It’s on The News Channel – should get a lot of English viewers, they’ll have their eyes opened. Can only be good for the UKIP vote.
Sturgeon just clobbered Murphy by saying she would go immediately for ‘full fiscal autonomy’….’Would you?’. Murphy nearly soiled his trousers; no way he was losing the English teat. The proud Scots in the audience seemed strangle supportive of Murphy!
Yes I found it very strange that while most of the people in this country are against immigration, a majority of the audience seemed in favor by the volume of their applause – fixed audience again ?
The Pro-Immigration Audience could be made up of people who want to undermine expensive Unionized Labour, by employing fully trained cheap labour from the EU, which also cuts the cost and burden of training School leavers.
The young people in the Audience would be the ones successfully brainwashed at school into becoming pro-establishment useful idiots for the employers. The employers benefit from these youngsters being brainwashed by left-wing anti-Racism training into agreeing that employers should employ those best qualified, because its racist and discriminatory to employ inexperienced indigenous School leavers, over better trained immigrants. A catch-22 situation for this generation of youngsters, which has not happened in the past.
This catch-22 situation would make youngsters either Pro-Establishment useful idiots, or Anti-Establishment UKIPers, condemned as Racists by the Establishment.
• Click on the ‘three dots’ ‘More’ symbol at the bottom of the tweet.
• Click on ‘Copy link to Tweet’
• A pop-up appears with the link already highlighted.
• Copy the link and paste into the bBBC post.
I disagree with her politics but your abusive insult of her is ridiculous and wrong. She’s basically honest, decent and competent. Not as able as Ruth Davidson however, just better dressed.
Honesty – her account of the meeting with the French ambassador was corroborated by the French ambassador. She has not ruled out another independence referendum.
Decency – she is a democrat, who abides by the democratic mandate and process. Untainted by personal or professional scandal.
Competent – despite the difficulties in the Holyrood PR system she has helped lead the SNP from opposition via minority government to majority government (wavy Davey could look and learn)
She is not as able as Ruth Davidson, and her opposition to the Union is flawed, but it is no crime.
“Honesty – her account of the meeting with the French ambassador was corroborated by the French ambassador. She has not ruled out another independence referendum.”
You may choose to believe a politician with a vested interest, and if you recall an ambassador is described as “an honest man sent abroad to lie for his country”. I prefer to believe the civil service note taker, who has no vested interest to lie. It is quite possible that Sturgeon did not know her meeting with the French ambassador was to be minuted, but that’s her problem.
As for embarking on the road of a “neverendum”, how that is the mark of a decent politician I find utterly baffling.
The civil servant account was based on a chat with the Consul General, but was qualified as the civil servant himself was sceptical what was said.
It would be easy, popular and tempting for Sturgeon to rule out a ‘neverendum’, but it would be dishonest.
While I think the Ad Hom is a bit low, it’s quite clear that Sturgeon (as Salmond), is none of the things you describe.
Honest: Did you read the independence manifesto? It was economic idiocy based on the lie of ever rising oil revenues and keeping the pound sterling – a total non starter.
Decent: Trying to turn Scots against each other, the real Scots and the traitors. No-one has done more to poison the well than Sturgeon.
Competent? How is the NHS doing in Scotland for example? Not as well as England. And what is she going to do once she’s banished Trident from the UK, withdraw from the security council? Wow, that’s a step forward for British interests.
She is better dressed though. I’ll grant you that one.
“All are from Savile Town in Dewsbury, which is 98.7% Asian and has been described as the most segregated area of Britain. A Deobandi school of Islam that was founded in colonial India, specifically to oppose western culture, dominates the town. Mohammad Sidique Khan, the leader of the group responsible for the 7 July 2005 bombings in London, grew up in the area.”
“founded in colonial India, specifically to oppose western culture, dominates the town”
… founded in rural England specifically to oppose Islamic culture
domina … no wait
what! … waycist! … ban them! … far right far right! … immediate political intervention, enemedia smear, character assassination etc etc etc.
Notice the difference?
The level of bile aimed at Coburn was ridiculous and patronising to the 7% of the Scottish electorate that will vote UKIP , Sturgeon’s wee twisted coupon was a sight to behold and soured the milk in my cup of tea, ffs.
Tonight’s Telegraph, as you might expect, leads the campaign against Special Ed’s non-dom announcement with the headline: “Ed Miliband’s non-dom crackdown is ‘cataclysmic’
Tax barristers warn 30,000 non-doms could leave Britain under Ed Miliband’s plans to abolish tax status ”
This is pretty much what you would expect of the country’s leading business paper (let’s forget the corpse of the FT, perhaps someone will drag it away before it rots completely).
The BBC’s headline, however, is clearly a damage limitation exercise: “Labour defends plans to scrap ‘non-dom’ tax status.
Labour has defended its plans to end the non-domicile rule that allows some wealthy UK residents to limit the tax paid on earnings outside the country.”
This is not the voice of an independent, balanced, impartial news source. It is, in fact, exactly what you would expect from a Labour supporting media outlet like the Guardian or the aforementioned FT, trying to deflect the substance of criticism levelled against Ed’s announcement.
Beneath a picture of Miliband, the BBC carries not a word of the Telegraph’s story, thought it does mention Labour’s repeated self-contradictions today.
The result is the impression of valiant little Ed Miliband defending his scheme – but we are not told against what. Small wonder, if the Telegraph’s barrister is right!
This election is proving to be a real eye-opener in terms of how far the BBC is willing to go to support its dog.
Could all this be something to do with the tax status of the proprietors of the Torygraph I wonder. Type in Barclay brothers and tax into Google to find out.
Try typing ‘Is the BBC in Trouble’, or ‘ publisher Abramhis’ into google to find the book (or even the publisher) to which you have at least twice referred readers of this blog. No results.
So far as I can tell, each and every time I have posed the question to you about this publication (after all, you were the one prompting everyone on the site to read it to improve their knowledge of the BBC), you have avoided answering.
But if it is not freely available, that then raises the further questions – is it an internal BBC publication, and if so – how do you have a copy ?
The man on the bus has been exorting the plebs to read ‘Is the BBC in Trouble’; publisher ‘Abramhis’; for some time. It doesn’t appear on Google, so Richard has been trying, with a spectacular lack of success, to get Manon to provide more details. It’s starting to look like it’s an internal BBC publication restricted to use by their troll factory.
I was genuinely interested initially in what this publication would reveal about the BBC, and how it would advance MOCO’s arguments, but it’s not like him to avoid stringing out responses on a thread when anyone posts to one of his ‘points’. Hence my further attempts to prompt him to tell us what this is all about.
It would take only a second or two to provide further information and clear all of this up, but……
“His” grammar and spelling varies wildly for a retired graduate who would have gone to school when such things were important and only the select meritocratic few would have made it to university.
A not retired yet, ex grammar school boy from when only about 2/3 of the cohort went on to university.
You could read
(1) “Can We Trust the BBC?” by Robin Aitken
(2) “The Guardian of the Airwaves?: Bias and the BBC” by Martin McElwee
(3) “BBC Bias?: Two Short Case Studies” by Kathy Gyngell and David Keighley
(4) “The BBC and Climate Change: A Triple Betrayal” by Christopher Booker.
I know of two others not available on the internet, but known to the BBC, and at least one report not known to the BBC management.
“Terrorism Officers Investigate Death Of Preacher.
“Officers with expertise in investigations ‘with international dimensions’ are leading the probe into Abdul Hadi Arwani’s death.”
I saw “Secret Britain“, which was diabolically bad, with hopelessly mispronounced Welsh names and the bizarre way the two presenters alternated clauses.
Still, that wasn’t evidence of bias. Amazing, though, that, in all the sixty minutes, the eco-friendly beebyanka’s cameras failed to spot a single wind-turbine.
Hardly surprising, and one must empathize with guys at the sharp end of political band-aid reaction.
Not just Paris, but anywhere, by what optimistic notion is a lone rozzer with a pop gun going to withstand a coordinated surprise attack by a suicide squad armed to the teeth with AKs & RPGs?
Equally duration. Like Lord Pantone’s protection detail, are determined statement makers going to politely turn up within a reasonable timeframe, or maybe wait until the heat dies down and the symbolic BS is called off.
Newsnight finished with one of those fine pieces of subtle propaganda that the Beeb does so well. Smooth interview with artist Sir Anish Kapoor; all metropolitan elite sophistication, dignified defence of immigration, ‘reaching out’ to UKIP voters, ….. puke. I thought it hilarious, set against the bitter anti-UKIP rants from Murphy and Sturgeon on the BBC barely an hour earlier.
Further Newsnight comment from the ‘Taxing Times’ article by Alan:
BBC ongoing, tooth grinding, anger inducing bias.
Newsnight 8/4/15. I must confess, by 22.57 I had to switch off this tortuous Labour Party propaganda outfit, in favour of a snippet of FA Cup footy as I could stomach no more. Newsnight tonight unashamedly came out with a more organised Labour narrative on the non-dom issue. Chris Leslie was on for Labour. He could bore a corpse could Chris, he says so much nothing you want to agree with him so he would just shut up. He could have a Teflon coated brain – nothing coming out, nothing going in. The BBC News editorial team with helmsman Katz, Comrade Evan Davis and Allegra Stratton, ran a piece pretending that the Labour Party weren’t in desperate need of political babysitting BBC-style, having attempted to buy votes with a policy which would impoverish our nation which you (Alan) describe above. Unbelievable phraseology by Allegra Stratton to Ed Miliband when asking whether the policy should be enacted even if it meant a loss to the exchequer. The moral ambivalence of these spoilt, overpaid, deluded play-journalists is truly vomit inducing. And edited snippets of the chap Jolyon Maugham QC was shown, introducing him as ‘Tax Lawyer’, not ‘Labour Party Supporter’ or ‘minority voice’.
There is no pretence. BBC are actively promoting Labour. Actively suppressing the truth, perpetuating confusion and promoting envy. They are actively undermining UKIP (see the Clive Myre / Robin Bryant UKIP-bash verbal tennis played on loop on BBC News channel today). They are dismissive of the Lib Dems. In England they are eulogising the SNP on the ultimately content-less performance (and it was a performance) of Nicola Sturgeon last Thursday [perhaps our scottish friend are being given different narrative?]. They are hedging their bets with the Tories and yet again tonight on Newsnight we have Ken Clark, non-conservative social democrat wheeled out to give a centre left ‘defence’ for the former conservative party, feeding the BBC narrative of playing to the baser human instincts of greed, envy, spite and covetousness.
They are getting really desperate now, look at them trying to squeeze all the negativity they can out of Farage visiting Lincolnshire in this news report. From the narration to the interview “do you need this security? doesn’t feel like you’re a man of the people…” the not so cleverly edited vox pops (which aren’t nearly as negative as they’d like) to the shots of rentamob students clashing with a local rightfully irate about being labelled racist who is then led away.
It’s trending, apparently. And if it wasn’t, it can soon be made to. All that’s needed now is Radio 1 to ‘talk about’ banning it.
Not just the greens, but the days of actually forking out for political messaging seems over. Knock out a poster or bid, post online, pick up the phone to a tame journo et voila….. coverage.
bbc news did a real job on the non-doms last night. Sympathetic interview with a Labour peer who gave up his non-dom status and they even got a subtle did in on the Daily Mail. Absolutely NO balance at all and I didn’t see anything about Balls saying it would lose Britain money which would in turn lead to tax rises. Itv was pretty much the same but Sky gave it a lot more balance
I am so hoping we don’t get a Labour/SNP coalition as otherwise I might as well just ask for pocket money from HMRC after Labour tax us all to death
Or, as our Marxist friends might, perhaps, put it – the dialectic contraditions inherent in the system are beginning to be exposed.
Two instances this morning…
Any old-style comedian will tell you that you can happily haul the same gag around live theatres night after night – but crack that joke once on tv and it’s done.
In a similar sense the BBC for years have been packing Question Time audiences with the sort of crowd Robespierre used to get when he set up a guillotine. Less reasoned grown up debate, more baying lefty mob.
Now we have ITV and BBC putting on similar Scots debates and people begin to notice the BBC version, to put it mildly, leaned a tad to the left. The direct comparison means people start to notice.
Then this morning mumsy weather matron Carol Kirkwood explains how although the sun is shining we must expect some euro smog will be blowing over the UK because prevailing breezes will be from the continent.
Smash cut to news where you are and BBC London try to tell me Tory mayor Boris is on a fizzer with the EU because he hasn’t met EU clean air targets. Whoops… contradictions beginning to show.
“Any old-style comedian will tell you that you can happily haul the same gag around live theatres night after night – but crack that joke once on tv and it’s done.”
Years ago, a well established comedian (it might have been Barry Cryer, or maybe he was quoting someone else, I’m not sure) said that the problem with the demise of live entertainment was that there was “nowhere to be awful”. In other words, nowhere to learn the business by repeated failure.
Wow, BBC Radio 4 this morning, defend Labour at all costs! I had to clean up underneath my radio by 8.45, it had oozed out a big pool of Bias all over my table.
UKIP on the Al BBC again
The snuffing out about policy, the drip, drip smear, the erm
… diversity cabaret shouty waycist mob.
Its the Tories, and the new “reoganisation”, Lord Carter and his cronies who are now selling out the NHS … but its Farage who gets the Cabaret treatment?
Mind you nothing surprises me, a lie a day, has turned, into a smear, and a lie a day … for the Tories.
Laughable, today its more Crosby inspired Toryboy crap about Trident for Murdoch and co to spin
… didn t the Tories desperately court the Libdeds when they
didn t win the election? … how are they with Trident?
How much lower can these serial liars get?,
… they d already get under a snakes belly with a top hat on,
haven t they got ANY policies they dare talk about?.
Assuming not all in the future will have been brainwashed in Marxist ways by the MSM and our educational establishments , Farage will be looked back on as an opportunity missed, a Powell type character who in the long term was proved to be correct.
Lets hope at least the people of Thanet do the right thing.
Replace African with Islamic,(i.e. Halal) Dave …
worse still, the political class today are rushing to accommodate them ever quicker, in bed with them deeper, and deeper.
We never even encouraged them to integrate; rather we fell over ourselves promoting multiculturalism and pretending we felt ‘enriched’ by it all. We brought it on ourselves.
Why stop there? Perhaps she’d like her African son’s school to be restricted to African technology as well. After all, I’m sure she doesn’t allow any non African technology into her home.
Thanks for that, I guess it dates between 1985 and 1991, as Kinnock only fought 2 GE’s.
Where were the bBC at the time reporting on such? Find it quite scary to think that this was going on as early as this, although its easy to see now why we have arrived at where we are.
Weird and pointless decision about day care nursery staff. Apparently poor children do worse if there aren’t day care nurses who are graduates. No other factors involved there then?
For some reason they have some one from Save the children & some woman from some day care association. So how are “poorer” parents going to pay for day care if the day care centre is having to pay graduates.
Just watched Al Beeb newsman trying to massage the high figures of people supporting anti immigration/migration by watering down the differing forms of public perception of the ‘elephant in the room’. Looked like something from Tommy Cooper. ‘Now you see it now you don’t ‘
Al Beeb and its amateur propaganda at its best.
As objectionable as they may seem, I think it better that the posts are not deleted as it seems to throw the whole thread into meaningless chaos and thus the trolls intentions have been fulfilled.
‘Diverse emojis’ thank heavens for that, it was clearly unsustainable for them all to be yellow. Now for the brown smiley face. Wait a minute, how come all pedestrian street signs are black?
Lord Pantone could oversee the correct deployment of these, too.
Noting most seem heads only. Clear applications for BBC Pulitzer wannabees DM’ing their cannibal or slaughter-prone BFF’s around the ME & Africa after a hard day at ‘work’.
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live, and in particular Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell, were particularly exercised by the fact that the Conservative Party would not accept the assurances from Vernon Coaker, the shadow Defence Minister, that Trident was safe in its hands. “Gameshow” was not happy by the fact that the Conservatives compared any such assurances made by Mr. Ed with the underhand way in which he treated his brother, David, over the leadership contest. When Michael Fallon, the Defence Minister, tried to explain David Milliband’s “Et tu Brute” moment in the context of any assurances Mr. Ed might make, “Gameshow” continually tried to interrupt him, even at one stage trying to use the Coalition Government’s welfare reforms to challenge their criticism of Mr. Ed’s claim that he would retain Trident. By contrast Vernon Coaker was not interrupted once during his interview. Even John Pienaar said that the matter was not “clear cut” in the Labour Party, as many on the left of the party oppose Trident, and that a few weeks ago Ed Balls had hinted that the number of submarines carrying the Trident missiles could be reduced from four to three. Further La Sturgeon has stated that the removal of Trident from Scotland was a red line for her, which she would insist upon as the price of SNP support for a ninority Labour Government. The sturgeon is a fish that lives off invertebrates and its political equivalent in Scotland would have no problem devouring Mr. Ed!! What this episode demonstrated was that so-called radio journalists on the BBC can no longer be trusted to maintain their impartiality on political issues, thereby leading to the conclusion that the BBC needs to undergo fundamental reform in order to ensure that it complies with the terms of its Charter, or failing that, the abolition of the iniquitous licence fee.
“What this episode demonstrated was that so-called radio journalists on the BBC can no longer be trusted to maintain their impartiality on political issues…”
The BBC never HAD any impartiality to maintain in the first place.
Caught bits of the programme. Admiral Lord West was on the phone talking a lot of sense and letting the great unwashed know that our boats carry only the bare minimum of missiles these days and they are not kept at a moments notice to fire. This did not wash with the usual loons who moaned about the cost and the horror and that we ought to set an example to the world by giving nuclear weapons up. Lord West pointed out that we in fact had already given up nuclear shells, depth charges and bombs with nothing equivalent being given up by anybody. He was attacked by a usual denier of human nature who also insulted him by calling him a “General” twice even after gameshow pointed out his error. Admiral West was to much of a gentleman to point out that he personally had nearly been killed when his ship HMS Ardent was sunk in the Falklands War after the removal of an effective deterrent to Argentinian aggression. I did not hear if it was mentioned that the only country to give up nuclear weapons ( after the collapse of the Soviet Union) was The Ukraine, neither did I catch if anyone thought that Putin would have thought twice about invading them if they had still kept nuclear weapons.
‘This did not wash with the usual loons who moaned about the cost and the horror and that we ought to set an example to the world by giving nuclear weapons up.’
The loons who never lead by example – for instance, venturing out to Islamic State (sorry, ‘the self-styled Islamic State’) to ask the beheaders to give up their swords and AK47s in exchange for some peace and love.
Perhaps the bBC could set up a ‘Beeb’s got Talent’ type show.
In the show, broadcast on Saturday ‘prime time’, the ‘Living Room Tax’ payers vote which of the microphone-jockeys from the churnalist cubicles get the chance to visit and interview a current in vogue nutter.
Qualifying heats could be held in Rotherham, Dewsbury or Tower Hamlets (saving on the bus fares).
The lucky winners would then be parachuted into a topical hotspot, with a list of questions provided by the viewers.
The surviving churnalist could then host the following years competition. Lord of the Flies meets Darwin. 🙂
Please send your production development cheques to….
Just listened to a heart-rending edition of ‘Crossing Continents’ from around Ferguson, Missouri.
Nasty white policemen are stopping perfectly, almost, law-abiding African-American drivers and using any excuse, eg, no insurance, no licence, warrants for arrest to arrest and fine them.
‘There must be a better way’ simpered the young beeboid.
You hear this so often on the BBC it must be a Common Purpose mantra, designed to infiltrate our subconscious with lovely sunny fluffy bunny thoughts of how we should all be living in peace and harmony, regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, terrorist group affiliation or criminal tendencies – if only we all followed a better way. The only trouble being they never tell us what it is.
i don’t know about you but I’m increasingly disturbed that we are missing the big picture with the BBC news coverage of the approaching election. I took it for granted that they are gradually morphing into a 24 hour labour led normalising machine but this doesn’t distract me from worrying that they and the rest of their news presenters are so up their own in turning honest debate into cynical confusion. How clever they must feel.
The BBC is helplessly and hopelessly in the grip of whitephobia. On last night’s programme on BBC4 concerning the Ancient Greek concept of beauty (scheduled to coincide with the British Museum current exhibition), the justly famous and beautiful “Memnon” vase was shown and discussed. Memnon, as many of the commenters on this thread are probably aware, was the Ethiopian warrior who fought on Troy’s side in its war with the Greeks.
The overwhelming beauty of the vase itself, or rather the figures portrayed thereon, were the pretexts for Natalie Haynes to introduce us to Carlene Thomas Bailey whose academic background or cultural expertise I didn’t pick up (and weren’t, in fact, dropped). However, apparently she qualifies as an authoritative commentator since not only is she Commissioning Editor for Men’s Health but she writes for the Guardian and according to this describes herself as “Scribe at Hearst Magazines. Guardian contributor. Fan of Angela Lansbury, Idris Elba, Nandos, 90s R&B and Yeezus”.
Carlene and Natalie noted that the vase was a rare, possibly unique, example of the Greeks dealing with black beauty. Carlene praised the Greek’s for devoting the illustrations on the vase to an enemy for whose valour they had infinite respect and who, more to Carlene’s point, was black. The clear subtext which rapidly became explicit was that, unlike today’s whiteys (particularly in Northern Europe) the Ancient Greeks (although white but now safely dead) were not racially prejudiced – or were willing to set such prejudice aside in this case – and anyway, in Carlene’s words, colour was less of an issue for them.
However, this was a programme ostensibly dealing with “beauty” not colour prejudice. Despite this, the producers felt it necessary to include completely superfluous polically correct comment. Moreover, the comment was delivered by a journalist who, in keeping, I suppose, with the BBC’s diversity remit, is black, lefty and female. (The 3 genuine experts interviewed by Natalie were white and male.) Despite – or, more probably, because of – those BBC-approved characteristics together with an absence of theoretical or practical expertise, Carlene spouted a succession of right-on bromides through which she sought (and failed) to enlighten the viewers. Her contribution added nothing to the programme’s argument (that “beauty” – black and white – is inexplicable but we know it when we see it) but allowed the BBC to administer a light kicking to those white male Europeans who made both the statuary and thus the exhibition possible. OTOH it got the BBC’s rocks off by introducing one of the favourite elements of its race war into an ostensibly neutral offering. Is there no oasis of non-Narrative programming at the BBC?
Yeah, I was half watching that program and I picked up on that. Now that I’ve become more and more aware of the agenda the BBC is trying to force, I tend to spot it all the time and it slightly ruins what are otherwise pretty well made shows. Still when it comes to art, which I have an affinity for, I always make up my own mind anyway. I like looking at the pictures or sculptures and don’t care too much for the opinions. Sometimes you might get good insights.
Sticking a “diversity” department into the BBC was highly unethical, very much like the way the news was manufactured in Communist countries and it becomes self fulfilling. At least we can fight back by giving our opinion online and in public without being sent to a gulag. Still.
I’ve been enjoying the three part documentary The Normans, which I think is a re-run despite the BBC marking it ‘New’ in the listings. All well and good up to the start of episode three where we reach the first Crusade. It was purely portrayed as an attack by those vicious bloodthirsty Christians on the innocent Muslims living in the Holy Land. No mention of the four centuries of Muslim expansion across the Middle East, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, North Africa and all the way to Spain and Turkey. This being the reason the Crusades were launched to try and stop them taking the rest of Europe.
‘ The clear subtext which rapidly became explicit was that, unlike today’s whiteys (particularly in Northern Europe) the Ancient Greeks (although white but now safely dead) were not racially prejudiced – or were willing to set such prejudice aside in this case – and anyway, in Carlene’s words, colour was less of an issue for them.’
And any BBC programme which refers to the Roman Empire never ceases to remind us how diverse, multicultural and pretty damned decent with its slaves it was.
Elizabeth Truss
Douglas Alexander
Vince Cable
Caroline Lucas
Tim Stanley
We were told that OFCOM had ruled that UKIP were to be considered a major party, whereas the Greens were not. You wouldn’t ever guess, looking at the QT panels. They’ve probably got the pixie on to try to recover the leader’s lost ground.
Centre left EUrophile E Truss
Far left EUrophile D Alexander
Centre left EUrophile Vince the Cable
extreme left EUrophile C Lucas
Centre Left EUrophile establishment trougher presenting.
and a blogger. Lets hope he talks some sense.
Free hits at an absent UKIP all evening I predict. We shall see.
Waste of space and everyone’s time. Switch off or go to bed. This wretched election is nearly dying of boredom. The BBC takes itself very seriously. Is it standing for election?
That’ll screw the greenies up a treat. Jolly good. Now, is it recoverable by conventional means, or will it need to be fracked? Don’t mess about – get frackin’.
I wonder if they’ll have to close EGKK? Maybe they’ll build another airport close by.
I love it when a plan comes together, and I just love the smell of greenie outrage, first thing in the morning.
Mustn’t count our chickens, though, because the governmental chickens will probably chicken out, rather than upset the unwashed Gaia lovers.
“…Mustn’t count our chickens, though, because the governmental chickens will probably chicken out, rather than upset the unwashed Gaia lovers.”
I fear you could be on to something there, OG. Greens – being fundamentally opposed to humanity and human progress in favour of something they call ‘Nature’ (which always takes precedence) – will doubtless mobilise to frustrate any attempt to develop these oil discoveries, just as they have been doing with fracking.
Sadly, our gutless, unprincipled politicians will inevitably cave in and do their utmost to help these dangerous eco-dimwits. And if there’s a Labour/SNP coalition post May 7th I guess we can completely forget all about any chance of developing the finds.
BBC lunchtime news was doing its best to make sure we will never use this oil. Apparently the drilling might upset a few horses in a stable near Gatwick and an academic is brought on to tell us that fracking will be essential and therefore, (reading between the lines), not acceptable.
Bad news for Jimmy Krankie, though ,international oil prices through the floor and now a major oil resource in the hated English heartland.
Early 80s they surveyed the New Forest. There are vast reserves there particularly around Brockenhurst. If we were a serious country we would exploit it and abandon the ME once and for all.
But for some reason our elites seems to want to stay entangled with that sandy hell hole.
R 5 running its usual farcical ship today. Headlines every hour noting that the last 18 seconds of the England u19 ladies game against Norway was going to be replayed because of a mistake made by the referee over a penalty kick. What was omitted was the fact this was the first time that Uafa had ever taken this decision, and that the referee had been sent home for not understanding the rules. I wonder if the fact that the referee was a woman was the reason for this omission ? Moving on, the good news that a large amount of oil had been found underground near Gatwick was tempered by finding a local stable owner who was dead set against recovering the oil. Said local was allowed to spout the usual green nonsense about oil with no one who has lived next to one of the many small sites in this country with ‘nodding donkeys’ quietly working away for many years being invited to speak. And then to the election coverage with Norwich South being the lucky place for a look in. For some strange reason the Green leader happened to be there to spout the same bullshit about the cash for all their grand plans being provided by big business and nom doms that she got shot down in flames by Andrew Neal on TV recently.
Does not the bbc watch or hear about such demolitions of fantasies made by other departments ? Has it no means of realising that if bullshit is called what it is on one programme then it is not a good idea to allow the same tripe to be peddled on another show which unhappily does not have someone of Mr Neal’s stature to front ?
Norwich South – and I missed the opportunity to be a vox pop. Bugger.
Mine is one where the Labour candidate has so far forgotten to show one picture among seemingly hundreds we have of him in endless leaflet drops with Ed anywhere to be seen or mentioned.
I was only thinking yesterday he has been so active with photo opportunities I’m expecting one soon with him with a big S on his top as he leaps tall buildings at a single bound!
So, Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear smacked a producer for not arranging for the supply of a proper hot meal at the end of a working day. And here is one of the latest job offers on the BBC website. You couldn’t make it up! If this had appeared on Private Eye or Have I Got News For You it would have been dismissed as a hoax.
“Job Introduction – We are currently looking to recruit a Senior Project Manager to join our Digital team here at BBC Worldwide. The role will allow you to successfully project manage the Top Gear and Good Food websites and applications through continuous delivery of BAU.”
Could be a rogue poll…. but Panelbase has UKIP at 16% and Survation has them at 15% today. Looking good. Still; imagine if they drop to 17% with TNS tomorrow; the Torygraph, DM and Beeb will trumpet ‘UKIP vote collapses!’
Most people I know are determind to vote UKIP. And I live in a once very Tory shire. The Tory will win but hopefully by a small majority.
Do you think the liberal media really knows this and is beginning to implode?
And if Labour form the next government because you voted UKIP, Dave s? Is that really the result you want. Miliband preening on the world stage as he represents the UK?
Cameron arrogantly says to UKIP supporters ‘come back to the Tories’, after earlier calling them racists, fruitcakes and loons. Osborne wont ‘dignify with a response” what Farage said about the cost of NHS treatment of foreign visitors with HIV.
The coalition government has doubled the debt, increased VAT from 17.5% to 20%, lost control of immigration, seen Britain’s contribution to the EU and foreign aid increased, bombed Libya, spent £20B on NHS reorganisation, let the US abuse BP and tweaked with welfare savings. You wonder why people are unenthusiastic about voting Tory?
Yes , the Kippers . are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. This is going to ensure a Millipeed /SNP government , which is fast approaching . Also according to Sky News, Kippers may only get one seat , Hmm , I guess that will be Carswell . So a vote for kipping will actually mean ; No Referendum , More Immigration , Higher Taxes ,Higher Licence fee, & the SNP Lording it over England . You know that will happen, & 5 more years, of you kippers huffing & puffing about the Bbc will be all in vain .
Ah!…. the Tory promise of a referendum and cutting immigration ?
They have done nothing about Al Beeb or the defence of the realm either by jumping into bed with the anti-Trident Liberal Democrats in 2010.
A bunch of schoolboys.
They , will do it , but the Millipeed / SNP , will open the floodgates , & No referendum . The kippers will be ignored, & Millipeed /Guardian/BBC/SNP will have won. Only Cam or Millipeed can be PM . Ukip will disappear .Trident`s still here . Parliament will vote next year , on a replacement.
That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve read on this site. They haven’t even tried. Cameron sent Major out to propose a ‘brake’ and he was ignored. Cameron then asked his boss Merkel who told him firmly that free-movement, being a core value, was non-negotiable. He now rabbits on about restricting benefits which even you must know is just a bluff. Two years on, when we have voted to stay in Europe and immigration numbers/immigrant birth-rate is spiralling upward, what will you be saying then. The Tory party will split; I hope at least you come over with the common-sense ones to UKIP. It would be so much better if you did it without waiting for disaster to hit us.
I’ll be voting tactically thanks to our voting system, I’m just pointing out a few of the reasons many ‘natural conservatives’ might not want to vote Tory. Did I mention gay marriage, doubts over getting a referendum, denigration of EDL, tolerance of militant Islam, criticism of Israel, limiting free speech, wasting money on wind subsidies, banning counter jihad speakers, extending ‘hate’ crime legislation, continuing waste in supporting corrupt politicians in Afghanistan, lowering interest rates for savers and lowering annuity rates, letting the Bank of England ignore its inflation ‘target’ …
Oh yes, and refusing to have anything to do with a deal with UKIP.
There ,will be 1 kipper MP , a lot of the open borders is part of EU treaties , signed , by Blair & Brown .These things have to be voted by Parliament , a lot of Private Members Bills on a referendum were voted / talked out by Lib Dems & Labour . We are not a dictatorship ,yet. Cam is not a dictator , he was in a coalition, & ,there had to be give & take by both the Tories & Lib Dems. But the kippers ,won`t get what they want . How can you hate the Tories for not doing all you wanted ,then suddenly suggest a coalition of ukip . with the Tories. The Kippers will only have Carswells seat soon , & that is really a consevative one .
BBC News Channel (in a brief item about UKIP’s women’s policy) has just said that UKIP “often resembles a rugby club on tour” though, of course, no evidence was given to justify the analogy. Apart from the obvious fact that UKIP is not remotely like “a rugby club on tour”, this would have been a very perceptive and informative news item.
The BBC, often resembling the Labour Party on tour.
I think you’ll find the remark was made by a UKIP spokesman. This meeting was about attracting women to UKIP and he was attempting a light hearted analogy of how UKIP are sometimes perceived.
It was a statement originally made by Farage and reiterated by O’Flynn on the Daily Politics today. I might have known that the BBC would run with that phrase. Anything to damage UKIP, eh?
The point is that Farage was not making a general point about women returning to work. He was talking about women traders in the city And no one has disputed that what he said is actually the case This is a typical BBC distortion and has no place on the R4 6pm news.
Just watched a bit of the garbage ‘one show’, they had a piece on ‘Husting nights’ in Worcester where local voters meet in a pub to question their local candidates on the burning issues.
The victims were Liebour,Con,UKIP,Libs,Green and a local independent candidate.
Guess who was attacked first by a suspiciously lefty looking bbc/Question time looking mob? You know, the type of mob who attacked Farage in his local and who’d never be seen in a pub with the usual right wing pub customers.
The first attack was aimed at UKIP regarding immigration and the second attack was aimed at the Tory regarding the bedroom tax that has affected millions of ‘poverty’ stricken free loaders….sorry ordinary people!! Does anyone even care about the bedroom tax anymore?
Just unbelievable, they can’t even broadcast a ‘light viewing’ programme without using it to brainwash the braindead. Nothing about Wales and Staffs NHS murders, mass immigration, record debt, illegal wars, just the usual bbc impartiality.
You could have had the ‘alternative’ of viewing Channel 4 News where Krishnan was holding an ethnic election special with a large ethnic-only audience. The core theme seemed to be bile for UKIP with a little left over for the Tories.
It’s not a “Bedroom tax” as the BBc refers to the Under Occupancy surcharge. Most people I know completely agree with it. The North West tonight and local lefty press got nowhere with their coverage of demonstrations about it because virtually no-one turned out to demonstrate, Tax makes it sound like some king of oppressive money collection, a bit like the BBc licence. Where as under occupancy describes what it actually is. people in the rented sector who are in properties larger than they need,
Something to add to the BBC’s woes about those missing school girls who dashed off to serve the Daesh in Syria. They might even end up as someone’s dinner.
“Islamic State hackers cut transmission of French TV network”
“’The CyberCaliphate continues its cyberjihad against the enemies of Islamic State.’ They appear to be able to hack through the most sophisticated cyber-security systems. Is this the work of Ahmad Abousamra? Ahmad Abousamra is the Muslim cyber wizard from Stoughton, Massachusetts who is said to be the Islamic State’s computer chief. Oh, and speaking of the poverty causes terrorism dogma, Abousamra is the son of a prominent endocrinologist and was on the Dean’s List at Northeastern University.”
Some no mark Tory has made a remark about Ed Milliband stabbing his brother in the back. Personally I thought it was more accurate that he stabbed him in the front !
So the BBC runs a piece on whether this was accurate, followed by the almost unbelievable “We asked the people of Salford what they thought”
Now Salford is just about the most Labour City in the North of England. If Labour told them they would make them eat dog turd they’d vote Labour still! This is the place which returned bleary Hazel after she stabbed Gordon Brown in the back, and fiddled her expenses.
No wonder all the responses they got were pro Labour !
From wickepedia “In May 2009 The Telegraph reported that Blears had claimed the maximum allowable expenses, within one pound, for three properties, as well as for stays in hotels, £4,874 on furniture, £899 on a new bed and £913 on a new TV, the second such TV in under a year, and the maximum £400 a month in groceries. Further, Blears had not paid capital gains tax on profit from the sale of a London flat. The property was registered as her main residence with HM Revenue and Customs, but Blears had been claiming MPs’ second home expenses relating to the flat. She had made a £45,000 profit on its sale without paying capital gains tax.[22]
On 12 May she volunteered to pay the £13,332 capital gains tax she had avoided on the sale of her second home.[23] It was subsequently claimed that Gordon Brown had ordered her to repay the sum.[24] The Daily Mail printed allegations that Blears ‘flipped’ her homes in London three times in one year. Flipping is the practice of switching which of two or more properties is designated an MP’s second home. This allowed her to maximise her taxpayer-funded allowances.[25]
In Salford she was met by a number of angry protesters and stayed in a local hotel rather than at home.[26]
In June 2009 the police at Scotland Yard and the Crown Prosecution Service issued a statement regarding MPs’ expenses, which stated that they had not found evidence of criminal activity and that it was ‘highly unlikely’ that MPs would face charges. The police said that the incidents of flipping second homes to avoid paying capital gains tax was not a matter for police investigation.[27] Following an investigation by Sir Thomas Legg, Blears was told to repay £225 in expenses in relation to a glass shelving unit for her London flat.[28]”
And they still voted her back in.
If any of you have missed the Green Party election broadcast I suggest you try to catch it. It’s more like a satirical sketch than a serious broadcast. Firstly there were four be-suited white blokes, wearing different coloured ties to indicate their political allegiance. They vaguely resemble the people they are supposed to. They’re up on stage singing and dancing…badly, of course. The whole choreographed nonsense goes on for ages before we eventually cut to a young black girl who informs us that it is time for “change.” That pretty much sums up the entire broadcast.
Complete bollocks from start to finish.
Sorry I watched a few seconds of it and had to turn over. The person was telling us about how they had a bigger party membership than…blah blah. So have all those who hadn’t paid now paid?
Even the 6pm news on BBC R4 is now deliberately lying to smear UKIP. Anyone who remembers the context knows that Bloom did not say “some women are sluts” nor did Farage say “women who have a break from work were worth far less to employers”. Usual Goebbels trick,s demise of BBC is long overdue
Channel 4 News: EXCLUSIVE: former Metropolitan Police commissioner Lord Stevens is being investigated over allegations of a cover-up of police corruption in the Stephen Lawrence murder probe in the 1990s….
Stevens told C4:
“Step very carefully, I’m not putting up with any more crap about this”
You have to laugh. In the good old days, who was more PC than ‘Sir John’? Now the monster he fed has come back to bite his ass. He seems to have lost some of the polished rhetoric that was his trademark.
Syria’s president Assad has reportedly executed his security chief, general Rostom Ghazaleh, by tying his legs to 2 different cars and splitting him in half.
“Ed Miliband was dating senior BBC economics journalist Stephanie Flanders when he was at the Treasury.
“Mr Miliband was still seeing Stephanie Flanders, who at the time was BBC Newsnight’s economics editor, until as late as March 2004, years later than previously thought.”
Here are the three latest poll findings on
•TNS have topline figures of CON 30%(-3), LAB 33%(+1), LDEM 8%(nc), UKIP 19%(+3), GRN 4%(-1) (tabs)
•Panelbase have figures of CON 31%(-2), LAB 37%(+4), LDEM 8%(+1), UKIP 16%(-1), GRN 4%(-1) (tabs)
•Survation have figures of CON 31%(-1), LAB 35%(+2), LDEM 9%(nc), UKIP 15%(-3), GRN 4%(+2) (tabs)
The weekly ComRes poll for the Daily Mail has topline figures of CON 34%(-2), LAB 33%(+1), LDEM 12%(+3), UKIP 12%(nc), GRN 4%(-1).
the daily YouGov poll for the Sun has topline figures of CON 35%, LAB 34%, LD 8%, UKIP 12%, GRN 4%.
The analysis is on the site, but even though ComRes shows a Tory lead, it is much smaller than previous, and shows a small swing to Labour in agreement with the others.
The polling key here is not in the raw figure, but in the changes, and that change appears to be moving towards Labour.
Listening to Kirsty Warks endless agitation about Fallon dissing Miliband-this has been The Story from the BBC all day.
Who cares?…nobody but the BBC and its endless shilling and puffing up of the nasty weevil husk that is socialism-in its Labour guise.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
The bBC’s usual hand-picked anti UKIP audience in the Scottish Leader’s debate /off switch.
It’s on The News Channel – should get a lot of English viewers, they’ll have their eyes opened. Can only be good for the UKIP vote.
Sturgeon just clobbered Murphy by saying she would go immediately for ‘full fiscal autonomy’….’Would you?’. Murphy nearly soiled his trousers; no way he was losing the English teat. The proud Scots in the audience seemed strangle supportive of Murphy!
Pretty sure the bBC have seen to it that Jim Murphy and Nicola Sturgeons mics are cranked up to 11 and David Coburns on 6, can’t hear the guy.
Yes I found it very strange that while most of the people in this country are against immigration, a majority of the audience seemed in favor by the volume of their applause – fixed audience again ?
The further away whites live from immigrants, the more foolish, naive and ignorant they are about their behaviour.
Add to that, Scotland is a marxist country, bit like East Germany and it’s a toxic mix.
“The further away whites live from immigrants, the more foolish, naive and ignorant they are about their behaviour.”
Like in Hampstead ?
The Pro-Immigration Audience could be made up of people who want to undermine expensive Unionized Labour, by employing fully trained cheap labour from the EU, which also cuts the cost and burden of training School leavers.
The young people in the Audience would be the ones successfully brainwashed at school into becoming pro-establishment useful idiots for the employers. The employers benefit from these youngsters being brainwashed by left-wing anti-Racism training into agreeing that employers should employ those best qualified, because its racist and discriminatory to employ inexperienced indigenous School leavers, over better trained immigrants. A catch-22 situation for this generation of youngsters, which has not happened in the past.
This catch-22 situation would make youngsters either Pro-Establishment useful idiots, or Anti-Establishment UKIPers, condemned as Racists by the Establishment.
Andrew Neil tweets the following about the Scottish debate, is it because its a bBC audience Andrew?
Thanks! how do you paste the full tweet?
• Click on the ‘three dots’ ‘More’ symbol at the bottom of the tweet.
• Click on ‘Copy link to Tweet’
• A pop-up appears with the link already highlighted.
• Copy the link and paste into the bBBC post.
Noted – thanks!
Was the audience “selected” by the same company who do QT?
If so, enough said.
Behind the facade, Sturgeon is a sour, twisted little twat.
[comment deleted]
I disagree with her politics but your abusive insult of her is ridiculous and wrong. She’s basically honest, decent and competent. Not as able as Ruth Davidson however, just better dressed.
April 8, 2015 at 10:05 pm
“I disagree with her politics but your abusive insult of her is ridiculous and wrong. She’s basically honest, decent and competent.”
That’s a big claim. Please provide some proof of her honesty, decency and competence, because I haven’t seen any.
Honesty – her account of the meeting with the French ambassador was corroborated by the French ambassador. She has not ruled out another independence referendum.
Decency – she is a democrat, who abides by the democratic mandate and process. Untainted by personal or professional scandal.
Competent – despite the difficulties in the Holyrood PR system she has helped lead the SNP from opposition via minority government to majority government (wavy Davey could look and learn)
She is not as able as Ruth Davidson, and her opposition to the Union is flawed, but it is no crime.
April 9, 2015 at 10:35 am
“Honesty – her account of the meeting with the French ambassador was corroborated by the French ambassador. She has not ruled out another independence referendum.”
You may choose to believe a politician with a vested interest, and if you recall an ambassador is described as “an honest man sent abroad to lie for his country”. I prefer to believe the civil service note taker, who has no vested interest to lie. It is quite possible that Sturgeon did not know her meeting with the French ambassador was to be minuted, but that’s her problem.
As for embarking on the road of a “neverendum”, how that is the mark of a decent politician I find utterly baffling.
The civil servant account was based on a chat with the Consul General, but was qualified as the civil servant himself was sceptical what was said.
It would be easy, popular and tempting for Sturgeon to rule out a ‘neverendum’, but it would be dishonest.
So the Consul General is a liar, but not Nicola? Believe it if you like.
While I think the Ad Hom is a bit low, it’s quite clear that Sturgeon (as Salmond), is none of the things you describe.
Honest: Did you read the independence manifesto? It was economic idiocy based on the lie of ever rising oil revenues and keeping the pound sterling – a total non starter.
Decent: Trying to turn Scots against each other, the real Scots and the traitors. No-one has done more to poison the well than Sturgeon.
Competent? How is the NHS doing in Scotland for example? Not as well as England. And what is she going to do once she’s banished Trident from the UK, withdraw from the security council? Wow, that’s a step forward for British interests.
She is better dressed though. I’ll grant you that one.
I love what she does with her hair
[comment deleted]
– more on ‘diverse’ DEWSBURY-
“All are from Savile Town in Dewsbury, which is 98.7% Asian and has been described as the most segregated area of Britain. A Deobandi school of Islam that was founded in colonial India, specifically to oppose western culture, dominates the town. Mohammad Sidique Khan, the leader of the group responsible for the 7 July 2005 bombings in London, grew up in the area.”
For INBBC: more on ‘diverse’ SPAIN-
“11 arrested in raid against jihadist cell in Catalonia”
Unfortunate name for the Asian quarter of Dewsbury.
“founded in colonial India, specifically to oppose western culture, dominates the town”
… founded in rural England specifically to oppose Islamic culture
domina … no wait
what! … waycist! … ban them! … far right far right! … immediate political intervention, enemedia smear, character assassination etc etc etc.
Notice the difference?
The level of bile aimed at Coburn was ridiculous and patronising to the 7% of the Scottish electorate that will vote UKIP , Sturgeon’s wee twisted coupon was a sight to behold and soured the milk in my cup of tea, ffs.
Tonight’s Telegraph, as you might expect, leads the campaign against Special Ed’s non-dom announcement with the headline: “Ed Miliband’s non-dom crackdown is ‘cataclysmic’
Tax barristers warn 30,000 non-doms could leave Britain under Ed Miliband’s plans to abolish tax status ”
This is pretty much what you would expect of the country’s leading business paper (let’s forget the corpse of the FT, perhaps someone will drag it away before it rots completely).
The BBC’s headline, however, is clearly a damage limitation exercise: “Labour defends plans to scrap ‘non-dom’ tax status.
Labour has defended its plans to end the non-domicile rule that allows some wealthy UK residents to limit the tax paid on earnings outside the country.”
This is not the voice of an independent, balanced, impartial news source. It is, in fact, exactly what you would expect from a Labour supporting media outlet like the Guardian or the aforementioned FT, trying to deflect the substance of criticism levelled against Ed’s announcement.
Beneath a picture of Miliband, the BBC carries not a word of the Telegraph’s story, thought it does mention Labour’s repeated self-contradictions today.
The result is the impression of valiant little Ed Miliband defending his scheme – but we are not told against what. Small wonder, if the Telegraph’s barrister is right!
This election is proving to be a real eye-opener in terms of how far the BBC is willing to go to support its dog.
Could all this be something to do with the tax status of the proprietors of the Torygraph I wonder. Type in Barclay brothers and tax into Google to find out.
Of course, The Guardian is 100% squeaky clean when it comes to tax avoidance.
Try typing ‘Is the BBC in Trouble’, or ‘ publisher Abramhis’ into google to find the book (or even the publisher) to which you have at least twice referred readers of this blog. No results.
So far as I can tell, each and every time I have posed the question to you about this publication (after all, you were the one prompting everyone on the site to read it to improve their knowledge of the BBC), you have avoided answering.
But if it is not freely available, that then raises the further questions – is it an internal BBC publication, and if so – how do you have a copy ?
I confess I’m lost. The threading is so bizarre here that it’s sometimes hard to see who is replying to whom.
This sounds interesting, Richard D but can you please be more specific about your target?
Comments from a she-troll with Tourette’s were removed a couple of hours ago.
Hence the orphaned stuff.
Ah, thank you. I must have missed ‘her’ contributions.
The man on the bus has been exorting the plebs to read ‘Is the BBC in Trouble’; publisher ‘Abramhis’; for some time. It doesn’t appear on Google, so Richard has been trying, with a spectacular lack of success, to get Manon to provide more details. It’s starting to look like it’s an internal BBC publication restricted to use by their troll factory.
Thank you, ICSCN, very good synopsis.
I was genuinely interested initially in what this publication would reveal about the BBC, and how it would advance MOCO’s arguments, but it’s not like him to avoid stringing out responses on a thread when anyone posts to one of his ‘points’. Hence my further attempts to prompt him to tell us what this is all about.
It would take only a second or two to provide further information and clear all of this up, but……
Thank you, too. I’ve been avoiding Clapham’s posts as he is clearly a Labourite troll and I refuse to engage with time wasting idiots.
Actually, to be clear, I suspect he may be several Labourite trolls – or one very damaged one. The writing skills are wildly inconsistent.
Remember, there are one or two Al Beeb ‘sockpuppets’ contributing to this site in order to cause disruption..
You have noticed too.
“His” grammar and spelling varies wildly for a retired graduate who would have gone to school when such things were important and only the select meritocratic few would have made it to university.
A not retired yet, ex grammar school boy from when only about 2/3 of the cohort went on to university.
You could read
(1) “Can We Trust the BBC?” by Robin Aitken
(2) “The Guardian of the Airwaves?: Bias and the BBC” by Martin McElwee
(3) “BBC Bias?: Two Short Case Studies” by Kathy Gyngell and David Keighley
(4) “The BBC and Climate Change: A Triple Betrayal” by Christopher Booker.
I know of two others not available on the internet, but known to the BBC, and at least one report not known to the BBC management.
For INBBC: the ‘diversity’ of Wembley, London-
“Terrorism Officers Investigate Death Of Preacher.
“Officers with expertise in investigations ‘with international dimensions’ are leading the probe into Abdul Hadi Arwani’s death.”
“Central Mosque Wembley”
I saw “Secret Britain“, which was diabolically bad, with hopelessly mispronounced Welsh names and the bizarre way the two presenters alternated clauses.
Still, that wasn’t evidence of bias. Amazing, though, that, in all the sixty minutes, the eco-friendly beebyanka’s cameras failed to spot a single wind-turbine.
More INBBC 2 ‘diversity’ TV:-
“Britain’s Jihadi Brides”
(INBBC 2, 9 pm tonight.)
(video clip.)–britains-jihadi-brides
For INBBC: the strain of policing ‘diverse’ Paris:
“Three months after Paris attacks, police working round the clock say they’re exhausted”
Hardly surprising, and one must empathize with guys at the sharp end of political band-aid reaction.
Not just Paris, but anywhere, by what optimistic notion is a lone rozzer with a pop gun going to withstand a coordinated surprise attack by a suicide squad armed to the teeth with AKs & RPGs?
Equally duration. Like Lord Pantone’s protection detail, are determined statement makers going to politely turn up within a reasonable timeframe, or maybe wait until the heat dies down and the symbolic BS is called off.
Newsnight finished with one of those fine pieces of subtle propaganda that the Beeb does so well. Smooth interview with artist Sir Anish Kapoor; all metropolitan elite sophistication, dignified defence of immigration, ‘reaching out’ to UKIP voters, ….. puke. I thought it hilarious, set against the bitter anti-UKIP rants from Murphy and Sturgeon on the BBC barely an hour earlier.
Further Newsnight comment from the ‘Taxing Times’ article by Alan:
BBC ongoing, tooth grinding, anger inducing bias.
Newsnight 8/4/15. I must confess, by 22.57 I had to switch off this tortuous Labour Party propaganda outfit, in favour of a snippet of FA Cup footy as I could stomach no more. Newsnight tonight unashamedly came out with a more organised Labour narrative on the non-dom issue. Chris Leslie was on for Labour. He could bore a corpse could Chris, he says so much nothing you want to agree with him so he would just shut up. He could have a Teflon coated brain – nothing coming out, nothing going in. The BBC News editorial team with helmsman Katz, Comrade Evan Davis and Allegra Stratton, ran a piece pretending that the Labour Party weren’t in desperate need of political babysitting BBC-style, having attempted to buy votes with a policy which would impoverish our nation which you (Alan) describe above. Unbelievable phraseology by Allegra Stratton to Ed Miliband when asking whether the policy should be enacted even if it meant a loss to the exchequer. The moral ambivalence of these spoilt, overpaid, deluded play-journalists is truly vomit inducing. And edited snippets of the chap Jolyon Maugham QC was shown, introducing him as ‘Tax Lawyer’, not ‘Labour Party Supporter’ or ‘minority voice’.
There is no pretence. BBC are actively promoting Labour. Actively suppressing the truth, perpetuating confusion and promoting envy. They are actively undermining UKIP (see the Clive Myre / Robin Bryant UKIP-bash verbal tennis played on loop on BBC News channel today). They are dismissive of the Lib Dems. In England they are eulogising the SNP on the ultimately content-less performance (and it was a performance) of Nicola Sturgeon last Thursday [perhaps our scottish friend are being given different narrative?]. They are hedging their bets with the Tories and yet again tonight on Newsnight we have Ken Clark, non-conservative social democrat wheeled out to give a centre left ‘defence’ for the former conservative party, feeding the BBC narrative of playing to the baser human instincts of greed, envy, spite and covetousness.
They are getting really desperate now, look at them trying to squeeze all the negativity they can out of Farage visiting Lincolnshire in this news report. From the narration to the interview “do you need this security? doesn’t feel like you’re a man of the people…” the not so cleverly edited vox pops (which aren’t nearly as negative as they’d like) to the shots of rentamob students clashing with a local rightfully irate about being labelled racist who is then led away.
A masterpiece of bias. 🙂
I’d say that was an alleged news story by an alleged news organisation.
@bbctrending Boy band #GE2015 This is the Green campaign’s spoof Cameron-Farage-Clegg-Milliband ensemble
It’s trending, apparently. And if it wasn’t, it can soon be made to. All that’s needed now is Radio 1 to ‘talk about’ banning it.
Not just the greens, but the days of actually forking out for political messaging seems over. Knock out a poster or bid, post online, pick up the phone to a tame journo et voila….. coverage.
Lucky editorial integrity is reliable.
We can at least be fortunate that Natalie Bennett isn’t in that band doing a Tay, Bey, Miley or (appropriately) Kylie !
bbc news did a real job on the non-doms last night. Sympathetic interview with a Labour peer who gave up his non-dom status and they even got a subtle did in on the Daily Mail. Absolutely NO balance at all and I didn’t see anything about Balls saying it would lose Britain money which would in turn lead to tax rises. Itv was pretty much the same but Sky gave it a lot more balance
I am so hoping we don’t get a Labour/SNP coalition as otherwise I might as well just ask for pocket money from HMRC after Labour tax us all to death
Seems VD and her team have figured sex sells…
@victoriaLIVE Should children aged 11 be taught about sexual consent? We visit the first lesson of its kind:
She’s been given ‘exclusive access’. All things considered, brave of the school. How’s about that, then?
Interesting spin on who giving consent to whom, too.
The cracks are beginning to show
Or, as our Marxist friends might, perhaps, put it – the dialectic contraditions inherent in the system are beginning to be exposed.
Two instances this morning…
Any old-style comedian will tell you that you can happily haul the same gag around live theatres night after night – but crack that joke once on tv and it’s done.
In a similar sense the BBC for years have been packing Question Time audiences with the sort of crowd Robespierre used to get when he set up a guillotine. Less reasoned grown up debate, more baying lefty mob.
Now we have ITV and BBC putting on similar Scots debates and people begin to notice the BBC version, to put it mildly, leaned a tad to the left. The direct comparison means people start to notice.
Then this morning mumsy weather matron Carol Kirkwood explains how although the sun is shining we must expect some euro smog will be blowing over the UK because prevailing breezes will be from the continent.
Smash cut to news where you are and BBC London try to tell me Tory mayor Boris is on a fizzer with the EU because he hasn’t met EU clean air targets. Whoops… contradictions beginning to show.
“Any old-style comedian will tell you that you can happily haul the same gag around live theatres night after night – but crack that joke once on tv and it’s done.”
Years ago, a well established comedian (it might have been Barry Cryer, or maybe he was quoting someone else, I’m not sure) said that the problem with the demise of live entertainment was that there was “nowhere to be awful”. In other words, nowhere to learn the business by repeated failure.
He was wrong. We have the BBC.
Please sign this petition to abolish the TV licence. Maybe then we can get on with our lives in peace.
PS Over 81,000 signatures already!
Wow, BBC Radio 4 this morning, defend Labour at all costs! I had to clean up underneath my radio by 8.45, it had oozed out a big pool of Bias all over my table.
UKIP on the Al BBC again
The snuffing out about policy, the drip, drip smear, the erm
… diversity cabaret shouty waycist mob.
Its the Tories, and the new “reoganisation”, Lord Carter and his cronies who are now selling out the NHS … but its Farage who gets the Cabaret treatment?
Mind you nothing surprises me, a lie a day, has turned, into a smear, and a lie a day … for the Tories.
Laughable, today its more Crosby inspired Toryboy crap about Trident for Murdoch and co to spin
… didn t the Tories desperately court the Libdeds when they
didn t win the election? … how are they with Trident?
How much lower can these serial liars get?,
… they d already get under a snakes belly with a top hat on,
haven t they got ANY policies they dare talk about?.
Assuming not all in the future will have been brainwashed in Marxist ways by the MSM and our educational establishments , Farage will be looked back on as an opportunity missed, a Powell type character who in the long term was proved to be correct.
Lets hope at least the people of Thanet do the right thing.
”brainwashed in Marxist ways by the MSM and our educational establishments ”
Check this out, Cultural Marxist re education in England from the 1980s, the book Black Beauty and Snow White is waaycist etc etc.
8.30 African immigrant ” I want my African son to eat African food at school not European food.” The arrogance is unbelievable.
Replace African with Islamic,(i.e. Halal) Dave …
worse still, the political class today are rushing to accommodate them ever quicker, in bed with them deeper, and deeper.
The arrogance is unbelievable.
We never even encouraged them to integrate; rather we fell over ourselves promoting multiculturalism and pretending we felt ‘enriched’ by it all. We brought it on ourselves.
Why stop there? Perhaps she’d like her African son’s school to be restricted to African technology as well. After all, I’m sure she doesn’t allow any non African technology into her home.
Thanks for that, I guess it dates between 1985 and 1991, as Kinnock only fought 2 GE’s.
Where were the bBC at the time reporting on such? Find it quite scary to think that this was going on as early as this, although its easy to see now why we have arrived at where we are.
Racist maths?
Weird and pointless decision about day care nursery staff. Apparently poor children do worse if there aren’t day care nurses who are graduates. No other factors involved there then?
For some reason they have some one from Save the children & some woman from some day care association. So how are “poorer” parents going to pay for day care if the day care centre is having to pay graduates.
Just watched Al Beeb newsman trying to massage the high figures of people supporting anti immigration/migration by watering down the differing forms of public perception of the ‘elephant in the room’. Looked like something from Tommy Cooper. ‘Now you see it now you don’t ‘
Al Beeb and its amateur propaganda at its best.
As objectionable as they may seem, I think it better that the posts are not deleted as it seems to throw the whole thread into meaningless chaos and thus the trolls intentions have been fulfilled.
Diverse emojis are here.
‘Diverse emojis’ thank heavens for that, it was clearly unsustainable for them all to be yellow. Now for the brown smiley face. Wait a minute, how come all pedestrian street signs are black?
Lord Pantone could oversee the correct deployment of these, too.
Noting most seem heads only. Clear applications for BBC Pulitzer wannabees DM’ing their cannibal or slaughter-prone BFF’s around the ME & Africa after a hard day at ‘work’.
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live, and in particular Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell, were particularly exercised by the fact that the Conservative Party would not accept the assurances from Vernon Coaker, the shadow Defence Minister, that Trident was safe in its hands. “Gameshow” was not happy by the fact that the Conservatives compared any such assurances made by Mr. Ed with the underhand way in which he treated his brother, David, over the leadership contest. When Michael Fallon, the Defence Minister, tried to explain David Milliband’s “Et tu Brute” moment in the context of any assurances Mr. Ed might make, “Gameshow” continually tried to interrupt him, even at one stage trying to use the Coalition Government’s welfare reforms to challenge their criticism of Mr. Ed’s claim that he would retain Trident. By contrast Vernon Coaker was not interrupted once during his interview. Even John Pienaar said that the matter was not “clear cut” in the Labour Party, as many on the left of the party oppose Trident, and that a few weeks ago Ed Balls had hinted that the number of submarines carrying the Trident missiles could be reduced from four to three. Further La Sturgeon has stated that the removal of Trident from Scotland was a red line for her, which she would insist upon as the price of SNP support for a ninority Labour Government. The sturgeon is a fish that lives off invertebrates and its political equivalent in Scotland would have no problem devouring Mr. Ed!! What this episode demonstrated was that so-called radio journalists on the BBC can no longer be trusted to maintain their impartiality on political issues, thereby leading to the conclusion that the BBC needs to undergo fundamental reform in order to ensure that it complies with the terms of its Charter, or failing that, the abolition of the iniquitous licence fee.
BBC on the Conservatives – ‘a party divided by Europe’.
BBC on Labour – ‘a party divided by Trident’? Er, no.
“What this episode demonstrated was that so-called radio journalists on the BBC can no longer be trusted to maintain their impartiality on political issues…”
The BBC never HAD any impartiality to maintain in the first place.
It’s always been a propaganda outfit.
Caught bits of the programme. Admiral Lord West was on the phone talking a lot of sense and letting the great unwashed know that our boats carry only the bare minimum of missiles these days and they are not kept at a moments notice to fire. This did not wash with the usual loons who moaned about the cost and the horror and that we ought to set an example to the world by giving nuclear weapons up. Lord West pointed out that we in fact had already given up nuclear shells, depth charges and bombs with nothing equivalent being given up by anybody. He was attacked by a usual denier of human nature who also insulted him by calling him a “General” twice even after gameshow pointed out his error. Admiral West was to much of a gentleman to point out that he personally had nearly been killed when his ship HMS Ardent was sunk in the Falklands War after the removal of an effective deterrent to Argentinian aggression. I did not hear if it was mentioned that the only country to give up nuclear weapons ( after the collapse of the Soviet Union) was The Ukraine, neither did I catch if anyone thought that Putin would have thought twice about invading them if they had still kept nuclear weapons.
‘This did not wash with the usual loons who moaned about the cost and the horror and that we ought to set an example to the world by giving nuclear weapons up.’
The loons who never lead by example – for instance, venturing out to Islamic State (sorry, ‘the self-styled Islamic State’) to ask the beheaders to give up their swords and AK47s in exchange for some peace and love.
Perhaps the bBC could set up a ‘Beeb’s got Talent’ type show.
In the show, broadcast on Saturday ‘prime time’, the ‘Living Room Tax’ payers vote which of the microphone-jockeys from the churnalist cubicles get the chance to visit and interview a current in vogue nutter.
Qualifying heats could be held in Rotherham, Dewsbury or Tower Hamlets (saving on the bus fares).
The lucky winners would then be parachuted into a topical hotspot, with a list of questions provided by the viewers.
The surviving churnalist could then host the following years competition. Lord of the Flies meets Darwin. 🙂
Please send your production development cheques to….
Just listened to a heart-rending edition of ‘Crossing Continents’ from around Ferguson, Missouri.
Nasty white policemen are stopping perfectly, almost, law-abiding African-American drivers and using any excuse, eg, no insurance, no licence, warrants for arrest to arrest and fine them.
‘There must be a better way’ simpered the young beeboid.
‘‘There must be a better way’
You hear this so often on the BBC it must be a Common Purpose mantra, designed to infiltrate our subconscious with lovely sunny fluffy bunny thoughts of how we should all be living in peace and harmony, regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, terrorist group affiliation or criminal tendencies – if only we all followed a better way. The only trouble being they never tell us what it is.
The BBC is funded by a compulsory tax – enforced by the threat of imprisonment. There must be a better way.
i don’t know about you but I’m increasingly disturbed that we are missing the big picture with the BBC news coverage of the approaching election. I took it for granted that they are gradually morphing into a 24 hour labour led normalising machine but this doesn’t distract me from worrying that they and the rest of their news presenters are so up their own in turning honest debate into cynical confusion. How clever they must feel.
Well put George.
The BBC is helplessly and hopelessly in the grip of whitephobia. On last night’s programme on BBC4 concerning the Ancient Greek concept of beauty (scheduled to coincide with the British Museum current exhibition), the justly famous and beautiful “Memnon” vase was shown and discussed. Memnon, as many of the commenters on this thread are probably aware, was the Ethiopian warrior who fought on Troy’s side in its war with the Greeks.
The overwhelming beauty of the vase itself, or rather the figures portrayed thereon, were the pretexts for Natalie Haynes to introduce us to Carlene Thomas Bailey whose academic background or cultural expertise I didn’t pick up (and weren’t, in fact, dropped). However, apparently she qualifies as an authoritative commentator since not only is she Commissioning Editor for Men’s Health but she writes for the Guardian and according to this describes herself as “Scribe at Hearst Magazines. Guardian contributor. Fan of Angela Lansbury, Idris Elba, Nandos, 90s R&B and Yeezus”.
Carlene and Natalie noted that the vase was a rare, possibly unique, example of the Greeks dealing with black beauty. Carlene praised the Greek’s for devoting the illustrations on the vase to an enemy for whose valour they had infinite respect and who, more to Carlene’s point, was black. The clear subtext which rapidly became explicit was that, unlike today’s whiteys (particularly in Northern Europe) the Ancient Greeks (although white but now safely dead) were not racially prejudiced – or were willing to set such prejudice aside in this case – and anyway, in Carlene’s words, colour was less of an issue for them.
However, this was a programme ostensibly dealing with “beauty” not colour prejudice. Despite this, the producers felt it necessary to include completely superfluous polically correct comment. Moreover, the comment was delivered by a journalist who, in keeping, I suppose, with the BBC’s diversity remit, is black, lefty and female. (The 3 genuine experts interviewed by Natalie were white and male.) Despite – or, more probably, because of – those BBC-approved characteristics together with an absence of theoretical or practical expertise, Carlene spouted a succession of right-on bromides through which she sought (and failed) to enlighten the viewers. Her contribution added nothing to the programme’s argument (that “beauty” – black and white – is inexplicable but we know it when we see it) but allowed the BBC to administer a light kicking to those white male Europeans who made both the statuary and thus the exhibition possible. OTOH it got the BBC’s rocks off by introducing one of the favourite elements of its race war into an ostensibly neutral offering. Is there no oasis of non-Narrative programming at the BBC?
Yeah, I was half watching that program and I picked up on that. Now that I’ve become more and more aware of the agenda the BBC is trying to force, I tend to spot it all the time and it slightly ruins what are otherwise pretty well made shows. Still when it comes to art, which I have an affinity for, I always make up my own mind anyway. I like looking at the pictures or sculptures and don’t care too much for the opinions. Sometimes you might get good insights.
Sticking a “diversity” department into the BBC was highly unethical, very much like the way the news was manufactured in Communist countries and it becomes self fulfilling. At least we can fight back by giving our opinion online and in public without being sent to a gulag. Still.
I’ve been enjoying the three part documentary The Normans, which I think is a re-run despite the BBC marking it ‘New’ in the listings. All well and good up to the start of episode three where we reach the first Crusade. It was purely portrayed as an attack by those vicious bloodthirsty Christians on the innocent Muslims living in the Holy Land. No mention of the four centuries of Muslim expansion across the Middle East, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, North Africa and all the way to Spain and Turkey. This being the reason the Crusades were launched to try and stop them taking the rest of Europe.
‘ The clear subtext which rapidly became explicit was that, unlike today’s whiteys (particularly in Northern Europe) the Ancient Greeks (although white but now safely dead) were not racially prejudiced – or were willing to set such prejudice aside in this case – and anyway, in Carlene’s words, colour was less of an issue for them.’
And any BBC programme which refers to the Roman Empire never ceases to remind us how diverse, multicultural and pretty damned decent with its slaves it was.
Question Time tonight:
Elizabeth Truss
Douglas Alexander
Vince Cable
Caroline Lucas
Tim Stanley
We were told that OFCOM had ruled that UKIP were to be considered a major party, whereas the Greens were not. You wouldn’t ever guess, looking at the QT panels. They’ve probably got the pixie on to try to recover the leader’s lost ground.
QT. Biased by design.
Centre left EUrophile E Truss
Far left EUrophile D Alexander
Centre left EUrophile Vince the Cable
extreme left EUrophile C Lucas
Centre Left EUrophile establishment trougher presenting.
and a blogger. Lets hope he talks some sense.
Free hits at an absent UKIP all evening I predict. We shall see.
Waste of space and everyone’s time. Switch off or go to bed. This wretched election is nearly dying of boredom. The BBC takes itself very seriously. Is it standing for election?
No doubt the fragrant Ms Lucas will prefer it today’s news about a huge new domestic oil find doesn’t make the QT agenda.
Nothing the Greens hate more than being reminded this country is still immensely rich in those ‘filthy’ fossil fuels.
That’ll screw the greenies up a treat. Jolly good. Now, is it recoverable by conventional means, or will it need to be fracked? Don’t mess about – get frackin’.
I wonder if they’ll have to close EGKK? Maybe they’ll build another airport close by.
I love it when a plan comes together, and I just love the smell of greenie outrage, first thing in the morning.
Mustn’t count our chickens, though, because the governmental chickens will probably chicken out, rather than upset the unwashed Gaia lovers.
“…Mustn’t count our chickens, though, because the governmental chickens will probably chicken out, rather than upset the unwashed Gaia lovers.”
I fear you could be on to something there, OG. Greens – being fundamentally opposed to humanity and human progress in favour of something they call ‘Nature’ (which always takes precedence) – will doubtless mobilise to frustrate any attempt to develop these oil discoveries, just as they have been doing with fracking.
Sadly, our gutless, unprincipled politicians will inevitably cave in and do their utmost to help these dangerous eco-dimwits. And if there’s a Labour/SNP coalition post May 7th I guess we can completely forget all about any chance of developing the finds.
BBC lunchtime news was doing its best to make sure we will never use this oil. Apparently the drilling might upset a few horses in a stable near Gatwick and an academic is brought on to tell us that fracking will be essential and therefore, (reading between the lines), not acceptable.
Bad news for Jimmy Krankie, though ,international oil prices through the floor and now a major oil resource in the hated English heartland.
Early 80s they surveyed the New Forest. There are vast reserves there particularly around Brockenhurst. If we were a serious country we would exploit it and abandon the ME once and for all.
But for some reason our elites seems to want to stay entangled with that sandy hell hole.
R 5 running its usual farcical ship today. Headlines every hour noting that the last 18 seconds of the England u19 ladies game against Norway was going to be replayed because of a mistake made by the referee over a penalty kick. What was omitted was the fact this was the first time that Uafa had ever taken this decision, and that the referee had been sent home for not understanding the rules. I wonder if the fact that the referee was a woman was the reason for this omission ? Moving on, the good news that a large amount of oil had been found underground near Gatwick was tempered by finding a local stable owner who was dead set against recovering the oil. Said local was allowed to spout the usual green nonsense about oil with no one who has lived next to one of the many small sites in this country with ‘nodding donkeys’ quietly working away for many years being invited to speak. And then to the election coverage with Norwich South being the lucky place for a look in. For some strange reason the Green leader happened to be there to spout the same bullshit about the cash for all their grand plans being provided by big business and nom doms that she got shot down in flames by Andrew Neal on TV recently.
Does not the bbc watch or hear about such demolitions of fantasies made by other departments ? Has it no means of realising that if bullshit is called what it is on one programme then it is not a good idea to allow the same tripe to be peddled on another show which unhappily does not have someone of Mr Neal’s stature to front ?
Norwich South – and I missed the opportunity to be a vox pop. Bugger.
Mine is one where the Labour candidate has so far forgotten to show one picture among seemingly hundreds we have of him in endless leaflet drops with Ed anywhere to be seen or mentioned.
I was only thinking yesterday he has been so active with photo opportunities I’m expecting one soon with him with a big S on his top as he leaps tall buildings at a single bound!
You’ve gotta larf! Now and again I really do realise that the lunatics have definitely taken over at the BBC asylum.
There is a classic (and true, real) post on one of the sites that keep taking the pee out of the BBC, but more importantly, often bringing them to task for what they are doing.
So, Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear smacked a producer for not arranging for the supply of a proper hot meal at the end of a working day. And here is one of the latest job offers on the BBC website. You couldn’t make it up! If this had appeared on Private Eye or Have I Got News For You it would have been dismissed as a hoax.
“Job Introduction – We are currently looking to recruit a Senior Project Manager to join our Digital team here at BBC Worldwide. The role will allow you to successfully project manage the Top Gear and Good Food websites and applications through continuous delivery of BAU.”
UKIP up 3% in latest opinion poll (TNS) to 19% – highest ever.
Could be a rogue poll…. but Panelbase has UKIP at 16% and Survation has them at 15% today. Looking good. Still; imagine if they drop to 17% with TNS tomorrow; the Torygraph, DM and Beeb will trumpet ‘UKIP vote collapses!’
Most people I know are determind to vote UKIP. And I live in a once very Tory shire. The Tory will win but hopefully by a small majority.
Do you think the liberal media really knows this and is beginning to implode?
And if Labour form the next government because you voted UKIP, Dave s? Is that really the result you want. Miliband preening on the world stage as he represents the UK?
Cameron arrogantly says to UKIP supporters ‘come back to the Tories’, after earlier calling them racists, fruitcakes and loons. Osborne wont ‘dignify with a response” what Farage said about the cost of NHS treatment of foreign visitors with HIV.
The coalition government has doubled the debt, increased VAT from 17.5% to 20%, lost control of immigration, seen Britain’s contribution to the EU and foreign aid increased, bombed Libya, spent £20B on NHS reorganisation, let the US abuse BP and tweaked with welfare savings. You wonder why people are unenthusiastic about voting Tory?
Yes , the Kippers . are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. This is going to ensure a Millipeed /SNP government , which is fast approaching . Also according to Sky News, Kippers may only get one seat , Hmm , I guess that will be Carswell . So a vote for kipping will actually mean ; No Referendum , More Immigration , Higher Taxes ,Higher Licence fee, & the SNP Lording it over England . You know that will happen, & 5 more years, of you kippers huffing & puffing about the Bbc will be all in vain .
If the electorate are too thick to vote UKIP, then we deserve a hellhole ultra-unionised country ..
Ah!…. the Tory promise of a referendum and cutting immigration ?
They have done nothing about Al Beeb or the defence of the realm either by jumping into bed with the anti-Trident Liberal Democrats in 2010.
A bunch of schoolboys.
They , will do it , but the Millipeed / SNP , will open the floodgates , & No referendum . The kippers will be ignored, & Millipeed /Guardian/BBC/SNP will have won. Only Cam or Millipeed can be PM . Ukip will disappear .Trident`s still here . Parliament will vote next year , on a replacement.
They have done nothing for the last five years. They will have to jump into bed with the kippers to win this time .
I’d rather an incompetent Labour/SNP government than a borderline Tory government.
Vote UKIP!
They , will do it…
That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve read on this site. They haven’t even tried. Cameron sent Major out to propose a ‘brake’ and he was ignored. Cameron then asked his boss Merkel who told him firmly that free-movement, being a core value, was non-negotiable. He now rabbits on about restricting benefits which even you must know is just a bluff. Two years on, when we have voted to stay in Europe and immigration numbers/immigrant birth-rate is spiralling upward, what will you be saying then. The Tory party will split; I hope at least you come over with the common-sense ones to UKIP. It would be so much better if you did it without waiting for disaster to hit us.
I’ll be voting tactically thanks to our voting system, I’m just pointing out a few of the reasons many ‘natural conservatives’ might not want to vote Tory. Did I mention gay marriage, doubts over getting a referendum, denigration of EDL, tolerance of militant Islam, criticism of Israel, limiting free speech, wasting money on wind subsidies, banning counter jihad speakers, extending ‘hate’ crime legislation, continuing waste in supporting corrupt politicians in Afghanistan, lowering interest rates for savers and lowering annuity rates, letting the Bank of England ignore its inflation ‘target’ …
Oh yes, and refusing to have anything to do with a deal with UKIP.
They may have to do a deal ?
There ,will be 1 kipper MP , a lot of the open borders is part of EU treaties , signed , by Blair & Brown .These things have to be voted by Parliament , a lot of Private Members Bills on a referendum were voted / talked out by Lib Dems & Labour . We are not a dictatorship ,yet. Cam is not a dictator , he was in a coalition, & ,there had to be give & take by both the Tories & Lib Dems. But the kippers ,won`t get what they want . How can you hate the Tories for not doing all you wanted ,then suddenly suggest a coalition of ukip . with the Tories. The Kippers will only have Carswells seat soon , & that is really a consevative one .
This could have worked.
BBC News Channel (in a brief item about UKIP’s women’s policy) has just said that UKIP “often resembles a rugby club on tour” though, of course, no evidence was given to justify the analogy. Apart from the obvious fact that UKIP is not remotely like “a rugby club on tour”, this would have been a very perceptive and informative news item.
The BBC, often resembling the Labour Party on tour.
I think you’ll find the remark was made by a UKIP spokesman. This meeting was about attracting women to UKIP and he was attempting a light hearted analogy of how UKIP are sometimes perceived.
It was a statement originally made by Farage and reiterated by O’Flynn on the Daily Politics today. I might have known that the BBC would run with that phrase. Anything to damage UKIP, eh?
The point is that Farage was not making a general point about women returning to work. He was talking about women traders in the city And no one has disputed that what he said is actually the case This is a typical BBC distortion and has no place on the R4 6pm news.
Just watched a bit of the garbage ‘one show’, they had a piece on ‘Husting nights’ in Worcester where local voters meet in a pub to question their local candidates on the burning issues.
The victims were Liebour,Con,UKIP,Libs,Green and a local independent candidate.
Guess who was attacked first by a suspiciously lefty looking bbc/Question time looking mob? You know, the type of mob who attacked Farage in his local and who’d never be seen in a pub with the usual right wing pub customers.
The first attack was aimed at UKIP regarding immigration and the second attack was aimed at the Tory regarding the bedroom tax that has affected millions of ‘poverty’ stricken free loaders….sorry ordinary people!! Does anyone even care about the bedroom tax anymore?
Just unbelievable, they can’t even broadcast a ‘light viewing’ programme without using it to brainwash the braindead. Nothing about Wales and Staffs NHS murders, mass immigration, record debt, illegal wars, just the usual bbc impartiality.
You could have had the ‘alternative’ of viewing Channel 4 News where Krishnan was holding an ethnic election special with a large ethnic-only audience. The core theme seemed to be bile for UKIP with a little left over for the Tories.
It’s not a “Bedroom tax” as the BBc refers to the Under Occupancy surcharge. Most people I know completely agree with it. The North West tonight and local lefty press got nowhere with their coverage of demonstrations about it because virtually no-one turned out to demonstrate, Tax makes it sound like some king of oppressive money collection, a bit like the BBc licence. Where as under occupancy describes what it actually is. people in the rented sector who are in properties larger than they need,
Something to add to the BBC’s woes about those missing school girls who dashed off to serve the Daesh in Syria. They might even end up as someone’s dinner.
Anyone for all British Kebabs?
The BBC in denial? The very idea.
From those wonderful people who brought you DMI.
It’s only money.
‘Diversity’ hits French broadcaster.
“Islamic State hackers cut transmission of French TV network”
“’The CyberCaliphate continues its cyberjihad against the enemies of Islamic State.’ They appear to be able to hack through the most sophisticated cyber-security systems. Is this the work of Ahmad Abousamra? Ahmad Abousamra is the Muslim cyber wizard from Stoughton, Massachusetts who is said to be the Islamic State’s computer chief. Oh, and speaking of the poverty causes terrorism dogma, Abousamra is the son of a prominent endocrinologist and was on the Dean’s List at Northeastern University.”
Will Beeboid HALL express solidarity with our ally and French broadcaster, and explicitly oppose Islamofascist, Islamic State?
This is an inadequate Beeboid response so far-
“France’s TV5Monde ‘hit by Islamic State hackers'”
“Le Jihad: Nearly Half of European Jihadis in the Islamic State are French Nationals”
– See more at:
Some no mark Tory has made a remark about Ed Milliband stabbing his brother in the back. Personally I thought it was more accurate that he stabbed him in the front !
So the BBC runs a piece on whether this was accurate, followed by the almost unbelievable “We asked the people of Salford what they thought”
Now Salford is just about the most Labour City in the North of England. If Labour told them they would make them eat dog turd they’d vote Labour still! This is the place which returned bleary Hazel after she stabbed Gordon Brown in the back, and fiddled her expenses.
No wonder all the responses they got were pro Labour !
It’s possible ‘Yes, Minister’ once covered the art of only asking questions where the answers will be to one’s taste.
From wickepedia “In May 2009 The Telegraph reported that Blears had claimed the maximum allowable expenses, within one pound, for three properties, as well as for stays in hotels, £4,874 on furniture, £899 on a new bed and £913 on a new TV, the second such TV in under a year, and the maximum £400 a month in groceries. Further, Blears had not paid capital gains tax on profit from the sale of a London flat. The property was registered as her main residence with HM Revenue and Customs, but Blears had been claiming MPs’ second home expenses relating to the flat. She had made a £45,000 profit on its sale without paying capital gains tax.[22]
On 12 May she volunteered to pay the £13,332 capital gains tax she had avoided on the sale of her second home.[23] It was subsequently claimed that Gordon Brown had ordered her to repay the sum.[24] The Daily Mail printed allegations that Blears ‘flipped’ her homes in London three times in one year. Flipping is the practice of switching which of two or more properties is designated an MP’s second home. This allowed her to maximise her taxpayer-funded allowances.[25]
In Salford she was met by a number of angry protesters and stayed in a local hotel rather than at home.[26]
In June 2009 the police at Scotland Yard and the Crown Prosecution Service issued a statement regarding MPs’ expenses, which stated that they had not found evidence of criminal activity and that it was ‘highly unlikely’ that MPs would face charges. The police said that the incidents of flipping second homes to avoid paying capital gains tax was not a matter for police investigation.[27] Following an investigation by Sir Thomas Legg, Blears was told to repay £225 in expenses in relation to a glass shelving unit for her London flat.[28]”
And they still voted her back in.
In other news…
‘our relationship in Labour with the civil service was very good. In fact, today, some of them still phone me up – totally on the sly’
Any branch in particular call you, Al?
Revolving doors.
‘ seems ready to publicise them, as we head to a General Election and the Charter Renewal debate…’
Once ‘we’ get Ed back in, eh? Gravy time!
‘there’s a well-paid manager for every 27 workers’
If any of you have missed the Green Party election broadcast I suggest you try to catch it. It’s more like a satirical sketch than a serious broadcast. Firstly there were four be-suited white blokes, wearing different coloured ties to indicate their political allegiance. They vaguely resemble the people they are supposed to. They’re up on stage singing and dancing…badly, of course. The whole choreographed nonsense goes on for ages before we eventually cut to a young black girl who informs us that it is time for “change.” That pretty much sums up the entire broadcast.
Complete bollocks from start to finish.
Sorry I watched a few seconds of it and had to turn over. The person was telling us about how they had a bigger party membership than…blah blah. So have all those who hadn’t paid now paid?
Even the 6pm news on BBC R4 is now deliberately lying to smear UKIP. Anyone who remembers the context knows that Bloom did not say “some women are sluts” nor did Farage say “women who have a break from work were worth far less to employers”. Usual Goebbels trick,s demise of BBC is long overdue
Channel 4 News: EXCLUSIVE: former Metropolitan Police commissioner Lord Stevens is being investigated over allegations of a cover-up of police corruption in the Stephen Lawrence murder probe in the 1990s….
Stevens told C4:
“Step very carefully, I’m not putting up with any more crap about this”
Stephen Lawrence: Lord Stevens investigated by IPCC
You have to laugh. In the good old days, who was more PC than ‘Sir John’? Now the monster he fed has come back to bite his ass. He seems to have lost some of the polished rhetoric that was his trademark.
Meanwhile in the land of the religion of peace…
Syria’s president Assad has reportedly executed his security chief, general Rostom Ghazaleh, by tying his legs to 2 different cars and splitting him in half.
The religion of pieces???
Sadly Jezza pulls out of HIGNFY
BBC-NUJ will never forgive UKIP for ring-fencing Britain’s national defence spending and Trident, and opposing ‘foreign aid’.
“Ed Miliband was dating senior BBC economics journalist Stephanie Flanders when he was at the Treasury.
“Mr Miliband was still seeing Stephanie Flanders, who at the time was BBC Newsnight’s economics editor, until as late as March 2004, years later than previously thought.”
More for HALL and Labour Party, on Rotherham and ‘diversity’-
“Welcome to South Yorkshire, child rape capital of Britain”
By James Delingpole.
I can imagine a BBC interview with a Rotherham Labour voter.
‘Me grandad voted Lehbour
Me dad voted Lehbour,
Lehbour let the muzzies rape me daughter,
An’ by gum I’m voting Lehbour
These tribal morons should not be given a right to vote. The problem is, we have seven million of them.
Heaven knows what they’d do if the Liebour party voted itself out of existence.
When the BBC R4 Today electioneers for Labour tomorrow will they quote the Guardian even though it is wrong?
Except that it doesn’t look silly at all.
Here are the three latest poll findings on
•TNS have topline figures of CON 30%(-3), LAB 33%(+1), LDEM 8%(nc), UKIP 19%(+3), GRN 4%(-1) (tabs)
•Panelbase have figures of CON 31%(-2), LAB 37%(+4), LDEM 8%(+1), UKIP 16%(-1), GRN 4%(-1) (tabs)
•Survation have figures of CON 31%(-1), LAB 35%(+2), LDEM 9%(nc), UKIP 15%(-3), GRN 4%(+2) (tabs)
The weekly ComRes poll for the Daily Mail has topline figures of CON 34%(-2), LAB 33%(+1), LDEM 12%(+3), UKIP 12%(nc), GRN 4%(-1).
the daily YouGov poll for the Sun has topline figures of CON 35%, LAB 34%, LD 8%, UKIP 12%, GRN 4%.
The analysis is on the site, but even though ComRes shows a Tory lead, it is much smaller than previous, and shows a small swing to Labour in agreement with the others.
The polling key here is not in the raw figure, but in the changes, and that change appears to be moving towards Labour.
When the BBC R4 Today electioneers for Labour tomorrow will they quote the Guardian even though it is wrong?
Interesting to see which polling outfits the Guardian is quoting:
Survation survey for the Daily Mirror – say no more.
Panelbase – which called the Scots referendum wrong
TNS – ‘polls on average tend to put Labour between 2 and 3 points higher than the average of other pollsters’
No doubt the BBC will be pleased with these dodgy polls but I wonder whether they will have the gall to headline with it.
Listening to Kirsty Warks endless agitation about Fallon dissing Miliband-this has been The Story from the BBC all day.
Who cares?…nobody but the BBC and its endless shilling and puffing up of the nasty weevil husk that is socialism-in its Labour guise.
Ta Bruce-no further questions your Honour!