Monday arrives and so does this new Thread. Anyone catch an interview with an Amnesty spokesman on Today this morning. He was wriggling like mad trying to distance his organisation from the Jihad apologists in Cage and was lobbed far too many soft ball questions. The BBC treats Amnesty with kid gloves and I can recall doing a BBC debate with Moazzam Beggs. He was accompanied to the studio by the local Amnesty Rep.
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Watching Paint Dry is BBC Notion of Good TV
Since the BBC has blocked out any dynamics that would see them making creative and interesting programmes, they’ve borrowed an idea from Norway realising they can provide hours of TV viewing for very little cost and offer their viewers an excuse for doing so.
Anybody who would actually watch a barge going downstream on TV for hours, instead of going out for a country walk themselves, really needs their head examined, but this is what the BBC think of as providing quality TV.
What bullshit will they come up with next?
Perhaps just a small light in the centre of the TV, like we used to get when we switched off a TV, and they can call it meditation.
Nah, that’s too creative for them, but it would be an improvement over their usual content.
Not exactly fast-forward: BBC launches ‘slow TV’ season that includes two-hour film of a canal boat trip with no voiceover
*BBC Four Goes Slow series also features three-hour National Gallery tour
*Third programme will see half-hour shows on traditional craftsmanship
*Series designed to relax viewers has been inspired by ‘slow TV’ in Norway
*This has included 12 hours on knitting and a seven-hour train journey
I think people underestimate the challenges involved in this type of programming. Somehow the BBC have to make this voiceless barge journey reflect modern, vibrant, diverse, multicultural Britain. Will ethnic minorities be fully represented? Same sex couples? The disabled? The faithful at prayer? How will Britain’s industrial child abuse heritage, so recently highlighted by David Cameron, be reflected? Global warming? It’s not easy, people, but I’m sure the BBC “have got it just about right” with this one.
You’re mistaking the beeb for a legitimate broadcasting organisation. It is nothing of the sort.
It exists for propaganda purposes and as a gravy train.
Another way of looking at it is one big pension fund and expense account, with tv, radio and web production facilities tagged-on.
At any rate the output is necessarily going to be overwhelmingly shit, which of course it manifestly is.
For anybody who wondered why Obama, the Democrats and the BBC Beehive moochers and Murdering Mo`s were so pissed off and angry and Bibis daring to talk to the US Congress-here`s the reason!
The man is as real and truthful as those who hate him are lying shills for Islam, Iran, Hamas, IS etc.
No wonder there`s no reporting or analysis of what he says-every word burns home to the soul.
And what scares me is that The Israeli PM clearly knows that there were vipers in that room-a lot of cheers and ovations is more Blair crap-Israel WILL have to stand alone yet!
The likes of Bowen, the liberal elite never looked more venal and cringing.
No wonder the elite will do anything to lose Netenyahu…
So true. Kevin Connolly was ‘reporting’ on Outside Source yesterday, mocking Netanyahu – who is ten times the man Connolly would ever be.
If I can bear to recall his smug attack on the PM, I’ll post about it below.
“BBC interview of December 16 rapist kicks up storm”
Meanwhile, Beeboids are making a big political thing of International Women’s Day…
Some in the BBC are doing the right thing. This interview with a jihadi turned British agent is excellent.
It seems a genuine account. Without any self serving ‘muslims as victim’.
Well done the Beebers behind this. I hope it doesn’t blight their career prospects. And well done the brave spy who followed his conscience.
It was an excellent programme – the man gives a clear and coherent account of how his views changed.
For Beeboids to censor: non-white racism.
“Was it a hate crime? Fears gangs of Asian paedophiles who preyed on hundreds of vulnerable white girls were racially motivated as PM brands it ‘abuse on an industrial scale’ ”
Read more:
“Oxfordshire child abuse gangs trafficked girls to Coventry”
Bibi Netanyahu is a statesmen and a true leader.
“Netanyahu is a statesmen and a leader …
Obama and Cameron are weak, self-serving,
compromised, ignorant, slogan-spouting
pygmies by comparison.”
R Spencer
Anyone catch the beneath contempt quislings given
airtime by both Ch4 and the BBC on their, news the bleating
boycott, and derision by 56 Democratic members of Congress.
Example of the BBC
“There’s an old saying that something is “about as welcome as a bacon sandwich at a Barmitzvah”.
It’s probably not the correct metaphor to describe Barack Obama’s feelings about Bibi’s presence in Congress today”
erm … NOT the BBC
Just wondering, is there any other country in the ME whose leader stands for election, where elections are fair, and if the leader loses the election he clears his desk and goes into peaceful, democratic opposition?
While INBBC appeases Islamic interests, this is what Israel PM, Netanyahu, in the front-line, has to say-
“Netanyahu Risks All To Address Congress, Sees the Threat of ‘Apocalyptic Islam.’”
“We have been told that no deal is better than a bad deal. Well this is a bad deal. It is a very bad deal. We are better off without it,”
B Netanyahu
‘The days when the Jewish people remain passive in the face of genocidal enemies – those days are over.’
Interesting, given:
Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program
Boring snoring Frank Gardiner (sp?) giving a moue of distaste on NAT that it’s a crime to want to go off and fight for ISIS but not a crime to go off and fight against ISIS.
Dear dopey defence droid, the RAF have been bombing ISIS.
Hope this helps.
Yeah, i just saw that. So its his and the opinion of the bbc thenthat anybody that goes to fight for the Kurds against isis should get their collars felt by plod when they get home. Just like so called British people that go to fight for isis.
Yep! The droid was complaining about impartial standards by the British government on this. It just made me feel nauseous watching that prick spouting off in the manner that he did on a news channel that is supposed to be impartial in its journalism when it now seems that they are defending that evil, murderous scum isis.
Some serious questions are going to have to be asked about most of the bbc journalists, who are getting away with pushing their own left wing political agenda blatantly in front of millions of us watching a national news broadcast.
This is totally unacceptable, and action needs to be taken against it now from the highest level.
Saw that Gardiner saying it’s different for people going off to fight against the so called / self styled ISIS.
However loosely you want to define it the Kurds are fighting for and as a part of the legally elected government of Iraq. Foreign volunteers fighting for them would therefore be fighting for a friendly alley of Britain. IS as we know is not a legal entity and therefore people fighting for it are illegally fighting against the legal governments of Iraq and Syria.
BBC Children in the UK have suffered sexual abuse on an “industrial scale” PM Camoron
“industrial scale child gang rape, of non Muslim children”
Estimates are over a million victims
In towns and cities all over Britain
As pronounced on the BBC in many places now “the norm”
Yet still the BBC protects the glaringly obvious reason for it.
Today slapping the table over “the authorities”, why WHY? etc.
The latest of an ever growing list today, 5 Pakistanis 2 Middle Eastern … but hey could have been Somalian, or Bangladeshi, Afghan or Turkish, or Kurdistani nationals
One undeniable link … and the BBC is deliberately wilfully mystified?
“Easy Meat”: Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex Slavery
Click to access Easy-Meat-Multiculturalism-Islam-and-Child-Sex-Slavery-05-03-2014.pdf
Shock. Hold the press. Wow. Rare as a lunar eclipse. Professional journalism from the BBC – and it ain’t Brillo!
Short but sweet from Richard Watson on Newsnight.
Good work Richard.
But don’t worry. Bias and moral relativism with a dusting of ignorance and a large dollop of narrative returns with the coverage of the address to Congress by the Prime Minister of Israel.
The elephant in the room is getting bigger and bigger and is gradually becoming more visible. Shortly the penny will drop and all the government bodies and Al Beeb will say is …
There are lessons to be learned ?
Its time to get rid of this government.
Any one for global warming ?
What is ‘news’ or not news can define the next ‘news’ cycle.
Whatever the political motivations, one cannot help but note how the msm seeks to control what people hear. Or do not, and selectively.
Also the quaint notion that the internet does not exist.
Quick Note :-
Anyone notice the BBC News change of tack this morning?
After reports by Bham MP that he considers over 2000 have gone to Syria to mass murder for Allah, another it could easily double that.
BBC reports Erik Scurfield, from Barnsley, (former Royal Marine) with has been killed in Syria, fighting against ISIS.
… So erm come on, people rushing!, over in growing numbers to Syria … could be erm fighting … against … nothing to do with, so called, not the Islamic ISIS … relax … nothing to see … put it out of your mind entirely.
With three-quarters of our legislation coming from Brussels there’s not a great deal left for our MPs to do. ‘You’d be surprised how much free time I have’. Not really, Right Honourable Gentlemen, I wouldn’t – not when I hear on BBC tv news that there’s a ‘committee of MPs’ looking into the disadvantage of summer babies vis a vis winter babies.
Now the BBC does love a supposed grievance and I predict this won’t be the last we hear of this gumpf.
A common purpose-style she-comrade comes on and tells us we ought to ‘age-adjust tests’.
The BBC sofa bunnies have their main attention on the upcoming new Poldark puff piece and something about a female snooker player, so they nod and accept the premise because the Citizeness seems pretty convincing. Gosh, the Beeboids must be well used to nodding and agreeing at many a staff training seminar.
The only problem with age-adjusting tests that our Willy Turned-Ball can see is that this obviously good idea might ‘take years to implement’.
Ah the bug bear of the ‘progressive’ vis a vis the out and out marxist – it does take time, don’t it Bill….
Having accepted we ought to adjust for age – what next to adjust for?
What other supposed inequalities are to be ironed out by positive discrimination?
I would like to say RIP to Alan Cartwright and condolences to his family.
Reminds of a murder near to my home – Luke Fitzpatrick in 2012.
another racist murder by a black mob
see the bbc article here – with no photos of the convicted
see the local paper version here —
The white working class are being attacked on a daily basis. My daughter was bullied at school for having blue eyes.
This fucking country !
RIP Luke and Alan
Tony Livesey gave us an insight into BBC 5 Live office culture and the house view of ‘Englishness’ with his off the cuff remark:
“I don’t see why we need to express our nationality, we’re only English by default”
I now boycott the station but I used to notice Scotsman Nicky Campbell and various plastic paddy female presenters up there in Salford had a somewhat more nuanced attitude to their own perceived national heritage.
What can we expect from a broadcast corporation with a lefty PC global ambition but a tad embarrassed that its funding comes from the English? Bite the hand that feeds. Best pretend England doesn’t exist. Play up this movable mix and match concept of nationality.
This fits: “In Lemn Sissay’s Homecoming the poet, author and broadcaster Lemn Sissay explores what “home” means through poetry, conversation and stand-up. Home is surely not just a physical location – it’s people, memories, feelings. It’s not home if you don’t belong there; that’s just where you live”
(could have been our Tony talking)
“Lemn Sissay is the author of five collections of poetry” … but Tony Livesey author of crap radio beat him to it.
OT but related…
Seems a bunch of the BBC’s BFF’s are falling out.
On a more serious, practical note, the precedent to free speech & debate is a worry. Or maybe not, unless certain accusations are deemed libelous and others protected, depending on who and what.
Anyone seen the front page of the Times?
“Call for national debate on Muslim sex grooming”. The paper quotes a landmark report which points out “a disproportionate number of muslim men… Are being convicted of using and selling young teenagers for sex”.
Not a single word of that was reported by the BBC. That part of the Serious Case Review was meticulously censored by the BBC, yet it’s the most vital bit. That fact is a national scandal.
Islam doesn’t regard sex with children as wrong. Sharia law permits it. It’s not “abuse” – it’s islam. And it’s incompatible with Western, civilised values.
Islam permits sex with under age children, PIE wanted it legalised, Labour covered it up, Saville and others did it on BBC premises, the BBC is still covering up by not acknowledging the perpetrators, and this Conservative led Government have not got the balls to crack down on it.
Basically, the bbc is pretty relaxed about CSA, be it perpetrated by ROP gangs, politicians or indeed its own staff.
That is the only reasonable conclusion to be drawn from the evidence.
Yes, ‘The Times’ today (£):-
“Report calls for debate on Muslim sex grooming”
By Andrew Norfolk, Sam Coates and Matt Dathan.
“An urgent national debate is needed to address the disproportionate number of Muslim men among groups convicted of using and selling young teenagers for sex, according to a landmark report. Failings by police and care professionals led to more than 370 young girls in Oxfordshire falling victim to “conveyor-belt” sex crimes over the past 15 years, a serious case review published yesterday concluded.”
-Front page of ‘The Times’ – scroll here-
Of course, web-sites such as ‘Jihadwatch’ and ‘Pamela Geller’ in U.S, and ‘Biased BBC’ in UK, have been using the accurate term, ‘Muslim sex gangs,’ for some time.
As Truthdoctor points out, the Oxfordshire serious case review was reported in depth by both the BBC and Channel 4 news yesterday. Both channels have a left- wing, pro-immigration bias but at least C4 had the honesty to mention the ethnicity/religion of the perpetrators of the abuse. The BBC never mentioned it once even though the story was top of their TV news schedule.
When will the BBC stop trying to cover up this issue in such a gauche way? Do they think the British public don’t know that gang-led abuse of girls is overwhelmingly a Muslim Asian/Somali on White phenomenon? Do they think that they can somehow hide it from us? There was a big debate about the BBC cover-up at the time when the Rochdale/Derby/ Oxford/Rotherham cases were first reported and yet the BBC’s behaviour persists.
Today R4 seems to be addicted to cheap tricks to further its anti-UKIP agenda.
The QED today was “UKIP immigration policy in confusion”
The only confusion was that created by the BBC.
After the Farage interview, the BBC claimed at least twice that Farage is now “against immigration limit/targets/caps”. This suggests that Farage is now for an “open doors” policy.
He actually said that he was against ARBITRARY limits/targets/caps.
Confused sown, Today team can go home happy.
One can tell, just by the tone and content of any report concerning UKIP, how the BBC and Channel 4 loathe the only sensible political party available to us.
As soon as Nigel starts to speak (despite the barbed interruptions), all becomes clear – his tone, his message, and his charisma always comes across both on radio and television.
They don’t like it, do they?
No, Humphreys, in the interests of BBC partiality, even gave the Chancellor a quick opportunity to malign UKIP at the end of his interview. Sniffy, sneering tone about “returning nornality to immigration”. Even Dr. Goebbels would have got bored repeating the same lies so monotonously.
INBBC has politically decided today to end national online references to:
a.) Islamofascist beheader Emwazi;
b.) Muslim sex gangs in England.
This INBBC decision will suit certain Islamic and ‘leftist’ interests.
In contrast, ‘Daily Mail’ today-
“Jihadi John family’s 20 years on benefits:
“How it’s cost taxpayers up to £400k to house fanatic and his relatives in upmarket areas.
“Mohammed Emwazi’s family granted asylum in 1996 after leaving Kuwait.
“They have since lived in five homes, one of which was worth £450 per week.
“Neither his father Jasem, 51, nor mother Ghaneya worked while in Britain.
“Westminster City Council is still paying rent on family’s £600,000 flat.
“One landlord described the family as ‘parasites’ and ‘tenants from hell.’
“MPs blasted family for ‘abusing hospitality’ and say payouts are ‘disgrace.'”
Read more:
Mass immigration’s great for the economy. This nice family prove that point.
Just think how many local housing officers, private landlords and sec-services personnel they have kept busy over the years.
I just read BBC online news story of the Oxford report’s “key findings”. The words “muslim” or “Pakistani” do not appear at all. Not once.
I then looked at the actual OSCB report itself. The word “muslim” appears 4 times. The word “Pakistani” appears 20 times.
The report says the perpetrators are mainly muslim and says;
“This needs to be researched and understood at a national level given both its importance and the sensitivities of any conclusions. It cannot be parked as too potentially sensitive or inflammatory to peruse openly at that level”. (Para 8.79)
The BBC is guilty of the most despicable censorship and is doing the exact opposite of what the report calls for. The BBC is wilfully concealing important key findings from the public to serve its own left, liberal politically correct agenda.
In so doing it is putting children at risk.
BBC NHS News Channel: 10.10am. Outrageous interview with Nigel Farage by Norman Smith; constantly trying to portray Farage as having done a U-turn on immigration ‘target’; simply spoiling Farage’s message on the day when he makes a big speech. Having given Farage no opportunity whatsoever to make a sensible point, Norman is now being ‘interviewed’ by Anita McVeigh – trying to say that voters will be totally confused by Farage. They won’t be; and they won’t be in any doubt over Norman’s views, either.
Alternative report to biased Beeboid SMITH’s usual anti-UKIP, pro- Labour, stance-
“UKIP To Reveal Oz-Style Immigration Policy.
“The party’s points-based system will be complemented by a new quango charged with cutting net migration to the UK.”
Of course, in such ‘interviews’ Beeboids do not state their political vested interest:
-that Beeboids support their trade union, BBC-NUJ, in its continual political campaigning for mass immigration,into U.K -an open-door ‘policy’ for unlimited numbers and types of immigrants.
The voters will be somewhat more confused by the bbc’s blatant bias regarding EU and mass imm, as well as its suppression of Islamic child abuse on a breath-taking scale.
Another reason why BBC-NUJ supports U.K’s E.U membership-
“European Commission still fails to confirm it opposes plans for blasphemy laws against ‘Islamophobia.'”
“The European Commission has still not made a full and unambiguous statement that it would work to block any attempts to stifle criticism of Islam via de facto blasphemy laws touted by Muslim lobby groups in Brussels.”
Just listening to moaners hour on radio 4 and the insane dance around the perpetrators of child rape. At one point the interviewer sheepishly says of course we haven’t mentioned the perpetrators, and in a noticeably hushed & rushed voice whispers “they were Asian” !
NO! they weren’t Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Korean, etc etc They were PAKISTANI MULSIM MEN, and the whole of their community knew what was going on and took a conscious decision not to intervene.
The way that the BBC has tiptoed around this issue shows that the insane Politically Correct thinking in councils like Rotherham is despite the BBC own Paedophile support in the past, alive and well in the corporation. I have no doubt that if a PAKISTANI MUSLIM paedophile gang were operating in the BBC, that it would be covered up and denied in exactly the same way certain left wing council have done.
The inability to address this widespread criminal activity just shows how PC and left wing the BBC is.
The bBC, its continuing whitewashing of ‘Jihad Mohamed’ into being only a victim and not even half the story:
‘Jihadi John’s’ father Jasem Emwazi ‘in state of shock’
The bBC have managed to grab an interview with Jihad Mohameds dad in..Kuwait. Here in the country he ran away from in 1994 in which to find asylum in the UK, we find he has returned in which find safety .
IN the interview the bBC relates how the father is shocked and that for his safety he has been placed in a safe house by the Kuwaiti authorities . Here is what the Guardian newpaper has to say on the matter:
Mohammed Emwazi’s father: no proof my son is Isis executioner
The father of Mohammed Emwazi has been reported as saying there was no proof his son was the Islamic State (Isis) executioner and claiming that a number of “false rumours” were circulating.
Jassem Emwazi told the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Qabas: “There is nothing that proves what is being circulated in the media, especially through video clips and footage, that the accused is my son Mohammed, who is being referred to as the alleged executioner of Daesh (Isis).”
The paper said it spoke to the father of Kuwait-born Emwazi at a secret location. It was his fullest media interview since it emerged that his son was the jihadi who appeared in the videos depicting the killings of several western hostages.
“I have a message to the Kuwaiti people that many of the rumours are false,” he said. “Because I felt that some people have believed it, I have assigned a lawyer to defend me and to prove … that what is being said is untrue.”
And here is what the Daily Mail is saying:
The family fled Kuwait after the first Gulf War, claiming persecution because they were seen to favour the Iraqi invasion in 1990;
They claimed asylum in the UK and won refugee status in 1996;
Five years later they were made British citizens and then started travelling back to Kuwait;
Yet nobody at the bBC has wondered why a family of asylum seekers from Kuwait have run back to Kuwait in which to state that they will sue people for saying their son is a murderer
The bBC, the propaganda arm for intolerant Islam.
This came to me yesterday from BBC Complaints. So now we know…
“The phrase ‘the BBC has learned’ is often used in stories to reveal something which we have obtained information on, but which we will not be revealing the source for.”
“The proles have learned that the bbc has been utterly taking the piss with bias, news suppression, salaries, pay-offs, pensions and expenses over a number of years”.
The phrase is also used when the bbc steals stories from real journalists. Often used in conjunction with ” but the BBC is not able to verify this”.
arrogant shits.
As if they are the fucking arbiters of truth ffs.
‘..often used in stories to reveal something which we have obtained information on, but which we will not be revealing the source for.’
Looking forward to vocal champions of transparency and verification who lurk hereabouts sharing the results of their exchanges with the BBC on this practice.
Slow news day at the bBC. so what better than to fill the time than with a story attacking the US;
How the British misunderstanding of America is growing
Pound to a penny that splitarse Ketty Kay would rather holiday in the US than Russia, South America or any Islamic country. But as a leftwing twat the US is the country to lambaste.
I do like this comment (The third highest)
91. Mac
3RD MARCH 2015 – 8:13
What a disappointing article. The title is a fraud. You neither establish that misunderstanding is growing not offer any explanation of how that may be caused. And then you go on to tar all Americans with the gun culture brush, despite the clear divide that exists there. Very poor.
The bBC and its leftwing staff, traitors to the country and our allies.
Funny how the Fascist left always comes up with the excuse especially for their brown eyed boys – well they’re not all like that, but then abandons it when it comes to white people.
I hate the use of this phrase because it’s so mealy mouthed and asinine. It only takes one person out of the worlds population for it to be true, and how do they know that “they’re not all like that” unless they’ve been there and asked every single person?
One lunatic I confronted over this was asked “not all Germans in the 1940s were Nazi supporters, in fact less than 40% voted for them, are you suggesting that we shouldn’t have gone to war against Hitler” – pause to ‘think’ – “No we shouldn’t have fought Hitler because not all Germans were like that”.
A train of thought which can only lead in time to the ‘thinkers’ extermination. (and a good thing too!)