Thanks for reminding me about the Bollywood dancers, the first time I saw that, I thought WTF. Do you think on Indian television there’s morris dancers ? I kinda doubt it.
Actually looking back at that whole collection of idents I linked to (2002), one does have to ask just WTF was their connection to the first ‘B’ of the bBC?
I never thought to look on Wikipedia! I knew somebody here would know. I remember the globe and back drops being dark blue but even though the Tories use blue as a colour they don’t own it in the way the Left owns the colour red. In the past the sets for the news may not have been stylish but at least they weren’t overt. Can’t understand why we can’t just go back to somebody behind a desk.
I’ve often (indeed nightly) observed the sheer redness of the BBC’s newsroom sets, as if wearing their colours with pride. So too the plethora of red ties and red outfits from its female presenters.
1997 marked a noteable sea-change; but has anyone noticed another, more marked move recently? Not just in the current affair output, which is more Guardian-esq than it has ever been, but also now a frankly disproportionate representation among its journalists, presenters and news readers of bth Asians and women. I’m all for fair representation, but the BBC’s policy of fillings its studios and newsrooms with young Asian women (including to report on the day’s action from the football league theother day in an effort to break down “gender stereo-typing”) is laughable and patronising.
News output on the radio is becoming little more than a re-hash of what their researchers have happened acorss in the Guardian that day. It is used endlessley as both a source for stories and as a voice of authority on both R4 and R5: “and later, we’ll be talking to Polly Toynbee….”.
There are now so many examples of real and true left wing bias as we approach the election, that I barely know where to start and hence tend to post in generalisations. Bu for example, one this week from the news when reporting the death of Richard Attenborough, who the BBC lovingly reported on as being “a supporter for many good and left-wing causes”. It was one of the more blatant lines I’ve heard this week.
I will post separately about the increasingly sexist (in favour of women) attitude that pervades the BBC.
I have a copy of the current Private Eye (No. 1373). There is a short article on the BBC’s Diversity Unit on which apparently in the last ten years millions of pounds have been spent but despite which the BBC say they still have a problem with recruitment from ethnic minorities.
According to the BBC in house mag, Ariel, the BBC Academy is looking for ‘black, Asian and minority ethnic staff with potential to become on air experts in anything from food to finance’. They are going to have ‘Expert Voice’ days around the country. They are looking for people who fit the ‘criteria’ which in Private Eye’s view, ‘could end up being a matter for the courts. If you are white it may not be worth applying’.
Am I naive? – I did not know they had a Diversity Unit, an Academy or a problem employing ethnic minorities.
I have noticed the women sports presenters after the Andy Grey “scandal” from a while back and my impression of them is the usual that they know everything about the big Prem teams but have no clue as to anyone outside the top 6 teams.
As a “football mad” woman at work said to me recently she didn’t see any point of football outside of the Premiership and my jaw nearly hit the floor considering the thousands and thousands of proper fans who follow their rubbish local teams everywhere I was annoyed but not surprised and would expect such comments from most of their female sports people
I’ve noticed comments have all been blocked on internet newspaper sites regarding the Rotherham Pakistan muslim sex gangs, the same thing happened when soldier Lee Rigby was beheaded. Strange that, isn’t it ?
its laughable isnt it. They scared people might say things that are not politically correct. By not allowing comments, the press are making the same mistakes as Rotherham Council and the police.
Has the BBC allowed the people that pay for it to comment of such a matter a national importance?
Yet we’re allowed to comment on insignificant storm in a tea cup trivialities like Jeremy Clarkson saying a word which starts with the 14th letter of the alphabet.
Excellent video kinda sums up the problem. Not that the BBC would ever dare report this truth. Our cultural brothers across the pond can see it though.
Hmm, blaming the muslims for doing this is a bit like blaming a rattle snake for biting you, that’s what they do, duh !! The real villains of the piece are the Lib Lab Con elite and their open doors immigration polices.
I’ve just posted a comment on Sky, surprised it passed the censors, it went along the lines ‘he’ll resign when he’s finished hiding evidence and shredding documents’
The Guardian has several articles – but they won’t last as each person being sent over the barricade with their report is summarily executed by the comments below the line.
Still waiting for Polly Toynbee (doesn’t she post on Thursdays) and Ed Miliband to post.
Arthur, I’ll be very surprised if Miliband makes any comment regarding Shaun Wright. Red Ed campaigned for Wright when he was standing as a candidate for PCC.
He tweeted several messages throughout the last week, including Douglas Carswell’s defection to UKIP, (a hammer blow to Cameron apparently), but he was strangely silent on the Labour candidate for South Yorks PCC refusing to resign.
To my knowledge, and I’m not on twitter, he hasn’t even said anything about Wright resigning as a Labour member. At least Douglas Carswell had the decency to stand down and allow the people of Clacton to decide if they still want him as their MP.
As I, and many others have said, if you don’t allow honest discussion of the problem, you cannot tackle the problem.
I pointed out on the Mails site when the story broke, that not discussing the background of the perpetrators, then you could never address the problem…my post got filed under “We don’t wanna hear it…la-la-la….” as with every single media outlet.
One of my biggest worries is that my best mate is from Rotherham, and has a daughter, I genuinely fear for her.
Actually, there have been some allowing comments on the Guardian in the past few days. Here’s one that’s typical of the PeeCee, lefty pandering to the Pakistani community:
Seems that the author really believes the mealy-mouthed rubbish he writes:
For what low opinion must you have of those of Pakistani heritage to think that they, or Muslims more widely, would be offended by the prospect of violent paedophiles facing justice for their crimes? Posing as cultural sensitivity, such a concern betrays contempt: by presuming they would stand by the abusers and torturers in their midst it damns an entire community for the vile behaviour of a few.
The article was posted last night and has attracted over 800 comments, many, if not most of them attacking the author for refusing to look at what’s in front of his face in case it might offend Pakistanis.
It will reopen for comments later this morning. (These Guardian lefties who ‘moderate’ the articles apparently can’t drag themselves out of bed before 10 am.)
The BBC has certainly been sailing on a leftward tack since 1980 and possibly well before then. It was only around 1980 that I started to listen to news and current affairs programmes and they were certainly vehemently anti Lady T and all that she was doing. I was living in Scotland then and you never heard anything positive about investment or new jobs being created etc etc, it was just totally negativity and blaming Lady T and the Tories for the loss of clapped out ship yards, coal mines and steel works . I think that the decades of leftist propaganda by the BBC in Scotland is what actually poisoned the Tory brand there. Even today, 20 or 30 years later, Alex Salmond spends more time attacking the Tories than he does explaining why independence would be good for Scotland.
The BBC managed to brainwash large numbers of people in Scotland into believing that the Tories were totally to blame for the loss of Scottish industry. The same is probably true of other parts of industrial Britain. The Tories must realise that the BBC will never be reconciled to their being in power and will do all it can to make sure that Labour, SNP or whoever, get the peoples vote.
Getting rid of the BBC must be a key part of any future Tory government, otherwise, even if they get into power, they will only rule with the consent of the BBC.
No future Tory government will do that. Whether that is because they mistakenly live in fear of the liberal inquisition (no amount of obsequence will alter the the BBC’s pathological hatred of the Tories ) or because the parliamentary party is part of the same ,public school educated, ox-bridge humanities graduate patrician class as the BBC (and labour party) who cares they wont and that’s end to it
A UKIP Torie coalition however is a different matter
As has been posted here earlier today -vote Tory get Labour
It would be fascinating to spend an hour with the Tory Communcations office high command on this subject. What have they been doing? As you point out, the BBC has been blazing its leftward trail since Maggie T, and therefore to re-balance the books when the rancid culture is now so firmly embedded in the wretched corporation, is one hell of a PR task. But of late, the Tories are simply letting the Beeb get away with scandously one-eyed reporting. I don’t know whether the Tories comms team is completely toothless or what the so called BBC TRust have been doing but the solution to me it seems is simply to not subject yourself to its constant propoganda. When Cameron got into No 10, I thought there might be a sea change based on some of his past comments about the BBC but I am sadly disappointed.
Good post both Doublethinker and Robin, if I may add that the BBC only started its propaganda Bias agenda when John Birt (now Lord Birt) took over the helm at the BBC in 1987 (in those days they had Governers instead of Trustees). Just before (1985) Mi5 (see Obituary below of Mi5’s BBC Ronnie Stonham) were monitoring staff recruitment which soon stopped (presumerably) under Birts insistance… ‘MI5 files on BBC staff ‘were shredded when Cold War ended’ by Alex Spence Media Editor (from The Times).
Birt set the ‘new’ Agenda which the BBC slavishly set to this day copying The Guardian ‘style’ newspaper in detail and aligning itself to the left as a matter of self preservation (they know that Labour is far more willing to support a compulsory license fee than the Conservatives).
All the DG’s since BIRT have been Labour linked placeman and the Trustees have been just as useless as the previous Governers were before Birt joined the Corporation. The BBC need power and influence to survive so as Englands wealth declines (in real terms) the EU and Arab money fuels the beast. Former BBC DG Mark Thomson was famously paid 1,000,000 (on top of his salery) to keep him ‘focussed’. You may ask what this could possibly be. Lord Patten (now retired) refused to answer Westminster Parliamentary Scrutiny Comittee) but it’s not difficult to see how they operate to ‘balance’ news output to their overwhelming political advantage. See ‘Can we trust the BBC?’ (Oct.3, 2013). Excerpts from the Book by ex BBC man John Aitkin.
shouldnt the BBC have given a description of the attacker in order to help the police catch this thug? Al Beeb still havnt learned the mistakes of Rotherham. When will cultural marxists learn?
“The attacker is described as about 6ft tall, black, in his late 20s or early 30s, and wore all black clothing, including a flat cap.”
giving a description of the attacker would be `playing into BNP hands` – just like reporting the mass rape of English girls in Rotherham, etc, etc, etc
I also noticed this ’cause for concern’ BBC report featuring the young woman and thought… supposing the BBC are so very concerned that her attacker be brought to justice… then how come our national broadcaster missed this opportunity to provide his description? Demarkation dispute with Crimewatch? No, of course not. It was BBC/NUJ racism. Had the Notting Hill party pooper been white we would have heard no end of his skin colour. And by the way, I doubt we would have heard anything at all from the poor woman had she not exclaimed to the reporter how keen she was to return, same place, same time, next year. The article was pitched as a ‘wimmins’ issue. Girls just want to have fun, Notting Hill annual grope, punch and stabathon is fine and dandy, men are bad.
The full petition to the BBC and BBC Trust: Modify the BBC Gaza boilerplate “on the Palestinian side more than [whatever is their current claim] have been killed, the majority of them civilians” to “Hamas sources claim [whatever is their current claim] have been killed, the majority of them civilians. However Israeli sources strenuously contest this claim as to both the total number and the percentage of those killed who can be claimed to be civilian.
This petition differs from most others in that it has a specific address and demands a specific and checkable change in language.
It doesn’t demand a change in corporate culture nor does it however justifiably demand that the more credible Israeli figures be used. It demands that the BBC adhere to their legal obligation to impartiality by informing their audience that there are disputed figures and their current boilerplate has not been confirmed by the BBC.
If the petition reaches its goal of 10,000 signatures it becomes a news story in its own right and the BBC will be asked by the other media and the public why it doesn’t adhere to its standards.
have you noticed how the bbc is supressing the identitys and races of the other muslim paedophiles in rotherham,we always hear on the the bbc that the child rapers and torturers of these 1400 but i reckon its over 2000 white children was from a mainly pakistani background,so who was the others you might ask,channel 4 last night had a inteview with a former tory councillor in rotherham and he said that iraqi and somalian asylum seekers being housed in high rise flats was the others involved in this muslim paedophilie ring with these pakistanis,why are the bbc supressing this fact,why i ask.may it be something to do with the fact that these asylums involved in this paedophilia are the same lot who are massing in france trying to break into are country on back of lorrys.i say yes and the bbc and other media outlets are trying to hide this from us.
“waycism” is the obfuscation, the “look at me” – whereas the hard fact is its Islam, Islamic community, Islamic custom and practice and Islamic texts/doctrine, Islamic supremacism.
Somali, Morroccan, Afghan, Paki, Iraqi, Bangladeshi, “waycist?”
what! … to all of them?
Exactly … questions would get difficult, the Al BBC narrative would crumble,
of course, next question the overriding link to all of the above?.
at least we haven t had to suffer the intellect insulting
bleating of ” Islamofauxbia” from the usual suspects.
It explains why so many illegal immigrants “refugees” are risking their lives to cross many safe countries (which they are legally obliged to offer themselves for assylum in) in order to get to Britain.
Think about it. If you are a Muslim, who has been tought from birth that Allah, is the greatest authority in the entire universe, and through his Prophet, Mohammad, you are tought to remind yourself of how great Allah is, in everything you say and write, with the regular inclusion of Allahu Ackbars and Inshallas etc… And that your constant repetitive self-brain washing of the supremacy of Allah and Islam combined with the suras of the Quoran which state that there is no other law but Islam and followers of Islam are the greatest and best people on earth and that the followers of every other religion are the worst that they can be and are LOWER than cattle, so that non-Muslim men must be beheaded and non-Muslim women must be taken to be used as sex slaves….
Then you hear from your relatives in the UK that the labour local authorities and the police have colluded to effectively legalise the rape of non muslim children in the UK…
You would then make a bee-line for the UK to partake in this legalised human sexual harvest.
Just ploughing threw the Jay Report, right at the start it points out that 1400 is a conservative estimate and that it continues today, so we’ll see some arrests right?
Crossed the channel at the weekend to Calais and the road was blocked by French police chasing illegal immigrants across the dual carriage way, unreal
I posted on the last open thread about the fact that grooming gangs aren’t just of Pakistani origin. In Sheffield there have been Yemeni, Somalian, other Arab nationalities and Eastern European grooming gangs. The only common denominator has been their religion. So it DOES have a bearing on the practice. Don’t believe the narrative that the Muslim community is shocked, yes shocked, at the revelations. These youths are encouraged by community elders to practice their illicit sexual behaviour on young white girls, many of whom are then discarded when they reach the age of consent. They see white girls as “slags”, “whores” and beneath contempt. These white girls are treated as sexual toys to be discarded when they reach sixteen years. It’s been a dirty little open secret for years that’s been known about by the authorities. I can remember thirty years ago there were a number of Arab/Asian cafés with exotic names like “Star of India” and “Arabian Nights” in Sheffield that had a reputation of coaxing young white girls inside for illicit sex. Nothing was done about it then and I suspect very little will be done now. When electoral demographics change in favour of ethnic minorities then they can become quite powerful where local politicians don’t want to lose their votes and various public service agencies don’t want the iniquity of being labelled racist. Just look at how that silly, useless pillock Theresa May has just imposed extra regulation on Police Stop-and-Search because of cries of “Wacism” when it’s alleged too many blacks are being stopped. That blacks and Asians are in the MAJORITY in some parts of London and so the figures will be distorted seems to have by-passed our spineless Home Secretary. Believe me, even after all the shouting about Rotherham, nothing will change because, as Enoch Powell once presciently said, they now hold the whip hand because politicians need to court their votes.
The east european (ie roma gypsys) “groomers”, I think are a bit of a media red herring. They wont fit the profile of the others, they are not Muslims, but they will be running prostitution rackets and probably mainly using girls from amongst their own. So its a more traditional pimping business and I think should not be grouped in with the vile acts that have been taking place in Rotherham, etc.
I wasn’t referring to Roma when I mentioned Eastern European. The paedos I was thinking about were of Kosovan origin and the majority of those are of the R.O.P.
I think it was on Newsnight that one of the commentators mentioned Slovak roma, when identifying others accused of Rotherham type crime, but this was not backed by any examples.
What fascinates me is, just how do you move to a new country then start a successful career in major crime? I would struggle to start one and I have lived here all my life! Can you imagine going to the embassy of an eastern country saying you want to move there, can you have a house and benefits, and by the way what are the boom areas for crime? Course not! A few years back a lot of police effort here was expended preventing a turf war between Pakistani and Albania gangs over local prostitution. I just wonder how much crime would go down if it were just Brits committing crime. Same police numbers just fewer criminals to catch!
The Met Office have reported that this August (with a couple of days to go) has been the coldest for 21 years with N. Ireland having its coldest August night ever recorded. Is Mr Harrabin still in his bunker?
Shafiq that shyster
Mo Ansar — strike! discredited
Fiyaz Mughal … strike! discredited
Mehdi Hasan … next!
Mo Shafiq …
Ajmal Masroor….
all strangely soooo beloved of the BBC
Camoron … islam is a peaceful faith ya da ya da ya da
we have to differentiate between faith and ideology?
why? … Islam doesn t? … most muslims don t?
Islam IS more political totalitarian ideology than faith anyway
Do us and yourself a big (society) favour Dave
… shut the f-ck up
‘Too little too little late’ used to be Al Beeb’s mantra about any Tory policy but in this case it is justified in ‘Rainbow Dave’s’ terror threat elevation, the Islamic terror cells ‘are already here’…..
Notice that Jack Straw at 3 mins in, insinuated that most paedophiles are white, but totally lied. Because white paedophiles are reported, investigated, charged and sentenced, where brown ones are avoided at every point due to fears of ‘racism’. He is a traitor, certainly not worthy of being an MP.
The longer Shaun Wright stays on, the more that the likes of Lord(Baron) Ahmed of Rotherham can be looked at.
If he is not at the nexus of where rotten Labour meets aspirational Islam, then who else is?
He was even something in Victim Support up there.
I see him as a Paul Flowers bloke-like those Family “Trees of Rock “on the telly….I`d be looking at the likes of him, Warsi, Blunkett etc.
A vapour trail of influences that will get increasingly toxic, IMHO.
There are two videos posted above which come from the USA and Canada. They discuss very frankly what went on Rotherham and other parts of the UK and ask why has the liberal left establishment and the British media been so hesitant to put the blame, where it clearly belongs, on Muslim men.
If only we had a news organisation like Fox who didn’t give a toss about the liberal left sensitivities but just told it as they saw it , we would be much better off and thousands of young girls would have been spared the degredation that they suffered.
Surely,one important aspect of this awful story is why did the establishment and media stay silent for so long when it is clear that they knew what was going on. Of course as most of the media is guilty I don’t suppose anyone will really investigate that.
Once again the British people have been sold down the river by the liberal left establishment and media.
It was intersting to also note that the BBC, while touching on the point about the cover -up in Rotherham due to sensitivities of race, of course did exactly the same thing. In several interviews on the subject this week, on both radio and TV, I have not heard the men once referred to as muslim, only as ” of Pakistani origin”.
BBC Al Jazeera Questions, oops i mean Any Question s
Ritula Shah presents political debate from the Broadcasting House Radio Theatre in London with Osama Saeed, Thomasina Miers
and Simon Heffer.
I listened to it..Fantasies and liberal drivel. Even Heffer sounded bizarre. Cheers for any liberal bullet point- we love love immigration and boos for any non liberal words.Couldn’t handle Rotherham at all.
Rubbish. As I said before the liberal media is worthless.
When a civilisation goes mad then a sane man thinks about getting out.
I want my whole family gone by 2030 latest. And yes there is somewhere to go .
It’s the Friday proms and they have Daniel Barenboim and the West–Eastern Divan Orchestra.
The program is the opposite of the usual BBC high brow crap which is painful to listen to, but the fact the orchestra is a Palestinian / Israeli one is used for propaganda by the BBC to the Max.
Yet again we have the inept Razia Iqbal and Wayne Marshall who actually does know what he is talking about and is a black guy.
So it’s a white free zone and Palestine is heavily featured – it must be the very idea of heaven for the biased Beeboids.
There’s a NATO conference being held in Newport Wales next week. All the NATO leaders will be there . The bBC is currently reporting on the opening of a peace camp and how everyone will suffer becasue of NATO
Seeing as so many Islamic terrorists fucked off to kill are from Wales, that London is only a couple of hours away and that the gay death cult will (with the help of the bBC) be able to strike a blow against the kuffur. It isn’t hard to see why the UK has stepped up a gear.
The problem with so many bBC male femnazi TV presenters is they are so jealous of real women, they invent fake outrages in which to be able to act the Cunt. Which lets be honest is the only time in their lives they can.
But saying that, the trouble and strife is watching some program with that fat cunt Jo Brand, talk about who ate all the pies and then some more. P.S. What’s with the canned laughter?
great pounce
which is an excellent precursor to
… ba Ba BAAAHHH! re over 1400 child victims of atrocious abuse
…… just where ARE all the feminists eh!
getting all militant, and jumping the first bus up to Rotherham?
shouldn t be left to … what s left of the EDL
where is that “failings of new feminism”
Germaine Greer?
or how about Bonnie?
no interest in these 1400 female little ones?
#feminists – bring back our moral compass
yaaay! … feminism (jazz hands)
“just where ARE all the feminists eh!”
Running Rotherham council it would seem
Joyce Thaker- Jakie Wilson- Erica Leach – Pam Allen
All strong empowered women no doubt
A serious point here. Our culture has been so feminised that it is in stark contrast to the driving force of Isis.
I am not surprised that the young men of Islam are flocking to it’s black flag. That is what happens in a real world.
We will not defeat Isis unless we junk most of our late 20th century ways and get back to reality.
We will need warriors and they will have to be our best young men. This is the way of the world.
This is the beginning of a war of civilisations. We in the West did not seek it but that is not the point. Time we took our enemy seriously.
Today has seen some of the funniest desperate interviews for a long time.
Douglas Carswell leaves the Tories for UKIP and the BBC don’t know quite how to react.
On one hand they HATE UKIP and the thought of the first UKIP MP mortifies them. But on the other hand it lessens the chances of the Tories being able to form a government at the next election.
Then there’s the Tories not knowing which way to turn to attack. UKIP or Labour? It seems that UKIP had been slipping in the publicity stakes and Millipede is following the doctrine better keep quiet and let people think you’re an idiot rather than opening your mouth and confirming it.
So they wheel out some Tory rent a gobs to tell us a vote for UKIP is a vote for UKIP is a vote for Labour as it will let them in by the back door, and they tell us that they are the only party which will give an EU referendum.
There’s the problem! For anyone listening who might have been swayed. The BBC aren’t going to tell you that there have been a total of 5 promised referenda on the EU and all of those previous promises have been broken!
The Tories tell us that they want to ‘renegotiate’ the relationship between the UK and the EU, what they haven’t told you is that they have no intention of any ‘renegotiation’ and despite announcing this years ago no progress as to what they would be actually ‘renegotiating’ has been made.
of course the Europhile BBC doesn’t tell you any of this !
What would the difference be between Labour and the Tories?
Well Red Ed’s not telling, but it doesn’t seem there’s a whole heap of differences to find.
Leftie Dave didn’t get his epithet for nothing his record shows that in nearly every area he’s been every bit as bad as the previous Labour government.
Labour, Tory All one mixed up mess in the centre left with only UKIP standing out on the right.
I know who I’m voting for and the BBC aren’t going to approve.
The BBBC obviously decided that bad news for Tories is good news for Liebour, because 24 hours later, with the EU economy in a fatal spin, a war in the Ukraine, genocide in the Middle East and Africa, the main ‘story’ on the news was Douglas Carswell and a smiling Farage, and a serious looking Cameron.
The dire new bBC ‘comedy’ Boomers had managed 2 episodes without a minority character, wham bam episode 3 as predicted we have one, yes a sensible type in a position of authority!
Remove all those officials from office; council officials, police chiefs, senior social services. With a recommendation they NEVER hold public office again – dereliction of duty, and make sure they face a prison term
Javid Khan and his organisation really need a good look.
The Times clearly said that Barnardos were complicit in much of the abuse…and listening to Khan in this interview makes it clear that “lessons will be learned”; “let`s focus on the children-not us, the Muslims like myself; or the Councils and Social Work teams that employ my parody of a cheridee”…will be the States memes for the forseeable future.
If this doesn`t start a revolution in rotten Rotherham…where Labour and Islam coalesce…then I don`t know what will.
Khan was interviewed on Sky the other morning by Eamonn Holmes. Holmes repeatedly asked him if Shaun Wright should resign. Khan wriggled like a worm on a fish hook and wouldn’t give a direct answer. Holmes got so irritated by Khan’s non- answers that he practically shouted his demands that he answer the question. Khan wouldn’t get off the fence so Holmes ended the interview. Khan just showed himself to be part of the problem which looks bad on a charity that’s supposed to look after the interests of vulnerable children.
They closed their childrens homes in the 70s and since then seem to specialise in “providing support” and other “projects”. Given the utterly c**p job the public sector has done of looking after children now would be an ideal time for real charities to step in and take on that role. Trouble is there aren’t many real charities left are there.
Very robust interview by Mr Holmes, however everyone was using the past tense which assumes that this problem no longer exists (which is handy for those involved) but I dont believe that to be the case.
not be afraid of political correctness? The Police arrested the fathers of the children when they tried to stop it happening or went to complain. WHY is the Chief Constable still in his job or worse still why is he not being charged with criminal offences such as perverting the course of justice?
a Notting Hill resident at the scene stated
it is sad … but …
we don t want any Respect members here
we don t want any respect members goods
we don t want any Respect member visitors
and we definitely do not want any Respect member(pseudo) academics
we want this to be a Respect member free zone.
he s being arrested for hate speech and inciting racial hatred
his closing words were … we cannot condone this act of violence …. but …
you must understand we represent the world largest concentration camp, surrounded all around by those who wish to eradicate us, the occupation, the occupation …. thank you and goodnight
It`s all too tempting to obsess on the big picture re the BBC.
Their approach to Islam, to Labour and to the EU are totally predictable-and all part of the Eurodream, all part of the Kalifate they hope to create for the rest of us.
I myself see the devil in their details-and when Jim Naughtie is giving out car registration plates for cars that may be in France(“we have a lot of listeners over there”) on Today, at the peak 8.00-8.30 section of BBC output…then we can see the future possible role of the BBC in corralling us, snitching and being a veritable Police 5 for those who dare to thwart the NHS.
Truly creepy-if the family from Southampton have “failed to seek a blessing from doctors to take their child out of Southampton General Hospital”, then -for the life of me_ I don`t see how the hell Radio 4 chooses to be coppers nark…especially when they do f***all about absconders, about jihadists -or about things like the Balen Report.
No-I`m not having it…nor should you…for the BBC to give names of kids, families and registration details about private families who(for all we know) hate hospital food(as highlighted in the news bulletins today)-is a new low.
When did we ever get a detail about a Muslim child abuser, a BBC tax dodger or anybody else?…or is rebelling against the NHS THE big crime these days?
Time to bin the Beeb.
Al Beeb reports …
‘In a Downing Street press conference on Friday, the prime minister said Islamic State (IS) extremists – who are attempting to establish a “caliphate”, or Islamic state – represented a “greater and deeper threat to our security than we have known before”. ‘
Who left the doors open?
I’m sure that all but the most lunatic fringe of the left can join the dots up of 2005, The Trojan Horse schools, the Rotherham sex abuse scandal and all the other cases that will come to light, the murder of Lee Rigby, the latest beheading video, the increasing in the threat level, etc etc.
I can only assume that they don’t say anything , let alone do anything, about how can we deal with this internal Muslim threat to our society, because they are genuinely worried about ‘community cohesion’. I simply can’t believe that they can’t admit the error of their ways in promoting mass immigration to our once peaceful and friendly land. Perhaps I am being too generous?
However, they should consider that the pressure in the native Brit community is rising and will reach dangerous levels as ordinary white Brits realise that unless they do something themselves, no one else will because they are being sold down the river by their leaders. It would be far better if the ruling liberal left elite actually started to address the problem which they have done so much to create, viz how to have Muslims respect and adhere to British values.
Unless an answer to that problem is found one of two things is likely to happen, either we eventually accept Muslim values as our own , or, there is a terrible civil war. The idea that somehow the two cultures can live peacefully alongside is looking increasingly like pie in the sky.
I was very disturbed by the reporting of this, too.
First, it is important to understand that any medical treatment without the patient’s consent constitutes an assault. And that in the case of a young child, the consent for treatment must come from the parents. We are none of us, yet, obliged to have medical treatment. Now it is true that in exceptional dire cases, where there has been a disagreement between doctors and parents over the treatment of a young child, the doctors can apply to the High Court to make the child a ward of court and ask the court to make a decision on treatment in lieu of the parents. But that was not the case yesterday.
On to the reporting. The police (the POLICE, mind you) called a press conference about the parents taking the child away from hospital. The BBC first reported the story as the parents had taken this gravely ill child away from hospital WITHOUT PERMISSION. Now, as I’ve explained, except in cases where there is a court order, nobody needs anyone’s “permission” to leave hospital, or remove their child from hospital. God forbid that that should ever change. But here were the police, and the entire media circus, criminalising the conduct of a family that is no doubt in pieces already. No criminal offence had been committed. It was not a police matter at all. If the hospital felt strongly that the child should have treatment against the parents’ wishes, the proper thing to do would have been to apply to the High Court for an order to that effect. THE HOSPITAL could have held a press conference to that effect. But I repeat, it was not, and never was, a police matter.
During the course of the day, realisation began to dawn that the parents were not child abductors, and the story changed from “removed the child from hospital without permission” to “removed the child against the advice of doctors”. However, the BBC continued to use mealy-mouthed and deceitful language to unfairly leave open the question of whether the parents were master criminals. Thus, they now explained that whilst the parents didn’t necessarily need permission to take the boy out of hospital, it was “unclear” whether there was any court order preventing his removal. Of course, this was bollocks, because if there had have been a court order, it would have been the first thing that the hospital said. So it wasn’t “unclear” at all, the media simply chose not to ask “is there, or is there not a court order?”.
So now, still today, the story is basically that the parents are on the run. There is a Europe-wide man-hunt ongoing for them.
I neither condone nor criticise the parents’ actions. Which of us can say what we would do in the same dreadful circumstances? As far as the sick boy’s best interests are concerned, as I have said, there were proper avenues open to the medical people to go through to act in loco parentis if they wished to do so. But for the hospital, the police, and the media to criminalise their conduct is a grave and oppressive abuse of the power of the state.
(I have checked the latest BBC website report this morning. Still nothing about any court proceedings, other than a continuation of the deceit that it is “unclear”. Thus: “it has not been confirmed whether Ashya was subject to an order”. Well, has NOBODY BLOODY WELL ASKED THE DIRECT QUESTION??)
Well it’s taken the BBC some time but this has to be one of the maddest examples of bias I think I’ve ever come across!
Think you know what the motivation behind the ISIL is? Assumed it was radical Islam did you, you obviously racist and Islamophobic bigot !
The cause of the uprising is in fact not enough Political Correctness !
The lack of equality policies is what has led to the rise of the new Caliphate !
Don’t believe me? Read it & weep !
The grouping of fighters that has swept through Iraq to within 60km (40 miles) of the capital is not a nihilistic jihadist group hell bent on the establishment of an Islamic caliphate.
It is a more general uprising by large groupings of disaffected communities throughout north-western Iraq and a product of years of social exclusion, poor governance and corruption by the Iraqi government.
In the long run, however, if Baghdad cannot understand the need for political reform is as important as enforcing security then Iraq’s problems could last a very long time.
First thing I stumbled over was the headline, which is a pretty good… bad start.
What a question!
Are there degrees of extremity? Is there a handy chart somewhere? Are we talking drag-behind-moped extreme or the full hack-off-kids’-heads extreme? These distinctions clearly matter.
Then I saw the byline, and that the BBC has pissed off to the beach handing the edit suite to a chum, and all became clear.
The BBC asks: ‘Iraq crisis: How extreme are the fighters in Isis?’
Presumably with both hands and fingers crossed behind its back, whilst clutching a black flag – for if beheadings, crucifixions, burying people alive, slavery, mass executions, enforced conversion to Islam and every other example of subhuman brutality coming out off ‘IS’ doesn’t allow you to make a call on that, it would seem you have lost all sense of moral perspective.
Following on from Grand Mufti David, “terrorist threat severe/nothing to do with Islam”, Cameron. trumpeted by the BBC
Al Quaida inspired?, ISIS inspired?, some warped world view?, poverty, foreign policy?, some battle between Islam and those who wish to abuse it?, countless acts of Islamic kindness?, the peaceful?, its spiritual guidance etc etc etc
“According to the FBI, there are “eight types of domestic extremist movements—none motivated by radical Islam. They include anti-government militia groups and white supremacy extremists, along with ‘sovereign citizen’ nationalists, and anarchists. Other domestic threat groups outlined by the FBI assessment include violent animal rights and environmentalist extremists, black separatists, anti- and pro-abortion activists, and Puerto Rican nationalists.” Jihad? What’s that?
Oh, the interior spiritual struggle for self-improvement?
What does that have to do with terrorism?”
R Spencer
Paedophile Information Exchange-Harriet and Jack Dromedary, Patricia Hewitt…National Council for Civil Liberties
Islington Childrens Homes-Margaret Hodge
Baby P-Sharon Shoesmith, Ed Balls
Jimmy Savile and the Savilising influences like childrens telly.
Mid Staffs hospital -Andy Burnham, Alan Johnson
Rotherham, Eglingham and the hounding of UKIP foster parents and potential adopters.
Lee Rigby.
Baroness Uddin, Lord Ahmed of Rotherham and Ali Dezsai.
Trojan Horse infiitration…Ed Balls at the helm at the start, maybe?
The BBC won`t join the dots. of course…but when I do I get a shape like Paul Flowers sucking on a big kebab with Branded white powder to hand, somewhere in the Pennines…with the muezzin calls to dawn prayer drowning out the sound of anything unpleasant, in adjoining ante rooms of the Council chambers of the Labour Kalifate.
And an old miners flag getting a coat of black paint being provided by the SureStart Chain of “stakeholders and diversity champeens”-using suitably modified children, of course.
Where Labour meets Islam…you get Saddam, Gadhaffi and all manner of brainless unprincipled taqqiya jockeys …runners and riders depending on whether the course is Doncaster or Kelso.
(With the exception of Khalid Mahmood, who has performed way above the pay grade I`d have thought for him)
– Casciani, using his own Islam-light language, vaguely mentions “community attempts to challenge the jihad narrative online;” he speaks of Islamic advocates, ‘Cage’ as a mere “pressure group”. He calls the Islamic jihadists using Britain as their base: “Syria fighters.”
And he is politically unaware that he is describing Beeboids like himself in referring to “people” in the following:-
“People dismissed the idea that the UK could be a target – until bombs exploded in London on 7 July 2005.”
Please could you let me know who is your main correspondent for South Yorkshire, because I and millions who pay you for unbiased news without fear or favour have been somewhat short changed.
BBC TV Licensing’s newest PR campaign focuses on the “tremendous value” provided by the licence fee, which is the equivalent of only 40 pence a day.
The only problem is that it isn’t actually that good value, when you compare it to the price of licence-free on-demand services out there. Another TV Licensing own goal!
I voluntarily buy the Mail or the Express, but I do not have to pay a print Licence for the privilege of funding left-wing newspapers such as the Mirror, because I believe the state imposed print Licence was abolished in the 1640,s.
‘Police forces are still regularly criticised for failing to tackle racism, but now they – along with councils – will face greater scrutiny over the possibility of failing to act because of anxiety over appearing racist.’ –
Yes, and who is to blame for the police being terrified of being called racist, BBC?
Usual pile of crap on “Any Questions”.
Enough red herrings, canards and smoke screens to last a lifetime.
And , should any Telegraph reader or even anybody vaguely off-message-somehow manage to get through to the show…cue enough snow jobs,slither and equivocation from Anita Anand.
So now Rotherham was NOT linked to Asia, let alone that horrid M word we care not use..not a link to Islam…nah, just blokes…we`re all to blame, don`t even think that its a Muslim obsession!
Let me say it again
1. Shoesmith and Balls
2. Savile and the BBC
3. Mid-Staffs and Burnham
4. Harmans and PIE
5.Hodge and Islington care homes
6. Lee Rigby and the rulings of immacs Cameron and Johndon.
7, Rochdale, Bradford, Blackpool, Derby, Peterborough, Oxford and the like…all sex grooming contact points…all Labour empires.
Get it-Labour=Islam=war.
Andrew Norfolk, The Times’ reporter who finally took the whole story to national prominence, has no doubt about the Muslim connection. In fact he said he would bet his life savings on it. The victims were always aged 12-15, the first contact was in a public place — a shopping mall, a town centre, a bus or train station — and a grooming process developed in which girls were initially flattered and excited by the attentions of young men a few years older than them who took an interest, offered the adult thrills of cigarettes, alcohol and rides in flashy cars, then wanted to become their boyfriends.
A sexual relationship developed in which the girl was sooner or later asked to prove her love by sleeping with his best friend, then with more friends. In the worst cases, girls were being taken to “parties” in house and flats, or put in cars and driven to locations across the country. Always for sex; often violent sex.
There seemed a collective nature to this offending. It was always more than one man in the dock. And it was hard not to notice that the published information about the convicted men in each case had something else in common. They invariably had Muslim names.
The final trigger for our investigation came in August 2010 when I heard a radio news report from a trial I knew nothing about. Nine men in Greater Manchester had been found guilty of offences against a 14-year-old girl. The offenders were not named in the report but from the descriptions of their crimes I realised I would probably bet my life savings that they had Muslim names. (£)
And apparently, according to one panellist, the answer to all problems Middle East and Islamic is for us to do more to bring democracy to these countries because that’s all the people want – the Arab Spring proved that, don’t you know – and we have a history of charging gung-ho into the Middle East and cocking things up by violently imposing our will and we’ve been doing this for several hundred years yada yada.
Cue wild applause from the audience.
We’ve become a nation of simpletons, thanks in no small part to the leftist historical revisionism the BBC broadcasts day in day out.
bBC news 24 have just run a Newsnight special (1430-1500) on the implications of the vote in Parliament exactly a year ago which said ‘NO to bombing the Assad Regime in Syria.
Did the bBC talk about just who is who (Combatants) inside Syria…No
Did the bBC talk about that if we had bombed Syria, ISIS would be even stronger?…No
Did the bBC talk about what has happened since that vote inside Syria…No
They did however spend a lot of time on speaking about the fall of British prestige over not bombing Assad. They did spend a lot of time talking about the how that relationship between the US and UK has been strained and they did spend a lot of time berating the British Armed Forces for doing nothing.
But this is the bBC, who find fault in anything you do if you are white male and Christian, so they ended with how for the moment the nasty British armed forces are flying over Iraq dropping Aid……..for now. The bBC, the traitors within our midst
And the fearless BBC did THEIR bit for gay liberation earlier this year by folding up their marquee, and refusing some gay Muslim the forum to discuss the BBC3 Big Question that had been advertised “Why do Muslims have a problem with being gay?” or such.
And all because the mosque in Birmingham chosen to host the “debate”, didn`t want to discuss this stated “Big Question”…and the BBC diversity mob rolled up the tent, and agreed not to allow the gay lad to speak.
Therefore-when it comes to Christians in a Dixie non-story from the USA?…the BBC are fearless!
But when it comes to Muslims hoping to discuss the same by Pebble Mill, and paid for by the BBC?…well, the BBC don the burka and trail behind the camel, as ordered to.
What courage….Jimmy Savile would be proud…or is it rigor mortis?
Currently watching a bBC News 24 program about Scotland. I have never seen such a biased program in my life. Anybody watching this program will walk away rich in the knowledge that the bBC says that Scotland would be better off on its own, that it was Tory cuts which is the reason why Scottish people are angry and actually England needs Scottish money more than Scotland needs English.
Well, as I keep saying if the Scottish vote to leave, lets ensure that Scottish people are banned from moving to the Uk, when their country goes tits up.
Just like every other country which has voted for independence from the UK, these past 50 years.
Just bravely watched two episodes of BBC4’s “Chivalry and Betrayal: The Hundred Years War”.
Better than expected, to be honest. Low points so far are a silly reference to the Poll Tax and, far more obnoxiously, the suggestion by some tit of a university professor that 9/11 was analogous to the Peasants’ Revolt.
Every damn BBC programme – the agenda is always there, somewhere.
(I believe I recorded this some time ago. Apologies if someone has already raised these points.)
When people say a BBC history programme is good I suppose they mean it is well produced. Even if you are aware of their agenda it is easy to be taken in and it’s best to avoid unless you know something of that period in history and you just want to see the BBC’s take on it.
Quite right. There is barely any BBC programme that can safely be watched without wearing a pair of bias goggles to filter out the, often well disguised, messages.
They manage to squeeze their collectivist ‘progressive’ garbage into the most extraordinary subjects.
The sole output from the BBC I bother to watch nowadays is pretty much only their historical documentaries. I stopped the licence a while ago so it’s just what is available on i-Player. I remember that Hundred Years War series..not bad overall, but the presenter – a big girl with a big moon face – was quite disconcerting.
New Presenter who was dreadful. Repeatedly fluffed his auto-cue lines over a twenty minute period. He diverted attention away from the news with his embarrassing incompetence.
Guess what? He’s an ethnic minority.
Fifty British white people probably applied and yet failed in their applications for the post.
When people say a BBC history programme is good I suppose they mean it is well produced. Even if you are aware of their agenda it is easy to be taken in and it’s best to avoid unless you know something of that period in history and you just want to see the BBC’s take on it.
Interesting bit of ‘balance’ on iPlayer currently.
A 50’s Technicolor bit of Brit hokum called ‘Northwest Frontier’, starring Kenneth More as a stiff upper lip, supported by an amazing A-list selection.
I stuck with it because the script on occasion intrigued, not least because of odd aspects that mirrored events of today, but also surprising concessions to nuance and other points of view, which given the era seemed as commendable as remarkable.
But overall there remained one set of loons dedicated to massacring whoever didn’t fit with their lifestyle choices, including children, with hapless Brits copping the blame (and bullets) from all sides for not stopping them effectively enough.
Oh, and a news reporter who was quite dedicated to the public’s right to know… his belief sets and none other. Plus a bit of an activist when it seems his ‘reports’ are not working as well or as quickly as he’d like.
Kind of reminded me of the blossoming journalistic cubicle gardens at the BBC.
Know the film well. It was a favourite of mine in the 1960s.
Was released as ‘Flame Over India’ in the US, presumably to avoid confusion, with Lauren Bacall as top billing in the hope that one or two Yanks would turn up.
Topical, as you say, but not a snowball’s chance in hell of a film like that being made now. No more selective than Attenborough’s ‘Gandhi, mind you.
Mr D is no fan of the Bake Off but I have just had to calm him down and hope his blood pressure has not gone sky high. We watched the episode where Diana appeared to remove Iain’s ice cream from the freezer and it certainly appeared as though the fault was hers. But the BBC put out a little statement admitting the editing made it appear she was to blame. Well if they knew the editing was to blame, why not re-edit before it was broadcast?. Typical BBC obviously thought that they needed to hype the programme up now it is on BBC1 and bring excitement. The BBC restore trust? Forget it.
All very nice ,but I don`t care about some numpty`s spat who, `Can`t cook , Won`t cook `,all on the Tv tax . I hope they all get food poisoning . Just had an excellent pub meal in Essex , cook by Essex people for Essex people . No effnicks allowed .
I was just watching Proms Extra. There was a short piece where the prommers were asking questions of the three conductors in the studio. Now one of the prommers was of Afro Caribbean descent. I have been at a couple of proms this year and have consciously searched the audience for members of ethnic minorities. I could find the odd Asian and Chinese possibly but African blacks were rarer than hens’ teeth. So where did the BBC find one of that decent? If she was a genuine prommers he was a dead cert to be shown asking a question.
Same place they found Zimbabwean fishermen in Whitby for ‘Coast’ a year or two ago.
People from the Far East or of Far Eastern descent are quite common in Classical music, but to the BBC they are of no consequence whatsoever, apparently. Obnoxious, and probably racist as well, if you want to look at it that way.
”I have been at a couple of proms this year and have consciously searched the audience for members of ethnic minorities. Now one of the prommers was of Afro Caribbean descent.”
That’s a bit like seeing an Eskimo in the Sahara desert.
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Does anybody know when the BBC changed from neutral colour scheme for its news and other programmes to the stark red theme?
The globe turned from blue to red as far as the BBC were concerned round about 1997. Funny that.
Indeed 1997 it was with the arrival of News 24, also bBC1 dropped the blue globe which had dated from 1969 in favour of the red/orange balloon.
In 2002 things went all multi-cult and PC with the arrival of the Bollywood dancers, Maasai Tribes and Tai Chi. drip, drip, drip…..
Thanks for reminding me about the Bollywood dancers, the first time I saw that, I thought WTF. Do you think on Indian television there’s morris dancers ? I kinda doubt it.
Actually looking back at that whole collection of idents I linked to (2002), one does have to ask just WTF was their connection to the first ‘B’ of the bBC?
You’re right, but I quite like the thought of several million tv viewers in India watching an ident featuring Morris dancers and saying, ‘WTF’?
I never thought to look on Wikipedia! I knew somebody here would know. I remember the globe and back drops being dark blue but even though the Tories use blue as a colour they don’t own it in the way the Left owns the colour red. In the past the sets for the news may not have been stylish but at least they weren’t overt. Can’t understand why we can’t just go back to somebody behind a desk.
I’ve often (indeed nightly) observed the sheer redness of the BBC’s newsroom sets, as if wearing their colours with pride. So too the plethora of red ties and red outfits from its female presenters.
1997 marked a noteable sea-change; but has anyone noticed another, more marked move recently? Not just in the current affair output, which is more Guardian-esq than it has ever been, but also now a frankly disproportionate representation among its journalists, presenters and news readers of bth Asians and women. I’m all for fair representation, but the BBC’s policy of fillings its studios and newsrooms with young Asian women (including to report on the day’s action from the football league theother day in an effort to break down “gender stereo-typing”) is laughable and patronising.
News output on the radio is becoming little more than a re-hash of what their researchers have happened acorss in the Guardian that day. It is used endlessley as both a source for stories and as a voice of authority on both R4 and R5: “and later, we’ll be talking to Polly Toynbee….”.
There are now so many examples of real and true left wing bias as we approach the election, that I barely know where to start and hence tend to post in generalisations. Bu for example, one this week from the news when reporting the death of Richard Attenborough, who the BBC lovingly reported on as being “a supporter for many good and left-wing causes”. It was one of the more blatant lines I’ve heard this week.
I will post separately about the increasingly sexist (in favour of women) attitude that pervades the BBC.
Yes, and have you noticed that indent with all the people wearing different colour rain macs, riding bicycles and joining the circle as it rotates?.
Multi-coloured and Multi-cultured!.
“Come on in everybody!”.
It represents nothing less than Multiculturalism.
I have a copy of the current Private Eye (No. 1373). There is a short article on the BBC’s Diversity Unit on which apparently in the last ten years millions of pounds have been spent but despite which the BBC say they still have a problem with recruitment from ethnic minorities.
According to the BBC in house mag, Ariel, the BBC Academy is looking for ‘black, Asian and minority ethnic staff with potential to become on air experts in anything from food to finance’. They are going to have ‘Expert Voice’ days around the country. They are looking for people who fit the ‘criteria’ which in Private Eye’s view, ‘could end up being a matter for the courts. If you are white it may not be worth applying’.
Am I naive? – I did not know they had a Diversity Unit, an Academy or a problem employing ethnic minorities.
I have noticed the women sports presenters after the Andy Grey “scandal” from a while back and my impression of them is the usual that they know everything about the big Prem teams but have no clue as to anyone outside the top 6 teams.
As a “football mad” woman at work said to me recently she didn’t see any point of football outside of the Premiership and my jaw nearly hit the floor considering the thousands and thousands of proper fans who follow their rubbish local teams everywhere I was annoyed but not surprised and would expect such comments from most of their female sports people
rant over!
I’ve noticed comments have all been blocked on internet newspaper sites regarding the Rotherham Pakistan muslim sex gangs, the same thing happened when soldier Lee Rigby was beheaded. Strange that, isn’t it ?
its laughable isnt it. They scared people might say things that are not politically correct. By not allowing comments, the press are making the same mistakes as Rotherham Council and the police.
Has the BBC allowed the people that pay for it to comment of such a matter a national importance?
Yet we’re allowed to comment on insignificant storm in a tea cup trivialities like Jeremy Clarkson saying a word which starts with the 14th letter of the alphabet.
Now Now lets not go down that slope.
You mean “nuhhuh”?
It’s not a mistake it is deliberate !
Excellent video kinda sums up the problem. Not that the BBC would ever dare report this truth. Our cultural brothers across the pond can see it though.
Hmm, blaming the muslims for doing this is a bit like blaming a rattle snake for biting you, that’s what they do, duh !! The real villains of the piece are the Lib Lab Con elite and their open doors immigration polices.
Remember David Camoron ?
I’ve just posted a comment on Sky, surprised it passed the censors, it went along the lines ‘he’ll resign when he’s finished hiding evidence and shredding documents’
The Guardian has several articles – but they won’t last as each person being sent over the barricade with their report is summarily executed by the comments below the line.
Still waiting for Polly Toynbee (doesn’t she post on Thursdays) and Ed Miliband to post.
Arthur, I’ll be very surprised if Miliband makes any comment regarding Shaun Wright. Red Ed campaigned for Wright when he was standing as a candidate for PCC.
He tweeted several messages throughout the last week, including Douglas Carswell’s defection to UKIP, (a hammer blow to Cameron apparently), but he was strangely silent on the Labour candidate for South Yorks PCC refusing to resign.
To my knowledge, and I’m not on twitter, he hasn’t even said anything about Wright resigning as a Labour member. At least Douglas Carswell had the decency to stand down and allow the people of Clacton to decide if they still want him as their MP.
As I, and many others have said, if you don’t allow honest discussion of the problem, you cannot tackle the problem.
I pointed out on the Mails site when the story broke, that not discussing the background of the perpetrators, then you could never address the problem…my post got filed under “We don’t wanna hear it…la-la-la….” as with every single media outlet.
One of my biggest worries is that my best mate is from Rotherham, and has a daughter, I genuinely fear for her.
Actually, there have been some allowing comments on the Guardian in the past few days. Here’s one that’s typical of the PeeCee, lefty pandering to the Pakistani community:
Seems that the author really believes the mealy-mouthed rubbish he writes:
For what low opinion must you have of those of Pakistani heritage to think that they, or Muslims more widely, would be offended by the prospect of violent paedophiles facing justice for their crimes? Posing as cultural sensitivity, such a concern betrays contempt: by presuming they would stand by the abusers and torturers in their midst it damns an entire community for the vile behaviour of a few.
The article was posted last night and has attracted over 800 comments, many, if not most of them attacking the author for refusing to look at what’s in front of his face in case it might offend Pakistanis.
It will reopen for comments later this morning. (These Guardian lefties who ‘moderate’ the articles apparently can’t drag themselves out of bed before 10 am.)
The BBC has certainly been sailing on a leftward tack since 1980 and possibly well before then. It was only around 1980 that I started to listen to news and current affairs programmes and they were certainly vehemently anti Lady T and all that she was doing. I was living in Scotland then and you never heard anything positive about investment or new jobs being created etc etc, it was just totally negativity and blaming Lady T and the Tories for the loss of clapped out ship yards, coal mines and steel works . I think that the decades of leftist propaganda by the BBC in Scotland is what actually poisoned the Tory brand there. Even today, 20 or 30 years later, Alex Salmond spends more time attacking the Tories than he does explaining why independence would be good for Scotland.
The BBC managed to brainwash large numbers of people in Scotland into believing that the Tories were totally to blame for the loss of Scottish industry. The same is probably true of other parts of industrial Britain. The Tories must realise that the BBC will never be reconciled to their being in power and will do all it can to make sure that Labour, SNP or whoever, get the peoples vote.
Getting rid of the BBC must be a key part of any future Tory government, otherwise, even if they get into power, they will only rule with the consent of the BBC.
No future Tory government will do that. Whether that is because they mistakenly live in fear of the liberal inquisition (no amount of obsequence will alter the the BBC’s pathological hatred of the Tories ) or because the parliamentary party is part of the same ,public school educated, ox-bridge humanities graduate patrician class as the BBC (and labour party) who cares they wont and that’s end to it
A UKIP Torie coalition however is a different matter
As has been posted here earlier today -vote Tory get Labour
Vote for anyone but Labour, and still get Labour.
If enough Tory MPs defect, the whole game changes .
The ‘climate’ will then really ‘change’ .
It would be fascinating to spend an hour with the Tory Communcations office high command on this subject. What have they been doing? As you point out, the BBC has been blazing its leftward trail since Maggie T, and therefore to re-balance the books when the rancid culture is now so firmly embedded in the wretched corporation, is one hell of a PR task. But of late, the Tories are simply letting the Beeb get away with scandously one-eyed reporting. I don’t know whether the Tories comms team is completely toothless or what the so called BBC TRust have been doing but the solution to me it seems is simply to not subject yourself to its constant propoganda. When Cameron got into No 10, I thought there might be a sea change based on some of his past comments about the BBC but I am sadly disappointed.
You’ll probably find that good ole leftie Metrosexual Dave approves of the output !
Good post both Doublethinker and Robin, if I may add that the BBC only started its propaganda Bias agenda when John Birt (now Lord Birt) took over the helm at the BBC in 1987 (in those days they had Governers instead of Trustees). Just before (1985) Mi5 (see Obituary below of Mi5’s BBC Ronnie Stonham) were monitoring staff recruitment which soon stopped (presumerably) under Birts insistance… ‘MI5 files on BBC staff ‘were shredded when Cold War ended’ by Alex Spence Media Editor (from The Times).;board=Obituaries;
Birt set the ‘new’ Agenda which the BBC slavishly set to this day copying The Guardian ‘style’ newspaper in detail and aligning itself to the left as a matter of self preservation (they know that Labour is far more willing to support a compulsory license fee than the Conservatives).
All the DG’s since BIRT have been Labour linked placeman and the Trustees have been just as useless as the previous Governers were before Birt joined the Corporation. The BBC need power and influence to survive so as Englands wealth declines (in real terms) the EU and Arab money fuels the beast. Former BBC DG Mark Thomson was famously paid 1,000,000 (on top of his salery) to keep him ‘focussed’. You may ask what this could possibly be. Lord Patten (now retired) refused to answer Westminster Parliamentary Scrutiny Comittee) but it’s not difficult to see how they operate to ‘balance’ news output to their overwhelming political advantage. See ‘Can we trust the BBC?’ (Oct.3, 2013). Excerpts from the Book by ex BBC man John Aitkin.
The BBC is now effectively the campaign spokesman for the EU. We can protest but not be heard in our own country.
it took the bbc 24 hours to catch up with what would otherwise have been an instant feature of its website –
pretty woman attacked, gruesome piccies, `yooff` culture angle, London-centric –
what on earth could the problem have been, perhaps she was having trouble remembering what her attacker looked like?
shouldnt the BBC have given a description of the attacker in order to help the police catch this thug? Al Beeb still havnt learned the mistakes of Rotherham. When will cultural marxists learn?
“The attacker is described as about 6ft tall, black, in his late 20s or early 30s, and wore all black clothing, including a flat cap.”
giving a description of the attacker would be `playing into BNP hands` – just like reporting the mass rape of English girls in Rotherham, etc, etc, etc
I also noticed this ’cause for concern’ BBC report featuring the young woman and thought… supposing the BBC are so very concerned that her attacker be brought to justice… then how come our national broadcaster missed this opportunity to provide his description? Demarkation dispute with Crimewatch? No, of course not. It was BBC/NUJ racism. Had the Notting Hill party pooper been white we would have heard no end of his skin colour. And by the way, I doubt we would have heard anything at all from the poor woman had she not exclaimed to the reporter how keen she was to return, same place, same time, next year. The article was pitched as a ‘wimmins’ issue. Girls just want to have fun, Notting Hill annual grope, punch and stabathon is fine and dandy, men are bad.
A very revealing report from France 24 about the sites of those Hamas Missile sites (I wonder why the parents had no problem allowing their children to climb all over them)
BBC Balance

This sums them up quite well.

They do not support the Nazis, they are communist stalinists ,much worse
This is a petition I hope we can all get behind. Please sign and share widely.
Change BBC boilerplate on Gaza casualties to reflect disputed figures
The full petition to the BBC and BBC Trust: Modify the BBC Gaza boilerplate “on the Palestinian side more than [whatever is their current claim] have been killed, the majority of them civilians” to “Hamas sources claim [whatever is their current claim] have been killed, the majority of them civilians. However Israeli sources strenuously contest this claim as to both the total number and the percentage of those killed who can be claimed to be civilian.
This petition differs from most others in that it has a specific address and demands a specific and checkable change in language.
It doesn’t demand a change in corporate culture nor does it however justifiably demand that the more credible Israeli figures be used. It demands that the BBC adhere to their legal obligation to impartiality by informing their audience that there are disputed figures and their current boilerplate has not been confirmed by the BBC.
If the petition reaches its goal of 10,000 signatures it becomes a news story in its own right and the BBC will be asked by the other media and the public why it doesn’t adhere to its standards.
For more on the reasoning. … and the majority were not civilian
If you are active on social media the project has a Facebook page Petition the BBC
have you noticed how the bbc is supressing the identitys and races of the other muslim paedophiles in rotherham,we always hear on the the bbc that the child rapers and torturers of these 1400 but i reckon its over 2000 white children was from a mainly pakistani background,so who was the others you might ask,channel 4 last night had a inteview with a former tory councillor in rotherham and he said that iraqi and somalian asylum seekers being housed in high rise flats was the others involved in this muslim paedophilie ring with these pakistanis,why are the bbc supressing this fact,why i ask.may it be something to do with the fact that these asylums involved in this paedophilia are the same lot who are massing in france trying to break into are country on back of lorrys.i say yes and the bbc and other media outlets are trying to hide this from us.
“waycism” is the obfuscation, the “look at me” – whereas the hard fact is its Islam, Islamic community, Islamic custom and practice and Islamic texts/doctrine, Islamic supremacism.
Somali, Morroccan, Afghan, Paki, Iraqi, Bangladeshi, “waycist?”
what! … to all of them?
Exactly … questions would get difficult, the Al BBC narrative would crumble,
of course, next question the overriding link to all of the above?.
at least we haven t had to suffer the intellect insulting
bleating of ” Islamofauxbia” from the usual suspects.
pray tell? … what race is Islam again?
A much more truthful, non pc, exhaustive, exacting. precise and upsetting report
Click to access Easy-Meat-Multiculturalism-Islam-and-Child-Sex-Slavery-05-03-2014.pdf
It explains why so many
illegal immigrants“refugees” are risking their lives to cross many safe countries (which they are legally obliged to offer themselves for assylum in) in order to get to Britain.Think about it. If you are a Muslim, who has been tought from birth that Allah, is the greatest authority in the entire universe, and through his Prophet, Mohammad, you are tought to remind yourself of how great Allah is, in everything you say and write, with the regular inclusion of Allahu Ackbars and Inshallas etc… And that your constant repetitive self-brain washing of the supremacy of Allah and Islam combined with the suras of the Quoran which state that there is no other law but Islam and followers of Islam are the greatest and best people on earth and that the followers of every other religion are the worst that they can be and are LOWER than cattle, so that non-Muslim men must be beheaded and non-Muslim women must be taken to be used as sex slaves….
Then you hear from your relatives in the UK that the labour local authorities and the police have colluded to effectively legalise the rape of non muslim children in the UK…
You would then make a bee-line for the UK to partake in this legalised human sexual harvest.
Just ploughing threw the Jay Report, right at the start it points out that 1400 is a conservative estimate and that it continues today, so we’ll see some arrests right?
Crossed the channel at the weekend to Calais and the road was blocked by French police chasing illegal immigrants across the dual carriage way, unreal
I posted on the last open thread about the fact that grooming gangs aren’t just of Pakistani origin. In Sheffield there have been Yemeni, Somalian, other Arab nationalities and Eastern European grooming gangs. The only common denominator has been their religion. So it DOES have a bearing on the practice. Don’t believe the narrative that the Muslim community is shocked, yes shocked, at the revelations. These youths are encouraged by community elders to practice their illicit sexual behaviour on young white girls, many of whom are then discarded when they reach the age of consent. They see white girls as “slags”, “whores” and beneath contempt. These white girls are treated as sexual toys to be discarded when they reach sixteen years. It’s been a dirty little open secret for years that’s been known about by the authorities. I can remember thirty years ago there were a number of Arab/Asian cafés with exotic names like “Star of India” and “Arabian Nights” in Sheffield that had a reputation of coaxing young white girls inside for illicit sex. Nothing was done about it then and I suspect very little will be done now. When electoral demographics change in favour of ethnic minorities then they can become quite powerful where local politicians don’t want to lose their votes and various public service agencies don’t want the iniquity of being labelled racist. Just look at how that silly, useless pillock Theresa May has just imposed extra regulation on Police Stop-and-Search because of cries of “Wacism” when it’s alleged too many blacks are being stopped. That blacks and Asians are in the MAJORITY in some parts of London and so the figures will be distorted seems to have by-passed our spineless Home Secretary. Believe me, even after all the shouting about Rotherham, nothing will change because, as Enoch Powell once presciently said, they now hold the whip hand because politicians need to court their votes.
The east european (ie roma gypsys) “groomers”, I think are a bit of a media red herring. They wont fit the profile of the others, they are not Muslims, but they will be running prostitution rackets and probably mainly using girls from amongst their own. So its a more traditional pimping business and I think should not be grouped in with the vile acts that have been taking place in Rotherham, etc.
I wasn’t referring to Roma when I mentioned Eastern European. The paedos I was thinking about were of Kosovan origin and the majority of those are of the R.O.P.
I think it was on Newsnight that one of the commentators mentioned Slovak roma, when identifying others accused of Rotherham type crime, but this was not backed by any examples.
What fascinates me is, just how do you move to a new country then start a successful career in major crime? I would struggle to start one and I have lived here all my life! Can you imagine going to the embassy of an eastern country saying you want to move there, can you have a house and benefits, and by the way what are the boom areas for crime? Course not! A few years back a lot of police effort here was expended preventing a turf war between Pakistani and Albania gangs over local prostitution. I just wonder how much crime would go down if it were just Brits committing crime. Same police numbers just fewer criminals to catch!
The Met Office have reported that this August (with a couple of days to go) has been the coldest for 21 years with N. Ireland having its coldest August night ever recorded. Is Mr Harrabin still in his bunker?
No – toasting chest and nuts by his log fire.…radio 5 lives favorite muslim
Shafiq that shyster
Mo Ansar — strike! discredited
Fiyaz Mughal … strike! discredited
Mehdi Hasan … next!
Mo Shafiq …
Ajmal Masroor….
all strangely soooo beloved of the BBC
terror threat raised to severe
Camoron no specific reason?
cue tosspots-are-us complaining about foreign policy
Camoron … islam is a peaceful faith ya da ya da ya da
we have to differentiate between faith and ideology?
why? … Islam doesn t? … most muslims don t?
Islam IS more political totalitarian ideology than faith anyway
Do us and yourself a big (society) favour Dave
… shut the f-ck up
Good point Goatie. We’ll see what happens next.
‘Too little too little late’ used to be Al Beeb’s mantra about any Tory policy but in this case it is justified in ‘Rainbow Dave’s’ terror threat elevation, the Islamic terror cells ‘are already here’…..
Merely a smokescreen to take the heat off Carswell and Rotherham.
THIS “strangely soooo beloved of the BBC” Mo Shafiq?
Notice that Jack Straw at 3 mins in, insinuated that most paedophiles are white, but totally lied. Because white paedophiles are reported, investigated, charged and sentenced, where brown ones are avoided at every point due to fears of ‘racism’. He is a traitor, certainly not worthy of being an MP.
Get Carter vs Rotherham Council
Car park sadly (OK, not really, it was hideous) demolished and replaced with a Tesco now………
The longer Shaun Wright stays on, the more that the likes of Lord(Baron) Ahmed of Rotherham can be looked at.
If he is not at the nexus of where rotten Labour meets aspirational Islam, then who else is?
He was even something in Victim Support up there.
I see him as a Paul Flowers bloke-like those Family “Trees of Rock “on the telly….I`d be looking at the likes of him, Warsi, Blunkett etc.
A vapour trail of influences that will get increasingly toxic, IMHO.
There are two videos posted above which come from the USA and Canada. They discuss very frankly what went on Rotherham and other parts of the UK and ask why has the liberal left establishment and the British media been so hesitant to put the blame, where it clearly belongs, on Muslim men.
If only we had a news organisation like Fox who didn’t give a toss about the liberal left sensitivities but just told it as they saw it , we would be much better off and thousands of young girls would have been spared the degredation that they suffered.
Surely,one important aspect of this awful story is why did the establishment and media stay silent for so long when it is clear that they knew what was going on. Of course as most of the media is guilty I don’t suppose anyone will really investigate that.
Once again the British people have been sold down the river by the liberal left establishment and media.
It was intersting to also note that the BBC, while touching on the point about the cover -up in Rotherham due to sensitivities of race, of course did exactly the same thing. In several interviews on the subject this week, on both radio and TV, I have not heard the men once referred to as muslim, only as ” of Pakistani origin”.
BBC Al Jazeera Questions, oops i mean Any Question s
Ritula Shah presents political debate from the Broadcasting House Radio Theatre in London with Osama Saeed, Thomasina Miers
and Simon Heffer.
Could there be an uncomfortable question raised?
I listened to it..Fantasies and liberal drivel. Even Heffer sounded bizarre. Cheers for any liberal bullet point- we love love immigration and boos for any non liberal words.Couldn’t handle Rotherham at all.
Rubbish. As I said before the liberal media is worthless.
When a civilisation goes mad then a sane man thinks about getting out.
I want my whole family gone by 2030 latest. And yes there is somewhere to go .
And will INBBC censor this Islamic practice in U.K?:-
“‘Free Palestine, boycott Israel’ bank notes handed out by newsagent cause outrage.
“The manager of a newsagent has come under fire for handing out bank notes stamped with the message reading “free Palestine, boycott Israel”.
I think that defacing a bank note is a criminal act – guess the police will be onto this pretty quick and the perp will be spending some time inside??
This wasn’t only in Bolton . Don’t know how widespread but certainly heard of people receiving these notes from cash machines in London.
INBBC: ‘this is exciting’- Norway goes Islamic.
“Norway: Mohammed most common men’s name in Oslo.”
Scandinavia is allowing itself to be eaten from within by the Islamic cancer.
Except for Denmark – which is resisting the cancer. Sweden has been virtually destroyed.
“Except for Denmark”
It’s all that bacon.
I put this on the other thread, but feel its needs a little more expose over here.
It’s the Friday proms and they have Daniel Barenboim and the West–Eastern Divan Orchestra.
The program is the opposite of the usual BBC high brow crap which is painful to listen to, but the fact the orchestra is a Palestinian / Israeli one is used for propaganda by the BBC to the Max.
Yet again we have the inept Razia Iqbal and Wayne Marshall who actually does know what he is talking about and is a black guy.
So it’s a white free zone and Palestine is heavily featured – it must be the very idea of heaven for the biased Beeboids.
No doubt a transexual in a wheel chair will make appearance at some point.
Why the terror alert? what mission critical plan has gone tits up and needs elbowing out of the news.
Or are they sexing up the dossier as a precursor to action in Syria or Iraq?
There’s a NATO conference being held in Newport Wales next week. All the NATO leaders will be there . The bBC is currently reporting on the opening of a peace camp and how everyone will suffer becasue of NATO
Seeing as so many Islamic terrorists fucked off to kill are from Wales, that London is only a couple of hours away and that the gay death cult will (with the help of the bBC) be able to strike a blow against the kuffur. It isn’t hard to see why the UK has stepped up a gear.
Why the terror alert?
Because it gets Cam the Sham out of his UKIP/ Carswell hole, onto the front foot and onto the front page.
Truly pathetic.
its to get attention off Rotherham and onto something else
The asiatic cupcake below has done a bunk with her tiara – Miss Burma, I believe.
The droid newsreader – a liquid drip of a man – started with …Miss Myanmar beauty contest,

although outdated and demeaning to many of us…’
‘although outdated and demeaning to many of us’.
Yeah, well not to me mate.
So take your libby-wibby metropolitan opinions and shove em up yer arse.
“‘although outdated and demeaning to many of us’.
The problem with so many bBC male femnazi TV presenters is they are so jealous of real women, they invent fake outrages in which to be able to act the Cunt. Which lets be honest is the only time in their lives they can.
But saying that, the trouble and strife is watching some program with that fat cunt Jo Brand, talk about who ate all the pies and then some more. P.S. What’s with the canned laughter?
The canned laughter is “de rigueur” when that fat cow is on, Pounce. Let’s face it, real laughter would be highly unlikely.
great pounce
which is an excellent precursor to
… ba Ba BAAAHHH! re over 1400 child victims of atrocious abuse
…… just where ARE all the feminists eh!
getting all militant, and jumping the first bus up to Rotherham?
shouldn t be left to … what s left of the EDL
where is that “failings of new feminism”
Germaine Greer?
or how about Bonnie?
no interest in these 1400 female little ones?
#feminists – bring back our moral compass
yaaay! … feminism (jazz hands)
“just where ARE all the feminists eh!”
Running Rotherham council it would seem
Joyce Thaker- Jakie Wilson- Erica Leach – Pam Allen
All strong empowered women no doubt
Or even the children’s commissioner Maggie Atkinson. Smack a child she’s all over you. Rape a child not a peep. Why is she still in her job?
Where indeed are ‘WAR’ – Women Against Rape ?
A serious point here. Our culture has been so feminised that it is in stark contrast to the driving force of Isis.
I am not surprised that the young men of Islam are flocking to it’s black flag. That is what happens in a real world.
We will not defeat Isis unless we junk most of our late 20th century ways and get back to reality.
We will need warriors and they will have to be our best young men. This is the way of the world.
This is the beginning of a war of civilisations. We in the West did not seek it but that is not the point. Time we took our enemy seriously.
men like that are referred to as Manginas across the internet these days
I’ve got a place she can store it. She’s welcome to stay also
Apparently part of her prize included breast implants!
Today has seen some of the funniest desperate interviews for a long time.
Douglas Carswell leaves the Tories for UKIP and the BBC don’t know quite how to react.
On one hand they HATE UKIP and the thought of the first UKIP MP mortifies them. But on the other hand it lessens the chances of the Tories being able to form a government at the next election.
Then there’s the Tories not knowing which way to turn to attack. UKIP or Labour? It seems that UKIP had been slipping in the publicity stakes and Millipede is following the doctrine better keep quiet and let people think you’re an idiot rather than opening your mouth and confirming it.
So they wheel out some Tory rent a gobs to tell us a vote for UKIP is a vote for UKIP is a vote for Labour as it will let them in by the back door, and they tell us that they are the only party which will give an EU referendum.
There’s the problem! For anyone listening who might have been swayed. The BBC aren’t going to tell you that there have been a total of 5 promised referenda on the EU and all of those previous promises have been broken!
The Tories tell us that they want to ‘renegotiate’ the relationship between the UK and the EU, what they haven’t told you is that they have no intention of any ‘renegotiation’ and despite announcing this years ago no progress as to what they would be actually ‘renegotiating’ has been made.
of course the Europhile BBC doesn’t tell you any of this !
What would the difference be between Labour and the Tories?
Well Red Ed’s not telling, but it doesn’t seem there’s a whole heap of differences to find.
Leftie Dave didn’t get his epithet for nothing his record shows that in nearly every area he’s been every bit as bad as the previous Labour government.
Labour, Tory All one mixed up mess in the centre left with only UKIP standing out on the right.
I know who I’m voting for and the BBC aren’t going to approve.
The BBBC obviously decided that bad news for Tories is good news for Liebour, because 24 hours later, with the EU economy in a fatal spin, a war in the Ukraine, genocide in the Middle East and Africa, the main ‘story’ on the news was Douglas Carswell and a smiling Farage, and a serious looking Cameron.
Matthew Amroliwala leaves BBC News Channel (to go to BBC World News) –
This is self-indulgent tripe.
It’s a great name though, isn’t it?
you seen that vid – looks like even he has a problem pronouncing it, and he says the bit last really fast, probably so his toupee doesn t slip
The dire new bBC ‘comedy’ Boomers had managed 2 episodes without a minority character, wham bam episode 3 as predicted we have one, yes a sensible type in a position of authority!
Has he decapitated anyone yet?
Remove all those officials from office; council officials, police chiefs, senior social services. With a recommendation they NEVER hold public office again – dereliction of duty, and make sure they face a prison term
A Pakistan muslim working for Barnado’s, oh dear, bit like having Adolf Eichmann as your local rabbi.
Javid Khan and his organisation really need a good look.
The Times clearly said that Barnardos were complicit in much of the abuse…and listening to Khan in this interview makes it clear that “lessons will be learned”; “let`s focus on the children-not us, the Muslims like myself; or the Councils and Social Work teams that employ my parody of a cheridee”…will be the States memes for the forseeable future.
If this doesn`t start a revolution in rotten Rotherham…where Labour and Islam coalesce…then I don`t know what will.
Khan was interviewed on Sky the other morning by Eamonn Holmes. Holmes repeatedly asked him if Shaun Wright should resign. Khan wriggled like a worm on a fish hook and wouldn’t give a direct answer. Holmes got so irritated by Khan’s non- answers that he practically shouted his demands that he answer the question. Khan wouldn’t get off the fence so Holmes ended the interview. Khan just showed himself to be part of the problem which looks bad on a charity that’s supposed to look after the interests of vulnerable children.
Can anyone explain why Barnardos still exists ?
They closed their childrens homes in the 70s and since then seem to specialise in “providing support” and other “projects”. Given the utterly c**p job the public sector has done of looking after children now would be an ideal time for real charities to step in and take on that role. Trouble is there aren’t many real charities left are there.
Good stuff from Eamonn Holmes. Not on the B-BBC I note.
Very robust interview by Mr Holmes, however everyone was using the past tense which assumes that this problem no longer exists (which is handy for those involved) but I dont believe that to be the case.
For sure someone should audit Banardos.
not be afraid of political correctness? The Police arrested the fathers of the children when they tried to stop it happening or went to complain. WHY is the Chief Constable still in his job or worse still why is he not being charged with criminal offences such as perverting the course of justice?
Sky have just reported that someone has chinned Egregious George Galloway and bust his jaw
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Has DroidNews mentioned it yet? He is one of their pets after all.
yeah they reported it, looks like it was a jew as well, although Galloways spokesman says it could be EDL.
Whoever it is, jew or EDL, all i can say is …..Buy that man a pint!!!”
This of course is an act of brutality and cannot be condoned.
And to target the jaw, rendering George mute a cruel punishment.
But there may be some who salute his indefatigability.
a Notting Hill resident at the scene stated
it is sad … but …
we don t want any Respect members here
we don t want any respect members goods
we don t want any Respect member visitors
and we definitely do not want any Respect member(pseudo) academics
we want this to be a Respect member free zone.
he s being arrested for hate speech and inciting racial hatred
his closing words were … we cannot condone this act of violence …. but …
you must understand we represent the world largest concentration camp, surrounded all around by those who wish to eradicate us, the occupation, the occupation …. thank you and goodnight
Please please please let it be a brown or dark one, preferably with a beard, who did it.
It`s all too tempting to obsess on the big picture re the BBC.
Their approach to Islam, to Labour and to the EU are totally predictable-and all part of the Eurodream, all part of the Kalifate they hope to create for the rest of us.
I myself see the devil in their details-and when Jim Naughtie is giving out car registration plates for cars that may be in France(“we have a lot of listeners over there”) on Today, at the peak 8.00-8.30 section of BBC output…then we can see the future possible role of the BBC in corralling us, snitching and being a veritable Police 5 for those who dare to thwart the NHS.
Truly creepy-if the family from Southampton have “failed to seek a blessing from doctors to take their child out of Southampton General Hospital”, then -for the life of me_ I don`t see how the hell Radio 4 chooses to be coppers nark…especially when they do f***all about absconders, about jihadists -or about things like the Balen Report.
No-I`m not having it…nor should you…for the BBC to give names of kids, families and registration details about private families who(for all we know) hate hospital food(as highlighted in the news bulletins today)-is a new low.
When did we ever get a detail about a Muslim child abuser, a BBC tax dodger or anybody else?…or is rebelling against the NHS THE big crime these days?
Time to bin the Beeb.
Al Beeb reports …
‘In a Downing Street press conference on Friday, the prime minister said Islamic State (IS) extremists – who are attempting to establish a “caliphate”, or Islamic state – represented a “greater and deeper threat to our security than we have known before”. ‘
Who left the doors open?
I’m sure that all but the most lunatic fringe of the left can join the dots up of 2005, The Trojan Horse schools, the Rotherham sex abuse scandal and all the other cases that will come to light, the murder of Lee Rigby, the latest beheading video, the increasing in the threat level, etc etc.
I can only assume that they don’t say anything , let alone do anything, about how can we deal with this internal Muslim threat to our society, because they are genuinely worried about ‘community cohesion’. I simply can’t believe that they can’t admit the error of their ways in promoting mass immigration to our once peaceful and friendly land. Perhaps I am being too generous?
However, they should consider that the pressure in the native Brit community is rising and will reach dangerous levels as ordinary white Brits realise that unless they do something themselves, no one else will because they are being sold down the river by their leaders. It would be far better if the ruling liberal left elite actually started to address the problem which they have done so much to create, viz how to have Muslims respect and adhere to British values.
Unless an answer to that problem is found one of two things is likely to happen, either we eventually accept Muslim values as our own , or, there is a terrible civil war. The idea that somehow the two cultures can live peacefully alongside is looking increasingly like pie in the sky.
Two words show why nothing serious will be done about the Islamic threat to Britain – COMMON PURPOSE!
I was very disturbed by the reporting of this, too.
First, it is important to understand that any medical treatment without the patient’s consent constitutes an assault. And that in the case of a young child, the consent for treatment must come from the parents. We are none of us, yet, obliged to have medical treatment. Now it is true that in exceptional dire cases, where there has been a disagreement between doctors and parents over the treatment of a young child, the doctors can apply to the High Court to make the child a ward of court and ask the court to make a decision on treatment in lieu of the parents. But that was not the case yesterday.
On to the reporting. The police (the POLICE, mind you) called a press conference about the parents taking the child away from hospital. The BBC first reported the story as the parents had taken this gravely ill child away from hospital WITHOUT PERMISSION. Now, as I’ve explained, except in cases where there is a court order, nobody needs anyone’s “permission” to leave hospital, or remove their child from hospital. God forbid that that should ever change. But here were the police, and the entire media circus, criminalising the conduct of a family that is no doubt in pieces already. No criminal offence had been committed. It was not a police matter at all. If the hospital felt strongly that the child should have treatment against the parents’ wishes, the proper thing to do would have been to apply to the High Court for an order to that effect. THE HOSPITAL could have held a press conference to that effect. But I repeat, it was not, and never was, a police matter.
During the course of the day, realisation began to dawn that the parents were not child abductors, and the story changed from “removed the child from hospital without permission” to “removed the child against the advice of doctors”. However, the BBC continued to use mealy-mouthed and deceitful language to unfairly leave open the question of whether the parents were master criminals. Thus, they now explained that whilst the parents didn’t necessarily need permission to take the boy out of hospital, it was “unclear” whether there was any court order preventing his removal. Of course, this was bollocks, because if there had have been a court order, it would have been the first thing that the hospital said. So it wasn’t “unclear” at all, the media simply chose not to ask “is there, or is there not a court order?”.
So now, still today, the story is basically that the parents are on the run. There is a Europe-wide man-hunt ongoing for them.
I neither condone nor criticise the parents’ actions. Which of us can say what we would do in the same dreadful circumstances? As far as the sick boy’s best interests are concerned, as I have said, there were proper avenues open to the medical people to go through to act in loco parentis if they wished to do so. But for the hospital, the police, and the media to criminalise their conduct is a grave and oppressive abuse of the power of the state.
(I have checked the latest BBC website report this morning. Still nothing about any court proceedings, other than a continuation of the deceit that it is “unclear”. Thus: “it has not been confirmed whether Ashya was subject to an order”. Well, has NOBODY BLOODY WELL ASKED THE DIRECT QUESTION??)
just read in the star that george galloways jaw has been broken by someone in london.If true there is a GOD after all
Galloway attack?
jeez … his trusted cat impression failed him again
Its about time these luvvies who like bacon dodgers got the message.
Every reporter from the BBC should get the same treatment.
Get your political news here folks – it is so much more fun and more expose than the lefty bias bile coming out of the BBC:
Tweets by IDS_MP
Well it’s taken the BBC some time but this has to be one of the maddest examples of bias I think I’ve ever come across!
Think you know what the motivation behind the ISIL is? Assumed it was radical Islam did you, you obviously racist and Islamophobic bigot !
The cause of the uprising is in fact not enough Political Correctness !
The lack of equality policies is what has led to the rise of the new Caliphate !
Don’t believe me? Read it & weep !
The grouping of fighters that has swept through Iraq to within 60km (40 miles) of the capital is not a nihilistic jihadist group hell bent on the establishment of an Islamic caliphate.
It is a more general uprising by large groupings of disaffected communities throughout north-western Iraq and a product of years of social exclusion, poor governance and corruption by the Iraqi government.
In the long run, however, if Baghdad cannot understand the need for political reform is as important as enforcing security then Iraq’s problems could last a very long time.
First thing I stumbled over was the headline, which is a pretty good… bad start.
What a question!
Are there degrees of extremity? Is there a handy chart somewhere? Are we talking drag-behind-moped extreme or the full hack-off-kids’-heads extreme? These distinctions clearly matter.
Then I saw the byline, and that the BBC has pissed off to the beach handing the edit suite to a chum, and all became clear.
Not acceptable. But clear.
The BBC asks: ‘Iraq crisis: How extreme are the fighters in Isis?’
Presumably with both hands and fingers crossed behind its back, whilst clutching a black flag – for if beheadings, crucifixions, burying people alive, slavery, mass executions, enforced conversion to Islam and every other example of subhuman brutality coming out off ‘IS’ doesn’t allow you to make a call on that, it would seem you have lost all sense of moral perspective.
Following on from Grand Mufti David, “terrorist threat severe/nothing to do with Islam”, Cameron. trumpeted by the BBC
Al Quaida inspired?, ISIS inspired?, some warped world view?, poverty, foreign policy?, some battle between Islam and those who wish to abuse it?, countless acts of Islamic kindness?, the peaceful?, its spiritual guidance etc etc etc
Across the pond its just as bad
FBI National Domestic Threat Assessment omits Islamic terrorism
“According to the FBI, there are “eight types of domestic extremist movements—none motivated by radical Islam. They include anti-government militia groups and white supremacy extremists, along with ‘sovereign citizen’ nationalists, and anarchists. Other domestic threat groups outlined by the FBI assessment include violent animal rights and environmentalist extremists, black separatists, anti- and pro-abortion activists, and Puerto Rican nationalists.” Jihad? What’s that?
Oh, the interior spiritual struggle for self-improvement?
What does that have to do with terrorism?”
R Spencer
Paedophile Information Exchange-Harriet and Jack Dromedary, Patricia Hewitt…National Council for Civil Liberties
Islington Childrens Homes-Margaret Hodge
Baby P-Sharon Shoesmith, Ed Balls
Jimmy Savile and the Savilising influences like childrens telly.
Mid Staffs hospital -Andy Burnham, Alan Johnson
Rotherham, Eglingham and the hounding of UKIP foster parents and potential adopters.
Lee Rigby.
Baroness Uddin, Lord Ahmed of Rotherham and Ali Dezsai.
Trojan Horse infiitration…Ed Balls at the helm at the start, maybe?
The BBC won`t join the dots. of course…but when I do I get a shape like Paul Flowers sucking on a big kebab with Branded white powder to hand, somewhere in the Pennines…with the muezzin calls to dawn prayer drowning out the sound of anything unpleasant, in adjoining ante rooms of the Council chambers of the Labour Kalifate.
And an old miners flag getting a coat of black paint being provided by the SureStart Chain of “stakeholders and diversity champeens”-using suitably modified children, of course.
Where Labour meets Islam…you get Saddam, Gadhaffi and all manner of brainless unprincipled taqqiya jockeys …runners and riders depending on whether the course is Doncaster or Kelso.
(With the exception of Khalid Mahmood, who has performed way above the pay grade I`d have thought for him)
INBBC Dominic CASCIANI’s political forte:
– representing the views of Islamic jihadists.
Under his misleading, Islam-censored headline-
“Analysis: Deradicalising Brits in Syria”
– Casciani, using his own Islam-light language, vaguely mentions “community attempts to challenge the jihad narrative online;” he speaks of Islamic advocates, ‘Cage’ as a mere “pressure group”. He calls the Islamic jihadists using Britain as their base: “Syria fighters.”
And he is politically unaware that he is describing Beeboids like himself in referring to “people” in the following:-
“People dismissed the idea that the UK could be a target – until bombs exploded in London on 7 July 2005.”
American, anti-Islamic jihad blogger, Pamela GELLER, banned from U.K by Cameron, has this opening comment:-
“The Brits banned Robert Spencer and me from speaking in the UK. They have banned voices in the defense of freedom and allowed imams and Muslims in support of jihad to recruit and speak in the cause of Islam.This is the very threat I would would have spoken about. They banned it.”
“Terror target Britain: More armed police to patrol streets as threat level is raised to its highest for years and Prime Minister warns that we are in the [jihadists] sights” – See more at:
President Obama … fantasy land :-D, the same one inhabited by one D Camoron and the BBC
Dear BBC
Please could you let me know who is your main correspondent for South Yorkshire, because I and millions who pay you for unbiased news without fear or favour have been somewhat short changed.
Yours, unfortunately forcefully,
The vast majority of UK Licence Fee Payers
BBC TV Licensing’s newest PR campaign focuses on the “tremendous value” provided by the licence fee, which is the equivalent of only 40 pence a day.
The only problem is that it isn’t actually that good value, when you compare it to the price of licence-free on-demand services out there. Another TV Licensing own goal!
Read more:
Lord Pantone opens gilded gob and issues pronouncement to an adoring nation, spoken for.
Right wing rag The Mirror runs a poll in complement.—4081608
Does not go well (so far. Troops may need mobilising).
“Is the licence fee good value? Yes/No”
No: 77%
In the Mirror. Natural Labour/BBC territory
78% No now! And you don’t have to register with the Mirror to vote. Errrr … so I’ve been told. 😉
I voluntarily buy the Mail or the Express, but I do not have to pay a print Licence for the privilege of funding left-wing newspapers such as the Mirror, because I believe the state imposed print Licence was abolished in the 1640,s.
‘Police forces are still regularly criticised for failing to tackle racism, but now they – along with councils – will face greater scrutiny over the possibility of failing to act because of anxiety over appearing racist.’ –
Yes, and who is to blame for the police being terrified of being called racist, BBC?
How long before the BBC just comes out with it, like this in the NYT? File under ‘You Couldn’t Make It Up’.
‘Europe Needs To Embrace Islam’
“Bat Ye’or: ‘The universal caliphate stands before us'”
Read more:
I agree.
Embrace it. Very tightly. Around the neck.
Until it stops moving.
A reply to that (literally) terrible piece in ‘NYT’ (worthy of an INBBC feature):-
“Prof: To end appeal of Islamic State to Muslims, Europe must embrace Islam”
INBBC under-reporting on France, and Islamic jihad, censors this -‘Newsweek’:-
“France: Two teen Muslimas arrested for jihad suicide bomb plot at synagogue”
“France confronted by Islam – Part 8”
Thank you, GeorgeR, for posting that link. I currently live in France and found it very interesting.
Usual pile of crap on “Any Questions”.
Enough red herrings, canards and smoke screens to last a lifetime.
And , should any Telegraph reader or even anybody vaguely off-message-somehow manage to get through to the show…cue enough snow jobs,slither and equivocation from Anita Anand.
So now Rotherham was NOT linked to Asia, let alone that horrid M word we care not use..not a link to Islam…nah, just blokes…we`re all to blame, don`t even think that its a Muslim obsession!
Let me say it again
1. Shoesmith and Balls
2. Savile and the BBC
3. Mid-Staffs and Burnham
4. Harmans and PIE
5.Hodge and Islington care homes
6. Lee Rigby and the rulings of immacs Cameron and Johndon.
7, Rochdale, Bradford, Blackpool, Derby, Peterborough, Oxford and the like…all sex grooming contact points…all Labour empires.
Get it-Labour=Islam=war.
Andrew Norfolk, The Times’ reporter who finally took the whole story to national prominence, has no doubt about the Muslim connection. In fact he said he would bet his life savings on it.
The victims were always aged 12-15, the first contact was in a public place — a shopping mall, a town centre, a bus or train station — and a grooming process developed in which girls were initially flattered and excited by the attentions of young men a few years older than them who took an interest, offered the adult thrills of cigarettes, alcohol and rides in flashy cars, then wanted to become their boyfriends.
A sexual relationship developed in which the girl was sooner or later asked to prove her love by sleeping with his best friend, then with more friends. In the worst cases, girls were being taken to “parties” in house and flats, or put in cars and driven to locations across the country. Always for sex; often violent sex.
There seemed a collective nature to this offending. It was always more than one man in the dock. And it was hard not to notice that the published information about the convicted men in each case had something else in common. They invariably had Muslim names.
The final trigger for our investigation came in August 2010 when I heard a radio news report from a trial I knew nothing about. Nine men in Greater Manchester had been found guilty of offences against a 14-year-old girl. The offenders were not named in the report but from the descriptions of their crimes I realised I would probably bet my life savings that they had Muslim names. (£)
And apparently, according to one panellist, the answer to all problems Middle East and Islamic is for us to do more to bring democracy to these countries because that’s all the people want – the Arab Spring proved that, don’t you know – and we have a history of charging gung-ho into the Middle East and cocking things up by violently imposing our will and we’ve been doing this for several hundred years yada yada.
Cue wild applause from the audience.
We’ve become a nation of simpletons, thanks in no small part to the leftist historical revisionism the BBC broadcasts day in day out.
bBC news 24 have just run a Newsnight special (1430-1500) on the implications of the vote in Parliament exactly a year ago which said ‘NO to bombing the Assad Regime in Syria.
Did the bBC talk about just who is who (Combatants) inside Syria…No
Did the bBC talk about that if we had bombed Syria, ISIS would be even stronger?…No
Did the bBC talk about what has happened since that vote inside Syria…No
They did however spend a lot of time on speaking about the fall of British prestige over not bombing Assad. They did spend a lot of time talking about the how that relationship between the US and UK has been strained and they did spend a lot of time berating the British Armed Forces for doing nothing.
But this is the bBC, who find fault in anything you do if you are white male and Christian, so they ended with how for the moment the nasty British armed forces are flying over Iraq dropping Aid……..for now.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Yes: INBBC consistently- useful idiots for Islamic interests.
OK, who left the bold and wrong font in the hypertext? Very hard to read
The bBBC has dredged up yet another pointless story about one of their favourite subjects. Why do we have to pay the TV-tax for this drivel?
#BBCtrending: Disowned on video, gay teen speaks out
And the fearless BBC did THEIR bit for gay liberation earlier this year by folding up their marquee, and refusing some gay Muslim the forum to discuss the BBC3 Big Question that had been advertised “Why do Muslims have a problem with being gay?” or such.
And all because the mosque in Birmingham chosen to host the “debate”, didn`t want to discuss this stated “Big Question”…and the BBC diversity mob rolled up the tent, and agreed not to allow the gay lad to speak.
Therefore-when it comes to Christians in a Dixie non-story from the USA?…the BBC are fearless!
But when it comes to Muslims hoping to discuss the same by Pebble Mill, and paid for by the BBC?…well, the BBC don the burka and trail behind the camel, as ordered to.
What courage….Jimmy Savile would be proud…or is it rigor mortis?
Currently watching a bBC News 24 program about Scotland. I have never seen such a biased program in my life. Anybody watching this program will walk away rich in the knowledge that the bBC says that Scotland would be better off on its own, that it was Tory cuts which is the reason why Scottish people are angry and actually England needs Scottish money more than Scotland needs English.
Well, as I keep saying if the Scottish vote to leave, lets ensure that Scottish people are banned from moving to the Uk, when their country goes tits up.
Just like every other country which has voted for independence from the UK, these past 50 years.
Just bravely watched two episodes of BBC4’s “Chivalry and Betrayal: The Hundred Years War”.
Better than expected, to be honest. Low points so far are a silly reference to the Poll Tax and, far more obnoxiously, the suggestion by some tit of a university professor that 9/11 was analogous to the Peasants’ Revolt.
Every damn BBC programme – the agenda is always there, somewhere.
(I believe I recorded this some time ago. Apologies if someone has already raised these points.)
When people say a BBC history programme is good I suppose they mean it is well produced. Even if you are aware of their agenda it is easy to be taken in and it’s best to avoid unless you know something of that period in history and you just want to see the BBC’s take on it.
Quite right. There is barely any BBC programme that can safely be watched without wearing a pair of bias goggles to filter out the, often well disguised, messages.
They manage to squeeze their collectivist ‘progressive’ garbage into the most extraordinary subjects.
The sole output from the BBC I bother to watch nowadays is pretty much only their historical documentaries. I stopped the licence a while ago so it’s just what is available on i-Player. I remember that Hundred Years War series..not bad overall, but the presenter – a big girl with a big moon face – was quite disconcerting.
Just watched BBC 24 Hour News.
New Presenter who was dreadful. Repeatedly fluffed his auto-cue lines over a twenty minute period. He diverted attention away from the news with his embarrassing incompetence.
Guess what? He’s an ethnic minority.
Fifty British white people probably applied and yet failed in their applications for the post.
Or am I guessing???
When people say a BBC history programme is good I suppose they mean it is well produced. Even if you are aware of their agenda it is easy to be taken in and it’s best to avoid unless you know something of that period in history and you just want to see the BBC’s take on it.
Oops ! sorry for repeat
Interesting bit of ‘balance’ on iPlayer currently.
A 50’s Technicolor bit of Brit hokum called ‘Northwest Frontier’, starring Kenneth More as a stiff upper lip, supported by an amazing A-list selection.
I stuck with it because the script on occasion intrigued, not least because of odd aspects that mirrored events of today, but also surprising concessions to nuance and other points of view, which given the era seemed as commendable as remarkable.
But overall there remained one set of loons dedicated to massacring whoever didn’t fit with their lifestyle choices, including children, with hapless Brits copping the blame (and bullets) from all sides for not stopping them effectively enough.
Oh, and a news reporter who was quite dedicated to the public’s right to know… his belief sets and none other. Plus a bit of an activist when it seems his ‘reports’ are not working as well or as quickly as he’d like.
Kind of reminded me of the blossoming journalistic cubicle gardens at the BBC.
Know the film well. It was a favourite of mine in the 1960s.
Was released as ‘Flame Over India’ in the US, presumably to avoid confusion, with Lauren Bacall as top billing in the hope that one or two Yanks would turn up.
Topical, as you say, but not a snowball’s chance in hell of a film like that being made now. No more selective than Attenborough’s ‘Gandhi, mind you.
Mr D is no fan of the Bake Off but I have just had to calm him down and hope his blood pressure has not gone sky high. We watched the episode where Diana appeared to remove Iain’s ice cream from the freezer and it certainly appeared as though the fault was hers. But the BBC put out a little statement admitting the editing made it appear she was to blame. Well if they knew the editing was to blame, why not re-edit before it was broadcast?. Typical BBC obviously thought that they needed to hype the programme up now it is on BBC1 and bring excitement. The BBC restore trust? Forget it.
All very nice ,but I don`t care about some numpty`s spat who, `Can`t cook , Won`t cook `,all on the Tv tax . I hope they all get food poisoning . Just had an excellent pub meal in Essex , cook by Essex people for Essex people . No effnicks allowed .
I was just watching Proms Extra. There was a short piece where the prommers were asking questions of the three conductors in the studio. Now one of the prommers was of Afro Caribbean descent. I have been at a couple of proms this year and have consciously searched the audience for members of ethnic minorities. I could find the odd Asian and Chinese possibly but African blacks were rarer than hens’ teeth. So where did the BBC find one of that decent? If she was a genuine prommers he was a dead cert to be shown asking a question.
“So where did the BBC find one of that decent?”
Same place they found Zimbabwean fishermen in Whitby for ‘Coast’ a year or two ago.
People from the Far East or of Far Eastern descent are quite common in Classical music, but to the BBC they are of no consequence whatsoever, apparently. Obnoxious, and probably racist as well, if you want to look at it that way.
”I have been at a couple of proms this year and have consciously searched the audience for members of ethnic minorities. Now one of the prommers was of Afro Caribbean descent.”
That’s a bit like seeing an Eskimo in the Sahara desert.