So there we are! A BBC report today ( says that educational success in Inner London is, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, due to “the multi-cultural mix of children attending the schools compared with other areas”. And, according to the report, “specific policies focused on London secondary schools may not be the main reason for this improvement”. Now I understand why Blair allowed unfettered immigration; it was to meet his “education, education, education” priorities.
So is it going to be Labour (and BBC, Guardian, Islington et al) policy to improve the potential of poor white males by forcing country-wide integration?
I’m just not quite sure why without supporting evidence they attribute the improvement to multicultural mix rather than special measures introduced. Surely they couldn’t have an agenda?
Because OFSTED offer extra marks to a school’s score for how multicultural they are. The less white they are, the more points they get, regardless of actual academic achievement.
There are good schools around the country, in remote areas which are achieving good academic results, but which have been marked down for not being culturally diverse enough. Some of these have taken to having school trips to inner London schools to stare at the coloured kids, in order to increase their own OFSTED scores.
Yes, the British state institutions, such as OFSTED are, actively enabling the colonisation of British society.
They are prioritising the privileged position of immigrants, at the cultural expense of the present and next generation of British indigenous people.
And all under the false, unworthy flag of ‘diversity’, as flown by INBBC.
Ken, do you have any evidence for that? I agree that it would be wrong for OFSTED to prioritise diversity over academic achievement, but I’ve just had a look at its most recent framework for school inspection and I can find nothing to support what you said.
Chris – I think Ken was referring to the national annual ‘politically correct’ (biased) state School league tables, (rather than OfSted framework which is often the last resort of a failing school)’ I suspect – or hope. I think OfSted are doing pretty well, (even if years too late in spotting awful (Islamic) schools and even worse school governors priming kids with hate and vengeance.
It doesn’t specifically mention that the school was ‘too white’. It does say that ‘they have not had sufficient opportunities to fully develop an appropriate awareness of life in a multicultural society’, which is part of the requirement (dropped in 2011) that the school contribute to community cohesion.
I’m not sure it’s fair to say that OFSTED offers extra marks for how multicultural a school is.
Fair point ChrisL – but the concern I think (by Ken) was that the wider implication was that ‘Englishness’ taught (outside Eton) is now frowned upon. So a ‘STATE’ school cannot be a fully (OfSted) approved unless it has (very obvious) new EU migrants added for extra political ‘cohesion’ (often not that much ‘community cohesion’ results). One School Roedean for GIrls Brighton has too many Chinese Girls (all white) and has too few English girls who can afford the fees. OfSted could be accused of racism if they applauded an (all) English school without making a politically correct remark due to EU laws requiring it to be so.
This “educational success in Inner London” must be the reason so many affluent Labour politicians “Abbott” their children as far away from it as possible.
According to the headmaster of a Worcester comprehensive, if his school was in Inner London he would receive more than £6million extra funding. Some of these diverse schools have funding that equates to £28K per pupil compared with £4500 per pupil in Worcs.
See how well the Inner City schools do without funding equivalent to sending a child to Eaton!
Apparently the information came from SUNA, a Sudanese state news agency which everyone mentions.
But, of course the BBC has to be different don’t they.
When you read it, it’s all “has told the BBC”
Really!! They are so far up their own arses they just don’t get how stupid that sounds.
I’ve lost track of the number of times the clowns use “the BBC has learnt” or “told the BBC”.
In the world of BBC hacks, a room full of journalists will just evaporate so that the only person being addressed at a news briefing is said BBC hack.
The impression the BBC are trying to give here is that Meriam Ibrahim’s lawyer rushed to the phone to give a breathless account to the BBC, of course the truth is that having heard of the release from state media, the BBC rang the lawyer.
Now I hope this isn’t double posted because my words seemed to get lost mid post (damn computers and I don’t support UKIP so I should be able to use one).
I have noticed the Beeb’s increasing use of suggestions that they are the only one with a story. My favourite is Miss Bruce saying, ‘the BBC has learnt’, and I think, ‘the BBC has read the press release’. I think it must be orders from on high and the Charter renewal. It is to make us plebs think that the BBC has all these scoops and therefore the most important news source available.
Sly dig at UKIP there, cheap shot, implying that it’s followers are thick, eh? Hope you feel good, puffed up with your sense of moral and intellectual superiority over a section of the populace who yearn for a return to being in charge of our borders and having some control over our destiny and law. Anyone who thinks differently, obviously you, is free to leave.
‘When you read it, it’s all “has told the BBC”’
To be fair, there my be the slightest whiff of singed pride still about, as the last time out, having heard of a release from the state (both wrong at the time), the BBC ran a story without checking with the lawyer.
Noting also TPO’s insightful comment on what the BBC has opted to cut and paste in lieu of reporting.
But good news for Ms. Ibrahim, somewhat lucky not to be relying on support from the likes of Messrs, Peston, Mason et al, who seem a wee bit more exercised about a jail term for one of ‘them’, vs. a death sentence for one of ‘not them’.
At best, their journalism of her case appeared mostly guided by ruthless professional objectivity, for some reason.
Apologies, just noticed that I missed a salient feature in the BBC’s misleading headline;
““A Sudanese woman sentenced to death for abandoning her religious faith has been freed ”
She never abandoned her faith, she was always a Christian and has not abandoned her Christianity.
…..and did the imam report this very suspicious behaviour to the police ? – it was not an isolated case.
These “community leaders” know damn well what is going on. But the are complicit in it by refusing to break it up, refusing to really cooperate with the police and intelligence services. OK, they may deliver the odd sermon arguing against extremism – but do they really attack the “extremists” – and do they really cast any doubt on the many verses of the Koran and hadiths that are used to justify jihadism ? Do they really do anything to defend the US and UK against the more absurd charges that are made against us ?
Leicester fire deaths: Seven men and teenager found guilty
‘Seven men and a teenager have been convicted for their part in a revenge arson attack that killed four people. Shehnila Taufiq, 47, daughter Zainab, 19, and sons Bilal, 17, and Jamal, 15 died in a house fire in Leicester in the early hours of 13 September. Kemo Porter, 19, and Tristan Richards, 23, were found guilty of their murders.’
No cries of racism? No Islamophobia?
You wouldn’t know it from the above BBC report but check previous BBC reports and you find the accused ‘men’ were all black.
It’s now over a month since I complained about the BBC’s story of UKIP’s Croyden carnival, misquoting the candidate and the Romanian protesters who weren’t. They still haven’t been able to come up with an excuse they think might pass muster.
Yes Roland same here. I’ll give them a couple more days then fire off another complaint on Thursday for non response. It’s about time the searchlight got shone on rent a mob that the BBc normally just describes as counter demonstrators. Again I’m not sure what the delay will be because you know as well as I that the reply will never actually address the points being made. Perhaps we can co ordinate a response as It would seem logical we will get the same reply in essence.
Dave, that would be a good idea, but we’d have to make sure it’s not too overt so they can’t tie us to the individual complaints. There have been reports in the past of complaints being thrown out after being shared here on the grounds that the correspondence must remain a little secret.
Wise caution.
It’s a risk taken, even if simply sharing a template dismissal without any personal data (yours or BBC reply).
However, it really shows them up when the exact same GIAR fob-off gets trotted out, especially when it takes them weeks after deadline to even manage a cut & paste.
And they can react poorly.
The ‘we notice you..’ Series from here a few years back was both funny and chilling at the level of monitoring and menace from CECUTT for a niche site that no one at the BBC takes seriously.
So listening to the World Service today and boy did they go overboard on the sentencing of those 3 Al Jazera blokes. Christ it was like they had received a death sentence. They even told me that somebody (A bBC man) ran up to the cage and kissed it. Abu Bowen was quoted and yet when Christians are murdered in the very same country, the bBC says….Nothing.
R2 and the bottom feeder J vine had a phone in today to discuss the statue in central Bristol erected to commemorate Edward Colston. He made loads of dosh in the 17th century from the slave trade but endowed huge amounts of money to Bristol schools and charities.
The ‘journalist’ who had tabled the ‘problem’ was a self flagellating twat from Gloucester merely visiting Bristol and he was ‘appalled’ when he came across the statue.
The suggestion was it should be taken down and destroyed.
A case of trying to right historical wrongs and the continuing drive to ostracize the indigenous white population by the beboids
Loads of lefty twats down here in Bristol. The local rag ran a survey & just over half of the people voted against removing his name from the city. Colston Girls School is one of the best non private schools in the city. Colston Hall is our biggest music venue. Lot’s of good things are associated with his name.
My dentist is in Redland & the nearest bus stop is Blackboy Hill at The top of Whiteladies Road. The leftists hate those road names yet they have nothing to do with the slavery trade. They also petitioned to change those names too. They can’t stop themselves in wanting to eradicate the past they find offensive rather than learn from it.
Unfortunately they won when the plan to call the new shopping centre ‘Merchants Quarter’ was shelved because ‘”it glorified the city’s historic slave trading past”
Looking at the BBC’s website on a daily basis you’d be forgiven for thinking that we are a Muslim country. Almost every top, second and third story over the last couple of weeks has been Muslim in nature or to do with the intrinsic violent nature of so many of those who follow Islam. It’d be nice to hear how Christians, Buddhists and Sikhs are doing these days… (apart from those unfortunate enough to live in Muslims countries, of course).
BBC Headline ” 8 Men found guilty of arson in Leicester”
When I hear the words ” Men or Brit or yoofs ” a tremble goes up and down my spine because I know they aren’t ethnic British. Look at their Mugshots, these vibrant criminals are so dopey they burned down the wrong house !!
I notice that the BBC have assiduously avoided the motivation, only saying in passing that it was a revenge attack which went wrong.
In fact it was motivated by another of the RoP attacked and murdered Antoin Akpom.
The Taufiq family were religious zealots, with the father wishing his childrens indoctrination to be greater than could be attain in Dublin where they have not fallen prey to the Fascist teachings we in the UK have.
Apologies to Mr Vance for posting this loathsome Guardian drivel, but I don’t know where else to post it. In this foul piece we can see where the BBC and the like get their wishy-washy community cohesion garbage.
The BBC recruit journalist from ‘The Guardian’ and Labour recruits its ‘shakers and takers’ from the BBC. BBC staff are free to return back to the BBC ‘swing door’ after an election if they fail to become a Labour MP or given a job in Labour’s new government.
It’s been done before, too many times… according to Chris Aitkin (former BBC man) in his book ‘CAN WE TRUST THE BBC?
OTHER ’high profile’ Labour members with links back to the BBC include: Peter Mendleson (Media guru for Tony Blair with closer links to Greg Dyke (from LWT TV). Greg Dyke later become Director General of the BBC), Will Hutton (Guardian journalist to BBC Journalist), Liz Fogan (BBC and Guardian Journalist), Andrew Rawnsley (BBC to New Labour activist), James McNaughtie (Guardian to BBC staff Radio 4), (1997) Lance Price (BBC to New Labour activist), Martin Sixsmith (BBC to New Labour activist), Tom Kelly (BBC to New Labour activist), Ed Richards (BBC to New Labour activist), Bill Bush (BBC to New Labour activist), Catherine Rimmer (BBC to New Labour activist), John Birt (BBC DG to New Labour activist), Don Briad (BBC to New Labour activist), Sarah Hunter (BBC to New Labour activist), Ben Bradshaw, (BBC to New Labour MP 1997), Chris Bryant (BBC to New Labour MP), Celia Barlow (BBC to New Labour MP), James Purnell (BBC to New Labour Gov. Minster), Ken Macintosh, (BBC to (Scotland) MSP).
1990 BBC Joy Johnson became Labour campaigns Media director.
1997 BBC Joy Johnson was also rehired by the BBC after the election.
1997 Nine Labour MP’s were previously employed by the BBC
Excellent post. If there was a similar analysis of Tory MPs/ employees who had worked at the BBC and it showed that there were many fewer , it would be irrefutable proof that the BBC employees more people on the left than on the right. Yet more people usually vote Tory than Labour.
I would love to hear the BBC ‘explanation’ for this.
The Labour rag The Mirror did have a go at outing the evil Tory control of the BBC and got to a total of 2 currently working at the BBC [probably not now they have been found out !] and about 4 others who had connections to the BBC !
As I write, BBC R4 ‘Analysis’ is puffing away like billio for Labour as it relates how superior the continental collaborative economic model is compared to the english speaking competitive model and how Milliband is all for it and is associated with the leading thinkers among its proponents. Maybes no, maybes yes, who knows, but for sure Labour PR will be pleased and prawns in the city willl be relieved.
R4 Analysis: ‘EU Socialism’ – 1 v ‘UK Democracy’ – 0.
(I’m not too surprised on that outcome…perhaps if they went for a penalty shoot out it would be different).
It wasn’t that long ago that Miliband was feting M. Hollande and telling us what great economic policies the French socialists have, time for Plan B etc.
What a genius – his grasp of economics are as good as his dexterity with bacon sandwiches.
Socialists have a type of dementia, were they keep rediscovering socialism after it fails, because they read something that says that its worth a try, and then they forget what happened, due to wishful thinking, which causes memory loss in the brains of socialists.
It seems to be a very quick process when you consider France.
The BBC is a Quango and has to go. There have been many campaigns against but I add this link to ‘Free the Airwaves’ by the ‘The Freedoms Association’ targeting specifically the BBC abuse of license….(2011)
Note: this site also includes a nice link to the fabled Magna Carta (PDF book) which is also worth a quick read – what we have all LOST under ‘progressive’ UK governments and now from the EU to kill it.
The role of the BBC Trust seems to be to keep a lid on complaints about the BBC reaching the mainstream media, which in Britain, is best maintained by making sure that the BBC dominates the mainstream media so that widespread complaints about left-wing bias and political and scientific censorship at the BBC, is kept off the BBC, Guardian and the Independent, and therefore not seen as being in the media by the BBC, because it did not appear in any media that anyone at the BBC would read.
What is called the ‘BBC Bubble’ which means that they would never see that they have lost ‘Public Trust’ until the Government is forced to abolish the Licence Fee, and Whittingdale can be less tactful and more honest with the morons at the BBC who pass as the management, people who would be unemployable in the real world of a meritocracy, and therefore would be employed by the Labour party once the BBC is financed by voluntary payment in the ‘Public Interest‘, as is the morally superior Murdoch free press.
Adverts are the only down side, but then the BBC is now inundated with its own Licence fee funded adverts, so that no longer is an excuse.
Perhaps the BBC should drop the “hideously white” Eastenders and produce a new, much more realistically diverse soap based in the Page Hall district of Sheffield. The first of three editions of ‘Police Under Pressure’ was shown on BBC2 yesterday evening. It showed the impossible situation the police find themselves in trying to keep the muslim “community” and the Roma “community” off each other’s throats. This is the reality the BBC should be representing. It was riveting stuff. There was one wonderful, unintentionally hilarious moment when the muslims were shouting “we want our streets back”. Yea right, I know how you feel.
That’s interesting. I saw the programme was on and was tempted to watch it but then read the summary which went on about the police having to cope with the heaviest cutz evah etc., and gave it a miss. Sounds as if it might have been worth watching.
An amazing speech by the acting chair of the BBC trust showing she cares nothing for the audience and everything for political correctness.
If Eastenders has to accurately reflect society as it is now in that part of London, then I think we can all legitimately call for an accurate reflection in period drama too.
If this is the direction the looney wants to take the corporation then I can see even more people being pissed off with paying the licence fee !
My local BBC news programme should be done under the trades description act, almost every night its content is more Points Islam than good old West Country.
Last week we had the ‘poor unfortunate’ Syrian asylum seekers, tonight for the umpteenth time the khat ban and how it will effect Bristol’s bloody Somalian community. We’re told its social, just like ‘having a pint’ …. Tell you what you poor old Somalians, FO back to Somalia to enjoy your culture and leave us to enjoy ours in OUR country.
Points West news editors, you’re broadcasting to a bloody large region that includes us carrot crunchers down here in Somerset, we don’t give a flying F about what the lefty metrosexuals in Beeboid land Bristol consider topical or newsworthy, as much as you’d like to, you’ll NEVER diversify us…..
and the BBC is still using the jailing of Al Jazeera journalists in Egypt as its top story – absolutely ridiculous. On Sky’s website it is logged as the 8th most-viewed item.
BBC newsrooms are stuffed full of Islamic researchers and editors – and leftie fellow-travellers – forever pushing non-news and their own bias on the news that the BBC presents. Proper editorial judgment goes out of the window -0 all we get is and excess of Muslim propaganda and lies.
It is news and is worthy of discussion.
One can also see why it is ‘close to home’ and worthy of discussion within the profession… and of relevance outside too.
However, the blanket self-obsession in some quarters is backfiring, as they highlight just what they will focus on or get outraged about or deplore or stage protests and vigils around, and what else… not so much.
Very real, personal deaths or threats of, vs. selective freedoms to do whatever is fancied, wherever fancied, free of consequence.
From Leveson to Miriam to the Boko & Palestinian kidnappees, their relative watertight oversight in comparison has spoken volumes.
More politically biased INBBC ‘reporting’ for Islam-
in its first sentence, INBBC wrongly implies about this woman who courageously renounced Islam, that it is ‘her Islamic faith’ . It is NOT. The religion she renounces is Islam.
“A Sudanese woman sentenced to death for abandoning her Islamic faith has been freed from jail”
from INBBC headline censored of reference to Islam-
Newsnight tonight was about the delightful coves heading out to join Isis in order to saw off the heads of those they don’t crucify – unless of course they join their Sunni/Wahhabism view of Islam.
Apparently Newsnight had to fly in reporters from Afghanistan to create the piece fronting the item. I guess all the BBC reporters in the UK were either busy or unsuitable to create the report.
There then followed the discussion, where Emily Maitlis chatted to two Muslims and a gentleman from the government. I suppose the indigenous population doesn’t have a view worth hearing.
The guy from the Muslim Council of GB laughed off any idea that it could be the local Imam who has radicalised the boys in one town, not seeing how ‘one speech’ could move people to violence.
‘One speech?’ you thought Emily would point out, ‘you mean week after week of indoctrination!’
But no she let him quietly go on to blame the ‘illegal Iraq war,’ and the ‘constant demonization of Muslims.’
So big opportunity for Emily to burst in with ‘well if you stopped blowing us up and people in every country you inhabit, stopped trying to destroy aircrafts full of people, getting your 6 year olds to chant that white women are prostitutes …. Phew, sorry about that, but you know what I mean *mops brow and moves on* …
So that’s all right then. That explains why Muslims are flying from all over the world to join create barbaric carnage in the Middle East it is all the fault of the British.
Perhaps we could think positively here? The reality of war changes people. Some may come back as different people. Think what the trenches did to Britain’s post WWI generation.
Syrian Sunnis are relatively secular and modern. The Jihadis are punching above their weight and the majority of Syrians may be less willing to tolerate an Islamic dictatorship after removing an Alawite dictatorship than we might think.
I’m almost sure that the majority of Syrians don’t want an Islamic dictatorship, and certainly not run by the likes of ISIS. Whether or not they will be able to avoid one is another matter.
I think people make the mistake of thinking such situations can come about only with the agreement of the majority. Yet only around 6% of Germans were committed Nazis, which didn’t stop them making pretty much the entire German population acquiesce in accepting their rule and their laws. Tower Hamlets is only 30% Muslim, and I’m sure most of them are “moderate”, yet it is run like a banana republic.
I hope you’re right in your optimism that the majority of the 30% of Muslims in Tower Hamlets are ‘moderate’ but somehow when the time arrives I can’t help feeling that won’t be the case.
Is there really such a thing as a moderate Muslim? Taqiyya ?
All for optimism, even of the mindless sort. Sadly I am famous for it.
However the Syrian ‘secular and modern’ folk did rise up against Assad. Sadly al qaeda and ISIS destroyed them, brutally murdering their leaders so they could go from town to town butchering those who won’t convert.
Obviously had we actually armed the initial rebels, as much as al qaeda and Isia are armed by the Saudis, then the ‘secular modern’ rebels may have had a chance. But we didn’t and now we reap the whirlwind.
But please keep looking on the bright side of a Caliphate in the 21st century, I could do with some cheering up.
I am confused regarding Syria, Hague first tells me that Assad = evil = chemical weapons, now the ISIS muslim terrorists are fighting Assad , so should we support ISIS? Which makes them terrorists in Iraq but freedom fighters in Syria?
I had the misfortune of seeing a few minutes of tonight’s Panorama – Britain’s Homeless Families. The warning was clear (‘Richard Bilton meets families forced out by private landlords and asks whether the government’s increasing reliance on the private rental sector is placing the vulnerable at risk’) but there was one gem of a remark from Conservative housing minister Kris Hopkins.
The beeboid said “despite all that you’re saying, isn’t the welfare cap the reason that so many families are being made homeless” to which the minister replied “That might be on the Labour Party press release somewhere but there’s no evidence that that’s the case”.
We need more ministers who are prepared to call the bBBC’s bluff and say things like this.
I suppose the BBC did not mention Mass Immigration or Chinese property speculators, but they may have mentioned Cameron’s house buying subsidy as well as any Labour party press release.
The words ‘private landlord’ were spat out with venom normally used amongst normal people when referring to child molesters.
Only the BBC could present a programme about homelessness without mentioning mass immigration and the hundreds of thousands of ‘singool muvvers ‘ and bone idle work shy underclass chavs who were given free council housing at the expense of white working people who are now at the bottom of the list .
The sale of council houses cannot have made any difference to the homeless figures ,as they were sold originally to their tenants .
There was also no mention of the unlawful occupation of council houses, especially in high immigrant areas ,where such illegal tenancies change hands for thousands of pounds.
Until local authorities take an inventory of just who is living in their properties with full identity checks, and checks on immigrant status ,this abuse will never be eradicated
Er….excuse me, but wasn’t it the last Labour government who imposed “the bedroom tax” on private landlords only? The coalition government just equalised everything by including Council/Social housing in the legislation. Bet the BBC suddenly have collective Alzheimer’s when that little fact is dropped on them.
Got to get this little bit of gripe in here. Buy to Let is a major problem, too many wannabe landlords, all on the make, and backed by the government, stuffed with imbeciles with huge portfolios, hoovering up vast numbers of affordable housing and diminishing choice for people keen to be householders, not beholden to some landlord for a roof over their heads. The market therefore is distorted greatly. These greedy bastards are helped along by tax-breaks and the horde of support services that fester in such a climate. If anyone thinks i’m an embittered tenant, wrong, my house is bought and paid for, i would not even consider BTL ‘investment’…..i know a few, and they are ugly, selfish people, i avoid them like the plague. Hordes of immigrants have entered the fray, go to an auction and look at the bidders, Asians a plenty, Chinese etc…….our youngsters have no chance at all to own a home.
A pome wot I rote, after the overnights are in:
“I talk with you,
You talk with me.
But is it you,
Or are we three?”
The ability to not just spoof, but flat out copy another poster is a real concern.
I currently have no idea who actually is responsible for what.
Which is a real shame.
So a short haired middle aged lefty woman (you know the type) tells us EastEnders is “too white”. The last time I watched it (many years ago) Eastenders was, and still is a work of fiction. To be ‘true’ to life EE would have very small appeal, with no one speaking English and featuring endless drug and honour killings…
Why is it that these twats think that the UK needs to be diverse? I watched the Formula 1 on German TV at the weekend, as it wasn’t live on the BBC , it was glouriouly white, with no ‘tokens’ in any of the adverts or presentation, all culturally German, how wonderful!
One further thought, if such programming is possible in EU land Germany, why not in the UK? There must be German ‘Lennart Hennings’ complaining about the lack of diversity on German TV, but it would appear that no one takes them seriously (as we should) and they are probably a better country for it….
Many UK events are hideously white, certainly anything remotely traditional or cultural. It’s when the BBC or its Sky imitators get in on the act that the images are manipulated or skewed.
Remember the Zimbabwean fisherpersons in Whitby on Coast?
Recently visited Serbia / Montenegro , you would not believe it , those countries are 99.9% Hideously White , only saw a Mr & Mrs Ethiopian down near the port of Bar. In Belgrade there was some French security guards of about 20 , doing some work , 2 of them were black. The Serbs are very friendly considering , in 1999 , Blair got Nato to bomb Belgrade , & the Old Ministry of Information , is still there as a reminder of what we did . Everyone under 40 spoke English , & did not hold a grudge against us ,. It was an amazing experience to be in a bar ,restaurant ,street & EVERYONE was White . I recommend it before they all join the EU , then the riff raff Out Of Africa & Middle East will turn up .
The BBC knows this. If they don’t then they are even more stupid than usual. The Grand National is nearly 100% white. So is the Derby. So are all the heritage railways and steam fairs. and County fairs and shows Just go to Blandford Steam fair at the end of August and see what I mean .Thousands of the wrteched indigenous. No police presence worth mentioning.
The stupid liberals know multiculturalism is a fraud. Just can’t admit it without heads exploding.
I wonder what the ethnic mix at Glastonbury is ?
Same with any Game Fair around the country, lots of people (not to mention weapons), but there is no need to police them because it never kicks off. Compare to the Notting Hill carnival……
They are always described as intelligent well adjusted young men who invariably love football blah blah blah……….family are devastated…..blah blah blah ……………friends are shocked……blah blah blah……….radicalised by extremists ……..blah blah blah………………not really representative of islam …….blah blah blah.
They expect us to believe some idiot who believes in the existence of a big sky fairy is well adjusted and rational.
Yes there was some report about a Scottish rag head from Aberdeen who is out jihadding in Syria. There were almost coming with excitement that they had found someone from a far flung corner of the UK
According to the bBC reporter, there are only a couple of mosques in Aberdeen and looking at the following
none in Wick.
This is blatant racism against the Scots and immediate action should be taken.
They could always have a few thousand of ours
The BBC is certainly very worried about the returning ISIS terrorists carrying on their murderous when they return to their ‘home’ countries. In fact in some of their reporters I detected fear, as they recognised what a threat to this country these fanatics pose. It has taken years for at least some sections of the BBC to wake up to what having millions of Muslims in our country may well result in. Of course once the initial shock of the realisation has worn off we get the usual BBC apologia for Islamic terror and the dumping of the blame on the west . But slowly they are beginning to realise what most of us on this site have long known, that a policy of mass immigration of people with very different cultures and beliefs to those of the host country, is unlikely to end well. Having lots of folks from the EU may cause tensions but those tensions are small compared to those that arise from having millions of people with cultures so different to our own.
If there are acts of terror in the UK in next year or so the BBC will no doubt still stick with its ‘it’s all our own fault script’ but even they will recognise how hollow it sounds, as the awful reality of what the liberal left, Labour and the BBC have done to our country begins to dawn on them.
And just look at how ‘safe’ bombing Iraq and Libya, and wanting to bomb Syria and Iraq (again) has made us! Our leaders’ foreign policy and domestic policy is possibly ever so slightly more to blame for antagonising Muslims than the ‘evil’ EDL or ‘racist’ UKIP who have both been falsely accused of stirring up trouble.
There was a great example last week of an American woman at a Heritage Foundation conference arguing “Quit all this PC sermonising about the wonderful moderate Muslim majority. First – where are they, we seldom hear them really slapping down the extremists. Second – we know from history that it is the ruthless minority of extremists who drive events, not the so-called moderates – look at the Nazis in Germany, look at the Bolsheviks in Russia, look at the Maoists in China. The “moderates” are no defence. (And look at ISIS within the Sunni community in Iraq and Syria?)
We also had the spectacle of Yasmin Alibhai-Brown being told to her face that people attacked her not because of racism, nor religion, nor sexism/misogyny – she is attacked because she is such a sanctimonious whiner – “the nastiest person in public life”, forever using false arguments.
I wish we had more plain speaking like this on the BBC. More people pushing back loud and strong against the dangerous PC platitudes. More people verbally head-butting the endless flow of biased BBC interviewers and presenters.
“I wish we had more plain speaking like this on the BBC”
The function of the BBC for the Guardian reading section of the population is to re-educate people so that they can only think about the world in terms of correct Party thinking.
“Party thinking” has absolutely no connection with any reality other than the greed of middle class public sector workers who combine their lack of interest in the world with hostility towards anybody who dares to think or act for themselves.
The function of the tax system for the Left (other than enriching themselves) is to take away your freedom of action.
That is why they are so keen to destroy English values – because they justify resistance to Guardian readers because of an allegiance to values (such as truth) that transcend the State.
The Left are an atavistic return to tribal collectivism. Their sole contribution is destruction and intolerance. This is what they have in common with Islam.
This morning I watched the bBC devote an inordinate amount of time regards a protest being held by bBC journalists at the bBC regards those 3 jailed Al Jazera blokes in Eygpt.
I’m sorry, but what ever happened to just reproting the news, the bBC has a remit to be impartial , yet they have taken sides in this account and for that they have shown their bias. A bias this blog (And its many fine contributors) has devoted a lot of time and effort into exposing .
I find it hard to believe that there haven’t been worse judicial farces handed down to journalists throughout the world in recent years. Yet I can’t recall such a song and dance being made about any. In addition, all the reporting I’ve heard has been curiously vague as to what these journalists are supposed to have done and why the verdict is wrong. It’s just taken as a given that it is.
Be that as it may, the BBC journalists need to realise that they’ve taken the impartiality shilling. They don’t have the luxury any more of picking and choosing when to take sides. Or shouldn’t have, at least.
‘worse judicial farces handed down’ BBC News· A Sudanese woman freed from death row on Monday has been detained with her family at Khartoum airport, sources have told the BBC
Maybe if Paul Mason, Pesto and the rest of the gang were not redirecting the entire resources of the NUJ’s membership to one story or getting a toecap on Coluson’s corpse, such actual life or death BS may be less likely to happen?
What’s with the ‘a Sudanese woman’?
Surely all know her name by now?
And have to love the one degree of not sure but we’re covered ‘sources’ again.
While BBC-NUJ campaigns for Islamisation of U.K,
and for ‘left’-Islamic political alliance-
Today’s ‘The Times’ (£), front-page headline:-
“British Muslims flock to jihadists’ hardline sect”
“Two British jihadists who appeared in a terrorism recrujitment video urging Muslims to fight in Syria were followers of an austere sect which is the fastest growing branch of Islam in Britain…
“The Salafis, who are hostile to music, television and even birthdays, are poised to control half of mosques within a generation, a study of the sects comprising British Islam found.”
Got to love the left wing crowd at the bBC and their biases:
1) Smoking tobacco bad..ban it
2) Drinking soft drinks containing sugar bad…tax it
3) Eating fast food bad…ban it
4) Smoking e-cigs bad..ban it
So when it comes to Khat, well think of the people in Kenya it will put out of work, think of the discomfort Khat users in the Uk will experience, think of the tax the UK Gov will lose.
The bBC reports on a attack on a Jewish cemetery in Manchester and they don’t have a clue just who could carry out such an act: ‘Sickening’ anti-Semitic attack on Manchester cemetery Anti-Semitic graffiti and swastikas have been daubed over gravestones in a Jewish cemetery in Manchester. Greater Manchester Police said the attack at the cemetery in Rochdale Road, Blackley, was “sickening and cruel” racism. In addition to the slogans and graffiti some of the graves were toppled by the vandals
Got to love how the bBC reports the daubing of paint first over the knocking over of grave stones. But what surprised me was this statement: “The Community Security Trust said such incidents had been cut in Greater Manchester over the past three years.”
Cut, why haven’t I heard about this, I do when anybody looks funny at a Muslim in the UK, I wonder just who could be behind such a disrespectful act. A quick look reveals that there are 4 mosques (or their ilk) within 500 metres of the Jewish cemetery, would it racist to look at the Islamic community as the people behind such acts.
But then seeing as the Anti-Semitic bBC has recently relocated to Manchester, I wonder if the so called impartial bBC could be behind all of this.
Listening to Radio 2 and G Vine is promoting the view of a woman in Lincs, who was attacked by cows and he is playing the Operator who took the 999 call was a cunt for not believing the woman. They then played the call, and It sounded really like somebody taking the piss. The woman didn’t know where she was and sounded pretty pathetic. Yet within 30 minutes they had found where she had parked her car and within 50 they had found her.
Typical leftwing bBC article.
Very typical of Vine. The narrative is established by the headline and despite the ‘victim’ being perfectly happy Vine continues with his ‘uncaring’ operator line.
Although the operator sounds sceptical, (who wouldn’t?), she holds the line, keeps talking to the caller, and obviously must have initiated call-out and call trace action. Locating someone in a rural area with large mobile phone cell areas must take quite a time.
“Labour’s hopes of getting the comic and national treasure to their 9 July event are fading, though Alastair Campbell is trying to mend fences.”
Whether Campbell is the best man for that job is a moot point. Fry was once an active Labour supporter and appeared in a party political broadcast with Hugh Laurie, one of his Blackadder co-stars, in 1993.
Fickle is as fickle does I guess.
At least Mr. Fry is now scrupulously professional and above using the BBC pulpit as a springboard for any advocacy.
Just watched a recent QI, with UKIP still a legacy easy score target.
Danny’s Quota (bar host, I guess straddling the requirement resolves in many ways) was met with Lisa Tarbuck & a Scots lady.
Witty enough, but it was all devolving into very cosy anodyne gossip club with near zero satirical ‘bite’ with, ironically, a distinct veer to ‘oo, er, missus’ Frankie Howerd territory.
Mr. Cohen imposes that on Mock the Week or HIGNFY and they’ll be ex-money spinners by Xmas.
The ‘reaction’, raking over, analysis, selective ‘guest’ commentary and vox poppery from the world’s least trusted editorial suite owners on this jury verdict vs. those they like… will be… likely as unsurprising as it will be relentless.
I think they are still (in)digesting:
Liked comment 3 (so far): ‘We are receiving opinions as we speak from the BORG….please stand by’
Pinch me have I awoke in Somalia?, listening to Jeremy Vine we have two Somalis arguing the toss on Khat is this the BRITISH Broadcasting Corp I’m listening to? and does 99.9% of the listening public care either way?
This from… The New Statesman…?: ‘There’s no organised “media blackout” on reporting protest marches. More often than not, they just aren’t that much of a story.’
A brief pause here as the sound of A. Newsroom Tealady’s head exploding, plus assorted unfamiliar CECUTT warriors (I posted their FoI punts yesterday), while this rather buys the BBC a break from internal rumblings.
Well, from a publication that has six readers (me inc. and such as this post making me a keeper a while yet – some great actual facts for thew twitter howlers whipping up a conspiracy frenzy. The comments a treat here too), but is seen as hugely influential anyway.
The Graun crowd may be a tougher sell, as every BBC-related story in CiF is littered with the ‘outrage’.
So that’s a few hundred more in counter.
Meanwhile, in the real world, as wars rage, atrocities mount, Diane & Danny play diversity chess in the bunker on a board and figures that reflect the Lord Pantone’s ideal shade balance.
And wonder why they can’t seem to play straight much less win.
Where is the story in 50,000 people marching against a false austerity? When more than twenty times as many people marched in London against labour policy in 2003, (Countryside Alliance and Iraq invasion protests) the labour government completely ignored them. So when less than 5% of that figure marches against a fantasy of austerity, where is the story? Other than there are 50,000 people who are clearly delusional enough to travel to a march to protest against something that is not happening.
To be fair the BBC didn’t ignore the Countryside Alliance march by hundreds of thousands of people.
The Today programme covered it by running an interview with someone who’d been in Trafalgar Square at the time and was opposed to the march.
Typical BBC – no attempt to explain the concerns of the huge number of people who had marched, just a spoiler piece from a rent-a gob they had been able to find (or plant).
The New Statesman article explains why it was not “news”. Just a total bore – a parade dominated by the far-left with maybe 5000 people ( eg 10 from Bristol – big deal !) with the same old speakers such as Shouty Jones, Mayor Luftur, Jeremy Corbyn (yawn), Lidsey German, various extreme-left trade union leaders asking for public-sector pay rises, CND and all manner of the other usual riff-raff.
All repeating the same march they keep on having, often using the same damn banners !.
But there is the new maths… BBC News shared BBC World News’s album
#DodgyJournalismIsNotTheSameAsJournalism protest (15 photos – any many ‘austerity-march blanking whingers still)) Hundreds of journalists have gathered in London to protest against the seven-year jail terms given to three al-Jazeera journalists in Egypt.
Hundreds of ’em… hundreds!
If that doesn’t beat peons sticking oars in the BBC doesn’t like by a factor of 50:1 (or, in BBC terms when they need to massage figures, a ‘split’), what does?
No wonder it’s wall to wall.
Fortunately the comrades from the People’s Assembly produced a film of what appears to be a rehearsal of the anti cuts chants. There might even be a celebrity among the choir.
Yeah , The Evil Socialist Robin Brant , salivating over it , even suggesting the 2 outstanding charges were going to be , “Guilty” although the jury is still out on it . That`s Contempt of Court ,M`Lord , arrest that Scum.
World at One on Radio 4 devoting most of its time to the hacking trial verdicts. All the focus seems to be on Coulson – or rather – or rather, on David Cameron who is guilt of bad judgment but not of any criminality.
There is virtually no focus on the not guilty verdicts on all charges against Rebekah Brooks, her husband and her secretary. They have been prime BBC targets for years now, “guilty until found innocent” – but their innocence is now being swept under the carpet.
By contrast – Sky seems to be balancing both aspects of the verdicts delivered so far.
Something of a Damocles Sword in that it is so easy to criticise the left for the same thing
BBC and Jimmy Saville
BBC and Stuart Hall
BBC and Mr Begg
J Bowen and Assad
Unlike the PM the vast majority of the above were dodgy characters before the bBC started using them. Colson on the other hand was clean.
I was becoming seriously worried that Nick Robinson was going to have an orgasm on air with single track reporting about David Cameron’s promised apology re Coulson.
Watch how the bBC will now used this story in which to say the PM has bad judgement and he should resign, no doubt pulling out some Tory MP who supports that motion.
Which, let’s face it was the bonus ball to knocking Sky TVs bid into touch.
If they cared about this story they would have publicised it in the mid-2000s when they were more than aware of what was going on. I wonder why they didn’t?
I’m looking forward to the daily ‘Ramadan Bombathon Score Board’ on the BBC news, which will keep a tally of how many people retarded muslim savages have killed during their ‘holy’ month, starting June 29th. Get yourselves ready – I’ve a feeling this year’s gonna be a doozy with Iraq and Syria in play.
They will show it, won’t they? I’m sure…
During this time, of course, Jews will be working on their 170th Nobel Prize (or whatever the number is) the boring bast*rds. So thank god for Islam for keepin’ it real!
Joeb writes: I’m looking forward to the daily ‘Ramadan Bombathon Score Board’
The blog I write on, has run Ramaden death toll now for the past 5 years. I will of course be continuing to report the spike in deaths carried out by Muslims this year from the 28th June 14:
So ’13 was just under double ’12’s tally? Incredible. The lust for killing these muslim savages has just gets worse and worse. I’m expecting the next ten years to really ramp things up. Coming years could make ’13 look like a pi*s-take. And with Allah looking even more favourably on those who kill in the holy (snigger) month, what’s not to like? Should I get around to William Hill?
So, ‘Toenails’ Robinson, following the only guilty verdict so far has decided the punishment from the non trial of the century that has so excited the Beeb and the Guardian.
As the 3.00 pm news came on, I turned to my mate and predicted that the open headlines would in include the words Coulson, Guilty, Cameron and Apology.
A gang of men attacked an American student while he was drinking in the street – grabbing a glass bottle from his hands and smashing it over his head, a court was told. Francesco Hounye, 23, from Florida, had been in Britain for just three days when he was set upon by the men while he was walking home with a friend in Shadwell, east London.
Gee, why would five men attack a man for drinking alcohol in East London. Anybody have a clue? Meanwhile the left are telling me the Islamic terrorists who bugger off to the Mother country in which to murder their fellow Muslims do so becasue:
1) British colonial history
2) Government cuts
3) British Police were too slow
4) Radicalised by an imam, who is allowed to deny that claim.
Nothing about the unholy Koran which brainwashes Muslims to Murder,death, kill and the bBC (And its trolls on here) claims I am the intolerant one.
and if he’d used the word ‘Paki’ in his statement to the useless brigade, they’d have prosecuted the victim for that!
It used to be wondered, how Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party indoctrinated the people of Germany. We don’t ask that question any more because we can see how it’s happened here.
I have observed the following instances of bias, thus far tonight:
1) BBC teaming up with Labour to have a field day over the hacking case and saying that David Cameron will have to do more than apologise. Will the BBC apologise to Brooks about the way in which they’ve treated her on comedy programs and radio shows now that she has had all charges dropped?
2) BBC Reporting Scotland salivating over the Bannock Burn battles 700th anniversary: the very fact that some Scots obsess over a battle with the English that happened centuries ago is evidence of a strong anti-English sentiment and is quite frankly small minded and utterly pathetic. But we all know that the BBC in Scotland is intrinsically SNP-biased.
3) BBC Reporting Scotland groveling to the Muslim community in Scotland blubbering that a Scottish Jihadi (what a mix!!) is in no way representative of the Scottish Islamic community (How do they know?).
The Scots only prevailed at Bannockburn because the English King Edward the First, Hammer of the Scots had just died, leaving his useless son in charge, who was utterly un-warlike and over-ruled his experienced military leaders, used to his father, and the rest is, as they say, history. The Scots got lucky, it was not the leadership of Bruce as they suggest. That will upset the scots on B-BBC…..i don’t care.
The real story of Bannockburn I suspect is feudal lords fighting for power at the expense of the lives of the little people. I don’t think for many serfs it made much difference who was king.
The BBC will have a conflict of interest on this one as Edward II was homosexual. He was eventually deposed and murdered by his wife and her lover – allegedly with a red-hot poker – the ultimate manifestation of homophobia. The BBC just has to see him as a victim.
1% of Muslims willing to be active Jihadis;
10% of Muslims willing to give real assistance but not take part directly;
90% of Muslims sitting on their hands.
If those figures are close to correct the statement, a Scottish Jihadi is in no way representative of the Scottish Islamic community is technically true.
I wonder if the BBC will be reporting this one… in some parts of East Londonistan, drink is prohibited by the followers of the religion of bells, incense and love.
Anyone else reading have to turn off Radio 4 this evening with Stephen K Amos Idiots guide to multiculturalism?
With Stephen Grant, Nish Kumar and Andrew Maxwell.
Every other word was ‘waycism’ the meaningless bully word so beloved of the fascists.
Stephen K Amos…black and gay.
Therefore the very future of BBC Comedy as ordained for the rest of us.
As for having to actually BE funny?…well that`s an optional extra-the symbolism is the thing.
And if you don`t laugh(and you won`t)…then you`ll be racist, and have a problem with black people?
If only Ted Ray had thought of that!
Amos and that Iranian unfunny woman-Esther and Abi O Farim of comedy…dream team of BBC fantasies.
I myself will be getting my Tim Vine/Tommy Cooper remaindered books to remind myself of when comedy was meant to make me laugh-NOT advance the prospects of unfunny folk of the right shade.
The useless One Show glorifying the illegal raves of the nineties with the hippy presenter (with the typical dyed red hair) salivating about how these raves were really great for multiculturalism and gay sex scene. Truly pathetic stuff.
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So there we are! A BBC report today ( says that educational success in Inner London is, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, due to “the multi-cultural mix of children attending the schools compared with other areas”. And, according to the report, “specific policies focused on London secondary schools may not be the main reason for this improvement”. Now I understand why Blair allowed unfettered immigration; it was to meet his “education, education, education” priorities.
So is it going to be Labour (and BBC, Guardian, Islington et al) policy to improve the potential of poor white males by forcing country-wide integration?
I’m just not quite sure why without supporting evidence they attribute the improvement to multicultural mix rather than special measures introduced. Surely they couldn’t have an agenda?
Because OFSTED offer extra marks to a school’s score for how multicultural they are. The less white they are, the more points they get, regardless of actual academic achievement.
There are good schools around the country, in remote areas which are achieving good academic results, but which have been marked down for not being culturally diverse enough. Some of these have taken to having school trips to inner London schools to stare at the coloured kids, in order to increase their own OFSTED scores.
Yes, the British state institutions, such as OFSTED are, actively enabling the colonisation of British society.
They are prioritising the privileged position of immigrants, at the cultural expense of the present and next generation of British indigenous people.
And all under the false, unworthy flag of ‘diversity’, as flown by INBBC.
Ken, do you have any evidence for that? I agree that it would be wrong for OFSTED to prioritise diversity over academic achievement, but I’ve just had a look at its most recent framework for school inspection and I can find nothing to support what you said.
Chris – I think Ken was referring to the national annual ‘politically correct’ (biased) state School league tables, (rather than OfSted framework which is often the last resort of a failing school)’ I suspect – or hope. I think OfSted are doing pretty well, (even if years too late in spotting awful (Islamic) schools and even worse school governors priming kids with hate and vengeance.
I think a school in Devon 100% indigenous was marked down for that. Payhembury near Honiton I believe.
Google throws up this Daily Mail report
The OFSTED report from their inspection is here
It doesn’t specifically mention that the school was ‘too white’. It does say that ‘they have not had sufficient opportunities to fully develop an appropriate awareness of life in a multicultural society’, which is part of the requirement (dropped in 2011) that the school contribute to community cohesion.
I’m not sure it’s fair to say that OFSTED offers extra marks for how multicultural a school is.
Sorry, wrong link for the OFSTED report
Click to access ofsted2010.pdf
Fair point ChrisL – but the concern I think (by Ken) was that the wider implication was that ‘Englishness’ taught (outside Eton) is now frowned upon. So a ‘STATE’ school cannot be a fully (OfSted) approved unless it has (very obvious) new EU migrants added for extra political ‘cohesion’ (often not that much ‘community cohesion’ results). One School Roedean for GIrls Brighton has too many Chinese Girls (all white) and has too few English girls who can afford the fees. OfSted could be accused of racism if they applauded an (all) English school without making a politically correct remark due to EU laws requiring it to be so.
Sit upstairs on a London bus when schools are disgorging their assorted geniuses and you’ll soon discover just how well the education system is doing.
Ah, the memories – and that was years ago. Is it any less tolerable these days?
It’s certainly, like, less intelligible.
This “educational success in Inner London” must be the reason so many affluent Labour politicians “Abbott” their children as far away from it as possible.
According to the headmaster of a Worcester comprehensive, if his school was in Inner London he would receive more than £6million extra funding. Some of these diverse schools have funding that equates to £28K per pupil compared with £4500 per pupil in Worcs.
See how well the Inner City schools do without funding equivalent to sending a child to Eaton!
BBc Breakfast. Was it really necessary to have the weather forecast presented from center court Wimbledon?
Delighted to hear that Meriam Ibrahim, the woman imprisoned and sentenced to death by the brutal islamic regime in the Sudan has been released.
You can read it here:
And here:
And here:
And here:
Apparently the information came from SUNA, a Sudanese state news agency which everyone mentions.
But, of course the BBC has to be different don’t they.
“A Sudanese woman sentenced to death for abandoning her religious faith has been freed from jail, her lawyer tells the BBC.”
When you read it, it’s all “has told the BBC”
Really!! They are so far up their own arses they just don’t get how stupid that sounds.
I’ve lost track of the number of times the clowns use “the BBC has learnt” or “told the BBC”.
In the world of BBC hacks, a room full of journalists will just evaporate so that the only person being addressed at a news briefing is said BBC hack.
The impression the BBC are trying to give here is that Meriam Ibrahim’s lawyer rushed to the phone to give a breathless account to the BBC, of course the truth is that having heard of the release from state media, the BBC rang the lawyer.
Now I hope this isn’t double posted because my words seemed to get lost mid post (damn computers and I don’t support UKIP so I should be able to use one).
I have noticed the Beeb’s increasing use of suggestions that they are the only one with a story. My favourite is Miss Bruce saying, ‘the BBC has learnt’, and I think, ‘the BBC has read the press release’. I think it must be orders from on high and the Charter renewal. It is to make us plebs think that the BBC has all these scoops and therefore the most important news source available.
Sly dig at UKIP there, cheap shot, implying that it’s followers are thick, eh? Hope you feel good, puffed up with your sense of moral and intellectual superiority over a section of the populace who yearn for a return to being in charge of our borders and having some control over our destiny and law. Anyone who thinks differently, obviously you, is free to leave.
Do calm down. Deborah is referring to this:
Robert Brown.
Your post shows you up for being the bigoted commentator, and I feel you owe deborah an apology.
‘When you read it, it’s all “has told the BBC”’
To be fair, there my be the slightest whiff of singed pride still about, as the last time out, having heard of a release from the state (both wrong at the time), the BBC ran a story without checking with the lawyer.
Noting also TPO’s insightful comment on what the BBC has opted to cut and paste in lieu of reporting.
But good news for Ms. Ibrahim, somewhat lucky not to be relying on support from the likes of Messrs, Peston, Mason et al, who seem a wee bit more exercised about a jail term for one of ‘them’, vs. a death sentence for one of ‘not them’.
At best, their journalism of her case appeared mostly guided by ruthless professional objectivity, for some reason.
Might be that Teddy Bear named Mohammed I sent for her baby that swung it for her
Apologies, just noticed that I missed a salient feature in the BBC’s misleading headline;
““A Sudanese woman sentenced to death for abandoning her religious faith has been freed ”
She never abandoned her faith, she was always a Christian and has not abandoned her Christianity.
Not the same story as the BBc is telling.
But the BBC won’t correct the whitewash job it did before, as usual painting the young thug as an innocent lamb led astray
Just missed Father’s Day too.
Never mind.
My Dad went off on Jihad and all I got him was this lousy disarmed WMD delivery system…
‘Not the same story as the BBc is telling.’
There a thing.
Where the US leads, the UK oft follows.
Though the BBC does seem keen to get ahead.
“Local Imam says brothers shunned mosque after expressing ‘political views'”
Yeah, right, just like speedbump and flashbang in Boston, eh?
Pull the other one, it has Taqiyya on it.
…..and did the imam report this very suspicious behaviour to the police ? – it was not an isolated case.
These “community leaders” know damn well what is going on. But the are complicit in it by refusing to break it up, refusing to really cooperate with the police and intelligence services. OK, they may deliver the odd sermon arguing against extremism – but do they really attack the “extremists” – and do they really cast any doubt on the many verses of the Koran and hadiths that are used to justify jihadism ? Do they really do anything to defend the US and UK against the more absurd charges that are made against us ?
Plenty of anti-white racism there, which BBC-NUJ censors.
Wot, no racism?
Leicester fire deaths: Seven men and teenager found guilty
‘Seven men and a teenager have been convicted for their part in a revenge arson attack that killed four people. Shehnila Taufiq, 47, daughter Zainab, 19, and sons Bilal, 17, and Jamal, 15 died in a house fire in Leicester in the early hours of 13 September. Kemo Porter, 19, and Tristan Richards, 23, were found guilty of their murders.’
No cries of racism? No Islamophobia?
You wouldn’t know it from the above BBC report but check previous BBC reports and you find the accused ‘men’ were all black.
It was mistaken identity apparently. They torched the wrong house.
Victim totem pole in action again.
And we all know Black people can’t possibly be racist, Jo Brand and the BBC assure us that is the case
It’s now over a month since I complained about the BBC’s story of UKIP’s Croyden carnival, misquoting the candidate and the Romanian protesters who weren’t. They still haven’t been able to come up with an excuse they think might pass muster.
I wonder what the delay is?
Yes Roland same here. I’ll give them a couple more days then fire off another complaint on Thursday for non response. It’s about time the searchlight got shone on rent a mob that the BBc normally just describes as counter demonstrators. Again I’m not sure what the delay will be because you know as well as I that the reply will never actually address the points being made. Perhaps we can co ordinate a response as It would seem logical we will get the same reply in essence.
Dave, that would be a good idea, but we’d have to make sure it’s not too overt so they can’t tie us to the individual complaints. There have been reports in the past of complaints being thrown out after being shared here on the grounds that the correspondence must remain a little secret.
Wise caution.
It’s a risk taken, even if simply sharing a template dismissal without any personal data (yours or BBC reply).
However, it really shows them up when the exact same GIAR fob-off gets trotted out, especially when it takes them weeks after deadline to even manage a cut & paste.
And they can react poorly.
The ‘we notice you..’ Series from here a few years back was both funny and chilling at the level of monitoring and menace from CECUTT for a niche site that no one at the BBC takes seriously.
”It’s now over a month since I complained about the BBC’s story of UKIP’s Croyden carnival.”
Writing a letter of complaint to the BBC about their bias is a bit like writing a letter to the Mafia complaining about their criminal behaviour.
Yes – expect a horse’s head in your bed, soon, and then you can sleep with the fishes.
So listening to the World Service today and boy did they go overboard on the sentencing of those 3 Al Jazera blokes. Christ it was like they had received a death sentence. They even told me that somebody (A bBC man) ran up to the cage and kissed it. Abu Bowen was quoted and yet when Christians are murdered in the very same country, the bBC says….Nothing.
The bBC the mouthpiece for Islamic terrorists.
Yes, it was the same on Radio 5 Live also. The end of the world as we know it. Maybe it was because one of the 3 was ex-BBC?
R2 and the bottom feeder J vine had a phone in today to discuss the statue in central Bristol erected to commemorate Edward Colston. He made loads of dosh in the 17th century from the slave trade but endowed huge amounts of money to Bristol schools and charities.
The ‘journalist’ who had tabled the ‘problem’ was a self flagellating twat from Gloucester merely visiting Bristol and he was ‘appalled’ when he came across the statue.
The suggestion was it should be taken down and destroyed.
A case of trying to right historical wrongs and the continuing drive to ostracize the indigenous white population by the beboids
First they came…
Give ’em time.
As long as they close the schools and charities as well.
Loads of lefty twats down here in Bristol. The local rag ran a survey & just over half of the people voted against removing his name from the city. Colston Girls School is one of the best non private schools in the city. Colston Hall is our biggest music venue. Lot’s of good things are associated with his name.
My dentist is in Redland & the nearest bus stop is Blackboy Hill at The top of Whiteladies Road. The leftists hate those road names yet they have nothing to do with the slavery trade. They also petitioned to change those names too. They can’t stop themselves in wanting to eradicate the past they find offensive rather than learn from it.
What do they think of Whitehaven?
Or even Blackpool?
Blackburn is far worse, as a Ku Klux Klan in-joke, I am surprised that the town is allowed to exists.
Unfortunately they won when the plan to call the new shopping centre ‘Merchants Quarter’ was shelved because ‘”it glorified the city’s historic slave trading past”
Is Bristol twinned with Brighton?
For politically devious Beeboids:-
“’Palestinian’ prof:
“Suicide bombers motivated by Islam, not poverty or brainwashing.”
Looking at the BBC’s website on a daily basis you’d be forgiven for thinking that we are a Muslim country. Almost every top, second and third story over the last couple of weeks has been Muslim in nature or to do with the intrinsic violent nature of so many of those who follow Islam. It’d be nice to hear how Christians, Buddhists and Sikhs are doing these days… (apart from those unfortunate enough to live in Muslims countries, of course).
BBC Headline ” 8 Men found guilty of arson in Leicester”
When I hear the words ” Men or Brit or yoofs ” a tremble goes up and down my spine because I know they aren’t ethnic British. Look at their Mugshots, these vibrant criminals are so dopey they burned down the wrong house !!
I notice that the BBC have assiduously avoided the motivation, only saying in passing that it was a revenge attack which went wrong.
In fact it was motivated by another of the RoP attacked and murdered Antoin Akpom.
The Taufiq family were religious zealots, with the father wishing his childrens indoctrination to be greater than could be attain in Dublin where they have not fallen prey to the Fascist teachings we in the UK have.
Apologies to Mr Vance for posting this loathsome Guardian drivel, but I don’t know where else to post it. In this foul piece we can see where the BBC and the like get their wishy-washy community cohesion garbage.
The Guardian really is repulsive and yet we here time and time again that the BBC use it as its main reference for news!
The BBC recruit journalist from ‘The Guardian’ and Labour recruits its ‘shakers and takers’ from the BBC. BBC staff are free to return back to the BBC ‘swing door’ after an election if they fail to become a Labour MP or given a job in Labour’s new government.
It’s been done before, too many times… according to Chris Aitkin (former BBC man) in his book ‘CAN WE TRUST THE BBC?
OTHER ’high profile’ Labour members with links back to the BBC include: Peter Mendleson (Media guru for Tony Blair with closer links to Greg Dyke (from LWT TV). Greg Dyke later become Director General of the BBC), Will Hutton (Guardian journalist to BBC Journalist), Liz Fogan (BBC and Guardian Journalist), Andrew Rawnsley (BBC to New Labour activist), James McNaughtie (Guardian to BBC staff Radio 4), (1997) Lance Price (BBC to New Labour activist), Martin Sixsmith (BBC to New Labour activist), Tom Kelly (BBC to New Labour activist), Ed Richards (BBC to New Labour activist), Bill Bush (BBC to New Labour activist), Catherine Rimmer (BBC to New Labour activist), John Birt (BBC DG to New Labour activist), Don Briad (BBC to New Labour activist), Sarah Hunter (BBC to New Labour activist), Ben Bradshaw, (BBC to New Labour MP 1997), Chris Bryant (BBC to New Labour MP), Celia Barlow (BBC to New Labour MP), James Purnell (BBC to New Labour Gov. Minster), Ken Macintosh, (BBC to (Scotland) MSP).
1990 BBC Joy Johnson became Labour campaigns Media director.
1997 BBC Joy Johnson was also rehired by the BBC after the election.
1997 Nine Labour MP’s were previously employed by the BBC
You missed out Phil Woollas Labour immigration minister (an oxymoron?) who also worked for the BBC
Excellent post. If there was a similar analysis of Tory MPs/ employees who had worked at the BBC and it showed that there were many fewer , it would be irrefutable proof that the BBC employees more people on the left than on the right. Yet more people usually vote Tory than Labour.
I would love to hear the BBC ‘explanation’ for this.
The Labour rag The Mirror did have a go at outing the evil Tory control of the BBC and got to a total of 2 currently working at the BBC [probably not now they have been found out !] and about 4 others who had connections to the BBC !
As I write, BBC R4 ‘Analysis’ is puffing away like billio for Labour as it relates how superior the continental collaborative economic model is compared to the english speaking competitive model and how Milliband is all for it and is associated with the leading thinkers among its proponents. Maybes no, maybes yes, who knows, but for sure Labour PR will be pleased and prawns in the city willl be relieved.
R4 Analysis: ‘EU Socialism’ – 1 v ‘UK Democracy’ – 0.
(I’m not too surprised on that outcome…perhaps if they went for a penalty shoot out it would be different).
It wasn’t that long ago that Miliband was feting M. Hollande and telling us what great economic policies the French socialists have, time for Plan B etc.
What a genius – his grasp of economics are as good as his dexterity with bacon sandwiches.
Socialists have a type of dementia, were they keep rediscovering socialism after it fails, because they read something that says that its worth a try, and then they forget what happened, due to wishful thinking, which causes memory loss in the brains of socialists.
It seems to be a very quick process when you consider France.
Who was it who said “Madness is repeating the same mistakes and expecting a different outcome each time.”?
Albert Einstein i believe, said that.
So much for this then…? “Ensuring the impartiality of the BBC is a key priority for the Trust; it is essential to its independence that the BBC retains the public’s trust as an impartial purveyor of news and programming.”…
The BBC is a Quango and has to go. There have been many campaigns against but I add this link to ‘Free the Airwaves’ by the ‘The Freedoms Association’ targeting specifically the BBC abuse of license….(2011)
Note: this site also includes a nice link to the fabled Magna Carta (PDF book) which is also worth a quick read – what we have all LOST under ‘progressive’ UK governments and now from the EU to kill it.
The role of the BBC Trust seems to be to keep a lid on complaints about the BBC reaching the mainstream media, which in Britain, is best maintained by making sure that the BBC dominates the mainstream media so that widespread complaints about left-wing bias and political and scientific censorship at the BBC, is kept off the BBC, Guardian and the Independent, and therefore not seen as being in the media by the BBC, because it did not appear in any media that anyone at the BBC would read.
What is called the ‘BBC Bubble’ which means that they would never see that they have lost ‘Public Trust’ until the Government is forced to abolish the Licence Fee, and Whittingdale can be less tactful and more honest with the morons at the BBC who pass as the management, people who would be unemployable in the real world of a meritocracy, and therefore would be employed by the Labour party once the BBC is financed by voluntary payment in the ‘Public Interest‘, as is the morally superior Murdoch free press.
Adverts are the only down side, but then the BBC is now inundated with its own Licence fee funded adverts, so that no longer is an excuse.
‘Modern Britain’? Or would that be modern London?
If East Enders were an accurate reflection of London they’d all be speaking in Urdu!
Perhaps the BBC should drop the “hideously white” Eastenders and produce a new, much more realistically diverse soap based in the Page Hall district of Sheffield. The first of three editions of ‘Police Under Pressure’ was shown on BBC2 yesterday evening. It showed the impossible situation the police find themselves in trying to keep the muslim “community” and the Roma “community” off each other’s throats. This is the reality the BBC should be representing. It was riveting stuff. There was one wonderful, unintentionally hilarious moment when the muslims were shouting “we want our streets back”. Yea right, I know how you feel.
That’s interesting. I saw the programme was on and was tempted to watch it but then read the summary which went on about the police having to cope with the heaviest cutz evah etc., and gave it a miss. Sounds as if it might have been worth watching.
An amazing speech by the acting chair of the BBC trust showing she cares nothing for the audience and everything for political correctness.
If Eastenders has to accurately reflect society as it is now in that part of London, then I think we can all legitimately call for an accurate reflection in period drama too.
If this is the direction the looney wants to take the corporation then I can see even more people being pissed off with paying the licence fee !
My local BBC news programme should be done under the trades description act, almost every night its content is more Points Islam than good old West Country.
Last week we had the ‘poor unfortunate’ Syrian asylum seekers, tonight for the umpteenth time the khat ban and how it will effect Bristol’s bloody Somalian community. We’re told its social, just like ‘having a pint’ …. Tell you what you poor old Somalians, FO back to Somalia to enjoy your culture and leave us to enjoy ours in OUR country.
Points West news editors, you’re broadcasting to a bloody large region that includes us carrot crunchers down here in Somerset, we don’t give a flying F about what the lefty metrosexuals in Beeboid land Bristol consider topical or newsworthy, as much as you’d like to, you’ll NEVER diversify us…..
and the BBC is still using the jailing of Al Jazeera journalists in Egypt as its top story – absolutely ridiculous. On Sky’s website it is logged as the 8th most-viewed item.
BBC newsrooms are stuffed full of Islamic researchers and editors – and leftie fellow-travellers – forever pushing non-news and their own bias on the news that the BBC presents. Proper editorial judgment goes out of the window -0 all we get is and excess of Muslim propaganda and lies.
It is news and is worthy of discussion.
One can also see why it is ‘close to home’ and worthy of discussion within the profession… and of relevance outside too.
However, the blanket self-obsession in some quarters is backfiring, as they highlight just what they will focus on or get outraged about or deplore or stage protests and vigils around, and what else… not so much.
Very real, personal deaths or threats of, vs. selective freedoms to do whatever is fancied, wherever fancied, free of consequence.
From Leveson to Miriam to the Boko & Palestinian kidnappees, their relative watertight oversight in comparison has spoken volumes.
More politically biased INBBC ‘reporting’ for Islam-
in its first sentence, INBBC wrongly implies about this woman who courageously renounced Islam, that it is ‘her Islamic faith’ . It is NOT. The religion she renounces is Islam.
“A Sudanese woman sentenced to death for abandoning her Islamic faith has been freed from jail”
from INBBC headline censored of reference to Islam-
“Sudan death sentence woman ‘freed'”
Alternative report- ‘Jihadwatch,’ which correctly refers to Islam in its headline, while INBBC typically doesn’t-
“Sudanese woman condemned to death for leaving Islam walks free from prison”
Was INBBC Sudan report written by Muslims?
“Was INBBC Sudan report written by Muslims?
I would say almost definitely “yes” as they believe everyone is born Muslim.
Newsnight tonight was about the delightful coves heading out to join Isis in order to saw off the heads of those they don’t crucify – unless of course they join their Sunni/Wahhabism view of Islam.
Apparently Newsnight had to fly in reporters from Afghanistan to create the piece fronting the item. I guess all the BBC reporters in the UK were either busy or unsuitable to create the report.
There then followed the discussion, where Emily Maitlis chatted to two Muslims and a gentleman from the government. I suppose the indigenous population doesn’t have a view worth hearing.
The guy from the Muslim Council of GB laughed off any idea that it could be the local Imam who has radicalised the boys in one town, not seeing how ‘one speech’ could move people to violence.
‘One speech?’ you thought Emily would point out, ‘you mean week after week of indoctrination!’
But no she let him quietly go on to blame the ‘illegal Iraq war,’ and the ‘constant demonization of Muslims.’
So big opportunity for Emily to burst in with ‘well if you stopped blowing us up and people in every country you inhabit, stopped trying to destroy aircrafts full of people, getting your 6 year olds to chant that white women are prostitutes …. Phew, sorry about that, but you know what I mean *mops brow and moves on* …
So that’s all right then. That explains why Muslims are flying from all over the world to join create barbaric carnage in the Middle East it is all the fault of the British.
Perhaps we could think positively here? The reality of war changes people. Some may come back as different people. Think what the trenches did to Britain’s post WWI generation.
Syrian Sunnis are relatively secular and modern. The Jihadis are punching above their weight and the majority of Syrians may be less willing to tolerate an Islamic dictatorship after removing an Alawite dictatorship than we might think.
I’m almost sure that the majority of Syrians don’t want an Islamic dictatorship, and certainly not run by the likes of ISIS. Whether or not they will be able to avoid one is another matter.
I think people make the mistake of thinking such situations can come about only with the agreement of the majority. Yet only around 6% of Germans were committed Nazis, which didn’t stop them making pretty much the entire German population acquiesce in accepting their rule and their laws. Tower Hamlets is only 30% Muslim, and I’m sure most of them are “moderate”, yet it is run like a banana republic.
I hope you’re right in your optimism that the majority of the 30% of Muslims in Tower Hamlets are ‘moderate’ but somehow when the time arrives I can’t help feeling that won’t be the case.
Is there really such a thing as a moderate Muslim? Taqiyya ?
Correct, no such thing as a moderate muslim.
All for optimism, even of the mindless sort. Sadly I am famous for it.
However the Syrian ‘secular and modern’ folk did rise up against Assad. Sadly al qaeda and ISIS destroyed them, brutally murdering their leaders so they could go from town to town butchering those who won’t convert.
Obviously had we actually armed the initial rebels, as much as al qaeda and Isia are armed by the Saudis, then the ‘secular modern’ rebels may have had a chance. But we didn’t and now we reap the whirlwind.
But please keep looking on the bright side of a Caliphate in the 21st century, I could do with some cheering up.
I am confused regarding Syria, Hague first tells me that Assad = evil = chemical weapons, now the ISIS muslim terrorists are fighting Assad , so should we support ISIS? Which makes them terrorists in Iraq but freedom fighters in Syria?
ISIS appears more concerned with duffing up the original secular rebels and butchering the local inhabitants than actually fighting Assad.
I had the misfortune of seeing a few minutes of tonight’s Panorama – Britain’s Homeless Families. The warning was clear (‘Richard Bilton meets families forced out by private landlords and asks whether the government’s increasing reliance on the private rental sector is placing the vulnerable at risk’) but there was one gem of a remark from Conservative housing minister Kris Hopkins.
The beeboid said “despite all that you’re saying, isn’t the welfare cap the reason that so many families are being made homeless” to which the minister replied “That might be on the Labour Party press release somewhere but there’s no evidence that that’s the case”.
We need more ministers who are prepared to call the bBBC’s bluff and say things like this. (15:17 onwards)
I suppose the BBC did not mention Mass Immigration or Chinese property speculators, but they may have mentioned Cameron’s house buying subsidy as well as any Labour party press release.
The words ‘private landlord’ were spat out with venom normally used amongst normal people when referring to child molesters.
Only the BBC could present a programme about homelessness without mentioning mass immigration and the hundreds of thousands of ‘singool muvvers ‘ and bone idle work shy underclass chavs who were given free council housing at the expense of white working people who are now at the bottom of the list .
The sale of council houses cannot have made any difference to the homeless figures ,as they were sold originally to their tenants .
There was also no mention of the unlawful occupation of council houses, especially in high immigrant areas ,where such illegal tenancies change hands for thousands of pounds.
Until local authorities take an inventory of just who is living in their properties with full identity checks, and checks on immigrant status ,this abuse will never be eradicated
Er….excuse me, but wasn’t it the last Labour government who imposed “the bedroom tax” on private landlords only? The coalition government just equalised everything by including Council/Social housing in the legislation. Bet the BBC suddenly have collective Alzheimer’s when that little fact is dropped on them.
Got to get this little bit of gripe in here. Buy to Let is a major problem, too many wannabe landlords, all on the make, and backed by the government, stuffed with imbeciles with huge portfolios, hoovering up vast numbers of affordable housing and diminishing choice for people keen to be householders, not beholden to some landlord for a roof over their heads. The market therefore is distorted greatly. These greedy bastards are helped along by tax-breaks and the horde of support services that fester in such a climate. If anyone thinks i’m an embittered tenant, wrong, my house is bought and paid for, i would not even consider BTL ‘investment’…..i know a few, and they are ugly, selfish people, i avoid them like the plague. Hordes of immigrants have entered the fray, go to an auction and look at the bidders, Asians a plenty, Chinese etc…….our youngsters have no chance at all to own a home.
A pome wot I rote, after the overnights are in:
“I talk with you,
You talk with me.
But is it you,
Or are we three?”
The ability to not just spoof, but flat out copy another poster is a real concern.
I currently have no idea who actually is responsible for what.
Which is a real shame.
So a short haired middle aged lefty woman (you know the type) tells us EastEnders is “too white”. The last time I watched it (many years ago) Eastenders was, and still is a work of fiction. To be ‘true’ to life EE would have very small appeal, with no one speaking English and featuring endless drug and honour killings…
Why is it that these twats think that the UK needs to be diverse? I watched the Formula 1 on German TV at the weekend, as it wasn’t live on the BBC , it was glouriouly white, with no ‘tokens’ in any of the adverts or presentation, all culturally German, how wonderful!
One further thought, if such programming is possible in EU land Germany, why not in the UK? There must be German ‘Lennart Hennings’ complaining about the lack of diversity on German TV, but it would appear that no one takes them seriously (as we should) and they are probably a better country for it….
Ah the Germans did not embrace mindless immigration.
Take a look not just at their films and tv but their football team. Compare with the more multiracial France, Holland, England, Sweden, etc.
Many UK events are hideously white, certainly anything remotely traditional or cultural. It’s when the BBC or its Sky imitators get in on the act that the images are manipulated or skewed.
Remember the Zimbabwean fisherpersons in Whitby on Coast?
Too many whites on the Antique Road Show. Maybe if they held it in Tower Hamlets or Bradford this would redress the waycism.
The only antiques you’ll find in either of those places, will be the ageing grandparents of the current population.
Recently visited Serbia / Montenegro , you would not believe it , those countries are 99.9% Hideously White , only saw a Mr & Mrs Ethiopian down near the port of Bar. In Belgrade there was some French security guards of about 20 , doing some work , 2 of them were black. The Serbs are very friendly considering , in 1999 , Blair got Nato to bomb Belgrade , & the Old Ministry of Information , is still there as a reminder of what we did . Everyone under 40 spoke English , & did not hold a grudge against us ,. It was an amazing experience to be in a bar ,restaurant ,street & EVERYONE was White . I recommend it before they all join the EU , then the riff raff Out Of Africa & Middle East will turn up .
The BBC knows this. If they don’t then they are even more stupid than usual. The Grand National is nearly 100% white. So is the Derby. So are all the heritage railways and steam fairs. and County fairs and shows Just go to Blandford Steam fair at the end of August and see what I mean .Thousands of the wrteched indigenous. No police presence worth mentioning.
The stupid liberals know multiculturalism is a fraud. Just can’t admit it without heads exploding.
I wonder what the ethnic mix at Glastonbury is ?
Same with any Game Fair around the country, lots of people (not to mention weapons), but there is no need to police them because it never kicks off. Compare to the Notting Hill carnival……
INBBC = Islamic Al Jazeera + Qatar + Muslim Brotherhood.
“Al-Jazeera trial: BBC’s James Harding condemns Egypt verdict”
And in U.K it supports Leveson.
INBBC is more concerned for its chums at Islamic Al Jazeera than it is for British people under direct threat from Islamic jihadists:-
“Revealed: The British jihadist who swapped boozing for terror – and the schoolboy charity fundraisers who are waging war for ISIS”
Read more:
They are always described as intelligent well adjusted young men who invariably love football blah blah blah……….family are devastated…..blah blah blah ……………friends are shocked……blah blah blah……….radicalised by extremists ……..blah blah blah………………not really representative of islam …….blah blah blah.
They expect us to believe some idiot who believes in the existence of a big sky fairy is well adjusted and rational.
Yes there was some report about a Scottish rag head from Aberdeen who is out jihadding in Syria. There were almost coming with excitement that they had found someone from a far flung corner of the UK
According to the bBC reporter, there are only a couple of mosques in Aberdeen and looking at the following
none in Wick.
This is blatant racism against the Scots and immediate action should be taken.
They could always have a few thousand of ours
The BBC is certainly very worried about the returning ISIS terrorists carrying on their murderous when they return to their ‘home’ countries. In fact in some of their reporters I detected fear, as they recognised what a threat to this country these fanatics pose. It has taken years for at least some sections of the BBC to wake up to what having millions of Muslims in our country may well result in. Of course once the initial shock of the realisation has worn off we get the usual BBC apologia for Islamic terror and the dumping of the blame on the west . But slowly they are beginning to realise what most of us on this site have long known, that a policy of mass immigration of people with very different cultures and beliefs to those of the host country, is unlikely to end well. Having lots of folks from the EU may cause tensions but those tensions are small compared to those that arise from having millions of people with cultures so different to our own.
If there are acts of terror in the UK in next year or so the BBC will no doubt still stick with its ‘it’s all our own fault script’ but even they will recognise how hollow it sounds, as the awful reality of what the liberal left, Labour and the BBC have done to our country begins to dawn on them.
And just look at how ‘safe’ bombing Iraq and Libya, and wanting to bomb Syria and Iraq (again) has made us! Our leaders’ foreign policy and domestic policy is possibly ever so slightly more to blame for antagonising Muslims than the ‘evil’ EDL or ‘racist’ UKIP who have both been falsely accused of stirring up trouble.
There was a great example last week of an American woman at a Heritage Foundation conference arguing “Quit all this PC sermonising about the wonderful moderate Muslim majority. First – where are they, we seldom hear them really slapping down the extremists. Second – we know from history that it is the ruthless minority of extremists who drive events, not the so-called moderates – look at the Nazis in Germany, look at the Bolsheviks in Russia, look at the Maoists in China. The “moderates” are no defence. (And look at ISIS within the Sunni community in Iraq and Syria?)
We also had the spectacle of Yasmin Alibhai-Brown being told to her face that people attacked her not because of racism, nor religion, nor sexism/misogyny – she is attacked because she is such a sanctimonious whiner – “the nastiest person in public life”, forever using false arguments.
I wish we had more plain speaking like this on the BBC. More people pushing back loud and strong against the dangerous PC platitudes. More people verbally head-butting the endless flow of biased BBC interviewers and presenters.
“I wish we had more plain speaking like this on the BBC”
The function of the BBC for the Guardian reading section of the population is to re-educate people so that they can only think about the world in terms of correct Party thinking.
“Party thinking” has absolutely no connection with any reality other than the greed of middle class public sector workers who combine their lack of interest in the world with hostility towards anybody who dares to think or act for themselves.
The function of the tax system for the Left (other than enriching themselves) is to take away your freedom of action.
That is why they are so keen to destroy English values – because they justify resistance to Guardian readers because of an allegiance to values (such as truth) that transcend the State.
The Left are an atavistic return to tribal collectivism. Their sole contribution is destruction and intolerance. This is what they have in common with Islam.
Good Post. Sums it all up. Which is why it is past time arguing with the liberal.
Give them the traditional English salute.
This morning I watched the bBC devote an inordinate amount of time regards a protest being held by bBC journalists at the bBC regards those 3 jailed Al Jazera blokes in Eygpt.
I’m sorry, but what ever happened to just reproting the news, the bBC has a remit to be impartial , yet they have taken sides in this account and for that they have shown their bias. A bias this blog (And its many fine contributors) has devoted a lot of time and effort into exposing .
I find it hard to believe that there haven’t been worse judicial farces handed down to journalists throughout the world in recent years. Yet I can’t recall such a song and dance being made about any. In addition, all the reporting I’ve heard has been curiously vague as to what these journalists are supposed to have done and why the verdict is wrong. It’s just taken as a given that it is.
Be that as it may, the BBC journalists need to realise that they’ve taken the impartiality shilling. They don’t have the luxury any more of picking and choosing when to take sides. Or shouldn’t have, at least.
‘worse judicial farces handed down’
BBC News·
A Sudanese woman freed from death row on Monday has been detained with her family at Khartoum airport, sources have told the BBC
Maybe if Paul Mason, Pesto and the rest of the gang were not redirecting the entire resources of the NUJ’s membership to one story or getting a toecap on Coluson’s corpse, such actual life or death BS may be less likely to happen?
What’s with the ‘a Sudanese woman’?
Surely all know her name by now?
And have to love the one degree of not sure but we’re covered ‘sources’ again.
While BBC-NUJ campaigns for Islamisation of U.K,
and for ‘left’-Islamic political alliance-
Today’s ‘The Times’ (£), front-page headline:-
“British Muslims flock to jihadists’ hardline sect”
“Two British jihadists who appeared in a terrorism recrujitment video urging Muslims to fight in Syria were followers of an austere sect which is the fastest growing branch of Islam in Britain…
“The Salafis, who are hostile to music, television and even birthdays, are poised to control half of mosques within a generation, a study of the sects comprising British Islam found.”
Got to love the left wing crowd at the bBC and their biases:
1) Smoking tobacco bad..ban it
2) Drinking soft drinks containing sugar bad…tax it
3) Eating fast food bad…ban it
4) Smoking e-cigs bad..ban it
So when it comes to Khat, well think of the people in Kenya it will put out of work, think of the discomfort Khat users in the Uk will experience, think of the tax the UK Gov will lose.
Tell the BBC that, according to Chuka Umunna, Khat is very popular among UKIP voters.
Probably explains why they can’t send emails.
Oh, but they can.
No, no, no. Not khat, cats! It’s cats that are fond of kippers.
I wish these people would pay better attention … ;p
The bBC reports on a attack on a Jewish cemetery in Manchester and they don’t have a clue just who could carry out such an act:
‘Sickening’ anti-Semitic attack on Manchester cemetery
Anti-Semitic graffiti and swastikas have been daubed over gravestones in a Jewish cemetery in Manchester. Greater Manchester Police said the attack at the cemetery in Rochdale Road, Blackley, was “sickening and cruel” racism. In addition to the slogans and graffiti some of the graves were toppled by the vandals
Got to love how the bBC reports the daubing of paint first over the knocking over of grave stones. But what surprised me was this statement:
“The Community Security Trust said such incidents had been cut in Greater Manchester over the past three years.”
Cut, why haven’t I heard about this, I do when anybody looks funny at a Muslim in the UK, I wonder just who could be behind such a disrespectful act. A quick look reveals that there are 4 mosques (or their ilk) within 500 metres of the Jewish cemetery, would it racist to look at the Islamic community as the people behind such acts.
But then seeing as the Anti-Semitic bBC has recently relocated to Manchester, I wonder if the so called impartial bBC could be behind all of this.
Listening to Radio 2 and G Vine is promoting the view of a woman in Lincs, who was attacked by cows and he is playing the Operator who took the 999 call was a cunt for not believing the woman. They then played the call, and It sounded really like somebody taking the piss. The woman didn’t know where she was and sounded pretty pathetic. Yet within 30 minutes they had found where she had parked her car and within 50 they had found her.
Typical leftwing bBC article.
Very typical of Vine. The narrative is established by the headline and despite the ‘victim’ being perfectly happy Vine continues with his ‘uncaring’ operator line.
Although the operator sounds sceptical, (who wouldn’t?), she holds the line, keeps talking to the caller, and obviously must have initiated call-out and call trace action. Locating someone in a rural area with large mobile phone cell areas must take quite a time.
This one doesn’t seem to have had much coverage; can’t think why…
Beyond the actual snubbing (back) stories, a few other gems stood out:
‘Fry, previously a Labour luvvie, was expected to join Labour leader Ed Miliband ..
Gambaccini, a long-standing Labour sympathiser…
“Labour’s hopes of getting the comic and national treasure to their 9 July event are fading, though Alastair Campbell is trying to mend fences.”
Whether Campbell is the best man for that job is a moot point. Fry was once an active Labour supporter and appeared in a party political broadcast with Hugh Laurie, one of his Blackadder co-stars, in 1993.
Fickle is as fickle does I guess.
At least Mr. Fry is now scrupulously professional and above using the BBC pulpit as a springboard for any advocacy.
Just watched a recent QI, with UKIP still a legacy easy score target.
Danny’s Quota (bar host, I guess straddling the requirement resolves in many ways) was met with Lisa Tarbuck & a Scots lady.
Witty enough, but it was all devolving into very cosy anodyne gossip club with near zero satirical ‘bite’ with, ironically, a distinct veer to ‘oo, er, missus’ Frankie Howerd territory.
Mr. Cohen imposes that on Mock the Week or HIGNFY and they’ll be ex-money spinners by Xmas.
The ‘reaction’, raking over, analysis, selective ‘guest’ commentary and vox poppery from the world’s least trusted editorial suite owners on this jury verdict vs. those they like… will be… likely as unsurprising as it will be relentless.
I think they are still (in)digesting:
Liked comment 3 (so far):
‘We are receiving opinions as we speak from the BORG….please stand by’
Pinch me have I awoke in Somalia?, listening to Jeremy Vine we have two Somalis arguing the toss on Khat is this the BRITISH Broadcasting Corp I’m listening to? and does 99.9% of the listening public care either way?
Foxtrot alpha Vine and the BBC….
…Or even foxtrot oscar, oh for an edit function!
I think you mean Foxtrot Oscar but close enough to make the point
This from… The New Statesman…?:
‘There’s no organised “media blackout” on reporting protest marches. More often than not, they just aren’t that much of a story.’
A brief pause here as the sound of A. Newsroom Tealady’s head exploding, plus assorted unfamiliar CECUTT warriors (I posted their FoI punts yesterday), while this rather buys the BBC a break from internal rumblings.
Well, from a publication that has six readers (me inc. and such as this post making me a keeper a while yet – some great actual facts for thew twitter howlers whipping up a conspiracy frenzy. The comments a treat here too), but is seen as hugely influential anyway.
The Graun crowd may be a tougher sell, as every BBC-related story in CiF is littered with the ‘outrage’.
So that’s a few hundred more in counter.
Meanwhile, in the real world, as wars rage, atrocities mount, Diane & Danny play diversity chess in the bunker on a board and figures that reflect the Lord Pantone’s ideal shade balance.
And wonder why they can’t seem to play straight much less win.
Where is the story in 50,000 people marching against a false austerity? When more than twenty times as many people marched in London against labour policy in 2003, (Countryside Alliance and Iraq invasion protests) the labour government completely ignored them. So when less than 5% of that figure marches against a fantasy of austerity, where is the story? Other than there are 50,000 people who are clearly delusional enough to travel to a march to protest against something that is not happening.
To be fair the BBC didn’t ignore the Countryside Alliance march by hundreds of thousands of people.
The Today programme covered it by running an interview with someone who’d been in Trafalgar Square at the time and was opposed to the march.
Typical BBC – no attempt to explain the concerns of the huge number of people who had marched, just a spoiler piece from a rent-a gob they had been able to find (or plant).
The New Statesman article explains why it was not “news”. Just a total bore – a parade dominated by the far-left with maybe 5000 people ( eg 10 from Bristol – big deal !) with the same old speakers such as Shouty Jones, Mayor Luftur, Jeremy Corbyn (yawn), Lidsey German, various extreme-left trade union leaders asking for public-sector pay rises, CND and all manner of the other usual riff-raff.
All repeating the same march they keep on having, often using the same damn banners !.
But there is the new maths…
BBC News shared BBC World News’s album
#DodgyJournalismIsNotTheSameAsJournalism protest (15 photos – any many ‘austerity-march blanking whingers still))
Hundreds of journalists have gathered in London to protest against the seven-year jail terms given to three al-Jazeera journalists in Egypt.
Hundreds of ’em… hundreds!
If that doesn’t beat peons sticking oars in the BBC doesn’t like by a factor of 50:1 (or, in BBC terms when they need to massage figures, a ‘split’), what does?
No wonder it’s wall to wall.
Fortunately the comrades from the People’s Assembly produced a film of what appears to be a rehearsal of the anti cuts chants. There might even be a celebrity among the choir.
Don’t scroll down – it gets more and more pathetic
BBC Website; top story headline: “Andy Coulson guilty of hacking”
Opening line of story: “The prime minister’s former spin doctor Andy Coulson has been found guilty at the phone-hacking trial.”
Yeah , The Evil Socialist Robin Brant , salivating over it , even suggesting the 2 outstanding charges were going to be , “Guilty” although the jury is still out on it . That`s Contempt of Court ,M`Lord , arrest that Scum.
Do you know what really boils my piss?
A kettle. Or a pan on a stove. Or even putting it in the microwave.
Whose side is INBBC on?:-
World at One on Radio 4 devoting most of its time to the hacking trial verdicts. All the focus seems to be on Coulson – or rather – or rather, on David Cameron who is guilt of bad judgment but not of any criminality.
There is virtually no focus on the not guilty verdicts on all charges against Rebekah Brooks, her husband and her secretary. They have been prime BBC targets for years now, “guilty until found innocent” – but their innocence is now being swept under the carpet.
By contrast – Sky seems to be balancing both aspects of the verdicts delivered so far.
Something of a Damocles Sword in that it is so easy to criticise the left for the same thing
BBC and Jimmy Saville
BBC and Stuart Hall
BBC and Mr Begg
J Bowen and Assad
Unlike the PM the vast majority of the above were dodgy characters before the bBC started using them. Colson on the other hand was clean.
I was becoming seriously worried that Nick Robinson was going to have an orgasm on air with single track reporting about David Cameron’s promised apology re Coulson.
Watch how the bBC will now used this story in which to say the PM has bad judgement and he should resign, no doubt pulling out some Tory MP who supports that motion.
Which, let’s face it was the bonus ball to knocking Sky TVs bid into touch.
If they cared about this story they would have publicised it in the mid-2000s when they were more than aware of what was going on. I wonder why they didn’t?
Will INBBC have one minute’s silent protest for Christians re-arrested by Islamic Sudan regime?
I’m looking forward to the daily ‘Ramadan Bombathon Score Board’ on the BBC news, which will keep a tally of how many people retarded muslim savages have killed during their ‘holy’ month, starting June 29th. Get yourselves ready – I’ve a feeling this year’s gonna be a doozy with Iraq and Syria in play.
They will show it, won’t they? I’m sure…
During this time, of course, Jews will be working on their 170th Nobel Prize (or whatever the number is) the boring bast*rds. So thank god for Islam for keepin’ it real!
Joeb writes:
I’m looking forward to the daily ‘Ramadan Bombathon Score Board’
The blog I write on, has run Ramaden death toll now for the past 5 years. I will of course be continuing to report the spike in deaths carried out by Muslims this year from the 28th June 14:
So ’13 was just under double ’12’s tally? Incredible. The lust for killing these muslim savages has just gets worse and worse. I’m expecting the next ten years to really ramp things up. Coming years could make ’13 look like a pi*s-take. And with Allah looking even more favourably on those who kill in the holy (snigger) month, what’s not to like? Should I get around to William Hill?
I see that BBC favourite and diversity consultant Lenny Henry is staging a new stage production shortly in the West Midlands. Not much diversity in the publicity shot as far as I can see.
It is a repertory production of the radio series “Rudy’s Rare Records” – just about the most boring series on radio.
Ho hum….do as i say, not……………yes? Anybody agree that from being a jovial, acceptable black guy, he has descended into a pc, wretched bore?
So, ‘Toenails’ Robinson, following the only guilty verdict so far has decided the punishment from the non trial of the century that has so excited the Beeb and the Guardian.
Hacking verdict: Prison for Coulson,…..
It is the judge that decides the punishment, not you toenails. and that still awaits. Try and contain yourself.
As the 3.00 pm news came on, I turned to my mate and predicted that the open headlines would in include the words Coulson, Guilty, Cameron and Apology.
Bingo! 4 out of 4.
So I wonder why the bBC are reporting this racist attack on in London which is having its day in court.
Gang of men smashed American tourist’s eye socket with bottle of Jagermeister he was drinking from after wrestling it from his hands
A gang of men attacked an American student while he was drinking in the street – grabbing a glass bottle from his hands and smashing it over his head, a court was told. Francesco Hounye, 23, from Florida, had been in Britain for just three days when he was set upon by the men while he was walking home with a friend in Shadwell, east London.
Gee, why would five men attack a man for drinking alcohol in East London. Anybody have a clue? Meanwhile the left are telling me the Islamic terrorists who bugger off to the Mother country in which to murder their fellow Muslims do so becasue:
1) British colonial history
2) Government cuts
3) British Police were too slow
4) Radicalised by an imam, who is allowed to deny that claim.
Nothing about the unholy Koran which brainwashes Muslims to Murder,death, kill and the bBC (And its trolls on here) claims I am the intolerant one.
And here is what the bBC defends as not worthy of reporting as a racist attack:
and if he’d used the word ‘Paki’ in his statement to the useless brigade, they’d have prosecuted the victim for that!
It used to be wondered, how Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party indoctrinated the people of Germany. We don’t ask that question any more because we can see how it’s happened here.
Flash report from Alex@18.46
I have observed the following instances of bias, thus far tonight:
1) BBC teaming up with Labour to have a field day over the hacking case and saying that David Cameron will have to do more than apologise. Will the BBC apologise to Brooks about the way in which they’ve treated her on comedy programs and radio shows now that she has had all charges dropped?
2) BBC Reporting Scotland salivating over the Bannock Burn battles 700th anniversary: the very fact that some Scots obsess over a battle with the English that happened centuries ago is evidence of a strong anti-English sentiment and is quite frankly small minded and utterly pathetic. But we all know that the BBC in Scotland is intrinsically SNP-biased.
3) BBC Reporting Scotland groveling to the Muslim community in Scotland blubbering that a Scottish Jihadi (what a mix!!) is in no way representative of the Scottish Islamic community (How do they know?).
You missed out the comments made about David Cameron by the Polish Prime Minister, who is something of a Thatcherite.
It’s been a terrible day for Cameron and to be honest the BBC seems to have just stood back stroking its chin and kind of nodding towards Cameron.
It didn’t have to do anything today, Cameron managed it all on his own !
The Scots only prevailed at Bannockburn because the English King Edward the First, Hammer of the Scots had just died, leaving his useless son in charge, who was utterly un-warlike and over-ruled his experienced military leaders, used to his father, and the rest is, as they say, history. The Scots got lucky, it was not the leadership of Bruce as they suggest. That will upset the scots on B-BBC…..i don’t care.
The real story of Bannockburn I suspect is feudal lords fighting for power at the expense of the lives of the little people. I don’t think for many serfs it made much difference who was king.
The BBC will have a conflict of interest on this one as Edward II was homosexual. He was eventually deposed and murdered by his wife and her lover – allegedly with a red-hot poker – the ultimate manifestation of homophobia. The BBC just has to see him as a victim.
Re: 3) Rule of thumb:
1% of Muslims willing to be active Jihadis;
10% of Muslims willing to give real assistance but not take part directly;
90% of Muslims sitting on their hands.
If those figures are close to correct the statement, a Scottish Jihadi is in no way representative of the Scottish Islamic community is technically true.
Religion of peace?
I wonder if the BBC will be reporting this one… in some parts of East Londonistan, drink is prohibited by the followers of the religion of bells, incense and love.
Sorry Pounce, just seen you’ve already reported this above. 🙂
Anyone else reading have to turn off Radio 4 this evening with Stephen K Amos Idiots guide to multiculturalism?
With Stephen Grant, Nish Kumar and Andrew Maxwell.
Every other word was ‘waycism’ the meaningless bully word so beloved of the fascists.
Terrible program.
Stephen K Amos…black and gay.
Therefore the very future of BBC Comedy as ordained for the rest of us.
As for having to actually BE funny?…well that`s an optional extra-the symbolism is the thing.
And if you don`t laugh(and you won`t)…then you`ll be racist, and have a problem with black people?
If only Ted Ray had thought of that!
Amos and that Iranian unfunny woman-Esther and Abi O Farim of comedy…dream team of BBC fantasies.
I myself will be getting my Tim Vine/Tommy Cooper remaindered books to remind myself of when comedy was meant to make me laugh-NOT advance the prospects of unfunny folk of the right shade.
Flash report from Alex 19.20
The useless One Show glorifying the illegal raves of the nineties with the hippy presenter (with the typical dyed red hair) salivating about how these raves were really great for multiculturalism and gay sex scene. Truly pathetic stuff.