Monday arrives and so does this new Thread. Anyone catch an interview with an Amnesty spokesman on Today this morning. He was wriggling like mad trying to distance his organisation from the Jihad apologists in Cage and was lobbed far too many soft ball questions. The BBC treats Amnesty with kid gloves and I can recall doing a BBC debate with Moazzam Beggs. He was accompanied to the studio by the local Amnesty Rep.
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This is an eye-opener!
Mixed feelings on this.
Need to read up more but I thought there was law to cover everything from negligence to ineptitute to complicity. The grey area being ‘aware’ but failing to act, or report. A nightmare of proof that surely will only make lawyers rich.
The message that goes out appears stark, and it would surely take a brave soul to enter the profession if a jail term beckons when any number of dodgy scenarios pan out, from venal superiors to crafty compo shysters.
What I don’t see is any suggestion that incompetence or complicity results in getting fired, or top twerps having vast pension pots or severance awards yanked. A bit like the licence fee, this seems more a populist patch that will snag small fry and see the abuses continue.
That all said, post-Savile, the notion of public-paid employees being held to proper account must have sent a shivver down some corridors of BBC power, all hoping the Pollard Report redactions stay off limits ‘for the purposes of backside covering’.
Just a thought. I wondered whether it may be a good idea, during this divisive period in our country’s history, for the BBC to bring back their once popular Two Way Family Favourites programme? You know, the one that used to be broadcast on Sunday mornings for those with loved ones serving in the British Forces? The format would have to be updated, of course, because, as Nick Clegg says, would we really want to go back to the fifties? It could be a wonderful way for homesick jihadis, ISIS swordsmen and romantic young female teenagers to know that they are still treasured and appreciated by us for all the work they are doing abroad and also for them to keep in touch with their families and friends here in the UK. The programme couldn’t include music of course, because music can offend some of our communities but that needn’t be a problem. Any gaps could easily be filled by favourite Jihadi John monologues or popular chanting muezzin requests. Perhaps the BBC could even persuade J-J to present the show? Just think of all the benefits this could bring to our divided country and what better way could be found for the BBC to spend our money!
Stop giving them ideas! Best keep an eye on the ‘Asian Network’ schedules, there will be beeboid programme commissioners scrambling to get this aired, with repeats on the ‘World’ Service. That’s if it doesn’t already exist 😉
Great idea, Regag, and it’s a wonder The Now Show hadn’t already thought of it.
Oh, hang on…
Chloe Tilley was in fine form yesterday on Outside Source as a representative of BBC ‘journalists’ who wallow in left-wing ignorance and peep out through their tunnel vision at the world while expecting their audience to remain as ignorant and biased as them.
She roped in a silly young freelance ‘journalist’ to assist her in assuring listeners that the Israeli PM does not speak, as he claims, for all Jews in trying to block the Iranian dash for the Bomb.
Starts at 19:40 min in:
So I emailed her with a cc to Ros Atkins, who usually hosts the programme. I hereby inflict on my esteemed colleagues on this blog my polite attempt to enlighten the bigots :
I find your Outside Source programme generally interesting and informative but I can’t say the same for yesterday’s clip on the Bibi debate. Why bring in Camilla Schick, a little-known freelance journalist, to reiterate at length what everyone knows – that Netanyahu was invited to speak before the US Congress and that he is concerned about Iran’s race to the Bomb – and then to read out a number of tweets from unknown Jews insisting that Binyamin Netanyahu does not speak for them.
In fairness, you did mention that there was another hash tag, ‘Bibi speaks for me,’ but that brief comment does not constitute BBC impartiality and balance on what is a complex debate.
You could have done so much better with the time available, for example by bringing in a couple of knowledgeable, credible people to debate both sides of the issue.
Obviously the Israeli Prime Minister is aware that he does not literally speak for all Jews, neither in Israel nor in the diaspora. But when push comes to shove, there may well be several anti-Bibi Jews who will come to the belated realisation that they are in extremely dangerous company when, for example, they embrace the BDS crew – as does the author of one of Camilla’s tweets – and that Netanyahu did in fact speak for them, though they could not appreciate it at the time.
The worldwide rise in anti-Semitism indicates that push may well come to shove. Already the Jews of Europe are questioning their future there while the Arab world, through oppression, pogroms, dispossession and expulsion, is now virtually free of the substantial Jewish communities that existed prior to the establishment of Israel. Most Arab countries, Libya, Algeria, Iraq, Syria and Egypt among them, are now completely without Jews. This is a result that even Hitler was unable to achieve in his European backyard.
Come on, guys. The BBC is capable of so much better than the knee-jerk, superficial reporting we heard on Outside Source yesterday – which simply panders to the anti-Israel bias that is so often a cover for anti-Semitism.
I also tweeted Camilla Schick, unfamiliar as I am with the media of the short-attention-span generation, that seems to regard 140 characters as too vast a space to fill with their observations.
I regard it as unlikely that I will get a reply from any of them.
R4 Today programme ”Racism Today” regular slot, sorry I mean sports news at 7.30
Sadly the body of Becky Watts has been found in a house in Barton Court Bristol. Police say the body had been cut into severel parts for disposal. Several people including two women have been arrested and questioned for kidnapping, murder and disposal of a body. I have a bad feeling about this, if I’m wrong I will gladly say so but I’m thinking these ” people” are not British born and bred, I find it hard to believe that local women would help out choping up a child, the area looks on Zoopla to be typical of the areas frequented by recent arrivals. Can someone confirm this ? She went out carrying a phone and simply vanished, sounds to me like some “men” had some urges they could not control. However the bbc if it knows the ethnicity of the murderers is keeping stum.
If true not a good day for bbc, Oxford Muslim rapes, Barrow NHS midwives criminality.
I’ve had the same feeling about this one, Barton Hill was always white working class when I worked that area, but that’s decade or more ago, although it is within a couple of miles of what even then were the most diverse areas of Bristol.
I mentioned this story a week or so ago, local bBC were reporting it, but it took a long time for national bBC to do the same, unlike the Turkish bound trio.
Latest is that 5 men and 2 women have been arrested, boyfriend named as Luke Oberhansli.
It’s not a good day for racists on BBBC who see Mooslims waving large knives behind every story.
” if I’m wrong I will gladly say so”
Off you go then.
Hall describes the bbc as a “creative beacon”.
I would say that’s only true of its news department.
I would describe the BBC as “crispy bacon” – overcooked, but less tasty.
‘…a creative beacon in a threatening world’, according to his lordship.
If it’s a threatening world, the appalling propagandising by the impartial state broadcaster – with criminal sanctions if you don’t suck it up – sure ain’t helping things.
‘Hall describes the bbc as a “creative beacon”.’
Some, if better informed, and given the choice, may prefer to steer clear.
Clearly my image-adding skills need work.
agreed, you can have too much ‘creativity’. It is though the ‘threatening world’ bit that takes the cake.
The state broadcaster is a massive, bloated, condescending, expensive and corrupt bureaucracy which is totally unaccountable to its customers and shareholders. Moreover it has outlasted its useful life by half a century and is but a shadow of its former mediocre self.
Now that’s what I call threatening.
‘Health tourist’ moves to England to escape Labour‘s Welsh NHS.
Except that the bBBC ‘story’ doesn’t mention why the NHS is so much worse in Wales than England.
Islington murder of cyclist Alan Cartwright, 15, caught on CCTV
The video shows Alan and his two friends being attacked and pushed off their bikes by three youths.
The bBBC has forgotten one word, of course. The video shows Alan and his two friends being attacked and pushed off their bikes by three black youths.
Using the reliable rule that what the BBC omits when it must know it is significant I’d guessed as much.
The rule is that if the BBC omits to report a fact which is politically sensitive but which it must be aware of then that fact does not fit the BBC narrative. Never fails, especially for the race of attackers and victims.
And this happened in the Guardianista Republic of Islington, of all places ?
Still, this incident has made N1 a more vibrant place to live.
So, a spontaneous knife attack in a London street between (presumably) teenagers of different races, resulting in the death of the victim.
Sound familiar? The big difference, of course, is how little we will hear about this alleged murder over the next 20+ years.
The magic “R” word, which transforms everything, will not be applied. Again. It will be all about the bikes.
Move along now.
It’s all a question of priorities. The Beeb simply don’t have sufficient time to disclose the race of the perpetrators of this this ghastly murder.
Of course if it was something really earth shattering like Chelsea fans being frightfully unpleasant to a black man…
Truly shocking CCTV images of this attack
But it is a certainty that the BBC will let this story slowly disappear because to highlight the issues would just hurt community cohesion
Not one mention of the colour of the perpetrators or the victims, I wonder if that would be the case if a group of white men had attacked and killed a black 15 year old child for just riding his bike.
Of course this wasn’t a race attack, black people cant be racist, we all know that, it was just a street crime.
Sarcasm aside, this story and its treatment by the BBC is really disturbing. Are the BBC news producers sitting around and discussing how to cover the story, and deciding to leave out any mention of the colour of the people involved.
Or are the reporters so afraid of the repercussions from within if the dare go against the BBC agenda. An agenda that nobody dare mention, an agenda of only calling white people racist, only black people can be victims, an agenda that ignores the facts.
We know the BBC staff are terrified of rocking the boat, and who wouldn’t be with the risk of losing BBC wages and it staggering pension scheme !
But where are the whistle blowers, the people who care about the truth, surly in a organization as big as the BBC there must be at least one?
Katie Hopkins tweet
The Elephant in the room, which the BBC won’t mention, is that islam allows men to have sex with underage girls. For Muslims it’s not “evil child abuse”, it’s part of sharia law, based on the Koran and the hadith. Mohammed married a six year old and had sex with her when she was nine.
Bukhari vol. 7, #65:
“Narrated Aisha that the prophet wrote the marriage contract with her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: “I have been informed that Aisha remained with the prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death).””
The hadith state that Aisha was taken to Muhammad’s house as his bride when she was 9 and she took dolls with her to play with.
It’s all in the Koran and hadith. Having sex with children is not a crime under sharia law.
To be fair though, according to the state broadcaster, not only does the ROP have nothing to do with CSA, it actually has nothing to do with anything in this country, except for making it more vibrant, and thus better.
Oxfordshire now 370 girls over 16 years, R5 lies with Childs spends the best part of 30 minutes on this story and apart from on the spot bbc reporter reviewing the case makes a passing and the only reference to ” 7 men of mainly Pakistani heritage ” as the guilty, no other mention of them, or the fact of who they are being the reason the Council and the Police fell down a PC black hole. Childs keeps thinking of his pension and let’s sleeping “men” lie.
Even the lavishly funded bbc ‘news department’ can’t keep a lid on this.
The pesky interweb reveals daily what the impartial state broadcaster will not.
But sadly millions of people are being misled by the BBC’s censored news. It is at least as bad as during the 1930’s when the BBC appeased nazi Germany by hushing up criticism of Hitler.
Arguably it’s much worse, because the crimes are taking place right here in UK.
Misled yes but is the indoctrination of our young and those hard of thinking that is far worse.
I wouldn’t let my kid anywhere near CBeebies or CBBC, yet its the default pacifier for the parents of many young children.
The BBC continues it’s on/off love affair with Cage. One minute they’re berating Amnesty for sharing a platform with them yet today there they were again on the prime 8.10 Today slot – no less than Qureshi, the reasonable voice of terrorism – trying to help the BBC in its painful quest to find the true cause of radicalisation.
Maybe at some point the BBC will spend time outside the many dodgy mosques MI5 have got their boys watching – you know, have chat with the lads on the bookstall, that sort of thing, or attend some of the motivational ‘talks’ of visiting Imams at our universities (no sitting with the boys, now, Mishal), or go along to some of the more lively demonstrations they seem so reluctant to cover, or do a bit of undercover reporting at a state-funded Islamic school (how they must miss Gilligan!), or hang around the voting stations in Tower Hamlets at election time, or have someone like Robert Spencer on for interview.
But somehow I think not. The Great Radicalisation Mystery is yet another front, another means of throwing up The Big BBC Islamic Smokescreen.
We all know what we think of Cage by now thank you very much, BBC. Their continuing presence on your airwaves is beginning to smell a bit.
Jeremy Vine continues the ‘blind eye’ meme re. Rotherham etc. His reporter tell us that it was due to a lack of ‘joined up thinking’.
I would have thought the trouble was too much ‘joined up thinking’, the idea that the Elephant With No Name can Do No Wrong and if it does under no circumstances can it be mentioned.
The BBC itself was and is complicit in the cover-up, preferring instead to blacken the name of those, like the EDL. that did draw attention to the issue, as they were racist, swiveled-eyed, xenophobic, islamaphobic, right-wing, Daily Mail-reading thugs, needing to be shut down, rather than listened to..
Vine keeps popping up on Radio 2 proudly telling us that his show is the ‘most listened to radio news show’
If that is the case then there really is no hope. The ‘show’ is a pointless exercise, it consists of four half hour topics made up of 15 minutes of Joy Division or The Smiths, 10 minutes of lefty/Guardian talking heads and five minutes of the same carefully selected callers/texters.
“Joined up thinking” is I believe, newspeak for “Common sense”
I think it explains everything that’s going wrong, and for once! Vines reporter got something right (if only by accident!)
When is a Racist murder not a racist murder to the bBC….
When the victim is white and the murderer…Black
Islington knife murder of cyclist, 15, caught on CCTV
Throw pain on a memorial to Stephen Lawrence and its a fucking hate crime. Stab a white child to death on the streets of London and its SWF at Al Beeb.
I looked everywhere for a description of the murderers, who had been seen by numerous witnesses, but nothing until now!
Good spot by Pounce.
According to the Macpherson report, a racist incident is “any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person”. Anyone here perceive this to be a racist incident? If so, the BBC and police should be treating it as such.
The thing is a white on black murder is automatically suspected of being racist, whereas a black on white murder is automatically suspected of not being racist. Both the police and news reporters are biased in this way.
Thank god we had that disgusting slug Jo Brand to guide us in identifying just what is racist, eh?
Plane spotters gets arrested in the Middle East ( United Arab Emirates ) and the bBC peddles the story that the government isn’t doing enough.
Plane spotter’s wife ‘disappointed’ by UK government’s response
So lets get this right, 3 men with cameras and telescopes in one of the most volatile regions in the world are nicked by the local bobby and they can’t see why? Hands up here who would do something similar, especially in light of the number of people caught up in terrorist attacks in the region. But to the bbC this can only be a story about British government ineptitude and so they promote it as such.
“”The good thing is that all three of them are together but they’re on concrete beds. The food is very basic … and it’s absolutely nothing like conditions over here. “A lot of people don’t speak any English either, which is obviously going to make it a lot harder and everything just takes so much time – even simple things like getting toiletries are just near-on impossible by all accounts.”
So these men are inside a proper prison and are shocked there isn’t Sky TV, top class meals drugs and quilts.
I wonder when the bBC will air the story from Frank (Don’t shoot I’m a Muslim) Gardner over how he is going to complain about how the British Government made him into a cripple.
The bBC, the lost for purpose , so called impartial news service.
I wish people would read the articles properly before posting!
They made themselves fully aware of the local laws before going and were not taking any photos, which are forbidden, and there are signs all over the place.
“I know they weren’t taking pictures, which is what they don’t like out there, but they were noting down plane numbers, which isn’t illegal.”
That’s from the article you quote and similar is in every other article.
I wasn’t aware that Dubai was regarded as a volatile place at all let alone one of the most in the world.
These are three middle aged white guys admittedly anoraks, and one of them has a serious heart condition and there are concerns for his health. I for one am unsurprised the British Government is failing to come to their aid, but if they’d been three Muslims attempting to blow up the planes Camoron himself would be out their pleading their case.
Personally I think any British Anorak who thinks they can go to a foreign country and engage in anything which might be considered normal here has a shock coming. It isn’t that long ago a group were arrested in Greece for something similar.
I wasn’t aware that Dubai was regarded as a volatile place at all let alone one of the most in the world.
You do know that the UAE is currently taking part in bombing ISIS just up the road in Iraq. That just next door in Bahrain these is a Shia led insurgence y , that a few hundred miles away in Yemen the rebels have taken control.
““I know they weren’t taking pictures, which is what they don’t like out there, but they were noting down plane numbers, which isn’t illegal.””
That comment was from the son, how does he know?
“These are three middle aged white guys admittedly anoraks, and one of them has a serious heart condition and there are concerns for his health. I for one am unsurprised the British Government is failing to come to their aid,”
Sorry my fucking heart bleeds. I’m a spotter, a lot younger than these 3 men and I wouldn’t even fly to the UAE never mind hang around an airport taking notes.
Thoughtful i mentioned above I am a spotter a few years back I was at RAF Duxford in the US hanger taking pictures of the SR71 when this fat security guard came up to me (The place was packed) and asked me if he could help, I simply asked him what kind of engines the plane had? his face went blank, i then asked him what year it came into service, again a blank expression, I then pulled out my Military ID card and told him to go help somebody else who he knew less then him. Fat boy fucked off.
Another time at RAF Cosford in the hanger with the Blohm und Voss BV246 Hagelkorn (Hailstone) – Glide Bomb Missile . This flight Lt came up to me (And only me) and asked me if he could help. I said “How many medals have you got’ He replied none, I replied “I’ve six” He said “Army?” I said yes and he fucked off. I’ve been asked questions in Belgium (Air museum) Holland (Military Museum and in Germany. So I know only too well how coloured people are fucking treated by so called important wankers in the West.
Why should it be any different for white people in a coloured country.
“Why should it be any different for white people in a coloured country. ”
It shouldn’t but that wasn’t my point. The fact that the British embassy has failed to assist these people when it certainly has assisted those guilty of the most appalling crimes especially Muslims, aided & abetted by the BBC is the point.
A few hundred miles to Yemen is closer to 1000 miles, Bahrain had an insurgency some decades ago and a coup attempt in 1981. The Bahrani uprising is not officially classed as an insurgency. It’s a long way to ISIS controlled territory, I don’t think that could be classed as a destabilising factor. So far as countries in the Middle East go, it’s perhaps one of the more stable ones.
“That comment was from the son, how does he know?”
Apparently he has spoken to his father, and he was aware of their plans prior to departure. The story is also on the Manchester Evening News site.
A few hundred miles to Yemen is closer to 1000 miles
Have a look at any map the closest distance between the two countries is 400 miles.
Bahrain had an insurgency some decades ago and a coup attempt in 1981. The Bahrani uprising is not officially classed as an insurgency.
Try telling that to the Policeman who was blown up in December, in fact the British Government has this to say about the country:
There is a general threat from terrorism. Attacks could be indiscriminate, affecting Western (including British) interests and places frequented by foreigners. Terrorists also continue to issue statements threatening attacks in the Gulf. These include references to attacks on western interests, including residential compounds, military, oil, transport and aviation interests. In the last year, incidents involving home-made explosive devices killed 2 people and injured others. These explosions occurred in public places including outside a cinema, in a shopping mall and on motorways. There is considered to be a heightened threat of terrorist attack globally against UK interests and British nationals, from groups or individuals motivated by the conflict in Iraq and Syria. You should be vigilant at this time.
Now moving on, here is what the FO has to say about the UAE:
Photography of certain government buildings and military installations is not allowed. Don’t photograph people without their permission. Men have been arrested for photographing women on beaches. Hobbies like bird watching and plane spotting, may be misunderstood – particularly near military sites, government buildings and airports.
Yes border to border it might be, but they’re in the middle of the dessert where not even the insurgents are mad enough to go. Most of the problems are centred around the capital.
The fact about photography is that the spotters knew and researched this prior to travel and weren’t taking photographs. Even the arresting authorities are not alleging this.
There is an update that the men will not be released for at least another week.
I’m with Pounce on this one, trying to be spotters at the present time anywhere in the Middle East beggars belief. 200miles, 1000 or 1 million does not matter the whole area in is a high state ( and yes that includes where the 2020 World Cup will or will not happen ). Cameras with long lenses is just acting like a red rag and to be honest I don’t blame the security they could have been converts planning the next suicide mission, pulling out a copy of “Airforces Monthly” out of your bag and pointing at pictures taken with official blessing is not a get out of jail card. These spotters have been locked up in several countries over the years even in “western” Greece. Stupid behaviour deserving a few weeks thinking time in a cell.
Don’t you people read news articles before commenting?
” Cameras with long lenses”
Lets get this straight there were no cameras, let alone cameras with long lenses !
The fact that they were anoraks and probably stupid is beside the point. The point is that the British Embassy has done precious little if anything to help these people. Take a look at what the British authorities including the Embassy in Turkey did when three ‘innocent’ girls who were obviously radicalised by white people were travelling to join ISIS.
The fact is that the British government is quick enough to help their ‘British’ Muslims, and yet when it comes to some silly white middle age man they have done nothing.
I know it’s only the bbc but for the life of me I cannot believe they would put a Islamist/ left wing slant on the story so quote bbc Manchester; ….taking photographs near an airport and were using a telescope”. End quote. Stupid actions as I said.
You seem upset about the behaviour of the foreign office in not helping these twerps, well I have news for you the Foreign Office has never been of much use to British nationals in a scrape abroad, I have heard, seen and read of hundreds of people who complain about lack of help dealing with sudden deaths, arrests, drugs, sex, football fan behaviour, etc. nothing new here I’m afraid, the British embassy in Turkey I would imagine was only going through the motions for the sake of the cameras and not thinking it would achieve anything.
Incompetence, biased or just lazy.
Whom does the bBC employ to write its stories:
Oxfordshire grooming victims may have totalled 373 children
The above is yet another example of poor research from the bBC when it comes to Islamic rape gangs and the left. I quote:
The chief executive of the county council Joanna Simons has resisted calls to resign but may be made redundant this summer after proposals were voted through to axe the £250,000-per-year post, as part of savings.
Today is the third of March and it is 1300hrs and according to the bBC, Joanna Simons may be made redundant.
Here is what the bBC wrote about this money grabbing twat just over a month ago:
Oxfordshire council chief Joanna Simons to step down
Here is what the local rag wrote the same day:
Oxfordshire County Council chief executive Joanna Simons to stand down in June – and will not be replaced
And here is what the Daily Mail reported:
Victims’ fury as council boss who refused to quit over grooming scandal gets £600,000 payoff
The bBC, the not fit for purpose news service paid for by you.
On the BBC only bankers’ pay gets scrutinised. They’ve been at it all the past week with bank profit announcements. Funny, though, they never tell you that financial services accounts for 8% of the Excheqeur and has been doing so (or around that figure) for yonks. That’s hundreds of billions which have gone towards paying for all the BBC’s favourite public sector causes, dwarfing the taxpayer bailouts which followed the crash.
Re the Islington murder: it’s possible – very unlikely though – but it’s possible that the murder itself was not racially motivated. The prospect of a “free” bike in return for armed threats towards a presumably unarmed innocent must have been irresistible. Even functionally illiterate and innumerate graduates of Islington’s finest state schools can estimate the profit & loss on that one. However, this crime went beyond threats and the threats were, apparently, carried out. I guess there was, in fact, very little resistance which could have been (or, in the event, was) offered.
However, what was definitely racially motivated was the BBC’s decision (echoed by the rest of the MSM by the way; certainly the Times, Telegraph and the local rag) not to disclose the race of the perps. I suspect that the police had more than a hand in this. When releasing details of the case to the press they either . . er . . forgot to mention the colour of the perps or leant on the press to keep schtum. Islington is, after all, multi-culti paradise central. We can’t have a suspicion of racial friction lingering over Upper Street can we?
Such a cover-up is hardly surprising since even the stench of historical (Labour) Islington-council-enabled child abuse has been wafted away. How could this be, you ask? Well, it’s Labour, of course. But more than that a BBC heroine – Lady Hodge – has got form here. She was up to her scrawny neck in denying the disgusting conduct of the abusers and her personal (and her Labour council’s) responsibility. Predictably the BBC makes little – in fact no – fuss about it and all the “unpleasantness” has disappeared down the BBC memory hole.
The endless flood of outrageous crimes and brutal violence which clash with the bbc’s narrative must be a growing nightmare for the cast of thousands in the ‘news department’ at ‘boid towers.
But rest assured their overtime will be rewarded and it’ll be taxis home for all.
But not stating the colour of their skin makes arrests less likely.
And whilst they are on the streets free, they can commit another murder.
It’s in the interests of community safety that their FULL description must be given.
“it’s possible – very unlikely though – but it’s possible that the murder itself was not racially motivated.”
Yes, it’s possible. However, as the Macpherson report introduced us all to the concept of “institutional racism”, I don’t see why it shouldn’t also be applicable here. If race played a part, either directly or indirectly, in the way this victim was selected and then attacked, then IMO they are guilty of racism per Macpherson.
Macpherson opened this can of worms in the first place, attaching so much importance to thoughts and words instead of deeds, and I don’t see why its principles should be abandoned now that the shoe is on the other foot.
Watched the press conference about the Oxford grooming scandal. The spokeswoman said that she found no evidence of wilful neglect by the authorities, and was recommending that there be an enquiry into why there was a preponderance of Pakistani men in the street arrests.
The first statement is clearly an attempt to ensure no-one in authority – her authority, possibly including herself – is blamed.
The second was aimed at the police; is this to be a case of the guilty being portrayed as victims of police ‘racial profiling’?
It will be interesting to see what spin the BBC puts on these aspects.
What followed on the BBC News was perhaps a taster – they ran a tape recording of the killer Emwazi talking to CAGE claiming he is a victim of harassment.
The BBC is a subversive organisation, it associates itself with those with a similar agenda.
The BBC must be broken up. It is incapable of internal reform. It ignores criticism, it is an organisation out of control.
“373 girls as young as 11 in Oxfordshire were drugged, raped and forced into prostitution but officials did nothing because thought they ‘brought it on themselves.’
“Serious case review reveals how hundreds of victims were not protected.
“The almost 400 victims were raped and trafficked between 1999 and 2014.
“Six girls alone reported missing 500 times in 5 years but nothing was done.
“Police and social workers said some lied or brought abuse on themselves.
“Gangs of predominantly Pakistani men were able to abuse girls unhindered.
“One Asian gang was able to abuse 50 girls over eight years in Oxford
Victims said ‘snide’ officials had said they ‘brought it on themselves.'”
Read more:
Will beeboids notice?: -how complicit ‘political correctness’ attitudes,
deeply embedded in the political class, inc much of MSM, are ruining British society.
How little blame will be attached to any Muslim Pakistani perpetrators?
How much sympathy will white English girls receive?
Too little, too late-
“Five years in jail for social workers who ignore sex abuse cases: Cameron vows to end ‘culture of denial’ around the issue.
“Government decided to act following revelations of Rotherham scandal.
“At least 1,400 children were abused in area between 1997 and 2013.
“Children as young as 11 raped by multiple people, abducted and trafficked.
“Council staff were scared to report the abuse for fear of seeming racist.
“Prime Minister is to condemn the ‘warped’ sense of political correctness.”
Read more:
The “culture of denial” is exactly what the BBC spends billions of our pounds creating and reinforcing.
We deny there’s any link between Muslims and child abuse, we deny islamic sharia law permits sex with children, we deny the abusers are muslim, we deny The prophet Mohammed married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her when she was nine, we deny anything’s happening, deny, deny, deny.
Of course, Beeboids will imply that THEIR OWN ‘political correctness’ advocacy
is somehow different, but it isn’t.
Five years in jail? Five years too late.
Compared with the sympathy the BBC gave 3 muslim ‘English’ girls who went to Syria………………
The three ISIS bitches get support from the Socialist Worker Party whose standpoint frequently determines BBC policy.
The girls went off to fight the Syrian dictator and western bombings.
Moslems are being radicalised. The worker’s party (and hence the BBC) support Isis.
I wouldn’t even use “Socialist Wanker” as toilet paper, so vile is that rag.
BBC still giving CAGE a platform on the main 1 o’clock news.
CAGE = Islam Not BBC (INBBC) mouthpiece on Islam.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) must know this-
“UK Muslim ‘human rights campaigner’ caught on video backing jihad”
The BBC usually has never met a petition and campaign it doesn’t like, especially from this merry band…
Just have to see how ‘news’ or ‘not news’ it turns out to be. Their help on PR can make quite a difference.
Not helping of course may raise questions on the power of the BBC to make or break such things at whim, plus that conflict of interest issue it struggles with.
BBC World at One giving extensive coverage to the latest paedophile scandal, this time it’s Oxford’s turn. We are lucky that over 10 years ago the BBC quashed rumours that it had anything to do with the Religion of Peace.
I can only share the BBC’s current bafflement and have no idea what these scandals have in common and why certain parts of the country seem immune.
“…I can only share the BBC’s current bafflement and have no idea what these scandals have in common and why certain parts of the country seem immune.”
Although such befuddled mystification on the part of our Common Purpose State Broadcaster becomes ever-more precarious to maintain as inconvenient facts keep manoeuvring themselves past that rather large pachyderm – for some unfathomable reason – parked in the centre of the room.
BBC journalism at its finest.
Step 1: Suppress news
Step 2: Manage news
Step 3: Move on. Quickly.
Step 1a) ,Step 2a), Step 3a): Re-write history.
they’re bought and paid for, just like wminster, whitehall etc.
A joy to see Gavin Esler showing himself up for the vacuous empty-headed Beeboid slipper muncher for Islam.
Only the BBC could make Nick Griffin appear to be the embodiment of an Old Testament Prophet…the BBC really ARE that thick.
Maybe now Cameron could get Esler put in chokey for a few years for wilfully denying the reality of child abuse when it was clearly pointed out to him by a “concerned parent and citizen”.
Make an example of the scrote-let Kermode get another slipper sucker to buddy up for his awful fillum reviews show!
At the High Court today :-
“The mass industrial scale on which [hacking] was done [at MGN] makes the NotW look like a cottage industry and a small one at that”
No doubt the BBC are preparing an in depth report on this…….aren’t they?
And what about that pompous dick Leveson ? All very quiet when you consider how Murdock and co were treated.
The bBC 1pm News headline recap “Over 370 girls may have been groomed by gangs of *men* in Oxfordshire”.
As a man I find it unacceptable to be included in the same group as this bunch of deviants, just as someone who is Japanese or Chinese would feel when the same bunch of deviants are described by the bBC as ‘Asian’.
Of course the implied language is that all men are bad, lets have some bloody honesty here bBC, none of those ‘men’ pictured look anything like the majority of ‘men’ in this country, but they do look like the majority of ‘men’ who are arrested in this country for such crimes…
The Police “Didn’t know”, the local authorities “Didn’t know”, the local media “Didn’t know”, the National media “Didn’t know”, the BBC “Didn’t know”, the Health Authorities “Didn’t know”, the local government “Didn’t know”. There should be more of these so called “Public Servants” who “Didn’t know” being sent to prison than the perpetrators! Everyone knew for years you pathetic bunch.
Quite right.
And whilst the acts were outrageous, the cover-up beggars belief in respect of scale and callousness.
Hence these risible denials of which you speak.
If they “didn’t know” then they are incompetent, as it is is their duty to know. If they did know but failed to act, then they may be guilt of criminal conspiracy and collusion. But either way – unfit for purpose and accountable for their (in)action.
Ian, as I’m sure you’re aware the former scenario is implausible. I realise the point you’re making is that there is no acceptable excuse in any case.
Re. The Old Bloke’s point that no-one knows nuffink.
It does make you wonder how far standards must have fallen at Eton and Oxbridge in recent times.
Some basic information on Islam, which INBBC self-censors:-
‘Islam and Sex-Slavery’
– part of archive at ‘Jihadwatch’-
Warning! Something positive about BBC radio.
Listening to R4Ex yesterday afternoon, waiting, waiting waiting for Mel Giderich to stop going off at a tangent and giving clips of what was coming up in the next 30-60 mins. Gave up in sheer frustration and tuned to R4.
Caught the end of the Miners and Bill Bragg, noted how one speaker admitted that with cheaper oil, the days of coal and coal mining were were numbered.
Next up; Beyond Belief’ and Purgatory
Towards the end of the programme, the Catholic church and paying lots of money to reduce time in Purgatory came up. The premise is that we all will spend time in this state but by getting the priests to pray for you, by either you or relatives giving them loads of money the time is reduced and you can pop along to Heaven.
Loved the analogy given by the Catholic priest, that it is similar to using lots of fuel, creating greenhouse gases etc. providing you give a charity money to create ”carbon credits’
Thus you can fly around the world and assuage your guilt by getting someone to plant a couple of trees for you!
The BBC being balanced an’ all, or so we’re told, does anyone know who their right wing equivalent is to Billy Bragg so – you know – we can hear an alternative view like it was Labour that closed more mines than Mrs T, the mineworkers were the shock troops of a violent trades union movement which believed it ran the country, that Scargill was hell bent on bringing down the government and didn’t give a stuff for his members, the NUM’s links to Gadaffi and the USSR, that the top nationalised industries were constantly going on strike to leapfrog each other in the wages stakes, what life was like without heating and light when there was a coal shortage etc etc?
Asim Qureshi and CAGE, islamist propagandists, still getting airtime
on BBC news 24. Another day, another bunch of young muslims radicalised assisted by the moral relativism at the BBC.
Wonders never cease! Radio Five “gets much worse” Live has finally managed a reference to the Rotherham child abuse scandal. Yesterday morning Rachel Burden referred to the scandal and even admitted that the grooming had been carried out by a Pakistani gang, a theme that was continued by Adrian Chiles at ten o’clock. This morning, in the context of the government’s announcement that council workers and other professionals who fail to report suspicions of child abuse may be prosecuted, Ms Burden again referred to the Rotherham and Oxfordshire child abuse scandal and stated that in both cases the grooming had been carried out by Pakistani gangs. I shouted for joy over my muesli! But why the change of approach you may be asking yourselves? It was noteworthy that on both occasions the Breakfast Programme was hosted by Rachel Burden and Claire McDonnell. Could it be that as they are both women and mothers, they felt that something needed to be said? Would there have been a different approach if Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell was a co-host, especially as in the past he has corrected listeners who identify this crime with the Asian community, by stating that “we do not know that as yet.” Or am I reading too much into this matter? This is an important development, and the Breakfast Programme will find it difficult in the future to keep a lid on this, now that “the genie is out of the bottle.”
At nine o’clock Rachel Burden hosted a live debate on the question of whether the police are no longer bothering to investigate thefts, particularly burglaries. One of the callers was a policeman named Ian, who argued that the police were doing their best under difficult circumstances. When Rachel referred to the situation in Rotherham, after being earlier informed by the Children’s Commissioner that when these young girls went to a police station in the middle of the night in a distressed state their complaints were ignored as it was considered to be a “lifestyle choice,” Ian simply said that the staff could not prevent the girls leaving the home “and the police had to pick up the pieces.” That remark beggars belief, but unfortunately Burden did not pursue this point with Ian, which was disappointing. The problem is that the police, like other public bodies, have come to regard themselves as “stakeholders” (a terrible word which always reminds me of vampires!) in the creation and support of the so-called multi-cultural society, which has resulted in a blind eye being turned to the activities of some minority communities. I am really upset at the way in which the police handled the Rotherham and Oxfordshire scandals, because I was always brought up to respect them, as my late father was a special constable and very proud to serve in their ranks.
On a final note, why has the government taken so long to announce criminal sanctions against persons in authority who ignore allegations of child abuse? I hope Burden and McDonnell will pursue this line of questioning in the coming days.
why has the government taken so long
Errr…there’s an election due?
Emily Maitless BBC News 24. Blatant left wing bias. Just STFU Emily!
Emily reports that up to 60 Democrats may ‘boycott’ the address to Congress by the Prime Minister of the only democratic functional state in the middle east, Israel. Evidently, Emily believes that this embarasses Benjamin Netanyahu. Perhaps Emily, it is to the eternal shame of the 60 ‘Democrats’, that they will not attend to listen to what the Prime Minister of Israel has to say. Democrats by name, childish populists by nature.
Emily Maitless advertises an Islamist hashtag in the lead up to the Netanyahu address. Al-Beeb. We’ll I’ve got a # for Emily.
Our Emily is of a Jewish background. She might want to consider the one place on Earth where she would be welcome and given refuge in the event of the dystopian future than the BBC and their ilk seem to relish the prospect of. Here’s a hint, Emily: Benjamin Netanyahu is the PM there.
Maitlis is self-loathing – in the mould of Karl Marx, Noam Chomsky, Michael Rosen and Jo Brand. ‘Nuff said.
BBC Radio 4 asks is the news bad for us? Probably as a follow on to the same article in the Guardian, which stays more on track perhaps.
It doesn’t take long for the program to degenerate into an call for stories about Islamic atrocities to be played down on the basis that there is so much coverage that it makes people depressed, feel negative, and become Islamofauxbic !
Sounds like a bit of call swarming from Hope Not Hate.
Regards the bBC coverage of the PM speaking about how White children suffered sex abuse on ‘industrial scale at the hands of Pakis
The bBC has as a counter to the PM a statement from Labour:
“Labour has criticised the plans as a “missed opportunity”, saying the government is not going far enough.
Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper called on the government to create a new offence of child exploitation, saying: “We need a radical overhaul of our child protection system, but I fear this is a missed opportunity to get all the reforms we need.” Labour also wants to see the introduction of mandatory reporting, which would impose a legal duty to report child abuse.”
Really bBC? lets have a closer look at when the vast majority of these rapes took place shall we:
Rotherham 1997 and 2013.
Oxford 2004 and 2012.
Rochdale 2005 and 2013.
Derby 2008 and 2009
Telford 2007-2009
There are many others, Keighley, Northumberland, Birmingham,Blackpool, London,West Yorkshire.All of these paedophiles decided to rape white children between 1997 and 2010. Now who were in power? not only that but most of these areas are run by labour councils and the bBC gives these idiots the time to complain that this government which has had to clear up their mess isn’t doing enough. Note, not once in all of the above does the bBC refer to these pious Islamic men as….Paedophiles.
The bBC, the apologists for the morally corrupt left
Another Climate Change propaganda and censorship fest: Horizon at 9pm on BBC 4 tomorrow (Wednesday): This could be the documentary I heard about, in which the names and addresses of the production team have been leaked, and could be released in response to the futility of complaining to the BBC.
Also, Farage Fans & UKIP Lovers: on C5 at 10pm tomorrow (Wednesday).
‘Political correct’ attitudes dominate U.K political class,e.g judiciary, three main politcal parties, most teachers, police, social workers, MSM (inc Beeboids).
Attitudes/policies involves advocacy of mass immigration, and the colonisation of British society.
Islam, despite its tenets and history, is given special preferential deference.
In the latest publicly exposed Muslim gang sex crimes against white girls in England, the political class in not really criticising its own ‘political correctness;’ – it is suggesting mere tweaks in implementation of more ‘political correctness’ in future.
And its dangerous dogma remain in control of British society. And we see the results.
Sound summary. But the salient questions are:
-do the masses realise this?
-can it be arrested before chaos ensues?
I can’t find this very disturbing comment on INBBC online Oxford report:
‘Sky News’-
“Another [girl] told the authorities:
‘The Asian men felt they ran Oxford. That was exciting. People were afraid of them.
I felt protected. People respected them.’ ”
The bBC and its leftwing Islamofacist inspired hatred of anything Jewish:
Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu – Iran a ‘global threat’
The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned that Iran poses a “threat to the entire world”, in a contentious speech to the US Congress…..He acknowledged that his speech was controversial and insisted that he was not meddling in internal US politics. His speech to Congress was arranged without consulting the White House, which reacted with irritation. The White House had complained that the speech was interfering in domestic politics by trying to swell domestic opposition to any Iran deal. It also comes just two weeks before Mr Netanyahu will fight for re-election in Israel.
On their rolling news page the bBC posts this twee from their man watching in washington:
Really bBC as ITV report the facts with a video which shows the bBCs Paul Adam is a liar:
Standing ovation for Israel’s Netanyahu in US Congress
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic intolerance, terrorism and the reason why Anti-Semitism is rife in the UK.
Oh look another anti-Semitic tweet from the bBC
Let’s not stick to the facts, shall we?
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is speaking to the US Congress. Or, as it is currently described on the BBC’s home page (4.53pm): ‘Israel’s Prime Minister says Iran threatens “the entire world”, as he begins a contentious address to the US Congress.’ (my emphasis). Clicking on the article reveals some choice insights into the BBC hive mindset – these three quotes all next to each other:
“This is a direct intervention in US politics. He wants Congress to vote down a deal if it gets the chance.” (Twitter from Jeremy Bowen).
“Iran has ‘voracious appetite for aggression’ and is ‘gobbling up four countries’ are both wild exaggerations in #NetanyahuSpeech” (Ian Black, Guardian’s Middle East Editor).
“#Bibispeech really not munch new in Bibi’s speech. he has been saying this for yonks. No new beef. No new detail. Same hyperbole” (Peter Beaumont, Jerusalem correspondent, Guardian and Observer).
Fortunately the US Congress comprises men and women with better judgement than the BBC/Guardian/Observer (why do they 3 separate ‘trading’ names?) – they’ve just given Bibi a standing ovation.
And the bBC continues with its Jihad Mohammed can only be a victim stance:
Emwazi father ‘in state of shock’
Let me get this right:
Mohammed: Was a knife carrying thug in London who was arrested a number of times over violent assaults
Mohammed: was deported from Africa after trying to join Al Shabab in 2010
Mohammed: was deported from Kuwait
Mohammed: Hung around with Jihadsists
Mohammeds: Younger brother followed in his footsteps
Mohammed: As did (And still does) Sister
Mohammeds: Mother knew he was the butcher of ISIS
Mohammed: His father believed after all of the above his wayward son was doing charity work in Turkey and he informs the bBC he is Shocked.. Yes bBC makes you wonder why a somebody who claimed asylum as he was kicked out of Kuwait in 1993 is currently in….Kuwait.
The bBC, the apologists for Islamic terrorism
Listened to first 20 mins of PM R4 in car on way home.
Lead story is the Oxford child abuse scandal. Lots of coverage and long interviews with social workers, criticism that the “authorities” were at fault.
Not a single mention however that the abusers were a muslim gang. No mention of the role of islam and how under sharia law having sex with children is not illegal.
Censorship by the thought police plain and simple.
It’s more simple than just paedophilia being permitted under Sharia; kaffirs have no rights in Islam: unless they are dhimmis, Muslims can do whatever they want to them, non-believers are regarded as filth in Islam. If you look at how terribly kaffir females are treated in Muslim countries, it should be no surprise to see how Muslims treat kaffir females in the dar-al-harb, especially when the authorities there allow them to act with impunity.
Well-the bBC have pounded the walls over child sex abuse-flurries of foment over processes, failures by the states bloodhounds like teachers and social workers-failures of bureaucracy, lack of training, money-oh those poor victims…
Yada yardie!
Got to hand it to the BBC shapeshifters and narrative nonces…to go for hours at a stretch without mentioning that big f***in Islamic green pachyderm in the room is quite an achievement.
To spout for hours without mentioning the Koran toting mahoots that ride that Islamic green pachyderm as Muslim men in Islamic gangs who wave their willies at the white childrens home trash…well, you can only admire the line of thought that links Jihad John to an eggy MI5 handler from years back…but can`t link hundreds of white girls in “Labour Council care” with the religion, the Bangladeshi/Pakistani origins and Koranic imperative to f*** our girls and screw us all over afterwards.
Just a minute?…just a Day?….where the BBC can do these Oxford, Derby,Rotherham, Blackpool, Rochdale, Dewsbury,Oldham stories on a monthly basis-but can not see any link between Islamic rapist supremacy in action-white girls we dump into Labours steamy windows-and the Religion of the pervy perps…ISLAM-as practiced by MUSLIM MEN-got that you BBC gimpies?
Where have all the big charities such as the NSPCC and Dr Barnardo’s been all these years? Surely they would have been aware of all the child rape and abuse. They are continually asking us for donations, perhaps its time they put all that money to good use?
Oh, they knew about it all right. But they were part of the conspiracy to minimise the scale of what had been happening and to deny which community was primarily responsible.
Becca – Did you mean, why have not all these influential people not spoken out more loudly or done more to prevent the spread of this Muslim prevalent offending like Javid Khan the Pakistani head of Dr Barnados:
or Nazir Afzal, the Crown Prosecution Service’s lead on child sexual abuse:
or were you also talking about why the BBCs Aaqil Ahmed, the practicing Muslim Commissioning Editor Religion and Head of Religion & Ethics has not not done more to highlight the offending:
Charlatans – all of them, including Children in Need !
We have been reading about this “Child exploitation on an industrial scale” its been on this website for a long time time !
On the deals website hotukdealsuk, there is a deal at Aldi for a TV simulator which is a device with coloured LEDS which simulates the flickering of a TV screen and is used to give burglars the impression someone is in & watching TV.
The most liked comments on what is not a politicised site are rather telling & amusing.
Be careful, if the BBC have their way they’ll be insisting you have a license for this soon.
It’s probably more interesting than what is actually on TV and doesn’t need a licence!
Enforced subrcription to state sponsored tv is against human rights. Nobody has to have a tv license, they choose to get one because they are brainwashed into thinking they must. The fear of getting “caught” is greater than the saving for many. When the salesman from the paedophilic organisation come knocking you simply tell them you dont require one……
I hope that people who buy these realise that for a fake TV, you need a fake TV license and for a very small fee, I will make one for you.
Etc etc !
I’ve seen one of these devices and it was actually very good, certainly better than watching the BBC. There was far less bias, plus the coverage on topics such as Islam, Global Warming and Waycism was far more informative. The BBC should be worried about this superior competition.
The father of the mad beheader has now been interviewed and the poor man is in a state of shock.. BBC very concerned.
They should waterboard him and get some information as to the whereabouts of his son.
It is now clear that both the father and the mother knew it was their son as soon as they saw the first video – many months ago. Yet they failed to inform the police.
They should be deprived of any right to reside in the UK. Of all people, surely the Kuwaitis should be grateful to the hated West -led by the Great Satan the US and backed by Britain – for releasing their country from Saddam .
“Of all people, surely the Kuwaitis should be grateful to the hated West -led by the Great Satan the US and backed by Britain – for releasing their country from Saddam.”
That’s a very good point. If not for the West, Kuwaities would have been slaughtered and the survivors dispossessed of their oil and living under the yoke of Saddam and sons.
On current evidence, gratitude to hosts and/or saviours does not seem to rate highly with many new guests to these shores.
“Of all people, surely the Kuwaitis should be grateful to the hated West”
No. Just look at the French. Not much gratitude there – more of a post-war resentment toward the Anglo-Saxon world.
Can anyone honestly say the last 25 years have been the better with us sticking our noses in Arab affairs ? Civil war in Iraq and Syria, IS, Arab ‘spring’ Libya, mass ‘refugees’ on our shores. Terrorism in our country. How in all honesty could it have been worse ?
BBC Children in the UK have suffered sexual abuse on an “industrial scale” PM Camoron
“industrial scale child gang rape, of non Muslim children”
Estimates are over a million victims
In towns and cities all over Britain
As pronounced on the BBC in many places now “the norm”
Yet still the BBC protects the glaringly obvious reason for it.
Today slapping the table over “the authorities”, why WHY? etc.
The latest of an ever growing list today, 5 Pakistanis 2 Middle Eastern … but hey could have been Somalian, or Bangladeshi, Afghan or Turkish, Kurdistan nationals
One undeniable link … BBC is mystified
A price well-worth paying in the minds of the state media muppets, so they can feel good about themselves and see a racist country destroyed (whilst simultaneously enjoying the trappings of generous pay, holidays, expenses and pensions).
Let us the remember the aim of the cultural Marxists was to make the west so rotten it stinks.
It’s certainly beginning to give off something of a noxious odour.
Has anyone heard the BBC interview Hacked Off re the Mirror, People and Sunday Mirror phone hackings? Like, you’d think they’d be calling for at least one of them to be closed down – but if not, why not?
MP Tom Watson has gone uncharacteristically quiet, hasn’t he? He was never off the tv when Murdoch was in the firing line.
BBC North West Some men… child abuse…something ….Rochdale….rape. Yep North West 18:30 Blink and you’ll miss it squeezed in at 18:50 so obviously not very important. I think this is what they were referring to.
neither here nor there. and now the weather..
“The BBC wants to slap a POLL TAX on EVERYONE in BLIGHTY.
“Director-General Tony Hall lays out plan for world domination.”
they might as well go the whole hog (no pun intended) and levy a dhimmi tax on behalf of UK Islamia.
If the ‘Industrial Scale’ of abuse on young vulnerable muslim girls had taken place in Pakistan cities, and had been committed by organised gangs of white Christian males of British heritage over many years….
… would the BBC have reacted to that?
It is quite depressing listening to the BBC news. All the usual stuff, ‘lessons to be learned’, ‘need for training’, ‘change of culture’ etc.
One can see the what is the greatest social/political scandal of the last 100 years being gradually blended out into the background noise. What problem?
The scum, and I don’t use the word lightly, that run our politics, police, media and social services have deliberately imported an alien people and aided and abetted its culture whilst willfully destroying our own culture and its values formed over centuries. Yet this doesn’t get hardly a mention. Those Saudis must pay very well.