Apparently the new front runner for the job of BBC Trust Chairman is Nicholas Prettejohn…already a BBC Trustee…and yet another Oxbridge PPE graduate.
The Guardian tells us he is a former ‘city Grandee’ and advisor to George Osborne….but he is also a former trustee of the Royal Opera House working with the BBC’s DG, Lord Hall, who has already employed a former work mate from the ROH, Anne Bulford, along with several other appointments made without an open recruitment process.
Good that one of Tony Hall’s mates may become the person who would be responsible for regulating the BBC run by Hall.
The BBC…starting to look like the top tier of the Tory party. The irony.
“…starting to look like the top tier of the Tory party.”
Nowhere near Tory? Not even Conservative!
Nick Prettejohn is a member of the BBC Trust Editorial Standards Committee, Chaired by Alison Hastings. He was mentioned in an investigation by Mensa members, as one of Lord Hall’s goons.
Just as Lord Hall was appointed to hold back the cess pit from poring over the dam that he created before he left the BBC, so will the appointment of Prettejohn be a sign that the morons are desperate to hold back the dam. It was Hall that created the seminars that compromised the independence and credibility of Journalism at the BBC, seminars held with people of authority in the environmental movement, a top down approach brought in by Lord Hall, which prevents BBC journalists from investigating scientific fraud and corruption within the environmental movement and the UN’s IPCC.
Lord Lawson’s experience with the BBC was similar to the experience that Mensa members had with the BBC. The bias of the arts morons at the BBC, turns wishful thinking into facts not supported by anyone outside the BBC complaints system bubble.
Prettejohn would know about the BBC’s precarious predicament, a predicament that the warmist scientists at the Grantham Institute or the Tyndall centre would and could not support, when it goes public.
For Lord Lawson, it was ‘evidence from computer modelling’
For the Mensa complaint, it was ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fact‘; the IPCC using an assumption says ‘likely’ and the BBC, which claims to be impartial, says ‘fact’. This also does not come from the Royal Society. This evidence proves that the BBC takes a more extremely biased view than the IPCC or the Royal Society and conflicts with the BBC Trusts claim that impartiality is important.
The BBC told Mensa members that this decision was made by what the BBC called ‘the best scientific experts’. A lie that the BBC spent a quarter of a million pounds trying to cover up, as ‘the best scientific experts’ turned out to be 28 environmental activists without a single causational or attributional climate scientist. Not a single atmospheric physicist or solar scientist.
This serious breach of the BBC charter was raised with Lord Hall at a meeting of the Media, Culture and Sport Select Committee, by Philip Davies MP, who asked why the BBC had spent a quarter of a million pounds on resisting a freedom of information request for the names of the 28 people described as ‘the best scientific experts’.
The fact is that for now, the BBC can only survive as long as there is Media secrecy about this, and by thinking up idiotic excuses such as ‘false balance’ to censor the science, scientists and scientific debate.
In fact, a reward for thinking up the term ‘false balance’ could well be the reason Prettejohn is favourite.
Seems the old men, and women, are prevailing across the board.
The Richard Pinder doppelganger troll has come up with some very interesting Fraser Steel facts.
Beeboids talk about ‘democracy’ a lot in their political broadcasting output, but in reality, the institution of the BBC is run on a very undemocratic, ‘old boy network’ lines, as we are seeing again and again.
The BBC has always been an ‘old boy’ network.
All that has changed has been the source of its recruits. These days it is the Left-liberal self-styled ‘elite’.
Meet the new boss…
I’m not really feeling the diversity! Couldn’t they find a headless black lesbian to do that job?
“Tessa Jowell faces backlash over BBC Trust accusations”
Director General of BBC, Tony HALL, showed his political predictions with the appointment of Labour Party’s James PURNELL as Hall’s political left-hand man.
“Sack Tony Hall”
I guess Alan’s previous prediction Lord Coe didnt work out then?
And another former Tory? Nicely side-stepped that one Al.
‘…previous prediction Lord Coe didn’t work out then?’
Don’t recall him making such a prediction, but if so the nature of these things is they can often not pan out.
I do recall reflected here a bunch of BBC types weighing in on just this basis, often with a bit more than who they thought was in the running or for the top slot, going rather beyond professional wisdom.
As to here, the overall feeling was that Sebastian Coe was another useless EUophile wet in the mould of the last Good Lord who would serve no better value overseeing the BBC on behalf of the licence fee payer, when he could find a moment in his month to do so.
Merciless recall, Ming.
Hate to tell you but all the ‘predictions’ of Seb Coe becoming DG came from The Guardian. For instance: