BBC in mourning for the “moderate reformer” and Saudi King Abdullah. I guess there was never a tyrant they couldn’t find some love for. Anyway, here is a new OPEN Thread for you.
Extremely serious allegations apparently, if true I don’t know who is likely to come out of this worse, UKIP for taking so long to report them, Cameron for employing him.
Once again Mr Liddle speaks sense. Why , when he was editor of PM at the BBC , did he not manage to balance the heavy left liberal bias?
he surely has not undergone a Damascene conversion since leaving the corporation, so why did he apparently toe the party line? The BBC often says that it gives editorial freedom to its staff and doesn’t interfere with their decisions. So why didn’t Mr Liddle exert his authority and produced a balanced programme? Perhaps the so called editorial freedom is only extended to those who wish to be liberal lefties. If you want to tell the truth you just get sat on. I wish he would tell us what it was like for him at the BBC.
he surely has not undergone a Damascene conversion since leaving the corporation
Er.. I think he probably has changed his views over time (Janet Daly, Melanie Philips, …it happens). Didn’t he work for Labour, even writing speeches for Tony Blair. But he always thinks for himself, and his first instinct is to call something as common-sense suggests – that’s pretty rare. He still refers to himself ‘a member of The Labour Party’ but I’m sure they wish he’s join UKIP. As for his time at the Beeb; he did hire Andrew Gilligan, another no-nonsense individual, and fearlessly defended him after the fuss about the ‘dodgy dossier’:
“Perfect European storm approaches from Greece.
“The Greek elections threaten to send the Euro crisis into overdrive as the structural flaws in the whole project of monetary and political union risk an epic row. Can the project survive?”
[Opening excerpt by Tom Gallagher, ‘The Commentator’]-
“The left-leaning British commentariat has been in the vanguard of the European effort to invest someone who was an agitator at secondary school, in university and into middle age as a redeemer who can rescue Europe from bankrupt elites and place it on a new path of social justice and economic recovery.
“The new messiah is 40-year-old Alexis Tsipras. His Syriza party, a coalition of 12 radical left- factions appears poised to win Sunday’s Greek elections. Channel 4’s Paul Mason ,now with Channel 4 after a long stint at BBC’s Newsnight is the high priest of the Tsipras cult.
“True to his far-left politics, his heroic description of Alexis Tsipras makes him appear as someone who is a cross between Lawrence of Arabia and Marshall Tito of once united Yugoslavia.”
One can hope that D1004 has indeed learned his lesson, and won’t fling homophobic taunts at anybody who stands up to the Biased BBC herd mentality in the mistaken belief that they must be me.
Personally, I think there’s more chance of David Vance turning down one of his frequent talking head spots on the BBC, but you never know.
I’m not anti gay Scott sweetie, only anti Scott and his loony raving victim moaning, wooops ! Forgot I ain’t talking to you am I ? PS, give Scotty a cuddle from me !
“When Mark Reckless resigned in September 2014, becoming the second Conservative MP to defect to UKIP, the game of “who’s next” got into full swing in Westminster.
No one really expected a move in the other direction.
Amjad Bashir’s decision is important for a number of reasons. He is one of the party’s more confident media operators – able to hold his own in broadcast interviews.
As the son of Pakistani immigrants he is often held up as evidence UKIP is far more than the “BNP in blazers” that its detractors try to paint them to be.
…and just who are those unnamed ‘detractors’, Mr BBC, with your ‘analysis’.
Imagine, because you’ll never see it…
“Labour MP Simon Danczuk, a tireless campaigner for justice for the victims of systematic child abuse by the establishment, is often held up as evidence Labour is far more than the “Paedophile Enablers Group” that its detractors try to paint them to be.”
Come May 9th , Millipeed may be PM ,in coalition with the SNP ,ruling England , Ukip will still hold Clacton , with 1 or 2 other seats . They will not be in Govt, because no one else will want to work with them . In 10 years they will have gone , all the disciples, back to where they belong, with the Conservatives .You may not like this kippers, but it will happen .More defections to the Tories, will follow in the next few months ,all my kipper friends are returning to the Tories . They don`t want England ruled by a Marxist /SNP alliance . That prospect is a fucking nightmare to any true Englishman .
If you get what you wish for, it is inevitable that, in a hundred years, a ‘true Englishman’ will be mixed race like South Americans…. and about as wealthy.
Any true Englishman will be voting UKIP. Cameron is an opportunistic dhimmi who is going to come out of tonight’s defection looking pretty stupid, no matter how much our establishment MSM try to spin it.
If you think that a minority labour government ruling with the help of a Scotish Nationalist Party will last more than a few months then you are dreaming. I would predict a return to 1960s strife, walkouts and large scale demonstrations. If the organs of state like the police and the bbc support this attempt at anti- democracy then they will get what’s coming to them. The English people will not put up with this political theft.
Do not listen to Essex man, do not listen to Tory lies. Vote with your conscience.
C4 is showing the story of how, 70 years ago, the British shot film of what they found in the concentration camps but thought it too ghastly to release. Seems it being shown for the first time now. Worse than I’ve seen before; individual soldiers dumping corpses rather than the usual bulldozers. Three stars for showing it, but unforgivable that they don’t use the ‘J’ word for the victims. Maybe later….
I wonder when they will start telling the truth that Hitler had at least a fascination with Islam, even if he didn’t convert, and that the Muslim world has its fingerprints all over the holocaust
However, it appears that this individual (yes, a UKIP MEP!) may have links to the Labour Party and involvement in Muslim/Labour infiltration of the Bradford/Keighley branch of UKIP. You can read more here:
A national broadcaster should be all over this like a rash, if a political party is being infiltrated by organised groups, whether based on religion or opposing political parties. Could this be an organised Islamic move on the whole political process, all parties targeted? It stinks to high heaven.
I hope Alan and Dave take a closer look, because the BBC are already putting their anti UKIP spin on this, as are The Sunday Times, The Independent, The Sunday Telegraph + the usual suspects. A veritable avalanche of propaganda.
Some further additional information can be gleaned from:
The alacrity with which the BBC and the Daily Mail (and there’s unholy union!) seized on and then spun this story tells all.
The Conservative Party rag for the masses and the mouthpiece of Left-liberal ‘elite’, are indistinguishable in their relentless determination to do down UKIP. They jumped on the version that suited their politics and ignored the full story, preferring to smear rather than inform.
Neither is a source of news. Both are worthless mouthpieces for a rotten, corrupt establishment that has been destroying this country since 1945. As the Germans call them: ‘Luegenpresse’ – ‘liar press’ A term so accurate and so damagingly true that German academics have even tried to its prescribe its use!
Instead of suggesting the sensible idea of getting rid of Cameron, the Daily Mail hoped Cameron would change. Instead, the Daily Mail has changed into supporting Cameron and the pro-EU establishment, on the run up to the election. So I now buy the Express. Also, in Yorkshire, if the establishment could not infiltrate UKIP, they usually went on to join, fund and help the “An Independence from Europe Party” or the “NO2EU Party”. But even UKIP are vulnerable to political correctness, as was the case with another female ethnic who appeared on the UKIP Conference stand, after defecting from Labour. Who then turned out to be a serial liar, who both the Media, Labour and UKIP would prefer to forget.
… even UKIP are vulnerable to political correctness
Emily Maitlis ‘interviewed’ Douglas Carswell on Newsnight this week. Actually, she just read off a series of bear-trap questions from a paper on her knee. Carswell took the PC line every time. ‘….Page 3?’ ‘Well; I have a five-year-old daughter and I wouldn’t want her.. blah, blah.’ – could have been any of the LibLabCon. ‘…but do you think the campaign is just political-correctness?’…’Well, I think political-correctness is usually just politeness.’
I know Clacton is still marginal, but pandering to the left is Cameron territory. It’s hard to see where UKIP is headed, but Farage is the one with the magic touch.
“People diary: the BBC attacked over Europe editor ‘bias.’
“New Europe editor Katya Adler has been criticised over her EU connections.”
By Christopher Hope.
[Opening excerpt]-
“The BBC is facing a bias row over its new Europe editor, Katya Adler, who is replacing the veteran Gavin Hewitt but has yet to start the job because she is on maternity leave.
“Eurosceptic Tory MPs are exercised by an entry in her LinkedIn work profile stating that from 1996 ‘to the present day’ she has been ‘chairing debates, moderating and public speaking – hosting public, corporate and private events including for the EU Commission, the European Space Agency, CERN, London’s Frontline Club and the Austrian government during its EU Presidency’.
“Tory MP Andrew Bridgen tells People: ‘This apparent cosy relationship between the BBC’s new Europe editor and the European Commission is a big cause for concern and calls into question the BBC’s impartiality on the issue of Europe’.”
Of course, this will put Beeboids in an excellent political position from which to pursue its ‘impartiality’ in campaigning on any E.U referendum vote in Britain.
Vicky Pryce is a guest of honour on the Weekend programme on the World Service. She’s described as “a British economonst”. No mention of her criminal record.
Going to be funny if… when… a younger, more comely economic guruette with a colourful ECA CV comes on the punditry market, and she gets bumped.
Any Westminster bubble spouses out there bored crunching numbers without the warm glow of BBC support? Ladies, start up your engines!
Maybe Mrs. Danczuk could be persuaded to pick up an abacus along with the keys to one of Lord Prescott’s or Lord Khan’s Jags from the bowl at the next BBC/Labour WAG swap meet?
Norman Smith. This tweet is a fine example of his legendary impartiality.
You’d never guess that he didn’t like UKIP.
Will Norman be investigating further to demonstrate which party has acted with propriety, and which parties have not? No – nothing to see for Norman, move on and have a go at Nigel Farage.
I can see a “BBC staff twitter use ban” on the horizon.
Scrap the telly tax. Let Norman Smith sell his ‘skills’ on the open market.
What do you expect from ‘Norman Labour Says Smith’.
The bloke does not have an impartial bone in his body.
Any chance he has to smear UKIP, he takes it. He is an absolute disgrace, and abuses his position of power within the BBC.
Smith is to impartiality, as ISIS is to democracy.
‘Norman Labour Says Smith’. – perhaps he should have checked with the inner party before digging that hole
From guido
UPDATE II: According to the Muslim Labour peer Lord Ahmed, MQM have been clasified as a Tier III terror organisation by the US authorities:
Poor old Norman gets so excited when he thinks … ‘This is it – we got him this time!’, only to be frustrated again. Reminds me of the old cartoons where Thomas endlessly tries to capture Tweetie Pie, but is humiliated every time. Norman spent a whole day excitedly predicting disaster for UKIP from the Bolter-Bird controversy. But Bird had saved the tweets….. . Norman is a sad case.
Not going well for the Greens, Tories or bbc, on twitter.
UKIP certainly have some mud to clean off for their dalliance with this chap, but somehow the desperation of the anti-ukip media to score a point is sparing the ex-party deserved criticism, and shining more light on inept gobs like Shapps & Smith, who are not great representatives of their party. As for the leaderene of Green…
T’other one. Its Natalie Bennett not Caroline Lucas that has just confessed that:
1. Its OK to be a member of a terrorist group.
2. The Green Party don’t think we need an army, defence industry or to defend our borders – she doesn’t know the first duty of government!
3. The income gap will be sorted out by paying everyone a flat wage for merely existing, whilst taxing to the max anybody who earns £100,000.
4. The Green party wants people to work less.
5. No border controls – open door come and go as you please.
6. Economically, the Green Party is a shambles. And as for the gulf between their rhetoric on climate change, and the established science, I haven’t got the time today, suffice it to say, the upper ranks of Green Party don’t have much contact with qualified impartial scientists.
This is a communist Party. She wishes to genetically and socially engineer our country. And she’s a foreigner! F%&King unbelievable.
Such extreme policies, had they come from UKIP, would now form a continuing narrative on the BBC with predictable and relentless mocking ‘comedy’ quips on The News Quiz, HIGNFY and The Now Show, tireless coverage on news bulletins and current affairs programmes and the usual unchallenged dissection by their select band of commentators on Any Questions, Today and Question Time.
But these are extreme left wing policies and an amazingly perfect fit with the ‘climate change’ agenda – so best left alone, eh?
Leave the Greens alone! I agree the interview with Mr Neil was even worse than the expected car crash. We all knew that the Greens really are fruitcakes but I didn’t think they were as crackers as the interview suggested. But they may well take voters away from Labour and save us from Milliband and Balls.
The Greens will be in power in May , in a coalition with , Millipeed & the SNP . Even if they are not , Millipeed & SNP will “nick” some of their policies . You will therefore have a good dusting of Green policies in the next Government.But NO ukip policies . Infact my friends in Clacton, tell me they are now voting Conservative .
All the Uni friends of my son are going to vote Green this time mr Essex man, last time ( before they could vote) they all supported the liberals. The idealistic young always vote for a perceived idealistic party, good. When they grow up they learn life isn’t so simple, but this time mr Essex man they are not voting for Wallace but the Aussie loony bitch, good for them ! Liebor loses seats. Get back into Central Office and tell your bosses you don’t need to keep telling bullshit on this site.
Vote Tory; you get a PR man who has the skills to convince the suckers that multiculturalism, immigration, Europe and debt are wonderful.
Vote Labour; you get the same multiculturalism, immigration, Europe and debt, but championed by a buffoon who may convince them that they’re headed for disaster.
Whether you are English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh, I sincerely believe that UKIP are the only party that have the interest of these islands at heart. Vote UKIP for your kids.
Well Mr 1004 ,you are getting rattled ,& behaving like the Bbc ,closing down debates you don`t like . I do agree with you about the young , that`s why the Greens will have an influence on the Labour /SNP coalition in May , whether they are part of it or not ,some of their policies will appear in the new government . We are in for a hard time ,but ukip will of gone in 10 years time ,most of them will have rejoined the Conservatives .
Add to your list;
Decriminalisation of Cannibis growth and use by yourself.
Likewise the use of all class A and B drugs for personal use.
Higher taxes on tobacco and alcohol.
Prisoners given the vote.
All power to be from renewables by 2030 with the majority from wind.
New hierarchy for transport puts pedestrians and bikes first, airliners last.
All buses and trains to be electric by 2030, rules and regulations to force people to buy smaller, cheaper and less powerful cars.
New tax to pay for the NHS
Free condoms to all to help cut the overpopulation of the planet.
Factory farming abolished, shooting banned, wearing fur criminalised, whips and jumps banned from horse racing.
People being asked to turn away from a meat based diet.
Leave NATO, close US bases, dismiss all armed forces, abandon nuclear weapons, “terrorism ” is a “loaded term”. Arms industry to be redirected to producing wind turbines ( wasn’t it washing machines in the 1970s ?)
Political parties funded by the state, electoral system changed, monarchy abolished.
Borders opened, the concept of being a British national is outdated and irrelevant .
They don’t need any help to be seen as the bunch of loons they are, they just need lots of free publicity and airtime, I propose we give them lots of it.
Just watched that…..jeez, gutted, filleted, spit roasted, chewed up and spat out…..on virtually every one of her party’s key stated policies. An utter demolition by Andrew Neil. Incredibly, they have a UK MP !
God save us all if the Greens ever got a sniff of power – but at least it might make the televised debates a bit of fun to be watched. As I recall, at the last election, the major interest taken in these ‘debates’ by the TV companies, and ultimately the population as a whole, I think, was that they were simply waiting for someone to make a mistake…. not that they were desperate to hear anything about the policies we were choosing between. In addition, they usually degenerated into an exposition of the other parties policies by each candidate, rather than their own.
Mr Cameron may well have played the canniest hand of them all in this…. he has no fear of Mr Miliband (bear witness of the almost weekly demolition of the Labour leader at PMQ’s) and the other debates (amongst 7 party leaders) could well easily become a nightmare for the TV companies. The chances of them really educating the UK population ? Probably nil, it’s becoming a spectator sport, brought into serious matters like our election later this year, by companies like the BBC, whose only objective is to boost TV ratings.
Ably assisted by the BBC, which has used almost every facet of its output, from drama to food programmes, to relentless promote ‘Green’ ideas for over a decade.
The Green Party are literally living in ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’.
They are the remains of the idiots that survived the 1970s and were known then as ‘hippies’.
Bias by selection. Guest appearances by a representative of:
(i) The Green Party. (Gillian Creasey?)
(ii) The Labour Party. (Angela Smith)
(iii) Soft Tory via video link. (Julian Smith)
As ever, Green and Labour get easy ride and free reign to pontificate vacuously and get a sympathetic hearing from interviewer. Tory gets a stiffer line. Doesn’t work though. Green party full of ‘do as I say not as I do’ hypocrites. Subject matter? – You guessed it – the weaponised NHS and drunks turning up at A&E.
And does the Green Party have any male spokespersons?
Andrew Marr thinks the never elected Baroness Warsi is the most senior Muslim politician in Britain???
Andrew Marr just described the appalling idiot Sayeeda Warsi as the senior Muslim politician in Britain. She’s never been elected. @MarrShow— Pat Condell (@patcondell) January 25, 2015
Brillo Knows what questions to ask. And Grant Schapps has not got the answers. The Tories have been kippered here, by their own idiocy and moral equivalence.
Grant Schapps. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost I said. Having to stand up to defend the indefensible. He must be wondering why he has to be the designated Tory fan when the s@%t is flying.
Nigel Farage had Andrew Marr for breakfast and lunch.
Well done Sir Nigel!
He also added that EU citizens resident in the UK wouldn’t be allowed to vote on EU membership if he had his way. And he quoted Latin (caveat emptor) which Marr patronisingly translated for the viewers…
God, soon film makers will be told to not offend Muslims, in further lefty pressure group attempts at curtailing free speech in order to appease the holy and blessed religion of flowers, incense, love and understanding.
The BBC might have added this line to the report linked below: …. “Just like the drawing of cartoons of Mohammed have seen a rise in anti-Western killing”
“The release of the film American Sniper has led to an increase in threats against Muslims in the US, according to an Arab-American civil rights group”
Would that be this American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee?
” ADC then-President Hamzi Moghrabi said in 1994: “I will not call [Hamas] a terrorist organization. I mean, I know many people in Hamas. They are very respectable”¦I don’t believe Hamas, as an organization, is a violent organization.”
This despite the “glory record” Hamas featured on its website up until just a few years ago — a record that openly celebrated the murders of innocent civilians.
In 1996, Moghrabi’s successor as ADC”s President, Hala Maksoud, declared: “I find it shocking that [one] would include Hezbollah in”¦[an] inventory of Middle East “˜terrorist” groups.” Similarly, the ADC”s Communications Director Hussein Ibish said in 2000: “Everywhere Hezbollah fighters, derided by the Israeli and U.S. governments as “˜terrorists,” conducted themselves in an exemplary manner.”
Fine upstanding erm … apologists for Islamo fascism then?
The BBC, as always, gives them column inches
Inevitably, Leftist Beeboids join Islamic propaganda against film ‘American Sniper.’
But as ‘Breitbart, Big Hollywood’ says-
“Man alive, if you thought the Left was bitterly angry last week over the success of a film that portrays the War On Terror as a righteous cause, wait until they get a load of this weekend’s box office. ‘American Sniper’ doesn’t just have legs, it has a concrete pedestal that even Leftist Kryptonite can’t crumble.”
By coincidence, last week I watched a movie review show hosted by Cousin It’s twin sister and what appeared to be the hit-men duo from Diamonds Are Forever.
They didn’t like the movie at all. Or Clint’s politics.
“Fancy writing a story that will be broadcast on @BBCR1? Check out this exciting opportunity from @BBCRadio4 #BBCYWA”
Chapter One
Snow White pulled on his boots, worn thin by the heat from the searing sand. Slurping back the last morsel of lark’s tongue in aspic from the recent food bank mission, he clicked off the Sky remote to the 50″ LCD.
“Standby is a planet-killer,” he muttered to himself, as he headed off joyfully to pay the month’s tremendous value licence fee…
Great start mr who.
Transgender, healthy and sustainable portions, climate change and cheridee angst in one sentence!
Does the searing sand imply Islamic inclusion too?
If so…this one `s a series!
Note on the BBCs Red Button that there was a “multi-faith protest” against Fox.
Apparently a vicar and “two hundred” people gathered outside a council house to show that “We Are Birmingham”.
As for Benefits Street and Trojan Horse…no dole wallahs or islamist supremacists were troubled in the fanning of this “national protest”.
This is NEWS?
The BBC are desperate…i`ll vote UKIP, if only they`ll promise to cut the BBCs hangnail…that`ll kill them-there`s no balls, brain or backbone to go for.
If Diversity in business brought extra profit, every company would be on the gravy train. But they aren’t.
Why? Because Diversity doesn’t bring extra profit.
The great majority of comments have been deleted – that has to be encouraging. This new one probably wont last long, given the mention of Common Purpose;
One can only imagine your application of COMMON SENSE rather than COMMON PURPOSE drivel and related PC.ness has lead you to running a probably, profitable and efficient department or company.Employ on meritocracy.Hopefully sanity will return as folk wake to REALITY of what does and does’nt work in most situations.Hopefully happening as even more UK subjects spot the plot.
It’s one of those articles for liberals that gets their wrists going back and forth at breakneck speed…
A thoughtful piece on the BBC website asks “Is there a diversity dividend?” Apparently “There is evidence, for instance, that boards of directors with greater diversity generate more dividends. That means greater returns to shareholders and fewer bonuses paid to managers.”. Unfortunately, no actual evidence is cited. Well, no need for evidence is there, I mean it must be self evident without any need for anything as crass as proof.
The article is written by Chief Business Correspondent Linda Yueh. Our Linda is originally from Taiwan, an extremely successful country despite its shameful abandonment by the West. But it’s not exactly known for its diversity, is it? Linda writes a lot about China, too, well on its way to being the global economic superpower. But… it’s not exactly noted for its diversity either, is it? Let’s try a little further afield: Japan and South Korea are economic powerhouses, too. Any diversity there? Nah. As anyone who has been to those countries can testify, they are all wonderfully uniform in terms of people and outlook. I wonder if there is any lesson to be learnt? Time for a new book, Linda?
Will she be paying her taxes to Syriza-or will the Probation Service get the money in a bucket?
Though ex-crims were not meant to benefit from their crimes…but the Beautiful People and liberal exotica get away with it.
That would be Vicky, ex-wife of Chris Huhne, friend of Denis MacShane and friend of Constance Briscoe of whom, the Beeb inform us, ‘Mr Justice Baker said Briscoe had tried to hide her role in exposing the story, adding that both she and Pryce had been motivated by “a joint desire to ensure the downfall of Chris Huhne”.’
Vicky has more dodgy mates than Ronnie Biggs had; how did she become so prominent on the station that can’t mention Ched Evans name without prefacing ‘Convicted Rapist’?
Listening now to “More Or Less” as they spend fifteen minutes telling me that anti-Semitism is no problem to the Jews-or being over-egged at least.
When was the last time that Tim Harford and the OU Pollyannas gave Tell mama, Stonewall or any other of their favored victim groups such a stringent battering on their figures.
It may be earned, might be partial-though, that`s all debatable at this stage.
What is NOT is that gays, muslims, blacks or any other group who “perceives itself to be under attack” would not be getting such naysaying and quantitative analysis-for far less obvious efforts to denigrate, assault or harry fellow-citizens.
May not yet be Final Solutions…but “Special Operational Excusing” of Lefties and Islamists goes on , unquestioned and even without a thought to it; at the BBC.
As based on this small and insignificant survey by me….Harford sold his soul years ago,
No-one questioned the assertion that an answer “Yes” to the question “Are Jews more interested in money than other people?” was being classed as ‘anti-Semitic’ and by implication that the only good Jew is a dead Jew.
Before the invention of ‘alternative’ comedy and PC-ism stereotypes only worked because they were mostly true and perhaps because there was a sneaking admiration in there too. The ‘tight’ Jew or Scot, for that matter, was also seen as careful and prudent, qualities that used to be admired and characteristics that would be expected of any decent banker looking after our money.
BBC News 24 Hr. Sunday evening. Evidently news for the BBC is:
“Labour may pledge to cut university fees by a third”. Nice one comrade Peston!
Miliband re-launch Mark XVII ?
I sometimes feel like I’m living in a bad dream, but someone’s got to monitor the bias on the BBC.
But this time, the BBC are putting the feelers out first, with the news that Labour ‘may’ propose a new populist vote buying policy. Who’d a thunk it? But this time the Labour Party can distance themselves from the proposal, if, when, it unravels. So the BBC are now, on behalf of the Labour Party, ‘brainstorming’ with the public to attempt to determine what ideas might be vote winners. This is our official opposition. Could it be more depressing?
200ish people turn up for a love-in in Birmingham. That’s news?
Why couldn’t the BBC turn up in Halifax today to report on the right good ‘all-in’ punch ups between Huddersfield Giants and Halifax RFL. There were 10 times as many there + fighting! (but all on the pitch between the players of course, as it should be)! And all the men and women in the crowd had a right good time. No segregation needed. Didn’t spot a copper. Didn’t spot a Muslim either, and you don’t often say that in Halifax I can tell you!
Notice how Syiza, which appears to have won the Greek election, is referred to by the BBC as ‘left-wing’, not ‘far Left’ or even ‘hard Left’?
Has any party ever, from the Khmer Rouge or the Shining Path to our own dear little SWP, ever been referred to in the habitual, discriminatory, way parties on the Right suffer from the ‘famously impartial’ BBC?
Yes I was just about to post the same. Radical left is also how they are described, the term radical has positive overtones, which is hardly how I would describe a bunch of former communists.
Gavin Hewitt. Greece. …….First victory for the left in 60 years??
So the left get replaced by the left-er, and the BBC is already shifting the position of the left and the centre??? The Lib-dems will be far right by tomorrow morning.
BBC. All leftards. All narrative, filler and miscomprehension. All over the place.
Tonight’s rabid headlines from the bbc.
‘ As Far Left As You Can Get It Party’ wins election in greece.
Two words to sum up how the bbc feel about this.
‘ Orgasm’ and ‘ Pants ‘
They are beside themselves.
What happens in Greece is not relevant to the serious matter of the culture war except in that it should rapidly work against the liberal left in that it will imperil the European project. Not that the liberal left media here will understand this.
By the way I like the Pegida term for the press- luegenpresse-liar press .It sounds good and is something we could use here. Short and accurate.
1. Death of the Euro
2. Death of Herr Merkel’s Empire
3. Exit of Great Britain from EU
4. Cheap holidays for all
5. No Turkey
6. Empty MEP Gravy Trains
I go to Greek islands most autumns – and keep telling them that they have lost a huge amount of the tourist trade to Turkey because the Euro increased their prices beyond reason. It will be a painful adjustment if they leave the Euro – but the pain would be worth it.
Meanwhile I keep hearing bad stories about Turkish tourism being messed around be their recent sharp increases in alcohol prices – directed by their Islamist government.
Has anyone noticed that the Meeja (especially bbbc, of course} have now resorted to talking up the green party.
I suppose for the bbbc with the forthcoming collapse of the labour vote as the election approaches they have nowhere else to go but the greens……Isn’t it just great to see them squirm?
Perhaps they could start to support UKIP? Naah, I didn’t think so either
All we need is more exposure of the greens actual policies, as opposed to the rose tinted views of immature, non thinking folk, who still believe its all about saving that poor fluffy polar bear on his melting icefloe.
Someone else has already posted this link, but I’ll repeat it here:
Hmm. I’ve always been against forced repatriation of immigrants, but I wonder if we could make an exception in the case of this woman. Mind you, the air miles to Australia would cause ecological damage, so perhaps we should take her part of the way. Say to the border region between Syria and Iraq?
How many times did you hear her attempt to redirect to the ‘in progress’ manifesto, presumably in a locked basement room with a sign on the door with a sign that says ‘Beware of the Sound Bite’.
I really can’t wait for her contribution in the forthcoming debates.
Cynics. There’s a perfectly good reason for this. The manifesto was formulated during a meeting of the student’s union. The previous topic was about banning page 3 of The Sun and it over-ran. Plus the other person in attendance had to nip out to buy the organic free range coffee.
Every time this idiot opened her mouth I could definitely hear a cuckoo clock in the background.
As someone else has already said, it is terrifying that some people are going to vote for this bunch of clowns. I suppose that is the price of democracy.
BBC R4 news at 7am seems to be actively celebrating Greek election of a “radical left” government which will “bring Greece out of the morass” of austerity.
No mention so far whatsoever of the structural problems, rigid labour markets, enormous unreformed public sector etc.
Analysis that follows on Today talks about “austerity weary” Greece.
Ooh, here comes George Osborne; maybe he’ll mention it.
‘the claim appearing in bold above is simply not true’
Beyond the current situation with a wholly draconian need to opt-out of live TV experience to avoid the TVL poll tax that pays such as this cove (plus the Savile lawyers’ fees & Mark Byford’s index-linked), we are looking down the barrel of being soon compelled to uniquely fund via council tax or ISP levy a national broadcaster and especially senior staff who appear to be able to state untruths free of unaccountability.
BBC semantics and value judgements and falling back on its self-penned guidelines (which staff ignore at whim when it suits, but CECUTT uses as the word of God when blowing off any concern) long since became a bad joke, but this is ceasing to even have dark humour.
Breathless excitement this morning from our BBC man in Athens Mark Lowen (King’s College Wimbledon & Balliol Oxford – French & History) as a radical left party is swept to power. An ‘anti-austerity party’ apparently. Sounds to me like Gordon Brown’s attempt to abolish boom and bust – just by saying so….- but I suppose the BBC set our vocabulary now. Anyway the Beeb are clearly pleased the Greeks may be welshing on their debts.
Then we have the BBC celebration of a ‘Gay’ diver and the first ‘female bishop’.
Go on, someone tell me the BBC aren’t a load of liberal elite pinkies attempting to socially engineer British society out of existence.
Curiously Yaroufakis was the only voice who (unprompted by the presenter) briefly hinted at the rampant corruption, endemic tax evasion, inefficient bloated public sector, low competitiveness and unsustainable, debt funded pensions that bedevil the Greek economy.
The BBC’s coverage ignored all that. The message seemed to be “it’s ok to bung it on the credit card”/”someone else will pay”.
Take a bow Steve Doherty…. ‘I run a broadcast and online content production company having worked at the BBC as an inhouse producer in radio, then freelance in TV for many years’
‘MD of @giddygoatprod Ltd – BBC Radio 4 (Meet David Sedaris, etc) and writing (National Trust) a speciality. Need something doing? Just ask!’
It’s funny isn’t it, there’s our BBC – all politically balanced and neutral and everything…. and yet it seems the way to put out a come and get me for commission work is to bash UKIP on your Twitter – very strange. Must be the office culture.
In my listening, the BBC has substituted ‘extremists’ for their usual ‘militants’ when talking about Charlie Hebdo. If Tarik Kafala has found anyone at the BBC calling them terrorists, I ask that he writes to us here at Biased BBC and let us know who.
The so called “B”BC supporting terrorists, murderers and evil people the world over. But they will not support the ordinary Briton who suffers due to the policies the BBC pushes.
Saw that myself on not news 24, and what a eager little beeboid beaver she was trumpeting the news, ” we asked you, and you said, not immigration, not the economy but the NHS. Yay! Go team liebour !” ( sorry, added the last bit, could you tell ? ). Dr Goebbles dictum of the big lie in action.
It’s becoming a circus. The Beeb seem to acknowledge that Miliband/Powell Labour is utterly useless – just a shadow of Blair/Mandelson/Campbell – and they will have to do the job themselves. Meanwhile, Call Me Dave will make yet another speech on the economy, following Lynton Crosby’s advice to treat immigration as a ‘stone on the road’, make one speech and then studiously ignore it.
Norman Smith playing the ‘people are becoming less concerned about immigration’ card’.
Yesterday they were talking scandal, with microphones in UKIP’s faces. Today it’s issues; UKIP don’t get to offer a view.
There was a right Walley from the Environmental Audit Committee on this morning wanting a ‘moratorium’ on fracking exploration (what she really meant, is that she didn’t like fracking, and didn’t want it in the Former UK – ever).
The same old rubbish trotted out about climate change, carbon, earthquakes, incompatibility with “emission targets”, despoiling of the countryside, tresspass legislation, etc., etc.
I wish I could physically grab some of these people by the throat and give them a good shaking. What’s wrong with carbon? What’s wrong with CO2? We need both, and there has been far more in the atmosphere before now, when life blossomed. We’re between Ice Ages – this “pause” is merely one between periods of freezing our gonads off. The “optimum climate” is a warm one – we should be scared shitless of the coming cooling. But still they chunter on about warming.
Fracking installations, once established, cause less environmental disturbance to the environment than the useless wind turbines, and are far less unsightly.
If the Greeks can say “up yours” to the EU about their debts, surely Cameron, et al, can follow suit with emissions targets?
These people don’t want the former UK to pull out of the mire, they don’t like progress, and it would appear that don’t like us, either.
So what’s the latest narrative, whilst the Labour and Conservative parties try to out muppet each other on a daily basis ? “…Its between Labour and Conservative…” The news editorial team are too predictable.
Await the avalanche of ‘Labour or Tory’, ‘lab or con’, ‘both main parties’, ‘two horse race’, ‘cameron or miliband’ etc.
To launch the new BBC narrative tactic, the BBC interview (you couldn’t make it up) two “cocks”. Also, the usual Common Purpose leftards on location in key marginals.
That’s right, John Woodcock MP and Matthew Hancock MP, both of whom want another 5 years with their snouts in the trough.
Amjad Bashir, ‘dodgy character’ joins the Conservative Party? You might be forgiven for thinking it had never happened watching the News today. Natalie Bennett’s car crash interview? Never happened, no. Its Labour v Tory and its all about the NHS, have you got that you plebs out there in the real world!
Tarik Kafala, the head of BBC Arabic, the LARGEST 😀 …
of the BBC’s non-English language news services, said
the term “terrorist” was too “loaded”.
( … bit like the Islamic terrorists Kalashnikovs, then?)
Yep! to be honest… I agree … have to use the term
ISLAMIC Terrorists on every Al BBC report and headline from
now on.
The Islamophile Al BBC … biased as always …
“American Sniper film ‘behind rise in anti-Muslim threats,’
I see, so the film is responsible for turning people against Islam (religion of peace and fun)! I foolishly thought it was because the Koran preaches death to unbelievers and wants us all to live under 7th century sharia law. Silly me.
I agree with the head of BBC Arabic and it’s funny how we get the same point argued from both ends, claiming it is an example of left wing bias.
Earlier the BBC had decided that Muslim Islamic Jihadist were word not to be used, and that Terrorist was the correct word, to hide the very real connection with the religion of peace.
So lets not call them Terrorists lets call them what they are, Muslims behaving in a way their religion commands, and fighting Jihad in Allahs name.
Hiding the real motivation behind the attacks is the real bias (IMHO).
No council hierarchy rushing to protect his identity? erm forever if necessary? … knowing the track record of Islam and its useful morons?
If anything should happen (god forbid) to this chap, is he just … “collateral damage” then.
‘Isn’t it weird that in Britain our flag offends so many people, yet our benefits don’t…’
… bit blunt … but hey?
MarkyMarkMar 11, 11:20 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Ukraine must be in a good position to negotiate (c) Starmer ** conditions do not apply to others. “Conflict escalation…
JohnCMar 11, 10:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No sign Russians will compromise ahead of talks I’ve come to the conclusion that Steve Rosenberg, the BBC’s Russia…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 10:19 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Like Hollywood – TV is not normal life – it is the life that producers want you to see.
taffmanMar 11, 10:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It’s about time that the ‘Government’ & The ‘Home Office’ looked after the people of Great Britain. Secure our borders…
BRISSLESMar 11, 10:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I do like the skill based reality shows like Pottery throw down (sorry, not BBC) This year there were 3…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 10:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 HA HA HA HA! HATE NOT HOPE RELEASE STATE OF HATE REPORT…. Reform is RACIST (C) BBC Verified .. Islam…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 10:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Vigil held in Glasgow for Amen Teklay, 15, as boy charged over death Crowds gather in park where Amen played…
Nothing to do with BBC bias (yet!), but I think UKIP are well rid of him.
Will they ever learn?
Extremely serious allegations apparently, if true I don’t know who is likely to come out of this worse, UKIP for taking so long to report them, Cameron for employing him.
Excellent piece (as usual) by Rod Liddle in The Spectator. The BBC will not be re-hiring him any time soon…
It’s all kicking off in the Islamic world. Nothing at all to do with Islam, of course
Once again Mr Liddle speaks sense. Why , when he was editor of PM at the BBC , did he not manage to balance the heavy left liberal bias?
he surely has not undergone a Damascene conversion since leaving the corporation, so why did he apparently toe the party line? The BBC often says that it gives editorial freedom to its staff and doesn’t interfere with their decisions. So why didn’t Mr Liddle exert his authority and produced a balanced programme? Perhaps the so called editorial freedom is only extended to those who wish to be liberal lefties. If you want to tell the truth you just get sat on. I wish he would tell us what it was like for him at the BBC.
he surely has not undergone a Damascene conversion since leaving the corporation
Er.. I think he probably has changed his views over time (Janet Daly, Melanie Philips, …it happens). Didn’t he work for Labour, even writing speeches for Tony Blair. But he always thinks for himself, and his first instinct is to call something as common-sense suggests – that’s pretty rare. He still refers to himself ‘a member of The Labour Party’ but I’m sure they wish he’s join UKIP. As for his time at the Beeb; he did hire Andrew Gilligan, another no-nonsense individual, and fearlessly defended him after the fuss about the ‘dodgy dossier’:
Comrade Paul MASON, and Greece.
‘The Commentator’-
“Perfect European storm approaches from Greece.
“The Greek elections threaten to send the Euro crisis into overdrive as the structural flaws in the whole project of monetary and political union risk an epic row. Can the project survive?”
[Opening excerpt by Tom Gallagher, ‘The Commentator’]-
“The left-leaning British commentariat has been in the vanguard of the European effort to invest someone who was an agitator at secondary school, in university and into middle age as a redeemer who can rescue Europe from bankrupt elites and place it on a new path of social justice and economic recovery.
“The new messiah is 40-year-old Alexis Tsipras. His Syriza party, a coalition of 12 radical left- factions appears poised to win Sunday’s Greek elections. Channel 4’s Paul Mason ,now with Channel 4 after a long stint at BBC’s Newsnight is the high priest of the Tsipras cult.
“True to his far-left politics, his heroic description of Alexis Tsipras makes him appear as someone who is a cross between Lawrence of Arabia and Marshall Tito of once united Yugoslavia.”
So we’re back to the Scott and Dez blog again, are we?
People who aren’t interested in their narcissistic whining, and the responses to it, drift away. Mission accomplished.
As I have often said..trolls should be ignored, never fed.
Some folk bring it upon themselves.
Sorry, lesson learnt. 🙁
Me too; won’t happen again.
One can hope that D1004 has indeed learned his lesson, and won’t fling homophobic taunts at anybody who stands up to the Biased BBC herd mentality in the mistaken belief that they must be me.
Personally, I think there’s more chance of David Vance turning down one of his frequent talking head spots on the BBC, but you never know.
I’m not anti gay Scott sweetie, only anti Scott and his loony raving victim moaning, wooops ! Forgot I ain’t talking to you am I ? PS, give Scotty a cuddle from me !
Plant that seed…
“When Mark Reckless resigned in September 2014, becoming the second Conservative MP to defect to UKIP, the game of “who’s next” got into full swing in Westminster.
No one really expected a move in the other direction.
Amjad Bashir’s decision is important for a number of reasons. He is one of the party’s more confident media operators – able to hold his own in broadcast interviews.
As the son of Pakistani immigrants he is often held up as evidence UKIP is far more than the “BNP in blazers” that its detractors try to paint them to be.
…and just who are those unnamed ‘detractors’, Mr BBC, with your ‘analysis’.
Imagine, because you’ll never see it…
“Labour MP Simon Danczuk, a tireless campaigner for justice for the victims of systematic child abuse by the establishment, is often held up as evidence Labour is far more than the “Paedophile Enablers Group” that its detractors try to paint them to be.”
Come May 9th , Millipeed may be PM ,in coalition with the SNP ,ruling England , Ukip will still hold Clacton , with 1 or 2 other seats . They will not be in Govt, because no one else will want to work with them . In 10 years they will have gone , all the disciples, back to where they belong, with the Conservatives .You may not like this kippers, but it will happen .More defections to the Tories, will follow in the next few months ,all my kipper friends are returning to the Tories . They don`t want England ruled by a Marxist /SNP alliance . That prospect is a fucking nightmare to any true Englishman .
… to any true Englishman.
If you get what you wish for, it is inevitable that, in a hundred years, a ‘true Englishman’ will be mixed race like South Americans…. and about as wealthy.
Any true Englishman will be voting UKIP. Cameron is an opportunistic dhimmi who is going to come out of tonight’s defection looking pretty stupid, no matter how much our establishment MSM try to spin it.
Take a look at this
If you think that a minority labour government ruling with the help of a Scotish Nationalist Party will last more than a few months then you are dreaming. I would predict a return to 1960s strife, walkouts and large scale demonstrations. If the organs of state like the police and the bbc support this attempt at anti- democracy then they will get what’s coming to them. The English people will not put up with this political theft.
Do not listen to Essex man, do not listen to Tory lies. Vote with your conscience.
Damned right. And if you have a conscience, UKIP is the only way to vote.
The BBC not at all so-operating with Liebours only hope – weaponising the NHS.
This tracker allows you to find out how the NHS is doing where you live.
How much more blatant can they get?
C4 is showing the story of how, 70 years ago, the British shot film of what they found in the concentration camps but thought it too ghastly to release. Seems it being shown for the first time now. Worse than I’ve seen before; individual soldiers dumping corpses rather than the usual bulldozers. Three stars for showing it, but unforgivable that they don’t use the ‘J’ word for the victims. Maybe later….
I wonder when they will start telling the truth that Hitler had at least a fascination with Islam, even if he didn’t convert, and that the Muslim world has its fingerprints all over the holocaust
Jaw dropping history…. you learn something new every day. The BBC don’t tell you that stuff!
BBC Bias. Bias not confined to BBC, but a wholesale MSM assault.
‘Defection’ of UKIP MEP Amjad Bashir to the Conservative Party. Mr Bashir originates from Pakistan and is a Muslim.
However, it appears that this individual (yes, a UKIP MEP!) may have links to the Labour Party and involvement in Muslim/Labour infiltration of the Bradford/Keighley branch of UKIP. You can read more here:
A national broadcaster should be all over this like a rash, if a political party is being infiltrated by organised groups, whether based on religion or opposing political parties. Could this be an organised Islamic move on the whole political process, all parties targeted? It stinks to high heaven.
I hope Alan and Dave take a closer look, because the BBC are already putting their anti UKIP spin on this, as are The Sunday Times, The Independent, The Sunday Telegraph + the usual suspects. A veritable avalanche of propaganda.
Some further additional information can be gleaned from:
Thoroughly depressing and saddening. We are living in desperate times, whilst the sheeple drift along with their heads in the clouds.
This could be an interesting case.
“Imam at mosque where Lee Rigby’s killers worshipped sues the BBC for calling him an ‘extremist who encourages [encourages] religious violence.’ ”
Read more:
As Beeboids may have noticed-
1.) The Labour Party has problems:-
“Green surge could hit Labour in 22 election battlegrounds, new study finds”
“Revealed: how Blair colluded with Gaddafi regime in secret”
2.) And Tories have problem with Warsi-
“Baroness Warsi launches bitter assault on coalition strategy towards Muslims”
There have been various suggestions that Baroness Warsi and Andy Coulson were to launch books just before the election. Call Me Dave would love that.
sheesh! …… you seen that picture?
must be her O.I.C. official I D
“a stare lit up like the eyes of Allah! ” 😀
The alacrity with which the BBC and the Daily Mail (and there’s unholy union!) seized on and then spun this story tells all.
The Conservative Party rag for the masses and the mouthpiece of Left-liberal ‘elite’, are indistinguishable in their relentless determination to do down UKIP. They jumped on the version that suited their politics and ignored the full story, preferring to smear rather than inform.
Neither is a source of news. Both are worthless mouthpieces for a rotten, corrupt establishment that has been destroying this country since 1945. As the Germans call them: ‘Luegenpresse’ – ‘liar press’ A term so accurate and so damagingly true that German academics have even tried to its prescribe its use!
Instead of suggesting the sensible idea of getting rid of Cameron, the Daily Mail hoped Cameron would change. Instead, the Daily Mail has changed into supporting Cameron and the pro-EU establishment, on the run up to the election. So I now buy the Express. Also, in Yorkshire, if the establishment could not infiltrate UKIP, they usually went on to join, fund and help the “An Independence from Europe Party” or the “NO2EU Party”. But even UKIP are vulnerable to political correctness, as was the case with another female ethnic who appeared on the UKIP Conference stand, after defecting from Labour. Who then turned out to be a serial liar, who both the Media, Labour and UKIP would prefer to forget.
… even UKIP are vulnerable to political correctness
Emily Maitlis ‘interviewed’ Douglas Carswell on Newsnight this week. Actually, she just read off a series of bear-trap questions from a paper on her knee. Carswell took the PC line every time. ‘….Page 3?’ ‘Well; I have a five-year-old daughter and I wouldn’t want her.. blah, blah.’ – could have been any of the LibLabCon. ‘…but do you think the campaign is just political-correctness?’…’Well, I think political-correctness is usually just politeness.’
I know Clacton is still marginal, but pandering to the left is Cameron territory. It’s hard to see where UKIP is headed, but Farage is the one with the magic touch.
Is the guy who made this Youtube rant about PIE, the BBC and Harman Labour a member of BiasedBBC?
Pro-E.U: Beeboid biased role-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“People diary: the BBC attacked over Europe editor ‘bias.’
“New Europe editor Katya Adler has been criticised over her EU connections.”
By Christopher Hope.
[Opening excerpt]-
“The BBC is facing a bias row over its new Europe editor, Katya Adler, who is replacing the veteran Gavin Hewitt but has yet to start the job because she is on maternity leave.
“Eurosceptic Tory MPs are exercised by an entry in her LinkedIn work profile stating that from 1996 ‘to the present day’ she has been ‘chairing debates, moderating and public speaking – hosting public, corporate and private events including for the EU Commission, the European Space Agency, CERN, London’s Frontline Club and the Austrian government during its EU Presidency’.
“Tory MP Andrew Bridgen tells People: ‘This apparent cosy relationship between the BBC’s new Europe editor and the European Commission is a big cause for concern and calls into question the BBC’s impartiality on the issue of Europe’.”
Of course, this will put Beeboids in an excellent political position from which to pursue its ‘impartiality’ in campaigning on any E.U referendum vote in Britain.
Vicky Pryce is a guest of honour on the Weekend programme on the World Service. She’s described as “a British economonst”. No mention of her criminal record.
Hope she drives carefully on the way to the studio. More haste less speed.
Going to be funny if… when… a younger, more comely economic guruette with a colourful ECA CV comes on the punditry market, and she gets bumped.
Any Westminster bubble spouses out there bored crunching numbers without the warm glow of BBC support? Ladies, start up your engines!
Maybe Mrs. Danczuk could be persuaded to pick up an abacus along with the keys to one of Lord Prescott’s or Lord Khan’s Jags from the bowl at the next BBC/Labour WAG swap meet?
Defector brands UKIP ‘vanity project’ for Nigel Farage –
Tweet from the BBC’s Norman Smith:
Um, OK. Amjad Bashir slams Nigel Farage and UKIP after defecting to the Tories, but it’s Farage who’s guilty of a hatchet job…
Norman Smith. This tweet is a fine example of his legendary impartiality.
You’d never guess that he didn’t like UKIP.
Will Norman be investigating further to demonstrate which party has acted with propriety, and which parties have not? No – nothing to see for Norman, move on and have a go at Nigel Farage.
I can see a “BBC staff twitter use ban” on the horizon.
Scrap the telly tax. Let Norman Smith sell his ‘skills’ on the open market.
What do you expect from ‘Norman Labour Says Smith’.
The bloke does not have an impartial bone in his body.
Any chance he has to smear UKIP, he takes it. He is an absolute disgrace, and abuses his position of power within the BBC.
Smith is to impartiality, as ISIS is to democracy.
‘Norman Labour Says Smith’. – perhaps he should have checked with the inner party before digging that hole
From guido
UPDATE II: According to the Muslim Labour peer Lord Ahmed, MQM have been clasified as a Tier III terror organisation by the US authorities:
The creep started off in Labour, then defected to the Conservatives. Might turn out to be a hollow victory for Cameron.
See Guido
Poor old Norman gets so excited when he thinks … ‘This is it – we got him this time!’, only to be frustrated again. Reminds me of the old cartoons where Thomas endlessly tries to capture Tweetie Pie, but is humiliated every time. Norman spent a whole day excitedly predicting disaster for UKIP from the Bolter-Bird controversy. But Bird had saved the tweets….. . Norman is a sad case.
Not going well for the Greens, Tories or bbc, on twitter.
UKIP certainly have some mud to clean off for their dalliance with this chap, but somehow the desperation of the anti-ukip media to score a point is sparing the ex-party deserved criticism, and shining more light on inept gobs like Shapps & Smith, who are not great representatives of their party. As for the leaderene of Green…
That was Sylvester not Thomas.
Top pedantry POTY!
Andrew Neil is now taking green party leader (not sure of her name. Somebody Bennet i think) to Bits. Only bit of the BBC worth watching.
T’other one. Its Natalie Bennett not Caroline Lucas that has just confessed that:
1. Its OK to be a member of a terrorist group.
2. The Green Party don’t think we need an army, defence industry or to defend our borders – she doesn’t know the first duty of government!
3. The income gap will be sorted out by paying everyone a flat wage for merely existing, whilst taxing to the max anybody who earns £100,000.
4. The Green party wants people to work less.
5. No border controls – open door come and go as you please.
6. Economically, the Green Party is a shambles. And as for the gulf between their rhetoric on climate change, and the established science, I haven’t got the time today, suffice it to say, the upper ranks of Green Party don’t have much contact with qualified impartial scientists.
This is a communist Party. She wishes to genetically and socially engineer our country. And she’s a foreigner! F%&King unbelievable.
Such extreme policies, had they come from UKIP, would now form a continuing narrative on the BBC with predictable and relentless mocking ‘comedy’ quips on The News Quiz, HIGNFY and The Now Show, tireless coverage on news bulletins and current affairs programmes and the usual unchallenged dissection by their select band of commentators on Any Questions, Today and Question Time.
But these are extreme left wing policies and an amazingly perfect fit with the ‘climate change’ agenda – so best left alone, eh?
Leave the Greens alone! I agree the interview with Mr Neil was even worse than the expected car crash. We all knew that the Greens really are fruitcakes but I didn’t think they were as crackers as the interview suggested. But they may well take voters away from Labour and save us from Milliband and Balls.
Absolutely, plus Brigstocke and Mark Thomas the well known bbc ‘comedians’ are fans. C’mon the bourgeois left – vote green!
The Greens will be in power in May , in a coalition with , Millipeed & the SNP . Even if they are not , Millipeed & SNP will “nick” some of their policies . You will therefore have a good dusting of Green policies in the next Government.But NO ukip policies . Infact my friends in Clacton, tell me they are now voting Conservative .
All the Uni friends of my son are going to vote Green this time mr Essex man, last time ( before they could vote) they all supported the liberals. The idealistic young always vote for a perceived idealistic party, good. When they grow up they learn life isn’t so simple, but this time mr Essex man they are not voting for Wallace but the Aussie loony bitch, good for them ! Liebor loses seats. Get back into Central Office and tell your bosses you don’t need to keep telling bullshit on this site.
Sage words D1004.
My son misses out on voting by a few months. He’s a UKIP member. He’s persuaded me to….
Vote UKIP. Its for our kiddies. 🙂
Vote Tory; you get a PR man who has the skills to convince the suckers that multiculturalism, immigration, Europe and debt are wonderful.
Vote Labour; you get the same multiculturalism, immigration, Europe and debt, but championed by a buffoon who may convince them that they’re headed for disaster.
They’re six and half-a-dozen. Vote UKIP.
Whether you are English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh, I sincerely believe that UKIP are the only party that have the interest of these islands at heart. Vote UKIP for your kids.
Well Mr 1004 ,you are getting rattled ,& behaving like the Bbc ,closing down debates you don`t like . I do agree with you about the young , that`s why the Greens will have an influence on the Labour /SNP coalition in May , whether they are part of it or not ,some of their policies will appear in the new government . We are in for a hard time ,but ukip will of gone in 10 years time ,most of them will have rejoined the Conservatives .
Add to your list;
Decriminalisation of Cannibis growth and use by yourself.
Likewise the use of all class A and B drugs for personal use.
Higher taxes on tobacco and alcohol.
Prisoners given the vote.
All power to be from renewables by 2030 with the majority from wind.
New hierarchy for transport puts pedestrians and bikes first, airliners last.
All buses and trains to be electric by 2030, rules and regulations to force people to buy smaller, cheaper and less powerful cars.
New tax to pay for the NHS
Free condoms to all to help cut the overpopulation of the planet.
Factory farming abolished, shooting banned, wearing fur criminalised, whips and jumps banned from horse racing.
People being asked to turn away from a meat based diet.
Leave NATO, close US bases, dismiss all armed forces, abandon nuclear weapons, “terrorism ” is a “loaded term”. Arms industry to be redirected to producing wind turbines ( wasn’t it washing machines in the 1970s ?)
Political parties funded by the state, electoral system changed, monarchy abolished.
Borders opened, the concept of being a British national is outdated and irrelevant .
They don’t need any help to be seen as the bunch of loons they are, they just need lots of free publicity and airtime, I propose we give them lots of it.
I have no doubt that politicians from the other parties will be “eating their greens” after seeing Natty’s performance on the TV this morning .
Just watched that…..jeez, gutted, filleted, spit roasted, chewed up and spat out…..on virtually every one of her party’s key stated policies. An utter demolition by Andrew Neil. Incredibly, they have a UK MP !
God save us all if the Greens ever got a sniff of power – but at least it might make the televised debates a bit of fun to be watched. As I recall, at the last election, the major interest taken in these ‘debates’ by the TV companies, and ultimately the population as a whole, I think, was that they were simply waiting for someone to make a mistake…. not that they were desperate to hear anything about the policies we were choosing between. In addition, they usually degenerated into an exposition of the other parties policies by each candidate, rather than their own.
Mr Cameron may well have played the canniest hand of them all in this…. he has no fear of Mr Miliband (bear witness of the almost weekly demolition of the Labour leader at PMQ’s) and the other debates (amongst 7 party leaders) could well easily become a nightmare for the TV companies. The chances of them really educating the UK population ? Probably nil, it’s becoming a spectator sport, brought into serious matters like our election later this year, by companies like the BBC, whose only objective is to boost TV ratings.
‘God save us all if the Greens ever got a sniff of power…’
Depressingly they don’t need to as the country is already being kicked senseless by the eco-socialist jackboots of ‘climate change’ fascists.
Ably assisted by the BBC, which has used almost every facet of its output, from drama to food programmes, to relentless promote ‘Green’ ideas for over a decade.
The Green Party are literally living in ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’.
They are the remains of the idiots that survived the 1970s and were known then as ‘hippies’.
But they have a vested interest in doing so: Fewer Greens = More reds = Ed in No 10.
It’s funny watching Brillo ripping holes in that Green lunatic on Sunday Politics.
The BBC may have a disgraceful bias towards the left, but at least sometimes they get it right.
Brillo is as every BBC interviewer should be – impartial and challenging of everbody, regardless of their political hue.
So… Sort of ‘balance’ for the talent that is Andrew Marr?
BBC Sunday Politics. Yorkshire region.
Bias by selection. Guest appearances by a representative of:
(i) The Green Party. (Gillian Creasey?)
(ii) The Labour Party. (Angela Smith)
(iii) Soft Tory via video link. (Julian Smith)
As ever, Green and Labour get easy ride and free reign to pontificate vacuously and get a sympathetic hearing from interviewer. Tory gets a stiffer line. Doesn’t work though. Green party full of ‘do as I say not as I do’ hypocrites. Subject matter? – You guessed it – the weaponised NHS and drunks turning up at A&E.
And does the Green Party have any male spokespersons?
Yes, the leader looks like she has a shmeckel.
Andrew Marr thinks the never elected Baroness Warsi is the most senior Muslim politician in Britain???
The Saudi king is the most powerful muslim politician for Britain.
Daily politics.
Brillo Knows what questions to ask. And Grant Schapps has not got the answers. The Tories have been kippered here, by their own idiocy and moral equivalence.
Grant Schapps. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost I said. Having to stand up to defend the indefensible. He must be wondering why he has to be the designated Tory fan when the s@%t is flying.
For those who missed it this morning
Nigel Farage had Andrew Marr for breakfast and lunch.
Well done Sir Nigel!
He also added that EU citizens resident in the UK wouldn’t be allowed to vote on EU membership if he had his way. And he quoted Latin (caveat emptor) which Marr patronisingly translated for the viewers…
The BBC trying very hard to tell us things that UKIP or even Mr Farage didn’t say.
Wondering why the BBC aren’t running with this story yet?
I’d have thought a dead socialist was right up their alley.
Or even their Ali !
I’ll get me coat ……..
Rufus McDufus
Oh they probably will, once they have read about it on here.
God, soon film makers will be told to not offend Muslims, in further lefty pressure group attempts at curtailing free speech in order to appease the holy and blessed religion of flowers, incense, love and understanding.
The BBC might have added this line to the report linked below: …. “Just like the drawing of cartoons of Mohammed have seen a rise in anti-Western killing”
The BBC always have to chuck out a ‘poor victim’ Muslim report.
I’m looking forward to watching the film.
“The release of the film American Sniper has led to an increase in threats against Muslims in the US, according to an Arab-American civil rights group”
Would that be this American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee?
” ADC then-President Hamzi Moghrabi said in 1994: “I will not call [Hamas] a terrorist organization. I mean, I know many people in Hamas. They are very respectable”¦I don’t believe Hamas, as an organization, is a violent organization.”
This despite the “glory record” Hamas featured on its website up until just a few years ago — a record that openly celebrated the murders of innocent civilians.
In 1996, Moghrabi’s successor as ADC”s President, Hala Maksoud, declared: “I find it shocking that [one] would include Hezbollah in”¦[an] inventory of Middle East “˜terrorist” groups.” Similarly, the ADC”s Communications Director Hussein Ibish said in 2000: “Everywhere Hezbollah fighters, derided by the Israeli and U.S. governments as “˜terrorists,” conducted themselves in an exemplary manner.”
Fine upstanding erm … apologists for Islamo fascism then?
The BBC, as always, gives them column inches
Inevitably, Leftist Beeboids join Islamic propaganda against film ‘American Sniper.’
But as ‘Breitbart, Big Hollywood’ says-
“Man alive, if you thought the Left was bitterly angry last week over the success of a film that portrays the War On Terror as a righteous cause, wait until they get a load of this weekend’s box office. ‘American Sniper’ doesn’t just have legs, it has a concrete pedestal that even Leftist Kryptonite can’t crumble.”
By coincidence, last week I watched a movie review show hosted by Cousin It’s twin sister and what appeared to be the hit-men duo from Diamonds Are Forever.
They didn’t like the movie at all. Or Clint’s politics.
Fingers on the pulse, guys.
Everyone is now happy and delighted because the radical left have won the election in Greece…
It must be trus because the BBC have just informed me so..
The corridors of Ch4 must be awash with Retsina bottles, unless Paul Mason is already en route…
DIlemma for the Beeboids, seeing as the neo-Trots of Syriza could bring down the euro.
Another reason why Beeboids are politically partial towards the Green Party?-
“It should NOT be a crime to join ISIS, says Green party leader who does not want to punish people for what they think”
Read more:
The dilemma strong must be at the BBC on this.
Green surge is almost entirely at expense of Labour.
Our Nat is also an intellect every bit on par with Ed, with added diversity, too right.
Be interesting to see which bonkers moneytree-huggers the BBC supports or shafts as the tactical numbers get crunched.
“Fancy writing a story that will be broadcast on @BBCR1? Check out this exciting opportunity from @BBCRadio4 #BBCYWA”
Chapter One
Snow White pulled on his boots, worn thin by the heat from the searing sand. Slurping back the last morsel of lark’s tongue in aspic from the recent food bank mission, he clicked off the Sky remote to the 50″ LCD.
“Standby is a planet-killer,” he muttered to himself, as he headed off joyfully to pay the month’s tremendous value licence fee…
Great start mr who.
Transgender, healthy and sustainable portions, climate change and cheridee angst in one sentence!
Does the searing sand imply Islamic inclusion too?
If so…this one `s a series!
No dwarfs in this story, I trust? I’d hate to hear a story which included sizeist exploitationism.
Note on the BBCs Red Button that there was a “multi-faith protest” against Fox.
Apparently a vicar and “two hundred” people gathered outside a council house to show that “We Are Birmingham”.
As for Benefits Street and Trojan Horse…no dole wallahs or islamist supremacists were troubled in the fanning of this “national protest”.
This is NEWS?
The BBC are desperate…i`ll vote UKIP, if only they`ll promise to cut the BBCs hangnail…that`ll kill them-there`s no balls, brain or backbone to go for.
The BBC love it.
If Diversity in business brought extra profit, every company would be on the gravy train. But they aren’t.
Why? Because Diversity doesn’t bring extra profit.
Money is both sex and gender blind.
It would make you weep.
The great majority of comments have been deleted – that has to be encouraging. This new one probably wont last long, given the mention of Common Purpose;
One can only imagine your application of COMMON SENSE rather than COMMON PURPOSE drivel and related PC.ness has lead you to running a probably, profitable and efficient department or company.Employ on meritocracy.Hopefully sanity will return as folk wake to REALITY of what does and does’nt work in most situations.Hopefully happening as even more UK subjects spot the plot.
Someone else said:
The beeb are not here to inform, but to indoctrinate.
It’s one of those articles for liberals that gets their wrists going back and forth at breakneck speed…
A thoughtful piece on the BBC website asks “Is there a diversity dividend?” Apparently “There is evidence, for instance, that boards of directors with greater diversity generate more dividends. That means greater returns to shareholders and fewer bonuses paid to managers.”. Unfortunately, no actual evidence is cited. Well, no need for evidence is there, I mean it must be self evident without any need for anything as crass as proof.
The article is written by Chief Business Correspondent Linda Yueh. Our Linda is originally from Taiwan, an extremely successful country despite its shameful abandonment by the West. But it’s not exactly known for its diversity, is it? Linda writes a lot about China, too, well on its way to being the global economic superpower. But… it’s not exactly noted for its diversity either, is it? Let’s try a little further afield: Japan and South Korea are economic powerhouses, too. Any diversity there? Nah. As anyone who has been to those countries can testify, they are all wonderfully uniform in terms of people and outlook. I wonder if there is any lesson to be learnt? Time for a new book, Linda?
Although with such huge salaries perhaps the managers don’t actually need those bonuses:
Convicted criminal Vicky Pryce now being paid £500 – £1000 to appear on bbc news24 to discuss greece!
Will she be paying her taxes to Syriza-or will the Probation Service get the money in a bucket?
Though ex-crims were not meant to benefit from their crimes…but the Beautiful People and liberal exotica get away with it.
That would be Vicky, ex-wife of Chris Huhne, friend of Denis MacShane and friend of Constance Briscoe of whom, the Beeb inform us, ‘Mr Justice Baker said Briscoe had tried to hide her role in exposing the story, adding that both she and Pryce had been motivated by “a joint desire to ensure the downfall of Chris Huhne”.’
Constance Briscoe jailed for 16 months for lying to police
Vicky has more dodgy mates than Ronnie Biggs had; how did she become so prominent on the station that can’t mention Ched Evans name without prefacing ‘Convicted Rapist’?
Or would it more accurately be Vasiliki Kourmouzi, friend of Denis Matyjaszek?
If she has served her punishment then she should be allowed to get back to her normal line of work. Quite right for the BBC.
Provided you are a loony-left Europhile and not a talented footballer.
Is a wapist worst than a waycist? Can someone from the BBC check the guidelines book?
Listening now to “More Or Less” as they spend fifteen minutes telling me that anti-Semitism is no problem to the Jews-or being over-egged at least.
When was the last time that Tim Harford and the OU Pollyannas gave Tell mama, Stonewall or any other of their favored victim groups such a stringent battering on their figures.
It may be earned, might be partial-though, that`s all debatable at this stage.
What is NOT is that gays, muslims, blacks or any other group who “perceives itself to be under attack” would not be getting such naysaying and quantitative analysis-for far less obvious efforts to denigrate, assault or harry fellow-citizens.
May not yet be Final Solutions…but “Special Operational Excusing” of Lefties and Islamists goes on , unquestioned and even without a thought to it; at the BBC.
As based on this small and insignificant survey by me….Harford sold his soul years ago,
No-one questioned the assertion that an answer “Yes” to the question “Are Jews more interested in money than other people?” was being classed as ‘anti-Semitic’ and by implication that the only good Jew is a dead Jew.
Before the invention of ‘alternative’ comedy and PC-ism stereotypes only worked because they were mostly true and perhaps because there was a sneaking admiration in there too. The ‘tight’ Jew or Scot, for that matter, was also seen as careful and prudent, qualities that used to be admired and characteristics that would be expected of any decent banker looking after our money.
One more fee for…..
“Convicted perverter of the course of justice” Vicky Pryce on BBC New 24. 2015Hrs Sunday 25th Jan.
I wonder if she’ll take her fee in Euros?
Cramming in the wonga before the Beeb gets scrapped.
BBC. Morally moribund.
New BBC/Labour tactic.
BBC News 24 Hr. Sunday evening. Evidently news for the BBC is:
“Labour may pledge to cut university fees by a third”. Nice one comrade Peston!
Miliband re-launch Mark XVII ?
I sometimes feel like I’m living in a bad dream, but someone’s got to monitor the bias on the BBC.
But this time, the BBC are putting the feelers out first, with the news that Labour ‘may’ propose a new populist vote buying policy. Who’d a thunk it? But this time the Labour Party can distance themselves from the proposal, if, when, it unravels. So the BBC are now, on behalf of the Labour Party, ‘brainstorming’ with the public to attempt to determine what ideas might be vote winners. This is our official opposition. Could it be more depressing?
Scrap the BBC.
Wow. BBC News 24. 2040Hrs.
200ish people turn up for a love-in in Birmingham. That’s news?
Why couldn’t the BBC turn up in Halifax today to report on the right good ‘all-in’ punch ups between Huddersfield Giants and Halifax RFL. There were 10 times as many there + fighting! (but all on the pitch between the players of course, as it should be)! And all the men and women in the crowd had a right good time. No segregation needed. Didn’t spot a copper. Didn’t spot a Muslim either, and you don’t often say that in Halifax I can tell you!
Proper news. From Angryman. Not the BBC.
Notice how Syiza, which appears to have won the Greek election, is referred to by the BBC as ‘left-wing’, not ‘far Left’ or even ‘hard Left’?
Has any party ever, from the Khmer Rouge or the Shining Path to our own dear little SWP, ever been referred to in the habitual, discriminatory, way parties on the Right suffer from the ‘famously impartial’ BBC?
Yes I was just about to post the same. Radical left is also how they are described, the term radical has positive overtones, which is hardly how I would describe a bunch of former communists.
‘But Labour say’ !
This has to be one of the most glaring examples of bias ever !
And yet how silent was the BBC when the countless ‘Mandela House’ assaults on reason took place under Labour.
BBC News 24. 2200 Hrs.
Gavin Hewitt. Greece. …….First victory for the left in 60 years??
So the left get replaced by the left-er, and the BBC is already shifting the position of the left and the centre??? The Lib-dems will be far right by tomorrow morning.
BBC. All leftards. All narrative, filler and miscomprehension. All over the place.
Tonight’s rabid headlines from the bbc.
‘ As Far Left As You Can Get It Party’ wins election in greece.
Two words to sum up how the bbc feel about this.
‘ Orgasm’ and ‘ Pants ‘
They are beside themselves.
What happens in Greece is not relevant to the serious matter of the culture war except in that it should rapidly work against the liberal left in that it will imperil the European project. Not that the liberal left media here will understand this.
By the way I like the Pegida term for the press- luegenpresse-liar press .It sounds good and is something we could use here. Short and accurate.
The Greek result:-
1. Death of the Euro
2. Death of Herr Merkel’s Empire
3. Exit of Great Britain from EU
4. Cheap holidays for all
5. No Turkey
6. Empty MEP Gravy Trains
Can’t be bad?
How long before the Junkers JU52 troop transport planes are flying over Athens again?
That will be having refueled after a decade spent dropping Mercedes Benz, Miele and Bosch, presumably?
Herr Merkel is probably regretting the modern days Luftwaffe’s lack of a strategic troop transport this morning !
I go to Greek islands most autumns – and keep telling them that they have lost a huge amount of the tourist trade to Turkey because the Euro increased their prices beyond reason. It will be a painful adjustment if they leave the Euro – but the pain would be worth it.
Meanwhile I keep hearing bad stories about Turkish tourism being messed around be their recent sharp increases in alcohol prices – directed by their Islamist government.
I just hope you are right,DS
Vote UKIP then.
Has anyone noticed that the Meeja (especially bbbc, of course} have now resorted to talking up the green party.
I suppose for the bbbc with the forthcoming collapse of the labour vote as the election approaches they have nowhere else to go but the greens……Isn’t it just great to see them squirm?
Perhaps they could start to support UKIP? Naah, I didn’t think so either
All we need is more exposure of the greens actual policies, as opposed to the rose tinted views of immature, non thinking folk, who still believe its all about saving that poor fluffy polar bear on his melting icefloe.
Someone else has already posted this link, but I’ll repeat it here:
In a nutshell she is saying “We haven’t got a clue how to implement our crazy policies but we are right on them all.”
They’ll be challenging DisRespect for idiocy at this rate.
What a fucking idiot. Frightening anyone would consider this as a viable voting option.
Hmm. I’ve always been against forced repatriation of immigrants, but I wonder if we could make an exception in the case of this woman. Mind you, the air miles to Australia would cause ecological damage, so perhaps we should take her part of the way. Say to the border region between Syria and Iraq?
How many times did you hear her attempt to redirect to the ‘in progress’ manifesto, presumably in a locked basement room with a sign on the door with a sign that says ‘Beware of the Sound Bite’.
I really can’t wait for her contribution in the forthcoming debates.
Cynics. There’s a perfectly good reason for this. The manifesto was formulated during a meeting of the student’s union. The previous topic was about banning page 3 of The Sun and it over-ran. Plus the other person in attendance had to nip out to buy the organic free range coffee.
Nicaraguan, no doubt.
Every time this idiot opened her mouth I could definitely hear a cuckoo clock in the background.
As someone else has already said, it is terrifying that some people are going to vote for this bunch of clowns. I suppose that is the price of democracy.
BBC R4 news at 7am seems to be actively celebrating Greek election of a “radical left” government which will “bring Greece out of the morass” of austerity.
No mention so far whatsoever of the structural problems, rigid labour markets, enormous unreformed public sector etc.
Analysis that follows on Today talks about “austerity weary” Greece.
Ooh, here comes George Osborne; maybe he’ll mention it.
Fortunately, all is entirely covered under the Editorial Guidelines. We know wha they mean and what they are.
Always worth awaiting the CSI:BBCWatch, who can usually be relied upon to sift through what is claimed and get to what actually is:
‘the claim appearing in bold above is simply not true’
Beyond the current situation with a wholly draconian need to opt-out of live TV experience to avoid the TVL poll tax that pays such as this cove (plus the Savile lawyers’ fees & Mark Byford’s index-linked), we are looking down the barrel of being soon compelled to uniquely fund via council tax or ISP levy a national broadcaster and especially senior staff who appear to be able to state untruths free of unaccountability.
BBC semantics and value judgements and falling back on its self-penned guidelines (which staff ignore at whim when it suits, but CECUTT uses as the word of God when blowing off any concern) long since became a bad joke, but this is ceasing to even have dark humour.
Breathless excitement this morning from our BBC man in Athens Mark Lowen (King’s College Wimbledon & Balliol Oxford – French & History) as a radical left party is swept to power. An ‘anti-austerity party’ apparently. Sounds to me like Gordon Brown’s attempt to abolish boom and bust – just by saying so….- but I suppose the BBC set our vocabulary now. Anyway the Beeb are clearly pleased the Greeks may be welshing on their debts.
Then we have the BBC celebration of a ‘Gay’ diver and the first ‘female bishop’.
Go on, someone tell me the BBC aren’t a load of liberal elite pinkies attempting to socially engineer British society out of existence.
Well, Newsnight’s ‘take’ seems to be coalescing; Ian Katz is smitten:
“Refrshing to hear politicans who don’t sound like pols – Syriza’s Yanis Varoufakis reacts to congrats: “It’s a poisoned chalice” #BBCr4today”
Other pols closer to home who don’t sound like pols too close to power…. not so much.
Maybe Mrs. Merton could ask what it is about our new Greek firebrands that first attracted the entire BBC editorial department to swoon?
Curiously Yaroufakis was the only voice who (unprompted by the presenter) briefly hinted at the rampant corruption, endemic tax evasion, inefficient bloated public sector, low competitiveness and unsustainable, debt funded pensions that bedevil the Greek economy.
The BBC’s coverage ignored all that. The message seemed to be “it’s ok to bung it on the credit card”/”someone else will pay”.
Tweet-Tweet Lefty-Lefty Tweet-Tweet BBC-BBC…
Another BBC bod, another anti-Cameron anti-UKIPer
Take a bow Steve Doherty…. ‘I run a broadcast and online content production company having worked at the BBC as an inhouse producer in radio, then freelance in TV for many years’
‘MD of @giddygoatprod Ltd – BBC Radio 4 (Meet David Sedaris, etc) and writing (National Trust) a speciality. Need something doing? Just ask!’
Tweets by SteveDoherty1
Steve Doherty @SteveDoherty1 · 11 hrs 11 hours ago
I trust Cameron’s hoax call will make it to the interwebs in due course.
Steve Doherty retweeted
Exposing UKIP IMP @SLATUKIP · Jan 24
We have just analysed these #UKIP comments on the #NHS and found 17 factual errors.
Steve Doherty @SteveDoherty1 · 13 hrs 13 hours ago
Did Winston Churchill leave Coventry ‘to burn’ in World War II blitz? – Coventry Telegraph
It’s funny isn’t it, there’s our BBC – all politically balanced and neutral and everything…. and yet it seems the way to put out a come and get me for commission work is to bash UKIP on your Twitter – very strange. Must be the office culture.
Some not news for the BBC via the Telegraph:
We must not call Charlie Hebdo killers ‘terrorists’, says BBC boss
In my listening, the BBC has substituted ‘extremists’ for their usual ‘militants’ when talking about Charlie Hebdo. If Tarik Kafala has found anyone at the BBC calling them terrorists, I ask that he writes to us here at Biased BBC and let us know who.
The so called “B”BC supporting terrorists, murderers and evil people the world over. But they will not support the ordinary Briton who suffers due to the policies the BBC pushes.
Tarik Kafala, the head of BBC Arabic, should have been asked to define ‘terrorism’.
Of course, it’s value-laden. So many people disapprove of
murderkilling journalists, shoppers and police in cold blood.Is he saying that subscribers to his network don’t have the same values?
BREAKING: ‘One hundred days ahead of the election, the BBC has been finding out what most concerns you … and the NHS is …blah …..blah.’
It seems we have to endure this twaddle every fuckin’ day…
Endure is the word OG. ‘Just three months to go’.
Saw that myself on not news 24, and what a eager little beeboid beaver she was trumpeting the news, ” we asked you, and you said, not immigration, not the economy but the NHS. Yay! Go team liebour !” ( sorry, added the last bit, could you tell ? ). Dr Goebbles dictum of the big lie in action.
It’s becoming a circus. The Beeb seem to acknowledge that Miliband/Powell Labour is utterly useless – just a shadow of Blair/Mandelson/Campbell – and they will have to do the job themselves. Meanwhile, Call Me Dave will make yet another speech on the economy, following Lynton Crosby’s advice to treat immigration as a ‘stone on the road’, make one speech and then studiously ignore it.
Norman Smith playing the ‘people are becoming less concerned about immigration’ card’.
Yesterday they were talking scandal, with microphones in UKIP’s faces. Today it’s issues; UKIP don’t get to offer a view.
There was a right Walley from the Environmental Audit Committee on this morning wanting a ‘moratorium’ on fracking exploration (what she really meant, is that she didn’t like fracking, and didn’t want it in the Former UK – ever).
The same old rubbish trotted out about climate change, carbon, earthquakes, incompatibility with “emission targets”, despoiling of the countryside, tresspass legislation, etc., etc.
I wish I could physically grab some of these people by the throat and give them a good shaking. What’s wrong with carbon? What’s wrong with CO2? We need both, and there has been far more in the atmosphere before now, when life blossomed. We’re between Ice Ages – this “pause” is merely one between periods of freezing our gonads off. The “optimum climate” is a warm one – we should be scared shitless of the coming cooling. But still they chunter on about warming.
Fracking installations, once established, cause less environmental disturbance to the environment than the useless wind turbines, and are far less unsightly.
If the Greeks can say “up yours” to the EU about their debts, surely Cameron, et al, can follow suit with emissions targets?
These people don’t want the former UK to pull out of the mire, they don’t like progress, and it would appear that don’t like us, either.
Can you imagine a world run by the Greens?
Yes I can OG.
Poverty, riots and social meltdown. Not where my imagination wants to go.
The BBC news 24 (26th Jan) are doing comedy.
So what’s the latest narrative, whilst the Labour and Conservative parties try to out muppet each other on a daily basis ? “…Its between Labour and Conservative…” The news editorial team are too predictable.
Await the avalanche of ‘Labour or Tory’, ‘lab or con’, ‘both main parties’, ‘two horse race’, ‘cameron or miliband’ etc.
To launch the new BBC narrative tactic, the BBC interview (you couldn’t make it up) two “cocks”. Also, the usual Common Purpose leftards on location in key marginals.
That’s right, John Woodcock MP and Matthew Hancock MP, both of whom want another 5 years with their snouts in the trough.
Amjad Bashir, ‘dodgy character’ joins the Conservative Party? You might be forgiven for thinking it had never happened watching the News today. Natalie Bennett’s car crash interview? Never happened, no. Its Labour v Tory and its all about the NHS, have you got that you plebs out there in the real world!
this was mentioned here, earlier
Tarik Kafala, the head of BBC Arabic, the LARGEST 😀 …
of the BBC’s non-English language news services, said
the term “terrorist” was too “loaded”.
( … bit like the Islamic terrorists Kalashnikovs, then?)
Yep! to be honest… I agree … have to use the term
ISLAMIC Terrorists on every Al BBC report and headline from
now on.
The Islamophile Al BBC … biased as always …
“American Sniper film ‘behind rise in anti-Muslim threats,’
the poison of deceit permeates everywhere.
I see, so the film is responsible for turning people against Islam (religion of peace and fun)! I foolishly thought it was because the Koran preaches death to unbelievers and wants us all to live under 7th century sharia law. Silly me.
I agree with the head of BBC Arabic and it’s funny how we get the same point argued from both ends, claiming it is an example of left wing bias.
Earlier the BBC had decided that Muslim Islamic Jihadist were word not to be used, and that Terrorist was the correct word, to hide the very real connection with the religion of peace.
So lets not call them Terrorists lets call them what they are, Muslims behaving in a way their religion commands, and fighting Jihad in Allahs name.
Hiding the real motivation behind the attacks is the real bias (IMHO).
More evidence of left wing purges of people with beliefs they consider ‘unacceptable’ despite the Human rights act telling them they cannot discriminate like this:
No council hierarchy rushing to protect his identity? erm forever if necessary? … knowing the track record of Islam and its useful morons?
If anything should happen (god forbid) to this chap, is he just … “collateral damage” then.
‘Isn’t it weird that in Britain our flag offends so many people, yet our benefits don’t…’
… bit blunt … but hey?
Clearly the M.E.N. are proud of their role as witchfinder general and yet only a few days ago they were Charlie
They give hypocrites a bad name.