A genius (I don’t use that word loosley) piece of parody about the pervasive moral relativism and economic illiteracy of the modern ‘Guardianistas’ and followers of Common Purpose from Stuart Lee, printed in the Guardian itself! So many sucked in by this in so many ways.
Considering the chaos in Graudian / BBC management, Mr Lee appears to have got his article past their Editorial team who must have their eye completely off the ball – or have they?. I’m chuckling so much. Brilliant parody. Or is it? Of course it is. Are you sure?
I know of few people who receive good money from ‘left wingers’ to take the proverbial out of them. Stuart Lee has found a way.
Stuart Lee has made a great piece of humorous writing. As a satirical comedian he does a wonderful job of hitting those targets that are begging for it but are left alone by the run of the mill BBC comedy trusties. I wouldn’t want him to actually manage broadcast policy though. And this seems to be the problem – they let the ‘talent’ sound off about the real issues too much. A wrong tendency which now allows too many caught in that same trap to fall for this Stuart Lee skit.
‘Lawyers love loopholes, and prey on a precedent. If the BBC3 frequency is, unprecedentedly, reallocated, then public broadcasting is holed below the waterline, the whole thing is up for grabs and we’ll lose the very idea of public broadcasting to the free-market fundamentalists within a decade, as surely and shoddily as we lost the Post Office. Maybe BBC3’s would-be buyers and the BBC Trust don’t realise this. Maybe they realise this all too well. Maybe, fundamentalists of the free market, that’s what they want?’
….is where he gets serious and would explain why the Guardian printed the article.
When I was younger I wanted to go off to the former Yugoslavia to fight and protect innocent people – so I ran away from home got as far as Munich met a few girls had some great beers and nights out, realised I was being as silly as a box of frogs went home – my parents didn’t blame the Police or Eurolines and I never got any compo this all seems a bit waycist “is it cos I am white” and is it too late for them to claim I’m sure my mum could do with the cash. Also no Plod even apologised I suppose they was to busy on courses about diversity and other crime fighting stuff like that to bother
Have you tried Public Interest Lawyers? Tell them you went to help the Bosnian muslims and they’ll take a “shine” to you and screw some compo out of the government.
Common Purpose infects the House of Lords. Off topic (not bias) but on the BBC.
BBC Parliament Channel HoL 17th March 2015.
The unsavoury booing, by members of the HoL, when Lord Green of Deddington stated facts and requested further information from the government spokesman Lord Bates (Immigration debate), is a reflection of the generational pollution of our institutions (in this case, Labour peers). What hope is there when basic social issues of demographics, infrastructure and social cohesion are treated with vocalised emotional response, in our House of Lords? What of reason? Of discourse? Of determining the facts, or defining what/whether there is a problem? Of understanding realities and planning strategies ? Of consequences and of solutions? Infrastructure requirements? No.
To engage constructively on behalf of the people would require an acknowledgement of duty combined with a capable brain. Contemptuous behaviour.
So the cream rises to the top? S–t floats more like!
The place is full of tokens and failed M.P’s. They come in have a good sleep and collect their £300 allowance ( tax free).
Nobody should have a position like that for life, they even have convicted criminals sitting there.
“The unsavoury booing, by members of the HoL, when Lord Green of Deddington stated facts and requested further information from the government spokesman Lord Bates (Immigration debate), is a reflection of the generational pollution of our institutions (in this case, Labour peers).”
Very good, except that never happened did it Mr. Angry? There was complete silence in the House whilst Lord Green stated his facts and asked his questions.
There were a few low level groans when Lord Bates began his answer by describing Migration Watch as being; “widely regarded as a balanced think tank….” But these were offset by equally sedate “hear hears”.
There was no “unsavoury booing”.
You’re talking out of your Angrymanupnorthwestpassage.
Good for you Dez, Giving your support to the House of Lords as an institution. You must be a truly loyal monarchist Brit. I might not agree with your POV, but I can respect it and your loyal support for it.
But those who are interested can check the recordings for themselves without us having a ‘Didn’t. Did too.’ word-off . Surely the BBC won’t post edit the sound?
They should be brought back to get extremist rubbish out of their heads? Is that your pathetic solution Cameron? They should never be allowed back. They are treacherous scum.
Major U-turn as BBC discovers new Muslim victims…
Following the murder of Russian politician Boris Nemtsov, the BBC and the rest of the media as good as accused Vladimir Putin of having done it himself, presumably inbetween his regular bouts of baby eating. But now that two Chechen brothers have been arrested (no, we are not talking about the Boston marathon bombing. These are two other Chechen brothers – please keep up at the back) another narrative is required. Step forward the BBC, with a fawning piece about these two new ‘victims’ (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-31909903). In textbook BBC style, the article slowly expands. First they are just brothers, then we learn they are from the northern Caucasus, then Chechnya. A holiday in Egypt is mentioned. Finally, references to mosques, imans, Charlie Hebdo and torture make their predictable and inevitable appearance (bingo! says the BBC sub-editor – got all the buzzwords).
The assasins of Nemtsov and their motives are currently unknown, despite these arrests. But the motives of the BBC seem rather more obvious and nefarious.
I’m always intrigued to see little examples of the office culture in the BBC newsroom. Or, should I say, the banter that the news presenters like to show us – the little off-the-cuff comments, the quipps, the shared humour they think project something of their own personality.
Naturally BBC newscasters have to employ extreme caution when they go off-script. A miss-placed laugh here or an off-colour joke there and they could land themselves and their employer in a whole heap of trouble – not to mention whipping up a Twitter storm.
This morning the News Channel on-air water-cooler moment comes at the end of the business news. A good laugh was had by all at the story about some McDonalds staff legal complaints that they were advised to treat minor work injuries with Macky-Dee’s own products eg. put some mayo on that fat fry burn on your thumb.
Compo heaven to some, a good joke for many.
Oh how the news room trio chuckled.
Can’t help but think that on their pay they have very little to do with this particular fast food outlet. The actual news item was so bereft of detail I couldn’t tell whether this was a UK or a US story.
Since I wasn’t being properly INFORMED, I can only assume I was supposed to be being ENTERTAINED in some sense. Or was the point of the report and more especially the following banter that I was being EDUCATED into the group contempt for this successful supplier of cheap convenience food for the masses.
BBC News has no advance mention of today’s release of inflation data. It used to get major coverage when it better supported the BBC’s political wing agenda of a “Cost of Living Crisis”
Government minister interviewed by Dame Norman Smith notionally about the increase in the minimum wage, but Smithy just wants to talk about rumours the evil Tories are going to bring an increase in the Inheritance Tax threshold back onto the agenda. Contrary to the situation with Rochdale Labour MP Danczuk, who is allowed to talk about historical child abuse by Cyril Smith (with hints of Tory involvement), without being questioned about any efforts he is failing to take to address current wholesale child abuse in his constituency
I feel that is a tad unfair on Simon Danczuk, who has my support in his endeavours. He is only one man and I see him as actively working towards solutions to these problems by attempting to get to the truth.
It appears that The Official Secrets Act has been abused to protect Cyril Smith (and other(s)) from being prosecuted.
Newsnight yesterday evening displayed some real journalistic work (featuring Danczuk), something I haven’t said for some time. So, good work Nick Hopkins and Jake Morris. The web article is here:
Reports of Establishment cover up of paedo rings in parliament/police. Tory / Labour / Lib, who cares? The truth needs to come out, preferably not on a drip drip basis as old Establishment Paedos die out.
To have a hope of developing a culture in our institutions to solve the grass roots issues of CSE, the boil in the heart of our establishment needs to be lanced.
Broadly agree with you about Danzcuk, Angryman, but I don’t think he’s beyond playing it for party political advantage if the opportunity arises. In fact, hasn’t he or his missus already made inferences about this being a Tory problem?
If the MP(s) filmed alongside Cyril Smith in 1981 by the police is/are Tory, then that’s how it is. If they are Labour, so be it (there was a higher proportion of Tories in 1981, so odds are Tory). John Mann was interviewed on the BBC News also today and explained why he won’t state the name(s) of those who (may well) be in the ‘frame’.
Will this story keep its prominence with the MSM?
For the record, I think it’s too easy a shot to infer party political opportunism on Danzcuk’s part. I sincerely believe Mann and Danzcuk (and others) are genuinely looking to uncover the truth, to whoever’s door it may lead. Whilst they may have their socialist confusions, they are diggers. They are their own men. And could Mann already have survived one attempt on his life?
It’s always useful when UKpolling prints a survey of what people are really concerned about. It shows us just how out of tune the BBC are (or us) at representing and reflecting the views of the audience. Looking at the latest one though I’d say the BBC should be broadcasting to a different country, because it sure as hell isn’t even close to addressing tax payers concerns, in fact it probably thinks they’re just plain wrong !
“On specific measures most of those YouGov tested got the thumbs up – the most widespread approval was for increasing the personal tax allowance again (83%), limiting child benefit to three children (73%) and raising the NI threshold (71%). ”
So people want tax cuts and a limit on the number of kids the government will subsidise. I’d go further than just limiting child benefit, and limit all benefits. If you want 10 kids then don’t expect someone else to pay for them!
” The only measure that was actually opposed by more people than supported it was cutting taxes on alcohol (33% would support, 50% would oppose).”
Me included, but Labour seems to hate this as it’s Haram to Muslims.
“Moving onto government spending in general the areas people would most like to see protected from government cuts are the NHS (79%), education (50%) and policing (35%). ”
So far as I’m aware the only one which isn’t is the Police and they don’t seem to have suffered too much with the cuts they’ve had.
“The areas people most wanted to see cut were overseas aid (66%), welfare benefits (36%) and environment and climate change (29%). ”
I actually find this amazing, because they are exactly what the drones at the BBC support ! The fact that people want to see cuts in climate change spending as one of the three biggies is a real eye opener. Just shows people have seen through the lies.
“Asked specifically about whether the government should commit to 2% of GDP spending on defence, 52% think they should, 27% that they should not. Asked the equivalent question about overseas aid only 24% think the government should commit to the 0.7% target, 59% think they should not. On Trident, 31% think it should be replaced with an equally robust system, 29% replaced with a cheaper system, 24% scrapped completely.”
Looking at these results, if the BBC were to be believed the questions must have been asked at the Tory party conference.
It seems to me that the people of this country have wholly rejected the Nu Liebour experiment and Camorons follow on version.
I wonder whether the Guardianistas and the BBC would even believe that people have not been convinced by their propaganda and are still as firmly fixed in the old values as they ever were.
A shame that a wider survey couldn’t have been conducted on other matters of interest, because looking at this I think we’d have found the BBC even more out of step than they appear from this.
” “The areas people most wanted to see cut were overseas aid (66%), welfare benefits (36%) and environment and climate change (29%). ”
I actually find this amazing, because they are exactly what the drones at the BBC support !”
I laughed out loud at that line!
The reality is that the BBC will simply see such statistics as evidence that the great unwashed need even more “education”/propaganda extolling the virtues of these things.
Interestingly, the BBC did a hachet job on Labour and the fact they werent going into coalition with SNP. Totally unbalanced since they didnt consider the Tories in respect of their potential candidates for collalition or highlight the fact that this mess is largely down to a broken electoral system worthy of a banana republic. Appears the focus is to denigrate Labour.
As I have always said, the BBC is true Blue although sensibly not supporting the UKIP nutters whose policies appear to consist entirely of sticking their heads in the sand and pretending its 1950.
Doesn’t occur to Manonclaphamomnibis that IF the Ukippers thought it was the 1950s then they wouldn’t need to have policies to bring the UK into the 1950s .
But the other parties are sticking to that 1950s project ; the EU .
In my book Shapps is no more a conservative than Polly Toynbee or Mrs Home Secretary or Mr Cameron or any of the pretend Tories. He deserves anything he gets.
There is a real constitutional issue with a Labour/SNP alliance.
English MPs do not get to vote on devolved matters affecting Scotland so SNP MPs should be under the same constraints on matters involving England and Wales and NI. Any other course will be dangerous. I think you will find most voters get this.
Not wishing to defend the BBC at all it seems inevitable that this would have to be pointed out. If the polls are correct the concentration on this eventuallity is logical. UKIP sadly are unlikely to be in a position analogous to the SNP
There is No … “so called” Trojan Horse plot, all.
It was verified, worse than first envisaged, and involved many more schools.
Any erm, “worrying lack of co ordination” is probably intentional,
and is a political decision … why?, this just follows on from this case originally.
It is widely believed that most Muslims, and their apologists in local government deliberately obfuscated, or omitted relevant details, relevant information
It’s St. Patrick’s Day. Stephanie Roche, who moved from obscurity to sporting stardom on the back of BBC promotion, is off to The White House to meet The President Of The United States. We shouldn’t underestimate the power of the Beeb.
BBC is all bells and whistles about the election this morning
… yep!, that’s the Israelli one.
About the Italian one … no, about the Swedish one … no,
about the Dutch one then well erm no …
(unless of course they could smear G. Wilders that is).
Its the same here, the BBC Anti Bibi cabal is in full effect, even the dreary Brummie Chiles, is on the case on 5Live.
He tried but failed to extract any titbits from the mum whose daughter was taken to France by her maths teacher, then its all Bibi bashing.
Obviously every Al BBC finger and toe is crossed, wishing for a coalition that would put Israel at greater security risk, and panders to Islam.
Strangely enough, both Mark Coles and Tim Franks have been fair today re the elections on the World Service. But Kevin Connolly was his usual propagandist self yesterday, opening his ‘report’ with an Israeli satire on Netanyahu, whose household apparently consumes a lot of ice cream, shock, horror, moving on to describe Yair Lapid’s centrist party as boring and then talking to “a rising young star of the left.”
On the Today programme I heard Jeremy Bowen saying that Netenyahu had “alienated” the United States.
But surely the fact is that Obama – and John Kerry – have alienated Israel. I did not see much sign of the US being alienated when Netenyahu addressed Congress a few days ago. He got repeated standing ovations. And we know that polls among Americans continue to show strong support for Israel – and disagreement with Obama’s policies.
Barbara Tears for Arafat Plett was pretending, as usual, to be a media professional on ‘Newshour’ on the World Service yesterday, talking to Saudi prince Turki al Faisal. Rather, she was throwing leading questions at him, like the following:
“…Americans have now decided to build up the Syrian rebels. Doesn’t it infuriate you [my emphasis] that 200 000 lives had to be lost before the Americans finally listened to your call to arm the Syrians?”
Turki: “But it’s not just the Americans – it’s the whole world…”
[Poor Barbara, she must have been so disappointed that he didn’t rise to the anti-US bait, forgetting that the prince represents barbaric 7th-century ‘religious’ fundamentalists who are nevertheless US allies. Or perhaps she doesn’t know that.
The prince insults the Americans while at the same time acknowledging that they are helping]:
Faisal: “…There seems to be a plot on the part of the world community to ignore the suffering of the Syrian people.” [What’s Saudi Arabia doing to alleviate it?] “The Americans are working with us now, on many issues…training of the Syrians…working on the coalition…Although the Americans have been reluctant, even obstinate, they are now cooperating.” [This coming from the prince, a leader of a country that promotes terrorism, conducts public executions of “criminals” and instructs the children of Western schools that Jews and Christians are the sons and daughters of monkeys and pigs.]
Anyway, I was intent on doing some Plett bashing but I went off on a tangent. What I wanted to say is that Plett appears to be trying to out-Arab the Arabs in their hatred of the West in this particularly putrid bit of ‘reporting’ of hers on behalf of the putrid BBC.
It’s under ‘Will Saudi go nuclear’ from a bit after 6 minutes in:
You have to remember that Saudi supported ISIS in the beginning and because our politicians are in the pockets of Sunni Muslim oil sheiks we also supported ISIS.
It all changed though when ISIS announced they wanted to destroy the Kaaba at Mecca, when the Sunni world changed it’s mind about ISIS, and (what a surprise) so did we.
Now Turki has announced Saudi wants to negotiate with Bashar al Assad and within a day John Kerry announced Americas intention to open negotiations with Assad.
Saudi has also decided that it doesn’t like the presence of Iranian military in Iraq, and a nuclear armed Iran, so expect US compliance on both of these issues in the coming days.
Most discussion about ME wars places the West (oil) at the centre. Consider that the Islamics have been at war since the loony prophet died, with sides changing and alliances re-forming. The western powers are really external, coming in on one side or the other for oil or – in Blair/Cameron’s case – bribery. Yesterday we backed ISIS, now a change in the alliance and our government switches. Very soon ISIS may return to an alliance with the Saudis and the west will shape up and see ISIS as a bunch of freedom fighters.
You forgot to add the word allegedly, after “Blair/Cameron’s case – bribery (allegedly).”
There, I’ve done it for you.
You wouldn’t want to be sued for libel would you?
“Ofsted must share blame over Rotherham scandal, say MPs after watchdog gave town clean bill of health.
“As many as 2,000 children were exploited by gangs between 1997 and 2013.
“MPs probing Ofsted’s work there said the body’s ‘credibility is on the line.’
“They want inspections of all councils with child protection responsibilities.
“Attack came after fellow MPs found flaws in Ofsted’s handling of Trojan Horse affair.”
2.) Beeboid report-
“Rotherham abuse: Ofsted ‘failed to detect abuse'”
“The Communities committee’s work came after reports by Professor Alexis Jay and Louise Casey showed how council staff failed to help at least 1,400 abuse victims, with many staff thought to have believed working class white girls had chosen to be with Asian men who raped and abused them.”
Much the same as with ISIS today. Cervantes records treatment of Christians by some bad muslims or rather ‘nothing to do with Islam’.
Cervantes must have got it wrong.
“To kill Christians at the end of a cudgel, is a cruelty most accustomed to these barbarians, and the thing they do most regularly. They do it so easily and often, it becomes almost a caprice, a lark, without any rhyme or reason, such that they leave the Christian on the ground, ground up like salt, and half dead. They beat all around his arms, and not only do they open his shoulders, they break his bones, then come back at him and give him so many blows on the stomach and chest. They ravage [piller] the entrails and beat the skin of the man like a drum, then they contuse [frappe] the fat of the legs so that they don’t leave one inch of the body without pain. They hang him upside down and beat him on the soles of the feet. Finally, they put him on a table, bind his hands, and discharge on him blows from a courbache [a kind of rigid leather strap used by African Muslims] which cause an unbelievable nervous torment.
“When they finally tire of beating them, the Christian does not move from the place where he was left, and if he doesn’t die then, he dies in a few days.”http://hesperado.blogspot.co.uk/…/cervantes-and-islam.html
Imagine Cameron has been in power for 18 years. His promise to reduce the deficit has come to nothing – it is still running as high as where Labour left it.
He is interviewed by Humphrys who is getting more and more exasperated, more and more aggressive with his questioning – interrupting Cameron every few seconds – because Cameron keeps telling him that according to his long term economic plan, the deficit is coming down.
Imagine a different scenario. The earth has not warmed for 18 years despite the direst predictions of climate alarmists. A climate ‘scientist’ appears on Today and is interviewed by Humphrys. The ‘scientist’ keeps spinning the warmist line based on climate models which have spectacularly failed to predict the lack of warming. Mild challenge from Humphrys, scientist explains by saying models can’t be ‘exact’ but hey, we can still rely on them. Humphrys meekly accepts, no further questions. Well imagine no further – this is what happened yesterday.
The shamelessly biased BBC – and you’re paying for it.
Now it has been conclusively proved to be a headline built on a lie, I wonder if the BBC are going to issue a correction?
They really need to since they are a large part of influence for the blame inference and misinformation about world problems being turned upside down by them.
Many examples like BBC commentators pushing CAGE, blaming the Police, Council, MI5 etc for allowing transitees to Syria when the real issues of home, school, mosque, social media are the real culprits.
“But we must never allow ourselves to march under the banner of a false narrative on behalf of someone who would otherwise offend our sense of right and wrong. And when we discover that we have, we must acknowledge it, admit our error and keep on marching. That’s what I’ve done here.”
An honest account from a journalist in the home of the free press. Don’t expect any mea culpa from Beebland.
Brilliant link. Respect to a journalist of honesty and integrity.
Jonathan Capeheart, I want you to become head of BBC News, and get 8,000 journalists to start reporting using your standards. Can you start tomorrow?
Yes, credit Mr Capeheart for putting the record straight and admitting his earlier reporting regarding the incident was prejudiced, leading, inaccurate and narrative driven. This shows integrity. But he still fell into the narrative originally, despite the evidence that was available almost immediately after the incident.
There remain many ‘victims’ following the tragic events last August. One of them is Darren Wilson, a police officer guilty of doing his duty in accordance with the law. Another is the reputation of journalism.
Peter Cruddas wins victory against Sunday Times for defamation and malicious falsehood.
Suppose it will be all over the BBC by this afternoon !!!!!
Not holding my breath.
Voters in Israel, the only parliamentary democracy in the middle east, go to the polls today. If you relied on the BBC you’d be largely clueless about Israel, in spite of (or because of?) the vast amount of coverage the country is afforded.
That’s because the reporting is saturated in ideology; most BBC journalists commenting on Israel are better described as political activists. They’re on a mission, and it’s not to tell the truth.
Al Beeb news reporting a shortage housing – no real reason why?
Add all this to a shortage of schools , hospital beds, and doctors appointments etc.
Whistle goodbye to this ‘green and pleasant land’ thanks to the liblabcons who sit and do nothing to stem the flow of unfettered immigration.
Another case: Muslim mother concerned that her sons join Islamic State-
“Chechen refugee took children from Netherlands to Syria ‘to join Isis’
Unnamed 33-year-old woman left Maastricht in October with seven- and eight-year-old against father’s wishes to join Islamic State”
Taken from the bBC article regards the Chechen mother: “IS has become one of the most dangerous jihadist groups, accused of mass killings and persecution of ethnic and religious minorities in areas it controls.”
On Friday a book about Blair and his millions will be released, no doubt to some controversy, and silence from places like the BBC and Grauniad which both seem to still hold him in some regard, unlike the Labour party & supporters.
Since leaving office in 2007, the empire of Tony Blair has grown exponentially. As a businessman he has been unprecedentedly successful for a former public servant, with a large property portfolio and an estimated GBP80 million of earnings accrued in just a few short years. But how has he managed to achieve this? Being an ex-Prime Minister comes with certain advantages, and besides his excellent state pension and twenty-four-hour security team, Blair enjoys the best contacts that money can buy – as do those willing to pay him for access to those contacts. Consequently, Tony Blair Associates’ clients can be found around the world, and include the controversial presidents of Kazakhstan and Burma. There is also Blair’s role as special envoy in the Middle East. While his record as a peacemaker is in doubt, the position has brought him into contact with a variety of oil-rich potentates in the region who now number among his most profitable clients. Blair Inc.: The Man behind the Mask takes a close look at the complex financial structures in Blair’s world. From the many layers of tax liability to the multiple conflicts of interest produced by his increasing web of relationships, this book exposes the private dealings of this very public figure
I believe that this book will support many of my suspicions about bribery, and if Blair is guilty of it, then many other Western leaders will be too.
The BBC don’t like to talk about the failures of the Blair-Brown Labour government, they talk even less about the Long March of the Fascist Left through tax payer funded institutions; their desire for secure jobs in the Public Sector overrides everything else – it is what passes for morality on the Left.
BBC TV is remarkably quiet about their heroine Sarah Champion this week:
Labour MP Sarah Champion is today paying back the £17 she claimed on expenses for a Remembrance Sunday poppy wreath. Apart from a short statement confirming she would reimburse the taxpayer, Champion has maintained radio silence in the face of searing public criticism.
… there is of course one really important area of the living costs of all of us, including the poorest, where inflation remains excessive, namely the cost of a home.
So many would argue that if any British government really wanted to address poverty and the most grotesque forms of inequality, much more would need to be done to increase the supply of affordable housing.
No acknowledgment whatsoever of the impact of immigration on housing shortages or that immigration drives down wages while leaving the state to pick up the tab for housing, education and health service.
Today had two numpties on this morning discussing the need for more houses. They were both – surprise, surprise – singing from the same hymnsheet, with a couple of disagreements on how to hit the minor notes.
I can’t remember who said what – and it didn’t matter for the sake of the ‘debate’ – but the points they made went something like this.
– The situation is so bad some people are living in sheds!
– Some houses have 2 or even 3 kitchens – a disgrace!
– Older couples should be encouraged to give up their big houses!
– There is still 91% of Britain that hasn’t been concreted over! Loadsaroom!
– Houses should be built near workplaces so people can cycle to work!
Immigration to blame in any way? Dunno, never mentioned.
Should immigration be curbed? Obviously can’t be a problem – never raised (but see concreting over suggestion above).
Because most of the immigrants are from the EU , countries like ,France Spain & Portugal also had colonies , & some of those former colonists got passports from the the “mother” country . Once they get the right to reside in the mother country ,they can also reside in any member EU state . Voting ukip will not stop that, because Millipeed /SNP will take over & things will get really bad. You can slag off Cam for not doing this & that , but things when you are in coalition with the EU friendly Libs, are not that that easy to implement because they object to it.
“Pictured: The dramatic moment passenger who yelled ‘Jihad! Jihad!’ is pinned to the ground by fellow fliers on board Washington to Denver United Airlines flight .”
Miliband must have been really teed off yesterday when BBC news covered his big announcement in a balanced and informative way.
I’d guess he was hoping for his spin about no coalition with the SNP (what DID take him so long?) would end at that. Instead, our Norm went on to say that this didn’t rule out an informal arrangement where deals could be done on a vote-by-vote basis. In other words, pretty well the same thing though without the flesh-creeping prospect of Salmond and his odious Little Scotlanders taking cabinet posts at Westminster.
“The scale of the abuse in Oxfordshire, a county in southeast England, mirrors similarly shocking accounts of the sexual exploitation of white British girls by Muslim gangs in Bristol, Derby, Rochdale, Rotherham and Telford, and implies that the problem is not isolated, but endemic.” http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/5386/british-girls-raped-oxford
I would add … this ought to be the biggest UK news story period.
Can you even imagine the BBC if genuine UK nationals were picking up Muslim girls from school, drugging them, gang raping them, threatening their parents with violence?
Never mind a 1000, 000 just a few in just a couple of towns?
Can you imagine?.
There have been occasional chinks in Al BBC narrative but always pretty much in isolation – anyone notice two specific words missing from these reports?
BBC – Child grooming occurs ‘in every town’, charity says
BBC – Organised child sex abuse ‘widespread in England’, MPs say
BBC – Child sexual exploitation has become a “social norm”
“De vivis nil nisi verum. De mortuis nil nisi bonum”
Here’s the translation for those who haven’t had the benefit of a rate payer funded grammar school education.
Concerning the living speak nothing but truth.
Concerning the dead speak nothing but good
Inspector Go lightly should be investigating the living first not the dead.
It’s hard to decide what is most harrowing here. The sickening nature of the acts, the media failing to report it all, or the utter corruption of the fuzz.
Perhaps you’d rather he hadn’t exposed Muslim child rape gangs (for which he got vilified btw) – you know, kept things quiet for the sake of ‘community cohesion’?
And isn’t it interesting that, for all your nazi slurs against anything remotely right wing, there has been no vigilante backlash in these towns? Aren’t the English tolerant, Mr Omnibus? Be a shame when we’ve been ethnically cleansed from our own country by the Left’s stealth tactics (and that includes you). Wonder how tolerant this country will be then?
Did you ever work for Rotherham council by the way? Or was it Oxford, maybe…..or Rochdale…..or….
It might include me if I was left wing. But since Im not it clearly doesnt. All my nazi slurs being how many exactly?
Who said I was tolerant?
Try not to make so many things up there’s a good chap.
As for a classic Griffen quote try this:-
‘I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also also once held that the Earth was flat… I have reached the conclusion that the ‘extermination’ tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria ‘
Well I have to say that “in search of moderate Muslims” was not at all what might have been expected.
Mansoor concluded that Muslim communities have failed to integrate in any meaningful way, that excessive levels of immigration have meant that the gradual merging of two communities has been completely halted, and probably reversed.
That Muslims have become even more religious rather than less, and that they are anything but ‘moderate’. Of course he was able to meet the odd one, but then a gay Muslims is hardly going to be calling for his own death! A more liberal one had been forced out of his Mosque for suggesting a more equitable view towards women, and attended what is a small movement of more ‘relaxed’ Muslims.
He concluded that many Muslims actually find the term ‘moderate’ offensive, and I think that most people who have learned what is actually going on in this country realise that the ‘moderate’ tag is something left wing politicians have coined to cover up the reality of Islam. This has actually been covered at Jihad watch.
So all in all it turned out to be one of the BBC better and more honest pieces, although I guess some might not agree !
Could it be that the BBC ‘bubble’ is about to burst?
So much of its output is driven by what they would like things to be rather than what they are.
They would like Muslims to be ‘moderate’, which of course really means being like those ‘Christians’ who turn up for baptisms, marriages and funerals. Unfortunately Mansoor finds that the youngsters haven’t been listening to the BBC and the politicians but instead reading ‘the book’ and listening to their imams. They are going back to their cultural roots, they are becoming fundamentalists.
Rather than being forced to integrate, which is the fate of all isolated immigrants, we now have self-sufficient colonies that have no need to integrate or change. And of course our politicians have armed them with the tools to resist, they are the new demos and our democracy will bend to meet their culture.
Thanks Thoughtful for your post. And a revealing observation here:-
‘He (Mansoor) concluded that many Muslims actually find the term ‘moderate’ offensive’
This is the crux. Moderates do not exist. Extremism is not a separate entity but an integral part of every day Islam.
This is something that all politicians should take note of. We all non-Muslims are in for a very hard ride over the next few years. I hope to be proved wrong for the sake of my children.
I heard it in the car. Mansoor seemed like a nice guy, but his “search” for moderate muslims was a depressing failure.
He even admitted he found it “discouraging” talking to young muslims, like the one who considered it “sinful” to shake hands with a woman.
As an alternative to the term “moderate” muslims (which apparently is now offensive to muslims), I would like to suggest the term “Radio Four” muslims. Because I think that’s the only place you’ll actually find them.
Yes, I too heard poor old Mansoor in search of the Squonk-the moderate Muslim.
Desperate crap-especially when Sadiq Khan-Mansoors kindred spirit-told us all that a Bradford Imam issued a fatwa on him for voting for gay marriage.
Didn`t hear much about that-did you?
Still-a toothless hennaed Yorkshire fatty on a CRB checklist is hardly Khomeini now is he?
But, give the BBC a few years-and he will be-with Sadiq Khan running for his “approved list of Muslim UK candidates”.
Creepy-has Mansoor heard of taqqiya?…or is he too chicken to tell us about his interpretation of this?
I for one am always interested to keep my eye on what this real Charlatan, who headed up the Government that in 13 years totally wrecked our Nation in every department of state through lies, deceit and policies that has led our once proud heritage into disrepute, and from which we will never recover.
Everyday the news has some item on which Blair’s legacy has engendered.
Whether it be the radicalising ‘British Muslims’ going to Syria or another suicide bomb going off in Iraq or Afghanistan, to the open door immigration policies that led to an unsustainable increase in our population by over 5 millions under his tenure, (when you include the illegal’s and the over a million Muslims he imported). His legacy in every area, whether it be economics, housing, Defence Home Affairs or Foreign Policy is a disgrace and shameful.
All these Blair’s legacies, in my view, were not sensible actions, whilst at the same time teaming up with Bush to bomb, kill wound or displace millions of other Muslims in their own lands, after ignoring his own people who held the biggest demonstrations on our streets ever against such actions.
Chilcot will hopefully be out soon, but the most dramatic expose I am waiting for is Gorgeous George Galloway film: ‘The Killing of Tony Blair’ due out over the next few months:
How could you even suggest such a thing! Sheer coincidence obviously – as was the fact that Ed Milliband bringing in ludicrous environmental laws had nothing to do with his wife being a barrister specialising in environmental law.
Yeah who needs rights with people like you lot around . Right to life – pah! right to a fair trial – dont talk to me!
At least it doesnt include anything about freedom of expression or they might have to close this site down.
Normally I’d pass, but as others have noted it, and we are talking a touted next DG, given current evidence of competencies I feel the share is worthwhile:
At the very least Mr. Cohen seems to have a need to show just how powerful he is by who he moves and shakes with. But the public shares just look desperate and tacky.
As an aside I’d love to know via what process and whose sign-off Pompidou was commissioned. Clearly not cheap, we lasted about 3 minutes before it was switched off, with no intention of return.
The bBC and saving Jihad Ry-han: Dead Syria fighters’ brother, 16, banned from travel A 16-year-old boy whose two elder brothers were killed fighting in Syria’s civil war has been barred from travelling abroad. Mr Justice Hayden made the boy a ward of court, which bars him from leaving the jurisdiction of England and Wales. The judge made the ruling in the Family Division of the High Court in London after social services raised fears he could travel to Syria.
Yup, only in the UK do we spend more time and effort in denying those who hate us from leaving than getting here. Mind you, I wasn’t surprised at this snippet at the end of that article: “He has grown up in modern Britain in an extraordinary family – a family where the male members are patently committed to waging jihad in war-torn Syria.”
Yes in the FT today (not yet seen anything on Beeb) there is an article on how the Government will ruin our summer hols by id’ing everybody that LEAVES by ferry or eurotunnel.
As far as I am concerned, people who want to go and fight in Syria can by all means leave, but must never be allowed to return. In fact the more that leave the better.
They should have been ‘id’ing’ everyone ENTERING the country a long time ago , that is why we have the present problems.
But agreed, they should never be allowed to return and the more that leave the better .
Sorry, but the BBC were covering this yesterday and wanted it both ways. The Toady programme had the Minister along and went for him on the ‘large and disruptive queues’ issue…and for good measure on why there were not exit controls (that would lead to long and disruptive queues).
Sometimes, with the BBC, if you’re a Tory, you just can’t win. Best just to tell them to fuck off.
Normal service has resumed. After Ofcom ruled that UKIP is a major party but the Greens are not, it looked like the broadcasters would play fair. Not any longer:
On 16 April there would be a “challengers” special involving the SNP, UKIP, Plaid and the Greens and finally, on 30 April, David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg would each have separate half hours in a Question Time-style BBC event with David Dimbleby.
I’m sure it’s not just me but to me it looks as if the broadcasters have done their bit to help Labour all the way in this saga:
1. Their first idea was to have the “Big Three” plus UKIP as the latter is expected to take votes off the Tories and Farage is highly critical of Cameron. This is why Cameron said the Greens should be involved as they are expected to take votes off Labour and it would even up the debate (and is why the broadcasters wanted them ignored in the first place).
2. As they could not in all seriousness ignore the Greens anymore the broadcasters then invited the Scottish and Welsh National Socialists to take part in UK elections as well, even though they were only standing in small parts of the country. These two, of course, are expected to gang up on Cameron with the other parties, and it was also intended to make a mockery of Cameron’s attempt to even the playing field. Plus it would be too unwieldy to be of much use at all (and Cameron would be blamed for insisting on the Greens’ participation).
3. The DUP would be ignored despite getting more seats than the Welsh NSP as they are less critical of the Tories and therefore a very slight leveller of the playing field.
I can understand, therefore, why Cameron then pulled out but he has been played and they made him look completely foolish.
Main evening news long piece on Housing Shortage, need to build 240000 houses per year. No mention of immigration. Followed by 10 minute party political broadcast on behalf of Labour Party on Look East. Cancer diiagnos targets not being met etc etc. brief mention more people being cured. How many more weeks of this?
BBC and Channel 4 droning on about Ken Loach and Cathy Come Home. Can you believe that. We have a housing shortage due to a 21st century immigration scandal and the broadcasters dig out a fifty year old play. C4 even have Loach on live but, to be fair, they’ve got John Redwood as well. Redwood mentions the ‘I’ word. You don’t hear the ‘I’ word on the Beeb.
As we sit here tonight, there’s people being born in Bangalore that will need houses in London… and no one is doing anything about it. Is that not a scandal?
Ken Loach is a real Fascist, Jew hating, the lot, but his play Cathy come home was about a teenage runaway and has little to do with a housing shortage. Seems that any tenuous link will do for the BBC
“wtf??? have u just stood there with a stop watch timing this????
Erm no, you just have to check the time display on iPlayer. It doesn’t take much effort. But yes it is sad that so many people here enjoy believing in complete fiction no matter how transparently the truth is laid out before them.
Hardly surprising though, seeing as Biased-BBC is the last refuge for people who find Guido Fawkes too intellectually challenging.
Ken Loach was given all of 15 seconds to speak on BBC 6pm News…
I wasn’t watching closely… or timing… I didn’t realise he was interviewed on the Beeb. I said C4 had him live – which they did. What is significant is that both channels mention CCH. The film is a totem of leftie broadcasters, referred to in hushed tones, always used to blame homelessness on right-wing governments. That is particularly deceitful at this time when the country has been flooded with immigrants. This BBC page says that, according to the Office of National statistics, the UK population grew by more than 400,000 in a 12-month period. Of course; they only count the legal ones. They quote a figure of 64 million for the total population, but food consumption figures show that the actual population is over 70 million. Would you argue that the government should have built them all houses in anticipation? They were brought in by stealth, remember. Low cost labour; no downside. If the government had told the population ‘We need to tax you heavily to provide housing, health and education for twenty million foreigners’, what do you think the response would have been?
Cathy Come Home? You’re having a laugh! Mohamed come over, more like.
As I said; I didn’t know Loach was interviewed on the Beeb. I only said both the Beeb and Channel 4 mentioned him and his 50 year old film. Read it again – everything I said was true.
It’s interesting you haven’t answered the core point that the housing shortage is an inevitable consequence of open-door immigration and that Cathy Come Home has no relevance whatsoever.
“I only said both the Beeb and Channel 4 mentioned him and his 50 year old film.
No, you clearly said much more more than that. “Droning on” was the phrase you used. Except now you’ve admitted to not knowing if Ken Loach was featured on the BBC at all.
“Read it again – everything I said was true.”
Apart from the BBC; “droning on about Ken Loach and Cathy Come Home” you mean?
“It’s interesting you haven’t answered the core point…”
Be man enough to admit you “lied / exaggerated / made a mistake” about what was on the BBC [it is, after all, there in your own words in plain sight] and I’ll consider you other points worthy of a response. Otherwise it’s clear you are far more interested in playing to the gallery than having a serious debate.
Be man enough to admit you “lied / exaggerated / made a mistake” about what was on the BBC…
Eh? Here’s what I said: ‘BBC and Channel 4 droning on about Ken Loach and Cathy Come Home.’
I’m lost as to the fuss you’re making. Both the BBC and C4 mentioned Cathy Come home. Both showed clips/screenshots. Both mentioned Ken Loach. What I said was true and accurate. I made no mention of Loach being interviewed on the BBC – you raised that.
Are you just quibbling over the definition of ‘droning’? Google says ‘speak tediously in a dull monotonous tone.’ Individual reaction, of course, but I found it tedious and the tone monotonous. I’m confident most here feel the same.
The issue you – and the broadcasters, and the LibLabCon – avoid is immigration.
Just seen that Channel 4 News do their expected left wing take on the housing situation.
Ken Loach in the ‘Red’ Corner, John Redwood in the ‘Blue’, with the referee, Jon Snow encouraging the predictable result of putting the blue corner on the ropes as far as blame goes!
If I had been the Tory spokesperson I would socked it to them big time with the first right hook letting them know the deplorable Labour Government record 1997-2010 of building levels down to the 1920s levels with an average of only 29,000 per year new builds.
I would have jabbed away with the time it takes to turn around such a house building and economic deficit legacy and pointed out the big increases since 2010 and now planned:
But the knock out would have come with a massive uppercut about the huge increase in population by over 5 millions during these Labour years of starving the house building market and the rank hypocrisy now blaming someone else!
Odd that the link text and headline isn’t what is headlined now.
And whilst the sack of rats that is the BBC deserve everything their inept market rates and spinners get back as bad as they give, talk about a collection of vague sourced whatiffery and allegation.
Hardly any quote nailed down other than to sources, spokespersons or ‘friends’.
Surely by now something to all this can actually be nailed down?
“Edward Snowden cost British taxpayer money, says Theresa May.
Home Secretary describes impact of leaks on Britain’s security apparatus and says they carried a financial cost.”
So did GCHQ with the 7 years worth of illegal taps. Come to that so has IDS with his botched reforms. Come to that so did Owen Patterson when he drowned Somerset. Come to that so did Theresa
when she sacked all the immigration offices. Government seems to cost over the odds these days. And so dishonest!
And as I lay my head to rest, I shall be treasuring what the world’s most respected news organisation, deploying all its editorial integrity, considers worthy of calling news:
“The UK’s first small penis party, where men gather to speak frankly about their members”
(Sadly drooping eyes has meant I was unable to check if the ‘men’ in question were those the BBC is usually describing with this term).
Yep that’s right, a religious fanatic, who is chief poo bah of the Islamic cult in that country is calling for the destruction of religious symbols of other faiths.
And the BBC has this to say about it ……………… ……….. ….
Meanwhile it’s been an absolute joy and pleasure this evening watching the Bring Back Clarkson TV gritting its teeth as Bibi is voted back in as Prime Minister of Israel. The little maggot Bowen is beside himself with rage. Even now at 2:00 AM UK time they appear in denial.
Puts me in mind of Dimblebore back in 1992, leaning back in his chair at one minute past ten and smugly declaring that Labour were in with a 30 seat majority.
Well they soon had to put the corks back into those champagne bottles that the viewers had paid for.
Not sure if those back in the UK know about this (you’d never get it from the BBC), but many over here know that the White House clown probably instructed a little know part of the US State Dept. to meddle in the Israeli elections through funding for the Arab vote
Many of you know that probably? That’s called a contradiction in terms! Either you know he did, or he didn’t ! You can have a suspicion that he instructed, or that others meddled possibly on his instruction, but I’m afraid what you have typed has no real meaning.
BBC make total fools of themselves (yet again).
Headline in the Times of Israel is “Netanyahu scores crushing victory in Israeli elections” http://www.timesofisrael.com/ (not sure how long the link will last)
And the BBC’s Netanyahu ‘wins Israeli election’
I won’t bother with a link to the ‘envy of the world’.
Perhaps it should be relabeled ‘home of the twaterati’
What is wrong with this website. this post was made at 05:30 UK time on 18th March yet appears in posts made in the evening of the 17th.
Sort it please blog owners
Budget Day & “Today” dispatches its reporter (Mishal Husain?) to interview a couple of manufacturers. The reporter soon runs out of business matters to discuss & asks them to tell us how bad it would be if they were denied (a) immigrant labour & (b) EU membership.
Is there any party that wants to stop all immigration? What politician has ever said that they want to stop highly qualified people coming here to work?
“Today” isn’t for dummies. Are the BBC fooling themselves or do they think that the drip, drip will get past its audiences’ logic filters & cause them to vote for Ed?
Teddy Bear Turnbull and Beaky Sally Nugent on the Breakfast sofa this morning are doing their public service thing and extolling mothers to breast feed.
Seems we farm out studies into this sort of thing to Brazil these days. The sofa dwellers and their ‘expert’ guest seem a bit bemused as to why this obviously good idea is so often rejected by UK mothers. I begin to doubt the value of the so-called expert when asked ‘are there any “cultural differences” with Brazil?’ ‘Oh no’ is her answer.
Crikey sofa bods, what a question to ask a Common Purpose graduate!
But back to the bemusement there at the Beeb why British women go for the bottle over the boob.
Well, you remember yesterday on the sofa when that teenaged girl referred to stay at home mums as “Weird”…..
It’s been a while, but it’s back. Yes BBc lecturing me on diet again on Breakfast. This time Fiona Phillips (who I can’t stand) lectures us on sugar. Taking time off from advertising a lottery to sit on the sofa with a serious face on. Apparently the recommendation is down to 6 spoonful’s a day. Watch out dead man walking I have more than that in tea every day. How the hell did I ever make it into my fifties drinking and eating all this poison? BBc the records stuck.
The body is very resilent is the answer to that. Your health will also depend on polymorphisms and epigenetics which will alter your ability to process certain food stuffs . The thing is ,excess carbs, will catch up with you but possibly not in the way you think. There is a lot of evidence correlating the growth of consumption of sugar will the incidence of debilitating disease. I am surprised you feel it is not right that a public broadcaster should highlight that fact?
Yes and saturated fats are still not good for you in the quantities being consumed. So to with trans fats which can raise ldl cholesterol. Need to cut down if you have previously though they were safe.
JA wrote:
“No empty champagne bottles today at the BBC’s Jerusalem office ?
Nah, they are saving them for the day the next poor Palestinian terrorists attack and murder some poor innocent person. (Usually on the Islamic holy day friday) and then the wankers at the bBC will have a jolly spiffing good time at happy hour celebrating yet another attack on the jew.
The BBC is in bed with Israel and has been for donkey’s years. Thats why it always provides a very biased profile in favour of the appartied state. You clearly dont know what is going on out there ,and why should you ,when your not being told ! It could be you are incredibly biased in which case you’re not in a position make any judgement as to the output of the BBC.
Climate is an aggregation of weather over a period of time. Weather is an actualisation of climate. And I havent said I have a 1st . I said it was my 1st degree. Ive got other ones.
Ah, there goes Mr Omnibus, our local expert on global warming who can’t sustain a ‘climate change’ argument longer than a couple of posts.
Or have you got proof of the ocean warming hypothesis yet – you know, the one it took the IPCC and its chums 10 years to come up with as a reason their first hypothesis spectacularly failed i.e. lack of atmospheric warming – you know, ‘settled science’ and all that.
Jeremy Bowen on news last night tells us Israeli election too close to call Netanyahu may be out (right wing as well to emphasize his dislike) – yet in morning all was well – was Jeremy reporting facts or wishful thinking?
‘right wing.. to emphasise his dislike’ who Jeremy Bowen or Netanyahu. I think you’ll find Bowen was reporting on poll findings which in the event , proved inaccurate. What d’ya know.
The lefties never learn. When the media demonize a party they don’t like, a small percentage of voters always feel reluctant to admit their true intentions to pollsters:
Social desirability bias is a social science research term that describes the tendency of survey respondents to answer questions in a manner that will be viewed favorably by others…. The tendency poses a serious problem with conducting research…
Expect UKIP to perform 3% or 4% better than the polls eventually suggest.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The NDP is ending its governance agreement with the Liberals Deal that ensured Liberal minority government’s survival was the first…
tomoMar 10, 15:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Let’s not forget – The Liberals relied on Jagmeet Singh / New Democratic Party (NDP)to stay in in Canada. Not…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think that is close to the truth. The modern Labour Party looks down its nose at white working class…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Exposure from power lines. Although a study in 1979 pointed to a possible association between living near electric power lines…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are brainwashed into believing in diversity and net zero from their first day at school. That’s all I can…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 14:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Households near new pylons to get hundreds off energy bills https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clyd49dxyxxo “…get discounts of up to £2,500 over 10 years,…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From order-order.com [img]https://image.vuukle.com/51b5831e-0c34-432c-b96b-b96c0104e65b-c31704d4-72ca-4f47-84f4-ba119b564ab1[/img]
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
“Poe’s Law”. Evidence spporting the Hypothesis is with us.
Selling off BBC3 is cultural vandalism? This article needs reading.
A genius (I don’t use that word loosley) piece of parody about the pervasive moral relativism and economic illiteracy of the modern ‘Guardianistas’ and followers of Common Purpose from Stuart Lee, printed in the Guardian itself! So many sucked in by this in so many ways.
Considering the chaos in Graudian / BBC management, Mr Lee appears to have got his article past their Editorial team who must have their eye completely off the ball – or have they?. I’m chuckling so much. Brilliant parody. Or is it? Of course it is. Are you sure?
I know of few people who receive good money from ‘left wingers’ to take the proverbial out of them. Stuart Lee has found a way.
Stuart Lee has made a great piece of humorous writing. As a satirical comedian he does a wonderful job of hitting those targets that are begging for it but are left alone by the run of the mill BBC comedy trusties. I wouldn’t want him to actually manage broadcast policy though. And this seems to be the problem – they let the ‘talent’ sound off about the real issues too much. A wrong tendency which now allows too many caught in that same trap to fall for this Stuart Lee skit.
‘Lawyers love loopholes, and prey on a precedent. If the BBC3 frequency is, unprecedentedly, reallocated, then public broadcasting is holed below the waterline, the whole thing is up for grabs and we’ll lose the very idea of public broadcasting to the free-market fundamentalists within a decade, as surely and shoddily as we lost the Post Office. Maybe BBC3’s would-be buyers and the BBC Trust don’t realise this. Maybe they realise this all too well. Maybe, fundamentalists of the free market, that’s what they want?’
….is where he gets serious and would explain why the Guardian printed the article.
When I was younger I wanted to go off to the former Yugoslavia to fight and protect innocent people – so I ran away from home got as far as Munich met a few girls had some great beers and nights out, realised I was being as silly as a box of frogs went home – my parents didn’t blame the Police or Eurolines and I never got any compo this all seems a bit waycist “is it cos I am white” and is it too late for them to claim I’m sure my mum could do with the cash. Also no Plod even apologised I suppose they was to busy on courses about diversity and other crime fighting stuff like that to bother
Have you tried Public Interest Lawyers? Tell them you went to help the Bosnian muslims and they’ll take a “shine” to you and screw some compo out of the government.
Common Purpose infects the House of Lords. Off topic (not bias) but on the BBC.
BBC Parliament Channel HoL 17th March 2015.
The unsavoury booing, by members of the HoL, when Lord Green of Deddington stated facts and requested further information from the government spokesman Lord Bates (Immigration debate), is a reflection of the generational pollution of our institutions (in this case, Labour peers). What hope is there when basic social issues of demographics, infrastructure and social cohesion are treated with vocalised emotional response, in our House of Lords? What of reason? Of discourse? Of determining the facts, or defining what/whether there is a problem? Of understanding realities and planning strategies ? Of consequences and of solutions? Infrastructure requirements? No.
To engage constructively on behalf of the people would require an acknowledgement of duty combined with a capable brain. Contemptuous behaviour.
So the cream rises to the top? S–t floats more like!
Vote UKIP. Common Sense and Reason.
The place is full of tokens and failed M.P’s. They come in have a good sleep and collect their £300 allowance ( tax free).
Nobody should have a position like that for life, they even have convicted criminals sitting there.
Close it down, It’s an insult to democracy.
The House of Lords does nothing in particular, and does it very well.
From W.S. Gilbert
It may have done in Gilbert’s day. Today it may still do nothing in particular, but it sucks at it.
“The unsavoury booing, by members of the HoL, when Lord Green of Deddington stated facts and requested further information from the government spokesman Lord Bates (Immigration debate), is a reflection of the generational pollution of our institutions (in this case, Labour peers).”
Very good, except that never happened did it Mr. Angry? There was complete silence in the House whilst Lord Green stated his facts and asked his questions.
There were a few low level groans when Lord Bates began his answer by describing Migration Watch as being; “widely regarded as a balanced think tank….” But these were offset by equally sedate “hear hears”.
There was no “unsavoury booing”.
You’re talking out of your Angrymanupnorthwestpassage.
abusive dez said “You’re talking out of your Angrymanupnorthwestpassage”
please obey the house rules or you will get banned from this site
“Can I politely ask readers to try and not swear or engage in banal ad hominem on this site?”
thank you Dez. There’s no need for your abuse here, this isnt one of them SWP meetings you attend
Good for you Dez, Giving your support to the House of Lords as an institution. You must be a truly loyal monarchist Brit. I might not agree with your POV, but I can respect it and your loyal support for it.
But those who are interested can check the recordings for themselves without us having a ‘Didn’t. Did too.’ word-off . Surely the BBC won’t post edit the sound?
They should be brought back to get extremist rubbish out of their heads? Is that your pathetic solution Cameron? They should never be allowed back. They are treacherous scum.
Could you imagine what would have happened if German immigrants were caught trying to join the Nazis in WW2? This country has been all but destroyed.
Major U-turn as BBC discovers new Muslim victims…
Following the murder of Russian politician Boris Nemtsov, the BBC and the rest of the media as good as accused Vladimir Putin of having done it himself, presumably inbetween his regular bouts of baby eating. But now that two Chechen brothers have been arrested (no, we are not talking about the Boston marathon bombing. These are two other Chechen brothers – please keep up at the back) another narrative is required. Step forward the BBC, with a fawning piece about these two new ‘victims’ (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-31909903). In textbook BBC style, the article slowly expands. First they are just brothers, then we learn they are from the northern Caucasus, then Chechnya. A holiday in Egypt is mentioned. Finally, references to mosques, imans, Charlie Hebdo and torture make their predictable and inevitable appearance (bingo! says the BBC sub-editor – got all the buzzwords).
The assasins of Nemtsov and their motives are currently unknown, despite these arrests. But the motives of the BBC seem rather more obvious and nefarious.
I’m always intrigued to see little examples of the office culture in the BBC newsroom. Or, should I say, the banter that the news presenters like to show us – the little off-the-cuff comments, the quipps, the shared humour they think project something of their own personality.
Naturally BBC newscasters have to employ extreme caution when they go off-script. A miss-placed laugh here or an off-colour joke there and they could land themselves and their employer in a whole heap of trouble – not to mention whipping up a Twitter storm.
This morning the News Channel on-air water-cooler moment comes at the end of the business news. A good laugh was had by all at the story about some McDonalds staff legal complaints that they were advised to treat minor work injuries with Macky-Dee’s own products eg. put some mayo on that fat fry burn on your thumb.
Compo heaven to some, a good joke for many.
Oh how the news room trio chuckled.
Can’t help but think that on their pay they have very little to do with this particular fast food outlet. The actual news item was so bereft of detail I couldn’t tell whether this was a UK or a US story.
Since I wasn’t being properly INFORMED, I can only assume I was supposed to be being ENTERTAINED in some sense. Or was the point of the report and more especially the following banter that I was being EDUCATED into the group contempt for this successful supplier of cheap convenience food for the masses.
Easy, casual, anti-business, badge-wearing leftism.
BBC News has no advance mention of today’s release of inflation data. It used to get major coverage when it better supported the BBC’s political wing agenda of a “Cost of Living Crisis”
Oops! That maybe because the data is late this month – released next Tuesday.
Government minister interviewed by Dame Norman Smith notionally about the increase in the minimum wage, but Smithy just wants to talk about rumours the evil Tories are going to bring an increase in the Inheritance Tax threshold back onto the agenda. Contrary to the situation with Rochdale Labour MP Danczuk, who is allowed to talk about historical child abuse by Cyril Smith (with hints of Tory involvement), without being questioned about any efforts he is failing to take to address current wholesale child abuse in his constituency
I feel that is a tad unfair on Simon Danczuk, who has my support in his endeavours. He is only one man and I see him as actively working towards solutions to these problems by attempting to get to the truth.
It appears that The Official Secrets Act has been abused to protect Cyril Smith (and other(s)) from being prosecuted.
Newsnight yesterday evening displayed some real journalistic work (featuring Danczuk), something I haven’t said for some time. So, good work Nick Hopkins and Jake Morris. The web article is here:
Keep digging please, Nick and Jake.
Reports of Establishment cover up of paedo rings in parliament/police. Tory / Labour / Lib, who cares? The truth needs to come out, preferably not on a drip drip basis as old Establishment Paedos die out.
To have a hope of developing a culture in our institutions to solve the grass roots issues of CSE, the boil in the heart of our establishment needs to be lanced.
Broadly agree with you about Danzcuk, Angryman, but I don’t think he’s beyond playing it for party political advantage if the opportunity arises. In fact, hasn’t he or his missus already made inferences about this being a Tory problem?
If the MP(s) filmed alongside Cyril Smith in 1981 by the police is/are Tory, then that’s how it is. If they are Labour, so be it (there was a higher proportion of Tories in 1981, so odds are Tory). John Mann was interviewed on the BBC News also today and explained why he won’t state the name(s) of those who (may well) be in the ‘frame’.
Will this story keep its prominence with the MSM?
For the record, I think it’s too easy a shot to infer party political opportunism on Danzcuk’s part. I sincerely believe Mann and Danzcuk (and others) are genuinely looking to uncover the truth, to whoever’s door it may lead. Whilst they may have their socialist confusions, they are diggers. They are their own men. And could Mann already have survived one attempt on his life?
I also think Mann and Danzcuk are worthy of our (however minimally significant) stated support in their endeavours. They have mine.
It’s always useful when UKpolling prints a survey of what people are really concerned about. It shows us just how out of tune the BBC are (or us) at representing and reflecting the views of the audience. Looking at the latest one though I’d say the BBC should be broadcasting to a different country, because it sure as hell isn’t even close to addressing tax payers concerns, in fact it probably thinks they’re just plain wrong !
“On specific measures most of those YouGov tested got the thumbs up – the most widespread approval was for increasing the personal tax allowance again (83%), limiting child benefit to three children (73%) and raising the NI threshold (71%). ”
So people want tax cuts and a limit on the number of kids the government will subsidise. I’d go further than just limiting child benefit, and limit all benefits. If you want 10 kids then don’t expect someone else to pay for them!
” The only measure that was actually opposed by more people than supported it was cutting taxes on alcohol (33% would support, 50% would oppose).”
Me included, but Labour seems to hate this as it’s Haram to Muslims.
“Moving onto government spending in general the areas people would most like to see protected from government cuts are the NHS (79%), education (50%) and policing (35%). ”
So far as I’m aware the only one which isn’t is the Police and they don’t seem to have suffered too much with the cuts they’ve had.
“The areas people most wanted to see cut were overseas aid (66%), welfare benefits (36%) and environment and climate change (29%). ”
I actually find this amazing, because they are exactly what the drones at the BBC support ! The fact that people want to see cuts in climate change spending as one of the three biggies is a real eye opener. Just shows people have seen through the lies.
“Asked specifically about whether the government should commit to 2% of GDP spending on defence, 52% think they should, 27% that they should not. Asked the equivalent question about overseas aid only 24% think the government should commit to the 0.7% target, 59% think they should not. On Trident, 31% think it should be replaced with an equally robust system, 29% replaced with a cheaper system, 24% scrapped completely.”
Looking at these results, if the BBC were to be believed the questions must have been asked at the Tory party conference.
It seems to me that the people of this country have wholly rejected the Nu Liebour experiment and Camorons follow on version.
I wonder whether the Guardianistas and the BBC would even believe that people have not been convinced by their propaganda and are still as firmly fixed in the old values as they ever were.
A shame that a wider survey couldn’t have been conducted on other matters of interest, because looking at this I think we’d have found the BBC even more out of step than they appear from this.
Good points, which should be made more of.
The.BBC too frequently makes play of its ‘speaking for the nation’ status, but the disconnect highlighted here is grotesque.
Yet they are handed £4B per year to try and twist what is to what a very small minority want it to be.
” “The areas people most wanted to see cut were overseas aid (66%), welfare benefits (36%) and environment and climate change (29%). ”
I actually find this amazing, because they are exactly what the drones at the BBC support !”
I laughed out loud at that line!
The reality is that the BBC will simply see such statistics as evidence that the great unwashed need even more “education”/propaganda extolling the virtues of these things.
Al Beeb reporting scientists researching into ‘why penguins waddle?’
They have short legs – simples !
Perhaps these scientist’s time would be better spent researching into why Al Beeb is so biased ?
@ IsItMe..and the font of all truth needs even more tax dollars!
Looks like there would be no difference between UKIP implemented Policy and Government by Direct Democracy
Good post, Thoughtful 🙂
C4 news last night reported a Conservative Party official who referred to the Grant Shapps ‘2 jobs’ row as a typical Labour Party/Guardian /BBC ruse.
Nicely spun for the Tories on BBC along the lines of ‘Poor old mr Shapps made a slight error so what is all the fuss’ . I seem to remember that his online selling career came to an abrupt halt for some reason.
Details follow:
Interestingly, the BBC did a hachet job on Labour and the fact they werent going into coalition with SNP. Totally unbalanced since they didnt consider the Tories in respect of their potential candidates for collalition or highlight the fact that this mess is largely down to a broken electoral system worthy of a banana republic. Appears the focus is to denigrate Labour.
As I have always said, the BBC is true Blue although sensibly not supporting the UKIP nutters whose policies appear to consist entirely of sticking their heads in the sand and pretending its 1950.
‘As I have always said, the BBC is true Blue….’
Ha ha ha ha ha. Ho ho hoooo….cough, splutter. Please….no more.
… sensibly not supporting the UKIP nutters whose policies appear to consist entirely of sticking their heads in the sand and pretending its 1950.
Common sense is better than Common Purpose; it never goes out of date. Vote UKIP.
“Common sense is better than Common Purpose; it never goes out of date. Vote UKIP.”
Now that there is an election slogan and a half, hats off to
you sir.
Doesn’t occur to Manonclaphamomnibis that IF the Ukippers thought it was the 1950s then they wouldn’t need to have policies to bring the UK into the 1950s .
But the other parties are sticking to that 1950s project ; the EU .
In my book Shapps is no more a conservative than Polly Toynbee or Mrs Home Secretary or Mr Cameron or any of the pretend Tories. He deserves anything he gets.
There is a real constitutional issue with a Labour/SNP alliance.
English MPs do not get to vote on devolved matters affecting Scotland so SNP MPs should be under the same constraints on matters involving England and Wales and NI. Any other course will be dangerous. I think you will find most voters get this.
Not wishing to defend the BBC at all it seems inevitable that this would have to be pointed out. If the polls are correct the concentration on this eventuallity is logical. UKIP sadly are unlikely to be in a position analogous to the SNP
The BBC tells us that there was no ‘Trojan Horse’ plot in Birmingham.
“It was alleged last year extremists had tried to take over several schools in Birmingham to advance radical interpretations of Islam.
A series of official investigations found the claims to be groundless. “
Perhaps because the stables now belong to the Greeks?
(Ex-teacher and helper visit one of the Greeks’ new schools)
(Trojan teacher with her Trojan pupils in her Trojan school)
There is No … “so called” Trojan Horse plot, all.
It was verified, worse than first envisaged, and involved many more schools.
Any erm, “worrying lack of co ordination” is probably intentional,
and is a political decision … why?, this just follows on from this case originally.
It is widely believed that most Muslims, and their apologists in local government deliberately obfuscated, or omitted relevant details, relevant information
and of course, usual BBC fare
I find the school pictures pretty depressing.
Oh! Quelle Surprise, not feeling particularly “enriched” … at all then?
Obviously they werent using an updated version of the Malleus Maleficarum.
It’s St. Patrick’s Day. Stephanie Roche, who moved from obscurity to sporting stardom on the back of BBC promotion, is off to The White House to meet The President Of The United States. We shouldn’t underestimate the power of the Beeb.
‘……is off to The White House to meet The President Of The United States. ‘
Would that be Bairaigh O’ Bamagh, now, bejasus?
BBC is all bells and whistles about the election this morning
… yep!, that’s the Israelli one.
About the Italian one … no, about the Swedish one … no,
about the Dutch one then well erm no …
(unless of course they could smear G. Wilders that is).
Its the same here, the BBC Anti Bibi cabal is in full effect, even the dreary Brummie Chiles, is on the case on 5Live.
He tried but failed to extract any titbits from the mum whose daughter was taken to France by her maths teacher, then its all Bibi bashing.
Obviously every Al BBC finger and toe is crossed, wishing for a coalition that would put Israel at greater security risk, and panders to Islam.
Strangely enough, both Mark Coles and Tim Franks have been fair today re the elections on the World Service. But Kevin Connolly was his usual propagandist self yesterday, opening his ‘report’ with an Israeli satire on Netanyahu, whose household apparently consumes a lot of ice cream, shock, horror, moving on to describe Yair Lapid’s centrist party as boring and then talking to “a rising young star of the left.”
Connolly doesn’t even try to hide his bias.
On the Today programme I heard Jeremy Bowen saying that Netenyahu had “alienated” the United States.
But surely the fact is that Obama – and John Kerry – have alienated Israel. I did not see much sign of the US being alienated when Netenyahu addressed Congress a few days ago. He got repeated standing ovations. And we know that polls among Americans continue to show strong support for Israel – and disagreement with Obama’s policies.
In other words Bowen was lying. Again.
Bowen, like many in the Beeb, thinks the US president is a king and that Congress is irrelevant.
Barbara Tears for Arafat Plett was pretending, as usual, to be a media professional on ‘Newshour’ on the World Service yesterday, talking to Saudi prince Turki al Faisal. Rather, she was throwing leading questions at him, like the following:
“…Americans have now decided to build up the Syrian rebels. Doesn’t it infuriate you [my emphasis] that 200 000 lives had to be lost before the Americans finally listened to your call to arm the Syrians?”
Turki: “But it’s not just the Americans – it’s the whole world…”
[Poor Barbara, she must have been so disappointed that he didn’t rise to the anti-US bait, forgetting that the prince represents barbaric 7th-century ‘religious’ fundamentalists who are nevertheless US allies. Or perhaps she doesn’t know that.
The prince insults the Americans while at the same time acknowledging that they are helping]:
Faisal: “…There seems to be a plot on the part of the world community to ignore the suffering of the Syrian people.” [What’s Saudi Arabia doing to alleviate it?] “The Americans are working with us now, on many issues…training of the Syrians…working on the coalition…Although the Americans have been reluctant, even obstinate, they are now cooperating.” [This coming from the prince, a leader of a country that promotes terrorism, conducts public executions of “criminals” and instructs the children of Western schools that Jews and Christians are the sons and daughters of monkeys and pigs.]
Anyway, I was intent on doing some Plett bashing but I went off on a tangent. What I wanted to say is that Plett appears to be trying to out-Arab the Arabs in their hatred of the West in this particularly putrid bit of ‘reporting’ of hers on behalf of the putrid BBC.
It’s under ‘Will Saudi go nuclear’ from a bit after 6 minutes in:
This was something I posted on a few days ago.
You have to remember that Saudi supported ISIS in the beginning and because our politicians are in the pockets of Sunni Muslim oil sheiks we also supported ISIS.
It all changed though when ISIS announced they wanted to destroy the Kaaba at Mecca, when the Sunni world changed it’s mind about ISIS, and (what a surprise) so did we.
Now Turki has announced Saudi wants to negotiate with Bashar al Assad and within a day John Kerry announced Americas intention to open negotiations with Assad.
Saudi has also decided that it doesn’t like the presence of Iranian military in Iraq, and a nuclear armed Iran, so expect US compliance on both of these issues in the coming days.
That about sums it up. Oil politics is playing out in the Stans too ,one reason we were in Iraq and Afganistan.
Very interesting post, Thoughtful. It’s hard to imagine stranger bedfellows than the US and Saudi Arabia.
Reminds me of Obama bowing to the Saudi king.
Most discussion about ME wars places the West (oil) at the centre. Consider that the Islamics have been at war since the loony prophet died, with sides changing and alliances re-forming. The western powers are really external, coming in on one side or the other for oil or – in Blair/Cameron’s case – bribery. Yesterday we backed ISIS, now a change in the alliance and our government switches. Very soon ISIS may return to an alliance with the Saudis and the west will shape up and see ISIS as a bunch of freedom fighters.
You forgot to add the word allegedly, after “Blair/Cameron’s case – bribery (allegedly).”
There, I’ve done it for you.
You wouldn’t want to be sued for libel would you?
They have been bedfellows ever since Bitter lake in the 50’s.You give us oil and we’ll leave you alone to promulgate violent Islam. That was the deal.
Rotherham, etc.
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“Ofsted must share blame over Rotherham scandal, say MPs after watchdog gave town clean bill of health.
“As many as 2,000 children were exploited by gangs between 1997 and 2013.
“MPs probing Ofsted’s work there said the body’s ‘credibility is on the line.’
“They want inspections of all councils with child protection responsibilities.
“Attack came after fellow MPs found flaws in Ofsted’s handling of Trojan Horse affair.”
2.) Beeboid report-
“Rotherham abuse: Ofsted ‘failed to detect abuse'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2998016/Ofsted-share-blame-Rotherham-scandal-say-MPs-watchdog-gave-town-clean-bill-health.html#ixzz3UdjuGMOj
‘Yorkshire Post’-
“Ofsted failures on Rotherham abuse laid bare”
“The Communities committee’s work came after reports by Professor Alexis Jay and Louise Casey showed how council staff failed to help at least 1,400 abuse victims, with many staff thought to have believed working class white girls had chosen to be with Asian men who raped and abused them.”
“Spain finds Don Quixote writer Cervantes’ tomb in Madrid”
“Cervantes and Islam”
From the blog cited by George R.
Much the same as with ISIS today. Cervantes records treatment of Christians by some bad muslims or rather ‘nothing to do with Islam’.
Cervantes must have got it wrong.
“To kill Christians at the end of a cudgel, is a cruelty most accustomed to these barbarians, and the thing they do most regularly. They do it so easily and often, it becomes almost a caprice, a lark, without any rhyme or reason, such that they leave the Christian on the ground, ground up like salt, and half dead. They beat all around his arms, and not only do they open his shoulders, they break his bones, then come back at him and give him so many blows on the stomach and chest. They ravage [piller] the entrails and beat the skin of the man like a drum, then they contuse [frappe] the fat of the legs so that they don’t leave one inch of the body without pain. They hang him upside down and beat him on the soles of the feet. Finally, they put him on a table, bind his hands, and discharge on him blows from a courbache [a kind of rigid leather strap used by African Muslims] which cause an unbelievable nervous torment.
“When they finally tire of beating them, the Christian does not move from the place where he was left, and if he doesn’t die then, he dies in a few days.”http://hesperado.blogspot.co.uk/…/cervantes-and-islam.html
Imagine Cameron has been in power for 18 years. His promise to reduce the deficit has come to nothing – it is still running as high as where Labour left it.
He is interviewed by Humphrys who is getting more and more exasperated, more and more aggressive with his questioning – interrupting Cameron every few seconds – because Cameron keeps telling him that according to his long term economic plan, the deficit is coming down.
Imagine a different scenario. The earth has not warmed for 18 years despite the direst predictions of climate alarmists. A climate ‘scientist’ appears on Today and is interviewed by Humphrys. The ‘scientist’ keeps spinning the warmist line based on climate models which have spectacularly failed to predict the lack of warming. Mild challenge from Humphrys, scientist explains by saying models can’t be ‘exact’ but hey, we can still rely on them. Humphrys meekly accepts, no further questions. Well imagine no further – this is what happened yesterday.
The shamelessly biased BBC – and you’re paying for it.
I honsetly thought Mr Omnibus – our resident expert on global warming – might have had something to say about this.
Ah, well, perhaps he doesn’t want to get into an argument on 28gate….
Now it has been conclusively proved to be a headline built on a lie, I wonder if the BBC are going to issue a correction?
They really need to since they are a large part of influence for the blame inference and misinformation about world problems being turned upside down by them.
Many examples like BBC commentators pushing CAGE, blaming the Police, Council, MI5 etc for allowing transitees to Syria when the real issues of home, school, mosque, social media are the real culprits.
“But we must never allow ourselves to march under the banner of a false narrative on behalf of someone who would otherwise offend our sense of right and wrong. And when we discover that we have, we must acknowledge it, admit our error and keep on marching. That’s what I’ve done here.”
An honest account from a journalist in the home of the free press. Don’t expect any mea culpa from Beebland.
Brilliant link. Respect to a journalist of honesty and integrity.
Jonathan Capeheart, I want you to become head of BBC News, and get 8,000 journalists to start reporting using your standards. Can you start tomorrow?
Yes, credit Mr Capeheart for putting the record straight and admitting his earlier reporting regarding the incident was prejudiced, leading, inaccurate and narrative driven. This shows integrity. But he still fell into the narrative originally, despite the evidence that was available almost immediately after the incident.
There remain many ‘victims’ following the tragic events last August. One of them is Darren Wilson, a police officer guilty of doing his duty in accordance with the law. Another is the reputation of journalism.
The popular retort over here is “Pants Up, Don’t Loot”.
Peter Cruddas wins victory against Sunday Times for defamation and malicious falsehood.
Suppose it will be all over the BBC by this afternoon !!!!!
Not holding my breath.
Voters in Israel, the only parliamentary democracy in the middle east, go to the polls today. If you relied on the BBC you’d be largely clueless about Israel, in spite of (or because of?) the vast amount of coverage the country is afforded.
That’s because the reporting is saturated in ideology; most BBC journalists commenting on Israel are better described as political activists. They’re on a mission, and it’s not to tell the truth.
Israel’s election won’t change Palestinian rejectionism – The Commentator http://www.thecommentator.com/article/5706/israel_s_election_won_t_change_palestinian_rejectionism
Al Beeb news reporting a shortage housing – no real reason why?
Add all this to a shortage of schools , hospital beds, and doctors appointments etc.
Whistle goodbye to this ‘green and pleasant land’ thanks to the liblabcons who sit and do nothing to stem the flow of unfettered immigration.
In fact they encourage it.
It’s absurd to suggest they didn’t know the chaos massive population growth without corresponding economic and infrastructure expansion would cause.
It’s all going to plan.
Another case: Muslim mother concerned that her sons join Islamic State-
“Chechen refugee took children from Netherlands to Syria ‘to join Isis’
Unnamed 33-year-old woman left Maastricht in October with seven- and eight-year-old against father’s wishes to join Islamic State”
“Islamic State: ‘Kidnapped’ Dutch children taken to Syria”
Stop Islamisation of Europe, including Britain.
Taken from the bBC article regards the Chechen mother:
“IS has become one of the most dangerous jihadist groups, accused of mass killings and persecution of ethnic and religious minorities in areas it controls.”
Accused bBC?
On Friday a book about Blair and his millions will be released, no doubt to some controversy, and silence from places like the BBC and Grauniad which both seem to still hold him in some regard, unlike the Labour party & supporters.
Since leaving office in 2007, the empire of Tony Blair has grown exponentially. As a businessman he has been unprecedentedly successful for a former public servant, with a large property portfolio and an estimated GBP80 million of earnings accrued in just a few short years. But how has he managed to achieve this? Being an ex-Prime Minister comes with certain advantages, and besides his excellent state pension and twenty-four-hour security team, Blair enjoys the best contacts that money can buy – as do those willing to pay him for access to those contacts. Consequently, Tony Blair Associates’ clients can be found around the world, and include the controversial presidents of Kazakhstan and Burma. There is also Blair’s role as special envoy in the Middle East. While his record as a peacemaker is in doubt, the position has brought him into contact with a variety of oil-rich potentates in the region who now number among his most profitable clients. Blair Inc.: The Man behind the Mask takes a close look at the complex financial structures in Blair’s world. From the many layers of tax liability to the multiple conflicts of interest produced by his increasing web of relationships, this book exposes the private dealings of this very public figure
I believe that this book will support many of my suspicions about bribery, and if Blair is guilty of it, then many other Western leaders will be too.
I’m sure it will be an interesting read.
Do you think the BBC will do a Panorama Special on Blair’s millions?
If the price is right I’m sure miranda would cooperate.
The BBC don’t like to talk about the failures of the Blair-Brown Labour government, they talk even less about the Long March of the Fascist Left through tax payer funded institutions; their desire for secure jobs in the Public Sector overrides everything else – it is what passes for morality on the Left.
BBC TV is remarkably quiet about their heroine Sarah Champion this week:
Labour MP Sarah Champion is today paying back the £17 she claimed on expenses for a Remembrance Sunday poppy wreath. Apart from a short statement confirming she would reimburse the taxpayer, Champion has maintained radio silence in the face of searing public criticism.
No Sorry From Sarah
Is this the same woman who was laughing hysterically when Fascist thugs trapped Farage and other UKIP people in their offices?
An utter disgrace and a stain on the Labour party
Not so much a stain as part of the pattern.
Robert Peston bemoans the shortage of housing:
… there is of course one really important area of the living costs of all of us, including the poorest, where inflation remains excessive, namely the cost of a home.
So many would argue that if any British government really wanted to address poverty and the most grotesque forms of inequality, much more would need to be done to increase the supply of affordable housing.
How generous is the minimum wage increase?
No acknowledgment whatsoever of the impact of immigration on housing shortages or that immigration drives down wages while leaving the state to pick up the tab for housing, education and health service.
Today had two numpties on this morning discussing the need for more houses. They were both – surprise, surprise – singing from the same hymnsheet, with a couple of disagreements on how to hit the minor notes.
I can’t remember who said what – and it didn’t matter for the sake of the ‘debate’ – but the points they made went something like this.
– The situation is so bad some people are living in sheds!
– Some houses have 2 or even 3 kitchens – a disgrace!
– Older couples should be encouraged to give up their big houses!
– There is still 91% of Britain that hasn’t been concreted over! Loadsaroom!
– Houses should be built near workplaces so people can cycle to work!
Immigration to blame in any way? Dunno, never mentioned.
Should immigration be curbed? Obviously can’t be a problem – never raised (but see concreting over suggestion above).
Gawd help us.
Blame Cameron, he promised to curb immigration and blame Labour for opening the floodgates in the first place.
No one else is listening – Vote UKIP
Because most of the immigrants are from the EU , countries like ,France Spain & Portugal also had colonies , & some of those former colonists got passports from the the “mother” country . Once they get the right to reside in the mother country ,they can also reside in any member EU state . Voting ukip will not stop that, because Millipeed /SNP will take over & things will get really bad. You can slag off Cam for not doing this & that , but things when you are in coalition with the EU friendly Libs, are not that that easy to implement because they object to it.
Prey tell us all then then, just what is Cameron and the Tory government doing, or even going to do about it ?
Vote Tory get Liebor, vote UKIP.
The party with one policy – yeah right!
What’s that – repealing ‘climate change’ nonsense? Or leaving the EU? Or limiting immigration? Whoops, there’s three for starters!
All very appealing and so – ah – common sense!
Have you not seen this then ?
A word censored by INBBC here-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“Pictured: The dramatic moment passenger who yelled ‘Jihad! Jihad!’ is pinned to the ground by fellow fliers on board Washington to Denver United Airlines flight .”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2998473/Pictured-Passenger-yelled-Jihad-Jihad-tackled-ground-fellow-fliers-Washington-Denver-flight.html#ixzz3UecbQYeF
2.) INBBC-
“United Airlines flight turns around after man charges cockpit”
Amazing how the home of the world’s leading investigative journalists could omit one key fact.
Anyone mention an agenda?
Miliband must have been really teed off yesterday when BBC news covered his big announcement in a balanced and informative way.
I’d guess he was hoping for his spin about no coalition with the SNP (what DID take him so long?) would end at that. Instead, our Norm went on to say that this didn’t rule out an informal arrangement where deals could be done on a vote-by-vote basis. In other words, pretty well the same thing though without the flesh-creeping prospect of Salmond and his odious Little Scotlanders taking cabinet posts at Westminster.
Nice one Norm – for once. Keep it up.
Has Cameron converted? Seriously? Is there a mosque near Chipping Norton?
“The scale of the abuse in Oxfordshire, a county in southeast England, mirrors similarly shocking accounts of the sexual exploitation of white British girls by Muslim gangs in Bristol, Derby, Rochdale, Rotherham and Telford, and implies that the problem is not isolated, but endemic.”
I would add … this ought to be the biggest UK news story period.
Can you even imagine the BBC if genuine UK nationals were picking up Muslim girls from school, drugging them, gang raping them, threatening their parents with violence?
Never mind a 1000, 000 just a few in just a couple of towns?
Can you imagine?.
There have been occasional chinks in Al BBC narrative but always pretty much in isolation – anyone notice two specific words missing from these reports?
BBC – Child grooming occurs ‘in every town’, charity says
BBC – Organised child sex abuse ‘widespread in England’, MPs say
BBC – Child sexual exploitation has become a “social norm”
The estimated 1000, 000 victims?
Muslim child gang rape map (mirror) a few years old though
more up to date
Hey Ho! … deceased scumbag Cyril Smith is obviously going to be the deliberate “fall guy” for a much larger Westminster problem
scrap the BBC!
“De vivis nil nisi verum. De mortuis nil nisi bonum”
Here’s the translation for those who haven’t had the benefit of a rate payer funded grammar school education.
Concerning the living speak nothing but truth.
Concerning the dead speak nothing but good
Inspector Go lightly should be investigating the living first not the dead.
It is the biggest news story, just not in W1A.
It’s hard to decide what is most harrowing here. The sickening nature of the acts, the media failing to report it all, or the utter corruption of the fuzz.
Take your pick.
Whoaa Nick Griffin! It must be true. Hasnt his moustache dropped off?
Perhaps you’d rather he hadn’t exposed Muslim child rape gangs (for which he got vilified btw) – you know, kept things quiet for the sake of ‘community cohesion’?
And isn’t it interesting that, for all your nazi slurs against anything remotely right wing, there has been no vigilante backlash in these towns? Aren’t the English tolerant, Mr Omnibus? Be a shame when we’ve been ethnically cleansed from our own country by the Left’s stealth tactics (and that includes you). Wonder how tolerant this country will be then?
Did you ever work for Rotherham council by the way? Or was it Oxford, maybe…..or Rochdale…..or….
It might include me if I was left wing. But since Im not it clearly doesnt. All my nazi slurs being how many exactly?
Who said I was tolerant?
Try not to make so many things up there’s a good chap.
As for a classic Griffen quote try this:-
‘I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also also once held that the Earth was flat… I have reached the conclusion that the ‘extermination’ tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria ‘
So there you have it .
Well I have to say that “in search of moderate Muslims” was not at all what might have been expected.
Mansoor concluded that Muslim communities have failed to integrate in any meaningful way, that excessive levels of immigration have meant that the gradual merging of two communities has been completely halted, and probably reversed.
That Muslims have become even more religious rather than less, and that they are anything but ‘moderate’. Of course he was able to meet the odd one, but then a gay Muslims is hardly going to be calling for his own death! A more liberal one had been forced out of his Mosque for suggesting a more equitable view towards women, and attended what is a small movement of more ‘relaxed’ Muslims.
He concluded that many Muslims actually find the term ‘moderate’ offensive, and I think that most people who have learned what is actually going on in this country realise that the ‘moderate’ tag is something left wing politicians have coined to cover up the reality of Islam. This has actually been covered at Jihad watch.
So all in all it turned out to be one of the BBC better and more honest pieces, although I guess some might not agree !
Could it be that the BBC ‘bubble’ is about to burst?
So much of its output is driven by what they would like things to be rather than what they are.
They would like Muslims to be ‘moderate’, which of course really means being like those ‘Christians’ who turn up for baptisms, marriages and funerals. Unfortunately Mansoor finds that the youngsters haven’t been listening to the BBC and the politicians but instead reading ‘the book’ and listening to their imams. They are going back to their cultural roots, they are becoming fundamentalists.
Rather than being forced to integrate, which is the fate of all isolated immigrants, we now have self-sufficient colonies that have no need to integrate or change. And of course our politicians have armed them with the tools to resist, they are the new demos and our democracy will bend to meet their culture.
Thanks Thoughtful for your post. And a revealing observation here:-
‘He (Mansoor) concluded that many Muslims actually find the term ‘moderate’ offensive’
This is the crux. Moderates do not exist. Extremism is not a separate entity but an integral part of every day Islam.
This is something that all politicians should take note of. We all non-Muslims are in for a very hard ride over the next few years. I hope to be proved wrong for the sake of my children.
I heard it in the car. Mansoor seemed like a nice guy, but his “search” for moderate muslims was a depressing failure.
He even admitted he found it “discouraging” talking to young muslims, like the one who considered it “sinful” to shake hands with a woman.
As an alternative to the term “moderate” muslims (which apparently is now offensive to muslims), I would like to suggest the term “Radio Four” muslims. Because I think that’s the only place you’ll actually find them.
Yes, I too heard poor old Mansoor in search of the Squonk-the moderate Muslim.
Desperate crap-especially when Sadiq Khan-Mansoors kindred spirit-told us all that a Bradford Imam issued a fatwa on him for voting for gay marriage.
Didn`t hear much about that-did you?
Still-a toothless hennaed Yorkshire fatty on a CRB checklist is hardly Khomeini now is he?
But, give the BBC a few years-and he will be-with Sadiq Khan running for his “approved list of Muslim UK candidates”.
Creepy-has Mansoor heard of taqqiya?…or is he too chicken to tell us about his interpretation of this?
Not heard anything from our Islamophiles dez and Mr Omnibus on this.
Where are they?
Thoughtful…..Thanks above somewhere…for the info about the new Blair book.
I for one am always interested to keep my eye on what this real Charlatan, who headed up the Government that in 13 years totally wrecked our Nation in every department of state through lies, deceit and policies that has led our once proud heritage into disrepute, and from which we will never recover.
Everyday the news has some item on which Blair’s legacy has engendered.
Whether it be the radicalising ‘British Muslims’ going to Syria or another suicide bomb going off in Iraq or Afghanistan, to the open door immigration policies that led to an unsustainable increase in our population by over 5 millions under his tenure, (when you include the illegal’s and the over a million Muslims he imported). His legacy in every area, whether it be economics, housing, Defence Home Affairs or Foreign Policy is a disgrace and shameful.
All these Blair’s legacies, in my view, were not sensible actions, whilst at the same time teaming up with Bush to bomb, kill wound or displace millions of other Muslims in their own lands, after ignoring his own people who held the biggest demonstrations on our streets ever against such actions.
Chilcot will hopefully be out soon, but the most dramatic expose I am waiting for is Gorgeous George Galloway film: ‘The Killing of Tony Blair’ due out over the next few months:
I’ve ordered my copy for delivery on Friday. Now all I need is for a Mr T BLiar to autograph the fly leaf !
I believe the worst thing that Blair did, for the U.K. – was to get the Human Rights Act onto the statute book.
Agreed. It was the worst of many bad things Bliar did to this country, all things being relative.
And what does his wife do for a living?
Yet more corruption !
How could you even suggest such a thing! Sheer coincidence obviously – as was the fact that Ed Milliband bringing in ludicrous environmental laws had nothing to do with his wife being a barrister specialising in environmental law.
Yep his wife is behind global warming. The world is being forced to warm up by court order.
Yeah who needs rights with people like you lot around . Right to life – pah! right to a fair trial – dont talk to me!
At least it doesnt include anything about freedom of expression or they might have to close this site down.
This ‘they’ of whom you speak… with such intimate ease… being?
Normally I’d pass, but as others have noted it, and we are talking a touted next DG, given current evidence of competencies I feel the share is worthwhile:
At the very least Mr. Cohen seems to have a need to show just how powerful he is by who he moves and shakes with. But the public shares just look desperate and tacky.
As an aside I’d love to know via what process and whose sign-off Pompidou was commissioned. Clearly not cheap, we lasted about 3 minutes before it was switched off, with no intention of return.
The bBC and saving Jihad Ry-han:
Dead Syria fighters’ brother, 16, banned from travel
A 16-year-old boy whose two elder brothers were killed fighting in Syria’s civil war has been barred from travelling abroad. Mr Justice Hayden made the boy a ward of court, which bars him from leaving the jurisdiction of England and Wales. The judge made the ruling in the Family Division of the High Court in London after social services raised fears he could travel to Syria.
Yup, only in the UK do we spend more time and effort in denying those who hate us from leaving than getting here. Mind you, I wasn’t surprised at this snippet at the end of that article:
“He has grown up in modern Britain in an extraordinary family – a family where the male members are patently committed to waging jihad in war-torn Syria.”
Yes in the FT today (not yet seen anything on Beeb) there is an article on how the Government will ruin our summer hols by id’ing everybody that LEAVES by ferry or eurotunnel.
As far as I am concerned, people who want to go and fight in Syria can by all means leave, but must never be allowed to return. In fact the more that leave the better.
They should have been ‘id’ing’ everyone ENTERING the country a long time ago , that is why we have the present problems.
But agreed, they should never be allowed to return and the more that leave the better .
Sorry, but the BBC were covering this yesterday and wanted it both ways. The Toady programme had the Minister along and went for him on the ‘large and disruptive queues’ issue…and for good measure on why there were not exit controls (that would lead to long and disruptive queues).
Sometimes, with the BBC, if you’re a Tory, you just can’t win. Best just to tell them to fuck off.
I agree, but I am afraid the Tory government have done little or nothing about immigration, or Al Beeb’s bias . In fact we have been ‘invaded’.
Normal service has resumed. After Ofcom ruled that UKIP is a major party but the Greens are not, it looked like the broadcasters would play fair. Not any longer:
On 16 April there would be a “challengers” special involving the SNP, UKIP, Plaid and the Greens and finally, on 30 April, David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg would each have separate half hours in a Question Time-style BBC event with David Dimbleby.
I think Farage has told them to stuff it. Quite right too.
I am sure that the Democratic Unionists are going to get twice as many seats than Plaid and the Greens put together.
I’m sure it’s not just me but to me it looks as if the broadcasters have done their bit to help Labour all the way in this saga:
1. Their first idea was to have the “Big Three” plus UKIP as the latter is expected to take votes off the Tories and Farage is highly critical of Cameron. This is why Cameron said the Greens should be involved as they are expected to take votes off Labour and it would even up the debate (and is why the broadcasters wanted them ignored in the first place).
2. As they could not in all seriousness ignore the Greens anymore the broadcasters then invited the Scottish and Welsh National Socialists to take part in UK elections as well, even though they were only standing in small parts of the country. These two, of course, are expected to gang up on Cameron with the other parties, and it was also intended to make a mockery of Cameron’s attempt to even the playing field. Plus it would be too unwieldy to be of much use at all (and Cameron would be blamed for insisting on the Greens’ participation).
3. The DUP would be ignored despite getting more seats than the Welsh NSP as they are less critical of the Tories and therefore a very slight leveller of the playing field.
I can understand, therefore, why Cameron then pulled out but he has been played and they made him look completely foolish.
Main evening news long piece on Housing Shortage, need to build 240000 houses per year. No mention of immigration. Followed by 10 minute party political broadcast on behalf of Labour Party on Look East. Cancer diiagnos targets not being met etc etc. brief mention more people being cured. How many more weeks of this?
BBC and Channel 4 droning on about Ken Loach and Cathy Come Home. Can you believe that. We have a housing shortage due to a 21st century immigration scandal and the broadcasters dig out a fifty year old play. C4 even have Loach on live but, to be fair, they’ve got John Redwood as well. Redwood mentions the ‘I’ word. You don’t hear the ‘I’ word on the Beeb.
As we sit here tonight, there’s people being born in Bangalore that will need houses in London… and no one is doing anything about it. Is that not a scandal?
Ken Loach is a real Fascist, Jew hating, the lot, but his play Cathy come home was about a teenage runaway and has little to do with a housing shortage. Seems that any tenuous link will do for the BBC
“…but his play Cathy come home was about a teenage runaway and has little to do with a housing shortage.”
You are mistaken.
I Can See Clearly Now,
“BBC and Channel 4 droning on about Ken Loach and Cathy Come Home.”
Ken Loach was given all of 15 seconds to speak on BBC 6pm News, after a 15 second reference to “Cathy Come Home”.
Thirty seconds being your definition of; “droning on”.
wtf??? have u just stood there with a stop watch timing this????
what a sad individual u are dezmong
Just Sayin’
“wtf??? have u just stood there with a stop watch timing this????
Erm no, you just have to check the time display on iPlayer. It doesn’t take much effort. But yes it is sad that so many people here enjoy believing in complete fiction no matter how transparently the truth is laid out before them.
Hardly surprising though, seeing as Biased-BBC is the last refuge for people who find Guido Fawkes too intellectually challenging.
Ken Loach was given all of 15 seconds to speak on BBC 6pm News…
I wasn’t watching closely… or timing… I didn’t realise he was interviewed on the Beeb. I said C4 had him live – which they did. What is significant is that both channels mention CCH. The film is a totem of leftie broadcasters, referred to in hushed tones, always used to blame homelessness on right-wing governments. That is particularly deceitful at this time when the country has been flooded with immigrants. This BBC page says that, according to the Office of National statistics, the UK population grew by more than 400,000 in a 12-month period. Of course; they only count the legal ones. They quote a figure of 64 million for the total population, but food consumption figures show that the actual population is over 70 million. Would you argue that the government should have built them all houses in anticipation? They were brought in by stealth, remember. Low cost labour; no downside. If the government had told the population ‘We need to tax you heavily to provide housing, health and education for twenty million foreigners’, what do you think the response would have been?
Cathy Come Home? You’re having a laugh! Mohamed come over, more like.
I Can See Clearly Now,
“BBC and Channel 4 droning on about Ken Loach and Cathy Come Home”
“I wasn’t watching closely… or timing… I didn’t realise he was interviewed on the Beeb”
So you were lying about the BBC then. Okay, thanks for clearing that up.
As I said; I didn’t know Loach was interviewed on the Beeb. I only said both the Beeb and Channel 4 mentioned him and his 50 year old film. Read it again – everything I said was true.
It’s interesting you haven’t answered the core point that the housing shortage is an inevitable consequence of open-door immigration and that Cathy Come Home has no relevance whatsoever.
I Can See Clearly Now,
“I only said both the Beeb and Channel 4 mentioned him and his 50 year old film.
No, you clearly said much more more than that. “Droning on” was the phrase you used. Except now you’ve admitted to not knowing if Ken Loach was featured on the BBC at all.
“Read it again – everything I said was true.”
Apart from the BBC; “droning on about Ken Loach and Cathy Come Home” you mean?
“It’s interesting you haven’t answered the core point…”
Be man enough to admit you “lied / exaggerated / made a mistake” about what was on the BBC [it is, after all, there in your own words in plain sight] and I’ll consider you other points worthy of a response. Otherwise it’s clear you are far more interested in playing to the gallery than having a serious debate.
Be man enough to admit you “lied / exaggerated / made a mistake” about what was on the BBC…
Eh? Here’s what I said: ‘BBC and Channel 4 droning on about Ken Loach and Cathy Come Home.’
I’m lost as to the fuss you’re making. Both the BBC and C4 mentioned Cathy Come home. Both showed clips/screenshots. Both mentioned Ken Loach. What I said was true and accurate. I made no mention of Loach being interviewed on the BBC – you raised that.
Are you just quibbling over the definition of ‘droning’? Google says ‘speak tediously in a dull monotonous tone.’ Individual reaction, of course, but I found it tedious and the tone monotonous. I’m confident most here feel the same.
The issue you – and the broadcasters, and the LibLabCon – avoid is immigration.
We only have your word for it dreary, and judging by your other contributions here that’s not much.
“We only have your word for it dreary, and judging by your other contributions here that’s not much.”
BBC iPlayer – BBC News at Six – 17/03/2015
Go on, knock yourself out TPO.
Cathy come home was basically about a feckless young man who couldn’t be arsed to support his wife and children. IMHO
Just seen that Channel 4 News do their expected left wing take on the housing situation.
Ken Loach in the ‘Red’ Corner, John Redwood in the ‘Blue’, with the referee, Jon Snow encouraging the predictable result of putting the blue corner on the ropes as far as blame goes!
If I had been the Tory spokesperson I would socked it to them big time with the first right hook letting them know the deplorable Labour Government record 1997-2010 of building levels down to the 1920s levels with an average of only 29,000 per year new builds.
I would have jabbed away with the time it takes to turn around such a house building and economic deficit legacy and pointed out the big increases since 2010 and now planned:
But the knock out would have come with a massive uppercut about the huge increase in population by over 5 millions during these Labour years of starving the house building market and the rank hypocrisy now blaming someone else!
“BBC director-general Tony Hall says ‘a whole raft of things’ will decide whether he sacks Jeremy Clarkson over Top Gear row”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2999504/BBC-director-general-Tony-Hall-says-raft-things-decide-sacks-Jeremy-Clarkson-Gear-row.html#ixzz3UgCnJMKx
Will Tony (impartial Labour) HALL consult his political appointment, PURNELL, on how to sack Clarkson, after a impartial Beeboid trial, of course?
Odd that the link text and headline isn’t what is headlined now.
And whilst the sack of rats that is the BBC deserve everything their inept market rates and spinners get back as bad as they give, talk about a collection of vague sourced whatiffery and allegation.
Hardly any quote nailed down other than to sources, spokespersons or ‘friends’.
Surely by now something to all this can actually be nailed down?
And a bit of fun with the mixed feelings inspired in some to the solution CECUTT has announced to this dilemma:
The only thing on the Beeb’s mind is money nothing else.
Snowden: a GuardianISIS hero still?:-
“Edward Snowden cost British taxpayer money, says Theresa May.
Home Secretary describes impact of leaks on Britain’s security apparatus and says they carried a financial cost.”
So did GCHQ with the 7 years worth of illegal taps. Come to that so has IDS with his botched reforms. Come to that so did Owen Patterson when he drowned Somerset. Come to that so did Theresa
when she sacked all the immigration offices. Government seems to cost over the odds these days. And so dishonest!
And as I lay my head to rest, I shall be treasuring what the world’s most respected news organisation, deploying all its editorial integrity, considers worthy of calling news:
“The UK’s first small penis party, where men gather to speak frankly about their members”
(Sadly drooping eyes has meant I was unable to check if the ‘men’ in question were those the BBC is usually describing with this term).
“Saudi grand mufti calls for demolition of churches in Saudi Peninsular”
Yep that’s right, a religious fanatic, who is chief poo bah of the Islamic cult in that country is calling for the destruction of religious symbols of other faiths.
And the BBC has this to say about it ……………… ……….. ….
Meanwhile it’s been an absolute joy and pleasure this evening watching the Bring Back Clarkson TV gritting its teeth as Bibi is voted back in as Prime Minister of Israel. The little maggot Bowen is beside himself with rage. Even now at 2:00 AM UK time they appear in denial.
Puts me in mind of Dimblebore back in 1992, leaning back in his chair at one minute past ten and smugly declaring that Labour were in with a 30 seat majority.
Well they soon had to put the corks back into those champagne bottles that the viewers had paid for.
Not sure if those back in the UK know about this (you’d never get it from the BBC), but many over here know that the White House clown probably instructed a little know part of the US State Dept. to meddle in the Israeli elections through funding for the Arab vote
Many of you know that probably? That’s called a contradiction in terms! Either you know he did, or he didn’t ! You can have a suspicion that he instructed, or that others meddled possibly on his instruction, but I’m afraid what you have typed has no real meaning.
BBC make total fools of themselves (yet again).
Headline in the Times of Israel is “Netanyahu scores crushing victory in Israeli elections”
http://www.timesofisrael.com/ (not sure how long the link will last)
And the BBC’s Netanyahu ‘wins Israeli election’
I won’t bother with a link to the ‘envy of the world’.
Perhaps it should be relabeled ‘home of the twaterati’
What is wrong with this website. this post was made at 05:30 UK time on 18th March yet appears in posts made in the evening of the 17th.
Sort it please blog owners
BBC R4 reporting 500 kids abused in west Midlands and police say this is an “under estimate”.
No mention that the abusers are muslim. Disgusting censorship of the news.
Budget Day & “Today” dispatches its reporter (Mishal Husain?) to interview a couple of manufacturers. The reporter soon runs out of business matters to discuss & asks them to tell us how bad it would be if they were denied (a) immigrant labour & (b) EU membership.
Is there any party that wants to stop all immigration? What politician has ever said that they want to stop highly qualified people coming here to work?
“Today” isn’t for dummies. Are the BBC fooling themselves or do they think that the drip, drip will get past its audiences’ logic filters & cause them to vote for Ed?
Teddy Bear Turnbull and Beaky Sally Nugent on the Breakfast sofa this morning are doing their public service thing and extolling mothers to breast feed.
Seems we farm out studies into this sort of thing to Brazil these days. The sofa dwellers and their ‘expert’ guest seem a bit bemused as to why this obviously good idea is so often rejected by UK mothers. I begin to doubt the value of the so-called expert when asked ‘are there any “cultural differences” with Brazil?’ ‘Oh no’ is her answer.
Crikey sofa bods, what a question to ask a Common Purpose graduate!
But back to the bemusement there at the Beeb why British women go for the bottle over the boob.
Well, you remember yesterday on the sofa when that teenaged girl referred to stay at home mums as “Weird”…..
No empty champagne bottles at the BBC’s Jerusalem office today ?
It’s been a while, but it’s back. Yes BBc lecturing me on diet again on Breakfast. This time Fiona Phillips (who I can’t stand) lectures us on sugar. Taking time off from advertising a lottery to sit on the sofa with a serious face on. Apparently the recommendation is down to 6 spoonful’s a day. Watch out dead man walking I have more than that in tea every day. How the hell did I ever make it into my fifties drinking and eating all this poison? BBc the records stuck.
The body is very resilent is the answer to that. Your health will also depend on polymorphisms and epigenetics which will alter your ability to process certain food stuffs . The thing is ,excess carbs, will catch up with you but possibly not in the way you think. There is a lot of evidence correlating the growth of consumption of sugar will the incidence of debilitating disease. I am surprised you feel it is not right that a public broadcaster should highlight that fact?
Like they did with saturated fats.
Yes and saturated fats are still not good for you in the quantities being consumed. So to with trans fats which can raise ldl cholesterol. Need to cut down if you have previously though they were safe.
No empty champagne bottles today at the BBC’s Jerusalem office ?
JA wrote:
“No empty champagne bottles today at the BBC’s Jerusalem office ?
Nah, they are saving them for the day the next poor Palestinian terrorists attack and murder some poor innocent person. (Usually on the Islamic holy day friday) and then the wankers at the bBC will have a jolly spiffing good time at happy hour celebrating yet another attack on the jew.
The BBC is in bed with Israel and has been for donkey’s years. Thats why it always provides a very biased profile in favour of the appartied state. You clearly dont know what is going on out there ,and why should you ,when your not being told ! It could be you are incredibly biased in which case you’re not in a position make any judgement as to the output of the BBC.
“The BBC is in bed with Israel and has been for donkey’s years. Thats why it always provides a very biased profile in favour of the appartied state.”
Can you summarise the findings of theBalen report for us please, as you are obviously “in the know”?
For the Oxbridge twit that Humphrys interviewed about cyclone Pam, the other morning:
Cyclone pam is weather. Global warming is CLIMATE.
differentiate between climate and weather then. i only ask this cos youve got a 1st in chemistry, physics and matrhs so you must be able to explain it
ps, i’ll be checking your reply to make sure u havnt copied and pasted it from the net
Climate is an aggregation of weather over a period of time. Weather is an actualisation of climate. And I havent said I have a 1st . I said it was my 1st degree. Ive got other ones.
‘Ive got other ones’
The Groucho Principle, eh? Clearly invented before the apostrophe.
Cue music…
Ah, there goes Mr Omnibus, our local expert on global warming who can’t sustain a ‘climate change’ argument longer than a couple of posts.
Or have you got proof of the ocean warming hypothesis yet – you know, the one it took the IPCC and its chums 10 years to come up with as a reason their first hypothesis spectacularly failed i.e. lack of atmospheric warming – you know, ‘settled science’ and all that.
Do tell.
Ah, yes that’d be the ocean warming dismnssed here, no doubt.
More tosh from the Greenies!
Jeremy Bowen on news last night tells us Israeli election too close to call Netanyahu may be out (right wing as well to emphasize his dislike) – yet in morning all was well – was Jeremy reporting facts or wishful thinking?
‘right wing.. to emphasise his dislike’ who Jeremy Bowen or Netanyahu. I think you’ll find Bowen was reporting on poll findings which in the event , proved inaccurate. What d’ya know.
… was Jeremy reporting facts or wishful thinking?
Poor old Jeremy believed the opinion polls:
In the end Israeli opinion polls told the wrong story, yet again.
Benjamin Netanyahu scored a much bigger victory than the exit polls had suggested
The lefties never learn. When the media demonize a party they don’t like, a small percentage of voters always feel reluctant to admit their true intentions to pollsters:
Social desirability bias is a social science research term that describes the tendency of survey respondents to answer questions in a manner that will be viewed favorably by others…. The tendency poses a serious problem with conducting research…
Expect UKIP to perform 3% or 4% better than the polls eventually suggest.
No he reported on the basis of the opinion polls. What on earth is all this ‘wishful thinking’ . Why do yo feel the need to make stuff up?
Bowen’s reputation precedes him – in spades. You would have known this had you not been a newcomer to this site.