Hi folks. I was away last week and my apologies for lack of posts so to get the new week and new month of to a good start, let’s fill up an Open Thread.
Asian you fucking cock sucking bBC wankers. He was British, just as I am British, yes my skin may be brown, yet I just like this poor airman joined the British armed forces to serve our country of birth. If I was born in India ,Pakistan or Bangladesh then I would be Asian, but I wasn’t and as I can play cricket for Yorkshire, It means I am English. When Liberals start treating me as a fucking equal, then maybe I might give them the steam off my shit.
If this particular Islamic jihadist applied for asylum-seeker status in Britain, would he get a sympathetic report by INBBC, and would Hague recognise ‘good intentions’?
‘Fox News’-
“‘You want to kill’: ISIS deserter recounts training, torture and terror”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“It wasn’t the slaughter of innocent women and children, the $150-per-month in wages or the strict rules enforced by torture and death that prompted Abu Almouthanna to desert the Islamic State army.
-Of course, INBBC should do a re-write, in light of ‘Fox News’ report.
Oh the shame, for Beeboids!
This is the political white-wash job on Gitmo which we have to finance.
The bBC and its anti British agenda: Ebola fears worker ‘quarantined’ after Nigeria holiday Sam Ogunnoiki, 46, faces a three-week “quarantine” period after travelling on 18 October, two days before Nigeria was declared clear of the disease….”I am very upset because there’s this stigma. It is victimisation because I have been to Africa.
Wow, a man flies out to Nigeria when it is in the midst of an ebola outbreak and when told he has to wait 3 weeks before he can return to work , the bbC reinvents him as a victim. Err bBC is it becasue he is Black?
Here’s a few snippets the bbC left out oft he above:
Gambia has banned the entry of flights from Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.
Cameroon has banned flights to and from Nigeria.Chad has suspended all flights from Nigeria.
Nigeria has suspended flights to the country operated by Gambian national carrier Gambia Bird.
Mauritius on 8 October banned entry to all travellers who have visited Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Senegal and Congo (DRC) in the last two months,
Mauritius on 8 October banned entry to all travellers who have visited Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Senegal and Congo (DRC) in the last two months.
It seems at the time of his travel a few African countries were banning people from NIgeria from setting foot in their front yard, yet because some of his coworkers were concerned they can only be bigoted as reported by the bbC.
Both BBC Watch and Honest Reporting have been covering the way the BBC are using headlines to diminish or obscure recent terrorist attacks of Palestinian drivers ploughing into pedestrians.
This is a main political objective of the British political class (inc Tories, Labour, Lib Dems, + BBC-NUJ): to convert British society, via a stealth policy of mass immigration from Asia (and Africa); to transform what was a predominantly indigenous people of white ethnicity and Christian values, to a society heavily colonised by Asians, and to include an Asian (Muslim?) Prime Minister.
And where’s the mandate for all this?
Of course, Cameron will expect to garner some Asian votes in May, 2015 Election. Is that his main priority? Will his aim of wanting an Asian PM appear in Tory manifesto?
Will Beeboid D.G, Tony HALL, political advocate of ever more ‘diversity’ (i.e. mass immigration from Asia and Africa) be applauding this stealth colonisation of British society from the sidelines?
I see it as a typical political statement by that most lightwieght of politicians. Cameron even makes Milliband look sincere. Pure PR aimed at an audience. I doubt he believes a word of it. But this country needs to be rid of him and his kind.
Either he is a Tory, telling the truth about his intention to dissolve the Coalition and appoint Sajid Javid as his deputy, and then resign.
Or he is a Liberal, Politically Correct but dim upper-class twit who is just telling a fib, with no intention of carrying out his wishes, but just appealing for votes from the assumed racism of the Asian community.
I think it’s the later case, as he always used to do that kind of Electioneering lie, when it came to ‘Cast Iron’ promises on Europe.
BBC Question Time – David Dimbleby appears to be wearing a tie with UKIP colours. I don’t know if it’s some sort of ironic statement or if old Dimby has defected.
Just watched fatbot and chamois chucker batty on Al Beeb’s this week, discoursing on our security services, hailing the traitor Snowden and criticising the information gathering of GCHQ etc. The pair of dames need to go out to the middle east and do the same to ISIS and see what short shrift they get. Off you go the pair of you!
Wonder if mysterious senior BBC management will have a forgettable quiet word about the wisdom of inter-media outings, while the target sidesteps and retreats behind spokespersons and any relevant information gets redacted, even for expensive inquiries, for the purposes of journalism?
The comments are not supportive of the BBC’s target. I wonder if they’d be so keen on prosecution were the BBC subject to such scrutiny, or happier if disciplining was kept ‘in-house’?
I’m sure that quite a few of us yesterday, would have heard about the guy from Wales getting tasered and as was suggested by the BBC, dying because of the tassering. It followed that it was all the police’s fault and the news bulletins I heard were all full of the innuendo of why tasers should not be used. The thing is, the BBC reports on this event, really didn’t give us a clue of what really went on and reading up on the event through an Independent computer App, gave a very different story:
[A killer was allegedly found eating the body parts of a woman he had attacked before being shot with a Taser by police yesterday. He later died.
Matthew Williams, 34, is reported to have been eating the eyeball and face of the 22-year-old woman, who died of her injuries. Police confirmed they had used a 50,000-volt Taser on Williams.
Security staff at a hostel for the homeless in Argoed, South Wales, became suspicious when Williams refused to let them enter the room. They are said to have forced entry, before calling the police who knocked Williams to the ground with a Taser gun.
Gwent Police confirmed that the man was shot with a Taser and then arrested, and that while under arrest the man “became unresponsive”.
Williams had been released from prison two weeks ago, after serving half of a five-year prison sentence for a violent attack on his partner.]
Now my questioning would not be about the use of a Tazer but why the hell was this dangerous individual allowed back into society and who was to “blame” for allowing that to happen? A question the BBC never seems capable of asking.
‘The thing is, the BBC reports on this event, really didn’t give us a clue of what really went on and reading up on the event through an Independent computer App, gave a very different story’
And these days, as far as many of us are now concerned, that pretty much sums up the useless value of BBC news reports.
Politically Correct filtered and filleted details. Reflex right-on liberal know-nothing attitude-laden.
Add to the problem the comment from Ben Elton to a BBC bod yesterday:
“you start your question with the statement – there has been a lot of people saying – when in fact it was one bloke writing in the Guardian”
BBC news : in an emergency – you can’t even wipe your bum on it
“Police confirmed they had used a 50,000-volt Taser on Williams.”
SKY also seem to be attaching a lot of (sensationalised) importance to a “50,000 volt taser”. As opposed to what, a much nicer 10,000 volt taser?
It wouldn’t work with less. It needs a high initial voltage to jump the gap to the person’s skin. The current (amperage) which, in simplistic terms, is the dangerous part, is minute.
Mark Easton at it again on his ‘thorny’ question as to how to divide and conquer us.
I would have thought that the near-miss of Scottish devolution and the rise of UKIP were clear messages to the political/media elite in London that ‘we the people’ are fed up of not being listened to, yet, following one poll that put the ‘Yes’ campaign in the lead, all of the Westminster parties rushed out rash promises but forgot one little detail.
The ‘little detail’? How about asking ‘we the people’ what we want? How about a ‘new army’ to torch Westminster, march north, take out the Scottish assembly and on the way back south call in at Cardiff, finish that lot of and finally collect up the smug Easton types at Broadcasting House? Then our new Cromwell could set up one government ‘for the people, of the people’ for our one nation. Its first act, of course, would be to fax, (it MUST be a fax!), Brussels to tell them they can go chase themselves into their pit of ever increasing costs and regulations, leaving us to get on with what we are good at, world trade!
I am, of course, speaking metaphorically: no politicians should be physically harmed in the execution of this programme!
It looks increasingly likely that Mark Easton is desperately helping the Labour aim to ensure that non-English constituency MPs retain votes on English Laws by unbelievably complicating matters as much as possible with as many nefarious reasons thrown into the pot.
Really is it beyond the wit of MPs to decide which laws affect which MPs constituency and MPs vote in Parliament on that basis?
It would only take a committee in Parliament to decide which issues will affect only England, (or devolve to a Region like Manchester has just decided), and which MPs are therefore eligible to debate and vote.
There would be no need for a new layer of bureaucracy; just existing boundaries respected.
You only have to look around the rest of the MSM, (SKY, ITV etc), and immediately appreciate this a only promoted with such gusto by the BBC, and readers of this site know exactly the reason for that!
Not that many British people would care for this sort of carve up. So how come Mark Easton came up with it? I suppose – as old Denis Norden always used to say:
‘…If you’re one of those people…’
I’m actually flabbergasted! I haven’t seen it all, but I heard about this documentary and watched a snippet last night. I can’t believe this aired on the Al-Beeb. Unless of course the bits I didn’t watch were to the contrary.
Fat Scot drunkard Charles Kennedy – picked up by the excellent Melanie Phillips – mentioned Margaret Thatcher 3 times last night.
I suspected he might be a bit pissed early on given the glowing red face and the terrible haircut and the surprisingly small contribution given by him.
Probably realised Lib Dems now completely insignificant.
Audience usual lefty shite but punctuated by one guy who referred to UKIP as ‘we’ – cue howls of derision and boos.
It was from Middlesborough. Ten minutes was enough. Just take it off the air. It is dire now. Newsnight and Question Time -two failing shows from the worthless BBC.
And ‘This Week’ (I tried to stay faithful to Andrew Neil who seems to be an ‘in the know’ journalist but I have come to the conclusion he is just collecting the cheque each week). I tried for the final time to try and watch it but had to turn the nauseating, left wing megaphone shite off. The problem is Sky is just as bad
‘Why can’t the BBC have a political discussion program that allows guests to properly discuss their views?’
It’s a mystery. It’s almost like they are either dedicated to the insanities of heat over light, skewed so far they are coming back on themselves, or both.
‘Williams, Chakrabati and Abbott, all three frequently appear in TV and radio discussions.’
One would like to hear from BBC’s high integrity editorial what it is that makes these gels (and Owen, or Polly) stand out as must-haves on the gob-circuit to speak for the nation, but one suspects that would be another closely-guarded little secret of theirs.
I saw it in a slightly different way, it appeared that there was a lot of UKIP/anti immigration support, plenty of applause both for Melanie Phillips and the UKIP supporters that spoke.
What was odd was that when a pro immigration lefty in the audience spoke the applause was louder but was inconsistent through the debate, IMO creative placement of the microphones was the reason.
I had a few beers last night before watching Question Time. Did I really hear a bloke in the audience say of the esteemed Labour leader that “you can’t polish a turd”?
Mad mel was on ? Had I known I would have watched ,how did she do?
Mind you its so long since I actully watched anything on the BBC I’m not sure my TV is still tuned to it
R4 had a balanced discussion of Ed Miliband’s problems today, between left-wing Labour supporting “journalist” Mehdi Hasan and Labour peer Lord (Clive) Soley.
Out of interest, can we imagine them giving airtime to a discussion of Cameron’s UKIP defection issues between, say, Tim Montgomerie and Lord Tebbitt?
oh look, Mehdi has just popped up again – this time on Radio 2, on Jeremy Vine, to talk about Ed Miliband. His fierce right-wing opponent is Labour apostate Dan Hodges, unapologetic Blairite and son of former Labour MP Glenda Jackson.
It does seem that the BBC’s notion of balance is a wee bittie skewed in one direction beyond where most would see the midpoint of political fealties falling.
Frankly in this case I think they are desperate not to have any from the the Conservative side on as these guys are in turn desperate to keep Ed in place.
The BBC, as the Labour PR dept., has long realised what an albatross Ed is to their plans, and needs a strategy to get a licence fee negotiator who is a safe pair of hands in place PDQ.
If they can’t get David, Alan or frankly anyone but Ed (who would swing it) in soon there’s a real chance they are in doo-doo.
This presents a problem of fighting a war on two fronts as Jasmine,etc, are quietly re-introduced into the edit suite to ‘deal’ with UKIP.
Really doesn’t help when Ed ensures waverers from Labour to head that way too.
Further to the BBC’s odd ‘Christine 2 – Vans That Go Bad’ ongoing ‘reporting’ from the Middle East, the World News FaceBook page is still sharing the love on its site…
BBC World News
3 hrs · Jerusalem- Victim of Palestinian Van attack dies
Amongst some really peachy comments…
Mahmoud Gamal hoping that all israel are dead .. and america too
Well, Mahmoud, at least the BBC is there for you to share such hopes with your fellows. And it seems more than a few inspired by such support are getting out their and doing their bit.
Not incitement at all, BBC. Simply sharing views?
What next? Mishal in the pits hosting the next Death Race 2000 sequel to see if the body count can be balanced out to a proper morally equivalent level?
Must have been such a busy news day, what with that 40 year old Prince Charles spoof interview, for the BBC News at One to completely omit the Milliband meltdown in the Labour Party.
It will be interesting what furrows get ploughed by those topical wits at MTW or HIGNFY… or not, depending how the chekky gets waved tantalisingly before they get too spontaneous.
On past form, Mrs. T or Mr. F still in the firing zone.
Uh Oh! … its the “men” again
Yet another UK Islamic terror plot, 4 more Muslims arrested
no not really …
we get, “Four held alleged terror plot” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29955066
JohnCFeb 25, 02:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Remember this ? – from the ‘Centre for European Reform’ to try and interfere with the Brexit vote just one…
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: https://youtu.be/TjzrjsyUZSc?t=127 Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
Here is why I have never ever voted Labour and totally despise cock sucking liberals who feel they can tell me who they feel I really am:
Asian family honours memory of RAF son killed in Afghanistan
Asian you fucking cock sucking bBC wankers. He was British, just as I am British, yes my skin may be brown, yet I just like this poor airman joined the British armed forces to serve our country of birth. If I was born in India ,Pakistan or Bangladesh then I would be Asian, but I wasn’t and as I can play cricket for Yorkshire, It means I am English. When Liberals start treating me as a fucking equal, then maybe I might give them the steam off my shit.
If this particular Islamic jihadist applied for asylum-seeker status in Britain, would he get a sympathetic report by INBBC, and would Hague recognise ‘good intentions’?
‘Fox News’-
“‘You want to kill’: ISIS deserter recounts training, torture and terror”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“It wasn’t the slaughter of innocent women and children, the $150-per-month in wages or the strict rules enforced by torture and death that prompted Abu Almouthanna to desert the Islamic State army.
“It was the endless killing — ordered by his Islamic State ’emir’ — of like-minded jihadists who marauded through Syria under banners different from the caliphate army’s ominous black flag, the 27-year-old Syrian and admitted former member of the terrorist army told Fox News.”
Guantanamo and Jihadist.
Two very contrasting reports:-
‘Fox News’-
“Newly-released Gitmo detainee linked to Syrian terror group.”
( video clip).
“Kuwaiti Guantanamo Bay inmate sent home”
-Of course, INBBC should do a re-write, in light of ‘Fox News’ report.
Oh the shame, for Beeboids!
This is the political white-wash job on Gitmo which we have to finance.
The bBC and its anti British agenda:
Ebola fears worker ‘quarantined’ after Nigeria holiday
Sam Ogunnoiki, 46, faces a three-week “quarantine” period after travelling on 18 October, two days before Nigeria was declared clear of the disease….”I am very upset because there’s this stigma. It is victimisation because I have been to Africa.
Wow, a man flies out to Nigeria when it is in the midst of an ebola outbreak and when told he has to wait 3 weeks before he can return to work , the bbC reinvents him as a victim. Err bBC is it becasue he is Black?
Here’s a few snippets the bbC left out oft he above:
Gambia has banned the entry of flights from Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.
Cameroon has banned flights to and from Nigeria.Chad has suspended all flights from Nigeria.
Nigeria has suspended flights to the country operated by Gambian national carrier Gambia Bird.
Mauritius on 8 October banned entry to all travellers who have visited Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Senegal and Congo (DRC) in the last two months,
Mauritius on 8 October banned entry to all travellers who have visited Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Senegal and Congo (DRC) in the last two months.
It seems at the time of his travel a few African countries were banning people from NIgeria from setting foot in their front yard, yet because some of his coworkers were concerned they can only be bigoted as reported by the bbC.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Both BBC Watch and Honest Reporting have been covering the way the BBC are using headlines to diminish or obscure recent terrorist attacks of Palestinian drivers ploughing into pedestrians.
As if to highlight just how the BBC skews reporting when it comes to Islamic attacks, whether on Christians, Jews, young girls, or whoever, here’s how the Independent reported a story yesterday with the headline: Christian couple beaten to death and bodies burned for ‘desecrating the Koran’
Here’s the only BBC headline for this story: Pakistan arrests 43 over ‘blasphemy’ killings
You can decide for yourself which one gives you an accurate representation of events, and nobody can accuse the Independent of being right wing.
PM Cameron’s political aim (supported by Beeboids’ ‘Asian Network’)-
This is a main political objective of the British political class (inc Tories, Labour, Lib Dems, + BBC-NUJ): to convert British society, via a stealth policy of mass immigration from Asia (and Africa); to transform what was a predominantly indigenous people of white ethnicity and Christian values, to a society heavily colonised by Asians, and to include an Asian (Muslim?) Prime Minister.
And where’s the mandate for all this?
Of course, Cameron will expect to garner some Asian votes in May, 2015 Election. Is that his main priority? Will his aim of wanting an Asian PM appear in Tory manifesto?
Will Beeboid D.G, Tony HALL, political advocate of ever more ‘diversity’ (i.e. mass immigration from Asia and Africa) be applauding this stealth colonisation of British society from the sidelines?
I see it as a typical political statement by that most lightwieght of politicians. Cameron even makes Milliband look sincere. Pure PR aimed at an audience. I doubt he believes a word of it. But this country needs to be rid of him and his kind.
Either he is a Tory, telling the truth about his intention to dissolve the Coalition and appoint Sajid Javid as his deputy, and then resign.
Or he is a Liberal, Politically Correct but dim upper-class twit who is just telling a fib, with no intention of carrying out his wishes, but just appealing for votes from the assumed racism of the Asian community.
I think it’s the later case, as he always used to do that kind of Electioneering lie, when it came to ‘Cast Iron’ promises on Europe.
BBC Question Time – David Dimbleby appears to be wearing a tie with UKIP colours. I don’t know if it’s some sort of ironic statement or if old Dimby has defected.
Just watched fatbot and chamois chucker batty on Al Beeb’s this week, discoursing on our security services, hailing the traitor Snowden and criticising the information gathering of GCHQ etc. The pair of dames need to go out to the middle east and do the same to ISIS and see what short shrift they get. Off you go the pair of you!
Sounds like a dubious cove.
Wonder if mysterious senior BBC management will have a forgettable quiet word about the wisdom of inter-media outings, while the target sidesteps and retreats behind spokespersons and any relevant information gets redacted, even for expensive inquiries, for the purposes of journalism?
The comments are not supportive of the BBC’s target. I wonder if they’d be so keen on prosecution were the BBC subject to such scrutiny, or happier if disciplining was kept ‘in-house’?
I’m sure that quite a few of us yesterday, would have heard about the guy from Wales getting tasered and as was suggested by the BBC, dying because of the tassering. It followed that it was all the police’s fault and the news bulletins I heard were all full of the innuendo of why tasers should not be used. The thing is, the BBC reports on this event, really didn’t give us a clue of what really went on and reading up on the event through an Independent computer App, gave a very different story:
[A killer was allegedly found eating the body parts of a woman he had attacked before being shot with a Taser by police yesterday. He later died.
Matthew Williams, 34, is reported to have been eating the eyeball and face of the 22-year-old woman, who died of her injuries. Police confirmed they had used a 50,000-volt Taser on Williams.
Security staff at a hostel for the homeless in Argoed, South Wales, became suspicious when Williams refused to let them enter the room. They are said to have forced entry, before calling the police who knocked Williams to the ground with a Taser gun.
Gwent Police confirmed that the man was shot with a Taser and then arrested, and that while under arrest the man “became unresponsive”.
Williams had been released from prison two weeks ago, after serving half of a five-year prison sentence for a violent attack on his partner.]
Now my questioning would not be about the use of a Tazer but why the hell was this dangerous individual allowed back into society and who was to “blame” for allowing that to happen? A question the BBC never seems capable of asking.
‘The thing is, the BBC reports on this event, really didn’t give us a clue of what really went on and reading up on the event through an Independent computer App, gave a very different story’
And these days, as far as many of us are now concerned, that pretty much sums up the useless value of BBC news reports.
Politically Correct filtered and filleted details. Reflex right-on liberal know-nothing attitude-laden.
Add to the problem the comment from Ben Elton to a BBC bod yesterday:
“you start your question with the statement – there has been a lot of people saying – when in fact it was one bloke writing in the Guardian”
BBC news : in an emergency – you can’t even wipe your bum on it
“Police confirmed they had used a 50,000-volt Taser on Williams.”
SKY also seem to be attaching a lot of (sensationalised) importance to a “50,000 volt taser”. As opposed to what, a much nicer 10,000 volt taser?
It wouldn’t work with less. It needs a high initial voltage to jump the gap to the person’s skin. The current (amperage) which, in simplistic terms, is the dangerous part, is minute.
Volts jolts
Mills kills
Mark Easton at it again on his ‘thorny’ question as to how to divide and conquer us.
I would have thought that the near-miss of Scottish devolution and the rise of UKIP were clear messages to the political/media elite in London that ‘we the people’ are fed up of not being listened to, yet, following one poll that put the ‘Yes’ campaign in the lead, all of the Westminster parties rushed out rash promises but forgot one little detail.
The ‘little detail’? How about asking ‘we the people’ what we want? How about a ‘new army’ to torch Westminster, march north, take out the Scottish assembly and on the way back south call in at Cardiff, finish that lot of and finally collect up the smug Easton types at Broadcasting House? Then our new Cromwell could set up one government ‘for the people, of the people’ for our one nation. Its first act, of course, would be to fax, (it MUST be a fax!), Brussels to tell them they can go chase themselves into their pit of ever increasing costs and regulations, leaving us to get on with what we are good at, world trade!
I am, of course, speaking metaphorically: no politicians should be physically harmed in the execution of this programme!
It looks increasingly likely that Mark Easton is desperately helping the Labour aim to ensure that non-English constituency MPs retain votes on English Laws by unbelievably complicating matters as much as possible with as many nefarious reasons thrown into the pot.
Really is it beyond the wit of MPs to decide which laws affect which MPs constituency and MPs vote in Parliament on that basis?
It would only take a committee in Parliament to decide which issues will affect only England, (or devolve to a Region like Manchester has just decided), and which MPs are therefore eligible to debate and vote.
There would be no need for a new layer of bureaucracy; just existing boundaries respected.
You only have to look around the rest of the MSM, (SKY, ITV etc), and immediately appreciate this a only promoted with such gusto by the BBC, and readers of this site know exactly the reason for that!
“I am, of course, speaking metaphorically: no politicians should be physically harmed in the execution of this programme! ”
And some politicians should be physically executed in the production of this programme !
Looks familiar?
No, I’m not refering to that old Denis Norden tv show…
Exhibit 1 – ‘Possible Devolution Boundaries’ – a la Mark Easton….
Exhibit 2 – EU British ‘Electoral Regions’
Not that many British people would care for this sort of carve up. So how come Mark Easton came up with it? I suppose – as old Denis Norden always used to say:
‘…If you’re one of those people…’
I’m actually flabbergasted! I haven’t seen it all, but I heard about this documentary and watched a snippet last night. I can’t believe this aired on the Al-Beeb. Unless of course the bits I didn’t watch were to the contrary.
Fat Scot drunkard Charles Kennedy – picked up by the excellent Melanie Phillips – mentioned Margaret Thatcher 3 times last night.
I suspected he might be a bit pissed early on given the glowing red face and the terrible haircut and the surprisingly small contribution given by him.
Probably realised Lib Dems now completely insignificant.
Audience usual lefty shite but punctuated by one guy who referred to UKIP as ‘we’ – cue howls of derision and boos.
It was from Middlesborough. Ten minutes was enough. Just take it off the air. It is dire now. Newsnight and Question Time -two failing shows from the worthless BBC.
And ‘This Week’ (I tried to stay faithful to Andrew Neil who seems to be an ‘in the know’ journalist but I have come to the conclusion he is just collecting the cheque each week). I tried for the final time to try and watch it but had to turn the nauseating, left wing megaphone shite off. The problem is Sky is just as bad
Mr. Neil does seem to find himself in places he may well wish he wasn’t at times.
Comments worth it too.
‘Why can’t the BBC have a political discussion program that allows guests to properly discuss their views?’
It’s a mystery. It’s almost like they are either dedicated to the insanities of heat over light, skewed so far they are coming back on themselves, or both.
‘Williams, Chakrabati and Abbott, all three frequently appear in TV and radio discussions.’
One would like to hear from BBC’s high integrity editorial what it is that makes these gels (and Owen, or Polly) stand out as must-haves on the gob-circuit to speak for the nation, but one suspects that would be another closely-guarded little secret of theirs.
Did notice the attempt to freeze Ms Phillips out on occasion last night too, the only panellist to cut through
clouds of B/S, and spot on.
The show … Dire!
much better viewing
I saw it in a slightly different way, it appeared that there was a lot of UKIP/anti immigration support, plenty of applause both for Melanie Phillips and the UKIP supporters that spoke.
What was odd was that when a pro immigration lefty in the audience spoke the applause was louder but was inconsistent through the debate, IMO creative placement of the microphones was the reason.
This week was just a Fattbot lefty rant.
I had a few beers last night before watching Question Time. Did I really hear a bloke in the audience say of the esteemed Labour leader that “you can’t polish a turd”?
Apparently so
Mad mel was on ? Had I known I would have watched ,how did she do?
Mind you its so long since I actully watched anything on the BBC I’m not sure my TV is still tuned to it
-reporting the burning to death of Christians by Muslim mob-
Pamela Geller-
“UPDATE: Christian Couple Beaten, Burnt Alive by Muslim Mob — Pregnant Wife Had Legs Broken So She Couldn’t Escape Oven”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/11/muslim-beat-torch-christian-couple.html/#sthash.ebJsXyeC.dpuf
“Anger and fear in Pakistan ‘blasphemy’ murder village”
R4 had a balanced discussion of Ed Miliband’s problems today, between left-wing Labour supporting “journalist” Mehdi Hasan and Labour peer Lord (Clive) Soley.
Out of interest, can we imagine them giving airtime to a discussion of Cameron’s UKIP defection issues between, say, Tim Montgomerie and Lord Tebbitt?
oh look, Mehdi has just popped up again – this time on Radio 2, on Jeremy Vine, to talk about Ed Miliband. His fierce right-wing opponent is Labour apostate Dan Hodges, unapologetic Blairite and son of former Labour MP Glenda Jackson.
It does seem that the BBC’s notion of balance is a wee bittie skewed in one direction beyond where most would see the midpoint of political fealties falling.
Frankly in this case I think they are desperate not to have any from the the Conservative side on as these guys are in turn desperate to keep Ed in place.
The BBC, as the Labour PR dept., has long realised what an albatross Ed is to their plans, and needs a strategy to get a licence fee negotiator who is a safe pair of hands in place PDQ.
If they can’t get David, Alan or frankly anyone but Ed (who would swing it) in soon there’s a real chance they are in doo-doo.
This presents a problem of fighting a war on two fronts as Jasmine,etc, are quietly re-introduced into the edit suite to ‘deal’ with UKIP.
Really doesn’t help when Ed ensures waverers from Labour to head that way too.
Further to the BBC’s odd ‘Christine 2 – Vans That Go Bad’ ongoing ‘reporting’ from the Middle East, the World News FaceBook page is still sharing the love on its site…
BBC World News
3 hrs ·
Jerusalem- Victim of Palestinian Van attack dies
Amongst some really peachy comments…
Mahmoud Gamal hoping that all israel are dead .. and america too
Well, Mahmoud, at least the BBC is there for you to share such hopes with your fellows. And it seems more than a few inspired by such support are getting out their and doing their bit.
Not incitement at all, BBC. Simply sharing views?
What next? Mishal in the pits hosting the next Death Race 2000 sequel to see if the body count can be balanced out to a proper morally equivalent level?
Christine 2 – Vans That Go Bad’
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
For INBBC: latest Islamic jihad violence in GAZA – who’s to blame?
“Fatah, Hamas blame each other for blasts targeting homes of
Fatah officials”
Must have been such a busy news day, what with that 40 year old Prince Charles spoof interview, for the BBC News at One to completely omit the Milliband meltdown in the Labour Party.
It will be interesting what furrows get ploughed by those topical wits at MTW or HIGNFY… or not, depending how the chekky gets waved tantalisingly before they get too spontaneous.
On past form, Mrs. T or Mr. F still in the firing zone.
Uh Oh! … its the “men” again
Yet another UK Islamic terror plot, 4 more Muslims arrested
no not really …
we get, “Four held alleged terror plot”
Armed police arrest four men over ‘Islamist terror plot
“Another day in Britain, another series of jihad terror-related arrests.
Just imagine what a paradise the Subjugated Isle is going to be in another five or ten years”
always i used to read smaller articles that also clear their motive,
and that is also happening with this post which I am reading
at this time.