Sack Jeremy Clarkson… working for truth and justice, a fairer society and a BBC that consists entirely of left wingy mush…
Jeremy Clarkson has proved himself to be a deplorable man. His employment with the BBC is funded through licence fees paid by the general public.
We the undersigned do not believe that a warning is sufficient recourse given Mr Clarkson’s previous discriminatory comments and given the public profile that he has.
The only acceptable way in which the BBC can demonstrate it’s top-level commitment to diversity and equality (on and off/screen) is to relieve Mr Clarkson of his position with immediate effect. We trust that the BBC will act with integrity and take the necessary action.
Kind regards,
Reece Williams and Jayne Linney
Like that ‘kind regards”’as they seek to put a man on the dole and his family on the breadline.
Way to go yet….
Top Gear: 300,000 sign petition supporting Jeremy Clarkson
ITV and Sky are queuing up to take over. Incidentally the BBC paid Clarkson £8.4 million for his stake in ‘BBC Worldwide Limited’ (worth £50 million) for BBC licenses to overseas broadcasters for ‘Top Gear’ brand merchandising. The ‘Top Gear’ Limited company dividends alone are £4.86 million/year is the most profitable arm of the BBC – ever. Of course Clarkson can expect a bit more from the BBC than a cold buffet. Clarkson has a right to be angry with both the BBC (TV Director) toadies and the lack of catering at the end of a days shoot is not being unreasonable. If push comes to shove then Danny Cohen is bankrupt stock.
Not sure if anyone’s read this – a brilliantly succinct description of the BBC.
How did I find this? Oisin Tymon (‘victim’ of Clarkson, but states he wasn’t actually hit at all and it’s all been blown out of proportion) retweeted it.
Interesting take and a bit surprising but prob near to the truth..
Next question: Is Jeremy Clarkson an asset or liability? Phil Redmond says there used to be a saying that “what happens on location stays on location”. He says he’s had to stop “two stars rolling around on the floor” in the past. He says he has dealt with all sorts of incidents as a producer. “For Jeremy Clarkson to turn up two hours late by helicopter… something has already gone wrong,” he says.
Mr Redmond points out that making sure the catering is done is one of the most important elements of location shoots especially when your stars “are tired and grumpy”. He suggests BBC director general Lord Hall “will sort things out.”
Posted at 20:26
why is there not a petition to sack Danny Cohen?
So it’s all the fault of the Tories, as usual
A BBC executive has likened Jeremy Clarkson to Jimmy Savile due to the protection the star has been given through support from powerful friends including Prime Minister David Cameron.
An unnamed source at the BBC said Clarkson’s behaviour is helped by support from high-level politicians in a similar way sex offender Savile was once defended.
“The pressure this guy [Tymon] is under is so Savilesque in a way,” the source told the Mail On Sunday.
“‘If you look at what David Cameron says or what [former Culture and Media Secretary] Maria Miller says and you swap Clarkson for Savile, you get this: David Cameron is effectively saying that Savile’s a real talent, Maria Miller saying Savile will be Savile.
Like that ‘kind regards”’as they seek to put a man on the dole and his family on the breadline.
Do you not know that he has been paid many millions?
Daft statement.