Here you go, a brand new Open Thread ready to see us off into the wide blue yonder of the weekend. Here is where you can share the BIAS from the State Broadcaster.
Two huge events Glastonbury and Wimbledon. Where does 5 live start its weather forecast…….bloody Scotland (AGAIN) then Northern Ireland (AGAIN) a summery all parts North and hardly a mention (AGAIN) of London and South East……No mention of the forthcoming washout of both events.
They always focus on Scotland because there is no one in the countryside to verify their predictions, and in the cities they are either too pissed to notice or confined to the interior of their multi faith mosques
No Sir, My grandparents were Scots, which means I am allowed to insult them without being racist – as blacks can call each other nigga. I will, of course, be offended if I hear of anyone speaking ill of the Scotch (er Scots).
The BBC weather forecast is specially designed not to upset the Scots ,before the SNP came on the scene . I had always noticed during the Countryfile 5 day forecast , and various other ones in the week , if England & mainly Southern England was having good weather & a rain bearing front was moving in they would say something like ; “The weather is changing for all ,as a warm front brings in cloud & rain to Scotland before moving in to Northern England , but by then ,the rain will be more patchy ,this front will then continue southwards towards the Midlands , by the time it reaches the South & Southeast it will all have fissiled out.”Meaning in Essex we had no rain , & it continued sunny & warm as before .They just can`t bring themselves to say” Scottish Weather , always shite ” Move South if you want good weather !
Hang on, every weather forecast I’ve ever seen has spent several minutes on the weather in London and the South East. The problem is that BBC weather presenters are too stupid to realise that the North of England is actually split into North West and North East. They get it right with the South though.
Readers might remember the post I made on the last thread where the BBC denied Jon Simpson ever made the comment complained about:
“We appreciate your concern and having listened back to the programme this wasn’t the case. During the headlines it was stated:
“The Militant group Boko Haram releases a video showing scores of girls some of them say they’re Christians who’ve converted to Islam.”
During the actual report it’s stated:
“It shows over 100 girls they’re dressed in grey or black Muslim robes chanting the first verse of the Koran. The teenagers are huddled close together. At one point one of the girl’s steps forward looking scared she explains that she’s converted to Islam and calls on her family to convert too.”
Nevertheless, we acknowledge the strength of your complaint and we can assure you that we’ve registered your comments on our audience log. ”
A subsequent complaint made during the 5 attempts to elicit a response has resulted in this:
“We’re sorry our previous response didn’t fully allay your concerns.
What John Simpson said was:
“Most or many of those girls in the video were, had been Christian and are now supposedly converted to Islam that’s of course rather disturbing in its own right. Forcible conversion is not an Islamic tradition.”
We believe John’s comments were an accurate and fair reflection of Islamic tradition. It isn’t the BBC’s role, nor the role of the complaints process to define terms like racism and Islamist.”
So the initial response was a blatant lie and the comment which I heard was made !
In addition a comment which is provably wrong is being held by the BBC as fact!
Worse still a request for the BBC to provide a definition which they use for the word ‘racism’ and ‘Islamist’ has shown that they don’t have a definition and that they don’t actually know what either of them mean !
It’s left up to the presenter and the corporation will then back the Fascist to the hilt.
Nowhere. I admire your perseverance but the BBC is a lost cause. Only abolition will change things and as long as the liberal tendency holds power in England that will not happen.
Events will do for the liberals and the BBC in the end.
You could try the BBC Trust (Trust? cough), but as they are cheerleaders for the Corporation, Chaired by someone who is a Labour Party employee and is from the metropolitan elite, and fail miserably to hold the bastards to account you’d be wasting your pixels.
‘So the initial response was a blatant lie and the comment which I heard was made !
In addition a comment which is provably wrong is being held by the BBC as fact!’
SOP. Currently it is your, theirs and now ‘our’ (they won’t like that) little secret. ‘The question is where to go now?’
As already shared, it depends on the amount of time, patience and good humour you can muster.
Especially as you will likely only be getting ground down by a system designed for such a purpose, with little likelihood of what any reasonable person would deem a satisfactory response.
The BBC will be doing anything… anything (months… years, megabytes, investigators, assessors, secret self-serving internal meetings) to avoid an admission of any failure.
It will cost the licence fee payer a fortune, but if you are stopped they will deem it worthwhile.
Clearly this is past drone level as you are keen to persist.
Next up… ECU. Stand by for a lot of belief from a Director or two, which the BBC appears to think makes a whit of difference if seeking actual answers backed by facts.
Then, possibly, next year, if it still exists, ‘The Trust’.
Can go your way; likely won’t. No reason will be given, but probably much more ‘belief’ that the BBC and staff cannot err, as they are divine.
Evidence in form of a written counter to previous statements would be good to see on a bit more on the audience log though. Once it’s in print they have to include it.
Not that many see even the ones they can’t bury.
email: or write directly to the: The Culture, Media and Sport Committee, 7 Millbank, House of Commons, London, SW1P 3JA
But then they may no longer be taking written submissions, as they seem to have already decided to abolish the licence fee, as well as having enough stuff to confront the pea brained Lord Hall.
It could also be the reason for Lord Hall’s latest politically correct left-wing diversity public relations stunt, a knee jerk response by the lefties to any threat from outside the BBC bubble.
Thoughful: Complain again listing the points as you have and get the complaint bootede futher up the line. Ultimatley of course you will be wrong. I did this and whilst it got me nowhere you have the warm feeling that you have exposed these people for what they are. However did we manage in the days before the internet?
Last night feeling short of something to watch I ended up with Mock the Week which I haven’t watched for some time. Well we had a black panelist and a 37 year old woman panelist so it was obvious that the right tick boxes could be ticked. I would give you their names but I hadn’t a clue who they were, but they were not very funny (particularly the black guy, not racist he just trying too hard and not amusing). But every time Andy Parsons spoke he started with ‘Cameron……..’ and at times just as nasty as Frankie Boyle ever was. I was waiting for the Miliband jokes to counter the bias but they just didn’t happen.
As usual the programme started with a ten-minute hate, this time against the Tories. It was followed by 20-30 seconds of Labour jokes. No doubt for balance. The Tories and UKIP were attacked on and off for the rest of the show.
A normal programme in other words.
Oh BTW the ‘black’ guy is an Asian, Romesh Ranganathan.
Actually he had a few decent one-liners. Had to fall back on some (acceptable, because, well, you know…) race-based stereotypes, but early days.
Danny’s girl, however….
The rictus grin on established panelists’ faces as the laugh track had to be cranked up to 11 was funny each time, at least. Especially as she channeled her inner Jo Brand with too much information on the clearly tragic results of her romantic activities.
I hope you lot don’t mind but I’m reporting (this morning) this from the end of the last board where the bBC in a so called world exclusive interview Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman sentenced to death for marrying…..a Christian, who on being released was rearrested by the peaceful Islamic police.
Well, she’s been released again and on talking to the bBC, she speaks without looking at the camera, by thanking the Sudanese people, the Sudanese police , showing that she is terrified of being in Sudan and the twat of a bBC reporter asks her: “Do you consider yourself a Christian?”
Excuse me, a woman who until a few days ago was going to get her neck stretched for the made up charges of leaving ‘Isalm’ The same country which dragged its feet in releasing her after saying it would, (Over 3 weeks for the paperwork to be sorted.) Who was arrested again by the state on trumped up charges days after getting released and is now living in fear inside the American Embassy and the bBC feel the need to try and trip this woman up by asking such a damning question inside such an intolerant Country where even calling a teddybear ‘Mohammed’ gets you a jail sentence.
The same bBC I should add which tiptoes on eggshells around Muslims every chance it gets doesn’t afford the same to persecuted Christians inside Islamic countries. The bBC, the propaganda arm of intolerant Islam, paid for by the British taxpayer.
27 June 2014 Last updated at 05:40
Quite a bit of ‘evolving’ going on there.
Oddly, the idiotic ‘are you a Christian?’ question remains, but the edit is different and for some reason we are now treated to a Phillipa Thomas on po-faced emoting VO, vs. the previous Beebette ‘correspondent’ and translator.
Why the change?
I wrote on the last board this morning how the bBC blames the fact that Muslims living in the Uk are packing their bags in which to relocate to Syria and Iraq in which to live a life of rape,Murder and theft as dictated by the Koran. Want to guess whom the bBC blame for these village (And lets be honest wearing dresses, sporting a beard and promoting an intolerant stone-age ideology they really do look like they are the only Jihadist in the village) The British Police for not stopping these men from going The head of Wales’ counter-terrorism unit has denied that police are failing in their efforts to combat the radicalisation of young Muslims.
Have you watched the video on that article, the bBC allow the very close knit Islamic community to opine their fears and instead of putting their hands up and admitting , yes we have idiots within our midst who subscribe to wanting to kill for Allah. They instead (encouraged by the bBC) blame everybody and anybody bar the reflection in the mirror.
Now compare that stance with how the left demand that:
1) Catholics sort out their act for dodgy old men
2) UKIP sort out their act over racists
3) The Police sort out their act over..Racists
4) The Army sort out their act over Racists
5) The Tory party sorts out its act over..Bigots
6) The Football league sorts out its act over….Racists
In fact the left, stamp down hard on everybody bar the usual suspects:
Labour MPs,Liberal MPs,Respect MPs and of course Muslims.
What I am getting at is perfectly illuminated by how the bBC allow the Islamic father of a Terrorist inside Syria/Iraq to say on the above bbC article: “Ahmed Muthana, father of Nasser and Aseel Muthana, has claimed police have failed to win the trust of Muslim communities in Cardiff because the Prevent team was mainly made up of white officers.
Now if somebody here was to say, that too many Muslims are employed by the Police. You’ll have the bBC thought police demanding the person be prosecuted for a hate crime. Yet when Non-Whites in the Uk come out with such, why its silence is golden time.
The bBC, the biggest problem regards race relations in the UK.
The BBC will certainly claim that it is and that you should be put on notice of criminal prosecution for hate crimes. Whatever happened to free speech in our country.
I find that white lefties are hypocrites when it comes to racism, as they seem to be non-racist when it comes to people that they supposedly like, but then they only like people that make them fell superior, but the white lefties still show that they are racists, because of their hypocritical life choices, and their attitude towards Jews and East Asians.
Pounce I am sure you recognise this complaint about the police as being preparation of the ground, for blaming the police if any of those who do return commit a terrorist act. So the BBC will run lines such as:
a) if the police had been doing their job they wouldn’t have gone, so its the police’s fault.
b) if we had been more accommodating as a country then they wouldn’t have been radicalised in the first place. So its our own fault
c) if we round up all those who we believe may commit terrorist acts then we will alienate the whole community and of course infringe their human rights which are certainly worth more than the lives of UK citizens
d) it is just a tiny minority, whom all other Muslims in the UK detest and to whom they offer no support, so you can see how damaging c) above would be.
We could write the BBC news and current affairs comments now so predictable and wrong headed are they.
Of course it’s all our fault. Centuries of Islamic sectarian hatred clearly has nothing to do with Islam. Furthermore, it seems that it’s our fault because we intervened in Iraq to overthrow a brutal dictator and our fault because we didn’t intervene in Syria to overthrow a brutal dictator.
There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.
On the VD show, now, Derbyshire is discussing the recruitment of the new Chair of the BBC Trust.
Invited guest, the patronising Harriet Harman is making a fool of herself sharing her conspiracy theories about why the Government have changed the job spec. and then gets into a spat with Christopher Bland denying that she ever suggested a conspiracy (she did).
But her handwringing pièce de résistance, delivered in the most patronising way, so typical of Harman, was that this job was so important…it couldn’t be done in two days (rather than the three originally specified). ‘The chair represents the people who pay their £145 licence fee…ALL OF WHO LOVE THE BBC’
Not me.
Once again Harman shows that she is totally deluded.
‘gets into a spat with Christopher Bland denying that she ever suggested a conspiracy (she did).’
The BBC can and does often get away with it by bare faced denial and judicious ‘story evolution’, but elected pols are much less safe (other than FoBs – Friends of the BBC).
If that suggestion is recorded the counter claim looks utterly barking. Well, a bit more than that idiot claim on the public’s behalf.
I’d be surprised if some other outlet didn’t run with it even if the BBC is waving magnets over hard disks as we speak.
Does she mean that if you don’t love the BBC you don’t have to pay the LF? Well I haven’t loved the BBC for about 20 years so can i have my 20 years of tax back with interest.
On the eve of Ramadam the bBC bring out yet another pro-Islam story this time about the first mosque to be opened in the UK. ‘The birthplace of Islam in Britain’ The first mosque founded in England, which has stood as a derelict shell for many years, has been refurbished and reopened to Merseyside’s 20,000 Muslims.
Yes the bBC would like to inform the British about the wonders of Islam with regards this first mosque; But hang on what this from 2012 The legacy of Victorian England’s first Islamic convert On a bleak, wet and windy day in Liverpool the old Georgian, white-stoned building which once housed England’s first registered mosque looks quite dull.
Mind you, I did love this little snippet about why the first mosque was built by William Henry Quilliam. He wanted to counter the view:
However, Prof Ansari says that deciding to convert to Islam was not a simple choice for Quilliam.
“there were these ideas about Islam being a violent faith.
yep! time for the “religion of peace”
Ramadan Bombathon yet again …
how quickly it comes around when
the throwbacks are stuck in a 7th century
ps …
is Cameron going to bleat the bad tidings
in an address again this year?
The Democratic Islamic State Broadcasting Unit aka North West tonight like to run first mosque story every now and again. Justified by the “liverpool” connection.
“Britain ‘cannot educate the world’, says High Court judge.
“Appeal court judges reject a bid by a Filipino family to stay in Britain so that their children can get a good education.”
Singapore is much nearer to the Philippines, and has a very much more traditionally British style education system than even Gove dare bring back to Britain.
I happened to be listening to the end of Woman’s Hour and was so taken a back by “An everyday story of Afghan Folk” that I checked to see that I hadn’t tuned into an Asian station by mistake. Apparently the story is based on one that is broadcast in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The series continues there but this was the last episode to be broadcast here. ( I wonder why ? Perhaps the story line became too outrageously propagandist even for the BBC to broadcast !!! )
Not surprising you thought it ‘Asian’ since the BBC had chosen Indian actors to play the parts of Pashto speaking Afghans. Of course the BBC is far too PeeCee to have ethnic British actors, but it seems anyone vaguely ‘brown’ will do.
“There are concerns that the start of Ramadan this weekend could lead to an increase in the number of people” [Muslims] “travelling to the Middle East to fight” [carry out jihadist ultra violence].
“UK Syria fighters: Police deny ‘failure’ over jihadists”
British indigenous people must, apparently, adapt their values to accept that, especially at Ramadan, more Muslims from here will, as a matter of course, commit jihadist violence, wherever.
The wonders of mass immigration from Islamic countries, as campaigned for by much of British political class still, inc by BBC-NUJ.
Hopefully the BBC will broadcast our Prime Ministers message on the eve of Ramalamadingdong.
After all, the muslims fought for us in the First World War.
“This is an incredibly special time of year.
For Muslims at home and abroad a time for charity, for contemplation and community ” 😀
(…. and bombings, stabbings, mass murder, industrial scale child rape, abhorrent persecution of non muslims
terrorism, Fostering Jew/Christian/sexual/ethnic minority hatred … and … discrimination/brainwashing against Muslim women and children)
Anyone catch the wall-to-wall coverage of the Jimmy Saville scandal in yesterday’s news? Pretty muscular stuff, delivered with typical BBC holier-than-though indignation.
But the one question that was carefully ignored was fundamental responsibility: in other words, why this vile creep was able to get unchallenged access to so many vulnerable people.
The answer, of course, is that he was a BBC celebrity and such is the power of this bullying, self-regarding, grasping, lying, bigoted, treacherous organisation that nobody thought it thinkable to curtail or question him – even when the evidence was there before their cowardly eyes!
It occurs to me that there is a parallel with Britain’s wider decline: just as the stinking BBC pimped for Saville, so it did in far more significant areas such as immigration, the EU and multiculturalism. And many other things too. With far greater damage caused.
Yet still we suckle at its treacherous teat. Unbelievable.
The one question that persists in being not answered in the Savile case is ‘where’s the evidence?’ There are hundreds of allegations but considering that the original ITV allegations have been shown to be fundamentally untrue just what evidence has Yewtree uncovered? So far all of the reports I have seen contain nothing but allegations which the report writers believe should be taken on face value. In most of the cases they can’t even place Savile in the same building at the same time as the ‘victim.’
This is important because there is a huge danger, revealed in recent celeb trials, of the CPS treating allegations as incontrovertible evidence. They are not and if we want a justice system that works they must never be allowed to become so.
This goes way over whether Savile was a perv or whether or not the BBC deserves a good kicking. It is fundamental to our justice system; no evidence, no conviction.
Before banning it there should be a report from a team of BBC approved medical researchers who will suggest a Glastonbury tax in order to reduce the number of irresponsible revellers. This proposal will be open for discussion on HYS where everyone will have an opportunity to blame the Zionist Israeli state and its influence over the US Republican Party, whilst those who argue that taxation is not the solution to Glastonbury mortality will be moderated out.
Don’t forget Dame Niki Campbell and the rest of the sob sisters shrieking about how Big Music is profiteering from the deaths of innocent young children.
No. The fact that the Kaiser Chiefs kicked it off appears, according to the News page, to be the third most important thing happening today.
I’m guessing that perhaps Petula Clark was expected to get things started and that the Kaiser Chiefs doing so came as a newsworthy shock to all concerned, needing a large photograph of said band and links to five separate stories. But some poor junkie dying isn’t one of those stories.
There are many reasons why I don’t think that i should pay the BBC tax and this cacophony is certainly one of them. If you want to listen to this racket then you should have to pay for it yourself and listen to it in a sound proof room so no that vestige of sound creeps out.
Please note I have correctly avoiding using the word music in connection with this event.
The BBC news site is running this line at the moment…
“Summit backs Juncker in blow to UK”
Of course it is just a blow to Cameron because he thought he would get some credit by opposing him.
The fact is that to anyone who opposes the EU sees that Junker’s appointment is the strongest argument against our continued membership.
It’s not a blow to Cameron at all, I’d suggest. He got to look all anti-EU whilst doing something he knew would make not the slightest bit of difference, but I don’t expect the BBC to look at that line.
Thus convincing the gullible that the Tories will oppose the EU.
With respect, I have spent quite a bit of time in various Arab, Muslim, countries, and although not in Saudi Arabia, I have naturally spent a few periods during Ramadan in such countries.
The rules in these countries I have visited are actually quite sensible.
Fundamentally, it is very rude to eat, drink, etc., in public whilst the majority population is abstaining from these activities, according to their religion. Anyone who has ever been in these countries actually will know that most ‘international’ hotels will always provide eating and drinking facilities for non-muslims, but discreetly, with the restaurant access behind a screen, or whatever, so local people cannot see into the restaurant. In addition, it is usually very easy to quench your thirst in private, without being observed by local nationals, in whose country you may be a visitor, and whom you might offend.
The traditional feast of Iftar, available in local restaurants immediately after sun-down, has often been one of the best meals I have ever had in these countries, although, of course, alcohol is not served (as is usually the custom in such countries, in any case.)
I would be the first to complain if anyone tried to impose such rules in my country, but it is, after all, their country, and their religious beliefs, so we should not abuse these, and it really is NOT difficult to live your life quite normally without offending the indigenous population in these countries.
Whilst we may not like these rules, they are not difficult to comply with, and still lead a pretty normal, western, life
Yes, Richard you make some interesting points and I have no problem whatsoever with Muslims abiding by their faith in their lands and westerners complying; When in Rome… However, I think George was comparing the willingness of Muslim lands to deport people who do not comply with their wishes to our own pathetic impotence in such matters. Our gormless government allowed foreign hate preachers to take control of our streets; these creatures were effectively telling us that they detested our way of life, but were still happy to take our free housing and dole cheques. Whilst in their lands you might be deported for drinking a glass of wine in Blighty you can be a multiple terrorist and it still takes decades to get rid of you.
Jeff (and Maturecheese below)….I was responding, really, to the article linked in George’s post, which didn’t mention anything about any other countries. As I said, I would have very serious issues with anyone trying to impose such rules in my country, so to that extent, I agree with what you say.
Jihadwatch has, however, reported this particular issue almost with incredulity that such things might happen in an independent country, which, in my view, is a complete non-story.
As to the inability of our country to take issue with what are essentially terrorism-encouraging activities, then I am afraid that we have to look no further than the BBC as an example of how we, in the UK, are willing to overlook, or even excuse such behaviours with virtually no sanctions whatsoever. And that is the real issue we need to address. Taking umbrage at things about which we really have no business complaining, does nothing to strengthen our hand on dealing with matters domestic, and simply serves to justify other peoples’ view about how intolerant we may be in the UK.
I have absolutely no problem complying with their laws and customs in their countries. What I have a big problem with is them trying to impose their laws and customs on us in our country, A NON MUSLIM COUNTRY.
The first line of the piece from the Saudi representative says it all ” ‘anyone living in this country should follow the laws of the Kingdom, including respecting religious sentiments.’
Goose and Gander comes to mind.
This will doubtless be seized upon by the left as evidence of right-wing bias, even though ‘one nation Tory’ basically means ‘left wing Tory’ (a bit of a contradiction in terms).
6 O’Clock news it’s Cameron kicking time and then back to housing …Again! However this time they are saying exactly what I’ve been saying since they started on this. That it’s not every where that house prices are going up. Are they ripping me off?
“while Muslims fast and exercise self discipline, and contemplation, in prayer and self improvement etc”
… is he being ironic
Islam Channel … (thought that was the BBC?)
competitions hotting up … for the most nauseating,
flagrantly, sycophantic who bows lowest, fastest ?…
… answers on a postcard
Note Cameron’s linkage between the end of Ramadan and the anniversary of the outbreak of WW1. Now his pals in the BBC will follow with lots of history of brave muslims who sacrificed for our freedom during that war, and how the war was very much a multicultural do. Cameron has already praised them for selling poppies.
The BBC was very keen to reassure us today that all over Britain
Imams have been using Friday prayers in Mosques to tell young Mohammedans not to go to Syria!
How do they know? Did they send out Arabic speaking reporters to a large cross section of the now thousands of mosques to listen to the sermons?
Lauren Laverne is about to appear on BBC2 at Glastonbury.
Laverne is the hopeless, unfunny lefty who appears with David Mitchell, Jimmy Carr and Charlie Brooker on C4’s 10 o’ Clock Live (A programme where a gang of politically active 40 /50 year old presenters try hard to influence an audience of teens and 20 year olds – I call that grooming).
Anyway the purpose of the post is to mention that in previous years, Laverne has not been able to resist the temptation on letting her personal, hard left political leanings bleed into her BBC presentation. How she managed to do that when all she was supposed to do was introduce acts and critique their performances, f*** knows.
So here I am reading a Nigerian military blog and I come across this: Council boss debunks BBC report on B’Haram attack The Caretaker Chairman of Dikwa Local Government Area of Borno State, Ali Modu Gana, has expressed disappointment with the media report credited to British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) morning, Hausa service program, on Tuesday, which states that “some Boko Haram terrorists invaded Dikwa on Monday and set ablaze the council secretariat after chasing away security operatives deployed to the area”.
Gana said: “there was no Boko Haram attack in Dikwa as carelessly and unprofessionally reported by the BBC, describing the report as baseless, unfounded, untrue aimed at misleading the public and give terrorists a cheap publicity”.
The council boss stated this to journalists in Maiduguri, the state capital, while reacting to BBC Hausa program aired on Tuesday morning.
Gana also denied BBC source, which they claimed to have spoken with him in an interview. where the source said, “the military and other security operatives ran away when the terrorists invaded Dikwa before they set ablaze the council’s secretariat,” maintaining that no any place was attacked as widely reported, and for BBC which is one of the respected international media, will concoct a story that didn’t exist/happen shows how members of the public and the audience are been misled, misinformed, misguided and faced with media imperialism.
It appears the rest of the world is waking up to the pro_Islamic terrorist bent of the bBC
BBC News 10pm: they are using the “Billy no mates” approach to Cameron’s EU adventures. It didn’t help that Miliband was making political capital from something in which he could stand up for Britain. At least we know where his colours are tied.
I don’t think this is lost on the public. The BBC and the liberal media are the ones isolated. Cameron does what he does because of his justified fear that we have had enough of the EU. Not that the liberal media will get this. They are fully signed up to the EU project. The best thing for us and for Europe is to get out as soon as possible. It was never for us and our stupid liberal elite never understood thisreality.
Although I dislike Cameron intensely and believe that his opposition to the appointment of Junker is just a ploy to attract ex-Tory Ukippers back into the fold, if he had any real political nous, he could say he is in good company being a lone political voice. Winston Churchill was “Billy No Mates” throughout the 1930s when he was warning the British political establishment of the dangers of Hitler and the Nazi Germany. If I recall, the BBC banned Churchill from voicing his opinions about Germany on the wireless (as it was known as back then).
Great to get advice on how to handle Europe from Labour. This the same party whose leader Blair gave away a huge part of Britain’s rebate in exchange for a worthless promise that the EU would ‘look at’ the CAP. They ‘looked’ and decided it was fine. A masterclass in EU negotiation eh?
The BBC are beside themselves with delight that Cameron has been isolated in the election of Jean-Claude Junker…..However, I think that Cameron’s played a very clever game, (possibly for the first time in years), and come next years general election, he can now put a great deal of distance between his own views pertaining to the E.U., and that of clueless Clegg, and the BBCs beloved red Ed Miliband…..
The thirteen year olds may rue Camerons stance come May next year…Ho Hum..
Thanks for your contact regarding ‘BBC News’ broadcast on 20 May 2014.
I note that you believe a report regarding a UKIP rally in Croydon was broadcast ‘throughout the day’.
Firstly please accept my apologies for our delay in responding.
I note that you believe a report regarding a UKIP rally in Croydon was broadcast ‘throughout the day’. We have checked and can only find two reports broadcast on BBC television on 20 May about this. These were broadcast on the BBC London regional news programme at 6.30pm and 10.25pm. Neither of these featured an interview with ‘a Romanian woman’ or anyone claiming to be one and we can only assume that you saw this report elsewhere.
We do recognise that you feel we should have investigated and reported more on the background of those who appeared at the rally to protest against UKIP. In both of our television reports we described those people as ‘protestors’ and made no reference to their nationality. We are satisfied that our reporting was factually correct but appreciate that you feel there were other elements which the story may have explored. We only have limited time to cover any particular story and our editors use their judgment to decide how they should be covered. We do recognise that not everyone will agree with their decisions though.
Thank you again for contacting us.
Kind Regards
P****** ****
Ok so I didn’t see anything about the UKip “carnival” and I imagined they ran a story about a Romanian woman who was working in a hotel and unhappy with UKP. As I don’t live in London my imagination must be bloody good as it follows this story exactly. They only “referred” to rent a mob as protesters. Just like their web page then. Any comments? Before I pursue this further.
The BBC can’t be trusted.
Look on the BBC website That states “20 May 2014 Last updated at 23:33” and states “People carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about Romanians.”
Yet, according to a snapshot [] of 21 May that page stated “Romanians carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about their fellow countrymen.
So at some time after 20 May 2014 23:33 an unrecorded edit was made to change “Romanians” to “people”. The BBC is trying to rewrite the past and fool you. They were caught out at the time and are trying to cover it up.
The deception on the fake protesters was exposed on the day by C4
Given the above, how likely is it that the BBC is being truthful now about what was broadcast on the day?
Thanks for this important info. This shows how important this site is for helping effective complaints against the BBC especially when they are being dishonest with their replies. I hope they to give the BBC a hard time over this one.
I was surprised at the near-unanimity of the headlines in those papers – which have a wide political spread. In short – Cameron stood against the appointment of Junker, lost – and this could bring the idea of Britain leaving the EU a lot closer, a good deal more likely.
The whole spat has shown how unlikely it is that Cameron could win any real concessions in a re-negotiation. Which is exactly the UKIP point – why waste time on it, the EU will not give us even a fraction of what we need, and meanwhile it carries on introducing more and more restrictions on the UK’s trade, especially on the City which is seen in Europe as “a bad thing”.
Here is Farage talking about the implications of leaving Europe – as usual, he gives straight answers and sounds well-informed :
So today, the bbc tells me, is Armed Forces Day, a main event for which takes place at Stirling, just north of Bannockburn. There then follows a 4 minute diatribe about how the brave Scots destroyed an overwhelming English invasion force.
BBC weepy over poor Bobby Womack. Why, particularly, I wonder?
Also, Nigel Farage good on “Today” this morning – compared to the other faceless trio of charlatans, he always sounds so refreshingly genuine. More strength to his elbow(s).
You wonder? Because he was black? Yes of course. Only dead ethnics, gays and lefties are ever on the receiving end of BBC tributes upon their passing. Well spotted. PC gone mad etc etc.
Have to disagree on this one , Bobby Womack was a good musician & the Stones recorded one of his 60`s songs ,”Its all over now ” . Rod also , B.W. is revered by the 60`s British blues musicians & their fans too. He also did a good blues cover of California Dreaming .
You genuinely the cover of Mr. Womack’s skin is a factor in their reporting? Genuinely? Sweet baby Jaysus and the orphans. Lucky Rik Mayall wasn’t black then, or a few around here would have had kittens that he was rightly so warmly remembered a few weeks back.
I suggest you complain to the beeb. I mean heaven forbid anybody else of cultural significance from a grouping to which YOU don’t belong should die.
Maybe Radio 4 could revamp Last Word so that ‘those guys’ get a quick namecheck at the end of the program, maybe whispered… not sure but they really MUST act swiftly to stop this outrageous anti white racist campaign.
Colin Davis was well established here and even used to be principal conductor of the BBC Symphony Orchestra, yet his passing received little attention.
Where does Joshaw say that BW shouldn’t have been covered? Seems obvious to me that the point is the relative lack of coverage of Collin Davis, and neglect of that particular genre in the BBC News.
It just goes to show how pathetic, infantile and small-minded nationalists must be to harp on about a battle that happened in 1341. Who cares? It’s just an excuse for the anti-English SNPers to get a bit of English-bashing in. But the majority of decent Scots aren’t interested; funny how the BBC give these vermin a platform!
But, in terms of balance, what about Culloden in 1745 when the British army (a large percentage of which were Scottish) destroyed the puny Jacobite rabble? The separatists don’t mention that one in their storytelling sessions around the peat fire!
Edward II was no military strategist. His incompetence was a complete headache for his military establishment. Although his army outnumbered The Bruce’s, he blundered into a trap set by the Scots. Edward fought on ground chosen by the Scots – never a good idea in set-piece battles. Edward was a dillettante, more interested in his male lover than the national interest, while The Bruce was ruthless, hungry for power and murdered his way to the Scottish crown.
According to the BBC, ‘Dateline London’ is where “foreign correspondents currently posted to London look at events in the UK through outsiders’ eyes”. But, in fact, it’s always just a bunch of Gavin Esler’s left-wing dinner-party chums. Today there were four EUrophiles – including swivel-eyed Abdel Barri (‘mad Barri’) Alwan, who’s on nearly every week – telling us how “necessary” our continued EU membership is, how “incompetent” Cameron is and how much “Britain is hated in the EU”. (Sadly, there’s never anyone there to say how much the EU is hated in Britain.) And if it’s supposed to feature “foreign correspondents” why was Polly sodding Toynbee on yet again – or has she moved permanently to Tuscany?
Gavin Esler really is the mister nice guy soft soap Lefty. The BBC tops up Gavin’s bank account on our behalf for his cosy water cooler sized encounters with former Trotskyite in-house movie reviewer Mark ‘we should get used to non-English cinema sub-titles’ Kermode. And Esler happily nods and purrs at every ‘this is an important film… it’s about slavery’. Which leads me to Gavin’s Dateline London – not so much metro-trendy dinner party as I’m British whip whip me I’m the BBC Esler gimp… my good foreign friends, do please tell me how very bad I am. Please tell me how I ought to be punished….
Dateline London is perhaps the most consistently biased programme on the BBC. A total mess of misinformation, leftie propaganda and a set of very unpleasant people.
Dateline London is emblematic of the BBC as a whole. It tells you absolutely nothing about the world except the desire of middle class Guardian readers to share contents of their tiny little minds.
A Guardian reader is a smug ignorant Fascist who in a previous generation would praise Stalin for his commitment to social planning. The vanity of the middle class Left is bottomless. All that matters to them is their petty hatreds.
Yeah Yasmin Alibhai Brown you have brown skin. Get over it. For once in your life think of somebody other than yourself. She could not even point out Ypres on the map.
‘if it’s supposed to feature “foreign correspondents” why was Polly sodding Toynbee on yet again’
To get the quota on ‘news’ commentating pheromones up to HIGNFY or Mock the Week levels, and either foreign outlets don’t have a Danny Cohen to obsess about the hemlines over calibre of content, or simply couldn’t give a toss? Or… maybe the ladies who pontificate on global matters have something better to do of a Saturday. Polly, clearly, has zip all else. If ever dropped from the roster she could always join the weekend shift here, as I see it has clocked on.
DL is a parody, if a tragic one.
I lost all respect when they had one when Prezza Kirchner last needed some fifth column support in-country when the economic stats in her flyblown dump needed the population distracting away from, so Gav & the guys all decided the UK and Islands beefing up defences was us ‘rattling sabres’. Rather ignoring how staying passive before did not end well.
The broadcast monopoly of the UK offering a pulpit to undermine the UK using third party hostile opinion formers strikes me as perverse.
Though they doutbtless feel it is ‘unique’.
As a rule, I don’t watch Newsnight now, but have done so over the past few nights. So it was as enlightening as it was unexpected to see Andrew Neil in the chair last night.
Neil was intelligent, probing, combative and EVERYONE, right, left or centre, was challenged fairly and with balance. Last night Newsnight delivered; viewers actually got an insight into what the guests’ positions really were.
Compare that with the drab, weak left leaning ‘Video Guardian’ that Newsnight has become… particularly the Hacking ‘interview’ with Tom Watson on Wednesday. Compare Emily Maitliss’ performance with that of Neil (you can actually, for Neil interviewed him the following day on the DP).
Maitliss in that ‘chat’, showed why she is little more than an autocue jockey who should stick to reading the news. She is stilted, has no insight, Neil quite simply leaves her for dead as an interviewer.
I have the suspicion that Maitliss only comes alive when she has a Tory to get her teeth into (which is par for the course with Newsnight). Her interview with Tom Watson got of to an unpromising, if not unsurprising start, when she began her questions by addressing him as, ‘Tom’.
It’s those little things, ‘Tom’ or ‘Ed’, as opposed to ‘Cameron’ or ‘Osborne’ or ‘Murdoch’ that betray the activism in the BBC and whose politics they are more comfortable (or on first name terms) with.
I ask myself, am I being unkind, even abusive to Maitliss? No, the BBC professes to be the ‘world’s most trusted broadcaster’. If it want’s to prove that, it needs root and branch reform and should start with a clear out in its flagship news programme.
In comparison with Katz, Maitliss and the rest, Andrew Neil has shown that Newsnight is not fit for purpose.
Once again Andrew Gilligan single-handedly produces real reports about Islamist extremism in Wales – more in-depth reporting from one solo journalist than the entire BBC “news” staff of 5000 :
“BBC: Institutional fear of speaking truth on Islamism
There is a problem in Britain when it comes to discussing objectively the issue of Islamism. Nowhere is this more demonstrable than at the BBC
While Beeboids politically implement the colonisation of what was British indigenous society by campaigning for unlimited mass immigration, and for positive discrimination for, e.g, Islam-
“White working-class pupils fall behind ‘because they’re turned off by lessons on other cultures’: Researchers warn multicultural curriculum risks marginalisation.”
BBC in full-blown David Cameron assault on behalf of Labour today following the appointment of the uber-Lefty new European Commission president, Junker. The BBC are just rooting for Milliband and can barely contain their pro-EU stance.
“The legal way to avoid paying the TV licence fee.
“Hundreds of thousands of people legitimately avoid paying for a TV licence, in many cases even if they have a TV.
“Here’s how.”
A guy I don’t know, at all, in a pub somewhere, told me that you can even download TV shows over something called the internet and stream them to your TV.
According to him, whoever he was.
I voted UKIP so, according to Umma Chukka, or something, I wouldn’t know about such things.
INBBC-Al Jazeera-Muslim Brotherhood-Qatar-World Cup bid.
Given INBBC’s staff, cultural and technical links to Al Jazeera (which has given political support to Muslim Brotherhood, as in Egypt), are Beeboids really able to be politically impartial on allegations of Emirate of Qatar’s World Cup bribery?
“Qatar: UK media investigation into World Cup bribery allegations is ‘racist’ and ‘Islamophobic.'”
By Robert Spencer.
“’But just what is ‘racist’ about bribery?,’ asks Al Arabiya — or about investigating bribery? This bizarre response from Qatar to charges that it bought the right to host the 2022 World Cup shows the hollowness of the charges of ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia’ that are constantly leveled at counter-jihadists. Just as there is nothing racist or Islamophobic about investigating bribery, so also there is nothing racist or Islamophobic about opposing jihad terror.”
two …….. “boys” … held over anti-Semitic cemetery vandalism bleats BBC News.
hmmm! … teenagers … according to other newspapers.
hmmm! Over Nazi, Anti Semitic sickening and hateful cruel, graffiti.
hmmm! … from Rochdale Road, Blackley UH OH!
surge in Manchester Anti Semitism UH OH!.
very sparse this BBC report …. hmmm!
The BBC will have received exactly the same info from the police as the Daily Mail has printed. Why is it that the BBC so often censors out all the detail – especially the reference to the alleged rapists being Asian ?
Instead of arguing , can we simply agree that Muslims breed like rats and once in the majority, force everybody else out and remake the area into why they left their home countries in the first place.
Sky have been reporting this incident on their news ribbon all day. This morning they described the offenders as a group of “Asian men” although that has now been modified to the ubiquitous “men”. No mention at all on the BBC, even on their teletext news page, although they are going overboard with Blunkett’s gossip about Prince Charles’ suggestion to expand grammar schools. Is this more newsworthy to the Beeb than a vicious gang rape?
Yes, I noticed the change to the earlier strapline as well.
It’s those “men” at it again………
It’s now getting so you can tell the ethnicity of the perps by how it’s reported.
If they are white, they say so. If any connection, however tenuous, can be made to the EDL, UKIP or any of the Armed Services, so much the better. This will then provide your headline, hopefully for several days and will also give scope for a wider debate on how any or all of those dreadful far-right organisations can be banned and/or criminalised.
If they are non-white, they become “men”. If they are Muslims, they become “asians”, but only if you really, definitely can’t avoid mentioning it at all.
Lots of colourful pictures of a Pride festival in London, celebrating how various individuals enjoy their sexual activities. Well bully for them. But why did they include a ridiculous and tasteless mock up of the assassination of JFK, and why on Earth did the BBC see it worth reporting without any explanation? I fail to see any connection between Kennedy’s assassination, lesbianism and preferences for where certain men like to stick their dicks. Something to do with rights for necrophiliacs perhaps?
It’s British so it looks a bit crap, just like the Notting Hill Carnival, a bit crap. This is not San Fransicko or even Oz where the moustache parades are quite impressive.
In Britain these parades come out looking a bit sleazy, like a Confessions movie.
people suffering high blood pressure may not wish to listen to Edward Hall on “Loose Ends” talking about the new play he’d directed and produced about the Miners’ Strike. Lazy anti-Tory tropes, “1984 was the point where it all changed and you now longer had a job for life”, “it was a fight for the whole union movement” etc etc.
Written by the daughter of a miner, produced in Hampstead by the son of millionaire Sir Peter Hall, no challenge to his views and assumptions at all. And bloody hell but he was ignorant about engineering.
Not only that – the (Labour) Government introduced legislation that backdated compensation for medical conditions and virtually waived the requirement of providing proof.
We now have situations where you can sue any company for which you worked during your 40 year working career.
You could work for 1 company for 39 years and the other for 1 year and claim FULL compensation from the company for which you worked for 1 year.
On Radio 4 after that, they had a drama about Jihad. A very clever sister, to a would be Syrian Jihadist, out smarted her slightly divvy younger brother. You see the older sister had a first in Islamic Theology of the Golden Age. So she said Islam is a religion of peace and that her divvy brother had got it wrong.
But why was this drama on Radio 4? The listenership of Radio 4 is hideously white. Why not put it on the Asian Network? Or was this done to make Liberals feel good about themselves?
Interesting note, this play was written by Mike Harris, not a name that conjures up Mecca. I wonder if he has a first in Islamic Theology of the Golden Age?
Update in thinking. The BBC is so fake and phoney. To defend Islamic Jihad they have to hire a lefty diversity whore to write some fatwa agitprop.
The whole play sounded so BBC line, with the same phrases. I don’t blame the actors they need the cash! The BBC is a fugazi, their claim to be impartial is a lie. They couldn’t even find a Mohammedan to write a script denouncing Jihad. Instead they got some white middle class man to do it (who the BBC claim to hate).
Why should we fund the BBC to pay for such phoniness and lies?
A ‘….rarely if ever from my own life, which is too unutterably dull to wish to inflict on the world.’
What a good fit he must be with the rest of the metro-trendy multi-culti Left-liberal pro-hyper immigration anti-conservative Europhile BBC Radio types.
Just heard Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammad’s family who live in the UK still. Are asking the UK Government to grant him asylum! The very same person who spouted hatred of the west of of the UK and condones terrorist attacks on the UK. No doubt in this twisted country not only will he be successful but we will charter a plan to bring him to the UK just like we did with the other terrorists. I wonder which Lib Dem will champion is cause?
I was struck by the limp-wristed response from the Home Office, or whoever is (ir)responsible for these issues these days.
Instead of issuing an official Foxtrot Oscar, it fell back on the technicality that in order to claim asylum, one has to be physically present in the country. So, presumably, if this obnoxious primitive manages to sneak into the country in some way, they will take an application for asylum seriously.
Up2snuffMar 6, 07:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – BBC recruitment is out of control I had hear her before but it is a new…
JohnCMar 6, 06:53 Midweek 5th March 2025 If that’s true, I’ll guarantee he had a meeting with the EU leaders a short time before the announcement. They…
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ScrobleneMar 6, 06:38 Midweek 5th March 2025 Hence our absolute minimal ‘output’ of Co2! But Labour want to build houses for foreigners all over our ancient woodlands,…
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 6, 05:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Goff was a Labour Party MP for several years. He wasn’t on the extreme Left and was at one point…
JohnCMar 6, 05:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 NZ fires diplomat who questioned Trump’s grasp of history ‘At an event in London on Tuesday, Goff compared efforts…
JohnCMar 6, 04:38 Midweek 5th March 2025 Nine things about Lesotho – the country ‘nobody has ever heard of’ So here we have the BBC giving…
JohnCMar 6, 04:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘They try to pitch Muslims against Hindus’. Nobody does that more than the BBC. They hate the Hindus. Every report…
JohnCMar 6, 04:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 One day, three crises and Trump’s free-wheeling foreign policy on display And another outrageously lop-sided from the BBC’s Zurcher.…
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 6, 04:12 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hear tell that down In deepest Windsor in the hall of the muslim King, that the call to prayer…
Two huge events Glastonbury and Wimbledon. Where does 5 live start its weather forecast…….bloody Scotland (AGAIN) then Northern Ireland (AGAIN) a summery all parts North and hardly a mention (AGAIN) of London and South East……No mention of the forthcoming washout of both events.
They always focus on Scotland because there is no one in the countryside to verify their predictions, and in the cities they are either too pissed to notice or confined to the interior of their multi faith mosques
You sir have the same mindset as a racist.
No Sir, My grandparents were Scots, which means I am allowed to insult them without being racist – as blacks can call each other nigga. I will, of course, be offended if I hear of anyone speaking ill of the Scotch (er Scots).
Good lord! Had you down for a Welshman by your username. I don’t think Dylan would have given you permission to use it otherwise.
The BBC weather forecast is specially designed not to upset the Scots ,before the SNP came on the scene . I had always noticed during the Countryfile 5 day forecast , and various other ones in the week , if England & mainly Southern England was having good weather & a rain bearing front was moving in they would say something like ; “The weather is changing for all ,as a warm front brings in cloud & rain to Scotland before moving in to Northern England , but by then ,the rain will be more patchy ,this front will then continue southwards towards the Midlands , by the time it reaches the South & Southeast it will all have fissiled out.”Meaning in Essex we had no rain , & it continued sunny & warm as before .They just can`t bring themselves to say” Scottish Weather , always shite ” Move South if you want good weather !
Hang on, every weather forecast I’ve ever seen has spent several minutes on the weather in London and the South East. The problem is that BBC weather presenters are too stupid to realise that the North of England is actually split into North West and North East. They get it right with the South though.
Do you think it inthing to do with the breadth of England is about 100 miles in the North and 250 miles in the South?
Readers might remember the post I made on the last thread where the BBC denied Jon Simpson ever made the comment complained about:
“We appreciate your concern and having listened back to the programme this wasn’t the case. During the headlines it was stated:
“The Militant group Boko Haram releases a video showing scores of girls some of them say they’re Christians who’ve converted to Islam.”
During the actual report it’s stated:
“It shows over 100 girls they’re dressed in grey or black Muslim robes chanting the first verse of the Koran. The teenagers are huddled close together. At one point one of the girl’s steps forward looking scared she explains that she’s converted to Islam and calls on her family to convert too.”
Nevertheless, we acknowledge the strength of your complaint and we can assure you that we’ve registered your comments on our audience log. ”
A subsequent complaint made during the 5 attempts to elicit a response has resulted in this:
“We’re sorry our previous response didn’t fully allay your concerns.
What John Simpson said was:
“Most or many of those girls in the video were, had been Christian and are now supposedly converted to Islam that’s of course rather disturbing in its own right. Forcible conversion is not an Islamic tradition.”
We believe John’s comments were an accurate and fair reflection of Islamic tradition. It isn’t the BBC’s role, nor the role of the complaints process to define terms like racism and Islamist.”
So the initial response was a blatant lie and the comment which I heard was made !
In addition a comment which is provably wrong is being held by the BBC as fact!
Worse still a request for the BBC to provide a definition which they use for the word ‘racism’ and ‘Islamist’ has shown that they don’t have a definition and that they don’t actually know what either of them mean !
It’s left up to the presenter and the corporation will then back the Fascist to the hilt.
The question is where to go now?
Nowhere. I admire your perseverance but the BBC is a lost cause. Only abolition will change things and as long as the liberal tendency holds power in England that will not happen.
Events will do for the liberals and the BBC in the end.
You could try the BBC Trust (Trust? cough), but as they are cheerleaders for the Corporation, Chaired by someone who is a Labour Party employee and is from the metropolitan elite, and fail miserably to hold the bastards to account you’d be wasting your pixels.
‘So the initial response was a blatant lie and the comment which I heard was made !
In addition a comment which is provably wrong is being held by the BBC as fact!’
SOP. Currently it is your, theirs and now ‘our’ (they won’t like that) little secret.
‘The question is where to go now?’
As already shared, it depends on the amount of time, patience and good humour you can muster.
Especially as you will likely only be getting ground down by a system designed for such a purpose, with little likelihood of what any reasonable person would deem a satisfactory response.
The BBC will be doing anything… anything (months… years, megabytes, investigators, assessors, secret self-serving internal meetings) to avoid an admission of any failure.
It will cost the licence fee payer a fortune, but if you are stopped they will deem it worthwhile.
Clearly this is past drone level as you are keen to persist.
Next up… ECU. Stand by for a lot of belief from a Director or two, which the BBC appears to think makes a whit of difference if seeking actual answers backed by facts.
Then, possibly, next year, if it still exists, ‘The Trust’.
Can go your way; likely won’t. No reason will be given, but probably much more ‘belief’ that the BBC and staff cannot err, as they are divine.
Evidence in form of a written counter to previous statements would be good to see on a bit more on the audience log though. Once it’s in print they have to include it.
Not that many see even the ones they can’t bury.
email: or write directly to the: The Culture, Media and Sport Committee, 7 Millbank, House of Commons, London, SW1P 3JA
But then they may no longer be taking written submissions, as they seem to have already decided to abolish the licence fee, as well as having enough stuff to confront the pea brained Lord Hall.
It could also be the reason for Lord Hall’s latest politically correct left-wing diversity public relations stunt, a knee jerk response by the lefties to any threat from outside the BBC bubble.
Thoughful: Complain again listing the points as you have and get the complaint bootede futher up the line. Ultimatley of course you will be wrong. I did this and whilst it got me nowhere you have the warm feeling that you have exposed these people for what they are. However did we manage in the days before the internet?
Another lie from the BBc on my response later on this thread seems to be a new tactic.
Last night feeling short of something to watch I ended up with Mock the Week which I haven’t watched for some time. Well we had a black panelist and a 37 year old woman panelist so it was obvious that the right tick boxes could be ticked. I would give you their names but I hadn’t a clue who they were, but they were not very funny (particularly the black guy, not racist he just trying too hard and not amusing). But every time Andy Parsons spoke he started with ‘Cameron……..’ and at times just as nasty as Frankie Boyle ever was. I was waiting for the Miliband jokes to counter the bias but they just didn’t happen.
That was a very silly thing to do. You should know better.
Don’t do it again.
As usual the programme started with a ten-minute hate, this time against the Tories. It was followed by 20-30 seconds of Labour jokes. No doubt for balance. The Tories and UKIP were attacked on and off for the rest of the show.
A normal programme in other words.
Oh BTW the ‘black’ guy is an Asian, Romesh Ranganathan.
Thanks Pah, I didn’t watch from the beginning so I must have missed the worst of it.
‘Oh BTW the ‘black’ guy is an Asian, Romesh Ranganathan’
Was it just me, or did he (colour aside) look like a young Rolf Harris? There’s an angle I don ‘t think he should be pushing at the moment…
Actually he had a few decent one-liners. Had to fall back on some (acceptable, because, well, you know…) race-based stereotypes, but early days.
Danny’s girl, however….
The rictus grin on established panelists’ faces as the laugh track had to be cranked up to 11 was funny each time, at least. Especially as she channeled her inner Jo Brand with too much information on the clearly tragic results of her romantic activities.
I didn’t say I didn’t find some of his stuff funny, but when he referred to himself as an aborigine it brought home the Rolf Harris connection!
I hope you lot don’t mind but I’m reporting (this morning) this from the end of the last board where the bBC in a so called world exclusive interview Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman sentenced to death for marrying…..a Christian, who on being released was rearrested by the peaceful Islamic police.
Well, she’s been released again and on talking to the bBC, she speaks without looking at the camera, by thanking the Sudanese people, the Sudanese police , showing that she is terrified of being in Sudan and the twat of a bBC reporter asks her:
“Do you consider yourself a Christian?”
Excuse me, a woman who until a few days ago was going to get her neck stretched for the made up charges of leaving ‘Isalm’ The same country which dragged its feet in releasing her after saying it would, (Over 3 weeks for the paperwork to be sorted.) Who was arrested again by the state on trumped up charges days after getting released and is now living in fear inside the American Embassy and the bBC feel the need to try and trip this woman up by asking such a damning question inside such an intolerant Country where even calling a teddybear ‘Mohammed’ gets you a jail sentence.
The same bBC I should add which tiptoes on eggshells around Muslims every chance it gets doesn’t afford the same to persecuted Christians inside Islamic countries.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of intolerant Islam, paid for by the British taxpayer.
Considering what the women has been through – and why – that question is truly, shockingly, unfeelingly stupid.
27 June 2014 Last updated at 05:40
Quite a bit of ‘evolving’ going on there.
Oddly, the idiotic ‘are you a Christian?’ question remains, but the edit is different and for some reason we are now treated to a Phillipa Thomas on po-faced emoting VO, vs. the previous Beebette ‘correspondent’ and translator.
Why the change?
I wrote on the last board this morning how the bBC blames the fact that Muslims living in the Uk are packing their bags in which to relocate to Syria and Iraq in which to live a life of rape,Murder and theft as dictated by the Koran. Want to guess whom the bBC blame for these village (And lets be honest wearing dresses, sporting a beard and promoting an intolerant stone-age ideology they really do look like they are the only Jihadist in the village) The British Police for not stopping these men from going
The head of Wales’ counter-terrorism unit has denied that police are failing in their efforts to combat the radicalisation of young Muslims.
Have you watched the video on that article, the bBC allow the very close knit Islamic community to opine their fears and instead of putting their hands up and admitting , yes we have idiots within our midst who subscribe to wanting to kill for Allah. They instead (encouraged by the bBC) blame everybody and anybody bar the reflection in the mirror.
Now compare that stance with how the left demand that:
1) Catholics sort out their act for dodgy old men
2) UKIP sort out their act over racists
3) The Police sort out their act over..Racists
4) The Army sort out their act over Racists
5) The Tory party sorts out its act over..Bigots
6) The Football league sorts out its act over….Racists
In fact the left, stamp down hard on everybody bar the usual suspects:
Labour MPs,Liberal MPs,Respect MPs and of course Muslims.
What I am getting at is perfectly illuminated by how the bBC allow the Islamic father of a Terrorist inside Syria/Iraq to say on the above bbC article:
“Ahmed Muthana, father of Nasser and Aseel Muthana, has claimed police have failed to win the trust of Muslim communities in Cardiff because the Prevent team was mainly made up of white officers.
Now if somebody here was to say, that too many Muslims are employed by the Police. You’ll have the bBC thought police demanding the person be prosecuted for a hate crime. Yet when Non-Whites in the Uk come out with such, why its silence is golden time.
The bBC, the biggest problem regards race relations in the UK.
As I suggested yesterday, why do we always have to win their trust? Isn’t it about time they did something to win ours?
Or is it racist to even suggest such a thing?
The BBC will certainly claim that it is and that you should be put on notice of criminal prosecution for hate crimes. Whatever happened to free speech in our country.
I find that white lefties are hypocrites when it comes to racism, as they seem to be non-racist when it comes to people that they supposedly like, but then they only like people that make them fell superior, but the white lefties still show that they are racists, because of their hypocritical life choices, and their attitude towards Jews and East Asians.
Pounce I am sure you recognise this complaint about the police as being preparation of the ground, for blaming the police if any of those who do return commit a terrorist act. So the BBC will run lines such as:
a) if the police had been doing their job they wouldn’t have gone, so its the police’s fault.
b) if we had been more accommodating as a country then they wouldn’t have been radicalised in the first place. So its our own fault
c) if we round up all those who we believe may commit terrorist acts then we will alienate the whole community and of course infringe their human rights which are certainly worth more than the lives of UK citizens
d) it is just a tiny minority, whom all other Muslims in the UK detest and to whom they offer no support, so you can see how damaging c) above would be.
We could write the BBC news and current affairs comments now so predictable and wrong headed are they.
Of course the blame for muslim radicalism lies with Bushanblair
Of course it’s all our fault. Centuries of Islamic sectarian hatred clearly has nothing to do with Islam. Furthermore, it seems that it’s our fault because we intervened in Iraq to overthrow a brutal dictator and our fault because we didn’t intervene in Syria to overthrow a brutal dictator.
There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.
Brave New Caliphate…..
On the VD show, now, Derbyshire is discussing the recruitment of the new Chair of the BBC Trust.
Invited guest, the patronising Harriet Harman is making a fool of herself sharing her conspiracy theories about why the Government have changed the job spec. and then gets into a spat with Christopher Bland denying that she ever suggested a conspiracy (she did).
But her handwringing pièce de résistance, delivered in the most patronising way, so typical of Harman, was that this job was so important…it couldn’t be done in two days (rather than the three originally specified). ‘The chair represents the people who pay their £145 licence fee…ALL OF WHO LOVE THE BBC’
Not me.
Once again Harman shows that she is totally deluded.
It’s from the “Say It Often Enough” files.
‘gets into a spat with Christopher Bland denying that she ever suggested a conspiracy (she did).’
The BBC can and does often get away with it by bare faced denial and judicious ‘story evolution’, but elected pols are much less safe (other than FoBs – Friends of the BBC).
If that suggestion is recorded the counter claim looks utterly barking. Well, a bit more than that idiot claim on the public’s behalf.
I’d be surprised if some other outlet didn’t run with it even if the BBC is waving magnets over hard disks as we speak.
Does she mean that if you don’t love the BBC you don’t have to pay the LF? Well I haven’t loved the BBC for about 20 years so can i have my 20 years of tax back with interest.
On the eve of Ramadam the bBC bring out yet another pro-Islam story this time about the first mosque to be opened in the UK.
‘The birthplace of Islam in Britain’
The first mosque founded in England, which has stood as a derelict shell for many years, has been refurbished and reopened to Merseyside’s 20,000 Muslims.
Yes the bBC would like to inform the British about the wonders of Islam with regards this first mosque; But hang on what this from 2012
The legacy of Victorian England’s first Islamic convert
On a bleak, wet and windy day in Liverpool the old Georgian, white-stoned building which once housed England’s first registered mosque looks quite dull.
And what’s this from 2009:
England’s first mosque
Mind you, I did love this little snippet about why the first mosque was built by William Henry Quilliam. He wanted to counter the view:
However, Prof Ansari says that deciding to convert to Islam was not a simple choice for Quilliam.
“there were these ideas about Islam being a violent faith.
Ideas bBC?
yep! time for the “religion of peace”
Ramadan Bombathon yet again …
how quickly it comes around when
the throwbacks are stuck in a 7th century
ps …
is Cameron going to bleat the bad tidings
in an address again this year?
Is Cameron going to bleat the bad tidings?
See my link below: he praises muslim groups for selling poppies – i am serious.
The Democratic Islamic State Broadcasting Unit aka North West tonight like to run first mosque story every now and again. Justified by the “liverpool” connection.
Shock news for Beeboids?:-
“Britain ‘cannot educate the world’, says High Court judge.
“Appeal court judges reject a bid by a Filipino family to stay in Britain so that their children can get a good education.”
Maybe they should have converted to Islam before appealing?
Singapore is much nearer to the Philippines, and has a very much more traditionally British style education system than even Gove dare bring back to Britain.
“A population boom that is unsustainable”
I happened to be listening to the end of Woman’s Hour and was so taken a back by “An everyday story of Afghan Folk” that I checked to see that I hadn’t tuned into an Asian station by mistake. Apparently the story is based on one that is broadcast in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The series continues there but this was the last episode to be broadcast here. ( I wonder why ? Perhaps the story line became too outrageously propagandist even for the BBC to broadcast !!! )
I heard a bit of the story yesterday – it was total tosh, why the hell is the BBC putting this stuff on – except as propaganda ?
Not surprising you thought it ‘Asian’ since the BBC had chosen Indian actors to play the parts of Pashto speaking Afghans. Of course the BBC is far too PeeCee to have ethnic British actors, but it seems anyone vaguely ‘brown’ will do.
The new norm in Islamised Britain-
from Islam Not BBC (INBBC) ‘report’-
“There are concerns that the start of Ramadan this weekend could lead to an increase in the number of people” [Muslims] “travelling to the Middle East to fight” [carry out jihadist ultra violence].
“UK Syria fighters: Police deny ‘failure’ over jihadists”
British indigenous people must, apparently, adapt their values to accept that, especially at Ramadan, more Muslims from here will, as a matter of course, commit jihadist violence, wherever.
The wonders of mass immigration from Islamic countries, as campaigned for by much of British political class still, inc by BBC-NUJ.
Hopefully the BBC will broadcast our Prime Ministers message on the eve of Ramalamadingdong.
After all, the muslims fought for us in the First World War.
“This is an incredibly special time of year.
For Muslims at home and abroad a time for charity, for contemplation and community ” 😀
(…. and bombings, stabbings, mass murder, industrial scale child rape, abhorrent persecution of non muslims
terrorism, Fostering Jew/Christian/sexual/ethnic minority hatred … and … discrimination/brainwashing against Muslim women and children)
Imam Cameron s Ramadan message
Anyone catch the wall-to-wall coverage of the Jimmy Saville scandal in yesterday’s news? Pretty muscular stuff, delivered with typical BBC holier-than-though indignation.
But the one question that was carefully ignored was fundamental responsibility: in other words, why this vile creep was able to get unchallenged access to so many vulnerable people.
The answer, of course, is that he was a BBC celebrity and such is the power of this bullying, self-regarding, grasping, lying, bigoted, treacherous organisation that nobody thought it thinkable to curtail or question him – even when the evidence was there before their cowardly eyes!
It occurs to me that there is a parallel with Britain’s wider decline: just as the stinking BBC pimped for Saville, so it did in far more significant areas such as immigration, the EU and multiculturalism. And many other things too. With far greater damage caused.
Yet still we suckle at its treacherous teat. Unbelievable.
The one question that persists in being not answered in the Savile case is ‘where’s the evidence?’ There are hundreds of allegations but considering that the original ITV allegations have been shown to be fundamentally untrue just what evidence has Yewtree uncovered? So far all of the reports I have seen contain nothing but allegations which the report writers believe should be taken on face value. In most of the cases they can’t even place Savile in the same building at the same time as the ‘victim.’
This is important because there is a huge danger, revealed in recent celeb trials, of the CPS treating allegations as incontrovertible evidence. They are not and if we want a justice system that works they must never be allowed to become so.
This goes way over whether Savile was a perv or whether or not the BBC deserves a good kicking. It is fundamental to our justice system; no evidence, no conviction.
Anna Raccoon has been looking at the actual allegations. Jaw-dropping, it is.
You know when someone dies during a boxing match or any other sport how the liberals call for the sport to be banned, well….
Shouldn’t Glastonbury be banned or does that mean around 300 BBC people would have nothing to do this weekend?
Before banning it there should be a report from a team of BBC approved medical researchers who will suggest a Glastonbury tax in order to reduce the number of irresponsible revellers. This proposal will be open for discussion on HYS where everyone will have an opportunity to blame the Zionist Israeli state and its influence over the US Republican Party, whilst those who argue that taxation is not the solution to Glastonbury mortality will be moderated out.
Don’t forget Dame Niki Campbell and the rest of the sob sisters shrieking about how Big Music is profiteering from the deaths of innocent young children.
No. The fact that the Kaiser Chiefs kicked it off appears, according to the News page, to be the third most important thing happening today.
I’m guessing that perhaps Petula Clark was expected to get things started and that the Kaiser Chiefs doing so came as a newsworthy shock to all concerned, needing a large photograph of said band and links to five separate stories. But some poor junkie dying isn’t one of those stories.
There are many reasons why I don’t think that i should pay the BBC tax and this cacophony is certainly one of them. If you want to listen to this racket then you should have to pay for it yourself and listen to it in a sound proof room so no that vestige of sound creeps out.
Please note I have correctly avoiding using the word music in connection with this event.
Many residents of that poor blighted town must look forward with trepidation as the annual shit fest gets closer.
The BBC news site is running this line at the moment…
“Summit backs Juncker in blow to UK”
Of course it is just a blow to Cameron because he thought he would get some credit by opposing him.
The fact is that to anyone who opposes the EU sees that Junker’s appointment is the strongest argument against our continued membership.
One of the few people to come well out of the E.U-Juncker conflict is, of course, Nigel FARAGE, UKIP leader.
“Nigel Farage: ‘Game, set and match to Brussels'”
( 1:30 video clip)
It’s not a blow to Cameron at all, I’d suggest. He got to look all anti-EU whilst doing something he knew would make not the slightest bit of difference, but I don’t expect the BBC to look at that line.
Thus convincing the gullible that the Tories will oppose the EU.
“‘Newsnight made by idealistic 13-year-olds’ blasts Jeremy Paxman.
“Former Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman has said the flagship BBC politics programme is made by idealistic ’13-year-olds’, according to reports.”
By Max Evans.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) prefers the ‘diversity’ of the Islamic world:-
“Ramadan 2014: We can deport anyone who eats, drinks or smokes, Saudi Arabia tells non-Muslims”
With respect, I have spent quite a bit of time in various Arab, Muslim, countries, and although not in Saudi Arabia, I have naturally spent a few periods during Ramadan in such countries.
The rules in these countries I have visited are actually quite sensible.
Fundamentally, it is very rude to eat, drink, etc., in public whilst the majority population is abstaining from these activities, according to their religion. Anyone who has ever been in these countries actually will know that most ‘international’ hotels will always provide eating and drinking facilities for non-muslims, but discreetly, with the restaurant access behind a screen, or whatever, so local people cannot see into the restaurant. In addition, it is usually very easy to quench your thirst in private, without being observed by local nationals, in whose country you may be a visitor, and whom you might offend.
The traditional feast of Iftar, available in local restaurants immediately after sun-down, has often been one of the best meals I have ever had in these countries, although, of course, alcohol is not served (as is usually the custom in such countries, in any case.)
I would be the first to complain if anyone tried to impose such rules in my country, but it is, after all, their country, and their religious beliefs, so we should not abuse these, and it really is NOT difficult to live your life quite normally without offending the indigenous population in these countries.
Whilst we may not like these rules, they are not difficult to comply with, and still lead a pretty normal, western, life
Yes, Richard you make some interesting points and I have no problem whatsoever with Muslims abiding by their faith in their lands and westerners complying; When in Rome… However, I think George was comparing the willingness of Muslim lands to deport people who do not comply with their wishes to our own pathetic impotence in such matters. Our gormless government allowed foreign hate preachers to take control of our streets; these creatures were effectively telling us that they detested our way of life, but were still happy to take our free housing and dole cheques. Whilst in their lands you might be deported for drinking a glass of wine in Blighty you can be a multiple terrorist and it still takes decades to get rid of you.
Jeff (and Maturecheese below)….I was responding, really, to the article linked in George’s post, which didn’t mention anything about any other countries. As I said, I would have very serious issues with anyone trying to impose such rules in my country, so to that extent, I agree with what you say.
Jihadwatch has, however, reported this particular issue almost with incredulity that such things might happen in an independent country, which, in my view, is a complete non-story.
As to the inability of our country to take issue with what are essentially terrorism-encouraging activities, then I am afraid that we have to look no further than the BBC as an example of how we, in the UK, are willing to overlook, or even excuse such behaviours with virtually no sanctions whatsoever. And that is the real issue we need to address. Taking umbrage at things about which we really have no business complaining, does nothing to strengthen our hand on dealing with matters domestic, and simply serves to justify other peoples’ view about how intolerant we may be in the UK.
I have absolutely no problem complying with their laws and customs in their countries. What I have a big problem with is them trying to impose their laws and customs on us in our country, A NON MUSLIM COUNTRY.
The first line of the piece from the Saudi representative says it all ” ‘anyone living in this country should follow the laws of the Kingdom, including respecting religious sentiments.’
Goose and Gander comes to mind.
Paxo describes himself as a ‘one nation Tory’:
This will doubtless be seized upon by the left as evidence of right-wing bias, even though ‘one nation Tory’ basically means ‘left wing Tory’ (a bit of a contradiction in terms).
A one nation Tory must be a unionist, while a four nation Tory must be a devolutionist or a federalist.
Paxman obviously has a calling to the stage as his performance as lefty Tory hater was very convincing.
6 O’Clock news it’s Cameron kicking time and then back to housing …Again! However this time they are saying exactly what I’ve been saying since they started on this. That it’s not every where that house prices are going up. Are they ripping me off?
“while Muslims fast and exercise self discipline, and contemplation, in prayer and self improvement etc”
… is he being ironic
Islam Channel … (thought that was the BBC?)
competitions hotting up … for the most nauseating,
flagrantly, sycophantic who bows lowest, fastest ?…
… answers on a postcard
What an absolute wanker!
Islamic Turkey’s useful idiot, along with BBC-NUJ, in campaigning for Turkey’s 80 million Muslims to be members of E.U.
Note Cameron’s linkage between the end of Ramadan and the anniversary of the outbreak of WW1. Now his pals in the BBC will follow with lots of history of brave muslims who sacrificed for our freedom during that war, and how the war was very much a multicultural do. Cameron has already praised them for selling poppies.
Spot the difference time…
Daily Mail:
Muslim stabs prostitute to death for plying her trade near his local mosque:
BBC (Finally):
“Man” kills “Sex worker”:
Cameron’s a mere marketing man;
he’ll market anything which he thinks will serve his political purpose.
And in Scotland-
“Scotland Muslim in jihad vid, First Minister hits ‘demonization of Muslims'”
British indigenous people are not portrayed by British political class (inc BBC-NUJ) as ‘victims’, but Muslims are.
And the mass immigration into U.K from Islamic countries continues, with the proven consequences.
“David Cameron, Flogging His Wares”
by Hugh Fitzgerald
(August 2010).,_Flogging_His_Wares/
Pity poor Beeboids on their jolly:-
“News flash! Stages plunged into darkness as lightning flashes round Glastonbury festival”
So there is a God after all!
The BBC was very keen to reassure us today that all over Britain
Imams have been using Friday prayers in Mosques to tell young Mohammedans not to go to Syria!
How do they know? Did they send out Arabic speaking reporters to a large cross section of the now thousands of mosques to listen to the sermons?
.. and why have they not been saying it before? That it is newsworthy shows how unusual it is.
This is supposedly in response to the ‘good boys’ from Cardiff who unbeknown to anyone mysteriously morphed into terrorists overnight.
Lauren Laverne is about to appear on BBC2 at Glastonbury.
Laverne is the hopeless, unfunny lefty who appears with David Mitchell, Jimmy Carr and Charlie Brooker on C4’s 10 o’ Clock Live (A programme where a gang of politically active 40 /50 year old presenters try hard to influence an audience of teens and 20 year olds – I call that grooming).
Anyway the purpose of the post is to mention that in previous years, Laverne has not been able to resist the temptation on letting her personal, hard left political leanings bleed into her BBC presentation. How she managed to do that when all she was supposed to do was introduce acts and critique their performances, f*** knows.
Lets see how she manages this time (I can guess).
She is just a typical lefty Arsehole
– probably rich parents and trust fund. Ignore the cock-eyed harridan.
So here I am reading a Nigerian military blog and I come across this:
Council boss debunks BBC report on B’Haram attack
The Caretaker Chairman of Dikwa Local Government Area of Borno State, Ali Modu Gana, has expressed disappointment with the media report credited to British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) morning, Hausa service program, on Tuesday, which states that “some Boko Haram terrorists invaded Dikwa on Monday and set ablaze the council secretariat after chasing away security operatives deployed to the area”.
Gana said: “there was no Boko Haram attack in Dikwa as carelessly and unprofessionally reported by the BBC, describing the report as baseless, unfounded, untrue aimed at misleading the public and give terrorists a cheap publicity”.
The council boss stated this to journalists in Maiduguri, the state capital, while reacting to BBC Hausa program aired on Tuesday morning.
Gana also denied BBC source, which they claimed to have spoken with him in an interview. where the source said, “the military and other security operatives ran away when the terrorists invaded Dikwa before they set ablaze the council’s secretariat,” maintaining that no any place was attacked as widely reported, and for BBC which is one of the respected international media, will concoct a story that didn’t exist/happen shows how members of the public and the audience are been misled, misinformed, misguided and faced with media imperialism.
It appears the rest of the world is waking up to the pro_Islamic terrorist bent of the bBC
The blog I was reading
they probably “learned” that story from their usual sources in broadcasting house.
BBC News 10pm: they are using the “Billy no mates” approach to Cameron’s EU adventures. It didn’t help that Miliband was making political capital from something in which he could stand up for Britain. At least we know where his colours are tied.
I hate this “Cameron is alone” crap. Most Brits (that’s over 30m people) want major changes or to get out of the EU.
I guess to the BBC the public’s opinion is irrelevant.
I don’t think this is lost on the public. The BBC and the liberal media are the ones isolated. Cameron does what he does because of his justified fear that we have had enough of the EU. Not that the liberal media will get this. They are fully signed up to the EU project. The best thing for us and for Europe is to get out as soon as possible. It was never for us and our stupid liberal elite never understood thisreality.
Although I dislike Cameron intensely and believe that his opposition to the appointment of Junker is just a ploy to attract ex-Tory Ukippers back into the fold, if he had any real political nous, he could say he is in good company being a lone political voice. Winston Churchill was “Billy No Mates” throughout the 1930s when he was warning the British political establishment of the dangers of Hitler and the Nazi Germany. If I recall, the BBC banned Churchill from voicing his opinions about Germany on the wireless (as it was known as back then).
10pm news now showing clips of Cameron working with Patrick Rock (1993). Rock has been charged with making indecent photros of children.
Great to get advice on how to handle Europe from Labour. This the same party whose leader Blair gave away a huge part of Britain’s rebate in exchange for a worthless promise that the EU would ‘look at’ the CAP. They ‘looked’ and decided it was fine. A masterclass in EU negotiation eh?
The BBC are beside themselves with delight that Cameron has been isolated in the election of Jean-Claude Junker…..However, I think that Cameron’s played a very clever game, (possibly for the first time in years), and come next years general election, he can now put a great deal of distance between his own views pertaining to the E.U., and that of clueless Clegg, and the BBCs beloved red Ed Miliband…..
The thirteen year olds may rue Camerons stance come May next year…Ho Hum..
At least we now know where the EC wine lake went.
ok. are you ready for this. I’ve got a reply from the BBc about the fake Romanians.
BBC Complaints – Case number CAS-2741141-G0PK90 Add to contacts 26/06/2014 Keep this message at the top of your inbox
To: Carl Jackson
Dear Mr Jackson
Reference CAS-2741141-G0PK90
Thanks for your contact regarding ‘BBC News’ broadcast on 20 May 2014.
I note that you believe a report regarding a UKIP rally in Croydon was broadcast ‘throughout the day’.
Firstly please accept my apologies for our delay in responding.
I note that you believe a report regarding a UKIP rally in Croydon was broadcast ‘throughout the day’. We have checked and can only find two reports broadcast on BBC television on 20 May about this. These were broadcast on the BBC London regional news programme at 6.30pm and 10.25pm. Neither of these featured an interview with ‘a Romanian woman’ or anyone claiming to be one and we can only assume that you saw this report elsewhere.
We do recognise that you feel we should have investigated and reported more on the background of those who appeared at the rally to protest against UKIP. In both of our television reports we described those people as ‘protestors’ and made no reference to their nationality. We are satisfied that our reporting was factually correct but appreciate that you feel there were other elements which the story may have explored. We only have limited time to cover any particular story and our editors use their judgment to decide how they should be covered. We do recognise that not everyone will agree with their decisions though.
Thank you again for contacting us.
Kind Regards
P****** ****
Ok so I didn’t see anything about the UKip “carnival” and I imagined they ran a story about a Romanian woman who was working in a hotel and unhappy with UKP. As I don’t live in London my imagination must be bloody good as it follows this story exactly. They only “referred” to rent a mob as protesters. Just like their web page then. Any comments? Before I pursue this further.
The BBC can’t be trusted.
Look on the BBC website That states “20 May 2014 Last updated at 23:33” and states “People carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about Romanians.”
Yet, according to a snapshot [] of 21 May that page stated “Romanians carrying banners argued with party activists over Mr Farage’s recent comments about their fellow countrymen.
So at some time after 20 May 2014 23:33 an unrecorded edit was made to change “Romanians” to “people”. The BBC is trying to rewrite the past and fool you. They were caught out at the time and are trying to cover it up.
The deception on the fake protesters was exposed on the day by C4
Given the above, how likely is it that the BBC is being truthful now about what was broadcast on the day?
My outstanding complaint covers precisely these points. And the time stamp did not change despite the amendments noted.
Thanks for this important info. This shows how important this site is for helping effective complaints against the BBC especially when they are being dishonest with their replies. I hope they to give the BBC a hard time over this one.
No doubt, Beeboids will continue to push their NUJ pro-E.U political line.
For contrasting Saturday Page 1 headlines of Times, Telegraph, Guardian and Independent, etc on U.K and E.U, see:-
I was surprised at the near-unanimity of the headlines in those papers – which have a wide political spread. In short – Cameron stood against the appointment of Junker, lost – and this could bring the idea of Britain leaving the EU a lot closer, a good deal more likely.
The whole spat has shown how unlikely it is that Cameron could win any real concessions in a re-negotiation. Which is exactly the UKIP point – why waste time on it, the EU will not give us even a fraction of what we need, and meanwhile it carries on introducing more and more restrictions on the UK’s trade, especially on the City which is seen in Europe as “a bad thing”.
Here is Farage talking about the implications of leaving Europe – as usual, he gives straight answers and sounds well-informed :
I can’t remember seeing or hearing about this on the Muslim Protection TV Station (aka BBC):
I ‘wonder’ why?
So today, the bbc tells me, is Armed Forces Day, a main event for which takes place at Stirling, just north of Bannockburn. There then follows a 4 minute diatribe about how the brave Scots destroyed an overwhelming English invasion force.
BBC weepy over poor Bobby Womack. Why, particularly, I wonder?
Also, Nigel Farage good on “Today” this morning – compared to the other faceless trio of charlatans, he always sounds so refreshingly genuine. More strength to his elbow(s).
You wonder? Because he was black? Yes of course. Only dead ethnics, gays and lefties are ever on the receiving end of BBC tributes upon their passing. Well spotted. PC gone mad etc etc.
Have to disagree on this one , Bobby Womack was a good musician & the Stones recorded one of his 60`s songs ,”Its all over now ” . Rod also , B.W. is revered by the 60`s British blues musicians & their fans too. He also did a good blues cover of California Dreaming .
Nevertheless, the cringe-making toadying was self evident, as it always is when persons of the requisite attributes shuffle off this mortal coil.
Exactly. Nothing like it when Colin Davis died. Just some old white elitist.
You genuinely the cover of Mr. Womack’s skin is a factor in their reporting? Genuinely? Sweet baby Jaysus and the orphans. Lucky Rik Mayall wasn’t black then, or a few around here would have had kittens that he was rightly so warmly remembered a few weeks back.
I suggest you complain to the beeb. I mean heaven forbid anybody else of cultural significance from a grouping to which YOU don’t belong should die.
Maybe Radio 4 could revamp Last Word so that ‘those guys’ get a quick namecheck at the end of the program, maybe whispered… not sure but they really MUST act swiftly to stop this outrageous anti white racist campaign.
Good luck with it anyway.
Oops *the colour of his. As you were.
Colin Davis was well established here and even used to be principal conductor of the BBC Symphony Orchestra, yet his passing received little attention.
That’s the essential point.
Where does Joshaw say that BW shouldn’t have been covered? Seems obvious to me that the point is the relative lack of coverage of Collin Davis, and neglect of that particular genre in the BBC News.
You need to calm down.
Turtle Power knows full well that the colour of your skin matters to the BBC.
It just makes him feel better to deny it.
Tis a tad tedious how the droids always have to insert the word ‘legendary’ in front of the name of any and every Motown artist they mention.
Tho they do cheapen the word by describing their own Maida Vale studios as ‘legendary’.
It just goes to show how pathetic, infantile and small-minded nationalists must be to harp on about a battle that happened in 1341. Who cares? It’s just an excuse for the anti-English SNPers to get a bit of English-bashing in. But the majority of decent Scots aren’t interested; funny how the BBC give these vermin a platform!
But, in terms of balance, what about Culloden in 1745 when the British army (a large percentage of which were Scottish) destroyed the puny Jacobite rabble? The separatists don’t mention that one in their storytelling sessions around the peat fire!
Edward II was no military strategist. His incompetence was a complete headache for his military establishment. Although his army outnumbered The Bruce’s, he blundered into a trap set by the Scots. Edward fought on ground chosen by the Scots – never a good idea in set-piece battles. Edward was a dillettante, more interested in his male lover than the national interest, while The Bruce was ruthless, hungry for power and murdered his way to the Scottish crown.
BBC-NUJ: still beating its political drum for Islamising Turkey:-
“Turkey’s Ramadan drummers”
For BBC-NUJ, re-Ramadan.
“Obama’s Ramadan Delusions”
By Robert Spencer,
“US military personnel forced to submit to the sharia during Ramadan.”
– See more at:
‘This tradition is in danger of dying out.’
Not with the BBC around it isn’t.
According to the BBC, ‘Dateline London’ is where “foreign correspondents currently posted to London look at events in the UK through outsiders’ eyes”. But, in fact, it’s always just a bunch of Gavin Esler’s left-wing dinner-party chums. Today there were four EUrophiles – including swivel-eyed Abdel Barri (‘mad Barri’) Alwan, who’s on nearly every week – telling us how “necessary” our continued EU membership is, how “incompetent” Cameron is and how much “Britain is hated in the EU”. (Sadly, there’s never anyone there to say how much the EU is hated in Britain.) And if it’s supposed to feature “foreign correspondents” why was Polly sodding Toynbee on yet again – or has she moved permanently to Tuscany?
Gavin Esler really is the mister nice guy soft soap Lefty. The BBC tops up Gavin’s bank account on our behalf for his cosy water cooler sized encounters with former Trotskyite in-house movie reviewer Mark ‘we should get used to non-English cinema sub-titles’ Kermode. And Esler happily nods and purrs at every ‘this is an important film… it’s about slavery’. Which leads me to Gavin’s Dateline London – not so much metro-trendy dinner party as I’m British whip whip me I’m the BBC Esler gimp… my good foreign friends, do please tell me how very bad I am. Please tell me how I ought to be punished….
Dateline London is perhaps the most consistently biased programme on the BBC. A total mess of misinformation, leftie propaganda and a set of very unpleasant people.
What’s not to like ?
Dateline London is emblematic of the BBC as a whole. It tells you absolutely nothing about the world except the desire of middle class Guardian readers to share contents of their tiny little minds.
A Guardian reader is a smug ignorant Fascist who in a previous generation would praise Stalin for his commitment to social planning. The vanity of the middle class Left is bottomless. All that matters to them is their petty hatreds.
Yeah Yasmin Alibhai Brown you have brown skin. Get over it. For once in your life think of somebody other than yourself. She could not even point out Ypres on the map.
‘if it’s supposed to feature “foreign correspondents” why was Polly sodding Toynbee on yet again’
To get the quota on ‘news’ commentating pheromones up to HIGNFY or Mock the Week levels, and either foreign outlets don’t have a Danny Cohen to obsess about the hemlines over calibre of content, or simply couldn’t give a toss? Or… maybe the ladies who pontificate on global matters have something better to do of a Saturday. Polly, clearly, has zip all else. If ever dropped from the roster she could always join the weekend shift here, as I see it has clocked on.
DL is a parody, if a tragic one.
I lost all respect when they had one when Prezza Kirchner last needed some fifth column support in-country when the economic stats in her flyblown dump needed the population distracting away from, so Gav & the guys all decided the UK and Islands beefing up defences was us ‘rattling sabres’. Rather ignoring how staying passive before did not end well.
The broadcast monopoly of the UK offering a pulpit to undermine the UK using third party hostile opinion formers strikes me as perverse.
Though they doutbtless feel it is ‘unique’.
I’m sure that there’s an up to date list somewhere but this from ‘Is the BBC Biased?’ seems to confirm that there is a problem.
Surely if Britain is so hated in the EU as Alwan opines then surely Britain should leave them too it. Both sides would then be happy.
The left are like an abusive partner. Never happy unless everyone else is miserable.
More news that you will never find on the Biased BBC, they are too buys focusing on the ‘criminal acts’ like hacking to report mass rape of adolescents. Likewise Jimmy Saville / NHS news one evening and then you never hear about it again….
As a rule, I don’t watch Newsnight now, but have done so over the past few nights. So it was as enlightening as it was unexpected to see Andrew Neil in the chair last night.
Neil was intelligent, probing, combative and EVERYONE, right, left or centre, was challenged fairly and with balance. Last night Newsnight delivered; viewers actually got an insight into what the guests’ positions really were.
Compare that with the drab, weak left leaning ‘Video Guardian’ that Newsnight has become… particularly the Hacking ‘interview’ with Tom Watson on Wednesday. Compare Emily Maitliss’ performance with that of Neil (you can actually, for Neil interviewed him the following day on the DP).
Maitliss in that ‘chat’, showed why she is little more than an autocue jockey who should stick to reading the news. She is stilted, has no insight, Neil quite simply leaves her for dead as an interviewer.
I have the suspicion that Maitliss only comes alive when she has a Tory to get her teeth into (which is par for the course with Newsnight). Her interview with Tom Watson got of to an unpromising, if not unsurprising start, when she began her questions by addressing him as, ‘Tom’.
It’s those little things, ‘Tom’ or ‘Ed’, as opposed to ‘Cameron’ or ‘Osborne’ or ‘Murdoch’ that betray the activism in the BBC and whose politics they are more comfortable (or on first name terms) with.
I ask myself, am I being unkind, even abusive to Maitliss? No, the BBC professes to be the ‘world’s most trusted broadcaster’. If it want’s to prove that, it needs root and branch reform and should start with a clear out in its flagship news programme.
In comparison with Katz, Maitliss and the rest, Andrew Neil has shown that Newsnight is not fit for purpose.
Once again Andrew Gilligan single-handedly produces real reports about Islamist extremism in Wales – more in-depth reporting from one solo journalist than the entire BBC “news” staff of 5000 :
Eat your words B-BBC’ers
See! The BBC complaints department do, after all, take notice and admit it when they don’t ‘get it about right’
Oh, hang on a minute….only when it suits them and their agenda, it seems!
(H/T to Guido and The Conservative Woman)
The BBC: Too big, too powerful, unaccountable
apologies if already posted (wasn’t last time I looked!):
Something we all know:
“BBC: Institutional fear of speaking truth on Islamism
There is a problem in Britain when it comes to discussing objectively the issue of Islamism. Nowhere is this more demonstrable than at the BBC
While Beeboids politically implement the colonisation of what was British indigenous society by campaigning for unlimited mass immigration, and for positive discrimination for, e.g, Islam-
“White working-class pupils fall behind ‘because they’re turned off by lessons on other cultures’: Researchers warn multicultural curriculum risks marginalisation.”
Read more:
BBC in full-blown David Cameron assault on behalf of Labour today following the appointment of the uber-Lefty new European Commission president, Junker. The BBC are just rooting for Milliband and can barely contain their pro-EU stance.
At least now we know where the EC wine lake went.
Just in case you didn’t see it the first time.
Don’t know what happened there.
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“The legal way to avoid paying the TV licence fee.
“Hundreds of thousands of people legitimately avoid paying for a TV licence, in many cases even if they have a TV.
“Here’s how.”
A guy I don’t know, at all, in a pub somewhere, told me that you can even download TV shows over something called the internet and stream them to your TV.
According to him, whoever he was.
I voted UKIP so, according to Umma Chukka, or something, I wouldn’t know about such things.
All sounds a bit far fetched to me.
Way to go, Chukka, in trying to get old Labour voters back to the fold: insult them because they voted UKIP.
“Stream it”? Won’t that short out the electrics?
Well UKIP haven’t offered anyone a free owl or called someone ‘Anus’ via twitter.
Well that’s pub talk for you.
INBBC-Al Jazeera-Muslim Brotherhood-Qatar-World Cup bid.
Given INBBC’s staff, cultural and technical links to Al Jazeera (which has given political support to Muslim Brotherhood, as in Egypt), are Beeboids really able to be politically impartial on allegations of Emirate of Qatar’s World Cup bribery?
“Qatar: UK media investigation into World Cup bribery allegations is ‘racist’ and ‘Islamophobic.'”
By Robert Spencer.
“’But just what is ‘racist’ about bribery?,’ asks Al Arabiya — or about investigating bribery? This bizarre response from Qatar to charges that it bought the right to host the 2022 World Cup shows the hollowness of the charges of ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia’ that are constantly leveled at counter-jihadists. Just as there is nothing racist or Islamophobic about investigating bribery, so also there is nothing racist or Islamophobic about opposing jihad terror.”
two …….. “boys” … held over anti-Semitic cemetery vandalism bleats BBC News.
hmmm! … teenagers … according to other newspapers.
hmmm! Over Nazi, Anti Semitic sickening and hateful cruel, graffiti.
hmmm! … from Rochdale Road, Blackley UH OH!
surge in Manchester Anti Semitism UH OH!.
very sparse this BBC report …. hmmm!
“Police hunting for group of ‘Asian men’ who took a 17-year-old girl into woods and gang-raped her”
Read more:
BBC-NUJ only has:-
“Police seek group of men in Slough after teenager raped”
The BBC will have received exactly the same info from the police as the Daily Mail has printed. Why is it that the BBC so often censors out all the detail – especially the reference to the alleged rapists being Asian ?
.. and we know what the phrase ‘Asian men’ really means i.e. British muslims of Pakistani descent.
complete and utter fabrication: one in ten is a British Muslim of Bangladeshi descent.
Instead of arguing , can we simply agree that Muslims breed like rats and once in the majority, force everybody else out and remake the area into why they left their home countries in the first place.
Asian Men?
The BBC would like us to infer that these men could well be Japanese, Chinese, Hindus, Sikhs or Buddhists.
Sky have been reporting this incident on their news ribbon all day. This morning they described the offenders as a group of “Asian men” although that has now been modified to the ubiquitous “men”. No mention at all on the BBC, even on their teletext news page, although they are going overboard with Blunkett’s gossip about Prince Charles’ suggestion to expand grammar schools. Is this more newsworthy to the Beeb than a vicious gang rape?
Yes, I noticed the change to the earlier strapline as well.
It’s those “men” at it again………
It’s now getting so you can tell the ethnicity of the perps by how it’s reported.
If they are white, they say so. If any connection, however tenuous, can be made to the EDL, UKIP or any of the Armed Services, so much the better. This will then provide your headline, hopefully for several days and will also give scope for a wider debate on how any or all of those dreadful far-right organisations can be banned and/or criminalised.
If they are non-white, they become “men”. If they are Muslims, they become “asians”, but only if you really, definitely can’t avoid mentioning it at all.
Lots of colourful pictures of a Pride festival in London, celebrating how various individuals enjoy their sexual activities. Well bully for them. But why did they include a ridiculous and tasteless mock up of the assassination of JFK, and why on Earth did the BBC see it worth reporting without any explanation? I fail to see any connection between Kennedy’s assassination, lesbianism and preferences for where certain men like to stick their dicks. Something to do with rights for necrophiliacs perhaps?
Any opportunity for a transvestite to dress like Jackie Kennedy and they will take it.
It’s British so it looks a bit crap, just like the Notting Hill Carnival, a bit crap. This is not San Fransicko or even Oz where the moustache parades are quite impressive.
In Britain these parades come out looking a bit sleazy, like a Confessions movie.
Impressive? Takes all sorts.
people suffering high blood pressure may not wish to listen to Edward Hall on “Loose Ends” talking about the new play he’d directed and produced about the Miners’ Strike. Lazy anti-Tory tropes, “1984 was the point where it all changed and you now longer had a job for life”, “it was a fight for the whole union movement” etc etc.
Written by the daughter of a miner, produced in Hampstead by the son of millionaire Sir Peter Hall, no challenge to his views and assumptions at all. And bloody hell but he was ignorant about engineering.
mesothelioma. black lung disease, pneumoconiosis, silicosis, emphysema, bronchitis, gassing, drowning, crushing, explosions.
My how the pretrendy left love to romance coal-mining.
Wonder how many years of his cloistered life eddie has spent down a mine.
F*ckall I suppose.
Not only that – the (Labour) Government introduced legislation that backdated compensation for medical conditions and virtually waived the requirement of providing proof.
We now have situations where you can sue any company for which you worked during your 40 year working career.
You could work for 1 company for 39 years and the other for 1 year and claim FULL compensation from the company for which you worked for 1 year.
On Radio 4 after that, they had a drama about Jihad. A very clever sister, to a would be Syrian Jihadist, out smarted her slightly divvy younger brother. You see the older sister had a first in Islamic Theology of the Golden Age. So she said Islam is a religion of peace and that her divvy brother had got it wrong.
But why was this drama on Radio 4? The listenership of Radio 4 is hideously white. Why not put it on the Asian Network? Or was this done to make Liberals feel good about themselves?
Interesting note, this play was written by Mike Harris, not a name that conjures up Mecca. I wonder if he has a first in Islamic Theology of the Golden Age?
Update in thinking. The BBC is so fake and phoney. To defend Islamic Jihad they have to hire a lefty diversity whore to write some fatwa agitprop.
The whole play sounded so BBC line, with the same phrases. I don’t blame the actors they need the cash! The BBC is a fugazi, their claim to be impartial is a lie. They couldn’t even find a Mohammedan to write a script denouncing Jihad. Instead they got some white middle class man to do it (who the BBC claim to hate).
Why should we fund the BBC to pay for such phoniness and lies?
‘Mike Harris, not a name that conjures up Mecca. I wonder if he has a first in Islamic Theology of the Golden Age?’
‘Ten Questions with Mike Harris’
Q ‘Where do your ideas tend to come from?’
A ‘….rarely if ever from my own life, which is too unutterably dull to wish to inflict on the world.’
What a good fit he must be with the rest of the metro-trendy multi-culti Left-liberal pro-hyper immigration anti-conservative Europhile BBC Radio types.
In my opinion, this is all that needs to be said:
It was a link to the Monty Python Northern Playwright sketch.
Just heard Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammad’s family who live in the UK still. Are asking the UK Government to grant him asylum! The very same person who spouted hatred of the west of of the UK and condones terrorist attacks on the UK. No doubt in this twisted country not only will he be successful but we will charter a plan to bring him to the UK just like we did with the other terrorists. I wonder which Lib Dem will champion is cause?
Simon Hughes will be on the phone immediately!
Crying alahu akhbar. Bastard!
Islamic jihad supporter, Bakri gets into U.K;
Islamic jihad opponents, Geller and Spencer, are banned from U.K.
Will INBBC make that point?
“Radical Islamic Preacher Seeks Asylum In UK.
“Sky News learns the family of a radical cleric barred from entering the UK will ask British authorities to grant him asylum.”
(video clips.)
I was struck by the limp-wristed response from the Home Office, or whoever is (ir)responsible for these issues these days.
Instead of issuing an official Foxtrot Oscar, it fell back on the technicality that in order to claim asylum, one has to be physically present in the country. So, presumably, if this obnoxious primitive manages to sneak into the country in some way, they will take an application for asylum seriously.
Sheiky used to live a few doors down from me – indeed we were on nodding terms (bit before I’d heard of al mujiharoun sp?).
His young lass used to frolic happily up and down the pavement.
Shame to see her now tooled up in ‘full muzzie’.
Christopher Booker ‘Sunday Telegraph’ on:
1.) Juncker, E.U. and Cameron;
2.) Met Office-
-with comments by Richard North.
Comments by Richard North, on above:-
Nigeria: another Islamic jihad massacre:
INBBC continues its Islamic jihad censored headlines.
Compare and contrast:-
“Nigeria: Islamic jihadists murder 10 and injure 10 more with bomb blast at brothel”
“Nigeria violence: Several dead in Bauchi blast”