDF solider. After one of them fronts up to him in a challenging way, the soldier cocks his gun as if to shoot and points it at each of them in turn.
The problem with the BBC ‘report’ is that it underplays the danger and the reality of the situation in that video….if you were that soldier what would you feel and what would you do?
You might ask where all the people with cameras came from, the BBC doesn’t. You might ask why a Palestinian was hassling the Israeli soldier, the BBC doesn’t, you might ask why an Israeli soldier might feel justified in cocking his weapon in that situation, the BBC doesn’t.
The BBC doesn’t really provide much of an answer for anything, but instead seems happy to have ‘fallen’ for a piece of ‘Pallywood’ where a confrontation is deliberately engineered to force a soldier to react in an aggressive manner ‘to highlight the aggression of the Israeli military’ and allow activists to claim that all this is “a sign that Israeli society is getting more aggressive and extreme”.
The truth is that this was deliberately engineered anti-Israeli stunt designed to capture the attention of the useful idiots of the Press to demonise Israel, painting it as an oppressive aggressor beating up on defenceless Palestinians.
The truth is that a lone Israeli soldier is in a dangerous position and he is surrounded by people whose intentions he doesn’t know but are acting aggressively towards him and past history suggests it would be foolish not to be prepared.
This is a war zone, a low key war zone but one in which the Muslims have been trying to erase Israel off the map for 60 years now…..something the BBC doesn’t highlight….it’s not Notting Hill or Islington on a quiet Wednesday afternoon.
The BBC does not give you the soldier’s side of the story, for instance the Palestinian is quite clearly shoving the soldier, nor how dangerous the situation really is but the BBC are keen to put the other side…’there are other perspectives on the story.’
The BBC is happy to provide a world platform for ‘Pallywood’ and the anti-Israeli, anti-semitic brigade… there any wonder that anti-semitism is rising around the world?
The BBC is playing its part and you suspect the hidden Balen Report revealed that.
Again the BBC targets Israel with this report of the traumas inflicted on Israeli children by the Israeli education system teaching them about the Holocaust and reaction to it:
Who is too young to learn about the horrors of the Holocaust? A new law in Israel means kindergarten children will be taught about the Nazi genocide for the first time, triggering an acerbic response on social media.
Trouble is this was a controversial story they have already run back in January but it seems the BBC have found an excuse to disinter it and have another go at the Israelis…..we looked at this then…..
FOOC had a little report on the Holocaust and education in Israel…it started off as if it was just a human interest story bringing us the lives of Israelis and the meaning perhaps of the Holocaust and how it still touches their lives….much as the BBC brings us the heartwarming or heartstring plucking tales from Palestinians or asylum seekers.
You soon realised that was not to be here…as soon as the BBC stated that there was a ‘row’ over the Holocaust education you knew what had attracted the BBC’s attention to this story.
The BBC gleefully tells us that Holocaust education in Israel is traumatising children.
Those Jews eh!
Then there is this from India…the BBC targeting its old enemy the BJP……..
In the latest macabre twist of India’s election season, campaigners have been beaten up next to the country’s holiest river – but did they drink beer and pee there, and was this “moral policing” by thugs allegedly linked to the BJP?
After making us read about the bad old BJP thugs beating up people out for a nice drink they finish with this revelation:
It’s important not to believe everything you read on social media. “Everybody please calm down,” the journalist who originally claimed the men had been drinking beer has now tweeted. “My tweets were based on interviews of locals around the area. I do not claim it as gospel truth. Peace !!”
London and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are closely connected. Thousands of tourists from the UAE visit the capital each year and the city’s biggest football arena is Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium. But a violent attack in the city has led thousands of Emiratis to tweet that #london_is_not_safe – threatening to unwind that relationship.
The #london_is_not_safe hashtag was started by Emirati Twitter accounts 20 hours ago and has around 3,500 tweets. “Emiratis living in London are concerned,” one of those tweeting, Bader al Kaabi, told BBC Trending. “I feel unsafe because two families have been attacked. And London police do nothing.”
So this hashtag was started a mere 20 hours before the BBC rushed in to report on it…and send in its reporters for the story….quality stuff.
You have to question the BBC using social media to provide them with news stories… leaves them open to the people who mostly populate Twitter and Facebook…the activists who know how to manipulate the press and generate headlines.
The real trouble here is that the BBC not only ‘fall’ for the stunts but go out actively looking for ‘trends’ that reflect their world view in the full knowledge that they are just ‘gossip’ and often deliberately malicious gossip at that…they use this new way of working to target their pet hates or to burnish their pet likes…and all of it ‘deniable’ as they can fall back on the excuse that they are merely reporting the vagaries, the curious interests, prejudices and extremes of people online.
It does seem a particulary dangerous route to go down for the BBC, and one that would seem to be a waste of time and money….and all rather self-reverential in a way…if the BBC were to look at the motives of those running the Twitter campaigns and place it all in context then it might be a useful service….when activists are targeting businesses or countries or politicians it would be a useful to provide proper analysis of those campaigns rather than just reporting the effects as businesses etc retreat under a barrage of Twitter comments which may in fact only represent a very tiny number of people but who have enormous apparent clout magnified by Media, such as the BBC, giving them legitimacy and power by reporting their activities as if they were representative of the whole country or at least an influential majority.
At the moment ‘#BBCtrending‘ just seems to be nothing more than a self-serving project dreamt up by BBC techies and reporters obsessed with the gossip and ‘more interesting than truth’ myths and legends that social media generates.
It could be a powerful myth busting tool and fact checker but seems more on the side of the propagandists than the truth at the moment.
1. The Labour Party wishes to impose rent controls on the private sector to limit rent price increases…..are those rent increases the result of Labour Party immigration policies when in government that have seen hundreds of thousands of immigrants pour into this country each year for the last decade?
2. Is one result of that policy, not just the rent increases, but also the creation of a hidden ‘generation homeless’ who are forced to live with their parents whilst immigrants live in appalling conditions.
3. Are rent controls merely a populist policy designed to win the votes of the unthinking, selfish mass, a temporary ‘solution’ that in fact makes things worse for people who need to rent? Is not the problem too many poeple chasing too few houses and the answer to cut the ‘people’ and build more houses?
4. Foodbanks….foodbanks began under Labour’s jurisdiction…which would indicate that the need has always been there…..but is it not also true that the increase in use of foodbanks is a result of Labour’s own economic policies which destroyed the economy and created a ‘generation jobless’ amongst the young, and welfare cutbacks are just yet another result of that economic mismanagement?
5. Is the Trussell Trust a Labour Party front, run by a Labour Party member whose aim is a political one…to change government welfare policies…and doesn’t he aim to do this by creating as many foodbanks as possible and use the ‘fact’ of the existence of the foodbanks as ‘proof’ that the government is creating ‘food poverty’?
All highly relevant questions…somehow I doubt they will make an appearance, at least not coming out of the mouth of Dimbleby. Kelvin Mackenzie or George Eustice might raise a few points but only to have Dimbleby counter them with points seemingly designed just to muddy the water and make everything ‘relative’…will Dimbleby do the same for poverty campaigner Jack Monroe? Doubt it.
Professor John Ashton….oh…the Labour Party Stalwart! Oliver Twist and a malnourished generation? Nothing like a bit of over the top hyperbole to help people take you seriously.
And what about this bit?:
The letter pointed to rising food prices, falling wages and a boom in food banks as proof.
Well food prices are falling, as are fuel prices, wages are increasing and the ‘boom in foodbanks’ is a marketing success for the Trussell Trust…also run by a ‘Labour Party stalwart’.
Still, good of the BBC to be giving such uncritical coverage and promotion to the Labour narrative of a ‘living standards crisis’.
An Muslim man dressed up like a ‘panto’ Englishman to taunt his neighbours boasting of his ‘joy’ over 9/11 and the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby, a court has heard.
But as said before the BBC publishes a long tract deploring a Wikiedia entry, removed instantly, that mocked Muslims, and tells us how offended Muslims are and how they have been victimised and demonised by actions such as this:
Anything that makes Muslims into ‘victims’ gets airtime on the BBC….anything that makes your everyday Muslim seem as bad as the ‘extremists’ is hidden away.
Perhaps a read of this week’s New Statesman might shed more light on such issues…the ‘frightened, self-censoring West‘:
David Selbourne: the “frightened” and “self-censoring” west can no longer ignore the Islamist threat
Mona Siddiqui: why moderate Muslims must speak out against hardliners and “battle for the very soul of Islam”
Question is…why are ‘hardliners’ not legitimate ‘Muslims’ and their version of Islam, the basic, fundamental version, continually presented as a ‘perversion’ of Islam by the BBC?
Surely, if anything, it is the purist form of Islam….and as there is only one version of Islam possible……it must be the real version.
Polly Toynbee let the cat out of the bag…after years of insisting that immigration makes us wealthier Toynbee reveals that the real position is that a bigger population merely makes the economy bigger whilst not actually benefiting anybody:
“The whole economy has only got bigger because we’ve got more people.”
There might be a bigger economy but it’s not more productive and is shared out between more people, as she says…’growth per capita is virtually stagnant‘….so no overall benefit….which is what previous, non-partisan, reports have told us.
Sam Bowman, research director at the Adam Smith Institute, says that “rent control is a stunningly bad idea that could devastate Britain’s cities and clobber renters. To paraphrase the socialist economist Assar Lindbeck: the only thing worse for cities than rent control is bombing them.”
Labour bombing the poor?
Labour have been trawling their box of good ideas and come up with yet another wizard wheeze to lessen the dreadful impact of the ‘cost of living crisis’….no not improving the economy, or getting you a job, or spurring on exports….as usual just more ‘poverty porn’ policies that unexamined sound great for the working man…but examined the gloss soon rubs off and the grubby underbelly is exposed….and the spin…but not by the BBC.
The threshold would be based on an industry benchmark of average rent rises. The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors is currently considering what an appropriate figure would be.
This seems to be the first RICS have heard of this. A spokesperson for RICS tells Guido that rent caps “were not part of our recommendations”, that “we are not working on rent caps” and that they are not helping Labour come up with a rent cap “benchmark”. Guido understands that RICS is “looking into” what happened and has contacted Labour to ask them why this was included in the press release.
Ed Miliband’s rent controls policy is in turmoil after an organisation that Labour claimed was helping with the plans said that it does not support the measures.
Labour claimed that the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) was working to establish what the “appropriate benchmark might be”.
However, the organisation has now said that it is “not developing proposals on rent benchmarks for the private rented sector”.
“We do not recommend that a government introduce a ceiling on rent increases,” a spokesman added.
The policy hasn’t even been spoken aloud yet, but already it’s been hailed by the Tories as “Venezuelan-style rent controls”.
Interesting, that. They’d love to paint Ed Miliband as a Hugo Chavez-style communist.
But Labour knows – I suspect – that the 9m people in England living in 3.8m rented homes will probably be hanging the bunting out
Sounds like a bit of pro-Labour glee there……and ‘predatory landlords’? Or just landlords?
So the Tories are spinning against Miliband purely as an ideological, dogmatic reaction according to the BBC.
Nothing to do with the fact that most commentators say the policy just won’t work…Polly Toynbee, I’m sure, excepted.
Can’t help wondering at Maitliss’s ‘surprise’ at the Tories saying Miliband is a Commie stooge….‘Red’ Ed didn’t get his nick name for nothing, and he’s had it a long time.
The BBC seems to have a growing enthusiasm for all things Marxist and Commie recently:
At least one thing in that tale is the familiar sounding reluctance to mention the word ‘Communism’ by the people in the US CP whilst still practising its doctrines…..
“We try to let our work speak for us, and not make it so much about the ‘C’ word.”
Other ideologies have a similar policy……for example practising Islam but denying anything they practise actually relates to Islam….a policy defended by the BBC and the Establishment.
Should you wish to get the two parties together and ask them about this in person you have the opportunity soon:
RICS North West Facilities Management Professional Group are hosting an evening event at the BBC in Salford Quays to hear from the BBC team on how they delivered the vision whilst retaining a consistent and quality service.
Following the presentations from both BBC and the event sponsor Whittle Programmed Painting, a tour of the amazing building at Media City will be taking place explaining what daily challenges the BBC face, and ideas the BBC Facilities Management team created when Media City was being completed.
Followed by a buffet and a chance to network with other FM professionals in the region, come and join the North West Facilities Management Professional Group on this interesting and informative tour event.
Plenty of people do like them, like the felxibility and how they fit in with their lifestyle.
One question raised though was how large multi-national organisations could justify using them…say Sports Direct for example in its shops.
Derbyshire read out a text raising that issue and then ironically immediately a caller came on (11:23) who described his position as a ‘casual’ or freelancer…but he said the difference between that and a ZHC was merely from a tax point of view and he was effectively on a ZHC.
He ‘worked’ for a large international organisation, the BBC, amongst other independent production companies who operate the same system.
He gets no sick pay and no training and if he is booked by the BBC for example, every wednesday for 3 months and refuses other work because of that, and then the BBC cancels he has lost out on other work.
He gets notice of work from say 3 months to 1 day…but the work can be cancelled the day before he is due to start.
The BBC apparently has no policy statement on just what the terms of these ‘contracts’ are and how they should operate.
He said there were thousands of people being employed in the same way by the BBC on a daily basis and it is the usual practice throughout the industry.
He says there is no duty of care to ensure the people on ZHC are treated decently….the BBC has no written policy that sets out their duty of care to its army of casuals.
The BBC, being the BBC, you might have thought would have such a policy, in triplicate. You can see why the industry employs casuals due to the way production works but when people get no sick pay, holiday pay, no training, work cancelled with no pay the day before it begins you might have thought there might be a case for some sort of fallback system of payment to compensate…a retention fee or similar.
Sure Ed Miliband is on the job. If Lenny Henry can get the DG’s ear sure the Leader of the Opposition can as well and the BBC Trust will issue recomendations asap.
Apologies if our previous response was not clear enough.
I can confirm that your statement below is correct; the BBC does not employ any staff at all on zero hours contracts.
Yours sincerely,
The Information Policy and Compliance Team
BBC Information Policy and Compliance BC2B6, Broadcast Centre 201 Wood Lane London W12 7TP, UK
It seems the BBC prefers to call them ‘flexi-contracts’…it does seem to have some sort of policy:
‘The BBC does not employ staff on zero-hours contracts. We offer staff minimum hours contracts which differ as they specify a minimum number of days or hours work individuals are contracted for. By way of background information, it may be helpful to add that minimum hours contracts are commonplace in broadcasting and other industries across the UK. They are used to help with temporary fluctuations in workload. A person engaged on this basis is free to accept or refuse work at any time.’
Our policy says: BBC Guaranteed Minimum Work contracts (also known as ‘flexi contracts’)
This contract is suitable when the requirement for the individual is for a defined number of days or hours over a limited period which are to be worked as the business requires (e.g. fixed hours per week/month cannot be predicted or guaranteed). The contract is simply a form of the BBC Fixed Term contract. Managers are required to indicate the realistic minimum number of hours/days which can
be predicted over the contracted period e.g. 30 days per year. Managers should review the minimum number of contracted hours/days regularly to ensure that the employee is contracted to the appropriate minimum.
The employee may be asked to work additional hours or days above those stated in their contract, however there is no obligation on the BBC to offer the additional hours or days or an obligation on the employee to work those offered. Any additional hours or days worked do not count towards contractual benefits, e.g. holiday or sickness accrual.
It says ‘guaranteed minimum work contract’ but that isn’t how the caller described the way the operation worked…offered work being cancelled, sometimes the day before it was due to commence.
Perhaps this is the answer….a guarantee of some days by the BBC but additional days have no such guarantee:
The employee may be asked to work additional hours or days above those stated in their contract, however there is no obligation on the BBC to offer the additional hours or days or an obligation on the employee to work those offered. Any additional hours or days worked do not count towards contractual benefits, e.g. holiday or sickness accrual.
In theory a ‘Guaranteed Minimum Hour Contract’ isn’t a ‘Zero Hours Contract’…because at least you have a guaranteed number of hours in a fixed period….however there seems quite a bit of wriggle room for managers to change that making nothing certain for an employee…and there is that ‘appropriate minimum’…which could be zero hours in effect.
Presumably you get paid for those ‘guaranteed minimum’ days even if you don’t work them…but it didn’t sound like that was the case from the caller’s description.
So all is not entirely clear just how the BBC uses ‘casual’ staff…..but in essence there seems little difference between the BBC contracts and ZHCs……there would still be a lot of uncertainty for any BBC casual/freelancer and a wage that is unlikely to meet the ‘living wage’ criteria…and of course there is no other option in the choice of contract if you are in a position that means this is the only work you have.
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