Despite having left Gaza three weeks ago Donnison is still banging the drum for Hamas and looking to undermine the Israelis:
Curiously he doesn’t link to this:
Abbas blames Hamas for prolonged battle with Israel
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas accused Hamas of needlessly extending the fighting in the Gaza Strip over the past two months, causing a high death toll.
Abbas told Palestine TV in remarks broadcast Friday that “it was possible for us to avoid all of that, 2,000 martyrs, 10,000 injured, 50,000 houses (damaged or destroyed).”
He does bring us this:
Which reminded me of this:
The Propaganda Power of Images
How the Nazis Used War Rubble as Propaganda
As the Allies marched inexorably northward through Italy during World War II, the Nazis set to work photographing the rubble of damaged historical buildings and artwork. The images were supposed to prove that their enemies were cultural barbarians.
The images bear witness to the slow shift away from art preservation and toward Nazi regime propaganda undertaken by the German art historians active in Italy during the war. Despite their efforts, many of the monuments and buildings they sought to protect were destroyed by the Allies. The Germans themselves were pushed ever further into northern Italy. Before long, the German military and the Nazi propaganda machinery recognized the potential of using the destroyed buildings to portray the Allies as culturally insensitive barbarians….
Before long the unit once responsible for protecting Italy’s cultural heritage began delivering images of emotional images depicting devastated palaces, churches reduced to heaps of rubble and shattered sculptures. Accompanying text ensured that the message of the images was not misunderstood. Often, the images were produced by photographers belonging to so-called propaganda companies and they would end up in brochures depicting sites both before and after their destruction.
The famous German art historian Ludwig Heydenreich also took part in the propaganda war in Italy. He had hundreds of pictures taken and wrote contributions for brochures on “the war against art” in which he spoke of the “enemy terror attacks.
I get the impression Donnison is a lightweight who just wants to be liked and, like George Galloway, is willing to sacrifice his integrity and professionalism, taking the lazy route to popularity by saying things he knows will get him the most plaudits regardless of who it is that is applauding him.
He knows that to publish anything that might make Israeli actions in anyway jusitified would be the kiss of death as not only would he be deluged by a torrent of left wing and Muslim abuse, his colleagues would surely cut him dead. He certainly gets abuse from pro-Israel supporters but he can salve his conscience by readily dismissing them as nutters, racists and Islamophobes…as indeed he did.
Here is an example of his desperate, needy, cry for approval…proclaiming life is so #wrong and it’s an #unfairworld:…
….BUT did he ever offer his body armour and helmet to anyone in Gaza? No? Life so unfair and wrong!…..
Little Boy In Gaza Dresses Up As A Journalist ‘To Survive’
One of the most incredible pictures to come out of the savagery in Gaza was posted on Twitter on Thursday. Taken by Swedish Radio correspondent Johan-Matthias Sommarström, the image shows a small Palestinian boy who had dressed himself as a journalist with a “home made flak jacket”.
Sommarström said he was approached by the boy as he returned to his hotel after a day of reporting in the beleaguered Strip. “I’m a journalist,” the boy told Sommarström, who loaned him his helmet to complete the look.
Speaking on Swedish Radio, Sommarström later said: “For me the picture is a powerful example of children’s strong will to survive. He has seen us journalists go in and out of the hotel, he has seen that we survive. I think that in his pretending play he wants to be like us, someone who survives.”
what a ugly looking minger of a scruffbag of a man this is,when he fell of the ugly tree he certainly hit the branches on the way down,enough to scare the horses,i cant stand appeasers of terrorism like him ,just despise them,if this poor excuse for a man wants so campaign on behalf of trues victim of injustice and mass murder why does he not take him journalist wellies of to northerm iraq and and report on this genocide of million of christians by these nazi gestapo cowards of isis,he and these leftie journalists wont because i think they are supporters of every vile islamist terrorist group on this earth,jon donnison,ugly man by appearance and by nature.
You are right about the images. Why does he feel the need for this propaganda: such photos could be taken anywhere really: even countries not at war etc. It reminds me of the ‘harrowing’ report about a ‘bombed back to stone age’ town and another TV channel in the same town and photos from the surrounding hills showing ONE street bombed which was the one they walked their camera down (actually not sure it was BBC doing the ‘lying’ on that occasion)
P.S. please please do something about the super double bold and odd font.
Re: the text – you’ve noticed that too? It only seems to be that way on Chrome – with Firefox it’s perfectly OK.
Hi – what kind of device are you seeing the font problem on? Is it just in the comments? Thanks!
Thanks Old Goat, yes I use Chrome but the problem has only been the last 3 days.
Rufus, I use a laptop but this is the ONLY site that has an issue and only since Thursday/Friday???
The whole site appears (in Chrome) to be in emboldened, large text. I have to open it in Firefox (which is a pain, because Chrome is my default browser). For me, this problem has existed for a week or two. I view the site on a desktop, running Win 7 Ultimate.
I’m finally seeing it with Chrome. – man, that’s hideous! Will try and fix.
After a bit of head-scratching, I think this is a bug in Chrome on Windows:
I’ll look at other fonts but it may be easier to wait for Google to fix this in their browser…
Found an equivalent setting that looks the same. Not quite perfect on Chrome but better.
I believe you are referring to Orla Guerin’s report in Lebanon that was busted when it was shown that Channel 4 had filmed views that showed the scam being perpetrated by the BBC.
Honest Reporting covered it at the time following its revelation by a blogger
Drinking from Home
that was it! cheers Teddy, I looked but couldn’t find it.
Bit intrigued what BBC FooC might be, especially if coined by a Geordie in a fit of honesty.
JonDon doesn’t mention why he was made the generous offer or if he took a sip (maybe cultural reasons intervened), but even then that would look like a few hundred quid down the drain. Apt metaphor.
As to moppets dressing up as war correspondents, that is cute ‘n all, but given Hamas use moppets as tripods, cooing TV reporters might want to ponder what happens during the fog of war after a blue helmet and flak jacket it used as cover for a sniper attack. It won’t end well.
I recall Jezza’s reaction when his full mental jacket made him more of a target than a safe area to a shotgun blast from one side or other (he claimed the one that suited best) whist celebrating the Arab Spring with the fun bois in Eygpt.
Did Donnison offer his whiskey to someone in Gaza? Just asking.
I’m guessing he read the Huffington Post article. After the Guardian, H Post is a BBC journos standard source but unless he retweeted it what is the connection with either J.D. or the BBC.
However since you introduced it, Alan. There is always something dubious about journalists including photojournalists practising mind reading. Did Sommarström actually ask the boy why he was dressing up or is this a sadly typical case of the journalist stamping his own agenda on a photograph? Will we see Sommarström teaching BBC photographers how to caption?
BTW is placing your helmet on a child for a photo any less improper that placing a toy or a Koran in rubble to ‘improve’ a shot? Don’t both deserve the label Fauxtography?
I can think of at least two alternate explanations that are as credible.
1) Boy saw the journalists with their cool uniforms (flak jacket and helmet) and equipment (mikes and cameras) and noted how the Hamas fixers were so nice to them and took them everywhere, probably addressed them as Sayadi (Sir) and said to himself I want to be like them. Surely it is beyond his age (not least because it almost certainly didn’t happen) to extrapolate that the armour /press credentials saved them when others were killed? That would have been an irresistable story – did anyone read it?
2) This is a staged photo-op. Hamas guy took his remarkably clean and photographic (so European?) son to the journalists and suggested it would make a great photo of the child in the plastic bag flak jacket which he or his wife created. Think not? Try and tie a knot on your left shoulder.
In more detail: Five Minutes for Israel Fauxto-op
Why doesn’t Donnison emigrate to Gaza if he thinks it is so good?
Good observations, deegee.
Donnison is in there with an entire motley crew of BBC propagandists fearfully toeing the Hamas line. This is the expected reality I gleaned just from listenign to the World Service a few hours a day five days a week. It was relentless with the likes of Lyse Doucet, Paul Adams and Kevin Connolly pumping out the most abject excuse for reporting. It was Hamas propaganda with a BBC stamp on it.
Yet here and there I noticed a departure from the norm, for example in this Agust 1st interview:
WS: Egypt has invited the Palestinian delegation and Israel to attend peace talks in Cairo so what can we expect. Riad Mansour is the Palestinian ambassador to the UN.
RM: Very Important. Humanitarian …blah …catastrophe.. blah.
WS: We know that Hamas will not engage directly with the Israelis so who will represent the Palestinians?
RM: Hamas engage before…this time will be a unified delegation under Mahmoud Abbas…
WS: I just want to be clear here. That delegation will include members of Hamas.
RM: Will include all Palestinian parts, including Hamas.
WS: So they won’t speak directly to any Israeli representatives.
RM: This delegation will be speaking through the Egyptians.
WS: We know what you want the Israelis to do. What are the Palestinians prepared to do?
RM: The Palestinians want a ceasefire to last for a long time..bloodshed aggression blah blah…end to blockade opening crossings…
WS: You’re calling out a sort of wish list of what you’re hoping to get out of the Israelis. From the Palestinian side what concrete measures are you prepared to offer, what concessions would you be ready to make.
RM: Well, we are the party that is, you know, under attack and aggression from the Israeli side.
WS: The first thing the Israelis are going to ask for is for Hamas to stop firing rockets.
RM: What we ask first is for the Israelis to stop the aggression against our people in the Gaza Strip…blah blah.
WS: Right but ……sorry to interrupt you …but here we get into a sort of sterile conversation and you know chicken and egg situation….and clearly the cessation…. is give and take and the Palestinians are going to have to give something.
RM: …(won’t answer the question. Talks about ceasefire holding.)
WS: (Politely ends the farce.)
I don’t know who the World Service guy was but it’s probably best not to spread his name around. If it gets out that he’s trying to be balanced re this conflict, the BBC will drop him like a hot coal.
Now he has moved to Australia, Donnison is now smearing her immigration policy. Just listen to the latest ‘From Our Own Correspondent’, which should still be on Radio 4 Listen Again’. The biased reporting is blatant, and when FOOC was a decently balanced programme, such a contribution would not have been tolerated by producers or controllers.
You can read it here:
Arrogant cowardly left wing twat…Australia allows him in and provides him with all the freedom and liberty of a democratic nation that he takes for granted and the first thing the objectionable little shit does is effectively call them white racists…..utterly despicable !
I have just made a similar post – with some more detail and a link to iPlayer – on the Weekend Open Thread – sorry, I had not seen your post. Unbelievable bias by Donnison – well, not unbelievable, par for the course really !
Donnison is yet one more in a long line of activists who do nothing but add to the crushing weight of evidence that the BBC is a mass of incompetent, partial journalists who completely fail to give the British public what it wants: neutral, factual reporting that represnts all sides of an argument. With Donnison, we get only one side. And that is not what then BBC claims to be all about. Shame on you, BBC.
He’s still tweeting far more on Israel and Gaza than Australia:
Maybe this is the new market rate floor solution to ‘don’t make us look bad’ social media outings given the likes of Hugs and others imploring them not to be stupid gets ignored?
They simply move them to another time zone to ‘report’ on the one they have just left, using another BBC unique (ie: daft) ‘one degree of separation’ perception of backside-cover.
Sadly… like all others, outside the internal secret bubble, IT. DOES. NOT. WORK.