What a bit of luck the BBC can slide its hand into our wallets and extract that license tax. Just imagine if it had to finance THIS sort of indulgence itself…
The BBC has spent more than £220,000 on iPhone lessons for staff. Figures have revealed the corporation spent licence fee payers’ money teaching 783 employees how to properly use the gadget over a period of three years. This works out at a cost of nearly £300 per person.
FFS – Apple Stores have FREE workshops on the use of all their hardware & software.
Most of the rest of the world is intelligent enough to self-learn, their gear is relatively intuitive.
This unutterable squandering of our money is probably nothing in comparison to the amounts swallowed up by BBC diversity training.
運命横たわっていた ベスト 内部ないビニール袋が しないだろう 競輪選手、ダン ・ ホワイト ヘッド、アプローチを許可する 彼女。すべての用紙のプロセスを繰り返す ハンドバッグ。定期的に、ファッション自体を保持する前の季節のハンドバッグのオンライン販売を家 と同様 絶好の機会 を購入する 分数でデザイナー ハンドバッグ 、同社の 元 価格を提供する。
“同社の 元 価格を提供する” You’ve got to be kidding.
Who the hell liked it? Did they think it was an order for chicken in black bean sauce?
Well, the name says “Brand Lettuce”, so it’s not that far off :D.
I’m afraid that people have been pedalling that kind of tripe for years. Why it still gets an audience, I just don’t know. But people are beginning to wise up! Slowly, quietly, a grass-roots movement is growing which will sweep that nonsense onto the scrap heap of history where it belongs. I’ll have a large Coke with mine as well.
Even pro-Labour Party, pro-BBC, ‘Mirror’ has:-
“BBC splash out £220k on teaching 800 employees how to use an IPHONE”
It has another poll, which again does not seem to be going the BBC’s way.
One has to wonder if Mirror staff, as professional news people (ok, it’s a tabloid, but they must have some pride) ask themselves just how a national treasure seems so routinely despised.
just cop a look at the radio 5 live webcam right now,man alive,you would think you was looking at a branch of pc world with the amount of computers,i pads,iphones etc on show there,i need say no more.
Actually, not PC world, but the Apple store, they only seem to use apple products, and flash the logo every time they use them…I noticed it, again, on the cats program they were running the other week….that is blatant product placement, thus, advertising…therefore, against their royal charter, if i am not too mistaken?
I agree,funding from the EU to promote the EU is also against the charter,biased towards one political party is also.
The list is large but the powers at be will not touch them.
Just tell the BBC that they will be subscription and that £50 max for the license like it or lump it.what could they do.
who is in charge the BBC or the government,silly question i know….
Speaking of a unique new attitude to being commercial free, I watched HIGNFY on iPlayer last night.
It took a while to get to the infamous toy gun set-up, and mostly revolved some gaga old man whose appeal to producers only Mrs Merton could probe: “what was it about being a lifelong Labour supporter that first attracted you?”. Also quaint he had a long list of tasteless people as he dished on just about everyone.
But then came the concluding set-up ‘joke’.
It would appear Paul Merton has a book out. So long as you satirise breaking the rules, you can break them all you like. Apparently, as Ian would say. Quite clever.
NUJ members get sizeable discounts (30%?) on Apple products. I’ve always wondered if that explains some of the many suspiciously-favourable reviews.
Just to be clear about BBC funding, it has the advantages of being both a limited company (many offshoots such as Top Gear, merchandise and sales of DVD’s etc and several other BBC magazines (WhoDoYouThinkYouAre etc) are all private Limited companies licensed exclusively under the BBC. The heads of the BBC will naturally get ‘extra’ income by sitting on the boards of these private companies. The BBC trust has effectively contracted out all the Technical (IT) and Engineering side to private companies (including all Transmitter maintenance). The BBC also makes money on TV licensing deals (TV repeats) which also get funneled into private companies. The BBC contracts out even it’s TV license to ‘Civitas’ for money collection and keeps its distance from demands for payment with menaces (which has to be publicly accounted for). The £4.8 Billion pounds license money then simply disappears into the BBC corpus for whatever ‘entertainment’ it lacks. It also rents its HQ from a company giving donations to Labour and then we have additional (tax free) payments being made by the EU and Qatar for the purposes of you know what.
All BBC deniable of course but there is a list I collected on what the BBC are doing: here – look for post (Philip) dated Jan 2014. The charter obviously does NOT work. The BBC’s corrupting influence can avoid OFCOM or anything that applies to other national broadcasters and does ‘undermine’ commercial operators (i.e Classic FM). It is a perfect Trojan Horse and that is why Labour will fight to maintain the license fee.
The missing link above should have been:
When making an ‘online’ complaint against the BBC, (a common thing), one is issued with a number, i.e. :- CAS-2968793-Y72LRL.
Does anyone know what ‘CAS’ stands for, and what the middle number i.e. 2968793 represents ?
Sources close to the BBC have learned that CAS may mean ‘Censor And Suppress’. but this cannot be verified as it falls under exclusions defined by the BBC as ‘Purposes of Doanwannasay, Doanhavetosothere & Unique…suckers’.
The middle number is how many complaints they’ve had that day, but you can be sure zero is what they have actually done to even check much less respond before replying to say they think they got it about right, but rest assured they’ve kicked it into touch already
The last bit is simply taken randomly from number plates in the BBC carpark, and can often cause offence. In which case, see above.
OK, I confess, I may have made some of that up. Can I be a BBC Editor? It all still applies as any reasonable person who read the rest of the text would infer that it was cobblers.
As google not an immediate friend (maybe it’s another big Aunty secret?), wild guesses the C to be Case or Complaints or Customer.
Maybe… Complaints Activity System? Case Action System? Customer Arbitration Sortcode?
Good question. May even tempt out a lurker who knows.
Guess Who Thanks very much for the information, the middle number is as I thought, a consecutive number of complaints received.
I made a complaint on Monday of this week concerning a BBC programme. In response to my complaint, I received a reply today, about something completely different, so obviously the Beeboid in question, hadn’t even bothered to read my complaint and just fobbed me off with a bog standard reply.
However the interesting point is that I calculated that in those two days, Monday to today, they must have received 5,538 complaints. Thats an average of 19,383, a week or 1.08 million per year.
Furthermore calculating the figures from a complaint made by another family member, the average works out at over 800,000 a year.
I wonder if the board of governers are aware of these disgraceful figures, or indeed if they care?