If there are any factual inaccuracies (to the BBC Watch story or interpretation of BBC Guidelines – the adherence by Mr. Bowen to accuracy, objectivity and integrity rather laid bare) I stand ready to hear them from any who feel the BBC or staff have some excuse here.
At this rate Jezza will have to do a job swap with Jasmine.
The BBC’s own editorial guidelines on impartiality in news, current affairs and factual output state:
“Presenters, reporters and correspondents are the public face and voice of the BBC – they can have a significant impact on perceptions of whether due impartiality has been achieved. Our audiences should not be able to tell from BBC output the personal prejudices of our journalists or news and current affairs presenters on matters of public policy, political or industrial controversy, or on ‘controversial subjects’ in any other area. They may provide professional judgements, rooted in evidence, but may not express personal views in BBC output, including online, on such matters.”
Similar principles appear in other sections of BBC policy documents on the use of social media with the BBC News social media guidance clearly instructing staff as follows:
“You shouldn’t state your political preferences or say anything that compromises your impartiality. Don’t sound off about things in an openly partisan way.”
Any other organisation having issued these guidelines would make breaching them a disciplinary offence. But, hey, what’s ‘discipline’ in the wishy-washy, cosy, public-funded, left-liberal world of the BBC? It sounds like, so bourgeois maaaan.
Last night two gangs totalling around 80 youths were involved in a stand off in Rochdale. Although there is little in the report this was a white / Pakistani confrontation.
During the altercation a car carrying 5 ‘Asian’ (Pakistani) men drove up, shortly afterwards the Police arrived and one of their officers approached the car “. When she got to the vehicle, it sped off, forcing the officer to cling to one of the car seats.
She was dragged 150 yards along the road and repeatedly punched in the face until she fell from the vehicle.
The officer remains in hospital, where she is being treated for serious bruising and shock.”
Police have since arrested three men – a 19-year old man and two 24-year old men – on suspicion of attempted murder. They have also recovered a car.
So we have a gang of armed Pakistanis who decided to have a go a white youths who had been attending a bonfire followed by a murder attempt on a Police officer !
All this doesn’t even merit a mention on the BBC website nor the main or local news. They can’t say they don’t know because the Salford branch is covered by the MEN so it’s a case of wilful silence.
‘Det Chf Insp Andy Aston said: “We would like to reassure the public that this was an isolated incident and we are making good progress with the arrests’.
In other words, move on nothing of interest here. Rochdale is a vibrant and diverse community and we wont upset community leaders even if the retards cut our heads off
So many ‘isolated incidents’…. So many ‘lone wolves’…
Preferential treatment? You bet.
I wonder what the reaction would be from the police and the left-liberal media had this mind-boggling array of crimes, from industrial-scale child rape to Jihadist terrorism, been committed by the ‘Jewish community’.
I have given up on the BBC news website because it is so left wing and PC. So where can I get balanced news about the world? Not C4, for sure. Telegraph and Times are behind paywalls. Daily Mail – always crashes on my Ipad. So there is no alternative voice anymore. The end of democracy and a free exchange of views. Great Britain, RIP.
The Telegraph has recently lurched so far to the Left that it is now little better than the Guardian. It has reduced its news reporting to such an extent that it has become a waste of time as a source of information. I can’t remember when it last broke a story of any significance.
If you avoid its opinion pieces, Sky has the facts. Even the Mail has news (if you can avoid the ’10 ways spiders give you cancer’ nonsense).
Breitbart is good but it’s unashamedly partisan.
The BBC, of course, hopelessly slanted, running carefully selected stories, peppered with Labour Party talking points dressed up as news.
It’s still worth visiting the DT for the obituaries, especially the military ones. There are some amazing stories of real heroics – that you’ll never hear on “Last Word”.
“Breitbart is good but it’s unashamedly partisan.”
Its openness about its allegiances makes a refreshing change from al-Beeb (a river in Egypt), which pretends to be objective. And Delingpole’s in charge. What;s not to like?
I see talent-vacuum Eddie Mair has been hosting The One Show.
In order to convince the viewers that Eddie has bags of charisma the BBC have paid droids overtime to stay behind and hang around off-camera / on mic and laugh like drains every time Vacuum opens his gob.
That they could just hire someone with bags of charisma to do the job is just a step too far for the droid managers.
Producer capture, you see. It’s not about entertaining you, it’s about throwing money at their favoured employees.
Next up, a ‘show’ where he flies the world front-of-the-plane and 5* to holiday destinations of his choice and picks up cute animals.
UKIP MEP: Gay marriage supporters are ‘equality Nazis’
Says BBC banner on Website. Could the picture editor chosen a more vile photo of the MEP? No unless he was Labour maybe or Green perhaps or….well you get the idea.
Made the mistake of watching 5 mins of the One Show, only to tune in as they were doing their feature on “alternative breakfasts.” The presenter opened the feature, in broad scouse tones “Now you know how our favourite food is Asian, chinese and Indian….” Yeah? i think I know where this is going, but before I can reach for the remote, there he was, in the home of a Palestinian family as they cooked up their morning feast. Mmmmmmm. Apart from the anything, I just hate the repetitive and tedious predictability of the people who run the BBC. Hello? Is anyone in Broadcasting House listening? Change the f***ing record……
We’ve had that already from BBC last year
A black woman having moved a tiny village in west country was calling her new neighbours racist because they wouldn’t patronise her Caribbean cafe
The BBC lapped it up ,so to speak.
North of the border it’s called a ‘Scottish’ breakfast – can’t have the E-word attached to their favourite fry-up, eh? let alone give us credit for the best start to the day any man could wish for on his breakfast table.
There’s also the ‘Ulster Fry’ which bears a close resemblance. Think it’s just a regional colloquialism more than a ‘tribal’ slant. On returning to Scotland after 30 years away, I notice Scottish gets lobbed in front of everything. It’s a marketing tool as per Hollywood films; ‘American…..’
Is it me or has the BBC finally got what it wanted with the stepping down of Fiona Woolf from the Historic Abuse Enquiry?.
It’s emblazoned as the main headline tonight, they’ve wheeled out no other than Keith Vaz for a box pop and run to Ed Milliband for a sideswipe quote so this tells me something stinks here and it’s more about the BBC’s politics.
Can anybody explain this or tell me if I’m wrong?.
I don’t know about the BBC but I think it’s the result a lot of people wanted – me included. Who needs the establishment investigating the establishment? They should get a High Court Judge from the US, Canada, Australia or somewhere to head the proceedings. Someone with clean hands and no backdoor obligations to our political elite.
I think that the BBC’s real agenda was to imply that Leon Brittan had something to hide. They couldn’t state that he’d done anything wrong or they’d get sued, so instead said that anyone who knew him couldn’t be involved in the enquiry simply because they knew him.
The BBC will never forgive him for being the Home Secretary during the miners’ strike.
In reality dealing with the IRA campaign and the miners’ strike was a full time job so it’s no surprise that he gave the child abuse claims to officials to investigate. But don’t expect any context from the BBC.
Much as it goes against the grain to support a Conservative politician…..
You seem to forget that Brittan’s career in British politics was destroyed by his support for the American Sikorsky bid for Westland, against the opposition of Heseltine, who wanted a European take-over of the company. At that point Brittan’s priority was what was best for a British company. He won the industrial argument but lost the following political fight. He was forced to resign and was exiled to the EU.
Once in Brussels, being paid by the EU, his loyalties changed and he became a “company man” for his new paymasters.
I think it is just another Leftie thing, ie the BBC and Labour are determined to ‘find’ that Leon Britten molested children and further proof of what a wicked government we had under Maggie. Therefore anybody chairing the committee who support the Conservatives will be shouted out of the role.
Labour – you know, the NON-Nasty Party – beat them to it:
‘During a Commons debate on coalfield communities last night, Mr Hood said: “By the way, the current exposé of Sir Leon Brittan [sic], the then home secretary, with accusations of improper conduct with children will not come as a surprise to striking miners of 1984.”
I think that the Labour Party wants to string this out until they may be in a position to appoint a chairman who would not criticize the Labour Party for it’s massive involvement in covering up abuse, or get a Labour supporting chairman appointed now, for the same result. I gather Mansfield QC has offered his services. Labour would love him.
Yes, I have heard the plea for Mansfield. The idea seems to be that he will be tough with the Tory toffs, and show were lessons can be learnt when dealing with Labour’s hidden scandals.
Just a thought but could it be that Fiona Woolf would have done too thorough a job on the enquiry for the BBC’s liking ? There are many who have a lot to lose if the Head of the enquiry is too independent .
Heard the News Quiz for the first time in ages.
It`s even less funny than it used to be…seems the format should have been buried along with Francis Wheen.
Utter crap-the likes of Hardy , Toksvig and Jupitus treat it like Compo, Cleggy , Foggy and the rest of the Coalition did with “last of The Summer Wine”-basically a pension pot that they`re free to piss in and dump over the license fee payer-as well as over any true comedians who don`t get the work as long as the whining squatters stay in the Green Room ad nauseum.
Utter tripe-Cam`s an MCP because he doesn`t wear a glossies T-shirt apparently…UKIP and the Daily Mail are crap bigots, USA full of fat people, Germans are either nude or Nazis…
Zees eez not Funny!…but no end of “writers” get credited at the end of the farrago where comedy came to crawl, curl up and die.
I myself would like to know names of who wrote what smear and sneer…the UKIP/German ones-as well as that Krankie woman who says Camerons an MCP for not wearing Harriets T-shirt.
I`m sick of this collective denial of their role as Gauleiters in chief for Miliband and the Greens…we need them excised from the tax bill we pay to be so insulted.
FOFF BBC!…the perennial Last of the Autumn Whiners need to go earn a crust for themselves…maybe clowns for Braggs Wassail before Tolpuddle next year?…
Jupitus as I recall was known once as Porky Pig, and did live comedy poetry (as well as cartoons on Billy Bragg merchandise), and if I am not wrong was on the “Red Wedge” tour in the early eighties which supported the Labour Party. (I was there in my socialist youth.) Hardy is a well known left winger. I am unsure of Toksvig’s affiliations but she does tick many BBC boxes; posh background and has a certain gender attraction which gets the thumbs up from the BBC luvvies. Individually I don’t care they are all on the same show. But all together?
I heard a BBC comedy producer say there were few right-wing comedians about. Really? Lee Hurst was damned funny and bloody sharp. He didn’t tow the left wing line. There’s one…and I’m not even trying.
“Sandi Toksvig was a high profile political activist supporting the Liberal Democrats. She introduced the party leader Menzies Campbell at the party’s 2004 conference, and was described as a possible parliamentary candidate. Since the Liberal Democrat’s coalition with the Conservatives however she is no longer a Party member. On Radio 4 in 2011 she declared that Nick Clegg ‘put the ‘N’ into cuts’ to child benefit.”
The News Quiz used to be my favourite show on R4 when witty, erudite people like Barry Took, Simon Hoggart, Richard Ingrams and Alan Coren were to be heard. Their gentle yet pointed satire was a joy to listen to. Their barbs were scattered equally across the political spectrum without fear or favour.
Now all we have is Sandi Tosspig and the usual band of hard-left BBC ‘comics’ who wouldn’t get a stand up gig at a third-rate working men’s club.
And who, like all good socialists, wouldn’t want to go anywhere near a working men’s club. God forbid they should have to rub shoulders with the lower classes!
Likewise, I tuned into the so called BBC (Bollocks But not Comedy) Friday night slot for the first time in ages. I could not put it better myself ChrisH. I think Millipede was only mentioned once, some reference to his face, I think.
Don’t you find the News Quiz panel to be so consistently representative of the UK’s demographic? Jerry Sadowitz would destroy the lot of them, if only he could be given the chance. I bet the BBC wish they had listened to him a few years ago as it would have saved them a lot of embarrassment subsequently.
On the BBC News there was a long item about the fact that some (hitherto unknown) fashion designer has seen a way to get some publicity so she has made some hijabs with Remembrance poppies on them. This was turned into a ridiculous piece about cultural cohesion, all the fantastically brave things British Muslim soldiers have done over the years (how bloody patronising!), how a Muslim won a VC in WWI, etc etc. This story wasn’t, by any reasonable measure, worthy of a slot on the main national news. They feed us with this stuff as if we are little children that need to be taught right from wrong. It’s insulting.
Strangely, although there was lots of time for the bollocks mentioned above, there wasn’t time for another story which I think is possibly more important: the fact that 14% of Britain’s young people have ‘warm feelings’ about ISIS.
Nor was there room for the report by OFSTED that many schools need extra support to cope with the ‘influx’ of immigrants.
Nor was Maureen Lipman’s fall out with Labour reported.
Nor was it reported that Russell Brant, scourge of capitalism, has gone to various bastions of the capitalist system (hedge funds etc) to finance his new film. There was nothing about Radio 3’s record-breaking low audience figures. All these stories, yet they chose the one about putting poppies on a few hijabs.
Why highlight a Muslim winning the VC ( I’m sure deservedly) when Sikhs won more in both World Wars? Damn good soldiers, the Sikhs.
I’ve recently read a number of published diaries and letters by British soldiers of all ranks from World War 1 and one entry stood out for me. This was from a Subaltern in a British Indian Army unit serving on the Western Front who had nothing but praise for the Sikhs and Hindus under his command. The only sour note in his entry was when he mentioned passing a group of Muslim soldiers who were cooking a meal for themselves. As he passed them, one of the soldiers stood up and kicked over the pot containing their meal and told the officer that, as his shadow had fallen across their food, as an infidel, he had tainted it making it unfit for them to eat.
I certainly wouldn’t have fancied going over the top with this lot behind me carrying loaded weapons.
“Labour win South Yorkshire police commissioner poll” [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-29850080]
Kudos to the BBC for highlighting the prevalence of postal votes and letting the reader draw their own conclusions. But I can’t be the only one dismayed by the abysmal low turnout. Given what went on in Rotherham and the eventual resignation of the previous Commissioner, it is tempting to say that if the majority of the electorate can’t be arsed to vote, then they deserve another Labour Commissioner. That’s what the people want, those bothered enough to have a view anyway. The Establishment must wonder how easy voter apathy makes it to resist change.
I don’t think the BBC can be blamed for voter stupidity.
On breitbart a lot of posters seem convinced that 80% of labours vote was postal. I’m not sure how they came by that figure but it would be interesting to know .Especially when juxtaposed with this
Any election turnout of less than 50% should be made null and void. If less than half of the people want all of the candidates combined then the wrong candidates have been put forward.
I’d like to see the voting figures for Rotherham as compared to the rest of South Yorkshire. We might find that the turnout and UKIP percentage were higher there. But I don’t expect that from the BBC as it would undermine the narrative of Labour’s victory.
They’ve finally noticed this, though you need to go to Breitbart to find out just how sexually aggressive these Libyans were, and the fact that some British troops have now had their leave cancelled to make sure said Libyans remain confined to barracks and stop intimidating the locals.
The Islamisation of Britain: a big repressive step by U.K government-
U.K: Cameron-May to make criticism of Islam a criminal offence.
While Beeboids politically campaign on behalf of Islamic jihad suspects in Guantamamo, Beeboids (in Leveson mode) are less concerned with the serious encroachments on the liberty of British citizen who would criticise Islam-
“New UK law would ban critics of Sharia from broadcasting, protesting or even posting messages on Facebook”
[Opening excerpt, by Robert Spencer, already banned from U.K by Cameron-May. Beeboids please note.]:
“The last free person in Britain, if there is one, might as well turn out the lights. If this becomes law, Britain is finished as a free society. As the law would also forbid opposition to gay marriage, it would be interesting to see what would happen if a proponent of Sharia protested against gay marriage — but Muslim groups are largely for it, since it opens the door to the legalization of polygamy.”
I’ve always been a pretty conservative, law abiding type but, over the last ten years or so, I’ve been contemplating situations where I might resort to actions that, in the past, I would never have condoned.
I feel that our supposedly elected Lords and Masters are coming close to losing the moral right to govern. Unless full democracy and freedom are restored quite soon I’m not sure where it will end, but it won’t be pleasant.
I feel the same way. I think our rulers imagine they have dumbed us all down sufficiently and made passive, compliant sheep of us.
Maybe they have. Most of the younger generation are pretty hopeless and disengaged and couldn’t care less if their rights and liberties are stripped away just as long as they have their shiny new iPhones and X-Factor.
I think it’s up to those of us who remember what life was like in this country before we had our noses rubbed in diversity and our rights to free speech nibbled away.
Legitimately, we can only express our feelings at the ballot box, and many of us seem to be doing that of late – and that for now must be the way forward.
If nothing changes after the next GE then I think we will have a pressure cooker situation in this country and it will end violently.
Agreed. The left – with the BBC as their vanguard – have wrecked this country. Don’t get me wrong, there were plenty of things wrong with our society before, but what we have now is bereft of anything worthwhile.
We are governed by a bunch of inconsequential morons. They don’t much care about the damage they’re doing as long as they’re feeling ‘tolerant’ and ‘lovely’.
UKIP are not much better, but they are the only thing which offers any sort of alternative view right now, so they’ll be getting my vote.
UKIP are certainly the best of an awful bunch, but I fear that even if they do get a sniff of power they will be forced to back pedal on their policies after howls of outrage from from the mainstream media. Leaving us with yet another soft-right party when what we need are some pretty radical solutions to our problems..
‘Inconsequential morons’ really does sum it up – it’s like nobody remembers how to think logically anymore. I was at a dinner party with some of my left-leaning friends the other night, and as usual had to put with their typical whinings about America, capitalism, the environment blah blah. Normally I’m smart enough to only make the odd contrary comment just to keep the peace. (I’m sure some of them think I’m a lefty really and I’m only doing it as a sort of Devil’s Advocate but I digress)..
The conversation turns to ‘identity politics’. I say that whenever a BBC programme is often the main concern is about race – well I’m white therefore I’m interested in seeing white people prosper. Or gender – I’m a bloke so I’m heartily sick of feminism – it’s toxic to me, why should I give a toss about women. Or homophobia/Islamophobia etc etc..And we have been fed crap like this for the past 40 odd years.
Most of them stared at me in disbelief. The problem is that many many otherwise intelligent people have bought into this nonsense at an almost religious level – and it will take generations to die out as the youngsters nowadays start out as Left by default (Marxist teaching still going strong).
Anyway – apologies for the long ramble, the point being that these ‘tolerant and lovely’ socialist leaning people really do not understand how their ‘marvellous’ cosmopolitan lives are lived as sheltered blinkered hypocrites.
Unsure if UKIP are cleverly playing the long game, I’m hoping that Farage is shrewd enough to keep his powder dry for now.
What worries me is that they seem to be just a one policy party and rarely if ever mention the religion of peace, preferring instead to promote such within the party. Note the recent appointment of senior advisor. I may be wrong but such appointments do have the knack of biting the party on the a55 and in this regard I see them as no different from the other three. Carswells acceptance speech also worried me.
Regardless they’ve got my vote, academic to a degree as its Whitehall that really run the country not Westminster.
R4’s Feedback this evening had an item about the technical clangers dropped regularly by R4. A totally unapologetic and arrogant comrade dismissed the criticism by saying that they only had one staff member to ensure proper continuity and to deal with technical errors as they arose. They had a massive workload…blah..blah. My heart really bled for the poor BBC. If only we could throw a few billion more its way maybe they could get more staff. Alternatively, get rid of a few of the talentless clowns already on the books and re-invest the cash.
What they neglected to say was that the poor chump fixing the technical problems likely reports to four different managers, each of whom earns four times what he or she does.
‘Trick Or Treat’ says the headline on the BBC’s ‘news’ website this evening, followed by ‘Tips for a disability-friendly Halloween’
I imagine no one at the BBC would be able to understand what is wrong with this story, especially not how it epitomises the mediocre, mawkish, New Labour, faux-‘caring’ tripe it churns out and how that has made it a laughing stock.
Yea Gods. It was all about bobbing for apples when I was a kid. Of course we had to make allowances for those in the community who couldn’t ‘bob’ by holding them up by their ankles and dunking them in the barrel of water and apples.
I think the BBC have neglected the LGBT community here though. Are there no gay ghosts? No lesbian goblins or transgendered ghouls? Why don’t they get a mention?
So, we’ve hosted Beaker today (Ed Milliband) in Manchester, and he thought being a mindless leftie that it would make a good photo opportunity to give some money to a Roma beggar on the street in a rather awkward photo op.
Soon afterwards however the Police gave him a telling off for giving to unregistered charity collectors.
I thought he was nicking her coffee, then thought better of it after having been twigged.
I have a vast collection of Miliband gurning pictures – he always looks odd, anyway, but there are some classics, the best of which is the bacon sandwich that fought back.
Old Goat, I’m sure that some of us would like to view your Milliband gurning pictures. Please could you make them available on line for us BiasedBBCers. Thankyou.
‘Foreign aid’:
BBC-NUJ demands British people increase finance of corrupt foreign regimes; and UK is to blame for the corruption!
Tw contrasting reports-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“Confirmed: Our foreign aid fuels corruption –
“Official watchdog’s verdict on aid spending that Cameron has defiantly ring-fenced.
“Projects funded by billions of UK cash increase opportunities for bribery.
“Damning report concluded huge amounts of UK aid money is being wasted.
“In Nepal, the poor are being pushed ‘towards corrupt practices’, experts say.
“Work to stop police bribery in Nigeria left locals more prone to paying bribes.
“The PM has defended commitment to spend 0.7% of income on overseas aid.
“Report gave Department for International Development ‘amber-red’ rating.
“Labour said International Development minister was ‘asleep at the wheel.’
“Comes after it emerged human rights abuses in Ethiopia worsened during period of UK funding.”
Yep! Clueless … Tory fuckwits strike again .. why can t they stick to lying about the economy?
Not only selling us off (or perhaps should we say giving away), but also selling us out.
“Hand a judge a file of a thousand Twitter postings accusing this atheist or that evangelical of ‘spreading hatred’ and they could easily rule that an EDO is needed”
Manna from heaven for the cronies of a certain ROP we could mention … with “Borg” like herd mentality, already using similar avenues to silence criticism.
Another law used to take away so many of our rights, which is all this deceitful shower have done since they came in.
Fighting extremism? (shakes head) … Islam IS extreme, some Muslims may not be … but Islam definitely IS!
So May, how will EDO s help?
I imagine it depends on the spirit in which it is worn – and the colour of the person wearing it. Image the melt down they’d have if a black man wore that outfit!
There are other ‘offensive’ outfits too, if you are inclined to nano thickness of skin, like the Duck Dynasty Redneck costumes and this one which, I am assured, is offensive to all fat white sailors everywhere.
Mr. Harrabin pontificating on the IPCC, er “tidied” report this morning, and telling us that they and “climate sceptics” (what are they?) are “singing from the same hymnsheet”. Are we? First I’ve heard about it. We all, apparently agree that there will be a warming of at least 1.7 degrees, which is pretty close to the 2 degrees that the EU is worried about, and that it’s all down to CO2, and the human constituent part of it. So we must curtail our emissions of greenhouse gases. (Why do they never mention water vapour, and only worry about CO2?).
More bollocks, again. So far as I’m concerned, I’m more worried about the likely coming cooling from natural causes, than poncing about with CO2 and windmills, and allowing myself to freeze. Sod that.
Generator ready – plenty of diesel. Well stocked up with wood, and gas cylinders.
Like you Old Goat (does that sound rude?) I am more worried about cooling than warming – but if this lovely sunny November day when I can go out in summer clothes is warming, I rather like it. And it does rather more for my heating bills than Milliband’s freezing of energy prices.
Any warming would be beneficial for us all, rather than an impending catastrophe. The warmies have their head stuck so far up their left-wing arses, they can’t see this.
It is with foreboding that we should look upon the inevitable coming cooling – it won’t help any of us, and when we’ve shot ourselves in both feet by refusing to take our heads out of the sand to see the likely consequences of governmental idiocy, it’ll be too late. The opportunity to prepare, and build nuclear, gas, coal and oil stations in readiness will be long gone.
We have seen the future all along, and it is writ large now, especially with the reduced power output from various generation plants, which have gone off-line, or cut their output for various reasons.
One cold winter is all that it will take – and there are probably around thirty on the way.
Pause? No – more like cessation. Remember, the interglacials of the past, are merely “pauses” in earlier ice ages.
Spot on, OG. More and more evidence is pointing to a prolonged cooling but do not underestimate the enviro-socialists ability to frame this as yet more evidence of ‘climate chaos’ caused by – yes, global warming.
It is so very, very hard to believe that this is what science has become in the 21st century and that pleas from the voices of reason – true scientists who still believe in following the scientific method – continue to be ignored by leaders in the ‘free’ (but not for much longer) West.
Even by Harrabin’s usual slippery-tongued, reality-inverting standards this was a breathtaking distortion of the truth.
The basic claim of the piece was that ‘mainstream scientists’ and a ‘vocal minority’ of sceptics (‘a few independent scientists’) are almost in agreement on CO2 contributing to the earth’s warming and that after the current ‘pause’ warming will resume in the not too distant future, with temperatures rising between 1.2 and 3 deg C by the end of the century.
All on the basis of one report by someone whose name I’ve never once seen on any climate science website.
He used the piece to continue peddling the usual hard-faced BBC 28gate-approved lies: that the IPCC report is all peer-reviewed science (Donna Laframboise’s book, anyone?); that ‘independent’ scientists have never had a paper printed in a scientific journal (Climategate ignored, of course); that climate models are still to be believed (despite all 70-plus of them having been proven spectacularly wrong by real world evidence); that there is no such thing as a ‘mainstream’ (as he puts it) sceptical scientist (is he just a lazy bastard that can’t be bothered to read ANY sceptical website?!); that the IPCC is a purely scientific body (ignoring the massive environmentalist presence throughout); that a doubling of CO2 will see irreversible changes to our climate (see models above) etc. etc.
To be honest I switched off in disgust before the end as there is only so much of this unadulterated enviro-propaganda I can stand. It is pretty obvious that Harrabin and his like at the BBC either do not know sceptical websites exist or they do know and choose to ignore them – either way, it proves they are not fit to report for the local parish rag let alone the BBC.
I can only hope that in my lifetime I see the BBC brought to book on their role in promoting the biggest scientific and political fraud the world has ever seen, including an enquiry into 28gate and a full investigation into every single piece of Harrabin’s ‘work’.
Then charges of manslaughter brought against them for every death caused by energy shortages and fuel poverty.
Of course, in the future, when millions of immigrants from Iraq and Syria move into neighbouring Turkey, they will be inside the European Union, and all that entails.
No doubt BBC-NUJ will see that as a success for its ‘socialism’/national suicide.
“Terror warning for UK tourists:
Foreign office updates travel advice for all global destinations to say Britons face ‘heightened threat’ of attack from ISIS supporters”
So apparently George W Bush cynically threw Rumsfeld to the lions to appease an angry nation, and Obama may throw a hand grenade into the plans of those trying to replace him in 2016 by restoring relations with Cuba, as our hero walks off into the sunset.
Key to ISIS philosophy is they want all Muslims ostracized from other communities. Too many ‘commentators’ seem ready to help them with that
In other words, we should pretend that there is nothing in the Koran that could conceivably be used to justify what ISIS are doing (even though that’s clearly not the case – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXBgqa-xQwY ).
There are many muslim scholars who would argue that ISIS are twisting the teachings of Islam, but as a society we need a mature and open debate about the matter (not least to prevent some muslims being taken in by unchallenged extremist propaganda).
Such discussion should’t be swept under the carpet in the name of community relations.
The BBC’s obsession with gender continues, with this outpouring of angst: “Why should women change their names on getting married?” (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-29804450). The article is by one Sophie Coulombeau, described as “a Radio 3 and Arts & Humanities Research Council New Generation Thinker” (you couldn’t make this up, could you?). It is of course the case that there is no legal requirement for a woman to change her surname and as the article points out: “…in Britain it has always been legal to call yourself whatever you like (as long as you’re not committing fraud)”. Despite this, we learn that “the history of marital surname change – a specifically English phenomenon – reveals that its origins are at best controversial. And at worst, they are deeply unsavoury.” To support this view, we are told about social conventions and attitudes going back 1000 years, as if that governs daily life today. Being the BBC, it is full of the usual hatred and patronising comments. For instance, the proportion of women who do not adopt their husband’s name is increasing – “especially among highly-educated and younger women” (i.e. those who don’t are old and stupid, unlike say, Radio 3 and Arts & Humanities Research Council New Generation Thinkers). There are lots of references to old, dead icons of the Left, some of whom you may have heard of some, some of whom clearly had “issues” around their own identity and place in society.
Aside from the personal nature of the article (and no, Miss Coulombeau will not be changing her name when she shortly marries), the obvious question is: what else is behind this article? A clue may be in the reference to something called the “Discourses of Marriage Research Group, a multi-institutional network interested in marriage equality”. Reading the tedious blog of this organisation reveals that it was heavily involved in the campaign to legalise homosexual marriage. It is, of course, not interested in the institution of marriage per se, rather in how it may undermine it. Suddenly a wider discussion opens up: if Dave Jones marries Mike Smith, what do they call themselves? Mr & Mr Jones? Mr & Mr Smith? Mr & Mr Smith-Jones? Er, Mr & Mrs…? You can see how this conundrum would keep Leftists awake at night…
As you correctly point out, Ian Rushlow, the fact that people ‘can call themselves what they like’ is in the article, but you will probably need a magnifying glass to find this ‘needle of balance’ amongst what is a ‘rambling feminist haystack’.
Truth is, most women change their names to that of their husand for the following reasons:
1) It is traditional to do so
2) They want to
3) They have the freedom of choice to do so
4) They are not hardline raging feminists intent on wrecking ‘traditional British culture’ and given a platform to do so by a national broadcaster forcibly funded mostly from those members of the ‘tradtional British’ population.
This BBC article, in my view, is as equally damaging to ‘wimmin’s rights’ as it is seemingly aiming at taking away, or disapproving of, the individual’s choice and freedom to change their name, or not, AS THEY SEE FIT.
Sickofitall – My wife changed her name no problem. However she may take issue if I made her cover all but her eyes and walk three steps behind me at all times.
“especially among highly-educated and younger women”
Younger women are more likely to get married than older women. According to the Office of National Statistics the greatest number of marriages were for women aged 25 to 29. The next largest group were women aged 30- to 34 whil the third largest group were aged 20 to 24. If more younger women are marrying than older women thanit is hardly surprising that more of them keep their maiden name. That is the name their mother took when she married their father.
Any Questions … BBC Fri R4
First two questions …
Historical Child Abuse Inquiry re – Woolfe
Rotherham Child Gang Rape
Sadly usual BBC fare. There is much in the way of platitude on display, much going “all around the houses”, not one mention
of the link between the perpetrators who were Afghan, Bangladeshi, Pakistani among others nationalities.
The venue …
The Al Mahdi Mosque in Bradford
Just listening to this now….disgrace…Blunket on ‘ When i was this…and that ‘ ‘ i could see then…see that…see the problems ‘…NO…no you couldn’t you scumbag, you are blind….you see and saw nothing…nothing….people should cease feeling sorry for the bastard…he is one of the guilty scum who have wrecked this country…and plenty of Taqiyya on display from the muslims there…..
I can remember when the story broke of Blunkett having a mistress. There was a picture of the two of them with the question “One of these two people is blind. Which one is it?” I got the answer wrong.
Pontificating, about child sex abuse, about Rotherham in a mosque!, where Mohamhead s excuse book is of course in full effect, no mention of Islam … a new low.
For the BBC too, adding an arrogant insult, to 1000s who have suffered, and proving what an enormous part of the problem they are.
Just like sending a Muslim interviewer to speak to victims.
Just like Newsnight here, (12mins) … obfuscation on obfuscation, omission on omission, not even the need to use their fave euphemism “Asians” any more…
oh, take a listen to M Oliver at the end … lets one or two facts slip.
Oh the irony, that bastion of impartiality and no advertizing have been banging on for weeks about the BBC’s “Free Thinking” programme and now it is here. Of course the last thing one would ascribe to the BBC is Free Thinking, their thinking is done for them by Brussels, the labour party, the eco fascists and their sister propogandist the Gruniad. This morning I had to switch over to Classic FM, adverts and all, although there were adverts but fewer than in the BBC’s output today.
BBC’s Hugh Sykes doesn’t like the Tower of London poppies – apparently it’s insensitive to only commemorate the Empire dead and not everybody else’s too:
@tobiasboes He should 'win':
it is insensitive to have 888,246 #poppies memorialising #British#Empire dead & ignoring the other millions.
Insensitive to commemorate our dead?
Disgraceful, treacherous b’stards.
Who in the name of sanity is Tobias Boes anyway? He sounds like a really useful member of society.
Interesting the default empathy with and defence of this Graun scribe’s stance still, as the nation they appear to be speaking at…. for hasn’t responded over-favourably.
It is of course possible their twitter bubble is entirely onside.
Still, weighing that against the ‘don’t tweet anything stupid’ plea from the top of the sac-o-rats totem, sniping at a creative, heartfelt, high-effort, public-supported military memorial at this sensitive period from the national broadcast monopoly seems ‘brave’, if foolishly confontational.
Massive crowds at Tower of London memorial force organizers to ask visitors to stay away. http://t.co/RvHvEmZXoBhttp://t.co/kfLZmybSJl
Seems some do like them. Shame they are not employed by the national disgrace, like Mr. ‘Viewsmyown’.
So Al Beeb completely and irrevocably disconnected from the prevailing mood of the country ( the zeitgeist in beeb speak) like the were with Thatchers funeral ,like they were with the diamond jubilee and like they were with Wootton Basset.
INBBC puts ‘Australia’ back on the map with INBBC’s ‘Islamophobia’.
Until recently, ‘Australia’ was censored off Beeboids’ global online news pages as a separate entity. But ‘Australia’ is back for INBBC. And what does INBBC feature? News about British and other descents? No, it features the terrors of ‘Islamophobia’ for Australia’s nice Muslims. So the emphasis of the Beeboid reports (below) is not on the Islamic jihad threat of some Muslims towards non-Muslim ‘kafirs’, but on the apparent threat of the invented Islamic ‘Islamophobia’!
So, INBBC not only feeds us this propaganda:
“How anti-Muslim sentiment hit one Australian”
By Phil Mercer
BBC News, Sydney.
But, apparent imam envoy, INBBC’s DONNISON, additionally has this echo chamber piece, to that of Beeboid MERCER’s (above) on ‘Islamophobia’ (which Donnison touts globally), on INBBC’s Radio 4 ‘From Our Own Correspondent’ (17 mins: 20 secs in)-
Well if anything was certain to clear the schedules at BBC Downunder it was this….
There is a great sense of anxiety among the Muslims at the moment,” Shaykh Wesam Charkawi, an Imam at the Lakemba mosque in Sydney, told the BBC.
“There is also a great level of fear. People don’t know what the future holds. At the end of the day, we feel so ostracised. It is like there is no air to breathe.”
TellSheila heading to a community living in fear near you.
We are told that only a thousand or so Muslims are a problem in Australia, trifling compared to the million ‘peace loving’ Muslims there.
In typical BBC fashion ‘our correspondent’ completely misses the irony of reporting on the one abused Muslim in Australia compared to the near-million that aren’t abused!
For the Bakr family – who are Palestinians – this was the second catastrophe in recent years. Hamas drove them from Gaza in 2007 and seized their business interests. No!!!!! Now why would that be?
Actually an interesting piece on several levels, from the political to the geographical to what gets mentioned in passing but not followed upon.
Having been introduced to a raft (no pun intended) of protagonists in this sorry tale, any supposed failure by destination countries to take additional measures to welcome these ‘migrants’ ranks very low down on the responsibility scale.
Maybe the BBC’s finest investigators and campaigning editors’ time might be better spent at points of origin and sharing the poor record of these folks’ ferry operators?
The point on how political satirical sniping would play out with other players is a good one.
It’s clearly a dream high-profile photo-op cluster-Fubar from instigation to execution, with added further hole-digging by the same people who doubtless got him in this one.
I thought that, given his inability to miss any rake on the lawn (a sure sign of leadership) they had created a team to prevent such PR howlers?
This one was doomed from staged start to prat fall finish.
If it avoids serious lampooning a great deal of high horse editorial integrity will need to be sacrificed not explaining why.
Maybe Ian, Paul, Dara and the girls were too busy concocting their next ‘Fascists!’ Belly laughathon to be bothered by stuff that has tickled the fancy of the actual public rather than a wonk focus group or bbc-embedded crisis-censorship commissar.
For those still on the fence regarding whether Ed Miliband is a complete and utter tw@t, this is the clincher.
This is possibly the most risible and cynical political stunt of the year. Still, with 2 months to go, Ed could still go one better.
Or…ho could have given that £45 pound that it cost to get Harriet Harmans shirt from Whistles…c/o Ellie Magazine.
Typical Labour-2p for a real woman in need….but £45 to the Fawcett Society, where his mum and the like no doubt claim for their Manuka honey on the NHS…whilst claiming their poppies, wreaths and wristband on our expenses.
Who DID pay for those T-shirts Hattie, Ed and Cleggy?…let me guess….the same mugs who paid for duck houses, trouser presses and Jacqui Smiffs wankmags in the last Rotten Parliament!
At least we know what feminists look like…rather like Vita Sackville West, Tony Benn and Ralph Miliband, Marie Stopes and Tom Driberg.
Meet the new boss…
Although the BBC seems to emphasise the following (opening paragraph):
British travellers have been warned they could be targeted by terrorists seeking revenge for UK air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants.
Reaping what we sow?
Other media say similar things. The truth is that the FCO warning simply said:
There is considered to be a heightened threat of terrorist attack globally against UK interests and British nationals from groups or individuals motivated by the conflict in Iraq and Syria. You should be vigilant at this time.
The BBC has made it look, primarily, due to revenge attacks by ISIL when we all know they were beheading British people before any UK airstrikes (David Haines).
At the start of Showboat, a classic 1951 musical, the BBC continuity announcer had to warn us in grave tones that the film was made ‘at a time of racial segregation’. For goodness sake! What are we going to go, swoon in horror because the blacks are basically working in the fields and the whites are riding up and down the Mississippi on a boat? Racially that was pretty accurate for both the time depicted and the time the film was made, but I suppose if the BBC remade it they’d have a black as the captain of the boat and the crooks would all be white.
Again on precedent, what does and does not require such a warning.
There has to be a list of ‘isms, and maybe a subset of degrees for each one, otherwise how can the drones know when to apply and when not?
I’d dearly love to see this, as they may have missed some dramatic or historical scenarios I feel I need warning about.
Any doco about Henry VIII’s marital solutions may require advice that this could lead to more communities living in fear of reminders of what happened here several centuries ago. Or again, now.
“This programme contains only left-wing opinion” Would be more accurate
I dont object to it containing left wing opiion its the lack of any contrary opinion and the pretence that it is fact that angers me
Regarding Russell Brand, he has been all over the BBC promoting his book. Just name a programme he hasn’t been on (not including the shipping forecast). I mean, fancy having him on Newsnight! It just shows that the programme has lost its way, and is desperate to get viewing figures up.
Now, it takes two to tango. I’m sure Russell would accept every invitation, so why does he get so many? The book is a muddled, head-in-the-clouds anarchist/Marxist mess. In other words it’s an accurate match for the thought processes of many BBC ‘creatives’.
I don’t recall Lord Lawson getting many BBC invites when he published ‘An Appeal to Reason’, which was a pretty good debunking of the economics of environmentalism.
Maybe Russell’s book is more the sort of thing the BBC would be happy to give millions of pounds worth of free publicity to. It just demonstrates how low the BBC has sunk, plugging the immature ramblings of this spoilt, self-centred, little shitehawk.
From an interview Newsnight editor Ian Katz gave to the Evening Standard in September:
Katz thinks Brand is “wonderful” and read a proof of his new book while on holiday in America. “I have had conversations about doing more things with Brand,” he says.
Think about that for a moment. The editor of Newsnight read a proof copy of Brand’s ludicrous spoilt-brat ejaculations (not even the final version, bad as that is) and still concluded this was someone “wonderful” who deserved more airtime on the BBC’s supposed flagship news programme.
I’ve got a feeling there could be a social status thing at play here – Katz and his missus wanting to be part of the same set as Brand and Jemima. A bit like the Camerons and Helena Bonham Carter.
Keep an eye on Newsnight – that is if you can bear to watch it- as it’s descent into irrelevance mirrors the liberal elite’s decline.
Russell Brand is about it’s level. If he had written that tripe in 1790 St Just would have had him made ready for the guillotine.
Karl Marx would have ignored him and Kropotkin would have just laughed at him.
As for Tom Paine or Cobbett they would have thrashed him soundly and sent him home with his ears boxed.
At least some media invest 10p in phone calls into offer further right of reply:
“When contacted by the Mail, Russell Brand said: ‘Ironically, given my transgression against the Sachs family, I haven’t checked my answerphone. I had no idea”
Worth reading the full reply, as frankly the most whithering aspects are reserved for the BBC, currently still handing over the entire network to a man who offers a mobile number but doesn’t check it. Helen ’email to nowhere’ Boaden would approve.
And the comments are now closed – we didn’t get much time to comment, did we? Somehow I don’t think the Editors’ picks reflected the general tone of all the comments.
May I scream? I was just watching a programme on Saturday night on Channel 4 about maps. Oh good, I thought, one of those nice little educational programmes on the BBC with no agenda that they used to do so well. I should have switched off after the presented told us about the maps marking cases of malaria in Europe which he said would inform people about climate change (sorry I cannot face returning to the programme to find out his exact wording). However five minutes later he was talking about mapping the Jewish community in London at the turn of the last century. He explained that not only did European Jews come to the East End to escape anti-Semitism (I don’t think he mentioned the pogroms) but also (carefully crafted into the script) was that they came to the East End to make better lives for themselves. (Had I really thought a programme like this could avoid the BBC’s agenda?) Perhaps the scriptwriter didn’t know, and couldn’t be bothered to find out, about the deep anti-Semitism throughout Europe in those days – and it was so easy to slip in a message that people have always been coming into Britain for a better life. Pro-immigration is just in the BBC’s genes and the general public need constant indoctrination of the message.
Yes, it’s on BBC 4 TV, and is a mainly ‘left-wing’ propaganda series-
‘Maps: Power, Plunder and Possessions.’
Last week it had a predictable ‘left-wing’ go at Sykes-Picot map of 1916 (incidentally voicing similar misguided criticisms as those made by Islamic State).
The following alternative analysis by E. & I. Karsh was censored out, of course-
“Empires of the Sand: The Struggle for Mastery in the Middle East, 1789-1923”
When do we get the ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ ?
Now with the biggest Commonwealth in the world (all voluntary 53 states want to belong to us ) Not bad for an Empire . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonwealth_of_Nations
In ‘The Frequency of Laughter’ (1 of 6), which was billed as being about radio comedy in the seventies, a quarter of the programme was a discussion about the fact that there aren’t as many female comics as male ones. Err. . . so what?
Andrew Marr is trailing his Sunday Morning prog on bbc breakfast by announcing he has a father as a guest in the studio, a father who has 3 sons who went to fight with isil, but now 2 of them are dead.
And Andrew’s take on the whole thing? It’s that the father has some tough questions for the Government, yes that’s right folks, it’s all the Governments fault.
So these savages go off to hack off peoples heads, and Marr has questions for the Govt.?
Well, inbbc breakfast has this morning continued the PR job for abubakr delaghaye ( ?) by giving him a primetime slot on the sofa to lecture us on why people should travel to Syria to fight.
His advice was that as a ‘ footfighter’ you shouldnt go.
But if you are a highly trained military guy, you should go out there to train others.
Yes, all true, and Billy Talkbull, and louise sat there benignly smiling at this piece of shit while he lectured us.
Was he challenged by them? Nope.
Utterly appalling.
1) Given the track record of Islam in the world and its oppression of 2 bilion people, why did you import and indeed continue to import this vile cult?
2) Given the daily evidence that Islam causes harm to all of the world’s people why do you continue to insists that Islam is a ‘great religion’, a ‘religion of peace’, even though it was founded by a lying, murdering, sex-crazed lunatic?
3) Despite the fact that it has never happened before and is completely contrary to the nature of the peoples of these isles, why do you insist that the greatest danger is that the people will rise up and slaughter these aliens in their beds?
4) While you are prepared to assure these aliens that they will come to no harm in this country, what assurance can you give the peoples of these isles that they will come to no harm from the followers of Islam? Or will you continue to insist, not being an expert in any religion, including your own, that these are false followers, unable to see the true message of Islam hidden by the plain words of hate contained in the Koran?
Um..sorry to be picky but on point 3 we do have some form.
Ethelred ordered all the Danes to be bumped off (in the parts of England not under the Danelaw). It was back in 1002 though.
Marr was creepy in his interview with the father, you could see he was afraid to interrupt as the father droned on. In the intro he referred to the death of one of the sons and now his ‘little brother’ as if he had been about ten years old. The BBC is a disgrace.
It does seem that with one in ten UK people under 25 with feelings of support for Isis, we could afford to let them go to help out in Allah’s plan. Confiscate their passports on departure and celebrate a reduction in the population, with even room for a few immigrants from civilised cultures.
As it seems that the BBC is pretty much contractually obliged to run a jihadi PR slot in guise of an interview at least daily (twice at weekends), given the obsession with interesting moral relativism casualty counts as pioneered by Mishal Husain et Al, I wonder if we may see returning participants or supporters tasked to estimate how many Muslims and/or non-coms they would include in the team tally?
Because the answers and explanations would be interesting to weigh against purported reasons for going there.
Coal bad. Not Green. This is why the BBC and the left will not report on the Kentucky coal miners struggle to keep the mines open. Never mind, Scargill’s attempt to recreate the Bolshevik Revolution using British coal workers is still honoured by the BBC and left
Can you find reference to this ‘Sunday Express’ lead story (above) on BBC-NUJ press review below, by Beeboid SULLY, or is it another case of Beeboid censorship?:-
The Express front page is shown among the Sky selection of the Sunday papers. Maybe it wasn’t delivered to the BBC ? – or the front page fell off their copy ?
“BBC’s censorship of paedophilia scandal ‘reveals its left-wing bias’: Corporation accused of refusing to report story to protect the Labour party.
“Failed to report Labour figures ‘link’ with Paedophile Information Exchange.
“Story has been on Mail’s front page three times – BBC cut all reference to it.
“It has prompted accusations of ‘left-wing bias’ be the corporation.”
Something about this “galactico” vanity firework going off a few days early that seems to have hit the BBC.
Like the Glasgow whirlybird that crashed into Billy Connollys old wino bar last year…there`s “something in the air” as Thunderclap Newman surely told them all.
Or rather not any more!
(as Bransons Picklers have now found out)
BH this morning said that the rockets was intended so that a galaxy of stars could get their wish to be transported to something akin to the real thing…stars that is.
That passes for “news analysis and content” from the worlds leading Savile Supporter and Sporter…luvaduck(it`s legal in Denmark still, you know!)
My point-WGAFF for Bransons peroxide puff piece going ponce over the Mojave?…except for the family of the pilot, God bless and keep `em!
Still though-seeing we all know what a feminist now looks like…a £45 exploiter of sisters in Mauritius-I do hope that we shall all find it within our hearts to ensure that Russell Bwand is on that next rocket of The Virgin Soldier…Children in Need might have an income stream devoted to our donating if we claim our right to pay our taxes to him and not Jacob Zumas grandkids.
Here are MY top 12 for that next Supersonic Rocket Ship.
1Russell Bwand
2.Russell Howard
3.Jo Brand
4.Howard Davies
5.Ed Davey
6. Ed Balls
7.Ed Miliband
8 Millie Small
9.Heather Small
10 Steve Milller.
11. Bisshu
12. Howard Devoto…random call there!
Yes, Sunday Morning Live challenging – er, undermining – our way of life again : “Should the Church of England be Downsized?”
A suggested topic for next week: ‘Should the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation have a Muslim – Aaqil Ahmed – as Head of Religious Broadcasting?
Anyone get the feeling that all topics on Al Beeb’s SML are totally full of anti- British and anti- Christian sentiment. Why on earth are we forced to pay for this trash that continues to demean our great nation?
I just turned off the telly when they gave a run down for today:
1) Are the British thieves
2)Contrition over 450 British deaths in Afghanistan
3) Should churches be closed down
4) Interviewing the Muslim behind ‘Citizen (Pakistani) Khan complete with canned laughter.
How true. The Marr Show treated us to an extended lecture on Middle East politics and the “wickedness of British foreign policy” from the father of Islamists killed in Syria.
After years of media hand-wringing and puzzlement about the origins of radical Islam perhaps Marr has unwittingly presented us with the true cause – the Muslim fathers of IS killers. If he was truly concerned about the fate of his sons, he could have shared his vast wisdom on the topic with them some time ago.
What I find sickening is the attempt to play the “they are all good British lads at heart”, “victims of youthful folly card”. Marr even prompts him to make the case for the return of his remaining son.
The only sensible suggestion on dealing with IS I have ever heard on the media came from the Swiss journalist Kurt Pelda on German TV (Presseklub, ARD). He suggested that all Western Jihadists should be encouraged to go to Syria were they could be eliminated en masse.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
If there are any factual inaccuracies (to the BBC Watch story or interpretation of BBC Guidelines – the adherence by Mr. Bowen to accuracy, objectivity and integrity rather laid bare) I stand ready to hear them from any who feel the BBC or staff have some excuse here.
At this rate Jezza will have to do a job swap with Jasmine.
Though one may doubt that will improve the competence or impartiality levels on either beat to any degree.
Whoops, just pressed report in error.
The BBC’s own editorial guidelines on impartiality in news, current affairs and factual output state:
“Presenters, reporters and correspondents are the public face and voice of the BBC – they can have a significant impact on perceptions of whether due impartiality has been achieved. Our audiences should not be able to tell from BBC output the personal prejudices of our journalists or news and current affairs presenters on matters of public policy, political or industrial controversy, or on ‘controversial subjects’ in any other area. They may provide professional judgements, rooted in evidence, but may not express personal views in BBC output, including online, on such matters.”
Similar principles appear in other sections of BBC policy documents on the use of social media with the BBC News social media guidance clearly instructing staff as follows:
“You shouldn’t state your political preferences or say anything that compromises your impartiality. Don’t sound off about things in an openly partisan way.”
Any other organisation having issued these guidelines would make breaching them a disciplinary offence. But, hey, what’s ‘discipline’ in the wishy-washy, cosy, public-funded, left-liberal world of the BBC? It sounds like, so bourgeois maaaan.
Peter Allen on Radio 5 – what’s happened to him?
He’s now parroting politically correct rubbish in a most wooden manner as if he’s reading it from a script.
He was never like that on the drivetime show.
He’s obviously been given some new instructions for his morning show, and now he’s like a older, male version of the dreaded Victoria Derbyshire.
Do you think he’s been for “re-educating” at the Common Purpose Indoctrination School?
Ah, I correct my post from above. He’s obviously been disciplined, BBC-style (that would be Room 101 to you, Dez).
YAY at last !
Last night two gangs totalling around 80 youths were involved in a stand off in Rochdale. Although there is little in the report this was a white / Pakistani confrontation.
During the altercation a car carrying 5 ‘Asian’ (Pakistani) men drove up, shortly afterwards the Police arrived and one of their officers approached the car “. When she got to the vehicle, it sped off, forcing the officer to cling to one of the car seats.
She was dragged 150 yards along the road and repeatedly punched in the face until she fell from the vehicle.
The officer remains in hospital, where she is being treated for serious bruising and shock.”
Police have since arrested three men – a 19-year old man and two 24-year old men – on suspicion of attempted murder. They have also recovered a car.
So we have a gang of armed Pakistanis who decided to have a go a white youths who had been attending a bonfire followed by a murder attempt on a Police officer !
All this doesn’t even merit a mention on the BBC website nor the main or local news. They can’t say they don’t know because the Salford branch is covered by the MEN so it’s a case of wilful silence.
‘Det Chf Insp Andy Aston said: “We would like to reassure the public that this was an isolated incident and we are making good progress with the arrests’.
In other words, move on nothing of interest here. Rochdale is a vibrant and diverse community and we wont upset community leaders even if the retards cut our heads off
So many ‘isolated incidents’…. So many ‘lone wolves’…
Preferential treatment? You bet.
I wonder what the reaction would be from the police and the left-liberal media had this mind-boggling array of crimes, from industrial-scale child rape to Jihadist terrorism, been committed by the ‘Jewish community’.
I did see a report on this probably on North West the TV version was very low on details. Now I l know why.
I have given up on the BBC news website because it is so left wing and PC. So where can I get balanced news about the world? Not C4, for sure. Telegraph and Times are behind paywalls. Daily Mail – always crashes on my Ipad. So there is no alternative voice anymore. The end of democracy and a free exchange of views. Great Britain, RIP.
Not sure if this applies on the Ipad but if you delete the DTs cookies you can read their site online without a pay wall.
Whether or not its worth doing is another thing. The DT is not what it was.
This website is a pretty good source for news and its un-biased.
If you go there via Chrome’s Incognito tab or Explorer’s Private Browsing tab the cookies should be deleted automatically when you close the browser.
And if you’re using Firefox/Waterfox, open a Private Browsing Window.
But don’t even think of sending any money to the DT.
The DT’s unbalanced reporting of ‘climate change’ is as bad as the BBC’s, save from the occasional Booker/Delingpole call for sanity.
Breitbart London website – recommended.
Absolutely right. And the new Russia Today television news channel.
I don’t have a problem with the Hellograph’s paywall using Android, but as others have pointed out, there’s SFA worth reading there these days anyway.
The Telegraph has recently lurched so far to the Left that it is now little better than the Guardian. It has reduced its news reporting to such an extent that it has become a waste of time as a source of information. I can’t remember when it last broke a story of any significance.
If you avoid its opinion pieces, Sky has the facts. Even the Mail has news (if you can avoid the ’10 ways spiders give you cancer’ nonsense).
Breitbart is good but it’s unashamedly partisan.
The BBC, of course, hopelessly slanted, running carefully selected stories, peppered with Labour Party talking points dressed up as news.
According to Guido, the seemingly weekly defenestrations at the Telegraph havethis time claimed Captain D’Ancona, Master of the Torytanic.
Now he can spend all his time being Cameron’s pet without that tiresome old ‘job’ (sic) thingy getting in the way.
It’s still worth visiting the DT for the obituaries, especially the military ones. There are some amazing stories of real heroics – that you’ll never hear on “Last Word”.
I’ll be sorry if D’Ancona has gone. It was always interesting to read what the quisling wing of the Tory Party was thinking.
“Breitbart is good but it’s unashamedly partisan.”
Its openness about its allegiances makes a refreshing change from al-Beeb (a river in Egypt), which pretends to be objective. And Delingpole’s in charge. What;s not to like?
for UNBALANCED news that contradicts the crap – try Breitbart London :
Yes, Breitbart is usually excellent, but with the odd lapse.
One of its mainstay contributors is James Delingpole, who is always value for money.
This last week, Gerald Warner has now started to contribute a weekly article too, and he’s always good.
I see talent-vacuum Eddie Mair has been hosting The One Show.
In order to convince the viewers that Eddie has bags of charisma the BBC have paid droids overtime to stay behind and hang around off-camera / on mic and laugh like drains every time Vacuum opens his gob.
That they could just hire someone with bags of charisma to do the job is just a step too far for the droid managers.
Producer capture, you see. It’s not about entertaining you, it’s about throwing money at their favoured employees.
Next up, a ‘show’ where he flies the world front-of-the-plane and 5* to holiday destinations of his choice and picks up cute animals.
UKIP MEP: Gay marriage supporters are ‘equality Nazis’
Says BBC banner on Website. Could the picture editor chosen a more vile photo of the MEP? No unless he was Labour maybe or Green perhaps or….well you get the idea.
Made the mistake of watching 5 mins of the One Show, only to tune in as they were doing their feature on “alternative breakfasts.” The presenter opened the feature, in broad scouse tones “Now you know how our favourite food is Asian, chinese and Indian….” Yeah? i think I know where this is going, but before I can reach for the remote, there he was, in the home of a Palestinian family as they cooked up their morning feast. Mmmmmmm. Apart from the anything, I just hate the repetitive and tedious predictability of the people who run the BBC. Hello? Is anyone in Broadcasting House listening? Change the f***ing record……
I fully expect to be called a ‘racist’ soon, if I order a ‘full English’ instead of some curried goat for breakfast at the local greasy spoon.
We’ve had that already from BBC last year
A black woman having moved a tiny village in west country was calling her new neighbours racist because they wouldn’t patronise her Caribbean cafe
The BBC lapped it up ,so to speak.
Our local chip shop near Portsmouth is not doing well with his battered Mars Bars. Scot hating racists down here.
Provided you stare at your shoes and embarrassedly mumble “I’ll have a Full Oppressor, please” then you should get away with it.
At least until tptb decide that the English stranglehold on oppressing people is modern day apartheid and so must be opened up to all.
North of the border it’s called a ‘Scottish’ breakfast – can’t have the E-word attached to their favourite fry-up, eh? let alone give us credit for the best start to the day any man could wish for on his breakfast table.
Oh, then there’s the Welsh breakfast…
There’s also the ‘Ulster Fry’ which bears a close resemblance. Think it’s just a regional colloquialism more than a ‘tribal’ slant. On returning to Scotland after 30 years away, I notice Scottish gets lobbed in front of everything. It’s a marketing tool as per Hollywood films; ‘American…..’
Is it me or has the BBC finally got what it wanted with the stepping down of Fiona Woolf from the Historic Abuse Enquiry?.
It’s emblazoned as the main headline tonight, they’ve wheeled out no other than Keith Vaz for a box pop and run to Ed Milliband for a sideswipe quote so this tells me something stinks here and it’s more about the BBC’s politics.
Can anybody explain this or tell me if I’m wrong?.
I don’t know about the BBC but I think it’s the result a lot of people wanted – me included. Who needs the establishment investigating the establishment? They should get a High Court Judge from the US, Canada, Australia or somewhere to head the proceedings. Someone with clean hands and no backdoor obligations to our political elite.
I think that the BBC’s real agenda was to imply that Leon Brittan had something to hide. They couldn’t state that he’d done anything wrong or they’d get sued, so instead said that anyone who knew him couldn’t be involved in the enquiry simply because they knew him.
The BBC will never forgive him for being the Home Secretary during the miners’ strike.
In reality dealing with the IRA campaign and the miners’ strike was a full time job so it’s no surprise that he gave the child abuse claims to officials to investigate. But don’t expect any context from the BBC.
There is a lot to worry about concerning Brittan – not least his disgusting perfidy with the EU.
Just because the BBC might seem to be ‘out to get him’ doesn’t mean they are wrong. As the saying goes, even a stopped clock…
Much as it goes against the grain to support a Conservative politician…..
You seem to forget that Brittan’s career in British politics was destroyed by his support for the American Sikorsky bid for Westland, against the opposition of Heseltine, who wanted a European take-over of the company. At that point Brittan’s priority was what was best for a British company. He won the industrial argument but lost the following political fight. He was forced to resign and was exiled to the EU.
Once in Brussels, being paid by the EU, his loyalties changed and he became a “company man” for his new paymasters.
I think it is just another Leftie thing, ie the BBC and Labour are determined to ‘find’ that Leon Britten molested children and further proof of what a wicked government we had under Maggie. Therefore anybody chairing the committee who support the Conservatives will be shouted out of the role.
But Britten’s a ghastly EUrophile, they should love him. Unless their institutional Thatcher-hatred trumps all, I suppose.
Labour – you know, the NON-Nasty Party – beat them to it:
‘During a Commons debate on coalfield communities last night, Mr Hood said: “By the way, the current exposé of Sir Leon Brittan [sic], the then home secretary, with accusations of improper conduct with children will not come as a surprise to striking miners of 1984.”
If Camerroid had any balls, he’d start putting the boot in.
I think that the Labour Party wants to string this out until they may be in a position to appoint a chairman who would not criticize the Labour Party for it’s massive involvement in covering up abuse, or get a Labour supporting chairman appointed now, for the same result. I gather Mansfield QC has offered his services. Labour would love him.
Thanks for your replies.
I had an open mind about it but just wondered if there was something “amiss” because the BBC seemed to be making a big deal about it.
Yes, I have heard the plea for Mansfield. The idea seems to be that he will be tough with the Tory toffs, and show were lessons can be learnt when dealing with Labour’s hidden scandals.
Just a thought but could it be that Fiona Woolf would have done too thorough a job on the enquiry for the BBC’s liking ? There are many who have a lot to lose if the Head of the enquiry is too independent .
Do I detect a whiff of anti-semitism maybe?
Heard the News Quiz for the first time in ages.
It`s even less funny than it used to be…seems the format should have been buried along with Francis Wheen.
Utter crap-the likes of Hardy , Toksvig and Jupitus treat it like Compo, Cleggy , Foggy and the rest of the Coalition did with “last of The Summer Wine”-basically a pension pot that they`re free to piss in and dump over the license fee payer-as well as over any true comedians who don`t get the work as long as the whining squatters stay in the Green Room ad nauseum.
Utter tripe-Cam`s an MCP because he doesn`t wear a glossies T-shirt apparently…UKIP and the Daily Mail are crap bigots, USA full of fat people, Germans are either nude or Nazis…
Zees eez not Funny!…but no end of “writers” get credited at the end of the farrago where comedy came to crawl, curl up and die.
I myself would like to know names of who wrote what smear and sneer…the UKIP/German ones-as well as that Krankie woman who says Camerons an MCP for not wearing Harriets T-shirt.
I`m sick of this collective denial of their role as Gauleiters in chief for Miliband and the Greens…we need them excised from the tax bill we pay to be so insulted.
FOFF BBC!…the perennial Last of the Autumn Whiners need to go earn a crust for themselves…maybe clowns for Braggs Wassail before Tolpuddle next year?…
Jupitus as I recall was known once as Porky Pig, and did live comedy poetry (as well as cartoons on Billy Bragg merchandise), and if I am not wrong was on the “Red Wedge” tour in the early eighties which supported the Labour Party. (I was there in my socialist youth.) Hardy is a well known left winger. I am unsure of Toksvig’s affiliations but she does tick many BBC boxes; posh background and has a certain gender attraction which gets the thumbs up from the BBC luvvies. Individually I don’t care they are all on the same show. But all together?
I heard a BBC comedy producer say there were few right-wing comedians about. Really? Lee Hurst was damned funny and bloody sharp. He didn’t tow the left wing line. There’s one…and I’m not even trying.
Lee Hurst right wing? Are you sure?
It might explain why he vanished from the BBC when other less talented and funny infest the screen every week.
“Sandi Toksvig was a high profile political activist supporting the Liberal Democrats. She introduced the party leader Menzies Campbell at the party’s 2004 conference, and was described as a possible parliamentary candidate. Since the Liberal Democrat’s coalition with the Conservatives however she is no longer a Party member. On Radio 4 in 2011 she declared that Nick Clegg ‘put the ‘N’ into cuts’ to child benefit.”
The News Quiz used to be my favourite show on R4 when witty, erudite people like Barry Took, Simon Hoggart, Richard Ingrams and Alan Coren were to be heard. Their gentle yet pointed satire was a joy to listen to. Their barbs were scattered equally across the political spectrum without fear or favour.
Now all we have is Sandi Tosspig and the usual band of hard-left BBC ‘comics’ who wouldn’t get a stand up gig at a third-rate working men’s club.
And who, like all good socialists, wouldn’t want to go anywhere near a working men’s club. God forbid they should have to rub shoulders with the lower classes!
No idea what working men’s clubs are like these days but they used to be home sweet home for the likes of Manning, Compton, Reed, Williams etc etc
Likewise, I tuned into the so called BBC (Bollocks But not Comedy) Friday night slot for the first time in ages. I could not put it better myself ChrisH. I think Millipede was only mentioned once, some reference to his face, I think.
Don’t you find the News Quiz panel to be so consistently representative of the UK’s demographic? Jerry Sadowitz would destroy the lot of them, if only he could be given the chance. I bet the BBC wish they had listened to him a few years ago as it would have saved them a lot of embarrassment subsequently.
On the BBC News there was a long item about the fact that some (hitherto unknown) fashion designer has seen a way to get some publicity so she has made some hijabs with Remembrance poppies on them. This was turned into a ridiculous piece about cultural cohesion, all the fantastically brave things British Muslim soldiers have done over the years (how bloody patronising!), how a Muslim won a VC in WWI, etc etc. This story wasn’t, by any reasonable measure, worthy of a slot on the main national news. They feed us with this stuff as if we are little children that need to be taught right from wrong. It’s insulting.
Strangely, although there was lots of time for the bollocks mentioned above, there wasn’t time for another story which I think is possibly more important: the fact that 14% of Britain’s young people have ‘warm feelings’ about ISIS.
Nor was there room for the report by OFSTED that many schools need extra support to cope with the ‘influx’ of immigrants.
Nor was Maureen Lipman’s fall out with Labour reported.
Nor was it reported that Russell Brant, scourge of capitalism, has gone to various bastions of the capitalist system (hedge funds etc) to finance his new film. There was nothing about Radio 3’s record-breaking low audience figures. All these stories, yet they chose the one about putting poppies on a few hijabs.
Why highlight a Muslim winning the VC ( I’m sure deservedly) when Sikhs won more in both World Wars? Damn good soldiers, the Sikhs.
I’ve recently read a number of published diaries and letters by British soldiers of all ranks from World War 1 and one entry stood out for me. This was from a Subaltern in a British Indian Army unit serving on the Western Front who had nothing but praise for the Sikhs and Hindus under his command. The only sour note in his entry was when he mentioned passing a group of Muslim soldiers who were cooking a meal for themselves. As he passed them, one of the soldiers stood up and kicked over the pot containing their meal and told the officer that, as his shadow had fallen across their food, as an infidel, he had tainted it making it unfit for them to eat.
I certainly wouldn’t have fancied going over the top with this lot behind me carrying loaded weapons.
Highlighting the Muslim VC must have been a government initiative as it was also on the front page of the DT.
They don’t think we ‘need to be taught right from wrong’ they think we need to be told right is wrong.
“Labour win South Yorkshire police commissioner poll” [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-29850080]
Kudos to the BBC for highlighting the prevalence of postal votes and letting the reader draw their own conclusions. But I can’t be the only one dismayed by the abysmal low turnout. Given what went on in Rotherham and the eventual resignation of the previous Commissioner, it is tempting to say that if the majority of the electorate can’t be arsed to vote, then they deserve another Labour Commissioner. That’s what the people want, those bothered enough to have a view anyway. The Establishment must wonder how easy voter apathy makes it to resist change.
I don’t think the BBC can be blamed for voter stupidity.
I used to live in S Yorkshire so my expectations were not high, but a turnout of 14.88%?
Some people need to wake up, and soon.
On breitbart a lot of posters seem convinced that 80% of labours vote was postal. I’m not sure how they came by that figure but it would be interesting to know .Especially when juxtaposed with this
It’s a moot point anyway. Over 85% of the electorate weren’t bovvered enough to vote so were equally happy with any outcome.
But turn outs for these pretend police chiefs has been low anyway .
People can see it for fraud it is
Any election turnout of less than 50% should be made null and void. If less than half of the people want all of the candidates combined then the wrong candidates have been put forward.
but not fair on the real voters who did turn out but were defeated by the fraudulent vote .
It’s mentioned on Labour list. http://labourlist.org/2014/10/south-yorkshire-pcc-by-election-results/
I’d like to see the voting figures for Rotherham as compared to the rest of South Yorkshire. We might find that the turnout and UKIP percentage were higher there. But I don’t expect that from the BBC as it would undermine the narrative of Labour’s victory.
‘I don’t think the BBC can be blamed for voter stupidity’
True, but they can be blamed for influencing stupid voters, especially having 70% of the nation’s news coverage.
They’ve finally noticed this, though you need to go to Breitbart to find out just how sexually aggressive these Libyans were, and the fact that some British troops have now had their leave cancelled to make sure said Libyans remain confined to barracks and stop intimidating the locals.
The Islamisation of Britain: a big repressive step by U.K government-
U.K: Cameron-May to make criticism of Islam a criminal offence.
While Beeboids politically campaign on behalf of Islamic jihad suspects in Guantamamo, Beeboids (in Leveson mode) are less concerned with the serious encroachments on the liberty of British citizen who would criticise Islam-
“New UK law would ban critics of Sharia from broadcasting, protesting or even posting messages on Facebook”
[Opening excerpt, by Robert Spencer, already banned from U.K by Cameron-May. Beeboids please note.]:
“The last free person in Britain, if there is one, might as well turn out the lights. If this becomes law, Britain is finished as a free society. As the law would also forbid opposition to gay marriage, it would be interesting to see what would happen if a proponent of Sharia protested against gay marriage — but Muslim groups are largely for it, since it opens the door to the legalization of polygamy.”
“West must stop appeasing efforts to ban criticism of Islam.
That fake term ‘Islamophobia’. It’s just designed to destroy free speech and, de facto and indeed de jure, to impose Islamic law on the West.”
By Michael Curtis,
(Nov 2013).
I’ve always been a pretty conservative, law abiding type but, over the last ten years or so, I’ve been contemplating situations where I might resort to actions that, in the past, I would never have condoned.
I feel that our supposedly elected Lords and Masters are coming close to losing the moral right to govern. Unless full democracy and freedom are restored quite soon I’m not sure where it will end, but it won’t be pleasant.
I feel the same way. I think our rulers imagine they have dumbed us all down sufficiently and made passive, compliant sheep of us.
Maybe they have. Most of the younger generation are pretty hopeless and disengaged and couldn’t care less if their rights and liberties are stripped away just as long as they have their shiny new iPhones and X-Factor.
I think it’s up to those of us who remember what life was like in this country before we had our noses rubbed in diversity and our rights to free speech nibbled away.
Legitimately, we can only express our feelings at the ballot box, and many of us seem to be doing that of late – and that for now must be the way forward.
If nothing changes after the next GE then I think we will have a pressure cooker situation in this country and it will end violently.
Agreed. The left – with the BBC as their vanguard – have wrecked this country. Don’t get me wrong, there were plenty of things wrong with our society before, but what we have now is bereft of anything worthwhile.
We are governed by a bunch of inconsequential morons. They don’t much care about the damage they’re doing as long as they’re feeling ‘tolerant’ and ‘lovely’.
UKIP are not much better, but they are the only thing which offers any sort of alternative view right now, so they’ll be getting my vote.
UKIP are certainly the best of an awful bunch, but I fear that even if they do get a sniff of power they will be forced to back pedal on their policies after howls of outrage from from the mainstream media. Leaving us with yet another soft-right party when what we need are some pretty radical solutions to our problems..
‘Inconsequential morons’ really does sum it up – it’s like nobody remembers how to think logically anymore. I was at a dinner party with some of my left-leaning friends the other night, and as usual had to put with their typical whinings about America, capitalism, the environment blah blah. Normally I’m smart enough to only make the odd contrary comment just to keep the peace. (I’m sure some of them think I’m a lefty really and I’m only doing it as a sort of Devil’s Advocate but I digress)..
The conversation turns to ‘identity politics’. I say that whenever a BBC programme is often the main concern is about race – well I’m white therefore I’m interested in seeing white people prosper. Or gender – I’m a bloke so I’m heartily sick of feminism – it’s toxic to me, why should I give a toss about women. Or homophobia/Islamophobia etc etc..And we have been fed crap like this for the past 40 odd years.
Most of them stared at me in disbelief. The problem is that many many otherwise intelligent people have bought into this nonsense at an almost religious level – and it will take generations to die out as the youngsters nowadays start out as Left by default (Marxist teaching still going strong).
Anyway – apologies for the long ramble, the point being that these ‘tolerant and lovely’ socialist leaning people really do not understand how their ‘marvellous’ cosmopolitan lives are lived as sheltered blinkered hypocrites.
Unsure if UKIP are cleverly playing the long game, I’m hoping that Farage is shrewd enough to keep his powder dry for now.
What worries me is that they seem to be just a one policy party and rarely if ever mention the religion of peace, preferring instead to promote such within the party. Note the recent appointment of senior advisor. I may be wrong but such appointments do have the knack of biting the party on the a55 and in this regard I see them as no different from the other three. Carswells acceptance speech also worried me.
Regardless they’ve got my vote, academic to a degree as its Whitehall that really run the country not Westminster.
“and rarely if ever mention the religion of peace”
Surely he’s just avoiding playing into the hands of critics all over the MSM who are already happy to condemn UKIP as racist?
This is why we should not get involved in any military action against an Islamic enemy; support for our soldiers would be hate speech.
Joshaw -Try a revolution. I believe a hypocritical, narcissistic ex-junkie has just started one.
So Cameron and May have never heard of our proud tradition of free speech…not too surprising I guess. They are both authoritarian by nature.
Jo shaw. There are millions of good people in this country, the silent majority that is. They are beginning to feel like you.
Enough is enough!!!
We won’t be a majority for long, silent or otherwise, if current trends continue.
R4’s Feedback this evening had an item about the technical clangers dropped regularly by R4. A totally unapologetic and arrogant comrade dismissed the criticism by saying that they only had one staff member to ensure proper continuity and to deal with technical errors as they arose. They had a massive workload…blah..blah. My heart really bled for the poor BBC. If only we could throw a few billion more its way maybe they could get more staff. Alternatively, get rid of a few of the talentless clowns already on the books and re-invest the cash.
What they neglected to say was that the poor chump fixing the technical problems likely reports to four different managers, each of whom earns four times what he or she does.
‘Trick Or Treat’ says the headline on the BBC’s ‘news’ website this evening, followed by ‘Tips for a disability-friendly Halloween’
I imagine no one at the BBC would be able to understand what is wrong with this story, especially not how it epitomises the mediocre, mawkish, New Labour, faux-‘caring’ tripe it churns out and how that has made it a laughing stock.
Yea Gods. It was all about bobbing for apples when I was a kid. Of course we had to make allowances for those in the community who couldn’t ‘bob’ by holding them up by their ankles and dunking them in the barrel of water and apples.
I think the BBC have neglected the LGBT community here though. Are there no gay ghosts? No lesbian goblins or transgendered ghouls? Why don’t they get a mention?
Because some of em dont like the ‘willies put up em’ !
Lol, a Zombie Liberace maybe?
So, we’ve hosted Beaker today (Ed Milliband) in Manchester, and he thought being a mindless leftie that it would make a good photo opportunity to give some money to a Roma beggar on the street in a rather awkward photo op.
Soon afterwards however the Police gave him a telling off for giving to unregistered charity collectors.
Funny thing is, that although the BBC have coverage of his visit to Manchester they seem to overlooked this part of the visit.
Check the photos on order-order.com. Look at Millband’s face. The word ‘shifty’ springs to mind.
Millband steals from beggar
I thought he was nicking her coffee, then thought better of it after having been twigged.
I have a vast collection of Miliband gurning pictures – he always looks odd, anyway, but there are some classics, the best of which is the bacon sandwich that fought back.
Old Goat, I’m sure that some of us would like to view your Milliband gurning pictures. Please could you make them available on line for us BiasedBBCers. Thankyou.
That didn’t work…
That didn’t seem to work, either…
To be fair, it looks like he only gave her 2p!
Actually, Miliband gave her £1 but, as a true socialist, deducted 98p tax beforehand.
he only gave her two pence because it was his money. He really wanted to give her £100 but no taxpayers were around at the time.
Someone commented that he gave her the keys to a 4 bedroom house in west London 🙂
Well it’s good to see that Manchester police haven’t anything really serious to worry about. Oh, but wait…
‘Foreign aid’:
BBC-NUJ demands British people increase finance of corrupt foreign regimes; and UK is to blame for the corruption!
Tw contrasting reports-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“Confirmed: Our foreign aid fuels corruption –
“Official watchdog’s verdict on aid spending that Cameron has defiantly ring-fenced.
“Projects funded by billions of UK cash increase opportunities for bribery.
“Damning report concluded huge amounts of UK aid money is being wasted.
“In Nepal, the poor are being pushed ‘towards corrupt practices’, experts say.
“Work to stop police bribery in Nigeria left locals more prone to paying bribes.
“The PM has defended commitment to spend 0.7% of income on overseas aid.
“Report gave Department for International Development ‘amber-red’ rating.
“Labour said International Development minister was ‘asleep at the wheel.’
“Comes after it emerged human rights abuses in Ethiopia worsened during period of UK funding.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2815115/Confirmed-foreign-aid-fuels-corruption-Official-watchdog-s-verdict-aid-spending-Cameron-defiantly-ring-fenced.html#ixzz3HlWXoRph
2.) BBC-NUJ-
“UK ‘must do more’ to tackle aid corruption”
Yep! Clueless … Tory fuckwits strike again .. why can t they stick to lying about the economy?
Not only selling us off (or perhaps should we say giving away), but also selling us out.
“Hand a judge a file of a thousand Twitter postings accusing this atheist or that evangelical of ‘spreading hatred’ and they could easily rule that an EDO is needed”
Manna from heaven for the cronies of a certain ROP we could mention … with “Borg” like herd mentality, already using similar avenues to silence criticism.
Another law used to take away so many of our rights, which is all this deceitful shower have done since they came in.
Fighting extremism? (shakes head) … Islam IS extreme, some Muslims may not be … but Islam definitely IS!
So May, how will EDO s help?
I mean, 😀 what could go wrong eh!
He’s a good bloke.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2816307/Walmart-forced-pull-Pashtun-Papa-Halloween-costume-Twitter-users-brand-racist-offensive.html…how is this racist ?
I imagine it depends on the spirit in which it is worn – and the colour of the person wearing it. Image the melt down they’d have if a black man wore that outfit!
There are other ‘offensive’ outfits too, if you are inclined to nano thickness of skin, like the Duck Dynasty Redneck costumes and this one which, I am assured, is offensive to all fat white sailors everywhere.
JonDon in reflective mood, asking questions. Lucky for him the BBC doesn’t entertain many of them, especially around his body of work.
Still, he feels lucky to be in his new home. One may wonder how his hosts feel as he ‘reports’ on what he doesn’t approve of and pushes what he does.
It’s on facebook too, with a rich seam for any seeking to close down folk for hosting hate sites…
Chukwuemeka Ekeh
“Australia full with white dirty smelly pigs”
Possibly not a local. Or fan.
Jon Donnison: ‘I feel lucky to be here. As to whether I got here on merit, I’ll leave that for others to judge’.
If only we could judge him by something along the lines of…. choosing whether or not we wished to pay for his journalistic output.
Mr. Harrabin pontificating on the IPCC, er “tidied” report this morning, and telling us that they and “climate sceptics” (what are they?) are “singing from the same hymnsheet”. Are we? First I’ve heard about it. We all, apparently agree that there will be a warming of at least 1.7 degrees, which is pretty close to the 2 degrees that the EU is worried about, and that it’s all down to CO2, and the human constituent part of it. So we must curtail our emissions of greenhouse gases. (Why do they never mention water vapour, and only worry about CO2?).
More bollocks, again. So far as I’m concerned, I’m more worried about the likely coming cooling from natural causes, than poncing about with CO2 and windmills, and allowing myself to freeze. Sod that.
Generator ready – plenty of diesel. Well stocked up with wood, and gas cylinders.
Silly buggers. I hate the BBC.
Like you Old Goat (does that sound rude?) I am more worried about cooling than warming – but if this lovely sunny November day when I can go out in summer clothes is warming, I rather like it. And it does rather more for my heating bills than Milliband’s freezing of energy prices.
Any warming would be beneficial for us all, rather than an impending catastrophe. The warmies have their head stuck so far up their left-wing arses, they can’t see this.
It is with foreboding that we should look upon the inevitable coming cooling – it won’t help any of us, and when we’ve shot ourselves in both feet by refusing to take our heads out of the sand to see the likely consequences of governmental idiocy, it’ll be too late. The opportunity to prepare, and build nuclear, gas, coal and oil stations in readiness will be long gone.
We have seen the future all along, and it is writ large now, especially with the reduced power output from various generation plants, which have gone off-line, or cut their output for various reasons.
One cold winter is all that it will take – and there are probably around thirty on the way.
Pause? No – more like cessation. Remember, the interglacials of the past, are merely “pauses” in earlier ice ages.
Spot on, OG. More and more evidence is pointing to a prolonged cooling but do not underestimate the enviro-socialists ability to frame this as yet more evidence of ‘climate chaos’ caused by – yes, global warming.
It is so very, very hard to believe that this is what science has become in the 21st century and that pleas from the voices of reason – true scientists who still believe in following the scientific method – continue to be ignored by leaders in the ‘free’ (but not for much longer) West.
Even by Harrabin’s usual slippery-tongued, reality-inverting standards this was a breathtaking distortion of the truth.
The basic claim of the piece was that ‘mainstream scientists’ and a ‘vocal minority’ of sceptics (‘a few independent scientists’) are almost in agreement on CO2 contributing to the earth’s warming and that after the current ‘pause’ warming will resume in the not too distant future, with temperatures rising between 1.2 and 3 deg C by the end of the century.
All on the basis of one report by someone whose name I’ve never once seen on any climate science website.
He used the piece to continue peddling the usual hard-faced BBC 28gate-approved lies: that the IPCC report is all peer-reviewed science (Donna Laframboise’s book, anyone?); that ‘independent’ scientists have never had a paper printed in a scientific journal (Climategate ignored, of course); that climate models are still to be believed (despite all 70-plus of them having been proven spectacularly wrong by real world evidence); that there is no such thing as a ‘mainstream’ (as he puts it) sceptical scientist (is he just a lazy bastard that can’t be bothered to read ANY sceptical website?!); that the IPCC is a purely scientific body (ignoring the massive environmentalist presence throughout); that a doubling of CO2 will see irreversible changes to our climate (see models above) etc. etc.
To be honest I switched off in disgust before the end as there is only so much of this unadulterated enviro-propaganda I can stand. It is pretty obvious that Harrabin and his like at the BBC either do not know sceptical websites exist or they do know and choose to ignore them – either way, it proves they are not fit to report for the local parish rag let alone the BBC.
I can only hope that in my lifetime I see the BBC brought to book on their role in promoting the biggest scientific and political fraud the world has ever seen, including an enquiry into 28gate and a full investigation into every single piece of Harrabin’s ‘work’.
Then charges of manslaughter brought against them for every death caused by energy shortages and fuel poverty.
Islamising Turkey: a portent of Islamising Britain?
As we know, Tories, Lib Dems, Labour (inc BBC-NUJ) still campaign for entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into European Union.
“Turkey: Polygamous man ‘aims for 50 children'”
Of course, in the future, when millions of immigrants from Iraq and Syria move into neighbouring Turkey, they will be inside the European Union, and all that entails.
No doubt BBC-NUJ will see that as a success for its ‘socialism’/national suicide.
“Terror warning for UK tourists:
Foreign office updates travel advice for all global destinations to say Britons face ‘heightened threat’ of attack from ISIS supporters”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2816595/Terror-warning-UK-tourists-Foreign-office-updates-travel-advice-global-destinations-say-Britons-face-heightened-threat-attack-ISIS-supporters.html#ixzz3Ho2iGhxG
including the UK itself. So what are the police doing about it?
Some unbiased analysis of the forthcoming American elections, brought to you by the BBC’s Middle East Bureau Chief Paul Danahar: https://www.facebook.com/bbcworldnews/photos/pcb.10153770946962588/10153770946177588/?type=1&theater
So apparently George W Bush cynically threw Rumsfeld to the lions to appease an angry nation, and Obama may throw a hand grenade into the plans of those trying to replace him in 2016 by restoring relations with Cuba, as our hero walks off into the sunset.
His tweets also show a liberal bias: https://twitter.com/pdanahar. For example, he tweets:
Key to ISIS philosophy is they want all Muslims ostracized from other communities. Too many ‘commentators’ seem ready to help them with that
In other words, we should pretend that there is nothing in the Koran that could conceivably be used to justify what ISIS are doing (even though that’s clearly not the case – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXBgqa-xQwY ).
There are many muslim scholars who would argue that ISIS are twisting the teachings of Islam, but as a society we need a mature and open debate about the matter (not least to prevent some muslims being taken in by unchallenged extremist propaganda).
Such discussion should’t be swept under the carpet in the name of community relations.
The BBC’s obsession with gender continues, with this outpouring of angst: “Why should women change their names on getting married?” (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-29804450). The article is by one Sophie Coulombeau, described as “a Radio 3 and Arts & Humanities Research Council New Generation Thinker” (you couldn’t make this up, could you?). It is of course the case that there is no legal requirement for a woman to change her surname and as the article points out: “…in Britain it has always been legal to call yourself whatever you like (as long as you’re not committing fraud)”. Despite this, we learn that “the history of marital surname change – a specifically English phenomenon – reveals that its origins are at best controversial. And at worst, they are deeply unsavoury.” To support this view, we are told about social conventions and attitudes going back 1000 years, as if that governs daily life today. Being the BBC, it is full of the usual hatred and patronising comments. For instance, the proportion of women who do not adopt their husband’s name is increasing – “especially among highly-educated and younger women” (i.e. those who don’t are old and stupid, unlike say, Radio 3 and Arts & Humanities Research Council New Generation Thinkers). There are lots of references to old, dead icons of the Left, some of whom you may have heard of some, some of whom clearly had “issues” around their own identity and place in society.
Aside from the personal nature of the article (and no, Miss Coulombeau will not be changing her name when she shortly marries), the obvious question is: what else is behind this article? A clue may be in the reference to something called the “Discourses of Marriage Research Group, a multi-institutional network interested in marriage equality”. Reading the tedious blog of this organisation reveals that it was heavily involved in the campaign to legalise homosexual marriage. It is, of course, not interested in the institution of marriage per se, rather in how it may undermine it. Suddenly a wider discussion opens up: if Dave Jones marries Mike Smith, what do they call themselves? Mr & Mr Jones? Mr & Mr Smith? Mr & Mr Smith-Jones? Er, Mr & Mrs…? You can see how this conundrum would keep Leftists awake at night…
As you correctly point out, Ian Rushlow, the fact that people ‘can call themselves what they like’ is in the article, but you will probably need a magnifying glass to find this ‘needle of balance’ amongst what is a ‘rambling feminist haystack’.
Truth is, most women change their names to that of their husand for the following reasons:
1) It is traditional to do so
2) They want to
3) They have the freedom of choice to do so
4) They are not hardline raging feminists intent on wrecking ‘traditional British culture’ and given a platform to do so by a national broadcaster forcibly funded mostly from those members of the ‘tradtional British’ population.
This BBC article, in my view, is as equally damaging to ‘wimmin’s rights’ as it is seemingly aiming at taking away, or disapproving of, the individual’s choice and freedom to change their name, or not, AS THEY SEE FIT.
Sickofitall – My wife changed her name no problem. However she may take issue if I made her cover all but her eyes and walk three steps behind me at all times.
“especially among highly-educated and younger women”
Younger women are more likely to get married than older women. According to the Office of National Statistics the greatest number of marriages were for women aged 25 to 29. The next largest group were women aged 30- to 34 whil the third largest group were aged 20 to 24. If more younger women are marrying than older women thanit is hardly surprising that more of them keep their maiden name. That is the name their mother took when she married their father.
If that is an example of her thinking, she should give it up. Thinking is obviously beyond her capabilities.
Just imagine the living hell awaiting Ms Coulombeau’s soon to be husband. A lifetime of humourless right-on lefty hectoring awaits.
Any Questions … BBC Fri R4
First two questions …
Historical Child Abuse Inquiry re – Woolfe
Rotherham Child Gang Rape
Sadly usual BBC fare. There is much in the way of platitude on display, much going “all around the houses”, not one mention
of the link between the perpetrators who were Afghan, Bangladeshi, Pakistani among others nationalities.
The venue …
The Al Mahdi Mosque in Bradford
… there are no words
Just listening to this now….disgrace…Blunket on ‘ When i was this…and that ‘ ‘ i could see then…see that…see the problems ‘…NO…no you couldn’t you scumbag, you are blind….you see and saw nothing…nothing….people should cease feeling sorry for the bastard…he is one of the guilty scum who have wrecked this country…and plenty of Taqiyya on display from the muslims there…..
I can remember when the story broke of Blunkett having a mistress. There was a picture of the two of them with the question “One of these two people is blind. Which one is it?” I got the answer wrong.
Stevie Wonder might have been a more successful Home Secretary.
Pontificating, about child sex abuse, about Rotherham in a mosque!, where Mohamhead s excuse book is of course in full effect, no mention of Islam … a new low.
For the BBC too, adding an arrogant insult, to 1000s who have suffered, and proving what an enormous part of the problem they are.
Just like sending a Muslim interviewer to speak to victims.
Just like Newsnight here, (12mins) … obfuscation on obfuscation, omission on omission, not even the need to use their fave euphemism “Asians” any more…
oh, take a listen to M Oliver at the end … lets one or two facts slip.
Oh the irony, that bastion of impartiality and no advertizing have been banging on for weeks about the BBC’s “Free Thinking” programme and now it is here. Of course the last thing one would ascribe to the BBC is Free Thinking, their thinking is done for them by Brussels, the labour party, the eco fascists and their sister propogandist the Gruniad. This morning I had to switch over to Classic FM, adverts and all, although there were adverts but fewer than in the BBC’s output today.
BBC’s Hugh Sykes doesn’t like the Tower of London poppies – apparently it’s insensitive to only commemorate the Empire dead and not everybody else’s too:
No it is not. End of discussion.
The authentic voice of the BBC – in perfect lock step with the cultural Marxists at the Guardian, as always.
Insensitive to commemorate our dead?
Disgraceful, treacherous b’stards.
Who in the name of sanity is Tobias Boes anyway? He sounds like a really useful member of society.
Well he is on a par with dog mess in my book.
Interesting the default empathy with and defence of this Graun scribe’s stance still, as the nation they appear to be speaking at…. for hasn’t responded over-favourably.
It is of course possible their twitter bubble is entirely onside.
Still, weighing that against the ‘don’t tweet anything stupid’ plea from the top of the sac-o-rats totem, sniping at a creative, heartfelt, high-effort, public-supported military memorial at this sensitive period from the national broadcast monopoly seems ‘brave’, if foolishly confontational.
I see that his views are his own.
And for absolute clarity, also not anyone else’s.
Lest anyone be tempted to suspect otherwise.
Tell it often enough, Hugh.
Massive crowds at Tower of London memorial force organizers to ask visitors to stay away. http://t.co/RvHvEmZXoB http://t.co/kfLZmybSJl
Seems some do like them. Shame they are not employed by the national disgrace, like Mr. ‘Viewsmyown’.
So Al Beeb completely and irrevocably disconnected from the prevailing mood of the country ( the zeitgeist in beeb speak) like the were with Thatchers funeral ,like they were with the diamond jubilee and like they were with Wootton Basset.
INBBC puts ‘Australia’ back on the map with INBBC’s ‘Islamophobia’.
Until recently, ‘Australia’ was censored off Beeboids’ global online news pages as a separate entity. But ‘Australia’ is back for INBBC. And what does INBBC feature? News about British and other descents? No, it features the terrors of ‘Islamophobia’ for Australia’s nice Muslims. So the emphasis of the Beeboid reports (below) is not on the Islamic jihad threat of some Muslims towards non-Muslim ‘kafirs’, but on the apparent threat of the invented Islamic ‘Islamophobia’!
So, INBBC not only feeds us this propaganda:
“How anti-Muslim sentiment hit one Australian”
By Phil Mercer
BBC News, Sydney.
But, apparent imam envoy, INBBC’s DONNISON, additionally has this echo chamber piece, to that of Beeboid MERCER’s (above) on ‘Islamophobia’ (which Donnison touts globally), on INBBC’s Radio 4 ‘From Our Own Correspondent’ (17 mins: 20 secs in)-
[audio src="http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/radio4/fooc/fooc_20141101-1200b.mp3" /]
Meanwhile, in Australia-
“Australian police issue nationwide terror warning to teachers”
INBBC’s ‘Our own correspondent’ podcast on ‘Islamphobic’ Australia should be here (18min:15 secs in)-
Well if anything was certain to clear the schedules at BBC Downunder it was this….
There is a great sense of anxiety among the Muslims at the moment,” Shaykh Wesam Charkawi, an Imam at the Lakemba mosque in Sydney, told the BBC.
“There is also a great level of fear. People don’t know what the future holds. At the end of the day, we feel so ostracised. It is like there is no air to breathe.”
TellSheila heading to a community living in fear near you.
We are told that only a thousand or so Muslims are a problem in Australia, trifling compared to the million ‘peace loving’ Muslims there.
In typical BBC fashion ‘our correspondent’ completely misses the irony of reporting on the one abused Muslim in Australia compared to the near-million that aren’t abused!
Orla Guerin reporting on Migrants who risk everything to reach Europe.
For the Bakr family – who are Palestinians – this was the second catastrophe in recent years. Hamas drove them from Gaza in 2007 and seized their business interests. No!!!!! Now why would that be?
That couldn’t possibly be the same Hamas that so many at the BBC support, could it?
Actually an interesting piece on several levels, from the political to the geographical to what gets mentioned in passing but not followed upon.
Having been introduced to a raft (no pun intended) of protagonists in this sorry tale, any supposed failure by destination countries to take additional measures to welcome these ‘migrants’ ranks very low down on the responsibility scale.
Maybe the BBC’s finest investigators and campaigning editors’ time might be better spent at points of origin and sharing the poor record of these folks’ ferry operators?
Ed Miliband accused of looking ‘awkward’ while giving money to beggar – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/ed-miliband/11201824/Ed-Miliband-accused-of-looking-awkward-while-giving-money-to-beggar.html
Very considerate of the BBC not to want to add to Mr Miliband’s embarrassment by making a big deal of this.
I wonder if they’d be so thoughtful if Nigel Farage were to look disgusted whilst making a photo opportunity out of a 2p donation to a beggar…
I wonder if that photo will be on any Bbc comedy show, like MTW or HIGNFY.
Ooohh no – that would be manna from heaven!
The point on how political satirical sniping would play out with other players is a good one.
It’s clearly a dream high-profile photo-op cluster-Fubar from instigation to execution, with added further hole-digging by the same people who doubtless got him in this one.
I thought that, given his inability to miss any rake on the lawn (a sure sign of leadership) they had created a team to prevent such PR howlers?
This one was doomed from staged start to prat fall finish.
If it avoids serious lampooning a great deal of high horse editorial integrity will need to be sacrificed not explaining why.
Maybe Ian, Paul, Dara and the girls were too busy concocting their next ‘Fascists!’ Belly laughathon to be bothered by stuff that has tickled the fancy of the actual public rather than a wonk focus group or bbc-embedded crisis-censorship commissar.
For those still on the fence regarding whether Ed Miliband is a complete and utter tw@t, this is the clincher.
This is possibly the most risible and cynical political stunt of the year. Still, with 2 months to go, Ed could still go one better.
I confidently predict myriad opportunities for Ed Miliband to look, sound and act like a tw@t over the next 7 months.
Labour are trying to spin that he gave more than 2p but the picture is fairly conclusive.
Labour are basically admitting that their leader does not give tuppence for the homeless …
Or…ho could have given that £45 pound that it cost to get Harriet Harmans shirt from Whistles…c/o Ellie Magazine.
Typical Labour-2p for a real woman in need….but £45 to the Fawcett Society, where his mum and the like no doubt claim for their Manuka honey on the NHS…whilst claiming their poppies, wreaths and wristband on our expenses.
Who DID pay for those T-shirts Hattie, Ed and Cleggy?…let me guess….the same mugs who paid for duck houses, trouser presses and Jacqui Smiffs wankmags in the last Rotten Parliament!
At least we know what feminists look like…rather like Vita Sackville West, Tony Benn and Ralph Miliband, Marie Stopes and Tom Driberg.
Meet the new boss…
No one paid for the duck house except the MP himself. He made a claim but it was rightly refused.
The BBC like to use the ‘duck houses’ as a meme for Nasty Party greed but it was Labour MPs who were at the head of the queues. Classic diversion.
Is Ed Miliband going to claim the 2p on expenses? Lets have a Panorama special on it. They did one on Mr Farage that was only marginally more serious.
Although the BBC seems to emphasise the following (opening paragraph):
Reaping what we sow?
Other media say similar things. The truth is that the FCO warning simply said:
The BBC has made it look, primarily, due to revenge attacks by ISIL when we all know they were beheading British people before any UK airstrikes (David Haines).
At the start of Showboat, a classic 1951 musical, the BBC continuity announcer had to warn us in grave tones that the film was made ‘at a time of racial segregation’. For goodness sake! What are we going to go, swoon in horror because the blacks are basically working in the fields and the whites are riding up and down the Mississippi on a boat? Racially that was pretty accurate for both the time depicted and the time the film was made, but I suppose if the BBC remade it they’d have a black as the captain of the boat and the crooks would all be white.
The Laurel and Hardy feature “Pardon Us” is still available, where The Boys disguise themselves as AfroAms to evade their captors.
Again on precedent, what does and does not require such a warning.
There has to be a list of ‘isms, and maybe a subset of degrees for each one, otherwise how can the drones know when to apply and when not?
I’d dearly love to see this, as they may have missed some dramatic or historical scenarios I feel I need warning about.
Any doco about Henry VIII’s marital solutions may require advice that this could lead to more communities living in fear of reminders of what happened here several centuries ago. Or again, now.
I think that all BBC “news” programmes should be preceded by the following warning:
“This programme may contain left-wing opinion, inaccuracies, and speed-dialled interviewees. Facts may be omitted”.
“This programme contains only left-wing opinion” Would be more accurate
I dont object to it containing left wing opiion its the lack of any contrary opinion and the pretence that it is fact that angers me
You missed out ‘outright lies’ !
When is the bBBC going to show Blazing Saddles again?
Cracking film…..up yours BBC…..
Regarding Russell Brand, he has been all over the BBC promoting his book. Just name a programme he hasn’t been on (not including the shipping forecast). I mean, fancy having him on Newsnight! It just shows that the programme has lost its way, and is desperate to get viewing figures up.
Now, it takes two to tango. I’m sure Russell would accept every invitation, so why does he get so many? The book is a muddled, head-in-the-clouds anarchist/Marxist mess. In other words it’s an accurate match for the thought processes of many BBC ‘creatives’.
I don’t recall Lord Lawson getting many BBC invites when he published ‘An Appeal to Reason’, which was a pretty good debunking of the economics of environmentalism.
Maybe Russell’s book is more the sort of thing the BBC would be happy to give millions of pounds worth of free publicity to. It just demonstrates how low the BBC has sunk, plugging the immature ramblings of this spoilt, self-centred, little shitehawk.
From an interview Newsnight editor Ian Katz gave to the Evening Standard in September:
Katz thinks Brand is “wonderful” and read a proof of his new book while on holiday in America. “I have had conversations about doing more things with Brand,” he says.
Think about that for a moment. The editor of Newsnight read a proof copy of Brand’s ludicrous spoilt-brat ejaculations (not even the final version, bad as that is) and still concluded this was someone “wonderful” who deserved more airtime on the BBC’s supposed flagship news programme.
I’ve got a feeling there could be a social status thing at play here – Katz and his missus wanting to be part of the same set as Brand and Jemima. A bit like the Camerons and Helena Bonham Carter.
Keep an eye on Newsnight – that is if you can bear to watch it- as it’s descent into irrelevance mirrors the liberal elite’s decline.
Russell Brand is about it’s level. If he had written that tripe in 1790 St Just would have had him made ready for the guillotine.
Karl Marx would have ignored him and Kropotkin would have just laughed at him.
As for Tom Paine or Cobbett they would have thrashed him soundly and sent him home with his ears boxed.
“Cowardly Russell Brand’s insulted us all over again:
Six years ago, he obscenely taunted Fawlty Towers star Andrew Sachs on Radio 2… this year he wrote to ‘make amends’ (cue Mrs Sachs’ withering reply).”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2816522/Cowardly-Russell-Brand-s-insulted-Six-years-ago-obscenely-taunted-Fawlty-Towers-star-Andrew-Sachs-Radio-2-year-wrote-make-amends-cue-Mrs-Sachs-withering-reply.html#ixzz3HqTtEaWJ
At least some media invest 10p in phone calls into offer further right of reply:
“When contacted by the Mail, Russell Brand said: ‘Ironically, given my transgression against the Sachs family, I haven’t checked my answerphone. I had no idea”
Worth reading the full reply, as frankly the most whithering aspects are reserved for the BBC, currently still handing over the entire network to a man who offers a mobile number but doesn’t check it. Helen ’email to nowhere’ Boaden would approve.
HIGNFY & MTW will be all over this, surely?
Oh dear, the BBC will not be happy with the most popular comments about this story:
Their beloved Labour Party, and its inept Marxist leader, have been given a good and thoroughly deserved kicking.
A sham ‘senate’:-
Milband’s undemocratic response to his denial of E.U referendum.
And the comments are now closed – we didn’t get much time to comment, did we? Somehow I don’t think the Editors’ picks reflected the general tone of all the comments.
The Editor’s Picks are indeed a sham , with only one of them getting positive ‘likes’. The rest are Labour love ins.
Not really that surprised tho’ are we?
Re Postal voting
pass it on
For INBBC: re- its ‘tiny minority of extremists’ –
“80% of London Muslims Support Islamic State”
An extremist Muslim is someone who wants to behead you as an infidel.
A moderate Muslim is someone who wants the Extremist Muslim to behead you.
An a majority Muslim is one sitting on his hands until he sees what if anything happens to the extremist.
May I scream? I was just watching a programme on Saturday night on Channel 4 about maps. Oh good, I thought, one of those nice little educational programmes on the BBC with no agenda that they used to do so well. I should have switched off after the presented told us about the maps marking cases of malaria in Europe which he said would inform people about climate change (sorry I cannot face returning to the programme to find out his exact wording). However five minutes later he was talking about mapping the Jewish community in London at the turn of the last century. He explained that not only did European Jews come to the East End to escape anti-Semitism (I don’t think he mentioned the pogroms) but also (carefully crafted into the script) was that they came to the East End to make better lives for themselves. (Had I really thought a programme like this could avoid the BBC’s agenda?) Perhaps the scriptwriter didn’t know, and couldn’t be bothered to find out, about the deep anti-Semitism throughout Europe in those days – and it was so easy to slip in a message that people have always been coming into Britain for a better life. Pro-immigration is just in the BBC’s genes and the general public need constant indoctrination of the message.
Yes, it’s on BBC 4 TV, and is a mainly ‘left-wing’ propaganda series-
‘Maps: Power, Plunder and Possessions.’
Last week it had a predictable ‘left-wing’ go at Sykes-Picot map of 1916 (incidentally voicing similar misguided criticisms as those made by Islamic State).
The following alternative analysis by E. & I. Karsh was censored out, of course-
“Empires of the Sand: The Struggle for Mastery in the Middle East, 1789-1923”
by Efraim Karsh and Inari Karsh
-a book review-
When do we get the ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ ?
Now with the biggest Commonwealth in the world (all voluntary 53 states want to belong to us ) Not bad for an Empire .
‘Sunday Express’: headline and report, page 1-
” BBC still wasting your cash.”
Now here is a good one for Al Beeb to work on, and I bet ‘they don’t know which way to turn’. ….
In ‘The Frequency of Laughter’ (1 of 6), which was billed as being about radio comedy in the seventies, a quarter of the programme was a discussion about the fact that there aren’t as many female comics as male ones. Err. . . so what?
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2815714/Cat-nearly-died-attacked-thug-looks-like-Hitler-recovered-despite-losing-eye.html….the poor animal must of strayed into the thick uaf lot
Andrew Marr is trailing his Sunday Morning prog on bbc breakfast by announcing he has a father as a guest in the studio, a father who has 3 sons who went to fight with isil, but now 2 of them are dead.
And Andrew’s take on the whole thing? It’s that the father has some tough questions for the Government, yes that’s right folks, it’s all the Governments fault.
So these savages go off to hack off peoples heads, and Marr has questions for the Govt.?
Family Misfortunes?
Surely he had/will have some questions on what parental role model influences at home may have influenced the brood to unusual gap year venues?
Well, inbbc breakfast has this morning continued the PR job for abubakr delaghaye ( ?) by giving him a primetime slot on the sofa to lecture us on why people should travel to Syria to fight.
His advice was that as a ‘ footfighter’ you shouldnt go.
But if you are a highly trained military guy, you should go out there to train others.
Yes, all true, and Billy Talkbull, and louise sat there benignly smiling at this piece of shit while he lectured us.
Was he challenged by them? Nope.
Utterly appalling.
1) Given the track record of Islam in the world and its oppression of 2 bilion people, why did you import and indeed continue to import this vile cult?
2) Given the daily evidence that Islam causes harm to all of the world’s people why do you continue to insists that Islam is a ‘great religion’, a ‘religion of peace’, even though it was founded by a lying, murdering, sex-crazed lunatic?
3) Despite the fact that it has never happened before and is completely contrary to the nature of the peoples of these isles, why do you insist that the greatest danger is that the people will rise up and slaughter these aliens in their beds?
4) While you are prepared to assure these aliens that they will come to no harm in this country, what assurance can you give the peoples of these isles that they will come to no harm from the followers of Islam? Or will you continue to insist, not being an expert in any religion, including your own, that these are false followers, unable to see the true message of Islam hidden by the plain words of hate contained in the Koran?
Tough enough?
Um..sorry to be picky but on point 3 we do have some form.
Ethelred ordered all the Danes to be bumped off (in the parts of England not under the Danelaw). It was back in 1002 though.
Does he want to ask PM. Camer Imam … why the third is missing out on all those virgins? … (oops! or should that be raisins)
Have to get BBCs very own “Panto” N Campbell involved, “long lost families”, and all that
BBC – “Islamophile” to a man
Marr was creepy in his interview with the father, you could see he was afraid to interrupt as the father droned on. In the intro he referred to the death of one of the sons and now his ‘little brother’ as if he had been about ten years old. The BBC is a disgrace.
It does seem that with one in ten UK people under 25 with feelings of support for Isis, we could afford to let them go to help out in Allah’s plan. Confiscate their passports on departure and celebrate a reduction in the population, with even room for a few immigrants from civilised cultures.
As it seems that the BBC is pretty much contractually obliged to run a jihadi PR slot in guise of an interview at least daily (twice at weekends), given the obsession with interesting moral relativism casualty counts as pioneered by Mishal Husain et Al, I wonder if we may see returning participants or supporters tasked to estimate how many Muslims and/or non-coms they would include in the team tally?
Because the answers and explanations would be interesting to weigh against purported reasons for going there.
News on R4 this morning telling us of today’s IPCC report, which dooms us all to Armageddon, unless we stop using coal and oil, and generally living.
GWPF says “no”…
Coal bad. Not Green. This is why the BBC and the left will not report on the Kentucky coal miners struggle to keep the mines open. Never mind, Scargill’s attempt to recreate the Bolshevik Revolution using British coal workers is still honoured by the BBC and left
“BBC waste more cash as staff given £10million in redundancy pay rehired.
The BBC has paid out more than £10 million in redundancy to staff it has gone on to re-employ.”
Can you find reference to this ‘Sunday Express’ lead story (above) on BBC-NUJ press review below, by Beeboid SULLY, or is it another case of Beeboid censorship?:-
The Express front page is shown among the Sky selection of the Sunday papers. Maybe it wasn’t delivered to the BBC ? – or the front page fell off their copy ?
Then, of course, there was this- (Feb 2014)-
“BBC’s censorship of paedophilia scandal ‘reveals its left-wing bias’: Corporation accused of refusing to report story to protect the Labour party.
“Failed to report Labour figures ‘link’ with Paedophile Information Exchange.
“Story has been on Mail’s front page three times – BBC cut all reference to it.
“It has prompted accusations of ‘left-wing bias’ be the corporation.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2567110/BBCs-censorship-paedophilia-scandal-reveals-left-wing-bias-Corporation-accused-refusing-report-story-protect-Labour-party.html#ixzz3HuYxr4p2
‘Sunday Express’ Comment:-
“Axe licence fee after BBC payout scandal.
It seems to make little difference how many times the BBC is taken to task for its costly, cosy-club practices.”
Something about this “galactico” vanity firework going off a few days early that seems to have hit the BBC.
Like the Glasgow whirlybird that crashed into Billy Connollys old wino bar last year…there`s “something in the air” as Thunderclap Newman surely told them all.
Or rather not any more!
(as Bransons Picklers have now found out)
BH this morning said that the rockets was intended so that a galaxy of stars could get their wish to be transported to something akin to the real thing…stars that is.
That passes for “news analysis and content” from the worlds leading Savile Supporter and Sporter…luvaduck(it`s legal in Denmark still, you know!)
My point-WGAFF for Bransons peroxide puff piece going ponce over the Mojave?…except for the family of the pilot, God bless and keep `em!
Still though-seeing we all know what a feminist now looks like…a £45 exploiter of sisters in Mauritius-I do hope that we shall all find it within our hearts to ensure that Russell Bwand is on that next rocket of The Virgin Soldier…Children in Need might have an income stream devoted to our donating if we claim our right to pay our taxes to him and not Jacob Zumas grandkids.
Here are MY top 12 for that next Supersonic Rocket Ship.
1Russell Bwand
2.Russell Howard
3.Jo Brand
4.Howard Davies
5.Ed Davey
6. Ed Balls
7.Ed Miliband
8 Millie Small
9.Heather Small
10 Steve Milller.
11. Bisshu
12. Howard Devoto…random call there!
Could be a bit of a weight problem with Jo Brand.
BBC Sunday Morning Live:
Should Britain return its historic treasures?
Is war glorified?
Churches see falling congregations – should more be closed?
Who’s producing this show – Russell Brand?
Yes, Sunday Morning Live challenging – er, undermining – our way of life again : “Should the Church of England be Downsized?”
A suggested topic for next week: ‘Should the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation have a Muslim – Aaqil Ahmed – as Head of Religious Broadcasting?
Anyone get the feeling that all topics on Al Beeb’s SML are totally full of anti- British and anti- Christian sentiment. Why on earth are we forced to pay for this trash that continues to demean our great nation?
I just turned off the telly when they gave a run down for today:
1) Are the British thieves
2)Contrition over 450 British deaths in Afghanistan
3) Should churches be closed down
4) Interviewing the Muslim behind ‘Citizen (Pakistani) Khan complete with canned laughter.
How true. The Marr Show treated us to an extended lecture on Middle East politics and the “wickedness of British foreign policy” from the father of Islamists killed in Syria.
After years of media hand-wringing and puzzlement about the origins of radical Islam perhaps Marr has unwittingly presented us with the true cause – the Muslim fathers of IS killers. If he was truly concerned about the fate of his sons, he could have shared his vast wisdom on the topic with them some time ago.
What I find sickening is the attempt to play the “they are all good British lads at heart”, “victims of youthful folly card”. Marr even prompts him to make the case for the return of his remaining son.
The only sensible suggestion on dealing with IS I have ever heard on the media came from the Swiss journalist Kurt Pelda on German TV (Presseklub, ARD). He suggested that all Western Jihadists should be encouraged to go to Syria were they could be eliminated en masse.
They were quick enough to tell us that the Citizen Khan ‘comedy’ was ‘muslim’.
Not always quite so quick are we droids? Eh, eh, eh.