Brave fearless Evan Davis eh?
What guff about showing solidarity with Charlie Hebdo?…not letting the Islam supremacists hush up the free and liberal west?
For he has in his hand the new Charlie Hebdo cover-it`s world exclusive, hot off the press in Paris…
But he`s sure as fun not going to show US…not at all.
Suffice to say it`s typical Charlie Hebdo,…oh and by coincidence it`s got a picture of Mo on it…but you`ll not be needing to see that!
Good Lord no, Evan wants to get home in one piece.
Bloody frogs had it coming…and the BBC is safe tonight!
A worthy tribute to the solidarity and fraternity of the BBC in regard of its fallen colleagues in Paris.
Brave Sir Robins all at the BBC eh?….as ever we`ll all bypass the BBC as its dissolves in its own tears, no backbone in evidence.
Thank You Evan and Newsnight…IS will be quaking in your boots soon!
I saw that and could hardly believe it. The cartoon that the sniveling coward dared not show (presumably by order of the “je suis wet my fucking pants again BBC”) is so innocuous that anyone, even a Muslim, who finds it “offensive” is in urgent need of counselling.
“Je suis Charlie” BBC? Go on then, you hypocritical bastards, make a very modest and long-overdue start by having ‘The Satanic Verses’ as your Book at Bedtime.
Can I have an apology? And to make it up to me why not post a picture of yourself holding up the cover for all to see? Not even on live TV to an audience of thousands. Just here on this blog. Or are you both a “fearless” and “sniveling coward” ?
As shown in the link, there was a very brief ‘long-shot’ of Davis holding the cartoon while he said something like “a typical Charlie Hebdo cartoon…”. It was done in a way that made it very difficuly to see what it actually said.
Although no one in their right mind would reveal their identity on a blog site under any circumstances, I probably am a coward too. But then again, unlike the BBC, I don’t pretend that my fear of Muslim nutjobs is some sort of irrational ‘phobia’. If there is a public gathering at which everyone holds up the cartoon, I will readily take part.
I don’t know if there’s going to be any “je suis Charlie” changes at the BBC or not but I was gratified to see that on ‘Dateline London’ over the week-end that the privileged middle-class Algerian Muslim woman who is a regular and whose grievance-mongering whinges are usually met with BBC nodding-dog acceptance was put in her place when she tried to put it all down to Charlie Hebdo’s “racism”. Even Gavin Esler (surely for the first time ever) turned on her and said “they’ve never been prosecuted for racism”. After which, the stupid woman shut up. And here’s the lesson; when they come out with their knee-jerk, boilerplate whinging, challenge them and don’t let them get away with it.
East Germany in a way was a trial run for the EU land grab in Eastern Europe. “Cash and Close! Cash and Close!” Mrs Thatcher was right about having doubts about German reunification. We forget that the Germans are quite a “diverse” bunch that a Saxon is quite a bit different from a Bavarian; even probably more so than an Englishman and a Lowland Scot. Having another German state in the middle of Europe would have made things a bit more stable.
Nah. Leave him in place. Whatever he does in future will be framed by what he tried on, and dissembled subsequently. He knows what happened. The BBC knows. Everyone knows. He’s a shot bolt.
Unbelievable that the BBC dare reference that upper-class prat Hunt in this report that reports on a population surge, with immigration the clear factor behind this. Labour, as we all know, hate the English, and so have an ideological agenda that promotes multiculturalism thus being the reason they did their best to increase diversity when they were in office.
The bBC, if it had any care in the world for impartiality would provide a backdrop this huge increase in the population… must’t rock the multicultural boat, thought. The BBC love immigration!
BBc sofa sloths on now about class sizes, predictably no mention of why this might possibly be happening. Apparently according to Louise Minchin “there is a population bulge now”. WTF? A population bulge now, caused by what?
Normal service. Some months ago they interviewed a spokeswoman for the College of Midwives. She blustered on about the ‘mystery’ of the surge in population; women are leaving it later to have children, etc., etc.,… NO mention of the I-word. Did the BBC interviewer point out the elephant in the room? You know the answer.
Contrary to normal BBC practice all the pictures in that article appear to be of white pupils. Who are, of course, the source of this need for extra places.
I wonder if the need for more schools could possibly be connected with the extra demands on A&E so recently bemoaned by the BBC?
Clegg on Today program, still on a different planet to the rest of us, so isolated from reality, he hadn’t even heard about the blogger who is going to be given 1000 lashes in Saudi Arabia for insulting Islam.
This inconvenient incident PROVES that Islam is an intolerant ideology, and that it cannot accept any kind of criticism. It also proves that politicians who claim that the Charlie Hebdo murders have nothing to do with Islam are lying.
I cannot imagine why anyone would vote FibDem with this man in charge. He is so far removed from reality that I think he is actually dangerous, certainly not anywhere close to the life the rest of us live. I don’t think there is a political leader so obviously detached and removed from the rest of us in any party.
Trouble is, I don’t think the LibDems will be hammered in terms of seats still held. I have seen 2 local-council by-elections in my area in the past 4 months – in both cases the LibDem vote held up extremely well, indeed it increased its poll share in the latest by-election. They still have lots of feet on the ground, they may be doing very badly in opinion polls but they have a very effective ground-machine to get the vote out, especially in the seats they now hold.
By contrast – UKIP sadly has a poor HQ structure, and is NOT a very effective political machine. For instance – the LibDems know who the postal-voters are, which are likely to support them – and they home in on them. UKIP has no such depth of voting intelligence/data. Yes, in an individual constituency by-election UKIP can focus its effort and people, but it will be stretched very thin in May. It will be heavily dependent on the effectiveness of its TV appearances and its poster advertising. Sorry to be downbeat on this.
“Are you an activist? Do you want to have your say? If you are willing to be interviewed by a BBC journalist, please include your name, location and contact details, including a phone number.”
BBC Website “Schools face ‘places breaking point’ By Judith Burns”. Article on school overcrowding with no reasons why this could be AND AGAIN the only pictures show “hideously white” children. Compare with pictures they include when saying good things about education – invariably few if any white children. They just can’t help themselves in their passion to “educate” us, can they?
Bloody Muslims, as a Welshman I’m the only sheepshagger in this village! And no I am not offended by being called such, I grew up a long time ago, unlike billions of other humans.
Some nice welsh lamb cutlets washed down with a few pints of Brains S A and home to bed on the last 21, the long way round through Rhiwbina last stop Whitchurch Library. ( no 23 at the late hour of 11pm) such happy carefree days.
Ewe’s are up the valleys boy ! I was a Kardiff lad like a certain John Humpries, but he went into journalism and made a fortune, who can have predicted the explosion in chattering heads 40 years ago?
All the ewes ( and everyone else) now commute to Kardiff for work instead of working around the corner ( oh the environmental damage! ) clogging up the roads and making what was once a very attractive city into a mini version of London 🙁
And who could have predicted that Al Beeb would have been so anti British 40 years ago ? Living in the far West ‘sticks’ of this country , one can say it is slowly heading very much like ‘multi culti’ London here also .
This phrase is used in BBC commentary which accompanies a ‘report out today’ from local council chiefs pleading for the provision of more school places. Or should I say pleading for more state spending on school places. Such pleas are naturally taken at face value by the BBC and are trumpeted loud and clear.
Or maybe not so clear.
Leaving aside the fact that a BBC news broadcast rarely passes without someone somewhere demanding an increase in state spending – if it’s not 4000 potholes in Blackburn Lancashire then it’s Call for (More) Midwives. Although for some reason there’s been bit less emphasis on that last one lately.
In addition to the weasel use of the term ‘Baby Boom’ the BBC report talks about a ‘Spike’ in the number on school age children.
The figures quoted are 90,000 extra school places that are needed this year and then 900,000 over the coming decade. Do the maths – not so much a ‘spike’ as an expected consistent increase each year over the 10 year period. I would call a ‘spike’ a one or two year change then a reversion to average levels. This kind of increase (using modern media-friendly terminology) I would call a ‘step change’.
But to acknowledge that there has been such a step change and further acknowledge that there is no expectation of an end to this ‘boom’ or ‘spike’ in the forseeable future, well, that might lead to some awkward questions.
Questions which clearly have no place in BBC news reports.
the first of a new series of One to One, broadcaster Adrian Goldberg – who is married to a British Asian woman – explores the topic of mixed marriage.
The dry facts, from the Office of National Statistics, state that “Nearly 1 in 10 people living in as a couple were in an inter-ethnic relationship in 2011″*
Over the next three weeks Adrian brings this statistic to life as he meets three people who married outside their own faith or cultural background, across three decades: the 1960s, 70s and 2000s.
In this first programme he meets Tara Bariana. Tara arrived in England from India in the 1960s and was, in his words, an illiterate 13 year old who couldn’t speak English. He was expected to marry a Punjabi girl, but went against his family’s wishes when he met and fell in love with Beryl, the daughter of a Baptist minister. Adrian hears Tara’s story, and finds out what happened next.
Freedom of Expression and the Ban on the Burqa in France; Debbie Wiseman & the Score for Wolf Hall
Woman’s Hour
Jane Garvey explores freedom of expression and the ban on the burqa in France with Myriam Francois-Cerrah and Tehmina Kazi; Kate Gross died of cancer on Christmas morning, leaving five-year-old twin boys. Her mother, Jean, joins Jane to talk about Kate and her book, Late Fragments; Composer Debbie Wiseman talks about the score she has written for the highly anticipated adaptation of Wolf Hall, based on Hilary Mantel’s novels. A new EU ruling means that parents in Britain will be able to request up to 18 weeks of unpaid leave until their child’s 18th birthday (it was previously until their child’s fifth birthday).
So are teen years a time when parental support is needed more? And how understanding are workplaces of requests for leave or flexible working from parents of older children?
How much more tv and radio airtime is the “Muslim Debate Initiative” going to get today?.
Radio 4, Radio 5Live, Breakfast and Your Call, BBC1 Breakfast, BBC News 24.
Islamophile BBC, is going all out … to listen to their latest crafty word twister with of course, his word twister name Abdullah al Andalusi.
A few clicks on youtube, can expose exactly what this group wants to erm … “initiate”
A new day, a new ejector seat, go to guy for the Al BBC, but all the same narrative, more slimy “Brother” Tariq, than Andy Choudary, the aim is the same.
I switched on the BBC News this morning to see Anita McVeigh ‘interview’ that individual. The people of France and Israel were getting ready to bury their slaughtered; meanwhile the BBC cleared the airwaves to provide him with a platform to deliver an unchallenged lecture on the sufferings of the devotees of The Religion Of Peace.
1 in 10? Seems a bit high but data is data. Could we hazard a guess of how many of them are composed of a white man and a woman of a different ethnicity?
Goodness me! I seem to have spotted some “Islamophobia” in the BBC that the BBC has not picked up on. The Mayor of Rotterdam said (on live TV that Muslims who do not appreciate the freedoms of living in the West can “f*ck off” and “vanish from the Netherlands if you do not like it here”. Surely the BBC must be all over a story like this?
Oh wait… the Mayor is himself is a Muslim. Might be a bit “tricky” to brand him “Islamophobic”. Let’s just stick to talking about the cover of Charlie Hebdo…bit too risky to show it, mind. Some people are just so touchy…
What we need is to find a state where our liberals can feel right at home. Somewhere like Sweden for instance. Relocate the Guardian/Independent and the BBC/C4 to Sweden and let our liberals go and live there in a liberal.socialist paradise.
Send a few universities there as well.
After a few years the liberal; will forget he or she was once English and revel in the delights of 24/7 BBC news and twice daily editions of the Guardian.
The Swedes will love it as well. That doomed nation needs more liberals and will welcome them.
I can imagine Wilcox fitting right in from day one.
Even with the massive ‘incentives’, they seem unkeen to relocate to these wonderful oases of new culture. Maybe they have been watching too much Fox news?
Have to say that Mel (or is it Sue?) is looking rather airbrushed. Odd that she wouldn’t want to appear ‘warts and all’ as one of this nation’s great male leaders and revolutionary campaigners once demanded of his portraitist.
You know that portion of the BBC budget devoted to celebrating alternative minority lifestyles and promoting positive images of diversity – is it too much for me to ask to opt out?
Or would that be like asking for Doctor Who without his Daleks?
BBC World News at 11.51. “Cleavage-gate, chinesestyle.”
You really couldn’t make it up. John Sugworth presents a piece on censorship in China. Not his fault, but unreal lack of consistancy and crass timing.
The very week the BBC outs itself to the public on self censorship of Islam and fails to show the public the cartoons over which people were murdered, they run a piece on Chinese government censorship.
BBC, Britain’s PRAVDA. No guts, no consistancy, no future.
It’s a really odd one this, and I confess to looking it up. Sexual orientation is completely different to gender identity, most gay people have no problem with their birth gender, and they have been excluded from mental health tags for some time.
Gender Identity is different though and there is a diagnosis and involvement of a Psychiatrist, however that is only for the period of the change and afterwards the patient is deemed ‘cured’ for want of a better word and discharged.
The default state is female and as you say it is the involvement of testosterone in the womb which makes the change – but if it’s too late then the mind stays female, while the body develops male or vice versa for females.
It’s not as simple a statement as might be first thought.
Your ignorance can be medically improved with the ‘proper treatment’, ie education.
Please get a prescription for just about any book on neuro science. But please avoid the BBC as they think society makes girls ‘girly’ and boys ‘laddish’.
Its down to the male hormones delivered to the brain at around 6 weeks.
BBC1 News at One. They really are ignorant. They realy do not know how offensive they are. I refer to the reporter for this BBC covering the funerals in Jerusalem of those murdered in the Paris shop.
An ignorant girl who cannot seem to understand why the relatives would want to to bury their dead in Jerusalem.
Her last parting shot was just offensive and she needs to be disciplined or learn tact and manners.
The Jews are “running away ” are they? By making Aliyah to Israel.
Sometimes only contempt serves with these over educated and ignorant children working for the BBC.
Just how offensive is that.
I would rather not have known that. How sad, how sick.
The BBC knows it is under attack right now – especially because of the Willcox incident – for its endemic anti-Israel stance. Any efficient organisation would have briefed its staff to show especial sensitivity at this time – especially at va funeral, gor Heaven’s sake.
But not the arrogant BBC. They carry their bias and historical ignorance on their sleeve – at our expense.
Worse… the Beeb have ‘previous’, but Sky have gone the same way.
I caught a story a couple of months ago where a spokeswoman for Hamas was speaking… at least that’s what I thought…. turned out she was the official Sky News Middle East Correspondent.
“World leaders” …..there isn’t a leader amongst them and when you see these clowns lined up like this it brings it home how dire the lack of any leadership has become in the West.
Had to laugh, arrived home just as my 83 year old neighbour was passing, she was spitting feathers as she had been listening to Jeremy Vine discussing the need for more schools and housing, she remarked “Bloody BBC, do you know, not once did they mention the sodding obvious ….” “immigration?” I asked “yes bloody immigration” she replied!
As an aside, I notice the bBC have no problem in using the ‘M’ word in relation to the police officer murdered in Paris last week, yet they struggled to use it in relation to the perpetrators….
Smug creeps Nickie Campbell and James Naughty sneered and mocked an American academic who said Birmingham was practically all muslim. Maybe Campbell and co have been watching this, Telly Savalas Birmingham ” My kinda town.”
But … not one brain cell singular Beebot, thought to check
any erm … “no go areas” re Bham?, look it up?
Better to jump on a character slapping, empty headed offence
Daily Telegraph – Birmingham best place in Europe to be a “pure Muslim”
Yep! Bham Mail? … Well they might know something about Bham? you would imagine?
Brummie Jasper Carrott: He might know a bit about Bham eh?
We must stop Birmingham being divided into ghetto s
Jun 29, 2014
“The comedian has called on ethnic minorities to put city and country before community – before it is too late”
“before its too late” ? eh ?
… oops! are you one of those far right, racist, Islamofauxbe, bigots, Jasper? …
or … maybe just a concerned citizen?
Hmm Pegida marches that have grown to 17 or 20 000
are they concerned citizens? … because the coward government won t act ?
… before its too late?
European ‘No-Go’ Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating
“Occupation Without Tanks or Soldiers”
The Islamic Emirates Project names the British cities of BIRMINGHAM, Bradford, Derby, Dewsbury, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Luton
Fury over ‘Muslim only’ rental advert – Daily Star
Birmingham muslims only, discrimination, landlords, and tenants
I digress I used to travel into “Brum” a lot, the moniker muslim ghetto s seems a fair one to me.
where was all that Trojan Horse, school takeover business? … any ideas ?
“the Bishop of Rochester recently warned that Britain was developing Muslim no-go areas in many cities”
“Parts of the UK are now becoming no-go areas for police ”
Murders and rapes going unreported in no-go zones for police as minority communities launch own justice systems
Rise in ‘community justice’ in Midlands cutting number of police calls
Forces warn genital mutilations and honour killings are being kept hidden
Follows conviction of Muslim Patrol group last year for ‘enforcing sharia law’
8 minute video shows how Muslims have colonised vast areas of Birmingham, ethnically cleansed British people from the streets, built mosques, turned schools into Islamic centres and now have even started painting “Free Palestine” murals on the walls of the houses.”
The ‘need to invest in a million new school places’ story continues to run. Alex Forsyth on the BBC News Channel. NO mention of the major reason. Seems ‘part’ of the increase in numbers is due to a ‘spike’ in the birthrate. (It was a ‘bulge’ earlier). This begs 2 questions:
1) Is the bulge/spike due to the high birthrate of immigrants.
2) Is the increase that is NOT down to births, due to already-born humans arriving from overseas?
Of course, those questions are avoided; as usual, the BBC emphasis is on the need for ‘investment’.
Thank goodness for look east, the lack of school places is down to planning issues ,with regards to building and extending schools, and of course, government not giving funding. Then ,the nhs “crisis” was explaied- you see its all the old folks fault, they cant be released from hospital beds until they have adequate care set up at home etc, but alas, lack of funding, cuts etc are causing bed blocking. Every night a party political broadcast for the liebour party.
Coincidentally, john presscott has just visited his sister at my local hospital, and he was shocked by all the old people bed blocking. Its reported in the northampton chronicle and echo. Funny, when I visited the same hospital a couple of weeks ago, I was shocked to not hear any English being spoken. Weaponise the nhs! They literally take us for mugs.
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Quite curious, look at the highest votes, lots of comments questioning Islamic belief, and it’s behaviour in Europe, and the need for change, surprising these have not been pulled and are available to view, bbc having one of its turns at the moment I feel.
PS, viewing those with the worst votes is even more interesting
BBC news 1 30 pm … 7.50mins,
Euro leaders “Jews just… running away … from Paris, to Israel, is not the answer”, oooer … spiteful BBC
What are Euro leaders doing now? or previously? or anytime in the last decade to eradicate the reason for it happening?
which Euro leader used those words, are they Yolande Knell’s own ?
But you forget, once they are in Israel yolande will be free to give them all her spit and venom, they will become the Middle East Nazis , ripe for any filth she can cast in their direction, oppressing the poor rightful inhabitants of the land. It must be so difficult for beeboids at the moment, having to pretend the French Jews are victims too, look at the trouble comrade Wilcox has got into by mixing the two different tribes of Israel.
I commented on this earlier. For once I actually think we should all complain. The BBC has gone just too far in showing such disrespect. Willcox was bad enough now this.
Who are these people? Pontificating and whining on while they undermine Israel and the West.
The lowest of the low.
Radio 4 I’ve never seen Star Wars with Marcus Brigstocke, asked his guest Rebecca Front to watch an episode of Mrs Browns boys.
Towards the end of this Brigstocke showed his true colours, telling us how he hated the fact that the comedy in Mrs Browns boys was funny, which he didn’t like, and that far too many people liked it. It was a throw back to the 1970s and even the theme tune was old fashioned. It wasn’t PC because it was obvious that the really camp one was gay but Mrs Brown didn’t seem to realise this, which showed what a reactionary she was.
Brigstocke couldn’t contain his anger at this end ended by calling the show ‘Shit’ on air.
Well Mr Brigstocke there’s probably 1000 watchers to every one of yours and Brendan O’Carroll is worth at least £10 million. His mother was a Labour Party TD (Irish MP). He comes from a country which is still influenced by Catholic Christian morals, obviously an aspect of his race and culture which Brigstocke cannot tolerate.
Anyone else doing this would be called that non existent meaningless bully word ‘Racist’, but the reality is that like many on the far left Brigstocke is yet another Fascist intolerant of everyone who does not share his views.
He is also insanely jealous of those who are more successful than he is and probably their wealth too. He does not see comedy as something which should be funny, it is merely a light hearted vehicle to convey a political point – his, and woe betide anyone who doesn’t agree with him.
The can opener at the BBc must be working overtime. Just watching Count Arthur Strong. Not funny in the slightest but they seem to have decided to randomly insert canned laughter every few seconds.
For some years, Nambila Ramdani has posed on Sky News and the Beeb as the happening young female journalist with an unbiased view on Islamic affairs. Her personal views were reasonably well concealed – until her Newsnight performance tonight. She displayed a LOT of venom against the publication of the magazine. She has no understanding whatsoever of the Western idea of freedom.
They did have a lady in Paris to give a counter argument but the link didn’t work. Evan Davis said he was very sorry but you know what?… he didn’t seem sorry at all. In fact, he seemed well pleased to give Nambila free rein. But it was all for the best, because her true character was put on display for all to see.
Not sure why the Daily Mail thinks this is news. Most satellite/cable stations are organised in this manner and have been for decades. A lot of the days in question are occupied by a live snooker tournament, which is hardly likely to change its hours on a day-by-day basis. I don’t, of course, even think there should be a BBC1, BBC2, BBC3, BBC4 etc (unless on a subscription basis, perhaps) but this is a false target.
I’m honestly coming to the conclusion that TV was far better with just three, maybe four channels and closedown and national anthem at the end of the evening.
It would appear that all we have today the same amount of programming but spread over hundreds of channels.
I rarely get past channel 20 when channel hopping and give up because its all ess aitch one tea…
’24 hours after a brutal Muslim terrorist attack, there might be another brutal Muslim terrorist attack which will completely crowd out the stories of Muslims worrying about the backlash to the latest Muslim atrocity.’
About as black humour as it gets.
But I worry about two things, both at the door of certain media.
1) This continual wish-fulfillment prophecy-hawking will, eventually, prompt some to react as they keep getting told they must. They shouldn’t, and there will be no excuse, but with the BBC cranking out 24/7 what might happen, it won’t take much to make it so. 15 minutes of fame ensured, no thought for the shame.
2) Having eventually secured the reaction their client base have so far been frustrated in garnering, Jezza, Orla, Tim, etc, will be bursting into Danny and Ian’s offices demanding they explain them apples…. and the airwaves will be handed over to very Imam with a sound bit for the nex… all eternity.
Of course there is also the chance of a false flag. but unlike Glasgow, it is unlikely the BBC will go watertight oversight if this time the narrative is served.
BBC Breakfast sofa guest this morning – man-with-a-beard from the men-with-beards-organisation tells us ‘The Prophet Muhammed never resorted to violence’
Just like a group of real journalists – BBC fact checkers rush to the library, the production gallery quickly whispers in Bill Turnbull’s ear piece and he in turn questions his guest further on this statement.
Associating PEGIDA with Neo Nazis using words and images.
Associating German Muslims with respect for last week’s murder victims of Paris.
If Jenny Hill had a dead relative in France or the backbone that all journalists should have displayed by showing a picture depicting Mohammed, she may be able to reflect on the views she expresses that PEGIDA are:
“…source of concern for many Germans here….and a source of concern for the political establishment…”.
Does Jenny really not realise, that the “..source of concern…” is related to immigration and jihadists? Ignorant or apathetic? If she had a backbone, or a dead relative, she may be able to see the ‘concern’s source’. Or perhaps she could reflect on this ‘source’ whilst covering the flogging of bloggers in Saudi Arabia, or the stoning of rape victims in Afghanistan, or the execution of blasphemers in Pakistan. Or perhaps back in (pick your yorkshire town) her old stomping ground covering grooming gangs.
The PEDIGA demonstrators certainly are a concern for Merkel, who will find out whether she was walking down the correct street at the ballot box.
Moral relativism is rife at the BBC, and is a cancer in our culture. Jenny Hill? I hoped for better, but got what I feared.
Did anyone hear Sadiq Khan on R4 this morning? When asked if he felt compelled to keep repeating the “this is not Islam” message he replied that, if moderate muslims didn’t, the resulting vacuum would be filled by other “charasmatic preachers of hate” and then went on to say “we all know who I’m talking about” and said it was someone “regularly quoted by the press”.
Mid week breakfast and the BBc agenda rumbles on. Where to start? OK televised debate . First off Ashdown who after a preamble about what to call him the BBc apparently have to call him Lord Ashdown, in this house we have another name for him. Followed an hour later by another report this time without Ashdown. The Ashdown interview ends with comments of “he” can’t hold democracy to ransom referring to Cameroon not wanting to play in the TVdebate. Then on to the aftermath of the Paris outrage which seems to be holding the medias attention much more than what happened in Sydney. Two members of the cult comment. Anyone else to make any other comments besides the presenters? You knew the answer to that one already, no bloody way. The cult member from “the council of Britain” goes through his we are all very sorry speech but what’s that I see, is he grinning ? Looks like it to both myself and Mrs Dave think so anyway. It appears that he has fully grasped the concept of free speech when he tells us that the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo should have just had a blank page on the cover. Meanwhile they have two female reporters one in Dartmoor didn’t notice where the other one was looking cold in the snow one told us the cars are driving gingerly up the road, just in case you thought they were drag racing. Lucky they are there otherwise I’d have no idea what snow looks like. Wonder if they get expenses for this.
One gets the distinct impression, from “Today” this morning, that Mr. Naughtie just does not like UKIP, or Nigel Farage. One can almost feel the distaste.
Notice how gleefully, he told us that Dennis McShane (?) had been on the phone to tell them that he hadn’t, in fact written a book, but merely “articles”.
BBC are presenting a report by ‘Hope not Hate’. A report on ‘extremist parties’ mentioning, EDL, BNP and ….. yes you’ve guessed it. UKIP. (No mention of the real extremists in the Liebor Party?)
‘Hope not hate’ are a fascist organisation, undermining civilised values and open debate through disinformation and closing down political discussion through name calling and the labelling of views opposed to socialist/totalitarian ideologies as ‘racist’ and ‘intolerent’. They are a propaganda unit.
Why are the BBC presenters not pointing this out when presenting their ‘Report’ so that viewers can contextualise the presented narrative?
It seems that the Labour party with assistance from their broadcasting propaganda arm have succeeded in raising the profile of the NHS with the voting public.
From UK Polling:
ComRes had a poll yesterday which got some attention because it showed the NHS as the issue people thought was most important facing the country, up eleven points since they last asked. This followed a YouGov poll last week which showed the NHS in third place in the list of salient issues, but also increasing by 13 percentage points since December, putting it 6 points behind the economy and immigration.
These look like contrasting findings (first place and third place) but they really aren’t – both show big increases in the salience of the NHS and similar proportions of people picked out the NHS as a major issue (50% in ComRes, 46% in YouGov). There is a significant difference in the proportion of people picking the economy in the two polls, but that’s because of the way the question is asked: YouGov offer a single option for the economy in general (picked by 52%), ComRes offer three or four different economicy sort of options that responses were split between (promoting growth (20%), distributing benefits of growth (20%), reducing the deficit (19%), keeping down costs (25%)).
Both show a big increase and that can only be down to the coverage of the issue.
Whether this has peaked too soon however is another question, but I’ve said all along that leftie Dave does not want to be re-elected as he won’t be able to collect his rewards if he is.
A month ago, Milliband looked too useless to have any chance but, remarkably, Labour, the BBC and the Health Service Unions have contrived a ‘crisis’ that seems to be effective poll-wise. The problems that exist are undoubtedly caused by the huge number of immigrants, but Cameron can’t use that as an excuse because of his ‘immigration is generally a good thing’ line. Poor thing… you’d need to have a heart of stone not to laugh!
Everyone’s heard of it. Few may have read it, or have any idea of its remarkable publishing history. For all its bizarre style and bombast, Mein Kampf was Hitler’s broadest statement of his aims and beliefs. Had the world understood its meaning, it’s been claimed, the Nazi catastrophe might have been averted.
It’s a book that made Hitler rich and its ability to make money after his death has continued to pose sensitive problems. For the last 70 years the Bavarian authorities have effectively banned its republication in German through their control of the copyright. But this year, 2015, Mein Kampf’s copyright expires. So what happens next?
Chris Bowlby has been investigating Mein Kampf’s strange history and future, both in Germany and beyond. He hears of its strange popularity in India and the intriguing story of its translation into English.
Note where he goes to – India where they say that you could insert the name of todays Fascist followers brown eyed boys, the Muslims as the Jews, and thus yet again following the BBC directive to always show Muslims as victims.
They didn’t bother to go to Turkey where Mein Kampf is a best seller and you don’t need to substitute ‘Jews’, nor to Palestinian territories where it is translated into Arabic and hand out free of charge to anyone who wants it. Of course there is no examination of the association of the Palestinians with the Nazis which is still strong today.
As usual it’s half a story by a revisionist BBC which seems to regard its charter as a non enforceable document.
Ms Newman seems to be flavour-of-the-month in leftie luvvie circles. It can only be a matter of time before she is snapped up by the BBC. Perhaps she is just the ‘enormous talent’ required to resurrect Newsnight.
An interesting article that clearly shows the liberal delusion.
There is no way this woman will accept reality. In that she is the perfect example of the liberal fantasist.
The BBC needs her. The elite needs her. With her talent for fantasy she could act as the perfect anasthetic for an entire media and political class.
On a more mundane note She should beware of conflating Mr Farage with her hate figure Marine Le Pen. It is lazy journalism and innacurate.
French politics and English politics are never to be confused. She should know that but I doubt if she even knows anything of the French experience from 1789 onwards.
ScrobleneFeb 5, 05:39 Midweek 5th February 2025 There’s the usual negativity from Beeboids and Fa(i)lling Sky about President Trump trying to reshape and build things in Gaza,…
JohnCFeb 5, 05:37 Midweek 5th February 2025 The elephant in the room which the BBC will not mention is that none of the other Muslim countries nearby…
JohnCFeb 5, 03:01 Start the Week 3rd February 2025 ‘Not terror related’ is BBC Jargon for ‘No letter of instruction from ISIS was found’. For some reason I am…
JohnCFeb 5, 02:56 Start the Week 3rd February 2025 With all of these things, the more they cover it up the more suspicious it is. And it’s always something…
JohnCFeb 5, 02:00 Start the Week 3rd February 2025 I wonder how many police were involved in getting anyone at the Southport protests into prison. Stalin Starmer will never…
Lucy PevenseyFeb 5, 01:29 Midweek 5th February 2025 Absolutely Square-eyed. “Return to me,” declares the Lord Almighty, “and I will return to you,”
ZephirFeb 5, 00:54 Midweek 5th February 2025 The U.S. will “take over the Gaza strip,” level it and rebuild the area, President Donald Trump said during a…
JohnCFeb 5, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd February 2025 Mustapaha, her lie is such a shameless distortion of the truth, I will remember it to use as an example…
Brave fearless Evan Davis eh?
What guff about showing solidarity with Charlie Hebdo?…not letting the Islam supremacists hush up the free and liberal west?
For he has in his hand the new Charlie Hebdo cover-it`s world exclusive, hot off the press in Paris…
But he`s sure as fun not going to show US…not at all.
Suffice to say it`s typical Charlie Hebdo,…oh and by coincidence it`s got a picture of Mo on it…but you`ll not be needing to see that!
Good Lord no, Evan wants to get home in one piece.
Bloody frogs had it coming…and the BBC is safe tonight!
A worthy tribute to the solidarity and fraternity of the BBC in regard of its fallen colleagues in Paris.
Brave Sir Robins all at the BBC eh?….as ever we`ll all bypass the BBC as its dissolves in its own tears, no backbone in evidence.
Thank You Evan and Newsnight…IS will be quaking in your boots soon!
I saw that and could hardly believe it. The cartoon that the sniveling coward dared not show (presumably by order of the “je suis wet my fucking pants again BBC”) is so innocuous that anyone, even a Muslim, who finds it “offensive” is in urgent need of counselling.
“Je suis Charlie” BBC? Go on then, you hypocritical bastards, make a very modest and long-overdue start by having ‘The Satanic Verses’ as your Book at Bedtime.
Can I have an apology? And to make it up to me why not post a picture of yourself holding up the cover for all to see? Not even on live TV to an audience of thousands. Just here on this blog. Or are you both a “fearless” and “sniveling coward” ?
If you are the real Evan Davis then well done and thank you for holding up the cover as shown in the photo in the link.
As shown in the link, there was a very brief ‘long-shot’ of Davis holding the cartoon while he said something like “a typical Charlie Hebdo cartoon…”. It was done in a way that made it very difficuly to see what it actually said.
Although no one in their right mind would reveal their identity on a blog site under any circumstances, I probably am a coward too. But then again, unlike the BBC, I don’t pretend that my fear of Muslim nutjobs is some sort of irrational ‘phobia’. If there is a public gathering at which everyone holds up the cartoon, I will readily take part.
On a lighter note I had to share this
Two BBC birds with one stone
I don’t know if there’s going to be any “je suis Charlie” changes at the BBC or not but I was gratified to see that on ‘Dateline London’ over the week-end that the privileged middle-class Algerian Muslim woman who is a regular and whose grievance-mongering whinges are usually met with BBC nodding-dog acceptance was put in her place when she tried to put it all down to Charlie Hebdo’s “racism”. Even Gavin Esler (surely for the first time ever) turned on her and said “they’ve never been prosecuted for racism”. After which, the stupid woman shut up. And here’s the lesson; when they come out with their knee-jerk, boilerplate whinging, challenge them and don’t let them get away with it.
Anyone know if there were any PEGIDA strolls this evening? Can’t see any coverage anywhere.
On Gates of Vienna. 40thousand Dresden. 30 thousand Liepzig.
Other sources if you look.
Interesting it is the old East Germany.
Thanks. Seemingly ignored by the Beeb and other MSM. Maybe everyone’s still living it up in Paris and on expenses.
East Germany in a way was a trial run for the EU land grab in Eastern Europe. “Cash and Close! Cash and Close!” Mrs Thatcher was right about having doubts about German reunification. We forget that the Germans are quite a “diverse” bunch that a Saxon is quite a bit different from a Bavarian; even probably more so than an Englishman and a Lowland Scot. Having another German state in the middle of Europe would have made things a bit more stable.
Nice to see the German rent a mob scum look awfully like our rent a mob scum. (“Immigrants welcome” flag holders in the picture. I wonder if that goes as far as making a space in their accommodation for them to stay in?
I notice that 10 hours after publication there are only 2 comments !! Yeah, right………..
It seems the BND haven’t been given as free a hand at home to stir trouble as they had in Kiev,
What’s in a name?
Now here’s a thing that just caught my eye: the use of ‘Muhammad’ for the false prophet rather than the usual ‘Mohammed’.
Anyone know if there’s a ‘theological’/linguistic/sectarian significance within Islam in the choice of this variant?
Water getting hotter for that scumbag Wilcox
‘Scumbag’ is inaccurate, I think you mean ‘anti-semitic scumbag’.
Nah. Leave him in place. Whatever he does in future will be framed by what he tried on, and dissembled subsequently. He knows what happened. The BBC knows. Everyone knows. He’s a shot bolt.
Unbelievable that the BBC dare reference that upper-class prat Hunt in this report that reports on a population surge, with immigration the clear factor behind this. Labour, as we all know, hate the English, and so have an ideological agenda that promotes multiculturalism thus being the reason they did their best to increase diversity when they were in office.
The bBC, if it had any care in the world for impartiality would provide a backdrop this huge increase in the population… must’t rock the multicultural boat, thought. The BBC love immigration!
Schools face ‘places breaking point’ –
Why can’t the UK build 240,000 houses a year? –
I wonder what policy, championed by the BBC, might have lead to a shortage of school places and homes.
BBc sofa sloths on now about class sizes, predictably no mention of why this might possibly be happening. Apparently according to Louise Minchin “there is a population bulge now”. WTF? A population bulge now, caused by what?
Normal service. Some months ago they interviewed a spokeswoman for the College of Midwives. She blustered on about the ‘mystery’ of the surge in population; women are leaving it later to have children, etc., etc.,… NO mention of the I-word. Did the BBC interviewer point out the elephant in the room? You know the answer.
Here is a message from UKIP on the subject…
Ah but it’s all due to “an ageing population” don’cha know! All those broody octogenarians
Contrary to normal BBC practice all the pictures in that article appear to be of white pupils. Who are, of course, the source of this need for extra places.
I wonder if the need for more schools could possibly be connected with the extra demands on A&E so recently bemoaned by the BBC?
Perhaps the Paris murders of fellow journalists has been the tipping point for some at BBC News. Maybe…
Clegg on Today program, still on a different planet to the rest of us, so isolated from reality, he hadn’t even heard about the blogger who is going to be given 1000 lashes in Saudi Arabia for insulting Islam.
This inconvenient incident PROVES that Islam is an intolerant ideology, and that it cannot accept any kind of criticism. It also proves that politicians who claim that the Charlie Hebdo murders have nothing to do with Islam are lying.
I cannot imagine why anyone would vote FibDem with this man in charge. He is so far removed from reality that I think he is actually dangerous, certainly not anywhere close to the life the rest of us live. I don’t think there is a political leader so obviously detached and removed from the rest of us in any party.
“so isolated from reality, he hadn’t even heard about the blogger who is going to be given 1000 lashes in Saudi Arabia for insulting Islam.”
Yes, I caught that and found it astonishing.
It’s only astonishing if you believe him. I don’t.
Clegg and the rest of his party become officially irrelevant in May 2015.
Trouble is, I don’t think the LibDems will be hammered in terms of seats still held. I have seen 2 local-council by-elections in my area in the past 4 months – in both cases the LibDem vote held up extremely well, indeed it increased its poll share in the latest by-election. They still have lots of feet on the ground, they may be doing very badly in opinion polls but they have a very effective ground-machine to get the vote out, especially in the seats they now hold.
By contrast – UKIP sadly has a poor HQ structure, and is NOT a very effective political machine. For instance – the LibDems know who the postal-voters are, which are likely to support them – and they home in on them. UKIP has no such depth of voting intelligence/data. Yes, in an individual constituency by-election UKIP can focus its effort and people, but it will be stretched very thin in May. It will be heavily dependent on the effectiveness of its TV appearances and its poster advertising. Sorry to be downbeat on this.
“Are you an activist? Do you want to have your say? If you are willing to be interviewed by a BBC journalist, please include your name, location and contact details, including a phone number.”
Only UAF, HNH or activists marching against the Tory Cutz/ destruction of the NHS need apply.
“We are looking especially for the following:
Are you taking part in a demonstration…
Have you taken part in global action…”
So, only really looking for lefties then?
BBC Website “Schools face ‘places breaking point’ By Judith Burns”. Article on school overcrowding with no reasons why this could be AND AGAIN the only pictures show “hideously white” children. Compare with pictures they include when saying good things about education – invariably few if any white children. They just can’t help themselves in their passion to “educate” us, can they?
Sorry, hadn’t seen your post before I made much the same point above.
the Guardian
At least there is an image of the front page (about 1cm sq) with a warning that some may find the image offensive.
Now if it was an image of the prophet shagging sheep then I might agree. (I believe in the rights of sheep).
Bloody Muslims, as a Welshman I’m the only sheepshagger in this village! And no I am not offended by being called such, I grew up a long time ago, unlike billions of other humans.
Hey hang on there D1004 – there’s nothing like a tender bit of lamb! I live in the same ‘village’ don’t you know ?
Some nice welsh lamb cutlets washed down with a few pints of Brains S A and home to bed on the last 21, the long way round through Rhiwbina last stop Whitchurch Library. ( no 23 at the late hour of 11pm) such happy carefree days.
Sounds very nice, and I bet you never made a ‘ewe’ turn.
Ewe’s are up the valleys boy ! I was a Kardiff lad like a certain John Humpries, but he went into journalism and made a fortune, who can have predicted the explosion in chattering heads 40 years ago?
All the ewes ( and everyone else) now commute to Kardiff for work instead of working around the corner ( oh the environmental damage! ) clogging up the roads and making what was once a very attractive city into a mini version of London 🙁
And who could have predicted that Al Beeb would have been so anti British 40 years ago ? Living in the far West ‘sticks’ of this country , one can say it is slowly heading very much like ‘multi culti’ London here also .
No 21? D1004 You live in my village too.
in Rhiwbina, Caer Wenalt or Whitchurch ?
Whichever left over 30 years ago.
Over the holiday period did I miss out on a few BBC news bulletins and completely fail to witness World War Three?
I ask this question because BBC news is telling me this morning that Britain is witnessing a ‘Baby Boom’
Definition : ‘A sudden, large, sustained increase in the birthrate, especially the one from the later 1940s through the early 1960s’
This phrase is used in BBC commentary which accompanies a ‘report out today’ from local council chiefs pleading for the provision of more school places. Or should I say pleading for more state spending on school places. Such pleas are naturally taken at face value by the BBC and are trumpeted loud and clear.
Or maybe not so clear.
Leaving aside the fact that a BBC news broadcast rarely passes without someone somewhere demanding an increase in state spending – if it’s not 4000 potholes in Blackburn Lancashire then it’s Call for (More) Midwives. Although for some reason there’s been bit less emphasis on that last one lately.
In addition to the weasel use of the term ‘Baby Boom’ the BBC report talks about a ‘Spike’ in the number on school age children.
The figures quoted are 90,000 extra school places that are needed this year and then 900,000 over the coming decade. Do the maths – not so much a ‘spike’ as an expected consistent increase each year over the 10 year period. I would call a ‘spike’ a one or two year change then a reversion to average levels. This kind of increase (using modern media-friendly terminology) I would call a ‘step change’.
But to acknowledge that there has been such a step change and further acknowledge that there is no expectation of an end to this ‘boom’ or ‘spike’ in the forseeable future, well, that might lead to some awkward questions.
Questions which clearly have no place in BBC news reports.
Radio 4 at the Islamophillia again after Islam takes a beating following it’s murderous examples the BBC feels the need to prop it up a bit.
the first of a new series of One to One, broadcaster Adrian Goldberg – who is married to a British Asian woman – explores the topic of mixed marriage.
The dry facts, from the Office of National Statistics, state that “Nearly 1 in 10 people living in as a couple were in an inter-ethnic relationship in 2011″*
Over the next three weeks Adrian brings this statistic to life as he meets three people who married outside their own faith or cultural background, across three decades: the 1960s, 70s and 2000s.
In this first programme he meets Tara Bariana. Tara arrived in England from India in the 1960s and was, in his words, an illiterate 13 year old who couldn’t speak English. He was expected to marry a Punjabi girl, but went against his family’s wishes when he met and fell in love with Beryl, the daughter of a Baptist minister. Adrian hears Tara’s story, and finds out what happened next.
Freedom of Expression and the Ban on the Burqa in France; Debbie Wiseman & the Score for Wolf Hall
Woman’s Hour
Jane Garvey explores freedom of expression and the ban on the burqa in France with Myriam Francois-Cerrah and Tehmina Kazi; Kate Gross died of cancer on Christmas morning, leaving five-year-old twin boys. Her mother, Jean, joins Jane to talk about Kate and her book, Late Fragments; Composer Debbie Wiseman talks about the score she has written for the highly anticipated adaptation of Wolf Hall, based on Hilary Mantel’s novels. A new EU ruling means that parents in Britain will be able to request up to 18 weeks of unpaid leave until their child’s 18th birthday (it was previously until their child’s fifth birthday).
So are teen years a time when parental support is needed more? And how understanding are workplaces of requests for leave or flexible working from parents of older children?
How much more tv and radio airtime is the “Muslim Debate Initiative” going to get today?.
Radio 4, Radio 5Live, Breakfast and Your Call, BBC1 Breakfast, BBC News 24.
Islamophile BBC, is going all out … to listen to their latest crafty word twister with of course, his word twister name Abdullah al Andalusi.
A few clicks on youtube, can expose exactly what this group wants to erm … “initiate”
A new day, a new ejector seat, go to guy for the Al BBC, but all the same narrative, more slimy “Brother” Tariq, than Andy Choudary, the aim is the same.
I switched on the BBC News this morning to see Anita McVeigh ‘interview’ that individual. The people of France and Israel were getting ready to bury their slaughtered; meanwhile the BBC cleared the airwaves to provide him with a platform to deliver an unchallenged lecture on the sufferings of the devotees of The Religion Of Peace.
1 in 10? Seems a bit high but data is data. Could we hazard a guess of how many of them are composed of a white man and a woman of a different ethnicity?
No, can’t be, not that nice Tim Wilcox?
Surley not Spanish-speaking trumpet-playing Wilcox
Whilst Tim was in France who was covering Sophie’s slot?
Goodness me! I seem to have spotted some “Islamophobia” in the BBC that the BBC has not picked up on. The Mayor of Rotterdam said (on live TV that Muslims who do not appreciate the freedoms of living in the West can “f*ck off” and “vanish from the Netherlands if you do not like it here”. Surely the BBC must be all over a story like this?
Oh wait… the Mayor is himself is a Muslim. Might be a bit “tricky” to brand him “Islamophobic”. Let’s just stick to talking about the cover of Charlie Hebdo…bit too risky to show it, mind. Some people are just so touchy…
What we need is to find a state where our liberals can feel right at home. Somewhere like Sweden for instance. Relocate the Guardian/Independent and the BBC/C4 to Sweden and let our liberals go and live there in a liberal.socialist paradise.
Send a few universities there as well.
After a few years the liberal; will forget he or she was once English and revel in the delights of 24/7 BBC news and twice daily editions of the Guardian.
The Swedes will love it as well. That doomed nation needs more liberals and will welcome them.
I can imagine Wilcox fitting right in from day one.
Is it too much to hope that the powers that be elsewhere will do the same?
In other (lighter) news…
Even with the massive ‘incentives’, they seem unkeen to relocate to these wonderful oases of new culture. Maybe they have been watching too much Fox news?
Talking of magazine front covers….
Anyone interested in BBC stars Mel & Sue’s 26-year ‘womance’?
Check your Radio Times–sue-jack-whitehall-and-william-in-this-weeks-radio-times
Have to say that Mel (or is it Sue?) is looking rather airbrushed. Odd that she wouldn’t want to appear ‘warts and all’ as one of this nation’s great male leaders and revolutionary campaigners once demanded of his portraitist.
You know that portion of the BBC budget devoted to celebrating alternative minority lifestyles and promoting positive images of diversity – is it too much for me to ask to opt out?
Or would that be like asking for Doctor Who without his Daleks?
Oh Dear.
BBC World News at 11.51. “Cleavage-gate, chinesestyle.”
You really couldn’t make it up. John Sugworth presents a piece on censorship in China. Not his fault, but unreal lack of consistancy and crass timing.
The very week the BBC outs itself to the public on self censorship of Islam and fails to show the public the cartoons over which people were murdered, they run a piece on Chinese government censorship.
BBC, Britain’s PRAVDA. No guts, no consistancy, no future.
Scrap the telly tax. It is immoral.
Richard Dawkins will be on The Daily Politics. Should be good.
But they have one of their ‘go-to’ gay watermelon vicars, unbriefed in the basics of economics or ethics, so that should be good too.
Headline News on the BBC site:
Man detained for attack on transgender woman in Liverpool
Nice to know that in a world full of troubles the BBC has its fingers on the pulse of what’s really important !
Actually preferred sexual orientation depends on the amount of testosterone/ oestrogen in the womb during early pregnancy.
So I would rather you not say that any form of sexual orientation is a mental illness.
It’s a really odd one this, and I confess to looking it up. Sexual orientation is completely different to gender identity, most gay people have no problem with their birth gender, and they have been excluded from mental health tags for some time.
Gender Identity is different though and there is a diagnosis and involvement of a Psychiatrist, however that is only for the period of the change and afterwards the patient is deemed ‘cured’ for want of a better word and discharged.
The default state is female and as you say it is the involvement of testosterone in the womb which makes the change – but if it’s too late then the mind stays female, while the body develops male or vice versa for females.
It’s not as simple a statement as might be first thought.
Your ignorance can be medically improved with the ‘proper treatment’, ie education.
Please get a prescription for just about any book on neuro science. But please avoid the BBC as they think society makes girls ‘girly’ and boys ‘laddish’.
Its down to the male hormones delivered to the brain at around 6 weeks.
BBC1 News at One. They really are ignorant. They realy do not know how offensive they are. I refer to the reporter for this BBC covering the funerals in Jerusalem of those murdered in the Paris shop.
An ignorant girl who cannot seem to understand why the relatives would want to to bury their dead in Jerusalem.
Her last parting shot was just offensive and she needs to be disciplined or learn tact and manners.
The Jews are “running away ” are they? By making Aliyah to Israel.
Sometimes only contempt serves with these over educated and ignorant children working for the BBC.
Just how offensive is that.
I would rather not have known that. How sad, how sick.
The BBC knows it is under attack right now – especially because of the Willcox incident – for its endemic anti-Israel stance. Any efficient organisation would have briefed its staff to show especial sensitivity at this time – especially at va funeral, gor Heaven’s sake.
But not the arrogant BBC. They carry their bias and historical ignorance on their sleeve – at our expense.
Worse… the Beeb have ‘previous’, but Sky have gone the same way.
I caught a story a couple of months ago where a spokeswoman for Hamas was speaking… at least that’s what I thought…. turned out she was the official Sky News Middle East Correspondent.
Sherine Tadros; ex Al-Arabiya and Al Jazeera.
Tweets by SherineT
Seems a good background to deliver a balanced view on the Middle East!
World leaders show their courage in marching for Charlie Hebdo in a sealed off side street.
“World leaders” …..there isn’t a leader amongst them and when you see these clowns lined up like this it brings it home how dire the lack of any leadership has become in the West.
je suis charl atan
Had to laugh, arrived home just as my 83 year old neighbour was passing, she was spitting feathers as she had been listening to Jeremy Vine discussing the need for more schools and housing, she remarked “Bloody BBC, do you know, not once did they mention the sodding obvious ….” “immigration?” I asked “yes bloody immigration” she replied!
As an aside, I notice the bBC have no problem in using the ‘M’ word in relation to the police officer murdered in Paris last week, yet they struggled to use it in relation to the perpetrators….
Do they use ‘Jew’ or the equivalent for those murdered in the shop?
Smug creeps Nickie Campbell and James Naughty sneered and mocked an American academic who said Birmingham was practically all muslim. Maybe Campbell and co have been watching this, Telly Savalas Birmingham ” My kinda town.”
But … not one brain cell singular Beebot, thought to check
any erm … “no go areas” re Bham?, look it up?
Better to jump on a character slapping, empty headed offence
Daily Telegraph – Birmingham best place in Europe to be a “pure Muslim”
Standpoint : A Stranger in My Own Land
Yep! Bham Mail? … Well they might know something about Bham? you would imagine?
Brummie Jasper Carrott: He might know a bit about Bham eh?
We must stop Birmingham being divided into ghetto s
Jun 29, 2014
“The comedian has called on ethnic minorities to put city and country before community – before it is too late”
“before its too late” ? eh ?
… oops! are you one of those far right, racist, Islamofauxbe, bigots, Jasper? …
or … maybe just a concerned citizen?
Hmm Pegida marches that have grown to 17 or 20 000
are they concerned citizens? … because the coward government won t act ?
… before its too late?
European ‘No-Go’ Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating
“Occupation Without Tanks or Soldiers”
The Islamic Emirates Project names the British cities of BIRMINGHAM, Bradford, Derby, Dewsbury, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Luton
Fury over ‘Muslim only’ rental advert – Daily Star
Birmingham muslims only, discrimination, landlords, and tenants
I digress I used to travel into “Brum” a lot, the moniker muslim ghetto s seems a fair one to me.
where was all that Trojan Horse, school takeover business? … any ideas ?
“the Bishop of Rochester recently warned that Britain was developing Muslim no-go areas in many cities”
“Parts of the UK are now becoming no-go areas for police ”
Murders and rapes going unreported in no-go zones for police as minority communities launch own justice systems
Rise in ‘community justice’ in Midlands cutting number of police calls
Forces warn genital mutilations and honour killings are being kept hidden
Follows conviction of Muslim Patrol group last year for ‘enforcing sharia law’
8 minute video shows how Muslims have colonised vast areas of Birmingham, ethnically cleansed British people from the streets, built mosques, turned schools into Islamic centres and now have even started painting “Free Palestine” murals on the walls of the houses.”
Read more:
The ‘need to invest in a million new school places’ story continues to run. Alex Forsyth on the BBC News Channel. NO mention of the major reason. Seems ‘part’ of the increase in numbers is due to a ‘spike’ in the birthrate. (It was a ‘bulge’ earlier). This begs 2 questions:
1) Is the bulge/spike due to the high birthrate of immigrants.
2) Is the increase that is NOT down to births, due to already-born humans arriving from overseas?
Of course, those questions are avoided; as usual, the BBC emphasis is on the need for ‘investment’.
Thank goodness for look east, the lack of school places is down to planning issues ,with regards to building and extending schools, and of course, government not giving funding. Then ,the nhs “crisis” was explaied- you see its all the old folks fault, they cant be released from hospital beds until they have adequate care set up at home etc, but alas, lack of funding, cuts etc are causing bed blocking. Every night a party political broadcast for the liebour party.
Coincidentally, john presscott has just visited his sister at my local hospital, and he was shocked by all the old people bed blocking. Its reported in the northampton chronicle and echo. Funny, when I visited the same hospital a couple of weeks ago, I was shocked to not hear any English being spoken. Weaponise the nhs! They literally take us for mugs.
Comments on this page are now closed after 2667 comments;
Quite curious, look at the highest votes, lots of comments questioning Islamic belief, and it’s behaviour in Europe, and the need for change, surprising these have not been pulled and are available to view, bbc having one of its turns at the moment I feel.
PS, viewing those with the worst votes is even more interesting
BBC news 1 30 pm … 7.50mins,
Euro leaders “Jews just… running away … from Paris, to Israel, is not the answer”, oooer … spiteful BBC
What are Euro leaders doing now? or previously? or anytime in the last decade to eradicate the reason for it happening?
which Euro leader used those words, are they Yolande Knell’s own ?
But you forget, once they are in Israel yolande will be free to give them all her spit and venom, they will become the Middle East Nazis , ripe for any filth she can cast in their direction, oppressing the poor rightful inhabitants of the land. It must be so difficult for beeboids at the moment, having to pretend the French Jews are victims too, look at the trouble comrade Wilcox has got into by mixing the two different tribes of Israel.
I commented on this earlier. For once I actually think we should all complain. The BBC has gone just too far in showing such disrespect. Willcox was bad enough now this.
Who are these people? Pontificating and whining on while they undermine Israel and the West.
The lowest of the low.
Radio 4 I’ve never seen Star Wars with Marcus Brigstocke, asked his guest Rebecca Front to watch an episode of Mrs Browns boys.
Towards the end of this Brigstocke showed his true colours, telling us how he hated the fact that the comedy in Mrs Browns boys was funny, which he didn’t like, and that far too many people liked it. It was a throw back to the 1970s and even the theme tune was old fashioned. It wasn’t PC because it was obvious that the really camp one was gay but Mrs Brown didn’t seem to realise this, which showed what a reactionary she was.
Brigstocke couldn’t contain his anger at this end ended by calling the show ‘Shit’ on air.
Well Mr Brigstocke there’s probably 1000 watchers to every one of yours and Brendan O’Carroll is worth at least £10 million. His mother was a Labour Party TD (Irish MP). He comes from a country which is still influenced by Catholic Christian morals, obviously an aspect of his race and culture which Brigstocke cannot tolerate.
Anyone else doing this would be called that non existent meaningless bully word ‘Racist’, but the reality is that like many on the far left Brigstocke is yet another Fascist intolerant of everyone who does not share his views.
He is also insanely jealous of those who are more successful than he is and probably their wealth too. He does not see comedy as something which should be funny, it is merely a light hearted vehicle to convey a political point – his, and woe betide anyone who doesn’t agree with him.
Abolish the BBC licence tax – make Brigstocke work for a living
Would you employ him?
Apparently when he flunked out of university he worked as a ‘podium dancer’ what ever that is. The mind boggles !
The adjective to use when trying to describe something as unfunny, in the PC lefty sneering way, is ‘Brigstockian’.
The can opener at the BBc must be working overtime. Just watching Count Arthur Strong. Not funny in the slightest but they seem to have decided to randomly insert canned laughter every few seconds.
Nambila Ramdani – The Mask Has Slipped
For some years, Nambila Ramdani has posed on Sky News and the Beeb as the happening young female journalist with an unbiased view on Islamic affairs. Her personal views were reasonably well concealed – until her Newsnight performance tonight. She displayed a LOT of venom against the publication of the magazine. She has no understanding whatsoever of the Western idea of freedom.
They did have a lady in Paris to give a counter argument but the link didn’t work. Evan Davis said he was very sorry but you know what?… he didn’t seem sorry at all. In fact, he seemed well pleased to give Nambila free rein. But it was all for the best, because her true character was put on display for all to see.
there seems to be a lot of problem in communications from France when it’s people trying to make a point the BBC doesn’t agree with.
Muslims terrorists give me the horn.
“Boko Haram crisis: Why it is hard to know the truth in Nigeria”
By Will Ross,
Islam Not BBC News, Lagos.
Excuses, excuses, for relegating reporting of one of the most virulent bands of Islamic jihadists in the world.
INBBC is inclined to leave ‘reporting’ of barbaric Islamofascists of Boko Haram,
to licence-fee financed Islamic propagandists of Radio Hausa.
So much for INBBC’s search for ‘the truth.’
13 likes As I was getting bored with BBc I had a quick watch on RT.
Not sure why the Daily Mail thinks this is news. Most satellite/cable stations are organised in this manner and have been for decades. A lot of the days in question are occupied by a live snooker tournament, which is hardly likely to change its hours on a day-by-day basis. I don’t, of course, even think there should be a BBC1, BBC2, BBC3, BBC4 etc (unless on a subscription basis, perhaps) but this is a false target.
I’m honestly coming to the conclusion that TV was far better with just three, maybe four channels and closedown and national anthem at the end of the evening.
It would appear that all we have today the same amount of programming but spread over hundreds of channels.
I rarely get past channel 20 when channel hopping and give up because its all ess aitch one tea…
Very good article, apologies if it is already posted elsewhere:
This line resonated:
’24 hours after a brutal Muslim terrorist attack, there might be another brutal Muslim terrorist attack which will completely crowd out the stories of Muslims worrying about the backlash to the latest Muslim atrocity.’
About as black humour as it gets.
But I worry about two things, both at the door of certain media.
1) This continual wish-fulfillment prophecy-hawking will, eventually, prompt some to react as they keep getting told they must. They shouldn’t, and there will be no excuse, but with the BBC cranking out 24/7 what might happen, it won’t take much to make it so. 15 minutes of fame ensured, no thought for the shame.
2) Having eventually secured the reaction their client base have so far been frustrated in garnering, Jezza, Orla, Tim, etc, will be bursting into Danny and Ian’s offices demanding they explain them apples…. and the airwaves will be handed over to very Imam with a sound bit for the nex… all eternity.
Of course there is also the chance of a false flag. but unlike Glasgow, it is unlikely the BBC will go watertight oversight if this time the narrative is served.
BBC Breakfast sofa guest this morning – man-with-a-beard from the men-with-beards-organisation tells us ‘The Prophet Muhammed never resorted to violence’
Just like a group of real journalists – BBC fact checkers rush to the library, the production gallery quickly whispers in Bill Turnbull’s ear piece and he in turn questions his guest further on this statement.
In fact, I invented that second sentence.
Can you recall roughly what time this was?
About 8 to 8.30 am
They just showed a clip on One O’clock News. The strap said ‘Ibrahim Mogra’. He has starred on BBBC before:
Biased BBC at it again? You decide.
Undermining the fabric of our culture. Reporting on a staged event – not a public demonstration. I suggest political propaganda and not news.
Associating PEGIDA with Neo Nazis using words and images.
Associating German Muslims with respect for last week’s murder victims of Paris.
If Jenny Hill had a dead relative in France or the backbone that all journalists should have displayed by showing a picture depicting Mohammed, she may be able to reflect on the views she expresses that PEGIDA are:
“…source of concern for many Germans here….and a source of concern for the political establishment…”.
Does Jenny really not realise, that the “..source of concern…” is related to immigration and jihadists? Ignorant or apathetic? If she had a backbone, or a dead relative, she may be able to see the ‘concern’s source’. Or perhaps she could reflect on this ‘source’ whilst covering the flogging of bloggers in Saudi Arabia, or the stoning of rape victims in Afghanistan, or the execution of blasphemers in Pakistan. Or perhaps back in (pick your yorkshire town) her old stomping ground covering grooming gangs.
The PEDIGA demonstrators certainly are a concern for Merkel, who will find out whether she was walking down the correct street at the ballot box.
Moral relativism is rife at the BBC, and is a cancer in our culture. Jenny Hill? I hoped for better, but got what I feared.
Scrap the telly tax.
Did anyone hear Sadiq Khan on R4 this morning? When asked if he felt compelled to keep repeating the “this is not Islam” message he replied that, if moderate muslims didn’t, the resulting vacuum would be filled by other “charasmatic preachers of hate” and then went on to say “we all know who I’m talking about” and said it was someone “regularly quoted by the press”.
Who was he talking about?
I heard it. Owen Jones was my first thought.
Mid week breakfast and the BBc agenda rumbles on. Where to start? OK televised debate . First off Ashdown who after a preamble about what to call him the BBc apparently have to call him Lord Ashdown, in this house we have another name for him. Followed an hour later by another report this time without Ashdown. The Ashdown interview ends with comments of “he” can’t hold democracy to ransom referring to Cameroon not wanting to play in the TVdebate. Then on to the aftermath of the Paris outrage which seems to be holding the medias attention much more than what happened in Sydney. Two members of the cult comment. Anyone else to make any other comments besides the presenters? You knew the answer to that one already, no bloody way. The cult member from “the council of Britain” goes through his we are all very sorry speech but what’s that I see, is he grinning ? Looks like it to both myself and Mrs Dave think so anyway. It appears that he has fully grasped the concept of free speech when he tells us that the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo should have just had a blank page on the cover. Meanwhile they have two female reporters one in Dartmoor didn’t notice where the other one was looking cold in the snow one told us the cars are driving gingerly up the road, just in case you thought they were drag racing. Lucky they are there otherwise I’d have no idea what snow looks like. Wonder if they get expenses for this.
Remember the Sun headline…. ‘It’s Paddy Pantsdown!’
I think that was one of Kelvin Mackenzie’s finest; ranks right up with ‘Freddie Star Ate My Hamster!’
Poor old Kelvin has been banned from the airwaves; can’t have a loose cannon like him going around pointing out the obvious stupidity of politicians.
Snow? can’t be snow, David Viner told us in 2000 that our children won’t know what snow is. Must have been something else. Whitewash, perhaps?
Before 10am, BOTH the BBC News Channel AND BBC Parliament were streaming some Westminster committee on the NHS ‘crisis’ AT THE SAME TIME.
TWO channels devoted to it? If I didn’t know better, I’d suspect the BBC had a political bias in favour of Milliband.
One gets the distinct impression, from “Today” this morning, that Mr. Naughtie just does not like UKIP, or Nigel Farage. One can almost feel the distaste.
Notice how gleefully, he told us that Dennis McShane (?) had been on the phone to tell them that he hadn’t, in fact written a book, but merely “articles”.
Ho-ho, that got you Nigel, eh?
Pray tell OG.
Was Dennis McShame referred to as “The convicted fraudster Dennis McShane” by Mr Naughtie?
Why, no – no, he wasn’t! Ah, but that (and similar) epithet only applies to footballers…
BBC News 24.
BBC are presenting a report by ‘Hope not Hate’. A report on ‘extremist parties’ mentioning, EDL, BNP and ….. yes you’ve guessed it. UKIP. (No mention of the real extremists in the Liebor Party?)
‘Hope not hate’ are a fascist organisation, undermining civilised values and open debate through disinformation and closing down political discussion through name calling and the labelling of views opposed to socialist/totalitarian ideologies as ‘racist’ and ‘intolerent’. They are a propaganda unit.
Why are the BBC presenters not pointing this out when presenting their ‘Report’ so that viewers can contextualise the presented narrative?
You know the answer.
Dispassionate objective journalism?
Scrap the Telly Tax.
That would be the Far Left ‘Hope Not Hate’ would it?
The BBC really has descended to the level of Pravda..
It seems that the Labour party with assistance from their broadcasting propaganda arm have succeeded in raising the profile of the NHS with the voting public.
From UK Polling:
ComRes had a poll yesterday which got some attention because it showed the NHS as the issue people thought was most important facing the country, up eleven points since they last asked. This followed a YouGov poll last week which showed the NHS in third place in the list of salient issues, but also increasing by 13 percentage points since December, putting it 6 points behind the economy and immigration.
These look like contrasting findings (first place and third place) but they really aren’t – both show big increases in the salience of the NHS and similar proportions of people picked out the NHS as a major issue (50% in ComRes, 46% in YouGov). There is a significant difference in the proportion of people picking the economy in the two polls, but that’s because of the way the question is asked: YouGov offer a single option for the economy in general (picked by 52%), ComRes offer three or four different economicy sort of options that responses were split between (promoting growth (20%), distributing benefits of growth (20%), reducing the deficit (19%), keeping down costs (25%)).
Both show a big increase and that can only be down to the coverage of the issue.
Whether this has peaked too soon however is another question, but I’ve said all along that leftie Dave does not want to be re-elected as he won’t be able to collect his rewards if he is.
BBC News 24 Hrs
BBC reporting that the crisis in A&E is due to the 111 telephone number, according to a bureaucrat giving ‘evidence’ to a select committee meeting.
Nothing to do with population increase or immigration then Beeboids?
BBC. Dumb-assery or deliberate disinformation? Either way, its not acceptable.
Scrap the Telly Tax.
A month ago, Milliband looked too useless to have any chance but, remarkably, Labour, the BBC and the Health Service Unions have contrived a ‘crisis’ that seems to be effective poll-wise. The problems that exist are undoubtedly caused by the huge number of immigrants, but Cameron can’t use that as an excuse because of his ‘immigration is generally a good thing’ line. Poor thing… you’d need to have a heart of stone not to laugh!
A ‘huge number of immigrants’ plus the complete and utter failure of Labour’s money no object reform of GPs’ contracts!
Radio 4 Mein Kampf:
Everyone’s heard of it. Few may have read it, or have any idea of its remarkable publishing history. For all its bizarre style and bombast, Mein Kampf was Hitler’s broadest statement of his aims and beliefs. Had the world understood its meaning, it’s been claimed, the Nazi catastrophe might have been averted.
It’s a book that made Hitler rich and its ability to make money after his death has continued to pose sensitive problems. For the last 70 years the Bavarian authorities have effectively banned its republication in German through their control of the copyright. But this year, 2015, Mein Kampf’s copyright expires. So what happens next?
Chris Bowlby has been investigating Mein Kampf’s strange history and future, both in Germany and beyond. He hears of its strange popularity in India and the intriguing story of its translation into English.
Note where he goes to – India where they say that you could insert the name of todays Fascist followers brown eyed boys, the Muslims as the Jews, and thus yet again following the BBC directive to always show Muslims as victims.
They didn’t bother to go to Turkey where Mein Kampf is a best seller and you don’t need to substitute ‘Jews’, nor to Palestinian territories where it is translated into Arabic and hand out free of charge to anyone who wants it. Of course there is no examination of the association of the Palestinians with the Nazis which is still strong today.
As usual it’s half a story by a revisionist BBC which seems to regard its charter as a non enforceable document.
Cathy Newman, of Channel 4 news fame, has an article in the Torygraph: ‘Will Marine Le Pen destroy fragile France?’:
Ms Newman seems to be flavour-of-the-month in leftie luvvie circles. It can only be a matter of time before she is snapped up by the BBC. Perhaps she is just the ‘enormous talent’ required to resurrect Newsnight.
An interesting article that clearly shows the liberal delusion.
There is no way this woman will accept reality. In that she is the perfect example of the liberal fantasist.
The BBC needs her. The elite needs her. With her talent for fantasy she could act as the perfect anasthetic for an entire media and political class.
On a more mundane note She should beware of conflating Mr Farage with her hate figure Marine Le Pen. It is lazy journalism and innacurate.
French politics and English politics are never to be confused. She should know that but I doubt if she even knows anything of the French experience from 1789 onwards.